Dmitry Hvorostovsky died of brain cancer: why is it killing more and more often. “The illness did not come as a surprise to me, I felt it”: how Dmitry Hvorostovsky passed away Hvorostovsky in serious condition

“A person is exposed to radiation while sitting at a computer and going to bed with a mobile phone”

Dmitry Hvorostovsky passed away. The opera singer was only 55 years old. Hvorostovsky died in London from brain cancer.

Why have you heard more and more often about brain tumors in recent years? Friske, Zolotukhin, Zadornov, now Hvorostovsky... Have there been more such diseases?

We addressed this question to a professional, an oncologist who has worked in this field for decades.

Georgy Mentkevich, Deputy Director for Scientific and Medical Services, Institute of Pediatric Oncology, Russian Cancer Research Center named after. N.N. Blokhina, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor:

If there is an increase in diseases of the central nervous system (brain tumors), it is not catastrophic. There are no exact statistics on this matter today; they are floating. In any case, in adults this tumor grows, in my opinion, no more than before.

It’s just that cancer was diagnosed worse earlier, they talked and wrote less about it, although the mortality rate was also terrifying. Judging by brain tumors in children, leukemia is in first place (40%), and malignant tumors of the central nervous system are in second place (23% - almost every fourth). Children in this case respond better to treatment; 75% of those sick recover. It's more difficult with adults. But in both cases, the treatment of such patients is quite complex and multidisciplinary. If you suspect a brain tumor, you need to very quickly apply the most accurate test to date - do an MRI. And if everything is confirmed, quickly send the patient to the surgical department, quickly and efficiently perform the operation. And after that - radiation or radiation and chemotherapy. In such cases, we give high-dose “chemistry”, more than once and using autologous stem cells.

Probably everyone did this to Dmitry Hvorostovsky after he was diagnosed with cancer in London. Why didn't chemistry help him?

First, early detection of a brain tumor is very important. Secondly, it all depends on the type of tumor, its size, location, etc. Moreover, there are tumor locations where it is impossible to give a high dose of radiation. But the main problem is that the disease manifests itself very late, when the tumor is already pressing very hard on the brain, it is large, which makes both surgical and therapeutic care difficult. I am sure that in England there are good specialists in this field, there is modern equipment, modern specialists, but tumors of the central nervous system, especially more malignant ones, alas, are practically incurable today.

In your opinion, can the prevalence of various gadgets, mobile phones, computers today affect the occurrence of brain tumors? And if so, how to save yourself?

I don’t know how to save myself. Progress cannot be stopped. You don’t want to ride a cart and not use modern means of communication, do you? And I don't want to. Today people eat differently, communicate differently, live differently, the environment is different. Evolution! The only thing I can say is that if a person sits at a computer for 20 hours and goes to bed with a mobile phone under the pillow, this is definitely not good for health. He is irradiated.

Russian baritone Dmitry Hvorostovsky performs at a classical music concert held on Palace Square

PHOTO: Igor Russak/TASS

According to the specialist, all the details of Dmitry Hvorostovsky’s illness are unknown, since he was treated abroad.

– This disease can exist asymptomatically for a long time. Then some symptoms appear, such as headache. If the patient can be operated on, then there is a chance. The tumor is asymptomatic only when it is small, explained Andrey Pylev.

commentary by oncologist Pylev / Evening Moscow / Evening Moscow

commentary by oncologist Pylev

Evening Moscow, "Evening Moscow"

He also added that often when the first symptoms of a tumor appear, the disease is still operable. If everything goes well, then on average the patient is given one and a half to two years. Moreover, if treatment is not carried out after surgery, the patient will live only three to four months.

– For a patient after an operation, even a successful one, there is no point in talking about a full life. After this, radiation and chemotherapy are carried out, which are the main stage of treatment. There are bright intervals, but, unfortunately, they are short. Dmitry Hvorostovsky was a great guy for going on stage. However, each person must assess his own strengths and make a decision. If he feels that he can go out into the world, the doctor will not forbid him to do so,” the oncologist added.

In addition, Andrei Pylev explained that there are no means or ways to protect yourself from this disease. Absolutely anyone can get cancer. At the same time, the oncologist added that Dmitry Hvorostovky in Russia could receive the same treatment as in London.

– It is difficult to comment on the decision of opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky to undergo treatment in London. From a medical point of view, there are successes there that do not exist in Russia. There are medicines and drugs that are not yet available in our country. Treatment abroad gives more chances, but each specific case must be assessed separately. I think that Dmitry Hvorostovsky could have received the same treatment in Russia. There is no complete healing. However, I repeat that we do not know what his illness was. In the cases of illnesses of Mikhail Zadornov, Valery Zolotukhin and Zhanna Friske, where the diagnosis was known, there is practically no complete healing,” Andrey Pylev emphasized.

Opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky died / Evening Moscow

Opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky died

, "Evening Moscow"

His colleague also expressed her condolences in connection with the death of Dmitry Hvorostovsky. According to her, he was an ideal singer, with phenomenal vocal capabilities.

“He held on until the end.” I looked at how he fought and was amazed at what inner strength the man had! And how he sang for the last time,” said Veronica Dzhioeva on the VM network broadcast.

The singer’s illness was first officially reported two years ago, in 2015. After this, information was released about how Dmitry Hvorostovsky struggled with his illness. Despite this struggle, the singer went on stage, but took breaks. And each time he courageously returned to the stage, and his fans had hope that he was able to overcome his illness.

This hope kept all his friends and fans afloat; Dmitry Hvorostovsky recently celebrated his anniversary. However, the disease still won. 2017 in London. Dmitry Hvorostovsky left behind four children: two are already adults, and two are 9 and 14 years old. According to the opera singer's will, his ashes should be buried in two Russian cities: Moscow and Krasnoyarsk. .


There was no secret about his illness, and the incredible courage with which he endured it was amazing. It amazed and gave hope. In the fall of this year, an incident occurred: information about his death appeared in the media. Everything quickly became clear, and on the sidelines they even said it was a good sign, he would live a long time. I really wanted to cling to something, to believe in the incredible. And now... And now the news turned out to be not a “duck”. And it’s very scary to realize that his voice now lives only in recordings, on disks, tapes and in memory. ()


Nikolai Tsiskaridze, ballet dancer, People's Artist of the Russian Federation:

A tragedy is a tragedy, what can I add here. This affected both those who had close contact with Dmitry and those who simply loved his work. I have been experiencing this terrible news all day today. ().

Denis Matsuev, Russian virtuoso pianist and public figure:

It is impossible to believe that a man-legend, a man-miracle, a great soul, a Siberian knight left us in the prime of his life. I always say that a Siberian is a person with a special perception of the world. Dima was exactly like that: with a broad, kind and generous Siberian soul. They say that there are no irreplaceable people, I categorically disagree with this phrase, because there will never be anyone like Hvorostovsky again ().

Olga Golodets, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation:

– Dmitry Alexandrovich had a unique talent and enormous creative power. His performances will forever remain in the golden fund of musical art. I express my deepest condolences to all family, friends and everyone who knew and loved the singer’s work,” explained Olga Golodets ().

Dmitry Hvorostovsky, a legend of the opera stage who was simply adored by his fans, has passed away. The best singer in the world, the most refined baritone - what titles he has not been awarded during his brilliant career! He was only 55. Hvorostovsky struggled with a serious illness for two and a half years. He fought with all his might. But she prevailed.

Today, when he passed away, a post appeared on his social network page on behalf of the family. Farewell, beloved opera singer, husband, father, friend. Dmitry Hvorostovsky passed away this morning, in London, surrounded by his closest loved ones. But the memory of him and his soulful voice, flowing from the depths of our souls, will forever remain with us.

He really wanted to sing here, in his native Krasnoyarsk. Dmitry Hvorostovsky gave all of himself to his fellow countrymen. At the last concert, he managed to once again confess his love to the audience. They, as always, reciprocated.

“I had to go back. I returned to you because I love you, because this is my hometown,” said People’s Artist of Russia Dmitry Hvorostovsky.

He spent only a few years in his hometown after graduating from the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Arts. Already at 27, the stately and charismatic Hvorostovsky was sent to an opera singing competition in Cardiff, also called the Olympics of Musicians. The Soviet Union took part in it for the first time. And immediately a resounding success: Hvorostovsky received the title of “Best Singer in the World.” And since then he has been torn between the main opera stages: Covent Garden, La Scala, the Metropolitan.

He was given the best parts: Germont in La Traviata, Rodrigo in the opera Don Carlos, Don Juan, Eugene Onegin. And from the age of 20, he himself dreamed of playing the clumsy and limping jester Rigoletto in the opera “Verdi”. And, of course, Hvorostovsky’s calling card is the role of Count di Luna in the opera “Il Trovatore.” His favorite, but also the most difficult to perform. After her, foreign critics awarded the singer another title: the most refined baritone.

And as soon as he had a free week, he rushed to Russia, to the Mariinsky Theater or the cozy hall of the capital’s conservatory. Here he often performed songs to the music of Georgy Sviridov. The composer treated Hvorostovsky like a grandson and always repeated that only a single singer could perform his works so poignantly.

Success loved him, but failure seemed to pass him by. That’s why it was so impossible to believe the doctors’ diagnosis made two years ago: brain cancer. Three months of painful radiation therapy and a ban on his main medicine - the stage.

“I don't remember what I said. I said that, in principle, I had achieved everything in life, I had done everything: I planted trees, raised children, I had a wonderful career. What else? And fuck you all - that's what happened. And then everything went. I have no right. I must live not for myself, as always. Not for myself,” said Dmitry Hvorostovsky.

When doctors allowed him to sing again, he organized a charity concert in Ufa together with Rusfond to raise money for treatment of sick children. Patients, including those with cancer. During the intermission, I wanted to encourage everyone, because he, like no one else, knew what this daily fight against the disease costs.

“People here are seriously ill. We need very real and serious help. We need to help, we need to forget about everything, all our ambitions. This is the most important thing we have - our children,” said Dmitry Hvorostovsky.

The father of four children, he never showed that he was hurt. Hvorostovsky rehearsed on stage until the last minute and was afraid to slow down. So that fans remember him like this, with irrepressible energy and that wide smile.

“Every year I gain two more, because the speed and intensity of living time is very, very high,” said Dmitry Hvorostovsky.

About the death of the greatest opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky. Everyone - journalists, artists, friends, admirers of the famous baritone's work - refused to believe this until the very end. It is not surprising, because just a month ago, Hvorostovsky was already “buried” by journalists who mistakenly spread the news of his death. Later they apologized to the singer’s family, but one fact turned out to be irrefutable - cancer is taking away the last of Dmitry Hvorostovsky’s strength.

In 2015, the singer announced his serious illness: he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. At the same time, as the artist’s friends noted, it was impossible to assume that he was sick: Hvorostovsky’s tour schedule was booked months in advance, he looked cheerful and was in good shape.

Hvorostovsky underwent chemotherapy and even tried to return to the stage, but most of the planned performances had to be canceled one after another. Hvorostovsky simply did not have the strength.

The media reported on the terrible consequences of oncology that the artist faced - they wrote that he was losing his sight, that he could not walk. There were rumors that Hvorostovsky might even lose his amazing voice. The singer denied all the terrible news about his health until the last moment - he was confident that he would be able to return to the stage.

He lived in London and turned to the best European specialists for help. But, unfortunately, the battle turned out to be unequal - a terrible disease took the life of the artist beloved by many. The sad news has already been confirmed by his family.

As the co-chairman of the Russian Patients' Union, neurologist Yan Vlasov, previously told Life, tumors of the central nervous system, head tumors, especially those located in the cranial area, very difficult to diagnose. Until the doctor “feels” it himself, there is always the possibility that the diagnosis is actually different.

There are cases when the tumor “hangs” for years, and then one day it grows three times in size, and the person can die, he added.

Oncologist surgeon Konstantin Titov spoke about the most common and most aggressive brain tumor - glioblastoma. Usually it is this type of neoplasm that quickly and mercilessly claims human lives.

As the doctor said, unfortunately, malignant tumors are almost always in the initial stages are asymptomatic. Especially - formations in the brain.

Despite the fact that the brain is a small organ, there is a small free space in it, said Konstantin Titov. - Most often, the tumor grows in it, pushing apart the brain tissue. When headaches, dizziness, blurred vision or gait appear, these are already large and, most likely, inoperable tumors.

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Bright and generous talent, amazing efficiency and boundless respect for your listeners allowed you to achieve the pinnacle of performing skills and gain fame as one of the outstanding baritones of our time,” stated the website of the President of the Russian Federation.

Hvorostovsky unconditionally deserved the recognition and love of art connoisseurs from all over the world, the head of state noted. Undoubtedly, today a large army of fans of the great artist is mourning with the singer’s family.

He was still a child, and he was already predicted to become famous. But in the distant past, no one suspected that he would conquer the whole world. Today he is famous and has many fans. How did his life turn out? Why did he decide to develop his vocal talent?

Family of Dmitry Hvorostovsky

This great man was born in Krasnoyarsk in 1962, October 16. His parents worked in prestigious positions during the Soviet era. My father was a chemist, and my mother worked as a doctor in the gynecological department of a local hospital. From childhood it became clear that Dmitry Hvorostovsky would not follow in the footsteps of his parents. His biography is very interesting and full of wonderful facts. Even as a child, he began to show interest in music and loved listening to his father’s records. The boy's singing talent was discovered at the age of 4. He sang old songs and romances with pleasure. Dmitry inherited a wonderful voice from his father. In the evenings, the family organized home concerts. Dad sang and played the piano with his mother, and the son often took part in this.

School years

Dmitry studied at a regular school. She was near the house. The parents decided to send their child to study piano at the same time at a music school. There was no way he could play this musical instrument. The grades were bad. And Hvorostovsky left school with an unflattering description. The biography says that he was neither an excellent student nor an exemplary student. The singer does not like to remember and talk about this period of his life.

Getting an education

After school, he went to enroll in a pedagogical school in the music department. At that time, he became interested in rock, a musical style new to Soviet youth. Unexpectedly for himself, he ended up as a keyboard player and soloist in the group “Rainbow”. The group performed in restaurants and local clubs.

Dmitry really wanted to be like a real rocker, not only externally, but also internally. He constantly got into fights, was rowdy and hooligan, skipped college, going on sprees with his hobby friends. Sometimes he had a desire to quit studying and live for his own pleasure, but something held him back. Dmitry somehow graduated from college and became a music teacher.

In 1982 he entered the vocal department of Hvorostovsky. The biography says that it was no accident that the guy took a course with the best teacher. His future teacher, Katerina Iofel, already had a group recruited. But thanks to the connections and acquaintances of Dmitry’s parents, they were accepted into the group.

At first, studying was difficult. The first two courses were devoted to retraining the student to be not a choirmaster, but a soloist. He was constantly irritated and impatient. After two years, he liked studying. After all, Hvorostovsky now understood his teacher perfectly. The biography tells of the fact that the hot-tempered and restless student never missed the classes taught by E. Iofel. And in 1988 he graduated from the institute and received his honors diploma of higher education.

First steps to glory

Student Dmitry in 1985 received an invitation to work at the Opera and Ballet Theater in his native Krasnoyarsk. He was offered to perform minor roles. But very soon Dmitry was promoted and began to sing in the first voice. He performed Verdi and Tchaikovsky, Leoncavallo and Gounod. After a year of performing on the theater stage, the young singer becomes a laureate of first the All-Russian Vocal Competition, and a few months later - the All-Union Vocal Competition.

World star

After graduating from college, the singer decided that he needed to build a career in Europe. He began to take part in various international vocal competitions. The first European international competition, in which he decided to show his talent, was held in France. There he won the Grand Prix.

The next competition that interested Dmitry was organized by the Air Force. It was held in Wales. It should be noted that for the first time among the participants of this festival, Verdi performed his favorite operas by Tchaikovsky, and Hvorostovsky captivated the audience. The biography says that one of the jury members even compared him to Pavarotti himself. Participation in the festival and victory brought him recognition, and the whole world started talking about the Russian opera singer.

By 1990, Hvorostovsky had become one of the world's most legendary opera singers. He was invited to participate in the production of “The Queen of Spades” by Tchaikovsky at the New York theater. Representatives of the Philips Classics recording company really liked his voice. Dmitry was offered to sign a contract, he agreed. Hvorostovsky recorded more than 20 albums at the studio. The album “Black Eyes,” which consisted of romances and folk songs, became especially popular in the USA (and in Europe too).

In 1994, the opera singer moved to London. Here he first buys a huge mansion with 5 floors, and later receives a document as a British citizen.

The singer constantly tours the world and takes part in concerts, festivals, and performs solo with his program. He's a star. The best opera houses invite him to perform on their stages. Hvorostovsky does not forget his native country. In 2004, he performed on the main Moscow square and sang with a symphony orchestra. He was awarded the title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation".

Meeting with your future wife

His first wife was ballerina Svetlana Ivanova. The singer met her back in Krasnoyarsk, while working at the local theater. Dmitry immediately fell in love with the woman and decided to win her heart. The young man was not embarrassed that Sveta had already been married in the past and was raising a child alone. Their romance lasted two years, and after that the guy moved his beloved to his communal apartment. Soon they got married.

Years later, the family moved to London. Here in 1996, Hvorostovsky’s wife gave birth to twins: Sasha and Daniel. Almost immediately their relationship deteriorated. Sveta did not want to learn a foreign language, and she devoted little time to her husband and did not strive to help with her career. Every day they moved away, feelings faded away. Hvorostovsky began to seek solace in alcoholic drinks.

In 1999, the singer met Italian Florence Illy at a rehearsal. She was a singer. The girl fell in love with Dmitry at first sight. But he did not return the feelings. After all, he was married and had not yet thought about divorce, dreaming that his relationship with his wife would improve.

In 2001, he filed for divorce. Hvorostovsky's wife sued almost all the property from the singer, and also achieved 170 thousand pounds of annual maintenance for the children and herself. The singer was very worried about the divorce, and Hvorostovsky drowned his broken personal life in alcohol. he was getting worse every day. But the singer seemed not to notice this. Soon, due to worries and constant drinking of alcohol, he developed an ulcer. And only Florence was nearby. It was she who brought the singer back to life and supported his desire to cope with alcohol addiction. The woman helped improve Hvorostovsky’s health and forced him to start a new life.

New love

At some point, Dmitry realized how dear Florence was to him. Soon the lovers began to live together and later legalized their relationship. In 2003, they had a son, who was named Maxim. After 4 years, Dmitry becomes a father again. Florence gave him a daughter, Nina.

This woman became the opera singer's faithful companion. She traveled with him around the world, sometimes performing at his concerts.

Terrible diagnosis

In the early summer of 2015, it became known that Hvorostovsky's poor health was the reason for the cancellation of all his concerts until the end of August. Fans were concerned. What could happen to their idol?

A week before the cancellation of the concert in Vienna, the singer did not feel very well. I contacted the doctors. After the examination, Dmitry Hvorostovsky learned his terrible diagnosis: a brain tumor requiring immediate treatment. The disease progressed. The singer’s voice has not yet changed, but he has serious problems with his sense of balance.

Fighting the disease

Dmitry is a very strong person. Relatives and friends are confident that Hvorostovsky will be able to overcome the tumor. His friend told one story that gave hope for the legendary opera singer’s speedy recovery. Once in the past, Dmitry was told that he would have two wives and many children, and they predicted world fame and applause from satisfied listeners. The fortune teller mentioned a terrible illness and that he would cope with it.

As it turned out after the examination, Hvorostovsky did not suddenly fall ill. The tumor appeared a long time ago, but for a long period of time it did not develop and did not manifest itself in any way. Dmitry, gathering all his will into a fist, determined to cope with the disease at all costs.

Hvorostovsky's treatment was carried out in London. He visited the doctor every day and followed all the appointments accurately. And the disease began to recede.

The opera singer returns to the stage. He plans to hold his concert at the Tchaikovsky Theater on Triumphal Square.