Psychology of diseases: Rheumatoid arthritis. Deadly emotions and the subconscious: psychosomatics of rheumatoid arthritis and arthrosis

Physical health the human body is directly related to psychological state. The science that studies such connections is called psychosomatics. Scientists have long proven the relationship between a disease arising from mental disorder and the internal state of a person. Arthrosis and arthritis are the most common joint diseases that can develop in both older people and young children. What is psychosomatic arthritis and how are these concepts related?

Arthritis and its features

A fairly common inflammatory disease of all joints of the body, it can affect them simultaneously or only one, for example, the knee joint. When pressing directly on the disturbing area, a person experiences pain that does not go away even during rest. At the site of inflammation, swelling appears on the skin and a slight local increase in body temperature.

What can be said about the mental and emotional threshold of such patients? They often hide their emotions and feelings very well, are withdrawn and rarely ask for help.

A person with arthritis has the following qualities:

  • He is very cruel to himself, but in the family he tries to be gentle and quietly subjugate those close to him to his will. Thus, he simply drives himself into a frenzy in order to achieve the fulfillment of his goals and desires.
  • Women imitate male behavior and become tough and strong. Such people lose the line between “good” and “bad.”
  • Before making a decision, they weigh everything; spontaneity has no place in their life.
  • In childhood (perhaps due to the tyranny of their parents), such people were deeply immersed in their emotions and hid their emotions. Therefore, even as an adult, I never learned to express and show my feelings.

Lots of problems mental nature that appear in adults is the fault of the parents. An incorrect approach to education leaves an indelible mark on a person’s entire subsequent life. Containing any emotions leads to their accumulation and ultimately to the development of this disease.

When diagnosing arthritis, it is almost certain that the patient is experiencing an internal conflict with his ego.

The disease occurs in people who cannot clearly say what they want. They are unable to relax, but can only burden themselves and create many problems.

Doctors say that if there are problems with the joints, a person experiences doubts and fear regarding his failures. If you are unable to convince yourself otherwise on your own, seek help from a psychologist; medications are unlikely to help in this case.

Psychosomatics of the disease

Unfortunately, arthritis is a serious matter; all human joints are affected by the disease. Let's look at them separately and figure out which ones exist mental problems in one or another part of the body.

Psychosomatic causes of arthritis of the fingers may be:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis. Its psychological causes: a person takes on too much. There is an unbearable load or burden, a feeling of burden, anger at oneself. To get out this state, you need to understand that the strength is you, you need to believe in yourself, appreciate and, most importantly, approve.
  • Psychologist Louise Hay believes that a person, experiencing emotions of condemnation towards himself, a desire to be punished, sacrifice, guilt or other negative manifestations of feelings towards himself, provokes the development of this disease. This problem can be solved; to do this, you should repeat and deeply believe in the words of self-love. It is important to understand that love passes through you and fills you completely.
  • Psychosomatics of arthritis - speaks of a lack of love both for oneself and for people in general. The feeling of “lack of love”, intimacy and self-resentment prevails. It is important to heal by recognizing that you are the source of boundless love. You need to treat other people around you with love and bring peace.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis according to Liz Burbo. The psychologist claims that a person suffering from this disease is very unhappy in his emotions, he is secretive and very strict towards himself. It is difficult for him to express his emotions, desires, and even during difficulties or troubles, turn to other people for help. Such a person believes that those around him know about his needs and should independently offer help in this or that problem. But if expectations are not met, a person withdraws into himself, accumulating resentment, anger and even revenge.

Arthrosis and its features

Arthrosis - chronic disease joints, but has some differences from arthritis. It's all about the inflammatory process, which in this case absent. The joints are bothered by unpleasant pain in the morning; it takes time for them to “warm up” and begin to function normally. The structure of the joint itself changes, it becomes deformed, but this process proceeds very slowly and drags on for a long time.

In terms of mental state These diseases are very similar, but with arthrosis a person experiences negative emotions towards others, and not towards himself. The main reason is the lack of pleasant and kind feelings towards the people nearby.

Such a person is very vulnerable and writes off all life’s mistakes as failures. He shifts responsibility for his actions onto the shoulders of other people, while he himself complains about those around him.

The main reasons for the development lie in frequent nervous tension, depression and frequent stressful situations. In case of shortage joint fluid The cartilage begins to wear away, and arthrosis occurs.

A person who is sick with arthrosis is often very sweet and kind to others, but in the middle he seethes with indignation and negative emotions. A person simply cannot cope with an overabundance of emotional sensations and cannot throw them out in a timely manner.

The patient has the following qualities:

  • What a person holds back in himself leads to the release of stress hormones into the blood. They are the ones who reduce production hyaluronic acid in the joints.
  • When unstable nervous system the muscles are in constant tone. This condition is very harmful to the diseased joint. In this case, pinched joints begin to change their shape and therefore function incorrectly.
  • The disease is also found in emotionally tired people, where any feelings simply do not manifest themselves.

It is very important to pay attention to your mental and emotional state. If necessary, do not be afraid to seek help from a specialist. It is the doctor who will help you deal with current problems.

Psychosomatic component

Psychology is one of the popular branches of our time; it is what “straightens” the brains of sick people and leads to recovery normal condition. The World Health Organization claims that almost every person who has arthrosis as a disease or “state of mind” will eventually be registered with a somatic doctor.

Psychosomatic arthrosis directly depends on the human psyche; here are the most important diagnostic reasons:

  • Trauma to the mental state.
  • Systematic stress, nervous system disorders.
  • Suppression or suppression of negative emotions such as anger, anger, resentment.
  • Difficult stressful situations.

It happens that people are unable to get out of constant mental tension; they become isolated and think only about their experiences. If normal person with healthy psyche tries to get out of an unpleasant situation, avoid it or forget it faster, then the sick person will constantly torment himself.

Of course, these torments do not go away; on the contrary, they accumulate inside, over time manifesting themselves in the form of diseases, in our case it is arthrosis or arthritis. However, medical research claims that not every manifestation of the disease indicates problems with a person’s mental state.

It is important to know the symptoms of a psychosomatic disorder:

  • Long-term therapeutic treatment does not bring the desired relief.
  • State of health and general well-being in better side does not change, but if a person has gone through severe stress or encountered problems, the manifestations of the disease become more pronounced.

How to help yourself?

It is important to understand that if you have arthritis or arthrosis, then you should think about what you are doing wrong and what you feel most often at such moments. Ask for help, be more welcoming and open. If you often infringe on yourself in some way, considering your desires to be a manifestation of selfishness, think carefully about whether this is really so. Refuse whenever you don’t like an activity, don’t be afraid to be a traitor in the eyes of others or yourself. And if you take on something, be cheerful and do the work with joy.

Psychological reasons arthritis and arthrosis lie deep in our experiences, in our head and our subconscious. It is very difficult to identify this or that problem on your own. But even if you find a problem in yourself, getting rid of it is not always easy. In such cases, only specialists can help you: psychologists, psychotherapists, everyone who works in this field.

Give yourself more freedom, love and appreciate yourself. Remember, you are an individual and there is no one else like you! Internal criticism is very tiring and frightening, living with it is difficult and not a joy, so annoy yourself less and enjoy the simple little things in life more.

Satisfying your desires is not a terrible sin for which you should punish yourself. On the contrary, this is the meaning of our lives, we are all unique and special. Our aspirations are different from the aspirations of others; we cannot always be understood, but we can always try to understand those around us. Our weakness is our strength!

Bodo Baginski and Sharamon Shalila in their book “Reiki - the Universal Energy of Life” write: This symptom indicates a person who, as if under duress, demonstrates hyper-moral and hyper-conscientious behavior, from which one can also conclude that he is stubborn and stupidly constant in your beliefs.

Usually there is also a tendency to sacrifice oneself, which, however, actually hides aggression repressed into the subconscious, which is not even admitted to oneself: “Others must finally understand how hard it is for me.

"Although self-sacrifice is commendable, finally, take an honest look at your intrinsic motivation. Does it truly reflect selfless love for others? Do you give others freedom of action, do you allow them to live their own life? own life? And there should be no compulsion in your mind either.

Love, forgiveness, freedom and harmony are virtues that are especially important to you. Be open to them.

Dr. Luule Viilma in his book “Psychological Causes of Diseases” writes: Deforming polyarthritis with progressive destruction bone tissue in children: Shame and anger against the husband’s infidelity, inability to forgive the betrayal.

Arthrosis and its features

Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says “Love Yourself.” "" writes: There are great similarities between arthritis and arthrosis, although with arthrosis a person experiences anger and malice mainly towards some other person, and with arthritis - towards himself.

A patient with arthrosis does not take responsibility for his misfortunes, preferring to blame other people for them. He is consumed by a feeling of injustice.

He should treat others with love and compassion and be more enthusiastic.

READ ALSO: Chronic arthritis - symptoms and treatment

Arthrosis is a chronic joint disease, but has some differences from arthritis. It's all about the inflammatory process, which is absent in this case.

The joints are bothered by unpleasant pain in the morning; it takes time for them to “warm up” and begin to function normally. The structure of the joint itself changes, it becomes deformed, but this process proceeds very slowly and drags on for a long time.

In terms of mental state, these diseases are very similar, but with arthrosis a person experiences negative emotions towards others, and not towards himself. The main reason is the lack of pleasant and kind feelings towards the people nearby.

Such a person is very vulnerable and writes off all life’s mistakes as failures. He shifts responsibility for his actions onto the shoulders of other people, while he himself complains about those around him.


Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says “Love Yourself.” "" writes: Gout is a metabolic disorder characterized by an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood and the deposition of its salts in the joints and kidneys.

This disease affects mainly men, and salts are most often deposited in thumbs legs, knees or feet. Emotional blockage: If affected thumb legs, gout is a sign that a person wants to rule, but does not give himself such a right.

Very often such a person seems to have no power at all, but only because his power manifests itself in a roundabout way. Gout can indicate a lack of flexibility and even stubbornness in relation to the future, as well as an aversion to someone or something.

Mental blockage: This disease, which is considered a type of arthritis, tells you to relax, become yourself and allow yourself to be bossy at least sometimes. You don't have to pretend all the time.

Arthritis is a disease that affects the joints and causes inflammatory process. The number of arthritis patients is growing every year. The saddest thing is that children also suffer from it.

Medicine does not stand still and offers many drugs and treatment options for arthritis, but the only effective remedy it hasn't been found yet. Just as the exact causes of this disease have not been established. The main factor of the disease is considered physiological changes in the body. But these are only assumptions that have not been proven by science.

Majority modern doctors, psychologists are confident that psychological problems the occurrence and development of arthritis can be put on a par with physiological ones.

Psychosomatics is a direction in psychology and medicine that studies the influence of psychological factors on the development of diseases.

Peculiarities psychosomatic arthritis factors

Being prone to arthritis doesn't happen overnight. This is influenced by a combination of habits and situations throughout life.

  1. Genetic characteristics of physiology and psyche (heredity).
  2. Habits that have been formed throughout life.
  3. High or low self-esteem of a person.
  4. Manifestation of character and behavioral traits in different situations.
  5. Features of the manifestation of different emotions.

Signs of presence psychological disease factors

In what situations is it worth thinking about the fact that the cause should be sought in psychosomatics, and not in physiological deviations?

  • Treatment of arthritis using medicines throughout long period does not give any effect.
  • Health or well-being is not deteriorating, but there are no changes for the better. This can happen if there were stress or serious problems during treatment.

Character and psychological characteristics as a reason diseases

According to psychologists, a person’s character, his manner of communication and relationships with other people can tell about his susceptibility to arthritis. People with what character are most susceptible to illness?

  1. Those who like to control the activities of their relatives, especially children, place great demands on them and make many claims. Often dissatisfied with the work done.
  2. Those who take everything into their own hands in the family, try to become the boss, and lead in everything, are more often susceptible to illness.
  3. Such people try to dominate the lives of others and control everything. But at the same time there is a desire to be in demand and benefit society.
  4. They do not think that they have taken on much in order to control other people. They claim that their loved ones blamed all their difficulties on them.
  5. Women try to be strong and courageous. Characteristic for them male type behavior.
  6. People prone to arthritis should never take spontaneous decisions. They think through everything carefully and weigh it.
  7. They become leaders in the family, trying to impart their lifestyle to their other half. The latter are often flexible, calm people with a balanced character.
  8. A psychosomatic impetus for the manifestation of arthritis can also be the constant fear that what was planned will not work out, that the set goal will not be achieved.

Without knowing it, the first signs of arthritis are laid down by parents, because the psychosomatics of this disease goes deep into childhood. Children who would suffer from arthritis in the future were unable to fully express their emotions because they were immediately suppressed by their parents. They only wanted to see the right child with perfect discipline.

At the same time, parents want to protect their child from negative influence world, but this only leads to the fact that such children are not ready for adult problems. They are dissatisfied with themselves and with what surrounds them.

Psychosomatics of knee arthritis

Thus, psychologists together with doctors characterized the psychosomatics of the development of arthritis using the example of those people in whom it manifests itself in knee joints. They claim that swelling of the knees due to arthritis is associated with constant stressful situations, sadness. In the case of accumulation of blood in the joints due to arthritis, we can talk about the patient’s cruelty and vindictiveness.

When you experience a crunch or creaking in your knees, you should reconsider your desire to please everyone, to be good for everyone. Such people live in the past for too long, without paying enough attention to the present. If all the signs of the disease are accompanied by clicking in the knee joints, then the patient often hides his emotions and tries to dull anger and sadness in any situation.

Thus, it is the condition and health of a person’s joints that indicates how quickly he can adapt to different situations. Are you ready to compromise or give in? How he moves through life and what he is ready for for himself and those around him.

It is very important to promptly identify the psychosomatics of arthritis and correct it.

Advanced situations of the disease can provoke the development of hernias, metabolic disorders, and problems with the spine. In the worst cases, malignant formations are possible.

Psychosomatics. 6 facts about the causes of arthritis from Liz Burbo

Liz Burbo - famous psychologist, who studies the concept of psychosomatics. He believes that if people do not see and correct their mistakes for a long time, then the body begins to signal this at a physiological level.

  1. The psychosomatics of arthritis indicate serious problems with a person’s emotionality, mentality and spiritual world.
  2. Arthritis occurs in people who are too demanding not only of others, but also of themselves. They constantly overwhelm themselves with work or create problems for themselves.
  3. Such people do not want to ask others for help. In their opinion, those around them should offer it themselves. When this does not happen, the person is disappointed in everything and everyone. Often it is those with arthritis who seem nice, calm, and friendly to others. But, in fact, they only suppress their anger and their discontent.
  4. Their main mistake is the accumulation and keeping of emotions within themselves. Stimulate the disease and negative emotions, which suppress a person, his internal state.
  5. Most people prone to this disease are filled with anger because they are not understood. They are helpless, the desire to take revenge on others does not leave them.
  6. Liz Burbo believes that the occurrence of arthritis can indicate the most problematic area. The area of ​​life that needs to be changed depends on the location of the disease.

Psychosomatics: preventive measures for the disease

In this case, the phrase: “It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it” is perfect. If you review your life in a timely manner, you can prevent many illnesses.

These tips can be used only for the purpose of preventing the disease or as an auxiliary psychological therapy during the main treatment.

It is not necessary to define all of the above as main reason the occurrence and development of arthritis. It doesn't apply to everyone. This is just one of the possible factors that you should pay attention to in time.

Physical blocking

This is a chronic joint disease that differs from arthritis in that it is not inflammatory. People suffering from arthrosis suffer the most in the morning after waking up. It takes them some time to bring the diseased joint into action. A joint affected by arthrosis loses mobility and may crack during movement.
Emotional blockage

There are great similarities between arthritis and arthrosis, although with arthrosis a person experiences anger and anger mainly towards some other person, and with arthritis - towards himself. A patient with arthrosis does not take responsibility for his misfortunes, preferring to blame other people for them. He is consumed by a feeling of injustice. He should treat others with love and compassion and be more enthusiastic. See also ARTHRITIS.

This rheumatic disease joints having inflammatory nature and accompanied by everyone characteristic features inflammation (swelling, redness, temperature, pain), which can occur in one or more joints. With arthritis, pain is felt both during movement and at rest, so the patient suffers both day and night. So, if you experience joint pain and inflammation at night, it's most likely arthritis. This disease reduces joint mobility, significantly limiting the patient's physical capabilities.
Emotional blockage

In medicine, there are several types of arthritis. The severity of this disease indicates the severity of the emotional, mental and spiritual blockages.

As a rule, arthritis occurs in a person who is too strict with himself, does not allow himself to stop or relax, and does not know how to express his desires and needs. He believes that others know him well enough to offer him everything he may need. When others do not meet his expectations, he experiences disappointment, bitterness and resentment. He may also have a desire for revenge, although he feels powerless to do anything. This makes him angry, which he hides deep inside. Such a person has a very well developed “inner critic”.

The place where arthritis occurs indicates the area of ​​life in which the source of all problems should be sought. So, if arthritis affects the joints of the hands, a person should reconsider his attitude to what he does with his hands. If he needs help, he should ask for it, and not wait for others to read his mind or guess that he needs help.

People suffering from arthritis usually appear very submissive and quiet, but in reality they suppress the anger that they really want to express. Emotions are paralyzing, just like arthritis. A person with arthritis must stop accumulating these paralyzing emotions.
Mental block

If you suffer from arthritis, think about why it is so difficult for you to express your needs and desires. Perhaps it seems to you that if you satisfy your desires, you will not be able to stop in time and will turn into an egoist. Check it out and you will see that you were wrong. Also, check your definition of the word egoist. Allow yourself to say “no” when you don’t want to do something, but if you decide to do something, do it with pleasure and don’t criticize yourself.

If you don't give yourself a break because you want to gain recognition, recognize this and understand that you are doing it for yourself, and not because someone is forcing you. Give yourself the right to seek recognition from others by helping them, working for their benefit. If you work with joy and pleasure, and not under the pressure of internal criticism, life will seem more pleasant to you, you will become more flexible and energetic. See also the article on inflammatory diseases.

If you recognize yourself in the description and want to change something, you urgently need to learn two things:

1. Learn the following text by heart and repeat it all the time until you learn to use the results of these new beliefs:

  • I have a right to needs. I am, and I am I.
  • I have the right to need and satisfy needs.
  • I have the right to ask for satisfaction, the right to achieve what I need.
  • I have the right to crave love and love others.
  • I have the right to a decent organization of life.
  • I have the right to express dissatisfaction.
  • I have the right to regret and sympathy.
  • right of birth.
  • I may get rejected. I may be alone.
  • I'll take care of myself anyway.

I would like to draw the attention of my readers to the fact that the task of “learning a text” is not an end in itself. Autotraining by itself will not give any lasting results. It is important to live, feel, and find confirmation of it in life. It is important that a person wants to believe that the world can be arranged somehow differently, and not just the way he is used to imagining it. That how he lives this life depends on himself, on his ideas about the world and about himself in this world. And these phrases are just a reason for thought, reflection and search for your own, new “truths”.

2. Learn to direct aggression towards the person to whom it is actually addressed.

...then it will be possible to experience and express warm feelings to people. Realize that anger is not destructive and can be expressed.






    Psychosomatic diseases (it will be more correct) are those disorders in our body that are based on psychological causes. psychological reasons are our reactions to traumatic (difficult) life events, our thoughts, feelings, emotions that do not find timely, correct expression for a particular person.

    Mental defenses are triggered, we forget about this event after a while, and sometimes instantly, but the body and the unconscious part of the psyche remember everything and send us signals in the form of disorders and diseases

    Sometimes the call may be to respond to some events from the past, to bring “buried” feelings out, or the symptom simply symbolizes what we forbid ourselves.


    The negative impact of stress on human body, and especially distress, is colossal. Stress and the likelihood of developing diseases are closely related. Suffice it to say that stress can reduce immunity by approximately 70%. Obviously, such a decrease in immunity can result in anything. And it’s also good if it’s simple colds, and what about cancer or asthma, the treatment of which is already extremely difficult?

“A crime against society is punishable by prison.
Crime against oneself is punishable by illness."
Pavel Paley

Arthritis(not to be confused with arthrosis), such as rheumatoid, reactive, psoriatic and some others, belong to a group of diseases that last for years, are very difficult to treat and are extremely exhausting for the patient.

Not only does most arthritis cause inflammation of the joints, accompanied by swelling, redness and severe pain, which do not go away even at rest (and sometimes get worse at night). But the most important thing is that the changes that occur in the body with some arthritis negatively affect not only the joints themselves, they often give complications to internal organs: heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, lungs, etc. Such complications can in some cases even be quite serious threat for the life of the patient.

Most types of arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis in particular, are classified as autoimmune diseases. That is, regardless of the “starting circumstances” that provoked the onset of the disease, in rheumatoid arthritis Always the immune system fails.

As a result of this failure immune cells-lymphocytes, which are supposed to recognize and destroy strangers invading the body (bacteria, viruses, etc.), for some reason “go off course” and perceive the cells of their own body as enemies. They attack their own joints as if they recognized foreign agents in the joint cells (in particular, they secrete special substances - inflammatory mediators that penetrate the attacked joint and cause the death of many of its cells). And they continue to do this for years - even when there is no foreign material not in the joints.

All this is very reminiscent of the times Stalin's repressions, when state security agencies, instead of destroying enemy agents and spies, declared their own innocent fellow citizens enemies of the people and destroyed them in unimaginable quantities. The same thing is done within the body by the immune cells of a person suffering from rheumatoid arthritis in relation to the cells of their native joints.

The reasons why protective cells suddenly begin to regard the cells of their native organism as strangers may be different. Sometimes autoimmune aggression can be triggered by some kind of infectious disease or hidden indolent infection. Let's say that in approximately 40% of cases this disease is preceded by an acute respiratory disease(acute respiratory infections), flu, sore throat or exacerbation of chronic infectious diseases. As shown latest research, after past infections Individual microbes or viruses, or more often their particles, may remain inside diseased joints, to which immune cell receptors react so aggressively.

Occasionally, the onset of the disease is provoked by injury or severe hypothermia - long-term or one-time.

But much more often, arthritis develops as a result of severe emotional shock or against the background of severe stress. In at least half of my patients, the disease began after painful blows of fate: dismissal from work, divorce, loss of loved ones, etc., especially if these blows of fate were preceded by many years of exhausting experiences.

Or if shocks are superimposed on certain character traits.

Most clinicians have long recognized, to one degree or another, the role of emotions in the development of arthritis. Back in the first half of the twentieth century. American researchers A. Johnson, L. Shapiro and F. Alexander, in the course of numerous studies, identified character traits that are most often found in “arthritic” patients.According to the observations of these researchers, the greatest risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis exists in women (men, as is known, get sick 4-5 times less often) who had at least one parent who was too demanding and too strict. As a result, American researchers believe, long-term parental pressure over time leads to a change in character, the emergence of the habit of deeply hiding one’s emotions and masking one’s irritation.From the above it follows key feature character, which, according to American researchers, increases the risk of developing arthritis - excessive emotional restraint, the habit of always keeping one’s experiences under control and hiding negative emotions under the guise of emphasized friendliness.

Perhaps there is some rational grain in the conclusions of American scientists. But you and I still understand that not every reserved person who grew up under the influence of strict parents will develop arthritis. Otherwise, at least half of the Russian population would suffer from it. And even against the backdrop of severe stress, not everyone gets arthritis. Apparently, for the occurrence of arthritis, in addition to stress, some additional trigger mechanism is needed (that is, a certain trigger link).

According to my observations, the role is “ start button“often plays a role in long-held anger, guilt and self-hatred for real or imaginary misdeeds, and especially strong (or lingering) resentment that arises against the background of chronic grief.

Moreover, it is not so important with whom a person with a predisposition to arthritis is offended or angry - with his parents, spouse, children, friends, or even just “at life.” If sufficiently strong negative emotions are present, then automatically response from the body's hormonal system, stress hormones are released, and the likelihood of an autoimmune response from the body increases (like an immune attack against its own joints). And it will be possible to stop this attack only if the person is able to get rid of his resentment and is able to completely “let go” of it.

In Finland, at the University of Turku, clinical trials under the guidance of Professor of Psychiatry R. Raymond.One hundred women suffering from rheumatoid arthritis were divided into 2 approximately equal groups. The first group included women in whom the development of arthritis was preceded by some serious problems, family troubles or troubles at work. Many of these women were experiencing anxiety, chronic sadness, or depression at the time of the study.The second group (which, by the way, turned out to be much more difficult to recruit) included women who had not experienced any special psychotraumatic situations on the eve of the disease. Most of these women (from the second group) fell ill after suffering from influenza or acute respiratory infections, or due to hypothermia.

Both groups of women were observed for several years, after which interesting circumstances emerged. It turned out that in patients of the first, “emotionally problematic” group, the disease progressed much faster, symptoms grew rapidly, and medications helped such patients much worse than patients of the second group.Moreover, if some troubles continued to occur in the lives of these women, or if they were still in a chronically depressed state, many medications caused them intolerance or “gave out” side effects. Moreover, in such cases, even changing medications often did not help - new drugs also often caused adverse reactions.Interestingly, women in the second, “problem-free” group had practically no such difficulties with medications. And in general, their arthritis progressed very slowly, it was much easier, with virtually no complications. And half of the women in this group experienced recovery or stable remission.

A few years ago, a woman named Dinara, 44 years old, came to see me. Having laid out a pile of tests in front of me, which clearly showed an overactive inflammatory process, Dinara complained to me about severe pain in the joints of the fingers and toes, their swelling and swelling. Intensity pain The woman compared it to a toothache and said that she had not slept for two weeks because of the pain.

After studying the tests and examining the patient, I was forced to give Dinara a very unpleasant diagnosis: rheumatoid arthritis. For both of us, this diagnosis came as somewhat of a surprise. The fact is that Dinara had previously come to me occasionally for several years to treat her back. And there are no prerequisites for possible development She had no arthritis.

From further conversation it turned out that arthritis began to develop in the woman recently, about a month ago. The pain was tolerable at first, but then the disease worsened sharply, and pain syndrome intensified to the extreme. Of course, I immediately asked Dinara what events took place in her life lately, which preceded the disease and its exacerbation. Dinara told me that shortly before the onset of her illness, her daughter mortally offended her.

As it turned out from Dinara’s very emotional story, she herself was born and raised in a strict patriarchal Tatar family, where they never even allowed the thought that a woman could marry a man of a different faith and nationality. And when Dinara’s daughter announced to her family that she was going to marry a Ukrainian, the whole family was in shock. But for some reason Dinara was more offended by her daughter than the others. Perhaps Dinara’s resentment was mixed with a maternal sense of guilt for raising “such a good-for-nothing daughter.”

During our conversation, I tried to explain to Dinara that the inflammation of her joints could be a consequence of strong negative emotions towards her daughter and, first of all, a consequence of resentment. This idea seemed strange and dubious to the woman. But since Dinara didn’t have her own thoughts about why she got sick, the woman had to partly agree with my theory.

- What should I do now? she asked.

“Forgive your daughter,” came the obvious answer.

“I can’t, she offended me very much,” Dinara persisted.

- How? Your daughter's marriage is her own business. But love is blind and often turns out to be above family traditions.

- No, I can’t forgive her. “I was also in love at one time, and my beloved was not a Tatar,” the woman reluctantly admitted. “But I didn’t go against family principles.”

- And your daughter went. And only God or Allah will judge which of you is right. But now it’s your joints that are “burning” from resentment, not your daughter’s. How many years are you willing to suffer pain in the name of your family ideals?

- How old? Are you saying that you won't help me? So the pain in the joints will not go away? — Dinara was dumbfounded.

— Actually, rheumatoid arthritis is one of the incurable diseases, but exceptions are very possible. However, in order to be cured, you will have to perform a miracle, which will depend only on you and no one else. You will have to step over your attitudes and sincerely forgive your daughter. And I will tell you what else can be done and help with drug therapy.

- I don't know, doctor. It is difficult for me to accept and justify my daughter’s actions. But I will definitely take your words into account,” Dinara left my office thoughtfully, but, as it seemed, not convinced. And at that moment I sadly noted to myself that we apparently would not be able to change Dinara’s “attitudes”.

However, it soon became clear that I was mistaken. Our conversation sowed some seeds, and the next “portion” of severe night pain completed the matter. After suffering from pain for another week, Dinara came to see me again. Not a trace remained of her categorical attitude. Over the past days, she even tried to make peace with her daughter, although in her heart (which was more important) she could not fully forgive her daughter. But Dinara was ready to solve this problem too, and therefore came to me for advice. I gladly shared my modest knowledge with the patient and taught her forgiveness meditation.

Further events that happened with Dinara amazed and inspired me. I have seen various miracles in my life, but for rheumatoid arthritis to go away so quickly!..

It is possible, of course, that we simply hit the mark with the selection drug therapy or the short duration of the disease affected (usually rheumatoid patients come to me several years after the onset of the disease), but after two weeks active therapy and meditative work, Dinara’s joints returned to normal. There was no trace left of their inflammation; the swelling and puffiness disappeared completely. A little later, the blood test results returned to normal. After observing Diana's condition for several more months, I was convinced that the problem had been solved. There were no relapses of the disease. Dinara never contacted me about her joints.

Unusual ways to relieve stress - especially for women.

Case history from the practice of Dr. Evdokimenko.

Tamara Olegovna suffered for several years from debilitating pain in the joints of her hands and feet. Conducted within district clinic The treatment did not help the woman at all. Then, after reading my book “Pain in the hands. Benefit for the sick,” and using the book to diagnose himself rheumatoid arthritis, Tamara Olegovna turned to me for help.

During initial examination, having studied the analyzes and x-rays patient, I was forced to confirm her not-so-cheerful diagnosis. And after selecting drug therapy, I considered it necessary to talk with Tamara Olegovna about emotional reasons identified disease.

From the conversation it became clear that Tamara Olegovna’s illness was apparently provoked by two circumstances. Firstly, she really did have a strong, hidden grudge against her husband. From Tamara Olegovna’s point of view, he raised his children incorrectly and was too strict towards them.

Nevertheless, being in the depths of her soul clearly disagreeing with her husband and even internally indignant at his methods of education, Tamara Olegovna never expressed her attitude towards her husband’s actions out loud. That is, he had no idea that his wife periodically “seems” with indignation. Meanwhile, after internal emotional excesses, she experienced an exacerbation of the disease every time.

The second circumstance that provoked the disease for Tamara Olegovna was communication with a childhood friend.

But apparently already with early years was an “energy vampire.” And over the years, this property has intensified many times over. Every day the “vampire” poured out a stream of negative information on Tamara Olegovna, complaining about everything - friends, children, husband, weather and her illnesses - and sought sympathy from Tamara Olegovna. And Tamara Olegovna, “a patient, delicate soul,” sympathized. And every time, after worrying about my friend, I fell exhausted. But after communicating with Tamara Olegovna, according to the patient’s story, she literally blossomed and felt great. As Tamara Olegovna herself said: “After our communication with her, I get sick, but it’s like her wings grow. And he never gets sick, probably because he pours all his emotions onto me.”

The good news was that Tamara Olegovna herself had already begun to guess about the psychological origins of her illness. The rest was, as they say, a matter of technique.

To begin with, I managed to convince Tamara Olegovna to explain herself as gently as possible to her husband. True, it didn’t work out smoothly. The husband took the conversation very aggressively, and the result was a scandal. Nevertheless, for the first time in many years, Tamara Olegovna spoke out, spoke out, after which she even felt better physically. Having explained herself to her husband, she was obviously able to relieve some of the internal tension.

With my friend, oddly enough, it turned out more difficult. I advised Tamara Olegova, out of a sense of self-preservation, to avoid excessive empathy, “sympathy” when communicating with her friend. But my friend, like a true energy vampire, sensitively grasped the moment when Tamara Olegovna began to internally isolate herself from her and disconnect. She intensified the pressure and was able to find Tamara Olegovna pain points, managing to break through her emotional defenses. After which my patient, naturally, experienced an exacerbation of the disease.

Fortunately, this situation served Tamara Olegovna good lesson. Having carefully weighed everything, she decided to completely refuse to communicate with such a pseudo-friend. And although after the end of the relationship Tamara Olegovna had to go through both a feeling of guilt and a kind of psychological withdrawal, she physical condition eventually it got better.

Thus, having ceased to be a donor for an energy vampire, having learned to defend her interests and, most importantly, to “talk out” her experiences, Tamara Olegovna was cured of a disease that “orthodox” doctors consider practically incurable.