Vinegar poisoning. Help for acetic acid poisoning What to do if you drink a little vinegar

Acetic acid, essence and table, apple or wine vinegar are widely used in everyday life and in production. At home, the universal product is used in cooking for pickling, canning, baking, as a salad dressing or in the preparation of mayonnaise and sauces. Acetic acid is also often a component of homemade cleaning mixtures and is used in cosmetology and alternative medicine. In industry, vinegar is used in the production of deodorants and detergents.

But is vinegar harmful? When used as intended and the safety rules for working with the substance are observed, table bite, like essence or acid, is absolutely harmless to the human body and brings only benefits. But in medical practice, poisoning or burns with the substance are often encountered.

Vinegar poisoning occurs through negligence or intentionally. The severity of the consequences largely depends on the concentration of the substance, but also on the amount drunk. You can even get poisoned with ordinary table vinegar of 6-9% concentration, let alone more concentrated acid (100%) and essence (70-80%).

Acetic acid is produced from fermented fruits (roughly speaking, it is sour and purified wine or juice), the remaining substances are the same acid, only diluted with water to the required concentration.

Routes of entry and lethality

Typically, acetic acid poisoning occurs through ingestion, through the skin, or through inhalation of toxic fumes.

Internal burns are common if you drink vinegar or inhale vapors for a long time. Poisoning with vinegar vapor is detrimental to the respiratory system; consumption of the substance in food accordingly affects the esophagus and digestion as a whole. Damage to the internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract or breathing of moderate severity is comparable to burns of 30% of the body surface.

The rarest cause of serious poisoning is inhalation. To “inhale” vinegar to the point of poisoning, highly concentrated acetic acid vapor is required, which can relatively rarely be obtained at home. In addition, the bite has the property of quickly disappearing.

The main risk group for this kind of poisoning is: a drinker who, while intoxicated, mistakes acetic acid for vodka, suicide, girls who want to lose weight in such a dangerous way, and children.

In the event of a suicide attempt, disability, suffering and very serious consequences for the rest of one’s life are guaranteed with a 99% probability, but death is possible only in cases where medical assistance is not provided in time.

It is very easy to get an external burn with acetic acid if even a small amount of a weak concentration of the substance comes into contact with the skin. Expired vinegar can also cause skin damage. This type of chemical burn is a common occurrence. Vinegar can get on your skin if safety rules are not followed or if you are simply careless. A defeat of this kind, unlike internal use, most often occurs unintentionally. Cases of intentional poisoning by damaging the skin are very few.

Can a person die from acetic acid poisoning? With severe damage to internal organs and untimely medical care, death can occur.

Death occurs after taking about 50 ml of vinegar essence or 200 ml of table vinegar. This is exactly what the lethal dose is, but the data may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the body of a particular person.

The effects of vinegar on the body

In alternative medicine, table vinegar (apple cider vinegar) in small doses is believed to be beneficial to human health, and many people actually use it for “health benefits.” However, any excess of the dosage sharply turns all the advantages of the substance into serious disadvantages, and acetic acid has an extremely negative effect on the body. The substance is highly harmful and toxic.

What happens if a child drinks vinegar? Symptoms of vinegar poisoning depend on the severity of the injury and the amount consumed.

The concentration of acetic acid influences the clinical manifestations. Mild poisoning is characterized by: focal lesions of the oral cavity, a vinegar burn to the esophagus and minimal damage to internal organs.

In moderate cases, vinegar essence poisoning manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • more severe burns of the oral cavity and esophagus;
  • entering the affected area of ​​the stomach;
  • blood thickening;
  • sweat smells like vinegar (may be a symptom of other dangerous conditions);
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • pink color of urine.

What happens if a person drinks a lot of vinegar? Signs of severe burns of internal organs appear a short period of time after the actual poisoning.

Characteristics: nausea and vomiting with blood, intense pain in the chest and upper abdomen, dark red (even black) urine. A poisoned person experiences a serious painful shock. Severe poisoning is a very dangerous process that can cause serious complications, such as kidney failure.

If vinegar gets on the skin, a typical chemical burn occurs, which can also be mild, moderate or severe. Vinegar burns are most often located on the face, arms or legs.

First aid and treatment

What to do if a child takes a sip from a bottle of vinegar?

The first thing you need to do is call an ambulance, making sure to tell the reason for the call. First aid is effective only within two hours from the moment of poisoning, after which it becomes very difficult to neutralize the vinegar, and swelling of the internal organs occurs.

What can be done to provide assistance before doctors arrive if a child drank vinegar?

Help for poisoning before the arrival of doctors is not difficult, but it can somewhat improve the patient’s condition and avoid serious consequences. To do this, rinse your mouth thoroughly several times. Almagel solution or burnt magnesia will help neutralize vinegar. You can give the victim a little vegetable oil, which will partially alleviate the inflammation.

Is it possible to induce vomiting in a child to neutralize acetic acid?

Washing using the common “two fingers in the mouth” method is unacceptable. Only the probe can be used. If the arrival of doctors is not expected soon, you should do the rinsing yourself. You need to buy a probe, a heating pad, and ten packs of Almagel at the pharmacy. The procedure is very painful, so strong analgesics will be required, which are best administered intramuscularly or intravenously. You should not rinse your stomach if vinegar poisoning occurred more than two hours ago.

Treatment is mandatory in a hospital. For transportation, the patient is given a sodium bicarbonate solution to exclude renal failure, which is the most common cause of death in acetic acid poisoning.

Poisoning by acetic acid vapor (for example, if a woman “inhaled” the substance while cleaning) also requires immediate medical intervention, but minor skin burns can be treated at home.

First aid is to rinse the affected area under running water at room temperature and make a compress using antiseptic agents. Do not lubricate the damaged area with oil, iodine, alcohol or brilliant green, or open the resulting blisters yourself.

Recovery diet for vinegar poisoning

Treatment for vinegar poisoning involves a special diet that avoids additional damage to irritated mucous membranes. If the patient refuses to eat or has no swallowing reflex, nutrition is administered through a tube.

The diet should include the consumption of large quantities of soups (without seasonings), oatmeal, buckwheat or rice porridge with water, pureed meat, and light steam omelettes. It is good to eat a lot of fermented milk products. Sour fruits, berries, smoking, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, coffee and cocoa are completely excluded.

Prevention of poisoning

The main preventive measure is extreme caution when using acetic acid at home and storing it out of the reach of children. Acetic acid, table vinegar or essence should be in tightly closed containers with a sticker or the inscription “poison”.

If the house smells of vinegar after cleaning, you need to open the windows - the smell will quickly disappear. Do not allow the substance to come into contact with the skin; you should always work with aggressive cleaning agents while wearing rubber gloves.

Many housewives know that drinking vinegar essence can cause poisoning, but for some reason they forget that table vinegar is also dangerous. Everyone needs to know how to properly provide assistance in case of vinegar poisoning and what consequences may arise after this.

Vinegar, so familiar to all housewives, is actually a very dangerous substance that requires careful handling. But even taking all precautions, people are not immune from force majeure situations, and many have no idea what will happen if they drink vinegar. But sometimes, due to simple inattention, a serious threat to life is created.

In most cases, poisoning with acetic acid occurs when it penetrates the digestive tract. You can become poisoned by this substance by inhaling its toxic fumes or coming into contact with your skin.

Vinegar vapors can cause irreparable damage to lung tissue, and the liquid itself can burn the lining of the esophagus and completely affect the digestive system. However, cases in which a person has become poisoned by inhaling acetic acid vapors are extremely rarely recorded in medical practice. To get seriously poisoned, the concentration of vinegar vapor in the inhaled air must be simply prohibitive, but, fortunately, at home, the likelihood of such a situation is close to zero. In addition, caustic organic acids evaporate quite quickly.

The risk group, as a rule, includes chronic alcoholics who, in a state of withdrawal, mistake a bottle of vinegar for vodka; girls suffering from anorexia and wanting to lose weight in such a radical way, as well as small children left unattended.

When attempting to commit suicide by taking a few sips of vinegar essence, a person dooms himself to torment and severe consequences for the rest of his life, but death is possible only when he was not given medical assistance in time.

It is easy to get a chemical burn if even a small amount of acetic acid gets on your skin. This type of injury most often occurs when liquids are handled carelessly during cooking. Lesions of this kind, unlike the internal use of vinegar, occur mainly without explicit intention.

On store shelves you can find both vinegar essence (usually 70 percent) and table vinegar (7-9%). Even low-concentration table vinegar is dangerous if consumed internally. Poisoning with this product, obtained by microbiological synthesis using acetic acid bacteria from food alcohol, threatens the victim with persistent health problems, including disability and death.

If vinegar gets into the body intentionally or accidentally, a person will, to one degree or another, face the following consequences:

Probably the biggest concern for everyone is whether you can die if you drink vinegar. Yes, indeed such a possibility exists, especially when the damage to internal organs has become catastrophic. Death can occur if you take approximately 50 ml of vinegar essence or 250 ml of apple or wine vinegar intended for culinary purposes. This is the dose that is considered lethal, but it is worth taking into account the individual characteristics of each person, so these numbers may vary.

Degrees and symptoms of poisoning

To understand the dangers of vinegar poisoning, you need to know what its degrees exist. It is customary to distinguish three degrees of severity of poisoning:

  1. Easy. This degree is diagnosed after drinking a small amount of table vinegar. The caustic substance corrodes the esophagus, pharynx, mouth and lips.
  2. Average. Chemical burns are typical for this degree. The blood formula changes, internal organs are affected, and an extensive inflammatory reaction occurs.
  3. Heavy. Here we are already talking about an immediate threat not only to human health, but also to life. In addition to the respiratory tract, burns cover the stomach and small intestine.

When a person is at a loss and doesn’t know what to do if someone close to him drank vinegar, first of all he needs to soberly assess the situation and pay attention to the symptoms of intoxication. The symptomatic picture will largely depend on how much of the substance was drunk and how much time has passed since the incident.

The main symptoms of vinegar poisoning:

First aid to the victim

When the issue concerns a person’s life, every minute is precious, therefore, if vinegar poisoning is suspected, first aid should be provided without any delay. Correctly provided emergency measures will help the victim survive until the ambulance arrives.

It may happen that an unattended child drank vinegar. What to do in such a situation is described in special medical brochures for parents. The same recommendations apply to adults.

Before the doctors arrive, urgent measures need to be taken, namely:

As soon as the doctors arrive, they will continue to carry out emergency measures. The first task of doctors is to relieve pain, and only then begin rinsing. Doctors take into account the degree of intoxication and, based on this, conclude whether urgent hospitalization of the patient is necessary. The hospital carries out a set of diagnostic measures to exclude serious pathologies. Most likely, probing will be required to assess the extent of chemical burns.

Possible consequences and complications

Emergency measures in case of serious condition of the patient can significantly reduce the risk of numerous complications. In the first hours after acetic acid poisoning, a small percentage of victims experience acute perforation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Later complications include:

  • the appearance of scars in the antrum of the stomach;
  • aspiration inflammation of lung tissue;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • chronic gastroduodenitis;
  • chronic erosive esophagitis;
  • complications of infectious etiology;
  • post-burn asthenic syndrome, accompanied by metabolic disorders and loss of body weight.

The basis for the prognosis of vinegar poisoning is the quality and timeliness of the medical care provided, as well as the dose of the substance drunk. The greatest threat to life is posed by the first days after poisoning, when peritonitis or exotoxic shock can cause sudden cardiac arrest.

Basic Precautions

Now that it has become clear what will happen if you drink vinegar (including 70 percent vinegar), we cannot help but mention how to prevent such a nuisance.

By and large, all you need to do is adhere to generally accepted safety measures. If a bottle of vinegar is in the refrigerator, then it is advisable to hide it on the top shelf, since a child will not get there. If liquid is stored in a kitchen cabinet, it must be locked.

You cannot pour a bite from a store container into another container, otherwise there is always a risk of mixing up the bottles. To protect yourself and your children from unpleasant consequences when using vinegar, you should not leave it open or unattended.

When using vinegar essence, you need to be extremely careful so as not to mistakenly add too much to your food. After use, the bottle is immediately put back in place.

Poisoning with vinegar essence is a fairly common occurrence in medical practice. Although the substance is a food additive, it should be used with caution. Even it can be toxic couples, and 70% vinegar essence can provoke severe intoxication.

Why is vinegar dangerous?

Acetic acid is a chemical that has many uses. It is used for various purposes: in home life, cooking, industry, cosmetology, and also in medicine, as a component of many medications. At home, it is a common preservative that has preserving, disinfecting and cleansing properties. Housewives use it for marinades and home preservation. Seventy percent acid is obtained from the fermentation of ethanol, and ordinary food vinegar is its concentrate.

Main types and properties

Several types of vinegar solution are used in cooking and at home. What happens if you drink vinegar? What benefits and harm can it bring? Is vinegar harmful to the human body in extreme doses?

Apple cider vinegar: benefits and harms

The useful properties include the following:

Features of apple cider vinegar

  • anti-inflammatory and antifungal effect;
  • an aqueous solution of the essence is taken for flu, sore throat and severe cough;
  • helps reduce cholesterol levels;
  • use for cosmetic purposes.

Harmful properties include damage to enamel on teeth and oral tissues.

The benefits and harms of wine vinegar

A useful quality of this species is the prevention of the development of cardiovascular pathologies. It has virtually no contraindications, unless the dosage is exceeded and not taken by people with stomach diseases.

Grape and balsamic vinegar

Grape vinegar: its benefits and harms are identical to the previous one.

Balsamic vinegar: benefits and harm. The negative properties of balsamic are as follows: it is contraindicated in case of increased acidity of the esophagus and is the subject of production in a surrogate form due to high demand. Its advantages are that it contains many macro elements that are actively used in cosmetology.

Possible causes of intoxication

High percentage of vinegar poisoning among alcoholics

Most often, the product is used by alcoholics, for several reasons. The first is carelessness while intoxicated, when a person does not understand what he is drinking, the other is deliberate drinking in order to increase the degree. The next risk category includes children. A child can easily mistake apple concentrate, which has a specific yellow color, for a tasty drink. But theoretically, anyone can get poisoned.

Cases have been recorded in medicine that are much less common. Intentional use of the essence or its concentrate is characteristic of people prone to suicide. The result of such intoxication usually leads to disability or death. Sometimes a burn to the esophagus and poisoning from vinegar vapors at work are possible. Most often, this happens as a result of a safety violation.

Signs of intoxication and effects on the body

In households, the product is stored in a concentration of 6-9 percent. The lethal dose of the substance during intoxication is within 200 ml. In some cases, the essence is used at a concentration of 70%. If a person drinks more than 50 ml of this solution, it becomes life-threatening.

The dangers of acetic acid

In case of vinegar poisoning, symptoms can be general and local. Local signs include burns of the gastric mucosa and pain defects, depending on the affected organs of the digestive system. These signs also include vomiting containing blood. There is a disturbance when swallowing with copious amounts of saliva. When intestinal canals are burned, their motility is impaired, which is dangerous to health.

With acetic acid burns, tissue cell death may occur, which is characterized by the formation of a blood crust. In this regard, the volume of essence penetrating inside decreases. After a few days, the affected areas may form ulcers that begin to bleed. Over the course of several months, these wounds form connective tissue that shrinks to form scars.

General signs of intoxication appear as follows:

Acetic acid has a negative effect on the kidneys

  • there is a violation of the acid-base balance;
  • changes in blood composition;
  • red blood cells are destroyed and hemoglobin is released;
  • the presence of hemoglobin in the urine;
  • impaired renal function;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • burn shock is possible.

There are several degrees of complexity of acid intoxication:

  1. Mild grade has little signs of damage. In this case, minor burns of the esophagus appear, and the organs are practically not affected. There is no blood clotting.
  2. With a moderate degree of damage, blood thickening already occurs, but for the most part the stomach is affected.
  3. The severe degree is characterized by pronounced symptoms in which the functions of many organs of the gastrointestinal tract are disrupted. The occurrence of complications depends on the concentration of the acid and the food consumed before taking the substance. In some cases, a burn to the esophagus is possible, which is accompanied by cough, runny nose and lacrimation. In all cases of severe poisoning, you must immediately contact the clinic.

Methods for detecting intoxication

Making a diagnosis of vinegar poisoning is not a difficult task. For this, sometimes a single interview with the patient and the presence of basic external signs are enough. The person has a strong smells from mouth. If necessary, laboratory tests for hemoglobin are performed.

Providing assistance in case of overdose

What to do in case of poisoning? First, you need to reduce the effect of intoxication by providing timely assistance to the victim. To do this, you need to rinse your mouth without swallowing water. Before the ambulance arrives, the patient should be given ice and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. It is also recommended to use an egg-milk mixture in a ratio of 4 proteins per liter of water or milk.

In this case, in case of overdose, it is forbidden to provoke vomiting. To eliminate acid, the following medications are used: magnesia and almagel. Before gastric lavage, the patient is given an anesthetic.

In a clinical setting, gastric cleansing is carried out using intubation. The presence of small amounts of blood should not interfere with this procedure. Moreover, at first, poisoning does not manifest itself in severe hemorrhages. Before use, the probe should be anointed with sea buckthorn oil.

Treatment options

After providing first aid, the patient must be taken to the hospital for further treatment. As a rule, it is aimed at eliminating inflammatory processes and eliminating pain defects. The patient is prescribed antibiotics, painkillers and other medications. During the treatment the following activities are carried out:

How to cure vinegar poisoning

  1. Increasing urine volume to quickly eliminate toxins. Caused by taking large amounts of water and diuretics.
  2. Taking sodium bicarbonate to restore the acid-base balance.
  3. Refortam and stabizol are used to eliminate burns.
  4. Intravenous injections of novocaine solutions.
  5. To eliminate spasmodic effects, papaverine is prescribed.
  6. Antiseptic and antibacterial medications are used to prevent relapse.
  7. Hormonal medications are used to prevent narrowing of the digestive canals.
  8. Plasma transfusions are used to prevent hemorrhages.
  9. Glutargin restores liver function.

Take almagel to relieve pain from vinegar poisoning

For local treatment, almagel with anesthesin is prescribed every 3 hours. To speed up the process, sea buckthorn oil is injected inside. Eating food at the beginning of treatment is excluded. After severe gastrointestinal disorders, its work will only worsen the condition. Therefore, nutrients are introduced artificially. And antibiotics are taken with a mixture of fish oil and sunflower oil.

In extremely severe cases, some functions are impaired and are accompanied by painful symptoms. Therefore, food intake is carried out through surgical intervention, opening an artificial entrance for the patient’s nutrition. 3 weeks after receiving a burn to the esophagus, the digestive canals are restored using the bougienage method. Bougienage is prescribed in extreme cases when the patient’s condition allows the introduction of a flexible rod.

Preventive measures

What happens if children drink vinegar? In case of poisoning with vinegar essence, prevention is very important, due to the fact that in severe cases there is a high probability of death of the patient. This is more common in children, for whom a slight burn of the esophagus can cause irreversible consequences.

If a child drinks vinegar, you must immediately take action and call an ambulance. Therefore, it is better to prevent such cases by following preventive measures:

For preventative purposes, immediately dilute 70% vinegar

  • store the product out of the reach of children;
  • do not add large amounts of the substance to food;
  • It is better to throw out the expired solution;
  • Pre-dilute 70% acid;
  • to prevent intoxication by vapors, it is necessary to ventilate the room until the smell of vinegar disappears;
  • If you have diseases of the esophagus, it is better to avoid the product.

Timely first aid for poisoning can save the victim from further complications. It is best if this is organized in the first 2 hours after taking the vinegar solution. At this time, the product does not have a negative effect to the full extent. Otherwise, after this time, providing first aid to the victim will not be easy.

Gastric lavage with soda solution is strictly prohibited. When acid and soda combine, a violent chemical reaction occurs. The interaction of these two components in the human stomach can be fatal.

Video on how to use vinegar

To prevent food poisoning from vinegar, it is necessary to take it correctly and add it to food only in a certain acceptable amount. Below is a video about the varieties and methods of using this product:

So you need to immediately call an ambulance and ask there what to do before they arrive.

Drink still alkaline mineral water or drink soda mixed with water. Drugs such as smecta can also be taken.

Hmm, I am amazed at people who manage to drink vinegar. Are you pouring it into a lemonade container? Well, you can see from the bottle that it is vinegar. Otherwise, you need to see a doctor, because you can burn your entire esophagus and stomach.

As you know from a school chemistry course, an acid is best neutralized by an alkali. Thus, if you accidentally drink vinegar, you need to wash it down with something that is alkaline. Fortunately, there is always enough of such substances in the house. This is, for example, a soda solution or mineral water with a high content of sodium or potassium. Drinking water is not the most effective, because the acid needs to be neutralized, and not continue to irritate the mucous membrane with a now diluted acid solution. After this, you should definitely consult a doctor - he will check how damaged the mucous membrane is and prescribe appropriate treatment if necessary.

If you accidentally drink vinegar, you should drink activated carbon and drink plenty of water. If you feel unwell, you should consult a doctor. Possible burns (if there was a lot of vinegar).

Drink a huge amount of water without delay, so it will dilute faster, of course, it’s better to dilute it with water after finding baking soda at home and drink it again..)))) If it was an essence, of course there will be a burn, it’s worth going to the hospital after all.

I once boiled a kettle due to scale, my husband took a sip, but the vinegar was diluted with water 1:3. They induced vomiting and drank milk. What to do next? Should I go to the doctor or not? He says he doesn't burn anything.

If you accidentally drink vinegar and then sprinkle more baking soda on top, as some here advise, then you can burst like a balloon and fly away.))) It’s better to immediately drink water, induce vomiting and then repeat this process several times.

You urgently need to call an ambulance, because if the vinegar was of low concentration, then you need to drink water, then milk and enterosgel, which will draw the vinegar onto itself.

And if the vinegar was highly concentrated, then in any case there will be a burn to the esophagus, lips and stomach. And you need to call doctors quickly, and the hospital will cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.

Vinegar is a chemical substance and if it gets into the gastrointestinal tract, there will of course be a chemical burn to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. And from the gastrointestinal tract, all the acid will enter the bloodstream and cause complete destruction of red blood cells.

In fact, this will be poisoning of the body and, as a result, kidney failure may occur.

The surest way is to drink plenty of water. This will dilute the vinegar in your stomach. Under no circumstances should you try to neutralize acetic acid with alkalis. Without medical supervision, this can lead to very undesirable consequences.

If you drink vinegar, you can get severe burns. I remember they told me that a woman I knew took a sip of vinegar, it was poured into a vodka bottle. She thought it was vodka, and in the end she died. So, it’s better not to joke like that and hide such things from children. If this happens, you need to immediately call an ambulance.

what to do if you accidentally drink a whole glass of vinegar. Answer please!

severe thirst and diarrhea. You need to drink milk, barley decoctions,

rice, flaxseed, lime water, burnt magnesia (1 tbsp for 2

glass of water). At the same time, you can put ice compresses on your neck and drink

2. Drink a large amount of water, induce vomiting, and so on several times.

3. Try taking something oily (if your condition allows it)

4. Be sure to see a doctor

Take ascorbic acid orally, do not use water or soda - it will rupture the stomach.

Features of acetic acid poisoning

Acetic acid poisoning is a serious and dangerous pathological disease. Treatment is carried out in a hospital, under daily monitoring of the victim’s condition. This article discusses in detail the symptoms and complications, mechanisms of vinegar poisoning, as well as the basics of first aid and components of treatment.

The main ways vinegar enters the body

Vinegar is an acid of natural origin, it has a specific odor and transparent color. It can be found in every kitchen. It is used in the preservation and preparation of many products. Also, vinegar is used in industry, in the production of medicines and cosmetics.

Vinegar poisoning can occur under the following circumstances:

  1. In case of accidental or intentional intake of vinegar. Very often children may swallow it, mistaking it for a tasty drink. Adults also drink this acid when attempting suicide. Vinegar can also be drunk by mentally ill people who do not control their actions.
  2. Workers at enterprises where it is used can be poisoned by vinegar vapors. They can inhale it if safety rules are not followed.

Why is vinegar poisoning dangerous?

There are vinegar essence (it is 70%), used in industry, and acetic acid (7-9%). Vinegar solution is dangerous in any concentration. Poisoning with vinegar essence or acid can lead to death and permanent health problems and disability.

Below is a list of what will happen if you drink vinegar:

  1. Burn of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach.
  2. Gastrointestinal bleeding, which develops due to corrosion of the walls of the stomach and duodenum by acetic acid.
  3. Acute kidney damage. Acute renal failure due to vinegar poisoning develops very quickly. Acid affects the structures of this organ.
  4. Hemolysis (melting, splitting, death) of red blood cells. Vinegar, being absorbed into the blood through the gastric mucosa, leads to very strong oxidation of the blood and death of red blood cells. Red blood cells are blood cells that carry oxygen to all tissues of the human body.
  5. Acute pancreatitis (inflammatory process in the pancreas).
  6. Acute liver failure.
  7. Death.

The following dosages are considered lethal for humans:

  • ml 9% acetic acid;
  • 20 ml of 70 percent vinegar essence.

Please note that a child needs less vinegar to die. Vinegar poisoning is much more dangerous for a baby. In children, it is absorbed more quickly from the stomach into the blood, and leads to serious complications and consequences.

Main clinical manifestations of poisoning

The period of time from taking vinegar orally to the appearance of the first symptoms is minimal, and takes 1-2 minutes. The severity and severity of symptoms depends on the amount and concentration of acid consumed. For example, if a person drank several spoons of this substance, the poisoning will be limited to local minor manifestations; he will suffer from heartburn and stomach pain. But when taking 100 ml of vinegar solution orally, a person’s condition will immediately worsen and become critical.

The table below shows the symptoms that can develop from vinegar poisoning:

With the development of pancreatitis, the pain has a girdling character.

When the kidneys are damaged, pain develops in the lumbar region.

  • Hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • Tachycardia (increased heart rate);
  • General weakness;
  • Loss of consciousness. The patient may fall into stupor or coma.

First aid

Correctly provided first aid will help the victim survive until the doctors arrive. It is advisable for parents to know what to do if their child accidentally drinks vinegar. In the case of this poisoning, every minute matters.

If an adult or child drinks vinegar, the first thing to do is call an ambulance. The sooner doctors arrive and take the patient to the intensive care unit, the greater the person’s chance of survival.

Please note that in case of vinegar poisoning, it is strictly forbidden to induce vomiting or drink alkaline solutions to neutralize the acid. If you vomit, the vinegar will burn your esophagus again. And due to the use of soda or other alkalis, the vinegar is neutralized, but during the chemical reaction a large amount of gas will be formed, which, like an explosion, will rupture the walls of the stomach.

First aid for acetic acid poisoning consists of the following:

  1. Give the victim a drink of plain, still table water at room temperature. It will dilute the contents of the stomach and the concentration of the substance drunk. But you shouldn't drink a lot in one gulp. It is very important to refrain from vomiting.
  2. Place ice on your stomach area. Cold will slow down the absorption of acid into the blood from the stomach mucosa. You can give the patient a few pieces of ice to chew.

Ambulance team actions

First aid is provided by a team of doctors who arrive on call. If the person who has been poisoned is conscious, he himself can tell them about what happened and what symptoms bother him.

Before taking the patient to the hospital, doctors rinse his stomach through a tube. Washing is carried out with cool saline solution or boiled water.

Then the patient is given intravenous medications:

  • Painkillers (Kaver, Ketorolac) are necessary to relieve severe pain.
  • Antiemetics (Ositron, Cerucal, Metoclopromide) are necessary to prevent vomiting.
  • Corticosteroids (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone) are administered to prevent the development of shock.
  • Solutions Disol and Trisol are administered intravenously on the way to the hospital. They replenish lost fluid and relieve intoxication in the body.

At the hospital, the patient is sent to the intensive care unit. Treatment may take a long time. For internal bleeding and severe burns of the mucous membranes, surgical treatment is performed.

Acetic acid poisoning is a very dangerous condition that can lead to disability or death. Treatment is carried out in a hospital intensive care unit. Survival depends on promptly calling an ambulance and the correct actions of others before the arrival of doctors.

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But first of all, I think that you can’t drink vinegar. And when you have already done this stupid thing, you immediately need to tell your dad or mom. If you already have these symptoms, such as severe pain, vomiting and others. Then your mother should give you some still water. And then Nada put ice in the cavities. But from the first sleep she should call an ambulance. I wish no one would do such a stupid thing.

All information on the website is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute instructions for action.

For medical assistance, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor.

Poisoning with vinegar and its vapors - symptoms and treatment of burns

Acetic acid, essence and table, apple or wine vinegar are widely used in everyday life and in production. At home, the universal product is used in cooking for pickling, canning, baking, as a salad dressing or in the preparation of mayonnaise and sauces. Acetic acid is also often a component of homemade cleaning mixtures and is used in cosmetology and alternative medicine. In industry, vinegar is used in the production of deodorants and detergents.

But is vinegar harmful? When used as intended and the safety rules for working with the substance are observed, table bite, like essence or acid, is absolutely harmless to the human body and brings only benefits. But in medical practice, poisoning or burns with the substance are often encountered.

Vinegar poisoning occurs through negligence or intentionally. The severity of the consequences largely depends on the concentration of the substance, but also on the amount drunk. You can even get poisoned with ordinary table vinegar of 6-9% concentration, let alone more concentrated acid (100%) and essence (70-80%).

Acetic acid is produced from fermented fruits (roughly speaking, it is sour and purified wine or juice), the remaining substances are the same acid, only diluted with water to the required concentration.

Routes of entry and lethality

Typically, acetic acid poisoning occurs through ingestion, through the skin, or through inhalation of toxic fumes.

Internal burns are common if you drink vinegar or inhale vapors for a long time. Poisoning with vinegar vapor is detrimental to the respiratory system; consumption of the substance in food accordingly affects the esophagus and digestion as a whole. Damage to the internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract or breathing of moderate severity is comparable to burns of 30% of the body surface.

The rarest cause of serious poisoning is inhalation. To “inhale” vinegar to the point of poisoning, highly concentrated acetic acid vapor is required, which can relatively rarely be obtained at home. In addition, the bite has the property of quickly disappearing.

The main risk group for this kind of poisoning is: a drinker who, while intoxicated, mistakes acetic acid for vodka, suicide, girls who want to lose weight in such a dangerous way, and children.

In the event of a suicide attempt, disability, suffering and very serious consequences for the rest of one’s life are guaranteed with a 99% probability, but death is possible only in cases where medical assistance is not provided in time.

It is very easy to get an external burn with acetic acid if even a small amount of a weak concentration of the substance comes into contact with the skin. Expired vinegar can also cause skin damage. This type of chemical burn is a common occurrence. Vinegar can get on your skin if safety rules are not followed or if you are simply careless. A defeat of this kind, unlike internal use, most often occurs unintentionally. Cases of intentional poisoning by damaging the skin are very few.

Can a person die from acetic acid poisoning? With severe damage to internal organs and untimely medical care, death can occur.

Death occurs after taking about 50 ml of vinegar essence or 200 ml of table vinegar. This is exactly what the lethal dose is, but the data may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the body of a particular person.

The effects of vinegar on the body

In alternative medicine, table vinegar (apple cider vinegar) in small doses is believed to be beneficial to human health, and many people actually use it for “health benefits.” However, any excess of the dosage sharply turns all the advantages of the substance into serious disadvantages, and acetic acid has an extremely negative effect on the body. The substance is highly harmful and toxic.

The concentration of acetic acid influences the clinical manifestations. Mild poisoning is characterized by: focal lesions of the oral cavity, a vinegar burn to the esophagus and minimal damage to internal organs.

In moderate cases, vinegar essence poisoning manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • more severe burns of the oral cavity and esophagus;
  • entering the affected area of ​​the stomach;
  • blood thickening;
  • sweat smells like vinegar (may be a symptom of other dangerous conditions);
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • pink color of urine.

What happens if a person drinks a lot of vinegar? Signs of severe burns of internal organs appear a short period of time after the actual poisoning.

Characteristics: nausea and vomiting with blood, intense pain in the chest and upper abdomen, dark red (even black) urine. A poisoned person experiences a serious painful shock. Severe poisoning is a very dangerous process that can cause serious complications, such as kidney failure.

If vinegar gets on the skin, a typical chemical burn occurs, which can also be mild, moderate or severe. Vinegar burns are most often located on the face, arms or legs.

First aid and treatment

What to do if a child takes a sip from a bottle of vinegar?

The first thing you need to do is call an ambulance, making sure to tell the reason for the call. First aid is effective only within two hours from the moment of poisoning, after which it becomes very difficult to neutralize the vinegar, and swelling of the internal organs occurs.

What can be done to provide assistance before doctors arrive if a child drank vinegar?

Help for poisoning before the arrival of doctors is not difficult, but it can somewhat improve the patient’s condition and avoid serious consequences. To do this, rinse your mouth thoroughly several times. Almagel solution or burnt magnesia will help neutralize vinegar. You can give the victim a little vegetable oil, which will partially alleviate the inflammation.

Is it possible to induce vomiting in a child to neutralize acetic acid?

Washing using the common “two fingers in the mouth” method is unacceptable. Only the probe can be used. If the arrival of doctors is not expected soon, you should do the rinsing yourself. You need to buy a probe, a heating pad, and ten packs of Almagel at the pharmacy. The procedure is very painful, so strong analgesics will be required, which are best administered intramuscularly or intravenously. You should not rinse your stomach if vinegar poisoning occurred more than two hours ago.

Poisoning by acetic acid vapor (for example, if a woman “inhaled” the substance while cleaning) also requires immediate medical intervention, but minor skin burns can be treated at home.

First aid is to rinse the affected area under running water at room temperature and make a compress using antiseptic agents. Do not lubricate the damaged area with oil, iodine, alcohol or brilliant green, or open the resulting blisters yourself.

Recovery diet for vinegar poisoning

Treatment for vinegar poisoning involves a special diet that avoids additional damage to irritated mucous membranes. If the patient refuses to eat or has no swallowing reflex, nutrition is administered through a tube.

The diet should include the consumption of large quantities of soups (without seasonings), oatmeal, buckwheat or rice porridge with water, pureed meat, and light steam omelettes. It is good to eat a lot of fermented milk products. Sour fruits, berries, smoking, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, coffee and cocoa are completely excluded.

Prevention of poisoning

The main preventive measure is extreme caution when using acetic acid at home and storing it out of the reach of children. Acetic acid, table vinegar or essence should be in tightly closed containers with a sticker or the inscription “poison”.

If the house smells of vinegar after cleaning, you need to open the windows - the smell will quickly disappear. Do not allow the substance to come into contact with the skin; you should always work with aggressive cleaning agents while wearing rubber gloves.

The lethal dose of acetic acid (80% solution) is ml, table vinegar is ml. Acetic acid, like other acids, corrodes the mucous membranes of the mouth, esophagus, and stomach, and can lead to their perforation.

Acid poisons, when absorbed into the body, affect vital organs, leading to the development of severe renal failure, from which the patient dies.

Acute intoxication as a result of ingestion of acetic acid is primarily characterized by a clinical picture of chemical burn disease, during which it is possible to distinguish the stages of shock and initial manifestations of intoxication, toxemia, infectious complications, stenosis of the lumens of the esophagus and gastric outlet, burn asthenia and, finally, the recovery stage ( if it comes to her).

There are mild, moderate and severe acid poisoning. A mild degree is characterized by a chemical burn that spreads to the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, pharynx, and esophagus. Internal organs suffer slightly. In case of moderate poisoning, the burn also affects the stomach. Shock phenomena may occur. Damage to the liver and kidneys is moderate. Blood is characterized by hemolysis. In severe cases, ulcerative-necrotic processes develop in the gastrointestinal tract (up to the large intestine). A severe chemical burn also affects the respiratory tract. Irreversible processes often occur in the liver and kidneys.

As a rule, in case of poisoning with vinegar essence, psychomotor agitation is noted, which is soon replaced by confusion and complete indifference to the environment. Tachycardia and shortness of breath increase. Diuresis decreases. The main causes of death are intoxication and shock.

First aid measures should be aimed at removing acid from the victim’s digestive tract. Immediately (while calling an ambulance), begin rinsing the stomach with cold (but not warm) water, which will require 8-10 liters. Persuade the victim, overcoming the pain, to undergo this procedure. Before gastric lavage, inject subcutaneously 2 ml of a 2% solution of papaverine, as well as 1 ml of a 0.1% solution of atropine. Also administer cardiovascular drugs and 1 ml of a 1% solution of the antihistamine diphenhydramine or a 2% solution of suprastin.

In order to neutralize the acid, give the victim a solution of baking soda, and also drink milk.

If a person has drunk a large amount of vinegar essence (say, for the purpose of suicide), then rinsing the stomach is strictly prohibited in order to avoid complications (increased vomiting, swelling of the larynx, acid entering the respiratory tract, gastric bleeding).

“What to do in case of vinegar poisoning” and other articles from the Medical Directory section

What happens if you drink vinegar? Possible consequences and first emergency measures

The first acquaintance of people with vinegar took place in Ancient Rome. Most often, this acid was used for medicinal purposes as an antiseptic. This liquid was domesticated and turned into a dietary supplement much later. Since then, people began to wonder what would happen if they drank vinegar. Although the Jews drank vinegar instead of water, since it was a fermentation product of wine.

Vinegar in the house - a food additive or a danger?

A clear liquid with a specific pungent odor can be found in every home. Housewives use acetic acid exclusively for culinary purposes. It is used to prepare marinades, preserves, and is also added in small quantities to dishes to give them a sour taste.

In most cases, vinegar with a concentration of 6 or 9% is taken for home use. Some housewives prefer apple or wine products.

There are also cases in everyday life when the kitchen arsenal contains acetic acid, the concentration of which reaches 70%.

It is about acetic acid poisoning that we will talk about. What happens if you drink vinegar? The consequences can be the most unpredictable, and sometimes disastrous, even fatal. To understand the dangers of acetic acid poisoning, you need to understand what its stages are:

  1. Easy. This degree is diagnosed as a result of drinking a small amount of vinegar. A person has a burn of the esophagus, pharynx, mouth and lips, which is of a chemical nature.
  2. Average. This degree is also characterized by chemical burns. Such poisoning affects the blood formula and internal organs, causing inflammation.
  3. Heavy. This stage poses an immediate threat not only to health, but also to life. Burns appear on the respiratory tract and in the small intestine. A severe stage can provoke the development of renal failure.

Let's talk about proportions

A normal reasonable person would not deliberately drink vinegar because he knows that acid corrodes all living things. Of course, a couple of sips of vinegar does not pose a serious threat to life. You will simply receive a minor burn of the esophagus, accompanied by pain and discomfort.

There are also lovers of experiments in the world who never tire of mocking their bodies. If you want to drink a ml of vinegar, then think about the consequences. You won’t prove anything to anyone, but you’ll end up in a hospital bed. After taking this amount of acetic acid, the following symptoms occur:

  • the acid will launch its tentacles into the internal organs and affect the tissues;
  • red blood cells will be destroyed;
  • hemoglobin will clog small vessels located in the kidneys.

If you drink a lot of vinegar, the first thing you will feel is hellish pain. From such sensations you can simply die without waiting for the ambulance team to arrive. The acid will begin to act actively, corroding all living things in its path. Salvation is possible, but only through surgery and long-term treatment. A favorable outcome will come, but along with it, disability will become a faithful companion in life.

Is 9% vinegar dangerous?

If there are children in your house, then vinegar should be hidden away to prevent possible incidents. Kids are interested in everything. They live by the principle: try by touch and taste. My child drank vinegar, what should I do? First, calm down. Your panic will not lead to anything good. Secondly, it is necessary to urgently rinse the mouth and stomach. For extra confidence and security, call an ambulance.

Poisoning with table vinegar with a 9% concentration cannot be considered dangerous. Of course, the mucous walls of the mouth, esophagus, pharynx and stomach will be burned, but this can be eliminated by drinking plenty of fluids or rinsing. Various sources provide conflicting information about flushing. Some experts argue that you need to induce vomiting. But other doctors say the opposite: vomiting can become a catalyst for the development of complicated consequences.

The situation is different with poisoning with highly concentrated acetic acid. In this case, the disease can go through four stages of development:

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  • first, the person will be struck by exotoxic shock, and this condition will last 36 hours;
  • after 2-3 days, the onset of toxemia is expected;
  • but on the 4th day after drinking vinegar, an infectious complication will develop;
  • the recovery stage will occur no earlier than after 21 days.

First aid lessons

What to do if you drink vinegar? Poisoning can also be unintentional. A child or a drunk person can taste this acidic drink. Immediately run to the phone and call an ambulance. Before the medical team arrives, urgent measures need to be taken, in particular:

  1. After you have called an ambulance, you need to give the poisoned person, whether a child or an adult, plenty of clean fluids.
  2. You should gargle thoroughly.
  3. Never use soda solution.
  4. Do not provoke the gag reflex with manganese solution.
  5. In exceptional cases, burnt magnesia can be added to the drink.
  6. To protect the mucous membranes, you can take a few sips of vegetable oil or eat a raw egg.
  7. Apply a cold compress to the neck and stomach area.

Upon arrival, doctors will continue to carry out emergency measures. The initial task of specialists is to relieve pain, and only then do rinsing. Depending on the degree of intoxication and the severity of the consequences, the patient may be hospitalized. A comprehensive examination is carried out in a hospital setting. You can’t do without diagnostics using a probe. In this case, the probe is lubricated with Vaseline so as not to irritate the already hot throat and esophagus. The treatment regimen will depend on the degree of development of intoxication and the scale of chemical burns.

Acetic acid or table vinegar is a poison that corrodes all living things in its path. There is no need to experiment on yourself and drink vinegar. Otherwise, you may shorten your eyelid. Remember the golden rule: vinegar is a food additive that should be kept in your kitchen bins. Be careful and healthy!

  • Calorie content of foods (78)
  • Product properties (536)
  • Principles of Nutrition (78)

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What to do if you are poisoned by vinegar

Acetic acid is a substance that has long been widely used in cooking, industry, chemical and pharmaceutical production. There are many varieties of this acid. The most common are table and apple cider vinegar, which can be found in absolutely every home. However, this product is not always as safe as it seems at first glance. Improper use can cause vinegar poisoning, which often causes irreversible consequences.

Poisoning with vinegar essence in most cases occurs accidentally, when the substance is carelessly mistaken for water or another liquid. Small children may mistake malic acid for lemonade because it is yellow in color.

Poisoning from vinegar vapors often occurs at work when workers do not pay due attention to safety precautions.

The effect of acid on the body

Many people have wondered what will happen if they drink vinegar. The effect of this acid on the human body is largely reminiscent of the effect of sulfuric or hydrochloric acid. A distinctive feature is the more superficial effect of the substance.

If you drink vinegar 9% in a small dosage, then no health problems will arise. You can get poisoned if you drink a large amount of vinegar, or take a diluted solution with a concentration of 30% orally.

Approximately 12 ml of pure acid is lethal to humans. This dose is equal to 250 ml of table vinegar, or 40 ml of 70% vinegar essence.

Death can occur from the following complications:

  1. Chemical damage to tissues and internal organs with painful shock, coagulation of the mucous membrane, heavy blood loss from ulcers.
  2. Due to increased acidity of the environment, red blood cells and other enzymes of blood cells are destroyed, which leads to kidney dysfunction.
  3. Cell breakdown products clog blood vessels, leading to kidney dysfunction.
  4. Due to malnutrition, vital internal organs suffer.

A distinctive feature is that this acid perfectly dissolves lipids, is well absorbed into the blood and spreads to all vital organs.

Signs of poisoning

In case of vinegar poisoning, the symptoms will differ depending on the amount of solution drunk and its concentration. Also, the fullness of the stomach with food at the time of consuming acid and the speed of the gag reflex will affect the possible consequences.

If you drink vinegar, the initial signs of poisoning will be:

  • chemical burn of the mouth and pharynx;
  • severe pain in the mouth, chest and epigastrium;
  • frequent vomiting, mainly with blood;
  • severe pain in the abdomen;
  • noise and whistling during breathing due to swelling of the larynx;
  • bright red urine
  • labored breathing
  • persistent specific odor of the solution from the mouth
  • psychomotor agitation.

Depending on the severity of the situation, there are 3 stages of poisoning, which are characterized by their own symptoms:

  1. Mild degree. It appears in a person if he drank vinegar in small quantities or in low concentration. In this case, burns of the oral cavity and larynx are observed, the blood system is not harmed, and the internal organs are practically not affected.
  2. Average degree. This stage is characterized by more severe burns, the stomach is especially affected, and blood thickening is observed.
  3. Severe degree. In this case, the digestive tract suffers the most, the upper respiratory tract is affected, swelling of the bronchi and lungs develops, shortness of breath and vomiting occur, and the person is accompanied by severe pain. The consequences of poisoning at this stage are painful, hypovolemic, hemorrhagic shock. They can be fatal within a short period. During a state of shock, blood pressure drops, cardiac activity is disrupted, the skin becomes cold, and consciousness is clouded.

Sometimes the cause of poisoning is vinegar vapor. In this case, symptoms such as runny nose, cough, and watery eyes appear. If you inhale vinegar vapor, general poisoning of the entire body is unlikely. Chemical damage to the upper respiratory system can occur if you inhale concentrated acetic acid vapor through an inhaler.

First aid to the victim

You need to know what to do after drinking vinegar to alleviate the condition. The question of whether it is possible to do without the help of doctors should not arise. First of all, an ambulance is called. At home, initially, as with any chemical intoxication, it is necessary to take urgent measures to neutralize the acid in the body and alleviate the patient’s condition.

The main thing is that the victim needs to rinse his stomach. This must be done quickly and carefully so as not to injure the walls of the stomach. To do this, the patient is given a lot of warm water to drink, up to 10 liters.

It is strictly forbidden to induce vomiting. Neutralization of acid involves the use of burnt magnesia and almagel. The gastric lavage procedure should be carried out no later than 2 hours after the vinegar enters the body.

To alleviate the condition, the victim can be given a few tablespoons of sunflower oil, a mixture of eggs and milk. You can also mix eggs with water in a ratio of 4 whites per 1 liter of water.

After successful gastric lavage, you should try to eliminate pain. It is better to do this with the help of injections, using analgesics, and narcotics for severe pain.

After first aid measures are carried out, the victim is sent to the hospital for further examination and intensive care.

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This site is for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances. If you notice any symptoms of disease, contact your doctor and only with his consent, use the treatment methods and advice described on the site.

Every housewife uses vinegar; it is always available in the house. It is used not only in the kitchen, but also for household purposes. In the old days, young ladies drank vinegar to lose weight and make their appearance pale. Is vinegar harmless and what happens if you drink it?

Characteristics of vinegar

Vinegar is a product containing acetic acid. It is obtained by microbiological synthesis using acetic acid bacteria from food raw materials containing alcohol. Vinegar can be natural or synthetic.

Table vinegar is prepared by diluting vinegar essence, which contains up to 80% acetic acid, with a certain amount of water. The product has a specific odor of this acid.

In addition to acetic acid, natural vinegar contains food acids - malic, tartaric, citric, complex alcohols, aldehydes, esters, which in combination give the product aroma.

Rectified and ethyl alcohol, as well as fruit juices and fermented wine materials are used as raw materials in the production of natural vinegar. Alcohol oxidation occurs with the help of acetic acid bacteria. After fermentation, the vinegar is purified, pasteurized, diluted if necessary and bottled.

Consequences of drinking vinegar

If you accidentally or intentionally drink weakly concentrated table vinegar in a small amount, it will not cause much harm to the body if the person is healthy. If he has diseases - enteritis, colitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, stomach or intestinal ulcers, then their exacerbation may occur. This is due to the fact that drinking vinegar has an irritating effect on the mucous membranes and enhances the activity of the digestive glands.

Taking a large amount of stronger vinegar or vinegar essence is fraught with bad consequences, even death. Vinegar poisoning occurs especially often in young children due to the carelessness of parents who keep vinegar in accessible places.

There are also cases of deliberate poisoning of adults with vinegar in order to commit suicide, as well as accidental use by people prone to alcoholism, who may mistake it for an alcohol-containing drink. In addition, you can be poisoned by vinegar by inhaling its vapors, and not just by ingesting it.

What happens if you drink vinegar?

When poisoned with vinegar due to a chemical burn to the mucous membrane, a person experiences a burning pain in both the throat and stomach. Swelling of the larynx, indigestion, and vomiting occur. The patient has a strong feeling of thirst. The urine may turn dark with a reddish tint, the protein content in the urine increases, and kidney failure may occur.

The mucous membrane of the food organs becomes loose, swells, ulcers may occur, and sometimes perforation of the walls. If you consume a large amount of vinegar essence (more than 50 grams), death can occur. Therefore, in case of vinegar poisoning, immediate medical attention is required.

What to do if you drink vinegar?

Call an ambulance immediately, and before that, provide the patient with all possible assistance. First aid for such poisoning is as follows:

  • apply ice compresses to the neck area;
  • drink cold water, milk;
  • use mucous decoctions of rice, barley or flax seeds;
  • drink lime water.

If possible, gastric lavage should be performed.