Gynecological disease starting with the letter T.

(questions: 12)

Whether it's prescription drugs, illegal drugs, or over-the-counter drugs, if you become addicted, your life goes downhill and you drag those who love you down with you...

List of diseases – T

Disease- a process that occurs as a result of exposure of the body to a harmful (extraordinary) irritant, external or internal environment, characterized by a decrease in the adaptability of a living organism to external environment while simultaneously mobilizing its protective forces. The disease is manifested by an imbalance of the body with environment, expressed in the occurrence of adverse (inadequate) reactions, and in a person - a decrease in his ability to work during the illness.

Each disease is described in detail by our specialists in this section. medical portal EUROLAB – here you can find general information about each disease, find out about it reasons and characteristic external signs, learn how to recognize dangerous disease and what types of diagnostics And analyzes you should go through, you can familiarize yourself with stages of the disease, her consequences And complications on the body, methods treatment And prevention of this disease in general, you will find out when and which doctors you should contact, you will be able to read doctor consultations self-care, as well as yourself ask the doctor a question.

Adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma

Adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma is a tumor of CD4 lymphocytes caused by human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-I). Characterized by skin lesions and internal organs, resorption bone tissue and hypercalcemia. Atypical lymphocytes are found in the blood. Diseases are recorded mainly in the south of Japan, less often in...

Breech presentation of the fetus

Management of pregnancy and childbirth during breech presentation of the fetus requires deep knowledge and high professional excellence to provide qualified care to the patient and the fetus. The frequency of breech presentations has remained constant over the past few decades and averages 3-5%....


Thalassemias are a heterogeneous group of hemoglobinopathies, which are based on a decrease in the synthesis of polypeptide chains included in the structure normal hemoglobin A. Thalassemia is a target cell anemia with an abnormal ratio of HbA and HbF according to biochemical parameters; partial...


Thalassemia is a group of hereditary diseases manifested by a violation of the synthesis of any of the globin chains. With this form of pathology it is noted hypochromic anemia with normal or increased content serum iron. The disease in question was first described by American pediatricians in...

Parietal epilepsy in children

Parietal epilepsy belongs to a heterogeneous group of diseases in which the initial clinical and electrophysiological manifestations indicate a focal nature epileptic seizures and localization of the epileptogenic focus in parietal lobe due to its primary defeat. The occurrence of the disease can...


Tenosynovitis - degenerative or inflammatory lesion the middle part of the tendons, mainly those that are dressed in tendon sheaths and pass through narrow ligamentous canals. This occurs in the wrist and ankle areas. Usually all tissues in close contact are affected - tendons,...


Taeniosis (taeniosis, pork tapeworm, armed tapeworm; taeniasis solium - English, Schweinebandwurmkrankheit - German, taeniose - French) is a disease caused by a flat helminth related to taeniasis, characterized by damage to the small intestine. Taeniasis is more common in countries where pigs are raised. Hyperendemic zone of distribution...




Teratoblastoma (immature teratoma) refers to malignant neoplasms ovary. The tumor is extremely immature, differentiation is low. Immature teratoma is much less common than mature teratoma. The tumor tends to rapid growth and can reach significant sizes. On microscopic examination...


Mature teratoma belongs to germ cell tumors. Depending on tissue differentiation, teratomas are divided into mature (dermoid cyst) and immature (teratoblastoma). Mature teratoma is divided into solid (without cysts) and cystic (dermoid cyst). There are also monodermal (highly specialized) teratomas - struma...

Thermal burns

Thermal burns are burns from flame, hot steam, hot or burning liquid, boiling water, from contact with hot objects, sunburn.

Tics in children

Tics in children are repeated, unexpected, stereotyped movements (motor tics) or utterances (vocal tics). They are voluntary or partially voluntary, acting as a response to a preliminary stimulus. Simple motor tics in children include blinking, grimacing or twitching. TO...

Tic disorders

Tics - involuntary, unexpected, repetitive, recurrent, non-rhythmic, stereotyped motor movements or vocalization. Both motor and vocal tics can be classified as simple or complex. Common simple motor tics include blinking, neck jerking, nose twitching...


Cellular elements of the brain and cortical layers, as well as the stroma, can become a source of various tumors. These tumors, according to most authors, are often located in the anterosuperior mediastinum and are known as thymomas. The term “thymoma”, proposed by Grandhomeme back in 1900, unites all types...


Tympanosclerosis [anat. (membrana) tympani eardrum+ sclerosis; synonym: pseudootosclerosis, sclerootitis] - a disease characterized by the proliferation connective tissue in the mucous membrane of the middle ear, followed by hyalinosis, calcification and ossification, which leads to damage to the sound-conducting apparatus of the ear...


Tympanosclerosis - quite rare disease middle ear, which consists in the formation of peculiar plaques that impede the conduction of sound in the same way as with adhesive otitis media. Unlike the last one inflammatory diseases There is no history of ear.

Thyrotoxicosis (hyperthyroidism)

The term "thyrotoxicosis" is a condition in which the body has, for some reason, too much large number hormones thyroid gland(thyroid). Most often, this condition is observed with a general increase in the activity of the entire thyroid gland. It never arises on its own, but is a “collateral...

Thyrotoxicosis in pregnant women

Thyrotoxicosis syndrome is a collective concept that includes conditions that occur with clinical picture caused by excess levels of thyroid hormones in the blood. The term "thyrotoxicosis" means pathological condition, caused by a persistent increase in the level of free thyroid hormones in...

Thyrotoxic crisis (thyroid crisis)

Thyrotoxic crisis ( thyroid crisis) is a rare urgent complication of hyperthyroidism, in which the manifestations of thyrotoxicosis increase to a life-threatening degree. Thyrotoxic crisis is most often observed in patients with moderate to severe pre-existing Graves' disease and usually...


Tyrosinemia is a disease characterized by a deficiency of the enzymes tyrosine aminotransferase, 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase or fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase in the body. But only if there is a lack of tyrosine aminotransferase in the body (which means tyrosinemia type II), the clinical picture of the disease depends on a high level...


Tyrosinosis is hereditary disease, caused by a violation of tyrosine metabolism (necessary for the life of the human body and animals, since it is part of protein molecules and enzymes), manifested by severe damage to the liver and kidneys.

Toxicallergic lesions of the oral cavity

Toxicoderma Toxicoderma is damage to the skin and mucous membranes that occurs as a result of exposure to various chemicals entering the body. The term "toxicoderma" is conditional, since these lesions are not only toxic, but also allergic in nature. In this regard, along with...

Toxic hepatopathy

Toxic nephropathy

Specific kidney damage is identified in acute exotoxicosis. It is associated with poisoning with nephrotoxic substances: ethylene glycol, oxalic acid, mercury, chromium, lead, arsenic. Toxic nephropathy occurs when poisoning with hemolytic substances ( acetic acid, arsenous hydrogen, copper...

Toxic stomatitis when using acrylic dentures

Toxic reactions to acrylic dentures are largely determined physical and chemical composition, structure, mechanical properties and processes of destruction of acrylic plastic copolymers. This is their potential danger for a person. Acrylic plastic, in addition to monomer and polymer, contains various additives...

Toxic stomatitis when using metal dentures

Toxic stomatitis is a disease caused by the action of “heavy” metals entering saliva as a result of electrochemical processes between metal prostheses. From a chemistry course we know that “heavy” metals are metals with high atomic mass. As you increase atomic mass their content in...

Toxic damage to the nervous system

At acute poisoning chemicals Various violations are observed from nervous system: stupor, doubtfulness, coma, asthenic state, encephalopathy, psychomotor agitation, acute intoxication psychoses (delirium), toxic polyneuritis.

Toxocariasis in children


If you are interested in any other groups of human diseases or have any other questions or suggestions, write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

A-Z A B C D E F G H I J J J K L M N O P R S T U V X C CH W W E Y Z All sections Hereditary diseases Emergency conditions Eye diseases Childhood diseases Male diseases Sexually transmitted diseases Women's diseases Skin diseases Infectious diseases Nervous diseases Rheumatic diseases Urological diseases Endocrine diseases Immune diseases Allergic diseases Oncological diseases Diseases of veins and lymph nodes Hair diseases Dental diseases Blood diseases Breast diseases Diseases of the respiratory tract and injuries Diseases of the respiratory system Diseases of the digestive system Diseases of the heart and blood vessels Diseases of the large intestine Diseases of the ear, nose and throat Drug problems Mental disorders Speech disorders Cosmetic problems Aesthetic problems

Grace and beauty cannot be separated from health.
Cicero Marcus Tullius

The Medical Directory of Diseases that you see in front of you is an electronic encyclopedia containing the most complete updated information about various diseases person.

Medical Directory of Diseases includes detailed description more than 4000 nosological units. It reflects both the most “popular”, common diseases, and those about which systematic information is not presented in almost any online publication.

The structure of the medical reference book is built in such a way that you can find the disease of interest in the alphabetical rubricator, the corresponding section, or through the search bar. A description of each disease contains short definition, classification, information about the causes and mechanisms of development, symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment, prevention and prognosis. Such a clear unification of articles, according to the authors of the online publication, will allow the reader of the medical reference book of diseases to get the maximum comprehensive information, on the one hand, and not “get lost in the wilds of medical labyrinths” - on the other.

Today, the content of the medical directory of diseases consists of 30 independent sections, two of which (“Aesthetic problems” and “Cosmetic problems”) are related to the field of Beauty, and the rest represent Medicine itself. This close symbiosis of aesthetics and health gave the name to the entire site - “Beauty and Medicine”.

On the pages of the medical directory of diseases you can get comprehensive information about women's, nervous, children's, skin, venereal, infectious, urological, systemic, endocrine, cardiovascular, ophthalmic, dental, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, and ENT diseases. Each section of the medical directory of diseases corresponds to a specific clinical area (for example, Women's diseases - Gynecology, Children's diseases - Pediatrics, Dental diseases - Dentistry, Aesthetic problems - Plastic surgery, Cosmetic problems - Cosmetology, etc.), which allows the user to move from a description of the disease to information about diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

Articles posted in the medical directory of diseases are written by practitioners medical specialists and are thoroughly pre-checked before publication. All reviews are written in accessible popular science language that does not distort reliable information, but also not allowing it to descend to the level of populism. The Medical Directory of Diseases is added and updated daily, so you can be sure that you are receiving the most reliable and up-to-date information from the world of medicine.

The universality of the medical directory of diseases lies in the fact that it will be useful to a wide range of Internet users who are faced with a particular health problem. A medical reference book of diseases is a doctor who is always at your fingertips! At the same time, we draw your attention to the fact that the information presented here is for informational purposes only, does not replace an in-person consultation with a specialist doctor and cannot be used for self-diagnosis and independent treatment.

“Praemonitus praemunitus” - “Forewarned is forearmed,” the ancients said. Today this winged Latin saying could not be more relevant: everyone needs to take care of themselves and their health. Health is the only timeless fashion and the greatest luxury, which is incommensurable with any earthly blessings. To be healthy means to be successful, to experience the happiness of motherhood and fatherhood, and to live a long and active life.

Health and beauty are inseparable; Moreover, beauty is a reflection of the healthy state of the body. After all, in order to have perfect skin, slim figure, luxurious hair First of all, you need to take care of your physical and mental health.

We hope that medical directory diseases will become for you a reliable and understandable guide to to the vast world medicine.

Health to you and your loved ones!
Best regards, K team

Female pelvis Pelvis adult woman consists of four bones: two innominate, one sacral and one coccygeal, firmly attached to each other... Tenosynovitis crepitus Tenosynovitis crepitus is an inflammation of the tendon sheaths as a result excessive load on the tendons - permanent or... Thyroiditis: Purulent thyroiditis Purulent thyroiditis is a rare disease caused bacterial infection, streptococci, staphylococci. Characterized by pain, swelling,... Thyroiditis: Subacute thyroiditis Subacute thyroiditis - caused by viruses, can be acute, chronic, recurrent. Symptoms and course: Pain in the gland area,... Thyrotoxicosis Thyrotoxicosis is a syndrome (complex specific signs), which is observed in diseases of the thyroid gland and is characterized... TOD: Bronchoadenitis Bronchoadenitis is a lesion by Koch bacteria (KB) of the intrathoracic lymph nodes and adjacent bronchi (primary tuberculosis... TOD: Bronchial tuberculosis Bronchial tuberculosis - can occur in the form of infiltration, ulcers, fistulas and scars. Clinically, its signs are a hacking dry cough, pain... TOD: Hematogenously disseminated tuberculosis Hematogenously disseminated tuberculosis - occurs as a result of contamination of the lungs with mycobacteria that have spread through the blood vessels... TOD: Infiltrative-pneumonic tuberculosis Infiltrative-pneumonic tuberculosis - usually develops with exacerbation focal tuberculosis, mainly due to inflammation... TOD: Cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis Cavernous tuberculosis lungs - occurs with progression various forms pulmonary tuberculosis. In this case, softening and subsequent... TOD: Miliary tuberculosis Miliary tuberculosis develops when a large number of Koch bacilli enter the blood and they inoculate not only the lungs, but also... TOD: Focal tuberculosis Focal tuberculosis is the initial and most common common form of lung damage. It accounts for 50-60% of newly diagnosed... TOD: Primary tuberculosis complex Primary tuberculosis complex - characterized by a more or less voluminous focus of inflammation of the lungs, usually in its upper parts. At the same time... TOD: Tuberculous pleurisy Tuberculous pleurisy (inflammation of the membranes of the lung). It occurs at all ages and corresponds to various forms of pulmonary tuberculosis and... TOD: Curdled pneumonia Curdled pneumonia is an extremely severe form of complication of the primary tuberculosis complex, in which disintegration occurs lung tissue in... TOD: Pulmonary tuberculoma Pulmonary tuberculoma is a unique form of the process, characterized by the presence in the lungs of a rounded focus limited from the surrounding tissue... TOD: Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis - previously called pulmonary consumption, occurs with the progression of various forms of tuberculosis. Symptoms and... TOD: Tuberculous pulmonary cirrhosis Tuberculous pulmonary cirrhosis is a long-term disease. Can be one-sided or two-sided. In both cases... Toxic syndrome Toxic syndrome is a pathological condition that develops in children in response to exposure to external agents or those formed in... Trauma Damage, or trauma, is the effect on the body of external agents (mechanical, thermal, chemical, electrical, radiation,... Eye injuries, orbital injuries eyeball Injuries of the eyeball - distinguish between non-penetrating and penetrating wounds. Non-penetrating injuries: corneal erosion,... Brain injuries Brain injuries are mechanical damage to the brain resulting from a blow to the head or to the head. Symptoms and... Trachoma Trachoma is an infectious keratoconjunctivitis characterized by chronic inflammation mucous membrane of the eyes with growth in it... Tertiary syphilis Single large nodes appear on the skin up to walnut or even chicken egg(gummas) and smaller ones (tubercles), located,... Anal fissure Cracks anus- occur with constipation and cause severe pain during bowel movements, sometimes even outside of it. The location of the cracks is usually... Nipple cracks Nipple cracks are formed as a result of insufficiently good preparation of the mammary glands during pregnancy, improper feeding techniques,... Trichomoniasis Trichomoniasis is a widespread disease fatally accompanied by various misunderstandings. Start with the name - for some reason... Thrombophlebitis Thrombophlebitis is an inflammation of the walls of the veins with the formation of a blood clot in them. There is phlebitis, in which the walls of the veins are inflamed, but thrombosis... Toilet of newborns Asepsis and impeccable personal hygiene of the newborn and mother are the basic principles that staff must follow maternity hospital, especially... Tuberculosis New discoveries in the genetics of tuberculosis More recently, American scientists from the University of Texas have established the exact reason that... Respiratory tuberculosis (general characteristics) Main pathological process tuberculosis - inflammation, which consists in the formation of a tuberculous granuloma, or tubercle (infiltrate).... Tularemia Tularemia is a zoonotic infection that has a natural focality. Characterized by intoxication, fever, damage to the lymph nodes....