Mines in mad max. Mad Max how to defuse mines

Traveling through the wasteland of the Mad Max game is fraught with many dangers and unpleasant surprises. The main obstacles that inopportunely appear on your way will be mined fields. And in order to protect your travel, it would be better to immediately neutralize this threat. This small guide will tell you how to find and defuse minefields in Mad Max.

What will you need?

Before you start searching for mined objects, you will need a Buggy. This car is simply made for fast trips across the wasteland. With its help you can easily and quickly find all the minefields in Mad Max. But finding these objects does not mean neutralizing the threat, because they still need to be cleared. In order for this task to be successful, you need to take your dog Dinky Dee with you. After all, only this four-legged friend will help you safely clear minefields in Mad Max. In any other case, neutralization will end with the destruction of transport and, accordingly, lengthy repairs.

Where can I get a dog and a car?

Both the dog and the Buggy will be given to you after completing an additional task from the Tin Man, which will become available when completing the “Wasteland Classics” quest. Having received a quest from Jeet, who requires us to bring something useful for his fortress, we receive a request to find a dog named Dinky-Dee. This task will be quite easy to complete - just go to the Tin Man's former hideout using fast travel.

You will not encounter any enemies inside the location, but you will find a safe and sound Buggy and a living dog. All that remains is to carry the dog into the car, get behind the wheel and return to Jit. On site you will need to construct a special place for Dinky Dee. This can be done using a barrel lying nearby. After this, you will acquire a new four-legged friend and a car that will help identify and neutralize dangerous places in the wasteland. Our guide will tell you how to do this in the next block.

How to defuse minefields in Mad Max?

Finding these dangerous areas is not that difficult. It’s enough to ride around the wasteland and observe the dog’s behavior. As soon as you hear Dinky Dee bark, slow down the car and look in which direction the dog is facing - his head will always be turned towards the minefields in Mad Max. Now you need to slowly and carefully move towards the dangerous area, listening to the dog barking. The closer you are to the mine, the louder the dog will express concern. At a certain point, the danger will be indicated by a red icon.

As soon as this happens, get out of the car and carefully walk towards the mine, then defuse the charge. This will be easy to do - just follow the game instructions. After watching the video in which your hero will neutralize the charge, follow the icon on the map - it will indicate how many dangerous places remain on this field. All that remains is to carefully drive around the surrounding area and clear the remaining area of ​​mines. After that, you can go in search of new adventures, which are plenty in the Mad Max wasteland. The game, which has minefields in many corners of the map, is a great way to have fun.

Traveling through the wasteland of the Mad Max game is fraught with many dangers and unpleasant surprises. The main obstacles that inopportunely appear on your way will be mined fields. And in order to protect your travel, it would be better to immediately neutralize this threat. This small guide will tell you how to find and neutralize in Mad Max.

What will you need?

Before you start searching for mined objects, you will need a Buggy. This car is simply made for fast trips across the wasteland. With its help you can easily and quickly find all the minefields in Mad Max. But finding these objects does not mean neutralizing the threat, because they still need to be cleared. In order for this task to be successful, you need to take your dog Dinky Dee with you. After all, only this four-legged friend will help you safely clear minefields in Mad Max. In any other case, neutralization will end with the destruction of transport and, accordingly, lengthy repairs.

Where can I get a dog and a car?

Both the dog and the Buggy will be given to you after completing an additional task from the Tin Man, which will become available when completing the “Wasteland Classics” quest. Having received a quest from Jeet, who requires us to bring something useful for his fortress, we receive a request to find a dog named Dinky-Dee. This task will be quite easy to complete - just go to the Tin Man's former hideout using fast travel.

You will not encounter any enemies inside the location, but you will find a safe and sound Buggy and a living dog. All that remains is to carry the dog into the car, get behind the wheel and return to Jit. On site you will need to construct a special place for Dinky Dee. This can be done using a barrel lying nearby. After this, you will acquire a new four-legged friend and a car that will help identify and neutralize dangerous places in the wasteland. Our guide will tell you how to do this in the next block.

How to defuse minefields in Mad Max?

Finding these dangerous areas is not that difficult. It’s enough to ride around the wasteland and observe the dog’s behavior. As soon as you hear Dinky Dee bark, slow down the car and look in which direction the dog is facing - his head will always be turned towards the minefields in Mad Max. Now you need to slowly and carefully move towards the dangerous area, listening to the dog barking. The closer you are to the mine, the louder the dog will express concern. At a certain point, the danger will be indicated by a red icon.

As soon as this happens, get out of the car and carefully walk towards the mine, then defuse the charge. This will be easy to do - just follow the game instructions. After watching the video in which your hero will neutralize the charge, follow the icon on the map - it will indicate how many dangerous places remain on this field. All that remains is to carefully drive around the surrounding area and clear the remaining area of ​​mines. After that, you can go in search of new adventures, which are plenty in the Mad Max wasteland. The game, in which minefields are found in many corners of the map, is a great way to have fun.

Minefield- a small area with several explosive charges hidden underground.

Minefield cannot be seen from the vantage point. The location of the minefield is revealed only upon his direct visit - Max needs to be near it.

When searching minefields it would be wise to use Tinman Buggy and a dog Dinky Dee , which you meet at the very beginning of the game. The dog is able to smell minefields from afar.

Driving around Buggy , you will be able to find minefields from a longer distance. Buggy becomes available after execution Wasteland Quests called Dinky Dee.

How to find minefields

Driving through the deserts Buggy , carefully observe the behavior Dinky Dee . Animal smelling minefield , will start barking and turn its head towards the threat.

Drive in the direction indicated by the dog. Once you get close enough to minefield , a characteristic red circle icon will appear on the map.

Remember what to discover minefield you might as well if you accidentally run over it in a regular car.

How to defuse a minefield

Dog Dinky Dee - a key element in mine clearance.

After finding minefield , Dinky Dee can determine the exact location of the charges placed on it. When near a minefield, the dog will continue to bark and turn its head in the direction of the mine.

On the territory minefield You should be careful - move very slowly. When you get within a few meters of a mine, bark Dinky Dee will change and a red icon will appear above the found mine.

Please note that it is safe to disarm minefield without exploding the mines on it, it is only possible with the help of a dog.

As soon as all the placed charges are on minefield will be neutralized, the minefield icon will disappear from the map, the threat level of the Blemish in the territory will decrease and you will receive a corresponding message.

The question How to defuse mines in Mad Max is often found among gamers and is quite popular among beginners who are playing Mad Max for the first time. First of all, to defuse mines, you will need a Tinman Buggy car and a dog named Dinky-Dee, who will show us the exact location of the charges in the minefield. After you get into the buggy, you need to select a minefield on the map and go searching. Moving to the selected point, it is necessary to observe the behavior of the dog Dinky, since when a mine approaches, the dog begins to bark, while turning towards the mine, thereby indicating the exact location.

Having approached a safe distance, you need to get out of the car and, slowly, head to the place indicated by a special icon. Having come close to the mine, you will only have to disarm it while holding down the "E" key.

Please note:

  • It is possible to defuse mines without detonating more than one charge only with the help of a dog.
  • After you clear all existing mines, the minefield sign will disappear from the general map, while the threat level in the location will be reduced and Max will receive a notification about this.

Video demonstrating the search and clearance of a mine:

We hope we helped answer the question How to defuse mines in Mad Max, good luck! And remember, the sapper makes only one mistake!

Walkthrough Mad Max

Quest giver: Jit, after the additional mission "Thirst for Gunpowder".

When we bring the slave Zapal to the fortress, Jit will instruct us to obtain the ingredients for making gunpowder. You need to examine 3 points in different western regions. 1) Just a place of battle with corpses, we go to the center, shoot from a signal pistol to mark the point. 2) An enemy gang will be there, we fight. 3) We find a sulfur crater in the westernmost area.

Reward: Arsenal in the Bruhorez fortress.

Mad Max. Wasteland Quest

Quest giver: Nadezhda - imprisoned in the Bryukhorez fortress, after mission 6 "Die Hard".

Having destroyed the “Maw” gate, we will be able to travel to the northern regions. We find the marked northern tunnels and go there. There are a lot of containers and knee-deep water inside. On the left there is a dead end with bandits, there we will find 3 crowbars and Particularly valuable car, we'll take her to the fortress on the way back.

In the main tunnel on the right, we grab the door of the middle container and rip it out. We pass through the thorns on foot. We fight with enemies, collect scrap. At the end of the tank, we go around it on the right side, inside we will find an improvement.

Reward: improvement of the "Maximum Magazine" sniper rifle.

Mad Max. Ironclad Faith

Quest giver: Gluten cutter, after story mission 6 "Die Hard".

The belly cutter needs a lot of high-quality steel to cover his ark; he will ask us to get us a subway car from the eastern tunnels. We go there, to the right of the sewer we will find the entrance to the cave, at the entrance there is a crowbar (1). We unlock the grille from the inside, after which we can drive in the car.

We go around the mines inside. We grab it with a hook and tear out the gate. In the spacious tunnel we collect scrap (2,3,4). There is a container on the way, we open it with a nail puller (we buy it in the Max menu in tools), there is an enemy inside. There is a crowbar on the side (5). We drive further through the container.

Take the crowbar (6) near the grates. Let's find a blue carriage and push it along the rails with the car. We fight off the enemies, collect scrap on the sides (7,8). There is a gate ahead, pull it out with a hook. On the left there is an inclined car, under it there is a crowbar (9), we go along the car, at the top we will find a crowbar (10).

We go to the surface. To the right lies the last crowbar (11/11). We push the car off the cliff and fall ourselves. At the crash site, we use a flare gun to mark the spot.

Reward: Access to the Brawl armor.

Quest giver: Red Eye, after story mission 8 “Plumes of Smoke”.

Little Red Eye wants to build a landship and cross the desert. To build a sail, she asks to get a large advertising banner from the enemy camp.

Scourge of the Tyrant(leader's camp, difficulty 5/5)

Target: Hog-Cutter. Secrets: 1 relic, 4 emblems, 12 scrap.

We enter the yard, take the crowbar (1). Having killed the opponents, we blow up the door with a canister. We climb onto the balcony, there is a crowbar (2). Upstairs in the window we shoot at the emblem (1), next to the bed there is a crowbar (3).

There's a flamethrower on the right, so first we go left and kick down the door. On the way there is an inconspicuous container door in the corner, break it open, there is a crowbar inside (4). Upstairs on the balcony there is an emblem (2), a relic, a crowbar (5). Having turned off the flamethrower, we go along the corridor on the right, collecting scrap along the way (6,7).

We go down to the basement. On the right we break open the cage with a nail puller, inside there is an emblem (3). We knock out the door with our foot, collect the crowbar on the left (8). We blow up the door and go out into the open area.

Boss: Hog-Cutter. He hits with a large piece of reinforcement and it is not always possible to dodge. We move away from him so that he can carry out a running attack, we dodge, we hit him from behind until he can’t catch his breath. Having delivered 4-5 blows, we move back and repeat the actions.

In the room below on the left we take the crowbar (9,10,11). We go up one floor, there is a crowbar (12), an emblem (4). On the upper platform there is a cable leading to the neighboring building, we slide down there.

Inside the dome we fight with three bandits and collect scrap. The required sail hangs from the ceiling. We climb onto the roof along the yellow stairs and shoot from the signal pistol.

Reward. You need to manually return to Red Eye for your reward. She will give us relic of the past- a photo showing a car shop, where we can find a cache of tires. You need to find this place yourself. The store building is no longer there, only a pole with a “24” sign remains. The desired location is located on the highway, on the border of the western regions of the Highlands and Plateau. After examining this basement, we will find an improvement Racing tires.

Mad Max Tips

Quest giver: Jeet, after story mission 8 "Plumes of Smoke".

Jit decided to open a new trade route, for this he needed to destroy the wall on the border of the regions.

First we need to steal a fuel tanker from a nearby enemy convoy. We can blow up the rest of the cars, but not necessarily. In a fuel tanker, we aim at the driver with a shotgun or harpoon, then we sit in his place and take the car to the fortress.

Inside we talk with Jeet, with Fuse, and get into the fuel tanker with explosives. We drive to the wall, leave the car inside the tunnel, and run further away. After the explosion, a new path will open to the empty Dunes region.

Reward: Arsenal in the Krasnoglazki fortress and Deep Fryer.

Mad Max 2015. Walkthrough

Quest giver: Gluten cutter, after story mission 8 "Plumes of Smoke".

The Gluttongue wants to obtain the sign of the "water god" to boost the morale of his people. We go to the southern entrance to the sewer, we will see the necessary advertising sign, but we cannot enter from this side.

We are coming from another region on the northern side. In the ruins we will find a sheet of metal, we hook it with a harpoon, move it, and under it is the entrance to the dungeon. Below we take the crowbar (1). We go out into a wide tunnel, bandits live there, kill the first batch, take the crowbar (2,3,4,5). At the dead end on the left ahead you can go down into a pool of water, there is a crowbar (6,7).

We go further along the main tunnel on the left. We kill a few more enemies, in two lowlands we will find a crowbar (8,9). We go to the exit, behind the last wall there is a crowbar (10/10). We unlock the grate from the inside, throw out the sign with the crab, and shoot from the signal pistol.

Reward: 200 scrap metal.

Mad Max. Walkthrough

Quest giver: Red Eye, after additional. mission "In due time".

Red Eye instructs us to find a storage room with canned food. We're leaving. In the "Dunes" location we mark the 1st point with a landmark, then the 2nd. We go to the southern hill, from there we look through binoculars. In the center between two points we will find the right place - the dome of the church sticking out of the sand.

We arrive and go down to the underground church. In the large hall we collect scrap (1-7), at the altar in the center there is a relic (1/1). We go down the spiral staircase and take the crowbar (8,9). There is a blockage of furniture on the way, take a canister nearby. We blow up the rubble.

At the dead end on the right we take the crowbar (10,11). On the left there is a staircase even lower, take the canister with us, go down, blow up the second blockage. Let's find a warehouse with supplies, on the left and right in the chests there is the last crowbar (12,13).

We leave the church; on the way back we will be attacked by underground bandits. Having reached the surface, we shoot from a signal pistol.

Reward: Maggot farm in the Krasnoglazki fortress.

Mad Max Walkthrough

Quest giver: Tinsmith, when we arrive at the Temple of Deep Fryer.

The tinsmith was one of the mechanics in the temple, he was executed and managed to escape. He will tell you that he previously hid parts here to create a new machine. Now they can be found and collected.

We go west from Gastown, there we will find a rupture in the pipe. We hook the fence with a harpoon and move it away. We enter the pipe and go down it to the Tin Man's hiding place. In the lair there are 8 scrap, 1 relic, everything is collected along the way in the long corridor. We meet enemies at a dead end and kill them. We take the key and go to the surface.

Reward: improvement "Holy Key" (+30% repair speed).

Quest giver: Deep fryer when we enter his temple in Gastown.

The local fire priest will tell you that the main gas pipe has stopped working, you need to get inside and find the cause of the breakdown. We go to Gastown, in the city we go into the corridor on the right.

In the slums along the way we collect scrap (1-4). We pass by working people in the lowlands. In the next corridor there is a relic (1/2) on the corner. We climb into the opening between the houses and take the crowbar (5). There are two fire streams on the way, we turn them off with valves. Take the crowbar (6).

We unlock two massive doors with valves and enter pipes with poisonous gas. Here you need to close 3 valves in different corridors. Along the way we collect scrap (7,8,9). After this, the fire in the lower central tunnel will turn off, we can go outside.

Reward: Terror Thunder upgrade.

Mad Max. Walkthrough

Quest giver: Deep frying, after the additional task “No smoke without fire.”

Deepther guessed that the pipe was blocked by his student the Architect. The student betrayed him, stole the ignition torch, and took part of the cult's followers with him. To the right of the altar we examine the symbols left by the Architect. Deep-fryer will translate them and tell them that they need to look for the traitor in the Ash Hills, but only at night.

Having waited until nightfall, we arrive at the marked hill and look through binoculars. On the western side we will see the flame of a gas pipe, we go there. In the long gorge they will throw fire bottles at us. We go into the camp, kill the first group of enemies, collect scrap (1-4).

Boss: Architect. Let's go out onto the platform with a gas burner and fight the sectarians. If you kill all the regular enemies, the boss will summon new ones, so we leave only one and take on the boss. The Architect strikes with a heavy fiery mace. We run away from him, provoking a ramming attack, dodge, and hit him from behind. Repeat until victory. We collect the remaining scrap (5-8). We shoot from a signal pistol.

Reward: improved exhaust pipes.

Mad Max

Quest giver: Nadezhda, captive in Gastown.

The girl will tell you about the tomb of the warrior who had him as a slave. Inside the tomb you can find his combat vehicle. We go to the indicated point - in the southwestern corner of the map. At the entrance, we hook a metal sheet with a harpoon, move it aside, and go inside.

In the cave we will see a car under a canopy, but you can’t get in yet. At the entrance we will find a crowbar (1). In the room ahead, the remaining secrets are crowbar (2,3,4). We take any canister and go refuel the car. We sit down, break through all the obstacles on the way, and go outside. We reach the nearest fortress.

Reward: Crazy Chariot car.

Quest giver: Red Eye, after story mission 9 “Dance with Death”.

If you have completed Red Eyes' two previous quests, she will now be ready to travel through the wasteland. All that remains is to take the building materials to the edge of the desert to a safe place. This task is entrusted to us.

We get behind the wheel of a big truck. On it we need to drive through the “Maw” gate. Near the gate we will be attacked by 4 cars. We only have a shotgun as a weapon, so we shoot accurately at the gas tanks. The main problem is the car with a flamethrower that will drive in front of us. We shoot at the small tank in the back to stop the fire, or we deviate to the side and aim at the driver.

Then we go to the western border of the region. We are attacked by another flamethrower and a truck with soldiers who will jump onto our car. It is better to immediately push the truck with a side ram. On the shore, Red Eyes' people will pack up the ship and sail away. We can collect the remaining scrap on the pier.

Reward: Transport for transporting the vessel.

Mad Max. Beat To Quarter

Quest giver: Gluten cutter, after story mission 10 “The Sniffer’s Duty.”

Reward: another upgrade.

In the Bruhorez fortress we learn that they are going to storm it. Inside the fortress on the second floor, we approach the window, talk to the scout, he will tell you that the enemies are planning to blow up the gate with fuel tankers.

We head outside. The 1st convoy will leave from the east. There is little time, so it is better not to pay attention to the security vehicles; we immediately ram and fire at the fuel tanker. The game will prompt you to install a ram grille on the hood for this. The 2nd convoy is coming from the west, we ram the second fuel tanker.

Reward: "Double Impact" Ram Grid.

Tips for Mad Max. Rustle Dazzle

Quest giver: Screamer, after story mission 11 "Immortal Enemy".

Screamer wants to steal a special car with loudspeakers from his colleague Raven. This car is stored in the Crow parking lot, but only at night. We wait for the right time and steal the truck. They will start following us and setting up roadblocks. We dodge all attacks and reach Gastown.

Reward: Raven's Machine.

Mad Max Walkthrough

Quest giver: Nadezhda in the Temple of Deep Fryer, after story mission 11 “Immortal Enemy”.

Nadezhda will tell you about the hiding place in the dunes. We go to the marked place, we will find a hatch underground. We pass through the covered carriages. We collect scrap metal at the metro station. You can climb onto the carriage ahead and break open the top hatch. In the side left car we will find the necessary improvement. We get back to the surface.

Reward: Improvement "Championship".

Cleaning up regions

To complete the game 100%, in addition to missions, you also need to clear all regions of enemies. To do this you need to destroy and complete: Camps, Scarecrows, Snipers, Convoys, Minefields. Tips - Feats, Balloons, Death Races.

Enemy camps pose a particular challenge. They come in 4 types (pumps, warehouse, fighters, boss), each with its own difficulty level. They are indicated on the map by hexagonal icons. Below are detailed instructions for clearing camps.

Camp selection menu:

Mad Max Regions Map

1. Regions of Jita

Lighthouse Plains - Nora(camp with oil pumps, difficulty 1/5).

Secrets: 3 emblems, 7 scrap, 1 “Oil tank” part.

At the entrance there is a sniper, a flamethrower, a gate. In the courtyard we go up to the platform, at the top there is a crowbar (1), an emblem (1). There is a crowbar on the side under the canopy (2,3). We knock down the door. First, we go up the stairs, at the top there is an emblem (2) on the board. We slide down the rope, and at the top of the container we take detail, crowbar (4).

We knock out the door to the cave with an explosion, there is a crowbar inside (5). We pass through the narrow opening, on the fenced balcony we will find a crowbar (6), emblem (3). In the cave we go down to the lowland, in the side room we take a crowbar (7) and a canister. We blow up the pump in the center.

Lighthouse Plains - Sieve

Goal: 6 tanks. Secrets: 3 emblems, 11 scrap, 1 “Scouts” part.

The gate is difficult to break into, it is better to enter to the right of it through a gap in the wall. We destroy the first enemies. There is a crowbar in the side tent (1). We walk along the side platform near the cliff, there is an emblem (1) hanging at the top in front. On the left we enter the tunnel, climb up, there is an emblem (2) inside the building, detail. We go out onto the balcony, at the end of the board over the abyss there is a crowbar (2), we destroy the tanks on the side.

We go out into the large arena with the loudmouth. There are tanks ahead, just above 2 cranes with loads. We collect scrap on the balconies (3,4,5,6). We break open the door with a nail puller, inside there is a crowbar (7,8), an emblem (3). We go down to another basement, there is the last tank. There is a crowbar on the table in the room (9). On the balconies we go down to a separate area on the side, there is a crowbar (10,11).

Beacon Plains - Draga(fuel transfer point, difficulty 1/5).

Goal: 10 tanks. Secrets: 3 emblems, 9 scrap, 1 “Oil tank” part.

At the starting area there is a crowbar (1,2). There is an emblem (1) on the grille in the corner. We climb to the top level, set it on fire from there and throw away the cans of gasoline. There is a crowbar in the underground passage (3), detail. In the second yard there is a stand with boom sticks. There is an emblem on the container (2). There is a crowbar (4) on the corner balcony with sun loungers. Further up we collect scrap (5,6,7). In the basement we unlock the chest, inside there is a crowbar (8). We unlock the steel doors, behind them there is a crowbar (9), an emblem (3).

Diesel cores - Pipeline

Secrets: 1 relic, 4 emblems, 10 scrap.

There are enemies on the starting area, there is a crowbar (1,2) in the room on the right. A little further in the room with an opening to the street there is a crowbar (3). We pass along the second floor, emblem (1), knock out the door, behind the bridge there is a crowbar (4.5), a relic.

We blow up the door. On the next platform you can unlock the hatch to the basement, through it we go to the balcony, there is an emblem (2). We return, on the platform on the side you can break open the door of the container, there is a crowbar inside (6).

We go down to the platform with the pumps. In the side room there is a crowbar (7,8). Behind the doors in the warehouse of empty canisters there is a crowbar (9), an emblem (3). We go up the other stairs, there is a crowbar (10/10).

The last emblem is not visible from the camp, we go outside, look at the top of the container from the north side, shoot at the emblem (4).

Diesel Veins - Black Sands(camp with oil pumps, difficulty 2/5).

Secrets: 1 relic, 3 emblems, 6 scrap.

The ship in the sand is guarded by a sniper and three towers. The gate can only be knocked out with a grenade launcher. There is a group of enemies at the entrance. We knock out the door, there is a crowbar on the bow of the ship (1), next to it there is an emblem (1) hanging behind the bars. We jump to the northern platform and kill the enemies. On the eastern side there is a crowbar (2), on the tail of the ship there is an emblem (2) hanging at the top.

We knock out the door, go down inside the ship, take the crowbar (3). We go down below, there is a crowbar under the stairs (4). We break open all the side doors with a nail puller, in the room with corpses there is an emblem (3) hanging above the front door, in the other room there is a crowbar (5), a relic. We go into the next corridor, break open the door, in the last open room there is a crowbar (6). In another room we blow up the pump.

Sukhovey - Battleship

Secrets: 4 emblems, 6 scrap, 1 “Scouts” part.

There are 6 fighters on the first platform. We break open the door with our foot, behind it is the emblem (1). We break open the door with a nail puller, there is a crowbar inside (1,2). We go forward, there is another door, there is a crowbar inside (3). On the central building with multi-colored spots at the top hangs an emblem (2).

We climb to the upper observation deck, there is a crowbar (4). From the side we go down to the balcony above the abyss, break open two doors, take the crowbar (5). We climb up to the eastern platform, there is an emblem in the room (3), detail. Inside the southern room there is a crowbar (6), emblem (4).

Sukhovey - Ruin(fuel transfer point, difficulty 2/5).

Secrets: 1 relic, 4 emblems, 7 scrap.

At the entrance there is an emblem (1). We pass through the ship into the courtyard. There is an emblem (2) hanging on top of the vertical ship. In the side room there is a crowbar (1). We climb up and kill a group of enemies. In the room behind the bars there is a scrap (2,3), a relic. We go up the stairs in the center of the courtyard, at the top is the emblem (3). We break open the door with a nail puller, there is a crowbar inside (4.5).

Behind the bars there is a fenced-off room with two crowbars and a red sign. To get there, we make our way to the southern site, at a dead end we look for an inconspicuous narrow passage between the containers, marked with yellow paint, climb through, take the crowbar (6,7), emblem (4).

Colossus - All-Seeing(leader's camp, difficulty 3/5).

Secrets: 1 relic, 4 emblems, 9 scrap.

Behind the first ladder at the back is a crowbar (1). We rise higher, there is a crowbar in the room (2), there are enemies and a crowbar (3,4) on the platform ahead. There is an emblem (1) hanging above the door, throw a boom stick at it. We collect scrap (5), go up the stairs, at the end of the balcony there is an emblem (2). We lower the bridge ahead.

In the room there is a crowbar (6) and a cartridge. On the left on the balcony there is an emblem (3), on the right on the platform there is a crowbar (7). We go into the arena with the boss Stump, there are pillars with fire around, we can push the boss onto them. After the victory, we break open the door and take the crowbar in the room (8). There is an emblem on the balcony (4). We go along the cliff, near the table we will find a crowbar (9), a relic. You can go higher, outside the camp, and collect scrap and relics around the huge statue.

Colossus - Rzhavka(garbage camp, difficulty 2/5).

Secrets: 1 relic, 2 emblems, 6 scrap, 1 maggot farm part.

There is 1 tower along the perimeter, 1 sniper. On the upper platform with the sniper there is a crowbar (1), an emblem (1). Inside, on a large platform, Gorlan and several fighters. We knock out the door, there is a crowbar (2) in the room, a little further there is a crowbar (3), a relic. On the left we go down to the rocks below, take the crowbar (4). At the top with the plane is another area with enemies. After the victory, we throw the canister to the emblem (2), there is a crowbar inside the plane (5,6), detail.

Black Maw - The Edge(camp with oil pump, difficulty 1/5).

Secrets: 1 relic, 4 emblems, 8 scrap, 1 “Scouts” part.

There are a lot of enemies on the starting area; you can lure them to the red barrels and blow them up. We cross the bridge to a separate rock. We break open the door, go along the side corridor, take the crowbar (1). In the next room there is a crowbar (2), an emblem (1). Near the toilet we will find a crowbar (3), a relic.

At the fork, first we knock out the door, take detail, then we go up the stairs. There is another door at the top, we knock it out, we go out onto the balcony, in the open container above the abyss we collect crowbar (4), emblem (2).

We cross another bridge. We break open the door, behind it is a crowbar (5). We go down to the pump, there is a hiding place under the inclined stairs, inside there is a crowbar (6), an emblem (3). We climb to the hill in the south, there is a crowbar (7). On the eastern edge, under the canopy, there is a crowbar (8), in the distance you can see a hanging grate, take a boom stick, throw it there, and blow up the emblem (4). After this, we use a canister to blow up the pump.

Black Maw - Bonecrusher(Camp with oil pump, difficulty 1/5).

Secrets: 1 relic, 4 emblems, 6 scrap.

There are 2 sniper posts outside, we destroy them with harpoons. We knock down the door with a harpoon. On the right, you can also hook a sheet of metal with a harpoon, and open a workaround behind it.

Inside the fortress on the right in the room on the table is the emblem (1). We go up the stairs, on the left there is food and crowbar (1). We pass the bridge, in the room on the left there is a crowbar (2,3), on the right there is water, there is an emblem (2) on the wall in front.

We fight with enemies and Gorlan. We can set fire to and throw one of the canisters. In the room on the right there is a crowbar (4.5). We knock out the door, on the left around the corner there is an emblem (3) hanging on the container.

We pass the second bridge. Take the crowbar (6). In the toilet with a chair we will find a relic. An emblem (4) is suspended from a beam above the ceiling. We blow up an oil pump with any canister.

Black Maw - Gas Station(leader's camp, difficulty 2/5).

Boss: Ghazwa-Hwat. Secrets: 4 emblems, 7 scrap.

At the entrance, we eliminate numerous snipers from afar. Below are several towers and a flamethrower. If the flamethrower tank explodes, we will destroy the emblem (1). Inside we kill enemies, knock down doors. There's a special car in the garage, let's take it on the way out.

Inside the tank behind the pillar there is a crowbar (1), on the floor above there is an emblem (2). We go out onto the area with fire, kill the enemies, take the crowbar (2). We go around the building, there is a crowbar behind (3), turn the valve, lower the bridge. The fire has turned off, we go down, emblem (3). We go to the site, go up to the side balcony, there is a crowbar (4), an emblem (4). In another dead end there is a crowbar (5).

We go inside another tank, go up the floors, collect scrap (6). At the top there is a boss battle, there are a lot of red barrels around, you can blow them up with a shotgun. After the victory, we slide down the rope, then another one, and take the last crowbar (7). We sit down in special car, we drive her to the fortress.

2. Regions of Gastrocut

Scorched Moon - Rook's Nest(transshipment point, difficulty 3/5) Rook Nest.

Goal: 6 tanks. Secrets: 1 relic, 2 emblems, 9 scrap.

Stinking Hills - Shelter

Goal: 5 tanks. Secrets: 4 emblems, 9 scrap, 1 Maggot Farm part.

There is a crowbar at the entrance (1). We blow up two tanks. On the left behind the fence there is a crowbar (2), a little further behind the next fence there is an emblem (1). We kick out the left door and take the crowbar (3).

On the central platform we kill enemies. At the left wall there is a crowbar (4), water, on the right there is a crowbar (5). There is an emblem (2) hanging on a rope in front. We throw the canister over the fence in the corner, there is a tank there. We return along the right tunnel, there is a crowbar in it (6), detail, we knock out the door with an explosion, there is an emblem (3) hanging above the door.

We pass forward, at the left wall there is a crowbar (7), next to it there is a crowbar (8), in front on the left there is an emblem (4). There is a fence with red paint against the wall, shoot at the barrels through the net, or throw a boom stick onto the roof and blow up the tanks behind the fence.

The last piece of scrap is much harder to find. We leave the camp, on the left we go along the rocky path along the cliff, so we will enter the camp along the upper level of the rocks, we get to the last roof, we take the crowbar (9).

Stinking Hills - Scorched Sands(transshipment point, difficulty 4/5).

Goal: 7 tanks. Secrets: 1 relic, 4 emblems, 7 scrap.

Camp in the mountains, approach only from one side. There is a hole in the wall on the right, climb through it and take the crowbar in the room (1). We fight with enemies in the square. We knock out the door, go to the eastern balcony, there is an emblem (1) in front of the exit, and roll back down. We go into the southern room, there is a crowbar (2), a relic. We blow up tanks in the center and south.

We go to the large building in the west, there are many enemies at the top. From here we throw a boom stick to the northern area with tanks. We knock down the hanging emblem (2). We collect the crowbar (3), blow up the door, there is a crowbar inside (4).

Let's go out to the western square. We knock down the emblem (3) from above. We blow up the door on the right, inside there is an emblem on the wall (4). In the southern house there is a crowbar (5). We kick out the other door, there is a crowbar inside (6), we go up, there is a crowbar on the balcony (7). From the balcony we throw a boom stick onto the next balcony, so we will blow up the last tanks.

Grakhatau - Polygon(leader's camp, difficulty 4/5).

Boss: Kishkodav. Secrets: 1 relic, 3 emblems, 8 scrap.

The whole camp is one big round arena. We kill 4 waves of enemies, it is better to leave the dropped weapons for the boss. We attack the leader either with weapons, or accumulate rage and attack in this mode.

After the victory, unlock the gate to the left of the entrance. Inside the container there is scrap (1), emblem (1). We go up, go around the second floor, take the crowbar (2,3,4), the relic. There is an emblem (2) hanging above the right corridor, with a crowbar inside (5). We turn the yellow valve, jump down, enter the right tunnel, there is a crowbar inside (6,7,8), an emblem (3) hangs above the entrance.

Grahatau - Bloody Ledge

Goal: 1 pump. Secrets: 3 emblems, 9 scrap, 1 “Scouts” part.

In the first room there is a crowbar (1). We rise higher, there is a crowbar on the platform (2). We fight with the enemies, take the crowbar (3) from the left wall. Inside the tent there is a crowbar (4), an emblem (1).

We go out to the square with the pump, finish off the loudmouth and the enemies. In the eastern building there is an emblem (2) on the wall, on the floor above we will find a crowbar (5,6), detail. We pass through the bridge, in the rock in the room we will find a crowbar (7), emblem (3). There is a crowbar under the stairs (8). Upstairs on the balcony there is a crowbar (9). We slide down.

Chalk - Cliff

Target: 25 enemies. Secrets: 1 relic, 4 emblems, 1 box with crowbar, 11 scrap, 1 “Scouts” part.

Lighthouse in the west. At the entrance there is a loudmouth and enemies. We knock out the door, inside the cave on the right there is a crowbar (1,2), emblem (1). We climb the rock and take the crowbar (3) from the tent. We knock out the second door on the way, in the side rooms there is a crowbar (4), an emblem (2).

There is a main group of enemies in the central square. Under the canopy on the right there is a crowbar (5), next to it there is a crowbar (6,7). There is a crowbar on the side of the wall (8,9). We break down the door with a nail puller. We go inside the lighthouse, take the cartridge, crowbar (10), box, detail.

We roll down to the western platform, there is a loudmouth and enemies. On the side of the fence with fire hangs an emblem (3). There is a crowbar behind the door (11). At the top at the exit from the cave there is an emblem (4). In the starting courtyard, there is a relic inside the ship.

Chalk - Bloody Coast(transshipment point, difficulty 3/5).

Goal: 8 tanks. Secrets: 1 relic, 2 emblems, 8 scrap.

We blow up the first tank along with the flamethrower. In the starting room there is a crowbar (1). We blow up tanks in the yard. We knock out the door, there is a crowbar inside (2). We go up, there is a relic on the balcony. Below in the room there is a crowbar (3), under the stairs there is a crowbar (4).

We go out onto the site. There is a crowbar (5,6) near the wall on the left, and an emblem (1) hangs on top. We blow up tanks. Further around the corner there is a crowbar (7). We climb the building, take the crowbar (8), look up on the balcony, there is an emblem (2) on the hanging container. We blow up the tanks in the ship.

Chalk - Wicked Canyon(garbage camp, difficulty 3/5).

Target: 32 enemies. Secrets: 6 emblems, 10 scrap, 1 “Scouts” part.

We enter through the southern cave; in the corner on the altar there is an emblem (1). We'll go out into the canyon, where it's easy to get confused. We are guided by colors; the entire settlement is divided into blue, red and purple sectors.

Blue sector. There is a loudmouth and half of the enemies in the square. We kick down the door, there is a crowbar inside (1). We go to the building in the west, under the inclined staircase there is a crowbar (2), go up higher, take the crowbar (3), detail, emblem (2) . We pass along the bridge, there is an emblem (3) hanging above the doors. In the next building there is a cartridge, a crowbar (4), we rise higher, behind the door there is a crowbar (5). At the top of the pillar there is an emblem (4).

Purple sector. There are few enemies on the site, water. We blow up the door, there is a crowbar inside (6,7). We knock out another door and collect the crowbar (8,9). We blow up another door, inside there is a crowbar (10), an emblem (5).

Red sector. All the remaining enemies are in the square. We go out onto the balcony, from here we shoot at the emblem (6).

Sand Canyons - Height(transshipment camp, difficulty 3/5).

Goal: 6 tanks. Secrets: 3 emblems, 10 scrap, 1 “Oil tank” part.

We knock down the door, kill the enemies. We climb higher, there is a crowbar (1), an emblem (1). We blow up tanks. Further under the canopy there is scrap (2), near the containers there is scrap (3). There is a crowbar (4) near the taps below. We go to the garage with the car, there is a crowbar on the side (5).

We climb higher into the cave and knock down the door. In the gorge on the lower floor we go along the cornice, at the dead end we take the crowbar (6). A little higher along the ledge we come to a canister, next to it is a crowbar (7). We pass further, on a hill ahead there is a crowbar (8), on the right we go along the main path.

Illuminated area in a cave. We kill enemies, blow up tanks. We climb into a narrow opening in the rock, inside there is food and an emblem (2). We go to the last tanks, next to it there is a crowbar (9,10), an emblem (3). At the exit from the cave there is a part on the balcony.

Sandy Canyons - Black Bay(pump camp, difficulty 3/5).

Purpose: pump. Secrets: 1 relic, 3 emblems, 7 scrap.

We kill the enemies and cross the bridge. There is a crowbar in the room (1), we go down the stairs, there is a crowbar at the bottom (2), we pass among these rocks to the end, at the end in a dead end we find a crowbar (3), we return.

We take water and go out to the square with the enemies. There is an emblem (1) hanging in the building on the left. Ahead we break open the door with a nail puller, there is a crowbar inside (4). We knock out the door on the right and break the tap. Above in the room there is a scrap (5,6), a relic. We slide down the cable, there is an emblem (2) on the rock nearby. We blow up the pump. On the northern hill there is a crowbar (7), emblem (3).

Sand Canyons - Dump(pump camp, difficulty 3/5).

Purpose: pump. Secrets: 1 relic, 3 emblems, 6 scrap, 1 “Reservoir” part.

The entrance gate is protected by a flamethrower; it cannot be destroyed from the front. We go around the rocks, on the right side we will find a secret entrance to the camp. In the first room there is a crowbar (1). There is an emblem (1) hanging on the fence behind. There is a crowbar near the eastern wall (2,3).

We knock down the door and blow up the pump. On the southern balcony there is a crowbar (4), an emblem (2). At the northern rock there is a crowbar (5), an emblem (3). Hidden behind the boxes and barrels near the rock is a crowbar (6). We rise near the pump, there is a relic at the top, detail.

3. Krasnoglazka regions

Lacing - Chaos(Oil Pump Camp, Difficulty 4/5) Havoc Point

Secrets: 3 emblems, 8 scrap, 1 part: Scouts.

At the entrance there are snipers, towers, two flamethrowers. The gate is strong, you can’t just break it, it’s better to enter on foot through the corridor on the right. In the courtyard, 3 waves of enemies will attack us; we fight them off using boom sticks laid out.

After the victory, we go into the second courtyard and destroy 3 pumps at once. In the room on the left there is a crowbar (1,2), parts box, on the right there are two more crowbars (3,4). There is an emblem (1) on the pillar in the center, and a little further there is an emblem (2). There is an emblem (3) on the shelf on the left. There is a crowbar on the left wall (5,6). On the right inside the container there is a crowbar (7,8).

Lacing - Mogilny Bridge(garbage camp, difficulty 4/5) Grave Bridge

Secrets: 1 relic, 4 emblems, 8 scrap.

First, we inspect the bridge from the side, we will notice a loudmouth and two snipers, we kill them from afar. We enter from the south side, killing a third of all enemies. There is a carriage hanging at the top, with an emblem inside it (1).

We go to the next area with enemies. Under the stairs we break open the door with a nail puller, there is an emblem inside (2). Under a canopy with blue paint lies a relic. On the left side of the platform, take the crowbar (1), turn the valve to lower the bridge. There is a crowbar on the top platform (2).

We go down to the enemies, take the crowbar (3,4). There is an emblem (3) hanging in the transverse carriage. Below there is an intermediate exit from the bridge, along the support, we lower the stairs, go up and move on.

We knock down the door, take the crowbar (5,6), the emblem (4). In another side room there is a crowbar (7,8). We go out onto the site with the last group of enemies.

Howl of the Winds - Stronghold(camp with oil pumps, difficulty 4/5).

Purpose: pump. Secrets: 1 relic, 4 emblems, 12 scrap.

In the first room there is a crowbar (1), on the balcony there is a crowbar (2). We knock out the door, there is a crowbar in the box ahead (3), we go down the stairs. There is a raised bridge on the side, we can shoot at the emblem (1) from here. We slide down the rope.

At the bottom we break open the door with a nail puller, inside there is an emblem (2), next to it on the balcony there is a crowbar (4.5). We go down below, there is a crowbar on the way (6). We approach the pump; there is a crowbar on the platform (7). On the left you can go down under the platform, there is a crowbar hidden there (8). In the dead-end house on the right there is a crowbar (9), an emblem (3). On the main path, we break open the door with our foot, there is an emblem inside (4). On the site south of the pump we enter the rock, take a crowbar (10), in the room next to it there is a crowbar (11), below is a relic. We go out onto the roof, there is a crowbar (12).

Howl of the Winds - Hell's Lattice(transshipment point, difficulty 4/5).

Goal: 7 tanks. Secrets: 4 emblems, 11 scrap.

The camp is a small diner surrounded by a fence. There are many fire towers around, on all sides, we eliminate them in advance. We enter from the west side, in the first room there is a crowbar (1,2), in the next room there is a crowbar (3), an emblem (1). We climb onto the roof, there is a crowbar (4).

In the eastern building there is a crowbar (5). We knock out the door, there is an emblem inside the bus (2), we pass through the bus to a dead end, there is a crowbar (6). We go up to the roof, there is a crowbar on top of the bus (7).

To the south, inside the diner behind the counter is a crowbar (8). There is an emblem (3) on the wall of the building outside. In the next building there is scrap on the barrels (9). We go up to the southern roof, there is a crowbar (10), an emblem (4) hangs on the sign behind. In the southern courtyard near the wall there is a crowbar (11).

Highlands - Old Hole

Purpose: pump. Secrets: 1 relic, 3 emblems, 11 scrap.

We enter the southern courtyard, take the crowbar (1), the emblem (1), go up from the box and take the crowbar (2), on the other side of the roof there is a crowbar (3). We go into the tent in the north, take the crowbar (4) near the boom sticks. We blow up the door, to the left of it there is a crowbar (5). On the right we go up the stairs, kick out the door, jump a little lower, take the crowbar (6), look up, there is an emblem (2) hanging on the top beam. Behind the blown door is the path to a mini-boss and a pump.

After the victory, we take the crowbar (7) and the emblem (3) from the southern wall. To the west of the pump is a crowbar (8). In the east we go into the room, inside there is a relic, near the fence there is a crowbar (9). We climb onto the rocks, there is a crowbar at the top (10). There is a crowbar on the eastern roof (11).

Highlands - Drop

Boss: Trigger. Secrets: 5 emblems, 11 scrap.

We enter a freeway tunnel. In the garage, there is an emblem (1) hanging above the car with a crowbar. There is a crowbar (1,2) on the way ahead. In the cave we climb to the floor above, there is a crowbar (3), water, an emblem (2).

We kill the enemies on the site, take the emblem (3). We go to the southern room, there is a crowbar inside (4,5). We kick down the door, behind it is a crowbar (6), on the balcony there is a crowbar (7,8). At the top on the western side there is an emblem (4), a little further there is a crowbar (9,10).

We go out onto the platform, kill the loudmouth and the enemies, then the boss will jump down to us. He can only be damaged by melee weapons, a shotgun, or in frenzy mode. After winning on the suspended bus, we will find the emblem (5), ahead on the path above the abyss lies a crowbar (11).

Highlands - Zaval

Goal: 8 tanks. Secrets: 3 emblems, 8 scrap.

The camp is on the bridge; before you start, you need to clear the towers on both sides, since the camp is well under fire from them. We enter from the east side, climb onto the gate, take the crowbar (1). We go down, in the southern room there is a crowbar (2). Nearby we blow up the tanks below and behind the bars. There is an emblem (1) hanging on the wall of the building. There is water on the roof of the southern building, crowbar (3). On the northern building there is an emblem (2) on the bottom, a crowbar on top (4,5,6), an emblem (3). We go down under the bridge, there is a crowbar (7,8) and the last tanks.

Plateau - Rosin(pump camp, difficulty 5/5).

Goal: 7 pumps. Secrets: 4 emblems, 10 scrap, 1 “Oil tank” part.

This is a large plant, two fenced areas and small buildings around. First, we remove all snipers and towers. We enter the northern fenced area, inside the bus detail, water outside, emblem (1) . At the eastern wall there is a crowbar (1,2,3), an emblem (2). We blow up the pump inside.

South fenced area. At the entrance between the containers there is scrap (4). We blow up the pump, there is a crowbar near it (5,6). We climb onto the roof, there is a crowbar (7). On the platform in front of the bus there is a crowbar (8), we pass through the bus, behind it is the emblem (3).

There are 3 pumps outside on the north road. On the eastern road there is a tower of two containers with an emblem (4) at the top. In the south there are 2 pumps outside, near them there is a tower of containers, on its top there is a crowbar (9,10).

Plateau - Top(pump camp, difficulty 5/5).

Goal: 13 tanks. Secrets: 1 relic, 4 emblems, 11 scrap.

In the gorge on the way of the barrier, you need to jump on them with a car, using nitro to break the gate ahead. In the first yard on the left there is a crowbar (1). We knock out the door, inside there is an emblem on the table (1). We go out on the balcony in front of the cliff, take the crowbar (2).

We pass the bridge. On the left under the platform there is a cartridge, a crowbar (3,4,5). On a hill with a crane there is a crowbar (6), in the room there is a crowbar (7), an emblem (2). We rise to a hill, throw boom sticks at all the tanks around, hidden behind a lattice fence.

We walk along the wing of the plane over the abyss. In the yard on the right there is a crowbar (8). We knock down the door, take the crowbar (9). Another door on the way. We go up the stairs, inside the room there is a crowbar (10), a relic, an emblem (3) hangs above the door to the room. There is a crowbar on the roof (11). There is an emblem (4) hanging on the outside of the plane's nose. We climb onto a hill with boom sticks, throw them at the emblem and the remaining tanks.

Rusty Rot - Gemini(garbage camp, difficulty 5/5).

Target: 37 enemies. Secrets: 1 relic, 2 emblems, 10 scrap, 1 “Scouts” part.

The camp is two identical tanks. You can only enter the southern one by blowing up the flamethrower tank on the roof. Inside there is a crowbar at the entrance (1-4). On the middle floor there is water, emblem (1). We go out onto the roof, kill the enemies, take the crowbar (5).

We move to the northern tank. We go along the corridors, collect scrap (6,7), a relic. Below at the bottom there is a crowbar (8,9). Along the other path we go up to the roof of the tank, there is an emblem (2). We blow up the door with a canister, there is a crowbar inside (10), detail.

Rusted Rot - Scourge of the Tyrant(leader's camp, difficulty 5/5).

Boss: Hog-Cutter. Secrets: 1 relic, 4 emblems, 12 scrap.

Rusty Rot - Dead End(transshipment point, difficulty 5/5).

Goal: 7 tanks. Secrets: 4 emblems, 12 scrap.

The camp is a metro tunnel. Inside the tunnel we go into the car on the right, there is a crowbar (1). There is an emblem (1) hanging between the carriage and the wall. We climb onto the car on the left, go back along the roof, take the crowbar (2). We go to the central tunnel, kill the loudmouth and enemies with boom sticks, take the crowbar (3,4). On the south side behind the carriage there is an emblem (2). Inside the container is a scrap (5).

We return to the beginning, climb the tank car on the left, jump into the left dead end, take the crowbar (6,7). We blow up the door, take the crowbar (8), two tanks. We knock out the door, crowbar (9,10). We pass into the fenced area in the center, between the cars, there is an emblem (3).

From the left dead end we go into the inclined car, along it we will go out onto the roof, and we can go to the dead end on the right behind the hill. Inside, turn off the flamethrower, collect crowbar (11,12), emblem (4). We blow up the last tanks.


1. Story
Mad Max. Walkthrough

Achievements that we will receive in any case if we complete the entire game. No additional steps are required to receive them.

All over again(Everything Lost Again)
Complete Act 1.
We will receive after mission 3 "Righteous Work".
A wasteland of great possibilities(Wasteland of Opportunities)
Complete Act 2.
We'll get it after mission 7 "Black Magic".
Let's dig deeper(Digging a Deeper Hole)
Complete Act 3.
We will receive after mission 11 "Immortal Enemy".
Power under the hood(Power in the Machine)
Complete Act 4.
We'll get it after mission 14 "Everything is Lost".
At its peak(Downward Spiral Reawakening)
Complete Act 5.
We will receive after mission 15 “Write my name in blood.”

2. Wasteland Quests
Mad Max. Achievements

3. Gaming features
Mad Max. Achievements

On the road to nowhere(On the Road to Nowhere)
Drive a distance of 1,300 body lengths.
A short walk(Just Walk Away)
Walk a distance of 650 body lengths.
We will receive it automatically in the first hour of the game.
Take off!(Fresh Air)
Jump the Masterpiece from a ski jump in the Wasteland.
We will meet the very first springboard in the Tinsmith region.
Wasteland Kitchen(Wasteland Chef)
Eat a portion of maggots.
Found inside corpses, found in scumbag camps.
Let the thirsty one drink(Quench Their Thirst)
Give water to the wanderer.
Nomads can be found at major intersections. To treat them, you need at least a half full flask.

4. Leveling up
Mad Max. Achievements

Leveling up the hero

Golden boy(Golden Boy)
Reach a new level of fame.
You need to complete 10 of any tests on the "Glory" tab.
Road warrior(Road Warrior)
Reach the Road Warrior fame level.
We will reach the highest level of fame by the end of the game.
Improve Max's abilities to the maximum.
You need to upgrade all your skills from Griff, and buy all the things for Max.

Saving money

Upgrading cars

It's time to decorate the car(Daddy Wants a New Grill)
Collect all the decorations on the hood.
You need to destroy all the convoys and collect trophies from them. The location is at.
All the colors of the world(Rust is the New Black)
Collect all body colors.
You need to destroy all the bosses in the leaders' camps.
Motor mechanic(Blockhead)
Get the best V6 and V8 engines.
You need to complete story quests, completely clear all 5 regions of Red Eyes from enemies.

5. Clearing regions
Mad Max. Achievements

Big favor to Jithu(Doing Jeet a Big Favor)
Complete two projects in Jita's Fortress.
Prosperity of Jit(Jeet Thrives)
Reduce the threat level in the Beacon Plain around Jeeta's Fortress to 0.
Good start(Start of Something Good)
Eliminate all threats in Jeet's territory.


A big favor to the Glutencutter(Doing Gutgash a Big Favor)
Complete two projects in Bruhorez's fortress.
All you have to do is complete the quest "Dinky Dee" and bring 500 scrap.
Prosperity of the Gluthorn(Gutgash Thrives)
Reduce the threat level in the Burning Moon region around Gluthorn Fortress to 0.
You need to clear the region of all enemy buildings.
Without slowing down(Keep Up the Good Work)
Eliminate all threats in the Gluttongue territory.
You need to clear 5 regions of all enemy buildings.

Little Red Eye

A big favor for Little Red Eye(Doing Pink Eye a Big Favor)
Complete two projects in Krasnoglazki Fortress.
All you have to do is complete the quest "Dinky Dee" and bring 500 scrap.
Prosperity of Red Eyes(Pink Eye Thrives)
Reduce the threat level in the Lacing region around Red-Eyes Fortress.
You need to clear the region of all enemy buildings.
good news(Spreading the Word)
Eliminate all threats in Red-Eyes territory.
You need to clear 5 regions of all enemy buildings.

The bigger the closet...(The Bigger they are...)
Destroy the leader's camp.
This is 1 of 4 types of camps where the main goal is to defeat the boss.
Erasing the legend(Razing Legend)
Destroy all Slam camps.
There are a total of 37 enemy camps in the game. The location is at.
There are never too many explosions(Explosions Are Not Enough)
Complete all optional objectives in all camps.
In all camps you need to find all the scrap, emblems, relics, parts. The detailed location of the secrets is indicated in.

Other buildings on the map

Higher and higher(Up, Up and Away)
Fly in a hot air balloon at every aerial reconnaissance point.
Almost every region has 1 reconnaissance balloon. There are 16 balls in total. The location is at.
Sniper Storm(Sniper Suppressor)
Kill all of Slam's snipers.
We only need snipers on separate towers, outside the camps.
No scarecrows(No Brainer)
Destroy all the scarecrows.
To destroy some, you will first need to upgrade your harpoon.
Great designer(The Constructionist)
Complete all projects in all fortresses.
We will find all the details of the projects by inspecting all the places of acquisition.
Miner(Bomb Specialist)
Clear all minefields.
After completing the "Dinky-di" quest, we go to any fortress, stand near our car, press the "T" key, and select "Car Collection" - "Tinman's Buggy" from the menu. Let's go to the place. When approaching mines, the dog barks in their direction, we watch where the dog’s muzzle is looking, and slowly drive up there. We go out and automatically defuse the charge to reduce the strength of enemies in the region. We repeat this 3 times, and the minefield will be neutralized. The location of the mines is on.
A thousand words(A Thousand Words)
Collect all the relics of the past.
Relics lie in camps and places of plunder. Having cleared the entire map, we get all the relics. But there are a few problematic photos:
Relic 47 - Sand canyons, hot air balloon.
Relic 72 - Tinsmith Region, hole near the western cliff.
Relic 97 - Red-Eyes Fortress, on the top floor.
All corners searched(Looked Everywhere)
Search all the places for loot.
Yellow icons on the map. There are a total of 191 loot places in the game.

6. Racing
Mad Max. Achievements

Types of races

Technical racer(The Skilled Driver)
Complete a Death Race on the Barrel Track.
It is necessary to pass through checkpoints.
Nimble Racer(The Smart Driver)
Complete a Scattered Death Race.
You can go to the finish line along any route.
Fast racer(The Quick Driver)
Complete a Death Race with a Bomb.
You need to dodge many enemies, it’s better to drive off-road.
Racer(Running Wild)
Complete at least one race in each Death Race location.
There are a total of 15 places with races on the map. Almost all are visible from hot air balloons. In the southern regions of the Gastrocut, you need to find the races yourself. The location is at.

Victories on the Archangels

Saint(The Saint)
Complete the Death Race on Archangel.
In any race, we choose the last car and pass.
Guardian(The Guardian)
Successfully complete one Death Race on each Archangel.
There are 16 archangels in total. It is not necessary to win with regular enemy vehicles. We only need those where the Tin Man sits.
Herald(The Messenger)
Complete one Death Race with a Legendary score on each Archangel.
There are 16 archangels in total. At each one you need to get both rewards by arriving ahead of time.

7. Tests
Mad Max. Achievements

Longest flight(Maximum Air)
Spend at least 4 seconds in the air in a car and do not die upon landing.
Performed in the Grakhatau region, near the Polygon camp. We drive onto one of the giant cliffs around the camp and fall from its top. If we fall on the camp, we will break, so you need to land to the side, on the ground or rocks.
Fallen(The Exiled)
Defeat one enemy vehicle on each Archangel.
There are 16 archangels in total. It is enough to shoot 1 maximally pumped thunder harpoon and switch to the next vehicle.
Tried Hero(Up to the Task)
Complete all non-repeatable challenges.
There are 175 trials in total. The remaining challenges can be viewed in the pause menu, on the "Glory" tab. It is better to perform combat and vehicle tests before clearing the entire map, when there are a lot of opponents. You can do it later, but it will take more time. In addition to the tests, you need to collect the entire collection of cars, that is, win all the races, and not just the Archangels.

Tips for some challenges:

Punch to the jaw- hold down RMB and interrupt the enemy’s attack in time.

Shot in the stomach- buy a skill, press the “mouse wheel” close to the enemy.

Disarming- buy a skill, wait for the enemy to strike with a weapon, press RMB, E.

Untouchable- Defeat 15 enemies without taking damage. It is better to carry out the harvest in several small places. The fewer enemies together, the easier it is to dodge.

Car destruction tests can be quickly completed in one place - the northern entrance to the Dunes from the Rust Rot region. In this place, two motionless vulture cars constantly appear. You can destroy them, drive away a few meters, and two new cars will appear in their place.

Some car tests need to be performed on enemy cars against the same types of cars. It will take a long time to find them on an open map; it is better to do them inside races with this type of car.

(in the game Mad Max)

Answer: For a quick passage, it is best to pump up Max’s impact power, and the Masterpiece car has various harpoons and spikes. Speed ​​in the game is only needed for side races. Increases in health and armor are almost useless; the game can be easily completed without it.

Question: Mad Max what is it?

Answer: A computer game based on a series of films. The first film was released in 1979. It tells the story of a lone driver named Max in a post-apocalyptic world where almost all the water has disappeared.

Question: What happened to the earth, what happened to the world?(in the game Mad Max)

Answer: The film never explicitly states what kind of disaster occurred. The game has the opportunity to collect relics with records from the past, they say that water suddenly began to disappear, the seas and oceans gradually dried up. People began to fight fiercely for the remaining liquid, and only a few managed to survive.

(Mad Max)

Answer: Storms occur randomly at certain intervals. During a storm, visibility deteriorates, and the game recommends waiting it out in safe places. But neither the health nor the durability of the car are wasted during a storm; if you don’t get hit by lightning, you don’t have to be afraid of the storm itself.

Question: How to clear minefields?

Answer: First you need to complete an additional mission to find Dinky Dee the dog. The dog can only be transported on the Tin Man's Buggy. To switch to this car, go to any fortress, stand near your car, press the "T" key, select "Car Collection" - "Tinman's Buggy" from the menu. Let's go to the place. When approaching mines, the dog barks in their direction, we watch where the dog’s muzzle is looking, and slowly drive up there. We go out and automatically defuse the charge to reduce the strength of enemies in the region. We repeat this 3 times, and the minefield will be neutralized.

Question: How to refuel a balloon that won't start?(Mad Max)

Answer: The ball has two types of malfunction: 1) If the ball hangs high and does not release, you need to refuel the generator, we will find it through the wires, refuel it, press the lever. 2) There is no gasoline in the ball itself. We fill the tank on the side basket of the ball, the tank is highlighted with a yellow line, you can only fill it from the side of the tank.

Question: Why is the steering wheel on the right?

Answer: The game takes place on the continent of Australia, where driving on the left was adopted.

Question: Where can you find racing tires?(Mad Max)

Answer: We will get a tip on this secret in the additional mission of Red Eyes “In due time”. After completion, we will receive a photo showing a car shop. You need to find this place yourself. The store building is no longer there, only a pole with a “24” sign remains. The desired location is located on the highway, on the border of the western regions of the Highlands and Plateau. After examining this basement, we will find the Racing Tires improvement.

Question: What happens if you leave the map?

Answer: You can travel a short distance beyond the map; a danger warning will appear there. If we go further, to the sandy land, we will die. We will be swallowed up by the Great Nothing, and in essence we will fall into quicksand.

Question: Where can I find Raven's car?(Mad Max)

Answer: Raven's car is located near the western point where the races are held. If the car is not in the marked parking lot, then you need to wait until nighttime.

Question: Where can I get a lot of scrap? How to quickly earn scrap?

Answer: The most profitable thing in the game is to collect flying boxes with crowbar during a storm. We hook them with a harpoon, break them, in each box there are 3 pieces of 100 scrap. At the same time, 3 boxes appear near us, but if we collect them quickly, new ones may arrive. In total, in one storm you can crack 5-6 boxes, earning about 2000 scrap metal. The second most profitable thing is to find scrap trucks that randomly appear on the roads; if you kill their driver, sit down and take the car to the fortress, you will immediately get 500 scrap.

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