The dog has a very dry nose. How to help a dog if it has a dry nose? Nose is cold but dry

There are always times when a pet is not feeling well. Usually the owner notices this and immediately feels the animal’s nose. If it is cold and damp, the dog is healthy, but if it is dry and warm, perhaps there are some problems with the animal’s health. However, a dry nose does not always indicate the presence of a disease. There can be a lot of reasons for this. But how do you understand when a dry nose is the norm and when it is a pathology? In what cases can you calm down, and in what cases should you start sounding the alarm and contact a veterinarian? Within the framework of this article, various options for dry nose in dogs will be considered.

Dry and warm nose is not always dangerous

Since ancient times, there has been an unchanging tradition of determining the condition of a dog by feeling the nose. The thing is that previously there were no thermometers or other devices to determine the health status of a pet, so this method was the most popular. And veterinary hospitals did not yet exist. First, let's talk about why a wet and cold nose is considered normal.

The surface of a dog's nose is covered with a mucous membrane that produces moisturizing secretions. A dog needs a nose not only to detect smell, but also to respond to the slightest temperature changes. When a dog is in a dream, this organ is responsible for the possible approach of an enemy and controls all processes occurring nearby. The animal's olfactory organ is able to control body temperature, infectious diseases and weakened immunity.

In what cases is it normal for a dog to have a dry and warm nose?

  1. Features of the animal's body and age. Often similar manifestations occur in puppies. This is due to the growth and restructuring of the body. If no accompanying symptoms is not observed, then there is no need to worry. The baby will just grow up and everything will pass. Some pets, due to the structural characteristics of their bodies and breeds, have a slow metabolism. In such cases constant dryness nose - a manifestation of a normal life process.
  2. The dog just woke up. If a pet is kept in comfortable conditions, then over time it loses its ability to be in a constant state of anxiety and alertness. Thanks to this, the animal’s life expectancy increases significantly, but the nose “dries out” more often. In cases where an animal rests in a specially equipped sleeping house or under a blanket, its body heats up and its nose “dries out.” After waking up, your pet just needs to drink water and everything will be fine.
  3. Experiences and stress. If an animal has experienced some kind of emotional shock and is very worried, calm it down, give it something tasty, provide it with care and affection, and place it in a calm and quiet place. The main thing is that the animal’s nervous system returns to normal, and with it the functioning of all organs returns to normal.
  4. Fatigue. After long and heavy physical exertion, the animal may feel a loss of strength. Don't worry. This can be easily restored. The main thing is to provide the dog with complete rest and adequate nutrition. After rest, the animal will regain strength and return to its usual rhythm of life. It happens that during long journeys or when moving to a new place of residence, the animal completely refuses to eat and behaves quite strangely. The most important thing here is to monitor the dog’s condition. If no additional signs no, it will be enough to simply play with the pet, provide it with attention, affection and care. Very soon he will return to normal and get rid of his worries.

A dog’s very cold nose and ears are a clear indicator of hypothermia in the pet’s body. Here you need to change the temperature, but if your pet’s eyes are dull and drooping, and the gums have a pale tint, we immediately go to the veterinarian. Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish normal fatigue with pathologies of various organs.

Animal nose:

  • smooth surface;
  • the surface of the nose is covered with cracks, itches and flakes.

Pet's body temperature:

  • temperature high/low;
  • Temperature readings are normal: from 37.5 to 39 degrees.

Animal's well-being:

  1. The dog is cheerful, active, has good appetite and willingly plays with the owner.
  2. The dog is looking for a quiet and dark place, does not want to eat or drink, constantly scratches its skin, and behaves aggressively.

Pet fur:

  • has a healthy shine, pleasant to the touch and cool;
  • hair becomes tangled, tangled, and looks unhealthy.

How does a dog breathe?

  • breathing occurs without difficulty using the nose;
  • the dog has difficulty breathing through his nose, there is congestion, sneezing, and inflammation.

Digestion of food:

  • the animal behaves naturally;
  • There is diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, and the inability to go to the toilet if desired.

If all the answers from this plan have a positive connotation, then rest assured that the animal is up to something and most likely there are problems on a psychological background. Perhaps the dog lacks attention, care or affection. But, in order not to overthink anything unnecessary, seek help from a veterinarian for the sake of prevention. This will be useful for both your pet and yours. nervous system. If the plan contains more negative answers, then it is recommended to immediately take your pet to a veterinary hospital, especially if you have just recently gotten an animal and this is your first experience.

In what cases does a hot nose indicate an animal’s illness?

  1. Allergic reactions are the most common problem. Associated symptoms: The pet constantly scratches its skin, covers its face with its paws and becomes very nervous. Constant body twitching, dandruff and flaking of the skin appear. It is very difficult to independently determine the allergen and it is hardly possible to do without the help of a specialist. Of course, you can try replacing all the animal’s dishes with stainless or ceramic ones, and removing all synthetic items and carpets. The diet will also have to be radically changed: only porridge and broth will be left. Carry out wet cleaning of premises more often, refusing to use household chemicals. You should note in a notebook every item that is removed from your dog's use. Walk your animal away from flowers that can cause allergic reactions. As soon as you notice an improvement in your animal, immediately go to the doctor for further therapy. Sometimes tests can reveal the type of allergen, but if this doesn’t work the first time, continue to keep a diary and write down all the items that you remove from your pet’s household. Only with such small steps can you cope with this disease and detect the allergen.
  2. Pemphigus is completely immune disease. The main symptoms of the disease are the appearance of blisters on the nose or body of the animal. The bubbles burst, leaving a crust in its place. It can only be detected with the help of tests that confirm one or another type of pathogen.
  3. Cold. It can occur in the form of a regular runny nose, or it can develop into a more severe form– pneumonia. It's worth remembering that this complication is much more severe in dogs than in people and ends much easier fatal. Therefore, it is very important to show your pet to a veterinarian in a timely manner. The specialist will examine the dog's chest, listen to it and decide what to do next.
  4. Plague. Very acute illness, quickly turning into a severe form. Signs: apathy, formation of pus on mucous surfaces. Diarrhea and vomiting mixed with blood, convulsions.
  5. Rabies. This disease represents serious threat both for animals and people. In animals, unfortunately, it is incurable. Signs: photophobia, aggressiveness, lack of appetite, but the dog is very thirsty. If a dog gets rabies, it is euthanized.

If you notice certain symptoms in an animal, you should not worry about guessing, but immediately visit a veterinarian, because sometimes an extra minute will help save your pet’s life.

Video: how to understand that a dog is sick

A dry nose in a dog usually indicates a painful condition.

This is partly true. It is important at what point it was noticed that the dog has a dry nose, as well as whether other symptoms of any diseases are present. If the dog is sleeping at this moment or has just woken up, then a dry nose is normal. The nose can also be dry after serious physical exertion, in extreme heat or cold. If the nose is not moisturized during moments of quiet wakefulness, then this may indeed signal health problems.

Causes of a dry nose in a dog

Why does a dog have a dry, hot or cold nose? The most common reason. It often occurs on low-quality plastic. Also allergic reaction may occur on dust, pollen, chemicals(including detergents), as well as some food products.

The dog’s nose also reacts sensitively to the weather: extreme heat or, conversely, cold and wind. It may also mean that the dog is not drinking enough. and then, in addition to a dry nose, she will have other symptoms:

  • sneezing,
  • cough,
  • runny nose,
  • hoarseness

The nose can dry out due to injury. Then swelling, swelling, scabs or ulcers may be visible on the nose. There is also autoimmune disease skin - pemphigus. It usually appears as blisters on the dog's nose. Then they burst, and a crust forms in this place, which prevents the dog from breathing freely.

What to do if your dog's nose is dry?

It is better to replace plastic dog bowls with stainless steel dishes, and during the flowering period of plants, it is better to walk the animal away from them, in an open, ventilated space.

Dog bowls should be washed without detergents. And if you suspect that the allergen is a food product, it is better to consult a veterinarian for help.

If it’s hot outside, you can lubricate your dog’s nose with aloe juice after a walk. In cold weather, after a walk, the dog’s nose can be wiped with a swab dipped in warm water.

You need to make sure your dog always has enough fresh water. The bowl needs to be washed every day. Since dogs often drink after eating and the water becomes dirty, it is better to wash the bowl after drinking and fill it with fresh water.

It is generally accepted that a dog's cold, wet nose is a sign of his wellness and healthy condition. And if your pet suddenly has a dry nose, then you need to urgently contact veterinary clinic. This is partly true, but there are many moments when a dog’s dry nose indicates the normal functioning of the body.

Let's figure out why a dog has a dry nose and what to do in this case.

Causes of a dry nose in a puppy

During sleep, the animal’s body becomes very hot and the nose is no exception. Only 20-25 minutes after waking up, the dog’s entire body begins to cool down, and then the nose becomes wet.

A common cause of a warm, dry nose in a dog is an allergic reaction to one or another component. This could be pollen, plastic, chemicals or any food ingredient.

Change environment and other stresses immediately affect the animal’s body. Experienced emotions also cause dry nose in your pet.

If your dog has a cold, dry nose, this may indicate colds. But at the same time, other symptoms of the disease must also be present - sneezing, coughing, or hoarseness.

If your pet doesn't drink enough fluids, she will become dehydrated. This will cause dry nose. In this case, you need to control the presence of water in the bowl and organize unhindered access to her for the dog.

In extreme weather conditions The dog's nose becomes dry and hot. On very hot or, conversely, frosty days, with strong winds and dry air, a dog’s nose tends to be dry.

Dry nose also appears in an injured animal. In this case, puffiness, ulcers or swelling may be found on the body.

How to help a dog if it has a dry nose?

Our advice is to pay attention to your dog's behavior, not his nose. It's the habits in the best possible way signal that the animal is unwell.

Any owner knows that if a dog has a dry nose, it is necessary to pay attention to its well-being close attention. Among the many various reasons There are completely harmless ones. It is necessary to understand what may be associated with dry nose and what measures should be taken.

A dog’s sense of smell is so developed that it can sense not only odors that are elusive to humans, but also the slightest vibrations in the air. The glands located inside and outside the olfactory organ secrete a special secretion. If the pet's body is functioning normally, the skin of the nose is moist and cool. The opposite condition is not always an indicator of any pathology.

There are several completely harmless factors that explain why a dog has a dry nose. . These include:

  • Dream. During this period they slow down metabolic processes, secretory function decreases, so the animal’s nose remains dry and warm for another 15–20 minutes after waking up.
  • Overwork. At physical activity, in the process of a long active play, nose dries out.
  • Reaction to windy weather. Animals are very sensitive to weather conditions.
  • Change of teeth in a puppy.
  • Period of hormonal changes (pregnancy, estrus).
  • The first day after birth.
  • Individual characteristics the structure of the organ, the rate of metabolism, lead to the fact that the animal experiences a dry nose throughout its life.

As a result of the above reasons, the olfactory organ remains dry for a short period of time. When this symptom manifests itself within a few hours and along with it additional ones are observed, one can assume the onset of a disease.

When a dog's dry nose is a sign of illness

Other accompanying symptoms indicate a deterioration in the pet’s well-being:

  • Lethargy. The dog strives to retire, hide in a dark place, loses interest in games and entertainment.
  • Aggression. May appear as a result increased irritability caused by illness.
  • Scratching the muzzle.
  • The fur takes on a tousled appearance.
  • Breathing is difficult, wheezing is heard. Sneezing and coughing begins.
  • Abnormal stool. Eating grass often causes your dog to vomit.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • No appetite. This indicator does not change without a good reason.

If, along with the fact that the dog has a warm and dry nose, any of the listed symptoms are present, it is necessary to show the pet to a doctor. Timely treatment existing disease significantly increases the chances of recovery. If the cause of dryness is any pathology, the veterinarian will tell you what to do. He will first establish a diagnosis by conducting the necessary examination. Excessive dryness may indicate various pathologies.


This is one of the most common reasons dry nose in a dog. Along with this symptom, many others arise. The animal rubs its face with its paws and itches incessantly. Dandruff forms, the skin begins to peel, and the coat becomes too dry. All actions are aimed at identifying the allergen. Its role may include products, pollen of flowering plants, house dust. Often a bowl made of synthetic materials is an allergen, so it is recommended to replace it with a ceramic or metal one.

It is necessary to exclude the dog from contact with synthetics, woolen fabric, rubber, and polymers. You should not bathe your pet, especially with detergents. You will have to temporarily stop using household chemicals when cleaning your apartment. When walking your dog, you should avoid flowering plants and carefully monitor its condition. Be sure to write down everything that had to be excluded. As soon as an improvement in the dog’s well-being is noticed, the list is presented to the veterinarian. Tests sometimes help determine the allergen.


A disease with this name is often found in dogs, accompanied not only by a dry nose, but also by the appearance of blisters on it - bubbles filled with liquid. When ripe, they burst, leaving behind dried crusts. The accumulation of bubbles prevents the dog from breathing normally. Factors that provoke the development of the disease are taking certain medications, infectious disease, ultraviolet irradiation.

Pemphigus on a dog's nose

The type of pathogen can only be determined based on test results. Depending on this, treatment is prescribed.


A dog's dry nose can be caused by a cold. It is manifested by apathy, drowsiness, wheezing and sneezing. Possible increase in temperature. Even if you manage to alleviate your pet’s condition at home, it must be shown to a veterinarian to prevent the development of pneumonia. Otherwise, serious long-term treatment using antibiotics, IVs and other procedures.

Disease in advanced stage can lead to the death of a pet. Therefore, it is important to start treatment when the first symptoms appear, without ignoring the dog’s dry nose. Self-medication is unacceptable if pneumonia or bronchitis is suspected. First Events first aid to help alleviate the condition:

  • Creating a calm environment. The dog needs to be offered delicious food, provide drink.
  • Maintaining optimal room temperature. It shouldn't be too hot or cold. It is important to ensure that there are no drafts.
  • Reducing walking time to 15 minutes.
  • If your pet has severe chills, you should cover it with a warm blanket or place a heating pad next to it.
  • Combing wool with a brush. As a result of this massage, blood circulation improves and protective forces are activated.

When there is no opportunity to show the dog to a doctor, and wheezing, coughing, and other symptoms intensify, it is necessary to use antibiotics wide range actions. Additionally required medicines, normalizing intestinal microflora.


Worm infestation is accompanied by constipation, temperature fluctuations, and signs of intoxication. The dog becomes lethargic and loses interest in life. Severe damage leads to bulging of the peritoneum. Therefore, having discovered a dry warm nose in a pet and any of specified symptoms, you need to urgently seek help from a veterinarian. Once the test results are received, appropriate anthelmintic treatment will be prescribed. Typically, Espirantel, Febantel, and Pyrantel are used for this purpose. Carrying out regular deworming eliminates the possibility of infection with worms.


A warm nose may be a sign of a more serious disease - distemper. The dog has a depressed state, which worsens more and more if measures are not taken. The animal refuses to eat, becomes weaker, and the digestion process is disrupted. Pus accumulates in the eyes, near the nasal passages. The nose dries out, becoming not just warm, but even hot. When walking, the dog staggers, falling on its side. IN advanced cases convulsions and fainting are possible.


A most dangerous disease that can be transmitted to people and other animals. It is classified as incurable. In addition to signs characteristic of many other diseases, rabies is distinguished by the symptom of photophobia. On initial stage The dog does not refuse water, but later begins to experience fear of it. Dry and hot nose- one of the first signs of illness. The infected animal must be euthanized.

Other causes of dry nose in dogs

Such a sign is not always a reason to immediately consult a doctor. You just need to know what it means if a dog has a dry nose, study everything probable reasons this phenomenon. This may be due to injury. Therefore, the animal must be examined, given first aid and taken to a veterinarian. A dog's sense of smell is hundreds of times more sensitive than a human's. The slightest scratch caused by cat claws or branches causes pain in the pet. As a result, the tip of the nose dries out and becomes hot. It is unacceptable to treat the wound with iodine or brilliant green - this can aggravate the pain syndrome.

Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause skin burns that are not protected by fur. The nose is the first to suffer. The booth must be installed in such a way that the dog has the opportunity to hide from the sun.

In winter, one of the reasons why a dog's nose is dry and cracked is severe frost, wind. Under the influence of these natural factors, painful cracks form on the nose.

If a dog has a cold and dry nose, this may be a sign of hypothermia, as well as a decrease in body temperature. Similar symptom combined with pale gums and dull eyes is a reason to seek veterinary help.

When is nasal dryness associated with physiological characteristics or climatic conditions, it is enough to lubricate it with Vaseline or vegetable oil. Careful monitoring of your pet will help to detect an incipient disease in time.

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Probably every owner, having noticed something wrong in a dog’s behavior, first of all feels its nose, cold and wet - everything is fine, dry or hot - something is wrong. In principle, the premise is correct, a dog’s nose is a kind of indicator of well-being. Let's say your nose is dry and hot, what should you do next? Observe? Run to the clinic? Treat yourself, if so, then for what? First, you need to understand that there can be a lot of reasons, both harmless and dangerous. We don’t panic and figure out why the dog has a dry nose, what you can do on your own and in what cases you can’t wait.

Where the tradition of determining a dog’s condition by feeling its nose came from is not known, only one thing is clear: either thermometers were rare in those days, or veterinary clinics did not yet exist. First, let's figure out why a wet and cold nose is the norm. The entire nose of a dog, both inside and out, is covered with a mucous membrane that secretes moisturizing secretions. Functionally, the pet uses its nose not only for smell; the wet surface reacts to the slightest air fluctuations and drafts. Sleeping nose wild dog controls the possible approach of the enemy - this is one of the ways to survive. It is customary to “diagnose” with the help of the nose - high temperature¸ viral diseases, weak immune system.

If a dog has a dry and warm nose, we filter out normal physiological causes:

  • Personal characteristics or age. Puppies often “sin” warm nose, if the rest of the dog’s condition is not alarming, you do not suspect an acute reaction to the vaccine - rest easy, the “child” will grow up and everything will pass. Some dogs have a special nose structure, a “passive” mucous membrane, and a slow metabolism. Such pets have a warm or dry nose throughout life, this is normal.
  • The pet is sleeping or has just woken up. Comfortably living domestic dogs, over generations, lose the ability to be constantly anxious. This prolongs their lifespan, but “dries out” their nose during sleep. If a dog sleeps in a house or on a specially equipped bed, it “gets warm” in the same way as a person. The pet will wake up, stretch, drink and its nose will become wet again.
  • Stress. The dog is nervous and doesn’t feel well, there is nothing “military” about it. Let your pet recover, cheer him up, give him a treat, and try to provide the most calm and comfortable environment possible.
  • Overwork. The dog carried the fetch for two hours straight, swam, ran, survived the journey and developed a breakdown? – It’s okay – increased nutrition and rest will fix everything. When moving and traveling, the pet may fall into a “stupor”, sleep all the time, behave strangely, and refuse to eat. In this case, you need to control the temperature, if everything is fine here - wait, encourage, entertain, the pet has the right to experience “personal” problems.
  • “Icy” nose in combination with cold tips of the ears – a clear sign hypothermia or low temperature. We measure the temperature and if it is low, the gums are pale, the eyes are drooping, we go to the doctor. There is no guessing here, the range from overwork to organ failure. The temperature is normal – let’s warm up the pet.

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“A” or “B” – add up the symptoms, find out the causes

Has the owner’s “sense” for trouble been added to the condition of the nose? Then we go further and look possible diseases. The first thing you need is observation and history taking:

Nose condition:
a) the skin is smooth;
b) the nose is peeling, cracking, covered with crusts.

Body temperature:
a) depending on the size and age of the dog 37.5–39C°;
b) increased/decreased.

General condition:
a) the pet is active, contacts the owner, eats and eats;
b) the dog hides in a dark place, does not respond to stimuli, refuses to eat or drink, is aggressive, apathetic, constantly itches, scratches its face with its front paws.

Wool condition:
a) shiny, slightly greasy and cool to the touch.
b) dehydrated, disheveled, climbing.

Respiratory system condition:
a) breathes normally through the nose;
b) nasal breathing difficult, there is rhinitis, sneezing, coughing, wheezing.

Digestion process:
a) the pet behaves as usual;
b) diarrhea or constipation, vomiting (not caused by eating grass), the dog tries to relieve itself, but cannot.

All options "a"? Your pet is healthy, most likely you haven't noticed stressful situation or the dog has thought of something for himself - 90% guarantee. To calm your own nervous system, contact your veterinarian for preventive examination and do not forget to repeat this procedure once every six months. Are there options "b"? - We are looking further, if you do not have experience in diagnosing, this dog is your first pet - immediately take the animal to the clinic, do not risk your life.

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Hot nose as a sign of illness

Allergy– the most common cause of nasal problems. Symptoms: the dog has a cold and dry nose, less often a hot or warm nose. The pet itches, including covering its face with its front paws, twitches or behaves strangely for no reason, the skin peels, dandruff appears, the fur may dry out or remain in normal condition.

Self-diagnosing allergies, and even more so identifying the allergen - walking blindfolded minefield- maybe you'll be lucky. First of all, you: change all the bowls to stainless steel, remove synthetics, polymers, rubber, and natural wool from access. Eliminate everything from your diet except porridge and broth. Refusing to clean with household chemicals and from bathing the dog. Write down everything that was excluded. Walk your pet away from flowering plants and monitor its condition. If the dog feels better, go with the list to the veterinarian and draw up an action plan. Perhaps the type of allergy can be detected by tests, otherwise you will have to keep a diary and add potential allergens “step by step.”

– disease immune system, is accompanied by the appearance of blisters on the dog’s nose and/or body. The bubbles burst and leave crusts. Confirmed only by tests, treated individually depending on the type of pathogen.

– from slight runny nose to pneumonia. Symptoms: hot nose, as a consequence elevated temperature. Apathy is observed, the dog sleeps a lot, sneezes, coughs, wheezing or whistling is heard while breathing. They decide what to treat after examination and listening. chest. If it does not reach pneumonia, therapy is carried out with antiviral and antibacterial drugs. Pneumonia is treated with antibiotics, IVs and more serious procedures.

Important! , much more dangerous than in humans. In the human world, death from pneumonia is a blatant negligence of doctors. In dogs, unfortunately, this is due to the owners’ oversight. If you have the slightest suspicion of bronchitis or pneumonia, do not delay it, do not treat the dog with “your” medications, do not warm it up, do not use mustard plasters, do not try to inhale it - contact your veterinarian!

Injury– from a collision with an obstacle, in a fight with a dog or cat, the pet can damage its nose. You need to understand that a dog’s nose is hundreds of times more sensitive than a person’s. If an injury occurs - your pet has experienced severe pain, stress, perhaps shock - take this into account. Scratches or wounds cannot be treated with brilliant green or iodine; the nose is a mucous membrane. In case of cartilage fracture or heavy bleeding Urgent professional help is needed!