Which people produce vitamin D more easily? Vitamin D3 for children

  • Despite what is currently available large number synthetic vitamins, the need to obtain sufficient quantity these substances from environment still quite high. One of the most difficult to obtain from food is the sun; the sun stimulates its production in the required quantities. Now there are 5 of its variations, of which only D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol) have sufficient activity.

    General information about the vitamin

    D2 is a synthesized vitamin obtained by artificial irradiation of certain types of fungi. It is added to prepared foods and vitamin preparations.

    • sea ​​fish liver, fatty varieties fish;
    • pork and beef liver, fatty meats;
    • And ;
    • fatty dairy products;
    • chanterelles;
    • seaweed;
    • yeast.

    Vitamin D has several nuances:

    • Firstly, Only with its minimum permissible amount is calcium absorbed in the body.
    • Secondly, In order for D3 to be well absorbed, it must be consumed with foods containing vegetable fats.
    • Thirdly, its concentration in all of the above products is much lower than the level required for health.
    • And fourthly, The sun plays a major role in the synthesis of vitamin D in the human body.

    Calciferol and the sun

    The human epidermis contains dehydrocholesterol (D4), from which D3 is synthesized under the influence of ultraviolet B spectrum at a wavelength of 270-315 nm.

    Vitamin production depends on the following factors:

    • person's location;
    • time;
    • cloudiness;
    • environmental situation;
    • the amount of melanin in the skin.

    The fact is that at different latitudes and in different times day intensity sunlight not the same. Thus, the dose of sunlight necessary for the full production of D3 can be obtained while in the tropics, in zones of medium and temperate climates in daytime in spring and summer. For obvious reasons, the Arctic sun will not stimulate the production of the vitamin.

    The intensity of exposure to ultraviolet radiation depends on the amount of melanin (coloring pigment), since this substance is a natural barrier that protects the skin from sunburn and preventing the penetration of UV rays to soft tissues. By the way, ultraviolet radiation does not pass through clothes either.

    In order to receive the dose of vitamin D necessary for health, it is enough to be under the right lighting for 10-15 minutes daily.

    Interesting fact: after 30 minutes of exposure to the sun, right time the body produces the same amount of D3 as could be obtained by eating 227 chicken eggs or 0.5 kg of cod liver. Comments, as they say, are unnecessary. But all of the above does not mean that a lack of vitamin D necessarily begins in autumn and winter. This substance has the beneficial ability to accumulate in the body and be used as needed. During the cold season, the body spends D3 reserves accumulated during the warm season.

    Alternative options

    Not every person has the opportunity to spend enough time in the sun, even living in a tropical climate. This raises the question: is it possible to get vitamin D through glass? Alas, the answer is clearly negative. Window glass does not transmit the ultraviolet B spectrum necessary for the production of D3. Please note that vitamin D does not penetrate not only through glass, but also through a layer of sunscreen.

    Solarium - excellent alternative option natural tanning. The light of artificial ultraviolet lamps not only does not interfere with obtaining the desired wavelength, but also does not contain parts of the spectrum harmful to the skin. When going to a solarium, the body is able to produce vitamin D without damage skin. It is worth noting that natural sunlight is still more effective.

    The body's ability to conduct long time exposure to the sun without getting sunburn can be stimulated by eating antioxidants. The most effective of them, astaxanthin, is found in large quantities in meat. salmon fish, certain types algae and yeast. By consuming this substance, natural or synthesized, you can double your safe sun exposure time. Antioxidants with similar action It is also found in blueberries, acai berries, and pomegranate fruits.

    Role in the body

    Vitamin D performs many important functions in the body. Firstly, without it calcium is not absorbed, which leads to the development of osteoporosis and rickets, increased fragility of bones and teeth. Secondly, it prevents some fairly common types of cancer. There is an opinion that it is the lack of this substance that is associated with frequent cases of prostate cancer among blacks in Europe and the USA. Finally, it’s not for nothing that sunny weather makes people good mood: provokes the development of depression and schizophrenia.

    One of the features of D3 is that if its level has decreased significantly, it will be impossible to quickly restore it. Therefore, it is better not to aggravate the situation, remember that vitamin D is not produced through glass, and do not neglect the opportunity to spend an extra half hour in the sun.

    The main benefit of vitamin D for the human body is its ability to absorb calcium. The latter, in turn, is necessary for the growth of skeletal bones. What else is vitamin D useful for? Not everyone knows, but it nevertheless performs a number of vital functions in the body.

    The role of vitamin D in the human body is not limited to the absorption of calcium. In addition, it strengthens protective system human by synthesis immune cells. This allows the body to fight a wide variety of infections.

    Absorbed calcium not only strengthens bone tissue, but also nerve fibers. Which in turn has a positive effect on the work of the entire nervous system person. Thus, it provides advantages in the fight against e.g. multiple sclerosis. Job endocrine system a person cannot be complete without him. It regulates the functioning of the pancreas, which promotes the production of glucose.

    And one more important function- rejuvenation of the body. This process occurs due to permanent replacement old cells to new ones. And vitamin D is involved in this process of cell replacement; this feature allows us to overcome cancer.

    "Sunshine Vitamin"

    Vitamin D and the sun are very strongly connected, it is not for nothing that its second name is “sunny”. When analyzing vitamin D, what it is useful for and how it helps a person, one cannot help but touch upon the topic of how it is synthesized in the body.

    In fact, it is not produced under sun rays, and specifically under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, and it, in fact, is part solar radiation. Ultraviolet light, entering the epidermis layer, converts the substance located there into vitamin D.

    It is produced in the amount in which the body received ultraviolet radiation. That is, if human skin dark color, then there will be little vitamin D in such skin, and if the skin is white and its sun reflectance coefficient is low, then a large amount of vitamin D is synthesized.

    But it is not only produced in the sun. It is found in large quantities in fatty sea fish. This fact does not allow pale-skinned residents northern countries, with weak solar activity, lack vitamin D.

    How more to a person years, the less vitamin D is produced in his body. Hence various diseases, from osteoporosis to cancer. This is due not only to weak skin activity, but also to a person’s lifestyle, because older people rarely go outside.

    One more interesting feature lies in its ability to accumulate in the body. There are situations when it is impossible to get it, and that’s when the “emergency” reserve created in the body in fatty tissues comes in handy. This ability is explained by the fact that it is very well soluble in lipids. This feature allows a person to survive a long dark winter and see the spring sun again.

    What influences the content

    The level of vitamin D in the body depends not only on the sun or its absence. There are a number of other reasons leading to a decrease in its level:

    1. Production is highly dependent on human diet. And if he is a convinced vegetarian, then he voluntarily deprives himself of this important component, since this substance is contained only in animal or fish oil.
    2. Sometimes a person is forced to undergo anthracite therapy, and it greatly reduces its content in the body.
    3. Man has no control over time, which is why old people suffer from vitamin deficiency. D.
    4. A pregnant or lactating woman should take the drug, because during this period of life, it is produced in her body in extremely small doses.

    Symptoms of vitamin deficiency

    When there is no vitamin D in the body and the sun does not appear for several months and the person’s diet does not contain foods containing the necessary substances, symptoms begin to appear. following symptoms vitamin deficiency:

    1. Bones become porous and brittle.
    2. The man loses sleep.
    3. Lost appetite.
    4. The deficiency affects the quality of vision; it deteriorates significantly.
    5. IN respiratory tract dryness and burning occurs.
    6. The general well-being of a person worsens, weakness occurs in the arms and legs.
    7. Performance decreases due to rapid fatigue.

    If one or several symptoms appear, you should immediately seek professional help. Since therapy is in this case complex, and such a problem cannot be solved in one day, the sooner treatment begins, the higher the chance of completely restoring the level.

    Vitamin D deficiency in men and women

    The lack of vitamin D for men and women has an individual effect, so it makes sense to consider this problem in the context of men and women. women's problems. Vitamin D is extremely important for men. And this need lies in the peculiarities of metabolism male body. Namely, if it is missing, it is destroyed bone tissue, not supported by calcium. When this happens, testosterone begins to strengthen the bone tissue, while a deficiency of this hormone occurs in other organs. Thus, without testosterone, a man loses sexual strength, becomes physically weaker, and loses muscle mass.

    But this is not the worst thing. We must not forget that testosterone is not calcium; it cannot 100% fulfill its functions of strengthening bones. Therefore, osteomalacia and osteoporosis are added to sexual dysfunction and weight loss.

    Absence also has a negative effect on a woman’s body. In addition to the problems common to men, women may experience problems with pregnancy due to a lack of calcium. Indeed, in this position, women need 4 times more calcium than, for example, a young woman unmarried girl. Its influence for nursing mothers cannot be overestimated; her milk must be saturated with calcium, otherwise the child will not grow up strong and healthy.

    Increased vitamin D is prescribed not only for mothers and pregnant women. It is also useful for women employed in production, living in conditions with harsh climates and unfavorable environmental conditions.

    Restoring normal levels

    If a person is diagnosed with vitamin deficiency, with a pronounced lack of vitamin D, special therapy is prescribed. It includes special diet, medications and a certain lifestyle.

    1. Diet. A nutritionist knows what vitamin is in this or that product. It is he who can appoint proper diet, restoring the level of D in the blood. The largest amount of it is found in the meat and fat of marine fish. You can eat fish, drink its fat, and then you won’t have problems with calcium for the rest of your life. This is explained by the fact that slave fat contains omega-3 and omega-6 acids.
    2. Medicines. Medications are used to increase calcium and vitamin D levels.
    3. Sun. Anyone understands what time of day you need to go for a walk to “refuel” with vitamin D - during the day when the sun is shining.

    But in order for it to be completely absorbed by the body, it should be consumed together with foods containing proteins, phosphorus, calcium and vitamins A and C. By the way, they are found in the same sea fish. The human body needs them, no matter where it lives. And if this place is far from the sea, fish oil must be taken in capsule form. You need to eat at least one such capsule per day. It is necessary to give fish oil to children immediately after weaning them. breastfeeding. Replenishing vitamin D with the help of fish can be pleasant, because heat treatment does not destroy it, so you can prepare various dishes from fish.

    Milk is needed to strengthen bones, it is known. But to enrich milk with vitamin D, you can irradiate it ultraviolet light. It was American scientists who determined that ultraviolet radiation gives such an effect. And not only in relation to milk, almost any product can be irradiated with ultraviolet light.

    The human body needs animal proteins and fats, it is necessary to give them to it. Pork is suitable for this. Chicken or duck meat, chicken eggs, beef liver. The amount of vitamin contained in these products cannot be found anywhere else. And if a person is a convinced vegetarian, then he must eat huge quantities of different cereals and salads a day in order to somehow maintain its level in the body.

    The most famous and effective means is "Calcium D3 Nycomed". In order to restore the daily norm, you need to take only one tablet. The drug can be taken by both children and adults. The dosage is prescribed individually, depending on the person’s condition and age.

    Another well-known drug is Aquadetrim. This drug is prescribed to the youngest patients, from 1 month. It prevents the development of rickets in children and strengthens their bones. The same drug is prescribed to a pregnant woman.

    “Calcium citrate” is prescribed for bone damage, such as a fracture or osteoporosis.

    There are other drugs to restore levels. But any of them should be prescribed by a doctor, since not all people are affected by it positive action. Some of them may experience serious side effects or complications. For example, those who have chronic diseases liver or kidneys.

    Harm from vitamin D

    So, vitamin D - its benefits and harms. If no questions arise regarding the benefits, then one cannot help but mention its harm. Harm may well occur if the person taking the drug is seriously ill with kidney or liver failure. Its effect on the body can be negative if a person has pulmonary tuberculosis or an ulcer duodenum and stomach.

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    Important properties vitamin D for our body

    Most often, preparations and products containing vitamin D are of interest to young mothers, since its lack can lead to rickets in infants and older children. In fact, this vitamin is no less important for adult men and women, especially when there is a lack of sun in gloomy weather from October to May.

    In this article you will learn why the body needs vitamin D, what its deficiency may be, and which foods contain the most of this valuable element.

    Why does everyone need vitamin D?

    Vitamin D plays important role in the health of bones and muscles, as well as in the functioning of the immune and nervous systems. Most foods are poor sources of this vitamin, leaving us with only small quantity products rich in it, a list of which we will consider below. First, let's figure out what vitamin D is and why a person needs it.

    6 interesting facts:

    Research has shown that people with low level Vitamin D levels in the blood perform worse on standardized exams, may have poor decision-making skills, and have difficulty with tasks requiring attention and concentration. In addition, a number of studies have found that normal levels of vitamin D reduce the risk of cancer, especially colon and breast cancer.

    Lack of vitamin D in the body: symptoms and possible consequences

    Vitamin D deficiency often leads to soft bones (osteomalacia) and rickets, and may also be associated with low immunity, depression, autoimmune diseases and cancer. However, vitamin D deficiency does not always have symptoms. Sometimes they do not make themselves felt until the level of vitamin D becomes very low and the body requires serious treatment.

    Perhaps these 9 main signs and symptoms will help you recognize a lack of vitamin D in your body in advance:

    According to Harvard medical school If the body does not have enough vitamin D, it can only absorb 10-15% of calcium from food, compared to 30-40% with sufficient levels of this vitamin.

    How much vitamin D do we need to avoid all this and stay healthy?

    The table below shows the recommended daily norm vitamin D consumption. It is worth noting that these figures are often disputed today. Lack of sunlight in autumn and winter, long working hours and sunscreen in summer lead us to an even greater need for vitamin D from food and medications. Many scientists insist that the vitamin D requirement should be closer to 4000 IU per day.

    1 IU or international unit is approximately equal to 0.025 μg of cholecalciferol (D3) or ergocalciferol (D2). We can take vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) from food of animal origin, while vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) is produced from mushrooms, yeast and is more suitable for vegans.

    What foods contain vitamin D: where is it most?

    Vitamin D deficiency is one of the most common health problems in the world. On average, 30 to 50% of people are deficient in it. People living in regions with short time exposure to sunlight, as well as people with dark skin, those with a lack of fat and those taking steroids and medications for weight loss.

    What foods contain vitamin D: table of champions

    The following table shows which foods contain the most vitamin D. These are the real champions:

    Products with vitamin D Calories (per 100 g)

    Fish and products from it

    Cod liver oil 10 002 902
    Mackerel (salted) 1 006 305
    Salmon (in a can) 841 167
    Trout (baked) 759 168
    Salmon (baked) 670 156
    Mackerel (raw) 643 205
    Trout (raw) 635 141
    Salmon (raw) 563 131
    Sturgeon (baked) 515 135
    Fish oil from sardines 332 902
    Mackerel (in a jar) 292 156
    Tuna in oil (in a can) 269 198
    Halibut (baked) 231 111

    Eggs and products made from them

    Eggs (dry powder) 331 594
    Egg yolk (raw) 218 317


    Maitake (raw) 1 123,00 31
    Chanterelles (raw) 212 38
    Morels (raw) 206 31

    The list below includes other popular foods that contain vitamin D, although in much smaller quantities. However, we can eat many of them daily:

    Products with vitamin D Amount of vitamin D (IU per 100 g of product) Calories (per 100 g)

    Cheeses and dairy products

    Cheddar cheese 24 403
    Powdered milk 20 496
    Edam cheese 20 357
    Parmesan cheese 19 392
    Camembert cheese 18 300
    Mozzarella 16 300
    Feta 16 264
    Whipped cream 16 257
    Margarine 12 718
    Whole milk 3.25% 2 60


    Shiitake (dried) 154 296
    Champignons (grilled) 14 29
    Porcini mushrooms (fried or boiled) 8 26

    Animal products

    Poultry fat (chicken, duck, turkey) 191 900
    Pork lard (raw) 122 812
    Pork ribs (braised) 104 397
    Animal fat 101 897
    Ham 75 507
    Pork (fried, baked) 45-63 292
    Beef liver (stewed) 49 191

    Fish products

    Sardine in tomato (in a jar) 193 186
    Sardine in oil (in a jar) 193 208
    Cod (dried) 161 290
    Tilapia (baked) 150 128
    Flounder (baked) 139 86
    Black and red caviar 117 264
    Herring (pickled) 113 262


    Eggs (fried) 88 196
    Eggs (boiled) 86 155
    Eggs (raw) 82 143


    Spinach soufflé 31 172
    Cream of mushroom soup with milk 29 65
    Bread toast with egg 21 315
    Mashed potatoes with milk 9 83

    Data source: US National Database nutrients for standard reference, May 2016 version.

    Vitamin D in the pharmacy: is it worth taking the drugs?

    It is strictly not recommended to self-prescribe or buy vitamin D medications at the pharmacy, since an overdose also threatens sad consequences for health. If you notice symptoms of vitamin D deficiency, you can take a blood test. How much vitamin D should a person have in his blood? Normal level lies in the range from 35 to 50 ng/ml. If your indicator is lower, then the doctor will be able to prescribe you a certain dose of the drug. Without analysis, this vitamin is usually prescribed only for the prevention of rickets - for infants and slightly older children. As a rule, these are colecalciferol preparations:

    • Akvavit-D3;
    • Aquadetrim Vitamin D3;
    • Vigantol;
    • Videin;
    • D3 Droplet;
    • Plivit;
    • Tridevita.

    Ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) is also good for preventing vitamin D deficiency in pregnant women, children and adults. Note that it will be more convenient for small children to take vitamin D in drops, while tablets are also available for adults.

    We remind you that our body is able to accumulate vitamin D for use during periods when we do not receive enough of it. Therefore, if you are active in good weather, do not complain about your health and eat a balanced diet, then you do not need additional vitamin D supplements.

    What is the danger of an overdose of vitamin D and its symptoms?

    Symptoms overuse vitamin D include poor appetite, weight loss, fatigue, red eyes, vomiting, diarrhea and discomfort in the muscles. Typical consequence Vitamin D overdose is hypercalcemia, which initially causes nausea and fatigue, and over time can negatively affect the entire body.

    It is nearly impossible to get too much vitamin D from sunlight and food sources, so excess vitamin D in the blood is usually the result of taking supplements.

    How much is “too much”?

    Damage from vitamin D usually occurs when you take 40,000 IU per day for several months or longer. Keep in mind that our body produces between 10,000 and 25,000 IU of vitamin D on its own after short exposure to direct sunlight. Therefore, in summer it is especially not recommended to abuse vitamin preparations.

    Be healthy!

    A laudable ode to the “sun vitamin”
    Vitamin D was discovered in the 20-30s of the last century, and already the first studies showed that it is with a lack of this vitamin that children's body diseases such as rickets, bone curvature and spinal deformity are associated. Currently, a whole group of vitamins D is known - D1, D2, D3, etc. The most important of them are D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol), they are very similar in properties and effects on the body, and they are most often combined one common name– calciferol or vitamin D.

    Perhaps someone will have doubts whether we, adults, should attach such importance to the “children’s” vitamin, because the formation time skeletal system It’s been a long time since rickets no longer threatens us. It turns out that vitamin D is not so simple, and its physiological role is not only in regulating the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the body, which is especially important for a growing body. Intestinal permeability and other minerals (zinc, iron, cobalt, magnesium) depend on vitamin D. It is indispensable in the fight against dysfunction and in the battle against infections, helps the smooth functioning of the heart, and regulates the activity of the nervous system. Vitamin D is necessary for normal blood clotting, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, and is important for the functioning of thyroid gland and normal blood clotting, helps get rid of many eye diseases. Women who have sufficient levels of vitamin D in their blood are less likely to have benign and malignant tumors breast and ovarian cancer.

    So, vitamin D is necessary for everyone and always - both in childhood, and in blooming youth, and at the age of elegance, and at sunset. As soon as we stop taking care of supplying our body with this vitamin, problems arise, ranging from aching bones, lower back pain, and ending with fractures, depression, memory impairment, problems with blood pressure, and you never know what else can happen if you neglect the sun vitamin.

    And the ways it enters the body are simple:
    - externally with food and medications,
    - and production by the body under the influence of the sun. Moreover, in the sun, approximately 90% of vitamin D is formed in the body, while about 10% comes from food.

    What is also important to note is that vitamin D is fat-soluble; it is not washed out of the body along with liquid, but rather slowly excreted in bile, so it is quite possible to store a certain amount of inactive vitamin D in the liver for several months.

    How vitamin D is formed in the skin, or some nuances of sunbathing...
    – the main source of vitamin D in the body. Under the sun's rays, vitamin D is formed on the surface of the skin, covered with a thin layer of the cholesterol-like substance ergosterol and sweat, which is then absorbed by the skin, penetrates the bloodstream and ultimately enters the liver, where it is then metabolized into active forms. Moreover, part of the inactive vitamin D is stored in reserve in special liver cells, reticulocytes, which ensures the maintenance of the required level in the body. active forms for several months. In the liver, the process of converting still passive calciferol into active hormone Calcitriol begins and ends in the kidneys, and it is from here that this hormone is sent to fulfill its important mission, controlling the absorption of calcium and phosphorus by the body.

    Luckily, our bodies can store vitamin D, so it's important that our skin produces enough vitamin D over the summer to last throughout the rest of the year.

    When sunbathing to replenish vitamin D reserves(not for a chocolate tan) there are some things to consider:

    - “sunshine” vitamin is formed when sebum located on the surface of the skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays, so you should not wash it off before sunbathing;

    Also, don’t rush to accept water procedures immediately after sunbathing, give time for the vitamin to be absorbed into the skin;

    They protect us from ultraviolet radiation and at the same time block the skin’s ability to produce vitamin D. Sunbathing without sunscreen for 15-20 minutes at morning hours and in the late afternoon, several times a week, according to experts, can ensure the synthesis of the required amount of vitamin D;

    The activity of the synthesis process is directly dependent on the intensity of irradiation and inversely on the degree of skin pigmentation, that is, the more tanned you are, the lower the skin’s ability to produce vitamin D.

    It should also be noted that the skin is able to effectively produce vitamin D under the influence of ultraviolet rays in a clean atmosphere, so walking along city streets, over which a haze of dust and exhaust fumes hangs, is unlikely to promote health and vitamin accumulation.

    Give the sun a chance!
    So what happens? If we, following the recommendations of dermatologists and oncologists, do not appear outdoors without sunscreen and appropriate clothing, we save ourselves from sunburn, dermatitis, photoaging, malignant neoplasms and at the same time, we deprive our body of the vitamin D we need so much. And if our skin is already covered with a chocolate tan and burns are not scary for it, we no longer use protective cream so strictly - and our own tan gets in the way of vitamin D synthesis.

    Let's try to find a reasonable compromise. Moreover, the tan itself, in recent years is not such a prestigious factor. Thanks to numerous warning publications, excessive tanning these days is no longer perceived as evidence of... healthy image life and social status its owner, but rather as evidence of some ignorance or frivolous attitude towards one’s own health.

    So, our choice is short sunbathing without protective equipment in safe time day (morning, evening), the rest of the time, sunscreen of the required degree of protection, skin care products and good nutrition.

    Alternative methods
    The second way vitamin D enters our body is through food. The main sources are raw egg yolk, cheese, butter, fish liver (especially cod and halibut), fatty varieties of sea fish (herring, mackerel, tuna, mackerel). There are also plant sources of vitamin D - parsley, nettle, mushrooms, alfalfa, horsetail - however, its content in them is very insignificant.

    The daily requirement for the vitamin from food is approximately 200 international units (IU), if you spend 30 minutes outdoors every day exposed to sunlight. If sunbathing is not for you, then the norm increases to 1000 IU.

    Per 100 g:
    - animal liver contains up to 50 IU of vitamin,
    - V egg yolk- 25 ME,
    - in beef -13 ME,
    - in corn oil - 9 ME,
    - in butter - up to 35 ME,
    - V cow's milk- from 0.3 to 4 IU per 100 ml.

    As you can see, even with a nutritious diet, the body’s need for the vitamin is difficult to fully meet through food. A combination of sunlight and right choice menu - the most reliable path solving the problem.

    You can also diversify your diet with foods additionally enriched with vitamin D, such as milk, yogurt, breakfast cereals, cookies, and bread. It is only important to take into account that vitamin D is recommended to be taken together with calcium, because its main function is to promote the absorption of calcium by the body and regulate phosphorus-calcium metabolism. If calcium is not supplied with food, then it is taken from the bones, and this is a direct path to the development of osteoporosis. Therefore, milk fortified with vitamin D can be considered healthier than fortified bread.

    Well, in the cold season, or when the sun is contraindicated for you, you will have to replenish vitamin D reserves with the help vitamin preparations. When deciding to use vitamin preparations, consult your doctor. You should not take more vitamin D than you need; too much is just as dangerous as too little.

    In the meantime, summer reigns, the sun is shining, think about medicines early, spend more time on fresh air, catch the “sunshine vitamin” with all exposed parts of your body, but do not forget about the safety rules.

    Vitamin D is important for the nervous system, regulates the concentration of phosphorus and calcium in the blood, controls the production of insulin by the pancreas, improves immunity and has a positive effect on the production of immune cells, […]

    Vitamin D is important for the nervous system, regulates the concentration of phosphorus and calcium in the blood, controls the production of insulin by the pancreas, increases immunity and has a positive effect on the production of immune cells, reduces the risk of cancer, treats psoriasis, promotes normal absorption of calcium and magnesium, strengthens bones and teeth. This post is dedicated to the properties and uses of vitamin D, such information is useful to everyone.

    What is vitamin D?

    Vitamin D is commonly called special biologically active substances. This group includes ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) - the body is saturated with it exclusively through food. And ergocalciferol (vitamin D3) - a person gets it from food, and the substance can also be spontaneously produced in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

    What is vitamin D for?

    Ergocalciferol and cholecalciferol perform a number of tasks in the body. The main activity of these substances, which are similar in structure and action, is the regulation of the absorption of phosphorus and calcium during the movement of food along the small intestine. Most of these trace elements are absorbed in the duodenum.

    Scientists have found that vitamin D is involved in the production of certain hormones, regulation of metabolism and the process of cell renewal. Valuable vitamins from group D are an important component of our diet. Daily human body at the age of 1-70 years, cholecalciferol is required in a volume of 15 mcg. Converted to international units, this is 600 IU. The same need occurs during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    Research has shown that vitamin D works prophylactic for warning oncological processes in the mammary glands, prostate gland, large intestine. When used correctly, the substance helps to avoid dangerous conditions, such as depression, obesity and heart disease, and also reduces the likelihood of respiratory diseases.

    The fat-soluble substance calciferol is optimally absorbed along with fats in the intestines. All fat-soluble vitamins can be deposited in adipose tissue. Vitamin D in the human body can accumulate in such a volume over the summer that these reserves will be systematically spent during all the cold months of the year.

    Vitamin D is also known to promote absorption important microelement magnesium and vitamin A.

    Blood test for vitamin D

    To determine the amount of vitamin D in the blood, venous blood is taken for analysis. Thus, you can quickly make a diagnosis of hypovitaminosis or hypervitaminosis. Such an analysis in mandatory donated by patients who have serious problems with bones - osteopenia, osteoporosis. Based on the results, doctors adjust treatment.

    A doctor may prescribe a vitamin D test if there are complaints of bone deformation and rickets, growth arrest, repeated fractures, and bone pain. Also, a blood test may be required in case of digestive disorders, inaccessibility to sunlight, before bone surgery and dental implantation.

    Let's give an approximate breakdown of the results of a blood test for vitamin D:

    • the normal test result is 30-100 ng/ml or 75-250 nmol/l;
    • a slight deficiency is indicated by a result of 10-30 ng/ml or 25-75 nmol/l;
    • a critical deficiency can be judged when the result is below 10 ng/ml or below 25 nmol/l.

    The results of vitamin D tests are assessed by an endocrinologist and a surgeon. Along with this, a number of other examinations may be prescribed to clarify the picture. Typically, vitamin D reserves in the analysis are reduced due to a lack of vitamin E in the body, kidney and liver failure, little contact with sunlight, consumption of foods poor in vitamin D, taking certain medications.

    Vitamin D in foods

    Let's list the foods that contain the most vitamins of group D - vitamin D2 and D3. The values ​​given are per 100 g of product:

    • fish oil made from cod liver - 250 mcg (1667% of the average daily requirement);
    • canned cod liver- 100 mcg (667%);
    • high-fat herring fish - 30 mcg (200%);
    • canned oil sprats - 20.5 mcg (137%);
    • chum fish - 16.3 mcg (109%);
    • mackerel fish - 16.1 mcg (107%);
    • salmon (Atlantic salmon) - 11 mcg (73%);
    • pink salmon fish - 10.9 mcg (73%);
    • black granular caviar- 8 mcg (53%);
    • yolks from chicken eggs - 7.7 mcg (51%);
    • tuna fish - 5.7 mcg (38%);
    • chanterelle mushrooms - 5.3 mcg (35%);
    • morel mushrooms - 5.1 mcg (34%);
    • perch fish ( river fish) - 3 mcg (20%);
    • red granular caviar - 2.9 mcg (19%);
    • flounder fish - 2.8 mcg (19%);
    • pike fish - 2.5 mcg (17%);
    • perch fish (sea fish) - 2.3 mcg (15%);
    • chicken eggs - 2.2 mcg (15%);
    • ghee - 1.8 mcg (12%);
    • unsalted sweet butter - 1.5 mcg (10%);
    • quail eggs, goat milk, butter - 1.3-1.4 mcg (10%);
    • pollock fish and 50% cheeses (Swiss and cheddar) - 1 mcg (7%);
    • cod fish, 50% cheeses (Roquefort and Russian), 45% cheeses (Poshekhonsky and Dutch), Camembert cheese - 0.8-0.9 mcg (6%);
    • oyster mushrooms, Suluguni and Russian processed cheeses - 0.7 mcg (5%);
    • processed sausage and Adyghe cheeses, fat 18% cottage cheese - 0.6 mcg (4%);
    • feta, gouda, parmesan cheeses, shiitake mushrooms - 0.4-0.5 mcg (3%);
    • medium fat cottage cheese 9%, powdered milk with a fat content of 25% - 0.2-0.3 mcg (2%);
    • 10-35% cream, 2-5% cottage cheese, 20-30% sour cream, champignon and porcini mushrooms - 0.1-0.2 (1% daily requirement).

    For convenience, the products in the list are arranged in descending order of vitamin D content per 100 g (and in descending order of percentage of the daily requirement). At the top of the list are the richest food sources that are recommended to be consumed in case of vitamin deficiency or to prevent it. The foods at the end of the list have minimal concentrations of vitamin D, but are still healthy.

    Vitamin D norm

    It is important to know not only what vitamin D contains, but also what the daily norms of calciferol are for different people. These data are shown in the table. table: daily requirement of vitamin D for different people

    It is believed that taking a 20-minute sunbath can partially cover the need for vitamin D. It is necessary to stay outside in open clothes sleeveless. In this case, you need to get only half the daily requirement from products.

    Who needs vitamin D most?

    The body requires increased doses of vitamin D in the following cases:

    • period of active growth of children;
    • menopause in women;
    • bearing and breastfeeding a child;
    • rare walks in the sun;
    • old age.

    As you can see, vitamin D for adults and children is necessary for the body to function properly. Deficiency and excess are extremely dangerous.

    What can cause vitamin D deficiency?

    IN following states Vitamin D stores are usually depleted, so additional doses are required:

    • improper food system, poor in fish and dairy products;
    • taking antacids;
    • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
    • age from 50 years;
    • renal and hepatic disorders;
    • vegetarian food system.

    Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency

    If there is a catastrophic lack of vitamin D in the body, ailments develop:

    • osteomalacia (as calcium is washed out, bone tissue liquefies);
    • sleep disorders;
    • osteoporosis;
    • low performance;
    • fatigue;
    • poor appetite;
    • poor health in general;
    • blurred vision;
    • burning in the larynx;
    • sluggish healing and recovery from fractures.

    How does excess vitamin D manifest?

    Note that overloading the body with vitamin D is a rare phenomenon; it can develop due to drug abuse:

    • breathing complications;
    • loss of appetite;
    • convulsions;
    • itchy skin;
    • surges in pulse and blood pressure;
    • headache and body weakness;
    • abnormal stool, vomiting, nausea.

    Popular vitamin D preparations

    Medicines are used as prescribed by a doctor and in strict compliance with the instructions. The following drugs are in demand today:

    • preparations based on colecalciferol - Aquadetrim drops and oil solution Vigantol;
    • preparations based on alfacalcidol - Alpha-D3-Teva capsules, intravenous solution, Etalfa capsules and drops, Alfadol capsules, Oksidevit oil solution, Van-Alfa tablets;
    • preparations based on paricalcitol - intravenous solution and Zemplar capsules;
    • a preparation based on colecalciferol, calcium carbonate and alendronic acid - Ostalon-Calcium-D tablets;
    • preparations based on calcitriol - Rocaltrol and Osteotriol capsules;
    • a drug based on alendronic acid and alfacalcidol - Tevabon capsules and tablets;
    • A natural source of vitamin D is an oil solution of fish oil.

    Vitamin D in tablets and other forms should not be taken without consulting a doctor.

    Vitamin D is important for athletes

    People with elevated physical activity must take care of themselves, provide their body with microelements and vitamins in a timely manner.

    Why vitamin D is necessary when playing any sport:

    • bone strengthening factor - if there is not enough vitamin D, then the body cannot absorb enough calcium, and the bones become fragile, which is detrimental to the athlete;
    • muscles work much better - deficit threatens muscle weakness and the development of muscle atrophy;
    • vitamin D saves from cardiovascular pathologies, unexpected heart attack, hypertension, which is certainly good during heavy physical activity;
    • reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and cancer.

    Effective sources of vitamin D for athletes include moderate sun exposure, good food and healthy nutritional supplements.

    The importance of vitamin D for women

    Women's health depends on lifestyle and nutrition. Vitamin D is of enormous importance for women. This fact is confirmed by the following observations:

    • with vitamin D deficiency, women develop severe depression and apathy towards everything, and feel a loss of strength;
    • due to a lack of vitamin D, problems with procreation occur - it is not possible to conceive a child;
    • vitamin deficiency is one of the risk factors for the development of obesity and diabetes;
    • if there is a lack of vitamin D, muscle weakness is a concern;
    • Vitamin D deficiency is inextricably linked with a high likelihood colds and virus infections.

    Vitamin D for infants

    Children's vitamin D preparations:

    • Aquadetrim;
    • Osteotriol;
    • Alpha-D3;
    • Vigantol;
    • Fish oil;
    • Colecalciferol;
    • D3-Devisol-Drops.

    The dosage is selected by the doctor individually, depending on the state of health.

    It is important that the percentage of vitamin D in the diet is influenced by environmental factors. This vitamin breaks down under the influence of air and light. It is interesting that vitamin D does not disappear during heat treatment, since it does not change when heated. It is believed that vitamin D reserves can be replenished by being outside in sunny weather. But it should be noted that sunscreens hinder the production of vitamin D in the skin by 90%. And yet it is dangerous to sunbathe without SPF cream, it threatens early aging and skin cancer. Therefore, the issue of sunbathing must be resolved wisely.