Schnauzers of all types: characteristics and description of the breed. Friendly family of schnauzers Key features of the breed

Seeing a Schnauzer dog for the first time, many note its resemblance to a small, elderly and stern professor. And therefore it is logical that to many she seems to be a rather gloomy animal. Although in reality everything is completely different. Many owners note that schnauzers are very affectionate and cheerful creatures.

Description of the breed

This is a family includes three types, which have different sizes. You can distinguish a schnauzer by such characteristic features as a beard, mustache and shaggy eyebrows. If we consider size as the main feature, we can distinguish the following main types:

  • Giant Schnauzer. Animals with a height of up to 70 cm.
  • Miniature Schnauzer. Medium-sized dogs, whose height is no more than 0.5 m.
  • Miniature Schnauzer. A dwarf breed whose height is 30-35 cm.

Features of Schnauzers

The only distinguishing feature of schnauzers is their size, but in appearance, temperament and character they are completely similar. These animals remain cheerful and energetic throughout their lives, and they also have other qualities - endurance and desire for leadership. Medium and large dogs do an excellent job as guards.

Distinctive features of schnauzers are their strong physique and good health, thanks to which they very rarely get colds. This is largely what makes these animals long-lived compared to other dogs. Close relatives of the breed are terriers, from which schnauzers originated. This explains that these dogs very active and inquisitive.

In general, they do not differ in appearance.

Without exception, all schnauzers demonstrate sincere love for loved ones, which often reaches the point of fanaticism. Their leadership qualities are very evident. In order for your pet to treat you with respect, you will have to work hard. Of course, you can immediately determine for the dog its resting places, but as soon as you appear in the house, it will forget about it and begin to follow you on your heels, no matter what.

Differences between Schnauzer species

Dogs of this breed differ from each other mainly in size. Therefore, if a person has a desire to acquire a miniature schnauzer, then it should be considered exclusively as an ornamental animal. Other types of breed are more versatile because they can be used as guards of the house and the owner. The dwarf schnauzer is the result of the work of breeders, which was bred on the basis of the Mittel breed.

To date, there is no consensus on how this breed originated. According to one assumption, dogs of this breed appeared several centuries ago. But there are experts who claim that the animals were bred in the last century in Germany. It is widely believed that at first schnauzers were kept as stable guards. After all, they show themselves perfectly as catchers of rats and moles. This explains the presence of thick fur on their stomach and face, which does not allow rodents to bite through their skin. This quality has been preserved by modern representatives of the breed, which can also effectively protect the owner from rats.


All schnauzers have excellent health. Therefore, they are considered long-livers - on average, their life expectancy is 12-14 years. However, in recent years, many representatives of the breed have developed various tumors and neoplasms. This situation occurs with all dogs, but schnauzers differ in this regard in that they less often require the help of a veterinarian. Schnauzers are susceptible to hip dysplasia, but it can only be found in a few representatives of the breed.

The owner must ensure that his pet is provided with sufficient exercise. If there is insufficient exercise, the dog may face the problem of excess weight and will no longer experience the same cheerfulness.

When the right conditions are created, these animals have a slender and fit body, demonstrating high curiosity and activity. But even before purchasing a schnauzer puppy, you should carefully read the medical records of its parents. It is possible that in the list of hereditary diseases you will find juvenile cataracts and retinal atrophy. These diseases can seriously affect the animal's vision, as a result of which it can even become completely blind.

Care and training

Dogs of this breed are highly trainable. But every owner needs to remember that they have such a character trait as cunning. Therefore, if you do not show proper rigor in raising Miniature and Miniature Schnauzers, they may bark more than usual. This requires the owner from early childhood take care of good socialization of puppies. Schnauzers feel great around people and quickly become attached to their owner.

They can also become a good friend to children, and even if a stranger approaches them, they will not change their behavior. If you use a special training program during the training process, then schnauzers can be raised into good defenders. This task is made even easier by the fact that these dogs quickly grasp all the lessons.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that they need to be taught the necessary skills, including defense, in the form of a game. If your pet makes a mistake, all you have to do is raise your voice slightly to point out the dog's mistake. At the same time, you will not achieve the effect if you use rote learning and prompting. Immediately forget about using physical force against schnauzers during training.

A characteristic feature of Schnauzers is their tendency to lead. So be prepared to spend several weeks, or even months, building your pet's trust. To do this, you will have to not allow the dog even the slightest indulgence. Let's say, if you allow your schnauzer to please a piece from the table, then next time he will turn to you with a demand to give him the usual treat with which you reward him for a successfully completed task. Therefore, you should do everything possible to prevent your pet from sitting on your neck.

  • Make sure your schnauzer gets regular exercise.
  • Proper maintenance of dogs of this breed involves long walks, during which your pet can warm up.
  • Be sure to control the amount of food you give your pet. If you make a mistake with the calculations, your schnauzer may become overweight. Therefore, if you do not keep your pet highly active, then you need to choose the appropriate diet for him, which in any case should be balanced.


Shedding does not occur in dogs of this breed, provided that the coat is properly cared for. The owner will only need brush regularly. You also need to understand that trimming will have to be done at least twice a year. To process hair on the head and thighs, it is most convenient to use a machine. The hair that forms the beard, mustache and eyebrows can be very soft and fine. For the first time, it is recommended to entrust the work of grooming your pet to an experienced specialist, because due to your lack of experience, you are unlikely to be able to cut your dog beautifully. Moreover, with your inept actions you can even harm her.

Don't forget about the eyes and teeth of the schnauzer. You can keep the latter clean using a special paste for animals or baking soda. Various impurities periodically accumulate in the corners of your eyes, which you need to remove regularly. You also need to maintain the appropriate length of the nails and trim them if necessary. But here you need to be extremely careful, since there is a risk of harming your pet. Nail trimming should begin as early as puppyhood. The main thing is not to allow the length of the nails to be longer than what they had when you acquired the dog. It is advisable to trim the claws on the hind legs first.

In general, schnauzers are extraordinary active and cheerful dogs, which fully applies to any of the types considered. Perhaps, when meeting someone, they will seem like gloomy creatures, which is not surprising, given the presence of overhanging eyebrows; in fact, representatives of this breed are very good-natured creatures. They will not cause the owner much trouble both during training and care.

When choosing a dog, special attention must be paid to its size, since for various purposes it is necessary to select an animal of appropriate dimensions. If you need a security guard, then it is best to buy a mittel. Those looking for a defense dog should consider the Giant Schnauzer, and the Miniature Schnauzer makes an excellent pet option. Although it is not necessary to take into account functionality when choosing a dog of this breed, you can focus solely on personal preferences.


Unlike other breeds, schnauzers stand out for their memorable appearance, but at the same time they have a number of other distinctive features, thanks to which they are popular among dog breeders. Since this breed has several types of different sizes, the owner can choose not only a dog for protection, but also for decorative purposes. In general, these animals do not create any hassle in caring for them, because they are in good health and very rarely get sick. But you need to regularly maintain high activity of the animal, only in this case they can remain as cheerful and cheerful as in puppyhood.

Websites about the breed:


  • What is the difference between Risen, Mittel and Miniature?

  • There are three types of Schnauzer, which differ mainly in their size:
    large - Giant Schnauzer - height 60-70 centimeters, weight 40-50 kilograms;
    medium - miniature schnauzer - height 40-50 centimeters, weight 15-18 kilograms;
    small - miniature schnauzer - height up to 35 centimeters, weight 4-7 kilograms.

  • How did schnauzers appear? What is the purpose of the breed?

  • It is difficult to find a breed of dog whose origin would cause as much speculation as this one. According to some sources, the history of the Schnauzer goes back at least five hundred years. According to others, this breed originated somewhere at the end of the last century in Germany.
    A common version is that schnauzers (originally middle schnauzers) were bred to guard stables. In addition to protection, dogs caught rats, for which they needed thick, long hair on their face, paws and belly (so that the rat could not bite through the skin).
    Now schnauzers are universal companions for the whole family, easily amenable to a wide variety of training.
    Giant Schnauzers are successfully trained for protective duty.
    But we should not forget that both miniature schnauzers and miniature schnauzers are still not a decorative breed - the strong-willed character and active temperament of these bearded dogs deserves special treatment.
    The Schnauzer does not need to be taught to guard, he must be restrained from excessive zeal.

  • What is the character of a schnauzer?

  • The unbridled temperament of the schnauzer and love for its own, bordering on fanaticism, is a distinctive feature of the schnauzer breed. When you hold a schnauzer puppy for the first time, know: this is your joy, your good mood, your extended youth, but this is also your cross. You are guaranteed the tender, stormy, selfish and selfless love of a schnauzer.
    The Schnauzer generally has a special relationship with its family - these dogs love children and, as a rule, accept with complacency any living creature (be it a cat, rat or hamster) living in the house.
    The schnauzer has his own place in the house only in your absence, but if you are at home, he will “chase” you in all your movements around the apartment. True, the schnauzer does this unobtrusively, but tries to get closer to his beloved owner.
    The Schnauzer is a pronounced leader. Independence, stubbornness and cunning are also well-known “complexities” of his character. And if the love of a schnauzer is guaranteed to you from the moment of your first meeting, then authority must be gained and defended.
    From the first days of his stay in the house, he will put into action his entire arsenal and try to become the boss. And if today you allowed him to put his face on the sofa, then tomorrow he will sleep on your head (literally). If today you gave a piece from the table during your lunch, then tomorrow he will demand it, pushing you with his paw, poking you with his nose.

  • How to train a schnauzer?

  • Schnauzers are highly trainable and achieve amazing results in a short period of time if the owner or trainer can get him excited about the work. He must enjoy doing this, otherwise the schnauzer will pretend to be deaf and dumb or pretend that he is about to die from fatigue.
    Dogs of this breed have lightning-fast reactions and “turn on” very quickly. Here he is fast asleep, shuddering and growling in his sleep, but a second later the schnauzer is already at the other end of the apartment, because he heard a rustling outside the door.
    Schnauzer is an optimist by nature and, as they used to write in Komsomol characteristics, “takes an active life position” or, as they say now, “takes everything from life.” Whatever he does, he does it with gusto and receives true pleasure. The Schnauzer must be busy with something all the time. He must have his own “business”.

  • How healthy are Schnauzers? What are the "breed" diseases?

  • The enviable health and excellent immunity of schnauzers is a reason for the envy of many. Schnauzers are long-lived. The average lifespan of a schnauzer is 12-14 years.
    However, recently, schnauzers, like other breeds, have become increasingly prone to various neoplasms and tumors. Also, due to the insufficiently responsible attitude of the owners to the necessary loads, you can increasingly see a thick, heavily moving schnauzer, completely different from a normal representative of this active and fit breed.

  • What special care do Schnauzers need?

  • Schnauzers generally have a hard coat, which is considered the least allergenic.
    However, the schnauzer's coat requires special care. The schnauzer needs to be trimmed and clipped 2-3 times a year, leaving hair only on the face, paws and belly.
    But you get rid of the problems of shedding, besides, cutting and trimming is easy to learn and soon you will be able to do it yourself.

    Answers to some questions are written based on materials from the site

    Miniature Schnauzer (Miniature Schnauzer), medium (Middle Schnauzer) or large (Giant Schnauzer)? Which Schnauzer to choose? Schnauzer is the only useful dog, available in 3 sizes to suit every taste (schnauzer species). Before looking at the differences, let's see how they are similar to each other. Firstly, the same or almost the same appearance.

    In fact, these dogs are not easy to communicate with because they do not recognize any hierarchy at all. This means that they obey the owner not because he is in charge, but only if he has managed to inspire respect and trust in the dog.

    Just like miniature schnauzers, they obey their owners only if they love them and trust them blindly. Therefore, in order to achieve good results in their training, intelligence and subtle perception on the part of a person are required. In any case, the satisfaction you get from raising a Schnauzer is incomparable to what dogs born to obey can give.

    It may be even more interesting to work with smaller dogs that combine temperament with determination. It seems that he says this to his larger brothers - “What you can do, I can do too!”

    Let's return to the character traits that are common to all schnauzers. They are all very level-headed and show endless patience with children. All schnauzers are very cheerful dogs. It is not true that the Giant Schnauzer is always serious and gloomy. Appearances can be deceiving.

    The Schnauzer dog is descended from terriers., so they are very active. They need to move a lot.

    Miniature Schnauzers are more suitable for people with a mild character, while Giant Schnauzers need adrenaline. The Giant Schnauzer is the best breed for social leaders - such as lawyers, company owners, athletes, in general for people who want to be first. Such people love Giant Schnauzers.

    The main advantage of the Miniature Schnauzer is practicality and a cheerful disposition. People will envy his voice too. His miniature size makes him an ideal indoor dog. They are very good friends, watchdogs, dogs for the whole family.

    The Germans not only bred these breeds, but also gave them an expression of constant readiness. In Germany, cropped ears are mandatory for these breeds. Whether or not to crop ears depends on where the dog was raised, whether it needs it, and your tastes.

    Schnauzers (Giant Schnauzer, Miniature Schnauzer) are known for their alert nature and expressiveness, especially if their ears are cropped. But they need to be constantly occupied. Schnauzer owners should be prepared for the fact that this dog does not like to be bored.

    Dog lovers will undoubtedly appreciate such a breed as the Schnauzer. These animals come in several types. They differ from each other in physical parameters (height, weight, color, etc.). But there are also common characteristics - devotion to the owner, complaisance and friendliness. Read more about the characteristics of schnauzers of all types in this material.

    Description of the breed

    Despite the fact that there are several types of schnauzers, they all have characteristic external features. This breed of dog is different:

    • massive body;
    • rectangular oval skull;
    • flattened muzzle;
    • rough hair;
    • bushy eyebrows;
    • the presence of an elongated “beard”;
    • small triangular, high-set, drooping ears;
    • with sweeping trot movements.


    From German, the word “schnauzer” is literally translated as “mustache.” Schnauzers of all types are descendants of pinschers. The breed originated in Bavaria. These dogs served as farm helpers. They were used for driving livestock, guarding, catching rats and moles (hard hair protects the dog from rodent bites).

    The name of the breed appeared in 1789, when a wire-haired pinscher named Schnauzer won the competition. At that time, this breed of dog had a wide variety of colors, and only after the approval of the new species, as a result of cultivation, two types became established - “pepper and salt” and black.

    The standard was approved only in 1923. This breed was very popular during the Soviet years. But even today, thanks to its unique characteristics and ease of care, the Schnauzer breed is in high demand. How many species have been recorded to date? We will answer this question below.

    Types of Schnauzers

    There are the following types of the Schnauzer breed:

    • Giant Schnauzer;
    • miniature schnauzer;
    • miniature schnauzer.

    They are all similar to each other both in appearance and in habits. But only miniature schnauzers take part in professional competitions.

    Below we will tell you more about the representatives of each type of breed.

    Giant Schnauzer

    The Giant Schnauzer is the largest representative of this breed. Its height reaches 70 cm, and the weight of an adult varies between 35-47 kg. This is a massive, stately representative of the breed. The dog's posture and movements are distinguished by grace and elegance.

    At first glance, it seems that this animal is willful and cannot be trained. But this statement is wrong. The Giant Schnauzer is very hardworking, active, sociable and devoted to its owner. This species is distinguished by its high intelligence - the Giant Schnauzer learns quickly. Despite his energy, he is diligent and attentive when following his owner’s commands. Thanks to its easy-going nature, it is not scary to have such a large dog in a house where there is a small child - the animal will become a protector and friend for the baby. Schnauzers of all types are distinguished by such character traits. Photos of dogs of this breed are provided in our article.

    It is interesting that such a famous person as Yuri Nikulin was the owner of a coal-black Giant Schnauzer named Fedor. This dog was an actor and outlived its owner by only 4 years. A monument was unveiled at the grave of Yuri Nikulin, which depicts the actor sitting down to rest on the edge of the arena after a performance, and his faithful friend, the dog Fedor, lay down next to him.

    Miniature Schnauzers

    The Miniature Schnauzer is a medium-sized breed. Its height is from 45 to 50 cm, and its weight is 14-20 kg. This species is the ancestor of the breed.

    Today, miniature schnauzers are bred according to the established international standard (FSA No. 182). In terms of external characteristics, all types of schnauzers are very similar to each other. Photos of such dogs are provided in our article.

    Representatives of this breed are smart, easy to train, and energetic. In order to raise a dog from a puppy to the level of established standards, attention should be paid to the development of obedience and perseverance of the animal. A cheerful disposition and activity encourage long walks in the fresh air and regular games with the Miniature Schnauzer.

    A representative of this type of breed will become not only a devoted pet, but also a worthy defender of its owners. The Miniature Schnauzer is used in cynology - they are used in military service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the police. Such dogs are capable of detecting narcotic and explosive substances, weapons, taking part in detaining lawbreakers, as well as in various kinds of rescue operations.

    A miniature schnauzer named George became famous all over the world. He showed extraordinary abilities in medicine - this dog is able to detect the presence of malignant cells in the human body by smell.

    It should also be noted that it is this type of Schnauzer breed that is most often immortalized in monuments, sculptures and paintings.

    Miniature Schnauzer

    Schnauzers of all types can become pets: mini, standard and even large. But miniature schnauzers are still leaders in the list of dogs purchased as a friend. This is the smallest type of the breed. Miniatures are 30-35 cm tall and weigh up to 8 kg. The word "zwerg" is literally translated from German as "dwarf". Despite their small size and adorable appearance, miniature schnauzers cannot be classified as “laptop” dogs. This type of breed is considered a service breed. Miniatures, no worse than their larger counterparts, help border guards and police in their work, identifying prohibited substances and objects.

    This type of schnauzer ranks seventh in popularity among all breeds in the world due to the characteristics described above.

    Miniatures are not only black and “pepper and salt”, but also white, black and silver, and chocolate.

    Schnauzer care

    Schnauzers of all types are easy to care for. Here are some simple but important recommendations:

    1. The diet is calculated taking into account the weight, age and physical activity of the animal. Thus, an adult of a large species needs a kilogram of meat and 300 g of special food daily. You cannot overfeed your dog - this can lead to the development of obesity and related diseases.
    2. Particular attention should be paid to caring for the coat. So, the animal should be trimmed at least once every 2 months. It should be brushed daily with a special brush. Frequent bathing of your schnauzer is also important to maintain the quality of its coat.
    3. It is necessary to trim the hair around the eyes, ears and on the pads of the paws regularly (as needed);
    4. It is necessary to keep the ears, eyes and nose clean.
    5. Carry out vaccinations strictly according to schedule.
    6. It is necessary to trim the coat twice a year, since schnauzers of any type do not shed on their own.
    7. Tail docking is a mandatory procedure.
    8. In addition, long active walks in the fresh air and special exercises are an important aspect of care.

    Training such dogs has its own characteristics. In this matter, it is important to become a leader for the animal. Schnauzers, with the right approach, are easily trained dogs. Even as puppies, they are able to remember up to 20 commands. The basic principles of training this breed are play, praise and leadership from the owner.

    Schnauzer puppies cost

    Pedigree schnauzers of all types are quite expensive. Giant Schnauzer and Miniature Schnauzer puppies will cost 30-50 thousand rubles. Whereas the cost of a miniature schnauzer starts from 50 thousand and reaches several hundred thousand rubles.

    In our article we described the Schnauzer dog breed. How many types, character traits, conditions of care - all these questions can also be answered in this material. But the decision to purchase such an animal should be made individually. Let us only add that a schnauzer can be both a pet and a service dog. Inexhaustible energy, devotion to the owner, moderate aggressiveness and at the same time agreeableness, fearlessness, playfulness and an attractive aristocratic appearance - these are the main characteristics of this breed, thanks to which many dog ​​breeders choose schnauzers.

    In this article we will talk about schnauzers, and it is addressed to all lovers of this dog breed. Schnauzers are divided into three categories: dwarf, medium and giant.

    Miniature Schnauzer
    The miniature schnauzer (or dwarf schnauzer) is a dwarf breed. He is smart, obedient, gets along well with children and is one of the long-living dog breeds. He feels best if he lives in the house. This is a cute little dog with bushy eyebrows, friendly and good-natured, loves company very much and does not tolerate loneliness well. Likes to be in the family, not in the kennel. Easy to train. He loves long walks in nature and without a leash, when he can run and jump to his heart's content.

    The Miniature Schnauzer is believed to have been developed by crossing a Standard Schnauzer and an Affen Pinscher. Although many researchers of the breed are inclined to believe that a dwarf Spitz or fox terrier was used instead of the Affen Pinscher. Therefore, the dwarf schnauzer is so similar to its larger brother - the standard schnauzer. This breed was bred in Germany for a century and only much later, around 1928, came to England and since then has become one of the most breeds bred by the British.

    The Miniature Schnauzer has a strong build and strong muscles. The usual color is “pepper and salt”, but there are also pure black representatives of the breed. The dog is very energetic, active and cheerful (sometimes it seems that a motor is inserted into it, it is so restless). The reliability of miniature schnauzers is not in doubt; their flair and intelligence are one of the main features of this breed. He is always ready to repel an attack. The ideal height is 33 cm for females and 35.5 cm for males.

    The only difficulty in keeping this dog is grooming. It has to be plucked (this is called trimming) by hand twice a year - in spring and summer, and if the dog participates in exhibitions, then more often. It is best for this procedure to be carried out by a specially trained person, because with inept, clumsy plucking of fur, dogs experience severe discomfort, and sometimes this brings quite painful sensations to your pet. After plucking, it is enough to brush your pet's coat once a week to remove dead hairs.

    Miniature Schnauzer
    The next variety of Schnauzer is the Middle Schnauzer (or Medium Schnauzer). This dog has a cheerful disposition and is strongly attached to all family members. Just like the Miniature Schnauzer, she is good-natured and gets along well with children, loves to play with them. Ball games are a favorite pastime. Easily adapts to both life in the city and life in the countryside. In terms of appearance, the Miniature Schnauzer is similar to a terrier, and therefore perfectly exterminates rats and mice (with appropriate training). Watchdog instincts are highly developed (he is an excellent watchman!) and distrust of strangers. The Schnauzer was bred in Bavaria, where it was highly valued as a rat catcher and assistant in cattle driving. There is a statue in Stuttgart, erected in 1620, depicting a man with a dog that closely resembles the modern Schnauzer.

    Grooming is common to all varieties of this breed (trimming twice a year and brushing once a week). The ideal height for a female is 46 cm, for a male - 48 cm. (A deviation of more than 2.5 cm in the direction of decreasing or increasing height is already a defect). The color is the same as that of miniature schnauzers. The character contains ebullient energy, fearlessness and determination. These dogs don't have a lot of patience. The expression on the face is always wary. The Miniature Schnauzer is always on the alert.

    Giant Schnauzer

    And the last variety of this breed is the Giant Schnauzer (or Giant Schnauzer. Just like the Miniature Schnauzer and the Mittel, the Giant Schnauzer is fearless, distrustful of strangers, gets along well with children and plays with them. Easy to train, works great in training competitions, but the downside is: which matures slowly. This is the largest of the three varieties of schnauzers. There is a balance in the character that is slightly lacking in the other two varieties of schnauzers - this dog is calmer.

    The Giant Schnauzer was bred from German herding dogs through long selection. This breed was first officially presented at the Munich Exhibition in 1909. Then it was called “Russian schnauzer bearcutter”. In 1925 in Germany this breed was classified as a service breed. Grooming is basically the same as the previous two breeds, but there are some differences.

    Trimming is also done - twice a year, but cleaning the coat with a brush (or a special mitten) is required daily. The ideal height for a female is 60-65 cm, for a male - 65-70 cm. The color is the same for all schnauzer breeds. Walking this dog takes a long time, and during the walk it requires physical activity. The expression of the muzzle is always wary. The vigilance of this breed is very high. The dog is hardy, the muscles are well developed. Her energy and power make a very strong impression.

    Grooming Basics
    The structure of the coat of all three types of schnauzers (Giant Schnauzer, Miniature Schnauzer, Miniature Schnauzer) is identical. Therefore, the general rules of care are similar. Daily dog ​​care does not take much time; it is enough to brush the coat, wash it as needed, but not too often. Don't forget about your paws. The fur between the pads must be trimmed as it grows to prevent tangles from forming.

    The pride of any schnauzer is the decorative hair on its face. It requires careful daily care. The beard and mustache should be washed after each feeding, especially if you feed your pet natural food. A dog with food residue on its face is not the best sight. You need to stock up on a good specialized shampoo, as well as conditioner and conditioner. They will have to be used often enough and regularly so that the decorative hair on the face shines in all its splendor.

    Schnauzers, like all dog breeds with rough coats, do not shed. Therefore, a person must artificially remove dead hairs, giving the opportunity to grow new healthy hair. Twice a year, usually in spring and autumn, dogs are trimmed (hair plucked); if the hair grows too quickly, then more often. Show dogs are trimmed before each show. If this is your first schnauzer and you have never had to perform a similar procedure before, then it is better to contact a specialist. You can learn how to pluck fur correctly and will not harm the dog’s psyche. Trimming is far from the most pleasant procedure.

    Preparing a dog for a show will require significantly more effort than regular grooming. According to the German standard, the Schnauzer's body and limbs must be plucked. The belly, groin, inner thighs and tail, and front of the chest are shaved with a machine. So are the ears, cheekbones and throat. The decorating hair is cut with scissors, giving the correct shape. If you are not a professional groomer, then you should turn to professionals. An amateur is unlikely to be able to properly prepare a schnauzer for an exhibition.

    Jane69 01/29/2014