How to properly treat inflammation of the sweat glands under the arms. Causes and methods of treating a boil under the armpit

A boil under the armpit is quite unpleasant, as is now commonly said, with this formation a person experiences discomfort. With this discomfort, the skin turns red, swells, the lymph nodes become enlarged, and you cannot raise your arm without pain. This is a painfully tender place, but at the same time it is also subject to constant influence.

You probably know that such unpleasant pimples and blackheads can grow not only on the face or back, but also in other parts of the body, for example, in the armpit.

If some area under the armpit becomes inflamed and this purulent process begins to spread to the surrounding tissues, then in this case the disease will be called furunculosis.

and the source of inflammation is defined as a boil.

An unpleasant inflammation under the armpit, a boil, was popularly called “bitch udder.” The armpit has the most favorable conditions for the maturation of purulent inflammation, since the natural folds on which there is hair growth have ducts of sweat and sebaceous glands.

It is precisely such places that have suitable soil for the action of bacteria that provoke purulent abscesses.

The most common causes of boils in the armpits are:

  • skin damage
  • skin fungus
  • weak immunity
  • diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus)
  • contamination of the ducts of the sweat and sebaceous glands
  • nerve damage

It should be noted that each of these reasons may well multiply if a person is a chronic carrier of streptococci or staphylococci. .

The armpit is a comfortable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic flora. In the natural fold of the body, where sebaceous and sweat ducts are located, and hair also grows, it is a real resort for bacteria with their favorite “gaps” to provoke furunculosis.

Boil is the popular name for a boil. The disease itself is medically called furunculosis, or hidradenitis.

At its core, it is a severe inflammation of the hair follicle with subsequent formation of pus. With hidradenitis, a cavity appears in the skin in which a deep purulent core forms.

The surrounding soft tissues also become inflamed. It happens that not one boil appears on the body, but several at once.

Such formations are called carbuncles. The disease may be accompanied by fever and inflammation of nearby lymph nodes, as well as severe pain.

Of course, in this state a person feels a general malaise, since we are talking about an inflammatory process. Sometimes treatment of boils requires bed rest and surgery.

But what are the causes of this disease? As a rule, a boil appears under the armpit, since it often rubs against clothes, hair grows on it, and the cavity itself is a fold that often sweats and dust accumulates there.

The triggering factor for the inflammatory process at the base of the hair is a pyogenic infection. Most often, a boil under the arm is caused by Staphylococcus aureus.

Populations of these infectious agents can often live in the human body asymptomatically for a long time. They settle on the skin of the armpits, are not active and therefore safe.

Symptoms of furunculosis

The symptoms of boils formed in the armpit area are quite difficult to ignore, since in addition to the discomfort described above, patients often experience an increase in body temperature, which has a negative effect on the general condition of the body.

It must be remembered that independent attempts to open boils before they are fully ripe and without the supervision of specialists leads to consequences that are quite difficult to eliminate.

One of the most severe forms of the disease is furunculosis, which is characterized by the spread of boils over large areas of the skin, which indicates blood infection with a viral infection.

The presence of furunculosis can be determined by obvious symptoms.

  1. Boils in the armpit area cover all areas of the hair follicle - this includes the sweat glands, as well as connective tissue. During the development of such boils, lesions of a collagen nature are formed, which are completely destroyed according to the principle of elastic fibers.
  2. There is constant deformation of the boils, which is accompanied by severe pain. This symptomatology is especially pronounced during the formation of new boils.

It is important to remember that the form and methods of treatment largely depend on what stage of development the disease is at. For people who have encountered similar problems, it is important to consider that the key to a quick recovery is compliance with individual hygiene standards and rules.

So, if possible, the affected area of ​​the skin should not come into contact with clothing and other possible irritants. In addition, experts recommend avoiding antiseptic drugs and deodorants during the course of the disease.

Lesions should be regularly treated with ointment or a special solution prescribed by a specialist. Some complex cases of furunculosis require surgical intervention, since it is not possible to suppress foci of infection with classical medications.

Pain in the armpit is one of the unpleasant symptoms of a boil

The main symptoms of a boil under the arm are hard to miss - increased body temperature and discomfort, enlarged lymph nodes. Next, redness appears, which does not have clear boundaries and protrudes above the skin level.

On a note! If you experience a high body temperature and there are boils in the armpits, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Additional symptoms may include dizziness and general weakness.

Externally, the boil looks like an ordinary pimple enlarged several times. The only difference is that in its epicenter a purulent core is clearly visible, which, as it grows, begins to become covered with small blisters.

The skin around this formation swells and turns red. There is always pain in the lesion and near it.

Before treating a boil under the arm, you need to make sure that this is it, so let's look at the three stages of the development of the disease:

Although the symptoms of an armpit boil are very similar to hidradenitis (inflammation of the sweat glands), they still have one important difference - the absence of a staphylococcal rod. And this is the very first distinctive symptom of these diseases.

In addition, with a boil in the armpit, the following are also observed:

  • redness and thickening of the skin and connective tissue as a result of the formation and accumulation of pus (persist for 2-3 days);
  • in places of redness, compaction of the lymph nodes occurs;
  • on days 2-4, pain and discomfort are felt;
  • on the 3-4th day the tip appears in the form of a white or yellow dot - the formation of a necrotic rod;
  • the process can often be accompanied by fever, headache, weakness;
  • on the 4-5th day the head is opened, and in its place there remains a wound - a greenish rod, through which the pus is discharged out within 1-2 days;
  • there is a malfunction of the “affected” part of the body.

The armpit boil prevents you from actively moving the shoulder joint, wearing clothes, and all this continues for 7-10 days, after which a scar forms at the site of the abscess.

Treatment methods

The basic rule when a boil appears not only under the armpit, but also in other parts of the body: it is impossible to treat the pathology with massages and squeezing, since these actions can provoke a widespread spread of infection

Let's consider products that are an effective remedy in the fight against furunculosis. You can use medicinal dough, which is prepared from eggs, flour and butter:

Although a boil causes severe pain and looks unpleasant, its treatment does not cause serious problems and can be carried out at home, but you should strictly follow the doctor's recommendations and follow the following recommendations:

The main rule is to observe the rules of personal hygiene

If the patient does not experience any complications, then it is permissible to treat the boil at home using folk remedies. For this purpose, it is possible to use several effective drugs available in a pharmacy or even in a regular store:

  • Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic used to treat a variety of skin infections, including boils.
  • Epsom salt compress- simply dissolve the salt in warm water, blot a soft cloth in the solution and apply to the site of inflammation. This will draw the pus to the surface and speed up recovery.
  • Turmeric and Apple Cider Vinegar- they are not suitable for the treatment of purulent diseases of the nose, but if the patient has a boil on the legs or other parts of the body (not on the mucous membranes), then these substances can also be very useful.

When a person develops hidradenitis, it is better not to self-medicate. Therefore, it is worth contacting a specialist who will decide as quickly as possible to cure the boil under the arm in your case and prescribe the necessary medications. But if this is not possible, then you will have to decide what to do.

When a person discovers a boil on his body, especially in the armpit, treatment should be started without delay. You need to start treating hidradenitis using folk remedies. Areas that are affected by the disease must be wiped with iodine, brilliant green or alcohol.

More often than not, boils do not require surgical intervention. They can be treated at home. From the moment inflammation appears, the following recommendations must be followed:

All therapeutic procedures for boils are very conservative. You do not need to use any complex procedures or take medications. The cause of a single boil under the arm is in most cases a violation of local immunity, so the treatment is very simple.

It includes several points:

How can you treat boils under the armpit?

There are medicinal and traditional methods for treating boils. It’s easy to make mistakes at home that can be very expensive, so it’s best to consult a doctor about this problem.

If you do decide to undergo treatment at home, it is important to follow certain strict rules. So, in order to get rid of a boil, you need to speed up its maturation. To do this, use the following means:

To reduce pain, you can inject the boil with novocaine. After some time, the dense rod with a purulent head that forms should open on its own.

In some cases, the doctor does this by making an incision, after which he squeezes out the purulent contents. At this stage, it is unacceptable for infection to get inside the formed cavity.

Otherwise, all treatment will be in vain. Therefore, it is important to treat the lesion with antiseptics and antibiotics.

Ointments with tetracycline and erythromycin are usually used.

Folk remedies

You can also remove axillary boils with home remedies. At the first suspicion of inflammation, it is good to apply compresses from aloe pulp to the area.

Onion or garlic lotions are also worthwhile treatments. Grated raw potatoes also help.

These simple remedies that help treat hidradenitis should be applied to the boil and covered with clean gauze for half an hour. Repeat the procedure several times a day until the pus comes out.

If the boil breaks out on its own, the wound should be immediately lubricated with an antiseptic, for example, iodine. It is also important to secure a clean bandage treated with antibiotic ointment with an adhesive plaster. Of course, the armpit is a very uncomfortable place, however, it is necessary to adhere to this rule.

If you start treating boils at a very early stage, you can avoid the disastrous consequences of a more serious infection. Then, neither in the photo nor in life, your body will be spoiled by such an unpleasant phenomenon as furunculosis under the arms.

Boils require extreme caution when choosing treatment tactics; they are strictly contraindicated:

  • massage;
  • to pierce or cut;
  • squeeze;
  • apply compresses and tight bandages.

These manipulations increase blood flow in the axillary region, which provokes the spread and generalization of the infectious process. If a boil appears under the armpit, you should consult a doctor.

With an uncomplicated course of a single purulent-inflammatory lesion under the armpits, the patient manages to limit himself to external therapy:

  • The period of redness and thickening of the skin of the armpits requires treatment with local antiseptics, for example, tincture of iodine or chlorhexidine solution.
  • At the stage of opening the boil, the doctor prescribes bandages with a hypertonic saline solution to effectively evacuate the pus.
  • Then ichthyol stickers are alternated with antiseptic and antibacterial ointments. They are combined with physiotherapy, such as dry heat, UHF, ultrasound on the armpit area.
  • After complete cleaning of the boil cavity from purulent masses, regenerating gels and ointments are added to stimulate healing of the wound defect.

Treatment with folk remedies

In addition, there are the following methods for getting rid of a boil under the arm:

Antibiotic therapy for furunculosis is not always prescribed, but only in the following cases:

  • spread of inflammation (internal abscess);
  • boils on the face;
  • current serious illness.

Antibiotics are used to treat furunculosis:

  • penicillins (Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav);
  • cephalosporins (Ceftriaxone, Cefuroxime, Cefazolin, Cefotaxime) as injections;
  • Gentamicin (except for the treatment of children and pregnant women), this drug has the least number of indications in the form of an ointment;
  • Tetracycline (in tablets and ointment);
  • Levomycytin (ointment used at home).

Treatment methods and prevention

In order not to be faced with the question of what to do if you have a sore under your arm, you need to remember about preventive measures that will improve your overall health.

Experts recommend eating fruits and vegetables, drinking herbal tea, and sometimes the use of brewer's yeast is prescribed. Without fail, to maintain the immune system, you need to get rid of chronic diseases on time.

People who are predisposed to the appearance of boils are advised to exclude black teas, cheeses, coffee, alcoholic beverages, foods prepared in marinade, and fried in oil from their diet.

By following simple rules of safe nutrition and observing personal hygiene standards, you can avoid this unpleasant illness by removing the discomfort that appears along with a boil from your life.

Preventive measures should include:

  • strict compliance with hygiene requirements;
  • prevention of microtrauma to the skin of the armpits and immediate disinfection in case of damage;
  • rationalization of lifestyle and diet;
  • timely diagnosis and stabilization of chronic diseases.

Proper nutrition

The diet for furunculosis is designed to normalize metabolism and stimulate the immune system, providing the body with all the necessary substances. This nutritional system is similar to the diet of diabetics.

Consumption limited:

  1. Sugar, flour and other simple carbohydrates. You need to pay attention to the fact that alcohol and some fruits are rich in such substances: banana, grapes, watermelon.
  2. Sour, spicy, salty.
  3. Meat, fish, vegetable and mushroom broths that stimulate the production of gastric juice.
  4. Products with allergens (eggs, citrus fruits).

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A furuncle (boil) is an inflammation of the skin with a large content of pus. The appearance of an abscess under the arm is explained by a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microflora.

In the process of strong sweat secretion, it decomposes and pollution increases, while the slightest damage to the tissue is enough for microbes to penetrate inside and cause purulent inflammation. In some cases, a boil can be easily confused with hidradenitis (acute inflammation of the sweat glands).

Dermatologists note that a common cause of the appearance of ulcers under the armpit is the improper use of roller deodorants, and in most cases, relapse occurs due to blockage of the sweat and sebaceous glands.

Boils under the armpit: causes

Many people are trying to understand why boils appear in the armpit. The reasons for their occurrence may depend on internal and external factors.

Internal factors include:

External factors include:

  • Increased sweating;
  • Lack of personal hygiene;
  • Presence of cracks, abscesses, use of a dull razor;
  • Incorrectly chosen underwear that rubs the skin;
  • Prolonged heat or hypothermia;
  • Incorrect use of roll-on deodorants.

The process of the appearance of a boil in the armpit area begins with skin irritation.

Then a purulent pimple appears in the center of the lesion, which subsequently turns into a boil. Having noticed such a formation, under no circumstances should you squeeze it out or massage the skin around it. This can lead to even greater spread of purulent pimples. In medical terminology, this phenomenon is called furunculosis.

The location of boils in the armpit causes inconvenience during treatment, since it is much more difficult to apply a tampon with ointment or another drug that draws out pus to the sore spot and fix it. When the boil under your arm does not open for a long time, and in addition to the inflamed lesion in the area of ​​the lymph nodes of the axillary region, red stripes are observed and severe pain occurs, you should immediately go to the hospital. The doctor will monitor the progress of treatment and prescribe medications and physical therapy to speed up the maturation process.

Furuncle under the arm: treatment

To treat boils, doctors use various methods and means, which are selected individually. It all depends on what stage the inflammation process is in and the reasons for the appearance of ulcers must be clarified.

How to get rid of a boil under the arm? Ointment dressings are usually used "Vishnevsky" or "Ichthyol" ointment that is applied to the sore spot 2-3 times a day. If treatment occurs at the initial stage of the disease, this will allow the inflamed lesion to resolve faster; at the stage of full maturation, drugs will help speed up the process of drawing out the pus.

The process of suppuration will occur in any case and it cannot be stopped, therefore, the resulting pus must come out. If you cannot prevent a relapse on your own and are not sure that the rod has come out, be sure to seek help from a doctor. The abscess will definitely open. At this stage, surgery is often used.

In some cases, a frozen boil under the arm is observed, which can only be opened surgically. After this, the doctor prescribes treatment that can be done at home.

After the boil has opened, you need to remove the purulent core with a sterile swab, and treat the resulting wound with a disinfectant solution (hydrogen peroxide, salicylic or boric alcohol). Apply the product to a clean cotton swab and wipe the skin near the affected area. The resulting wound should be treated within several days after the breakthrough, applying compresses and lotions. During the treatment process, the doctor prescribes ultraviolet irradiation, which disinfects the inflamed skin.

After the pus has drained, the healing process begins, the wound gradually heals, and a crust appears on the affected area. The swelling decreases and the redness goes away. Over time, the crust will peel off, and a mark in the form of a scar or scar may remain in place of the abscess. You should not expect that the boil will go away on its own; take the disease seriously and do not start treatment, as there is a risk of complications.

Furuncle in the armpit: treatment with traditional methods

To treat boils under the armpit at home, there are many folk recipes that will help get rid of the problem in a short period of time. Sometimes folk remedies are much more effective than the methods of official medicine.

Recipe No. 1

To get rid of inflammation, take a tablespoon of honey and mix it with rye flour. Apply the resulting cake to the boil. It is advisable to carry out the procedure at night; each time the cake should be fresh. In this way you can get rid of the abscess in a few days.

To make it you will need:

Grate the onion and laundry soap, add fat, mix everything until smooth. Apply a thick layer of ointment to a clean napkin, apply it to the boil and secure the bandage well.

Carry out the procedure in the morning and evening. If the purulent discharge is strong, you can apply bandages every 2-3 hours.

This is a very effective procedure, and thanks to it, the boil goes away quickly without leaving a trace.

Recipe No. 3

Medicinal herbs have been used in folk medicine for a long time. Herbal ointment will help get rid of ulcers.

To prepare it you will need: calendula and yarrow flowers - 2 parts each, horse sorrel, tansy inflorescences - 1 part each. Wash the herbs well and pass through a meat grinder. Add 1 part ointment to the resulting mixture. "Vishnevsky" And "Ichthyol" ointments, calendula oil. It can be bought at a pharmacy or made at home. Mix everything well until smooth.

Preparation of calendula oil: pour 1.5 cups of calendula flowers with 190 ml of vegetable oil, the temperature of which should be 80-100 degrees. Mix well and leave in a dark place for 40 days.

Preventive measures

To prevent the appearance of ulcers, doctors recommend following simple rules that will help avoid relapse:

  • Do not overuse foods with high glucose content;
  • Introduce more fresh vegetables and fruits, freshly squeezed juices into your diet, give up fried and spicy foods;
  • Maintain personal hygiene, disinfect any damage under the arm using alcohol, iodine, hydrogen peroxide;
  • Try not to overcool the body;
  • Take care of your health, increase your immunity, and treat concomitant diseases in a timely manner.

Hidradenitis is an inflammation of the sweat glands, accompanied by purulent processes (the outdated name is knotted udder). The mechanism of development of the disease is as follows: the bacterial pathogen penetrates through microdamages (scratching, cuts) or through the flow of lymph into soft tissues, affects the sweat gland and its ducts, resulting in the formation of an inflammatory infiltrate. With further development of the process, purulent exudate accumulates in the area of ​​the gland.

Due to the active activity of the sweat glands located in the axillary zone, axillary hidradenitis is the most common.


The disease develops mainly at a young age. Since sweat production decreases markedly in old age, hidradenitis is extremely rare after age 50.

According to statistics, purulent abscesses in the sweat glands are more common in women than in men.


Causes of hidradenitis

The causative agents of the disease are bacteria - staphylococci, less often - streptococci and some other microbes. The route of infection is lymphogenous or direct penetration into the hair follicle, and from it into the sweat gland.

In the frequent occurrence of hidradenitis, a hereditary factor also plays a special role: there is a high risk of the disease occurring in people who have similar phenomena in their family history.

Hidradenitis rarely develops against the background of normal functioning of the immune system; Due to decreased immunity, purulent inflammation of the sweat gland may appear during pregnancy, as well as in the first months after childbirth.

Risk factors

Factors contributing to the development of hidradenitis suppurativa are:

  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • changes in the function of the sweat glands (compression of the ducts during the growth of the gland, congenital anomalies in the development of the apocrine ducts);
  • any conditions that lead to weakening of the body (for example, stress);
  • hormonal disorders;
  • ARVI, any bacterial infectious diseases;
  • hyperhidrosis, a special composition of sweat with a predominance of an alkaline environment;
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • shaving cuts;
  • increased skin sensitivity to the use of cosmetics;
  • abuse of antiperspirants and depilatory products;
  • local hypothermia.

Hidradenitis in children most often develops after protracted infectious diseases, with eczema, diaper rash, and severe sweating. Apocrine sweat glands, located in the armpits, begin to work only during puberty, so hidradenitis is observed mainly in adolescents.

Symptoms of axillary hidradenitis

The initial stage of the disease is characterized by redness and mild itching of the skin in the armpit area.

An area of ​​increased density, painful, in the form of a small cone-shaped nodule gradually appears. Several similar formations may appear at the same time. On palpation, it is felt that the nodule is located deep under the skin. Gradually it grows in size (1.5-2 cm) and moves closer to the surface. Painful sensations, aching or tugging, quickly increase.

Next, the node is soldered to the upper layer of the epidermis, and its color may become crimson, red, bluish, or purple. The skin around the formation is moderately hyperemic; As hidradenitis progresses, it becomes pink or bright red.

If several sweat glands are involved in the pathological process, the emerging nodes can merge with each other, forming a very itchy, dense infiltrate (up to 4 cm in diameter), causing severe pain when moving or at rest.

If left untreated, the skin over the nodes becomes necrotic, and its contents become purulent (abscess). White or yellowish pus, sometimes mixed with blood, may ooze through a micro-hole in the center.

After 5 days, the ulcers, as a rule, break out on their own, after which the wound is cleared of purulent contents and necrotic tissue and heals with the formation of scars.

The total duration of the disease is 1-2 weeks.

Symptoms accompanying hidradenitis suppurativa of the armpits:

  • increased body temperature;
  • malaise, decreased performance;
  • enlarged axillary lymph nodes;
  • headache;
  • restriction of movement of the shoulder, arm.

Often, hidradenitis occurs repeatedly, sometimes after a short period of time and in the form of multiple abscesses, usually near the same place. The chronic type of the disease is often caused by a lack of medical care and the use of antibacterial agents, as a result of which bacterial pathogens continue to multiply in the area of ​​the sweat glands.

Consequences of the disease

When the disease becomes chronic, the symptoms of hidradenitis can accompany a person almost constantly, occurring up to 2 times a month.

Rough scars, fibrous fistulas, blackheads form on the skin of the armpit area, greatly reducing the attractiveness of a person and causing discomfort when moving the arm.

Complications of hidradenitis often include lymphadenitis - inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes, as well as phlegmon - diffuse purulent inflammation that covers large areas of the body. The most dangerous consequence of hidradenitis can be sepsis - blood poisoning that can be fatal.

Diagnosis of hidradenitis

Most often, the diagnosis is made by visual examination of the affected area of ​​the patient. In laboratory tests, acceleration of ESR and leukocytosis are observed. In the case of chronic hidradenitis, the contents of the purulent pustule are collected and a determination (bacteriological culture) of the causative agent of the disease and its sensitivity to antibiotics is carried out.

Differential diagnosis is established in comparison with:

  • lymphadenitis;
  • oncological diseases (non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, lymphogranulomatosis);
  • furunculosis;
  • damage to the lymph nodes by mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Treatment of hidradenitis in the armpit

The set of treatment measures depends on what stage of hidradenitis develops in the patient. Before pus forms, the following actions are recommended:

  • Shaving armpit hair.
  • Treatment of the surface of the node with alcohol, solutions of aniline dyes, Castellani liquid, salicylic acid (2%), boric alcohol, iodine, clindamycin solution, dimethyl sulfoxide solution.
  • Regularly wash your armpits using antibacterial soap.
  • Vodka bandages on the affected area.
  • Applying overnight applications with Vishnevsky ointment, syntomycin, tetracycline, erythromycin ointments, levomekol, levosin, neomycin.
  • UHF, UV, dry heat.

Additionally, treatment with antibiotics and drugs of other groups is prescribed:

  • Penicillins, macrolides (tetracycline, doxycycline, erythromycin, lincomycin) – 7-10 days.
  • Sulfonamides (sulfapyridazine) – course of 5-6 days.
  • Antimicrobial agents (furazolidone).
  • NSAIDs to reduce pain and inflammation (ibuprofen, diclofenac).
  • Vitamin complexes.

In case of ineffectiveness of conservative measures, as well as in the later stages of hidradenitis, accompanied by abundant formation of pus, surgical removal of the node is indicated.

Carrying out such manipulation on your own is strictly prohibited!

The operation boils down to opening the abscess, removing the contents, draining and excision of fistulas and areas of necrosis.

After surgery, the following is performed:

  • Treatment of the affected skin area with antiseptics.
  • Applying dressings with chymopsin, trypsin.
  • 3-4 days after surgery - apply dressings with levomekol.

In case of prolonged hidradenitis, the skin and subcutaneous tissue are completely removed. In some cases, it may be necessary to replace an area of ​​skin with a healthy one. If there are aggravating circumstances (old age, severe inflammation, multiple ulcers, severe concomitant diseases), the patient is hospitalized.

2-3 weeks after surgery, therapy with staphylococcal toxoid, gamma globulin, and immunocorrective drugs is indicated.

Treatment of the disease with folk remedies

Traditional methods are used at the initial stage of development of the disease and can prevent suppuration of the formed node, reduce pain, increase local and general immunity:

  • Wash a plantain leaf, beat it a little and tie it to the armpit area. This remedy will help reduce inflammation in hidradenitis. Aloe and Kalanchoe leaves also have the same effect.
  • Instead of regular water for armpit hygiene, you can use infusions of eucalyptus, chamomile, calendula flowers, and sage. Preparation rate: 1 spoon per glass of boiling water. The product must sit for at least 2 hours.
  • Combine 30 g of pre-planed laundry soap, 30 g of rye flour, a dessert spoon of vegetable oil and the same amount of sugar. Boil the mixture, slowly add shavings of 1 church candle. After the ointment has cooled, apply it to a cotton cloth and apply to the inflamed area. This recipe can prevent the development of purulent processes with hidradenitis.
  • Laundry soap is also used in another recipe: grate 1 bar of soap, add chopped onion and 2 tablespoons of melted pork fat. During the 10-day course, when lubricating the armpit, the inflammation goes away.
  • To boost immunity, you can take the following infusion internally: combine the flowers of meadowsweet, elderberry, calendula, plantain and sweet clover herbs, and birch leaves in equal volumes. Let it brew for 2 hours, preparing the product at the rate of 1 spoon of the mixture - a glass of boiling water. Before taking, add 0.5 tbsp. drink 2 drops of propolis tincture and 0.5 tablespoons of honey. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Lifestyle and nutrition can help!

If hidradenitis develops, it is necessary to stop drinking alcohol and smoking, as well as maintain a daily hygiene regime and strengthen the body’s defenses in every possible way.

  • dairy products;
  • nuts;
  • tomatoes;
  • beet;
  • eggs;
  • liver;
  • fruits (especially apples, citrus fruits).

It will be useful to take vitamin decoctions - rose hips, berries, as well as sea buckthorn oil, tinctures of Leuzea, Eleutherococcus, ginseng.

Preventive measures

In order to prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary:

  1. Maintain good body hygiene.
  2. Use high-quality cosmetics.
  3. Always wash off applied antiperspirants before going to bed.
  4. For cuts during shaving, treat the skin with alcohol and iodine.
  5. Avoid wearing tight and synthetic clothing.
  6. Reduce excess weight.
  7. Fight excessive sweating.
  8. Strengthen immunity.
  9. Avoid suppuration of the emerging manifestations of hidradenitis by consulting a doctor in a timely manner.
News that helps!

A boil under the arm is an unpleasant problem that can overshadow the most ordinary procedures. But a boil is not just a pimple or a rash, it is an inflammation that indicates an infection in the body. Let's take a closer look at what a boil is, the reasons for its appearance, how to cure it and how to protect yourself from the appearance of a boil.

ICD-10 code

L02.2 Skin abscess, boil and carbuncle of the trunk

Causes of a boil under the armpit

The reasons are infectious diseases that penetrate the hair follicle, which ultimately leads to an inflammatory process, which is characterized by swelling, redness in the affected area and causes severe pain.

Main etiological factors:

  • Weakened immunity.
  • Unhealthy diet.
  • Skin microtraumas and pollution.
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Increased sebum secretion and sweating.

The appearance of a boil under the armpit begins with the appearance of a small painful rash on the skin on irritated red skin, in the very center there is a purulent point. A purulent point is the contents of a boil. After the boil ruptures and the necrotic tissue is rejected, a scar will appear in place of the boil. If several sources of boils appear on the skin, the disease is called furunculosis. If purulent inflammation of the skin, subcutaneous fatty tissue and sebaceous glands that are located around the hair follicles occurs, then all factors indicate the formation of a carbuncle.

A boil under the armpit is unpleasant, it is a disease that causes discomfort. With a boil, the skin under the armpit turns red, the lymph nodes become enlarged and swollen. In addition, delicate skin is exposed to constant stress. A boil is a purulent inflammation of the hair follicle, which is why boils do not appear on the soles and palms. The armpit area is an ideal place for a boil to appear.

You should know that the cause of a boil is most often failure to comply with basic rules of personal hygiene, hypothermia, increased sweating or prolonged exposure to heat.

If, in addition to visible inflammation and a purulent point, red stripes appear that go to the lymph nodes during the maturation of the boil, then the patient feels severe pain, and the boil takes too long to mature. Only a doctor can prescribe treatment for a boil.

Symptoms of a boil under the armpit

The signs are hard to miss, since the development of a boil means discomfort and increased temperature. Please note that you cannot open the boil yourself, as this can lead to serious complications. The most dangerous complication is furunculosis or the spread of purulent boils. This indicates septicemia, that is, a severe form of blood poisoning.

  • The armpit boil covers the entire hair follicle, which includes the sweat gland and connective tissue. During the appearance of a boil, collagen lesions appear, which are completely destroyed, as well as elastic fibers.
  • The furuncle under the arm is subject to constant deformation. This area is very painful, especially during the formation of a boil. Remember that the treatment of a boil is determined by the stage of its development.

When a boil appears, it is very important to follow the rules of personal hygiene. The source of infection should have minimal contact with clothing and anything that can irritate the skin. It is worth giving up antiseptics and deodorants. The lesion, that is, the place where the boil forms, must be constantly treated with ointments and special solutions. In the most difficult cases of furunculosis, surgical intervention is necessary.

Diagnosis of a boil under the armpit

Diagnosis is a rather difficult process. When diagnosing a boil, it is necessary to differentiate it from hidradenitis, anthrax and deep trichophytosis.

  • Hidradenitis is a purulent inflammation of the apocrine glands. The disease does not have a core, it forms in the armpits, the area of ​​the breast nipples, the inguinal folds and in the anal area.
  • Anthrax - the disease begins with a papulovesicle, which gradually becomes covered with a black stupor. Accompanied by disturbances in general condition, sharp pain and infiltration of the hypodermis.
  • Trichophytosis granuloma - appears on the head and beard. When diagnosing this disease, contact with animals or medical history is of great importance, which could cause infection, as well as pain with a purulent core.

The main feature of boils under the arm is that they appear only in places where hair grows. It is difficult to diagnose a boil; the first sign of a boil can be confused with simple irritation. The first sign of a boil is itching, swelling, redness, and swelling in the hair follicle area. After this, an inflamed nodule appears at the site of redness, which is very painful and has a purplish-red color. The swelling constantly increases, and after a couple of days, the inflamed tissue becomes greenish in color, and a boil core forms in this place.

You should know that a boil causes headaches, weakness and malaise. After another couple of days, the core of the boil is torn off and a bleeding wound forms in its place. Do not forget that boils cannot be touched, they cannot be massaged or squeezed. Remember that boils under the arms leave scars.

One boil does not pose any particular danger to the body, but several inflamed boils indicate serious health problems. Boils on the neck and face can cause chills and high fever. If boils appear frequently and several at a time, then we are talking about furunculosis, which can only be cured with medication. If treatment is not treated in time, complications can be fatal, for example, blood poisoning.

Differential diagnosis

A furuncle under the arm is an inflamed cavity in the skin that is filled with purulent contents. Boils come in different sizes, from small painful pimples to large purulent tumors. The peculiarity of boils is that the place where they are located must necessarily have hairline or areas of the body where friction is present. As a rule, this is the area of ​​the chest, lower back, groin and armpits. A boil under the arm is much more dangerous than boils in other parts of the body. A furuncle under the arm must be differentiated from a purulent, prolonged inflammatory process of the sweat glands.

Hidradenitis or purulent inflammation of the sweat glands, that is, boils are most dangerous in the armpits, inguinal folds and anus. It is difficult to determine on your own whether you have a boil or trichophytosis, erythema nodosum or scrofuloderma.

Treatment of a boil under the armpit

Treatment depends on the stage of development of the boil. In the first stages of the disease, ultraviolet irradiation is used, and at the maturation stage, the boil is injected with novocaine and antibiotic solutions. Treatment for a boil under the arm should be immediate. As soon as you have a boil, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. The armpit is where scars remain forever. In order for the boil to heal faster, it is necessary to carry out treatment using ichthyol compresses. This will speed up the process of maturation of the boil and it will soon be possible to open it.

Due to the specific odor and a number of contraindications, the use of ichthyol is not always convenient. An excellent alternative to it is ointment Elon K, which you can purchase in pharmacies in your city. The ointment accelerates the process of maturation and opening of the boil, while at the same time promoting the massive destruction of pathogenic microflora and preventing re-inflammation. Ilon does not cause pathological processes under the skin, is well tolerated and has virtually no contraindications. The pleasant aroma and light greenish color make the use of the ointment in the armpit area comfortable and aesthetically pleasing.

After the boil is opened, it is necessary to remove the purulent core using a cotton swab soaked in alcohol. After removing the pus, a wound remains on the body, which must be thoroughly disinfected; for this, an alcohol swab or hydrogen peroxide is used. After removing the pus, the recovery process continues for several days. During this period, it is necessary to apply compresses, as a relapse of the disease is possible. If during the treatment of a boil you decide to use alternative methods of medicine, that is, traditional treatment, then you need to know that such treatment allows you to quickly remove the abscess, but does not eliminate the cause of the disease.

In order to cure a boil forever and prevent diseases such as furunculosis, you need to consult a doctor. It is the doctor who, after a full examination, will be able to prescribe you a course of suitable antibiotic drugs. Antibiotic treatment is the most reliable method available today. Treatment of a boil can be carried out almost painlessly, but despite this, it is easier to prevent the appearance of a boil. If you have a small wound or cut yourself while shaving under your arm, your skin should be immediately disinfected. Avoid hypothermia and overheating, take vitamins, as this will avoid many diseases.

How to treat a boil under the armpit?

First of all, it is worth remembering that the place where the boil appeared should not be touched, massaged, or even more so, should not be tried to dislodge the abscess. Never squeeze pimples or rashes, as this can cause the infection to spread throughout the body. A boil under the armpit is hidradenitis. If you have a boil, you need to seek medical help; if this is not possible, then treatment can be carried out at home.

To treat a boil under the armpit you will need Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyol ointment. Compresses and ointments should be done three times a day. This will allow the boil to resolve faster if you use the ointment in the early stages of boil development. If you use the ointment at the stage of full development of the boil, the ointments will help the abscess to mature and rupture faster.

Do not count on the boil to resolve on its own, do not leave it to chance and do not start treatment for the disease.

Therapy algorithm:

  • Treatment of a boil should begin with folk remedies, as this allows you to accelerate the maturation of the boil and draw out the pus faster.
  • The affected areas must be wiped with alcohol, brilliant green or iodine.
  • Applying a warm compress daily will soften the skin, making the process of boil ripening less painful.
  • You can get rid of a boil using garlic. To do this you will need a piece of linen cloth, vegetable oil and garlic. Soak a cloth in oil and spread out the chopped garlic. Make a compress and apply it to the boil twice a day. Garlic destroys purulent plugs and promotes the rapid flow of pus.

The boil under the arm must be treated until the abscess completely resolves. Remember that an untreated boil is the cause of possible complications. Comprehensive treatment of a boil under the arm includes the use of ultraviolet irradiation and Sollux. With boils, massages should not be done at the site of the lesion; poultices, warm compresses and wet procedures that affect the boil are also unacceptable. Since all this can cause the spread of infection and the appearance of new boils.

A boil under the arm requires personal hygiene. Keep your body clean; if you have wounds, scratches or small abrasions, be sure to treat them with ammonia, iodine, brilliant green and other antibacterial agents. Follow all these recommendations, and the boil under your arm will not bother you.

Sometimes a person experiences inflammation of the skin and the formation of purulent rashes. Therefore, treating boils under the armpit at home is becoming a hot topic today.

With the penetration of staphylococcus and streptococcus bacteria into the hair follicles, the inflammatory process and the formation of an abscess begin. In most people, almost the entire body has hair, developed to one degree or another, with the exception of the feet and palms. A boil can occur anywhere, but the most commonly affected area is the armpit area. The development of a focus of purulent inflammation causes discomfort at best, but in most cases is accompanied by severe pain. The earlier the process of treating a boil begins, the more the risk of complications in the form of inflammation of the lymph nodes located nearby is reduced.

Causes of chiria

The reasons for the development of boils are varied:

  • weakened immune system;
  • impaired metabolism as a result of illiterate nutrition, ecology or disease;
  • vitamin deficiency or hypovitaminosis;
  • the presence of minor injuries on the skin, especially important for females (injuries during hygiene procedures: hair removal, shaving, etc.);
  • increased sweating and increased activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • thermal overheating of the body or hypothermia.

Main symptoms

The boil develops in stages with obvious characteristic signs. In appearance, the abscess resembles a cone-shaped node with a purulent head protruding above the surface of the skin.

Stages of formation of a boil under the arm:

  1. 1. Educational stage - the beginning of the inflammatory process as a result of infection of the affected area. Movements begin to cause unpleasant sensations of discomfort in the form of burning and itching.
  2. 2. The second stage is the appearance of swelling of the surrounding tissues. In addition to swelling of the surrounding tissues, the area of ​​compaction becomes hot. It is during this period that it is necessary to begin treating the boil. This can be done at home, avoiding hospitalization.
  3. 3. Tension of the skin around the inflamed area and the appearance of an abscess head, as a consequence of the purulent-inflammatory process.
  4. 4. The inflammation process affects the entire area of ​​the hair follicle.
  5. 5. On the 5th day, a feeling of fullness comes, visually the swelling process is more pronounced, the pain becomes throbbing and twitching.
  6. 6. Burst of a boil - release of purulent contents. After opening, a relapse of the disease is possible; careful treatment of the affected area is required. If the autopsy does not occur, the help of a specialist is needed. After opening without treatment, there is a high probability of a scar mark appearing on the skin.

Important! If the abscess does not open and red lines of inflammation appear, an urgent visit to the doctor is necessary. It is likely that further inflammation of the organs has occurred, since there is a possibility of infection entering inside. As a result, symptoms of general intoxication of the body are noted, such as weakness in the body, headache, and high fever.

Therapy at home

The treatment method has several options, including traditional and folk methods of treating inflammation of the epidermis. It is not recommended to squeeze out boils mechanically, as this entails negative consequences in the form of blood poisoning and a threat to life. The disease is treated at home if there are no direct indications for hospitalization.

Traditional drug treatment includes the use of ointments, injections and antibiotics. Surgical removal of a boil is a fairly rare case in practice.

All ointments used for treatment must combine an antibacterial, stretching and healing effect. The most famous of them:

  1. 1. Levomekol helps relieve inflammation, has antiseptic properties and a healing effect, and is applied as a compress.
  2. 2. Ichthyol ointment has a pronounced antibacterial effect and antiseptic properties. The compress is applied for a long time.
  3. 3. Heparin ointment has a pronounced analgesic effect and is contraindicated during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  4. 4. Vishnevsky ointment is capable of drawing out the contents of an abscess at any stage, activates the healing process and promotes the restoration of affected areas of the skin epithelium.

The antibiotic treatment method has a number of side effects such as disruption of the intestinal microflora and the occurrence of allergic reactions. Taking antibiotics should be accompanied by additional intake of vitamin preparations and agents to stimulate the immune system:

  1. 1. Erythromycin is contraindicated in persons with impaired renal and gastrointestinal functions; it has a high degree of addiction and a decrease in effectiveness due to this.
  2. 2. Tseporin has general contraindications for antibiotics, is quite effective against cocci and helps in the treatment of external and internal boils.
  3. 3. Cephalexin should be taken in a course according to the instructions, taking into account contraindications.

Folk remedies

As an alternative to traditional medicine, folk remedies are widely used.

For internal use and to ensure cleansing of the body from intoxication, you can take 1 tsp. burdock seed and cook in 250 ml of water over low heat for 20 minutes. The infusion is cooled for half an hour, filtered and drunk.

An infusion of string and lingonberries is effective in treating. The succession grass and lingonberry leaves in a 1:1 ratio are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for an hour. The resulting infusion is taken an hour before meals in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

You can add a collection of nettle leaves, medicinal dandelion and medicinal chamomile flowers to 0.5 liters of water and place in the oven for 3 hours. The resulting decoction is filtered and taken in 3 tbsp. l. up to 5 times a day.

You can take liquid brewer's yeast half an hour before meals up to 2 times a day. Contraindication is the presence of kidney pathology.

External folk remedies are used in the form of compresses, lotions and bandages. For the lotion, fill a finely grated piece of natural laundry soap with milk to the top of the resulting shavings, adding a little honey. Then bring the resulting mixture over low heat with constant stirring until it reaches the consistency of sour cream. After cooling the resulting mass, it is applied to the affected area, changing the bandage every 24 hours.

A simple onion will also help in treating a boil. The onion is baked in the oven and cut into several pieces. It is applied to the boil with a cut under a bandage, which is changed every 4 hours.

A mass of grated raw potatoes, which is applied to the boil and bandaged, is also effective in treating boils. The dressing is changed every 4 hours.

In the treatment of boils, plantain has long been used, which has a good wound-healing effect. 1 tbsp. l. Powder from plantain leaves is ground with olive oil to a uniform paste. The resulting mixture is applied as a compress to the affected area.

A mixture of honey and coarse flour also copes well with the problem. The mass is mixed to a thick plasticine consistency. A cake is made from the resulting mixture, which is applied to the boil for 5 hours. If you have severe pain, a warm compress based on vegetable oil and grated garlic will help. This compress is applied up to 2 times a day.

It is strictly forbidden to use the method of squeezing out an abscess. If you try to pierce or squeeze out the boil, neighboring tissues may become infected and pus may enter the blood. Thanks to this fact, the infection can spread to the entire body.

If part of the rod remains in the affected area, inflammation may become chronic. The ripening and breakthrough of boils must occur as an independent process.

It is possible to use Vishnevsky ointment only after the abscess has broken through. Treatment at the beginning of the process can lead to the spread of the disease or to more severe consequences in the form of phlegmon.

Do not treat the inflamed area with coloring antiseptics in the form of iodine, brilliant green or furatsilin. Dyes can blur the picture of the clinical spread of the disease and make it difficult to establish the true size of the lesion.

After opening the abscess, you should not bathe or wet the wound until dressings are no longer done.