Balanced diet for a one-year-old cat. What to feed your cat - food or natural food

What kind of nutrition does a cat need? In order to answer this question, you need to understand what your pet eats in wildlife. The diet includes mice, birds, lizards and insects. In other words, meat, carbohydrates found in grass and grains, calcium and other minerals from bones.


What is included in natural food

An adult pet should be given approximately 100-150 grams of protein, 50 grams of carbohydrates, water and a variety of vitamins. There is no need to stuff the cat with food from the table. Substances such as spices, sweets, onions, canned food and sausages.

Protein in the diet

Sources of the “building element” in food are:

  1. Low-fat meat products. It's about about beef, veal, offal ( internal organs). Before feeding your cat, you need to cut the meat into small cubes. It is not recommended to feed a cat with minced meat. Pre-freeze the meat and scald it before feeding.
  2. Boneless fish. It's better to use sea water. If you purchased river water, you must first boil it. Fish should not be the mainstay of a cat's diet. It is recommended to give it no more than 2 times a week.
  3. Eggs are a source of protein for cats. They also contain vitamins and microelements. Boiled yolk should be given once a week. More benefits Cats will bring quail eggs for their body.
  4. It is recommended to feed the cat natural food such as dairy products. It includes cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt. It should be noted that not all fluffies can digest whole cow's milk. This is due to the lack of an enzyme. The most useful is goat milk. You can feed it to a kitten.

Carbohydrates in the diet

You need to feed your cat carrots, cabbage, apples, and herbs. All this can be eaten raw. You can cook by adding vegetable oil.

You can’t exclude meat from your fluffy’s diet. There is no special enzyme in the cat’s body that can break down cereals.

Vitamin intake

A properly composed diet should include foods rich in vitamins.

  1. From the position of a source of vitamin, you can use grass. For example, oats.
  2. Yeast is rich in B vitamins. But you should know that some cats have this group an allergic reaction occurs.
  3. You can use ready-made complexes for cats. However, it is recommended to control such nutrition. Hypervitaminosis will do a lot of harm.

Feeding frequency

Composing proper nutrition for cats, you need to understand how often to give them food:

  1. A kitten up to 3 months should be fed about 6 times, 120-150 grams per day.
  2. A kitten from 3 to 4 months should be fed 5 times a day.
  3. A 4-5 month old pet should eat 4 times a day in a volume of 40 grams per kilogram of weight.
  4. A 5-6 month old fluffy needs to be fed 3-4 times a day.

Single meals for cats are not recommended. IN wild conditions they go hunting when they want to eat. They don't have any restrictions. It is necessary to feed the cat at the same time every day, observing the regime.

You need to pamper your fluffy with warm food. Choose a secluded place for feeding where the cat will not be disturbed. If there is more than one pet in the house, it is recommended to purchase several bowls. Make sure everyone eats their portions.

If, in addition to cats, there is a dog in the house, it is recommended to feed them in different rooms. It is necessary to saturate your furry even if he constantly catches mice. After the food is finished, the pet likes to sleep. Don't distract the cat from this.

The video will tell you in more detail about how and what to pamper your pet.

When is a diet necessary?

A properly formulated diet for a pet should take into account its condition and activity.

There are some aspects you need to be aware of:

  1. Feed your pregnant cat more often. The number of servings should increase gradually. A nursing pet needs approximately twice as much food.
  2. A stud cat should be pampered with an increased amount of proteins and vitamins E.
  3. Adjust the diet of an elderly cat. This is due to the fact that activity will decrease, teeth will wear down, and pickiness to food will arise. IN in this case It is better to feed in small portions. At the same time, the food should be digested quite easily.
  4. A castrated cat does not have high activity. His metabolism is low. There is a danger of obesity. In such a situation, it is necessary to control the amount of food.
  5. Sick cats require a special diet, which a veterinarian can recommend.

Use of dry food

Natural food is the best choice for a cat. But at the same time, it also has disadvantages. It takes time and knowledge to create a diet. The shelf life of protein products is not too long. Therefore, you can switch to dry food

Finished product with balanced composition does not have any additives. You can store it for quite a long time. Moreover, on modern stage you can choose cat food with different composition, which is selected taking into account age, activity and condition.

Choosing the right food is not always easy. It does not suit all cats equally well. Therefore, first of all, observe your pet’s reaction, its activity, fur and stool. If the food was chosen correctly, there is no need to change it.

When using dry food, you should be guided by the interests of the cat. Study the composition with special attention. Cheap dry food is no different high quality. Eating this kind of food can cause harm. In addition, it adds special components that attract pets.

  1. It is advisable to feed him dry food that contains meat.
  2. The share of carbohydrates should not be more than 30%.
  3. The food must not contain chemical preservatives or dyes.
  4. Feed should not contain sugar or empty fillers.
  5. If you feed low-quality dry food, this will affect the condition of your pet.
  6. Quality food is not cheap.
  7. Cats don't need exotic ingredients.
  8. Food may vary by class. And it is better to give your pet super premium food.

Combination with other products

You can completely switch your cat to food, or you can combine it with canned food of the same brand. Manufacturers do not recommend using dry product with natural food. However, some breeders do not follow this recommendation. Several times a week they feed their pet natural food, adding proteins to the diet.

If you don’t want to switch completely to food, remember that the diet must be balanced. In addition, the cat should be pampered not only with food, but also with clean, fresh water.

Possibility of obesity

At the cat's extra pounds can arise only for the reason that there is no possibility of free movement. If it's not enough physical activity, then in combination with the wrong food this will lead to obesity.

If the cat has been neutered, then the likelihood of obesity will increase several times. The same thing awaits a sterilized cat. In this situation, nutrition must be adjusted correctly. If you indulge in unnatural food using dry food, you need to buy products with the appropriate labeling.

  1. Natural or dry food should not be constantly available compared to water.
  2. You can switch to feed, but this should not be done suddenly. It is better not to combine natural and dry food.
  3. Form proper nutrition, a certain type of diet and stick to it.
  4. There should not be a lot of fish and seafood.
  5. Cats and cats do not digest cereal porridge or flour products.
  6. Milk isn't always good for furbabies.
  7. A furry creature should not eat food that is on the table.
  8. There is no need to feed your cat tomatoes, eggplants, or potatoes.

Video "Dangerous Products"

Not all products are healthy for pets. And the video will describe some of them.

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Not much different from their relatives living in the wild. When deciding what to feed a cat, first of all you need to proceed from the fact that it is a predator, and the most proper food for him - meat. In theory, an adult pet needs to be fed raw meat chicken or beef. However, given modern realities, one has to doubt that such food for a cat will be absolutely safe. Salmonella, worm eggs, all kinds chemicals, used to better preserve meat products, are unlikely to benefit your pet. That is why it is recommended to pre-cook the meat.

By-products, such as chicken or beef liver, should also be included in the diet of an adult cat. This is an excellent source of vitamin A. Many owners feed their cats fish, raw or boiled. It must be said that in large quantities this product use is not recommended. Once or twice a week is enough. The fish is not far best food for cats, it promotes the formation of kidney stones.

Before feeding your cat meat or fish, remove all bones to avoid injury. Fish or meat can be mixed with vegetables. This has a beneficial effect on the animal's digestion. Carrots, all types of cabbage, green peas, and sprouted wheat grains are most suitable for this purpose. Beets, bananas, and potatoes are not recommended. Vegetables must first be stewed or boiled.

Of course, such recommendations on how to feed a cat are very relative. Any animal knows better than the owner himself what nutrients he doesn't have enough. Therefore, if your cat is sensitive to vinaigrette or pumpkin puree, do not rush to take the bowl away from him. Thus, it compensates for the lack of vitamins and microelements.

Of course, cats belong to the mammalian family, but dairy products are not so necessary for an adult animal. Moreover, many people purr from cow's milk It happens Cottage cheese is useful for an animal, but not in large quantities. In order for your cat's diet to be varied, you can offer the animal low-fat sour cream, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, egg yolk,

When you purchase a purebred animal, the breeder tells you what to feed the cat. But each animal has its own character and its own eating habits. Therefore, after getting to know your pet more closely, the diet can be varied in accordance with his wishes.

The first question that arises for an animal owner is: what to feed the cat - ready-made food or natural products? In this case, it is better for you to immediately make a choice, since many owners notice that animals accustomed to Whiskas and Kitty Cat are very reluctant to switch to natural nutrition.

The usefulness of granules made from industrial fats is highly questionable. And professional food is not the cheapest pleasure.
However, ready-made food has its big advantages. There is no need to prepare it; the bags are convenient to store and take with you on the go. Thanks to the packaging, the serving size can be calculated without much difficulty.

Among the advice on what to feed your cat, you will not find recommendations to offer the animal food from the owner’s table. And this is no coincidence, since human food is not suitable for your pet. There are cats that will not refuse ham or smoked sausage, but this is not a reason to indulge the animal and form unhealthy eating habits.

I would also like to say a little about what to feed your cat. Tap water is equally harmful to both people and animals. Mineral water without gas is also an unnecessary element in a cat’s diet. It promotes the formation of kidney stones. Best option- clean drinking water from the bottle or after filtration.

healthy adult cat Two feedings per day are enough. Do not give in to your pet's provocative meowing. A cat reacts to food smells, but this does not mean that it is hungry. In addition, obeying instincts, the purr strives to eat in reserve, in case there is no food tomorrow.

Kittens up to six months old and nursing mothers should eat at least five times a day.
But older and obese animals will benefit from dietary restrictions. You can feed them once a day. If it is difficult for your animal to maintain this regime, offer him to eat more often, but reduce the portion. It is advisable to carry out at the same time. This way the animal’s gastrointestinal tract will work better, and she herself will get used to the regime and will not ask for handouts from the master’s table.

You can feed your cat food purchased at the store or prepared yourself. The first option is simpler: in this case, you only need to choose the appropriate option for your pet. The main difficulty of the second is to develop a balanced diet from natural products. It is very difficult to do this without the appropriate knowledge or the help of a professional.

Don't be fooled by the word "natural" in self-feeding: in fact ready-made feed are also made from natural ingredients, but taking into account the specific needs of the cat.

Achieving a nutritious diet at home is very difficult. Your animal will lack something, but something, on the contrary, will be in abundance. Ready-made feeds are designed in such a way as to avoid this.

Alexander Tkachev, candidate of veterinary sciences, vice-president of the Association of Practitioners veterinarians RF

If you have made a choice in favor of store-bought food, then you should not spoil your cat with food from the table. This can lead to nutrient imbalances and obesity.

But alternating dry and wet ready-made food is quite acceptable, especially if they are created by the same manufacturer.

Dry food promotes mechanical cleaning of teeth and supports digestion (it contains about 4% fiber). Wet food has about five times fewer calories than dry food, so it provides balanced diet and does not allow the pet to dial overweight.

How to choose food in the store

Ready-made food is divided not only into types (dry and wet), but also into classes: economy, premium, superpremium and holistic. When choosing, you should pay attention to this.

The difference between feeds is in the raw materials used and the packaging itself. For example, economy-class feed may contain by-products. This reduces the cost of feed.

Sergey Lozhkov, network therapist veterinary clinics"Center"

However, this does not mean that you cannot feed your cat cheaper food. It is much more important that it be complete.

The packaging must indicate that the food is complete. This means that it contains the required amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, microelements and vitamins. They provide the pet with health and activity.

Alexander Tkachev, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Vice-President of the Association of Practicing Veterinarians of the Russian Federation

Of course, it is worth considering the breed and. For all these cases, special feeds are developed.

In addition, you need to know if your pet has any diseases. For example, with chronic renal failure should you feed the cat medicinal food with alkalizing agents and reduced protein and phosphorus content.

Sergey Lozhkov, general practitioner, network of veterinary clinics "Center"

How to feed your cat natural food

Prohibited Products

  • Chocolate. May cause disruption heart rate, excessive thirst and increased urination.
  • Onions and garlic. They contain a substance that destroys red blood cells, which can lead to hemolytic anemia.
  • Milk. May disrupt operation gastrointestinal tract and cause diarrhea.
  • Alcohol. Makes the animal excitable, causes tachycardia, impaired coordination of movements and difficulty breathing.
  • Yeast dough. Causes increased gas formation.
  • Fruit seeds. They produce hydrocyanic acid and can cause poisoning.
  • Grapes and raisins. Contain toxins that can lead to kidney failure.
  • Avocado. May cause breathing problems and disrupt the functioning of the stomach and intestines.
  • Macadamia nuts. They provoke lethargy, vomiting, fever and impaired movement.
  • Sweetener xylitol. Increases insulin secretion, which can lead to vomiting, convulsions, loss of coordination and even loss of consciousness.

Eligible Products

The following products can be included in your pet's diet. But, of course, they cannot be given haphazardly.

  • Meat and offal: chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef. It is better to freeze or boil meat to destroy harmful microorganisms that may be in it.
  • Low-fat boiled fish boneless, it is better to choose sea.
  • Egg yolks- better boiled.
  • Cheese, cottage cheese and fermented milk products medium fat: kefir, sour cream, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cream.
  • Cereals: steamed oatmeal, boiled cereals - rice, buckwheat, wheat groats.
  • Raw or cooked pureed vegetables: carrots, cauliflower, green beans.
  • Green: lettuce, spinach.
  • Dry brewer's yeast.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Mineral and vitamin supplements.

Natural food recipe from Sergei Lozhkov

This food can be fed to approximately 2.5 kg. If the animal has chronic diseases, you need to adjust the prescription with your doctor.


  • 1 kg chicken thighs;
  • 100 g raw chicken liver;
  • 200 g raw chicken hearts;
  • 125 ml water;
  • 2 egg yolks;
  • 1 g taurine;
  • 2 g fish oil;
  • 100 mg vitamin B;
  • 100 IU (67 mg) vitamin E;
  • 4 g iodized salt or iodine supplement;
  • 10 g psyllium powder.


Remove 25% of the bones from the chicken thighs and remove the skin from half (if your cat is obese, remove all the skin). Grind the meat along with the bones until minced.

If you use boneless meat, do not forget to add calcium in the proportion of 1 g per 30 g of meat.

Mix the minced meat with the remaining ingredients. Store the finished food in the refrigerator or freezer. The daily norm for a cat is 2–4% of its weight. If your pet is overweight, daily norm calculated from ideal weight.

Don't forget that natural feeding requires knowledge of many nuances. If you decide to practice it, it is better to consult a doctor so as not to harm your beloved cat.

What food is right for your cat is a very important question, so you need to seriously study it. It is categorically not recommended to save on food by putting the leftovers of your own meal in a cat’s bowl - treating an animal that cannot withstand such a diet will cost much more than a balanced diet. A properly selected menu will prolong the life of your pet (cats can live up to 15 years or more, contrary to the common misconception that 8-9 years is old age for them), will help avoid problems with its health, and will also be useful in matters of cat education - accustomed to The cat will not reach for the delicious food on the owner’s plate. In this article we will look at what is best to feed your cat, and also provide tips and advice on cat nutrition.

What is the best thing to feed an adult cat?

There are two types of cat diet, each with its own advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Ready-made professional food.
  2. Natural food.

The choice in each case must be individual, since much depends on the preferences of the animal, the presence or absence of an allergy to any product and sensitivity to the quality of the food.

Professional feed

The composition of such food does not always correspond to what is indicated on the packaging.


The main advantages of this type of feeding:

  • practicality,
  • convenience,
  • efficiency.

As a rule, ready-made food is cheaper than all necessary products For natural diet. In addition, the pet owner does not have to bother with preparing cat food; 2 minutes are enough to fill the pet’s bowl and continue to do their business.

An equally important advantage is the balance of such a diet - the finished food already includes all the necessary substances, vitamins and minerals in required quantities. In addition, a very convenient feature of professional food is the presence of various variations:

  • for sedentary or very active animals;
  • for nursing cats and small kittens;
  • for castrated and non-castrated cats.

An individual approach allows you to find the “key” to the heart of any furry gourmet.

Among other things, dry food helps clean your cat's teeth and prevents the formation of tartar.


This diet also has disadvantages.

  • The main one is that you need to understand the different types of feed so as not to buy a low-quality economy option. Before choosing any brand of food, be sure to consult with experienced felinologists.
  • In addition, some cats are allergic to ready-made food - in such cases there is no choice, the animals have to be switched to natural food.
  • Another serious drawback is that what is written on the package does not always coincide with what is inside. Serious mistrust has spread among cat owners about food that is produced or packaged in Russia, since high-quality food is often replaced with a cheap substitute. In addition, there are “tricks” that are used by manufacturers: for example, meat products in the feed can easily turn out to be ground bones, tendons and other waste, and not meat.

To choose food for your pet, carefully study the types of dry food.

If you want to be sure of what ends up on your pet’s table, the second option will be closer to you – a diet made from natural products.

Natural nutrition

Natural food is healthier for the cat's body.


Pros of this type of diet:

  • Firstly, you know exactly what your cat eats, you can choose the products yourself and monitor their quality.
  • Secondly, natural food is healthier for your pet’s body; it can be adjusted so that the ratio of various elements - proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fiber - is optimal. For each pet, you can create a completely individual menu, taking into account all its features.


Preparation full menu for a cat it takes a lot of time, you have to buy additional products specifically for the animal, which can be expensive, considering that the cat’s diet must contain meat.

In addition, you need to take a very responsible approach to the preparation of the diet, since an excess or deficiency of any substances may not be noticeable until it affects the health of the animal serious problems. It is important to understand that you cannot always vouch for the quality of purchased meat or vegetables.

In addition to regular meat, you should definitely add meat by-products to your cat’s menu - chicken heads and necks, tendons, internal “offal”.

In order for the animal to receive the required amount of vitamins and fiber, it is required small quantity vegetables daily. It is better to give them boiled and pureed, mixing with meat, so that the cat does not disdain plant foods.

From time to time, your pet’s diet should include:

  • eggs (once a week is enough);
  • fermented milk products (not milk!);
  • fish oil;
  • A very useful addition would be sprouted oats or wheat.

What not to include in a natural diet

Products that should not end up in your cat's bowl:

  1. Fish, seafood (leads to urolithiasis). Here the opinions of experts are divided, but everyone agrees on one thing: fish should not be the basis of a cat’s diet.
  2. Cereal porridges, flour products (not digestible, cause intestinal diseases).
  3. Milk (small kittens are fed with mother's milk or special mixtures; an adult animal doesn’t need milk at all).
  4. Any food from the human table (salt, spices, fried foods - poison for a cat!).
  5. Vegetables: tomatoes and eggplants (contain substances harmful to cats), potatoes.

Food should not be constantly in the bowl, since not every cat will be able to stop in time, and obesity leads to serious illnesses. But there should always be access to clean, fresh water. In this regard, cats are very demanding - the water must be changed at least once a day, preferably more often. Choose a larger bowl for water, then the cat will drink more willingly.

You should not overfeed an animal, especially when it comes to dry food.

Some videos about feeding cats:


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