Plant foods as human food. Plant food

Scientific studies have confirmed the harm from introducing a large number of animal products into the menu. For example, men's excessive consumption of meat and dairy products may increase the risk of prostate cancer. While people who prefer plant-based foods are less likely to suffer from all kinds of diseases. This type of protein is not saturated with harmful cholesterol, thereby positively affecting the quality and length of life.

Plant protein is important for the following functions:

  • building new cells and protecting them;
  • reproduction;
  • normalization of vital processes.

In addition, proteins of plant origin are absorbed faster and easier by the body, which improves the functioning of the digestive system, and also reduces the likelihood of atherosclerosis and blood clots. By giving preference to vegetarian food, you will get a large number of fiber, which helps fight excess weight.

Plant proteins are a good option for those who have given up animal foods due to allergies or personal beliefs. Delicious products contain many vitamins, minerals and other substances for the full development of body cells and good health.

Proteins of plant origin have a poorer amino acid composition compared to protein of animal origin, for this reason their rate should be increased from 1 to 1.5 g per kilogram of body weight. For children and athletes, this figure reaches 2.2 grams.

Particularly necessary construction material pregnant women, people engaged in heavy physical labor and during the recovery period after surgery.

Vegetable protein is included in many products; you can find them in any supermarket. A list of foods recommended for vegetarians is presented in the table below.

Nuts and seeds In addition to protein, nuts and seeds contain natural antioxidants, minerals, and healthy fats. It is advisable to include raw foods in your diet. walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds and other similar products.
Dried fruits Sources of energy, as well as vitamins and fiber. Dried apricots, prunes, and dried cherries are especially useful for humans.
Vegetables and fruits Fresh fruits, rich in dietary fiber and valuable microelements, are suitable for preparing many dishes and contain enough protein. Vegetable protein is present in spinach, asparagus, and cabbage. Young potatoes are also useful, and you should also add radishes and sweet peppers to the menu.
Legumes and grains These products contain maximum protein, with a good amino acid composition. The nutritional value of dishes made from beans and grains is quite high. Protein sources for vegetarians are lentils, soybeans, peas, and beans. Oats and rice are also a must.
Mushrooms The gifts of the forest contain everything necessary to ensure human life processes. Their pulp contains no less protein than meat food. The most vegetable protein is found in porcini mushrooms, champignons and boletus mushrooms. It is recommended to prepare bottom part hats.

Plant protein is easiest to get from raw nuts and seeds. For example, walnuts contain more protein than meat, which is why vegetarians certainly include them in their daily menu. Sunflower seeds that have not been subjected to heat treatment are much healthier than fried ones; 100 g of the product per day is necessary to maintain vitality.

Add to list nutritious foods also includes porridges and sprouted grains, which nourish the body necessary elements and material for building new cells.

It is important to know that if a person does not like or very rarely eats foods of plant origin, but at the same time eats baked goods, pasta and processed cereals, then he is putting his health at risk. Such food contains a minimum of vitamins, so it must be supplemented with natural plant products that have not been industrially processed. The plant proteins in its composition reduce the load on the intestines, thereby removing toxins from the body.

Protein deficiency in the body can be easily determined by external and internal signs. A person may suffer from constipation, excess weight and overwork. The skin becomes flabby, and there is also a lack of muscle mass.

Choosing protein food of plant origin, we help the body cope with negative influence environment, avoid the appearance of many diseases and excess weight. Vegetable protein, supplemented with plenty of fiber, eases bowel movements. This property allows it to be used in weight loss and body health programs.

  • reducing the load on the digestive organs;
  • reducing the risk of developing diabetes;
  • maintaining slimness due to increased fiber content.

In addition, protein sources such as whole-grain oats and almonds are essential for those who want to lift weights and build muscle mass. The list can be supplemented with lentils and mushrooms, which are eaten in any form. To replenish your energy after a workout, include quinoa in your daily diet, a grain crop containing large amounts of protein and calcium.

Plant protein can be harmful to the body if eaten in large quantities without adding animal products to the daily menu. The results of such a diet will be a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood, a lack of saturated fats, poor health, and also an increased risk of urolithiasis.

Long-term consumption of soy often causes hormonal imbalance in the female body, and legumes can cause flatulence, dysbacteriosis, bloating and diarrhea.

It is important to know how to properly combine foods rich in plant protein with foods of animal origin. It is known that the body will primarily break down meat rather than mushrooms, so combining them is not recommended. But rice, buckwheat and other cereals are well digested with meat dishes and bring maximum benefits to a person.

The most important element in the human body, after water, is protein. It is an essential component of every cell and includes amino acids.

Most amino acids are produced independently by the human body, but 8 are essential and are compensated through nutrition. Their source is protein-rich foods.

Protein is mostly found in muscles and skin. It provides a person with the necessary amount of energy and maintains optimal health.

A complete diet should include proteins of various origins: plant and animal. It is believed that some essential amino acids can only be obtained by eating weight loss products of animal origin. This opinion is not entirely correct.

Including a wide variety of foods in your diet plant products, you can provide the body with all the necessary trace elements, vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

In addition, experts believe that plant protein is more preferable and beneficial for health. It maintains insulin levels within normal limits, which reduces the risk of diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.

Plant proteins also provide the body with fiber, normalizing the digestion process, restoring microflora, improving metabolism, strengthening the immune system, and having a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, and nails.

Their use can act as a prevention of obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis, and oncology.

What plant foods contain protein?

All products of plant origin contain protein in one quantity or another. The most common include:

  • legumes;
  • cabbage, including sauerkraut;
  • cereals;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • mushrooms.

The positive point is that vegetable protein in products is preserved during any heat treatment. Vegetarian food is extremely varied and includes dishes such as soups, vegetable puree, lentil cutlets, juices, muesli.

Different varieties of legumes have different protein contents than others.

Nutritionists, when excluding foods of animal origin from the diet, advise consuming plant foods using the following combinations:

  1. rice along with any legumes, sesame;
  2. wheat is suitable for legumes, sesame, soybeans or peanuts;
  3. soy can be eaten with rice, wheat, peanuts and sesame;
  4. Peanuts go well with sunflower seeds.

Using such combinations, the body is provided with a complete set of all amino acids.

When organizing a proper and healthy diet, you should familiarize yourself with plant foods that are rich in protein. Among them there are “overseas” names, but, nevertheless, they are quite accessible to the average person.

  • Green pea

Fresh peas contain a large amount of protein. However, it can be eaten both canned and frozen. You should know that compared to peas “from the garden”, 100 g of which contain just over 5 g of protein, processed ones will contain 3.6 g. The difference is insignificant.

  • Quinoa

A grain crop with high nutritional value. It is very valuable in composition, because it contains much more amino acids than rice, corn or wheat. 100 g of product corresponds to 14 g of protein. The Indians rightfully gave it the name “protein factory.” This cereal is perfect for porridges and side dishes. If you grind it, you can bake healthy vegetarian bread.

  • Nuts

Hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts, and peanuts are high in calories. The fats they contain do not contain cholesterol.

Good for a snack. They are added to salads vegetable soups, yoghurts. Perfectly satisfy hunger for a long time. It is recommended to eat 30 g per day. The proteins contained in nuts are rich in the amino acid arginine, which helps burn fat cells.

  • Beans

This legume contains 24 g of protein per 100 g. To make cooking easier, it should be pre-soaked in water for several hours. The nutritional value of beans is retained even after canning or freezing. Green beans is an excellent side dish, and soups and salads with this product have long become everyday dishes.

  • Chickpeas or chickpeas

It is considered a good substitute for meat products. Used mainly in Arabic dishes. 100 g of chickpeas contains up to 30 g of protein. It is often recommended by nutritionists for obesity, because it is low in calories.

  • Tofu (bean curd)

Depending on the density, it contains from 10 – 5 g of protein per 100 g. Suitable for any dishes because it has no own taste.

Legumes are valued due to their high protein content and beneficial microelements

Beans with such an unusual name are harvested slightly unripe. They are usually sold frozen. Used as a snack. Rich in a lot of iron.

  • Sesame

Sesame seeds are valuable for their strong antioxidants such as sesamin and sesamolin, which help fight against free radicals in cells. The protein content in 100 g of this plant is about 20 g. It is added as a seasoning to various dishes. Sesame oil is quite popular.

  • Seitan (gluten)

Consists entirely of wheat protein. An ideal substitute for the taste of chicken meat. You can find it in some specialized oriental stores. When added to a dish, it takes on the taste of chicken.

  • Spirullina (microalgae)

About 70% of this algae is protein. If you compare it with meat, for example, beef, then 10 g of spirulina contains as much protein as 1 kg of this type of meat. Available in the form of powder, capsules and tablets.

Soy milk

In addition to protein, it also contains calcium necessary for bone tissue. It is obtained from white soybeans. On average, 100 ml – 3 g of vegetable protein. During Lent, simply replace your regular milk with soy milk.

Plant-based dairy products are extremely rarely found in stores. However, there is also rice, oat, and almond milk.

This list of products also includes dried fruits and fruits. Not all of them have a high protein content, so we can highlight among them:

  • apricot;
  • dried apricots;
  • papaya;
  • cherry;
  • prunes;
  • kiwi;
  • avocado;
  • dates.

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This table will help you properly organize your diet so as to get the right amount of vegetable protein.

  • The largest amount of protein is needed by a growing body, especially under the age of 3 years, as well as by pregnant women and athletes.
  • The human body can only absorb 30 g of protein per meal. The daily intake rate varies depending on gender and health status.
  • Products containing vegetable protein should be distributed evenly between meals. You should know that protein from plant foods is absorbed by the body only 70%.

The most optimal protein intake for the body is 1 g per 1 kg of weight. It is a mistaken belief that the more protein comes from outside, the more energetic and healthy a person will be.

Health and longevity depend on the quality of nutrition. The role of protein is invaluable in providing a person with the necessary energy for a vigorous and active life. However, everything is good in moderation. Excess protein puts unnecessary strain on the liver and kidneys, which can negatively affect your health.

The list of foods containing plant protein is quite extensive, although people who do not adhere to vegetarian dietary rules may convince you otherwise.

Life Reactor will tell you why eating these organic substances is good for your health and which plant foods you should pay attention to first.

Why plant protein is good for you

So complicated organic matter, like protein, is necessary for the body to function properly.

According to the wiki (Wikipedia), vegetable protein is in no way inferior to organic protein in its properties.

If you use all the products in your diet, and there is an impressive list of them, in which it is present, a person will receive all the necessary microelements and will not experience problems with excess weight.

For more than a hundred years, disputes between nutritionists around the world over plant and animal proteins have not subsided.

Opponents of strict vegetarianism claim that vegetables and fruits lack essential elements, without which it is impossible to maintain ideal health.

However, back at the beginning of the 20th century, a number of experiments were carried out that proved the opposite about plant products.

The diet of any person, regardless of dietary pattern, must be balanced

It was also found that many non-vegetarians are much more likely to suffer from osteoporosis and renal failure caused by excessive consumption of protein foods.

Tip: If you do not follow a strict vegetarian diet, you can diversify your diet with dairy products.

Both raw foodists and non-strict vegetarians, in mandatory should eat foods that contain vegetable protein.

The list of its effects on the body is quite impressive. And first of all it should be said about chemical processes which it activates.

Proteins themselves are essential for cell functioning.

In nature sufficient quantity vegetable protein

It is thanks to them that metabolism occurs, and they also participate in the formation of intercellular substance.

The protein contains numerous amino acids that normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system and are responsible for the production of insulin by the pancreas.

When combining different types of plant foods, the body receives the amount of protein that completely covers all energy needs.

It is worth noting that it is the consumption of products containing vegetable protein that reduces the risk of obesity, cancer, diabetes, and atherosclerosis.

The list goes on and on. This is an essential food for anyone who wants to lose weight.

Eating healthy and being a vegetarian is possible

So, now we come to the main thing - what fruits and vegetables you need to eat so that the body is saturated with all micronutrients.

It is important to remember that the protein content of various fruits is quite small, but since they are low in calories, you can afford to enjoy your favorite treats in any quantity.

Spinach: 2.9 g per 100 g

At the top of the list of vegetables that contain plant protein is spinach.

This product is suitable for pregnant and nursing mothers. It is perfectly absorbed by the body and contains various vitamins.

It tastes best to add spinach to smoothies, casseroles and use it as the main ingredient in salads.

In second place is asparagus. It is great for cooking as a side dish - just steam it and season with olive oil.

The plant is also not high in calories.

Advice: do not buy frozen asparagus - it loses most of its beneficial properties.

Many wonderful dishes can be made from broccoli and cauliflower.

And the combination of these plants will fill you with protein for a good half of the day!

If you stick healthy image life, both varieties of cabbage should be present on your table at least once a week.

Potatoes are rightfully considered an indispensable helper for all vegetarians.

Regardless of the cooking method, the tubers of this plant retain the necessary microelements.

Celery and carrots do not contain too much protein, but they should not be neglected.

A small portion of these vegetables in a salad or soup definitely increases the energy value of the dish.

Oddly enough, fruits and berries contain even more plant proteins than vegetables.

And here avocado is definitely the leader. Many athletes (bodybuilders, swimmers, weightlifters, etc.) include it in the list of must-have foods for their diet.

Firstly, avocado is a fruit, and we all know that fats are equally important for our health.

Secondly, it is rich in fiber, which improves digestion. Therefore, nutritionists advise preparing a salad from this fruit at least three to four times a month.

Tip: remember that avocado loses its properties during heat treatment. It should be eaten exclusively fresh.

Eating ripe bananas is also very good for health. They are ideal for those who decide to go on a protein diet.

Bananas are high in calories, so they quickly saturate the body. They are delicious added to porridge or muesli.

Fans of exotic fruits can safely pounce on papaya, coconuts and kiwi.

They will enrich your body with proteins and Vitamin C. It is best to make them smoothies, fresh juices or fruit salads.

But remember the rules separate power supply- you should not combine incompatible things.

Unlike animal proteins, the trace elements they contain will have a gentle effect on the body and will only have a beneficial effect on health.

By the way, watermelon should be included in the list of must-eat foods also because it is a source of water.

Judging by the dietary tables, in this it is not inferior to everyone’s favorite cucumbers. The best fruit for weight loss is quite difficult to find.

We should not forget about dried fruits. Dried apricots and prunes also have a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

They can be boiled, baked, or added to salads and snacks, since the vitamins and amino acids in these fruits are not so susceptible to processing.

Of course, you shouldn’t eat only fruits and vegetables.

All nutritionists in the world draw the attention of vegetarians to the following: in order to completely replace animal protein, it is necessary to combine various foods.

In the “protein table” the undisputed leaders are nuts, grains, legumes and soy.

This queen of vegetarian cuisine should be on your table as often as possible.

You can use it to prepare porridges, soups, all kinds of stews and casseroles.

A warm green bean salad with carrots, sesame seeds and olive oil is extremely tasty. In short, you can let your culinary imagination run wild!

Few people know that these legumes contain an incredible amount of protein.

This is why pea porridge or chickpea stew is so nutritious and healthy. There are many interesting recipes that include these plants.

For example, try adding green pea soup or chickpea hummus to your menu.

Despite the fact that this cereal crop has not yet become widespread in the CIS countries, it is one of the twenty most useful plants in the world.

Quinoa has a bright taste and is well suited for both salads and hot dishes.

If you only use these seeds to make a dessert like halva, then it's time to review your cookbook.

Sesame is an excellent seasoning for baking, a spice for salads and main courses.

Remember that per hundred grams of seeds there are as many as twenty grams of protein. A weighty argument, isn't it?

In the case of nuts, it is quite difficult to choose the healthiest ones. They have a low glycemic index, so they are completely harmless to your figure.

In a word, create your favorite dishes with various nuts, eat them as dessert, add them to baked goods - they will not lose a drop of their beneficial properties.

There are many soy products that you can eat.

Therefore, nutritionists advise preparing dishes with soy at least two to three times a week. It is very useful to add soybean oil and soy milk to food.

This option is perfect for strict vegetarians. And from tofu or tempeh you can make a wonderful salad that is suitable for both lunch and dinner.

If you are interested in this article, even more information and delicious vegetarian recipes can be found here.

As you know, protein is the basis for the structure of cells and tissues in the human body. It comes in two types: plant and animal origin. Proteins of plant origin are better absorbed; they do not contain sterol and saturated lipids, which has a better effect on the functioning of the digestive system.

Products that contain a sufficient amount of plant protein can be easily purchased in the supermarket. Protein-rich plant foods are found in:

  • Nuts and seeds;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Legumes;
  • Cereals;
  • Vegetables and fruits;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Seaweed.

Nuts are plant foods rich in protein in large quantities.

Nuts are considered high protein foods. In addition to vegetable protein, they are rich in natural antioxidants, unsaturated fats, minerals and fiber. Hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios, cashews, walnuts, and peanuts are great for snacking.

Nuts are 30% protein and 60% unsaturated fat. The proteins found in nuts are rich in the amino acid arginine, which burns fat cells.

100 g of pumpkin seeds contain 20 g of protein, they are fatty and high in calories, but consumption in small quantities has a beneficial effect on health.

Sesame is known not only for the presence of vitamins in its composition, but also for the presence of two antioxidants. Sesamin and sesamolin protect cells from free radicals.

Of the dried fruits, dried apricots, prunes, and dates contain the most proteins.

Dried fruits also contain vegetable protein, but not in such concentration as in nuts or legumes. The most protein-rich foods are dried apricots, dates, prunes, papaya, and cherries. One glass of dried apricots contains 5.2 g of protein, one glass of prunes contains 4.7 g.

Legumes include white, red, black and green beans, chickpeas, lentils, soybeans and peas. Beans and chickpeas - good substitutes meat in terms of satiety and protein content.

Chickpeas are low-calorie product and is indicated for obesity, used more in Arab countries. Beans are more popular; they are present in soups, salads, canned food, and are an excellent side dish. Lentils are increasingly gaining popularity; they contain a lot of plant fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Soy, as a plant product rich in protein, is recommended for people prone to meat allergies

Soy products can replace animal protein for people with meat allergies. They are recommended for people with disorders of the heart and blood vessels, overweight, diabetics, and joint problems. Soy contains 36 g of protein per 100 g of weight.

Grains include all kinds of cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, corn, rice, quinoa. The latter is characterized by a high content of amino acids, is slowly digested, saturates the body for several hours, which means it is excellent for diets and healthy eating. The presence of unsaturated fats in quinoa normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood.

Oats control glucose levels, help the gallbladder function, improve intestinal permeability, provide excellent nutrition and energy throughout the day.

Plant foods rich in protein are better absorbed by the body, speed up metabolism, and help control weight. When animal protein is digested, toxins are produced that the human body is forced to fight.

Plant proteins support healthy microflora and help produce “good” cholesterol. They have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels due to the unsaturated lipids in their structure, and also reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis and the formation of cholesterol plaques.

The origin of the protein is of great importance. All proteins are divided into complete and incomplete. The first group includes animals, and the second group includes plants.

When protein enters the gastrointestinal tract, it is broken down into amino acids, which differ in origin and value for the body. Scientists and doctors divide amino acids into 3 groups:

  • Replaceable;
  • Partially replaceable;
  • Irreplaceable.

Nonessential amino acids are formed from other chemical elements, for example, from glucose. The body is able to produce them itself if they are no longer supplied with food.

Partially replaceable ones are synthesized in the human body, but in limited quantities. They must be taken with food.

Lack of amino acids (products of protein breakdown when entering the body) affects the well-being and general health of a person

Note! Essential amino acids are not produced by the human body, but are synthesized only from food. With a lack of such amino acids, health deteriorates and diseases develop.

Some essential amino acids are present in plant foods, but all 8 types are present in animal products. The exception is soy, which contains 7 essential amino acids.

This difference is determined by the nature of the meat products. Meat is the muscle of an animal, endowed with useful microelements.

Vegetable protein is absorbed only by 70-80%, but it is easier for the body to digest it. And the coarse nature of fiber serves as a good stimulant for intestinal function.

Plant-based foods are recognized by nutritionists as being less rich in protein variety, but they have a number of benefits:

  • Easier to be absorbed by the body, saturates well;
  • Accelerates metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal microflora;
  • Affects the amount of muscle mass in the body;
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Contains a lot of fiber;
  • Controls insulin production;
  • Prevents the development of cancer tumors;
  • Increases skin elasticity, hair strength and nail strength.

In addition to grains, beans, lentils and nuts, protein is found in vegetables, fruits, seaweed and mushrooms. For example, broccoli has 3 g of protein per 100 g of product. The calorie content of green vegetables is very low, around 30 kcal per 100 g.

A list of healthy high protein plants is presented in the table below.

Product Properties
Seaweed Seaweed is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. The calcium content in their composition is 10 times higher compared to milk. In addition to the presence of vegetable protein in them, they are rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, vitamin C, D, E, phosphorus, potassium, iron, iodine, fiber, sodium.

Algae is added to salads, side dishes, and drinks. Regular consumption of this product helps regulate blood sugar levels, saturates the body with iodine and alkalizes.

The most common algae is spirulina. It contains 65 g of protein per 100 g of weight. In some cultures it is used as a meat substitute.

Mushrooms Mushrooms can also be meat substitutes due to their satiety and protein content. Porcini mushrooms, boletus and champignons have the highest concentration of proteins.
Fruits Fruits do an excellent job of saturating the body with protein, but more as an additional source of protein than the main one. For example, a banana contains 2.6 g of protein, one kiwi contains 2 g, and a cup of cherries (200 ml) contains 3.2 g.

Fruits can be consumed in limited quantities; it is better to eat 400 g per day. This is a sufficient norm for diversifying the diet and replenishing the necessary supply of microelements.

Seitan One of the plant products rich in protein. It is made from wheat protein and is grown in East Asia. In the CIS countries, it is sold in cans; its taste is similar to poultry meat.

Proteins are part of all cells and tissues of the body. They have a number of irreplaceable functions in metabolism. Their main purpose is the construction of new cells and tissues. In addition, they perform a plastic function: they are responsible for the constant renewal of cells, tissues and the body as a whole.

Enzymatic is responsible for biochemical reactions that control metabolism and the generation of bioenergy from nutrients entering the body.

Proteins are responsible for binding toxins and poisons, for blood clotting, creating antibodies, increasing protective properties body, immunity. This shows their protective function. They transport oxygen, and also bind and transport some ions, drugs, and toxins.

The energetic function of proteins is to release energy through oxidation.

Each product has its pros and cons. It all depends on the amount of consumption and the balance of the diet. Plant protein is not able to provide the body with the entire set of amino acids, a sufficient amount of iron and vitamin B.

If there is no meat, fish, eggs, or cottage cheese in the diet, the level of carbohemoglobin in the blood and saturated lipids decreases, fatigue, lethargy, loss of strength, and even urolithiasis may occur.

A proper combination of products of plant and animal origin is the path to a healthy life. It is important to find out the characteristics of your body and, based on them, make decisions about diets and restrictions.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

We invite you to watch a video about protein-rich plant foods - how healthy and important they are:

In what products can you find plant proteins - watch this video:

A lot has been said about the benefits of vegetables and fruits, however, plant nutrition also includes cereals, grains, legumes, as well as herbs, nuts, dried fruits and berries. Eating plant foods, the body receives practically no harmful substances, which means it does not become polluted and does not waste additional energy on digesting heavy animal food.

Plant-based nutrition: a little history

Now it’s hard to believe that several centuries ago our ancestors ate only 2 times a day. The basis of their diet was root vegetables, mainly turnips and rutabaga, as well as vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, and salted in winter). The ancient Slavs did not neglect mushrooms, which they salted or made into a stew, and wild berries (strawberries, cranberries, etc.). Some types of cereals (millet, rye, barley), as well as legumes (peas), were also present in their plant diet.

From the stories of numerous travelers, peasants of the 17th-19th centuries ate exclusively plant foods. According to Robert Bremner, author of Excursions in Russia (1839), people from the lower classes were "very strong in body, although they ate only sauerkraut and black bread with garlic." Vegetable nutrition was natural for our great-grandfathers - people ate simple food: they cooked porridge and various “yushkas”, baked bread every few days, and only on holidays - pies.

Such a clearly vegetarian diet was due to the high cost cattle(mostly oxen), which was not a source of meat, but served to cultivate the fields. Nevertheless, plant nutrition did not prevent the peasants from working hard: plowing the land, chopping wood, building huts, cultivating vegetable gardens. The importance of amino acids in human nutrition was not even known at that time, but sunflower seeds, walnuts, peas and cereals could well have served as a source of protein.

Vegetarian nutrition includes several varieties:

  • Strict vegetarianism (veganism);
  • Raw food diet;
  • Fruitarianism;
  • Lactovegetarianism;
  • Pescetarianism;
  • Flexitarianism.

Veganism is based on the refusal to eat not only animal products, but also products that contain non-plant components. Strict vegetarians do not even eat sugar, since the technology for purifying it involves filtering through carbon filters obtained by burning animal bones.

A raw food diet is a type of plant-based diet in which only raw plant products are eaten. The basis of the diet of raw foodists is raw fruits and vegetables, sometimes nuts, seeds, and sprouted grains are allowed.

Fruitarianism is eating only fresh fruits. People who practice this type do not eat any other food, but some of them allow the consumption of fruit compotes and honey.

Lactovegetarianism is a variety vegetarian food when, in addition to plant foods, various dairy products and eggs are consumed. Lacto-vegetarians not only eat cheese, sour cream, butter and milk, but also prepare milk porridges, cheese puddings, dumplings, pies and pancakes, eat omelettes and casseroles.

Pescetarianism is no longer a completely plant-based diet, since the consumption of fish and seafood is allowed.

Flexitarianism is the most loyal type of vegetarian diet, since the consumption of meat and meat products is not prohibited, but is only limited to 1-2 times a month. With this type of diet, amino acids enter the body in larger quantities than with other types of vegetarianism.

The idea of ​​vegetarianism as the only healthy food system is not approved by modern dietetics. According to leading experts in the field of rational nutrition, vegetarianism can only take place as a temporary system of plant-based nutrition: in the treatment of certain diseases, losing weight or nutrition to cleanse the body. Essential amino acids play a very important role in human nutrition important role, and therefore animal proteins must be present in our diet.

Healing nutrition

“Food can be medicine,” the ancients said, and as history shows, they were absolutely right. In our consumer age, the abundance of products has led to a dangerous trend - we are increasingly eating unhealthy foods in incredible quantities and moving less and less, preferring a cozy chair in front of the TV or computer to walking outside.

Neglecting a plant-based diet is not in vain: more and more young people are suffering from obesity, diabetes, osteochondrosis and gastrointestinal diseases. The abundance of meat food and too few vegetables and fruits in the diet leads to the fact that these diseases “get younger” and attack even teenagers - children 13-14 years old.

Each of us must radically change the situation - no government programs will force the younger generation (and the older ones too) to eat right, only parental care and their own example can influence children. Everyone’s task is to provide themselves and their loved ones with healthy nutrition, based on the natural laws of nature and the rejection of harmful foods.

Foods you need to eat to make your diet healthy:

  • Seasonal vegetables, fruits and herbs from your own garden, or purchased from gardeners in rural areas;
  • Sprouted grains – wheat, rye, oatmeal;
  • Bran;
  • Cereals in the form of steamed porridges, without long cooking;
  • Boiled or baked potatoes 2 times a week;
  • Nuts, seeds, dried fruits;
  • Fermented milk products once a day;
  • Boiled or stewed dishes from meat, seafood and fish;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon olive oil per day (this is the only oil in the diet);

Basic rules of healthy nutrition


All vegetables and fruits should be consumed only according to the seasonal calendar. This means that an ordinary apple from our garden in winter is much preferable to an “overseas” banana or grapes.

Mono power.

You should not load your stomach with an abundance of different foods at once; it is much better to stick to this order: one product per meal. For example, for breakfast we eat buckwheat porridge with water, for lunch - lean soup, for dinner - boiled fish or seafood.

Heat treatment.

Heat treatment of dishes should be minimal - it is better to steam porridge, cook vegetables for several minutes and leave in hot water without boiling, add the greens to the soup after cooking. Whenever possible, fruits and vegetables are best consumed raw. It is better not to fry foods at all.

Nutritional cleansing

Plant-based nutrition allows you to cleanse the body from the inside, thereby relieving it of many diseases. Nutritional cleansing is a long journey, and strict diets or simply cutting out certain foods will not help. To conduct a truly safe cleansing course, you should consult with a specialist who will create an individual menu of plant foods.

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The most important element in the human body, after water, is protein. It is an essential component of every cell and includes amino acids.

Most amino acids are produced independently by the human body, but 8 are essential and are compensated through nutrition. Their source is protein-rich foods.

Protein is mostly found in muscles and skin. It provides a person with the necessary amount of energy and maintains optimal health.

The benefits of vegetable protein

A complete diet should include proteins of various origins: plant and animal. It is believed that some essential amino acids can only be obtained by eating food of animal origin. This opinion is not entirely correct.

By including a large variety of plant foods in your diet, you can provide your body with all the necessary microelements, vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

In addition, experts believe that plant protein is more preferable and beneficial for health. It maintains insulin levels within normal limits, which reduces the risk of diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.

Plant proteins also provide the body with fiber, normalizing the digestion process, restoring microflora, improving metabolism, strengthening the immune system, and having a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, and nails.

Their use can act as a prevention of obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis, and oncology.

What plant foods contain protein?

All products of plant origin contain protein in one quantity or another. The most common include:

  • legumes;
  • cabbage, including sauerkraut;
  • cereals;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • mushrooms.

The positive point is that vegetable protein in products is preserved during any heat treatment. Vegetarian food is extremely varied and includes dishes such as soups, vegetable purees, lentil cutlets, juices, and muesli.

Different varieties of legumes have different protein contents than others.

Nutritionists, when excluding foods of animal origin from the diet, advise consuming plant foods using the following combinations:

  1. rice along with any legumes, sesame;
  2. wheat is suitable for legumes, sesame, soybeans or peanuts;
  3. soy can be eaten with rice, wheat, peanuts and sesame;
  4. Peanuts go well with sunflower seeds.

Using such combinations, the body is provided with a complete set of all amino acids.

Plant-based foods high in protein

When organizing a proper and healthy diet, you should familiarize yourself with plant foods that are rich in protein. Among them there are “overseas” names, but, nevertheless, they are quite accessible to the average person.

  • Green pea

Fresh peas contain a large amount of protein. However, it can be eaten both canned and frozen. You should know that compared to peas “from the garden”, 100 g of which contain just over 5 g of protein, processed ones will contain 3.6 g. The difference is insignificant.

  • Quinoa

A grain crop with high nutritional value. It is very valuable in composition, because it contains much more amino acids than rice, corn or wheat. 100 g of product corresponds to 14 g of protein. The Indians rightfully gave it the name “protein factory.” This cereal is perfect for porridges and side dishes. If you grind it, you can bake healthy vegetarian bread.

  • Nuts

Hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts, and peanuts are high in calories. The fats they contain do not contain cholesterol.

Good for a snack. They are added to salads, vegetable soups, and yoghurts. They perfectly satisfy hunger for a long time. It is recommended to eat 30 g per day. The proteins contained in nuts are rich in the amino acid arginine, which helps burn fat cells.

  • Beans

This legume contains 24 g of protein per 100 g. To make cooking easier, it should be pre-soaked in water for several hours. The nutritional value of beans is retained even after canning or freezing. Green beans are an excellent side dish, and soups and salads with this product have long become commonplace dishes.

  • Chickpeas or chickpeas

It is considered a good substitute for meat products. Used mainly in Arabic dishes. 100 g of chickpeas contains up to 30 g of protein. It is often recommended by nutritionists for obesity, because it is low in calories.

  • Tofu (bean curd)

Depending on the density, it contains from 10 – 5 g of protein per 100 g. Suitable for any dishes because it has no own taste.

Legumes are valued due to their high protein content and beneficial microelements

  • Edamame (young green beans)

Beans with such an unusual name are harvested slightly unripe. They are usually sold frozen. Used as a snack. Rich in a lot of iron.

  • Sesame

Sesame seeds contain strong antioxidants such as sesamin and sesamolin, which help fight free radicals in cells. The protein content in 100 g of this plant is about 20 g. It is added as a seasoning to various dishes. Sesame oil is quite popular.

  • Seitan (gluten)

Consists entirely of wheat protein. An ideal substitute for the taste of chicken meat. You can find it in some specialized oriental stores. When added to a dish, it takes on the taste of chicken.

  • Spirullina (microalgae)

About 70% of this algae is protein. If you compare it with meat, for example, beef, then 10 g of spirulina contains as much protein as 1 kg of this type of meat. Available in the form of powder, capsules and tablets.

Soy milk

In addition to protein, it also contains calcium necessary for bone tissue. It is obtained from white soybeans. On average, 100 ml – 3 g of vegetable protein. During Lent, simply replace your regular milk with soy milk.

Plant-based dairy products are extremely rarely found in stores. However, there is also rice, oat, and almond milk.

This list of products also includes dried fruits and fruits. Not all of them have a high protein content, so we can highlight among them:

  • apricot;
  • dried apricots;
  • papaya;
  • cherry;
  • prunes;
  • kiwi;
  • avocado;
  • dates.

Protein content in products (table)

This table will help you properly organize your diet so as to get the right amount of vegetable protein.

  • The largest amount of protein is needed by a growing body, especially under the age of 3 years, as well as by pregnant women and athletes.
  • The human body can only absorb 30 g of protein per meal. The daily intake rate varies depending on gender and health status.
  • Products containing vegetable protein should be distributed evenly between meals. You should know that protein from plant foods is absorbed by the body only 70%.

The most optimal protein intake for the body is 1 g per 1 kg of weight. It is a mistaken belief that the more protein comes from outside, the more energetic and healthy a person will be.

Everyone knows - balanced, varied, regular meals is health, and malnutrition is a pre-disease or already a disease. Eating a plant-based diet- this is one of the most important indicators of your health and disease prevention.

In accordance with the biological characteristics of the human body and centuries-old traditions eating plant foods should occupy at least 60-75% of the total diet.

National characteristics are of great importance eating plant foods, which cannot be neglected. The time of year also plays an important role: in the hot season, plant foods should be predominant, and in cold times, fat supplements, including vegetable ones, should be present in the diet. And there must be a variety of food on your table.

Plant food nutrition is mainly represented by cultivated vegetables, fruits and berries. The valuable preventive and therapeutic properties of many of them are constantly described in publications; they are well studied and presented in various recipes on nutrition and treatment of various diseases. But the army of wild edible plants is poorly represented, and there are few people willing to collect these wild edible plants.

Variety of dishes made from wild plants

But the variety of dishes made from wild plants is very large. And eating wild plant foods can not only strengthen the body, but also heal it. We can recall some of them that are used when eating plant foods.

In salads you can use: nettle, knotweed (knotweed), plantain, cinquefoil, burdock leaves and roots, asparagus, meadowsweet, quinoa, chickweed (woodlice), wormwood-tarragon, primrose, victory onion (ramson, bulb), caraway seeds, lungwort, hogweed, angelica, thyme (creeping thyme, Bogorodskaya herb), chicory, various edible mushrooms, saxifrage, urban gravilate (clove root).

In soups, borscht, cabbage soup, okroshka it is recommended to add: nettle, fireweed (fireweed), plantain, knotweed, dandelion, cinquefoil, burdock roots, asparagus, meadowsweet, quinoa, chickweed (woodlice), primrose, victory onion (ramson, flask), lungwort, gooseberry, chicory, hogweed (bunch), angelica, various edible mushrooms, elecampane rhizomes.

Seasoning for main courses add: nettle, kandyk tubers, knotweed (knotweed), seeds and rhizomes of angelica officinalis, plantain, bloodroot, dandelion, asparagus, meadowsweet, quinoa, chickweed (woodlice), wormwood-tarragon, primrose, victory onion (ramson, flask), caraway seeds, lungwort, gooseberry, hogweed (bunch), angelica, thyme (creeping thyme, Bogorodskaya herb), chicory, various edible mushrooms, saxifrage, urban gravilate (clove root), oregano, fireweed (fireweed) , tansy flowers.

For preparing drinks and (tea, kvass, various decoctions, juices, etc.) you can use birch sap, birch buds and leaves, fireweed (fireweed), leaves and fruits of lemongrass, burdock roots, golden root (Rhodiola rosea), knotweed (knotweed), meadowsweet, chicory, linden flowers, oregano, wheatgrass rhizomes, forgotten kopekweed (red root), rosehip fruits and flowers, rose petals, tansy flowers, black elderberry flowers, bergenia leaves, various fruits and berries (sea buckthorn, lingonberry , cranberry, blueberry, cloudberry, rowan, viburnum, hawthorn, currant, bird cherry, stone fruit, raspberry, etc.), peppermint, maral root (Leuzea).

Many of you can add this far from full list wonderful wild-growing helpers for strengthening and healing our body. For some people it is still a mystery, the desire of many to eat wild herbs and plants to strengthen and heal your body. I would like to joke on this occasion: “They simply cannot cook them tasty.” Find out how to deliciously cook dishes from wild plants in mine.

Correspondence in nutrition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

When we talk about healthy food, we mean a balance in the diet of proteins, fats and carbohydrates - the most important components of food.

Squirrels necessary for our body as a building material for tissue repair. The largest amount of protein is found in products of animal origin, so the human body takes 60% of the required protein from these products. They are optimally suited to the human body in terms of amino acid composition, and are also better absorbed.

Of the plant products, it is necessary to note the richest in proteins: beans, soybeans, peas, rice, buckwheat and oatmeal, garlic, bakery products and, of course, mushrooms.

Fats- basic energy component food, they are very high in calories. they contain 2.2 times more calories than carbohydrates and proteins. It is due to excess fat in the human body that many diseases arise. Therefore, recommendations are made that some animal fats should be replaced with vegetable fats. Suggested 30-40% of total fat in daily ration take from products of plant origin. Unlike proteins, vegetable fats are better absorbed by humans.

Reason - low temperature melting and what constituent elements are polyunsaturated fatty acids. Among products of plant origin we can note fish fat. It has the same qualities as vegetable fat.

It's no secret that the main sources of energy for the body are carbohydrates. In our time, the consumption of carbohydrates has increased noticeably, which has led to the fact that it has become more people with metabolic disorders that lead to diseases such as diabetes, atherosclerosis ( cardiovascular diseases) etc. Therefore, you should limit your consumption, maybe even give up foods such as sugar, cakes, baked goods made from fine flour, etc. This is especially true for people over 40 years of age and people prone to being overweight and obese.

So plants are important integral part human nutrition as a supplier of biologically valuable active substances. But food must be balanced and must provide the body with all the necessary amount of energy material in accordance with its costs. This is especially true for people who have heavy physical activity.

Plant-Based Nutrition and Health

IN THE EARLY STAGES OF THE DISEASE plants can, if used correctly, prevent the development of the disease or mitigate its manifestation in the future. For example, if you have a stomach ache, then by preparing and drinking green tea with mint (not bagged), you can prevent an upset stomach or relieve pain. At the initial signs of the disease, food plants can be prescribed even by a doctor.

Nowadays there are a lot of “fashionable” healing diets. But there is no way to determine which diet is correct and which will help you. This or that diet helps some, while others can be harmful due to the characteristics of the human body. Therefore, the selection of this or that diet must be taken very seriously.

My purely personal opinion is that in order to lose weight, you need to restore your metabolism by cleansing the body of toxins, while you need to lead an active lifestyle, move a lot and, most importantly, eat right.

You need to learn how to properly prepare foods for consumption, know their compatibility, and most importantly, learn how to chew food correctly. You can read about this in this. And, of course, have a great desire to implement all this. Both cultivated and wild plants will help us with this, if we approach the matter wisely.

Yoga at one time was very popular, or rather not yoga, but the system of Indian yogis with their meager nutrition. When examining these people, it turned out that many of them did not shine with health, that this was a myth. Certainly, poor nutrition forces the body to produce additional resources to maintain the body, but there are not many long-livers among them.

People who prefer a one-sided diet, for example, a raw food diet or only products of plant origin, show signs of scurvy, rickets, lack of micro- and macroelements, vitamins, protein deficiency, as well as disease bacterial nature and food poisoning.

It is necessary to note some precautions when using plants in food: at the first signs of intolerance, it should be excluded from the diet; plants, especially wild ones, must be collected in environmentally friendly places; use for food only those plants that are well known to the gatherer; if a plant causes distrust due to its appearance or taste, then it must be resolutely abandoned.

There was not, is not and will not be a universal food product in nature (as well as medicine) that would be a panacea for all diseases. For this reason, a person’s natural diet should be varied and should provide the human body with all the necessary substances for its healthy development and life.

Everything must be balanced, both nutrition and energy expenditure. And numerous plants (both cultivated and wild) are the most important component healthy life of a person, are prevention against many diseases, including very serious and bad ones.

In order to properly use a plant in nutrition, it is necessary to study its beneficial properties and contraindications, since the same plant will help one person and harm another. I already wrote about this above.

Eating plant foods will only benefit you if you manage to cook them tasty and correctly. So let's start incorporating more cultivated and wild plants into our diets so that our lives can be disease-free and long and happy.

I wish everyone health and prosperity!

Protein is one of the main substances present in the human body, accounting for about 20% of the total body weight. The substance consists of amino acids, which are divided into non-essential (the body generates it itself) and essential (available only with food intake). Protein is the main component for cell structure and tissue growth, especially muscles. It is present in plant foods and foods of animal origin. Let's look at the difference between each type of protein and whether it is possible to compensate for the lack of essential amino acids with plant foods.

Table of products containing vegetable protein

The product's name Protein content per 100 g of product Note
Beans up to 23 g Leader in protein content among plant products. Beans are very easy to digest and can contain up to 23 grams of the component per 100 grams of product. A wide variety of dishes are prepared from it, from soups to salads.
up to 25 g A plant of the legume family, it contains a lot of essential amino acids. The peculiarity of lentils is their pleasant taste, high nutritional value and minimal time required for cooking.
Quinoa up to 15 g Cereal crop, which is considered one of the most valuable products in terms of chemical composition in the world. The grain is similar in taste to rice and contains a lot of protein - up to 15 grams per 100 grams of unprocessed grains.
Chickpeas or chickpeas up to 30 g The protein content is very similar to egg, due to which it is used in the vegetarian world as a substitute for meat and eggs. Today, chickpeas are used to prepare popular vegetarian dishes - falafel and hummus.
Seeds (especially pumpkin seeds) up to 30 g It is a source of essential and non-essential amino acids for the body. Pumpkin seeds consist of one third of protein and also contain many unsaturated fatty acids.
Nuts (Brazil, walnut, peanut, almond) up to 15, 14, 26, 18 g They have a high protein content and a low glycemic index. The richest nuts in protein are almonds and peanuts.
Sesame up to 20 g Seeds with a lot of vegetable protein.
Tempe up to 19 g A plant from the legume family. It is used to make patties for vitamin-rich veggie burgers.
Soy milk up to 3 g A substitute for cow's milk, which has a rich protein composition, enriched with additional components (calcium and B vitamins).
Green peas up to 5 g When fresh, it contains up to 5 grams of protein. Canned or cooked peas are less rich in protein, but contain many essential amino acids. A variety of dishes are made from peas - soups, cutlets, salads and pies.
up to 3 g A vegetable with low calorie content and high protein content, equal to 3 grams per 100 grams of product.
up to 3 g It has been proven that green plant protein is very similar in composition to animal protein. For this reason, spinach, lettuce and other green plants can be eaten instead of meat.
Avocado up to 4 g Contains 4 grams of protein per 100 grams of fresh fruit.
Banana up to 1.5 g Banana has a unique balance of proteins and carbohydrates, making it a versatile food for bodybuilding athletes.
Chia up to 23 g Protein content is 23% of total weight fruit, which corresponds to the protein content of meat.
Soybeans up to 35 g The main meat substitute. Textured or hydrolyzed soybeans are the main source of protein, which is used to reduce the cost of products such as dumplings, sausages, butter, etc.
up to 60 g Algae, the protein content of which reaches 60%. Spirulina is used for the production of dietary supplements, forming tablets with a high content of complete amino acid compounds.
Cocoa powder up to 20 g Rich in protein, pleasant to taste and aromatic, the product has high nutritional value.

Digestion of vegetable protein

Protein, as a biologically important component, consists of 20 amino acids. The order and quantity of a particular amino acid in the chain determines the type of protein and the degree of its absorption. by the human body Those proteins that in their structure correspond to the amino acid structures in human tissue cells are better absorbed. Each product has a different quality of absorption.

  • Animal proteins are best absorbed by the body., namely protein from eggs, the percentage of absorption of which is 92-100%. Protein from fermented milk is considered to be well absorbed; fresh milk is slightly less digestible. Next, according to the amino acid ratio, comes red meat, and only then soybeans.
  • Plant protein is less digestible than animal protein, since the percentage of matches in the number of essential amino acids with human protein is much less. To compensate for the body's need for true amino acids with plant foods, it is necessary to combine several items: soybeans, vegetables, cereals and legumes.

What are the differences from animal protein?

  1. The main difference between a protein is its nature of origin.. Plant proteins are found in plants (beans, cereals, fruits, shoots), and animal proteins are found in animal products (meat, offal, milk, eggs, fish).
  2. The second difference is the different chemical composition of amino acid compounds. The molecule of any protein consists of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, iron and other minerals. These components determine the number of amino acids in the protein chain. Among the main amino acids we can highlight: phenylalanine, glutamic acid, threonine, cystine, serine, lysine, proline, leucine, valine, tryptophan, alanine, arginine, tyrosine, glycine and others.

Some of these substances are essential, the other half are synthesized by the body independently. Animal protein is called complete protein because it contains necessary for the body essential amino acids. Plant protein is incomplete because it does not contain the entire complex of non-produced amino acids. For this reason, the benefits of animal protein are significantly higher than plant protein - this is the main difference.

Daily consumption rate

The daily requirement for protein depends on a person’s age and lifestyle. Children under three years of age need the component most - the body during this period consumes a large amount of protein for the structure and development of tissues and organs. A child should consume up to 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.

  • Children during the period of active growth from 4 to 13 years need less essential amino acids. They need to consume 0.95 grams of protein for every kilogram of weight.
  • Children under 18 years of age require up to 0.85 grams of protein, almost the same as adults, whose protein requirement is 0.8 grams per kilogram.
  • During pregnancy, the body's need for protein food almost doubles.

Plant Protein for Athletes

An athlete's body needs protein more than the average person's body, since a large amount of amino acids is spent on muscle building. Bodybuilding athletes watch their protein intake the most. During the diet, some bodybuilders consume exclusively plant protein, since plant foods contain virtually no cholesterol and heavy fats, the breakdown of which takes a lot of energy.

Despite the inferiority of vegetable protein, athletes consume soy and lentils for weight loss and active muscle growth. Majority sports programs meals are designed for a competent combination of plant and animal foods, which allows you to more effectively build muscle tissue. To increase the intake of protein amino acids into the body, athletes take nutritional supplements, such as soy protein hydrolysate.

What are the benefits of vegetable protein?

  • strengthens the immune system,
  • prevention of colds,
  • cancer prevention,
  • saturates the body with fiber,
  • restores natural microflora,
  • does not contain cholesterol,
  • easily and quickly absorbed,
  • improves metabolism,
  • normalizes digestion,
  • relieves constipation,
  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system,
  • prevention of atherosclerosis,
  • normalizes the process of hematopoiesis,
  • diabetes prevention,
  • stimulates the reproductive system,
  • protects against obesity,
  • energizes,
  • gives strength,
  • improves the condition of skin, hair and nails.

Harm from animal proteins

Consumption of such products, especially in excessive quantities, leads to metabolic disorders, weakening of the human immune system and heart. In addition, excessive consumption of red meat provokes the development of cancer - meat causes cancer.

If animal protein is so beneficial, then why do doctors themselves always advise giving it up during treatment for diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive system? 🙂 Many therapeutic diets do not include meat and fish. It's worth thinking about.

Read more about the dangers of animal protein in the article “Harms from Meat” and “Harms from Dairy Products.” Here I would only like to add that it poisons all human cells, tissues and organs.

Vegetable Protein Sources

Vegetable protein sources: mostly legumes, nuts, sprouts, seeds, dried fruits; to a lesser extent raw fruits and vegetables.

Grocery list

We bring to your attention plant-based products that contain large amounts of protein.

This microalgae is a complete vegetable protein. Its amount in spirulina is so high (60-70%, that is, in 10 g of the plant there is as much as in 1 kg of beef) that the plant has gained enormous popularity among vegetarians, vegans and raw foodists.

In addition, soybeans rank second (after quinoa) among plant proteins, which contain all amino acids.

Also, a serving of this product includes 17 g of carbohydrates and 15 g of fat. Beans are beneficial for their fiber, which helps improve intestinal function. Unsaturated fats carry great benefit for the cardiovascular system.

Edamame are unripened soybeans. Despite their tiny size, they are very rich in protein. As a rule, they are boiled or steamed directly from the pods.

In addition, this type Legumes are an excellent source of fiber and folic acid, as well as thiamine, phosphorus and iron. Lentils are used to make salads, soups and vegetarian/raw food cutlets.

In addition to protein, it is a rich source of vitamins B, A, C, thiamine, phosphorus and iron. Folic acid, which is part of it, helps reduce the likelihood of problems with the cardiovascular system. Additionally, one serving of peas contains 5.5 grams of fiber.

Spinach is a storehouse of useful substances and vitamins: C, vitamins B, K, P and PP, as well as potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, and it contains no less carotene than carrots.

Eating spinach promotes the healthy development of children and the passage of a normal period in women during pregnancy.

Nuts and seeds

A handful of nuts and seeds provides a person's daily protein requirement. Include them in your diet and you will cleanse your body of bad cholesterol while increasing healthy cholesterol.

Dried fruits

1 cup of dried apricots - 5 g of protein, prunes - 4.5 g. 100 g of dried banana - 1.5 g of protein. In addition, dried fruits contain minerals and vitamins.

Also, their use is a prevention of cancer of the stomach, lungs and intestines.


Broccoli is a source of protein without fat - a godsend for those on a diet. A glass of cabbage roots provides 100% of your daily requirement for vitamins C and K.

Broccoli also contains folic acid which helps reduce the risk of cancer.

Refuse food of animal origin, replace it with natural and healthy ones. Instead of cow's milk, drink almond or sesame milk, for example, and eat legumes instead of chicken. The more varied your new diet, the better for your health. 😉

Why is it useful?

Scientific studies have confirmed the harm from introducing a large number of animal products into the menu. For example, men's excessive consumption of meat and dairy products may increase the risk of prostate cancer. While people who prefer plant-based foods are less likely to suffer from all kinds of diseases. This type of protein is not saturated with harmful cholesterol, thereby positively affecting the quality and length of life.

Plant protein is important for the following functions:

  • building new cells and protecting them;
  • reproduction;
  • normalization of vital processes.

In addition, proteins of plant origin are absorbed faster and easier by the body, which improves the functioning of the digestive system, and also reduces the likelihood of atherosclerosis and blood clots. By choosing vegetarian foods, you will get a lot of fiber, which helps fight excess weight.

Plant proteins are a good option for those who have given up animal foods due to allergies or personal beliefs. Delicious foods contain many vitamins, minerals and other substances for the full development of body cells and good health.

Proteins of plant origin have a poorer amino acid composition compared to protein of animal origin, for this reason their rate should be increased from 1 to 1.5 g per kilogram of body weight. For children and athletes, this figure reaches 2.2 grams.

Construction material is especially necessary for pregnant women, people engaged in heavy physical labor and during the recovery period after surgery.

Where is it contained?

Vegetable protein is included in many products; you can find them in any supermarket. A list of foods recommended for vegetarians is presented in the table below.

Product type Beneficial features What should you eat?
Nuts and seeds In addition to protein, nuts and seeds contain natural antioxidants, minerals, and healthy fats. It is advisable to include raw walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds and other similar foods in your diet.
Dried fruits Sources of energy, as well as vitamins and fiber. Dried apricots, prunes, and dried cherries are especially useful for humans.
Vegetables and fruits Fresh fruits, rich in dietary fiber and valuable microelements, are suitable for preparing many dishes and contain enough protein. Vegetable protein is present in spinach, asparagus, and cabbage. Young potatoes are also useful, and you should also add radishes and sweet peppers to the menu.
Legumes and grains These products contain maximum protein, with a good amino acid composition. The nutritional value of dishes made from beans and grains is quite high. Protein sources for vegetarians are lentils, soybeans, peas, and beans. Oats and rice are also a must.
Mushrooms The gifts of the forest contain everything necessary to ensure human life processes. Their pulp contains no less protein than meat food. The most vegetable protein is found in porcini mushrooms, champignons and boletus mushrooms. It is recommended to prepare the bottom part of the cap.

Plant protein is easiest to get from raw nuts and seeds. For example, walnuts contain more protein than meat, which is why vegetarians certainly include them in their daily menu. Sunflower seeds that have not been subjected to heat treatment are much healthier than fried ones; 100 g of the product per day is necessary to maintain vitality.

The list of nutritious foods also includes porridge and sprouted grains, which saturate the body with the necessary elements and material for building new cells.

It is important to know that if a person does not like or very rarely eats foods of plant origin, but at the same time eats baked goods, pasta and processed cereals, then he is putting his health at risk. Such food contains a minimum of vitamins, so it must be supplemented with natural plant products that have not been industrially processed. The plant proteins in its composition reduce the load on the intestines, thereby removing toxins from the body.


Protein deficiency in the body is easy to determine by external and internal signs. A person may suffer from constipation, excess weight and overwork. The skin becomes flabby, and there is also a lack of muscle mass.

By choosing protein foods of plant origin, we help the body cope with the negative influence of the environment, avoid the occurrence of many diseases and excess weight. Vegetable protein, supplemented with plenty of fiber, eases bowel movements. This property allows it to be used in weight loss and body health programs.

  • reducing the load on the digestive organs;
  • reducing the risk of developing diabetes;
  • maintaining slimness due to increased fiber content.

In addition, protein sources such as whole-grain oats and almonds are essential for those who want to lift weights and build muscle mass. The list can be supplemented with lentils and mushrooms, which are eaten in any form. To replenish your energy after a workout, include quinoa in your daily diet, a grain crop containing large amounts of protein and calcium.

Possible contraindications

Plant protein can be harmful to the body if eaten in large quantities without adding animal products to the daily menu. The results of such a diet will be a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood, a lack of saturated fats, poor health, and also an increased risk of urolithiasis.

Long-term consumption of soy often causes hormonal imbalance in the female body, and legumes can cause flatulence, dysbacteriosis, bloating and diarrhea.

It is important to know how to properly combine foods rich in plant protein with foods of animal origin. It is known that the body will primarily break down meat rather than mushrooms, so combining them is not recommended. But rice, buckwheat and other cereals are well digested with meat dishes and bring maximum benefits to a person.

Protein-Rich Plant Foods – List of Top Sources

Products that contain a sufficient amount of plant protein can be easily purchased in the supermarket. Protein-rich plant foods are found in:

  • Nuts and seeds;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Legumes;
  • Cereals;
  • Vegetables and fruits;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Seaweed.

Nuts are plant foods rich in protein in large quantities.

Nuts are considered high protein foods. In addition to plant protein, they are rich in natural antioxidants, unsaturated fats, minerals and fiber. Hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios, cashews, walnuts, and peanuts are great for snacking.

Nuts are 30% protein and 60% unsaturated fat. The proteins found in nuts are rich in the amino acid arginine, which burns fat cells.

100 g of pumpkin seeds contain 20 g of protein, they are fatty and high in calories, but consumption in small quantities has a beneficial effect on health.

Sesame is known not only for the presence of vitamins in its composition, but also for the presence of two antioxidants. Sesamin and sesamolin protect cells from free radicals.

Of the dried fruits, dried apricots, prunes, and dates contain the most proteins.

Dried fruits also contain vegetable protein, but not in such concentration as in nuts or legumes. The most protein-rich foods are dried apricots, dates, prunes, papaya, and cherries. One glass of dried apricots contains 5.2 g of protein, one glass of prunes contains 4.7 g.

Legumes include white, red, black and green beans, chickpeas, lentils, soybeans and peas. Beans and chickpeas are good meat substitutes in terms of satiety and protein content.

Chickpeas are a low-calorie product and are indicated for obesity; they are more used in Arab countries. Beans are more popular; they are present in soups, salads, canned food, and are an excellent side dish. Lentils are increasingly gaining popularity; they contain a lot of plant fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Soy, as a plant product rich in protein, is recommended for people prone to meat allergies

Soy products can replace animal protein for people with meat allergies. They are recommended for people with disorders of the heart and blood vessels, overweight, diabetics, and joint problems. Soy contains 36 g of protein per 100 g of weight.

Grains include all kinds of cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, corn, rice, quinoa. The latter is characterized by a high content of amino acids, is slowly digested, saturates the body for several hours, which means it is excellent for diets and a healthy diet. The presence of unsaturated fats in quinoa normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood.

Oats control glucose levels, help the gallbladder function, improve intestinal permeability, provide excellent nutrition and energy throughout the day.

What are the benefits of vegetable protein?

Plant foods rich in protein are better absorbed by the body, speed up metabolism, and help control weight. When animal protein is digested, toxins are produced that the human body is forced to fight.

Plant proteins support healthy microflora and help produce “good” cholesterol. They have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels due to the unsaturated lipids in their structure, and also reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis and the formation of cholesterol plaques.

It is important to know! Plant foods reduce the possibility of infections and inflammatory processes, including cancer.

Expanding your diet to protein-rich plant foods prevents a decrease in insulin production in the blood and prevents problems with the genitourinary system.

Are there differences between plant and animal protein?

The origin of the protein is of great importance. All proteins are divided into complete and incomplete. The first group includes animals, and the second group includes plants.

When protein enters the gastrointestinal tract, it is broken down into amino acids, which differ in origin and value for the body. Scientists and doctors divide amino acids into 3 groups:

  • Replaceable;
  • Partially replaceable;
  • Irreplaceable.

Nonessential amino acids are formed from other chemical elements, such as glucose. The body is able to produce them itself if they are no longer supplied with food.

Partially replaceable ones are synthesized in the human body, but in limited quantities. They must be taken with food.

Lack of amino acids (products of protein breakdown when entering the body) affects the well-being and general health of a person

Note! Essential amino acids are not produced by the human body, but are synthesized only from food. With a lack of such amino acids, health deteriorates and diseases develop.

Some essential amino acids are present in plant foods, but all 8 types are present in animal products. The exception is soy, which contains 7 essential amino acids.

This difference is determined by the nature of the meat products. Meat is the muscle of an animal, endowed with useful microelements.

Vegetable protein is absorbed only by 70-80%, but it is easier for the body to digest it. And the coarse nature of fiber serves as a good stimulant for intestinal function.

Benefits of Plant Protein

Plant-based foods are recognized by nutritionists as being less rich in protein variety, but they have a number of benefits:

  • Easier to be absorbed by the body, saturates well;
  • Accelerates metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal microflora;
  • Affects the amount of muscle mass in the body;
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Contains a lot of fiber;
  • Controls insulin production;
  • Prevents the development of cancer tumors;
  • Increases skin elasticity, hair strength and nail strength.

It is important to know! Plant protein, unlike animal protein, retains its value during heat treatment.

Animal products significantly lose vitamins and microelements during cooking.

Which plants have a lot of protein?

In addition to grains, beans, lentils and nuts, protein is found in vegetables, fruits, seaweed and mushrooms. For example, broccoli has 3 g of protein per 100 g of product. The calorie content of green vegetables is very low, around 30 kcal per 100 g.

A list of healthy high protein plants is presented in the table below.

Product Properties
Seaweed Seaweed is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. The calcium content in their composition is 10 times higher compared to milk. In addition to the presence of vegetable protein in them, they are rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, vitamin C, D, E, phosphorus, potassium, iron, iodine, fiber, sodium.

Algae is added to salads, side dishes, and drinks. Regular consumption of this product helps regulate blood sugar levels, saturates the body with iodine and alkalizes.

The most common algae is spirulina. It contains 65 g of protein per 100 g of weight. In some cultures it is used as a meat substitute.

Mushrooms Mushrooms can also be meat substitutes due to their satiety and protein content. Porcini mushrooms, boletus and champignons have the highest concentration of proteins.
Fruits Fruits do an excellent job of saturating the body with protein, but more as an additional source of protein than the main one. For example, a banana contains 2.6 g of protein, one kiwi contains 2 g, and a cup of cherries (200 ml) contains 3.2 g.

Fruits can be consumed in limited quantities; it is better to eat 400 g per day. This is a sufficient norm for diversifying the diet and replenishing the necessary supply of microelements.

Seitan One of the plant products rich in protein. It is made from wheat protein and is grown in East Asia. In the CIS countries, it is sold in cans; its taste is similar to poultry meat.

The role of vegetable protein in human metabolism

Proteins are part of all cells and tissues of the body. They have a number of irreplaceable functions in metabolism. Their main purpose is the construction of new cells and tissues. In addition, they perform a plastic function: they are responsible for the constant renewal of cells, tissues and the body as a whole.

Enzymatic is responsible for biochemical reactions that control metabolism and the generation of bioenergy from nutrients entering the body.

Proteins are responsible for binding toxins and poisons, for blood clotting, creating antibodies, increasing the body’s protective properties, and immunity. This shows their protective function. They transport oxygen, and also bind and transport some ions, drugs, and toxins.

The energetic function of proteins is to release energy through oxidation.

Anything that somehow comes from plants is a plant product - that's not news. What’s new is that in recent years people have begun to cling to these products in droves, believing that they contain the lightness of being. Of course, Tibetan monks have been practicing vegetarianism for a long time, but this is not about who is right. We must come to terms with the idea that animal products are an ideal source of protein, and plant-based foods supply us with carbohydrates, fats and water- and fat-soluble vitamins.

There are many divisions of plant products. Some people prefer a simple classification - healthy and not so healthy, some divide them into tasty and disgusting, while dieters prefer more detailed classification products of plant origin. By the way, these do not include algae and mushrooms.

Standard Classification of Plant Products

So, food products of plant origin are divided into:

  • fruits - they are rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, fiber and plenty of water;
  • vegetables - in addition to water and vitamins dissolved in it, vegetables also contain proteins and fats;
  • cereals - this category is famous for its high protein content and, accordingly, is very nutritious;
  • berries - similar in composition to fruits, but contain large quantity organic acids;
  • nuts – contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the most nutritious category of plant foods;
  • herbs - contain many vitamins, insoluble fiber and essential oils;
  • juices are a gentle variation of fruits and vegetables, because vitamins and sugars remain dissolved, and the load on the gastrointestinal tract is minimal.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates in plant-based foods

Basically, products of plant origin, due to their sugar content, enrich our diet with carbohydrates. Starchy foods (cereals, potatoes, beans) provide us complex carbohydrates, and vegetables, fruits and berries – simple.

After passing through the stomach, all sugars are broken down into simple sugars and are either used or stored as glycogen in the liver.

As for protein, plant products contain most of the amino acids that we need for life. True, the value of plant protein is underestimated due to the lack of some essential amino acids, which is why the best source of protein is animal products. The most “protein-rich” among plant foods are:

Vegetable fats should be added to foods and dishes cold. These should be unrefined oils; they contain the most useful things - phosphorus-containing substances and omega-3 fatty acids. The best vegetable fats:

  • olive oil;
  • linseed oil;
  • cottonseed oil;
  • wheat germ oil.

The importance of protein foods

Protein is one of the main components necessary for the normal functioning of the body. It consists not only of muscle tissue, it is part of bones, tendons, muscles, skin, nail plates, hair and all internal organs.

It participates in various chemical reactions and metabolic processes, while performing great amount functions: protective, structural, contractile, transport and others. They also help fermentation, biosynthesis and breakdown of various substances.

This is very important, since both a deficiency and an excess of this component are harmful to the body. Excess protein can trigger the development of liver disease, kidney disease and diabetes. Its deficiency reduces overall tone, reduces muscle mass, depletes all organs of the body, resulting in premature aging.

Since a certain part of the protein must enter the body from the outside, then great importance in this case has correct selection protein food. It is the main source of 9 essential amino acids, without which it is impossible to normal life person.

Since they do not have the ability to accumulate in the body, a complete intake of protein must be daily. A sufficient amount of protein food is especially important for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children.

Animal protein

Animal protein is more valuable than plant protein. It is integral, that is, it contains full complex amino acids. With a normal diet, it should account for 40% of all food consumed per day.


Almost all types of meat contain large amounts of protein, huge number useful substances, including zinc, iron, phosphorus and B vitamins. The disadvantages of meat include the fact that it contains “bad” cholesterol and fats. If you regularly exceed the permissible daily intake, there is a risk of cardiovascular diseases, obesity and other health problems.

In order to correctly compose your diet, you should know about the properties of different types of meat and the amount of protein in 100 grams of the finished product:

  • Beef(protein - 18 grams). The most useful is boiled lean beef, as it is very well absorbed. It is considered dietary meat, which is recommended to be eaten no more than 3 times a week. This will help saturate the body not only with proteins, but also with nutrients, as well as improve hematopoiesis.
  • Chicken(protein - 24 grams). It is recommended to steam chicken meat or bake it in foil. In this case it will save greatest number vitamins, macro- and microelements. Regular consumption of this type of meat will serve as a prevention of atherosclerosis, polyarthritis, diabetes, heart attack and stroke. Such protein foods will be useful for pancreatitis.
  • Turkey(protein - 25.5 grams). Dietary turkey meat is low in calories and contains a small amount of cholesterol. In terms of the content of useful elements, it is superior to other types of meat. Nutritionists recommend including boiled turkey in the menu of children, pregnant and lactating women to saturate the body with vitamins and minerals. For older people, its use helps maintain clarity of mind. This meat is also considered a good protein food for diabetics.
  • Rabbit(protein - 22 grams). Rabbit meat has a number of useful properties. It contains a huge number of components that heal the body, cleanse it of toxic and radioactive substances and serve as the prevention of many diseases. Rabbit protein is absorbed almost completely, while from other types of meat it is only 60%. This type of meat, as a low-fat protein food, is good for weight loss.

Other popular types of meat contain less protein per 100 grams of product:

  • Pork- 19 grams;
  • Lamb, duck, goose- 16 grams.


Beef, pork and lamb by-products contain equal amounts of protein. They contain a low amount of fat, so they are well suited as protein foods for diets.

The most valuable of them include:

  • Liver- 18 grams;
  • Scar- 16 grams;
  • Heart- 15 grams;
  • Lung- 15 grams;
  • Language- 14 grams;
  • Kidneys- 13 grams.

Unlike some types of meat, offal is easy to digest. In addition to protein, large number vitamins and minerals, they contain sufficient amounts of collagen. Therefore, they are often included in the menu of various therapeutic diets.


It is difficult to say how much protein is contained in certain sausages, since currently their composition is very diverse. It can only be noted that sausages prepared in accordance with established requirements quality, must contain the following amount of protein in 100 grams of product:

  • Boiled- 10-15 grams;
  • Raw smoked, smoked- 15-17 grams;
  • Semi-smoked, boiled-smoked- 13-16 grams;
  • Dry-cured- 17-21 grams.

Sausages cannot be classified as healthy dietary products, so they should be consumed in moderation, and in case of health problems, only after the approval of a nutritionist.


Is an excellent source of animal protein. The most beneficial is fatty fish, which contains a wide range of vitamins and minerals. These substances are necessary to maintain normal operation body. Fish protein is much easier to digest than that found in meat.

  • Freshwater fish(protein - 12-21 grams). Some types of river fish have juicy and tender meat, but are inferior to marine species in terms of the amount of protein and nutrients. The most valuable river representatives include: burbot, carp, pike, river trout, sterlet, pike perch and carp.
  • Sea fish(protein - 15-23 grams). Contains a little more protein than river protein, it is enriched with iodine, selenium and polyunsaturated fatty acids(Omega-3, Omega-6). It is these substances that help strengthen the cardiovascular system, normalize blood pressure, relieve inflammatory processes and block the growth of tumors. Therefore, you need to regularly include tuna, sardines, herring, mackerel, salmon and sturgeon in your diet.


Some seafood contains as much protein as fish. In addition, they are not inferior to it in the number of valuable substances, and accordingly bring equivalent benefits to the body. Seafood with the highest amount of protein per 100 grams of product includes:

  • Shrimps- 21 grams;
  • Lobsters, squid- 19 grams;
  • Scallops, lobsters- 18 grams;
  • Krill- 17 grams;
  • Crabs- 16 grams;
  • Octopuses- 14 grams;
  • Mussels- 12 grams;
  • Trepang- 11 grams.


Egg (white – 13 grams). Chicken and quail eggs are a natural source of protein, and the yolk contains vital vitamins, macro- and microelements. The product helps remove excess fat and cholesterol from the body.

Eggs strengthen the heart muscle and bone tissue, restore the structure of hair and nails. In addition, their use gives a powerful boost of energy. Experts recommend eating 1 egg daily or several pieces 2-3 times a week.


Dairy products contain whey proteins and casein. Whey proteins are very quickly and easily absorbed, instantly saturating the body with useful substances. Casein, on the contrary, takes at least 6 hours to digest, which allows you to create a long-lasting feeling of fullness. This is especially important when losing weight.

Largest quantity milk protein per 100 grams is contained in the following products:

  • Hard cheeses- 20-38 grams;
  • Brynza- 15-18 grams;
  • Cottage cheese - 14-18.

Other common dairy products (milk, kefir, sour cream, curdled milk, yogurt) contain a small amount of protein from 2 to 5 grams.

Plant based protein

Plant protein, as a rule, does not contain all the required amino acids, and therefore is not as valuable as animal protein. It can be classified as a lean protein food.

Soybeans and other legumes

All legumes contain vegetable protein, nutrients and a small amount of fat. Their use reduces blood pressure and cholesterol in the blood, regulates intestinal function. In their fresh form, these crops contain little protein; their amount increases after drying.

If we consider the content of this substance in 100 grams of dried product, then its mass will be as follows:

  • Soybeans- 37 grams;
  • - 34 grams;
  • Mash- 23.5 grams;
  • Beans- 21 grams;
  • - 20.5 grams.


Flour also contains vegetable protein, but only in smaller quantities. Moreover, most of this substance, as well as vitamins and minerals, will be in low grades of this product. This is due to the fact that they contain part of the grain shell, which contains useful components. Per 100 grams of product there is the following amount of protein:

  • Wheat flour- 10-12 grams;
  • Rye flour- 7-11 grams.


Cereals must be present in daily diet. Side dishes and other dishes prepared from them have a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Particularly useful of them will be those in which the shell of grain crops is preserved. Protein ratio per 100 grams of product:

  • Buckwheat- 12.6 grams;
  • Millet- 11.5 grams;
  • Oatmeal- 11 grams;
  • Semolina, barley- 10 grams;
  • Pearl barley- 9.5 grams;
  • Corn- 8.5 grams;
  • Rice- 7.5 grams.

Often people who have had serious illnesses or surgeries use these protein foods to gain weight.

Vegetables and greens

Common vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants and others) contain very little vegetable protein, ranging from 0.5 to 2 grams per 100 grams of fresh product. Protein leaders in this category include:

  • Garlic- 6.5 grams;
  • Brussels sprouts- 4.8 grams;
  • - 3.5 grams;
  • - 3 grams;
  • Kohlrabi- 2.8 grams;
  • Potato- 2.4 grams.

For greens, preference should be given to:

  • Basilica- 5.5 grams;
  • Parsley- 3.7 grams;
  • Kinze- 3 grams;
  • Dill- 2.5 grams.


They are quite healthy, but at the same time a fatty product. Therefore, you should not eat more than the daily norm. Moderate consumption of nuts enriches the body with useful substances, cleanses it of toxins and waste, strengthens various organs and systems, and also creates a feeling of fullness for several hours.

Despite the high calorie and fat content, with the right approach, nuts can be a protein food for weight loss.


Although they contain a small amount of protein, due to the chemical composition of this product, its regular use has a general strengthening and antioxidant effect on the body, energizes it, helps prevent premature aging and preserve good memory for a long time.

All seaweeds have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiseptic effects. Their use helps relieve various types of inflammation.

If we consider the product in dried form, then 100 grams will contain a fairly large mass of protein:

  • Kelp (seaweed), spirulina- 90 grams;
  • Ulva (sea lettuce), Fucus vesiculosa- 70 grams;
  • Porphyra (red sea lettuce), litothamnia- 60 grams.


They have a balanced chemical composition, but their protein is absorbed by no more than 70%. They are a rather difficult to digest product. Doctors recommend eating them in moderation, especially for people with medical conditions. gastrointestinal tract and liver.

In some cases, mushrooms can be replaced with mushroom powder, which is prepared from dried mushrooms. In this case, there will be no problems with digestion, and the protein will be absorbed by 90%. IN fresh mushrooms contains a small amount of protein per 100 grams of product:

  • Champignon- 4.3 grams;
  • Porcini- 4 grams;
  • Butter- 3.4 grams;
  • Boletus- 3.3 grams;
  • Truffles- 3 grams;
  • Milk mushrooms- 1.8 grams;
  • Chanterelles- 1.6 grams;
  • Honey mushrooms- 1.2 grams.

Dried fruits

At correct use, these are quite healthy sweets. They are very rich in vitamins and mineral composition. Thanks to this, they help normalize the activity of all systems and organs of the body, saturate it with useful substances, improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails and prevent various diseases.

  • Dried bananas- 45 grams;
  • Dried apricots- 5 grams;
  • Figs- 3 grams;
  • Prunes, pear- 2.5 grams;
  • Dates, raisins- 1.8 grams.


The beneficial substances contained in the seeds have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, strengthening it and increasing overall tone. With their help, you can prevent the development of many diseases. In terms of the amount of protein, they are all superior to any meat and fish products:

  • Pumpkin- 29 grams;
  • Sesame- 25 grams;
  • Sunflower- 20.3 grams;
  • Linen- 15 grams.

Seeds are a high-calorie product, so you shouldn’t get carried away with them. It is better to add them to culinary dishes and baked goods.

All of the above products can be included in the list of protein foods for muscle growth.


Vegetarianism is a style or even a way of life led by people who completely exclude animal products from their diet. They do not eat animal meat, poultry, or seafood. Some vegetarians consume eggs, milk and dairy products. Others don't eat even this. There are still debates about honey: what type of product should it be classified as? In any case, it is good for health, whatever its origin.

Products of plant origin

The list of plant-based products is quite diverse. One should not think that people who limit their diet to only such food have a modest, monotonous and tasteless meal.

So, products of plant origin include:

  1. Fruits.
  2. Vegetables.
  3. Berries.
  4. Cereals.
  5. Herbs.
  6. Nuts.
  7. Juices.

Fruits and berries

Fruits are ideal plant-based foods. There are opinions that the human body initially, in primitive times, was “tuned” only to feed on them. Today, “fruit eating” is very popular, when a person consumes exclusively this food. By the way, there are about 300 types of such products in the world. Fruits contain large amounts of water, vitamins, and carbohydrates. Fructose, the sugar found in them, is perfectly absorbed. It enriches the body with useful substances. Based on the content of vitamins, sugar and microelements, fruits can be divided into several categories:

  • Sweet: bananas, dates, papaya, etc.
  • Semi-acid: apricots, pears, apples, plums, etc.
  • Sour: tangerines, oranges, lemons, pineapples, etc.

It is best if all three categories of fruits are present in the diet. But thermally processed fruits (jams, jams, compotes, etc.) are many times inferior to their fresh counterparts in quality and quantity of nutrients. You should completely stop using them. Berries are very similar to fruits in their composition, but they contain much more amino acids. The most useful: lingonberries, cranberries, currants, blueberries, blueberries, strawberries, cherries and raspberries.


Vegetables are products of plant origin that can almost completely replace animal and poultry meat. How? Very simple. Some of their representatives contain the optimal amount of protein. In terms of volume and quality, it can compete with the protein found in meat. All vegetables can be divided into the following groups:

  • Juicy: cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, pumpkin, etc.
  • Leafy: cabbage, lettuce, spinach, etc.
  • Seeds: beans, beans, peas, lentils.
  • Petiole: celery, fennel.
  • Floral: cauliflower, artichoke.
  • Tuberous: carrots, onions, radishes, potatoes, etc.

Interestingly, the above-ground part of the plant is much more useful than the part that is in the ground. Let's take beets, for example. Its tops will be much more useful than the rhizomes. Vegetables should be present in any person's diet in large quantities, as they contain large amounts of carbohydrates, vitamins and protein.


Cereals are also food products of plant origin. This group includes wheat, rye, oats and other types. They have been used by humans for many centuries. At first they were cooked whole, then they began to grind and bake various baked goods. But over time, more and more research scientists are coming to the conclusion that cereal porridges cause fermentation, and excessive consumption of bread contributes to weight gain.

Of course, we will not be able to completely eliminate these plant-based foods from our diet. But it’s worth using some tips:

  1. Grains must be consumed unprocessed. That is, the diet should not contain any cereals, semolina, etc.
  2. You must combine them with vegetables and fruits. This refers to the correct balance of these products in the diet.
  3. It is better to eat cereals in the morning. They contain a lot of carbohydrates necessary for normal activity and vigor throughout the day.


Herbs are rich in vitamins, insoluble fats and essential oils. Some are able to stimulate appetite, others, on the contrary, suppress it. This may be necessary if you urgently need to lose weight. Many herbs have medicinal properties. For example, dill improves digestion, and fennel helps eliminate fermentation in the intestines. Such plant products have been consumed since ancient times.


Nuts are the healthiest protein products of plant origin. In addition, they are very high in carbohydrates. Even in ancient times, they were valued for their taste, high energy properties and ability for long-term storage. The fats contained in nuts are absorbed much better than the lipids of any other product. It should be noted that because of this they have a fairly high calorie content. At one time there was an opinion that nuts were poorly digestible. This happened when people ate them at the end of dinner, when two or three courses had already been eaten.

In order for nuts to bring maximum benefit, they must be consumed as an independent dish in combination with vegetables and herbs.

Proteins and plant-based foods

The table of plant-based foods will clearly show which vegetables and nuts contain the most protein.

All products of plant origin supply carbohydrates to our body due to their sugar content. Vegetables containing starch provide the body with complex carbohydrates, while fruits and berries provide simple carbohydrates. When it comes to protein, things are a little more complicated. The best source is animal products, meat or fish. If there is no opportunity or desire to eat them, then a good replacement can be found among plants, especially legumes. A vegetarian can get fats if he adds unrefined vegetable oil to his diet: sunflower, olive and others.

Thus, any person can decide for himself whether to fully consume all products of plant and animal origin or not. As for nutritionists, they do not recommend completely abandoning the latter type of food. Doctors advise eating fruits, vegetables, nuts and, if desired, meat or fish dishes. The main thing is that the diet is balanced.