A dog's nose as an indicator of its physical condition. Why do dogs have a wet nose? Why does a dog have a dry and warm nose?

We are accustomed to thinking that a wet nose in dogs is a sign of health, while a dry and hot nose is, on the contrary, a symptom. high temperature or illness. Because sweat glands in dogs they are very poorly developed and are found only on the nose and on the pads of the paws; they participate in thermoregulation much less. However, when exhaling through the nose liquid secretion These glands evaporate, contributing to the overall cooling of the body.

Here's what we know for sure.

nose healthy dog almost always wet. If a dog's nose is dry, it means he is for a long time slept indoors or lay for a long time with her nose buried in her paws. A dry nose can also indicate dehydration. But why does a healthy dog ​​have a wet nose? Surely there must be some reason?

Scientifically, a dog's wet nose may be a mixture of fluid secretions from the lateral nasal glands and the nasal vestibular glands. But we will not go into this scientific jungle.

Why dogs have wet noses - several theories about this .

One scientific zoologist named Knut Schmidt-Nielsen conducted research and concluded that a wet nose saves a dog from overheating and also helps improve the dog's sense of smell.
Dogs don't sweat like people. They have their own “way” - to breathe quickly with their tongue sticking out, so that the liquid evaporating from the surface of the tongue carries away excess heat. When dogs breathe like this, most of the air enters the body through the nose, which participates in the evaporation of liquid droplets much more actively and efficiently than the mouth. Based on research results, Schmidt-Nielsen concluded that when a dog exhales air through its mouth, the body cools approximately twice as fast. However, in case of slight excess normal temperature body, some dogs do not feel discomfort and do not breathe with their mouths open. The scientist suggested that the purpose of the nasal glands is to produce fluid necessary for heat exchange with the environment.

Everyone known fact that a dog's sense of smell is several thousand times greater than a human's. And in order to distinguish all this cacophony of smells, the dog’s nose is covered with mucus, which is secreted by the above nasal glands. Just as a person slobbers his finger and learns the direction of the wind, so a dog, with its wet nose, distinguishes and distinguishes odors. For a dog, smell is one of the main senses; they follow scent by smell, recognize each other and transmit information. Many wild mammals also have wet noses, with the exception of some primates, for whom vision is more important.

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It is generally accepted in society that a dog’s wet nose means that the pet is healthy, and a dry or warm nose means that the pet is sick. Everyone knows that dogs do not sweat their bodies, but cool themselves in other ways, and this has something to do with how wet a dog’s nose is. Let's take a closer look.

Oddly enough, scientists have repeatedly tried to understand this issue. We found out that dogs sweat through their nose and paws. This happens thanks to a cunning mechanism that the four-legged animals control unconsciously. When a dog breathes open mouth, all the mucous membranes on the face (mouth, nose, eyes) begin to work more actively. The mucus, blown by the dog's breath, quickly evaporates, cooling the shells.

This seemingly primitive method of cooling triggers a deeper and more invisible process - a change in the electrolyte and salt composition of the dog’s blood. Due to the fact that the body quickly loses fluid and salts, metabolism also slows down. It is the rate of metabolism of the animal that determines the rate of breakdown of carbohydrates, which heat the body.

In the process of research carried out by scientists, it was possible to find out that the evaporation of liquid from the nose cools the dog better than from the mouth, if we are not talking about severe overheating. Simply put, when a dog is uncomfortable but not yet hot, his nose begins to actively moisten to lower his body temperature. When a dog is hot, it...

This is interesting! With the exception of monkeys and a few other animals for which vision is more important, in all mammals on our planet the sense of smell is enhanced precisely by a wet nose.

Another important fact, was discovered by American scientists (Pennsylvania) while studying the sense organs of dogs. It's no secret that dogs' sense of smell is many times sharper than that of humans, but not many people know that this skill is explained by the mucus secreted by microscopic glands on the dog's nose. During the research, it turned out that due to the moist surface of the nose, odors are sorted. This happens by the accumulation of odor-carrying molecules in certain areas of the nose. With evaporation, the smell spreads to very sensitive receptors. That is, a dog with a dry nose has a dull sense of smell, and he perceives the smell a split second later.

Pay attention!- this is not necessarily a sign of illness, but a sick dog loses its sense of smell - this is a confirmed fact.

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The first and main reason is described abovewet nose is a body cooling tool. The second reason is the secretion of mucus to enhance the sense of smell. By the way, it is in this case that the dog’s nose is hot and wet; this is normal, since an excited animal’s body temperature rises.

This is interesting! A dog's nose is very complex mechanism scientifically studied. The mucus that makes the nose wet is called lateral and vestibular, depending on which glands it is secreted from.

One more obvious reason- this is nose licking. A dog may lick its face if worried, this is a behavioral factor. To maintain a clean and sharp sense of smell, the four-legged dog regularly cleans its nose by licking. AND main reason– the dog licks the mucus, which has already been “saturated” with odors, so that a new one is released.

Perhaps the dog is simply thirsty and is licking its nose for moisture. This is especially noticeable when the four-legged “rummage” in the morning grass, and then licks the dew from it. In hot weather, the dog deliberately pokes its nose into the grass and piles of leaves in order to wet its nose with moisture from the outside and cool down a little.

This is interesting! Wet and cold nose in dogs, this is, in most cases, a matter of genetics, which is especially pronounced in search breeds.

A dry nose does not guarantee illness

After petting your pet and discovering that it is dry, warm nose, the owner involuntarily begins to worry. This is the power of a belief, which, in fact, is not always true. The responsible owner takes the dog to the doctor, and the doctor declares that everything is fine. The veterinarian receives the label of a “bad” specialist and the dog is sent to another clinic. In this case, the owner runs a greater risk of infecting the dog with something in the clinic itself than of finding a “hypothetical” disease.

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Elementary, the dog could sleep in a warm place. During deep sleep, the pet does not see or hear anything, mucus on the nose is not produced, it dries out and becomes the same temperature as the body. The temperature and humidity of the nose change throughout the day and depending on the circumstances. On a walk, your nose is wet and cold, on the sofa it is dry and warm - this is also normal.

If you are worried, but the dog’s condition is not alarming, we recommend checking the most common causes of dry nose and allergies come first. This is a very mysterious disease, expressed by the reaction of the immune system to any external substance. Allergies can be (to food) and non-food. In addition to a dry nose, the disease is accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes, itching, and general anxiety. More obvious signs are the presence of scratching (provided that the dog does not have fleas), peeling skin or red spots on it, hair loss, etc.

Pay attention! Most often, dogs suffer from food allergies or reactions to dust (especially in summer), pollen (in autumn), chemicals(from low-quality bowls, beds, dyes).

Some dogs react acutely to changes in weather, that is, they feel good only at average air temperature, humidity and without wind. The nose can become dry due to heat, frost and wind. This issue is resolved by using special cosmetics for dogs, which protect against chapping and direct UV rays. A hot but wet nose is normal phenomenon in frosty weather. The dog goes for a walk, its body cools down, and the immune system, which prevents colds, is stimulated. The more active the immune system is, the hotter the nose will be, but mucus will also be released.

To prevent dry nose, doctors recommend following a number of rules:

  • Buy only high-quality bowls and wash them regularly.
  • If there is a possibility and suspicion of an allergy, change the bowls to glass ones.
  • Do not use detergents for washing bowls, replace them with soda and rinse thoroughly.
  • Walking your dog in familiar surroundings and company reduces the risk of injury.
  • For chapping or dry nose without additional symptoms, use high-quality creams and ointments.
  • If your pet's nose is cracked due to chapping, healing will be facilitated by wet lotions with herbs (low concentration), for example, calendula.

Pay attention! When a dog has a cold, the temperature of the dog’s body, not just its nose, is noticeably elevated.

There's nothing good to expect if the dog has constantly dry and hot nose , regardless of the time of day and circumstances. In this case, you need to contact veterinary clinic and exclude a number of ailments.

A dog's wet nose is caused by physiological characteristics animals formed through the process of evolution and natural selection. The vast majority of people are convinced that a dog’s wet nose is always a sign good health pet. If, on the contrary, the dog’s nose becomes dry and hot, then this is a sign that the animal is not feeling well, especially if its nose is hot and dry for more than 24 hours.

Speculation and theory

Above this, it would seem very a simple question Scientists have been fighting for years, but there is still no clear answer. But really, why do dogs have to have a wet nose? The main version of why a healthy animal has a cold and wet nose is that it is one of the main instruments of heat exchange besides the tongue, which dogs stick out when they are hot.

It would seem that this is a rather primitive way of thermoregulating the body, but it triggers a deep and imperceptible process - a change in the electrolyte and salt balance of the dog’s blood. This happens due to the fact that the body rapidly loses fluid and salts, thereby slowing down the metabolism. The breakdown of carbohydrates, which affects the dog’s body temperature, depends on the animal’s metabolic rate.

You also need to take into account the fact that the sweat glands in dogs are very poorly developed.. They are located in only two places: on the nose and paw pads. Therefore, these glands take an active part in thermoregulation. When a dog breathes deeply and frequently, the liquid secretion sweat glands evaporates, which is how the dog cools down. A wet nose plays the same role.

This is interesting! Scientists also have an additional theory as to why healthy dogs should have a wet nose. The mucus secreted by special glands helps improve the sense of smell, as it attracts odors like a magnet.

If the dog is experiencing positive emotions, then her nose becomes even more moist, this is due to the fact that other glands associated with the emotional center are responsible for this.

In general, all versions are correct and valid, but which of them is the main one is a mystery.

The main causes of a wet nose

It has long been believed that a healthy dog's nose should be wet and cool, this is a sign that the dog is feeling well, but this is only partly true. There are several reasons that explain why a dog has a wet nose. Let's look at them in more detail.

Reason one

Everyone knows that dogs have a sense of smell several thousand times stronger than humans.. A thin layer of mucus produced by special glands that covers the dog's nose helps to capture odors, acting as a kind of magnet for substance molecules, and this in turn significantly increases the sense of smell and sensitivity to odors. The ancestors of domestic pets are wolves and wild dogs by using strong sense of smell could quickly find prey and survive in harsh conditions.

Reason two

The most obvious reason your dog has a wet nose is because he is constantly licking it. This is done in for hygienic purposes. After all, it is absolutely clear that after eating or walking, the nose constantly gets dirty and clogged with dirt, which can impair the sense of smell, which is the dog’s main tool for orientation in space. Dogs also lick their nose in order to clear it of traces of old mucus, which has accumulated traces of “old” odors.

Reason three

Many dog ​​owners know that dogs regulate their body temperature by breathing with their mouths open and their tongue hanging out, as they cannot sweat, but this is not entirely true. Dogs sweat on their paw pads and nose, causing it to become wet. Thus, a wet nose is an excellent heat exchange tool that nature itself created.

It helps the dog cool down when he is hot. When, on the contrary, it is cold, the nose becomes almost dry. Thus, the health status of the animal has nothing to do with it. Some scientists suggest that it is through the nose, and not through the mouth, as previously thought, that the thermoregulation of the animal’s body is carried out.

Reason four

Dogs often involuntarily wet their nose when they drink water or eat. You probably noticed when you were walking with your pet that he sniffs damp grass and this causes additional moisture to fall on his nose. This also makes your nose wet. But this reason is certainly not the main one, but only an additional one.

Reason five

This is interesting! Some dog breeds have a colder, wetter nose due to their structure. respiratory system and other properties characteristic of a given breed of animal.

For example, at service dogs In search breeds, the nose is especially strongly and abundantly moistened. This is due to the fact that service breeds were formed on the principle of selecting animals with the strongest and most sensitive sense of smell.

In representatives of other breeds, whose sense of smell is not so strong important role the nose is less moist, for example, in dogs of fighting or decorative breeds.

Here are the main reasons why a dog's nose should always be wet and cool if the dog is healthy. However, in in rare cases The nose may dry out temporarily, but this is not always a cause for concern.

What if your dog's nose is dry?

Don't immediately run to the vet if your dog's nose becomes dry and a little hot.. It may dry out various reasons and this is not always associated with serious diseases. So the nose may be dry after a long, deep sleep, especially if your dog slept in a warm place. During sleep, the dog does not see or hear, all processes slow down, so mucus does not secrete from the nose and the tip of the nose temporarily dries out. But after the dog wakes up, the nose will again begin to function as usual, mucus will be actively produced and it will become wet again.

It often happens that the dog lies with its muzzle buried in its paws, which also causes the nose to temporarily dry out, since all the moisture is absorbed by the fur. Another reason could be that your pet is extremely thirsty and dehydrated, which is what causes them to become temporarily dry. Some dog breeds react this way to changes in weather: severe frost, if it's winter, or in the heat of summer.

Now about the less pleasant causes of a dry nose in a dog. The most common cause of a dry nose in a dog can be allergic reactions, both food and non-food. Here you can’t do without a visit to a specialist. Once the cause is determined, action should be taken immediately. You need to change the diet, the bed or rug where your pet sleeps, maybe even the bowl from which the dog eats or drinks. Very rarely, dogs may be allergic even to pollen; in this case, walks near actively flowering plants should be avoided.

Important! An alarming sign is a crust on the dog's nose - this is a sign that he is seriously ill, it could be a cold or more serious illness. In any case, you cannot do without a visit to the veterinarian.

A dry nose can be a manifestation of diseases such as bronchitis or pneumonia, while the nose is not only dry, but also very cold, such a sign should be noted special attention, after all similar diseases In dogs they are much more severe than in humans. They are treated individually, after tests and a serious examination. If a dry nose is accompanied by vomiting, then this is very dangerous symptoms– you need to urgently run to the veterinarian, this could be a sign of distemper.

To prevent a dry nose in a dog, it is necessary to take measures. First of all, all utensils must be clean and the food must be of high quality, so as not to cause allergies and poisoning. During sharp drop temperatures, you can use a special cream. This will help protect such a thin instrument from adverse external influences.

Of course, you need to avoid nasal injuries and hypothermia of the animal, do not forget to vaccinate your dog in a timely manner, this will reliably protect your pet from dangerous common diseases. As you can see, there are quite a few reasons that cause dry nose and not all of them are harmless. If nasal dryness continues long time, contact a veterinarian immediately.

It is believed that a dry nose in a dog is a sign of illness. On the contrary, wet and cold are an indicator wellness. Is this really so, is there a relationship between temperature and humidity of the nose with general condition dog - let's try to figure it out.

First, let’s talk about why a wet, cold nose is considered the norm. With the second, everything is very simple - it’s cold precisely because it’s wet. But the first one is a little more complicated. The wetness of the nasal planum is not explained by the fact that the dog constantly licks it (a common misconception), but by the presence of special glands that secrete a mucous secretion specifically for moisturizing.

Nasal moisture plays a significant role in a dog's life, mainly affecting 2 functions:

  1. Heat transfer regulation. In this case, wet nasal speculum helps the animal remove excess heat. Essentially the same as sticking out your tongue. But if the dog breathes with its mouth open only after physical exertion, in the heat, or during illness, then the nose constantly regulates the dog’s temperature. The mechanism of specific thermoregulation has developed in dogs during the process of evolution, compensating for the insufficiency of the sweat glands.
  2. Sensitivity to air movement and odors. It is moisture that helps the dog detect the slightest vibrations in the air and makes the dog’s olfactory apparatus much more sensitive than a human’s. In addition, in carnivores, olfactory receptors are located not only inside the nose, but also partially outside. Smell for predators more important than vision, since it gives significantly more information about the world around us, and even about objects located at a distance that exceeds the ability of vision.

Based on this, we can say with confidence that a damp, cool nasal surface is normal for dogs. However, if a dog has a warm and dry nose, this is not at all an indicator of ill health. For example, this can occur in a dream and immediately after waking up. At the same time, the dog is absolutely healthy, it just happens in a dream slight increase body temperature, and the glands almost do not produce secretions - this is how nature intended.

The cause of a warm, dry nose in a dog can be the surrounding air - heat or frost outside, included in winter period heating, which significantly dries out the air, strong wind. These factors, without affecting the dog’s well-being or health, are reflected in the condition of the nasal planum.

However, very often the condition of this organ actually serves as an indicator of health, primarily general body temperature.


The temperature norm for dogs is 37.5-38.5ºС. This is an average figure, since for representatives large breeds it may differ slightly to a lesser extent; in puppies, on the contrary, to a greater extent, which is associated with the immaturity of heat exchange functions in newborns.

Temperature is one of the most important indicators in clinical diagnostics, and a significant deviation of values ​​from the norm in most cases indicates problems in the animal’s body. If your dog's nose becomes hot and dry without any visible impact external factors– it is quite possible that the temperature has risen above normal.

Most often, the body responds with hyperthermia to the penetration of infectious agents - bacteria, viruses, protozoa.

The mechanism of fever is quite complex and depends on the presence and level of pyrogens in the body - specific organic matter, which give the hypothalamus a signal to increase temperature. Pyrogens themselves are formed as a result of the breakdown of microorganisms, are contained in their metabolic products, and are also released during the death of protective cells (monocytes and macrophages).

In any case, to understand why a dog has a hot nose, it is worth measuring its temperature. Moreover, this is not at all difficult to do using a regular medical thermometer.

After lubricating the tip of the device with Vaseline, extreme case vegetable oil, the thermometer is very carefully inserted into the dog's rectum and held there for 2-3 minutes. The temperature you measure in your pet will serve as valuable information when contacting a veterinarian, which is extremely necessary for hyperthermia, especially if the dog exhibits signs such as:

  • no appetite or it is significantly reduced;
  • apathy;
  • cough, wheezing, nasal discharge;
  • nervous phenomena (convulsions, muscle tremors, etc.).

In combination with an elevated temperature, such symptoms can be signs of serious, sometimes fatal dangerous diseases, such as canine distemper. For such diseases, it is unlikely that it will be possible to get by with home treatment, and it is better not to postpone a visit to the clinic or calling a veterinarian at home. At any time you can contact our 24-hour veterinary clinic in Moscow for emergency care dog.

When an animal has a fever, it develops thirst because elevated temperature leads to increased evaporation of liquid. Need to take care of sufficient quantity clean fresh water for the pet, the possibility of constant access to it.

A warm, dry nose in puppies is usually not an indicator of a health problem. Especially if it is warm, and not hot, and the animal does not show signs of illness, the puppy is active and cheerful. Dryness can be caused by the same factors as adult dog, or may be the result of age-related immaturity of the body’s thermoregulation system. At the same time, it is highly advisable for every owner to master a simple technique for measuring a pet’s temperature, so as not to be tormented by doubts.


Another reason why a dog’s nose suddenly becomes dry is a lack of fluid in the body. That's enough anxiety states, mild forms of which can develop as a result of insufficient water intake, especially during heat or intense physical activity. Severe dehydration occurs with a number of pathological conditions. For example, with diarrhea, vomiting, excess urine production associated with metabolic disorders.

In case of gastrointestinal disorders accompanied by diarrhea, contractile activity of the intestine increases. Food does not have time to undergo complete digestion, and water is not absorbed by the intestinal cells. As a result, the animal’s blood loses part of its liquid fraction, thickens, and blood volume decreases. Blood pressure while falling. Everything taken together leads to the fact that organs and tissues are not receiving enough nutrients, oxygen necessary for cell life.

Dehydration is very dangerous because it oxygen starvation quite capable of developing irreversible changes in various vital important organs. Primarily in:

  • kidneys;
  • pancreas;
  • brain.

Irreversible changes are scary because even after restoration of normal blood supply, the consequences destructive process don't disappear.

If your dog has a cold and dry nose without visible reasons It's worth paying attention to her chair. This is especially true for animals that are not walked on a leash. As a rule, the animal tries to be alone to perform its natural needs, and the owner may simply not know about the pet’s intestinal disorder.

Diarrhea can be caused by many diseases, including viral or bacterial infections, helminthiases, diseases internal organs, metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiencies, allergic reactions, other pathologies.

If a dog’s diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting, which is often observed with poisoning or infections, then dehydration occurs extremely quickly - in addition to the fact that the liquid is not absorbed sufficiently, it simply does not enter the intestines, leaving the animal’s body along with the vomit.

Repeated vomiting is a cause for great concern and an immediate visit to the veterinarian. In such cases, a fatal outcome for the pet is quite possible within 1-2 days.

The following can lead to dehydration of the body: non-communicable diseases like sugar and diabetes insipidus. The latter is often called diabetes insipidus. Precisely because the pathology is characterized by increased urine output. At similar pathologies metabolic dehydration develops against the background extreme thirst and lack of drinking water.

In conclusion, we can say that there is no single correct answer to the question of why a dog has a warm and dry nose; there can be a lot of reasons for this phenomenon: from completely harmless ones in the form of wind, bright sun or frost to deadly diseases.

In any case, if you notice any health problems with your pet, you should seek advice from a specialist. It is believed that a healthy animal should be subjected to preventive examination at least 1-2 times a year.

Equally important for prevention various diseases has the creation of comfortable living conditions, the preparation of a competent diet and diet for the animal, timely anthelmintic treatments and vaccinations, which can be combined with an examination of the dog by a veterinary specialist.

Despite all the sensitivity of the olfactory organ, the main indicator of health problems is not a dog’s wet or dry nose, but its well-being, activity, behavior, and appetite.

The most important determination of a dog's health is its nose. If a dog has a wet and cold nose, then the dog is completely healthy. But if it is dry and hot, then this is the first sign of a dog’s illness, and in this case you need to contact a veterinarian.

Basically all mammals have it wet. And only humans and a couple of primates do not have this property.

In dogs, it is covered with mucus, which is produced by the glands lining the nose. Her mucus is a kind of gas-liquid chromatograph. Only thanks to this mucus, the dog detects the slightest movement of air. And that is why they identify different odors.

But not all veterinarians agree that with these symptoms the dog is sick; they often say that it is hot and dry. maybe from various reasons . For example, a dog has just woken up and is dry, then this is completely normal. It can also be dry and hot after physical activity, in the heat or in extreme cold. If the dog’s nose does not become wet during the period of calm, then you need to pay diligent attention to this; this may be a signal of the onset of some disease.

Changes environment and other stresses immediately affect the entire body of the animal. All the emotions experienced also cause dryness.

Why does my dog ​​have a dry and hot nose?

Very often, the cause of a dry and hot nose is an allergy. In this case, it manifests itself on plastic - this is usually the dishes from which the dog is fed. Also Allergy may occur to dust, pollen, chemicals and detergents, as well as some products.

The dog can react to the weather - to cold, strong wind or, conversely, to heat. When it's cold, her nose becomes hot, because immune system is in action and begins to combat the health-threatening effects of the weather. At this time, your beloved pet should be fed with multivitamins, which are sold at any pharmacy.

If the dog has a cold nose and not a hot one, then this is could mean colds and then she will have completely different symptoms. For example:

  1. Sneezing.
  2. Cough.
  3. Hoarseness.

A dog's dry nose is the first sign of illness

If your dog has been dry and hot for a long time, the cause may be:

Allergy. Maybe for anything from the bowl from which the dog eats food to the bird cherry blossoms. There may be an allergy if consumed certain products. It is best to keep a diary where you need to mark the foods you feed her. And we need to do this to eliminate all allergens from her life.

Cold. If she has signs of infection, then in addition to a dry nose, she should have other symptoms - coughing, sneezing, etc. In this case, you need to contact a veterinarian, he will prescribe treatment. And as soon as the dog is healthy, it will have a cold nose again.

Nose injury. It can be detected on your own; if the injury is severe, you should immediately take the dog to a veterinary clinic.

Pemphigus. This disease is manifested by the formation of blisters on the nose, which then burst and a crust forms on the nose. It should be taken into account that bubbles can be located throughout the body. It is necessary to do histology and only then will it be possible to confirm the disease.

What to do if your dog has a dry nose?

It is imperative to ensure that your pet there was always fresh water. The bowl should be washed every day, and it is better to pour fresh water after meals. Because your beloved pet always drinks a lot of water after eating and becomes too dirty. If he drinks little water, he may become dehydrated. In this case, the first sign will immediately be dryness.

Dry nose occurs in animals when they are injured. In these cases, swelling, ulcers, or some kind of swelling can be found on the animal’s body.

The most important thing is that you need pay attention to behavior his pupil, and not on his nose, because by his behavior he will tell his master about his illness. This can be determined very simply: a sick dog stops playing, becomes less mobile, and does not respond when called. And it is her habits that immediately signal her condition.

Now you can know exactly how to help your pet at the first signs of illness.