If the district clinic does not have the required specialist. Task: get an appointment with the right doctor

Not everyone has the money to visit a paid one. What to do if the specialist you need in a public clinic has closed appointments and you don’t know when he will continue working? Get ready to write letters. Preferably in two copies. And be patient.

You will have to act on the principle: in order to be treated, you need to be in good health... First, contact the chief doctor (or his deputy) with a request to refer you to such a specialist at the nearest public clinic. If your verbal appeal has no effect, write a statement in two copies addressed to the head physician of the clinic. The first copy is for him, on the second copy, which you keep for yourself, be sure to get his note: signature, date, “I have read the application.”

Try to explain as convincingly as possible why you need to consult a specialist, and not a local therapist. Unfortunately, there are no clear rules regulating the recruitment of specialists who should see patients at the district clinic. But there is a standard agreement between it and the insurance company that issued you the compulsory medical insurance policy (compulsory health insurance). And in the contract there is a fifth clause that will save you: “If it is impossible to provide medical and preventive care of the agreed type, ... The institution (that is, your clinic) is obliged at your own expense provide the insured with such care in another medical institution or by involving an appropriate specialist." Do not forget to refer to this point in your application!

The chief doctor who has studied your “petition” has three options. 1. Persuade you to be treated by the local police officer. 2. Offer you hospitalization in a specialized hospital department. 3. Refer you to a nearby district clinic where the specialist you need can see you.

In practice, as a rule, referrals to another clinic are not refused. But you must remember that a referral is one thing, but a real appointment with a specialist is completely different. While you, with the treasured referral paper in your hands, are storming the next healthcare facility, time is ticking. In another clinic there is also an appointment, a queue, a specialist may get sick, go on vacation, equipment may break down, have to undergo a preventive examination, etc. In short, you will need time. If time is of the essence, wait. If the matter is urgent, contact centralized inter-district diagnostic centers and clinics.

...To a written application, the chief physician is obliged to give a written response. Let's say he insists on the first option that is most convenient for him, but unacceptable to you, rejecting the second and third. In a word, you were refused.

Then, adding a new application to the refusal paper, contact two organizations at once. This is your insurance company, which by law must ensure the quality of medical care provided to citizens. And the regional (district, city) health department that controls the work of your clinic. I wish you success! Try not to lose any remaining optimism. And health.

Grigorieva Alexandra

We continue to publish lawyer Yulia Kazantseva’s answers to questions from her siblings regarding medical law. For an explanation of the rules for using a compulsory health insurance policy, read here: .

  • Is it necessary to see a child at a local pediatrician?
  • What to do if you do not agree with the doctor’s prescriptions. How to get an appointment with a specialist without a referral from your attending physician
  • What to do if the clinic does not have the required specialist
  • Is it possible to receive medical documents?

Is it necessary to see a child at a local clinic? Is it necessary to observe some frequency, to inform the local pediatrician about the child’s health status, test results, and the conclusions of doctors at private clinics, if the parents chose to see the child in another institution? Can the fact of observing a child in another clinic be a basis for refusing to provide any compulsory medical insurance services in a medical institution at the place of residence?

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 21 of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation”, when providing medical care to a citizen within the framework of the program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens, he has the right to choose a medical organization. According to paragraph 2 of this article, to receive primary health care, a citizen chooses a medical organization, including on a territorial-precinct basis, no more than once a year (except for cases of change of residence or place of stay of the citizen). The procedure for selecting a medical organization was approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 26, 2012 No. 406n, and by order of the Health Administration of the Novosibirsk Region dated March 18, 2002 No. 135.

Thus, parents can choose their own medical organization, in which the child is monitored. This can be either a local clinic or a private clinic.

If you come with your child to see a doctor at your place of residence, they are obliged to provide the pediatrician with the results of treatment and tests, as well as all medical information from other medical organizations necessary for treatment. If you are being observed and treated in a private clinic, then there is no need to bring to the attention of the local pediatrician information about the child’s health status, test results, and opinions of doctors at private clinics.

To receive a number of services under compulsory medical insurance, as well as social support measures (for example, dairy kitchens), observation is required at the clinic at the place of residence.

The treatment prescribed by the local doctor is not effective. What to do in a situation if the doctor nevertheless does not consider it necessary to prescribe tests or refer the patient to a specialist within the framework of compulsory medical insurance?

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 70 of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation”, the attending physician organizes timely qualified examination and treatment of the patient, provides information about the state of his health, and, at the request of the patient or his legal representative, invites medical specialists for consultations. If you think that the doctor is not providing sufficient medical care, you can file a complaint with the head of the medical organization. If the situation does not change, you can also complain to your medical insurance organization and to the Roszdravnadzor Office in your constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The required specialist is not available at the medical institution (not at all, or is on vacation). How to resolve the issue of providing services under compulsory medical insurance?

According to the program of state guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020, the waiting periods for medical care provided in a planned form, including in hospital settings, for individual diagnostic examinations and consultations with specialist doctors are established by the territorial program of state guarantees.

At the same time, the timing of consultations with medical specialists should not exceed 14 calendar days from the day the patient contacts the medical organization.

If your medical institution is not able to independently provide this assistance within the prescribed period, you must be given a referral to see a specialist from another medical organization. Admission is free.

A card in a medical institution under compulsory medical insurance - is it possible to keep it in your hands, read it, pick it up for consultation in another health care facility, or demand extracts from it?

The Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation” provides for both the patient’s right to familiarize himself with medical documentation (clause 4 of Article 22) and the right to receive medical documents (copies thereof) and extracts from them, including form of electronic documents.

However, according to the Procedure for filling out registration form n 025/у “Medical record of a patient receiving medical care on an outpatient basis,” the medical record is the main medical record document of a medical organization, and one of the responsibilities of medical organizations is the storage of medical documents (clause 12, clause 1, art. 79 of the Federal Law “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”).

Thus, the patient has the right to request that the medical organization issue a duly certified copy of the medical card, and the original can be issued in person if this is provided for by local regulations adopted by the medical organization itself.

When should you go to the clinic yourself, and when should you call a doctor? What to do if the clinic does not have this or that specialist? How long does it take for a patient to see a doctor?
We are talking about this with the chief physician of clinic No. 44 of the Frunzensky district, candidate of medical sciences Oleg Vilyevich Kulikov.

High temperature - call a doctor at home!

- Let's start with when should a patient go to the clinic himself, and when should he call a doctor at home?

The patient can come to the clinic on his own when he has recovered from an acute condition and feels quite satisfactory. We consider an acute condition to be a sharp deterioration in health as a result of an infectious process, injury, poisoning or exacerbation of a chronic disease. There may be other situations when it is necessary to receive a referral for additional examination, consultation with a specialist, or planned hospitalization. Unfortunately, recently, patients are visiting the clinic for preventive purposes less and less often, although, I believe, this should be the main reason for going to the doctor.
A doctor should be called to a patient’s home in the following situations:
with a pronounced deterioration in general health, which may be associated with high fever, runny nose, cough, pain of various localizations, gastrointestinal disorders and other conditions. If you believe that your condition or the condition of your loved ones poses a threat to life, then, of course, you should contact Emergency Medical Services.

- What to do if at this time there is no specialist, for example, an ophthalmologist, in the clinic?

In such cases, the patient can make an appointment with the required doctor at another clinic in the district through the district public access center by telephone, which can be found in the help desk of his clinic. It should be noted that in order to consult individual specialists, it is necessary to obtain a referral from a local doctor and undergo a clinical minimum examination. Otherwise, this consultation will be useless.

And one of our readers contacted her insurance company directly. And she was immediately sent to another clinic. Did she do the right thing?

Absolutely! You have been issued a compulsory health insurance policy so that you can use it skillfully. And if you have questions during the course of your treatment, then dial the number indicated in your policy and consult with a consultant of this company.

You can choose a clinic

Here is a question from our reader Antonina Petryaeva. She lives in the Kalininsky district. But in her clinic it’s practically impossible to get to an endocrinologist. She was sent to the clinic in the Vyborg region. And she really liked it. She lives nearby. Can she go to this clinic for treatment?

Yes, according to the Compulsory Health Insurance Law, the patient can choose a medical institution, but only for outpatient treatment. This means that in the event of an acute condition, the patient will continue to receive care at the clinic at her place of residence.

- Is it possible to choose a local doctor in your clinic?

Yes, legally it is possible, but it is not always easy! Because before you switch to another doctor, you must obtain the consent of the doctor himself. However, at present, clinics are experiencing a shortage of local doctors, so doctors often refuse patients from other districts due to extreme workload.

How to shorten the queue

Well, a man came to the surgeon with acute pain and received a consultation. And then should he be treated by this doctor or should he still wait until his surgeon has a number?

In such cases, the doctor himself must set a date for the next examination and issue a number for a control appearance.

- Why do you think there are still queues at clinics and what should be done about it?

Yes, unfortunately, there are queues at clinics! But each institution has its own situation. There may be a shortage of doctors in a particular specialty, some equipment, or there may be an increased need for certain types of examination. Even within the same district, the situation with the availability of outpatient care can vary significantly. That is why the city leadership decided to open regional centers of collective access in order to equalize the opportunities for patients to have access to the necessary consultations with medical specialists and research. In the near future, we expect a significant improvement in the material resources of clinics due to the purchase of modern equipment as part of the regional modernization program. It should be recognized that the main reason for long waiting times remains the staffing problem. Therefore, the main thing now is to attract new specialists to clinics. In the Frunzensky district, this problem has recently been resolved thanks to the implementation of a regional program for the provision of office housing on a commercial lease basis. In our institution, over the past two years alone, we have managed to attract and retain 10 highly qualified specialists in various fields.

- Tell me, do specialized specialists: ENT, cardiologist, rheumatologist and others go to patients’ homes?

Yes, they do, but only in cases where the patient, due to his condition, cannot come to the clinic to see the necessary specialist. The need to send a specialist to a patient’s home is determined by the local doctor.

-Tell me, do you carry out medical examinations for working citizens in your clinic?

Yes, it is happening! To organize a medical examination of its employees, the employer must contact the administration of the nearest clinic and agree on the timing and location of the examination. A necessary condition for undergoing a medical examination is that employees have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a valid compulsory medical insurance policy.

Basic mistakes made by patients

- What do you see as the main mistakes of patients? How should we take care of our health?

The main mistake I see is that St. Petersburg residents often self-medicate and see a doctor at the wrong time. Thus, they trigger their disease. Unfortunately, our people have stopped undergoing routine medical examinations: fluorography, ECG, and the necessary tests. Women need to regularly visit the examination room, and those over 45 need to have a mammogram and donate blood for tumor markers.
Another condition for maintaining health is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We consider the main components of a healthy lifestyle to be: proper balanced nutrition, sufficient physical activity, psychological well-being and giving up bad habits. Now every St. Petersburg resident has a real opportunity to receive complete information about the rules of maintaining a healthy lifestyle in Health Centers.

- Tell us more about the work of the Health Centers.

Today in St. Petersburg there are 22 health centers in all districts of the city. There are two of them in the Frunzensky district. One of them, called “Kupchino,” is located in our clinic. There are also seven centers for children open in the city. Any citizen who has a compulsory medical insurance policy can contact the Health Center. All examinations are carried out free of charge within one hour. With the help of modern equipment, the most common diseases can be identified in a patient: ischemic heart disease, vascular atherosclerosis, heart rhythm disturbances, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, obesity, diabetes mellitus. After the examination, the patient will receive qualified advice from a medical specialist and will be assigned an individual wellness program.

Welcome to health schools!

When I was in your clinic, I noticed that you have different patient schools. For example, a school with diabetes and hypertension. There are schools for those who want to keep their weight at a normal level and for those who want to quit smoking.

I would like to note that in terms of the number of established schools, our clinic is the leader in St. Petersburg. We operate 12 different health schools. Among them: three schools for patients with cardiac pathology, a school for bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, obesity, osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, and a school for psychological well-being. We are proud of our first free smoking cessation school in the city, as well as a school for healthy eating and fitness. We recently opened a new school for patients suffering from glaucoma. Classes in all schools are taught only by doctors. Moreover, 3 doctors have a candidate of medical sciences degree, and cardiology schools are conducted by a unique specialist, Honored Doctor of Russia Margarita Ivanovna Khrakovskaya.

Not so long ago, in clinics, forms with test results were lying right on the windowsills or in open drawers: take whichever one you want. Thus, diagnoses were revealed with the help of which the patient could be blackmailed and deceived. Is there medical confidentiality in this regard now?

Yes, it works! Any medical documentation, including test results, must be stored in a place inaccessible to unauthorized persons. After the Federal Law on Personal Data comes into force, each medical institution is obliged to ensure the preservation of the personal data of each patient, including information constituting medical confidentiality. In addition, when a patient is assigned to a clinic, he must provide written consent to the processing of his personal data.

- Tell me, what services should be provided in the clinic for free, and what services should be paid for?

All services that are included in the Territorial Program of State Guarantees for the provision of free medical care must be provided free of charge. The text of the Territorial Program must be posted directly in the clinic and on the institution’s website. If this is not done, the patient can contact his health insurance company or the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.
-Paid services by a medical institution are carried out in accordance with the order of the Health Care Committee of the Government of St. Petersburg. Their list with a price list should be posted on a special stand. The procedure for providing paid medical services is also posted there.

- Are the procedures and medications for the physiotherapy room free?

As prescribed by a physiotherapist within the framework of the Territorial Program, they should be free.

Here we have a question from reader Lydia Alexandrovna Ivanovskaya. She asks if the local doctor prescribed injections for her, should a nurse come to give them to her?

If a patient, for health reasons, cannot come for injections to the treatment room of the clinic, the local nurse is required to perform them at home. And on weekends and holidays this is done by the nurse on duty.

In short, the patient should inquire about his rights and defend them. And doctors must strictly fulfill their duties. And then everyone will be satisfied.

Agree! The patient and the doctor must meet each other halfway and cooperate, for the sake of our common health!

Prepared by Tatyana Zazorina

Yulia Sharapova

A situation that is probably familiar to everyone: you come to the district clinic with heart pain, and they tell you: the cardiologist will only be available next week, and the appointment is on Wednesday from 8 a.m. on a first-come, first-served basis. Or another example. A neurologist sees you and says: take some pills and get an X-ray of your spine, preferably also an MRI, of course, but that’s paid for. Meanwhile, many of our readers have probably heard that according to their compulsory medical insurance policy they have the right not only to go to their own clinic, but also to consult with doctors from other medical organizations (for example, in a clinic at a regional clinical hospital), as well as undergo a number of complex and expensive research in the same regional diagnostic center. Let's figure out who is entitled to what free diagnostics and treatment. With the help of Yulia SHARAPOVA, Leading Advisor to the Department of Health Services for Adults, we are answering the most popular questions.

1. Where is it written which disease is treated and how?

Let's first figure out how money circulates in public medicine. We receive a number of services free of charge under the compulsory health insurance policy (CHI). But then the cost of these services to medical institutions is compensated by the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, which, in turn, receives funds from budgets of different levels, as well as contributions from our employers.

However, the fund compensates the cost only of medical care that was provided in accordance with the program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens based on the standards of medical care approved by the Ministry of Health. Standards of medical care are average indicators of the frequency of use of medical interventions for various diseases. Standards for each disease can be found on the Internet, for example in electronic legislative databases. That is, what is included in the standard specifically for your illness, you have the right to receive for free, everything else is paid. But again, we must keep in mind that there are standards for providing care in a clinic, and there are in a hospital; in addition, a number of standards stipulate that some type of examination or treatment is not indicated for all patients with a given disease, but, for example , every third. And who exactly this “third” will be is decided by the doctor, based on medical indications.

2. Is it true that under the compulsory medical insurance policy you can get an MRI for free?

Yes, and in the Voronezh region, patients from clinics are usually sent for magnetic resonance imaging to the regional diagnostic center or regional clinical hospital No. 1. All city and district clinics are allocated referrals for this (or, as they are popularly called, quotas). However, this study is not suitable for everyone according to the standards. For example, in the standard treatment of degenerative diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis), MRI is indicated for 90% of patients, but only if they are in a hospital. And with rheumatoid arthritis, only every tenth patient is sent for an MRI of the joint. The same applies to other complex procedures. For example, in case of arterial hypertension, duplex scanning of the brachiocephalic arteries (examination of large vessels responsible for the blood supply to the brain) is required for 8 out of 10 patients. By the way, the waiting time for these procedures by law is from 2 to 4 weeks. The regional health department admits that there are not enough MRI and CT diagnostic equipment in the diagnostic center and in the regional hospital, and the issue of purchasing additional equipment is being considered.

3. In a commercial clinic they told me that I have indications for an MRI, and in the district they offered me pills. Who is right?

If a patient doubts the qualifications and correctness of his doctor’s decisions, he can file a complaint with the chief physician, demand to be assigned to another doctor, and also, for example, initiate a meeting of a medical commission or council at the clinic. Of course, not all patients have the strength and nerves to do this, but this is the only legal way. And there is one more important point: pay attention to whether the doctor wrote down all the recommended examinations on your card. In this case, he must ensure that, in accordance with the standard of care, you receive it free of charge.

4. I urgently need to see a cardiologist, but he is on vacation and generally works part-time at the clinic. So what should we do, wait?

No, if a patient requires consultation with a specialist, Voronezh clinics have a system for scheduling appointments with doctors at a diagnostic center or clinic at a regional clinical hospital. These institutions do not have an assigned population; they are specifically designed to help residents of the entire city and region. According to regional health care specialists, district clinics receive a lot of referrals for such consultations. Therefore, the local physician refers the patient to the same cardiologist from the regional clinic. But again, pay attention if his consultation is included in the standard for your illness.

Also, such consultations are prescribed in cases where a specialist with a rare profile is needed (for example, a hematologist) or in difficult cases. Moreover, you can receive a referral for such a consultation even if you provided the therapist with studies (ultrasound, tests) from a private clinic. Last year, about 57 thousand people passed through the clinic at the regional hospital, where they provide consultations in 38 specialties. For children, such consultations are carried out in clinics at the regional children's hospital, also by referral.

5. I cannot undergo a fluorogram or ultrasound at the clinic because the machine is broken. Should I be sent to another facility or should I now wait for it to be fixed?

Fluorogram and ultrasound are routine types of medical care. According to the law, the waiting period is 2 weeks. If the device cannot be repaired by this time, you should be told where this research can be done for free. For example, often several clinics are combined into one medical institution, and you may be referred to another.

6. Can I take all blood tests for my disease for free?

No, not all laboratory tests are included in the compulsory medical insurance standards, but most of them are present. Of course, clinics usually do not have such equipped laboratories. Therefore, in Voronezh, complex tests are done centrally, when you donate blood in your clinic, and then they are brought to the laboratory of the regional diagnostic center. At the same time, some of the tests that are not within the scope of the standards of medical care may indeed be offered to be carried out in private medical centers. As our interlocutor explains, sometimes standards lag behind the development of science and do not have time to include new types of research, although they are recommended for a given diagnosis. Therefore, even from the hospital, they are sometimes sent to a private medical center to undergo tests that turn out to be outside the standards, for example, for rare autoimmune diseases.

7. Will there ever come a time when, like in the West, I will be able to take my insurance policy to any medical center, public or private, and they will provide me with free help?

Here we are talking about the so-called public-private partnership (PPP), when part of the services is purchased from a commercial structure that is part of the compulsory medical insurance system at the expense of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and they are provided to the population free of charge. Discussions about the need to develop PPP have been going on for a long time at the highest levels of government. But so far there are few examples. In our city, these are hemodialysis centers at hospitals, opened in collaboration with the Nephrological Expert Council and Fresenius Nephrocare, a public-private partnership with the Interregional Medical Center for Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Oncological Diseases - the oncology clinic sends patients there to undergo several high-tech procedures. The third project is sanitary evacuation using an An-2 aircraft and a Eurocopter-135 helicopter with a resuscitation module. Also, as part of the PPP, in vitro fertilization is being carried out in the region. Representatives of private clinics explain that the development of PPP is hampered primarily by the low tariffs of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund for the provision of certain types of assistance - they simply do not compensate for the real costs of the clinics.

8. Who is entitled to free spa treatment?

There are few such categories of citizens. These are working people who have suffered a stroke, heart attack or heart surgery in a hospital. But not all, and also if there are indications - that is, when the patient does not need to undergo further treatment in a clinic or in another hospital. Also, women with complicated pregnancies, after certain operations of the gastrointestinal tract and patients with diabetes can receive vouchers to the sanatorium.

Long queues, insults towards patients, high levels of waiting, indifference of doctors, uncomfortable conditions in a medical institution, shortage of doctors - these are the main problems of clinics that patients face every day.

Many people are dissatisfied with the quality of medical care they receive in public clinics. Some even try to correct the situation: they quarrel with the honey. staff, other patients, but no use.

Where can I complain about the clinic so that the quality of service improves?

Patients can contact higher-level organizations regarding any problems that seem serious to them and require outside intervention.

You can complain about the actions of the medical staff of the clinic, for example, on issues such as:

  • refusal of a specialist to provide assistance;
  • provision of medical care is not complete;
  • incorrectly prescribed treatment, as a result of which the patient’s condition worsened even more;
  • disclosure of medical confidentiality;
  • misdiagnosis;
  • provision of inadequate care, which led the patient to physical or mental injury;
  • unethical, unprofessional behavior of the clinic staff - rudeness, rudeness, callousness, etc.;
  • the doctor's demand for money for an appointment, for prescribed treatment, etc.;
  • lack of vaccine;
  • inability to obtain an appointment ticket and much more.

If you have complaints about the quality of service in a medical institution, then you have the right to complain to the following authorities:

    1. Head doctor of the clinic– if the patient’s complaint is related to the action or inaction of a specific doctor or other medical employee.
    2. To the Ministry of Health(local department) – if the head physician does not accept a complaint from the patient or ignores it. You can write a complaint to the Ministry of Health about anything: long queues, poor quality service, inattention and rude attitude of the staff of a medical institution, etc.
    3. To the local authorities(city administration) - if the clinic does not have the necessary medications that should be given to a certain category of patients free of charge, if the doctor refuses to write a prescription for free medications, etc.
    4. To the insurance company which issued the health insurance policy - if the doctor refuses to prescribe medications to the patient that are included in the list of free medications specified in the health insurance policy; if the doctor did not tell the patient that he was entitled to the medicine free of charge.
    5. To Roszdravnadzor– if the patient’s legal rights were violated; if the clinic staff violates the rules of medical care; if the patient is not satisfied with the result of treatment, etc. That is, the applicant can apply to this authority if his rights as a consumer of medical services have been violated, as well as if there is a threat to his life or health.

  • To the prosecutor's office– if the patient is faced with extortion of funds from staff; the doctor caused harm to the patient’s health by misdiagnosing him or prescribing the wrong treatment.
  • To the police– if the appeal is related to extortion, threats, insults from medical personnel, as well as if the doctor intentionally caused harm to the patient’s health.
  • To court– if the patient has suffered serious harm; if the patient has recorded a violation of medical ethics; if the doctor unlawfully charges the patient a fee for providing free care, etc.

If you have complaints about the quality of service at the clinic, you can leave a written complaint on the Ministry of Health website.

To do this you need:

  1. Log in to the website www.rosminzdrav.ru.
  2. Select the subsection “Public reception” – “Form for sending an appeal.”
  3. Fill out the form by entering your last name, first name, patronymic, and the text of the complaint in the appropriate fields. Attention! The text of the document should not exceed 2 thousand characters. The application must indicate the address of the clinic, as well as specific facts with which the patient was dissatisfied.
  4. If necessary, you can attach documents that serve as evidence of the patient’s innocence - photo, audio materials, a scanned copy of an extract, a doctor’s prescription, etc.
  5. Be sure to select from the list the region from which the application is being submitted.
  6. Check the box next to the desired option for receiving a response to the complaint: by mail or email.
  7. Place a checkmark at the end indicating that the client has been familiarized with the procedure for receiving and appeals from citizens, and then click on the “Send appeal” button.

An online complaint about a clinic to the Ministry of Health is registered by the responsible employee within 3 days, after which it is sent to the required department of the Ministry or to the authority that directly deals with the issue raised in the appeal.

The applicant may not receive a response to the email or postal address from the Ministry of Health if he indicated incomplete information about himself in the application or entered inaccurate information about himself.

Anonymous complaints filed by a citizen against the clinic are not accepted by any authority.

In order to properly file a complaint, you must consider the following:

  • The complaint must be written in a formal style, without unnecessary emotions, curses.
  • The text needs clearly describe the problem, do not deviate from the essence of the complaint.
  • If the complaint is submitted in writing, then you need to write it in two copies so that one remains with the applicant. On its copy, the responsible official must indicate the date of acceptance of the application, the incoming number, as well as indicate his position, surname and signature.
  • When filing a complaint, it is recommended to refer to the articles of law that regulate issues in the field of healthcare.

If you want to complain about a clinic on the website of the Ministry of Health, then the patient is asked to fill out a complaint form. But how to write a complaint if the applicant decides to submit it in writing?

The document must reflect the following information:

  • addressee's name;
  • information about the addressee: full name, residential address, contact phone number, address for feedback;
  • the text of the complaint must contain information about the clinic where the person is complaining: the name and number of the medical institution, as well as its address. If the complaint concerns a specific doctor or medical employee, then you need to indicate his last name, first name and patronymic. After the descriptive part, the applicant must put forward his demands, for example, to hold officials accountable, conduct an inspection, etc.;
  • a list of documents that are attached to the complaint;
  • date of drawing up the appeal, signature, surname and initials of the applicant.

If you want the work of a medical institution to be improved, then you have the right to file a complaint.

This can be done in several ways:

  1. Submit an application on the website of the Ministry of Health, the prosecutor's office, and the city administration.
  2. Write a written complaint and bring it personally to the head physician, the Ministry of Health and other authorities, or send the document by registered mail with notification.
  3. Complain about the clinic by calling the hotline. Since 2011, a hotline was created to analyze the work of clinics and hospitals. Any person who is faced with arbitrariness in the clinic, disrespectful attitude of medical staff, and so on, can call the number 8-800-700-8-800 and leave a complaint.

Sample complaint submitted to the Department of Health

So that you do not have unnecessary questions regarding the registration of a complaint, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with an example of a complaint that was submitted in writing to the Ministry of Health:

To the Ministry of Health in the Volgograd region

st. Raboche-Krestyanskaya, 16, Volgograd, 400001

from Lyudmila Petrovna Izmailova, living at:

Volgograd, st. Lenina, 56-A, 400025.

tel. 8-903-656-88–89

On April 12, 2018, I went to clinic No. 2 at the address: Volgograd, Metallurgov Ave., 16 for medical help. At an appointment with general practitioner Abdulova S.E., she allowed herself to loudly voice my diagnosis in the presence of other patients who were in the office at that moment. In addition, the specialist violated medical ethics: she scolded me for not contacting her in a timely manner. She did not pay attention to my requests to stop the discussion.

On April 13, 2018, I wrote a complaint to the head physician of clinic No. 2 regarding his employee’s violation of ethics in relation to patients. I didn't receive an answer.

I believe that the actions of doctor S. E. Abdulova do not comply with the provisions described in Art. 13 Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Health Protection” regarding medical confidentiality. In my opinion, therapist S. E. Abdulova showed a disrespectful attitude towards me, and also violated the law “On the Fundamentals of Health Protection in the Russian Federation.”

In connection with the above,

Understand the situation and bring the therapist S.E. Abdulova to justice in accordance with the law.


  • a disc with a recording of a conversation with doctor S. E. Abdulova dated 04/12/2018;
  • copy of the complaint addressed to the head physician of the clinic dated April 13, 2018.

05/25/2018 signature of Izmailov L.P.

Where to write if the clinic refuses to provide medical care?

First you need to write a written complaint addressed to the chief doctor of the clinic. If the complaint remains unanswered, then you need to go further - write to the Ministry of Health.

If a citizen is assigned to a specific clinic, then he has the right to receive medical care. If a doctor refuses to provide assistance, he may face criminal liability under Art. 125 of the Criminal Code of Russia.

This article clearly states that leaving a person without medical care, which has cast doubt on his state of health, entails liability for the guilty person in the form of a fine or correctional or forced labor.

Below is an example of filing a complaint regarding a clinic doctor’s refusal to provide medical care to a patient:

Chief physician of state clinic No. 2


Vinogradova O. P.

from Izmailov Stanislav Mikhailovich,

living at the address: Volgograd, st. Starorusskaya, 16,

index 400025.

tel. 8-903-112-47–78

On March 5, 2018, I went to clinic No. 2 in Volgograd. I wanted to see a cardiologist about complaints of heart pain. The doctor's office is located on the 3rd floor. The elevator in the clinic did not work, so I called the doctor’s office and asked Yuri Leonidovich Romanov to come down to me, since I am disabled in a wheelchair. To which the doctor replied that he did not intend to go down, because he had many patients.

I consider the actions of cardiologist Yuri Leonidovich Romanov illegal, such as those that fall under Art. 125 of the Criminal Code of Russia, namely, “Leaving in danger.” The doctor violated my right to receive medical care, and refusal to provide assistance is unacceptable according to Art. 11 of the Law “On the Fundamentals of Health Protection”.

I ask you to look into this situation and hold cardiologist Yu. L. Romanov accountable in accordance with the law.


  • disc with a voice recording of a conversation with Dr. Yu. L. Romanov dated 03/05/2018

03/10/2018 signature Izmailov S. M.

Many parents are concerned that there are no vaccines in city clinics, and according to the vaccination calendar, the child must be vaccinated.

So, if information was received that vaccines were purchased, but in fact there are none in the clinic, the citizen must file a complaint with the health department of the local authorities.

This is a local issue, so you need to go to the local government administration to complain about this issue.

Is it possible to write a collective complaint against the clinic?

If, for example, patients are dissatisfied with the service at the clinic (according to the schedule, the doctor should have been on site, but in fact he was not, and people sat in line), then they can write a collective complaint.

This norm is spelled out in Federal Law No. 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering citizens’ appeals.” In paragraph 1 of Art. 2 clearly states that citizens have the right to apply personally, as well as send collective appeals to government bodies.

If a person is assigned to the clinic to which he is applying, and the doctor refuses to see him, he must contact the chief physician.

It is advisable to videotape the refusal to provide medical assistance or record the conversation on a voice recorder.

In paragraph 6 of Art. 4 of the Law “On the Fundamentals of Health Protection” clearly states that every citizen must receive affordable and high-quality medical care.

Paragraph 7 of the same article states that a doctor’s refusal to provide medical care is unacceptable.

Therefore, if you have complaints against the staff of the clinic, you have every right to file a complaint with the appropriate authority: the Ministry of Health, local authorities, the insurance company where the policy was issued, the prosecutor's office or the court, depending on the reason for your appeal.