Which water is best to quench your thirst? How can you quench your strong thirst in the heat? Apple broth with raisins

How to quench your thirst? A question that arises in many people's minds when summer arrives. Although there are other reasons that arouse interest in this topic. For example, going to the bathhouse or heavy physical activity. Also, the need for liquid arises after a person eats foods that contain a lot of salt. There are different drinks that quench your thirst.

Note that the human body to a greater extent (seventy percent) consists of water. It is she who fills the cells and participates in metabolic processes. For a person, the daily need for water is two to three liters (approximately). Although the indicator may be different, depending on body weight.

When the body loses water, it is significantly reduced, since the blood thickens and the muscles are poorly supplied with energy.

If a person does not drink water (or any other drink) for a long time, he will simply die. Liquid is removed from our body through the gastrointestinal tract, urine, breathing and sweating.

During the hot season, a person needs more water than usual. The best way to quench your thirst is to drink two glasses of liquid ten to fifteen minutes apart.

So, after the first drink, check if your thirst is still there. If it remains, then drink more liquid (a second glass) after the specified period of time. This method is much more effective than drinking large quantities of water at one time. Why? Because the feeling of thirst and the need to quench it are always slightly behind the actual satisfaction of the human body’s need for fluid. There is a wide variety of drinks. These include: kvass, water, juices, lemonades, energy drinks, dairy products and others.

So how to quench your thirst? Which drink will cope with the task? Now we will describe each in more detail.


Water - plain, from the tap or in bottles - is not suitable for effectively quenching thirst. The point is this: in the hot season, a person sweats a lot, and along with sweat a lot of phosphorus, sodium, magnesium and potassium are released.

Therefore, the body needs to replenish not only water reserves, but also salt reserves. If a person drinks plain water, then an even greater removal of salts from the body occurs. At the same time, the feeling of thirst remains. Therefore, the more ordinary water we drink, the more we will want more liquid.

Mineral water

Mineral water quenches thirst more than regular water. Although consuming artificially mineralized water is not particularly beneficial for the body. Water containing more than ten grams of salts is no longer just a liquid, but a medicine.

Natural mineral water makes it easier to fight thirst. But you don’t need to drink it in large quantities either. Any mineral water contains carbon dioxide and mineral compounds that can contribute to the deposition of salts in the body. Therefore, this drink should be consumed only as prescribed by a doctor.

If we talk about usefulness, then in the first place, of course, is well or spring water. It must be tested for the absence of germs and harmful impurities. Note that such water has one significant drawback. For a person who is accustomed to the benefits of civilization, it seems tasteless, because it is insipid.

Lemonades and all carbonated drinks

Nowadays there are a large number of different ones on sale, such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, lemonade and many others. Unfortunately, such products are useless for quenching thirst. In addition, such drinks are very harmful to the human body. These products contain many preservatives, large amounts of sugar, and sweeteners, which further increase thirst. Why is that? This is explained by the fact that saliva does not remove the remaining sweetener from the mucous membrane of the mouth well. And, as you know, sweets only excite thirst.

Tea (green, black, herbal)

Green tea is a very good thirst quencher. It can be drunk both cold and hot. In addition to the fact that green tea perfectly quenches thirst, it replenishes the body’s loss of vitamins and mineral salts. This drink can be consumed with lemon and honey. However, nutritionists do not recommend drinking more than three cups of green tea a day, since this drink contains acidic cochaeteine. This component can irritate the gastric mucosa, so people with diseases of this organ should be careful.

To quench your thirst, in addition to green tea, you can use herbal teas. They may consist, for example, of currant leaves, raspberries, oregano, linden flowers, and mint.

Tea with milk is a good thirst quencher. In addition, this drink has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa.


Many women, as well as men, are not indifferent to this drink. It contains a lot of caffeine. This component has a strong diuretic effect. And therefore there is an even greater need for fluid. In addition, coffee should not be consumed by those who often have high blood pressure. If you want to quench your thirst, then know that this drink, unfortunately, will not cope with this task.


So how to quench your thirst? Drink cold kvass. In addition to its main effect, the drink is also beneficial for digestion.

It contains many vitamins, sugar and microelements necessary for the body. Although it is almost impossible to find high-quality kvass on sale. Bottled drinks are prepared with an admixture of synthetic surrogate. Kvass is the same drink with gas, which contains nothing except sweeteners, flavors and preservatives.

I would like to note that such drinking is contraindicated for those who suffer from diabetes and intestinal diverticulosis.

Juices (natural and in packages)

Natural juice perfectly quenches thirst. Regular consumption of this drink is good for health. Canned juices, which contain preservatives, sugar, flavorings, dyes and citric acid, are just as useless and harmful as lemonade, Coca-Cola and others.


If you want to quench your thirst, you shouldn't drink beer. Since it has a fairly strong diuretic and, to the general regret of men, on the contrary, removes fluid from the body. If you drink beer in large quantities, you may experience problems with your kidneys and the development of so-called beer alcoholism.

Milk and fermented milk drinks

How to quench your thirst? You can drink milk, kefir, fermented baked milk. These and other dairy (fermented milk) drinks quench your thirst well in hot weather. In addition, they have a positive effect on the human body.

However, if you consume dairy drinks constantly and in large quantities, this can lead to obesity. After all, they are more food than drink. Dairy products are high in calories.

and honey

This drink will help quench your thirst during the hot season. The combination of ingredients in this cocktail is very good. If you add nutmeg and cinnamon to water with lemon and honey, the drink will be energizing.

Apple broth with raisins

This drink perfectly quenches thirst and calms the feeling of hunger. In addition, this decoction regulates the acidic environment of the body, as well as the production of gastric juice. To prepare this drink you only need one apple, a little water and raisins. The mixture should be brought to a boil, after which the drink is ready to drink.

with rose hips

An excellent drink that will quench your thirst and hunger. The sour taste is refreshing in summer. You can add spicy cinnamon to the drink for a piquant flavor.


How to quench your thirst? Drink cold compote. This drink with a pleasant aroma is prepared from various fruits and berries (dried, fresh or frozen). Compote will give the body many useful substances and essential vitamins. In addition, this drink perfectly quenches thirst. It also removes toxins. A wide variety of compotes allows you to delight yourself and your family with aromatic healthy drinks every day during the hot season.

The only note is do not add sugar to your vitamin cocktail. Because otherwise the compote will quench your thirst worse. Also, by eating sweets you can gain weight, and if you don’t add sugar, then, on the contrary, you can lose a couple of extra pounds.

A little conclusion

Now you know how to quench your thirst on a hot day. We hope that now you will not think about this question, but simply drink one of the drinks suggested above.


In the heat, a person loses about 2-3 liters of fluid. Because of this, the mental state worsens, dizziness and weakness begin, and there is a risk of dehydration and fainting.

It is necessary to constantly maintain the body's water balance, but with what? We offer 7 drinks that will best help cope with the heat and quench your thirst.

The best thirst quencher

1. Plain water

Plain water saturates the body with moisture best. Clean, cool water is the simplest and most accessible source of quenching thirst. In addition, for those who watch their figure, this is the most popular drink.

If plain water seems too boring to you, add a little lemon juice.

2. Kvass

Kvass is a traditional drink in hot weather. It perfectly quenches thirst due to the amino acids and carbon dioxide it contains. In addition, this soft drink has bactericidal properties and kills harmful microorganisms.

Only natural kvass has beneficial properties. If the composition contains food coloring, sweeteners, preservatives, then this drink is very far from kvass.

3. Berry fruit drinks

Berry drinks are especially rich in vitamins and mineral salts; they contain large quantities of pectin, vitamins A, B and C, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, etc.

All kinds of fruit drinks made from sour berries (especially without sugar and sweeteners) perfectly refresh and prevent dehydration of the body. It is not recommended to consume on an empty stomach.

4. Fermented milk drinks

In hot weather, fermented milk products perfectly quench your thirst: kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, ayran, tan, etc. In addition, they restore the normal composition of intestinal microflora and are absorbed very quickly.

For the hottest day, drinks like ayran or tan are best - they have a slightly salty taste and not only quench your thirst for a long time, but can also relieve intoxication and headaches.

Green tea quenches thirst

5. Green tea

Yes, it is hot, not cold green tea that will help you get drunk in the heat. The secret of hot tea is simple: it dilates blood vessels, increases sweating, and with it, excess heat goes away. Due to this, the body cools down.

Green tea also reduces the body's need for fluid, has a tonic effect and stimulates the nervous system. It is not recommended to consume on an empty stomach.

6. Mineral water

Lightly carbonated mineral water perfectly quenches thirst. Contains pure water, dissolved salts important for metabolism, and carbon dioxide. It is divided into dining room, medical-dining room and medicinal (depending on the concentration of salts in it).

For daily use, choose only table water with a salt content of no more than 2-3 grams. for 1 l. If you suffer from urolithiasis, have kidney problems or are pregnant, consult your doctor before use.

7. Sour fruit smoothie

Cocktails made from fermented milk products and fresh fruits, with which you can get drunk and refresh yourself at the same time. Should not contain added ingredients - sugar, citric acid, flavorings, preservatives, etc.

Smoothies have the same health benefits as fruits - when used in a smoothie, acidic fruits have excellent thirst-quenching properties.

8. Useful tips

Avoid alcohol and beer in hot weather. Any alcohol increases heat transfer, promotes dehydration of the body and puts a huge strain on the heart and blood vessels.

Avoid coffee and strong black tea. These drinks, like alcohol, have a strong diuretic effect. For the same reason, you should not consume various energy drinks in hot weather.

Avoid sweet carbonated water and non-natural juices. The sugar, sweeteners, colorings and preservatives contained in these drinks inflame rather than quench thirst.

Don't drink too much at once. Drinking liquid does not quench thirst immediately, but after 10-15 minutes.

Choose only the right and healthy drinks, carefully read the ingredients on the label, and then you won’t be afraid of any thirst in the summer! Be healthy.

What's the best way to quench your thirst in the heat?

In the summer heat you are especially thirsty. In addition to the psychological effect, quenching thirst is also important in a physiological sense: dehydration of our body can lead to various undesirable consequences. The fact is that the human body is 70% water, which performs many functions in the body: water fills tissues and cells, participates in biochemical reactions, ensures the transport of most nutrients and breakdown products, and also removes excess heat from the body. All body water is renewed in about a month, and intracellular water - in a week. The daily water requirement of an adult is 30-40 g per 1 kg of body weight, and this is a very decent figure (for an average man weighing 75 kg, this is 2.5-3 liters)!
Loss of water from the body very quickly affects your well-being. With a short-term loss of water of more than 2-4% of body weight, physical performance is significantly reduced, since the blood thickens and does not sufficiently supply the muscles with energy. A prolonged lack of water in the body leads to dangerous metabolic disorders, and a loss of water in the amount of 20% of body weight leads to inevitable death. The average water loss per day by a healthy body through urine, gastrointestinal tract, sweat and breathing is 2-3 liters, and in hot weather it can double. Naturally, these losses must be immediately compensated.
With profuse sweating, our body also loses a certain amount of vitamins and minerals, the loss of such important minerals as potassium, calcium, sodium, chlorine, magnesium and phosphorus is especially important. Otherwise, these substances are called electrolytes - because they form electrically charged ions when dissolved in water. In particular, the most important electrolytes - potassium, sodium and chlorine - regulate water balance in the body through the mechanism of osmotic pressure, calcium and potassium play an important role in the neuroregulation of muscles, magnesium and phosphorus are participants in a number of important processes of energy metabolism. If you quench your thirst only with water, the concentration of the remaining ions will decrease even more, and it is their concentration that plays a decisive role in the most important processes of muscle neuroregulation and energy metabolism.
What is the best way to quench thirst and benefit our health?
Water in different bottles, mineral and carbonated, tea, coffee, beer, energy drinks, kvass, lemonades, juices, milk and lactic acid products - the choice of a city dweller is huge, but do all drinks quench thirst equally? Let's figure it out.
Water. The most common, accessible and cheap drink. And: - the most physiological for preventing dehydration of the body. In any form it perfectly quenches thirst. We need water, collected from the tap or in a plastic container. Water containing mineral salts - mineral water - quenches thirst better. But you need to know when to stop, a high salt content, more than 10 grams per liter, turns mineral water into a medicine.
Mineral water it is better to choose natural water (the label must indicate the number of the well where this water is obtained), rather than artificially mineralized water. There is one more disadvantage of mineral water - carbon dioxide dissolved in it. In principle, it makes it easier to fight thirst, but it cannot be called beneficial for health. In general, you need to be very careful with mineral water, especially with medicinal and medicinal table waters. You can drink them not as God wishes, but only as prescribed by a doctor. For example, the process of salt deposition may begin.
Distilled and melt water are useless in the fight against thirst. It’s tasty and effective to add a little lemon juice to water. If drinking water sources are ranked by priority, then:
- in the first place will be water from its source (a well, a well near the house, previously tested for the absence of harmful impurities and microorganisms),
- in second place, despite popular opinion, will be tap water (preferably passed through a household filter and boiled),
- then you can supply water from various “mass” sources (“holy” and not so), and it is also recommended to filter and boil it. No matter how holy the water may be there, it must be remembered that such sources are usually located in places where people live massively, with all the ensuing consequences;
- and only in fourth place - bottled, incl. mineral water, because, unfortunately, there are a lot of low-quality products from unscrupulous manufacturers and even more dangerous low-quality counterfeits of well-known brands. As soon as Russia realized that the water business was profitable, counterfeits arose - it’s so simple: open the tap, put in plastic bottles and stick a label. According to various expert estimates, from 20 to 50% of the total volume of bottled water produced in Russia is counterfeit.
Clean drinking water has only one drawback - it is fresh, so for a person spoiled by the “benefits of civilization”, it often seems “tasteless”.
Lemonades, soda, Pepsi, Cola, etc. A consumer product, it’s hard to find another name. Whether it’s the famous cola or the forgotten Pinocchio, the essence does not change. A minimum of natural substances, sugar (or sweeteners), dyes and preservatives. Not only useless for quenching thirst, but also a potentially harmful mixture in a beautiful package. It practically doesn’t quench your thirst, quite the contrary! The presence of large amounts of sugar and some other substances in them, on the contrary, increases thirst, which stimulates sales and lightens our wallets. Why, despite this, is soda perhaps the most popular drink among the population? Because it's delicious! Especially when it’s cold: it’s much easier to drink 1.5 liters of different colored liquids during the day compared to plain water.
Everyone knows that sugar is “white death,” as well as the fact that there is nothing terrible in sugar if you don’t overeat. On the contrary, a person needs to eat some amount of sugar every day. But, if you calculate how much sugar is in a standard plastic bottle, say Sprite or Fanta with a volume of 1.5 liters, then it turns out - almost a whole glass!!! If you don't believe me, do the math yourself - everything is indicated on the label.
It is necessary to understand that the large amount of sugar that settles in our body with frequent consumption of sweet carbonated drinks, among other things, is a risk factor for the development of various metabolic diseases (diabetes, obesity, etc.).
Recently, lemonade producers, responding to a barrage of complaints about the high calorie content of their products, began to use various non-sugar sweeteners instead of sugar, from the long-known saccharin to the newfangled aspartame. The result is the same cola, only “dayet” or “light”. This is even beneficial for manufacturers: instead of kilograms of sugar, you can add grams of sweetener - cheap and cheerful!
But, despite the fact that now drinking lemonade with a sweetener does not overload himself with extra calories, the body receives a lot of extra nutritional supplements! And, most importantly, such drinks also do not quench your thirst. After drinking drinks with sweeteners, a rather persistent aftertaste remains in your mouth, which you just want to remove: with a new portion of the drink. And everything is explained very simply: firstly, saliva poorly removes residual sweetener from the oral mucosa, and secondly, the sweetener and other additives included in the drink excite thirst.
Beer. Unfortunately, in our country, it is also considered the number one drink to quench thirst: if children on vacation in the heat - with lemonade, then adults - almost always with beer! Although not everyone will be able to afford intoxicating drinks during the day at work, and few people will drink them during working hours in quantities corresponding to weather conditions, nevertheless, after work, people “have a blast.”
It should be noted that alcoholic drinks cannot combat thirst due to subsequent manifestations. What do you want in the morning after yesterday's libation? That's it, I'm thirsty. It turns out that you want to drink to make yourself thirsty? Alcohol, entering our body, replaces water and gradually penetrating into tissues and cells instead of water, it poisons the pericellular space, disrupting normal metabolism.
In addition, the so-called “beer alcoholism”, because when a drinker imperceptibly takes a large dose of alcohol, the body slowly and gradually rearranges its work on the “alcoholic rails”. This is especially dangerous for the body of teenagers.
For others, it is important to remember that beer is a strong diuretic, i.e., on the contrary, it removes fluid from the body, and when consumed in large quantities (and this is what usually happens), it puts a strong strain on the kidneys.
Tea. Tea, especially green tea, will be a good help in the fight against thirst. Tea is rich in natural biologically active substances: vitamins, organic acids, minerals, pectins, etc., which are extremely beneficial for the body. Drinking tea has a beneficial effect on a variety of human systems and organs, which allows us to talk about it not only as an everyday drink, but also as a preventive measure. It is better to use tea without flavorings and add no more than a third of the volume of water to the tea leaves. Tea, hot or cold, quenches thirst well, and also replenishes the loss of mineral salts and vitamins through sweat.
In the East, people have long drunk hot, freshly brewed tea in hot weather. The secret is that it contains so-called “cold” elements that reduce body temperature and are activated precisely when the tea is hot.
Iced tea can also be successfully used to quench thirst; it is good to add herbs, lemon, and honey to it. Here is just one example of such a recipe: for 0.5 liters of strong tea, add 4 slices of lemon, 1 tbsp. l. honey, sugar - as desired and to taste. Honey should be added to the already cooled drink.
Industrially produced bottled iced tea (not sweet) is increasingly gaining popularity among consumers. Many admit that it quenches thirst better than soda. However, both doctors and the producers of this drink themselves do not hide the fact that ready-made iced tea is much less healthy than natural, homemade tea.
However, despite all the advantages of tea, its consumption should still not be unlimited - nutritionists advise drinking no more than 2-3 cups of green tea per day, since the acidic theine it contains can irritate the walls of the stomach.
Therefore, for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and for everyone else, we can recommend herbal teas (tea drinks from garden plants): drinks made from currant leaves, raspberries, rose hips, etc. are very good both hot and cold. Here is one recipe for a tea drink that not only quenches thirst well, but also has a beneficial effect on the body: 1 tbsp. spoon of black currant leaves, linden flowers, mint in 1.5 liters of water, sugar or honey - according to desire and taste: chop all the herbs and leaves and pour boiling water, let it brew for 1-2 hours, after which you can cool it in the refrigerator.
Coffee. No less popular drink than tea. However, it is not so harmless and can hardly be considered a good thirst quencher. Many people cannot imagine their life without regularly drinking coffee. Coffee contains a large amount of caffeine (up to 1500 mg/l), which, when consumed systematically at a level of 1000 mg per day, causes a person to constantly need them, reminiscent of alcohol addiction. In addition, coffee has a strong diuretic (diuretic) effect, therefore, when drinking coffee, it is advisable, on the contrary, to compensate for fluid loss. There are other unwanted side effects of drinking coffee, such as increased blood pressure.
Kvass. Definitely worthy of a recommendation. It was thanks to kvass that epidemics did not spread so often across Rus'. The Slavs have known kvass for more than a thousand years. In Rus', kvass was a ubiquitous and everyday drink: it was prepared by peasants, landowners, military men, and monks, and its presence in the house was considered a sign of prosperity. Russian peasants, going to work in the fields or other hard work, took kvass with them, as they believed that it restored strength and relieved fatigue. This is confirmed not only by folk proverbs and sayings, but also by modern research. Kvass was even considered a miraculous drink that helped with all diseases. During fasting, especially in the summer, the main food of the common people was kvass with green onions and black bread. In addition to the simple, so-called zhitny, made from barley or rye malt, there were honey and berry kvass.
Thanks to its rich amino acid composition and the presence of organic acids, kvass is a good warrior on the battlefield against thirst. It has a pleasant refreshing taste, is beneficial for digestion, improves metabolism, has high energy value, and thanks to carbon dioxide, it facilitates easier digestion and absorption of food and increases appetite. It also contains vitamins, sugars and microelements.
However, kvass has one, even two “BUTs”. Firstly, kvass, by definition, is a low-alcohol drink with a volume fraction of ethyl alcohol of no more than 1.2%, made as a result of incomplete alcoholic or alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation of wort. According to the classification of the Beer Judge Certification Program organization, which trains and certifies judges for beer tasting competitions, kvass is a beer and belongs to the category “Historical, traditional, local beer.” So, it is also not recommended to abuse kvass, especially for drivers - after the adoption of the new “Road Rules”.
The second, no less, and maybe more significant problem: where is the real kvass? Fizz from a bottle with a bright label is a very distant relative of the noble Russian drink - a synthetic surrogate of kvass (the so-called “kvass drink”). It smells similar and tastes somewhat familiar. But, as a rule, such a drink consists of soda, sweeteners, and flavorings that imitate the taste of kvass.
Juices. Natural juices and nectars, of course, can and should be drunk. In order to combat thirst, it is better to choose liquid juices, without pulp. It's even better to dilute them with water. But, this is about natural juices, i.e. - a liquid product obtained from fruits or vegetables by mechanical action and preserved by physical means. A product containing sugar, citric acid, preservatives, colors, and artificial flavors cannot be called juice: other names (nectar or drink) must be used for such products. Be careful - juices reconstituted from dry concentrate are almost as useless as soda, and many industrially produced juice drinks and nectars contain large amounts of sugar.
Dairy(including juice-containing ones). Milk and fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, ayran, tan, kumis, bifidok and many others) can also be considered as thirst-quenching drinks in hot weather. Their beneficial effects on the human body have long been known. The lactic acid present in them delays the development of putrefactive organisms in the intestines and has a positive effect on digestive processes. Thanks to their pleasant taste and aroma, fermented milk products improve appetite by stimulating the secretion of gastric and intestinal juices. But their big disadvantage is that they need to be stored in the refrigerator: otherwise we risk getting an upset stomach or even food poisoning. In addition, nutritionists still consider dairy products more food than drink.
I would especially like to say about specialized functional drinks, designed specifically for various categories of people who need plenty of drinking: athletes, workers in hot shops and some other professions.
As a rule, such drinks, in addition to water, contain minerals, vitamins, “fast” and “slow” carbohydrates (glucose and dextrins) in a balanced form to restore carbohydrate, mineral and energy balance in the body. Sometimes such drinks are called isotonic (having the same osmotic pressure as blood plasma), because. the concentration of carbohydrates in them is close to 4.5% as in human blood plasma.
Drinking isotonic fluid is more physiological than drinking pure water for several reasons. First of all, the isotonic fluid entering the body maintains the blood composition constant and at the same time replenishes the loss of electrolytes through sweat and urine. In addition, it activates the diuresis mechanism to a lesser extent, that is, it does not increase urination. And the vitamins and microelements contained in such drinks, within the daily intake limit, make it possible to compensate for their deficiencies. Replenishment of fluid in the body occurs slowly and constantly.
However, such drinks are quite complex and expensive to produce, so their high-quality representatives are not cheap and their constant consumption will be expensive. In addition, there are many cheap fakes on the market, which, by and large, are the same banal lemonades.

In conclusion, we can also give some general recommendations:
- the best drink to quench thirst is pure water, however, plain water is not as tasty as fruit juice and practically does not replenish the body’s loss of mineral salts and vitamins when sweating in hot weather, in this case it is recommended to use mineral (but not much) water;
- any natural drink (green tea, juices, kvass) is better than artificial analogues, no matter how beautiful the latter look;
- natural sweet drinks (juices, kvass), as well as specially developed specialized drinks, actively replenish the loss of biologically valuable substances for the body through sweat, but quench thirst worse than just water;
- do not buy carbonated drinks with sugar and sweeteners - they do not quench your thirst at all, but on the contrary, they excite you;
- any alcoholic drinks, including beer, also do not quench thirst, dehydrating the body;
- cold drinks in hot weather can very easily provoke a sore throat or other inflammation of the nasopharynx, so you need to be careful with cold, especially since quenching thirst and cooling the body are completely different processes.

A person becomes thirsty when moisture leaves the body. The feeling of thirst is controlled by the brain. Thirst is a signal indicating that the moisture in the cells is running out. Now everyone has finally started talking about it: people don’t drink enough, they need to constantly refill themselves.

How much should you drink in hot weather?

In normal conditions, a woman should drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, a man - at least 2 liters. In terms of stress on the body, the heat is equivalent to training, so in the summer you need to add another 500 milliliters to 1.5 liters to the general norm. That is, in summer a woman may need up to 3 liters of water, and a man - up to 4.

How much should you drink at one time to quench your thirst?

Everyone is different. The body can be trained to consume fluid. He's adaptable. If we wean him off drinking, he will adapt to these harsh conditions - and vice versa. But if it’s very hot outside, then the formula works great: 300 milliliters every half hour. The main thing is not to wait and drink this amount with discipline, even if you don’t feel like it. You shouldn’t let yourself get thirsty, because then it may be too late. With this scheme, water balance is constantly maintained, a person will practically not feel thirsty and will not get sick from dehydration. If you can’t drink according to the plan, drink as you please. The main thing is to drink the prescribed amount of liquid per day, but if you are in the sun, do not forget about the rhythmic intake of water!

How to quench your thirst?

In hot weather, it is best to drink just water. You can't come up with anything new anymore. We broadcast life experience and provide a scientific basis for it. When we come to a restaurant in a hot country, what is the first thing they put on the table? Water with lemon. Lemon is needed not only for taste, but also to thin the blood. Dehydration can cause blood thickening and, as a result, a dangerous thing - thromboembolism.

Is it true that hot tea is a good relief from the heat, and why?

True and not entirely true. Hot liquid is absorbed faster by the body, and the water balance is replenished faster, and adding salt to tea compensates for lost microelements. After a hot drink, the body sends a signal to the brain to cool down the body, and the person begins to sweat. Salt contains microelements, it replenishes what is lost and retains water in cells - this is a property of sodium.

When it comes to choosing between black tea and green tea, for me, it’s a matter of taste and just habit. There are biological benefits from both. Both teas contain substances that can improve the condition of the body. Green tea, however, contains biologically active substances - bioflavonoids, in particular phytoestrogens. A woman of a certain age should drink half a liter of green tea a day. This is partly why Asian women age more slowly - they get large amounts of phytoestrogens from all foods, not just green tea.

Why does iced tea from a bottle still make you want to drink?

Because he's sweet. The tea that they drink in Asia and the Caucasus is natural and without sugar. After sweet water, you want to drink even more: glucose is rapidly absorbed by the body - and at this moment the person’s osmotic pressure increases, due to which water is squeezed out of the cells. The body gets nervous, sends a signal to the brain about dehydration, and we begin to feel thirsty.

In hot weather, you should not drink sweet liquids. This topic should be closed forever. Firstly, sweet water does not cope well with thirst. Plain water quenches thirst faster. Secondly, we drink more sweet water than regular water, and more sugar enters the body than is actually necessary. This sugar is stored in glycogen and further in fat, and a number of other mechanisms are triggered that lead to obesity. And for people who are at the stage of prediabetes, this can directly lead to an uncontrolled increase in blood sugar levels.

What quenches thirst better - salty water or sweet?

Ideally, neither water should be taken to quench thirst. Sweet and salty things make you want to drink more. But if you choose, it is better to take salty, or rather, lightly salted. In Asia there is little mineral water, and people add a little salt to their tea. But in the mountains this is not required; it is enough to drink mineral water, of which there is plenty there.

If you are offered strawberry lemonade with sugar and cucumber lemonade with salt, it is better to take the second one. In general, if you have a choice - sweet or savory - it is better to take savory. If it is very hot, then it is better to take mineral water from this unsweetened product. But constantly drinking mineral water is also harmful, because salts accumulate in the body.

Does coffee help you beat the heat?

In hot countries, people drink coffee all the time. They cannot quench their thirst; they drink it for cheerfulness. But you should definitely drink coffee with water, because it is a strong diuretic, and in the heat it is dangerous. Now there is a big rehabilitation of coffee, the negative attitude towards this drink has changed due to the positive research results obtained. Doctors have lifted restrictions on coffee consumption.

What's faster to get drunk - carbonated or plain?

It's different for everyone. Carbonated is more pleasant because it gives a sensation of taste, it is a pleasant illusion. Those who don’t like soda and find it boring to drink plain water can put lemon, orange, watermelon, mint, cucumber in a glass to add flavor to the water. About pieces of ice that are dissolved to quench thirst, we must remember that ice initially cools the oral cavity perfectly, but it contains little liquid, so the body will continue to ask for moisture.

Why can you drink a lot of beer at once, but this cannot be done with water?

Beer has a taste, unlike plain water. And what is tasty to us, we calmly consume in large quantities. Also, beer is alcohol, and when we drink alcohol, most often we don’t want to stop. A glass of beer also has benefits, it contains brewer's yeast with microelements, B vitamins, etc. - they are very useful for the nervous system. Non-alcoholic beer also contains them. But beer greatly removes fluid from the body, we must not forget about this. This is probably why they drink it with salted fish - in addition to being tasty, salt retains fluid in the body, which is washed out by beer.

How to retain water in the body?

For example, eat vegetables. The liquid contained in vegetables helps retain water in the body, this should be remembered especially in the summer. If you drink water, you quickly give it away. And if you drink water and eat vegetables, then the intercellular fluid lives in the body longer than ordinary water. But we just need water, we can’t eat only cucumbers.

Our body is more than half consists of water, a lack of fluid in the cells leads to disruption of the functioning of all systems and organs. It is generally accepted that to prevent dehydration, you should drink at least two liters of fluid per day. However, this norm is acceptable only for people with average weight, which is about 70 kg. If your weight exceeds 100 kg, then you need to drink much more. The body's daily need for water can be calculated using the following formula:
Daily water requirement in ml = (weight in kg) x 30.

For example, if your weight 56 ​​kg, then your body’s daily need for water is 1680 ml or a little more than one and a half liters. But this does not mean that you need to drink at least 1680 ml of water during the day. This volume includes all the moisture that the body receives from snacking on vegetables, fruits and berries, eating soup or dairy products. In addition, the daily need for water depends on air temperature, human activity and diet.

In summer hot days and after intense physical exertion, our body requires twice as much moisture as at rest and in the absence of heat. This is due to a sharp increase in the evaporation of moisture by the body and loss of fluid along with sweat. Already with the loss of 1 liter of fluid, a person has a strong desire to drink. If the evaporation and release of liquid exceeds 2 liters - brain function decreases, 3 liters - dizziness, 4 liters - a person faints, he experiences serious deviations in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. A person wants to drink not only in the heat, but also after eating salty and fatty foods, the processing of which requires a large amount of liquid.

When we are tormented thirst, we try to satisfy it by sipping cold kvass or fruit drink. But all cold drinks do not quench your thirst. They linger in the stomach for a very long time, which inhibits the flow of mineral salts into the cells, and a decrease in their content causes thirst. In addition, cold drinks stimulate the sweat glands, which leads to increased loss of moisture and salts that the body needs.

The more microelements We lose along with sweat, the more we are tormented by thirst. Therefore, it is best to replenish the body’s water-salt balance with mineral water, the temperature of which is not lower than 10 degrees. But you should not drink medicinal mineral water with a salt content of more than 10g/liter every day without a doctor’s prescription; it has contraindications. To quench your thirst every day, drink only table mineral waters with a salt content of no more than 2 grams. per liter In hot weather, it is best to drink sparkling water; it contains carbon dioxide, which enhances salivation and quenches thirst well. But if you have gastritis and stomach ulcers, drinking carbonated water is contraindicated.

Despite the fact that the best means Mineral water is recognized to quench thirst; rarely can anyone do without tea, coffee or fruit juice. But not every one of these drinks is healthy. Avoid drinking canned fruit juices, carbonated drinks such as Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Lemonade and other modern drinks. There is nothing healthy in drinks stuffed with preservatives and dyes, and they hardly quench your thirst.

With every sip of sweets carbonated drink, we receive a large amount of calories and substances harmful to the body, which leave residual sweetness in the mouth, which makes us want to drink it again and again. That’s why these drinks are produced in 2-liter bottles, because once a person starts drinking it, he can’t stop. The result of drinking carbonated drinks is often obesity, allergies, cholelithiasis, metabolic disorders and stomach problems.

Don't forget that in glass soda contains 4 pieces of sugar, and the phosphoric acid it contains corrodes the walls of the stomach. The thirst-quenching ability of sweet compotes, fruit drinks and sweetened juices is quite low for the same reason. They contain more sugar than organic acids and mineral salts, which are necessary to quench thirst. The ideal thirst quencher is green tea.

It is useful to drink it both hot and cold form. It is advisable to drink hot green tea with lemon in hot weather. At the beginning of the tea party, sweat will flow from you, of course, in a stream. But after some time you will feel a pleasant cooling of the body and a lack of thirst. Green tea is rich in vitamins and contains a biologically active substance that helps restore water-salt balance. Teas with the addition of mint, currant leaves, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, rose petals and cornflower also help overcome thirst. By adding sour lingonberries, viburnum, cranberries, currants, strawberries and cherries to tea, you can also greatly improve the quality of the thirst quenching process.

Since ancient times, thirst in Rus' has been quenched with cold kvass. Real kvass, made according to ancient recipes, does contain many useful enzymes, amino acids and carbon dioxide. It perfectly removes thirst and promotes rapid digestion of food. But nowadays it is almost impossible to buy such kvass in a store; all drinks sold under the name kvass are made with the addition of sweeteners, dyes, preservatives and various additives harmful to the body. Therefore, it is best to prepare kvass yourself; homemade naturally fermented kvass is a pleasant and healthy drink to quench your thirst.

All fermented milk products also perfectly quench thirst. beverages, such as kefir, katyk, fermented baked milk, yogurt, whey and many others containing organic acids. They are quickly absorbed by the body and help improve the restoration of water-salt balance. But drinking beer and coffee is harmful in the sultry heat. These drinks only accelerate the removal of fluid from the body and have a harmful effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

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