Ovestin analogs are Russian. Ovestin analogue - which drugs are similar in composition and action? Indications for use

The description is valid on 08.07.2014
  • Latin name: Ovestin
  • ATX code: G03CA04
  • Active ingredient: Estriol
  • Manufacturer: Organon (Netherlands)


Included Ovestin tablets active ingredient included estriol , as well as auxiliary ingredients: amylopectin , potato starch , lactose monohydrate , magnesium povidone , stearate , silicon dioxide .

Included Ovestin candles active ingredient included estriol , and also vitepsol S 58 as an additional ingredient.

Cream Ovestin accommodates estriol , as well as a number of additional ingredients: cetyl palmitate , octyldodecanol , cetyl alcohol , glycerol , polysorbate , stearyl alcohol , sorbitan stearate , chlorhexidine hydrochloride , lactic acid , sodium hydroxide , water .

Release form

Ovestin tablets have a white color, a flat, round shape with a beveled edge, and are marked on the surface of one side “ DG"above the number" 8 " and a dividing line; on the other side of the tablet there is the marking " ORGANON*».

Vaginal cream It has a homogeneous mass, a pure white or whitish hue, and has a specific odor.

Vaginal suppositories can have a color from white to cream, torpedo-shaped, uniform surface and longitudinal cut.

Pharmacological action

The product contains a natural female hormone estriol . This is the so-called short-acting hormone. Consequently, it does not provide stimulation of proliferative processes in endometrium . The product accelerates the process of restoring the epithelium of the vaginal mucosa, as well as optimizing the pH environment and restoring the natural microflora of the vagina. As a result, the local level increases, and an obstacle to the development of pathological flora appears.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug can be used in the presence of pathological symptoms that appear due to a lack of estrogen in the body. The drug is particularly effective in the treatment of urogenital disorders.

If there are atrophic changes vaginal mucosa, the drug helps restore the mucous membrane.

As a result, under the influence of the drug, the level of resistance of vaginal tissue to inflammatory processes and infections increases. Women note that after taking the product, the manifestations of dryness And vaginal itching , dyspareunia , infections of the genitourinary system, and complaints associated with urinary incontinence .

When the drug is administered intravaginally, optimal bioavailability of the active substance is ensured at the site of its action. Estriol by absorption it enters the general circulation system. As a result, the concentration in the blood plasma increases significantly unconjugated estriol . The highest level of concentration of the substance in the blood plasma is observed 1–2 hours after its administration. Approximately 90% estriol contacts albumin in blood plasma.

Since estriol is an end product, it is mainly excreted in the urine in conjugated form. Only a small part of the drug (about 2%) is excreted from the body with feces, mainly in unconjugated form.

Indications for use

Indications for use Ovestin candles, and also tablets And cream the following:

  • treatment atrophic colpitis ;
  • age-related changes in the vaginal mucosa of an atrophic nature, which arise due to estrogen deficiency;
  • frequent urination , painful sensations when urinating;
  • , which is associated with the cervical factor;
  • for diagnostic purposes if the cytology smear results are unclear;
  • preventive measures to prevent inflammation of the urogenital area;
  • preventive measures to prevent complications after operations with access through the vagina.


Contraindications for candles, pills, Ovestin cream the following:

  • intolerance to the components of the product;
  • pregnancy period;
  • breast cancer , suspicion of developing cancer or a history of breast cancer;
  • estrogen-dependent malignant tumor ;
  • bleeding from the vagina of unknown etiology;
  • venous or arterial thromboembolism in the anamnesis;
  • porphyria ;
  • acute liver disease or changes in liver tests.

Side effects

Medicine in the form suppositories may cause local itching or irritation. There may be tenderness or tightness in the mammary glands. Such side effects, as a rule, are observed in the first days of using the drug, but sometimes their development indicates that too high a dose of the drug has been prescribed.

Acyclic bleeding was also noted, metrorrhagia , breakthrough bleeding.

The annotation for the drug notes that other side effects may develop during treatment with Ovestin. Such manifestations have been reported during treatment estrogen-progestogen , but there is not enough data to determine whether Ovestin is different in this.

We are talking about benign and malignant estrogen-dependent tumors, heart attacks and gallbladder diseases, skin and subcutaneous inflammatory processes,.

Instructions for use of Ovestin (Method and dosage)

If a patient is prescribed Ovestin during treatment, the instructions for use of the drug must be strictly followed.

The drug can be used as cream, pills, candles, and at the same time, regardless of the method of administration, it remains equally effective. When using any form of the drug, be it ointment tablets or suppositories, it is taken once a day.

Instructions for use Ovestin in the form of cream suggests that the product is administered before bedtime using a special applicator. Initially, it is used every day; if there is a noticeable improvement in the condition, you can switch to a twice-weekly administration regimen. The duration of treatment depends on the disease.

Pills, as a rule, are prescribed in a dose of 2-4 pcs. (4-8 mg) per day for one month, then the dose is reduced to 1-2 tablets (1-2 mg) per day. If a person has urinary incontinence, a higher dose of the drug may be prescribed.

Introduction suppositories indicated once a day, and when the symptoms gradually decrease, you can switch to administering suppositories twice a week.

Candles administered once a day, if symptoms improve, switch to a less frequent administration - 2 times a week.

If preparations are being made for surgery using a transvaginal approach, one suppository is administered every day, treatment begins two weeks before surgery. Further, after the manipulations, two more suppositories are administered per week for 14 days. Ovestin cream is used according to the same scheme.

If a dose of the drug was missed, and the interval between doses was no more than 36 hours, you should take the dose that was missed and continue treatment as usual. If the interval is more than 36 hours, then taking Ovestin continues according to the scheme.


In case of an overdose of Ovestin, nausea and vomiting, as well as bleeding from the vagina, may occur.

In this case, symptomatic therapy is practiced.


No adverse interactions with other drugs were noted.

However, it should be borne in mind that the pharmacological properties of Ovestin may determine the interaction with anticonvulsants and antiretroviral drugs, as well as with drugs that contain St. John's wort .

There is evidence that estriol can enhance the effect of a number of corticosteroids And theophylline .

Terms of sale

Ovestin is available with a doctor's prescription.

Storage conditions

Pills should be stored in a dark and dry place at a temperature between 2 and 30 °C.

Candles And cream should be stored in a dark and dry place at a temperature between 2 and 25 °C.

Best before date

The shelf life of Ovestin is 3 years.

Special instructions

You cannot carry out therapy with high doses of the drug for a long time (no more than a few weeks).

If long-term treatment is necessary, regular examination of the mammary glands and examinations by a gynecologist should be carried out, careful monitoring coagulograms .

During treatment postmenopausal symptoms Hormone replacement therapy is practiced only in the presence of severe symptoms that worsen the quality of life.

A woman should be aware of exactly what changes in the mammary glands that appear during treatment that need to be reported to the doctor.

If factors appear that are a contraindication to treatment, or other negative changes in health status, it is necessary to stop treatment with the drug.

Because estrogen can cause fluid retention in the body, the health of people with heart failure and kidney disease should be carefully monitored.

Ovestin's analogues

Level 4 ATX code matches:

Analogues of Ovestin in Russia are drugs Dimestrol , Hormoplex , Tephastrol . They also contain . However, the patient should not be interested in the price of analogs, but in the effectiveness of their effect on the body. Therefore, you should definitely consult your doctor about what you can replace Ovestin with.

For children

Ovestin ointment for children is used only as directed by a doctor. The remedy is sometimes used for synechiae in children. With this diagnosis, the cream for children is used only according to the scheme and in the dosage indicated by the doctor.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, Ovestin is not prescribed to women.

Reviews about Ovestin

Reviews about Ovestin candles that women leave when visiting the thematic forum are mostly positive. There is a positive effect of the product as a supporting agent during menopause. Patients also leave reviews of Ovestin cream and tablets, noting that these drugs can reduce the intensity of unpleasant symptoms and help treat a number of diseases. It is also noted that the ointment is easy to use. Reviews from doctors indicate that treatment with Ovestin is predominantly effective.

Less common are reviews of how the cream was used for children. Parents note that Ovestin should be used strictly according to the doctor’s recommendations for treating children. Sometimes women report a burning sensation when using suppositories at first. However, this side effect quickly disappears.

Ovestin price, where to buy

Buy Ovestin tablets possible at a price of 800-900 rubles for 30 pcs. Price Ovestin candles on average is 1000 - 1100 rubles. Price Ovestin cream 15 g - 1100-1300 rubles.

Treatment of thrush with local drugs - ointments, creams, suppositories, vaginal capsules and tablets - is a gentle method of therapy, since the use of these drugs does not have a systemic effect on the entire body. One of the effective medications for the treatment of candidiasis is Ovestin. The medicine has various release forms, which are prescribed for the treatment of mild, moderate and severe candidiasis. Let's consider the features of using the drug, special instructions and its analogues in Russia.

Composition, release form and indications for use

The release form of the drug is vaginal gel, tablets for oral administration, suppositories for intravaginal administration. Composition depending on the release form:

  • The main active ingredient of the tablets is estriol. Potato starch, magnesium povidone, silicon dioxide and magnesium stearate are indicated as auxiliary components in the annotation;
  • Ovestin suppositories have a similar active component, additionally containing Witepsol S 58;
  • Vaginal ointment. The active ingredient is estriol. A number of additional components are represented by cetyl alcohol, glycerin, stearic alcohol, lactic acid, purified water and other components.

For information, estriol is a female hormone, the so-called short-acting one. It helps restore epithelial tissue of the mucous membrane, normalizes the vaginal microflora, and helps increase local immunity. All these properties prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, including fungi.

In medical practice, a high degree of effectiveness of the drug in the fight against urogenital diseases is noted. Thanks to the medicinal properties, patients note that itching, excessive vaginal dryness are leveled, burning and other unpleasant symptoms disappear.

Indications for use:

  1. Thrush of any severity (only in combination with other medications);
  2. Atrophic form of colpitis;
  3. Atrophic changes in the mucous membrane due to age-related changes in the female body;
  4. Pain during urination;
  5. Urinary incontinence;
  6. Infertility caused by cervical factor;
  7. Prevention of urogenital pathologies.

Since the main active substance is a metabolic product, it is excreted through urine. Only a small part of the components is excreted together with feces, no more than 2%.

Contraindications and possible side effects

The use of Ovestin is not always advisable due to existing concomitant diseases or pathological conditions that are an obstacle to the use of any form of the drug.

Contraindications for use:

  • Hypersensitivity to the components of suppositories, creams or ointments;
  • Time of bearing a child;
  • Oncological pathologies affecting the mammary glands;
  • Suspicion of breast cancer;
  • Malignant tumors dependent on estrogen;
  • Bleeding from the vagina of unknown pathogenesis;
  • Porphyria;
  • Acute liver diseases.

It is worth knowing: medicine in the form of suppositories can provoke local itching and burning. In some cases, patients complain of soreness or tension in the mammary glands. As a rule, these adverse reactions are observed in the first few days of treatment. Their occurrence indicates that the required dosage has been exceeded.

The annotation for the medication states that other negative phenomena may develop. These include breakthrough bleeding and spotting. If you observe such symptoms, you should consult a doctor. The doctor can reduce the dosage of the drug, or select a similar remedy that does not have such side effects.

Instructions for use of Ovestin

Ovestin is a powerful drug that requires strict adherence to the instructions for use. It is strictly forbidden to independently change the dosage and frequency of use recommended by the doctor.

Regardless of the form of release - vaginal cream, suppositories or tablets, the product is used only once every 24 hours. Features of instructions for use:

  1. Vaginal cream is administered intravaginally using a special applicator, which is included in the package. At the beginning of therapy, the cream is inserted into the vagina every day, preferably before bed. When the symptoms of thrush disappear, they switch to preventive treatment - 2 injections per week. The duration of therapy is determined by the degree of fungal infection. Before and after use, the applicator should be washed under running water and treated with antiseptic solutions.
  2. Tablet form It is almost never prescribed for thrush. However, let us state the dosage: 2-4 tablets per day. The duration of treatment varies.
  3. Suppositories are inserted into the vagina once a day. When the symptoms of thrush subside, they switch to maintenance treatment as with a cream.

An overdose is accompanied by nausea, repeated vomiting, and bleeding from the vagina. With such symptoms, you must seek medical help, as symptomatic treatment is required.

Important: estrogen can cause water retention in the body, so the condition of patients with a history of heart failure and kidney disease is carefully monitored.

If the administration of the suppository was missed, and the interval between dosages was less than 36 hours, then a suppository must be administered. Then the therapeutic course continues according to the usual scheme. In a situation where the break has exceeded 36 hours, the use of Ovestin continues according to the standard regimen; it is not recommended to make up the missed dosage.

You can purchase any form of medicine at a pharmacy. A prescription from a medical professional is required to purchase. It is strictly forbidden to use while pregnant. The price of the drug varies from $15 to $20.

Similar medications

Clearly, the cost of the drug scares many patients, so they are interested in what cheap analogues Ovestin has? Analogues include the following Russian medications - Ovipol Clio, Estrocad - vaginal suppositories. It should be borne in mind that price is of no small importance, but it is better to pay attention to the therapeutic effects of drugs.

Ovipol Clio for the treatment of thrush

Release form: vaginal suppositories. The active ingredient is estriol in a dosage of 500 mg. The product helps improve local immunity, which is a key factor for the successful fight against thrush.

Prescribe one suppository per day. Duration of treatment is up to 2 weeks. Several suppositories should not be administered per day, even if the administration was missed. It is not advisable to use in the following pathological conditions:

  • Arterial or venous thrombosis;
  • Embolism;
  • Impaired liver function;
  • Hormone-dependent tumor neoplasms of the mammary glands in the uterus;
  • Uterine bleeding of unknown cause;
  • Atherosclerotic changes in the body.

Note: if the use of the drug provokes liver dysfunction, jaundice, increased blood pressure, or the occurrence of severe headaches, these are indications for immediate discontinuation of treatment.

Estrocad: application features

The drug has an extensive list of indications. It is recommended in a comprehensive treatment regimen for thrush; it is used during menopause, with excessive vaginal dryness, and against the background of pain during sexual intercourse. For the treatment of candidiasis, the course of therapy lasts about one week. The patient needs to administer suppositories intravaginally once a day.

Cannot be used in the following situations:

  1. Pregnancy, lactation.
  2. Oncological pathologies.
  3. Ovarian cyst.
  4. Embolism, formation of blood clots.
  5. Acute kidney and liver pathologies.

At the beginning of the therapeutic course, side effects are observed. These include burning sensation in the vagina, hyperemia of the external and internal genital organs, swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands, attacks of nausea and vomiting, and headaches. Typically, these alarming clinical manifestations disappear on their own on the third day of treatment. If this does not happen, therapy adjustment is necessary.

Ovestin is an effective drug that helps get rid of the symptoms of thrush and suppress pathogenic activity. Independent use means a high probability of harm, including the development of hormonal imbalance in the body.

I bought it at the pharmacy after reading reviews on the website. The dryness has gone. But after a few days, abdominal pain appeared and my breasts became swollen. Gradually the abdominal pain became less. Yesterday I used the last candle from the package. Maybe you still need to consult a doctor before your appointment. And even in the first days in the mornings it’s very... I bought it at the pharmacy after reading reviews on the website. The dryness has gone. But after a few days, abdominal pain appeared and my breasts became swollen. Gradually the abdominal pain became less. Yesterday I used the last candle from the package. Maybe you still need to consult a doctor before your appointment. And in the first days there was a lot of leakage in the mornings, it was unpleasant.

Anna Egorova

I used this one, it worked. At first I was a little afraid, it was a hormonal drug after all. But the doctor convinced me that the effect of it was minimal, that the dose was precisely measured so as to have only a positive effect on the body. In general, she convinced me and I didn’t regret it at all :) I have some unpleasant problems with Ovestin... I used this one, it worked. At first I was a little afraid, it was a hormonal drug after all. But the doctor convinced me that the effect of it was minimal, that the dose was precisely measured so as to have only a positive effect on the body. In general, she convinced me and I didn’t regret it at all :) With Ovestin, my unpleasant symptoms went away, and everything went back to normal in sex:)

Ekaterina Goryunova

Ovestin really helps get rid of a bunch of nasty symptoms during menopause. The main thing is to understand that this drug will not act instantly and on the second day you will not feel like a girl. Usually the results begin to appear within one to two weeks after use.

Kristina Smirnova

What I like about Ovestin is its convenient form of use and the absence of side effects. The cream is easy to apply and for me personally it really helps fight itching and dryness...


I am forty-six years old and menopause came five years ago. Yes, yes, I was not mistaken, unfortunately, it happens. This happened due to nervousness. Along with menopause, my psychological and physical condition worsened. Ovestin came to the rescue. I don't know what I would do if... I am forty-six years old and menopause came five years ago. Yes, yes, I was not mistaken, unfortunately, it happens. This happened due to nervousness. Along with menopause, my psychological and physical condition worsened. Ovestin came to the rescue. I don't know what I would do if it weren't for ok.


I read quite a lot about menopause in advance and already knew what troubles awaited me, so when I had the first hot flashes I immediately ran to the doctor. As I expected, I was prescribed this particular drug. I’ve been using it according to the instructions for the third week, the symptoms don’t seem to return yet)

I also had itching and even slight burning sensations. Ovestin helped get rid of these unpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse. It actually somehow became easier :)

I also had itching and even slight burning sensations. Ovestin helped get rid of these unpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse. It actually somehow became easier :) I also had itching and even slight burning sensations. Ovestin helped get rid of these unpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse. It actually somehow became easier :)

When I started having pain, burning and itching, I didn’t even immediately realize that it was menopause. I rushed to the doctor, where they prescribed me Ovestin. The doctor assured that the drug was completely harmless. Indeed, I did not have any adverse reactions, the symptoms of menopause went away, only minor mood swings remained, and these are trifles)

Anonymous user

The user left his review anonymously

With Ovestin it really became easier, the dryness in the vagina went away. Even sex got better, although I didn’t even hope for it. After 55 I thought that was it, but after the candles everything gradually returned to normal. I’ve definitely decided that I won’t stop, because my friends say that I need courses, otherwise the symptoms may return.

I used Ovestin as prescribed by the doctor and was very pleased. The unpleasant symptoms went away quite quickly, there were no side effects. But I want to emphasize that it is better to consult a doctor for the exact dosage)

Among the short-acting drugs, Ovestin is distinguished. The active ingredient is estriol.

The component is considered a natural female hormone. In the endometrium it has a non-stimulating effect; in the vagina it is responsible for the regeneration of the epithelium.

Thanks to the effective action of the drug Ovestin, the normal pH environment is restored and the natural microflora is normalized.

The complex helps restore the pathological area, as well as increase local immunity.

The medicine is prescribed for infertility, urinary incontinence, as a preventive measure for complications, during an operating process with transvaginal access.

The medicine is sold at an affordable price, from 250-1370 rubles.

Russian-made analogues

Unlike the original medicine, similar versions of the drug Ovestin are cheaper. In Russia, medications containing estriol are available for sale in several options.

The selection of Russian-made medicines can be found in the table below:

Name Price in rubles About the drug
Orniona 522-552 The medicine has a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the genitourinary tract, eliminates organ atrophy caused by estrogen deficiency.

The drug eliminates pain in the female organs and facilitates urination. The medicine is hormone replacement therapy

Estrocade 566-700 Estrocad acts as hormone replacement therapy. Effectively combats atrophy of the mucous membrane covering the lower parts of the urogenital tract.

The medicine is prescribed to postmenopausal women before or after surgery where vaginal access is required

Elvagin 85 The medicine eliminates atrophy of the mucous membrane of the urogenital tract, located in the lower parts of the organs.

If a woman needs to undergo surgery with vaginal access, she is prescribed Elvagin. For diagnostic purposes if smear results are unclear

Estrogel 200-315 The drug eliminates estrogen deficiency and also helps cope with the disease associated with age-related or artificial menopause.

The medicine effectively affects vasomotor disorders, eliminates trophic disorders of the genitourinary organs

Ukrainian substitutes

Unlike the original drug Ovestin, Ukrainian substitutes have a similar effect and have a medicinal effect on the development of genitourinary diseases.

They treat female organs and help cope with illness after surgery. Analogs go on sale at an average price: from 76 to 465 hryvnia.

  • Folliculin
    The medicine is prescribed for insufficient ovarian function. Diseases include primary and secondary amenorrhea, infertility, and genital hypoplasia.

    The medication helps cope with postpartum weakness. Folliculin is prescribed for post-term pregnancy. The pharmacy sells the drug at a price of 76 hryvnia.

  • Colpotrophin
    The medication eliminates urogenital disorders that appear after a lack of estrogen.

    The drug effectively copes with urinary incontinence, eliminates dryness and itching in the vagina. After removal of the ovaries, Colpotrophin is prescribed.

    The medicine has a healing effect on the vulva, as well as the vagina and perineum, which are damaged after childbirth.

    The drug is sold at an affordable price, it can be purchased from 220.00 to 465.80 hryvnia.

  • Menostar
    The medicine serves as a prophylactic agent during postmenopausal osteoporosis in women, but taking into account that at least 5 years have passed since menopause occurred. The price of the drug is 120 hryvnia.

Other foreign analogues

In addition to the listed funds, there are foreign analogues of the drug Ovestin.

Modern pharmacology has presented similar medications that do not have inferior properties and are no different from Soviet manufacturers.

Similar preparations of the main remedy Ovestin contain the same substances that have an effective effect as the original product. The page presents the cheapest medicines that are available at pharmacy kiosks.

External data does not change; the country of origin tries to preserve the composition and affiliation of analogues.

The manufacturer sets the final price, so the drugs are not expensive. When choosing a medication, you need to pay attention to the side effects that are included in each medication instructions.

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Ovestin cream is a medicine to eliminate the symptoms of menopause. During natural menopause, women suffer from dry vaginal mucosa and pain during sexual intercourse. The use of Ovestin helps to replenish the reserves of estrogens - hormones necessary for the coordinated functioning of the body. The ingredients of the cream also act at the systemic level, preventing the formation of wrinkles and the appearance of psycho-emotional instability.

Ovestin is a hormonal drug with a wide list of contraindications. It is prescribed to women only after a series of biochemical studies. Uncontrolled use of the drug will cause various and dangerous side effects.

Ovestin is a thick, white cream without foreign inclusions with a specific odor. The Dutch manufacturer produces it packaged in 15.0 g in aluminum tubes with a screw cap. Secondary packaging is a cardboard box, inside of which there are instructions for use and an applicator for intravaginal administration. The medicinal properties of the drug are due to its active component estriol.

One of the release forms The auxiliary composition is represented by the following ingredients:
  • cetyl palmitate;
  • octyldodecanol;
  • cetyl and stearyl alcohols;
  • glycerin;
  • polysorbate;
  • sorbitan stearate;
  • chlorhexidine;
  • lactic acid;
  • purified water;
  • sodium hydroxide.

Some additional components not only improve the absorption of estriol into the vaginal mucosa. Chlorhexidine suppresses the activity of pathogenic microorganisms and prevents the development of vaginal infections. And lactic acid stimulates an increase in the number of beneficial lactobacilli.

Ovestin in three different forms

The therapeutic line also includes suppositories and tablets for intravaginal administration. Often, with pronounced symptoms of menopause, gynecologists prescribe women a combination of several dosage forms of Ovestin.

Pharmacological action

Often the pathological course of menopause is characterized by urogenital and sexual disorders. The reason for their development is a decrease in the production of estrogen in the body, which provokes increased dryness of the vaginal mucosa.

In such cases, local remedies with female sex hormones are used, the most effective of which is Ovestin. Its therapeutic effectiveness is due to the properties of the active substance estriol. This is a synthetic analogue of the hormone produced by the follicular apparatus of the ovaries in women.

Differences between natural estrogen and synthetic estriol Additional intake of estriol into the body helps improve the well-being of patients:
  • the optimal pH level in the vagina is restored;
  • the number of lactobacilli producing beneficial lactic acid increases;
  • painful sensations, itching, burning - characteristic symptoms of dry mucous membranes - disappear;
  • local immunity increases;
  • inflammatory processes caused by excessive activity of pathogenic fungi are stopped.

Many women during menopause have a delicate problem - urinary incontinence when the urge to urinate appears. Because of this, they are forced to constantly use urological pads, which is not always useful. Course use of Ovestin helps eliminate all urinary disorders. Its use also stimulates epithelial healing by accelerating regeneration processes.

Urological pads are not a solution for imbalances.

Pronounced cosmetic effects of the therapy are also noted. The complexion improves, the depth of wrinkles decreases, hair growth accelerates, and the nail plates become stronger.

Indications for use of Ovestin cream

Ovestin ointment is prescribed to patients for hormone replacement therapy. This is the name of a treatment method aimed at eliminating the deficiency of substances produced in the body in insufficient quantities. The cream is used to reduce the severity of urogenital symptoms and discomfort during sexual intercourse. Indications for its use are the following pathological conditions:

  • atrophic colpitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane with subsequent damage;
  • destructive changes in the mucous membrane against the background of natural aging of the body;
  • frequent urge to urinate with the release of a small amount of urine, accompanied by pain;
  • involuntary leakage of urine, which cannot be controlled by volitional effort;
  • inability to conceive due to damage to the lower reproductive tract by various pathologies.

Estriol - drug replacement of estrogen

Another area of ​​application of Ovestin is carrying out diagnostic measures to study a cervical smear. The cream is also used after surgical interventions in which access to the surgical field was provided through the vagina. It is prescribed to prevent mucosal atrophy when taking certain groups of drugs.

In some cases, Ovestin is used in the treatment of synechia in girls. This is a disease in which not only the labia, but also the entrance to the vagina are welded together. The tissue adhesion can later cause serious urinary problems.


Contraindications to therapy with Ovestin are common to all its dosage forms - cream, vaginal suppositories and tablets. They are not prescribed to patients if they have an individual intolerance to estriol and auxiliary ingredients.

The use of Ovestin is strictly prohibited in the following cases:
  • period of bearing a child;
  • a history of malignant neoplasm in the mammary gland or suspicion of its development;
  • formation of an estrogen-dependent tumor of any location;
  • vaginal bleeding of unknown origin;
  • history of acute blockage (embolism) of a blood vessel by a thrombus;
  • porphyria - metabolic disease;
  • severe course of liver pathologies.

Remember what contraindications the drug has.

Relative contraindications include diseases of the venous system, including thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. The product should be used with caution in case of high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, and endocrine disorders.

During lactation, treatment with Ovestin is possible. But it should be borne in mind that the intake of estriol will lead to a deterioration in the production of breast milk.

Instructions for use

If your doctor has not determined an individual dosage regimen, then you should follow the instructions for using Ovestin cream. The drug is intended for use once a day. Its intravaginal administration before bedtime is most therapeutically effective.

The medicine should be used as follows:

  1. Open the aluminum tube, attach the applicator, fill it with cream.
  2. Remove the applicator and close the tube by screwing on the cap.
  3. While lying on your back, insert the applicator into the vagina and remove the cream by pressing on the piston.

All parts of the applicator must be washed with warm water and hygiene products after each procedure.

The instructions for the drug are very detailed.

The duration of treatment depends on the purpose of using Ovestin and the severity of the diagnosed pathology. It begins to be administered daily 2 weeks before surgery and twice a week after surgery. To increase the diagnostic information, the cream is applied 7 days before the upcoming examination.

As hormone replacement therapy, the drug is administered daily at first. After a woman feels better, it is enough to use it 2 times a week. This dosage regimen helps maintain optimal estrogen concentrations in the body.

If after 2 weeks of treatment the severity of menopause symptoms does not decrease, you should inform your doctor. He will clarify the diagnosis, adjust dosages or prescribe a more effective remedy.


If the dosage regimen is violated, bleeding from the vagina may occur. They are often accompanied by gastrointestinal disorders - lack of appetite, attacks of nausea and vomiting, excessive gas formation. In such cases, you should immediately seek medical help. Symptomatic treatment, including detoxification, will be carried out.

The presence of a hormonal component in Ovestin determines an increased risk of adverse reactions. There have been cases of uterine bleeding of varying severity, and the appearance of discharge mixed with blood. In the first days of treatment, the mammary glands may harden and become painful when pressed. If this effect persists for a long time, it is necessary to reduce the dose of the cream.

The drug may cause side effects

In case of hypersensitivity to the ingredients, local adverse reactions occur. Clinically, they are manifested by increased burning, itching, swelling and redness of the mucous membrane.

It should be taken into account that the use of a hormonal agent increases the likelihood of the formation of malignant and benign neoplasms. People with a predisposition to blood clots have an increased risk of developing thrombophlebitis.

Special instructions

Ovestin is one of the most effective local medications for eliminating vaginal discomfort. But its use can cause complications and deterioration in general health. Therefore, the cream is prescribed to patients only if the use of safer means is unsuccessful.

During therapy, constant monitoring of the condition of the liver, kidneys, and organs of the reproductive system is carried out. If the results of general clinical and biochemical studies worsen, the drug is discontinued.

Drug interactions

There have been no cases of negative chemical interactions between the components of Ovestin and the ingredients of other drugs. But it is possible that the pharmacological properties of the products may be distorted when used together with cream. Gynecologists must adjust dosages in such cases. This is relevant when Ovestin is combined with anticonvulsant, antimicrobial, antiviral, and lipid-lowering drugs.

When the cream is used simultaneously with anesthetics, narcotic analgesics, and antihypertensive drugs, its effectiveness is reduced.

Terms and conditions of storage

Ovestin should be stored in a dark place at room temperature. Freezing of the drug is unacceptable. The shelf life of the cream is 36 months, after opening the initial packaging - several weeks. If it has exfoliated, acquired a foreign odor or a yellowish tint, it cannot be used for treatment. Small children should not have access to the place where the hormonal drug is stored.


There are several analogues of Ovestin cream in the pharmacy assortment. The most commonly prescribed local remedies include Orniona, Mikrofollin-forte, Dimestrol. All of these drugs contain estriol, but the composition of the auxiliary ingredients may vary. Orniona, produced by a domestic manufacturer, is considered an equivalent cheap analogue.

Among all analogues, the closest is Orniona