Side effects of anabolic steroids. Side effects of steroids and how to prevent them

When the limit of physical capabilities is running out, and the body wants to add a couple more extra pumped muscles. In the minds of a novice athlete, the thought “it’s time to use steroids” pops into the mind.The most important thing with such a decision is not to lose your health. After all, the side effects from using anabolic drugs are quite severe.

Let's see if there are steroids that are not harmful to health? Medicines without side effects, but with help in the kit muscle mass and with improvement physical indicators the athlete's body.

Are there steroids without side effects?

Most anabolic steroids have a number of negative consequences. Their influence primarily affects the cardiovascular system and liver. It is also difficult to avoid hormonal and metabolic disruptions in the body. Manufacturers are releasing more and more new drugs.

However, such tools are often aimed at beginners whothey simply do not understand what can be taken and what should be feared. Inexperienced athletes think that without taking anabolic steroids, their muscles will not grow. IN best case scenario they follow the advice of their colleagues in the room; in the worst case, they choose drugs on the Internet, without taking into account their danger.

Of course, there are a number of steroid drugs that are positioned as safe. But there are no absolutely harmless anabolic steroids, since all drugs are manufactured exclusively synthetically.

The safety of a certain number of steroids is maintained only if the dosage is observed. When an athlete exceeds the specified norm, or worse, takes them uncontrollably, along with the positive effect on muscle mass gain, health problems come, although not pronounced at first.

The safest steroids for gaining muscle mass

Despite the lack of absolute safety and confidence in steroids for gaining muscle mass, there are a number of proven drugs that inspire confidence and, if the dosage is observed, do not cause harm to health.

Let’s go through the list of “steroids without side effects” and find out their characteristics.

1. Oxandrolone. The most powerful safe steroid in all respects. It has long taken the position of a drug that gives maximum progress with minimal side effects. At the same time, the athlete’s muscle mass increases without disturbing the structure of the muscles.

The positive features of Oxandrolone are as follows:

"Excellently burns subcutaneous fat;
» does not spread its burning effect to the joints;
» has no effect on the liver, subject to dosage;
» is well excreted from the athlete’s body.

Oxandrolone is a synthetic analogue of male testosterone. It has a very low androgenic index, that is, the tendency to side effects is almost zero. But it should be remembered that very high doses and the use of the drug on an ongoing basis can still cause a number of negative consequences for the athlete’s body.

2. Stanazolol (Winstrol). This steroid comes to the rescue when an athlete needs to improve the visual image of his body. Muscle definition is the main goal of the drug. It does not increase muscle mass in the body, but at the same time it strives for aesthetics.

The main positive characteristics of the product:

» helps increase overall body endurance;
»works on the strength qualities of the body;
» makes the muscles dry;
» acts as an active burner of fat cells.

Despite the positive image of the drug, taking Stanazolol has pitfalls. Along with drying the muscles, the joints and ligaments dry out. With long-term use of steroids of this type, injuries cannot be avoided. Side effects, such as acne, occur after taking large doses.

3. Oral-turinabol. This drug, although considered safe, nevertheless, in excess of the norm, has a negative effect on the liver. Its main goal is to actively gain muscle mass. Unlike other anabolic steroids, Turinabol is persistent: after stopping the drug, loss of muscle mass in the body is not observed for up to 1 month. Athletes respect the product for this feature.

4. Trenbolone. The steroid is designed to increase the body's strength characteristics. Used to build muscle mass. If the dosage is not observed, the drug increases blood pressure in athletes. May cause attacks of aggression and impairment good sleep. Do not be alarmed, such consequences are only possible when taking decent doses of Trenbolone.

5. Boldelon. Like most steroids, it is used to gain muscle mass. The drug copes with this task quite quickly, and it does not retain excess fluid in the body.

Promotes the following processes:

» increases the level of red blood cells in the blood, stimulates the formation of new ones;
» is involved in protein synthesis;
"Improves the athlete's appetite.

The following can be said about the side effects: negative consequences are observed extremely rarely; in conditions of non-compliance with the rules of administration, baldness can occur.

6. Masteron. One of the most commonly used drugs. Associated with the beauty of muscle relief. With its help you can achieve a low percentage of body fat. At the same time, he works on the body’s endurance and adds energy to the athlete.

7. Primbolan. Most often, tablet versions of the drug are used, and injections are not for everyone. It behaves carefully with the liver, which means that with the correct dosage it will not harm. Included in the general course while drawing muscle relief.

» Oxandrolone
» Stanazolol (Winstrol)
» Oral-Turinabol

They have a gentler effect on the athlete’s body, but at the same time persistently perform their main functions.

And so we found out that more or less harmless anabolic steroids exist. But at the same time, the dosage of drugs and the duration of taking a course of steroids, even the safest ones, must be observed. Otherwise, what seems to be the most harmless remedy turns into a slow destroyer of human health.

What should be a safe steroid cycle?

A course of steroids is considered safe when its negative impact on the athlete’s body is minimal. At the same time, the athlete complies with the rules of drug dosage, frequency and connection with each other.

The safest course of steroids is when the following characteristics are woven together:

» low toxicity of the drugs – minimal harm to both the athlete’s individual organs and the body as a whole;
» low androgenic index – minimum side effects;
» low aromatization (aromatization - testosterone is converted to estradiol).

I think it will be useful for general development.
Fluoxymesterone (halotestin)
Fluoxymesterone is an oral anabolic steroid derived from testosterone. More precisely, it is a derivative of methyltestosterone, characterized by the addition of 11b-hydroxy and 9-a-fluoro groups. The result is a powerful orally active non-aromatizing steroid with strong androgenic activity. Fluoxymesterone is much more androgenic than testosterone, at the same time, the anabolic properties are more moderate. This makes fluoxymesterone a strength enhancing drug, but not the ideal or best oral anabolic steroid. Fluoxymesterone significantly increases strength, increases muscle density, improves definition, but at the same time weakly adds muscle volume.

Ethylestrinol (orabolin)
Ethylestrenol is an anabolic steroid, very similar in structure to nandrolone. It has mild-moderate anabolicity, accompanied by weak estrogenicity and high progestogenicity. Structurally, this drug is similar to norethandrolone and differs from it in the absence of oxygen at position 3. Although ethylestrenol is more anabolic than androgenic, this steroid is very weak. Its effect is much weaker than that of norethandrolone or nandrolone, and it is even less effective than stanozolol or oxandrolone. It is still far from being the best oral steroid :)

Testosterone undecanoate (andriol)
Andriol is an oral testosterone preparation that contains 40 mg of testosterone undecanoate in a gelatin capsule. This drug differs from most oral AAS, which are typically 17-alpha-alkylated to prevent first-pass metabolism in the liver. Esterification and dissolution in oil help the testosterone undecanoate in Andriol to be absorbed through the lymphatic system, as edible fats. This bypasses the liver, the first physiological barrier. The actual bioavailability of andriol is approximately 7%. Essentially, it is a non-toxic, orally active testosterone that is an alternative to other AAS. This drug is not included in the ranking of the best oral steroids.

Norethandrolone (nilevar)
Norethandrolone is an anabolic steroid very similar in structure to nandrolone. It has mild-moderate anabolicity, accompanied by a certain amount of androgenic and estrogenic effects. Although this drug is an alkylated nandrolone, it should not be presented as an oral replacement for nandrolone. The high estrogenicity of norethandrolone can be problematic when gaining weight. When taken in the amount needed for muscle growth, the user will experience their fair share of estrogenic side effects. Muscles on a cycle of the oral steroid norethandrolone gain a lot of water and fat, which does not have the best effect on appearance.
Oxymethalone (anadrol-50)
Oxymetholone is a powerful oral anabolic steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone. More specifically, it is a relative of mestanolone, and differs from it by the addition of a hydroxymethylene group at position 2. One of the most popular drugs for a course of oral steroids. This change makes the activity of the steroid completely different. Oxymetholone is a powerful anabolic steroid. Dihydrotestosterone and mestanolone are very weak because they are very easily affected by 3-alpha hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. Oxymetholone remains active. In standard animal tests, it shows significantly greater anabolic activity than testosterone or methyltestosterone. These same tests show that its androgenicity is more than 4 times less than its anabolicity, although this is not the case in humans. Oxymetholone is considered by many to be one of the most powerful oral anabolic steroids sold. A beginner can grow 9-15kg on it in 6 weeks. It retains water, and most of the increase will be water. This may not be particularly appealing to the athlete, although he may feel larger and stronger on oxymetholone. Oxymethalone increases muscle volume and strength. Muscles contract better, a large amount of water provides better protection connective tissues. Increases elasticity and reduces the risk of injury from weight. It should be noted that too much weight gain can increase the stress on connective tissues. Injuries to the pecs and biceps are usually associated with extreme weights, and oxymetholone may have something to do with it.

Oxandrolone (anavar)
Oxandrolone is an oral anabolic steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone. It was designed for pure anabolic effects, without significant estrogenic or progestin activity. Oxandrolone is known for being a fairly mild steroid with no side effects. This oral anabolic steroid is 6 times more anabolic than testosterone, but significantly less androgenic. This drug is loved by athletes preparing for competitions, in speed-strength sports where pure muscles without water and fat are needed.

Mmboleron (check drops)
Mibolerone is a powerful oral steroid derived from nandrolone. This drug is 7,17 dimethylated nandrolone, which shows greater activity compared to nandrolone. Mibolerone has maintained its reputation as one of the most powerful steroids in the world. During standard animal testing, mibolerone showed 41 times greater anabolic activity than methyltestosterone. Androgenic activity was 18 times higher. Estrogenic and progestogenic side effects are also obvious. It was usually used by athletes during mass-building courses and to stimulate aggression before training or competitions.

Methyltestosterone (methandrene)
Methyltestosterone is taken orally active form testosterone. It is similar in structure to testosterone and differs only in the addition of a methyl group at the c17-alpha position to increase oral bioavailability. The resulting steroid is the first oral steroid to appear in the world. Further research gained momentum and methyltestosterone became only the first of many other drugs. The effects of this steroid are moderately anabolic and androgenic, with high estrogenic activity due to aromatization into 17-alpha methylestradiol. This makes methyltestosterone very problematic for use in bodybuilding.

Methenolone acetate (primabolan)
Primobolan – trademark anabolic steroid methenolone acetate. This drug is very similar in action to Primobolan Depot, but is available in tablet form. Methenolone acetate is a non-alkylated oral steroid, one of the drugs that does not put a serious burden on the liver. It is popular for its moderate anabolic properties, low androgenicity, and lack of estrogenicity. It is used during cutting when you need to add a little muscle and increase dryness.

Methandrostenalo (dianabol)
Dianabol is the most popular brand name for methandrostenolone, produced in many countries. Methandrostenolone is a derivative of testosterone, modified so that the androgenic properties of the hormone are reduced, while the anabolic properties are preserved. Having more low level androgenicity than testosterone, methandrostenolone is classified as an anabolic steroid, although androgenicity is present. This drug is sold mainly in tablet form, but injectable veterinary drugs are also available. Methandrostenolone has historically been the most used steroid for physique enhancement.
Mesterolone (proviron)
Proviron is the Schering brand name for the oral androgen mesterolone (1-methyl-dihydrotestosterone). Like dihydrotestosterone, mesterolone is a strong androgen with weak anabolicity. This is a consequence of the fact that, like dihydrotestosterone, mesterolone is rapidly metabolized into inactive metabolites in muscle tissue, where the concentration of 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase is high. The claim that Proviron blocks androgen receptors in muscle tissue and thereby prevents other powerful steroids from working cannot be taken seriously. In fact, due to the high degree of binding by blood binding globulins, mesterolone allows other steroids to work better, increasing the percentage of them in the free state. Among athletes, mesterolone is used primarily to increase androgen levels during cutting or competition preparation, and as an anti-estrogen.

4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone (oral turinabol)
Chlordehydromethyltestosterone is a powerful derivative of methandrostenolone. This oral steroid is structurally a mixture of methandrostenolone and clostebol, the main structure is from methandrostenolone, and the 4-chloro is from clostebol. This change makes chlordehydromethyltestosterone more moderate than methandrostenolone, with no estrogenic activity and much less androgenic activity. The anabolic effect of chlordehydromethyltestosterone is slightly lower than that of methandrostenolone, but the balance of anabolic to androgenic effects is better. This means that at any level, chlordehydromethyltestosterone produces fewer androgenic side effects.

Chloromethylandrostenediol (promagnon)
Chloromethylandrostenediol is an oral anabolic steroid derived from testosterone. It is very similar in structure to chloromethyltestosterone, which is a non-aromatizing and milder analogue of methyltestosterone. In animal testing, chloromethyltestosterone was approximately 30-50% anabolic compared to methyltestosterone and 10% androgenic compared to methyltestosterone. Chloromethylandrostenediol differs only in the replacement of the 3-keto group with 3-hydroxyl. This steroid is non-aromatizing and has sufficient potential for an anabolic effect.

Oxymesterone (oranabol)
Oxymesterone is an oral anabolic steroid derived from testosterone. It is very similar in structure to 4-hydroxytestosterone, and differs only in the addition of a methyl group at the 17-alpha position. Like its unmethylated counterpart, oxymesterone is considered an effective steroid for building lean mass. This steroid has no estrogenic or progestin activity. Oxymesterone is a “pure” drug: powerful, non-aromatizing and, moreover, almost a complete anabolic. According to research, oxymesterone is three times more anabolic than methyltestosterone, but is half as androgenic. Oxymesterone is also good for athletics.

Methyltrienolone (metribolone)
Methyltrienolone is the most powerful oral steroid ever produced. This drug is a close relative of trenbolone and differs only in 17-alpha alkylation. This modification makes it significantly more powerful than trenbolone. It is 120-300 times more powerful than methyltestosterone. This is the most powerful steroid available on the market; a dose of 0.5-1 mg is already enough for a powerful anabolic effect. Its activity is accompanied by severe toxicity, and this is what limits its use in laboratory conditions.

Metepithiostan (havok)
Methepithiostane is an oral anabolic steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone. This drug is a c17-alpha alkylated analogue of epithiostane, and like it, shows a good balance between anabolic and androgenic effects. In this case, the difference is greater, and the anabolic effect of the drug is 12 times higher than the androgenic one. This was confirmed by animal experiments. This drug has never been tested on humans, and all data is based on animal experiments. Metepithiostane is an anabolic steroid that shows significant anabolic effects for the growth of lean mass and strength. It also has some anti-estrogenic properties, and is used for periods of dieting, cutting, and lean mass gain.

Mestanolone (ermalon)
Mestanolone is an oral analogue of dihydrotestosterone. This steroid is the methylated form of this powerful endogenous androgen, and is to dihydrotestosterone what methyltestosterone is to testosterone. Mestanolone is primarily an androgenic drug. Mestanolone has no estrogenic activity and has anti-estrogenic properties, competing with aromatizing substances for binding to aromatase. This drug is valued by athletes for its ability to produce strength and aggression with minimal increase in body weight.

Mepithiostane (thioderon)
Mepithiostane is an esterified derivative of epithiostane. The ester is required for oral administration, so the drug is absorbed through the lymphatic system, like quinbolone. Epithiostane is an active steroid, and is actually an unmethylated derivative of dihydrotestosterone. Mepithiostane is a moderate anabolic steroid that exhibits an anabolic effect similar to methyltestosterone, but has moderate androgenicity. It is non-aromatizing and has anti-estrogenic properties. This steroid is not widely used, but gives good result in terms of muscle growth, fat loss and improved definition.

Chlordehydromethylandrostenediol (halodrol)
Chlordehydromethylandrostenediol is an oral anabolic steroid derived from testosterone. It is very similar in structure to Oral Turinabol and differs only in the replacement of the 3-keto group with 3-hydroxyl. This is the “diol” form of oral-turinabol, which allows it to be called a prohormone. This steroid is non-aromatizing and has great potential for anabolic effects.

Normethandrolone (orgasterone)
Normethandrolone is an orally active relative of nandrolone. It is also called methylnandrolone or methylnortestosterone. It differs from the parent hormone only by the addition of a methyl group at the c17-alpha position. Animal studies have shown that it is 3-6 times more anabolic than methyltestosterone, but only 10-25% more androgenic than methyltestosterone. Its ratio ranges from 3 to 1 to 5.5 to 1. It is not an ideal steroid for bodybuilders and athletes whose sport involves lean mass. Weight gain on this drug is accompanied by water retention and fat gain.

Methyldehydroboldenone (methyl-1-testosterone)
Methyl-1-testosterone (methyldihydroboldenone) is an oral anabolic steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone. It is similar in structure to 1-testosterone and differs only in the addition of a methyl radical at the c-17-alpha position. Methyl-1-testosterone can be considered as a kind of combination of Primobolan, Stanozolol and Trenbolone. It has the 1-ene structure of primobolan, the bioavailability of stanozolol and the high potency of trenbolone. According to standard studies, methyl-1-testosterone exceeds the potency of any actively marketed steroid. It is popular among bodybuilders as a muscle bulking agent with rapid gains in size and strength, with some level of water retention and fat growth.

Quinbolone (anabolicum wister)
Quinbolone is a modified form of boldenone. This drug is chemically identical to Equipoise, but contains cyclopentenyl ester instead of undesilate ester. It is used in this case to increase oral bioavailability. This steroid is similar in form to andriol. The bioavailability of andriol is 7%, which shows that this route of administration is not the most effective, but it allows you to maintain a stable level of hormones in the blood. With a sufficient dose, the effect of quinbolone will be similar to boldenone undecylinate, that is, it will be muscle growth with mild estrogenic and androgenic effects.

Bolasterone (miagen)
Bolasterone is an oral anabolic steroid structurally related to methyltestosterone. It is distinguished by the addition of a methyl group at position c7, giving it the chemical name 7,17-dimethyltestosterone. The addition of a methyl group changed the activity of this drug compared to methyltestosterone. To begin with, bolasterone is a fairly powerful steroid, about 2 times more anabolic than methandrostenolone, unlike methyltestosterone, which is much weaker. Despite the fact that bolasterone is a derivative of testosterone, it is much more anabolic compared to androgenicity. At the therapeutic level, androgenic and virilizing side effects are unlikely. It has one similarity with methyltestosterone - it has estrogenic activity. Therefore, both of these drugs are used most often during the mass-gain period.

Androisoxazole (neo-ponden)
Androisoxazole is an oral anabolic steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone. It is similar in structure to stanazolol; stanozolol has a 2,3-pyrazole group, which in the case of androisoxazole is replaced by a 2,3-isoxazole group. Another commercial product, danazol, has the same group, although it has minimal anabolic activity. Like stanozolol, androisoxazole is non-estrogenic and has a good balance between anabolic and androgenic effects. Depending on the source, ratios ranging from 7 to 1 to 40 to 1 are reported. This drug has a strong effect on muscle mass and strength, with a low likelihood of androgenic side effects. Being a non-estrogen drug, androisoxazole is good for lean mass gain, cutting and competitive athletics.

Calusterone (metosarb)
Calusterone is an oral androgen structurally related to methyltestosterone. It is distinguished by the addition of a methyl group at the 7-beta position, which has been shown to eliminate or significantly reduce steroid activity. It was developed as a less toxic alternative to other androgens used to treat breast cancer, such as testosterone propionate and fluoxymesterone, which can cause severe virilization side effects in women. This drug is a steroid with minimal anabolic effect and low androgenicity. Although calusterone is technically an androgen, it has never been popular with athletes because it offers little compared to numerous other steroids.

Testosterone (striant)
Striant is an orally absorbable form of testosterone. This is a small tablet containing 30 mg of free testosterone. The tablet is not swallowed, but placed behind the cheek. This method is not new; it has been used before, especially in the case of testosterone propionate and methyltestosterone. The adhesive base of the striant alone is more perfect, as it sticks for 12 hours and then is removed. This is a longer and more effective method of delivering the hormone to the body. Two tablets per day are enough to maintain testosterone levels for 24 hours.

Methylhydroxynandrolone (MOHN)
Methylhydroxynandrolone is a powerful derivative of nandrolone. It is an orally active drug, does not aromatize, and is an anabolic steroid without estrogenic activity. According to early research results, methylhydroxynandrolone is 13 times more anabolic and 3 times more androgenic than methyltestosterone. It is more similar in androgenic effect to trenbolone than to nandrolone. Its 4-hydroxy group prevents its conversion to active metabolites in the skin and prostate.

Methyldrostanolone (superdrol)
Methyldrostanolone, also known as methasterone, is a powerful oral anabolic steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone. Structurally, it is related to drostanolone. The only difference is the addition of a methyl radical at the 17-alpha position to increase oral bioactivity. These two drugs are very similar. Both drostanolone and methyldrostanolone do not aromatize, have no estrogenic activity, and have the same ratio of anabolic to androgenic effects. Laboratory research showed that methyldrostanolone is 4 times more anabolic than methyltestosterone and at the same time has only 20% androgenicity of methyltestosterone. It has been sought after by athletes due to its ability to increase lean mass without water retention or fat gain.

Dimethazine (Roxylon)
Description: Dimethazine, also known as mebolazine, is a powerful oral anabolic steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone. The dimethazine molecule is unique in structure and consists of two methyldrostanolone molecules connected by an azine bridge. In the human body, the connection is broken and free methyldrostanolone enters the blood. Dimethazine is a strong anabolic steroid, with moderate androgenicity, but without noticeable estrogenicity or progestogenicity. This drug is no longer available, but was once sought after by athletes for its ability to increase lean mass without water retention or fat gain. The drug behaves similarly to drostanolone (Masteron), but due to c17-alpha alkylation it poses a greater danger to the liver.

Demethylstanozolol tetrahydroperanil (prostanozolol)
Prostanozol (demethylstanozolol tetrahydropyranyl) is an orally active anabolic steroid very similar in structure to stanazolol. It differs only in the absence of c17-alpha alkylation, which interferes with the bioavailability of the drug when taken orally. To compensate for this, it is dissolved in fat, which allows it to reach the lymphatic system with food fats, bypassing the liver. This is the same principle used with quinbolone. In the case of prostanozol, there is no oil carrier, which is why the dosage will be higher. Among athletes, it is regarded as a liver-non-toxic version of stanozolol with the same qualities.

Furazabol (myotolan)
Furazabol is an oral anabolic steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone. This drug is moderately anabolic and very mild in androgenicity. It belongs to steroids with modification of the A-ring, which makes it more stable and allows for more for a long time bind to androgen receptors. In comparison, dihydrotestosterone is a more pure anabolic steroid, but it quickly turns into inactive metabolites. The gain from furazabol is not extreme, but its effect is similar to stanozolol or drostanolone. Because of this, furazabol was often used during drying, as well as by athletes from speed-strength sports.

Tetrahydrogestrinone (THG)
Tetrahydrogestrinone is an oral anabolic steroid derived from nandrolone. This is a designer steroid that should not have gone on sale, but was only used for doping control. TSH is similar in structure to the anti-gonadotropic drug gestrinone. The addition of four hydrogen atoms breaks the 17-alpha-ethynyl group, making this steroid a powerful anabolic. TGG, simply put, is 17-alpha-gestrinone. The resulting steroid has high anabolic activity, moderate androgenic activity, no estrogenic activity and very strong progestin activity.

Norboletone (genabol)
Norboletone is an orally active derivative of nandrolone. Structurally, this steroid differs from normetandrolone (orgasterone) only by replacing the methyl group at position 13 with an ethyl one. Like any other nandrolone, norbolethone is more anabolic than androgenic. Early animal testing shows that it is 20 times more anabolic than androgenic. When compared in terms of quality of action, it is closer to norethandrolone than to stanozolol, primobolan or oxandrolone. Norboletone is considered a bodybuilding drug.

Methyl dienolone (methyl-d)
Methyldienolone is an anabolic steroid that was researched in the early 1960s but was never sold over the counter. This drug is a relative of nandrolone, is active when taken orally and has a much more powerful anabolic effect. Methyldienolone is a relative of methyltrienolone, one of the most powerful steroids. Methyldienolone is not as powerful, but is quite strong compared to other drugs sold. Animal tests show that it is 5 times more powerful than methandrostenolone, 10 times more powerful than methyltestosterone and 13 times more powerful than Primobolan at the same dose. Methyl dienolone is favored by bodybuilders for its ability to increase lean muscle mass with minimal side effects.

Dimethyltrienolone is a powerful oral steroid derived from nandrolone. It is a close relative of methyltrienolone with the addition of a methyl group at the 7alpha position. This modification appears only a couple of times among all commercial steroids, but it has strong effect. The function of this modification is to reduce binding to serum proteins, which increases the percentage of free steroid in the blood. Bolasterone has this, which is a dimethylated derivative of testosterone that shows 6 times more anabolic activity than methyltestosterone. Mibolerone has 7-a methylation, and dimethyltrienolone has 41 times greater anabolic activity than methyltestosterone. This is an extremely powerful oral steroid, perhaps the most powerful. It is rarely used by athletes, but it has never been produced for medical use.

Deoxymethyltestosterone (madol)
Deoxymethyltestosterone is a powerful synthetic orally active anabolic steroid. Deoxymethyltestosterone is considered a relative of methyltestosterone, although this is very conditional. The unique thing about deoxymethyltestosterone is that it is structurally a drug with a double bond without the 3-keto group that most commercial AAS have. The absence of a 3-keto group, however, does not mean that deoxymethyltestosterone is a weak steroid. According to a standard rat test, deoxymethyltestosterone is 12 times more potent than methyltestosterone. At the same time, its androgenicity is only 87% higher than that of methyltestosterone, which makes deoxymethyltestosterone an extremely good anabolic steroid. The resulting steroid is significantly different from methyltestosterone, which is significantly weaker when consumed in equal amounts.

Only oral stanozolol was not included in this list. There is also a story for each of the drugs, but I didn’t include it because too much has been written about each one separately.

Steroid drugs are prohibited for use in sports by world anti-doping organizations.

I don’t think it’s a secret to anyone that steroid drugs pose a great danger to human health. Athletes who have come to use this kind of drugs often regret using anabolic steroids. When taking them, a whole range of side effects often occurs. It should be noted that steroid drugs are prohibited for use in sports and for self-administration without a doctor’s prescription. During the hormonal treatment Side effects may also occur, usually due to an incorrectly selected drug, excessive duration of treatment, lack of background therapy and other possible factors. All information is taken from verified medical sources.

General prevention
side effects

  • Do not prescribe large dosages of steroid drugs;
  • Do not use drugs with high degree androgenic effects for more than 8 weeks;
  • The drugs of choice for hormonal therapy should be steroids that do not inhibit testosterone production;
  • Patients should be prescribed drugs that do not have a strong toxic effect on the liver;
  • If possible, if there is a need to use anti-estrogenic agents to normalize endogenous testosterone production and prevent estrogenic side effects in male patients.

Contraindications for use

  • Steroid drugs should not be prescribed to patients under 25 years of age, since the effect of anabolic drugs on a young body can lead to irreversible consequences: endocrine disorders, growth retardation, short stature, erectile dysfunction, depression, etc.
  • You should think twice before prescribing highly androgenic steroid drugs to women. Virilization (the appearance of secondary male sexual characteristics) is irreversible;
  • Congenital and acquired heart defects are also contraindications, since the use of steroids can exacerbate the disease;
  • Disorders of the liver and kidneys;
  • Hypertension;
  • Atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries.

Special cases

Product suppression
endogenous testosterone

Suppression of the production of your own sex hormone is inevitable when using steroid drugs. When hormonal substances enter the body, an endocrine response is formed in response to an increase in the concentration of hormones in the blood, which contributes to the inhibition of testosterone production in the testes. This process is carried out using a feedback mechanism. The human body always strives to conserve energy and balance, so if the level of any of the hormones begins to increase, the body's hormonal system suppresses the production of that hormone to restore its own balance. The result of this is the normalization of the levels of all endogenous hormones. For example, when nandrolone is introduced into the body, the amount of testosterone in the blood begins to decrease; after completing the intake of anabolic drugs, as a rule, a complete restoration of hormonal levels should occur, but this process can last for months, which can affect a person’s quality of life.


To prevent side effects from steroids, you should use hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), an effective drug for normalizing the secretion of endogenous testosterone and preventing the development of testicular atrophy. In the human body, gonadotropic hormones (FSH and LH - follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones) are produced regularly. Both of these hormones ensure the correct course of spermatogenesis and the processes of production of endogenous testosterone. With long-term use of steroids, the production of gonadotropic hormones decreases and, as a result, testicular atrophy develops. The use of hCG, which acts on the principle of gonadotropic hormones, helps restore endocrine balance and preserve the functionality of the testicles. The dosage of hCG depends on the degree of androgenic and anabolic activity of the steroids taken. If the duration of the course is less than 45 days and one hormonal drug, then hCG can not be used. If the duration of hormonal treatment is more than 45 days while using two or more drugs, and even in increased dosages - additional use HCG is extremely necessary (500 IU weekly during hormone therapy; dosages of all prescribed drugs must be calculated by a doctor). You can often come across information that the administration of hCG should be carried out after a course of treatment, but this point of view is incorrect, since with combined courses the testicles may not be stimulated by gonadotropic hormones for a long time, which, accordingly, will lead to atrophy of the gonads. The use of hCG throughout hormonal therapy helps to balance the levels of all hormones in the human body and maintain sexual activity at peak levels. It should also be noted that the need to take hCG is not related to the synergistic effect of gonadotropin, but to the prevention of the negative effects of steroid drugs on the body. To normalize the production of endogenous testosterone, anti-estrogenic drugs can often be used.

Toxic influence
to the liver

Steroid toxicity to the liver is the most common side effect, in practice negative influence drugs can be avoided. Some sources claim that absolutely all anabolic drugs harm liver function, while taking any other medications also harmful to liver tissue, especially when dosages are exceeded and long-term use medicines. First of all, serious liver dysfunction occurs when taking steroid drugs in oral form, in which chemical structure there is a methyl group at the 17-alpha position. Methyls significantly slow down the half-life of the active substance, but this fact is also a significant disadvantage, since this causes destruction of liver tissue. Plus, side effects on the liver develop only when the prescribed dosage is exceeded. Proof of this are the results of many experiments involving animals on which methandrostenolone, stanozolol and other steroid drugs were tested. Experts have found that the destruction of liver cells develops only when 10-fold dosages of anabolic drugs are introduced into the body. For example, the toxic effect of taking methandienone is recorded only when the dosage is increased to 80 mg per day or more, despite the fact that the average therapeutic dosage is 5-10 times less. Later, clinical trials were conducted with the participation of athletes who were divided into 2 subgroups: some participants used steroids, while other subjects engaged exclusively in natural training. Blood samples were taken from both subgroups during the experiment to assess liver function. Participants using steroid drugs in excessive dosages experienced negative changes in liver tissue. Considering that liver tissue is “renewed” every 12 weeks (in the absence of other negative factors), after this period, liver function is completely restored. Based on such observations, it can be assumed that negative side effects on the liver are completely reversible.


  • Adhere to the dosages prescribed by your doctor;
  • Do not use alkylated steroids;
  • Injectable forms of drugs do not have a toxic effect on the liver.


Gynecomastia– enlargement of the mammary glands in men. This side effect can be avoided by the correct selection of drugs for hormonal therapy. Gynecomastia develops, as a rule, due to the use of easily aromatizing steroids, which are quickly converted into estrogens (methandienone, testosterone esters, etc.). The selection of the drug should be taken into account for the prevention of gynecomastia.


When including easily aromatizing drugs in the course of treatment, you should also add antiestrogenic agents that block the enzyme aromatase. Taking antiestrogens will prevent this irreversible surgical intervention side effect such as gynecomastia. Often, various scientific sources provide information that anti-estrogenic drugs should be taken after the first symptoms of breast enlargement in men appear. This is a big mistake, so drugs that block the action of estrogen in the body must be used throughout the entire period of hormonal therapy. At first, gynecomastia is a reversible phenomenon, and the best treatment, in this case, is prevention. The best option in this case would be systematic testing for estrogen levels with further adjustment of the dosages of anti-estrogenic drugs.


Dermatological manifestations, in particular acne, occur due to the fact that steroids enhance the work of sebaceous glands in the skin, which contributes to the development of an inflammatory reaction and the appearance acne. In most cases, this is due to taking drugs with androgenic activity.


  • Regularly wash your skin, take a shower at least once a day, and preferably after waking up and before going to bed.

Increased concentration

Steroid medications can lower levels of “good” cholesterol (or high-density lipoproteins) and also increase levels of “bad” cholesterol (or low-density lipoproteins). Theoretically, both of these factors contribute to the development of atherosclerosis. In reality, this is not observed, especially in young patients. During the period of hormonal therapy (30-60 days), an increase in the concentration of “bad” cholesterol does not contribute to the development of any negative changes in the vessels, moreover, after the end of steroid treatment, cholesterol is completely normalized (again, if no problems with the vessels were recorded before the start of the course). It should be noted that an increase in cholesterol concentration does not develop often, since not all steroid drugs have this side effect.


  • During treatment, take unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 in capsule form or from food;
  • Reduce your consumption of yolks and fatty foods;
  • Take to lower cholesterol levels.

Cardiovascular diseases

It is no secret that the use of anabolic drugs contributes to the development of heart and vascular diseases. This is likely due to their effect on cholesterol levels. In addition, excessive use of steroids contributes to the development of left ventricular hypertrophy. It should be noted that strength work also contributes to this.


  • Patients should not be prescribed steroid drugs in large dosages;
  • You should play sports (if your health is normal), with an emphasis on aerobic activity;
  • You should follow your doctor's recommendations;
  • Accept medicines to strengthen the heart muscle.
  • Use medications plant origin, for example, the drug better protects the heart muscle from hypoxic damage and normalizes blood flow in the main arteries.

High blood pressure

This side effect occurs due to the fact that steroid drugs:

  • Accumulate sodium ions inside cells;
  • They have a vasoconstrictor effect (reduce the vascular lumen);
  • Increases blood volume in the body.

A normal pressure is 120 to 80 mmHg. Art., numbers up to 140 per 90 mm Hg are considered normally elevated. Art. To monitor blood pressure levels, it must be measured regularly. At home you need to have a tonometer and measure your blood pressure, preferably 2 times a day (morning and evening).

Kidney disorders

The renal pelvis filters the blood and excretes waste metabolites in the urine. The use of steroid drugs may increase the load on the kidneys, but they do not have a nephrotoxic effect.


  • Maintaining your blood pressure level is normal.

Consequences for the psyche

Excessive aggressiveness when using steroid drugs is quite rare and, as a rule, when using high dosages. One study proved that the use of anabolic steroids is not associated with the appearance of aggressiveness; often, it is influenced only by temperament.

For a stable psyche, as well as with the constant impact of stress on the body, it is recommended to take the herbal preparation “Nervo-Vit”, which will help a person in the difficult fight against stress and eliminate its consequences.

Alopecia (hair loss)

Steroid drugs contribute to the occurrence of alopecia in males, especially in older age. Hair loss is very noticeable on the parietal part of the head. Experts suggest that alopecia is caused by heredity, so steroid drugs can lead to baldness if your immediate male relatives already have alopecia. Anabolic steroids can worsen this process. The main factor in alopecia is the presence of a large amount of dihydrotestosterone in the blood; therefore, to avoid this, it is necessary to use anabolic agents that are not converted to dihydrotestosterone.


  • Steroids that convert to dihydrotestosterone should not be used as the drug of choice for hormone replacement therapy;
  • To prevent alopecia, Finasteride is a good drug, which is used quite often, but has a lot of side effects;
  • Minoxidil cream is also effective against alopecia.


The use of steroid drugs increases the prothrombin index, or in other words, leads to the formation of blood clots in the vessels. In some cases, in people from the older age group, rapid platelet aggregation increases the likelihood of stroke and heart attack, which develop precisely because of too intense blood clotting in the great vessels.

Taking the drug "Dandelion-P" prevents the occurrence of thrombosis and increases vascular blood flow. Another herbal preparation “Hondro-Vit” also contains dandelion root, and cold processing technology allows you to preserve all the therapeutic properties of dandelion.


To reduce the negative effects of steroid drugs, people over 45 years of age are recommended to prescribe anticoagulants against the background of hormone replacement therapy. A good option would be to take acetylsalicylic acid in low to moderate dosages, but do not forget that frequent use of aspirin-based NSAIDs can lead to bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.


Masculinization is a whole range of irreversible side effects from taking steroid drugs associated with the development of secondary sexual characteristics: low chest voice, breast atrophy, enlargement of the external genitalia, “male” face, hirsutism, etc. Similar symptoms develop quite often when women use hormonal drugs with a high degree of androgenic activity.

Slow bone growth
in length

Unfortunately, growth retardation is an irreversible process. This side effect is only important during puberty, since active bone growth occurs at this time. Therefore, it is not recommended to use or prescribe steroid drugs to persons under 20 years of age. Drugs with a high risk of aromatization have the greatest impact on growth.

The natural-based drug “Osteomed” will help you prevent growth retardation and strengthen bone tissue.

prostate gland

Firstly, it should be noted that anabolic drugs only rarely lead to prostatic hyperplasia and, as a rule, this is noted only after 45 years, and this is often due to heredity. The main reason for the development of this pathology is the presence of too high levels of dihydrotestosterone in the blood.


To prevent the occurrence of prostate hyperplasia, the drugs Leveton Forte and Eromax are used.

Low fertility
in men

100% infertility after taking steroids is rare. Typically, with the use of anabolic drugs, a short-term decrease in fertility develops, up to its complete absence. Fertility is completely normalized after discontinuation of hormonal medications.


To quickly normalize testosterone levels in the body, herbal preparations “Leveton” and “Eromax” are used.

Testicular atrophy

Through a feedback mechanism, the production of endogenous hCG decreases. This hormone regulates the functionality of the testicles, therefore, if the level of hCG decreases, the tissue of the testes gradually atrophies. Testicular atrophy, by the way, may be irreversible, especially with long-term use of illegal drugs. The consequence of all this is the occurrence of erectile dysfunction, decreased libido and, in some cases, testicular cancer.


To prevent atrophy, hCG 500 IU is used weekly. This condition occurs when the prescribed dosage and duration of treatment are exceeded.

To prevent atrophy during the course and rapid recovery during “rollback”, the drugs “Eromax” and “Leveton Forte” are used. Their effectiveness has been proven more than once by many independent studies.

Despite the fact that testosterone is not foreign to the body (it is produced there in natural form) attempts to adjust its level using its artificial analogue - anabolic steroids - are fraught with serious health consequences.

In terms of their action, steroids are truly admirable, they work miracles, but this is how our world works: a miracle, as a rule, always has a price. The price of using steroids is the risk of losing your health.

Numerous scientific studies confirm the harm of steroids and the presence of side effects, many of which are beyond the scope of popular opinions and myths.

We have prepared one of the most complete lists of consequences and side effects of the use of anabolic steroids on the Runet, compiled on the basis of reliable scientific facts.

The main reason for the side effects of steroids is their use in large doses, significantly exceeding the natural level of testosterone in the body and medical prescriptions (10-100 times), as well as combination with other drugs sports pharmacology, which is common practice.

The problem concerns mainly amateur athletes who do not have knowledge of pharmacology and have great confidence in the opinions of sellers and “handicraft” experts.

Most side effects are studied directly on users, without requiring scientific experiments: for scientists similar studies would be impossible for reasons of medical ethics.

Another unobvious reason for the increased risk when using steroids is their movement into the list of illegal drugs.

The situation is very similar to that observed in the drug market. A ban on distribution and use always leads to the development of a black market for drugs that are produced in clandestine laboratories in third world countries and are obviously of very low quality.

"Over the past 20 years in the USA, thanks to the effective work law enforcement agencies, the sale of illegal steroids has shifted to the black market.

This in turn makes Steroid use is even more dangerous, since those drugs that are on the market (we’re talking about the USA) are produced in other countries and smuggled in (often from Mexico) or manufactured in clandestine laboratories.

In any case, they do not meet safety standards and may be chemically contaminated, making them doubly hazardous to health."

The situation in the markets of our countries is not much better.

Most of the steroids sold on the market are clandestinely produced or smuggled => No quality control, health risks double

Anabolic steroids: consequences of use

The use of anabolic steroids is accompanied by serious side effects that affect a whole series organs and systems.

Of particular concern is their impact on cardiovascular system, blood, psyche, as well as hormonal and metabolic changes.

Some physiological and psychological side effects of steroid use can potentially affect everyone who takes them, while others are specific to men and women. The list below is not exhaustive.

Male-specific side effects:

  • breast growth (mammary glands);
  • testicular shrinkage;
  • impotence;
  • decreased sperm production.

Women-specific side effects:

  • deepening of the voice;
  • cessation of breast development;
  • hair growth on the face, stomach and upper back;
  • clitoral enlargement;
  • menstrual irregularities.

The consequences of steroid use are typical for both men and women:

  • acne or “pimples” (a lot);
  • increased risk of tendon rupture due to the fact that the ligaments do not have time to acquire strength in accordance with muscle mass; very often tendon rupture occurs after finishing a course of steroids;
  • baldness;
  • liver dysfunction and development cancerous tumors;
  • in the case of adolescents taking steroids, growth retardation (associated with the closure of the growth centers of long bones) and development (including sexual development), as well as the risk of future health problems;
  • increased levels of “bad” cholesterol (low-density lipoproteins);
  • reducing the level of “good” cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein);
  • high blood pressure(hypertension);
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • aggressive behavior, anger or violence;
  • mental disorders such as depression;
  • drug addiction;
  • infections or diseases such as HIV or hepatitis from injecting drugs;
  • increased aggressiveness and sexual desire, which can lead to abnormal sexual and criminal behavior;
  • refusal to use anabolic steroids can be accompanied by depression, and in some cases, suicide.

Anabolic steroids: photos and videos of side effects

Below we provide photos and videos of some of the side effects that occur when using steroids. Information from the website of the American Anti-Doping Agency (

Acne ("pimples")

Baldness in men

Breast growth in men

Baldness in women

Stunting in teenagers

Coarsening of facial features and growth of facial hair in women

1 Cardiovascular side effects of anabolic steroid use

Over the course of many decades of the history of the use of doping (mainly steroids), scientists and doctors have recorded a variety of side effects of steroids on the cardiovascular system of athletes:

  • cardiomyopathy;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • strokes;
  • vascular obstruction;
  • blood clotting disorder.

Recent major scientific reviews have compiled all of these effects, and some have been confirmed by scientific experiments. We will present the most important and reliable of them.

Important: In a recent study of the corpses of 87 men who used steroids, it was found that all of them the heart mass was significantly greater than that of ordinary people, even after adjusting for body weight and age.

Another study of four cadavers of steroid users after death due to cardiac failure showed ventricular hypertrophy (increase in size) associated not with increased heart muscle mass, but with fibrosis (an overgrowth of connective tissue that typically results from chronic inflammation) 5 .

Athletes on steroids have a larger heart mass, but not due to an increase in the mass of the heart muscle, but due to the proliferation of connective tissue

Studies of electrical conductivity of the heart muscle in athletes on steroids have shown decreased electrical stability of the heart, abnormal functioning of the cardiac tone regulation system and impaired repolarization of the ventricles of the heart; the latter finding was also demonstrated in rats fed steroids.

Important: And perhaps the most important and serious side effect: numerous studies using different techniques have shown that Athletes (both amateurs and professionals) “on steroids” develop cardiomyopathy- structural and functional changes cardiac muscle 6.

Another study showed deterioration of aortic elasticity in those who use steroids. Such changes can be very serious, but may be reversible (at least partially) after stopping the use of steroids. However, one possible reason for the loss of elasticity may be an increase in the content of connective tissue as a result of cell damage by steroids. In this case, the process is most likely irreversible 7 .

One of the most serious and dangerous consequences steroid use - cardiomyopathy - structural and functional changes in the heart muscle

In addition to the direct effect on the heart muscle, steroids can cause dyslipidemia, i.e. violation of the ratio of “bad” high-density cholesterol and “good” low-density cholesterol. This is fraught with an increased risk of developing atherosclerosis (“blockage” of blood vessels). Effect especially common with oral steroids 8 .

One study of 14 professional weightlifters who had been using steroids for a long time found significantly higher calcium content in coronary arteries (those vessels that supply blood to the heart itself) than normal. Coronary atherosclerosis is the likely cause of many reported cases of heart attacks and strokes in young men who have used steroids 9 .

“Blockage” of the vessels feeding the heart itself is the most likely cause of the majority of deaths of young people “on steroids” due to heart attacks and strokes. Especially typical for oral steroids

2 Mental side effects of steroid use

Modern science mainly accumulates material on the mental (and other) side effects of steroid use, sometimes conducting its own experiments that are not credible due to the sensitivity of the topic. The main sources of evidence of the harm of steroids are:

  • interviews with steroid users, including those who simultaneously “dabble” in drugs;
  • comparing the mental state of athletes “on steroids” with normal athletes;
  • long-term observations of the same athletes and comparison of mental state during intervals of steroid use and “rest” from them.

The most common mental effects of taking steroids are:

  • hypomania or mania;
  • irritability;
  • aggressiveness;
  • excessive self-confidence;
  • hyperactivity;
  • reckless behavior, and sometimes loss of sense of reality (behavior inappropriate to the environment);
  • symptoms of acute depression during steroid withdrawal (depressed mood, loss of interest in normal activities, increased drowsiness, loss of appetite, loss of libido and, to an extreme degree, suicidal tendencies).

The mental effects listed above manifest themselves individually; Most “steroid users” exhibit only some of them, and only a very small proportion exhibit serious degrees of deviations.

Important: In general, behavioral deviations are typical for those who use high doses of steroids, equivalent to >1000 mg testosterone per week 10 .

Mental abnormalities are common in athletes who use large doses of steroids, equivalent to >1000 mg testosterone per week

Predict which ones specifically mental consequences will lead to the use of steroids in a specific person - impossible. Moreover, scientists talk about the existence individual sensitivity to both excess testosterone in the blood, and to stop using.

Some observations of athletes "on steroids" note very aggressive or violent behavior in those who did not show any signs of anything like that before starting a course of steroids. For example: committing murder or attempted murder by previously healthy people or displaying other aggressive behavior that is uncharacteristic for a person.

All the above facts are collected - the result of observations “in the field” of real athletes using steroids.

Rigorous scientific experiments have also been conducted to study the effects of steroid use on people's mental states. However, in almost all of them (probably for safety reasons for experimental subjects), the maximum doses of testosterone did not exceed 300 mg per week - this significantly less than those usually used by athletes during steroid cycles, which amount to about 500 mg per week, and often more than 1000 mg per week. Therefore, the results of such studies do not deserve attention or trust.

The results of scientific studies on the effects of steroid use on mental health are not credible, since all of them use gentle doses of steroids, far from what athletes actually take. Only observations of athletes in the “field” are indicative.

Several experiments examined psychiatric symptoms in patients who received 500 mg of testosterone per week. Of the 109 men, 5 (4.6%) demonstrated hypomania or mania syndromes. Almost all men had increased aggressiveness in response to provocations 11 .

Deviations in behavior when using large doses of steroids are explained mainly by their effect on certain parts of the brain

The same thing is observed in animals (rats, monkeys): steroids lead to defensive and offensive aggression, dominant behavior, anxiety, sensitivity to other illegal drugs, drugs, in particular opioids.

3 Consequences of steroid use: development of addictions

Important: Approximately 30% of steroid users become dependent on them 2,4.

About 30 out of 100 people who use steroids become dependent

Unlike most other drugs, which are addictive but initially produce a “high,” there is no intoxicating effect when using steroids; main goal The reason they are taken is a time-delayed reward in the form of an increase in muscle mass and a decrease in body fat. Despite this, Steroid addiction can become a chronic and dangerous disorder. There are three mechanisms for its development 12:

1 "I want to look like He/She"

Many amateur athletes start taking steroids because they want to quickly transform, gain muscle mass and lose fat. It all probably starts with the desire to become like someone (for various reasons: likes, girls, etc.) against the background of a strong discrepancy between “the current self” and “the desired self” 13.

This condition is very often the reason for starting the use of steroids. Further, as they use it, people with such problems often become extremely concerned and worried that if they stop using steroids, the muscle mass will “deflate” and everything will return to normal 12 . This is how the dependence was formed.

2 Suppression of natural testosterone synthesis

These are factors in the influence of steroids on the nervous system and thyroid gland. The use of steroids leads to the suppression of the mechanisms of natural testosterone production, which involves certain parts of the brain and testicles. This can lead to a significant decrease in its natural synthesis in the body after finishing a course of steroids 14 .

To avoid this, steroid athletes use various methods to complete their steroid cycle. In particular, they accept clomiphine(clomiphene) or human growth hormone gonadotropin at the end of a course of steroids. But even with these methods that do work, suppression of natural testosterone production occurs for weeks or months after stopping steroid use 15 .

Associated symptoms of fatigue, loss of libido and depression may prompt some users to quickly resume steroid use to get rid of them.

3 Steroids are drugs...

Some animal studies suggest that steroids may stimulate certain parts of the brain that control pleasure. This produces an effect similar to that which occurs when using drugs 16 .

4 Consequences of steroid use: neurotoxicity

Important : Scientific research they say that when testosterone levels are higher than natural, it leads to the death of certain types of cells, in particular, neuronal cells of the brain 17, but not only. This has been confirmed in both animal and animal studies, in one of which, after administering steroids to rats, there was a clear loss of spatial memory. Overall, scientific evidence strongly supports the risk of developing irreversible mental impairment in long-term steroid users 18 .

Scientific evidence suggests that long-term use of steroids may cause irreversible mental impairment

In a human study of 31 weightlifters on steroids and 13 not on steroids, researchers found significant visual and spatial memory deficits in those on steroids; and the extent of this deficiency is significantly related to the total duration of steroid use throughout life 3 .

Thus, The toxicity of steroids to brain cells is obvious and requires further study.

5 Consequences of steroid use: impact on thyroid function

As we have already said, steroids clearly suppress the function thyroid gland 19. At the end of a long course of steroids (several months or more), thyroid function may remain suppressed for months or even years 20 ; some people already have normal natural testosterone levels never recovers.

The use of steroids leads to suppression of thyroid function, which does not recover for months, years, and in some cases, never. This leads to low natural testosterone levels

In addition, steroids can have toxic effects on the testes, sometimes irreversible 21 . As a result, there is a decrease or complete cessation of the production of a number of hormones (except testosterone). This condition is correctable, and several studies report successful treatment with clomiphene, a human growth hormone gonadotropin. However, there are cases where these methods did not work.

In general, to date, there are no systematic studies in the treatment of hormonal dysfunction due to steroid use. Suppressing hormone production naturally when using steroids, it can lead to disruption of the function of sperm production by the testes, infertility in men and women, and irregular menstruation in women.

6 Consequences of steroid use: spread of infectious diseases

In addition to the direct side effects of steroid use, steroid-using athletes are susceptible to infections associated with the use of contaminated needles, contaminated drugs manufactured on the black market, or others.

Although sharing injection needles is not common among modern athletes, a recent Internet survey found that 65 out of 500 steroid users (13%) confirmed sharing injection needles, reusing needles, and sharing the same syringe with multiple doses of steroids to administer to multiple people. Given that Internet users participating in surveys tend to be more educated and wealthier than the general population of athletes on steroids, the above figures are likely far from reality 1 .

It is therefore not surprising that the scientific literature has documented various infectious complications from steroid use, including:

  • blood-borne pathogens;
  • hepatitis B and C;
  • skin infections;
  • soft tissue infections.

The main cause of all of them is the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus.

The first case of HIV infection in a steroid user was recorded almost 30 years ago, later in the United States and Europe.

Hepatitis B and C infections are also common 22 .

The greatest risk of transmission of HIV and other diseases among steroid users is associated with the sharing of injection needles. This in turn is explained testosterone and nandrolone are very popular among athletes which are administered intravenously.

The practice of sharing needles among athletes on steroids is common, which is a cause of infection with HIV, hepatitis B and C

However, unsafe needle use practices are only one possible risk factor for contracting HIV and other infectious diseases. Study of homosexuals in gyms London found that homosexual athletes on steroids, in contrast to non-steroidal athletes, are significantly more likely to engage in anal sex. unprotected sex with unknown partners 23 . Given that steroids are widely used among homosexuals, both illegally and as prescribed by doctors to treat HIV-related wasting syndrome, the likelihood of HIV spreading among them is high, both through needles and sexual intercourse.

Among steroid users, many have been incarcerated in prison, and evidence suggests an increased risk of hepatitis and HIV among prisoners,

And one last thing. Professional athletes who use steroids are more likely to experience soft tissue infections And abscesses 24 .

7 Consequences of steroid use: the effect of steroids on other organs and systems

1 Blood

Steroid use increases hemoglobin (carries oxygen to cells) and red blood cell concentration in proportion to the dose. Steroids stimulate red blood cell production by increasing sensitivity to erythropoietin (a hormone secreted by the kidneys that regulates the rate of red blood cell production) 25 .

2 Muscles

Important: In weightlifters and bodybuilders, when using steroids, there may be rhabdomyolysis 26 - a condition in which damaged muscle fibers are destroyed very quickly, which is accompanied by muscle pain, weakness, vomiting and confusion; the urine is the color of tea and the heart rate is irregular. This condition in turn can lead to increased levels of creatinine in the urine, decreased filtration rate of the kidneys, and sometimes the development of acute renal failure 27 .

One recent study documented kidney problems (inflammation) in 10 athletes who frequently used steroids 28 .

3 Liver

Steroid use can sometimes lead to liver toxicity, with consequences such as Peliosis hepatis: the formation of cysts (cavities) in the liver filled with blood, as well as various types liver cancer tumors 29-30.

Important: Almost all side effects associated with liver intoxication are caused by oral steroids 17α-alkylated 31.

Liver toxicity is most often caused by oral steroids

In general, the harm of steroids to the liver and the frequency of cases of intoxication are exaggerated.

4 Tendons

Important: Steroid use may result in adverse musculoskeletal side effects, in particular tendon rupture. Tendons often tear after finishing a course of steroids. This is explained by the fact that the muscle strength of hypertrophied muscles increases very quickly and the ligaments do not have time to strengthen, as well as the influence of steroids on the structure of the tendons themselves 32 .

Steroids can negatively affect immune system , lungs, as well as on other organs and systems, cause abundant acne formation(acne). Science still has limited facts in these areas.

When using steroids and after completing the course, tendons may rupture, which do not have time to strengthen according to muscle strength

5 Steroids and cancer

There is also there is little evidence of a link between steroid use and cancer, with the exception of rare reports of liver, testicular and kidney cancer. There is no clear evidence today that steroid use causes prostate cancer; There are only two known clinical cases of prostate cancer in bodybuilders, both recorded more than 20 years ago. However, it is possible that when high doses of steroids are used during adolescence, genetic changes may occur that increase the likelihood of developing cancer (including prostate cancer) later in life.

There is no convincing evidence linking steroid use to cancer development.

Considering that we live in a time when those who once were pioneers at the beginning of the era of steroid use (1980s) are aging, very soon science and medicine will be able to provide more definitive answers to the question of the effect of steroids on prostate cancer and others. side effects.

8 Drugs, steroids and alcohol

The use of steroids very often occurs in conjunction with other classical drugs, such as opiates, for example.

For what?

The effect of building muscle mass when using steroids is significantly enhanced by intense training. Combining steroids with drugs helps you train despite muscle and joint pain.

As a result, opium addiction develops. According to statistics, among all drug addicts large percentage those who use steroids 33. Approximately 50% of these people have mental disorders 12 .

Athletes on steroids often begin to use drugs in order to reduce pain during training and further stimulate muscle growth.

Scientists have also found a relationship between steroid and alcohol use in humans and rats. Chronic administration of steroids to rats leads to increased sensitivity to alcohol consumption. The reason is that when using steroids, certain connections between amino acids change in the part of the brain responsible for pleasure. This manifests itself in hypersensitivity to alcohol And increased desire to use it 34-36. A similar effect has been seen with cocaine 37 and amphetamine 38 in rats pumped with high doses of steroids.

The use of steroids with analgesics (to reduce pain) or stimulants provokes very high load training, which can lead to serious injury.

Steroid use leads to increased sensitivity to alcohol and increased desire to drink it.

Consequences and side effects of steroid use
Organ/SystemSeverity/likelihood of occurrence
Cardiovascular system
Cardiomyopathy (disease of the heart muscle)++
Disturbance of electrical conductivity of the heart muscle+
Bleeding disorder+
Polycythemia (an abnormal increase in hemoglobin in the blood, either due to an increase in the number of red blood cells or a decrease in the volume of blood plasma)+
Hypertension (increased blood pressure)+
Neuroendocrine system (men)
Suppression of hormonal activity of the thyroid gland, cessation or significant decrease in hormonal activity of the testes and testes++
Gynecomastia (breast growth)+
Prostate hypertrophy (increase in size)+/-
Prostate cancer+/-
Violation of masculinization processes (manifestation of male characteristics)+
Neuroendocrine system (women)
Side effects of different organs and systems++
Psychoneurological system
Behavioral disorders: mania (extreme agitation, euphoria, delirium and increased activity), hypomania (moderate mania), depression++
Aggression, violence+
Steroid addiction++
Nerve cell death, cognitive impairment+/-
Inflammation and cholestatic effect (impaired bile flow)+
Peliosis hepatitis (rarely, formation of cavities in the liver filled with blood)+
Tumor formation+
Premature closure of growth centers in adolescents+
Tendon rupture+
Impaired kidney function, a consequence of rhabdomyolysis (destruction of muscle cells)+
Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (impaired filtering ability of the kidneys)+
Tumor formation+
Immune system
Suppression of immune function+/-
Acne (pimples)+
Striae (stretch marks)+

(++) - reliably confirmed, serious consequences; (+) - reliably confirmed, but either do not always manifest themselves or cause not very serious consequences; (+/-) - not well studied and confirmed, some probability of manifestation

Scientific references

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Surely, many are familiar with the abbreviation “AAS” - for brevity’s sake, this is the name for androgens and anabolic steroids, which are indispensable for quickly building muscles.

Are steroids harmful?

Let's start with the fact that steroid hormones, unlike non-steroidal ones, bind directly to receptors located in cells, penetrating inside. As a result, protein synthesis occurs.

All processes occurring under the influence of chemistry constitute a delicate mechanism, the operation of which can be quickly and easily destroyed due to outside interference. When an athlete takes anabolic steroids, he harms the endocrine system.

What happens when an athlete uses anabolic steroids? Once in the body, the synthetic hormone tries to establish a relationship with the target cell. Then, without first binding to receptors, the hormone leads to forced growth of cell protein. When the cell is oversaturated with a chemical hormone, the pituitary gland receives a signal that the saturation of the cell has already been completed, and the attack continues.

As a result, the pituitary gland is forced to regulate the natural supply of hormones to the cell, commanding the glands not to function, or to do so at a reduced rate. If steroid therapy is continued for too long, the glands may permanently lose their ability to produce their own hormones. They will become overgrown with connective tissue and turn into a useless organ. As a consequence, complete atrophy of most of the rather important links that are located in the center of the endocrine system.

Side effects of steroids

  1. Sodium is retained - excess water accumulates in the body, the whole body becomes swollen, especially in the cheeks and under the eyes. Blood pressure rises, ailments in the heart, blood vessels, and kidneys progress.
  2. Acne - acne. If there is an excess of “chemicals” in an athlete’s body, this can manifest itself as acne on the back and chest. The same goes for the shoulders, neck and face. In case of genetic predisposition, a steroid attack will lead to more serious consequences.
  3. Gynecomastia is an abnormal enlargement of the mammary glands in representatives of the stronger sex. We can say that this disease is occupational disease bodybuilder. Pain and hardening appear in the nipples, the shape of the breast changes, it becomes more feminine. In the case of subsequent cycles of steroid use, gynecomastia begins to progress; it cannot go away on its own.
  4. Increased aggressiveness and irritability is a characteristic state for those who prefer harsh “chemistry” to long-term exercise.
  5. Increased blood pressure.

Myths about steroids

There are many myths and legends surrounding these drugs. Let's figure out what is true and what is an outright lie.

Myth 1. All “chemistry” is deadly

Steroids, anabolic steroids, hormones, and chemistry - these names cause real panic among ordinary people. Undoubtedly, the risk of unwanted consequences after taking anabolic steroids is high, but you risk no less when you smoke or drink alcohol.

In fact, such drugs can also be beneficial. After all, they are used to treat many diseases. With their help, it is even possible to defeat breast cancer. Which means it's not all that bad. Compared to mortality from alcohol or tobacco, the risk of death from anabolic steroids is minimal.

Myth 2. Steroids cause impotence and infertility

In fact, a course of steroids leads to the opposite effect - libido increases significantly. If you exit the cycle incorrectly or abuse dosages of androgens-steroids, then a decrease in sexual desire is possible.

The same applies to erections. But this side effect is reversible. Some time after finishing the chemotherapy, sexual function returns to normal. For quick recovery it is prescribed hormone therapy, as well as drugs that actively stimulate erection. If we talk about infertility, the percentage of such consequences is minimal.

Myth 3. You can also achieve impressive results without AAS

If we talk about addition, speed and strength indicators, then this is true. But for this you must be a real monster in genetic terms, a mutant in the truest sense of the word.

An ordinary person will never be able to achieve the same results that athletes achieve without using doping.

Chemicals (doping) can to some extent level the odds. With their help, those who do not have impressive genetic inclinations are able to get as close as possible to their goal.

But here it is important to remember that stimulants can never replace training. Errors in training cannot be corrected with the help of doping. As for bodybuilding, there are also mistakes in correct selection diet.

Myth 4. Banning doping will help clean up the sport.

In fact, such a struggle not only does not motivate one to give up doping drugs, but also inspires the invention of new similar assistants. So doping continues to live. Surely, it will be in demand for a long time, and maybe even forever.

Myth 5. Anyone can succeed in sports with the help of steroids.

In fact, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. In order to achieve success, you need willpower, patience, dedication and a great desire to achieve your goal.

In order to achieve impressive results in sports, you should train at least two to three times a day. And of course, big role The coach plays here - you need to find the best, the master of his craft. In addition, it is important to study the principle of operation, as well as the structure of the muscles.

Steroids are an aid in restoring strength after grueling exercise and stress. Even with the use of such drugs, only a few achieve success. But everything is in your hands. The main thing is to believe in victory and strive to fulfill your desires and goals.

Myth 6. Steroids have severe side effects.

If at a holiday you drink three bottles of this drink instead of a glass of wine, then you cannot do without serious consequences. The same applies to taking steroids.

You need to know the measure, the correct dosage. This means that before use you should definitely consult with your doctor and trainer. And then there will be no harm to health. By adhering to the training and medication regimen built by the trainer, you can rise to the pinnacle of success.

Video about anabolic steroids: