Oral steroids of all times. Anabolic steroids - what are the dangers of such drugs?

Steroid drugs are prohibited for use in sports by world anti-doping organizations.

I don’t think it’s a secret to anyone that steroid drugs pose a great danger to human health. Athletes who have come to use this kind of drugs often regret using anabolic steroids. When taking them, a whole range of side effects often occurs. It should be noted that steroid drugs are prohibited for use in sports and for self-administration without a doctor’s prescription. During hormonal treatment, side effects may also occur, usually due to an incorrectly selected drug, excessive duration of treatment, lack of background therapy and other possible factors. All information is taken from verified medical sources.

General prevention
side effects

  • Do not prescribe large dosages of steroid drugs;
  • Do not use drugs with a high degree of androgenic effects for more than 8 weeks;
  • The drugs of choice for hormonal therapy should be steroids that do not inhibit testosterone production;
  • Patients should be prescribed drugs that do not have a strong toxic effect on the liver;
  • If possible, if there is a need to use anti-estrogenic agents to normalize endogenous testosterone production and prevent estrogenic side effects in male patients.

Contraindications for use

  • Steroid drugs should not be prescribed to patients under 25 years of age, since the effect of anabolic drugs on a young body can lead to irreversible consequences: endocrine disorders, growth retardation, short stature, erectile dysfunction, depression, etc.
  • You should think twice before prescribing highly androgenic steroid drugs to women. Virilization (the appearance of secondary male sexual characteristics) is irreversible;
  • Congenital and acquired heart defects are also contraindications, since the use of steroids can exacerbate the disease;
  • Disorders of the liver and kidneys;
  • Hypertension;
  • Atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries.

Special cases

Product suppression
endogenous testosterone

Suppression of the production of your own sex hormone is inevitable when using steroid drugs. When hormonal substances enter the body, an endocrine response is formed in response to an increase in the concentration of hormones in the blood, which contributes to the inhibition of testosterone production in the testes. This process is carried out using a feedback mechanism. The human body always strives to conserve energy and balance, so if the level of any of the hormones begins to increase, the body's hormonal system suppresses the production of that hormone to restore its own balance. The result of this is the normalization of the levels of all endogenous hormones. For example, when nandrolone is introduced into the body, the amount of testosterone in the blood begins to decrease; after completing the intake of anabolic drugs, as a rule, a complete restoration of hormonal levels should occur, but this process can last for months, which can affect a person’s quality of life.


To prevent side effects from steroids, you should use hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), an effective drug for normalizing the secretion of endogenous testosterone and preventing the development of testicular atrophy. In the human body, gonadotropic hormones (FSH and LH - follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones) are produced regularly. Both of these hormones ensure the correct course of spermatogenesis and the processes of production of endogenous testosterone. With long-term use of steroids, the production of gonadotropic hormones decreases and, as a result, testicular atrophy develops. The use of hCG, which acts on the principle of gonadotropic hormones, helps restore endocrine balance and preserve the functionality of the testicles. The dosage of hCG depends on the degree of androgenic and anabolic activity of the steroids taken. If the duration of the course is less than 45 days and one hormonal drug is used, then hCG may not be used. If the duration of hormonal treatment is more than 45 days and the use of two or more drugs, and even in increased dosages, additional use of hCG is extremely necessary (500 IU weekly during hormonal therapy; the dosages of all prescribed drugs must be calculated by a doctor). You can often come across information that the administration of hCG should be carried out after a course of treatment, but this point of view is incorrect, since with combined courses the testicles may not be stimulated by gonadotropic hormones for a long time, which, accordingly, will lead to atrophy of the gonads. The use of hCG throughout hormonal therapy helps to balance the levels of all hormones in the human body and maintain sexual activity at peak levels. It should also be noted that the need to take hCG is not related to the synergistic effect of gonadotropin, but to the prevention of the negative effects of steroid drugs on the body. To normalize the production of endogenous testosterone, anti-estrogenic drugs can often be used.

Toxic influence
to the liver

The toxic effect of steroids on the liver is the most common side effect; in practice, the negative effects of drugs can be avoided. Some sources claim that absolutely all anabolic drugs harm liver function, while taking any other medications is also harmful to liver tissue, especially when the dosage is exceeded and the drugs are taken for a long time. First of all, serious liver dysfunction occurs when taking steroid drugs in oral form, which have a methyl group in the 17-alpha position in their chemical structure. Methyls significantly slow down the half-life of the active substance, but this fact is also a significant disadvantage, since this causes destruction of liver tissue. Plus, side effects on the liver develop only when the prescribed dosage is exceeded. Proof of this are the results of many experiments involving animals on which methandrostenolone, stanozolol and other steroid drugs were tested. Experts have found that the destruction of liver cells develops only when 10-fold dosages of anabolic drugs are introduced into the body. For example, the toxic effect of taking methandienone is recorded only when the dosage is increased to 80 mg per day or more, despite the fact that the average therapeutic dosage is 5-10 times less. Later, clinical trials were conducted with the participation of athletes who were divided into 2 subgroups: some participants used steroids, while other subjects engaged exclusively in natural training. Blood samples were taken from both subgroups during the experiment to assess liver function. Participants using steroid drugs in excessive dosages experienced negative changes in liver tissue. Considering that liver tissue is “renewed” every 12 weeks (in the absence of other negative factors), after this period, liver function is completely restored. Based on such observations, it can be assumed that negative side effects on the liver are completely reversible.


  • Adhere to the dosages prescribed by your doctor;
  • Do not use alkylated steroids;
  • Injectable forms of drugs do not have a toxic effect on the liver.


Gynecomastia– enlargement of the mammary glands in men. This side effect can be avoided by the correct selection of drugs for hormonal therapy. Gynecomastia develops, as a rule, due to the use of easily aromatizing steroids, which are quickly converted into estrogens (methandienone, testosterone esters, etc.). The selection of the drug should be taken into account for the prevention of gynecomastia.


When including easily aromatizing drugs in the course of treatment, you should also add antiestrogenic agents that block the enzyme aromatase. Taking antiestrogens will prevent such a side effect as gynecomastia, which is irreversible without surgical intervention. Often, various scientific sources provide information that anti-estrogenic drugs should be taken after the first symptoms of breast enlargement in men appear. This is a big mistake, so drugs that block the action of estrogen in the body must be used throughout the entire period of hormonal therapy. At first, gynecomastia is a reversible phenomenon, and the best treatment, in this case, is prevention. The best option in this case would be systematic testing for estrogen levels with further adjustment of the dosages of anti-estrogenic drugs.


Dermatological manifestations, in particular acne, occur due to the fact that steroids enhance the functioning of the sebaceous glands in the skin, which contributes to the development of an inflammatory reaction and the appearance of acne. In most cases, this is due to taking drugs with androgenic activity.


  • Regularly wash your skin, take a shower at least once a day, and preferably after waking up and before going to bed.

Increased concentration

Steroid medications can lower levels of “good” cholesterol (or high-density lipoproteins) and also increase levels of “bad” cholesterol (or low-density lipoproteins). Theoretically, both of these factors contribute to the development of atherosclerosis. In reality, this is not observed, especially in young patients. During the period of hormonal therapy (30-60 days), an increase in the concentration of “bad” cholesterol does not contribute to the development of any negative changes in the blood vessels; moreover, after the end of steroid treatment, cholesterol is completely normalized (again, if no changes were recorded before the start of the course). problems with blood vessels). It should be noted that an increase in cholesterol concentration does not develop often, since not all steroid drugs have this side effect.


  • During treatment, take unsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids in capsule form or from food;
  • Reduce your consumption of yolks and fatty foods;
  • Take to lower cholesterol levels.

Cardiovascular diseases

It is no secret that the use of anabolic drugs contributes to the development of heart and vascular diseases. This is likely due to their effect on cholesterol levels. In addition, excessive use of steroids contributes to the development of left ventricular hypertrophy. It should be noted that strength work also contributes to this.


  • Patients should not be prescribed steroid drugs in large dosages;
  • You should play sports (if your health is normal), with an emphasis on aerobic activity;
  • You should follow your doctor's recommendations;
  • Take medications to strengthen the heart muscle.
  • Use herbal preparations, for example, the drug better protects the heart muscle from hypoxic damage and normalizes blood flow in the main arteries.

High blood pressure

This side effect occurs due to the fact that steroid drugs:

  • Accumulate sodium ions inside cells;
  • They have a vasoconstrictor effect (reduce the vascular lumen);
  • Increases blood volume in the body.

A normal pressure is 120 to 80 mmHg. Art., numbers up to 140 per 90 mm Hg are considered normally elevated. Art. To monitor blood pressure levels, it must be measured regularly. At home you need to have a tonometer and measure your blood pressure, preferably 2 times a day (morning and evening).

Kidney disorders

The renal pelvis filters the blood and excretes waste metabolites in the urine. The use of steroid drugs may increase the load on the kidneys, but they do not have a nephrotoxic effect.


  • Maintaining your blood pressure level is normal.

Consequences for the psyche

Excessive aggressiveness when using steroid drugs is quite rare and, as a rule, when using high dosages. One study proved that the use of anabolic steroids is not associated with the appearance of aggressiveness; often, it is influenced only by temperament.

For a stable psyche, as well as with the constant impact of stress on the body, it is recommended to take the herbal preparation “Nervo-Vit”, which will help a person in the difficult fight against stress and eliminate its consequences.

Alopecia (hair loss)

Steroid drugs contribute to the occurrence of alopecia in males, especially in older age. Hair loss is very noticeable on the parietal part of the head. Experts suggest that alopecia is caused by heredity, so steroid drugs can lead to baldness if your immediate male relatives already have alopecia. Anabolic steroids can worsen this process. The main factor in alopecia is the presence of a large amount of dihydrotestosterone in the blood; therefore, to avoid this, it is necessary to use anabolic agents that are not converted to dihydrotestosterone.


  • Steroids that convert to dihydrotestosterone should not be used as the drug of choice for hormone replacement therapy;
  • To prevent alopecia, Finasteride is a good drug, which is used quite often, but has a lot of side effects;
  • Minoxidil cream is also effective against alopecia.


The use of steroid drugs increases the prothrombin index, or in other words, leads to the formation of blood clots in the vessels. In some cases, in people from the older age group, rapid platelet aggregation increases the likelihood of stroke and heart attack, which develop precisely due to too intense blood clotting in the great vessels.

Taking the drug "Dandelion-P" prevents the occurrence of thrombosis and increases vascular blood flow. Another herbal preparation “Hondro-Vit” also contains dandelion root, and cold processing technology allows you to preserve all the therapeutic properties of dandelion.


To reduce the negative effects of steroid drugs, people over 45 years of age are recommended to prescribe anticoagulants against the background of hormone replacement therapy. A good option would be to take acetylsalicylic acid in low to moderate dosages, but do not forget that frequent use of aspirin-based NSAIDs can lead to bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.


Masculinization is a whole range of irreversible side effects from taking steroid drugs associated with the development of secondary sexual characteristics: low chest voice, breast atrophy, enlargement of the external genitalia, “male” face, hirsutism, etc. Similar symptoms develop quite often when women use hormonal drugs with a high degree of androgenic activity.

Slow bone growth
in length

Unfortunately, growth retardation is an irreversible process. This side effect is only important during puberty, since active bone growth occurs at this time. Therefore, it is not recommended to use or prescribe steroid drugs to persons under 20 years of age. Drugs with a high risk of aromatization have the greatest impact on growth.

The natural-based drug “Osteomed” will help you prevent growth retardation and strengthen bone tissue.

prostate gland

Firstly, it should be noted that anabolic drugs only rarely lead to prostatic hyperplasia and, as a rule, this is noted only after 45 years, and this is often due to heredity. The main reason for the development of this pathology is the presence of too high levels of dihydrotestosterone in the blood.


To prevent the occurrence of prostate hyperplasia, the drugs Leveton Forte and Eromax are used.

Low fertility
in men

100% infertility after taking steroids is rare. Typically, with the use of anabolic drugs, a short-term decrease in fertility develops, up to its complete absence. Fertility is completely normalized after discontinuation of hormonal medications.


To quickly normalize testosterone levels in the body, herbal preparations “Leveton” and “Eromax” are used.

Testicular atrophy

Through a feedback mechanism, the production of endogenous hCG decreases. This hormone regulates the functionality of the testicles, therefore, if the level of hCG decreases, the tissue of the testes gradually atrophies. Testicular atrophy, by the way, may be irreversible, especially with long-term use of illegal drugs. The consequence of all this is the occurrence of erectile dysfunction, decreased libido and, in some cases, testicular cancer.


To prevent atrophy, hCG 500 IU is used weekly. This condition occurs when the prescribed dosage and duration of treatment are exceeded.

To prevent atrophy during the course and rapid recovery during “rollback”, the drugs “Eromax” and “Leveton Forte” are used. Their effectiveness has been proven more than once by many independent studies.

Feeling that the limit of possibilities has been reached, but it is necessary to move on, the athlete begins to look towards steroids. Anabolic drugs really help achieve incredible success in muscle development, as well as in increasing strength and endurance, but they often offer to pay for it with their health. However, the scientific community already has reliable information about the most safe steroids in sports.

Structure of an article about AAS:

The safest anabolic steroids today include the following drugs: boldenone, oxandrolone, Primobolan (metelona enontate), Masteron, Oral-Turinabol. Safe steroids are anabolic drugs that differ from others in their low toxicity and minimal side effects. Their side effects are possible only if, through stupidity or carelessness, the recommended dosage of the drug was exceeded several times.


The safety of the drug boldenone is expressed in the fact that it allows you to gain muscle mass very quickly, but at the same time almost does not retain fluid. According to a survey, Japanese athletes who carefully take care of their health call boldenone an indispensable part of the anabolic cycle. American researchers have come to the conclusion that highly effective sports results with minimal harm to health are possible only with the use of boldenone.


Oxandrolone has long been considered the main assistant in achieving maximum progress in creating a beautiful muscular body with a minimum of side effects. If they exist steroids without side effects effects, then oxandrolone is first on the list. Oxandrolone is a synthetic testosterone, or rather, its analogue, with an incredibly low androgenic index. This allows you to use androgens to their full potential without worrying about side effects. The safety of oxandrolone is associated with a unique modified formula in which carbon was replaced with oxygen. Numerous international studies have shown that oxandrolone can be taken regularly. Even with an incredibly high dosage and a long period of use, the athlete did not experience any traditional side effects.


Primobolan is a steroid with low androgenic effects. Its main difference is that, despite the tablet form of administration, the drug does not have a negative effect on the liver. Due to its very mild anabolic effect, Primobolan is used during the drying cycle. Among Western athletes, Primobolan is most often taken by those athletes who are predisposed to the development of gynecomastia. This is due to the lack of conversion to estrogens. The drug is considered one of the safest anabolic steroids also for the reason that it has virtually no effect on changes in blood pressure and changes in bad cholesterol. During the use of the steroid, not a single athlete was officially recorded as suffering from baldness.


Masteron in the world of bodybuilding is considered the softest and most harmless steroid, which at the same time can help develop muscles and create a luxurious muscle frame. Today, it is the favorite of professional athletes (sprinters, swimmers) who dream of building muscle, gaining strength, increasing endurance, developing speed, minimizing the percentage of subcutaneous fat and avoiding side effects. Being a highly effective steroid, Masteron is completely safe. The reason was discovered by scientists during the development of the innovative drug - high anti-estrogenic activity. Masteron blocks estrogens and increases protein synthesis.

No fatigue was noticed while taking Masteron (even during very intense training). The athletes (10 out of 10 subjects) felt self-confidence, colossal energy, good spirits and fighting spirit. It is impossible not to note the absence of aromatizing effects even when the dosage is exceeded several times. Masteron is able to help bring the relief to a state where it has an extremely low percentage of body fat. Muscle stiffness, active muscle growth with a minimum of side effects are the main merits of the drug, which has made it so popular among athletes who strive for improvement.


Oral Turinabol is a great way to gain lean muscle mass, increase strength, endurance and speed, improve muscle quality, and at the same time reduce the impact of side effects on the body. Modified oral-turinabol is interesting in that, while maintaining high-quality anabolic effectiveness, the drug exhibits completely insignificant aromatization. Thanks to the low androgen index, athletes can observe the impact of the positive properties of androgens and the minimum of side effects possible when using drugs of similar potency.

Scientists have studied oral turinabol for a long time and came to the conclusion that even the tablet form of this steroid shows a high level of harmlessness. This is what made Oral Turinabol such a widely popular drug among athletes of absolutely all levels and sports: from athletics representatives to experienced professional bodybuilders. I would like to note that bodybuilders who are in pursuit of higher athletic results take oral-turinabol in an overestimated dosage. And even in this case, there are a minimum of classic side effects. Oral-Turinabol is deservedly called the most effective steroid with safe action.

The team at our pharmacological store will help you select anabolic drugs with a low androgenic activity index. We know how to avoid side effects and achieve excellent results in sports with the help of quality steroids.

Currently, there is no better way to gain muscle mass than anabolic steroids. However, the lion's share of athletes do not know even half of the real side effects from their use, as well as methods to combat them.

However, most of the negative aspects of using anabolic steroids can be avoided by following simple recommendations.

General preventive measures

  • Do not use large doses of chemicals
  • Do not take steroid courses for longer than 2 months
  • Use anabolic steroids that have less effect on the production of your own testosterone
  • Avoid taking medications that negatively affect liver function
  • To prevent gynecomastia and restore normal testosterone secretion, use antiestrogens.

Contraindications to taking anabolic steroids

  • Do not use chemicals to gain mass or strength if you are under 21 years of age. Changes in hormonal levels during this period will lead to impaired bone growth.
  • It is not recommended for women to take anabolic steroids.
  • Avoid taking anabolic steroids if you suffer from heart defects. Otherwise, an exacerbation of the disease is inevitable.
  • Kidney and liver failure.
  • Hypertension.
  • Benign prostate tumor.
  • Atherosclerosis.

Preventing Side Effects

#1 – Suppressing your own testosterone synthesis

Suppression of the production of your own testosterone is an inevitable phenomenon from taking steroid drugs. When hormones enter the body, a signal occurs that the level of sex hormones in the plasma is exceeded, which leads to the suppression of their production in the testicles.

This process is feedback. The fact is that the body constantly maintains homeostasis, so an increase in the concentration of a particular hormone is accompanied by a suppression of its production in the corresponding glands. This ensures endocrine balance.

How to avoid?

This process is reversible. To minimize the negative effects of anabolic steroids, use. This remedy effectively increases the natural production of testosterone and also prevents atrophy of the gonads.

In general, gonadotropin is produced constantly, but during a course of steroids its synthesis slows down. The introduction of exogenous gonadotropin restores hormonal balance and preserves the function of the gonads.

The dosage of this substance depends entirely on the intensity of the steroid course. If you practice a short course (up to 4 weeks) and take only one chemical drug, then there is no need for additional gonadotropin intake. If the course lasts more than 4 weeks, higher dosages are used and several different drugs are used, give 2 gonadotropin injections per week, 500-1000 ml each, starting from the third week of the course.

It is often said that taking gonadotropin should be started immediately after the end of the course, but this is wrong. In this case, the tissues of the gonads will not receive proper stimulation and will begin to atrophy. Such a process is very dangerous for the body, and should not be allowed under any circumstances. It is also worth noting that the need for additional gonadotropin injections is not related to weight gain, but to safety.

#2 – Liver Damage

This side effect is one of the most popular, but its real significance is not so great and fatal. Very often, thematic portals and publications present this problem as an inevitable consequence of using chemicals to gain weight.

  • Liver damage is caused by steroids in oral form, that is, in tablet form. Such drugs are destroyed by bypassing the liver, but have a toxic effect on it.
  • Side effects on the liver appear only when recommended doses are exceeded.

These statements have been confirmed in laboratory conditions. Thus, in the course of scientific research it was found that liver dysfunction is observed at 10 times the recommended dose (,). When used, liver damage was observed with injections of 80 mg per day, while the recommended dose was 20-30 mg.

Other experiments were carried out on humans. Two groups of athletes were selected, one of which practiced taking anabolic steroids in increased dosages. As a result, after 3 months, liver damage was detected in these athletes, but after 3 months there was no trace of the changes. Thus, we can conclude that liver dysfunction as a result of taking anabolic steroids is reversible.

How to avoid?

  • Do not exceed recommended dosages
  • Do not use anabolic steroid tablets
  • If you use steroids, give preference to injectable forms.

#3 - Gynecomastia

is a benign increase in the size of the mammary glands. This side effect is very unpleasant, but it occurs out of stupidity, and it is quite easy to eliminate it.

Gynecomastia is caused only by chemicals that have a strong aromatic effect. These include Methandrostenolone, all types of testosterone, and so on.

Steroids such as Winstrol aromatize to a lesser extent, so they practically do not lead to gynecomastia.

How to avoid?

During the period of taking highly aromatized steroids, take antiestrogens, starting from the second week of the cycle.

Very often in the gyms you can hear that antiestrogens should be taken only after completing the course and when the first symptoms of gynecomastia appear. In fact, this is a gross mistake, due to which many “chemists” suffer from gynecomastia. Antiestrogens must be used throughout the course of taking anabolic steroids, since gynecomastia is irreversible.

#4 – Acne

This side effect is also very common. Acne occurs due to the fact that the sebaceous glands are activated under the influence of chemicals, which leads to increased sebum production, inflammation and the formation of acne. This effect is especially pronounced in strong androgenic anabolics.

How to avoid?

  • Maintain skin hygiene
  • Use the drug Accutane

#5 – Increased blood cholesterol levels

Taking steroids lowers the level of good cholesterol in an athlete's blood and increases the level of bad cholesterol. In the future, this process can lead to the development of atherosclerosis.

In practice, such disturbances in the functioning of the body are quite rare, since taking steroids is always temporary. During 4-6 weeks of a course of taking anabolic steroids, cholesterol levels do not lead to changes in the functioning of internal organs, and after completing the course, its level returns to its original value.

How to avoid?

  • Include omega-3 fatty acids in your diet

#6 – Cardiovascular disease

There is an opinion that taking steroids negatively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Most likely, this finding is related to their effect on cholesterol. In addition, taking these drugs leads to hypertrophy of the ventricles of the heart.

How to avoid?

  • Don't practice too long courses
  • Use aerobic exercise
  • Reduce your intake of animal fats

#7 - Baldness

This side effect can manifest itself if you have a genetic predisposition to it. For example, if no one in your family on the paternal or maternal side suffered from baldness, then most likely you have nothing to fear. Otherwise, this phenomenon is almost inevitable.

The main cause of baldness while taking steroids is the presence of

Are you wondering whether to take steroids? Read this article first. You will learn the consequences, harm and side effects of taking steroid drugs.

Are there safe steroids? This question worries many people involved in sports. Before we answer this, let’s find out what steroids are. In medicine, this term refers to a class of drugs that have high biological activity and are used to treat various diseases. Steroids are used to preserve male sexual characteristics in patients who have had testicular removal surgery; teenagers suffering from pituitary gland dysfunction; persons after severe operations and cancer that caused significant loss of muscle tissue. These drugs are also used for:

  • improving reproductive function,
  • activation of metabolism,
  • improving the functioning of the immune system,
  • stimulation of bone tissue formation,
  • treatment of inflammatory and other diseases,
  • gaining muscle mass (unfortunately, professional bodybuilding without steroids is now simply impossible).

Anabolic steroid

The term “anabolic” refers to agents that cause tissue growth. “Anabolism” refers directly to the growth of tissue, including muscle. Anabolic steroids (full name - anabolic androgenic steroids) - class synthetic drugs that mimic the effects of the hormone testosterone. Testosterone is produced in the body from cholesterol. It, like other steroid hormones, affects tissues. Testosterone enters the cell and attaches to a receptor that passes through the cell nucleus, activating protein synthesis. Increased protein synthesis leads to tissue growth, faster recovery of the body and accelerated recovery from illness and injury. In medicine, steroids are used under the close supervision of doctors in dosages that approximately correspond to the natural synthesis of hormones in the human body. In this case, one steroid drug is used during treatment. During steroid cycles, athletes usually take megadoses, sometimes tens or even hundreds of times higher than medical dosages. In addition, they often use several drugs at the same time. Most steroid users (especially beginners) receive instructions for use from sellers or friends, often without asking questions regarding the side effects of the drugs or the correct dosages. Many steroids available on the black market are of questionable quality and often contain only small amounts of the active substance. Some of them contained only water and dye, or just peanut butter. Read also:

Side effects of steroids

Steroids have many side effects. They may even contribute to the development of cancer. However, a large number of people ignore information about side effects, believing that only steroid abuse causes side effects. But that's not true. Any drug that alters the homeostasis (self-regulation) of the body can lead to undesirable consequences. Let's look at how steroids can affect each different part of the body.


Research has shown a relationship between high testosterone levels and violent behavior, which means that steroid users often engage in violent behavior. Often, steroids or the mention of them are a catalyst for aggressive behavior. People who use high dosages of drugs suffer from psychotic syndromes and high levels of anxiety. Other mental side effects include sleep disturbance, feelings of euphoria, high levels of paranoia, various stages of depression, etc. Some patients suffer from severe mood swings and personality changes. Many athletes become dependent on steroids.


The use of steroids leads to water retention in the body. This causes swelling, causing a person's face to become rounded and their cheeks to swell. Women may experience side effects such as bad breath, increased facial hair, and a hoarse or rough voice. Steroids also negatively affect the skin of the face and body, causing acne.


Long-term use of steroids can be harmful to the eyes. There are known cases of the development of eye infectious diseases, cataracts and glaucoma.


Male pattern baldness affects both men and women. This is due to the transformation of excess testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), leading to the degradation of hair follicles, which begin to produce very fine hair. With prolonged use of steroids, the follicles generally die. As a result, baldness occurs.


Cardiovascular pathologies are among the most serious side effects of steroids. However, drug users usually ignore worsening health conditions. This leads to very serious consequences. The use of steroids leads to an increase in the level of total cholesterol in the blood. Cholesterol accumulates on the walls of blood vessels, increasing the risk of stroke. Additionally, steroids have been shown to increase “bad” cholesterol and decrease “good” cholesterol. It is also possible to increase blood pressure and form blood clots, which impair blood flow and damage the heart muscle, leading to a heart attack.


When using steroids, stomach problems may occur, namely a feeling of fullness and nausea, sometimes causing vomiting of blood. In users of steroid medications, the production of stomach acids increases, the amount of stomach mucus decreases, and the stomach wall becomes irritated.


The kidneys are responsible for clearing the blood of “garbage” and regulating the water-salt balance. Another important function of the kidneys is regulating blood pressure. High blood pressure can also cause thickening of the walls and narrowing of blood vessels, which reduces the blood supply to the kidneys and impairs their filtration function. Kidney problems commonly occur with the use of oral steroids due to suppression of clotting factors and prolonged bleeding after injury. This paired organ experiences increased stress while taking steroid tablets, as it has to filter the blood more thoroughly. People taking steroids usually consume increased doses of protein, several times more than normal. When combined with heavy strength training, this can lead to the formation of kidney stones. Kidney stones block the urinary tract and cause problems with urination.


The liver is the largest organ in the body and is used to cleanse the blood of toxins and store certain nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. In addition, the liver plays an important role in the process of regulating protein, cholesterol and sugar levels. It produces bile, which helps digest food. It has been proven that the use of steroids can cause irreversible liver damage and even malignant tumors of this organ. Oral steroid medications impair the liver's metabolic function, reducing its ability to filter waste. Some counterfeit steroids contain viruses and bacteria that impair organ function. If the liver begins to filter blood poorly, hepatocellular jaundice may occur, a disease that causes yellowing of the skin and eyes.


Breast enlargement (gynecomastia) is a very common side effect of long-term courses of steroids or high-dose medications. With gynecomastia, there is an overgrowth of breast tissue, which manifests itself in the form of lumps under the nipples. Usually the pathology is eliminated through surgery. In women, the opposite effect is observed - the breasts may decrease in size. This photo shows a man with gynecomastia.


Steroid use in adolescents and men under 25 years of age who have not yet finished growing can result in growth cessation due to premature closure of the epiphyseal plates (also known as “growth plates”). Another possible side effect of steroids is bone pain.

Muscles and tendons

Steroid users may feel stronger than they actually are. They try to lift excessively heavy weights, which leads to muscle damage. In addition, muscles gain strength faster than tendons. This increases the risk of rupture of the latter.


Steroids can negatively impact pores and make the skin rough. Another side effect is oily skin with red spots and acne on the face and back. Due to rapid muscle growth and/or thinning of the skin, stretch marks occur. As mentioned above, steroids are bad for the liver, causing jaundice, which in turn leads to yellowing of the skin and eyes.

Immune system

Steroids can disrupt the immune system. Negative consequences are especially visible after stopping taking the drugs.


Edema is an accumulation of fluid in organs and extracellular spaces of the body. The most common side effect of this side effect is swollen fingers and ankles.


The prostate gland is a male organ that is located just below the bladder. The main function of the prostate is to produce prostatic fluid, a component of seminal fluid that improves sperm activity. Steroids are known to cause prostate enlargement. Because the prostate surrounds the bladder, changes in its size can interfere with urination. In addition, the growth of the gland can negatively affect sexual function. Also, steroid drugs can cause a decrease in the number of sperm in semen or an increase in the percentage of abnormal male germ cells.

Blood poisoning

Some people use unsterile syringes to inject steroids. This can cause blood poisoning and various infectious diseases. The injection site sometimes swells. Abscesses occur, requiring painful medical intervention.


As a result of steroid use, the testicles begin to produce less hormones. After stopping the course, it takes some time for the pituitary gland to again begin to send a signal to the testicles to resume the production of endogenous (own) testosterone in normal quantities. In case of high dosages or long-term use of steroids, the testicles may completely stop producing hormones or even atrophy. As a result, restoration of their function takes a long time. Impotence occurs after stopping the course, and long-term use of the drugs worsens erection. Read also:

Steroids for women - side effects

Many women use anabolic steroids to increase performance, improve muscle growth and strength. Most of the side effects of steroids in women are identical to those in men. But there are additional ones: facial hair growth, male pattern baldness, deepening of the voice, breast reduction and infertility. Also, anabolic steroids for women can cause menstrual irregularities and enlargement of the clitoris.
Thus, steroid use suppresses the body's natural production of hormones. The body tries to restore its normal hormonal levels, but disruption or increase in natural hormones leads to various physiological and mental disorders. Some people suffer from severe health problems due to steroids, while others experience minimal side effects. But eventually, serious side effects occur for all steroid users.
We will give advice to those who are using steroids or planning to do so to improve their appearance, satisfy their ego or make it easier to achieve their athletic goals. Stay away from steroids. With short-term use, minor side effects occur, but the positive effect is not impressive. People want more by continuing to take medications and increasing dosages. And this is already very dangerous for health.

Anabolic steroids are artificial male hormones, but even in medicine they are used extremely rarely (as they are extremely dangerous). Unfortunately, many guys sincerely believe in the legends about the impossibility of building muscle mass without the use of anabolic steroids. This myth is also supported by some coaches who are financially interested in selling “chemistry” to as many athletes as possible. Beginners who come to sign up for a gym often start with the question: “What steroids should I take?” And they are terribly surprised to learn that this is not necessary at all. Others simply confuse anabolic steroids with completely harmless protein powders and amino acids...

Forbidding you to take anabolic steroids is a stupid, pointless and thankless task: as a rule, it is the “forbidden fruit” that is sweet. The best thing is to tell them why they are dangerous. So, here is a kind of “rating” of side effects caused by taking anabolic steroids:

In 1994, tragic news spread throughout the bodybuilding world. "Mr. America" ​​Dennis Newman, a thriving 25-year-old athlete, fell ill with leukemia (blood cancer). He admitted to doctors that he was taking growth hormone, one of the strongest anabolic drugs, which was the cause of the disease. Also, a consequence of taking steroids are changes in the liver, suspected of cancer. After all, it is the liver and kidneys that are subjected to a powerful load when using “chemistry”. A US study found that the average age of steroid users who died from liver cancer was only 18 years!

Stomach pain

Anabolic steroid tablets cause stomach discomfort. Their use is accompanied by negative phenomena - loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, indigestion and heartburn. In addition, the balance of intestinal flora is disrupted, and a person is exposed to various gastrointestinal infections.


Many steroid users suffer from severe headaches. Doctors believe that migraine-like pain is based on a hormonal imbalance that occurs when taking steroids.

Sodium retention

Athletes taking steroids are weighed daily on bathroom scales. When they discover that their weight has increased, they begin to mistakenly think that muscles have begun to grow. In fact, the increase in body volume can be explained by water retention in the body. As a result, this leads to acute attacks of high blood pressure.


When using anabolic steroids, their concentration in the body goes off scale beyond the level of hormones that the skin can cope with - bacteria begin to multiply. When this is combined with increased sebaceous gland secretion (which is inevitable with steroid use), the situation becomes even more unfavorable.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Steroid use negatively impacts cholesterol levels and profiles: total cholesterol levels increase, high-density lipoprotein levels decrease, and low-density lipoprotein levels increase. All this can lead to complete blockage of blood vessels. A similar illness several years ago led to the death of Mr. Olympia contestant Mohammed Benaziza.


Bodybuilders who use anabolic steroids suffer from transient changes in libido. At the beginning of the steroid cycle, there is a slight increase in sexual desire, accompanied by an increase in the frequency and duration of erections. But this is only the beginning. With long-term use of steroids, the ability to achieve and maintain an erection inexorably declines.
The physiological basis of impotence when using synthetic hormones is a decrease in the production of endogenous testosterone. Often, impotence can progress even after stopping the steroid cycle, when testosterone is not supplied from the outside, and the own reproductive system has not yet restored the required level of androgens in the system.

Premature hair loss

Many people who resort to “chemistry” complain of noticeable thinning of the hair on their heads - this phenomenon can be observed in both women and men. This is probably why companies that implant artificial hair are so often advertised in bodybuilding magazines.

Suspension of growth

Young people using steroids risk not reaching their growth potential - doctors have discovered the ability of anabolic steroids to close the epiphyseal growth zones of tubular bones.

Immune suppression

After a cycle of steroids, there is an increased tendency to viral diseases, colds and even pneumonia. It has been proven that anabolic steroids greatly weaken the immune system. This negative effect is more pronounced in those whose cycle of taking “chemistry” was more than 10 weeks. Several years ago, the first European bodybuilding champion from the republics of the former USSR, 26-year-old Nikolai Shilo, died in Minsk. Newspapers wrote that the cause of his death was almost an ordinary scratch.

Well, are you still eager to “strengthen yourself” with anabolic steroids?..