What are the types of lung diseases in humans? What are the types of lung diseases: treatment and prevention

Lung diseases, their classification, and treatment methods are studied by the medical branch called pulmonology.

Lung pathologies can be specific, nonspecific, or occupational. In addition, tumor processes also develop in organs. Such diseases are dangerous because they lead to various serious complications and even death.Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the first symptoms of the disease and begin timely treatment.

Experts determine the classification of these diseases based on various criteria.

Depending on the location of the lung pathology, there are the following:

  • Diseases associated with the circulation of the lungs. When they occur, damage to the vessels of the respiratory system occurs.
  • Pathologies of organ tissue. These diseases affect the lung tissue, as a result of which they cannot function fully. This is why it becomes difficult to inhale and exhale. The most dangerous in this case are sarcoidosis and fibrosis.
  • Diseases of the respiratory tract. They arise due to blockage and compression of the lumen of the pathways. These are chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis and emphysema.

Most of the pathologies are combined, that is, they affect the respiratory tract, blood vessels and lung tissue. These include:

  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Obstructive pulmonary disease.
  • Bronchitis is chronic.
  • Pneumothorax.
  • Pleurisy.
  • Benign formations in the lungs (lipoma, fibroma, adenoma).
  • This type also includes oncological processes (sarcoma, lymphoma). Lung cancer is medically called bronchogenic carcinoma.

More information about pneumonia can be found in the video:

In addition, the signs distinguish the following pulmonary diseases:

  1. Restrictive – difficulty inhaling.
  2. Obstructive – difficulty breathing.

Depending on the degree of damage, pathologies are divided into:

  • diffuse
  • local

Depending on the nature of the disease, it can be chronic or acute. Some acute pathological conditions can lead to death in some cases, and in other situations they develop into a chronic disease.

Diseases are also divided into the following types:

  1. Congenital (cystic fibrosis, dysplasia, Bruton's syndrome).
  2. Acquired (pulmonary gangrene, abscess, pneumonia, emphysema, bronchiectasis and others).

Lung diseases also include tuberculosis, emphysema, alveolitis, and lung abscess. Frequent occupational pathologies include silicosis and pneumoconiosis (diseases of miners, construction workers and workers who inhale dust containing silicon dioxide).

Main causes of pathology

Most often, the causative agents of pulmonary pathologies are various pathogenic bacteria, viral infections, and fungi.

The following factors may influence the occurrence of such diseases:

  • Hereditary anomalies.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Living in an environmentally unfavorable area.
  • Tobacco smoking.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Stressful situations.
  • Chronic infections.
  • Work in hazardous production.

The first signs of disease

Common specific symptoms of respiratory pathologies are:

  1. Dyspnea. Occurs as a result of disturbances in the depth and rhythm of breathing. In this case, it makes itself felt not only after physical and psycho-emotional stress, but also in a state of complete calm. In frequent cases, it may indicate heart disease. Therefore, a thorough examination is carried out to establish an accurate diagnosis.
  2. . It can be of varying intensity and character: dry, with sputum, barking, paroxysmal. Sputum when coughing can be purulent, mucopurulent or mucous.
  3. Pain in the chest and a feeling of heaviness in it.
  4. Hemoptysis. The patient may observe blood streaks in the sputum. Over time, these may no longer be veins, but clots. This symptom is the most dangerous, because it often indicates a severe course of the disease.
  5. Whistles, noises and wheezing that are heard in the lungs.
  6. In addition, nonspecific signs are possible for diseases of the respiratory system. These include high fever, chills, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, and general weakness.

In most cases, the symptoms are pronounced. However, in some pathologies (lung cancer), they begin to appear very late, so treatment may be delayed.

If the above symptoms appear, you should immediately contact a specialist who, using various diagnostic methods, will establish a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Diagnostic methods

Modern diagnostics of pulmonary diseases are divided into general clinical, biochemical and microbiological, ultrasound, functional and bronchological.

To diagnose diseases of the respiratory organs, a physical examination is necessary, which consists of palpation (sensations that arise when moving fingers along the sternum), auscultation (examination of sounds of the respiratory organs) and percussion (tapping in the chest area).

General laboratory tests are also prescribed, namely blood and urine tests. In addition, the causative agent of the disease can be identified using sputum examination. An electrocardiogram is done to determine how the disease affects the heart.

Diagnostic methods also include:

  1. Bronchoscopy
  2. Radiography
  3. Fluorography

Additionally, an immunological study, sounding to study respiratory mechanics, and MRI may be needed. In addition, in some cases, a surgical diagnostic method is prescribed (thoracotomy, thoracoscopy).

What is the danger of pathologies?

Pulmonary diseases can cause various complications. Almost all such diseases can progress. They often tend to develop into a chronic form.

Any pathology of the respiratory system must be treated, since they often lead to serious consequences, such as asphyxia.

As a result of obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchial asthma, the lumen of the airways narrows, chronic hypoxia occurs, in which the body experiences a lack of oxygen, which is very important for the proper functioning of the entire body. Acute asthma attacks can threaten the patient's life.

The danger also lies in the occurrence of heart problems.

Often patients ignore the first signs of the disease. With lung cancer, the symptoms are minor and a person may not pay attention to them. Therefore, the malignant process is usually diagnosed at later stages. In case of metastasis, the patient may die.

(pneumonia) according to statistics is the second disease on the list that ends in death.

Treatment of diseases and prognosis

The choice of treatment tactics depends on the diagnosis. In any case, therapy should be comprehensive:

  • Etiotropic treatment eliminates the underlying cause. If the causative agents are pathogenic bacteria, antibiotics of the macrolide, penicillin or cephalosporin group are prescribed. For a viral infection, antiviral drugs are used, for a fungal infection, antifungal drugs are used. To eliminate allergies, antihistamines are prescribed.
  • Symptomatic therapy consists of taking antitussive and mucolytic drugs that effectively help with cough. It is possible to use antipyretic drugs at high temperatures.
  • Maintenance therapy is often prescribed. To increase immunity, use immunostimulants and vitamin-mineral complexes.
  • In rare cases, surgical treatment may be prescribed.
  • Folk remedies are helpful for various symptoms of pulmonary pathologies. Inhalations with saline solution, essential oils and decoctions of medicinal herbs are considered effective and safe.
  • It is important to remember that only a qualified specialist can prescribe medications. The possibility of using alternative medications must also be discussed with him.

The prognosis for different types of pathologies may be as follows:

  1. With timely treatment, acute inflammation in the respiratory system usually has a favorable prognosis for human life and health.
  2. Chronic forms of diseases significantly worsen the quality of life. With the right treatment tactics, life is not threatened.
  3. Oncological diseases are often diagnosed at late stages. They usually metastasize at these stages, so the prognosis in such cases is unfavorable or questionable.
  4. Lung cancer and pneumonia can be fatal.

To prevent the development of pathologies of the respiratory organs, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules of prevention:

  • Lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Give up bad habits.
  • Temper the body.
  • Avoid hypothermia.
  • Walk outdoors more often.
  • Holiday on the sea coast every year.
  • Avoid contact with patients in severe epidemiological situations.
  • Eat properly and balanced.
  • Ventilate the room and frequently do wet cleaning.

In addition, it is necessary to undergo annual scheduled checks at the clinic. You should also follow all doctor’s instructions for respiratory diseases.

One of the most serious global health problems today. The success of their treatment depends on timely and correct diagnosis, as well as the correct selection of methods to combat these diseases. If you try to compile a complete list of all lung diseases, in total it will include more than forty names of ailments of various natures, including: bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, cancer, pneumoconiosis, pulmonary vascular diseases, tuberculosis, pulmonary fibrosis, etc.

Having carried out a conditional generalization, the entire list of lung diseases can be divided according to the specifics of their occurrence into:

  • acute respiratory diseases of the lungs caused by infection;
  • lung diseases that were provoked by certain external agents;
  • chronic lung diseases COPD.

The main task of the lungs is to provide the body with oxygen. In addition, they also perform an excretory function, excessive overload of which leads to most diseases. In addition, a malfunction in the functioning of other organs and systems of the body can also become one of the causes of some diseases from the list of lung diseases. It is safe to say that the leading place among all the items on this list is occupied by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or, for short, COPD. It accounts for more than 50% of the total number of respiratory tract diseases.

COPD is a lung disease with a medical history characterized by partially irreversible restriction of air flow in the respiratory tract. Ultimately, this can lead not only to a decrease in a person’s ability to work, but also, in the worst case, to disability. A lung disease like COPD has a fast flow. This is especially facilitated by the presence of other diseases of the respiratory and cardiac systems. Therefore, it is very important to identify the disease in time and take the necessary measures.

Causes of Lung Diseases

Environmentally unfavorable conditions, work in hazardous industries and, above all, smoking are the causes of the development of lung disease (COPD) after all, it is smoke, penetrating the body through inhalation, that irreversibly damages the bronchi and pulmonary alveoli, causing negative changes in the respiratory system. Many people mistakenly believe that only cigarettes are a threat. Along with them, the cause of the development of chronic pulmonary diseases and COPD may include hookahs, pipes and smoking mixtures. And, although the disease does not manifest itself at the initial stages, after 7-10 years it will definitely make itself felt not only with shortness of breath and wheezing in the chest, but also chronic bronchitis, and perhaps even cancer.

For medical history COPD that affects every 5 smokers is characterized by a progressive nature. The only test for diagnosis COPD is spirometry - analysis of the air exhaled by a patient using a special device to determine the nature of the symptoms of the disease.

Inflammatory Lung Diseases

Pneumonia. The most common inflammatory disease of the lower respiratory tract is pneumonia. This disease is also called pneumonia. Unlike viral diseases of the respiratory system, pneumonia is bacterial in nature, which makes its course more severe and requires treatment with antibiotics. Often the disease occurs with pronounced intoxication: a sharp increase in temperature to 37.5-39C, wheezing in the lungs, sore throat, chills. The picture of the medical history of such a lung disease as pneumonia looks quite optimistic if the disease is detected in time using blood and sputum tests. After the first days of taking antibiotics, the patient experiences positive dynamics: the temperature decreases and the general physical condition improves. However, weakness can persist for up to 2 weeks after complete recovery from pneumonia.

It should be noted that the most important thing in the process of treating pneumonia is the correct selection of antibiotics. The fact is that some bacteria may be resistant to the components of a particular drug, and, accordingly, a positive effect from its use will not follow. In order to identify the causative agent of an inflammatory lung disease such as pneumonia, an appropriate blood test is performed.

Antibiotics are serious medications for fighting bacterial infections. Their use may lead to disruption of the body's microflora, so independent use of these medications for lung disease, in particular pneumonia, without prior consultation with a specialist who will tell you which group of antibiotics the patient should take is extremely undesirable.

Remember that pneumonia is a serious lung disease, complications of which can lead to death, therefore, when the first symptoms are detected, you must consult a doctor who will prescribe an individual drug suitable for treatment.

Prevention of Lung Diseases

Do not forget about the other mandatory comprehensive methods of combating infectious lung diseases, in particular pneumonia, namely: drinking plenty of fluids, taking antihistamines and expectorants; eating vitamins; ventilation and wet cleaning of the room in which the patient is located.

An important role in the fight cancer, COPD, inflammatory lung diseases prevention plays a role, which, first of all, should consist of eliminating risk factors. You should avoid contact with sick people, strengthen your respiratory system by spending more time in the fresh air and playing sports, stop smoking and remember that preventing a disease is always much easier than curing it.

Pulmonology is a branch of medicine that studies diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract. Not long ago it was called pneumology.

Pulmonology is a broad field of medicine consisting of various sections. Main directions:

  • study of nonspecific diseases (inflammatory, allergic, obstructive, etc.);
  • study of specific diseases (for example, pulmonary tuberculosis);
  • study of occupational diseases;
  • study of tumor processes.

Pulmonology works closely with other specialties, especially with resuscitation and intensive care, since after surgery and in severe cases, many patients require artificial ventilation (connection to an artificial respiration machine).

Diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs are significantly common throughout the world. Our lifestyle, environment and genetic factors have caused an increase in the incidence of reported diseases.

The bronchopulmonary system consists of the following structural formations: the respiratory tract, through which air enters, and the lungs. The respiratory tract is divided into upper (nose, sinuses, pharynx, larynx) and lower (trachea, bronchi and bronchioles). They are responsible for performing the following functions:

  • conducting air from the atmosphere to the lungs;
  • purification of air from pollutants;
  • protection of the lungs (microorganisms, dust, foreign particles, etc. settle on the bronchial mucosa and are removed);
  • warming and humidification of incoming air.

The nose is the main defender of the respiratory system. It humidifies and warms the air, traps microorganisms and harmful substances, and it is also able to sense various odors and is responsible for the sense of smell.

Sinuses are confined spaces filled with air.

The pharynx is an organ in which a large number of lymph nodes are located, the largest of which are the tonsils. Lymphatic tissue protects the body from various microorganisms.

The larynx follows immediately after the pharynx. It contains the glottis and ligaments.

The lower respiratory tract is a hollow elastic tube of varying diameters, the largest of which is the trachea. They smoothly pass into the lungs.

The lungs are structures consisting of many interconnected sacs (alveoli) filled with air. They resemble bunches of grapes. The main function is gas exchange, namely the supply of oxygen into the bloodstream and the release of waste gases, especially carbon dioxide.

Causes of diseases

Only a qualified specialist can tell you the name of the lung disease in your case and determine the cause of its occurrence. Most often, these are microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi). Allergic reactions, genetic abnormalities, and hypothermia can also cause lung diseases.

The names of lung diseases are often compiled based on the reason for their occurrence (for example, the ending “-itis” indicates inflammatory processes, “oz-” - degenerative, etc.).

Risk factors:

  • poor environment;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • heart disease;
  • chronic infections;
  • stress.


Pulmonologists know everything about what lung diseases are. Nowadays there is no single generally accepted classification. The list of lung diseases is quite wide. It is compiled based on several characteristics and parameters. Based on the symptoms manifested in the patient, the following types of lung disease are distinguished:

  • obstructive (difficulty in exhaling air);
  • restrictive (difficulty breathing).

According to the location of the damage, the following list of lung diseases is compiled:

  • respiratory tract diseases. This pathology is caused by compression or blockage of the airways. These include asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis;
  • lung tissue diseases. This group of diseases damages lung tissue, preventing it from fully functioning and expanding, making it difficult for patients to breathe in and out. These include fibrosis and sarcoidosis;
  • diseases of the pulmonary circulatory system. This is damage to blood vessels. It affects gas exchange.

Many diseases are a combination of these types (for example, asthma, bronchitis, COPD, cancer, pneumonia, pneumothorax, etc.).

You can make a list of lung diseases based on the degree of prevalence of the pathology - local and diffuse lesions. Infectious lung diseases usually cause local changes. Diffuse are associated with other external and internal causes.

A list of lung diseases can be compiled according to the nature of their course - acute or chronic processes. But it is quite difficult to classify lung diseases according to this principle, since some acute processes can quickly cause a tragic outcome, and sometimes they are asymptomatic and immediately turn into chronic pathology.


There are a huge number of diseases of the respiratory system. So what are the most common symptoms of lung disease?

Diagnosis and treatment

After watching a video of lung disease, everyone should realize the seriousness of the pathology, because without proper breathing there is no life. Many people, when characteristic symptoms appear, begin to browse websites and look for what types of lung diseases there are. As a result, they prescribe their own treatment.

Remember: self-medication can only bring temporary benefits. It causes severe harm to the entire body, since only a doctor can carry out a full diagnosis.

In addition to collecting complaints and external examination, the doctor uses additional diagnostic methods: X-ray, CT, bronchography, fluorography. After receiving the examination results, the pulmonologist makes a final diagnosis and draws up a treatment plan.

All treatment should be comprehensive, individual and step-by-step. Don’t let the complicated names of lung diseases scare you, because if you follow all the doctor’s instructions, your chances of recovery are maximum.

When prescribing treatment, the doctor takes into account the cause of the disease, symptoms, severity of the condition and the presence of complications. After analyzing the data obtained, the pulmonologist prescribes certain medications that help reduce pain, affect the cause of its occurrence, restore lung functionality, and eliminate clinical manifestations (cough, shortness of breath, etc.).

After the acute period subsides (decrease in temperature, absence of weakness, etc.), physiotherapy, a certain diet, daily routine, and sanatorium treatment are prescribed.

In the absence of positive results from conservative therapy, surgical treatment methods are resorted to.

Almost from early childhood, a person is susceptible to various diseases, among which, of course, can be considered ailments of the upper respiratory tract. There are more than enough reasons for the appearance of such diseases. Moreover, the course of the disease is different for everyone.

The main source of pathogenic microbes entering the body is the environment. It is the disruption of the air exchange process that leads to the fact that after a certain period of time the first symptoms of diseases begin to appear, often accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

In search of the truth, you can consider the main lung diseases, the list of which is headed by pneumonia. In addition, it is often diagnosed:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • viral diseases;
  • pleurisy;
  • emphysema;
  • snore;
  • asphyxia;
  • hypoxia;
  • tracheitis;
  • apnea syndrome;
  • cancer formation, etc.

Each type of disease has its own symptoms and causes. Treatment involves the prescription of certain medications, which can also be used in combination with folk remedies - rinses, compresses, inhalations.

Main symptoms

People with lung diseases note the following signs of illness:


Most often, a cough can be triggered by irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. In this case, the cough is both constant and episodic. There is also a distinction between a dry cough and a cough with sputum. The chronic manifestation of an irritating symptom leads to frequent exacerbation of bronchial diseases.

Expectoration of sputum is used as biological material for diagnostics, the results of which determine the causes of cough. Moreover, not only the shade of sputum is taken into account, but also their smell. If you neglect to consult a doctor in a timely manner and try to cope with the disease on your own, the disease may worsen and it will be more difficult to cope with it in the future.

Redness of the mucous membrane

Inflammation of the oral mucosa is a harbinger of more serious lung disease. Even the allergic manifestation of this symptom should not be left without due attention.


Unfortunately, this seemingly simple symptom is not given enough attention. However, according to statistics, most people suffering from such inconvenience, after a certain period of time, have a fairly high risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke with a fatal outcome. In addition, you feel constantly tired. To understand how dangerous snoring is for a particular person, you need to contact a doctor with complaints, who will prescribe a comprehensive examination.

Shortness of breath or suffocation

Unlike other symptoms of lung diseases, complaints of such ailment should be the reason for an immediate trip to the doctor. Shortness of breath can cause discomfort not only during physical activity, but even during sleep.

Chest pain

Since there are no nerve endings on the lungs, there should be no pain as such. However, if such a symptom does occur, then the lung tissue may be affected. If pain in the sternum does not subside, then this may be one of the first manifestations of a cancerous tumor.

Insufficient oxygen supply to the lungs

This symptom can occur for a number of reasons. It is expressed in the complication of the respiratory process, which in turn does not allow oxygen to be supplied to the blood in sufficient quantities. There is a feeling of slight malaise, sometimes leading to loss of consciousness. The color of the skin loses its natural shade. With prolonged lack of oxygen, even convulsions can occur. Finding out the reasons for this symptom is very important, since inaction can be fatal.

Expectoration processes, etc.

This process is a natural way of removing mucus from the lungs. The accumulated mucus after each expectoration releases the lungs, improving the patient’s well-being. Moreover, expectoration serves as a kind of indicator of the healing process.

The above symptoms of lung disease are evidence that you should urgently contact a qualified specialist who, depending on the complexity of the situation, will prescribe adequate therapy. Self-medication is unacceptable.

Lifestyle and the presence of bad habits can aggravate the course of the disease, which will ultimately lead to the appearance of such an ailment as tuberculosis. The most terrible diagnosis, which in most cases is incurable, is lung cancer.

Treatment can be prescribed only after thoroughly listening to the patient's breathing. If there are suspicions, the doctor is obliged to write out a referral for fluorography, which will provide a more accurate “picture” of the condition of the lungs. All currently available diagnostic methods provide each person with the opportunity to conduct an examination and promptly begin the treatment process, which can consist of either taking one drug or a whole complex.

The lungs are a paired organ located in the chest cavity and perform a number of functions.

The main task of the lungs is gas exchange. In the alveoli, carbon dioxide and oxygen are exchanged between inhaled air and venous blood.

This is a vital function, the violation of which causes acute or chronic hypoxia, and when breathing stops, clinical and then biological death quickly develops.

Also, the lungs are a place that is in direct contact with the external environment, and therefore with all pathogenic agents transmitted by airborne droplets.

Considering their importance for the body as a whole, lung diseases and their symptoms are extremely important points that require the fastest and most effective treatment.

All pulmonary pathologies are divided into several groups:

  1. Congenital diseases.
    • Dysplasias are developmental defects. These include: absence or underdevelopment of the lung or bronchial tree, malformations of the pulmonary vessels, cystic degeneration, etc.
    • Pulmonary symptoms of systemic diseases. Bruton's syndrome, Cystic fibrosis.
  2. Acquired pathologies.
    • Acute forms
    • With damage to the bronchial tree. Bronchitis of bacterial, viral, toxic or thermal origin.
    • With damage to lung tissue. Abscess, gangrene of the lungs. Pneumonia of various etiologies.
    • Chronic forms
    • With damage to the bronchial tree. Chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis, COPD.
    • With damage to lung tissue. Emphysema, pneumoconiosis, tuberculosis.

Benign and malignant diseases are distinguished separately. This applies to a greater extent to tumor processes in the lungs. Benign tumors include: fibroma, lipoma, adenoma. Malignant neoplasms include lymphoma, sarcoma, and squamous cell carcinoma.

Consequences for the human body. Lung diseases and their symptoms can have a wide variety of consequences for a person. Acute inflammatory pathologies with timely treatment most often have a favorable prognosis for both life and health. Chronic diseases, when properly treated, for the most part do not pose a threat to a person’s life, but significantly reduce the quality of life.

Benign and malignant diseases, as well as massive purulent processes (abscess, gangrene), require surgical intervention for health reasons. Malignant lung diseases and their symptoms are often subtle, which is why they are diagnosed late. Therefore, they often metastasize and have a questionable or poor prognosis. Lung cancer is the most common cause of death in pulmonary diseases, followed by pneumonia.

Can your lungs hurt: the most common symptoms of pulmonary diseases

Can your lungs hurt? Lung tissue itself does not have pain receptors. This means that with the development of local pathological changes, the feeling of pain does not occur.

But many can say that they definitely felt the feeling of pain in the chest. The bottom line is that the chest cavity is lined by the pleura, which has two layers - visceral (covering organs, including the lungs) and parietal or parietal - lining the chest from the inside.

The visceral pleura, like the lungs, does not have pain receptors and cannot hurt. However, the parietal pleura has pain endings, and when it is drawn into the pathological process, pain occurs. Therefore, answering the question, “can your lungs hurt?” the answer is no, but with the caveat that pain can occur when the pleura is damaged.

Signs that you have a lung problem. Almost all pulmonary pathologies have fairly characteristic clinical manifestations. They include cough (dry and wet), shortness of breath, feeling of heaviness and chest pain, hemoptysis, etc. Often these symptoms are accompanied by nonspecific manifestations - increased body temperature, general weakness, drowsiness, decreased appetite.

In what cases should you immediately go to the doctor? Any pulmonary disease is a reason to visit a general practitioner or family doctor. Almost all diseases of the respiratory system tend to progress. This means that delaying consultation aggravates the patient’s condition and complicates the treatment process. But there are also signs that require immediate medical attention. First of all, this is the release of sputum streaked with blood.

In all cases, this is a symptom of serious disorders, and often the first manifestations of pulmonary hemorrhage. Severe shortness of breath is also an alarming sign, in which case you should immediately consult a doctor. Diseases such as bronchial asthma or COPD lead to a narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi and chronic hypoxia, which has a detrimental effect on the entire body. An acute attack of bronchial asthma is a life-threatening condition. To avoid it, you need to regularly take medications that only a doctor can correctly prescribe.

Lung diseases and their symptoms: clinical picture of the most common pathologies

All pulmonary diseases and their symptoms in the initial stages are very similar. All pathologies without exception are characterized by an increase in respiratory rate, an increase in heart rate and disturbances in the act of inhalation or exit.

A specific disease can be identified only by the results of a physical examination (palpation, percussion and auscultation) and data from laboratory tests (general blood and urine analysis, ECG) and instrumental research methods (radiography, computed tomography, bronchoscopy). Without additional research, an accurate diagnosis cannot be established. The main lung diseases and their symptoms are presented below.

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the walls of the bronchial tree with a narrowing of their lumen. Bronchitis can be acute and chronic. They arise or worsen, as a rule, during the cold season. The clinical picture includes general malaise, a dry cough, which turns into a wet cough, accompanied by light or yellowish sputum. With a background weakening of the immune system, body temperature may rise to a maximum of 38.5-39 degrees. Without appropriate treatment, bronchitis can develop into pneumonia.

Alveolitis- a disease that is characterized by massive inflammation of the alveoli and interstitium of the lungs. These lung diseases and their symptoms depend on the specific form - idiopathic, allergic or toxic. Symptoms common to all forms are progressive shortness of breath (more so during physical exertion), dry cough without sputum, cyanosis, general malaise, and possibly an increase in temperature to 38 degrees.

- inflammation of the lung tissue, most often of infectious origin. In this case, the alveoli are more involved in the pathological process, into which inflammatory exudate is released. Depending on the degree of damage, pneumonia can be focal, segmental, lobar, confluent and total. Depending on the degree of prevalence, these forms of lung disease and their symptoms also differ in severity and difficulty in treatment. The main symptoms are an increase in body temperature above 39 degrees, a severe cough with the release of a large amount of purulent sputum, and when the pleura is drawn into the process, pain in the chest is added. Breathing becomes short, rapid, and audible wheezing may occur.

Lung abscess- this is a limited area of ​​purulent-destructive process in the tissues of the lungs. Develops when immunity decreases or as complications of other diseases. The most common pathogen is staphylococcus. An abscess can be acute or chronic. With acute development, there is a sharp increase in body temperature above 39.5 degrees, increased sweating, severe malaise, dry cough and chest pain. With a chronic abscess, chronic hypoxia with cyanosis and purulent sputum, which is released when coughing, comes first.

Emphysema is a pathology that is manifested by increased air content in the lung tissue and destruction of the alveoli. With it, normal gas exchange does not occur. Most often it develops against the background of chronic obstructive bronchitis and long-term smoking. Clinically, emphysema is manifested by severe shortness of breath, cyanosis, expansion of the chest and bulging of the intercostal spaces and supraclavicular fossa. The chest takes on a characteristic “Barrel” shape.

Pulmonary tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Koch's bacillus. It can have various forms: disseminated, miliary, infiltrative, limited, cirrhotic, cavernous, etc. This lung disease and its symptoms are not detected for a certain time, only occasionally an unrelated cough may occur. With prolonged development, the first to appear are nonspecific symptoms: general malaise, pallor, apathy, fever up to 37.5 degrees, increased sweating. Regional lymph nodes are very often enlarged. After some time, a cough occurs with the discharge of clear or yellowish sputum, and hemoptysis.

Lung cancer or bronchogenic carcinoma- a malignant neoplasm of lung tissue that develops from the epithelium of the bronchial walls. Depending on the location, it may be central or peripheral. Common manifestations are rapid weight loss, general malaise, low-grade fever. This lung disease and its symptoms do not appear immediately. Central cancer reaches the clinic much earlier than peripheral cancer.

The first manifestations are progressive shortness of breath, collapse of the lung, hypoxia. A cough immediately occurs, which is quickly followed by sputum streaked with blood. Pain often occurs as the process quickly affects the pleura. Peripheral cancer clinically manifests itself only in late stages and has similar symptoms, but less severe.