Eyeglasses with yellow lenses. Production technologies

There are many myths among motorists, but one of them, due to its own persistence, as well as in the world latest changes in the Code of Administrative Offenses regarding the ban on tinting deserves a separate detailed discussion. This myth is that ordinary glasses with yellow lenses are suitable to protect the driver’s eyes. Like, this will be enough to prevent the sun from blinding and oncoming headlights not to glare. This misconception can harm not only your wallet and self-esteem, but also your health.

The history of driver's glasses began at the moment when the first cars became capable of reaching a monstrous speed of 12-15 kilometers per hour at that time. The approach to vehicle design and ergonomics was not particularly inventive back then, and the roads were mostly compacted earth, so it was vital for the driver to protect his own eyes from dust and dirt. As speeds increase, vision becomes the driver’s most important tool - it is necessary to clearly see the road, oncoming cars, pedestrians and everything that is happening around, so that in case of an emergency unforeseen situation react in time and save the lives of yourself and those around you.

Even those car enthusiasts who are more or less versed in special glasses pay attention mainly to the lenses when choosing protection. Of course, this is the main part of the glasses, but don't overlook the frame. It must meet several requirements.

First of all, don't interfere peripheral vision- it is this type of vision that is responsible for the width of the viewing angle and records overtaking cars and side obstacles. How often do situations arise on the road when a driver avoids a collision only because he notices a threat out of the corner of his eye. Thus, the frame should have a narrow rim and temples. The standard adopted in Europe suggests that the width of the temples should not exceed 6 mm. In no case should the lens mount be located in the middle, blocking peripheral vision and creating a constant annoying interference. Secondly, do not create a feeling of discomfort - the frame should consist of light and durable materials so as not to lead to visual fatigue or a feeling of squeezing; you often have to spend quite a lot of time behind the wheel to minimize fatigue; every nuance is important. Finally, it is important to consider the light opening, that is, the distance from back side lenses up to the pupil. The optimal option is a distance of 12 millimeters - this way the field of view does not narrow and there are no problems. discomfort touching eyelashes.



Only after choosing a frame should you move on to lenses. And here lies the main surprise for all drivers. It turns out that there are no glasses that can provide optimal protection under any conditions and at any time of the day. The same products that are positioned as universal are not able to really protect from the sun during the day and increase contrast and clarity at night. It is worth coming to terms with the fact that if you have to drive a car in different conditions, you must have at least two different sets points.

Those who spend time driving mainly during daylight hours should opt for sun protection tinted lenses with anti-reflex coating. They reduce the intensity sunlight and protect from glare from oncoming cars, wet asphalt and shiny surfaces. As a rule, anti-glare glasses are equipped with polarization. This is quite simple to check - if you look through them at exactly the same pair of glasses, rotated at an angle of 90 degrees, their lenses will appear opaque. Branded glasses are most often equipped with a special tester - a strip with an inscription, the color of which is “cut off” by a filter, that is, the inscription becomes invisible.

Favorite by many drivers, yellow (as well as orange or red) lenses are intended mainly for driving in poor visibility conditions - in rain or fog, in the evening or at night. They cut off the blue part of the spectrum visible light, increasing color perception. There are also special transparent lenses with increased light transmittance, however, their use for a number of reasons is recommended only for people who need corrective glasses.



Finally, glasses with photochromic lenses, the so-called “chameleons”. However, not everything is so simple with them; it is important that they can change their transparency inside the car and have sufficient light transmission. However, progress does not stand still, and if desired, such lenses can already be found in optical stores.

It is also important to buy glasses in specialized stores because they guarantee protection against ultraviolet radiation. This is especially true for daytime glasses. According to the magazine’s expert, Elena Aleksandrovna Tiunova, a customer service specialist for the Point of View optician chain, the wrong choice of glasses for driving can ultimately lead not only to emergency situations, but also cause a retinal burn: “Any sunglasses must, in addition to the sun, block ultraviolet radiation. Human eye It is designed in such a way that in the dark the pupil dilates to let in more light. When using low-quality glasses, such a dilated pupil has a catastrophic effect. large number ultraviolet radiation, if you wear them for a long time, this will lead to a terrible disease - a burn of the retina and the risk of permanently losing vision.”

The frame and the lenses themselves must be made of durable, injury-resistant material. In case of an accident glass lenses with a high degree of probability will break into fragments, some of which will certainly injure the eye. It is better to give preference to plastic lenses - they are lighter, stronger, and less likely to fog up when the temperature changes. It is also desirable that they have a special coating that protects them from scratches - not everyone has the patience to put their glasses in a case every time; many prefer to simply store them in the glove compartment or on the dashboard.

As mentioned earlier, vision is the driver’s main tool. We make sure that our car is always clean, we undergo maintenance on time and service. But even the most well-maintained and reliable car will be simply useless if the driver’s eyesight fails. So you should approach the choice of glasses with all care.

Alexander Votinov.

Operating principle polarized glasses.

Polarized glasses are designed to be worn during the daytime and are mainly used when driving a car in sunny weather.

A wave in which there is a preferred direction of oscillation is called polarization. Polarization itself is possible only in transverse waves, and oscillations occur only in directions perpendicular to the direction of radiation propagation. The operating principle of polarized glasses is based on cutting off predominantly polarized reflected radiation. When driving a car, radiation reflected from the surface of other cars, as well as from the wet surface of the roadway, is cut off. When fishing, radiation reflected from the surface of the water is cut off.

How polarized glasses with yellow lenses work

In order to understand the principle of operation of glasses with yellow lenses, it is necessary to remember the spectral characteristics of radiation sources. The color change occurs continuously and contains many halftones, so the distribution of the color spectrum is conditional.

In particular, spectral colors correspond to the following wavelengths (nm):

Radiation emitted by heated solids and liquids, has a continuous spectrum, i.e. contains all wavelengths in the visible range. The maximum is located at around 555 nm.

As can be easily seen from the graph, when using sunglasses with a transmittance of 50% (for example, polarized ones), the maximum relative visibility will simply drop to around 0.5, and when using glasses with a yellow component transmission it will remain almost at the same level. Therefore, the use of such glasses in cloudy weather and at night does not lead to significant loss of visibility.

The glow spectrum of atomic gases and vapors is a set of individual lines with characteristic wavelengths determined by the structure of the shells of the atoms of a given element. In particular, for halogen sources (car headlights), the main brightness is shifted to the blue region.

Let's move on to incandescent headlights. Radiation emitted by heated solids has a continuous spectrum, i.e. contains all wavelengths without exception, including the UV range. The characteristic color of incandescent lamps is “yellowish-white”.

Halogen headlight bulbs emit a "blue-white" color. The glow spectrum of atomic gases and vapors is a set of individual lines with characteristic wavelengths determined by the structure electronic shells atoms of a given element. For example, the main spectral lines of helium atoms in the visible range are 447, 492, 587, 667, and 706 nm. Halogen lamps also have spectral lines in the UV range.

Now let's look at the yellow lenses in the glasses.

The overwhelming majority of people believe that to get yellow lenses you just need to paint transparent glass or plastic yellow. But that's not true.

Option #1. Make light filters with a narrow bandwidth (570-590 nm). In this case, they will transmit only the yellow component of light. All surrounding objects will turn yellow - some darker, others lighter. A sort of “gray-yellow movie”. It is unlikely that you can work at a computer or drive a car wearing such glasses. The color loss is simply terrible.

Option #2. Using the laws of color composition. It is known that if from white remove the blue component, it will turn yellow. Thus. If glass or plastic is coated with a coating that reflects the blue component of light, the transmitted white radiation will turn yellow. The same thing will happen if a dye is introduced into a mass of glass or plastic, which will absorb and (or) reflect the blue component.

Protective properties points from yellow glasses

1. Any filter that reduces background light improves contrast visible image and therefore improves its clarity. The main thing for the human eye is to preserve or restore (cloudy, twilight, fog) the yellow component of light, because in the daytime, the maximum spectral visibility (perception by the eye) corresponds to a wavelength of 555 nm. The main wavelength band of spectral visibility is 500-600 nm, i.e. completely includes the yellow component 570-590 nm.

2. Cloudy weather, fog, twilight. The maximum spectral visibility shifts to the blue-green region (as intended by nature!). It is necessary to deceive the human brain and eyes - change color perception to yellow - the daytime region. At the same time, judging by the spectral transmittance of coatings for glass and plastics, part of the blue-green region of the spectrum is not suppressed. Of course, there are color losses, but they are not drastic. In this case, the blue-white background light is significantly suppressed. The improvement in comfort and image sharpness is enormous - put on your glasses and all doubts will go away!

3. Night driving - polarized lenses yellow. Color perception - see point 2.

A. Incandescent lamps. Yellow lenses not only transmit, but also largely reflect the yellow component (blue is absorbed). This is the effect of protection from oncoming headlights.

B. Halogen lamps have a significant blue component of the emitted light. Yellow glasses simply filter out a significant part of the blue component.

From the picture you can already guess: 1) for drivers, 2) and of course, for computer scientists! 3) and more
And now some text from the author Ursego , from which we learn a lot of interesting things “If you watched “Pereshilton Spotlight” with Ivan Okhlobystin, you probably noticed that he came wearing glasses with yellow lenses:

Probably, most viewers took this for some kind of extravagant trick like a pink tie or a polka dot jacket, but in reality everything is much more prosaic. Okhlobystin is not a fool in life and knows what he is doing.

About what yellow filters do not allow harmful rays of the blue part of the spectrum to pass through, I didn’t read it on the Internet right away, but it all started when a few years ago I started working as a taxi driver, and at night. What is night driving? This is a generally dark picture outside the window (as a result of which the pupils dilate compared to daytime), but when the headlights of an oncoming car come into view, they simply burn out the retina (in the daytime, it doesn’t matter - the pupils are Already!). And while driving, this joy is generally constant, and not once an hour... But a colleague (a seasoned wolf of the taxi business) saved me - he advised me to drive with yellow glasses (and due to the fact that I am already a bespectacled person, I bought a waybill for 6 bucks light filter on a clothespin). The mechanism is simple - the contrast decreases. Bright things become dimmer, but black things do not become blacker, i.e. the difference between the extreme points decreases. The result was amazing - my eyes stopped getting tired! By the way, a very interesting effect (or illusion?) was discovered - you put on yellow filters at night and suddenly it seems that the picture has become clearly lighter. I don’t know why - either the pupils are dilating, or it’s psychological... In short, if you are a professional driver (or just sometimes drive at night), then buy without hesitation - well, just without hesitation at all! By the way, if you’re a killer, then too - these glasses are given out at the shooting range so that the picture is clearer and more contrasty (I saw it when I took a kid to shoot with a real pistol somewhere on the northern outskirts).

But there is another use - for those who spend many hours at the computer. I specially ordered a pair (I have diopters) and keep them at work (by the way, this color is called amber in English, otherwise you will, like me, rub the poor saleswoman about yellow...) - sitting down in the morning to workplace, I put them on instead of the usual ones (with the same diopters, but made of transparent glass). But sometimes I forget to change my glasses, but then after a few hours an automatic reminder comes and my eyes hurt. I change it and the pain goes away. In short, if you also spend whole days with your face buried in a computer screen, then buy without hesitation - well, just without hesitation at all!

It's no secret that spectacle lenses there may be almost any color. Have you ever seen a person wearing colored glasses on the street and wondered why he wears them - is it just fashionable or do they still have some practical function?

Yes, sometimes it can be a tribute to fashion, but most often colored lenses have unique properties . Unfortunately, very few people have knowledge on this topic. But we will help you figure it out. Let's start with this article, in which we will look at glasses with yellow lenses - what they are for and who is recommended to wear them.

How do yellow glasses work and what are they for?

Glasses with yellow lenses have the ability cut off the rays of the blue part of the spectrum, which are responsible for the appearance of “flares” on the retina from sudden sources of bright light or, in other words, short-term partial blindness.

Also, when using them, the contrast of the image decreases. As a result, bright light becomes dimmer, and in low light The “picture” becomes more legible.

It is important that the workmanship is of the highest quality top level: simply colored lenses – bad option, since although they will improve contrast, there will remain a high light transmittance of the yellow spectrum, which can have a depressing effect on the psyche.

Panacea for drivers

The first to know why yellow glasses needed, are, in particular, those who often drive V dark time days.

For night driving you need lighter ones yellow shades. For twilight and fog conditions, yellow-orange shades of lenses will be convenient.

In addition to making driving more comfortable by improving image clarity and relieving eye strain, yellow spectacle lenses help avoid being dazzled by the headlights of oncoming cars.

In the daytime, excessive contrast can only make life more difficult for the driver. Therefore, yellow glasses are harmful to wear during the day, especially in bright sunshine.

Alternative for geeks

To protect the eyesight of people who spend a lot of time in front of computer monitors, there are special glasses whose lenses are usually clear or have a slight greenish/pink tint.

But if you take quality glasses with yellow lenses for drivers, or even better - designed specifically for pilots with additional protection from harmful radiation, they will also be convenient for computer geeks. Increased contrast relieving eye strain and protection from the radiation produced by the monitor - exactly what you need when you spend many hours at the computer.

This, of course, is not an ideal option, but it is quite appropriate if you do not have yellow ones on hand, which are used for driving.

In general, this is all the information about why yellow glasses are worn. Although you still need to tell us one more nuance: to avoid misunderstandings when purchasing in a store/ordering online, remember that the description of glasses usually indicates not the literal translation of the word “yellow” into English – “yellow”, but “amber” , which is also the designation yellow or amber color.

Enjoy your driving and comfortable work at the computer!

The use of polarized glasses is determined by the fact that the sun is the enemy of car enthusiasts. Its activity has a significant impact on the driver’s well-being, his attention and reaction speed. It should be noted that even a simple sunbeam can lead to an accident with fatal. That's why driver's glasses are necessary.

Where should you expect danger while driving?

In sunny weather the most dangerous time The period from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. is considered. The light at this moment is brightest, and ultraviolet radiation is harsher. In the morning and evening time its intensity subsides. However, at the same time, the light begins to shine directly into the eyes of the person who is driving. It hits a person's face at an angle of 45 degrees. The driver begins to squint. Due to this, the viewing angle is reduced. If you do not use special glasses for the driver, then the obstacle can be seen only 5 meters in front of the car.

Standard visors, used as sun protection, do not help in all situations. They will not be able to protect you in a situation where the rays are reflected from a wet road. Naturally, direct light in this case does not pose any danger. But wet asphalt acts as a mirror, reflecting the sun's rays. Accordingly, neither a visor nor a special protective strip on the glass can help.

The danger is posed not only by wet asphalt, but also by straight glass on oncoming trucks and buses. You can become momentarily blind when leaving a dark place. It serves as a garage, tunnel, underground parking. If the driver does not see anything, then he should turn on the emergency lights, stop without changing lanes, and wait until vision is completely restored.

Those glasses for the driver that do not have special UV protection can lead to complete loss vision. What is this connected with? A stream of light containing ultraviolet radiation will enter the retina of the eye. This can cause a burn, which in turn will lead to a significant decrease in vision. In such a situation, you can become completely blind.

Improving your vision with glasses

Must be used polarized glasses for drivers who have a special filter. The reflected light will be scattered in them. Accordingly, the overview will improve. A special layer located in the center of the lens will cut off reflected light, making glare almost completely disappear. You can purchase polarized glasses for drivers in automobile stores, in specialized departments for fishing and recreation, and in pharmacies. They are also available to order online. You can feel more comfortable wearing these glasses. In addition to glasses, you should think about the cleanliness of the glass, which glares quite strongly when dirty. It needs to be washed constantly.

An important element for a comfortable ride

Not long ago, special glasses for drivers could only cause a skeptical grin. At first glance, they were no different from simple sun protection ones. In reality, things are a little different. Experts recommend purchasing glasses designed for driving in poor visibility conditions and in too intense light. In order not to make a mistake when purchasing glasses, you need to take your choice seriously. Some design features require attention.

What should the frame be like?

What should you pay attention to first when purchasing anti-glare glasses for drivers? The frame must meet some basic requirements. The driver should feel comfortable wearing glasses and not experience any negative sensations. Glasses that are completely suitable for drivers do not squeeze the temples or bridge of the nose. You need to choose those that do not constantly slide onto the tip of the nose and do not cause irritation or discomfort. In other words, glasses should not distract attention from the road. The ideal frame is characterized by lightness. It is not wide and has narrow earhooks. There is a nose pad. The ends of the arms in this frame are made of rubber. You should pay attention to how the earhooks are attached to the frame. Compared to regular glasses, they must be fixed to the top or bottom. Due to this, the driver's field of vision will not be limited.

What should the lenses be like?

When choosing anti-glare glasses for drivers, you should also pay attention to the lenses. They can be made from materials such as plastic or glass. Both are capable of providing the same comfort. But glasses with plastic lenses more secure. This is due to the fact that during an accident they do not injure the eyes.

If we talk about special coatings for lenses, then modern stage there are several different options. In specialized stores, the driver can be offered anti-glare glasses or glasses with gradient tinting. You can also purchase ones that are great for driving in poor visibility. There are quite a lot of options.

The blinding of a person behind the wheel by glare from oncoming vehicles, from a wet road, from windows and windshields, from chrome and other shiny surfaces is quite common cause road accidents. Glasses for drivers have an internal anti-reflex coating that reliably protects the eyes from various glares and from excess sunlight.

Almost the same function is performed by glasses already liked by most drivers, which have gradient tinting. In them upper part The lenses are darkened as much as possible. It has a mirror coating. In the direction from top to bottom, the intensity of darkening decreases. It turns out that a person’s eyes are protected from bright light and glare. Through bottom part The lenses of the instrument panel are clearly visible.

Models that are necessary for driving in poor visibility

In addition, you can purchase glasses for drivers that are suitable for driving when insufficient visibility. For example, during snowfall or heavy rain. Lenses in this kind glasses are colored yellow, orange or red. They block rays of the blue-violet spectrum. Glasses of this type help to increase contrast, as well as improve color perception of surrounding components. The level of absent-mindedness and drowsiness decreases, since its causes are often visual fatigue. The lenses used in driver's glasses (yellow, orange or red) greatly help reduce glare from headlights from oncoming vehicles.

Models for visually impaired drivers

But many people have poor eyesight. Is it possible to find glasses for drivers with prescription glasses? Regardless of the fact that many glasses use simple lenses, there are also models that are suitable for people with poor eyesight. Many experts suggest purchasing glasses that are equipped optical glasses with special anti-reflective tinting. When such models are manufactured, a polarizing coating is applied to the lenses. After this they are darkened.

Additional funds

You need to purchase not only glasses for the driver (night glasses, anti-glare, gradient-tinted). Naturally, they will help reduce eye strain by protecting them from glare and glare. sun rays. But they protect from the outside. Therefore, you should purchase products that will help protect your eyes from the inside. It has been found that using a substance such as lutein, it is possible to reduce the time it takes to restore vision after being blinded by the sun's rays or the headlights of oncoming vehicles at night. Using this device can improve visual acuity and color perception. Eye fatigue will be reduced after a long period of driving.

How to find the best option?

In order to determine which glasses will be optimal for you, you should visit specialized stores or opticians. I need to try on several pairs. You can also consult with specialists. But it is worth understanding that even the most best models will not eliminate the need to be extremely careful while driving. Regardless of whether you have anti-glare glasses or anti-headlight glasses for drivers or not, you must follow the traffic rules.

What can be caused by glare?

Bright sun rays, blinding light from oncoming headlights... These factors can not only cause eye fatigue, but also lead to diseases. For example, glaucoma or cataracts. In order to protect drivers who spend most of their time behind the wheel, special glasses were created. It is worth considering what their distinctive features are.

There is an opinion that the founder of this type of glasses was Academician S.N. Fedorov. He designed relaxation-combination glasses that protect the eyes from excess light.

Which models are the most popular? Driver reviews

Cafa France driver's polarized glasses also protect the eyes. Judging by the reviews, this is the most popular brand. They were developed specifically for drivers. They should be worn when driving in unfavorable conditions for vision: in bright sun, glare from asphalt after rains, at dusk. They will also help with blinding light from the headlights of oncoming vehicles.

Operating principle and distinctive features

Why do drivers respond so well to these models? The lenses in glasses of this kind are special light filters made of fairly high-quality plastic or mineral glass. They are coated with a thin layer of material that creates polarizing vibrations. These waves act only in the perpendicular direction of radiation. In other words, glasses are not only comfortable, but also provide high eye protection.

Ordinary light contains unpolarized waves. This is due to the fact that its atoms move freely in space. In order to change and order their structure, special linear-unidirectional polarizers are used. They contribute to the separation of radiation from ordinary light, which subsequently transmits vibrations in a certain direction.

At the interface, some of the rays are reflected. The rest are refracted. The vibrations of those rays that were reflected are mainly perpendicular to the plane on which they fall. At a certain angle of incidence, the reflected rays become linearly polarized.


Cafa France driver glasses contribute to:

  1. Significantly improved visibility in fog, during precipitation, at dusk, etc.
  2. Reduce brightness from glare from oncoming vehicles.
  3. Reducing the degree of fatigue and drowsiness.

Anti-reflective lenses are generally labeled special sign AR. They differ from simple glasses:

  1. Complete delay of ultraviolet rays.
  2. Optimizing the intensity of those solar rays that are transmitted. The degree of clarity and contrast of the visible image increases.
  3. Good restoration of the normal state of eye tissues.

How good is the yellow lens color?

What can you say about the color of driving glasses? Yellow lenses, judging by the reviews of numerous drivers, are the most preferable. But that's not true. You should not wear this kind of model all the time. Naturally, they help improve contrast. But due to them, color and spatial sensations also change. This is especially true if windshield is not in perfectly clean condition.

Mostly yellow have anti-night glasses. For the driver it is in the dark that they are optimal, as they help brighten the image, making it clearer and more contrasty. These models are also popular among fishermen and hunters. However, they are suitable for all sports enthusiasts.

Are glasses with different lens colors any good? Reviews from specialists and drivers

In addition to yellow, lenses can be black, transparent, brown or gray. In addition, they can be anti-reflective or night, day or with diopters. Each individual model is designed for specific conditions and vision conditions. For example, if you have visual impairments, it is better not to use polarized glasses. In such a situation the best option are “chameleons” that are able to adapt to the lighting.

What other nuances differ from driver glasses? Reviews from many experts say that it is best to abandon those models whose lenses have purple or blue tint. It is believed that they entail the development of lens diseases. Pink lenses contribute to headaches and nerve problems. Dark ones perfectly resist direct blinding rays, reflections from wet asphalt and glass.

Which glasses won't make your eyes get too tired?

Eyes will be less tired in glasses whose lenses have a green, gray or brown tint. But you shouldn’t use them all the time, since they also change color perception. It is best to use them in the dark or in cloudy weather, as they make the image lighter, clearer and more contrasty.

To prevent your eyes from getting too tired while driving at night, you should set the headlights to the middle position. In the event that they illuminate the wheels or trunk glass vehicle, which goes ahead, then the eyes will begin to strain more. The light beam needs to be directed slightly higher than the bumper of the car in front.

When choosing glasses, you should primarily focus on such aspects as protection, safety and comfort. In addition, they must to the fullest match the image of its owner.


In this review, we examined the main nuances that characterize driver's night glasses, anti-reflective glasses, and polarized glasses. We hope this will help you make a choice in favor of the optimal model.