What is professional oral hygiene. Professional hygiene is a reliable path to oral health

Professional hygiene or cleaning is a set of measures to remove deposits on tooth enamel, including hard-to-reach places. Thanks to this cleaning, caries, pulpitis, and periodontal disease are prevented. Professional hygiene is impossible at home, since it requires a number of tools, dental equipment, and supplies.

Expert opinion

Biryukov Andrey Anatolievich

doctor implantologist orthopedic surgeon Graduated from Crimean Medical University. Institute in 1991. Specialization in therapeutic, surgical and orthopedic dentistry including implantology and implant prosthetics.

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I believe that you can still save a lot on visits to the dentist. Of course I'm talking about dental care. After all, if you carefully look after them, then treatment may indeed not come to the point - it won’t be necessary. Microcracks and small caries on teeth can be removed with regular toothpaste. How? The so-called filling paste. For myself, I highlight Denta Seal. Try it too.

The cleaning is carried out by a dentist or a specialist hygienist. The technique itself and the products are selected individually by the doctor, as are the indications and the regularity of cleaning. After visiting the doctor, the teeth are shiny and healthy.

Methodology for assessing hygienic condition

To determine how dirty the surface of the teeth is, hygienists use dyes and a special scale with a hygiene index. After applying the dye, the doctor evaluates the saturation of its color on the medial, frontal, occlusal and vestibular surfaces. The assessment is based on points, where:

  • 1.0 – 1.5 – good degree of hygiene;
  • 1.5 – 2.0 – satisfactory;
  • 2.0 – 2.5 – unsatisfactory;
  • 2.5 – 3.4 – bad;
  • 3.4 – 5.0 – very poor degree of hygiene of enamel and oral cavity.

Each dentistry uses its own methods to assess the hygienic condition, but in each case they use solutions and a scale.

Hygiene criteria

Bacteria are always present in the oral cavity, thanks to which food undergoes primary breakdown, enamel is preserved, and microflora balance is maintained. In case of various diseases, pathogenic microorganisms predominate in the oral cavity, due to which the gums are deformed and the enamel is destroyed. Therefore, it is recommended to brush your teeth daily, ridding the oral cavity of food debris and plaque.

This will reduce the risk of diseases of the gums, teeth, and gastrointestinal tract, and will also improve aesthetics - a beautiful smile and fresh breath are always conducive to communication. Regular hygiene at home maintains dental health, but there is no way to remove deposits from the inner surface, from the interdental space, and from remote areas.

What does the set of procedures consist of?

The doctor can offer the patient standard and additional procedures aimed at improving the condition of the oral cavity. The basic activities include the following:

  • inspection. The doctor evaluates the condition of the oral cavity to determine what measures will be needed and to make recommendations for daily care;
  • ultrasonic scaling. This kind of hardware cleaning eliminates tartar deposits above and below the gums. The essence of the work comes down to the effect of high-frequency vibrations, while the surface being treated is irrigated with water. The stone becomes loose and easily peels off from the enamel;
  • primary bleaching. It can be either an independent procedure or part of a professional hygiene complex. Compositions are applied to the surface of the teeth to clean the enamel to its natural color;

    Do you feel nervous before visiting the dentist?


  • polishing A special paste is applied and rubbed with special rubber rotating heads. After treatment, the surface has a mirror shine, repels plaque and other contaminants;
  • gum health assessment. The doctor identifies the presence of inflammatory processes, bleeding, determines the cause, and prescribes treatment if necessary;
  • remineralization (fluoridation). The procedure should restore the mineral composition of the enamel. The doctor uses products with fluoride, phosphorus, and calcium salts. Sometimes fluoride-containing drugs are not used. Remineralization will reduce tooth sensitivity and protect against caries. The teeth must first be cured of damage.

Additional professional hygiene measures include:

  • Bleaching.

After carrying out the above standard procedures, the teeth are clean, strong, and acquire a natural color. But if the patient wants a snow-white smile, he will have to use aggressive substances. They are applied to the surface of the teeth carefully so as not to damage the mucous membranes and gum tissue. For some patients, beauty is worth the sacrifice; after whitening, the enamel becomes thinner and becomes more sensitive. It turns out that you can smile beautifully, but eat with discomfort. This side effect is not always observed; it all depends on the initial thickness, the condition of the enamel, and the products used.

  • Implantation.

This is a separate specialization in dentistry. The indication is the absence of one or more teeth in the jaw. The implant is implanted into the bone, fuses with it, after which a crown is put on, the new tooth is no different from the rest. The operation requires experience, physician qualifications, and selection of high-quality implants.

Features of the procedure

The procedure is a thorough mechanical cleaning of tooth enamel from soft, hard plaque, which serves as a prevention of periodontal disease and caries.

Before the procedure, the oral cavity must be treated with antiseptic agents. Usually the process does not cause much discomfort, but for particularly sensitive patients, local anesthesia with a gel, spray or injection is provided.

Cleaning is carried out in the following ways:

  • mechanical. An inexpensive treatment option during which the equipment does not come into direct contact with the teeth, but can injure the gums;
  • sandblasting. A solution supplied under pressure is used. Effectively removes plaque, but is not recommended for patients who often suffer from acute respiratory infections;
  • ultrasonic Safe, effective cleaning, during which germs are killed and gum tissue is treated;
  • laser. An expensive procedure due to the need for special equipment.

Indications for the procedure

Professional hygiene is not prescribed at every visit to the dentist, but it is desirable before a set of planned procedures or dental treatment. Removing plaque improves the condition of the periodontium, the enamel is better enriched with useful substances. Thanks to cleaning, the doctor will identify previously hidden areas of caries and prescribe treatment in a timely manner.

Cleaning is also necessary when prosthetics, restoration or implantation are planned - this way the doctor will have the opportunity to determine the exact color of the enamel and select its analogue.

After plaque removal, the tissues are enriched with microelements, which is beneficial for the crown and roots, alveolar part, and periodontium. Microcracks, chips, pockets of caries, and stains are clearly visible on clean enamel. The procedure is carried out as necessary (before dental treatment, prosthetics, etc.), and also for prevention – once every 6 months.

Basic hygiene products

In his work, the hygienist uses various means, taking into account the need, discussing in advance the features of the procedure, cost and further oral care with the patient. The means are as follows:

  • abrasives (sand, soda);
  • specialized pastes;
  • products with fluoride, calcium;
  • whitening compounds;
  • grinding attachments, brushes, threads.

The choice of specific preparations, equipment, and cleaning methods is determined by sensitivity, the condition of the enamel, and the assigned tasks.

The dentist carries out professional hygiene for about 1 – 1.5 hours. According to doctors' recommendations, the procedure should be repeated every six months, unless there is a need to apply earlier. When installing braces, professional cleaning is indicated every 3 months or more often - as necessary and taking into account how effectively the patient performs hygiene at home.

Immediately after the procedure, the surface of the teeth and gums becomes sensitive, so it is recommended to avoid cold and hot foods for the first 2 hours. It is better to be patient and not eat anything during this period of time in order to maintain the effect and not experience discomfort. During the first 24 hours, you should not consume any coloring drinks or foods - the enamel can absorb the color, and the cleaning result will disappear.

You need to exclude tomatoes, strong tea and coffee, fresh juice, carrots and beets, and berries from the menu. Stick to a limited menu for 2 weeks - this is how long it takes for the surface of the teeth to become resistant.

The doctor will tell you about finger massage of the gums and proper nutrition. The patient can only follow the advice received, and the health of the teeth and gums will improve significantly.

Professional oral hygiene is an important procedure that helps maintain healthy teeth and gums. It is performed in a dental office by a specialist. Indications for professional hygiene include: tartar, plaque, caries, bad breath, gum inflammation.

What is this

Professional oral hygiene consists of a set of health procedures, which include ultrasonic cleaning (tartar removal), whitening, plaque removal, polishing the surface of teeth with special pastes, and grinding. Professional hygiene should be performed once every six months. It is considered an integral part of any stage of dental treatment. Professional hygiene involves removing plaque and stone by a hygienist. It must be carried out before therapeutic, surgical and other types of treatment.

Why is it needed?

Professional oral hygiene is an important part of caring for teeth and gums. Even brushing every day with the best brush and toothpaste twice a day does not 100% prevent plaque and tartar formation. Professional care in a dental office can quickly eliminate yellow teeth, tartar formation and other problems. This procedure is considered an excellent prevention of caries, as well as common gum diseases, inflammation, and bleeding.

After treatment, the enamel brightens by several tones, becomes smooth, shiny, and well-groomed. The procedure is not whitening, but it does a good job of removing cigarette stains and coloring pigments from food. After cleaning, you should not smoke, drink tea, coffee, wine, or eat colored foods for two hours. It is necessary to allow the teeth to become covered with a natural protective film.

How it goes

The procedure is performed by a dental hygienist in a clinic setting. Thanks to modern equipment and professional care products, many methods of removing plaque and tartar are available to clients.

  • Step 1. The doctor removes the tartar above and below the gums using a special or During the procedure, the patient may experience pain because tartar is hard and it is often found in hard-to-reach places, as well as between the teeth. Chemicals can be harmful, so the specialist chooses between possible short-term pain (scaler) and damage to the enamel (chemicals). The scaler removes plaque without any problems and does no harm.
  • Step 2. The specialist removes the pigmented plaque using a special device. The unit supplies air, water and sodium bicarbonate under high pressure. Plaque breaks down not only on the enamel, but also between the teeth.
  • Step 3. The final stage of professional hygiene is polishing the surface with abrasive substances.

Hygiene products

Caring for teeth and gums is a daily hygiene procedure that is considered a completely natural need. Recommended paste in the morning and evening after meals. However, not everyone knows that daily brushing is not able to build a barrier against caries. Oral hygiene products include, in addition to a toothbrush and toothpaste, a number of additional devices. Dentists advise paying attention to them and adding them to hygiene procedures.

  • Dental floss effectively removes food debris in the interdental space.
  • Tongue cleaners (brushes, scrapers). They eliminate bacteria from the surface of the tongue, minimizing the occurrence of oral diseases.
  • Rinse aids. After brushing your teeth, be sure to rinse your mouth with a special lotion for thirty seconds.
  • Bleaches. Today, it is possible to make teeth one shade lighter at home using whitening pastes and active gels.
  • Powders. Powdered hygiene products are intended for cleaning dentures and braces.
  • Foam. Special oral foam dissolves soft plaque on teeth. It can be used after eating or brushing with a toothbrush.
  • Irrigator. Delivers a stream of water under pressure, cleaning the oral cavity in hard-to-reach places.
  • Therapeutic and prophylactic chewing gum. Freshens breath, eliminates plaque.

Professional oral hygiene for children is carried out from a certain age. The procedure cannot be performed if the teeth are still baby teeth. Cleaning should be more gentle and less traumatic. It is performed in the pediatric dentist's office.


If you don't take care of your teeth, big problems will arise in your mouth. Form the habit of visiting the dentist once a year, even if your teeth don't hurt or your gums don't bleed. Regular dental checkups and cleanings will help keep your teeth healthy for years to come. What problems can arise in the oral cavity if you ignore health procedures? The very first sign of ill health is bad breath. It occurs due to insufficient brushing of teeth, as well as due to the processes of decay and bleeding.

Bacteria multiply in the oral cavity, which leads to a putrid odor, the formation of yellow and gray plaque, and the formation of stones, especially on the distant teeth. Caries is also a consequence of poor hygiene. Ultimately, this leads to tooth destruction and damage to neighboring ones. Needless to say, oral cleanliness has an impact on a person’s well-being and the health of the rest of the body.

How to care

Why should you brush your teeth? A question that is asked not only by children, but also by adults. Oral hygiene is important for health and self-confidence. Unpleasant odor, yellow plaque, caries - all these are consequences of lack of proper hygiene. Individual oral care becomes effective if you follow certain rules for brushing your teeth. Dentists advise starting it with one row each time and sticking to the sequence, otherwise you may miss some area. Brushing with a toothbrush should take place at a uniform pace for several minutes. If you perform this procedure before meals, do not forget to rinse your mouth after eating.

It is important to follow the correct cleaning technique, otherwise the enamel will wear off very quickly. Experts advise using an ultrasonic brush to preserve the surface of your teeth, and also remember to use tongue scrapers. Smokers are recommended to use lotions, whitening pastes, and medicated chewing gums after cigarettes, which not only eliminate the odor, but also prevent plaque from remaining on the teeth. Recently, products in the form of powders have become very popular. They create rich foam and freshen your breath. Dental care also includes annual dental examinations and cleanings. Do not forget to visit the dentist, then your dental health will last a very long time. Remember, an important factor in ensuring a beautiful and healthy smile is timely professional hygiene and removal of tartar. The price of this procedure is low, starting from 1000 rubles.


Like any health-improving preventive procedure, professional hygiene has contraindications. Tartar removal (price depends on the clinic) is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, young children, people who suffer from bronchial asthma and other diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract. Dental procedures should not be performed on patients with HIV, hepatitis, tuberculosis, or viral diseases (colds, flu).


Professional oral hygiene is an inexpensive procedure when you compare its cost with other dental services. The price depends on many factors: the region, the professionalism of the doctor, the respectability of the clinic, the condition of the patient’s teeth, the complexity of the work, the duration of the procedure. Approximate cost range for the service: from 1000 to 5000 rubles.

Daily brushing does not allow you to completely get rid of soft plaque on your teeth, which over time leads to the formation of stone and disease. For proper oral care, it is recommended to regularly visit a hygienist. Let's try to figure out how oral hygiene is carried out in dentistry: what is included in the complex of procedures and how painless this process is.

What is professional hygiene in dentistry?

Oral hygiene is an important part of individual care. The concept includes a long list of measures that are aimed at removing various types of deposits both on the visible part of the dentition and in hard-to-reach places where it is impossible to reach with a brush during regular brushing. Professional care ensures the prevention of caries, bleeding gums, pulpitis, periodontal disease, etc. All procedures performed by a specialist are therapeutic.

Professional hygiene is performed exclusively in the dentist’s office using tools, devices and materials that cannot be used at home. Cleaning is carried out before the installation of orthodontic structures, dentures, and is also considered a mandatory method in the treatment of gums.

Indications for professional oral hygiene

The use of professional hygiene methods in dentistry can eliminate tartar, yellow plaque on teeth and other problems. Basic procedures:

  1. Inspection to determine the number of measures required.
  2. Cleaning with an ultrasonic device (we recommend reading: Is it possible to do ultrasonic teeth cleaning for pregnant women?). The method allows you to get rid of supragingival and subgingival stone.
  3. Primary bleaching. A preparation is applied to the teeth that gently cleanses the enamel and gives it a natural color. The procedure can be part of comprehensive hygiene or performed at the request of the patient.
  4. Polishing. Using rubber rotating cups, the paste is applied to the teeth, after which the surface of the dentition acquires an attractive shine. On smooth enamel, stone growth is less intense.
  5. Detection of diseases of the oral mucosa. The specialist checks for inflammation and bleeding and prescribes therapy if necessary.
  6. Remineralization. Medications containing fluoride, calcium and phosphorus are applied to the surface of the teeth. The procedure allows you to reduce tooth sensitivity and increase the resistance of enamel to caries.

At the patient’s initiative, the doctor may perform additional procedures:

  1. Bleaching. A special composition is applied to the surface of the teeth, which makes them white. The technique requires the use of aggressive substances, but the effect lasts about 5 years. The disadvantage of the procedure is a possible increase in sensitivity to irritants (cold, sour, sweet foods).
  2. Implant installation. Used for tooth loss. A complex operation involves inserting a pin into the jaw bone and installing a crown.

Professional hygiene has a number of advantages:

  • safety and hypoallergenicity of the products used;
  • absence of pain during the doctor’s work;
  • restoration of the natural color of enamel;
  • elimination of all types of deposits that cause dental diseases.

Contraindications to the procedure

Professional oral hygiene, like any health procedure, has a number of contraindications. Cleaning cannot be carried out if the patient has diseases and conditions:

Visiting the dentist for sanitation is prohibited for young children and pregnant women. In other cases, the procedures will be beneficial to health.

Methods of professional hygiene in dentistry


Mechanical cleaning involves the use of special equipment and tools to remove soft deposits and stone. Sometimes plaque is removed manually, but more often machines with rotating brushes are used. Hand-held hook instruments are used only for areas that cannot be reached with the device. The procedure is usually cheap, but there is a risk of soft tissue injury.


Sandblasting teeth cleaning is carried out using special devices that eliminate pigmented and mineralized plaque. This procedure eliminates the possibility of injury to enamel and soft tissues and does not affect tooth sensitivity.

Using the device, a stream of water with soda dissolved in it is directed under pressure onto the tooth surface. The device nozzle does not come into contact with the area being treated. This is a method that is recognized as one of the most effective and safe for removing plaque. After the procedure, the enamel must be polished.


The ultrasonic hygiene method ensures the removal of tartar by vibration of a special device (see also: oral hygiene: tips for caring for dental units and methods for cleaning them). Mineralized deposits are difficult to remove mechanically, and the use of chemicals can lead to damage to the enamel (we recommend reading: chemical filling: what it is and its features). A device that emits vibrations of a certain frequency acts on the boundary separating the stone and tooth tissue.

The ultrasonic tip allows you to remove hard deposits above and below the gum. As a rule, such cleaning is not a separate procedure, but complements preventive sanitation of the oral cavity.


Recently, lasers are often used in professional oral hygiene. It allows you not only to remove stone from your teeth, but also to eliminate their yellowness. Modern technology does not allow the beam to injure the tissue surrounding the bone unit.

The essence of cleaning is based on the ability of the laser to affect water. Plaque absorbs liquid like a sponge - there is much more of it in stone than in enamel. The beam destroys deposits without affecting the hard tissues of the tooth. The advantage of manipulation is its noiselessness and the ability to destroy pathogens.

Special hygiene products

Before the procedure, each patient must clarify what materials will be used in the work. Dentists can use the following:

  • acids for enamel whitening;
  • special dental floss and pastes;
  • abrasive materials and attachments (brushes, soda, sand);
  • preparations with fluoride and calcium (for restoration of hard tooth tissues - Omega Dent, Belak F, etc.).

The use of these means ensures a high speed of achieving the desired effect and a long-lasting preservation of the results obtained. After brushing, you need to wait until the teeth are covered with the thinnest natural protective film. For two hours it is forbidden to eat “colored” foods, drink tea, coffee or smoke.

Algorithm for professional hygiene

Professional cleaning is performed according to the following algorithm:

Some cleaning steps may be omitted or added - it all depends on the condition of the patient's oral cavity. The procedure usually takes about an hour. For several days after the manipulation, your gums may ache, and you may experience discomfort when eating sour, sweet, hot or cold foods. The doctor sets an approximate next visit date to keep the teeth and mucous membranes healthy.

Cost of the procedure

Professional hygiene is not considered an expensive procedure compared to other dental services. The cost depends on many factors: the region of the country, the medical institution, the professionalism of the doctor, the condition of the client’s teeth and the quality of the equipment. Approximate cost of services:

  • Ultrasonic cleaning of one row of teeth – 1,700 rubles;
  • removing plaque from 1 row of teeth with a sandblasting machine – 2600 rubles;
  • fluoridation of two rows of teeth – 3000-3200 rubles.

A professional oral cleaning complex will cost 5-6 thousand; Moscow residents will have to pay up to 9,000 rubles for the services provided. Since many dental clinics often give discounts to clients, you need to monitor prices - this will save money.

A beautiful smile is every person's dream. However, due to some reasons (periodontal diseases, inflammatory processes, drinking coffee and tea, smoking), such luxury may not be available. Even if you try to carefully take care of your teeth at home, it is impossible to achieve perfect oral cleanliness. In order to get as close to this as possible, contact a specialist. Professional oral hygiene can ensure not only a beautiful smile, but also healthy teeth.

What is the procedure?

It consists of a large set of actions that are aimed at removing deposits on tooth enamel, both on the front part of the crowns and where it is difficult to reach with a brush. In addition, professional oral hygiene ensures the prevention of such common diseases as caries, periodontal disease, pulpitis, etc. That is, all measures taken are considered therapeutic.

The peculiarity of the procedure is that it is carried out only in a dental office using special means and instruments that are not used at home. Such measures are recognized as mandatory before installing dentures or braces. Brushing is also considered a necessary component of the gum healing process.

Advantages and disadvantages of the process

Professional oral hygiene has certain advantages:

1. Complete safety and hypoallergenicity of the products used for all events.

2. Restoration of the natural shade of enamel.

3. Elimination of deposits that can cause dental diseases (especially in the most inaccessible places).

4. No pain or discomfort during the cleaning process.

5. Rapid restoration of enamel and preservation of the external beauty of crowns.

But professional oral hygiene is also characterized by certain disadvantages. For example, in the first time after events, teeth are very sensitive, so there are problems with nutrition. In addition, during cleaning, a specialist may injure the gums. However, these shortcomings are temporary.

Are there any contraindications to the procedure?

These actions are not always useful. There are a number of contraindications in which professional oral hygiene cannot be performed:

Dangerous infectious and viral pathologies (hepatitis C and B, AIDS, HIV).

Acute gum or dental diseases.

Pathologies of the respiratory system.

Any serious problems with internal organs and systems.

Problems with circulation and blood clotting.

Injuries to the oral cavity.

In other cases, professional oral hygiene, reviews of which are mostly positive, is permitted.

What methods are used in your work?

In principle, the choice here is not so wide. There are the following methods of professional oral hygiene:

1. Mechanical. To implement it, you need specialized medical equipment that does not directly come into contact with the surface being treated. This event is inexpensive, but can injure soft tissues.

2. Sandblasting. It consists of using water, very fine powder and air, which is supplied under pressure. This cleaning technique is very effective, but it is not recommended for those people who often suffer from respiratory diseases.

3. Ultrasonic. It is very effective and safe. During the cleaning process, pathogenic organisms are removed from the oral cavity, and the gums are also healed at the same time.

4. Laser. Carrying out such events requires special equipment, so they are not cheap.

What products are used during the cleaning process?

Before you decide on the method of carrying out the procedure, find out what exactly will be used in the work. So, a dentist can use the following professional oral hygiene products:

1. Special toothpastes.

2. Abrasive materials (sand, soda).

3. Preparations containing calcium and fluorine (to restore enamel).

4. Bleaching acids.

5. Brushes and abrasives.

6. Dental floss.

Most of the current products can be used during personal hygiene procedures. However, not all. Most dentists offer a whole range of professional oral hygiene. The use of such means is more preferable.

What are the stages of cleaning?

In order to keep your teeth healthy and strong for a long time, you will need periodic professional oral hygiene. The stages of this procedure must be carried out in strict sequence:

1. Cleansing the enamel from soft plaque.

2. Removal of tartar and other hard deposits.

3. Grinding and gentle polishing of the surface of the teeth.

4. Application of a protective coating containing fluorine.

Features of the procedure

If you want to know how professional oral hygiene is performed, the stages of the process should be considered in more detail. Before performing any manipulations, the specialist must explain to the patient how to care for their teeth, how many times a year cleaning can be done, and how it will be done. So, first the doctor removes soft and hard deposits on the enamel. First of all, the patient should thoroughly brush his teeth with his own brush. After this, the enamel is coated with a special compound that can reveal all existing deposits.

Next, the oral cavity is treated with a disinfectant and plaque (soft and hard) is removed. After completion of this procedure, grinding and polishing of the surface of the crowns is required. This will help protect the enamel from the reappearance of deposits.

The last step is to cover the surface of the teeth with a special solution containing microelements and fluoride. Thanks to this, the enamel is restored faster.

In general, the cleaning procedure takes no more than an hour. However, in order to do it less often, you need to follow normal dental hygiene rules. You should clean them daily morning and evening. It is important to use the right toothpaste, taking into account individual characteristics. Naturally, you should use rinses that help eliminate the maximum number of pathogens that the brush cannot handle. Use dental floss daily to thoroughly clean the area between your teeth.

Every person should visit the dentist twice a year. A specialist will be able to identify and eliminate emerging problems in a timely manner.

If you need professional oral hygiene, recommendations from a specialist will be very useful. After carrying out the measures described above, you should not eat dishes and foods that contain a lot of salt and natural acids (citrus fruits). The fact is that a few days after cleaning at the dentist, your teeth are still very sensitive. If you feel discomfort for a long time after the procedure, contact your doctor.