How is the electrophoresis procedure performed? Features and nuances of electrophoresis for various diseases in a medical institution and at home

Medicinal electrophoresis is the effect on the body of a direct electric current in combination with the introduction of various medicinal substances through the skin or mucous membranes. In physiotherapy, electrophoresis is the most popular method, as it has many positive effects on the patient’s body:

  • reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process;
  • has an anti-edematous effect;
  • eliminates pain syndrome;
  • relaxes increased muscle tone;
  • produces a calming effect;
  • improves microcirculation;
  • accelerates the process of tissue regeneration;
  • stimulates the production of biologically active substances(for example, vitamins, microelements, hormones);
  • activates the body's defenses.

The principle of the method is that drugs enter the body through the intercellular spaces, sebaceous and sweat glands in the form of positive or negative particles (ions). Medicinal dose with electrophoresis it is low: only 2-10% of the total volume of the drug contained on the pad.

Most of the drug is retained in the skin and subcutaneous fat, that is, it does not immediately enter the bloodstream, but a day or more after the procedure. This property determines the delayed (prolonged) effect of the physiotherapy procedure: improvement of metabolism and innervation, removal pain syndrome, swelling, etc.

Active during electrophoresis medicinal substances accumulate as much as possible in the pathological focus, since the pad with the medication is applied directly to the “sore spot”, and is several times higher than the dose administered by injection or orally. Therefore, the efficiency of drug electrophoresis is quite high. Bypassing gastrointestinal tract, the drug practically does not cause side effects on the body.

Indications for electrophoresis in adults

Drug electrophoresis is widely used in complex therapy neurological, therapeutic, surgical, gynecological diseases, as well as in traumatology, pediatrics and dentistry. The physiotherapy procedure can be prescribed more than once, and electrophoresis does not have any specific time limits.

  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • acute and chronic bronchitis;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • tracheitis;
  • pleurisy;
  • rhinitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • otitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • frontal sinusitis;
  • gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • cholecystitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • colitis;
  • hypertension stages 1 and 2;
  • hypotension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • angina pectoris;
  • varicose veins;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • endarteritis;

Diseases genitourinary system women and men

  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • prostatitis;
  • endometriosis;
  • adnexitis;
  • endometritis;
  • cervicitis;
  • vaginitis;
  • neuritis;
  • neuralgia;
  • radiculitis;
  • migraine;
  • neuroses;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • insomnia;
  • plexitis;
  • brain and spinal cord injuries;
  • paresis and paralysis;
  • ganglioneuritis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • arthritis and polyarthritis;
  • spondylosis;
  • dislocations and fractures;
  • joint contracture;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • burns;
  • acne (acne);
  • seborrhea;
  • scarring;
  • psoriasis;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • bedsores;
  • dermatitis;
  • folliculitis;
  • furunculosis;

Eye diseases

  • iridocyclitis;
  • uveitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • keratitis;
  • optic nerve atrophy.

Dental diseases

  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • periodontal disease;

Postoperative rehabilitation

  • postoperative wounds;
  • postoperative scars.


Medicinal electrophoresis is quite universal and affordable way physiotherapy, but it has a number of contraindications. These include:

  • tumors of any location and etiology;
  • heart failure;
  • availability artificial driver rhythm (pacemaker);
  • inflammatory process in the acute phase;
  • increased body temperature;
  • bronchial asthma (severe form);
  • bleeding disorders (increased bleeding, tendency to bleed);
  • skin pathologies (eczema, dermatitis);
  • sensory disturbance skin;
  • mechanical damage in the area where medicinal pads are applied (wounds, cuts, abrasions);
  • intolerance to electric current;
  • allergy to a drug that needs to be administered using electrophoresis.

Note: menstrual bleeding is not absolute contraindication to electrophoresis, since it is a natural process not caused by any pathological (inflammatory or infectious) factor. It is not advisable to perform the procedure during menstruation if it is known that the electrodes will be applied to the area of ​​the uterus and ovaries.


The essence of the procedure is to position the drug (solution or gel) perpendicular to the movement of the electric current, i.e., between the electrode and the surface of human skin. Depending on the method of applying electrodes and the method of drug administration, several methods of drug electrophoresis are distinguished.

Galvanic (percutaneous) - gauze or filtered paper pads are impregnated with a medicinal solution, which are placed on the patient’s body on opposite sides of the pathological focus to create a field within which the medicinal substance will move. Electrodes are placed inside the gaskets and covered with a protective film on top;

Bath - the required volume is poured into a special container (bath), which is already equipped with electrodes medicinal solution. The patient immerses the painful part of the body (arm or leg) in the liquid;

Cavity - into hollow organs (stomach, bladder, rectum, vagina, uterus) a solution of the drug is injected, one of the electrodes is placed there, and the second is located on the surface of the body;

Interstitial - the drug is administered orally (through the mouth) or by injection, after which electrodes are placed in the area of ​​the pathological focus. Interstitial electrophoresis is most effective in the treatment of respiratory diseases (bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheobronchitis, etc.)

Treatment with electrophoresis

Bath electrophoresis

Effective in the treatment of arthritis, polyarthritis, plexitis, polyneuritis and other diseases of the joints and nervous system.

Electrophoresis with Karipazim

Karipazim is a drug for the treatment of herniated discs (active active substance papain). The standard course of treatment with caripazin is 15-20 sessions (to obtain stable clinical effect you need to take 2-3 courses with breaks of 1-2 months).

Electrophoresis with lidase

Lidase (hyaluronidase) increases tissue and vascular permeability, improves the movement of fluids in the interstitial spaces, and helps soften scars. Therefore, electrophoresis with lidase is very often prescribed in gynecology, traumatology and surgery to resolve adhesions.

Electrophoresis with aminophylline

Eufillin has an analgesic, bronchodilator effect, improves blood circulation and blood supply internal organs. Therefore, electrophoresis with aminophylline is widely used for the treatment of pulmonary, vascular, neurological and other diseases.

Electrophoresis with calcium

Prescribed for bronchitis, neuralgia, neuritis, myositis. Calcium electrophoresis is most often used in orthopedics to replenish relative and absolute calcium losses. The effect that calcium has on the body:

  • detoxification;
  • antiallergic;
  • hemostatic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • strengthens blood vessels and reduces their permeability.

Electrophoresis with potassium

Used in therapy inflammatory diseases respiratory tract, at bronchial asthma, eye pathologies.

In most cases, electrophoresis is carried out using the galvanic method, i.e. Electrodes with a drug-impregnated pad are simply placed on the skin. But what technique is used (collar, belt, according to Shcherbak or Ratner), depends on the diagnosis and localization of the pathological focus. Typically, the choice of method is determined by the attending physician (or a physical nurse in the absence of a doctor).

The most effective and widely used medicinal electrophoresis techniques:

Ionic reflexes according to Shcherbak

Ionic collar

  • effective in the treatment of traumatic brain injuries, neuroses, hypertension, sleep disorders, etc.

Ionic belt

  • used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs and various violations sexual function.

General electrophoresis (Vermeule method)

  • The method is most effective in the treatment of hypertension, atherosclerosis, cardiosclerosis, neurosis, migraine, etc.

Electrophoresis according to Bourguignon (orbital-occipital)

  • the procedure is prescribed for the treatment of facial or trigeminal nerve, as well as vascular, traumatic and inflammatory processes in the brain.

Nasal electrophoresis

  • used in the treatment of vascular, inflammatory and traumatic pathologies brain, stomach and duodenal ulcers, metabolic disorders.

Electrophoresis according to Ratner

Side effects and complications

When performing medicinal electrophoresis side effects or more serious complications are observed very rarely. Usually this allergic reactions to the administered medicinal substance, which are manifested by redness of the skin, an itchy rash, and slight swelling at the site of application of the electrodes. When canceling the procedure and using antihistamines negative manifestations disappear quickly.

Also, during the 2-3 electrophoresis procedure, a slight increase in pain and an increase in local or general temperature in inflammatory diseases (functional exacerbation) is allowed. By the end of the course of physical therapy, the unpleasant sensations go away on their own.

Electrophoresis for children and infants

Infants under one year of age are prescribed electrophoresis for the treatment of the following pathologies:

  • increased or decreased muscle tone;
  • minor neurological disorders;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases accompanied by severe pain;
  • diathesis;
  • pathologies of ENT organs;
  • burns.

Note: Increased muscle tone is a serious obstacle to normal physical development child. Treatment with electrophoresis allows you to replace the injection or oral administration of necessary medications.

Each child tolerates the electrophoresis procedure differently: some calmly and quietly, others nervously and irritably. If the baby’s reaction is sharply negative (cries throughout the entire procedure and after it, sleeps and eats poorly, etc.), then the decision to continue treatment is made only taking into account possible benefits and existing risks.

Children over 1 year of age have no restrictions for treatment with electrophoresis, except for individual intolerance to the drug.

Electrophoresis during pregnancy and gynecology

For pregnant women, in the absence of contraindications, doctors often prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures as a supportive measure.

Usually this is electrophoresis - a method that is considered not only gentle, but also the most optimal during pregnancy and lactation for improving blood circulation and reducing muscle tone, including the tone of the uterus.

Electrophoresis should not be used during pregnancy in the following cases:

  • vomit;
  • kidney diseases;
  • low blood clotting with risk of bleeding;
  • poor fetal condition;
  • eclampsia (severe toxicosis in the second half of pregnancy).

In gynecology, electrophoresis is prescribed for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases (cervicitis, endometritis, endometriosis, etc.).

The most effective method in these cases will be interstitial electrophoresis with antibiotics. For cervical erosion and endometriosis, the procedure is used as one of the methods of delivering medications (iodine, zinc, lidase, amidopyrine) to the affected tissues.

Electrophoresis for uterine fibroids is included in the program conservative treatment and contributes to the complete elimination or reduction clinical manifestations diseases, restoration of ovarian and uterine myometrial function.

Electrophoresis at home

Medicinal electrophoresis, as one of the main physiotherapy procedures, is provided by any government agency on free of charge. If it is not possible to visit the hospital every day to undergo the procedure, then you can do electrophoresis at home.

To do this you need:

  • purchase the device and the necessary medications;
  • get detailed recommendations for home treatment from a physiotherapist;
  • invite a physical nurse to your home for the first (training) session.

Alternative Methods

Another popular method of introducing medicinal substances into the human body, but not with the help of electric current, but through ultrasonic waves, is phonophoresis. In terms of effectiveness, phonophoresis is not inferior to electrophoresis and has much fewer contraindications for its implementation.

The question of which method to use in a particular case is decided by the attending physician. But as practice shows, electrophoresis is most often prescribed, and only if it is impossible to carry out it, phonophoresis is chosen, since not all medicinal substances that are used in electrophoresis are used for phonophoresis.

This is due to the fact that under the influence of ultrasound these substances are destroyed, lose their activity or change their properties. pharmacological properties. For example, novocaine, platyphylline, atropine, some vitamins ( ascorbic acid, vitamins gr. IN).

Despite the fact that doctors, when prescribing electrophoresis, present this method of treatment as effective and painless, it still raises some doubts among patients. This is especially true for young parents who fear that electrotherapy may harm the child. Meanwhile, the operating principle of the device is simple, and the electrophoresis procedure is so safe that it can even be prescribed to infants.

Compared to all other methods of drug administration, such as intravenous, intramuscular or orally in the form of tablets or mixtures, electrophoresis has a number of advantages:

You can also use electrophoresis for treatment at home by purchasing portable device. But to carry out the procedure correctly, you will need a number of special knowledge.

Use in medicine

From a physics point of view, electrophoresis is the movement of charged particles into aquatic environment under the influence of electric current. The phenomenon was discovered in 1809 by Russian scientists, professors at Moscow University Fyodor Fedorovich Reiss and Pyotr Ivanovich Strakhov. In addition to medicine, the electrophoresis method is successfully used in chemical industry and some other sectors of the economy. For example, for painting cars.

Microbiology and biochemistry use disk electrophoresis to separate large molecules. In this case, the movement of charged particles occurs not in a solution, but in a special gel. Disc electrophoresis allows the isolation and separation of substances such as nucleic acids and proteins. This procedure is used not for treatment, but for diagnosis. Disc electrophoresis is used to study blood serum and other biological fluids.

Used for treatment drug electrophoresis– introduction of medicinal substances into the body from solution using current. The most common solvent is water. IN aqueous solution Most substances break down into ions - charged particles. If you place electrodes in such a solution, the ions will begin to move, that is, electrophoresis will be observed.

The current strength that sets the charged particles in motion will be very small. Human body is a conductor of electricity. Therefore, if you place the electrodes on special wipes moistened with medicine and placed on the skin, and then connect a source of electricity, the ions of the medicine will enter the body.

How the device works

To understand how electrophoresis affects the body, let’s consider the operating principle of this device. The design of its device is quite simple: it is the device itself and the electrodes attached to it. The current strength is regulated by a rheostat and shown on a special scale.

  • Electrodes can be lead or carbon fiber, various shapes and size. For metal electrodes, you will need special pads or napkins made from natural fabric, usually white flannel. Carbon fabric electrodes have a two-layer structure, including both electrically conductive material and hydrophilic fabric pads.
  • Sometimes, in order to save medicine, additional napkins are used, which are soaked in the desired substance and placed under the gaskets of the device, which in this case are moistened with distilled water. There are also disposable electrodes.
  • The use of the device does not require mandatory medical knowledge. But there should be an idea about the procedure, what the principle of operation of the device is, what arrangement of electrodes is used, what the maximum permissible current is. Detailed diagram The doctor must explain the treatment.

Preparation for the procedure

Since solutions of medicinal substances are used for administration into the body, preparation for electrophoresis begins with it. This can be either a finished substance or a solution prepared immediately before the procedure. Its concentration is indicated by the doctor when prescribing treatment. It should not be exceeded, as this does not affect the effectiveness of the procedure.

To dissolve the substance, distilled water or another substance is used, which, again, is determined by the doctor. This could be dimexide, alcohols, novocaine, etc. depending on the disease and the specifics of its treatment. Solutions for electrophoresis are applied to napkins warmed to body temperature.

Since medicinal substances are introduced into the body in the form of ions, that is, particles with a certain charge, it has great value, under which electrode to place pads moistened with the solution. In order to perform the procedure correctly, there is a special polarity table. According to her determine from which pole of the device to introduce this or that agent.

From the cathode (negative electrode) are introduced

  1. analgin;
  2. ampicillin;
  3. ascorbic and nicotinic acids;
  4. heparin;
  5. hydrocortisone;
  6. caffeine;
  7. penicillin;
  8. chlorine;
  9. interferon.

From the anode (positive electrode) are introduced

  1. many vitamins;
  2. histamine;
  3. dibazole;
  4. diphenhydramine;
  5. potassium;
  6. calcium;
  7. aminocaproic acid;
  8. lidase;
  9. lidocaine and novocaine;
  10. copper, magnesium and other metals;
  11. papaverine;
  12. no-shpa.

Some drugs can be administered from both electrodes, often in combination with another drug if the treatment regimen requires it. But maintaining polarity is also important here. Such substances include:

  1. aminophylline;
  2. adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP);
  3. dimexide;
  4. apizarthron;
  5. aloe extract.

Substances introduced from different electrodes can have different effects. What makes the use of electrophoresis applicable in a wide variety of branches of medicine: dentistry, neurology, traumatology, therapy, gynecology, pediatrics, etc.

As a rule, substances introduced from the cathode have the following effect

  • dilate blood and lymphatic vessels;
  • relaxes muscles, including smooth muscles internal organs;
  • normalize the nutrition of tissues and the removal of waste products from them, that is, metabolism;
  • normalize secretory function, that is, the production and release into the blood of cormons and other active substances by the glands of internal and external secretion;

Medicines administered from the anode act somewhat differently

  • relieve inflammatory processes;
  • reduce swelling, remove excess fluid from tissues;
  • calm down;
  • relieve pain.

Carrying out the procedure

The technique of electrophoresis itself is quite simple. It consists of placing napkins moistened with a solution on the required area of ​​the body, correctly positioning the electrode on it, tracking the procedure time and adjusting the current strength. All this is done according to the instructions received from the doctor.

The electrodes are placed strictly on the napkin or pad, without protruding beyond its limits. The pad itself should be damp, but not too wet. The arrangement of the electrodes depends on which electrophoresis technique is used.

Basic techniques

  • general electrophoresis (according to Vermeule);
  • ionic collar;
  • ion belt;
  • electrophoresis according to Shcherbak;
  • nasal;
  • orbital-occipital, etc.

Each technique has its own electrode arrangement. But for the most part they are located in the spine. This may be cervical, thoracic, lumbar or sacral region. Also often one of the electrodes is placed on the limbs. In children, the nasal location is used, since the nasal cavity is connected to many organs. There are specifics in dentistry and other areas.

Once the electrodes are properly positioned, you can turn on the device. The current strength is set to the minimum level. Electrophoresis should not cause discomfort. Gradually, the current strength is increased by turning the rheostat. When unpleasant things appear, painful sensations you have to stop even if maximum value not achieved.

The duration of the procedure may vary. It depends not only on the disease, but also on the age and condition of the patient. As a rule, it lasts from 5 to 20 minutes. Exceeding this time is undesirable. After the end of the session, you can give the patient a little rest.

Despite the safety of this treatment method, such as electrophoresis, all prescriptions and recommendations, namely the number of sessions, their duration, minimum and maximum current strength, active substance and its concentration, are determined only by the doctor. Self-medication can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out in different situations– both as part of treatment to speed up the healing process, and for cosmetic purposes to improve your appearance. The effectiveness of such events has been proven and tested, which is what makes them so popular. Electrophoresis is used as an active factor electric current, which makes it effective in tightening the skin of the face and in treating osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. To appreciate all the delights of this procedure, you need to get acquainted with it in more detail, for which this article will be useful.

The essence of the electrophoresis procedure

The essence of the procedure can be judged from its name, in which the “electro” part speaks of electric current, and “phoresis” is translated as transmission, transfer. Thus, this physiotherapeutic procedure involves the impact of electrical impulses on the human body or a specific area of ​​it for a certain time, which have a local therapeutic effect.

To carry out the event, it is necessary to use special medical devices, which allow us to transfer electric current to the desired area. It is worth noting that during the procedure, the administration of medications is often used precisely due to electrical influence. This method of drug delivery has its advantages:

  • painlessness;
  • long-term preservation therapeutic effect drug;
  • the ability to deliver the drug directly to the source of inflammation;
  • the drug does not reach digestive system, which means it is not subject to the destructive influence of the prevailing environment there.

But here it is worth considering that not all drugs can be administered this way and a wide range of contraindications must be taken into account. Many drugs can be administered using this method, including Atropine, Diphenhydramine, Caripaine, Lidocaine, Lidaza, Magnesium, B-group vitamins, etc.

Electrophoresis proceeds as follows:

  1. the patient is examined by a specialist to assess those areas of the skin on which the pads will be placed;
    pads for electrodes are moistened with special compounds and, if necessary, medications, after which they are placed on the body;
  2. electrodes (plus and minus) are attached to the pads, the location of which depends on the nature of the problem;
  3. within 10-15 minutes, the healthcare worker applies current to the electrodes, gradually increasing it. Under the influence of this effect, the drug is converted into electrically charged particles, which penetrate the skin. The main part of the product is retained in the skin layers, the smaller part gets into deeper structures and spreads throughout the body.

Indications for use in medicine

Due to the influence of both positive and negative charges, the procedure allows you to achieve wide range effects, including:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • pain reliever;
  • muscle relaxation;
  • expansion of vascular elements;
  • removal of edema;
  • activation of the glands.

Taking this into account, we can describe the range of diseases that may become indications for the implementation of the technique for a particular patient:

  • disorders of the heart and blood vessels;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • scars that remain after operations or injuries;
  • rosacea;
  • education from connective tissue(including adhesions);
  • burn skin lesions;
  • diseases of blood vessels and bones (with osteochondrosis, arthritis, etc.);
  • ENT diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system;
  • sleep problems;
  • diseases inflammatory in nature in the oral cavity;
  • neuroses;
  • migraine;
  • with severe pain;
  • diseases digestive tract (ulcerative lesions, cholecystitis, gastritis, etc.);
  • The procedure is also used for the eyes (for vascular pathologies, degenerative and inflammatory processes).

Why is electrophoresis needed in cosmetology?

In cosmetology practice, this technique is used to improve the condition of the skin, namely:

  • improvement of complexion;
  • increasing skin hydration;
  • increasing the tone and elasticity of the integument;
  • lightening age spots;
  • and clogged pores;
  • prevention of comedones with an increased tendency to form them.

During the facial procedure, apply various drugs depending on desired result what the client wants to achieve: for nutrition, hydration, rejuvenation, anti-inflammatory, with a tightening effect, etc. Most often I use either non-woven masks, impregnated with cosmetic compositions, or water-soluble gels and emulsions, which may contain the following substances beneficial to the skin: nicotine, salicylic and hyaluronic acid, hyaluronidase, extracts medicinal plants, vitamins, caffeine solution, healing clay etc.

Types of electrophoresis techniques

There are several methods for implementing the procedure, each of which will be relevant in a specific list of cases. Thus, the classic percutaneous method has already been described, when required areas patches with medications are placed, and then electrodes are connected to them. But there are other techniques, in particular:

  • bath technique. The selected drug is poured into a special small bath, inside of which electrodes are already located. The patient just needs to dip the affected part of the body into the liquid (magnesia is often used in this way to treat muscle and joint diseases);
  • interstitial technique. In this case, the drugs are administered in the classic way by injection, and the electrodes are applied to the area of ​​the organ that should be provided positive effect. This approach shows best results for bronchitis and other inflammatory processes of the respiratory system;
  • cavity technique(most often used in gynecology). A solution with medicine, and one electrode is placed there. The second is placed on the skin, outside.
    There is so-called capillary electrophoresis, which is actively developing as a method for separating complex mixtures into components of different natures.

Benefits of the procedure for children and infants

The procedure can be prescribed even for children under the age of one year, which confirms its safety if all rules and recommendations are followed. IN childhood The event can be implemented to treat the following ailments:

  • problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • not complex neurological disorders;
  • violation of muscle tone (its increase or decrease). It is worth noting that the problem of increased muscle tone is quite common and serious, as it threatens a violation normal development baby;
  • diathesis;
  • burn skin lesions;
  • diseases that are accompanied by severe pain.

Each individual child reacts differently to the activities being implemented - some are quiet and calm, while others are quite irritable and nervous. For this reason, the decision to carry out a whole course of procedures is made by the doctor, taking into account not only the indications and condition of the baby, but also his reaction to electrophoresis.

How is it useful during pregnancy and gynecology?

Electrophoresis is considered the most optimal method that can be used for pregnant women to improve blood circulation and reduce muscle tone, including the uterus. If during pregnancy a woman is worried about kidney disease, eclampsia, poor fetal condition, low blood clotting or frequent vomiting, this method is prohibited.

In gynecological practice, the electrophoresis method is intended to combat inflammatory processes chronic in nature, while the most appropriate procedures are those carried out in a strip manner with the simultaneous administration of antibiotic drugs.

Solutions for the procedure

Electrophoresis with medications is prescribed by a doctor, and specific medications must meet several criteria. For this method of administration, they must penetrate the skin, and which particular agent will be prescribed depends on the diagnosis. Most often in medical practice the following drugs are used:

  • to relieve pain - procedures with novocaine, lidocaine, codeine;
  • a procedure with lidase, with calcium, with calcium chloride or caripazin (a drug that is prepared using the method of extracting an extract from a melon tree) is prescribed for diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • electrophoresis with aminophylline, potassium or magnesium is used for heart diseases;
    papain helps with burns;
  • with hydrocortisone (for joint problems);
  • streptocide - for diseases of the ENT organs, infections of the reproductive system and diseases of the digestive tract.

Device for electrophoresis treatment at home

It is quite possible to implement such a procedure at home, but for this you must have special equipment. Undoubtedly, the implementation of the procedure should take place only after it has been prescribed by a doctor, after which it is necessary to carefully study all the rules described in the instructions for the device, in particular the methods for installing electrodes. Compliance with safety regulations is of no small importance.

Video: how to do medicinal electrophoresis at home

Knowing the technology therapeutic measure, special problems will not arise - all you need to do is follow the instructions. This video gives detailed information regarding the preparation of the procedure and the methodology for its implementation for pain in the lumbar region spine.

Harm and side effects from the use of electrophoresis

It is worth noting that if all the rules are followed, the procedure does not lead to any side effects. Possible harm may be due solely to individual intolerance to drugs and the presence of slight redness in the area where the electrodes are attached, which goes away quite quickly on its own.

Contraindications to treatment

The described method can be called accessible and universal, but not every person will be able to take advantage of its benefits. Thus, electrophoresis becomes impossible when elevated temperature, bronchial asthma, during acute phase inflammation, heart failure, the presence of tumors in different localization, tendency to bleeding. In addition to the possibility of an allergy to the drug, there is also the possibility of intolerance to electric current, which is also a contraindication. If there are damage to the integrity of the skin in the area where the electrodes are applied, then the procedure cannot be carried out either.

Electrophoresis (from electro... and Greek рhoresis - transfer) - directed movement of charged particles in a dispersion medium under the influence of an external constant electric field to an oppositely charged electrode.

The method allows you to separate macromolecules that differ in such important parameters as

    dimensions (or molar mass),

    spatial conformation,

    electric charge

Moreover, these parameters can act both separately and in combination.

The physical principle of the method is as follows. The macromolecules in the buffer solution have an electrical charge, the magnitude and sign of which depend on the pH of the medium. If an electric current is passed through this solution, then under the influence of the electric field the macromolecules, in accordance with their charge, migrate towards the cathode or anode. Depending on the magnitude of the charge and size, the molecules acquire different speeds, and this is the essence of the process of separating a mixture of proteins by electrophoresis. Gradually, the original drug, consisting of different molecules, is divided into zones or fractions containing identical molecules.

Factors affecting electrophoretic mobility

A protein molecule in solution at any pH value different from the isoelectric point has a certain charge. This causes the protein to move in the electric field (macrocation to the cathode, macroanion to the anode). The electrophoretic mobility of protein molecules is influenced by the following factors:

    Size and shape of a macromolecule.

    Charge of a macromolecule

The greater the charge of a protein molecule, the higher its electrophoretic mobility due to an increase in the force of electrostatic attraction with the oppositely charged electrode.

    Electric field strength ( N, V/m)

    Nature of the buffer solution

Serum electrophoresis is usually carried out at a neutral or slightly alkaline pH = 8.6, when most proteins migrate to the anode.

    Nature of the carrier

Most often, relatively inert substances are used as carriers, but their composition still affects the mobility of the substances being separated, and the choice of carrier depends on the nature of the sample.

Electrophoresis methods

There are many varieties and modifications of the electrophoresis method that are used in various fields.

There are three main types of electrophoretic systems: electrophoresis with a moving boundary, zonal electrophoresis and stationary (displacement) electrophoresis.

Protein electrophoresis is also divided into one-dimensional and two-dimensional, preparative and analytical, as well as electrophoresis of native proteins. In the case of immunological methods, immunoelectrophoresis is used to detect separated proteins.

Zonal electrophoresis

In the case of zone electrophoresis, mixing of the separated zones can be prevented. With this method, separation is carried out in a fixed environment. The most common separation methods are on porous media.

Electrophoresis on paper . Electrophoresis is carried out using borate, phosphate or veronal-medinal buffer solutions. The carrier is special chromatographic paper, which is cut into strips of the required size. Apply blood serum to the cathode end of the strip moistened with a buffer solution. Depending on the type of device and experimental conditions, electrophoresis on paper lasts from 4 to 16 hours. The speed of protein movement is proportional to their size electric charge. For a certain time protein fractions will go a different way and be separated.

Diagram of an electrophoresis device on paper.

Then the proteins are fixed by drying and colored with dyes. The colored zones of the protein fractions are cut out and eluted with a special solvent (NaOH solution) for photometric determination of each fraction. When electrophoresing blood serum proteins on paper, up to 5 fractions are obtained: albumin,  1 -,  2 -, -, -globulins.

Electropherogram of blood serum on chromatographic paper:

1 – albumin, 2 –  1 -globulin, 3 –  2 -globulin, 4 – -globulin, 5 – -globulin.

Electrophoresis on cellulose acetate membrane . The cellulose acetate membrane as a carrier for electrophoresis has a number of advantages compared to paper: uniformity, strictly defined pore size, reduced adsorption capacity, which eliminates the formation of blurred stripes behind the zones. To color zones, methods similar to those for coloring zones on paper are used.

E electrophoresis in gels . In this method, starch, agar-agar, and polyacrylamide gels are used as a supporting medium. A characteristic feature of this type of zonal electrophoresis is its high resolution, since the gels function like molecular sieves: large molecules pass through it the more slowly, the smaller the pore size in the gel. By electrophoresis in agar gel, up to 7-8 fractions are detected in blood serum, and by electrophoresis in starch or polyacrylamide gel - up to 20 fractions. Agar gel, due to the large amount of water in it and, as a result, the high speed of movement of ions, is used in immunoelectrophoresis for the detection of antigens. The most promising is polyacrylamide gel, since it is transparent, has significant mechanical strength, homogeneous in composition, chemically inert, the pore size of this gel can be varied within a wide range and can be used with a wide variety of buffer solutions. The speed of movement of proteins is proportional to their charge and molecular weight.

Photograph of electropherograms of a mixture of proteins separated on a polyacrylamide gel, illustrating the separation of proteins by charge and molecular weight.

IN There are many options for conducting electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel (vertical in tubes and horizontal on plates).

Displacement electrophoresis.

This method is characterized by the fact that some time after the division of the zones, an equilibrium state is established in which the width of the zones does not subsequently change. This type of electrophoresis includes isoelectric focusing.

Isoelectric focusing . This is a method for separating proteins based on the movement of their molecules under the influence of a direct electric current into a region with a pH value corresponding to the isoelectric point of the protein. A pH gradient is created between the anode and cathode using ampholytes. Each protein migrates to the corresponding electrode and stops moving when it enters a zone with pH = pJ (focused). Thus, molecules having the same isoelectric point will concentrate in a narrow zone.

Electrophoresis for infants is a fairly common procedure that is prescribed for treatment certain diseases. This frightening name for manipulation in practice turns out to be a rather simple and very useful component of treatment for the child himself. Electrophoresis has a number of advantages for the treatment of children under one year of age, and it is a pity if its use is unacceptable when there are corresponding contraindications.

Using the electrophoresis method in children's body are introduced medical supplies V liquid form, in which the medicines are delivered directly to the diseased organ. To do this, use a minimal current discharge that is not capable of causing pain or harm to the baby’s health.

The whole point of the procedure is that metal plates are attached to a certain area of ​​the body, through which an electric current is supplied, which in turn facilitates the penetration of the medicine into the body, directly to the organ in need.

Is this dangerous for the child?

At correct use equipment and compliance with the dosage of medications will not cause any harm to the baby. It is also necessary to exclude contraindications for undergoing this procedure.

On the contrary, electrophoresis makes the treatment more painless. This makes it possible to avoid injections that are painful for the baby, and also to avoid possible complications as a result of oral use of medications.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to carry out this manipulation; there is a clear established contraindications. But more on that a little later.

Parents may be a little confused or even frightened by the behavior of babies under one year old during electrophoresis physiotherapy. Many children cry or even scream, demanding an end to such manipulation. This is an understandable reaction, because he may be scared.

The unpleasant sensations that a child may experience are coolness from metal plates, as well as napkins moistened with a healing substance, and a slight tingling sensation at the site of contact with the skin.

When is electrophoresis needed?

The indications for prescribing electrophoresis for infants are quite varied. This procedure can be attributed to:

  1. If a child is diagnosed with dysplasia hip joints.
  2. Available various pathologies or birth defects heart (use of calcium).
  3. For the treatment and prevention of birth injuries.
  4. Various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.
  5. There are pathologies of the respiratory system (ENT, bronchitis, etc.).
  6. Vision pathologies.
  7. Diseases of the nervous system.
  8. Cerebral palsy.
  9. Stomatitis.
  10. Eye diseases.

And this is still an incomplete list of diseases for which it is advisable to prescribe electrophoresis.

The most common indications for the use of electrophoresis in children under 1 year of age: hip dysplasia, increased tone muscles, musculoskeletal disorders, cerebral palsy.

When electrophoresis is contraindicated

Like any medical intervention, this procedure has its own indications and contraindications, in the presence of which this physiotherapy procedure is unacceptable.

Electrophoresis is contraindicated:

  • If the child has an increase in body temperature.
  • If there are tumors in the body.
  • For heart failure.
  • During acute inflammatory processes.
  • With a tendency to bleeding and any bleeding disorders.
  • For diathesis and dermatitis in a child.
  • If the skin is damaged in the places where the plates are attached.
  • If you have bronchial asthma.
  • If you are allergic to the medications used or have an individual intolerance to their components.

These contraindications are absolute and cannot be ignored.

Is it possible to carry out the procedure at home?

By and large, electrophoresis can be carried out at home. However, there is one big BUT: incorrect implementation of the procedure, non-compliance with the time of exposure to current, and violation of the dosage of the administered medication can lead to harmful consequences.

Therefore, the electrophoresis procedure at home should be carried out by a trained person to avoid possible errors and make the procedure safe for the child. Especially when we're talking about about children under one year old.

It is unacceptable to prescribe this physiotherapy on your own. There must be clear indications for it, which are established by the attending doctor.

Treatment of hip dysplasia

In case of PTHD in children under one year of age, electrophoresis with paraffin and calcium is often prescribed as part of complex therapy, therapeutic massage and gymnastics. In some cases, if there are indications, distributing mechanisms are prescribed (stirrups, Freik's pillow, plaster in serious cases and mainly for children over one year old).

Electrophoresis methods

The corresponding indications allow the use various techniques electrophoresis.

  1. In modern medical practice Electrophoresis with magnesium lotions is widely used. Indications: respiratory diseases. At the same time, magnesium helps improve blood circulation in damaged tissues, restores emotional and mental state baby. In addition, magnesia anesthetizes and relieves spasms.
  2. The indications for which electrophoresis according to Ratner is prescribed are mainly the following: disorders normal blood circulation in the cervical region spinal column and cerebral palsy.

The combined use of papaverine and aminophylline helps improve blood circulation in the cervical region.

The essence of the manipulation according to Ratner is as follows: on the ribs right side chest An electrode with papaverine (1%) is attached, and aminophylline (0.5%) is applied to the neck.

  • Calcium gluconate and calcium chloride widely used together with vitamin C. Indications: gingivitis, paralysis, muscular dystrophy.

Contraindications to these methods are common for electrophoresis in children.

In cases where there are clear indications, this procedure is in many ways preferable to treatment with tablets, since high doses the drug does not enter the baby’s stomach. This helps reduce the load on the kidneys, liver and spleen. In addition, auxiliary components to which allergic reactions often occur do not enter the child’s body.

In addition, with this treatment method there is no need intravenous administration medications and painful injections.

The above contraindications make the physiotherapeutic procedure of electrophoresis unacceptable.