What to give your child at the first symptoms of illness. The best children's cold medicines

A cold is a condition in which children feel worse, have a fever, runny nose and cough. Before treating a child, you need to contact a pediatrician and undergo an examination at a children's clinic. At home, in critical cases, children can be given an antipyretic drug (rectal suppositories or syrup) on their own. During illness, the child should drink as much fluid as possible.

A cold is a collective name for various infectious diseases of the respiratory system. The child's condition may worsen due to influenza or ARVI. Then the disease can develop into rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis. Different microorganisms affect the respiratory system at different levels. Rhinoviruses settle in the nose, adenoviruses - in the pharynx, respiratory syncytial virus - in the bronchi.

Factors that provoke colds of the respiratory tract:

  • hypothermia;
  • decreased immunity;
  • viral or bacterial infection.

A child can catch a cold at home, or while walking on the street, in contact with a sick person. Most often, colds occur during the cold season of the year. During a flu epidemic, children can catch the virus through toys or household items.

Factors predisposing to diseases are poor diet, rare exposure to fresh air, a diet poor in vitamins, and an inactive lifestyle. You should always wear clothes appropriate for the weather. Don't wrap your baby too tightly. It is necessary to ensure that he is not cold and his feet do not get wet.

The first signs of a cold in a child

The child himself cannot say that he has a cold. It is necessary to carefully monitor his behavior and condition. If he is capricious, sleepy for no reason, does not want to play or eat, then this is a signal of an impending illness.

Symptoms of colds in children that you need to pay attention to:

  • lethargy;
  • increased sweating;
  • breathing problems;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • cough;
  • nasal discharge;
  • heat;
  • loose stools;
  • skin rash;
  • pale skin.

It is not always possible to understand what the etiology of the disease is. With a viral infection, body temperature rises sharply, up to 39 degrees. With a bacterial infection, on the contrary, it increases gradually. In this case, the temperature rises no higher than 38 degrees. The type of disease can only be determined based on tests. Depending on what caused the disease - a virus or a bacterium - appropriate treatment is prescribed in this case.

If you have a cold, you need to put the patient to bed. During illness, it is forbidden to play outside with other children. The room where the baby is located needs to be ventilated. The temperature in the room should be at least +22°C. If it's cold, you can turn on the heater.

The air in the room should not be too dry. You need to moisten it regularly using a moisture spray. You can do wet cleaning 2 times a day. Home clothes can be made of cotton, linen, but not synthetics. The baby may sweat frequently, so he will have to change his underwear many times.

The patient should be given plenty of fluids to drink. You can boil milk, prepare herbal tea, compote from dried fruits or rose hips, juice from fresh berries and fruits. The patient needs to be given water often, but little by little, preferably 50 ml at a time. The liquid can be warm, but not cold or hot.

Children aged 1 year and older should be able to blow their nose into a handkerchief. In this way they clear the nasal passages of mucus accumulated there. Parents regularly clean the nose of an infant from mucus. For small children, snot is removed using an aspirator.

Before cleaning the nose, one drop of breast milk or vegetable oil is instilled into the nasal passages to soften the dried contents. You can use saline or soda solution. In this case, take 1 teaspoon of salt or soda per liter of water. Children under 3 years old should not be instilled into the nose with a spray or bulb; this method of treatment can lead to an inflammatory process, for example, otitis media. Rinsing the nasal passages can be done using pharmaceutical products such as Aqualor, Aquamaris.

To ease the secretion of mucus during a dry cough, you can give your baby tea from coltsfoot, chamomile and give a light massage first to the back and then to the chest. Small children should not inhale, as this can cause the mucus to swell and block the airways.

If your child shows the first signs of a cold, you need to call a pediatrician at home. The disease cannot be left to chance. If babies are not treated or treated incorrectly, thick mucus may soon accumulate in the respiratory system. Young children may have difficulty blowing their nose or coughing on their own. This can subsequently lead to bronchitis, pneumonia, acute respiratory and heart failure, and even death.


A sick baby should be shown to a pediatrician as soon as possible. The doctor will auscultate the lungs, check the throat and nose, and prescribe blood and urine tests. If necessary, the patient will undergo an x-ray, ultrasound, or CT scan. In the laboratory, children will be given an antibiotic that can be used to treat a bacterial infection.

Often, not only adults, but also children suffer from colds and flu. However, not all cold medications are approved for use in children. Fortunately, there is a children's form of AntiGrippin from Natur Product, which is approved for use in children from 3 years of age. Like the adult form of AntiGrippin, it consists of three components - paracetamol, which has an antipyretic effect, chlorphenamine, which makes breathing through the nose easier, reduces nasal congestion, sneezing, lacrimation, itching and redness of the eyes, and ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which is involved in regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, increases the body's resistance. 1

Medicines and dosage for children with colds are determined by the attending physician. Only a specialist can prescribe a course of therapy. Colds are treated with antipyretics, cough medicines, runny nose drops, antibiotics for bacterial infections, and antiviral drugs for influenza.

Each age has its own approved medications. Infants should not be given medications to treat a three-year-old baby. If the medicine is safe for infants, then it can be used for an older child.

It is necessary to take medications according to the instructions for use. It is found in every package of medicine. You must follow the regimen and dosage. It is necessary to pay attention to contraindications to the medication. If a child is allergic to any component of the medicine, you need to stop using it.

Cough syrups should not be used for more than 7 days, and drops for the common cold can be used for 3 to 5 days. If treatment does not give results, you need to consult a doctor again and undergo a re-examination. The child may have developed complications. The doctor may have misdiagnosed and prescribed medications.

Safe children's cold medicines

  1. For newborns - Paracetamol (for fever), Viferon (antiviral), Nazivin (for the runny nose), Lazolvan (for cough), IRS 19 (for boosting immunity).
  2. For children from 1 to 2 years old - Panadol (for fever), Laferon, Tsitovir (antiviral), Broncho-munal (to boost immunity), Bromhexine (for cough).
  3. For children 2 years old - Ibuprofen (for fever), Ingalipt (for sore throat), Xylin (for runny nose), Ambroxol (for cough), Tamiflu (antiviral), Immunal (to boost immunity).

Treatment of the little ones

Starting from the age of one month, children can be given mucolytics, that is, substances that dilute the mucus formed in the bronchi and promote its elimination. For cough, infants are given Ambroxol, Ambrobene in the form of syrup. The medicine is taken after meals, half a teaspoon twice a day for 5 days. From 6 months you can give Bronchicum and Lazolvan.

Infants are prescribed expectorants, for example, Gedelix, Linkas. For a runny nose, it is recommended to use Aquamaris, Nazoferon, Vibrocil, Laferon, Vitaon, Baby Doctor “Clean Nose”. If nasal congestion is caused by a bacterial infection, use Protargol drops. This effective remedy quickly eliminates the symptoms of a runny nose. Rectal suppositories will help relieve fever. From birth you can use Viburkol, from 1 month - Cefekon D, from 3 months - Panadol and Nurofen.

If the cold is caused by a bacterial infection, children 1 year of age and older can be treated with antibiotics. These are prescribed for children for pneumonia and acute bronchitis. For treatment, you can use Penicillin, Amoxicillin, Cephalexin, Cefadroxil in the form of injections. An antibiotic is not prescribed for ARVI, but if a child’s temperature does not drop for a long time, the cough only gets worse, and the snot has acquired a brownish color, these medications can also be used. Antibacterial medications are used if a bacterial infection has been added to a viral infection.

How to treat a cold in a 2 year old child

For children aged 1 to 2 years, Naphthyzin, Rinorus, Sanorin, Nazol Baby are prescribed for a runny nose. These are vasoconstrictors and should not be used for more than 3 days. Typically, children take one drop into each nostril twice a day before feeding. Nasal congestion can be relieved by oil products, for example, Pinosol. For viral infections, Interferon and Grippferon are used. For cough, the child is prescribed Mucaltin, Ambroxol, Bromhexine. Medicines are given in the form of syrups. It is not recommended to give tablets to children under 5 years of age; children have a narrow esophagus and can choke on them. For high fever, give Ibuprofen or Paracetamol syrup.

In children over 2 years old, it is carried out using cough medicines such as Ambroxol, Bronholitin, Fluimucil. From this age, you can use new vasoconstrictors for nasal congestion - Tizin, Otrivin. In severe cases of purulent rhinitis or sinusitis, antibacterial drops for the common cold are used, for example, Isofra, Polydex.

If a child has a cold, you cannot do without vitamin supplements. In case of weakened immunity, Pikovit, AlfaVit, Mult-Tabs are prescribed. Up to 3 years of age, it is better to take it in the form of syrups.

Children can be treated for colds using traditional medicine. For high temperatures, vinegar rubs are used. To do this, dilute vinegar with half and half water, soak a towel in the solution and wipe the child’s forehead, chest, back, arms, and legs with it. You can wet a whole sheet and wrap it around your baby.

Raspberries have good diaphoretic properties. Leaves and bush twigs are brewed. Raspberry jam, made from berries ground with sugar, helps remove toxins from the body.

If you have a cold, you can give linden tea to the patient. Starting from the age of three months, the child is given a compote of Antonov apples with the addition of honey. Decoctions of various medicinal herbs help relieve coughs. Before using them, you need to find out if the patient is allergic to them.

Infusion recipe:

  1. sage (chamomile, nettle, St. John's wort, plantain, coltsfoot, licorice root) - 1 teaspoon;
  2. water – 250 ml.

Boil water for a couple of minutes. Boiling water is poured over a crushed medicinal plant to which the baby is not allergic. Leave for 30 minutes, strain. The tincture is made in enamel or glass containers. Give a sick child 80 ml to drink 3 times a day.

You can prepare a cold remedy for children based on honey. For example, honey cake. Prepare a soft dough from flour, vegetable oil, water and honey. Place it on the baby's chest for 10 minutes.

Cabbage leaf helps to “stir up” congestion in the chest. It is lightly boiled. A softened warm leaf is smeared with honey and applied to the chest. You can put a towel on top of the compress under a tight-fitting T-shirt. Before using bee products for treatment, you need to do an allergy test.

Warm milk with honey and butter helps with cough. All ingredients are mixed in a glass and given to the child with a spoon during severe attacks. You can add half a teaspoon of soda to 200 ml of milk, thus preparing an alkaline drink. This remedy helps to quickly thin the mucus in the bronchi and remove viscous phlegm.

The onset of a runny nose or cough while there is no fever can be treated with warming dry foot baths. To do this, heat 1 kg of salt in a frying pan, add 50 grams of grated ginger and pour the mixture into a basin. The baby is put on cotton socks and asked to walk on the warm “sand” for a couple of minutes.

You can warm your feet in a basin of hot water (60 degrees). Add a pinch of salt and a spoonful of mustard to the liquid. You need to keep your feet in the water for about twenty minutes. Then they are wiped dry and put on warm socks.

For a runny nose, children over one year old can drop Kalanchoe juice into their nose. 2 drops in each nostril. Swelling of the mucous membrane is well relieved by a solution with soda, salt and iodine. So, sea water is prepared at home. For a glass of liquid, take a teaspoon of soda and salt, plus 1-2 drops of iodine.

Snot can be cured with fresh beetroot juice. It is mixed in equal proportions with warm water. You need to put one drop into your nose three times a day, one drop into each nostril. Instead of beets, you can take carrot juice, parsley and water in the same ratio. If a natural remedy makes your nose feel very hot, change the concentration of the solution. More clean water is added to the juice.

You can warm up your nose with warm cottage cheese. It is applied to the nose for a couple of minutes. You can mash boiled potatoes and use the puree to make a mask for the maxillary sinuses. To prevent the mass from spreading over your face, wrap the cottage cheese or potatoes in a thin cloth.

If a sick baby has no appetite, there is no need to force feed him. The main thing is that he drinks a lot of water. If he does not want to drink, you can inject him with a syringe without a needle onto the inner surface of his cheek, 2 ml of water every 30 minutes, especially at night with a fever. There is no need to wrap the patient warmly.

You can take an onion or a couple of cloves of garlic and grate it on a fine grater. Children should breathe in the vapors of these plants for a couple of minutes. The pulp can be laid out in saucers and placed in different corners of the room where the patient is. From time to time, grated onions and garlic left indoors should be replaced with fresh ones.

If your body temperature is high, you should not use warm compresses or foot baths. These procedures can be done after the patient's fever has subsided. They try not to bring the body temperature down to 38 degrees. If it is above this mark, rectal suppositories will help to quickly lower it. Fever can cause seizures. In order not to bring the child to such a state, the elevated temperature should be reduced with syrups or rectal suppositories.

In order for children to get sick less often and stay healthy longer, they need to strengthen their immunity. For this purpose, it is necessary to regularly spend time in the fresh air and strengthen the baby using water or air procedures. Before going to bed, you can teach your child to wash his feet in cold water. The bathhouse strengthens the body well, but small children should not stay in the steam room for more than 5 minutes. You need to take a bath at least 2-3 times a week. You can add decoctions of medicinal herbs, oak leaves, and black tea to the water.

Children should regularly receive from food sufficient quantities of vitamins, minerals, fats and carbohydrates for their growth and development. The diet should include fermented milk products, meat, cereals, fish, fresh fruits and vegetables.

In winter or spring you need to use pharmacy vitamin complexes. Honey, nuts, citrus fruits, and dried fruits help resist the disease. The baby needs to be taken outside every day in any weather except heavy rain and wind. In summer, it is recommended to relax near a body of water, preferably at the sea.

To avoid serious complications, you need to come for an examination to a doctor at a children's clinic. Children can catch colds 2-4 times a year. If children get sick more often, then they have serious problems with their immunity and, accordingly, with their health. During a flu epidemic, you should visit crowded places less often and not have contact with sick people.

A cold is a condition in which a child begins to cough, sneeze, and his body temperature rises. Viruses and bacteria can cause the disease. Hypothermia can trigger a crisis. Colds need to be treated. For this purpose, you need to visit a doctor and undergo an examination. The pediatrician prescribes all the necessary medications for the child. During treatment, you need to drink plenty of fluids, get plenty of rest, and follow your doctor's recommendations.


1 Instructions for medical use of the drug AntiGrippin.

There are contraindications. It is necessary to consult a specialist.

Sooner or later, all parents encounter colds in their children. The cold, which includes a whole list of types of acute respiratory diseases, is considered one of the most common problems in childhood. That is why many parents are faced with the question of how to treat colds in children quickly and effectively.

Acute respiratory disease can manifest itself with various symptoms - cough, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, fever. Depending on the manifestations of the disease, the optimal treatment method is selected, which is most often complex and consists of the use of medications and traditional medicine.

Basic rules for successful treatment

In order to quickly cure a cold in a child, it is necessary to start treatment as early as possible, as soon as the baby gets sick. And if an adult perfectly feels the approach of a cold, then for children this can be a serious problem, especially if we are talking about a baby under the age of one year.

In most cases, the first symptoms of the disease can be quite “blurred” and are expressed in the form of lethargy, rashes on the lips, increased drowsiness, moodiness, and loss of appetite. The baby may become restless and experience sudden mood swings - from excessive activity to apathy, and loss of interest in others.

Important! If a child’s body temperature rises above 38°C, intense headaches appear that can “radiate” to the eyes - this is most often not the beginning of an acute respiratory disease, but a full-fledged picture of the flu. In such cases, you should immediately seek medical help.

If parents discover a cold that is beginning to develop, it is necessary to provide the child with bed rest, not forgetting to regularly ventilate the children's room and do wet cleaning there. Be sure to measure your body temperature. If it does not exceed 38°, it is not recommended to give the baby antipyretic medications.

In order to cure a cold, you need to provide your child with plenty of fluids - it is best to give weak herbal or chamomile tea, still mineral water, fruit juice, compote. For an infant, breast milk and a small amount of water are sufficient. Nutrition for children with colds should be light, but nutritious, rich in healthy vitamins and microelements.

Drug treatment of runny nose in children

How to treat a child at the first signs of a cold? It all depends on how exactly the acute respiratory disease manifests itself.

For a runny nose and difficulty nasal breathing, the following medications can be used:

  • Rinsing the nasal passages with special solutions based on sea salt - No-sol, Aqualor, Aquamaris.
  • In the presence of purulent mucus, drops with a bactericidal effect or herbal-based preparations are used - Pinosol, Collargol. Drops with a vasodilating effect - Farmazolin, Nazol-baby, Galazolin.

If a small child has a cold, accumulated contents from the nasal passages can be removed using a special syringe.

Important! Drops against a runny nose should never be used for more than 7 days, as they can be addictive and cause the development of so-called medicinal rhinitis.

It is very important to monitor the child’s body temperature and promptly use antipyretic drugs if it rises above 38°

Medicines for cough and fever

Drug treatment for a child’s cough due to a cold directly depends on the type of cough – wet or dry. Depending on this, expectorant or mucolytic drugs may be used.

  • For dry cough - Alteika, Gerbion, Prospan.
  • For wet cough - Lazolvan, ACC, Mucaltin, Bromhexine.

In case of inflammation, redness of the throat, as well as difficulty swallowing, sprays with anti-inflammatory or antibacterial effects, for example, Orasept or Chloraphilipt, can be used. The use of inhalations, both steam and those carried out using a special device - a nebulizer, is considered quite effective.

In order to know exactly how to treat a cold in children in order to get rid of it quickly, you must carefully monitor the child’s body temperature, since steam inhalations and other warming procedures are strictly prohibited at high temperatures.

Important! If a child has an elevated body temperature that is not controlled by antipyretic drugs for more than 2 days, further treatment is carried out in a hospital setting.

To reduce body temperature at home, it is best to use antipyretic drugs in the form of syrups - Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Efferalgan.

If the temperature persists for more than 2 days, the child should be urgently shown to the pediatrician.

Under no circumstances should you treat colds in children, including the initial stage, on your own. Even with minimal symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to call a pediatrician, since only a doctor can choose the optimal treatment option.

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedy therapy can be an effective addition to drug treatment. For this purpose, you can use herbal preparations, infusions and decoctions, freshly prepared juices from medicinal plants and other means.

Treatment of a runny nose:

  • At the first symptoms of a runny nose, you can use the recipe with onions - finely chop a large onion, after which the child should inhale its aroma 5-6 times a day.
  • To treat a runny nose in children, you can use freshly squeezed beet juice, which should be instilled in 3-4 drops.
  • For the same purpose, you can use aloe juice - for newborns and children 3 years of age, the juice is diluted with water in equal proportions.
  • Children can rinse their nasal passages with salted water and calendula tincture (a teaspoon per 500 ml of water).
  • It is recommended for an infant to instill 2 drops of slightly warmed breast milk 2-3 times a day.

Today, there are several thousand folk recipes for coughs and colds in children that can be used at home.

Mint infusion is one of the most effective and fast-acting cough remedies. To prepare it, pour a tablespoon of peppermint into 200 ml of hot water, place on low heat and simmer for 5 minutes. When the broth has cooled a little, you need to strain it, combine it with a spoon of honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice. The product should be drunk before bedtime.

Milk with butter is often used to treat colds in children, which are accompanied by a cough with sputum that is difficult to separate. Pour ½ teaspoon of natural butter and soda into a glass of boiled milk, stir and give to the child to drink.

Rowan with honey is an excellent diaphoretic, which is recommended to drink before bed.

Garlic with milk is no less useful and this healing drink. 2-3 cloves of garlic need to be peeled and passed through a press, then poured into a small saucepan with milk. The drink should be brought to a boil and given to the baby to drink. Garlic has pronounced antimicrobial properties, and in order to improve its taste, you can add lemon juice and honey.

When body temperature rises, decoctions and infusions with diaphoretic properties, for example, linden or rowan, can be prescribed. Linden decoction is an effective folk remedy for reducing fever. It is very simple to prepare - pour dry or fresh linden blossom with 2 cups of boiling water, cover tightly and let the product brew. The medicine is taken one tablespoon three times a day; for children over 3 years old, the recommended dosage is increased to 2 tablespoons.

Rowan, both red and chokeberry, has diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory properties. A tablespoon of pre-chopped berries should be poured into a bowl with 200 ml of hot water and left to infuse for 2-3 hours. Before use, it is recommended to warm the berry syrup again and drink a tablespoon an hour before each meal.

Black radish is a popular folk remedy that is used to treat flu and colds in children. Radish juice has extremely beneficial properties. To obtain it, you need to make a small round depression in the root vegetable and put a spoonful of honey in it. After some time, the hole will be completely filled with juice, which should be taken by spoon 4-5 times throughout the day.

Colds in children are a common problem that worries every parent. Complex treatment of the disease, consisting of drug therapy and the use of folk remedies, allows you to quickly get rid of the disease, prevent its further development and strengthen the body's defenses.

My child has a cold, what should I do?

The baby has caught a cold: his throat hurts, he has a cough and fever. In such cases, syrup is often prescribed. But what if it tastes bad and the baby flatly refuses to drink it? How can I help a 1-year-old child take a pill? Let's learn simple ways to take medications!

Mothers know how difficult it can be to persuade their baby to take medicine, especially if it is unsweetened. But there is a way out!
If the child flatly refuses to take the medicine and clenches his jaw, gently pinch his nose and his mouth will immediately open.
It is very important that all the required amount of the drug enters the body. Any leftovers from a spoon or small measuring cup should be diluted with water and allowed to be drunk by the child.
When the medicine is very bitter, try rubbing a piece of ice on your child's tongue to desensitize the taste buds.
It is more difficult for a baby to take medicine in tablets. Remedy: crush the tablet and add to puree or drink.

But if the medicine has a fruity, sweet taste, the exact opposite problem may arise - for children, a tasty medicine can become an attractive treat. In this case, the medicine must be hidden especially carefully!

Colds are the most common illness among children of all ages. A cold is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. More than 200 different viruses can cause the common cold, but the most common infection is the rhinovirus. Because the common cold is viral in nature, antibiotics used to treat a bacterial infection are not used to treat it.

Colds in healthy children are not dangerous; they usually go away in 4-10 days without a special regimen. Due to the large number of viruses that can cause colds, children have no immunity against this disease. Sometimes a viral infection can be accompanied by a bacterial one, which weakens the immune system and requires treatment with antibiotics.

Cold symptoms in children

Colds in children in most cases begin abruptly. Your child may wake up with a runny nose, sneezing, tired, and sometimes with a fever. The child may also have a sore throat or cough. The cold virus can affect your child's sinuses, throat, bronchioles and ears. If your child has a cold, they may also have symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting.

In the early stages of a cold, your child may be very irritable and complain of a headache and runny nose. As a cold progresses, the mucus in your sinuses may become darker and thicker. The child may also develop a mild cough that may last for several days.

How often can a child get a cold?

Statistics show that preschool children get colds about 9 times a year, and children attending kindergarten even more often - 12 times. Teenagers and adults typically experience about 7 colds per year. The most “dangerous” months for colds are from September to March.

How can you prevent a child from getting a cold?

The best way to prevent a cold in your child is to teach him to wash his hands with soap. After all, colds are transmitted mainly through manual contact. Research shows that proper hand washing actually prevents the risk of catching a cold. Teach your child to wash their hands before eating and after playing at school or at home. If a child shows signs of a cold, then in order to avoid infecting other children, he should be exempted from attending school or kindergarten. You should also teach your child to cover their mouth when sneezing and to use a tissue.

How to treat colds in children?

Colds usually go away on their own without any treatment. Home treatment consists of the following activities:
Make sure your child gets plenty of rest.
Let your child drink plenty of fluids.
Use a humidifier in your child's bedroom at night. The moist air in the room makes breathing easier.
Use acetaminophen or ibuprofen to reduce fever and pain. Both drugs are approved for use in children.

Do not give aspirin to children or teenagers who have a high fever. Aspirin increases the risk of developing Reye's syndrome, a rare disease that occurs in children under 15 years of age. It can cause serious damage to the liver and brain.

Ask your doctor before giving any over-the-counter cold and flu medication to a child younger than 6 years of age. A nasal blower can be used to clear out accumulated mucus in very young children with blockages. Or use a nasal spray, placing a couple of drops in each nostril.

Something to remember! Antibiotics are not effective in treating colds. They kill bacteria, and colds are caused by viruses, not bacteria.

In domestic pediatrics, it is considered normal if a child catches a cold or catches an acute respiratory viral infection no more than 4-6 times a year. The peak incidence of colds usually occurs in the first year of kindergarten or school. The first time your child has a cold, you should definitely consult a doctor. It is important to create comfortable conditions for the patient, ventilate the premises and not lower the temperature unless absolutely necessary. Following a daily routine, a balanced diet and hardening will help avoid frequent colds.

What symptoms should you definitely pay attention to?

If a child under one year old has a cold, it is important to tell the doctor about the following symptoms: change in skin color, breathing problems, cough, sweating, weakness, feeding irregularities, and any other unusual symptoms.
It is especially important to monitor for changes in body temperature, rashes, loss of appetite, and bowel movements. It is important to note if the child has become more agitated or, on the contrary, lethargic, begins to sleep for a long time, screams in his sleep, etc.
Temperatures above 38.5 and below 36 require special attention. In addition, if a child has a temperature of 37.1-37.9 for more than three days, this should also be alarming, as it may be a symptom of a slowly developing inflammatory process (pneumonia, pyelonephritis and etc.). The presence of these symptoms should be a reason to consult with your doctor.

What symptoms are the most dangerous?

A sharp cry, pallor, cold sweat, sudden lethargy with low temperature. The appearance of an unusual rash. Loose stools more than 5 times a day, repeated vomiting. Cramps. Fainting, disturbances of consciousness, inadequate reaction of the child to the question and answer. The child's voice suddenly became hoarse. Breathing disorders. The appearance of swelling, especially on the face in the head and neck area. Sharp pain in the abdomen. New complaints of headache.
These symptoms require immediate medical consultation. If they appear suddenly and increase sharply, it is necessary to call an ambulance, as a situation may arise that threatens the child’s life.

When should you call a doctor to see your child?

A telephone consultation with a pediatrician whom parents trust will help decide whether an in-person examination is necessary in each specific case. If there is no agreement between family members regarding the treatment regimen, it is better to call a doctor whose opinion is trusted by all “opposing parties.” A doctor's home visit is absolutely necessary if this is the first illness with a fever in a child under one year old, or if the child is sick with some unusual symptoms for the parents, or if something worries the parents. In addition, if the parents themselves treat the child and there is no improvement by the third day, the baby must also be seen by a doctor.

How to treat a cold?

Approaches to the treatment of colds can differ dramatically among different doctors. Some people tend to play it safe and prescribe a large number of medications, while others prefer wait-and-see tactics and gentle methods of natural treatment. In any case, it is important to remember that colds are a training of the immune system in the fight against pathogens, and for a child without severe chronic diseases they do not pose any particular danger. The tactics of waiting and observation allow the child’s immune system to learn to cope with the constant load in a “big city”. Light food, warm drinks and rest, as well as “folk methods” of treatment are usually enough to help the child recover quickly and avoid complications.

How to treat colds in children using traditional methods?

First of all, all warming procedures are suitable for children: warm foot baths, warm compresses of the nose and chest, plenty of warm drinks rich in vitamin C. The popular practice of rinsing the nose to cleanse it of secretions is not at all as harmless as it might seem at first glance. The use of vasoconstrictor drugs dries out the nasal mucosa, opening the way for the virus to enter the body. Aggressive naturopathic treatments (for example, rinsing the nose with undiluted onion juice) can disrupt the integrity of the mucous membrane and also contribute to the further spread of the disease. And washing the nose in very young children can lead to otitis, since nasal discharge can enter the middle ear, since the auditory tube in children is very small (1-2 cm, and in adults 3.5 cm). Therefore, it is better not to rinse the nose with anything if the discharge comes off easily, does not interfere with the child’s breathing calmly, and he can suckle the breast, eat and sleep. If the nasal discharge is too thick and it is difficult for the child to get rid of it, you can drip 2-5 drops of water or a weak saline or soda solution into the nose to make the discharge more liquid. Homeopathic medicines, such as oscillococcinum, are also good for treating colds.

Is it necessary to lower the temperature?

Increasing the temperature is the body’s main way of fighting infection, since, on the one hand, when the temperature rises, metabolism accelerates, making the immune system work more efficiently, and on the other hand, the rate of spread of viruses and bacteria slows down.
Despite the fact that in widespread practice it is customary to bring down a high temperature in order to alleviate the patient’s condition, and pediatricians usually advise lowering the child’s temperature if it exceeds 39 degrees, this procedure does not have a therapeutic effect. Therefore, if the baby does not have serious chronic diseases, then it is better to focus not on the thermometer readings, but on the child’s well-being, and, if possible, endure the high temperature for as long as possible. First of all, you need to monitor what the child himself wants: if the fever rises quickly, he is shivering, you need to help the baby warm up as quickly as possible with the help of warm clothes, a blanket and a hot drink. When the temperature reaches its maximum, the chills will go away, but the baby's skin will often turn a little red and sweat may appear on the forehead. At this moment, you need to open the baby as much as possible so that it is easier for him to tolerate the heat. In addition, you can resort to rubbing or a warm bath - all this can reduce the temperature by about a degree. It must be remembered that a sharp drug-induced decrease in temperature, as well as a sharp increase that usually follows, can provoke fibril spasms. In addition, with strong temperature changes, the load on the cardiovascular system increases.

Is it possible to bathe a child with a cold?

The recommendation not to wash during illness appeared when there was no hot water in homes, and people went to baths to wash. Now, if there is a bathtub and hot water in the house, bathing is a great way to alleviate the condition and reduce the temperature, so you can and should bathe a sick child if he doesn’t mind. When bathing a patient, it is important to avoid drafts. The water should be warm, about a degree below the child’s body temperature, but not higher than 39C. It is necessary to regularly add hot water to the bath so that the child does not freeze. It is especially important to bathe your child if he has vomiting or diarrhea, as this will be an excellent prevention of dehydration.

When can we consider that the child has recovered?

If the child’s mood, appetite, temperature and activity have returned to normal, and there is no discharge, then we can assume that he is healthy.

When can you go for a walk after a cold?

If the child is cheerful, active and wants to go for a walk, and the weather permits, the first walk can be taken 2-3 days after the temperature returns to normal. It is important that the first walk after illness lasts no more than 20 minutes. In this case, the weather should be good. Early walks are highly discouraged if the temperature outside is below -10, blizzard, rain, etc.

When can I return to kindergarten or school after a cold?

It is better to return to the children's group no earlier than a week after the child has recovered, since a newly recovered child is especially sensitive to viruses and can easily get sick again if he returns to the children's group too early.

Young children get viral infections quite often. This cannot be called the norm, but you shouldn’t panic too much if your baby has a cold. It is considered acceptable for a preschool child to get colds 5 to 10 times a year.

Don’t be upset if a child who has never been sick begins to get colds while attending kindergarten. In a large group of children, the circulation of viruses and bacteria is much higher than in a home environment, and the young immune system faces a rather difficult period of development.

The task of parents at this time is to help their child overcome the disease and strengthen the immune system.

The main feature of a child’s body is the sudden onset of the disease. Of course, it is preceded by an incubation period, but we adults cannot always accurately identify an infection without its visible signs. In very young children, determining the onset of a cold is made difficult not only by the vagueness of clinical manifestations, but also by the inability to recognize the child’s sensations, which bring him considerable discomfort.

The most important thing when identifying the onset of the disease is to forget about panic and surround the baby with as much attention and care as possible. After all, often only the warmth of a mother’s hands, her love and affection can soothe a sick baby, bringing him relief.

The first signs of a cold in a child

With the onset of the cold season, children increasingly get colds. This is due not only to insufficient immunity, but also to changes in environmental conditions. Increasingly, the baby may sweat, get his feet wet, or an insidious wind will suddenly blow through the baby. In children's groups, viral diseases spread at incredible speed; children literally transfer germs from each other.

As a rule, young children become acutely ill; the disease begins with a sharp rise in temperature, most often at night. Often this onset is preceded by primary manifestations of infection, which often go unnoticed.

The very first symptoms of a cold are:



    decreased or lack of appetite;

    fast fatiguability;

  • drowsiness;

    sudden change of mood;

    giving up usual games and favorite toys.

Later, this list is joined by sneezing, redness of the eyes, lacrimation, rhinorrhea and nasal congestion, enlargement of the submandibular, cervical and axillary lymph nodes, and heaviness throughout the body, discomfort in the oropharynx, sore throat, etc. The body temperature rises to subfebrile levels, which means the baby is actively fighting against microbial agents. It's time to start comprehensive treatment for your child.

Finding out the first signs of a cold can be very difficult if the baby cannot yet clearly explain the reasons for his anxiety. With very young children, you need to find the symptoms of the disease in the form of a game consisting of small questions. It is important to prevent the baby from crying for a long time, as this will contribute to a rapid increase in body temperature. When determined on a thermometer, antipyretic measures should be started. There is no need to delay a visit to the pediatrician; only a specialist will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe competent treatment. Following medical recommendations will help not only stop the disease, but also prevent the development of complications, some of which are difficult to cure.

Modern drugs for treating colds

Currently, there are many drugs successfully used to treat childhood infectious diseases. The main feature of their treatment is competent prescription and timely administration. It is very important to show your baby to a doctor, only he will be able to determine the cause of the disease and select the necessary set of medications.

It has now been proven that more than 90% of childhood diseases are respiratory diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Having very similar symptoms, they differ in the degree of manifestation, since they are caused by different microbes and viruses. And here lies the main task of drugs - eliminating the root cause of the disease.

A cold in a child at the initial stage has a number of first signs. If you start their proper treatment in time, you can avoid the appearance of severe symptoms and complications.

Along with taking medications, it is important to follow a number of standard rules:

    bed rest;

    frequent and unlimited drinking;

    patient hygiene;

    wet cleaning of the premises.

If the child is still very young and it is difficult for him to comply with these instructions, you need to offer him only quiet activities: building a tower from cubes, putting together a puzzle, reading books. In the form of a game, give the baby and his toys tasty fruit drinks and compotes. Don't forget to ventilate the room.

At high temperature

If a child's temperature rises, antipyretic therapy must be started. It is important to remember here that if the thermometer shows no more than 38 divisions, there is no need to bring down this temperature: the child’s body fights viruses by intensively producing interferons. But in case of higher indications, you need to give the baby NSAIDs. These medications will not only reduce body temperature to normal levels, but will also have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Drugs in this group used in early childhood include paracetamol and ibuprofen.

The latter substance is considered the most effective, since its effect occurs faster and lasts longer, but it is also less safe.

There are many varieties of these drugs in the pharmacy chain:

  • Efferalgan,

You can purchase them in the form of syrup, suppositories, and chewable tablets with a pleasant taste. You need to know that at high temperatures it is permissible to combine paracetamol and ibuprofen, but you should not exceed the dosage according to age and reduce the intervals between doses. Also, to reduce body temperature and achieve an analgesic effect, there is a homeopathic remedy Viburkol. It is produced in the form of rectal suppositories.

Nasal rinsing

The most common sign of a cold is a runny nose and nasopharyngeal congestion. It usually begins with copious mucous discharge from one or both nasal passages. In case of catarrhal rhinitis, it is necessary to purchase means for rinsing the nose. This can be a solution of sea salt - Aquamaris, Aqualor, or small concentrations of antiseptics such as Miramistin.

It is most convenient to use these liquids in the form of sprays, since irrigation of the nasal cavity with the smallest particles of moisture will facilitate the most complete removal of mucus and successful fight against infectious agents. In this way, you will help the mucous membrane of the nasal passages to recover in a timely manner and prevent the formation of mucous lumps clogging the airways.

For nasal congestion

If your baby has nasal congestion or difficulty removing secretions, you can help your baby by sucking out the mucus using a special nasal aspirator or using a clean small syringe. It is very important not to insert the tip of the device deep into the nasal passages, since there is a high risk of damaging the inflamed mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract.

If the discharge becomes purulent, you need to use special nasal drops with antimicrobial and antiviral effects.

These drugs include:




You should not use vasoconstrictor nasal drops often or for a long time. In addition to their ability to reduce swelling, they are addictive and greatly dry out the delicate mucous membrane. It is not recommended to use such drugs more than 4 times a day.

This group includes:

    Nazol baby


Quite often, children complain of a sore throat, soreness and cough. When these symptoms appear, it is necessary to begin comprehensive treatment, including antimicrobial agents for the mucous membrane and mucolytic, expectorant drugs. The same Miramistin in the form of a spray can be successfully used to eliminate discomfort in a baby’s throat.

There are many types of syrups for treating coughs. If a dry hacking cough appears, Prospan syrup based on plant extracts and its analogues, for example, Gerbion, are suitable.

To eliminate moist rales, you need to start taking mucolytic drugs, for example:




It is very important to maintain the child’s body’s defenses against a cold. Excellent remedies for this are Derinat drops, Cytovir syrup, Anaferon tablets and similar medications. These drugs stimulate cellular and humoral immunity; taking them will help your baby cope with a cold faster and get sick less in the future.

Folk remedies for colds

Folk remedies for colds have been tested by time and several dozen generations. Therefore, it is quite possible to combine taking medications with “grandmother’s recipes.” In addition, most often traditional methods of treating colds are safer and aimed at strengthening the immune system.

    For a sore throat, cough and nasal congestion, inhalations with soda and medicinal herbs help well -,. It will be useful to breathe in the steam from boiled potatoes with your child. Such procedures can be carried out 3-8 times a day.

    A very tasty treatment for your baby would be tea with honey or raspberry jam. It is also good to prepare freshly squeezed juice, apple compote or cranberry juice. To relieve a sore throat, you can heat milk and add honey and butter to it.

    We must not forget about the protective properties of onions and. It is quite difficult to add them to food for a small child, but you can hang a small pendant around your neck, which creates a protective environment of vegetable phytoncides in the air.

    It is very important to monitor the level of air humidity in the room. Dry air contributes to the rapid formation of mucous crusts, difficulty breathing, and a sore throat. When turning on the humidifier, you can add a few drops of oil.

Preventing colds in babies

Any disease is much easier to prevent than to treat. There are many ways to strengthen a child’s immune system.

But, even without using any medications, you can significantly improve your baby’s health with the help of:


    Rational and healthy nutrition;

    Consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits;

    Physical activity;

    Daily walks in the fresh air.

In the autumn-spring period, to prevent colds in children, doctors recommend starting a prophylactic intake of a complex of vitamins. In every pharmacy you can find several types of multivitamin complexes, these include Multitabs, Alphabet, Centrum and many others. To choose the right drug, it is best to consult a doctor.

At the same time, along with multivitamins, it is necessary to maintain and strengthen the child’s immune system. There are many drugs to stimulate it: Derinat, Anaferon, Metidonsine and others.

Eating honey and other bee products also stimulates the baby's immune system. There are many recipes for vitamin mixtures based on it. For example, you can mix honey, dried apricots and zest in equal proportions; Only 1 tablespoon of this delicacy is needed per day for your child’s health.

Education: Diploma in general medicine received from Volgograd State Medical University. Immediately received a specialist certificate in 2014.

Colds are one of the most common diseases. Many children get sick several times a year, often feel very bad and do not attend educational institutions. However, during illness, children develop immunity, making it easier for them to tolerate similar conditions in the future. It is important to choose the right therapy in order to get rid of the disease as quickly as possible and prevent complications.

Characteristic signs of a cold

Colds usually start abruptly. The child wakes up with a runny nose, sneezes, and sometimes has a fever. The baby may be irritable, complain of a headache, a cough develops over time, and nasal mucus becomes thicker and darker. The main signs of acute respiratory infections also include:

  • in most cases – increased body temperature;
  • weakness;
  • sore throat and pain when swallowing;
  • irritability;
  • sometimes - vomiting and diarrhea.

A one-year-old child may have other symptoms:

  • significant loss of appetite;
  • tearing and redness of the eyes;
  • fast fatiguability.

If a child has a cold, he or she will have a temperature above 38°C for about three days. Most often, unpleasant symptoms in the form of swelling of the nose, vomiting, and headache appear when the thermometer readings begin to decrease. The disease almost always begins with rare clear snot and cough.

What symptoms are most dangerous for a child?

Parents should definitely know the symptoms of a cold, which require immediate medical attention. In babies under one year of age, dangerous signs are:

  • strong cry;
  • cold sweat;
  • sudden lethargy;
  • a sharp decrease in body temperature;
  • rashes (pimples and spots that do not change color when pressed are especially dangerous).

Signs of complications in older children may include persistent loose stools and frequent gagging. In this case, the child needs to be given a solution containing a small amount of soda, salt and sugar to restore water balance. The following manifestations are also considered dangerous:

  • fainting;
  • forgetfulness and inappropriate behavior;
  • sudden hoarseness of voice;
  • breathing problems;
  • swelling in the head and neck area;
  • sharp pain in the abdomen.

Dangerous symptoms are rare. They talk about a threat not only to the health, but also to the life of the child. Hospitalization is the only way to provide the necessary help.

It is also important to distinguish a common cold from the flu:

  1. with a cold, a runny nose and cough, discomfort in the throat first appear, and only after 1-2 days the thermometer rises to 38°C (usually no more);
  2. the flu begins abruptly and immediately with a high temperature - the child suddenly begins to shiver, coughs, and the temperature rises to 40°C.

Treatment with medications

Nasal rinsing preparations have a good effect, they allow you to clear the nasal passages of secretions and mechanically remove pathogenic microorganisms. Products based on sea water are not addictive and do not cause harm:

  • Morenasal;
  • Fluimarin;
  • No-salt;
  • saline sodium chloride solution;
  • Aquamaris.

If, nevertheless, it was not possible to avoid the disease, and the child’s cold is actively developing, it is necessary to resort to the use of stronger drugs. It is worth following certain recommendations in treatment:

  1. For children under 3 years of age, it is better to give the medication in the form of syrup and drops; it is recommended to reduce the temperature with rectal suppositories.
  2. Children from 4-5 years old can be taught to gargle using herbal decoctions. Children can easily swallow capsules and tablets and can dissolve lozenges, so the list of medications is expanding significantly.

The following drugs are often used in therapy:

Drug nameActionFeatures of application
Genferon, DerinatAntiviral agents.Effective in the early stages of the disease
Nasal drops Collargol, PinosolThey are used for the accumulation of purulent discharge and have an antimicrobial effect.It is not advisable to use longer than 7 days - they are addictive
Doctor Mom, Hexoral, Herbion, Alteyka, Bo the BearReady-made pharmaceutical syrups for different types of coughIt is advisable to use it in a minimum dosage. The drugs simultaneously have a mucolytic, antitussive and anti-inflammatory effect
ACC, Ambroxol, Bromhexine (we recommend reading:)Used for wet coughsThey do not suppress the cough reflex and act effectively by diluting sputum.
Efferalgan, Paracetamol, Nurofen, Ibufen, Ibuprofen, Panadol syrup (we recommend reading:)Reduce temperatureIt is recommended to lower the temperature above 38°C
Chlorophyllipt, LugolUsed to destroy bacteria, relieve inflammation and cleanse mucous membranesIt is necessary to treat the mucous membrane of the throat
Isofra, PolydexaAntibioticsVery rarely prescribed
Anaferon, ViferonStrengthening the immune systemIt is better to use after consultation with a specialist

It is worth remembering that as long as the child feels normal, there is no need to rush into pills or syrups - the body will cope with the disease itself. Some features of the use of drugs:

  1. It is better to crush tablets that have a bitter taste to powder and mix with jam and honey.
  2. When using syrups, it is not advisable to drink water or eat within 20 minutes after administration.
  3. Aspirin should not be used as an antipyretic for children under 12 years of age. Tablets can cause severe side effects.

Treatment with folk remedies

If a child has a cold, most parents treat the baby’s condition as inevitable and hope that he will recover in 7-10 days. However, the disease can be cured at the initial stage, quickly, without pills and other medications. Traditional medicine recipes can also be used at an advanced stage of the disease as additional therapy.

At the first signs of a cold, when the body begins to be overcome by microbes, you need to use products that help quickly eliminate toxins. Fruit drinks made from berries are ideal for this purpose. To replenish vitamin C, children can be given sea buckthorn and rosehip teas, and also add parsley, oranges, and kiwi to their food.

Tea with raspberry jam in a loading dose can “strangle” the initial manifestations of a cold

You can cure a cold in 1 day:

  1. At the first manifestations, inhale with hot water with added salt/soda (1 tsp per glass of water). Rinse your nose and gargle with the same solution.
  2. Make a foot bath for 10-15 minutes with mustard, gradually increase the water temperature to 40 degrees.
  3. Drink a cup of tea with raspberry jam, linden blossom infusion. Lie in bed, wrap yourself up, breathe hard and sweat for half an hour. Free your head from the blanket, wrap it in a towel and sleep until the morning.

Runny nose

What should parents do if their baby suffers from a runny nose? There are several effective ways to combat nasal discharge:

  1. Make steam inhalation - add 3-4 drops of menthol or eucalyptus essential oil to boiling water. Bend over the bowl and cover with a towel, breathe for 15 minutes. Adding dry cinnamon to the water will help you sweat, and cayenne pepper will improve blood circulation and relieve nasal swelling.
  2. Steam your feet before going to bed for 10-15 minutes. Blood will flow to the lower extremities, and the vessels of the head will narrow, which will lead to a decrease in swelling of the mucous membrane. Do not keep your feet in hot water for too long, otherwise the opposite effect will occur. Fever is a direct contraindication to the procedure.
  3. A runny nose in both a one-year-old baby and an older child can be treated with carrot or beet juice. Pour boiling water over fresh vegetables, grate and squeeze out the juice. Apply 2-3 drops up to 4 times a day.
  4. Prepare onion drops. Mix fresh onion juice with boiled water in a ratio of 1:20. Instill 2-3 times a day.

Provided the temperature is normal, to get rid of a runny nose, you can steam your feet for 2-3 evenings in a row and sleep in woolen socks


The following folk recipes are suitable for treating cough:

  1. Mix licorice root, chamomile, mint, calendula, coltsfoot in equal proportions. Pour 2 dessert spoons with 0.5 liters of boiling water, let stand for an hour. Give the baby 50-100 ml three times a day after meals.
  2. For dry cough, lemon balm and chamomile (1 tsp each) are poured with half a liter of boiling water. The drink should be given warm 4-5 times a day, 2 tablespoons.
  3. An effective remedy is milk (250 ml) with honey (1 tsp) and butter (1/2 tsp). The liquid should be warm, but not hot, otherwise honey will lose its beneficial properties.
  4. A hot compress of water and apple cider vinegar in a 3:1 ratio. Apply to the throat and chest for 15-20 minutes.

Sore throat

If your baby has a cold, he will definitely have a sore throat for 2-4 days. Rinsing will help you cope with discomfort:

  • add 1 tsp to 200 ml of boiled water. propolis tinctures;
  • per glass of water – 1 tsp. salt and 3 drops of iodine;
  • pour a mixture of equal proportions of chamomile, calendula and sage into a liter of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes;
  • Add 3-4 drops of thyme, cypress or eucalyptus oil to a glass of warm water.

You can gargle up to 6 times a day, preferably at equal intervals. The antibacterial effect of these products will help quickly overcome the infection.

Mistakes when treating a cold in a child

An increase in temperature is a normal reaction of the immune system to the penetration of a pathogen and the onset of illness. However, it is worth understanding that symptoms of a respiratory disease can appear even when there is no trace of a cold. Snot and cough can be caused by a foreign body in the respiratory tract, irritation from dust and smoke.

If parents think that the child has an acute respiratory infection, but the disease occurs without fever, then this is either an allergy or a foreign body in the nose or throat. In this case, it is useless to treat the baby for a cold. However, the absence of fever can sometimes indicate a mild form of the disease.

When treating a cold, many parents resort to medications that are not necessary. Let's look at the main mistakes in therapy:

  1. Use of antibiotics. They can be used only when indicated, otherwise the drugs destroy the natural microflora. This will only increase the symptoms of the disease.
  2. Use of antipyretic medications. If you give them to your baby at a temperature of 37-37.5 degrees, the baby’s immunity will not develop correctly (we recommend reading:).
  3. Antitussive drugs. You should not give them just because you want to quickly eliminate this unpleasant symptom. Coughing is a natural reaction of the body, which tries to remove mucus from the bronchi.
  4. Using all medications at the same time. When combining drugs, it is worth studying the instructions and taking into account the indications. Ignoring these factors will lead to a backlash.

When treating a cold, it is important not to overdo it with medications and use potent drugs only as prescribed by a doctor.

If your baby has a cold, then at the first signs of illness you need to create the most comfortable conditions for him:

  1. You should not place your child in a warm and stuffy room - he will get worse. The air temperature should be no more than 23 degrees.
  2. It is necessary to maintain the humidity in the room at 60-70%. If your baby is cold, you need to dress him and not turn on the heater.
  3. You should not force feed your child if he refuses to eat. Give him tea, juice, fruit drink, milk - the majority of microorganisms and toxins are removed from the body with liquid.
  4. Bed rest is required. It is highly not recommended to endure the disease “on your feet”.

If a child is ill, he needs to be bathed - during the hygiene procedure, he breathes moist air, which helps moisturize the mucous membranes of the nose and throat (we recommend reading:). The ban on bathing comes from the times when children were washed in a trough and were afraid of getting too cold. The procedure is prohibited only at high body temperature. You can also walk outside. It is important to dress your baby for the weather and minimize contact with other children.

During the period of a cold, provided there is no elevated body temperature, you can and should walk in the fresh air, dressing for the weather

Cold prevention

It is better to prevent the development of the disease than to treat a child who has a cold. In unfavorable epidemiological conditions, it is necessary:

  • avoid handshakes;
  • try not to be in crowded places (public transport, shops);
  • limit contact with sick people;
  • wear a gauze bandage, changing it every 2-3 hours;
  • try to spend more time outdoors, walk in the park.

Daily work on developing immunity and improving health will help prevent colds and flu:

  • choose healthy foods (fresh fruits, vegetables, fermented milk);
  • buy clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • exercise;
  • maintain optimal temperature conditions;
  • harden the child from an early age.

It has been proven that during the day, a person’s hands come into repeated contact with discharge from the mouth, eyes, and nose. A huge number of pathogens are transmitted through the hands, since a person touches door handles, handrails, money, etc. every day. It is advisable to give the child an antiseptic, wet wipes and remind him to wash his hands before eating, after going to the toilet and immediately after returning from the street.