I can’t feel my head when everything will be restored. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, the feeling of devastation, worthlessness, empty head (that is, without thoughts), I don’t understand anything and I don’t want anything

Fog in the head, heaviness, squeezing, tapping in the temples, clouding of consciousness... With such symptoms, people are increasingly turning to the doctor.

As medical practice shows, this condition has many causes. The most common are: astheno-neurotic syndrome, circulatory disorders in the brain and cervical osteochondrosis.

We will talk further about what fog in the head means and why it occurs.

Symptoms such as cloudiness, dizziness, heaviness, a feeling as if the head is in a fog, can accompany a person constantly or appear several times a week.

This condition does not always mean that a person has any disease. Often these signs arise due to the influence of certain factors: changes in weather conditions, excessive physical exertion, lack of sleep, mental work, etc.

The main feature of the brain fog symptom is its sudden appearance. So, a person who felt good a minute ago, almost in an instant feels discomfort, fogginess, dizziness, blurred vision, and dullness of consciousness.

The problem is that these symptoms can appear in the workplace or while performing an important task. Due to this, a person is deprived of the opportunity to carry out usual activities.

Brain fog is often accompanied by various symptoms:

  • increased or decreased blood pressure;
  • drowsiness during the day and sleep disturbance at night;
  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • strong heartbeat;
  • excessive sweating, etc.

Often this picture is accompanied by a feeling of unreasonable fear, a feeling of lack of air,. There are many reasons for this condition.

Causes of the symptom

As stated earlier, the causes of brain fog may not always be due to health problems. Thus, when there are disruptions in the hormonal system, fog in the head is almost always observed. During pregnancy, a woman is often accompanied by this condition, as well as irritability and forgetfulness. The same symptoms may occur during menopause.

Other causes of brain fog:

Astheno-neurotic syndrome

If there is no clarity in your head, then most likely we are talking about astheno-neurotic syndrome. This pathology, in addition to brain fog, is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • superficial sleep;
  • problems falling asleep;
  • irritability, suspiciousness, hot temper;
  • unreasonable anxiety;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • drowsiness during the day;
  • feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • decreased ability to work;
  • stiffness of movements;
  • memory problems;
  • pressing headaches;
  • dizziness;

The syndrome mainly affects people whose work involves mental activity and increased responsibility. In addition, pathology often affects those who have an unstable psyche.

The main causes of astheno-neurotic syndrome are prolonged stress, prolonged nervous tension, anxiety, chronic lack of sleep, and overwork. In addition, the pathology occurs in people with:

  • chronic diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • acute viral infections;
  • poisoning;
  • bad habits;
  • head injuries.

The syndrome develops gradually. At the initial stage of neurosis, a person feels weak in the morning, mild irritability, and anxiety.

Then, in the absence of medical assistance, other symptoms appear in the form of loss of strength, sleep disturbances, memory problems, a feeling of “vatness,” heaviness in the head, fog in the eyes, decreased ability to work, etc.

Then pain in the heart occurs, severe irritability gives way to weakness, appetite disappears, libido (sexual desire), mood decreases, apathy appears, the patient constantly thinks about his health, and fear of death appears. Subsequent ignoring of these symptoms leads to mental disorders.

Vegetovascular dystonia

VSD is the most common cause of brain fog. Vegetative-vascular dystonia is not a separate disease, but a combination of many symptoms that arise against the background of disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for the functioning of all internal organs and systems.

VSD is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • fog, heaviness in the head;
  • dizziness;
  • headaches;
  • anxiety;
  • unreasonable fears;
  • nausea, stomach pain;
  • tachycardia;
  • lack of air;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • unsteadiness when walking;
  • sleep disorders - insomnia, shallow sleep;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • irritability;
  • “midges” before the eyes;
  • ringing in the ears, etc.

The list of symptoms for VSD can be endless. The main feature of the disease is frequent relapses, manifested in the form of panic attacks.

If you do not take any action - do not take medications, do not strive for changes in lifestyle, do not seek help from doctors (psychotherapist, neurologist) - this can result in the appearance of various phobias and fears.

Insufficient oxygen supply to the brain

If the brain lacks oxygen, this leads to a feeling of brain fog. The process of hypoxia develops due to compression of the vessels through which the blood carries oxygen and all the substances necessary to nourish the organ.

At the same time, in addition to fogginess and “vatness” in the head, a person experiences:

  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • severe heaviness in the head;
  • decreased ability to work;
  • memory problems;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • problems with perception of information;
  • inhibition of reactions;
  • severe weakness, fatigue.

With severe oxygen starvation, a person may lose consciousness.

The causes of this condition may be:

  • the presence of cervical osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine;
  • use of drugs and alcoholic beverages;
  • hypertension, hypotension;
  • previous traumatic brain injuries;
  • smoking;
  • lack of fresh air;
  • limited physical activity;

If this pathology is not treated, then oxygen-starved brain cells gradually lose their functionality, which ultimately leads to serious complications.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Fog in the head is the main symptom that accompanies cervical osteochondrosis. The disease is characterized by degenerative-dystrophic changes in the cervical vertebrae.

This process is almost always accompanied by compression of arteries and other vessels in the specified area. This leads to poor circulation and insufficient nutrition of brain cells.

In this regard, a person begins to feel all of the above symptoms, which are accompanied by:

  • pain in the neck when bending or turning the head;
  • severe heaviness in the head;
  • pain in the shoulders, arms;
  • a feeling of “dull pain in the head”;
  • weakness in the neck;
  • stiffness of movement in the shoulder joints.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine develops due to poor nutrition, lack of physical activity, and staying in the same position for a long time.

In advanced cases, the neck and shoulders can be completely immobilized.

Frequent consumption of gluten-containing foods

Not only diseases of the spine, neurosis and VSD can cause a feeling of fog, heaviness and “vatness” in the head, but also the consumption of foods containing gluten. An allergy to this component causes the production of substances that have a negative effect on the brain.

If people with a gluten allergy eat a lot of buns, bread, semolina, and pasta made with wheat flour, they will gradually develop the following symptoms:

  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract - bloating, constipation followed by diarrhea, pain in the stomach and intestines;
  • weakness, fatigue, apathy, lethargy;
  • brain fog;
  • slow reaction;
  • mental confusion;
  • depression;
  • psychological confusion;
  • fog.

To find out if you really have a gluten allergy, you should see a doctor and take an allergy test.


If the cloudy head appears due to lack of sleep, and the symptom is temporary, then just rest and get enough sleep. If this symptom occurs regularly, measures should be taken to avoid complications.

First of all, you need to see a doctor and find out the cause of the feeling of fog in your head.

If the source is astheno-neurotic syndrome, then it can be cured using psychotherapeutic methods. But first, you should exclude all provoking factors - stress, lack of sleep, excessive physical and mental stress.

If the influence of these factors is not reduced, then psychotherapy and drug treatment will not have the desired effect and will not eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Medicines are used in severe cases. General restoratives, sleeping pills, antidepressants, antipsychotics and tranquilizers are considered effective.

If you have symptoms of VSD, you should consult a specialist. The therapist deals with this issue. To relieve symptoms, various medications are used - sedatives, sleeping pills, to normalize blood pressure, etc. In addition to drug therapy, it is recommended to adjust your lifestyle:

  • engage in light, non-competitive sports;
  • learn to eat right;
  • travel outside the city more often or simply go outside, taking long walks;
  • eliminate stress factors;
  • learn to go to bed and wake up at the same time;

Physiotherapeutic procedures, acupuncture, and massage will help get rid of the fog in the head with VSD.

The symptoms of neurosis will be eliminated by drugs that normalize the activity of the autonomic nervous system, as well as drugs with a sedative effect.

In case of poor blood circulation in the brain, accompanied by fog in the head, medications with vasodilating and nootropic effects are prescribed. Pathology at the initial stage can be treated without drugs - with the help of massage and manual therapy.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is aimed at relieving the inflammatory process and eliminating pain. For this purpose, NSAIDs, nerve blockade, and medications that normalize blood circulation are prescribed.

In addition to drug therapy, physiotherapy, physical therapy, massage, and manual therapy are recommended for people with cervical osteochondrosis.


If fogginess in the head appears constantly, then this is a reason to urgently consult a doctor. Therapists, neurologists, and psychotherapists deal with this issue.

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must interview the patient and find out what additional symptoms he has, as well as conduct a diagnosis. Here is a list of mandatory tests needed to find out why fuzzy head syndrome occurs:

  • General analysis of urine and blood. Exclude the presence of inflammatory reactions and infectious processes.
  • Ultrasound of blood vessels in the cervical spine.
  • CT or MRI of the spine and brain. An MRI and CT scan will help exclude malignant processes, determine the condition of blood vessels, identify the presence of chronic diseases of the nervous system, etc.
  • Angiography of cerebral vessels.

The patient may also need to consult other specialists.

Preventive measures

A cloudy head will no longer bother you if you follow preventive measures. It is easy to guess that this symptom primarily appears due to an incorrect lifestyle.

If a person eats poorly, walks little in the fresh air, smokes, drinks alcohol, does not want to exercise, takes drugs, sleeps poorly or is constantly stressed, then there is no need to talk about good health.

  • normalize sleep and rest patterns - sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • increase physical activity, play sports. The best option is cycling, swimming, jogging;
  • eat right;
  • get rid of bad habits.

By completely changing your life, you can not only get rid of the feeling of fog in your head, but also strengthen your immune system and improve your health.

I don’t know what’s wrong with me, a feeling of devastation, worthlessness, an empty head (that is, without thoughts), I don’t understand anything and I don’t want anything. I also have a mental disorder, it could be anything. I need help! I’m waiting for your answers because I myself I don't understand a damn thing.
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Tim, age: 16 / 04/25/2015


Tim, psychiatrists understand all this. Go to your doctor and ask him everything about everything that worries you! And at your age you need to lead a healthy lifestyle and there is a good chance that by the time you reach adulthood, your nervous system will become stronger and you will feel very good. But you need to listen to the doctor.

Madam, age: 53 / 04/25/2015

Timulka, how long have you had this? What preceded this condition? In general, you need more detail about your situation.

tata, age: +- / 04/25/2015

Tim, contact a child psychologist (maybe there is one at your school), perhaps you have a prolonged adolescence, and this is why you have problems. Don't be shy, you need help, there's nothing wrong with that. Good health and success to you!

Irina, age: 27 / 04/26/2015

Tim, boy, this condition in medicine is called depression, and it can be compared to a fuse that trips when the load on the psyche has accumulated to an exorbitant level. The cause of depression is always fear, which sometimes accumulates for quite a long time. Fear of exams (maybe this is your case?), fear for the health or life of loved ones, etc. etc.. In addition, depression can come from a feeling of guilt when your actions contradict the laws laid down in the basis of upbringing. That is why it is important to live according to conscience and morality. It is important to understand your capabilities and nature so that this does not happen again. After recovery, take on only feasible mental stress, no excessive responsibility, no intense and long-term computer games), nothing that would be accompanied by a constant feeling of fear and never neglect the inner voice of conscience. Know yourself now, your kind and choose only the work of life something that brings joy and benefit to you and your loved ones and does not affect the rights of others and there will never be depression.
Be patient, try not to panic; this condition will go away slowly (sometimes within 1-2 years), regardless of psychologists. There is a constant process of recovery in the head at the molecular level. There will be suicidal thoughts and a feeling of lack of goals in life, and wild envy and a feeling of one’s own worthlessness, but do not support these thoughts, but switch to calm, useful household chores and most importantly, wait, wait and wait , all this will soon begin to weaken and you will gradually return to normal, only now you will live smartly, understanding what is yours and what is not. All good things will return, everything will be restored (memory and sense of time and everything, everything...), just as it came back to me. Fortitude, wisdom and faith to you and everyone affected by this condition!!!

Larisa, age: 51 / 04/27/2015

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On June 17 of this year I was traveling on the Bus. The driver suddenly braked, I was sitting in the seat, there was a sharp unexpected push forward and then back by inertia. I didn’t feel any problems other than a slight fright; I slightly hit my knee and hand on the stick in front of me. It felt like I was sharply nodding my head forward. When I got off the bus, I felt fine, but when I got to the store and started walking around it (about 30-40 minutes later) I felt a change in my hearing, the conversation between two women suddenly became like it was coming from some kind of well, I raised my head and saw that I have visual impairment, then I began to sweat and my heart rate increased. When I got home, dizziness, numbness and pain arose in my left hand (possibly due to stress, I had previously suffered from numbness and attacks of fear, I was successfully treated by a chiropractor in 2008\9. But since 2011 I again felt an exacerbation of the previous symptoms, but I never found a doctor.) In general, from June I began to suffer from constant dizziness, they seemed to go away for 1-2-3 days, then returned again for 3-4 days, so that I could not go outside. Not knowing what to do, I endured it for 2 months. In August, I fell completely ill, I started having tinnitus, severe dizziness, exacerbation of osteochondrosis, pressure surges began, a feeling of fear/anxiety accompanied by numbness, goose bumps in the head and face, severe painful spasms in the arms, abdomen, and legs. At night when I fell asleep, I felt like my heart was hitting my head and I immediately woke up from this. I lost weight from 90 kg to 75, there was a condition when I could not just sit on the bed, I felt very bad in my head, a feeling of dizziness, as if I was falling somewhere, into some kind of bad state, hearing impairment, most of all in the left ear . In September, I went to the hospital with an initial diagnosis of transient cerebral ischemia (the therapist wrote so that they would admit me), but upon admission, the Neurologist gave me a CT scan of the brain, did not reveal any lesions, did an X-ray of the thoracic region and did NOT hospitalize me in the neurological department. I was admitted to the Cardiology Department for a week because of a bad cardiogram. After the examinations, I was told that the cardiogram and pressure surges (BP jumps randomly, then 150 and then drops to 100 without medications) are due to osteochondrosis, supposedly as a side effect. My diagnoses at discharge: Dorsopathy of the cervicothoracic region, astheno-neurosthenic syndrome. I take Picamilon 25 Week \ 2 times a day (morning/evening), which was prescribed to me by the Neurologist at the hospital, nothing else. I took Betaserc 24 a couple of times but didn’t notice any effect from it. At the moment my condition is satisfactory, I am walking around the apartment. The biggest concern is Dizziness. It is basically constant and does not change. It seems to me that I am spinning myself. When I’m lying down, it seems like I’m falling through or falling out of bed (I think this happens when I’m lying on my left side; by the way, it’s my left ear that’s stuffy and hard of hearing). When I’m sitting, I’m holding on to something with my hands for balance. When I walk, I don’t feel very dizzy in my head, I started to keep my neck straight, I don’t turn my head anywhere (which makes my neck hurt a lot), but I don’t feel so dizzy. Feeling of swaying from side to side. In general, the general feeling is that I have something with the vestibular apparatus. Even when I was lying down I felt very dizzy, there was something with my eyes, they made a sharp jump to the side, as if under severe overexertion, as if they were twitching. When reading, I feel that my eyes do not move smoothly along the letters, but seem to jump around, even skipping over them. In August there were 2 weeks when all my symptoms went away, but then everything resumed, and since August 29 I have never recovered to a normal state. Now I am bothered by unpleasant sensations on my head (somewhere in the crown area), sensations of goosebumps, tingling, or pain. Feeling of strong tension in the head (I put my head on the pillow, try to relax it to fall asleep and I can’t, it seems like I’m falling, falling through, etc. + some kind of compression in the head) I’m worried about severe dizziness, tinnitus, stuffy left ear, and the above-described visual impairment ( especially when falling asleep and waking up, the image in my eyes seems to jump up and down. Even now, sitting on a chair at the computer, I’m writing to you and I feel like I’m falling from the chair to the left side (but in reality, of course, I’m not falling, it’s just such sensations). What could it be? BPPV or due to osteochondrosis. For some reason, it seems to me that this is all because of the bus, since after it I never stopped having dizziness, since I have three children. , I am 29 years old.

Minor stress mobilizes the body and activates defenses; in small doses, such emotional stress does not harm a person. But a prolonged and strong traumatic factor has serious consequences. Health suffers, adaptation mechanisms and resources decrease, and stress increases. How to recover after a difficult experience? What to do when emotional shock does not allow you to live fully?

Causes and signs of severe stress

Severe emotional distress can affect anyone. Psychologists have developed a stress scale that includes the main traumatic categories. The first places on the scale are the death of a relative or friend, divorce and loneliness. In last place are family quarrels, promotions and weddings. Even positive life events can cause increased stress.

The main symptoms of severe stress:

  1. A person becomes fixated on negative events. His thoughts are occupied with disturbing experiences; the shock he has experienced cannot be removed by simple means, for example, physical activity.
  2. The expression of emotions is impaired. A person is irritated, prone to outbursts of anger and rage, symptoms of stress indicate a weakened nervous system. Some symptoms indicate dulling of feelings, the inability to experience joy, orgasm, or enjoy life.
  3. Interpersonal communication is destroyed. After suffering a trauma, an individual breaks off friendships, avoids communication, and strives for loneliness.
  4. Severe intensity of stress provokes the development of mental illness. People at risk include survivors of childhood violence, victims of violent crimes and others. In this case, the symptoms are associated with adaptation disorders. A severe shock is reflected in dreams and becomes a deep inner experience.
  5. Abuse of alcohol, toxic and narcotic substances.
  6. Suicidal thoughts.

Symptoms of severe stress are more acute in women and older people. In childhood, on the contrary, boys experience emotional trauma more painfully than girls.

How does extreme stress affect the body?

The consequences of acute experiences also affect health. It can be difficult to relieve symptoms after stress, since a person turns to specialized specialists, but does not treat the main cause - anxiety. Basic for the body:

  1. Increased blood pressure, headache, tachycardia.
  2. After experiencing a shock, the functioning of the immune system is disrupted and the body’s protective functions are reduced.
  3. The consequences of stress manifest themselves in the form of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Heartburn, gastritis, stool disorders, constipation - this is an incomplete list of stomach diseases due to severe anxiety.
  4. Women experience symptoms of thrush, dryness and burning during sexual intercourse. Some women experience menstrual irregularities.
  5. The skin suffers. Eczema, itching, rash of unknown origin are consequences after experiencing stress.

Symptoms may indicate deep trauma, such as pain during intercourse after abuse. In most cases, people who have experienced tragedy need psychotherapeutic treatment.

Stress Relief Methods

What to do in a situation of strong emotion?

  • The first option is .
  • The second option is to consult a doctor.

What methods can be used to relieve severe tension? Let's look at a few techniques.

  1. Doctor Vetoz's method. To streamline your emotional state and cope with anxiety, you can use imaginary generation. Close your eyes and begin to mentally draw an infinity sign - a horizontal figure eight. Visualize the sign on a black board, draw it with chalk.
  2. Breathing techniques. Doing the exercises is easy, just understand the essence of proper breathing. For example, if you have severe anxiety, start listening to your breathing, tracking your inhalation and exhalation.
  3. Affirmative formulas. You can relieve fear and nervousness using special formulas in the form of a positive phrase. It’s worth saying it to yourself in a situation of unexpected shock. Example: “Stop. I'm calm" or "Stop. The fear goes away."
  4. Switching from the problem. You can get away from negative thoughts after experiencing trauma by switching to another activity. Physical activity, singing out loud, active dancing, running in the morning, breeding ornamental birds. Any active activity will help relieve stress. Self-absorption is dangerous; negative thoughts will interfere with life.
  5. Meditative techniques. Teaching Eastern practices is effective. Meditation is pleasant, it calms, relaxes, and relieves anxiety.
  6. Massage, acupuncture, leech treatment. You can relieve stress using unconventional methods in combination with additional treatment.

What to do if the above methods do not help? Try resorting to prayer; faith saves you in many difficult situations.

Video:“How to cope with stress”

Treatment options

The severe effects of stress must be relieved with the help of a specialist. The doctor will assess your general condition, select treatment, help you recover from strong experiences, and relieve symptoms. Basic treatment includes a combination of psychotherapeutic techniques and medications. The approximate program includes the following procedures:

  1. Doctors' examinations. Therapist, physiotherapist, cardiologist and others.
  2. Consultation with a psychotherapist, designation of a course of work.
  3. Prescribing tests according to indications.
  4. To relieve the effects of stress, you should regularly attend classes with a psychotherapist. Work can be done individually or in a group.
  5. Therapeutic relaxation gymnastics. It should be done regularly, then the effect will be long-lasting.
  6. Medication treatment includes prescribing medications to relieve anxiety. This could be a herbal-based sedative, for example, Persen, or a chemical-based sedative, for example, Afobazol. Potent drugs are prescribed only by a doctor, based on the patient’s condition.
  7. In maintenance therapy, therapists must include proper nutrition, vitamin complexes, and adherence to a daily routine.

It takes a lot of work to remove the consequences of an emotional shock. Treatment can be supplemented with comprehensive programs, which include herbal medicine, pine baths, shower massage and other methods.

It is possible to cope with the consequences of severe stress; modern techniques allow you to relieve anxiety efficiently and in a short time. But work on treating tension should be done regularly, without abandoning the proposed methods.


Overstrain, fatigue, anxiety... Why can't we cope with the pace of life?

Olga Armasova:

Our “I” has three components: physical - body, mental - mind, emotional - feelings. Often modern man has no connection between these links. We grow and develop in an environment where we are taught to identify ourselves with a goal-oriented mind. Holding a large number of tasks in our heads, often related to material, external values ​​- to earn money, to be successful, to do everything - we experience mental overload.

We simply don’t have enough resources, and we don’t know where to look for them or how to replenish our energy. As a result, the psyche cannot cope, the body signals problems, and there is no time left for inner life. And therefore we are in a state of internal disunity, disconnection. It’s not without reason that when we’re stressed, we feel like we’ve been torn to pieces. But we don’t think at all about how to become whole again.

Why, when we are very tired, do we want to sleep? This is a defense mechanism of our psyche, a signal that everything is enough, there is no more strength, we need to urgently recover. And if we don’t hear these signals from the body and take action, then exhaustion begins. It is expressed in irritability, apathy, depression, migraines, insomnia. Sooner or later a breakdown will occur, which will have serious or even irreversible consequences.

Why, when we are very tired, do we want to sleep? This is a defense mechanism of our psyche, a signal that there is no more strength.

What does it mean to identify yourself with your mind?

A modern working woman is faced with the task of making a career, achieving success, and earning a lot. She must look good, and therefore take care of herself, since the compliance of her appearance with accepted standards affects her opportunities for self-realization. And if she has a family and children, she must take care of them and pay attention to them. All these tasks are lined up in a long queue in her head, require one hundred percent concentration and take up all her time.

If you try to turn it to the sensual side, ask her what she feels now, she will say: “I feel like I should do this and that,” or “I don’t feel anything.” She thinks she is experiencing emotions, but in reality she is remaining at the level of the mind.

In the same way, she often finds it difficult to connect with the bodily side, to determine where and what she feels in the body, since she perceives the body only as an outer shell. Meanwhile, the body serves as a tool with the help of which we live and accumulate in ourselves those emotions that were suppressed, repressed, and not realized, which is reflected in the physical state. So the “I” of a modern woman is mainly what is in her head.

But why do we lose touch with our feelings?

Parents, teachers, and society as a whole convey to children social norms according to which the expression of feelings is not encouraged: you cannot cry, scream, or laugh loudly. To fulfill the wishes of adults, we forbid ourselves to feel. We do not live, but repress emotions, “package” them and store them somewhere in the depths until a more serious stressful situation occurs. Or until resources are completely depleted, when suppressed emotions spill out and we express and live them in an acute form.

It is important for us what others think about us or what we think about ourselves, because often our strictest censor is ourselves. He constantly evaluates: here I can afford something, but here I can’t, I deserve this, but I don’t deserve this. We want to look good, to appear strong, and therefore we do not show our true emotional state to others, or even to ourselves. And as a result, we become increasingly disconnected from our sensual side.

We want to appear strong and do not show our true emotional state to others or even ourselves.

How to avoid this?

Satisfy your most basic needs - safety, peace, quiet, sleep. An excellent practice, for example, is to set aside at least half an hour a day to be alone with yourself. You can get up early for this or, conversely, retire in the evening when the children are sleeping. Being with yourself does not mean sitting on the Internet or social networks. On the contrary, both gadgets and TV should be turned off and remained in silence. This is the time to look inside yourself, scan your condition. If you are alarmed or worried about something, listen to yourself, understand the situation and think about how to deal with it.

"What do I feel?" is a question that will help you experience emotions in the present without crowding them out, thereby giving yourself the opportunity to be yourself. If, for example, I am angry with a colleague, then when I come home from work, I can tell my loved ones that I am upset and want to be alone. Admit it to yourself: yes, I am angry. When I acknowledge my emotion and connect with it right now, it can move into something else. In any transformation, the first step is awareness, the second is acceptance. Accepting yourself and what happens around you is the key to inner harmony.

Acceptance of yourself and what happens around you is the key to inner harmony

How will this help us control ourselves and manage our lives?

We waste a lot of resources if we try to hold back our feelings, and this leads to tension. When we give ourselves the opportunity to live our feelings, we let go of this tension. These half an hour alone with ourselves are needed so that we move into the position of an observer and look from the outside at what is happening to us.

Of course, it is not enough to just be an observer and do nothing. But after this practice, we will no longer be so dependent on a stressful situation. After all, when we see what we have to do, we are not worried in the “now” moment. We can relax because we have clarity about where we are, how we feel, what we want and what we will do to realize our desires.

I can say from my own experience that such daily practice is a good prevention of stress, it makes it possible to maintain internal balance.