The highest potassium content is observed in. Sources of potassium

Potassium is a macroelement, concentrated mainly inside the cell, necessary, along with, for its life. From which foods potassium enters the body, and which foods contain more of it, we suggest you find out from the article.

In total, the body contains from 220 to 250 g of potassium, the daily norm, depending on age, gender, weight, is 2.5-5 g.

There is enough potassium in regular foods, and when balanced diet the need for this macronutrient is fully satisfied.

, dried apricots, raisins, parsley, dill and other plant products rich in potassium are included in the daily menu and are present in every kitchen.

A large amount of macronutrients is found in tea, so 100 g contains 2480 mg of the mineral. Cocoa contains 1509 mg of potassium per 100 g of powder, and 1616 mg/100 g.

Potassium is less common in foods of animal origin. There is slightly more of it in fish, and less of this macroelement is found in red meat, milk, and poultry.

Potassium in animal products

Below is a table showing data on potassium-containing food products of animal origin (mg/100 g).
Meat, poultry 345
Pork 326
Beef 270
Mutton 271
Turkey 240
Goose 194
Chicken 1 cat. 292
Chicken breast 289
Chicken liver 156


Potassium in plant foods

Most potassium is found in plant foods. The champion in the concentration of this element is dried apricots; there is a lot of it in dried herbs and legumes.
Greenery 4740
Chervil 4466
Cilantro 738
Dill 3308
Dill dry. 554
Parsley 2683
Dried parsley 558
Spinach 390
Sorrel 330
Salad 295
Basil 276
Vegetables 568
Potato 429
Jerusalem artichoke 401
Garlic 305
Swede 233
Radish 202
Asparagus 147
Berries 350
Black currant 275
Red currants 270
White currant 222
Cherries 225
Grape 830
Dried grapes 256
Cherry 198
Gooseberry 194
Mulberry 162
Blackberry 161
Strawberries 151
Raspberries 85
Cranberry 77
Legumes 620
Soya beans 1100
Beans 995
Lentils 875
Chickpeas 873
Peas 149
Cereals 510
Rye 460
Buckwheat 205
Barley grits 246
Sorghum 147
Corn grits 130

Semolina Potassium is found in bread and bran. It is present in a regular tin wheat loaf (133 mg), rye bread

(166 mg).

Potassium is an antagonist of sodium. Lovers of salty foods should definitely include potassium-rich foods in their diet.

Excess sodium with a lack of potassium threatens health. You need to strive for a Na:K macronutrient ratio of 1:2 in your diet.

Potassium is perfectly preserved in dried herbs and frozen vegetables. This dietary supplement is winter time satisfies the body's need for this element completely.

The nineteenth element of Mendeleev's periodic table. It is a soft alkali metal with a silvery-white color. Besides this, he is the most important biogenic element into a person.

The role of potassium in the body

IN human body he is responsible for the transmission nerve impulses which allows them to contract. Controls water-salt balance, removing excess water. Acts as a catalyst during the synthesis of new protein compounds and some enzymes. Responsible for the storage process of glycogen (storage carbohydrate).

If the human body is exposed to strong influences, then the mineral helps restore acid-base balance, removes , supports work

In hypertensive patients, the mineral lowers blood pressure. For some people, the trace element is prescribed as a laxative, as it irritates the mucous membranes and affects muscular system intestines.

Did you know? Potassium was discovered in 1807 by the English chemist Davy. The element was named "potassium". And only two years later it received its modern name.

Close connection of potassium with other macro- and microelements

Once absorbed, the 19th element of the periodic table seeps through the walls of the small intestine and is excreted through urine and sweat. Its removal from the body occurs in almost the same volume in which it entered. Because of this, its reserves must be replenished daily.

The main assistants of this element in maintaining the functioning of the body are and. They are interchangeable elements. That is, if there is an excess, the body removes a larger volume of sodium and vice versa. If there is a deficiency in the body, the absorption of potassium is greatly impaired, which leads to disruption of the functioning of the heart muscle.

Potassium intake standards

Our body contains approximately 200-250 grams of this element. To maintain micronutrient balance for adults healthy body you need to consume 1.2-2.0 grams daily. In women, the need for this element increases significantly. If a person constantly spends a lot of physical energy at work, then he needs 2.5-5 grams of the mineral daily. A child’s body needs 16-30 milligrams per kilogram of weight.

What foods contain a lot of potassium?

Detailed data on the microelement content in products is in the table.


There are also foods that contain the least amount of potassium. These include: granular (80 mg per 100 g), cottage cheese 2% (78 mg), mayonnaise (40 mg), low-fat herring (31 mg per), unsalted butter (15 mg), pork lard (12 mg), milk margarine (10 mg). Among the food plant origin This list includes:(65 mg per 100 g), rice flour (50 mg), premium wheat flour (93 mg), blueberries and blueberries (51 mg), (90 mg), (23 mg).

There are no specific potassium-rich foods that are suitable only for children. The same food is suitable for them as for adults, only taking into account allergens. To children's body better absorbed potassium must be introduced into the diet. It is found in: chicken and beef tuna, salmon, cabbage, legumes, melons, bananas, and sunflower seeds. As you can see, the list of products containing the 19th element and B6 are very similar. Therefore, you can build a diet in such a way that the child gets everything at once necessary elements from certain dishes.

Products containing potassium and phosphorus


Did you know?All potassium-containing products are radioactive, since, along with the usual isotopes of the element, they contain the radioactive isotope potassium-40. But its quantity is so insignificant that it does not cause any harm to humans.

Foods containing potassium and magnesium

We present to your attention a table of products containing potassium and magnesium that are beneficial for normal operation hearts:


Causes and symptoms of potassium deficiency in the body

A lack of a mineral in the body can occur:

  • due to disturbances in potassium metabolism;
  • due to problems in the urinary system;
  • due to the fact that the diet does not contain enough potassium-containing products;
  • due to excessive abuse of laxatives, diuretics and hormonal drugs;
  • due to constant nervous work, chronic fatigue;
  • due to oversaturation of the body with rubidium, cesium, sodium and thallium.
The main symptoms of microelement deficiency in the body are:
  • fatigue, emotional exhaustion;
  • muscle weakness;
  • frequent trips to the toilet “in small ways”;
  • arrhythmia, heart failure, seizures;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased breathing;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • appearance of gastritis;
  • violation of reproductive functions.
If you notice the first signs of a microelement deficiency, you should carefully review your diet and

Causes and symptoms of excess potassium in the body

There are a number of factors that can lead to excess mineral in the body:

  • abuse food additives containing potassium;
  • the main dish on the menu is potatoes;
  • problems with potassium metabolism;
  • intensive removal of microelements from body cells due to cytolysis, hemolysis;
  • insulin deficiency;
  • problems with the kidneys.
An excess of an element is said to be:
  • irritability, increased activity, excited state, excessive sweating;
  • muscle weakness;
  • arrhythmia;
  • skeletal muscle paralysis;
  • the appearance of colic;
  • frequent trips to the toilet “in small ways”.
When you notice the first symptoms, reconsider your diet. If this does not lead to positive results, go to the doctor immediately.

Features of potassium absorption

The mineral entering the body with food is absorbed in small intestine. Its absorption capacity is very high - up to 95%. Vitamin B6 helps him achieve such indicators. At the same time, strict absorption rates are reduced, and along with them, the use of laxatives, great amount stressful situations, use as a sedative and alcohol.

The table shows data on the potassium content in food products and the percentage of its absorption from them relative to the daily norm.


Rules for processing and preparing products to preserve microelements

You already know which foods contain potassium. But for the body to receive the mineral in the right quantity, products containing it must be properly processed. We will give you a description of the technique for preparing healthy food.

First of all, remember that frying can kill almost all the beneficial elements in food. Therefore, it is worth switching to steam cooking of dishes. And you don’t need to wait until the product is completely boiled, the main thing is that it softens.

Always eat ripe fruits and vegetables during their ripening season. Then you will not only receive all the necessary microelements, but also enjoy a rich taste. And if you need to peel the fruit, do it immediately before eating it. To keep the important metal in plant foods For as long as possible, store it in a dry and cool place. When choosing vegetables or fruits at the market or in a store, look carefully at their skin. It should be intact, without the slightest damage.

Watch yours carefully. Try to diversify it as much as possible so as not to cause a deficiency or excess of the most important microelement.

It is enough to study the list of products containing potassium, and then enter them into your daily diet to avoid calcium loss, restore the balance of electrolytes and fluids in the body, maintain function nervous system. The list presented includes simple ingredients that a person uses in his diet. However, not everyone thinks about their health benefits. However, potassium is one of the the most important elements that nature itself provides.

List of foods rich in potassium

Most potassium is found in apple cider vinegar and honey. Full list Products in which this valuable mineral can be found are as follows:

  • wheat bran;
  • greenery;
  • berries;
  • raisin;
  • nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • vegetables (carrots, red peppers, Brussels sprouts And so on);
  • mushrooms;
  • fruits (apples, oranges, bananas and others).

On a note! A lot of potassium is found in dried fruits and nuts. The record holders are hazelnuts, prunes, peanuts and dried apricots. They contain up to 1,700 mg of potassium per 100 g of product. There is less of it in vegetables and mushrooms, only up to 550 mg, and in fruits – up to 400 mg.

In addition, potassium is found in black tea, dairy products, cocoa and other ingredients.

Table of foods containing potassium

A list of foods rich in potassium is presented in the table.

Product (100 g)

Amount of potassium (mg)

Dried porcini mushrooms

Cocoa powder

Wheat bran

Powdered milk with low percentage fat content

Powdered milk 25%

Beans (grain)


Powdered milk 15%

Sea kale


Spinach (greens)

Peas (shelled)

Dry cream 42%

Dried acorns

Lentils (grain)

Sunflower seeds (seeds)

Watercress (greens)

Pine nut

Buckwheat flour


Oat bran


Porcini mushrooms

Milk chocolate

Barley (grain)


Egg powder


Judging by the data in the table, the maximum potassium content is observed in dried mushrooms and dried apricots. There is less of it in products such as hazelnuts, chocolate, barley and others.

Foods high in potassium

Enriching your body with the required amount of potassium is not at all difficult. After all, it is found in ordinary food products that are used daily.


During a diet, many refuse this plant product, because it contains carbohydrates and starch. However, few people think about how useful it is. One medium-sized potato contains about 900 mg of potassium alone. Thus, it is enough to consume one root vegetable to enrich your body by 1/5 daily norm of this element. In addition, potatoes contain vitamins, fiber, and iron.

On a note! It is known that the most fiber is in the potato peel, so to normalize intestinal function it is recommended to eat the unpeeled root vegetable.

For those seeking to lose weight, you can introduce potatoes into your diet, but in limited quantities. It is advisable to consume the vegetable baked or boiled without adding butter, sour cream or other high-calorie foods. If you follow these recommendations, you can enrich your body with potassium without harming your figure.


Regardless of what type of beans you introduce into your diet, they are equally beneficial for the human body.

One glass of the product contains up to 1,100 mg of potassium. Although, there is slightly less of it in red beans than in white beans. In addition, it is rich in fiber, protein and iron.

Dried apricots

Dried apricots can be used as a snack. It is nutritious and does not contain many calories, so it will not harm your figure. In dry product concentration nutrients increases relative to fresh fruit.

It is known that 100 g of dried apricots contains about 1,700 mg of potassium. This is higher than many other products.


It is important to note that almost all dried fruits contain a lot of potassium, but prunes stand out among them in terms of the number of other useful components. In 100 g there is almost 900 mg of potassium, as well as vitamins B, C, iron, phosphorus and magnesium.

On a note! According to research, prunes make bones stronger. An experiment was conducted on several women. They were divided into two groups: over a certain period of time, some ate 10 prunes a day, while others ate the same number of dried apple slices. As a result, the bones were stronger in the women of the group who ate prunes.


Another healthy food that is also rich in potassium is avocado. Based on the fact that the average fruit weighs about 200 g, it contains approximately 970 mg of the trace element.

It also contains vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus and other useful components. Avocados can be eaten alone or used as an ingredient in salads, soups and other dishes.


100 g of salmon contains 628 mg of potassium, which is more than any other fish. Moreover, its value lies in great content vitamin D, as well as omega-3. Fish meat is useful for the formation and strengthening of bones, which is especially important for a growing body.

On a note! According to scientists, regular consumption of salmon can reduce the likelihood of death from cardiovascular diseases by 35%.


This valuable product, in addition to useful fiber, contains a large amount of potassium. To be more precise, 100 g contains 774 mg of the element.

Spinach is used as a side dish for meat and fish dishes, and also for making smoothies. It's not only delicious, but also incredible useful product, which will not spoil the figure, but will enrich the body with valuable components.


Pumpkin contains a considerable supply of potassium. 100 g of product contains 437 mg of valuable element.

Pumpkin is available to residents of domestic countries, and in villages it is actively used for preparing various dishes.


This fruit is not just tasty, but also very healthy. He is famous high content Vitamin C, however, there is a lot of potassium in it. About 200 mg is found in 100 g. Of course, compared to other products, this is not too much. But, if you look at it from another perspective, a glass of orange juice contains up to 478 mg of potassium. In addition, it contains folic acid, lots of vitamins.

Daily value of potassium

For children, the daily potassium requirement is 400−4,700 mg, depending on age. Women need to consume about 5,000 mg of the element per day. Men need 4,700 mg of potassium per day.

Thus, there are a huge number of products that are not only healthy, but also very tasty. Therefore, enriching your body with valuable components, including potassium, will not be difficult.

Potassium is a mineral necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. It takes part in electrolytic processes together with chlorine and sodium, participates in the regulation of salt and water balance, and is necessary for normal functioning nerve cells brain and organs and systems in general, especially for the heart and the removal of excess sodium and water. It also activates a number of enzymes. Its ability to prevent strokes is known.

K works on both the cellular and electrical levels. It is found in red blood cells, muscles and bones. Sources of potassium are food. Consider the tables reflecting the content of this important chemical element in various food products.

Cereals, dairy products and eggs

Name Content per 100 g (mg) Name Content per 100 g (mg)
Chickpeas 730 Egg white 152
Buckwheat 327 Egg yolk 129
Buckwheat 125 Milk 146
Pearl barley 173 Yourt 140
Oatmeal 362 Kefir 137
Wheat groats 233 Brynza 95
Sorghum 148 Kumis 77
Semolina 131 Butter 30
Barley groats 206 Condensed milk, fat content 8.5% 365
Rice groats 101 Powdered milk, fat content 20% 1200
Premium pasta 124 Ryazhenka 146
Pasta grade 1 179 Curdled milk 144
Corn flour 146 Cream 90
Oat flour 281 Sour cream 109
Buckwheat flour 578 Cottage cheese 112
Rice flour 100 Low-fat cottage cheese 78
Rye flour 398 Hard cheese "Russian"
Lentils 969 Hard cheese "Roquefort" 110
Soya beans 1101 Hard cheese "Poshekhonsky" 95
Wheat bread, premium grade 93 Hard cheese "Dutch" 100
Wheat bread, 1st grade 133 Hard cheese "Suluguni" 100
Borodino bread 235 Hard cheese "Gouda" 121
Oat flakes 330 Sausage cheese 192
Whole grain bread 248 Processed cheese "Russian" 200
Barley 453 Quail eggs 144

Seafood and fish

Name Content per 100 g (mg) Name Content per 100 g (mg)
Pink salmon 330 Cancers 259
Flounder 311 Mussels 311
Salmon 422 Shrimp 224
Vobla 165 Herring, medium salted 216
Baltic sprat 383 Som 211
Bream 266 Squid 283
Pollock 422 Black caviar 83
Carp 283 Red caviar 91
Fatty herring 312 Canned sprats in oil 355
Sea bass 301 Cod liver (canned) 112
River perch 284 Canned mackerel in oil 226
Mackerel 283 Pike 261
Horse mackerel 355 Acne 238
Zander 282 Oyster 223
Cod 341 Tuna 352

Vegetables, fruits, dried fruits

Name Content per 100 g (mg) Name Content per 100 g (mg)
Watermelons 111 Apricot 304
Bananas 349 Pineapples 320
Melon 117 Oranges 198
Blackberry 160 Cowberry 91
Cherry plum 189 Eggplant 238
Salad 296 Cherries 256
Garlic 238 Cherries 225
Blueberry 52 Mulberry 207
Pomegranate 151 Pear 157
Grapefruit 183 Raisin 831
Zucchini 240 Figs 711
Ginger 414 Chervil 525
Broccoli 314 Raspberries 120
White cabbage 307 Vegetables 569
Brussels sprouts 374 Dried apricots 1616
Chinese cabbage 239 Cherry 262
Cauliflower 211 Green onion 260
Red cabbage 301 Tangerines 156
Kiwi 303 Carrot 201
Asparagus 142 Sea ​​buckthorn 194
Tomatoes 215 Plums 213
Peach 362 Sweet pepper 165
Black currant 354 Red Ribes 271
Prunes 866 Cherries 234
Dates 369 Spinach 501
Persimmon 199 Apple 280

Mushrooms and nuts are sources of K

Daily requirement

An adult needs 1.1-2 g of potassium per day, and a child needs 15-30 mg per kilogram of his weight. With age, the body's need for potassium increases. It also requires more potassium when physical activity, playing sports, using diuretics. In spring there is an increased need for potassium, and in autumn the body almost does not need it.

Symptoms of deficiency and excess

The first signs are fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, increased irritability. Dry skin, brittle nails, hair loss, and seizures may indicate hypokalemia. A person can easily form hematomas and have poor wound healing. Intestinal function is disrupted, as they say frequent constipation. Arrhythmia appears.

Symptoms of excess: disorders heart rate, up to cardiac arrest, muscle weakness, pallor skin, paralysis of the respiratory muscles.

  1. When cooking in large quantities water, many of the products lose potassium. For example, carrots lose 70%, onions, potatoes - 60%, corn and beets - 50%. Therefore, it is advisable to cook vegetables in small quantity water. Do not drain the broth, but use it to prepare other dishes.
  2. Products can be prepared in own juice, then potassium losses will be minimal.
  3. It is better to cook in a dark container with a closed lid.
  4. When frying, first fry until golden brown and then bake the food in foil.
  5. Fruits are best consumed without heat treatment.
  6. If you prepare compotes, you need to bring the fruits to a boil, which you first pour hot water, and then just let it brew.

Each product has some useful vitamins, minerals... In this article you will learn, in which products is it found?. Potassium is found in almost all foods, the most famous of which are vegetables, especially green leafy ones and bananas.

If the body lacks this microelement, this can affect the functioning of the main human mechanism - and also appears chronic fatigue. Interesting fact is that potassium affects brain cells, causing a feeling of satisfaction and well-being.

A lack of potassium can lead to diabetes.

For many years now, scientists who have been studying this microelement have proven that it plays a vital role in important role in the life of any person.

With every study conducted, scientists say that potassium deficiency can lead to hypertension, stroke, gout, osteoporosis, rheumatism, heart and intestinal pain.

In practice, there have been cases where potassium deficiency led to significant memory impairment.

The microelement Potassium itself has various advantages:

Potassium can improve brain performance

Potassium deficiency (aka K-deficiency) primarily affects the quality of brain function. This can be explained by the fact that this mineral works as an assistant in supplying oxygen to brain cells, and when the amount of potassium decreases, brain functionality decreases significantly.

One of the first signs that there is a lack of a microelement in the body includes rapid fatigue and the inability to concentrate one’s attention on important things. A person may remain in this state until the potassium deficiency is eliminated.

A normal amount of potassium in the body protects the heart from various diseases

Moderate intake of potassium can protect a person's heart from developing various heart diseases and stroke.

This biologically active element regulates blood pressure and heart rate, which reduces the load on the arteries and heart muscle.

Note that most K-containing products are good sources of antioxidants, which also have a good effect on the functioning of the heart, and indeed the entire human body.

Potassium strengthens human muscle mass

The trace element potassium is one of the main components for strengthening muscles. If you have a desire to increase your muscle mass, or just to maintain healthy muscles, you should pay attention to what you eat.

Introduce potassium-rich foods into your diet, such as bananas, avocados, dried apricots, etc.

Potassium, which is contained in fruits, helps muscles recover quickly and maintain their tone.

Potassium helps maintain fluid levels in the body

It is imperative to maintain the balance of water in the body, since the performance of absolutely all body systems depends on it.

Taking your daily dose of potassium helps maintain fluid balance. With this ability, Potassium resembles other microelements - calcium and sodium, because they also control water balance body.

Potassium can bring blood pressure back to normal

Potassium will help bring your blood pressure back to normal.

If you are tormented high pressure, think about whether the amount of Potassium in your body is normal?

This trace element can relax blood vessels, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure.

Potassium can strengthen not only muscles, but also bones

Everyone knows that on bone tissue Calcium and fluorine have a good effect, but these are not the only microelements that have their benefits; potassium can also be included in them.

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