How can a disabled person write an application for a plot of land? Providing land plots to disabled people free of charge

It has long been known and proven that the Russian Federation takes care of its population, every citizen, both big and small. Everyone, according to the law, is entitled to their own plot of land.

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Not only adults can be disabled due to an accident or illness; unfortunately, sometimes children are also burdened with this.

According to today's topic, unstable and dependent segments of the population are disabled children. They are not able to take care of themselves, so their families need government support.

Parents or guardians of disabled children, in addition to the benefits they are already entitled to, have another legal right - to receive a plot of land for their own use.

In this case, you should study the procedure for providing free land.

Initial information

The owner can use the allocated land for the following purposes:

  • acquire a subsidiary farm;
  • build your own house;
  • engage in gardening or gardening;
  • build any other structure (garage, cottage, etc.).

A family that has disabled children also has the right to:

  • medical benefits;
  • decent education;
  • health programs in camps and rehabilitation centers;
  • spiritual support;
  • legal security.

But today we’ll talk about the land issue.

Necessary concepts

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, there are minimum established sizes regarding the allocated plots of property:

Each region has the right to set its own size for the allocated plots for disabled people, relative to its group.

Where to go

In order to exercise his land and civil right of ownership, the applicant applies to the relevant authorities.

You can find out on the spot which papers need to be prepared. For the most part, this issue is dealt with by the local administration.

Legal aspects

Federal legislation of the Russian Federation states that every citizen with a group (any) has the full right to be allocated a plot of land.

Such a program involves social protection of the population in this situation. Guiding Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” dated November 24, 1995

Families raising a disabled child also have this right. Current legislation stipulates that the allocated land, or rather its size, must have clear boundaries


The absence of this criterion in reality is not a reason for refusal.

A nuance will be the consistency when you need to contact the municipal committee to register the allocated plot of land under a cadastral number, with entry into the passport (cadastral).

The procedure for providing land plots to disabled children

There is no need to talk about the distinctive features of the procedure for registering land for a disabled child from the general formation system.

In other words, they are identical. The only difference may lie in the set of documentation required for registration.

It is worth noting that each region has its own procedure and rules in this regard. Also, the scale of the sites provided (its area) is also limited by regional standards.

This means that disabled people with the same status and state rights in different regions can receive land plots of different sizes.

Conditions for receiving in Moscow

Every citizen with a disability group has the right to receive a plot of land without a queue.

The only condition is that the selected piece does not belong to someone else, which means it is completely free from third parties.

Even if a disabled person already owns a plot of land (personally privatized), he is still entitled to a free plot of land, both within the city and outside it.

The administration carries out the land registration procedure instead of the disabled person.

Step-by-step actions when registering

Like any government process, the intended issuance of something free of charge must follow the sequence of actions by both parties:

  • first of all, visit the authority leading in this matter (administration, district administration, etc.);
  • For a citizen who is not knowledgeable about this issue, it is advisable to consult with an employee, at least to find out what papers should be prepared;
  • Next, the available territories or those in the process of preparation will be viewed;
  • During this time, all necessary documents for registration are collected;
  • waiting for a decision after submitting documents with an application;
  • if the decision to issue land is approved, you will need to contact the Rosreestr office to obtain a cadastral number for the land (cadastral passport);
  • The last step will be to register your legal right to own this plot of land.

Of course, we will not exclude the possibility of refusal upon request. But for what reason could this happen:

  • a citizen does not have such a right to a free plot of land;
  • he already has one land share;
  • irresponsible attitude towards collecting documentation;
  • there was falsification of data, any information provided;
  • insufficient data;
  • There are currently no available land plots in the municipality.

If a refusal occurs, but the citizen believes that he was refused illegally, then he must save the decision (ask for a written response in a documentary format), and then go to court.

The queue for land issuance moves quite slowly. As soon as a vacant plot becomes available, the applicant will be informed.

What package of documents do you need to collect?

In order to legally receive a piece of land for a disabled child, you must collect the following documentation:

  • the application form itself. It must clearly indicate the place where the disabled person wants to purchase the land;
  • information regarding your health status, namely, disability group;
  • preferential category;
  • be sure to indicate for what purposes the allocated land will be used;
  • passport of the Russian Federation citizen, a second document may be useful to confirm your identity;
  • TIN or SNILS;
  • medical document certifying disability status;
  • other registration information certified by the housing company.

This package of documents is reviewed by the administration for two weeks.

Features of allocating a free plot of land

The state carries out numerous campaigns and events aimed at care and assistance, improving the living conditions and condition of persons who are among the disabled in the group.

One of these provisions is the provision of free land to disabled children. This right is granted only once in a lifetime.

Only in exceptional situations is repeated re-registration to a new site permitted.

Such situations are factors independent of the actions of the applicant (landslide of the site, earthquake, flood, etc.)


In addition, this point must be documented.

That citizen who has not yet exercised his legal right to acquire land can do so at any time by contacting the relevant authorities.

A citizen who has health limitations or has the status of a disabled person can confirm this with a certificate from a medical and social examination.

But even he may encounter bureaucracy, which prevents the provision of land free of charge. Simply put, municipal property will not be given away indefinitely.

Therefore, they will spend a long time looking for that piece of land that is not subject to these restrictions.

Disabled people or families raising disabled children who have been refused a free plot must file a claim in court within three months.

1st disability group

Today there are three disability groups - first, second and third. Each of them has the authority to receive preferential support from the state, including land law.

The first group is the highest and most difficult compared to the others.

This includes citizens who are completely unable to take care of themselves independently, and who are generally deprived of the ability to move.

Essentially, these are just recumbents. They cannot even work at home, study normally, and need constant outside help.

Accompanying indicators are complete blindness, mental retardation, and motor impairment.

In this case, they are faced with the difficulties of life, where they cannot do without support. The only exceptions are the blind and deaf.

They can carry out work activities. The state has developed special centers and conditions that include small jobs that this category of citizens can handle.

Wheelchair users who have upper body control can also perform some types of work.

Disabled people of this group, accordingly, cannot participate in the process of registering a land plot or privatization, therefore it is allowed for them to do it (other representatives).

3 disability group

The third group of disability is the lowest and primary, when a corresponding disease is detected.

In order to be able to receive land from the state free of charge under this program, you must have the official status of a disabled person. Every disabled person, regardless of group, has this right to the allocation of a land plot.

The rights to receive land from the state are specified in Part 1, Article 14 of Federal Law No. 181.

Conditions for obtaining land by a disabled person

How can a disabled person get a plot of land for free? To be able to do this, you must meet the following conditions:

  • Have a disability group specified in the ITU certificate.
  • Be a citizen of Russia.
  • Be legally competent.
  • Live in the region in which the site is located for at least 5 years.

Disabled people of all groups have equal rights to participate in this program.

If the person claiming the land has the status of incompetent, then his closest relatives or official guardians can obtain it for him.

In order to confirm the mandatory condition of residence in the region where the land being received is registered, You must provide a certificate from the house register.

What areas are provided?

To obtain a plot, you must contact your local government. To do this, the applicant first needs to select a site that should have vacant status. If the land has the status of a site with unformed boundaries, then local authorities must independently, at public expense, carry out boundary work and other necessary work.

If they do not agree to such conditions, then the applicant can resolve this matter in court. Moreover, it is worth noting that the court most often sides with the plaintiff.

People with disabilities can receive a land plot for such needs as the construction of a private house, the construction of a city garage, as well as for farming or gardening. All regions of Russia provide land to disabled people. It is worth noting that in most regions there are requirements for the area of ​​allocated plots for various purposes, namely:

  1. The area for personal plots starts from 15 acres.
  2. The area for the construction of a private house is from 10 acres.
  3. The area for gardening and building a house is from 12 acres.
  4. The area for a garage and gardening without building a house is from 4 acres.

Package of necessary documents

In addition to the application itself, which must be submitted to local authorities, the disabled person also needs to collect other necessary papers, which include:

  • original and copy of passport;
  • registration certificate;
  • certificate of disability from the ITU office.

If the plot is registered by parents or guardians, then it is necessary to bring the following package of documents to the local government:

  • original and copy of the birth certificate of the disabled child and other children in the family (if any);
  • ITU certificate.

How to fill out an application?

There are no special forms for obtaining a land plot for disabled people. Therefore, the application can be written in free form.

In the upper right part of the sheet you need to indicate the name and position of the person accepting and considering such applications. Most often this is the responsibility of the head of the Land Committee.

The main part of the application includes three parts:

  1. In the first of them, the applicant needs to write his full name, circumstances and needs. This part also describes the purposes for which the site is needed.
  2. In the second part, you need to indicate on what basis the person expects to participate in this program. That is, here you need to refer to the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons” or to regional laws. This part of the application indicates the disability group.
  3. In the last part, a short request is written, an example of which is this option: “Based on the facts listed above, I ask you to allocate a site for me (indicate parameters) for (indicate purpose).” At the end, the applicant must sign with a transcript and indicate the date of submission of the application.

Where to apply for government support?

Cost and terms

Plots for disabled people are provided free of charge. But Russian legislation stipulates that each land owner must pay a tax of 0.3% if the land is used as agricultural land or is intended for individual development, and 1.5% if the land is used for other purposes.

Persons who received a plot under the program for the disabled must also pay such taxes, but they can receive discounts, the amount of which is determined by the local administration on an individual basis.

As for the timing, consideration of the application cannot take more than 30 days, although in most cases it takes approximately 10 -14 days.

After a positive decision, the applicant must register title to the property within 30 days.

It is also necessary to clarify that if the plot is issued for the construction of a residential building, then it is first registered not as ownership, but under a free rental agreement. And the applicant undertakes to begin construction within 3 years.


If a disabled person did not have time to complete the documents on time, then he must contact the Land Committee where he submitted the application, and they will advise him on options for solving this problem. In the worst case scenario, the application for the allotment will have to be submitted again.

But if a disabled person took the land for individual housing construction and did not start construction within 3 years, then the authorities can legally take back this plot of land. This person will not be able to receive a free plot again. The only exception may be the presence of a proven fact that the provided site is unsuitable for construction.

In recent years, additions and amendments have been made to the legislation of the Russian Federation affecting the rights of people with disabilities. Today, there are programs that allow citizens with disabilities to change their living conditions for the better. Such programs for people with disabilities exist at both the federal and regional levels.

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The government has developed a large legislative framework that regulates and protects the rights of people recognized as disabled in our state.

Today, people with disabilities and families with a disabled person have the opportunity to receive a plot of land.

The provision of a land plot free of charge to disabled people is based on a lease agreement; it can be transferred to the disabled person for indefinite use or ownership.

  • for the construction of a residential building, cottage;
  • farming;
  • building a garage;
  • planting a garden or vegetable garden.

The allocation of land to a person with a disability comes from the fund of lands that are in municipal or federal ownership.

Terms of service

  1. In Article 17 of the current Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons” detailed explanations are provided on the definition of this preferential category of citizens of land plots. The article states that those citizens with any disability group, or families raising a child with disabilities, guardians and adoptive parents of such a child, in order to improve their living conditions, must be registered with the local administration.
  2. This right of people with disabilities is resolved by local authorities through the allocation of plots of land into their property in the first place or use it on a leasehold basis. That is, a plot of land provided to a person with a disability is first given for rent.
  3. Construction should begin on this land in three years. After construction begins, the land can be registered as ownership. If construction does not begin, then the local administration can quite legally seize the allocated land from a disabled person. In this case, a person with a disability loses his right to free one-time ownership of land.
  4. Based on this, federal law considers that one of the conditions for provision is the need of a disabled person for additional living space. If he or his family members have less than 12 square meters of living space, they have no other living quarters, and there has been no deterioration in their living conditions over the past 5 years, then they will be recognized as needing to improve their living conditions.


In order for a citizen to use the right to obtain land, the following requirements must be met:

  • the presence of a citizen of any disability group, regardless of the type of disease;
  • be recognized as low-income;
  • be recognized as in need of improved living conditions.


The legislation of the Russian Federation does not primarily provide for restrictions on the allocation of land to this preferential category of citizens. Otherwise, the rights of these people are considered violated, and the inaction of the local administration will not be the basis for the deterioration of these rights.

Based on the Federal Law, plots for this preferential category of citizens must be formed, and their boundaries must be determined, surveyed and submitted for cadastral registration.

The land that will be provided to a person with a disability should not be owned by anyone, but should be considered free. If a person with a disability already owns land, then this right is retained.

Who should?

The basis for allocating a plot of land in the first place to a person is the recognition of his disability group. Regardless of this group and type of disease, everyone can exercise the right to allocate a plot.

Citizens who are not disabled, but are raising a child with a disability, guardians or adoptive parents of such a child, have the opportunity, in the interests of the child, to apply for land in the first place.

What documents are required?

In order for a person with a disability to receive a plot of land, he must write an application to the local administration. It should state the purpose of use of this site, the desired location, as well as ownership of it.

Along with the application, attach a package of documents:

    • a person’s identity document;
    • a document confirming registration at the place of permanent residence;
    • TIN (certificate of registration with the tax office);
    • conclusion of a medical and social examination on the appointment of a disability group;
    • a certificate confirming that previously a person with a disability did not realize the opportunity to obtain land.

After registering his application, 14 calendar days later, the local administration issues a resolution to assign the disabled person a plot of land for ownership or temporary use.

After the land is allocated, a disabled person and his family must undergo state registration of the land allocated to him within one month.

How to get land?

To be able to obtain land, a person with a disability or a family with a disabled person should:

  • contact local authorities;
  • submit a written application;
  • provide the required documents;
  • stand in line.

Where to go?

The local municipality must put a person with a disability on a waiting list.

According to current legislation, the responsibility for identifying land plots and transferring them to people with disabilities lies only with the local administration.

To obtain land, people recognized as disabled must submit an application to the municipality at the location of the plot or to.

It will be important to indicate in the application:

  • the size of the desired area;
  • the area where it is located;
  • the purpose of its use (purpose of the site).

A disabled person can submit a written application in person or this can be done by his legal representative using a notarized power of attorney. The application can also be sent by mail, enclosing the necessary documents with mandatory notification of its receipt.


To fulfill the rights of this preferential category of citizens, you should:

  • the disabled person himself or the family with the disabled person must be recognized as poor;
  • apply for a desire to receive a land plot indicating the purpose of its use;
  • collect all the necessary documents;
  • choose a site by writing an application to the municipality;
  • stand in line to receive a plot of land;
  • buy the provided plot or become its tenant;
  • If you receive a refusal to exercise this right, contact the prosecutor's office or court.

After a disabled person or a family with a disabled person receives a plot, they are automatically removed from the register as needing improved living conditions.

What to do if your application is refused?

If a person with a disability or a family raising a child with a disability is denied the right to receive land, then within 3 months they must go to court to resolve this problem.

More often the reasons for refusal may be the following:

  • the absence on the territory of the municipality of an order on the priority provision of land to this preferential category of citizens;
  • a person recognized as disabled is not recognized as needing improvement in his living conditions.

None of these reasons for refusal can be legitimate.

After the administration makes a decision not in favor of a person with a disability, you should take a written refusal, write a complaint and, with all the documents, go to court to protect this right. The court, making a ruling in favor of the disabled person, will oblige the local administration to solve this problem within a certain time frame at the expense of the local budget.

In addition to the judicial authorities, the prosecutor's office accepts claims from disabled people regarding violations of rights in the provision of a land plot. When turning to the prosecutor's office for help, the time frame for issuing a decision on these complaints is slightly longer than in court.

Existing legislation ensures the protection and observance of all rights of people with disabilities, one of such rights is to receive a plot of land in the first place.

Due to repeated changes in Russian legislation, today people with disabilities have the priority right to receive a land plot for individual housing construction (IHC). For this category of citizens there is no need to be present in person during the auction. The property is transferred to disabled people of the first, second, third groups either under a concluded lease agreement or under an individual housing construction for use.

The right to provide land plots to disabled people of the first, second and third groups is realized thanks to federal laws that are developed for the social protection of citizens with limited needs. According to government regulations, not only disabled persons, but also families with a disabled child can receive land.

The allocation of territory according to the agreed benefits is provided strictly for the following purpose:

  • Farming;
  • Individual housing construction for the construction of a residential building, dacha;
  • Vegetable gardening and horticulture;
  • Installation of a garage or other non-residential premises.

To use your priority right to receive land, you need to know some nuances, which we will discuss below.

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Order and legislation

Referring to the norms of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, all citizens are given an equal right to acquire a territorial property for individual housing construction, either by purchasing it or by registering a lease. In this case, when the issue concerns disabled people of the first, second and third groups, we do not affect private property. We are talking about municipal property, which can only be obtained by taking part in an auction.

However, if a person with disabilities applies for a land plot, he or his representative will have priority rights according to the law. At the same time, the participation of a disabled citizen in the auction will deprive him of the opportunity to take advantage of government benefits, since according to the rules of the auction, real estate goes to the one who gives the highest price for it.

Based on the above, in order to receive land from the state for individual housing construction or for other purposes, a disabled person should not take part in the auction. He is given the right to use the property without participation. These issues are dealt with by local governments, as well as executive authorities. In addition, when transferring land to a disabled person of groups 1, 2, 3, the state does not set any restrictions, except that it is impossible to obtain real estate that is already owned by someone else.


Despite the fact that persons with disabilities of the first, second and third groups have a priority right to receive an immovable land property for individual housing construction or other purposes for use or ownership, it is important to take into account that it is not provided free of charge. This is due to the fact that municipal property cannot be given away indefinitely.

Taking into account legislative requirements, the local government or the executive branch is obliged to provide disabled people with land on which there are no encumbrances or restrictions.

The transferred plot must have clearly established boundaries, however, in accordance with current legislation, if a disabled person of the first, second or third group is interested in it, the lack of land surveying cannot serve as a valid reason for refusal. This means that it is possible to obtain such a territory, but before this, the municipal government is obliged to carry out land surveying and register the land plot with the cadastral register.

To obtain a property, citizens with disabilities must submit a corresponding application and a list of documents to the local government body.

Required documents

In order to exercise your right to priority acquisition of land for ownership or use, you must make a corresponding request to the executive authorities.

List of documents to be submitted for disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3:

  • A written application indicating the disability group, the location of the property that the applicant wishes to receive, as well as what he intends to use it for;
  • Personal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Identification number;
  • Documents confirming disability;
  • Documents from the place of registration.

The submitted application with a list of documents attached to it will be considered within no more than fourteen days. Then the applicant, if the decision is positive, will be able to obtain ownership of the property under individual housing construction.

It should be remembered that if land is transferred into ownership, then your right to it must be registered within one month after its provision. The corresponding certificate is issued at the Rosreestr institution, the cadastral chamber, or the Multifunctional Center at the location of the site.

For minors

As already mentioned, families who have a child with a disability of the first, second or third group who has not reached the age of majority can use the right to priority receipt of land for individual housing construction, gardening, etc. Obtaining real estate for families with such children has the same purpose, that is, individual housing construction, subsidiary farming, gardening, etc. The application is submitted to the local authority, along with the following documents:

In addition, you will need a passport of the minor child’s representative, parent, adoptive parent or guardian. In the case of guardians, papers will be required indicating that the applicant has grounds to act on behalf of the minor.

In general, the application will have the same form, and the period for its consideration will also be fourteen days.

Difficulties of the process

During the entire procedure, before the right to obtain a real estate object for use or ownership is used, a disabled person of the first, second, third groups may encounter some difficulties. They are not so global, but it is advisable to know about them in advance so as not to panic in the future.

Despite the fact that the period for reviewing documents and making a decision is set at fourteen days, the authorized body has the right to postpone the decision, but not more than thirty days in total. This happens if it is necessary to additionally confirm any information. However, the applicant must be notified in writing about the extension of the deadline.

Another unpleasant moment is the refusal to issue a land plot. The reasons for it are:

  • Inconsistencies in submitted documents;
  • An attempt to take advantage of social benefits and obtain real estate for the second time.

In the first case, the applicant eliminates the inconsistencies, the shortcomings are taken into account, the documents are reassembled and resubmitted for consideration. In the second case, there is no point in doing anything, since you can only get land this way once.

Court decisions

When going to court to resolve any individual issue or in case of refusal for reasons that do not fall into any of the above categories, it is important to keep in mind that there is no clear practice in these matters. Therefore, it is practically impossible to predict what the court’s decision will be. Summarizing the statistical information, it can be noted that the decision of judicial institutions is to recognize the rights to receive a land plot for individual housing construction, gardening, etc. for a disabled person of the first, second, third group out of turn if he needs to improve his living conditions. You may also be faced with a decision to obtain a plot without an auction, but for a set price. In addition, the court may decide to provide a property to a disabled person, but refuse to independently choose its location.

It is worth going to court in case of unlawful refusal without legal grounds. Such claims are usually satisfied in favor of persons with disabilities. But, before filing a claim, it is important to have a written official refusal from the local government in hand. Without him, things won't get going.

Social programs developed at the state level provide a number of preferences for people with disabilities, including the provision of free land plots. To send a request to provide a plot to a disabled person of group 1, 2 or 3, it is not necessary to come to the reception in person or take part in the auction.

A family member of a disabled person or a representative whose powers are confirmed by a notarized power of attorney have the right to prepare documents for obtaining a plot of land. Land plots are provided to people with disabilities on the basis of lease agreements or are allocated for individual development.

Preferential acquisition of land plots is possible for the following purposes:

  • placement of country houses;
  • gardening and gardening;
  • construction of an individual residential building;
  • maintaining a personal subsidiary plot;
  • placement of auxiliary premises.

The right to preferential receipt of a land plot is granted to all people with disabilities, regardless of the category of disability and the severity of the disease. Disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3 have equal opportunities to purchase land within the framework of the state social program.

But under these circumstances, it is necessary to take into account an important point: the disability group must be obtained on a permanent basis. Otherwise, a citizen has no right to claim a free allocation of land on this basis.

But in any case, submit an official application to the municipality, since the decision is made based on the specific situation. In addition, various nuances of obtaining land within the framework of preferential programs may be specified in regulations of regional significance.

Therefore, the circle of applicants for free provision of land can be expanded within the framework of resolutions and orders at the local level.

The fundamental issue for obtaining land free of charge is the registration and collection of the necessary documents confirming the status of a preferential category of citizens.

When contacting your local government authority, please provide the following information:

  • desired location of the land plot;
  • availability of grounds for obtaining a plot (disability of the relevant group);
  • planned purpose of the land plot;
  • a request for the possibility of free provision of a land plot without an auction;
  • possible legal basis for using a plot of land for your own needs.

If you have evidence of a difficult financial situation, be sure to attach it (certificate of job loss, document about the need for expensive treatment, loss of a breadwinner, etc.).

Please accompany your application with the following documents:

  • a certificate substantiating the presence of the corresponding disability group (conclusion of a special medical commission);
  • a copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authority;
  • document on family composition;
  • a copy of the child’s birth certificate;
  • a copy of an identity document;
  • income certificate;
  • documents confirming the applicant’s difficult financial situation (presence of dependents living with the applicant, document confirming lack of income).

The period for reviewing the above documents in accordance with legal requirements does not exceed 30 days. In practice, the response from the municipality comes within two weeks.

If there are circumstances in the case that require additional clarification and the provision of supporting certificates, the deadline for reviewing documents may be extended to 45 working days.

The applicant must be informed of the need to extend the period for checking information justifying the possibility of obtaining an allotment of land.

If the submitted documents comply with the requirements of the law, then the municipality includes the citizen in the queue of beneficiaries awaiting free provision of land plots.

The procedure for obtaining land for persons with disabilities is absolutely free of charge. As part of social support for vulnerable groups of citizens, people with disabilities are exempt from paying state fees for registering land rights.

Let us remind you that for all other categories of citizens who do not fall under preferential categories, the state fee is 1000 rubles.

If there are real reasons (the presence of a confirmed disability group granted for life), then you have every chance to acquire a plot of land for free, based on the desired purpose (construction of a residential building, farming, etc.).

Pay attention to the legislative framework of your region on the allocation of land plots within the framework of government programs for social support to the least protected categories of citizens. Each specific region has its own characteristics of providing plots of land to preferential categories of citizens.

The allocation of land free of charge is not the responsibility of government agencies. State support for low-income and socially vulnerable citizens is allocated based on the capabilities of the region’s budget.

How to get a land plot for a disabled person of group 2

Citizens with disabilities of the second group have the right to count on receiving free land plots on the same basis as disabled people of the first and third groups. The priority for preferential provision of land plots is not divided into categories of diseases; citizens of the first disability group do not have preferences over representatives of the next two groups.

The algorithm of actions for obtaining a plot of land free of charge for disabled people of the second group is as follows:

  • prepare medical documents confirming the assignment of the degree of disability;
  • submit an official appeal to the local government body justifying your position on the need to allocate a plot of land free of charge;
  • receive a response from the municipality (under current legislation, decisions on issues of preferential provision of land plots are made by local authorities within a period not exceeding one month);
  • If the answer is positive, collect a package of documentation for registering land rights with the Rosreestr authority.

How to get a land plot for a disabled person of group 3

The legislation does not provide for separate requirements for the allocation of free plots of land for representatives of the third disability group. The procedure for obtaining land is identical for all categories of disabled people.

To correctly complete an application for an allotment, follow the following instructions:

  • write an appeal to the municipal government authority (in the text of the appeal, indicate the desired location of the site, the intended intended use, the difficulty of the financial situation for acquiring land on your own);
  • provide the authorized body with the necessary personally identifying information (passport data, individual taxpayer registration number, copy of the pension certificate);
  • send an officially issued conclusion of the medical commission on the presence of a disease, which is the basis for assigning the applicant a third disability group.

The procedure and conditions for the free provision of land plots are determined at the level of regional legislation.

Federal regulatory authorities do not provide for obligations for local authorities to allocate land on a free basis. This issue is being resolved by the regional authorities based on the financial capabilities of the regional budget.

Features of obtaining land for disabled people are as follows:

  • disabled people have a priority right to free plots compared to other preferential categories of citizens;
  • in some cases, local authorities may determine the cost of obtaining land plots (the income of a disabled person is above the regional average, the disabled person owns real estate and does not need to improve their living conditions);
  • A representative of a privileged category of citizens has the opportunity to challenge the municipal authority’s refusal to provide a plot of land free of charge by submitting evidence of his privileged status (the need to improve living conditions, low income, high cost of treatment, etc.).