I can't force myself to work at home. How to force yourself to start working and organize your own life

The day before, you and your child were unable to go for a walk. It took too long to get ready, to get dressed too slowly. But it was impossible to speed up this process, because the baby kept asking to go to the toilet. Today the situation repeated itself exactly the same: again long preparations and endless “Mom, I want to write.” And you became wary: something is wrong with your baby. We were right to be wary, because frequent urge to urinate - this is a signal that the child has problems. It remains only to figure out what their nature is - physiological or psychological.

How often should a child write?

Pediatricians have long determined urination norms for different age groups. The pattern is simple: the older the child, the less often he goes to the toilet. If the frequency of small trips up to 25 times a day is considered acceptable for infants, then children aged 10 years and older are already equal to adults with a norm of up to 8 times. A conversation about potential health problems should begin if a child goes to the toilet twice as often.

True, this rule is difficult to apply to babies under one year old. At this age, children generally have little control over anything, especially the work of their bladder, so how much will they eat, or rather, drink breast milk, they pee so much. If you have an older child, but he asks to go to the toilet several times an hour, then you need to understand whether everything is in order with his health.

Frequent urination problems: towards diagnosis

The first thing you should do is visit your pediatrician, who will give your child a referral for a urine test. Based on its results, you will either exclude possible diseases, in which frequent urge to go to the toilet is one of the main symptoms, or confirm them. This must be done as early as possible so that the suspected disease does not have time to develop into a chronic form.

So, what can be diagnosed in a child who pees too often, regardless of his age:

  • Urinary tract infection. This happens when germs enter intimate parts from the outside world. Perhaps some hygiene rules were not followed, resulting in mucous membranes urethra has become inflamed and now gives signals in the form of an invitation to the toilet.
  • Cystitis. This is the most common disease of the genitourinary system in children. It happens when the infection gets straight to the bladder and is accompanied, in addition to incontinence, by other symptoms. unpleasant symptoms: pain, fever.
  • Diabetes mellitus. It is believed that thirst is one of its first signs; accordingly, if a child drinks a lot, then he pees more often. In addition, if you notice that he is losing weight and looks tired for no reason, immediately consult a doctor.
  • Synechia in girls. Adhesions in the tissues of the genital organ can be caused by various reasons, including inflammation, so the urination system will also suffer.
  • Renal pathology.
  • Overactive Bladder. This diagnosis occurs very often in children after 4–5 years of age, and in adults, if they are not the masters of their bladder.

Suppose best option: Your child’s test results were more than satisfactory. But this does not mean that we need to calm down, because the problem remains unresolved, it’s just that now its origins need to be sought in a different plane.

Situational problems of frequent urination

To determine frequent urination, which is not caused by physiological reasons, that is, not a disease, special term– pollakiuria. The word is beautiful, but the same cannot be said about the problem it characterizes. After all, Pollakiurite children ask (go) to the toilet several dozen times a day, which can drive anyone, even the calmest parent, crazy. And really, what should adults think about if, according to all medical papers, their child is considered absolutely healthy, but at the same time he literally registered himself in the toilet? Let's reveal a secret: in this case, adults must think about their behavior and their own parenting methods. Pollakiuria is a field of psychology. And parents are responsible for child psychology.

What can cause frequent urge to go to the toilet in a healthy child?

  • Is your baby about to pass the infant age? This means that a period of great change is coming in his life: he is beginning to wean off diapers, are gradually weaned from the mother's breast and introduce you to artificial mixtures. Even minor changes in nutrition can affect the natural needs of the child. Be patient, he will get used to it, and your life will also return to normal.
  • The child is already about two years old and you are actively potty train him? Are you sure you're doing everything right? Of course, if the mission “to go potty” is successfully completed, the child needs to be made to understand that he is doing well. But if you indulge in delight to an excessive degree, the little cunning one will immediately figure out how to benefit from it. He will demonstrate how good he is at every convenient and not so convenient opportunity - regardless of whether he wants to write or not, just to earn praise.
  • The baby is growing, he has already crossed the three-four year mark, but at the same time he has started going to the toilet almost every hour. You are nervous about this, you pester him with questions, like how he feels, if anything hurts, and you, naturally, have no idea that it just doesn’t hurt. The only thing your child needs is questions like these. Simply put, he wants you to talk to him. Your attention- that's all he achieves. And he found this primitive one, but effective way get it.
  • Is your child a water feeder or is he eating too much? products with a diuretic effect. A small nutritional correction - and the problem of frequent urination can be solved.
  • Child nervous. If he is five or six years old, it means he can already evaluate events in his life emotionally and psychologically. That is, he quite consciously understands what in this world can be scary, what can be exciting, and what can be light and pleasant. And if something “terrible” is expected, then frequent urination is a completely natural reaction little man to big problems. Not every adult can sometimes cope with anxiety and therefore is unable to move away from the toilet, so what can you expect from a child who has more than enough reasons to worry?
  • Child got hypothermic. At home he runs barefoot on the cold floor, goes outside dressed too lightly - and this could not help but chill his bladder.

What to do so that your child becomes the master of his bladder

If you believe the statistics, the problem of frequent urination in children has to be solved in every fifth family. If they are associated with health pathologies, then in this case the answer to the question “what to do?” There can only be one way - to be treated. Immediately, after conducting a comprehensive examination under the supervision of good specialists.

If the doctors confirm that the child is healthy, then we begin to look for a solution to the problem within ourselves and our family. First, let's honestly answer some questions:

  • Is my child receiving proper care? Am I dressing it correctly for a walk? Is he comfortable in home clothes?
  • Am I sure my child is eating properly?
  • Do I devote enough time to my baby (playing with him, reading books to him, being interested in his successes and problems)? Does he have enough of my attention?
  • Can we call the atmosphere in our family psychologically comfortable for a child?
  • Am I teaching my child to cope with personal psychological problems?

It doesn't matter whether you answer "yes" or "no" to all the questions. The main thing is that you think about your parenting behavior, which may be directly or indirectly related to your child’s condition, including his problems with frequent urination. The sooner you think about it, the more actively you will begin to take action. This means that the faster your child will return to a normal lifestyle, in which the toilet will no longer play one of the main roles.

Frequent urination is called pollakiuria, and if the amount of urine increases, the term polyuria is used.

The urinary system differs in children and adults, in boys and girls. A child's kidneys are located lower and his bladder is higher than an adult's. The renal ducts are wider than in a mature person, which often leads to stagnation of urine in them.

The structure of the urinary organs in children of both sexes is the same, with the exception of the urethra, which is longer in boys than in girls. As a result, girls are more likely to suffer from bladder inflammation. The structure of the kidneys in children changes until they are 10-12 years old.

The activity of the kidneys in children is not sufficiently coordinated, which is why their functioning is easily disrupted. A child, more than an adult, reacts to fluctuations in air temperature by changing the frequency of urination.

The quality and quantity of urine produced changes as the child ages. In the first week of life, a newborn sometimes experiences anuria - a complete absence of urination, due to the fact that urine does not enter the bladder, but one month old The daily volume of urine reaches 300 ml, and the frequency of urination becomes maximum - up to 25 times per day. As you grow older, the daily volume of urine increases, and the frequency of urination decreases.

Norms of urination in children depending on age (number of times per day):

Parents should monitor their child for signs associated with frequent urination.

Questions that every parent needs to answer before seeing a doctor:

  • Is frequent urination in a child associated with any external factors: moving, family problems, personal stressful situations?
  • Have there been any changes in the child’s diet: new foods or drinks?
  • Has the child taken any medications recently?
  • Has your child's appetite changed? Has he started drinking more?
  • Have there been any sudden changes in the child’s weight (loss or gain)?
  • Are there any other signs of an unhealthy condition besides an increased urge to urinate at the moment?
  • Has the child had ARVI or suffered bacterial infection(angina, scarlet fever, streptococcus) recently?
  • Did the child have rickets?
  • Is the child suffering? allergic diseases(diathesis, urticaria, Quincke's edema)?
  • Did the mother have any diseases of the genitourinary system during pregnancy?
  • Were there any in the family? hereditary diseases kidney, cardiovascular systems s, or allergic diseases?

If external factors have not changed, and the child is bothered by anything other than frequent urination, there is pain, changes in appetite and weight, hereditary or chronic diseases, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

Natural Causes of Frequent Urination in Children

What do you need to know to differentiate physiological pollakiuria from frequent urination caused by the disease?

How often a child goes to the toilet depends on the temperature and humidity of the air, clothing, and how active the child is. Hypothermia may cause a temporary increase in urination. Cold air and high humidity impair blood supply to the kidneys.

What he eats and drinks also affects the frequency of his urges. For example, cucumbers, watermelon, melon, berry fruit drinks, compotes, caffeine-containing drinks and foods, carbonated water, and any heavy drink can provoke frequent urination in a child.

The use of diuretics, or medications with diuretic side effects, also affects the frequency of urination, so you should carefully read the instructions for the medications used.

Household chemicals used when bathing a child: bubble bath, soap, shampoo or gel, can irritate the urinary canal.

False urges to go to the toilet can be associated with stress, which children aged 4-6 years often experience, caused by the start of kindergarten or traumatic situations in the family. Pollakiuria caused by stress may continue long time(up to 5 months) and usually goes away without treatment.

What diseases are accompanied by frequent urination?

Infections suffered by a child affect different parts of the urinary system. Inflammation of the bladder - cystitis, is more common in girls. Inflammation of the urethra (urethritis) is common in children of both sexes.

Pyelonephritis is an acute or chronic inflammatory disease of the kidneys, accompanied by a complex of symptoms: sleep disturbances, poor appetite, pale skin, the child gets tired quickly, complains of weakness, there may be vomiting, there is pain in the lower back, lower abdomen or pain when urinating, the color of urine changes, swelling appears, and the temperature rises.

For the prevention of diseases and treatment of kidneys, our readers recommend the Monastery Collection of Father George. It consists of 16 useful medicinal herbs, which are extremely effective in cleansing the kidneys, in the treatment of kidney diseases, diseases urinary tract, as well as when cleansing the body as a whole.

Get rid of kidney pain..."

If the bladder and urethra are affected, pain may appear, which is localized in the lower abdomen with cystitis. With urethritis, the child feels pain or burning directly during urination.

Frequent urination in boys may be associated with inflammation of the prostate, cystitis, or urethritis.

Congenital abnormalities in the development of the bladder, for example, a small size of the bladder, or a decrease in its volume due to tumor formations in its cavity, or teenage pregnancy, cause pollakiuria in children.

The appearance of edema, especially of the face, which is noticeable in the morning and disappears during the day, the presence of blood in the urine, and general weakness may indicate a serious kidney disease - glomerulonephritis. The disease develops a couple of weeks after a viral or bacterial disease. At the beginning of the disease, the amount of urine decreases, later, during the period of swelling, it increases again, which can affect the frequency of urination. At the same time, blood pressure increases, headaches, nausea occur, lower back pain may occur, appetite decreases, and temperature rises. The presence of even one of these symptoms in a child requires urgent appeal see a doctor.

Another cause of pollakiuria is bladder tuberculosis.

Urolithiasis in the kidneys also affects the frequency of urination in children.

The causes of frequent urination in children are not directly related to the kidneys: for example, diseases of the cardiovascular system (heart failure, cardiac dystrophy).

Urinary incontinence in children over 4 years of age, as well as the urge to urinate at night, may indicate immaturity nerve centers that control the functioning of the bladder.

Increased thirst, appetite, accompanied by polyuria and pollakiuria, inflammatory diseases of the skin and eyes, weight loss in a child signal disorders in the endocrine system, such as sugar and diabetes. diabetes mellitus.

Change in behavior and psychological state child of a long-term nature indicates a neurotic disorder and requires consultation with a neurologist.

CNS disorders caused by pathologies, injuries or tumors of the brain and spinal cord affect the frequency of urination.

Pollakiuria is often caused by a reflex effect from the intestines: worms (usually pinworms), or the presence of anal fissures.

Necessary examinations

After consultation with a pediatrician, you will need to undergo a number of examinations, which may include the following:

The doctor may prescribe additional research to clarify the diagnosis:

  • Doppler ultrasound of kidney vessels,
  • kidney function tests (Zimnitsky test),
  • immunological studies,
  • blood tests for hormones,
  • X-ray examinations,
  • kidney biopsy.


Frequent urination in children does not always require treatment. If diagnosed by a doctor, it may be indicated drug therapy or hospital treatment. Acute course pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, renal failure requires hospitalization and observation by a nephrologist.

At acute inflammations kidneys of an infectious nature, antibiotics, hormonal and non-hormonal agents for immunity, anti-inflammatory drugs, symptomatic therapy. During the period of remission, sanatorium treatment is recommended.


Timely completion medical examinations will help detect the disease early stage, and prescribe treatment. Self-medication for in serious condition, or availability serious symptoms unacceptable.

Proper daily hygiene of a child’s genitals involves washing with warm water without using soap in young children, and proper sex education for older and adolescent children.

And a little about secrets...

Have you ever suffered from problems due to kidney pain? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory was not on your side. And of course you know firsthand what it is:

  • Discomfort and pain in the lower back
  • Morning swelling of the face and eyelids does not add to your self-confidence...
  • It’s kind of embarrassing, especially if you suffer from frequent urination...
  • Besides, constant weakness and ailments have already firmly entered your life...

Increased urination alone is not enough to suggest that a child has a problem. First, you should observe him for a while, because if this problem arose as a result of any pathology, it will be accompanied by other symptoms:

  • when urinating, pain is felt - in this case, older children will complain about it themselves, and very young ones may wince and grunt or even cry;
  • feeling false urges– when a child tries to go to the toilet a short period of time after the previous visit, but there is no urine in the urine container. This is usually a sign of cystitis;
  • pain in the abdomen or lumbar region. Older children point out the painful spot themselves, but little ones usually wince in pain, kick their legs, and cry. If pain in the lumbar region is accompanied by an increase in temperature, then this is a sign of kidney disorder;
  • the appearance of bags and swelling under the eyes is a symptom that there are problems with the outflow of fluid from the body. Occurs with pyelonephritis;
  • urine becomes cloudy or contains blood - this is a symptom indicating the presence of problems with renal filtration, which indicates the development of glomerulonephritis.

Frequent urination in children with and without pain

In case of increased frequency of daily bladder emptyings, which occur without the appearance of pain, and the child does not have problems with night sleep, his temperature is within the normal range, and there are no accompanying manifestations - this means that the cause of the disorder is increased nervous excitement.

Increased urination accompanied by pain is a sign of cystitis. In the acute form of the disease, these symptoms appear sharply and suddenly; in addition to pain and increased urination, the child also urinates in small portions. In addition, false urges to urinate may appear - in these cases, the child wants to urinate, but cannot. These urges are also accompanied by pain.

Frequent urination in children at night

Frequent urination in a child at night may be a consequence of the development of diabetes insipidus, as well as damage to the spinal cord or weakening of the walls of the bladder.

Thirst and frequent urination in a child

If the baby, in addition to increased urination, experiences extreme thirst, then these are most likely manifestations of diabetes mellitus. Due to the removal of large amounts of fluid from the body, dehydration occurs. The development of type 2 diabetes is accompanied by the appearance of diseases of the urinary system and inflammation of the bladder.

Abdominal pain and frequent urination in a child

With any pathology affecting the urinary organs, an increase in urination is observed. In addition, pain in the abdomen or back may occur. If, in addition to the above symptoms, the child feels chills, his temperature rises and sweating, this may be evidence of the development of renal pathology.

Frequent urination in small portions in a child

When a person is stressed or overexcited, adrenaline is released, which simultaneously increases urine production and increases the excitability of the bladder - as a result, the child often wants to go to the toilet, but the bladder is not full (as a result, emptying occurs in small portions). This condition is temporary and disappears on its own when the stress passes.

Diarrhea and frequent urination in a child

Diarrhea can occur due to the development of various endocrine pathologies. Sometimes it appears in diabetes mellitus due to a disorder of the innervation of the intestinal walls. This condition is also accompanied by a feeling of intense thirst, increased urination, a general feeling of weakness, and in addition to problems with the sensitivity of the limbs.

Frequent urination in an infant

Frequent urination in infant, which occurs without pain, in in some cases may be related to his mother's chronic pathology urinary tract or kidneys.

Daytime frequency syndrome in children

In some cases, children suddenly experience a sharp increase in daytime urination (sometimes this can happen literally every 10-15 minutes), but there are no signs of infectious process in the urinary system or nocturia, dysuria or daytime enuresis.

Most often, these signs appear around 4-6 years old, when the child has already learned to use the toilet independently. This disorder is usually observed in boys (much less often in girls).

This disorder is called pollakiuria or daytime frequency syndrome in children. It is functional because it does not arise due to any anatomical defects.

Usually these manifestations occur before the child starts going to kindergarten, or if he has emotional stress, which mainly develops as a result of family problems.

Such children need to be examined to exclude an infectious process in the urinary tract, and in addition, the doctor needs to make sure that when urinating, the bladder is completely emptied.

In some cases, this symptom can be caused by pinworms.

The disorder goes away on its own, its symptoms disappear after 2-3 months. Treatment with anticholinergic drugs is only rarely effective.

The child has developed frequent urination (pollakiuria), and, of course, this causes concern among parents: is the child sick, and if sick, then how exactly and how to treat him? As a rule, frequent urge to go to the toilet “in a small way” is associated with diseases of the kidneys and bladder. However, these are not all the reasons for changes in the rhythm of urination in childhood.

First, let's figure out what the normal frequency of urination is. In children, this indicator is closely related to age:

  • newborns and babies up to 6 months urinate 15-25 times a day;
  • babies from 6 to 12 months – 15-17 times;
  • from one year to 3 years – about 10 times a day;
  • from 3 to 7 years – 7-9 times;
  • from 7 to 10 years – 6-7 times;
  • over 10 years old – 5-7 times per day.

More frequent trips to the toilet are a reason to think about your child’s health.

The frequency of urination depends on age.

Physiological pollakiuria

In some cases, the causes of frequent urination may be completely harmless and not in any way related to diseases, then they speak of the presence of physiological pollakiuria. Physiological pollakiuria is caused by the following factors:

  1. Drinking large amounts of liquid. The child drinks a lot and, naturally, urinates more often. Moms and dads, you should pay attention to the reasons for the increased need for fluids. It’s one thing if a child has been accustomed to drinking water (tea, juices) every day since childhood or temporarily feels thirsty in the heat (after physical activity). But if in your family it is not customary to drink water often, and the child constantly asks for it, and at the same time pees a lot, this may indicate the presence of diabetes (sugar or non-diabetes).
  2. Reception medicines with a diuretic effect. These include both diuretics themselves (diuretics - furosemide, etc.), and a number of drugs from other groups in which the diuretic effect is a side effect (antiemetics - metoclopramide; antiallergic - diphenhydramine, etc.).
  3. Eating foods and drinks that have a diuretic effect ( green tea, carbonated drinks, coffee, carrot juice, cranberries and lingonberries, watermelons, melons, cucumbers). Some products have a diuretic effect due to the large amount of water they contain (cucumbers, watermelon), while others increase urination due to the presence of caffeine (caffeine accelerates the filtration of urine, therefore, the amount of urine produced per unit time increases and the urge occurs more often). Cranberries and lingonberries are mild herbal diuretics, that is, while eating berries alone (and not drinking fruit drinks, compotes or decoctions), urination only slightly increases.
  4. Hypothermia: leads to a reflex spasm of the kidney vessels and accelerated filtration of urine, which is accompanied by frequent urination. After warming the child, pollakiuria stops.
  5. Overexcitation and stress: against their background, adrenaline is released, which simultaneously leads to an increase in urine production and increased excitability of the bladder, which is why the child often wants to go to the toilet, even with an incomplete bladder (the child urinates in small portions). The condition is temporary and goes away on its own after the stressful situation is resolved.

Physiological pollakiuria is completely harmless, and there is no need to treat it: the rhythm of urination returns to normal immediately after the proper factor is eliminated. But it is often difficult to figure out whether frequent urination is a physiological condition or a symptom of a disease.

Signs indicating the presence of diseases:

  1. Frequent urination bothers the child constantly or very often.
  2. Pollakiuria is accompanied by other urinary disorders (pain, burning, enuresis, sudden urge, etc.).
  3. The child has any other symptoms (fever, sweating, weakness, weight loss, etc.).

Diseases and pathological conditions in which frequent urination is noted:

  1. Pathology of the kidneys, bladder and urethra.
  2. Neurogenic bladder dysfunction of the hyperreflex type.
  3. Pathology of the endocrine system.
  4. Pathology of the central nervous system.
  5. Compression of the bladder from the outside.
  6. Neuroses and psychosomatic disorders.

Pathology of the kidneys, bladder and urethra

Cystitis - inflammation of the bladder - is the most common reason pollakiuria. Acute cystitis easy to suspect by the combination of pollakiuria with painful urination and pain in the lower abdomen. General health is rarely impaired.

With urethritis (inflammation of the urethra), urination also occurs more frequently and is accompanied by severe pain and burning during the entire act of urination.

For pyelonephritis (inflammation in the pyelocaliceal system and connective tissue structures of one or both kidneys), pollakiuria is characteristic to a lesser extent, but is nevertheless noted, especially when combined with cystitis. However, with pyelonephritis, general health will suffer, symptoms of intoxication are pronounced: the child is weak, pale, refuses to eat, he is bothered by abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, and fever.

Other less common causes of pollakiuria associated with kidney and bladder damage include:

  • small bladder capacity (due to congenital anomaly or if there is a tumor in the bladder cavity);
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • other hereditary and acquired kidney diseases ( renal diabetes, phosphate diabetes, congenital tubulopathies, etc.).

Neurogenic bladder dysfunction of the hyperreflex type

Neurogenic hyperreflex bladder is a violation of the basic functions of the bladder (collection, “storage” of urine and timely emptying), usually developing due to delayed maturation of the nerve centers that regulate the functioning of the bladder. Neurogenic dysfunction of the hyperreflex type appears isolated (without signs of inflammation urinary tract and pain when urinating) constant pollakiuria, which can intensify in stressful situations, against the background colds. In addition to pollakiuria, enuresis and urinary incontinence are often observed.

Pathology of the endocrine system

Frequent urination is a symptom characteristic of two completely different diseases that have similar name: diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus.

The cause of diabetes is a disruption of the normal process of glucose absorption, which does not enter the cells, but accumulates in the blood. The main signs of diabetes are initial stages(when tests have not yet detected an increase in blood glucose levels) serve: thirst, increased appetite and at the same time losing weight, excreting a large amount of urine, and, as a result, pollakiuria. In addition, children have a tendency to inflammatory and purulent lesions of the skin (boils, folliculitis) and eyes (conjunctivitis, blepharitis), and itchy skin.

Diabetes insipidus develops when the function of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland, which also produces the hormone vasopressin, is impaired. Vasopressin is responsible for the reabsorption of water when blood is filtered through the kidneys. With its deficiency, a lot of urine is formed. Diabetes insipidus is very rare, but can also occur in childhood. The main symptoms of diabetes insipidus are thirst, polyuria (large amounts of urine) and concomitant pollakiuria.

Pathology of the central nervous system

Emptying the bladder occurs under the influence of impulses coming from the brain through the spinal cord to the nerve endings in the bladder. If the chain of impulses is broken, the bladder empties spontaneously as it fills - frequent urination in small portions and urinary incontinence occur. This is possible with injuries, tumors of the brain and spinal cord, and with inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the spinal cord.

Compression of the bladder from the outside

When the volume of the bladder decreases, the need to empty it more often arises - pollakiuria develops. In addition to developmental anomalies, compression from the outside can lead to a decrease in the volume of the bladder: with tumors in the pelvis, pregnancy in teenage girls.

Neuroses and psychosomatic disorders

It was noted above that stress and overexcitation in a child provoke the occurrence of physiological pollakiuria. In the same way, pollakiuria develops if children have neuroses, neurasthenia and various psychosomatic conditions (vegetative-vascular dystonia, etc.). Unlike physiological pollakiuria due to stress - a temporary phenomenon observed for 2-4, maximum 10 hours, pollakiuria due to neuroses and psychosomatics is constant, although it may not be so pronounced. And, of course, the child exhibits other symptoms - increased nervousness, mood swings, tearfulness or aggressiveness, phobias, etc.

Diagnostics (finding out the causes of pollakiuria)

If physiological causes of pollakiuria have already been excluded, then in addition to a medical interview and examination, the child must be prescribed a general urine test, which makes it possible to determine the most typical reason frequent urination – cystitis or pyelonephritis.

A general urine test may also indicate other kidney diseases (glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis) and diabetes mellitus.

Depending on the result of a general urine test, the doctor prescribes the following laboratory and instrumental studies, as well as consultations with one of the specialists (according to indications):

  • Nechiporenko, Addis-Kakovsky test (for latent inflammation in the urinary tract);
  • Zimnitsky test (to assess kidney function);
  • biochemical blood test (to assess kidney function and determine glucose levels);
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder (to visualize structural anomalies, stones, tumors, signs of an acute inflammatory process);
  • glucose load test (to detect latent diabetes mellitus);
  • study of blood hormones;
  • consultation with a nephrologist or endocrinologist, neurologist or psychiatrist, and in some cases, a neurosurgeon.

As a rule, these studies make it possible to make a fairly accurate diagnosis; in the future, others may be required to clarify the nature and severity of the disease. diagnostic procedures(CT and MRI, excretory urography, etc.).


As you can see, the causes of pathological pollakiuria can be extremely serious and require qualified treatment. Of the listed diseases, perhaps only cystitis and urethritis in a child can be treated in outpatient setting, that is, at home under the supervision of a doctor from the clinic. All other causes (pyelonephritis, newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus, etc.) require treatment in a hospital, where there is the possibility of a full examination of the child and round-the-clock monitoring of his condition.

It is clear that treatment will be carried out in strict accordance with the established diagnosis, since pathological pollakiuria cannot be stopped without affecting the underlying disease. The choice of specific drugs is made only by a doctor, and the range of drugs and therapeutic measures used for pollakiuria is very wide:

  • for inflammation of the urinary tract, uroseptics and antibiotics are used;
  • Diabetes mellitus requires constant administration of insulin;
  • for glomerulonephritis, hormones, cytostatics, etc. are prescribed;
  • for the treatment of neurogenic hyperreflex bladder, a complex of physiotherapy procedures, nootropic drugs (picamilon, etc.), atropine, driptan are used;
  • for neuroses - calming;
  • in case of pathology of the central nervous system, surgery may be required, etc.

But the most important thing that parents need to know is that frequent urination is far from a harmless condition; it can be caused by serious and dangerous diseases. If pollakiuria persists in a child for more than a day or occurs periodically, accompanied by other painful symptoms, – do not try to diagnose and prescribe treatment yourself! Consult a doctor, as delay in some cases can lead to rapid deterioration of the condition.

Which doctor should I contact?

If your child urinates more frequently, you should contact your pediatrician. After examination and initial diagnosis, the doctor will be able to make or suggest a diagnosis. In some cases, it is necessary to consult a urologist (for damage to the bladder), a nephrologist (for kidney disease), an endocrinologist (for diabetes), a neurologist (for pathology of the spinal cord or brain), a psychiatrist (for neurotic disorders). If a girl is pregnant, she is observed by an obstetrician-gynecologist, and tumor processes The child is treated in the pelvis by an oncologist.

SDK: Frequent urination. Posture. Choosing shoes for the baby. Cooking Chinese dumplings

If parents notice frequent urination in children, they immediately begin to suspect the disease. However, frequent urges are not always a signal to go to the doctor. Let’s figure out how much a child should normally urinate, what signs of illness should be observed, and when you don’t have to worry about a boy who often asks or goes to the toilet.

Normal urination in children of different ages

In children, the rate of trips to the toilet is related to age:

  • a newborn and a baby up to 6 months urinate 15-25 times a day;
  • child 6-12 months – 15-17 times;
  • from one year to three years – 10-11 times;
  • 3-7 years up to 9-10 times;
  • at 7-10 years old – 6-7 times;
  • from 10 years to 7 times a day.

The problem of frequent urination should be discussed if the child experiences other signs of illness: pain during urination, discharge of sediment, turbidity. If the genitals are inflamed, the patient will endure it and not go to urinate because of the pain, but even a newborn baby will make this clear by crying and whims.

Causes of frequent urination in children

In some cases, the causes of frequent urination in children may be harmless and not related to illness. This is called physiological pollakiuria and is caused by the following factors:

  1. Drinking large amounts of liquid. If a child drinks a lot and eats juicy fruits, he urinates more often. But if it is not customary in the family to drink water constantly and often, and the baby constantly asks for a drink and often goes to the toilet, this may be a sign of diabetes.
  2. Taking diuretics, medications where a diuretic effect is considered side effect, for example, antiallergic medications.
  3. Products that have a diuretic effect also cause frequent urination in boys. These are not only watermelons, but also green tea, grapes, melons, and berries.
  4. Hypothermia causes spasm of the kidney vessels and accelerates the filtration of urine, which leads to an increase in the frequency of trips to the toilet.
  5. Stress, an overexcited state - this is the release of adrenaline, which increases urine production and increases the excitability of the bladder. As a rule, stress is the cause of frequent urination in adolescents experiencing emotional fluctuations. A child may want to go to the toilet constantly, but urinate in very small portions. The condition is temporary and goes away on its own when you calm down.

Physiological pollakiuria is not dangerous, and it should not be treated: the rhythm of the urge returns to normal when the irritating factor is eliminated. But if a boy’s frequent urge to urinate is accompanied by additional symptoms, this is a reason to think about going to the doctor:

  • Accompanying urination with pain, cutting, burning;
  • Urine comes out involuntarily - incontinence;
  • Body temperature rises, sweating increases, appetite decreases, the child loses weight;
  • The baby becomes whiny, irritable, and often capricious.

Let’s take a closer look at what diseases frequent urination in boys may indicate.

Pathology of the kidneys, bladder, urethra

There are a number of diseases that lead to an increase in the number of trips to the toilet:

  1. Cystitis. Inflammation of the bladder is typical sharp pains in the lower abdomen, but overall health may be normal.
  2. Urethritis is accompanied by severe burning and stinging during the evacuation of urine.
  3. Pyelonephritis can cause frequent urination in boys without pain, the cause is the inflammatory process of the renal pelvis. Additional symptoms: lower back pain, weakness, the child may experience feverish conditions.
  4. Abnormal development of the bladder - reduced volume.
  5. Glomerulonephritis - the disease is accompanied by vomiting, temperature fluctuations, and pain.
  6. Urolithiasis - the passage of stones is always manifested by burning, temperature, pain.
  7. Other hereditary or acquired pathologies: kidney diabetes, tubulopathies, etc.

Neurogenic bladder dysfunction of the hyperreflex type

This is a pathology characteristic disorder basic functions of the bladder, developing due to a delay in the development of the nerve centers responsible for the functioning of the urinary system. The disease manifests itself without signs of inflammation or pain, but frequent urination in a boy of 7 years or older intensifies against the background of colds. Additional symptoms: enuresis, urinary incontinence without onset stressful situations.

Pathologies of the endocrine system

This can be diabetes mellitus or diabetes insipidus. The reason for the first is a disruption in the process of glucose absorption and its excess accumulation in the blood. The main symptoms: thirst, high appetite, while the child loses weight, constant trips to the toilet are accompanied by the release of large portions of liquid. There is a tendency to purulent skin lesions, conjunctivitis, skin often affected by a rash and itching.

Diabetes insipidus is a consequence of dysfunction of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which produce the hormone vasopressin. The hormone is responsible for the reabsorption of fluid when blood is filtered by the kidneys. A deficiency of the element leads to an increase in the accumulation of urine and its frequent evacuation. The disease is rare, symptoms: constant thirst and going to the toilet without pain or burning. The volume of urine during evacuation is large.

Central nervous system diseases

The slightest break in the chain of impulses from the brain through the spinal cord to the nerve endings in the bladder leads to a disruption in the frequency of trips to the toilet. Sometimes the bladder empties spontaneously; even partial filling causes the desire to urinate. This frequent urination is observed in teenage boys during puberty, and the cause can also be injury to the head, spinal cord, or degenerative diseases affecting the cerebrospinal fluid.

External pressure on the bladder

Tumors in the pelvic area cause external pressure on the bladder and lead to a decrease in the volume of urine accumulation, and, accordingly, to an increase in the number of trips to the toilet.

Neuroses, psychosomatic disorders

Overexcitement causes the boy to constantly or very often ask to go to the toilet. Neurasthenia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and other pathologies can appear in adolescents and young children due to stressful situations. It is not difficult to notice a psychological failure; the pathology can be distinguished from ordinary physiological pollakiuria by mood swings, increased moodiness, and tearfulness. Very often, drip or small portion urination of increased frequency is observed in a child before important events: performance, fights, going to the doctor. Pathology can be caused by fear of the dark, screaming, and other phobias.

What tests are needed?

Upon exception physiological reasons, the doctor will prescribe a urine test for the patient. Urine should only be collected in the morning on an empty stomach; the evening portion will not work in this case. The analysis allows us to exclude cystitis, kidney disease, and diabetes. Based on the effectiveness of the sampling, laboratory and instrumental studies and consultation with specialized specialists (as indicated) are prescribed. Tests for collection:

  • Nechiporenko test to detect hidden inflammation;
  • Zimnitsky test to assess kidney function;
  • blood biochemistry to detect glucose levels;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder allows you to visualize stones, abnormal development genitourinary system, which explains frequent urination;
  • a glucose load test is needed to identify latent diabetes mellitus;
  • hormonal blood test.

Consultations are offered with a urologist, nephrologist, endocrinologist, psychiatrist - if we are talking about excessive excitement of a boy in adolescence or younger. The listed tests allow you to accurately determine the cause of the frequent urge to urinate and begin the correct treatment.

Treatment of frequent urination in a child

The reasons for going to the toilet can be different and require a qualified approach. You cannot make a diagnosis yourself if we are not talking about simple physiological factors. Self-medication threatens to worsen the patient's condition. It should be remembered that if the patient experiences pain, this may be a sign of stone passage and the child cannot be transported in this condition! You should call an ambulance and prepare to be admitted to a hospital.


If frequent urination is observed in boys, treatment begins only after diagnosis - it is impossible to stop pathological pollakiuria without eliminating the underlying disease! The choice of drugs, dosage and treatment regimen depends on the disease; the range of therapeutic measures is quite wide:

  • inflammatory processes– uroseptics and a course of antibiotics are prescribed;
  • diabetes mellitus - constant use of insulin;
  • glomerulonephritis – hormonal therapy, cytostatics;
  • neurogenic hyperreflex disease of the bladder - physiotherapy, neotropic drugs, Atropine, etc.;
  • neuroses - sedatives;
  • tumors, pathologies of the central nervous system - observation, surgery.

Important! Parents should remember that a frequent urge to urinate is not always a harmless manifestation of excess fluid intake. If pollakiuria lasts more than 24 hours, a visit to the doctor cannot be postponed. The same is true for periodic occurrences of the disease without provoking factors, or the process of urine evacuation associated with pain symptoms.

Folk remedies

If the baby suffers from excessive trips to the toilet, and the causes of the disease have not been identified, a folk recipe will help. The product is usually prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs and has soft action. Here are some recipes:

  1. kidney collection/tea – pharmaceutical drug, which is brewed according to the instructions and drunk 0.5 tbsp. twice a day. The course of treatment is no more than 15 days.
  2. Infusion of birch leaves. Take 2 tbsp. dry leaf, brew in 2 tbsp. boiling water for 2 hours and drink 0.5 tbsp before meals. The course of treatment is 25-30 days.
  3. Cornflower tea is prepared from 1 tsp. herbs and 1 tbsp. boiling water Leave for half an hour, strain and drink half a glass before meals. The course is no more than 10 days.
  4. Bearberry, bear's ears - herbal hay helps with kidney inflammation. Brew in a thermos at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. collection or herbs separately per 1 liter. boiling water Leave for 2-3 hours, drink as tea, 0.3-0.5 tbsp.

Rose hip decoction, jelly or compote with honey relieves inflammation of the urinary tract well and helps eliminate pollakiuria, but caution is in order - rose hips can become an allergen.

Important! Children under 12 months cannot be treated with herbs unless otherwise recommended by the attending physician.

Many parents are faced with a situation where the child begins to run and pee frequently without other complaints or deterioration in health. This usually occurs during the day, and the intervals between urination can be 10-15 minutes. There are no symptoms at night. This problem begins to appear at the age of 4-6 years; boys are more prone to the pathology.

Don’t rush to panic and stuff your child with medications. First, you should think about why your child often wants to pee and what other symptoms are observed. If there are no signs of urinary tract infections and kidney pathologies, then this condition is called pollakiuria, or “children's daytime frequency syndrome.”

The volume and frequency of urination are directly related to age. Indicators may increase or decrease when consuming diuretic products (melon, watermelon, berries), as well as large amounts of liquid. Approximate urination rates are as follows:

  • 0-6 months: up to 25 times a day, but not less than 20 times;
  • 6 months - 1 year: 15 times +/- 1 time;
  • 1-3 years: average 11 times;
  • 3-9 years: 8 times a day;
  • 9-13 years: 6-7 times a day.

As you can see, small child urges to go to the toilet need to be satisfied much more often, but by the age of one year their number decreases by half, and at 2 and 4 years this figure becomes close to that of an adult.

The daily volume of urine, on the contrary, increases with age, as does the portion. The older the baby, the frequency of urges decreases, but if this does not happen, parents experience natural troubling questions. What could this be connected with?

Pollakiuria: information for parents

Frequent urge to urinate in children sometimes appears when they begin to visit kindergarten. This is emotional stress, and not all babies quickly adapt to new living conditions. Also, manifestations of the disease may be associated with problems in the family, quarrels between parents, and an unfavorable atmosphere in the home.

Let's deal with medical point vision. Pollakiuria in children: what is it? This is a disease in which the child often runs to the toilet (every 10-30 minutes, 30-40 mications per day), while not drinking much fluid and sleeping peacefully at night.

Urination is painless, panties do not get wet due to urinary incontinence, and the baby is trained to use the toilet. Another important sign is small quantity urine per urination, and the daily total volume does not exceed the norm.

If at two years old a child often goes to pee, this can be associated with physiological characteristics body or psychological, when kids, especially 2-year-old girls, are just getting potty trained, and they want to perform a new action more often.

But frequent urination of a 3-year-old child can no longer go unnoticed by parents. Less commonly, symptoms appear at age 5 and are usually the result of some kind of shock or emotional stress.

Psychological causes of frequent urination in children require correct behavior parents. It is unacceptable for ridicule, reproaches, irritability or punishment to arise about this.

Boys and girls cannot control the frequent urge to urinate; it happens involuntarily, unintentionally. Parents should be patient, try to focus less on the problem, but be sure to take the child to be examined by a pediatrician and have his urine tested.

Physiological pollakiuria

Very often the child pees without pain and other symptoms that usually indicate serious illnesses. Here it is appropriate to consider physiological pollakiuria associated with drinking large amounts of fluid.

If the baby drinks a lot, then the natural reaction of the body is the urge to urinate. But this situation also cannot be ignored.

The question is: why does the baby have such an increased need for fluid? Sometimes extreme thirst is simply caused physical activity or habit. But it may also indicate the presence of diabetes mellitus, and therefore requires medical advice.

The physiological manifestation of the disease is harmless. Everything will go away on its own in 1-2 months if the parents behave correctly, without emotionally aggravating the problem, especially if it is caused by a strong shock. Physiological pollakiuria can be provoked by the following factors:

  • Excessive fluid intake. At the same time, the child asks to urinate on the potty, but never does it in his panties.
  • Stress and negative emotional arousal can cause similar phenomena.
  • Hypothermia of the body, not only in a 5-year-old child, but also in an adult, often causes frequent urination. Just warm up and the problem will go away.
  • Taking certain medications (diuretics, sometimes antiallergic and antiemetics).
  • Nutritional features. Some foods contain a lot of water. For example, in cucumbers and watermelon, cranberries and green tea, etc.

In such cases, the disease goes away on its own if the provoking factor is excluded. In the case when a child often runs to the toilet due to stress, it is necessary to ensure a calm emotional atmosphere around the baby, and over time everything will return to normal.

Pathological causes of frequent urination

A false urge to urinate in a child or teenager may be the first sign of pathological pollakiuria. But there are other symptoms:

  • frequent urination of the child is accompanied by pain;
  • nausea and vomiting appears;
  • tearfulness, lethargy, aggressiveness;
  • enuresis;
  • temperature rise.

A child may urinate frequently due to diseases of the endocrine, genitourinary, and central nervous systems.

Problems with bladder can cause inflammatory pathologies. They are accompanied by pain symptoms and urination disorders. In girls, frequent urination and pain may not be a symptom of the disease, but a manifestation of early pregnancy. The occurrence of neoplasms of the pelvic organs cannot be ruled out.

The causes of incontinence or frequent urination in a 4-year-old boy may be associated with a failure in the transmission of nerve impulses coming from the brain. These processes can be caused autonomic disorders, injury, neoplasms in the spinal cord or brain.

Large amounts of urine are usually associated with kidney or endocrine dysfunction. In any case, if you notice an increase in the frequency of urination in a teenager or young child, do not delay, consult a doctor immediately to determine accurate diagnosis and start treatment in a timely manner.

Diagnosis of pollakiuria

If a child often goes to the toilet “smallly”, you need to find out the root cause of this condition. To do this, contact a pediatrician or urologist so that specialists can make a primary diagnosis based on symptoms and refer you for additional examinations.

A urine test will show the presence or absence of pathogenic microorganisms. General and clinical analysis blood will help rule out diabetes mellitus. Uroflowmetry will determine the pathology of urodynamics of the urinary tract.

Sometimes an ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder is prescribed or referred for a consultation with a nephrologist. For physiological disorders, a visit to a psychologist is required.

In any case, the child’s frequent urge to go to the toilet cannot be ignored. But don’t panic, analyze the frequency of urine output and the amount of fluid. Perhaps this is just a temporary period that will pass without medications or medical intervention.

Treatment of frequent urination in children

What to do if a child begins to write frequently? Should we be alarmed or can we wait? First of all, you need to ask your doctor these questions to rule out urinary tract infections and any pathology.

Frequent urination in babies, accompanied by painful symptoms, requires immediate treatment. But first of all, the doctor analyzes the factors that could cause this. If this is a central nervous system disorder, sedatives are prescribed. If there is a tumor, it is required surgery.

When inflammatory processes occur, uroseptics are prescribed, and in extreme cases, antibiotics. Frequent urination in adolescents often requires hormone therapy and prescription of cytotoxic drugs.

Prevention of disorders

There is no special prevention for this problem. But since problems with frequent urination are often associated with emotional state child, it is necessary to ensure the psychological health of the family, to eliminate quarrels, scandals, and stress.

Regularly show your baby to the pediatrician in the first year of life, do not allow hypothermia. Remember, in many ways it is the correct attitude of parents towards the health of the family that will help eliminate a number of diseases.

Nighttime urinary incontinence in children under 5 years of age is considered normal occurrence. Unfortunately, there are children who, even at the age of 7-10, sometimes wake up on wet sheets. In addition to the fact that it is uncomfortable for a child to wake up in a wet, cold bed, he is also very ashamed. You can get rid of nighttime troubles only by establishing an accurate diagnosis of the disease that caused nocturnal enuresis.

What can cause enuresis in children aged 7-10 years

The processes that contribute to nighttime urinary incontinence (enuresis) in children are represented by a physiological and psychological component. A wet bed upon waking causes trouble not only for the child, but for all family members. Most often, bedwetting occurs in boys and disappears by the beginning of adolescence. . This does not mean that the situation that has arisen does not need to be dealt with. If a child pees at night, he feels psychological discomfort, is ashamed and withdraws into himself.

The occurrence of nocturnal enuresis is caused by several reasons

  1. Psychological reasons

By the way, nervous stress, which the baby experiences, can cause bedwetting.

  • Change of environment (change of place of residence or transfer to a new school).
  • Conflicts in the family.
  • Loss of a loved one or four-legged pet.
  • Examination or tests at school.

In most of these cases, enuresis goes away without outside intervention, but sometimes the help of medical professionals may be required.

2. Failure or immaturity of the central nervous system

The body does not receive a signal that the bladder is full and that it is time to empty it. This reason is one of the main ones contributing to the manifestation of enuresis.

3. Hereditary factors

If both mom and dad suffered from the problem of night urination, then the probability of its occurrence in the child is almost 80%, and if one of the parents, then up to 45%.

4. Cold weather

Children are more sensitive to strong drops in temperature.

5. When a child is often taken to the toilet at night

He can sometimes wake up on his own and it will work quickly for him conditioned reflex to urination.

6. Malfunctions of the endocrine system

In this case, the child exhibits not only enuresis. His sweating increases noticeably, his face becomes swollen, or he tends to become overweight.

7. Hormonal imbalance

8. Pathological abnormalities in the urinary system

9. Infection in the genitourinary system or vaginal infection (in girls)

10. Weak bladder or kidney function

The problem of enuresis during night sleep at 7-10 years old can be quite prosaic in nature. The baby is just healthy sound sleep or the root cause lies in large quantities liquids, fruits or cold foods that he consumed before bed. Treatment in these cases will consist of timely monitoring of children.

Which doctor will help children get rid of enuresis?

First of all, parents, faced with nocturnal enuresis, turn to a pediatrician. As a rule, the doctor advises to wait a little, claiming that the problem will disappear over time. IN best case scenario, he will prescribe a general blood test and ultrasound examination internal organs.

On your doctor's advice, you should not wake your child up more often at night. This can only make the situation worse. Due to frequent getting up at night, the child may later develop symptoms of childhood neurosis.

A good pediatrician must determine which narrow specialist the baby will need it, and give a referral to a pediatric urologist, psychologist or neurologist. Only a complete examination will help determine what caused urinary incontinence during night sleep.

Don't wait for the problem to resolve without medical intervention. Contact your doctor at the first signs of the disease.

Methods to combat enuresis, depending on the causes of its occurrence

After full examination and discovering the causes of the disease, the doctor decides which method to use to solve the problem in a particular case.

Treatment with medications

  • One of effective means the drug Adiuretin-SD is recognized for childhood enuresis , which contains the substance desmopressin. It is an analogue of vasopressin - hormonal agent, which normalizes the process of excretion or absorption free liquid body. The drug is released in the form of nasal drops and is prescribed to children from the age of eight. For a child who has not reached this age, the doctor reduces the dosage.
  • For bedwetting, to improve children's sleep may prescribe tranquilizers , having hypnotic effect. (Radedorm or Eunoctin).
  • For neuropathic manifestations of the disease, Rudotel is prescribed , Atarax or Trioxazine (children over 6 years old).
  • Neuro-like form of bedwetting is treated with Amitriptyline , however, its use before 6 years of age is contraindicated.
  • To increase the volume of the bladder, Driptan is prescribed in tablets.
  • To improve brain function, sedatives are prescribed , such as Persen, Nootropil, Novopassit, B vitamins, vitamin A and E. Pantocalcin may be prescribed. With its help, the development of impulses responsible for the acquisition of new skills is stimulated.

These products can only be used as directed and under the supervision of a physician. To avoid harm to the child, strictly adhere to the prescribed dosage.

Non-drug therapy

When is bedwetting a problem? psychological character, no medicine will help if irritating factors are not eliminated from the student’s life. First of all, you should not scold your child for a wet bed or tease and ridicule him. This will only make the situation worse.

Fear of punishment or ridicule will provoke the development of the disease. You cannot tell strangers about your son or daughter’s problems, especially in their presence.

Creating a favorable microclimate in the family is the first step to success in the fight against childhood enuresis.

In addition, other factors have a beneficial effect on solving the problem

  • Daily routine . It is necessary to properly organize the teenager’s studies. He should avoid heavy loads that lead to fatigue and increase the duration of sleep. The last meal should be 2.5-3 hours before bedtime. In the evening, you need to limit your intake of liquids, especially juices, dairy and fermented milk products.
  • Bladder training. The procedure begins at the age of seven. The child is taught to delay the process of urination. Watch when your baby goes to the toilet, ask him to be patient a little longer. Increase the delay time little by little. This will help develop bladder control.
  • Motivational therapy . The method is highly effective, allowing to solve the problem of nocturnal enuresis in 80% of children. The best doctor in this case is the child himself. The essence of the method is very simple - rewarding children for every dry night. One child needs simple praise, another needs a new toy, bicycle or skates. Hang a calendar above your son or daughter's bed, noting all the dry nights. Agree with your child that when a certain amount dry nights a week or a month, the baby will receive a long-awaited gift. If he fulfills his part of the agreement, you, without any excuses, must fulfill yours.
  • Physiotherapy . The procedures promote improved functioning of the nervous system, brain and bladder. As medical procedures To ensure that the baby has a dry bed, they use electrophoresis, acupuncture, magnetotherapy, electrosleep, a circular shower and therapeutic exercises.
  • Psychotherapy . The specialist teaches the child self-hypnosis and relaxation techniques. In the process of training, weakened muscles are restored various reasons reflex connection between the bladder and the nervous system. In cases of severe neurotic enuresis, therapy for depressive mood shifts - tearfulness, fear, irritability or anxiety - is used. Plays a big role in this family psychotherapy, that is, creating a favorable climate in the family and comprehensive support for the child.

Traditional methods of combating bedwetting

Can become an assistant in the fight against the disease traditional medicine with her recipes

  1. A tablespoon of dill seeds Brew a glass of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Children up to 10 years of age are given half a glass to drink in the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. A decoction of St. John's wort leaves is added to the lingonberry compote. and give the child something to drink several times a day. The product helps well with incontinence, which is caused by psychological factors.
  3. Pour 2 tablespoons of rose hips into one liter of boiling water. and let it brew. You need to drink the infusion several times a day, replacing tea or compote with it. Rosehip not only helps to cope with enuresis, but also has restorative effect for the whole body.

Traditional medicine offers huge amount recipes for enuresis. But before using them, do not forget to consult your doctor.

For treatment to be effective, family members must become a moral support for the child. Praise him for every dry night, don’t scold him if the bed suddenly turns out to be wet again.

You need to reassure your loved one, inspire him that you can get rid of all this and that he is able to cope with the problem that has arisen. Feeling the full support of loved ones, the baby will quickly cope with such an unpleasant phenomenon as nocturnal enuresis.

Pollakiuria (tamuria) is frequent urination, which can be both a symptom of various pathological conditions and a reaction to changes in living conditions. Symptoms can appear only during the day or only at night, and can also be the same in intensity throughout the day. Experts, speaking about pollakiuria, mean disturbances in urination during the day, since for nocturnal pathology For this type, a special term was introduced - nocturia.

What is pollakiuria

In pediatrics, pollakiuria refers to frequent urination in children without pain. This symptom can accompany diseases of the genitourinary, endocrine, nervous and cardiovascular systems of the body.

It is characteristic that the amount of urine excreted per day remains consistent with the age norm. The child often goes to the toilet, every 10-15 minutes, but little by little.

This symptom is sometimes accompanied by urinary incontinence (or urgency), but it would be a mistake to combine them into one problem. With pollakiuria, it is extremely difficult to control the time intervals between trips to the toilet, but involuntary urination does not occur.

According to statistics, most cases of frequent urination occur in boys aged 4 to 6 years.

Why does a child pee often?

Causes of frequent urination in children may include: various diseases. In this case, this symptom is often accompanied by problems with appetite, excessive sweating, high temperature body, pallor and lethargy.

Disruption of the rhythm of bladder emptying is one of the indirect symptoms of the pathology of the endocrine system (sugar and diabetes insipidus). With this disease, the child constantly feels thirsty, drinks a lot and, as a result, pees a lot.

Various inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, such as cystitis and urethritis, are always accompanied by pollakiuria.

Tamuria is the main symptom of neurogenic dysfunction - a pathology in which the development of nerve centers responsible for the proper functioning of the bladder slows down.

Frequent urination is caused by compression of the bladder, for example, by tumors of organs in the pelvis or by an incorrectly positioned uterus in girls.

Pathologies of the central nervous system arising due to various injuries, inflammatory-degenerative diseases and brain tumors, also provoke the child to often go to the toilet in small ways. This happens because the emptying of the bladder is responsible for impulses that the brain transmits through the spinal cord. With pathologies of the central nervous system, the chain is disrupted and the correct rhythm is disrupted.

A child may want to write often due to neuroses and psychosomatic disorders. Due to stress and overexcitement, some children constantly run to the toilet, but this is a temporary phenomenon that lasts no more than 10 hours. In pathologies of a psychosomatic nature, the symptom is constantly observed, but may not be pronounced and is often supplemented by aggressiveness and sudden changes in mood.

Household reasons for frequent trips to the toilet

Reasons frequent visits The toilet may be caused by everyday situations not related to illness. In this case, we are talking about physiological pollakiuria.

If a child drinks a lot of liquid, he, accordingly, pees a lot. Here we need to look at why this happens. If due to heat or strong physical activity- no need to worry. However, it is also possible that the child begins to drink much more liquid for no apparent reason - in this case, you need to contact a specialist.

It is necessary to monitor and prevent hypothermia, as this leads to reflex vascular spasms, which causes the child to urinate more frequently.

The symptom of tamuria may appear while taking medications (diuretics, antihistamines and antiemetics), which have a diuretic effect. Some foods also have a diuretic effect, for example, cucumbers, beets, melons, tomatoes, lettuce and watermelons.

If a baby pees often, first of all you need to pay attention to the diet - perhaps this is how he reacts to a change in diet or to the mother’s consumption of foods with a diuretic effect. Such a reaction is possible to family quarrels or a radical change of situation. If these causes are excluded, but the symptom remains, the help of a pediatrician is required.

How often should a child write at different ages?

In order to understand whether a child has frequent urination or not, you need to know the age norms.

In the first week of life, children pee little (up to 5 times a day), since a large volume of fluid is lost during childbirth, breastfeeding is not yet sufficient, and the functioning of the urinary system has not yet been established.

However, already in the second week the situation changes, and up to 6 months, children pee 20-25 times a day. Over the next six months, the intensity decreases slightly - up to 15-16 times a day.

At the age of 1 to 3 years, a child goes to the toilet 10-12 times. For children from 3 to 9 years old, it is enough to write 7-9 times, and from 9 to 13 years old - only 6-7. For teenagers, the norm is to urinate no more than 5 times a day.

Although the frequency of urination in a child is a very important indicator of health, there is no need to worry if there are slight deviations from the norm. We need to analyze what has changed in the rhythm of life, observe further development situations and only then make a decision about visiting a doctor.

How to help your child

Frequent urge to urinate in children should not be ignored by parents. Due to the absence of pain, the child may not complain for a long time while the disease develops.

If symptoms do not disappear within 24 hours, you will need to consult a pediatrician. You can first submit your urine to the laboratory for analysis.

If any pathology is detected, further treatment the doctor will prescribe, and parents can only help by strictly following the recommendations.

In the absence of diseases, tamuria can last up to 2-3 months. If the doctor says that treatment is not required, relatives need to behave very tactfully. You should not constantly ask your child questions about going to the toilet and remind him of this situation. The problem is sensitive, and constant discussion can provoke stress, which will not allow the symptom to disappear.

It is necessary to monitor the child’s nutrition, prevent hypothermia and control routine examinations from a pediatrician and specialists.