Characteristics of Russian Hound dogs with reviews and photos. Hound dog breeds - list and description of breeds, photo Video - hunting with hounds in severe frost

There are several groups of hound dog breeds that are capable of finding prey by smells or tracks, and then chasing until the victim is defeated or loses strength. Most hound breeds are similar to each other, they have the same working styles and are considered universal. It is the hound dog breeds that have the largest number of species and subspecies.

Did you know that the first mentions of hound dog breeds appeared in the ancient world, they are present on Egyptian frescoes. Then the animals were used for baiting and driving prey, and the dogs themselves were quite large and hardy. Although now you can find many decorative, small pets of the hunting species.

The American Foxhound is a breed of hound that was bred in America to track foxes and wild boars. The dog is well versed in forests and fields, finds prey by smell, and uses its sense of smell. The pet has great intellectual abilities, intuition, endurance and good physical shape. But the foxhound will have to be constantly trained and often walked.

The English Foxhound is a type of hound that first appeared in England. Used for searching and driving foxes, works well in forests or mountains under various climatic conditions. The uniqueness of the pet is that it can pursue its prey for several days in a row; it is considered an excellent bloodhound. The animal is characterized by activity, mobility, endurance, developed intuition and instincts. It’s better not to keep him in an apartment; constant training is needed.

The Bloodhound first appeared in Belgium and its purpose was to search for criminals or hunt. Now considered a faithful companion, it is used to corral game and foxes. It performs well in thickets and open areas. The pet is distinguished by activity, hard work, stubbornness, kindness and loyalty to the owner. It is better not to keep them in an apartment; they are difficult to train.

It is interesting that the bloodhound dog breed has long been used to protect privileged persons, heads of state, for example, Henry VIII, and was bred by church ministers.

The Great Anglo-French Hound is considered a rare species and was bred in the provinces of France. The dog hunts large game, finds it even by following a bloody trail, and can chase for hours until the victim is exhausted. Can be used as a companion, has a peaceful and friendly character, is devoted to its owner, obeys all commands and is easy to train.

The Great Blue Gascony Hound is considered a rare and not the most common breed, but is one of the oldest hounds that appeared in the Middle Ages in France. The pet has sharp eyesight, a good sense of smell, continuously follows the animal's trail, and can withstand different weather conditions. It can hunt small and large game, and can easily drive down a wild boar or bear. The character is characterized by mobility, ingenuity, independence and stubbornness. It is important to start raising your pet from the first months, otherwise it will not follow commands and obey.

This breed first appeared in France, but due to the rabies epidemic the dogs almost disappeared. From time immemorial, the pet has been used for hunting and driving foxes, wild boars and even wolves. The peculiarity of the breed is that it can follow its prey for several hours in a row without losing its tracks. The hound also has a loud bark and an excellent sense of smell. It is easy to train a pet; it is characterized by activity, attentiveness and patience. When kept in an apartment, you need to walk for a long time and give physical activity.

The Russian hound was bred to hunt small game, foxes, and has a good sense of smell, a loud bark and endurance. The value of this type of hound is that they are irrepressible, can chase a hare through the forest for hours, are aggressive and vicious towards their prey. The hound tolerates any climatic conditions and is not pretentious in matters of food and place of residence.

It is surprising that, despite the name “Russian hound”, the animals were brought into the country by the Tatar-Mongols, and previously the breed was called “eastern hound”.

The Russian piebald hound was bred in Russia to hunt hares, wolves and roe deer. The dog has a good sense of smell, innate instincts, and endurance. It can work in open spaces, in forests; most often they hunt in pairs. By nature, the hound is patient, kind, attached to the family, and gambling. Requires long training, obeys only a confident and persistent owner.

The Austrian Smooth-haired Hound originated in Austria but did not gain popularity outside its homeland. This pet performs well on rocky terrain, is distinguished by its agility, and stalks its prey for hours. It is especially good at hunting birds and small game. Can be kept in an apartment and is easy to train. Temperament is characterized by loyalty, peacefulness, restraint and ingenuity.

Ariege Hound (Ariegeois)

A small province in France is considered the birthplace of the Ariège hound. The animal can hunt for hours, chase its prey until it gets tired, and has a loud bark. The pet works on birds and hares and shows itself well in fields, in the thick of the forest and in rocky areas. The character is based on ingenuity, understanding, tolerance, liveliness and obedience. But the hound needs training, training and exercise.

Norwegian Hound (Dunker)

The Norwegian hound (Dunker) is a young breed from Norway that has just begun its development. The Dunker has a good sense of smell and eyesight, runs fast and has endurance. Tracks hares, foxes and other game. Works well in the forest, even during winter with heavy snow cover, and easily tolerates temperature changes. The character is based on friendliness, loyalty, activity and kindness, there is no aggression.

Spanish Hound (Sabueso Espanol)

The Spanish Hound (Sabueso Español) is considered a rare breed of Spanish dog that is used as a hunter, detective dog, and companion. The purpose is to search for small animals, they show good work in the forest and field, and when training - on rocks. The character is characterized by loyalty, balance, isolation, a tendency to learn, and patience. It is difficult to train and obeys only a confident owner.

It is also interesting that from Spanish “sabueso espanol” is literally translated as bloodhound. Therefore, the pet often acts as a detective for criminals or drugs.

Italian Hound (Segugio)

The Italian hound (segugio) is considered a rare dog originally from Italy, belongs to one of the ancient breeds, and laid the foundation for many other types of hounds. Segugio feels good on any terrain in different weather, and can catch up with both small and large animals. The pet is characterized by endurance, excitement and the use of innate instincts, uses loud barking. In relation to the family, the pet has a loyal, friendly and sociable character.

Griffon Nivernaise (boar hound)

The Nivernaise Griffon (boar hound) appeared in France, the second name is boar hound. It hunts large and small animals; there have been cases when the pet took part in the hunting of grizzlies and wolves. Feels good on rocks. The Griffon is characterized by activity, reliability, obedience, devotion, calmness and intelligence. But a dog cannot do without long walks and constant training.

Polish Hound (Polish Ogar)

The Polish hound (Polish ogar) is a breed originally from Poland, which was bred to hunt wild boars, foxes, and deer. It chases the victim by scent or blood trail, follows the animal for hours and even dodges attacks until the hunter comes. Features include an excellent sense of smell, a loud bark and the use of instinct. By temperament - sociable, friendly, loyal, easy to learn.

Serbian Hound (Balkan Hound)

The Serbian hound (Balkan hound) appeared in the Balkans through traders from Asia Minor, who brought and adapted the animal to local conditions. Since then, the breed has become a hunting breed, working on wild boar and deer in any terrain. It shows itself perfectly on rocks or in the thick of the forest, it pursues prey without stopping, uses its sense of smell and instincts, and notifies of its capture by barking and wagging its tail. The pet is easy to train, he is passionate, smart and fearless.

The Slovakian hound was bred to track animals and guard homes in Slovakia. Finds small and large game, feels normal in all weather conditions, best results when tracking in fields and on rocky terrain. Often used when catching game and foxes. To track, it uses its sense of smell and sharp eyesight; the pet is characterized by endurance and perseverance. In terms of behavior, the hound is peaceful, sociable, loyal to its owner, and savvy. Can be kept in an apartment, but requires a lot of walking.

Småland Hound (Smålandstövare)

The Småland hound (Smålandstövare) appeared in Sweden, is one of the most ancient species, and formed independently. The hound learns quickly, tolerates varied weather well and is hardy. Excellently tracks hare and fox in the thick of the forest, bushes, fields and mountains. The breed is characterized by love for children, gentleness, patience and devotion. The hunter's instinct is inherent from birth.

Few people know, but despite its small size, the Småland hound (Smålandstövare) has great energy and strength, so it is better not to keep it in an apartment. A dog cannot do without a long walk and space.

The Porcelain Hound or Noble Royal Hound is considered a rare species of hound that originated in France. It is best to hunt game and small animals, sometimes wild boars. Value is a loud bark, work in all weather conditions, excellent sense of smell, work in a company or alone. The pet is distinguished by persistence, playfulness, endurance, ingenuity, patience and obedience. When kept in an apartment, constant training and training will be required.

Finnish hound (suomenajokoira)

The Finnish hound (suomenajokoira) is a hunting breed native to Finland and Scandinavia. Previously, the breed began to be bred for tracking hares, foxes, raccoons, and moose. To track, it uses its sense of smell and sharp eyesight; it hunts even in the cold, but alone. It can move several kilometers away from its owner, chase prey for a long time, and notify about its presence by barking. The character is based on calmness, sociability, and endurance. But the animal cannot do without walks and exercise.

The Halden Hound is a small dog originally from Norway that works well in any conditions, even extreme ones. Can find wild boars, foxes and hares in forested and mountainous areas. Features are loud barking and endurance, continuous following of the victim. The hound is attached to the family, is distinguished by goodwill and contact, but the innate instinct of the hunter must be constantly realized.

The Hamilton Stevare is a hunting breed that originated in Sweden. Tracks small animals and foxes, works on any terrain. It uses its sense of smell and innate instincts to track; it can chase prey for hours and announces its presence by barking. The dog will be devoted to its owner, gets along easily in an apartment, learns quickly, loves children and has a peaceful character. Can be used as a watchman and companion.

Harrier (hare hound)

The Harrier (hare hound) originated in England and has many relatives among the English hounds. Hunts wild boars, foxes and game in forest and rocky areas. Features include scent, loud bark and endurance. The pet can be stubborn, so training and training must be carried out constantly. In a family, the dog loves its owner, is loyal and active.

The Swiss hound originated in Switzerland and has an ancient pedigree. Hunts wild boar, fox, hare and roe deer. The dog uses its own search style, scent and sense of smell, can travel long distances, and works best in fields and plains. The Swiss Hound is loyal, intelligent, intuitive and sociable.

An interesting fact is that the first images of the Swiss hound were found on frescoes from the time of the Roman Empire, although the first mention of the dog appeared only in the 17th century in France.

It was bred in England and can be used not only for hunting, but also as a companion. The pet is characterized by activity, great energy, and excitement when tracking. Works on small game in forested areas or on the plain. The peculiarity is an excellent sense of smell and flair. Its presence is indicated by barking. It is best to keep him outside the city, allow him to walk on his own, but train him.

The Beagle was bred in England to find burrowing animals and works in forests. He can also be a detective, a faithful companion. A distinctive feature is a good sense of smell, persistence and continuity in tracking the trail. The pet works in a temperate climate zone and needs training. This dog is stubborn, lively, agile, independent, and savvy.

The Blue Gascony Basset comes from the Blue Hound and originated in France. The pet is used when hunting rabbits and small animals. It is most indicative of itself in the fields, sometimes in forests. To search and drive, it uses scent, instincts and a loud bark. By nature, they are reserved, quiet and kind animals who love family. Gets along well in an apartment with other pets.

Swedish dachshund brakk (drever)

The Swedish dachshund Brack (Drever) is a breed of hounds originally from Switzerland, which were bred to corral foxes, large animals. The greatest results can be achieved in flat areas by working independently. It uses its sense of smell to search and has a loud bark. The pet is characterized by gambling, an endless supply of energy, and courage. But he will obey only a strict master.

The Alpine Dachshund Bracket hound dog breed was bred in Austria. It can hunt both large and small animals; the hunter's instinct is inherent from birth. They work in forests and on plains, find prey by scent or bloody tracks, pursue and notify the owner with a loud bark. In addition to ingenuity, fearlessness and devotion, the Brakk is characterized by aggression and disobedience. Therefore, the owner must be strict and education must be continuous.

Appeared in Croatia, one of the oldest dog breeds. Can be a hunter, friend, guard. Features include a keen sense of smell, innate instincts, courage and endurance during pursuit. Will track prey in the forest or on rocks, specializes in large game, feels good when paired with another Dalmatian. The dog is characterized by ingenuity, loyalty, kindness and quick learning.

Few people know that the first images of Dalmatians were found in excavations in Greece, which means that the breed appeared several thousand years ago.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (African Lion Hound)

The Rhodesian Ridgeback (African Lion Hound) originated in Rhodesia and is the only dog ​​recognized by all classifications as a hound. It can even hunt large animals and predators, easily tolerates different climates, and feels good on plains and fields. To search, it uses smell and instinct and continuously follows the trail; it can resist prey. This species is characterized by loyalty, independence, and obedience. Best kept outside the city.

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Brief description

  • Other names: Russian harlequin hound, Russian piebald hound, Gontchaja russkaja pegaja, English-Russian hound, piebald hound, piebald hound.
  • Height: up to 68 cm at the withers.
  • Weight: up to 30 kg.
  • Color: scarlet, shabby, gray and tan, large spills of white spots and specks are unacceptable, but small white markings are allowed.
  • Wool: short on the limbs, relatively long along the body, lying close to the body, the undercoat is thick, meek and dense.
  • Lifespan: up to 12 years old.
  • Advantages of the breed: dogs are considered unsurpassed assistants in hunting wild animals. The dogs are fearless, and in a pack they kill bears and wild boars. They are distinguished by their constant readiness to serve their owner.
  • Difficulties: The dog is reluctant to succumb to the general classical course of training, but, nevertheless, easily and quickly masters the skill of a hunter. Almost does not get along with other pets. Not recommended for inexperienced owners as a first dog.
  • Price: $200.

Origin story

The beginning of the existence of the Russian hound breed was laid at the very end of the 19th century. In 1895, representatives of the breed appeared, whose phenotype underlies modern dogs. Purposeful breeding of the breed began only with the advent of Soviet power, and at the same time the first standard of the Russian hound, dating back to 1925, was approved.

Data on dogs has been changed twice. Amendments were made in 1935, and the breed standard, finally supplemented and divided into types, was approved at the end of 1951.

Purpose of the breed

Distinguish two main types Russian hounds according to their working style:

  1. Dogs for hound hunting for red predator- fox, wolf. It is believed that Russian hounds perform this work better than greyhounds, since the dogs accompany the object with continuous barking, showing the hunter the direction of movement and the location of the animal.
  2. Dogs for gun hunting. Unlike canine hunting, gun hunting involves the help of only one dog, tracking, picking up and baiting the hunter with prey.

Dogs in both the first and second cases work perfectly and are still used for their intended purpose.


In the off-season, this classic hunter prefers a relaxing holiday with his family. The dog is relatively is loyal to all the inhabitants living under the same roof with him, but excesses are not excluded. The Russian Hound even expresses tolerance towards cats if they were raised next to her from puppyhood. Neighboring animals may be driven out of the dog’s territory in disgrace.

Representatives of the breed are not suitable for apartment living. Animals need space and constant movement. Without fulfilling their direct responsibilities, dogs may develop a feeling of inferiority or uselessness. Therefore, during walks, you need to let your pet run around as much as possible, simulating hunting games.

Video review of the breed

One of the oldest dog breeds is the Russian hound. Without them, Russian hound hunting is impossible. Planet of Dogs will tell you everything about these dogs:

Choosing a puppy

In acquiring a working category of Russian hound, the key point is the presence of a pedigree, where each breeding line is carefully verified. The quality characteristics of the purchased dog, its adequacy, character and ability to fulfill its purpose depend on this.

Signs of purebred:

  • dewclaws on the hind legs;
  • a large number of large white spots or frequent specks;
  • bright red-tan, marbling in tan, piebald or solid very dark color.

Hunters prefer take older puppies at the age of 5-8 months, when the main characteristics - character and type of behavior - are fully manifested. Replaced teeth complete the picture of the puppy’s suitability for work. When purchasing a dog, you should make sure that the teenager has everything that a puppy should have at this age.

When buying a puppy, you need to find out about the presence of ancestors who throw at livestock, or dogs that do not give a voice, unless, of course, the breeder answers the questions posed frankly.

Russian hound puppies are purchased either very small, one and a half to two months, or already grown up. When choosing, you should carefully observe the babies and choose the one whose instinct is very developed - he is the first to find the mother's nipples, and squeals more often than others.

When picking up a one-month-old puppy, you should get a full consultation from the breeder about raising the baby, as well as how to quickly teach the puppy to go to the toilet until he gets stronger.

It is not recommended a priori to purchase puppies from an eight-year-old female and older, since at this age Russian hounds produce rickety offspring.

Nicknames and names

A worthy dog ​​should have an appropriate name, reflecting the character and inner world of the pet. The Russian hound has a specific appearance and an active lifestyle, constantly on the move. A fairly thin dog with long legs, a sharp, elongated muzzle and special natural characteristics cannot have a boring, simple nickname.

Russian hounds are given short, succinct and sonorous names:

  • males– Brig, Dak, Kent, Last, Mat, Ost, Pete, Ram;
  • bitches– Ira, Dory, Liz, Pat, Lynx, Tiki, Una.

For the Russian hound care is quite simple, but very specific:

  1. Cleanliness of the place of detention, including the feeding point with constant disinfection.
  2. Daily examination of eyes, teeth, ears.
  3. Brush the coat weekly, and daily during shedding.

Healthy dogs have clean scleras and their eyes never water. If there are accumulations of secretions, you should contact your veterinarian. almost every day, since hounds suffer from ear diseases due to their professional activities.

Dogs are washed infrequently; bathing with shampoo is allowed once a month maximum. But after water treatments, swimming in a pond or at home, the ears should be thoroughly dried. The dental system is strong, but nevertheless requires a preventive examination by a veterinarian.

Paws require special care. Even after a walk, you should inspect the pads for splinters, cuts or cracks. The fur between the toes must be trimmed to prevent dirt or snow from getting between the paw pads, especially during the off-season.

Health and heredity

Two types of diseases are common among hounds: hereditary, genetically transmitted and acquired due to breed predisposition. To genetic hereditary diseases include:

  • Degenerative myelopathy is the loss of white matter in the spinal cord. There is no treatment.
  • hip joint, manifesting itself before the dog is 10 months old.

Russian hounds are considered fairly healthy dogs with strong immune systems, but some representatives of the breed are prone to developing:

  • myositis;
  • malignant hypertemia.

From an early age, symptoms of both hypo- and hyperthermia can be observed, so measuring the dog’s body is part of the mandatory daily monitoring of the pet’s health.

In shaping the body of an adopted puppy so that it grows up to be a healthy dog, a balanced diet is of no small importance. Therefore, it is very important at first to feed the baby what he ate in the nursery, and only after some time, carefully and slowly transfer him to a different type of feeding.

All breeders It is recommended to feed pets with ready-made industrial food. The Russian hound is ideally suited for TM Pro Plan food, specially designed for animals leading an active lifestyle. You should also not forget about water; dogs should have it in their bowl at all times.

In natural feeding, it is important to take into account the fact that Dogs are carnivores and need a lot of protein. Therefore, raw meat must be present in your pet’s diet along with a vitamin and mineral complex.

Education and training

Until the puppy is five months old, teams independently. From five months, the dog begins to be taught to wear a collar, accustomed to a leash and walking nearby so that the puppy does not pull or shy away from side to side. From the very beginning of the dog's appearance in the house, it is trained. If a grown-up individual is taken, a professional dog handler specializing in training hunting dogs should be involved in the training process.

Russian hounds reluctant to follow the training process, but as for professional skills, here dogs learn quickly and with pleasure. From ten months of age, hounds are trained for field hunting.

Before field training dogs must be fully socialized so that they are not afraid of loud trumpet sounds, cars and people. Therefore, from the age of six months, at the time of feeding, the puppy is accustomed to the sounds of the hunting horn, so that the dog is not afraid of sharp sounds and goes to the owner for a handout, as soon as he hears the call signs of the horns.

Advantages and disadvantages

Russian hounds are a specific breed of dog. This hardy animals endowed with a keen sense of smell, ingenuity and a high degree of malice. They have an expressive and quite musical voice, which makes them different from other hunting breeds.

The Gonchak is not a dog for everyone. It is strongly not recommended for a person who is unfamiliar with the upbringing of hunters, and especially for someone who is getting a dog for the first time, to purchase it.

Only an experienced dog breeder, who has repeatedly encountered raising dogs of hound breeds, can properly raise a pet.

Russian hounds are one of the most popular hunting breeds among Russian hounds. Such dogs are persistent and hardy, effective in hunting game, hares and foxes, and fearless (they can chase larger animals). They are characterized by such qualities as willpower, perseverance, even some desperation in the pursuit of the beast. At the same time, they are unpretentious in care and do not show aggression towards people.

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    History of the breed

    In historical sources, the Vizhlet was first mentioned in the 11th century: the animal is depicted on the frescoes of the Kiev-Sophia Monastery. But many scientists do not recognize this evidence of the existence of hounds in Rus', and consider the 15th century to be the starting point.

    It was then that the widespread introduction of hound hunting was observed. At that time, hound dogs were nicknamed “yappers” - for their piercing loud barking while catching an animal. It is not known for certain who the ancestor of the current Russian hounds is. According to some sources, they are considered to be the Tatar hound and the Medelyanka (a breed of hunting dogs that does not exist today). In 1730, under Peter I, during the royal hunt, the keeping of 128 Russian hounds was mentioned.

    The popularity of the breed led to the beginning of chaotic crossing, which greatly affected the appearance of the animals and their quality characteristics.

    Many researchers of the history of the breed note that various sources indicate very contradictory information about the appearance of dogs and suggest that until a certain point this term was used to designate most of the pets in Russia with similar characteristics and habits.

    Formally, the first breed standard was presented only in 1895. These dogs excelled in both single and group hunting and showed high endurance and stamina. Officially, the first standard was established in 1925. Dogs are in greatest demand in Russia and the CIS countries.

    Breed standard

    Dogs have a well-developed muscular frame, a strong and strong skeleton, a sinewy body, even a little dry. Males at the withers have a height of 55-68 cm, females - 55-65 cm. The weight of a pet with proper care and a sufficient level of daily activity does not exceed 30 kg.


    • wedge-shaped, oblong head shape;
    • elongated nose, even flair;
    • pigmented black nose and lips;
    • no sagging skin;
    • small, clearly defined, triangular ears, lying close to the head;
    • brown eyes, small;
    • strong and strong jaws.

    The average lifespan of an animal is 10-12 years. There are three classes of breed: pet (the lowest), breed and show. Show class is purchased, as a rule, for breeding or participation in exhibitions, since these are the closest specimens to the standard without impurities in the pedigree.

    Coat and colors

    The fur has different lengths depending on its location on the dog’s body: the paws, ears and head are covered with short hair, the rest of the body after the puppy molt is covered with longer hair.

    Puppies have a dark or light saddle color. With age, the pet becomes somewhat lighter. Sometimes there are small white or red spots.

    Pros and cons

    Positive and negative aspects of the breed:



    1. 1. Easily adapt to any changes: temperature, nutrition and lifestyle.
    2. 2. They do not require frequent bathing, haircuts, or combing.
    3. 3. They have an average level of shedding.
    4. 4. They do not require high social activity, but are effective in group hunting.
    5. 5. They are friendly not only with the owners, but also with strangers.
    6. 6. Have good health.
    7. 7. They show well-developed security qualities in relation to the protection of their home, owners, and property.
    8. 8. They are easy to train, educate and teach.
    9. 9. Have an above average level of intelligence.
    10. 10. Observant, hardy, able to go without food for a long time, keen sense of smell and vigilance
    1. 1. Despite their goodwill, they do not show much tenderness towards people.
    2. 2. The pet's daily activity level should be above average: frequent and long walks are required.
    3. 3. Animals are not suitable for apartment living: they react to noises made by neighbors and sounds from the street with a piercing, slightly screeching bark.
    4. 4. They show an average level of tolerance towards other pets, but it is better not to enter the neighbor’s pets into their territory.
    5. 5. They have high gaming activity

    Conditions of detention

    The Russian Hound is not an “apartment” dog, regardless of the size of the home. Due to the fact that the animal has a high level of daily activity, it needs a large space for play. The most appropriate way would be to keep your pet in a spacious enclosure with a booth.

    In addition, a daily long walk without a leash is required (at least 2-3 hours a day and only outside the city).

    Features of training

    Russian hounds are easy to train and train. You shouldn’t wait for your dog to grow up; you should start training by following basic commands.

    A special feature of training this breed will be training in non-aggressive behavior towards animals that are not the object of hunting, as well as eating only after an appropriate signal.

    With Russian hounds, it is better to refrain from using force and aggression during the training process - the animal is quite smart and observant, quickly grasps and remembers commands.

    It must be remembered that training must be carried out by one person who must demonstrate his dominant status.

    Hunting training

    Before you start training the animal, you need to prepare the dog:

    1. 1. Teach the simplest commands and come when the owner calls. To do this, during walks, if the dog does not come running when called, you should not approach it yourself. Even if it takes a whole hour.
    2. 2. Teach not to rush at other animals (not hunted): cats, chickens, geese. To do this, call the dog to you, put a leash on it and tell it that you can’t do that. As a punishment, it is enough to simply not let her off the leash anymore.
    3. 3. Get used to the hunting horn. Food training: do not allow the puppy to start eating food until he hears the sound of the horn.

    Do not use aggression or physical punishment. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting an individual that will run away at every opportunity. You should also remember to reward your pet for following commands.

    You can train from the age of 6 months, starting with familiarization with the area. For Russian hounds who can work both alone and in a group, it is better to conduct classes alternately: in pairs with an experienced hound and independently. At the same time, a seasoned hound should not be older than 6 years - their bark changes with age.

    From this age, you need to do regular walks through the forest, regardless of weather conditions.

    Organization of feeding

    One of the leading factors that plays an important role when choosing representatives of this particular breed is their unpretentiousness in nutrition. Many dog ​​breeders recommend preparing food for your pet yourself, but under no circumstances give food from the common table, small or tubular bones.

    The diet should include:

    • any cereals;
    • meat products (required);
    • offal;
    • fiber (vegetables);
    • cottage cheese;
    • beans.

    From 8 months you can switch to feeding once a day; until this age it is better to feed 2-3 times.


    Russian hounds do not require specialized care. It is enough to bathe and wash the dog 2 times a year, no more than once every 3 months.

    During the molting period, it is necessary to comb the coat daily using a rubber mitten or a special brush that does not injure the skin. In the winter-spring period, it is advisable to give vitamins - on the recommendation of a veterinarian. It is also necessary to ensure that the animal is regularly vaccinated.

    If the dog walks on asphalt every day, trimming its nails is not necessary, as they will wear down. If this is not possible, you need to trim the claws yourself using a nail clipper.

    After long walks, it is worth examining the animal for injuries and cuts on the paws, and in the spring-summer period for ticks.

    The most common diseases in this breed:

    • paralysis of the hind limbs in old age associated with a disease of the spinal cord (the genitourinary system also suffers);
    • conjunctivitis;
    • inflammation of the muscles of the back, neck and thigh;
    • hip dysplasia.

    How to get a pet

    The first thing you need to do before choosing a puppy is to decide on the purpose: what the dog is needed for. If a person is an amateur hunter, pet-class and breed-class dogs are suitable: they have the most optimal combination of quality characteristics and price.

    If you plan to engage in breeding, then it is worth purchasing a show-class dog: their price is high, they require careful supervision and care in order to be competitive. You need to purchase an animal only from official breeders or nurseries with the appropriate certification.

    How to choose the right pet:

    1. 1. Do not buy an animal that is less than one month old: before this time, any shortcomings will not yet appear.
    2. 2. When purchasing, pay attention to the muzzle: it should not be overly elongated or, conversely, flattened and square. The bite should be scissor-shaped.
    3. 3. Examine the eyes: they should be brown and almond-shaped. Any other options are a deviation from the standard.

    To determine a good sense of smell, you need to examine the nose - it should be black, without inclusions or spots.

is a breed that was bred many centuries ago, but not much information about it has been preserved in the archives.

Some information has survived to this day from the 19th century, but all documentary data is very vague, and the illustrations often look quite fantastic. For example, on one of the frescoes of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, built in the 11th century, three dogs are depicted: one rushes at a wild boar, the second, similar to modern huskies, looks at a squirrel in a tree. The third dog is chasing a deer and clearly illustrates the fact that even then hunting with Russian hounds existed; it is the dog that is outwardly similar to the modern breed of hounds.

And also to the fox and other forest animals, most likely, it began to spread widely after the Tatar yoke. Then many Slavs borrowed from the Tatars the tradition of hunting with dogs. Hunt a boar with a hound, judging by historical documents, they also tried and were quite successful. But more often the object of the hunt was a fur-bearing animal and especially the fox, which was most often hunted with such dogs.

The first documentary mentions of this breed are found in the publication of V. Levshin in 1815. In his “Book for Hunters” he wrote that three types of hound dogs were known in Russia:

  1. The first ones had thick hair and thick drooping tails, folded ears, medium size, and they were called Kostroma hounds.
  2. Others called Courland hounds, which were distinguished by thicker fur, a hairier muzzle, and shorter stature.
  3. The third breed, described in Levshin’s book, was called loshaya, since it was with it that they hunted elk and deer. These hounds were long-haired, larger than the previous two, had pointed ears and a large head. Losy dogs were also called Streltsy hunting dogs.

Later, in 1843, in a journal, he described that hound dogs, also known as “Kostroma hunting dogs,” originated from dogs imported from England that belonged to landowners who loved to hunt foxes.

Then in 1845, in one of the magazines of that time, a version of Khomyakov appeared, who insisted that the breed of Russian hounds had existed for about 40 years, and it was bred by the Tatar people. According to this article, it is believed that the ancestor of these dogs was the gray and tan Siberian hound.

Modern breed standard

Modern standard of the Russian hound, which was last updated in 1925 and then in 1966, has the following data:

  1. The appearance of the Russian hound resembles a wolf, holds his head low, which makes him different from other dogs.
  2. Above average height, strong body.
  3. The withers for males are 58-68 cm, for females - 55-66 cm.
  4. The body length of males is 105 cm, females - 107 cm.
  5. Balanced, calm.
  6. When hunting an animal, they switch to a gallop or wide trot.
  7. The color can be: saddleback, crimson, grayish with tan. Tan areas are yellowish or whitish. Light spots are allowed in the chest area or on the legs.
  8. The coat is short, slightly elongated only in the area of ​​the scruff, neck, and tail. The undercoat is soft and of good density.
  9. Russian hounds are muscular, dry, with wide bones. The girth of the pastern of the vizhlovs is 14 cm, the girth of the vizhlovs is up to 12.5 cm.
  10. They have a dry, wedge-shaped head, proportional to the body. The skull is oblong, flat on top. Hounds have wide noses, slightly protruding forward. There are no drooping jowls on the lips; the jaws are tightly covered with dark lips.
  11. Has small floppy ears, thin, triangle-shaped, fit snugly to the head.
  12. Eye color: always brown, small size, slanting eyelid, dark.
  13. The bite is correct, scissor-shaped, teeth - developed.
  14. Has a muscular neck, the length of which is equal to the length of the skull.
  15. The chest is quite wide.
  16. The withers protrude noticeably above the back.
  17. The hound has a straight, broad and muscular back.
  18. The tucked belly is beautifully tucked.
  19. The forelimbs are muscular and dry, the rear ones too.
  20. The shape of the tail is thick at the base and tapers towards the tip.

The main task of dog handlers these days is- do not deviate from the developed standard. These hunting dogs have almost lost their characteristic appearance. Therefore, if careful culling is not allowed both among females and among males, then there may simply not be a full-fledged Russian hound left, and in dog breeding there will be strong mixing within this breed.

In special Russian hound nurseries, males and females are carefully selected, which allows for the preservation and development of the breed. Thanks to the work of such kennels, the sonorous voices of hounds of the Russian breed will accompany hunters for many centuries to come. After all, this dog is perfect for hunting in our forests; you can go after a fox, a hare, and a deer with it.

Features and advantages of the breed

Sensitive noses, speed and ringing voices of hounds- these are the factors that distinguish this breed from many others. These hunting dogs have good health, are not afraid of heat or frost, they have well-developed bones, and they move very quickly. The voices of hounds are loud, so when they drive an animal, they can be heard at a great distance.

Males are primarily used in hunting large predators, while females and young puppies are often used to hunt foxes and hares. In any case, hounds are hunting dogs with an excellent sense of smell; they are able to find prey even in difficult places.

How to choose names for hounds

Even Russian landowners and hunting enthusiasts of past centuries paid special attention to hound dog names from their packs. The names for boys and girls were chosen sonorous and mostly short.

Of course, any name the owner likes can suit a hound dog, but it is worth remembering that in a year he will grow up from funny lop-eared boys or mischievous girls. big strong and muscular beast, so it’s better to avoid overly gentle names for pets. Anyway, hounds' nicknames need to be sonorous so that the name is easy and clear, so that the dog can hear it at a great distance. Such a nickname guarantees the owner complete mutual understanding and coordination of actions with his pet during the hunt.

Many follow the traditions and fashion of Tsarist Russia, choosing a name among the popular nicknames of those years. The hound bitches and dogs were called: Pulka, Raise, Yula, Bushuei, Screamer, Faithful, Zador, Zvonok, Shooter, Storm.

The names of hound dogs can refer to four areas:

  1. Considered atypical nicknames of lop-eared hounds for boys and girls who are not related to this breed (John, Jack, Bucks, Gina).
  2. Nicknames that characterize the voice of a hound(Bell, Screamer, Bass, Flute)
  3. Names, describing dogs at work(Runner, Drive, Miner)
  4. Nicknames, describing manner pursuit of prey by a dog and the peculiarities of its behavior at this moment (Cry, Song, Whistle, Noise).

Characteristics of the Russian hound

This is a very calm and friendly dog ​​breed. For many centuries, hounds have existed near humans and interact well with them. They consider man to be the leader of their dog pack and appreciate his love and attention, responding to him with devotion. Hounds have strong nerves and can be vicious hunting dogs, but at the same time affectionate puppies at home, never showing aggression towards the owner or members of his family. Hounds will get along well with a child and will never offend him.

Hunter's Instinct- an integral part of dogs of this breed, so walking should be long and exhausting, mainly on a long leash. Small breeds of dogs and cats will seem like game, so cases of aggressive behavior of the hound towards such animals cannot be ruled out.

Hounds are easy to train, but the owner must always remain the leader of this owner/pet pair. Once authority is lost, it will be very difficult to restore it.

One of the disadvantages of the breed is its weak guard function.. Over its centuries-old history, the hound has become accustomed to trusting a person, and it is difficult for it to believe that he, entering an apartment in the absence of the owner, could commit evil. It is useless to keep such a dog on a chain, and it is absolutely wrong.

If the owner is far from hunting, then it is better not to choose a Russian hound puppy as a pet. It is too active and noisy for permanent living in an apartment. As a rule, the Russian hound is chosen exclusively by hunters, because It is on the hunt that she shows her talent and excellent skills in all its glory.

Video - about joha with hounds in severe frost