Types of dogs that look like teddy bears. Pomeranian “mini”: photo of a miniature German bear, description of the breed Breed of small dogs similar to bear cubs name

Reading time: 4 minutes. Views 198 Published 02/22/2019

It is very popular these days to have dogs that resemble teddy bears. Such breeds evoke special sympathy among girls.

These dogs charm everyone who has ever seen them with their appearance. The domestic bear cub is the owner of a good character, an affectionate, sweet and handsome dog loyal to his owner. In this article we will take a closer look at the dog breeds: Pomeranian and Chow Chow.

Main distinctive features of the breed:

  • Light weight, up to three kilograms;
  • Small height, about 22 centimeters at the withers;
  • The wool is of extraordinary beauty, consisting of two layers;
  • Energy and intelligence;
  • Triangular ears framing a cute face;
  • Fluffy, thick coat.

This breed of dog is easy to train and can learn all standard commands in a short time. The bear reacts to everything with a loud, loud bark. Therefore, the first thing you should do is teach your pet bear the command “Quiet!”

The Pomeranian, like other bear-like dog breeds, has a restless character. They love to play and run. In general, the owner, having such an attractive dog at home, will not get bored.

It is best to go for a walk in the company of your beloved pet by wearing a special overall. Otherwise, you risk coming home with a dirty hairball.

A bear that settles in your apartment will serve as reliable security. We see Pomeranians as teddy bears, and they see themselves as fearsome giants, so it is worth paying due attention to training this breed so that your guests do not leave the house in horror with torn clothes.

Good to know! Dogs, breeds Pomeranian Spitz is very good with children and works well in a team. Therefore, they can most often be found in the circus. In addition, this species loves to travel and can even be carried in a bag.

Tips for caring for oranges:

  1. It is recommended to comb the coat twice a week; during shedding, the procedure should be repeated more often.
  2. Nails need to be trimmed.
  3. The bears are bathed approximately once every three months and as needed.
  4. You should brush your teeth every day to avoid periodontal disease.
  5. The eyes are wiped with a cotton swab soaked in boiled water.
  6. For this breed, many dog ​​breeders advise purchasing a special tray. Domestic bears go to the toilet both outside and in the litter box.
  7. Strictly adhere to the feeding schedule. You should not give your pet sweets. It is best to give food after a walk. Small puppies are fed up to four times a day, but adult dogs are recommended to be fed no more than twice at the same time.

Distinctive features of the Chow Chow breed

  1. Unusual blue tongue;
  2. Weight varies depending on the sex of the animal, from 27-32 kg;
  3. Height is about 46-56 centimeters;
  4. Life expectancy is generally 10-12 years.

As you can see, it is significantly larger in height and weight than the Pomeranian Spitz. But the appearance reminds us of a clumsy bear cub in both cases. Both breeds have a kind and playful disposition and are easy to train. However, due to its large size, the Chow Chow may scare an uninvited guest just by his impressive appearance.

There are two types of dogs of this breed: short-haired and long-haired. The Chinese have a legend about the blue tongue: in ancient times, the ancestor of the Chow Chow licked a piece of the broken palate.

Not very active, loyal only to its owners. It will not be possible to win the favor of this dog from a stranger. For service commands Reacts reluctantly at times, may be lazy to perform the same exercise several times.

When getting a Chow Chow, you should be prepared for active daily walks, during which the pet will splash out all its accumulated energy. Chow chows are perfect as guards.

Tips for caring for your Chow Chow:

  1. The dog should be brushed at least once a week with a metal comb;
  2. To the collar and to washing the paws it is necessary teach from an early age;
  3. Feeding should be strictly of the same type, without mixing species;
  4. It is necessary to purchase a special product for bathing a dog of this breed. You will also need a hair dryer to dry the wool, which will need to be done after water procedures.

In addition to the above breeds, which we examined in more detail, there are many more varieties of dogs that are very look like bears.

  1. Poodle;
  2. Tibetan Mastiff;
  3. Newfoundland;
  4. Goldendoodle;
  5. Samoyed dog;
  6. Retriever mix.

Dogs that look like bear cubs are a real miracle of nature. They are extraordinarily beautiful and smart. They are true friends and real guards of your home. Having such a pet, you can be completely confident in your safety.

People really like dogs that look like bear cubs. Often, when choosing the breed of a future pet, they pay attention not to the characteristics of the breed, but simply to the appearance. And what could be cuter than a fluffy “bear cub”?

Breeds of medium and large size have an ancient history of origin. It is better to keep such dogs in a private house, because the apartment will be cramped due to their impressive dimensions, and it is not always possible to create the proper conditions. In addition, the lush fur, providing a resemblance to a clubfoot, will protect against any cold weather.

General information and Peculiarities

Large breed puppies have a unique charm and look more like a teddy bear than a real one. With age, they acquire a rather intimidating, if not menacing, appearance. Small breeds resemble soft toys for life and cause affection. They became small in size thanks to selection, lost their functions as hunters and guards, and became more like companions for humans.


There are quite a lot of breeds that resemble bear cubs; they differ in temperament, size and external characteristics.

Some similar features can be identified:

  • Loyal to their family and owner;
  • Excellent memory and intelligence;
  • Stubbornness;
  • Tendency to dominate.

Breed overview

Popular dog breeds that resemble bears:

  1. Pomeranian Spitz– an excellent companion, loves people. The average weight is 3-4 kg, and the height is just over 20 cm. The breed has roots in Asia, but was brought to its current form solely through the efforts of breeders.

Pomeranians are obedient and kind, playful and active, but they love to bark loudly, which can cause some discontent among neighbors.

These dogs are characterized by 12 types of color, with black and white being the rarest. The coat of dogs of this breed requires regular grooming. The appearance of a Spitz (teddy bear) will delight the whole family, especially children. They live 12-15 years.

  1. Newfoundland- giants with a good character, at the withers they reach a height of 65-70 cm, and their weight reaches 70 kg. The breed comes from Canada, from the area of ​​the same name with cold and strong winds. It may seem to some that this is really a clubfoot that came out of the forest, but no, the breed is simply incredibly similar to a forest dweller. They are similar not only in size and weight, but Newfoundland ears also resemble those of a bear.

Newfoundlands are prone to laziness and passiveness; to avoid obesity you need to go jogging or exercise with them. These dogs love water very much, so it would be a good idea to take it with you to a river or lake in the summer and have a race swim.

The coat sheds all year round, so it is advisable to comb it daily; if you neglect this advice, tangles may form, which spoil the image of the dog. Life expectancy is approximately 10 years.

  1. Alaskan Malamute– sled dogs, they are very strong and resilient, and have the kindest character. The average height of a Malamute is around 60 cm, and its weight is about 35-40 kg. The breed was bred by the Eskimos.

Since these are sled dogs, they require constant physical activity and training. They always and everywhere try to be leaders, therefore, when living in a family, they require strict upbringing.

The structure of the large paws is reminiscent of a bear's; they allow you to avoid drowning in the snow. Their physique is more like a wolf. The color can vary from pure white to gray, or it can be two-color (usually a mixture of white with gray, red, brown, black).

The coat sheds 2 times a year, during these periods dogs need careful care. Average life expectancy is 13-15 years.

Be careful: the cute, plush appearance of the Alaskan Malamute makes you want to get this breed, but the willfulness and stubbornness of the animal can sometimes make people regret their choice.

  1. Arctic Spitz or Samoyed- sled dog, originally from the northern regions of Russia. This breed has a muscular body and strong limbs - the dogs are strong and resilient. Samoyeds weigh up to 30 kg and reach 45-55 cm in height.

Arctic Spitz are more likely to be companions; they are not suitable for the role of guards, as they need constant communication. Samoyeds are friendly, sociable and get along well with other pets and people. If you want to get a dog of this breed, make sure you have enough free time, because they love attention and have difficulty with separation. If a Spitz doesn’t get enough attention and affection, he begins to get bored and bark loudly, and can cause mischief. It is advisable to spend a lot of time outdoors with these animals and expose them to physical activity.

Samoyeds are usually white in color, but there are individuals with a light cream undertone. The coat is practically problem-free, sheds once a year and requires brushing once every two weeks. They live about 12-15 years.

  1. – one of the largest breeds in the world. They reach a height of up to 75 cm at the withers and weigh on average 60 kg. Puppies look like a bear, and this similarity does not disappear with age. Mastiffs are calm like boa constrictors, peaceful and trusting, but they treat strangers with distrust.

Important conditions of detention are: the possibility of long walks every day, the need for intensive physical training, strict education.

Mastiffs come in coffee, black, golden colors, and tan is acceptable. They live about 12-15 years.

  1. – the most popular guard breed. They reach a height of up to 75 cm, but are usually smaller, weighing on average about 70 kg, but there are individuals with a live weight of 100 kg.

Caucasians have a complex character: demanding and capricious, persistent and overly brave. They often want to dominate people and feel like masters of life. They treat strangers unfriendly. When in danger, they act with lightning speed, fight back when attacked, and if something threatens the owner, they attack first. They require strict and regular training.

The color is usually fawn, motley, brown, less often gray. It is advisable to comb it once every 2 weeks; with some dogs this can be quite difficult. Life expectancy is 10-12 years.

Important: it is better to have Caucasian Shepherd dogs as guards in private houses; living with them in an apartment will be quite difficult.

  1. - Chinese dog breed. Owners of these animals most often hear about their resemblance to a bear, although the Chinese call this breed a shaggy lion. The weight reached by these dogs is 20-30 kg (males are much larger), height at the withers is 46-56 cm.

At first, the breed was intended for baiting and fighting, so its character is difficult - proud, stubborn, domineering. They have a strong build, developed paws and a wide chest. The purple tongue is an interesting feature. There are 2 theories on this topic:

First– dogs are descended from an animal that is something between a dog and a bear. Let us remember that clubfoot has a black mouth.

Second– Chow Chows are descended from extinct wolves with similar mouth pigmentation.

They can be red, black, brown and even blue. The coat is easy to care for, it is enough to comb it once a week, before going outside you can comb it with a massage comb, it will look neat and beautiful. They live 9-15 years (yes, the difference is almost 2 times, watch the health of your pet, and he will please you longer).

  1. goldendoodle is a Poodle/Golden Retriever mix. They are small and medium in size, reaching 30 - 60 cm in height, respectively, and weighing about 10 - 30 kg.

By nature they are very patient, sociable, kind and playful. This dog is created for a quiet time and friendship.

The fur is curly, soft and pleasant to the touch, and goldendoodles do not shed. Color can be cream, copper, golden, brown, red, black and white. They live 10-15 years.

How to make a choice?

This is a very responsible choice and there is little resemblance to a bear; many factors need to be assessed comprehensively:

  • Character and behavior - you should not get a wayward dog if you are not ready to train him regularly;
  • Conditions of keeping - do not take a sled dog if you cannot run races with it or let it out in a large enclosure;
  • Goal - decide whether you need a security guard or a companion;
  • Are you expected to live together with other pets?
  • Before bringing a dog into your apartment, make sure that all family members are not allergic;
  • Having enough time to care for your pet.

It is the fluffy fur that gives the dog its resemblance to a bear, and caring for it will be one of your main concerns. Thick fur is prone to tangles; to avoid this, it will need to be washed and combed regularly.

  • Provide your dog with a balanced diet;
  • Brush your pet’s teeth – this will protect against periodontal disease;
  • Training should begin as early as 1-2 months;

Consider all the features of the breed you have noticed, weigh the pros and cons and make a choice. We hope you will find a common language with the chosen puppy and will enjoy each other for a very long time!

Friendliness, good-natured attitude towards all people, mischief, a sea of ​​​​charm are combined with aggression, bullying towards other people's dogs and cats. The Jack Russell Terrier needs significant physical activity and loves outdoor games.

A white, fluffy dog ​​with a perky expression on its face loves to swim and splash in the water, and has excellent health. The Cotton de Tulear or Madagascar Bichon is a rare breed; the cheerful, easy-going, good-natured nature of these shaggy polar bear-like dogs contributes to their growing popularity.

The Madagascar Bichon is well trained, loves walks, is sociable, and demonstrates a complete lack of aggression.

Serious mischievous Scotch Terrier

A little devil with a mischievous character and a serious expression on his face is the Scotch Terrier. Of the small dog breeds, this is the most serious, having the ability to be a good companion, an excellent hunter, and a serious protector. Black or fawn dogs have an energetic disposition, they are distrustful of strangers and aggressive towards other animals, therefore they need socialization.

Wire coat requires plucking or trimming 2 times a year and correction before shows.

- real shepherds, even small ones. Their appearance resembles a fox: a cunning, elongated muzzle, protruding ears are combined with a bright red color. Impressive snow-white teeth are almost never used.

Short legs do not prevent the Welsh Corgi from running quickly, accelerating from a standstill, and its good-natured character allows you to fearlessly leave even children with the Welsh Corgi.

Little long-eared beauties - King Charles Spaniel

A small, beautiful breed of dog, with a doll-like appearance, slightly bulging, large eyes - this is the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Dogs with long ears and soft, flowing fur love to attract attention and arouse admiration. The owners of these affectionate, artistic dogs have no problems with walking in the city center.

The Charles Spaniel is friendly to other animals, like representatives of other decorative breeds, but can fight back against an offender. Does not require heavy loads, somewhat slow.

Small breed dogs will be loyal, devoted friends and ideal companions. There are many types of small dogs, breeds, photos and prices are listed on the Internet. Many breeds will be good watchdogs and guards, some will be excellent hunters or herding dogs, but all of them adore their owners.

Pros of small dogs

The demand for pocket dogs is growing every year. Pets have a beneficial effect on the upbringing and development of children. Tiny creatures are devoted to those who care for them. Despite their size, they are lively and brave. We are always ready to defend ourselves if the owner is in danger.

Friendly, cheerful creatures lift your spirits. Looking at them, only positive emotions appear. Abroad they are considered four-legged doctors.

Positive creatures have an incredible healing effect on humans. Pets don't require a lot of space. They feel comfortable in a small living space, there are many positive aspects.

Main advantages:

  1. Compact size. Despite his small height and weight, the pet has a big heart. Such a tiny animal will give its owner his love and become a full-fledged member of the family. No fear of heights. Fearless animals bypass their larger relatives: they are not afraid of heights, and it seems they are even ready to make a parachute jump.
  2. They eat little. Although a small pet is picky about food, it eats little. They go to diapers. When there is no time to walk with her, she easily learns to go to the tray or diaper. They love affection. Few people would think of coddling a Great Dane or a Rottweiler.
  3. With small dogs you can afford such familiarity. They love to be held in the arms of their owner and are always happy to be petted. Minimum dirt. There is little smell or fur in the house from a miniature dog.
  4. Portability. The world's tiniest dogs fit in a purse. You can take it with you on a visit or to the store, and can easily be transported in transport. Long-lived. Such “kids” have a longer life expectancy than large dogs.

Funny Affenpinscher

The face of this funny dog ​​looks like a monkey or the grimace of an imp. The dog is positive and cheerful. There are some similarities between the Affenpinscher and griffins, but the two breeds are still different.

Previously, these dogs performed an important function - they exterminated rodents, but now they are classified as decorative breeds, and they are mainly companions. Affenpinschers have no sugar in character. Sometimes pets show mischief and stubbornness, but they remain family favorites. The maximum height of the breed reaches 28 cm, and they weigh up to 4.5 kg.

Graceful Bichon Frize

These small curly dogs are native to France. The unusual name of the breed translates as “curly-haired lapdog.” Outwardly, they resemble a soft toy with a snow-white coat. Bichons appreciate attention, affection and a friendly attitude. And their curiosity and desire to learn commands allow them to master even the circus program.

Suitable for active, purposeful people who love to travel - the pet will be happy to keep company. At the withers, Bichons reach 29 cm and weigh from 2.5 to 5.5 kg.

Brussels Griffon

Brussels Griffons are mischievous little ones; their funny appearance and bright character allow them to be favorites and family members. You can get a pet if you already have animals in the house; they get along well with small children and show amazing patience and endurance.

Their main qualities are kindness and devotion, they love communication and are not averse to being the object of everyone's attention. People who have not previously had dogs as pets can get this pet. The height of these babies reaches 28 cm, and griffons weigh no more than 4.5 kg.

Rabbit Dachshund - mini version

They are the smallest of the dachshunds and have the same hunting instincts and skills as their larger relatives. It’s not unusual for this pet to rush after a passing cat, mouse, or bird, or to make an excellent hole out of homemade blankets.

The rabbit dachshund is an overly mobile, active animal that shows character, so the future owner should know that raising this little one should be taken seriously.

The pet will be incredibly devoted to its owner, and a long separation can cause irreparable psychological trauma. The height of rabbit dachshunds is 17 cm or less, and their weight does not exceed 5 kg.

Active Pekingese

A representative of the oldest Chinese breed, who lived for a long time at the court of the emperor and was a sacred person, which could not but affect his character. These compact, long-haired dogs have self-confidence and independence, which somewhat complicates the process of training and education. Knowing the characteristics of the breed, it is not difficult to find an approach.

Pekingese are unobtrusive and will not demand attention, but they are not averse to basking in the glory. They get along with younger family members, but will not tolerate bullying or neglect. The dogs weigh from 3.2 to 6.5 kg, and the height at the withers does not exceed 23 cm.

Obedient Border Terrier

The character of the Border Terrier is characterized by some duality. On the hunt, he is a ruthless and passionate dog, but at home he is an affectionate, friendly, loving pet. Many representatives of this breed can smile, exposing their teeth.

This sweet-natured dog is used in Western medical settings as a “therapy animal.” Border Terrier owners visit nursing homes and hospitals with their pets, providing psychological support to sick people.

Alaskan Klee Kai - relatives of the husky

The Alaskan Klee Kai, like all huskies, is beautiful in appearance, smart and independent. Unlike the stubborn Siberian Huskies, their miniature counterparts are more cat-like in behavior. They are affectionate towards their owner and even wash their faces with characteristic movements of their paws.

Another incredible ability of the Alaskan Klee Kai is the ability to make sounds similar to human speech. A set of guttural, howling, gurgling sounds is really similar to a conversation, so communicating with a pet can bring real pleasure.

4.9 / 5 ( 9 votes)

Today, more than 400 dog breeds are known to exist. There are purebred individuals and crosses of different species. Often, when choosing a pet, future owners are guided not by the characteristics of a certain type, but rather by the appearance of the animal. Dogs that resemble bears, which come in different sizes, look very attractive.


Large and medium-sized breeds are of ancient origin and are intended to be kept only in private houses with a plot. In childhood, they undoubtedly resemble teddy bears, but as they grow older, their appearance changes. Dimensions, the need for large space and a thick coat make it difficult to live in apartment conditions. But it is the warm fur, reminiscent of a bear skin, that provides comfort when the dog is on the street or in an unheated room on frosty days.

Large dogs show a desire for leadership, and therefore they require more strict training and constant training. Miniature breeds resemble clumsy, fluffy bear cubs, causing emotions of tenderness and admiration. Adapts perfectly to apartment living. They are excellent companions and make great family pets.

Popular breeds

All types similar to their club-footed counterparts have a certain charm and charm, but have peculiar habits and require different conditions of detention. Several breeds deserve special attention.


The breed is named after the province of the same name in Canada, where a harsh maritime climate and cold winds prevail. The local population held in high esteem large dogs with abundant hair that could repel water.

Despite their massive build, Newfoundlands are distinguished by their good disposition. They are very smart, calm, patient and obedient. In case of danger, they will always come to the aid not only of the owner, but even of a stranger in trouble. They get along well with people and other animals.

They are prone to passivity and laziness, which can lead to obesity, so It is necessary to conduct at least short training with them, giving clear commands. Newfoundlands love water very much; whenever possible, you should let them swim and frolic in the water. They love to play with children on the banks of ponds.

It is important to adhere to a strict diet when it comes to nutrition. Food should be high in calories, enriched with minerals and vitamins.

They reach a height of 66-71 cm and gain weight up to 70 kg. The coat requires careful care, as it is prone to shedding all year round. To prevent the formation of tangles, it should be combed daily with a brush with stiff bristles, and thoroughly combed once a week.

The resemblance to a bear is given by its huge size, square body, thick fur, round muzzle and small ears that fit tightly to the head. Newfoundlands are black or brown in color. Life expectancy is on average 10 years.

Alaskan Malamute

The breed was bred by the Eskimos. In terms of physique, especially in adulthood, they are more similar to wolves. They have a well-developed musculoskeletal system, so they are very strong and resilient, which allows them to be used as sled dogs. Animals have an energetic temperament and developed intelligence, but are very stubborn and self-willed.

They need increased physical activity and constant training sessions. When living in a family, they try to take a leadership position, which is why strict upbringing is required.

Height ranges from 59-63 cm, and body weight 35-38 kg. They come in different colors from pure white to gray mixed with black, red and brown shades. The coat sheds 2 times a year, during these periods it is important to comb it thoroughly. Life expectancy is 12 -15 years.

The resemblance to a bear is given by the fur and structure of the paws. Malamute puppies are very charming and resemble cute teddy bears.

Samoyed or Arctic Spitz

The breed first appeared in the northern regions of Russia and belongs to the group of sled dogs. Samoyeds are very hardy, have a strong muscular body and strong, well-developed limbs. The head is wedge-shaped, the muzzle is small and flattened, the coat is thick and fluffy.

Their demeanor is very sociable, friendly and brave. Easily adapt to any conditions. They get along well with their owners and other pets. Aggression is unusual for them, but if attacked they will fight back. They love attention to their person, so they are more suitable for people with enough free time. It is difficult to bear separation.

In the absence of manifestations of affection and care, they begin to get bored and attract attention with loud barking. They like to spend a lot of time outdoors and need physical activity. It is not advisable to have a dog of this breed as a guard; it is more suitable for the role of a family companion.

Samoyeds are of medium size, height reaches 46-56 cm, weight – up to 30 kg. They live on average 12-15 years. The fur color is most often white, but sometimes there are representatives with a light cream color. Despite the fluffy coat, caring for it is not particularly difficult; it sheds infrequently - once or twice a year. Requires brushing 1-2 times a week.

At age, puppies are very similar to polar bear cubs.

Tibetan Mastiff

A very rare and expensive breed, it is one of the largest in the world. It was bred many centuries ago, but still retains its pure line. In ancient times, its main purpose was to protect nomadic tribes and monks in the mountains of Tibet.

Representatives of this type have impressive size, long and shaggy hair, a large head with a wide forehead and a short muzzle. If they show caution, then the appearance of folds on the forehead becomes noticeable. Very hardy, they need intense training and long walks.

Mastiffs are calm, peaceful, trusting with their owners, but very vigilant towards strangers. They often demonstrate stubbornness and require strictness in their upbringing.

At the withers they reach a height of up to 75 cm and weigh about 60 kg. The color can be different: black, golden, coffee, gray, perhaps even tan. The coat should be brushed once a week, and daily during the spring molting period.

With age, funny puppies that resemble bear cubs turn into large individuals and retain their resemblance to bears.

Caucasian Shepherd

The most famous and widespread guard breed, bred 20 centuries ago. The physique is very massive and muscular.

They have a complex character: overly capricious, demanding, persistent and brave. There is a desire to dominate people and a feeling of being in the leading role. Strangers are treated extremely unfriendly and with suspicion. In conditions of danger, they make the right decisions, fight back, and when there is a threat to their owners, they attack first. Usually their actions are correct and error-free. Constant training is needed.

They reach a height of up to 75 cm and a weight of up to 70; there are also animals that are too large - weighing about 110 kg. The color of the coat is most often gray, fawn, brown and motley. The coat is thick, tangles often appear, it should be combed 2 times a week. They live 10-12 years.

The resemblance to a bear is given by the giant body dimensions, hard fur, large rounded paws and great physical strength.

Akita Inu

The Japanese breed has a strong and muscular build. The lush, thick, two-layer coat with a soft undercoat makes it particularly attractive. The dogs have a very calm and friendly disposition; they are wary of strangers, but behave with restraint, without showing aggression.

The height of adult individuals reaches 70 cm, weight – 35-54 kg. Different colors are possible - white, red, brindle, piebald. Fur care is not difficult, it is enough to comb it once every 7-10 days, during the molting period you can do it 2 times a week. Lifespan 10-14 years.

At age, puppies are very similar to bear cubs, but over the years they become similar to a wolf or a fox.

Chow chow

This cute, medium-sized breed is classified as a member of the Spitz group. Is of Chinese origin. The body is strong, the chest is wide, the limbs are well developed. An interesting feature is the purple tongue. There is an ancient Chinese legend about this. When God created the sky, a piece of it accidentally fell to the ground, which was immediately licked by an inquisitive dog, and since then its tongue has acquired a blue-violet color.

Chow Chows are very energetic and love active and long walks. Behind a pleasant appearance hides a stubborn and power-hungry character. They show devotion and love to their owners, but when meeting a new person they can become aggressive. Developed guard skills.

They grow up to 46-56 cm, weigh 20-32 kg. The color can be red, brown, black, blue. Life expectancy is 9-15 years. Despite the fluffiness, the wool is easy to care for - Requires thorough brushing once a week, before walking, you can walk over it for 1 minute with a massage comb to make it tidy.

Thanks to their fluffy coat, round head and small ears, Chow Chows are more often than other breeds compared to bear cubs.

Pomeranian Spitz

This breed of miniature pets is very popular. They are excellent companions and love to be around people. Very kind, obedient, active and playful. They love to bark loudly, which makes training somewhat more difficult.

The coat is not prone to shedding and matting, but due to its thickness it needs brushing 2-3 times a week. When feeding, preference should be given to meat, cereals, eggs and milk.

The height is small - about 22 cm, weight gains up to 3.5 kg. There are different colors: red, cream, blue, sable, chocolate, black and white are less common. Average life expectancy is 12-15 years.

A short muzzle, small round paws, and thick fur give it a resemblance to a teddy bear.


Is a mix of the Golden Retriever and Poodle species. Very kind, patient, sociable and playful nature. He loves to be the center of attention of his household, and especially children, to whom he forgives all pranks towards himself.

The coat is soft, fluffy, curly, pleasant to the touch, and does not shed. Basic care involves brushing twice a week to prevent tangles. The color can be brown, copper, cream, golden, red, white, brown, black.

They come in small and medium sizes. Height ranges from 35 to 65 cm, weight from 10 to 30 kg. Lifespan 10-15 years.

Curly hair, a round head and an always kind look give him an external resemblance to a teddy bear.

How to choose?

Choosing a pet is always very important; just wanting a dog that looks like a bear is not enough. The following points need to be carefully considered:

  • readiness to show sufficient attention and follow the rules of caring for the animal;
  • the purpose of acquiring a four-legged friend is to be a companion or guardian for the family;
  • the behavior and character of which breed attracts more;
  • when keeping a puppy in an apartment, make sure that family members are not allergic to dog hair;
  • Is the dog expected to live with other animals in the house?

For adults and responsible people, whose home rarely has guests, there are no small children or other animals, you can choose any puppy you like, regardless of the type and size. The main thing is to create optimal conditions for them and appropriate care.

Families living in an apartment with small children are better off purchasing a Goldendoodle dog. For families where children have already crossed the threshold of school and realize that the animal needs not only games, but also care, you can get a chow chow, Pomeranian or Samoyed. Akita Inu will become a true and devoted friend to a teenage child.

Lonely elderly people who see a dog as a companion may be advised to get a Samoyed or Goldendoodle, but you should not buy a Pomeranian or Chow Chow because of their excessive activity and noise.

It is better to have large pets for people living in a private home. But even if you have a local area, you must take regular walks with them.

Some dog breeds look like anything but a dog. Get ready for a serious overload, here is a list of breeds whose puppies you can’t help but want to take this miracle into your home. But a charming appearance requires special treatment and care.


A gentle giant, the Newfoundland is a brave and intelligent working dog. This is primarily a family companion, and will also become a partner for a traveler or tourist.

Huge paws, fluffy fur, round dark eyes, plump cheeks - a Newfoundland puppy can pass for a black bear. Brown and black and white Newfoundlands are also cute. The coat requires constant care; the dog must be bathed 2-4 times a month with special products and combed 3-4 times a week with a stiff-bristled brush. The Newfoundland's haircut should not be radical; its thick coat protects it from cold in winter and from heat in summer.

Alaskan Malamute

Originally bred for tasks such as hunting polar bears or pulling heavy sleds, the Malamute is today a popular dog breed among families and people with active lifestyles.

Between their fluffiness and huge paws and cheeks, these pups look like they'll grow into elegant white and gray bears. The dog needs a bath every 6-8 weeks, and its long coat with a thick undercoat needs to be brushed daily or at least every other day. Thick and moderately hard coat does not require cutting. The color of Malamutes is often gray to black or red.

Chow chow

Independent and dignified, the Chow is attached to one person, although he gets along with all family members. An excellent guard dog that will protect you from strangers.

The purple color of the tongue and the fur of a teddy bear, as well as a “bearish” gait, are distinctive features of the breed. The Chow Chow dog has a low activity level and can live happily in any home, including an apartment.

If puppies of other breeds, when growing up, still look like dogs, then the chow chow at any age looks like a bear cub. Red Chows are more common, but they can be black, red, blue and even white. The dog is clean; it is enough to bathe it 2-4 times a year using high-quality shampoos and conditioners; the coat must be groomed 2-3 times a week using special brushes. Many owners are against cutting the Chow Chow, but if you want to cut the dog, trust a professional; even an experienced groomer sometimes takes several hours to do this.

Pomeranian Spitz

A small dog the size of a toy, the proud but cheerful dog looks like a small fluffy bear. The breed's calm nature and affectionate nature are liked by many.

Bear-type Dwarf Pomeranians are dogs with a round head, a short, flattened and wide muzzle, and close-set round eyes. They appear to have chubby cheeks, but this is an optical effect caused by the thick fur on their cheekbones. The chin is slightly raised and the tip of the nose is raised. They resemble a chow chow or a miniature bear cub.

Coat care is simple, but it is advisable to brush it daily. Irregularities in the orange's diet affect the condition of its coat. The Miniature Spitz looks especially attractive with a short haircut, which makes it look like a plush toy. Red, white, chocolate - a puppy of any color is incredibly cute.


Boundless energy and a sunny disposition make the Poodle an excellent family dog. No breed has a more developed sense of humor than the poodle.

Poodle puppies, especially the chocolate ones, look like teddy bears. So you can't be sure which one is a poodle and which one is a toy. White, blue and peach poodles are also not uncommon. A dog's fur does not cause allergies, but requires regular care and maintenance. You will have to use not only shampoo, but also wool conditioner. From the age of six weeks you need to accustom your pet to combing. A poodle's haircut can highlight its beauty and grace.


Intelligent, friendly and affectionate with a moderate activity level and needing a long walk every day, these are companion dogs. They love people and should live in the house, not on the street.

No one will be surprised if it turns out that the prototype of the teddy bear was a goldendoodle puppy with black eyes and fur. The color varies. As a child, he looks like a bear cub that barks for some reason. The lack of undercoat makes it “non-shedding”, but it is necessary to keep the coat in excellent condition and avoid the formation of tangles. A teddy bear haircut not only makes the dog look cuter, but also protects against infections caused by the accumulation of dirt on the face and head. If it is enough for a goldendoodle with straight hair to brush it once a week, then a curly-haired one needs this procedure every day.