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Families expecting or planning the birth of a second child are very interested in changes to the government capital law. The completion date of the program, by decree of the country's President Vladimir Putin, was extended for another two years - until the end of December 2018.

After this period, you will see whether to close the program or extend it for another period of time.

It all depends on how successfully it will operate for the remaining two years. If population growth continues at the same rate recent years, it is quite possible that the issue will be resolved positively.

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Duration of the program

This law, adopted in order to improve the demographic situation in the country, was first promulgated in early January 2007 and was greeted with enthusiasm by the population. The program provided very powerful support to socially vulnerable, young families and those who adopted a second child from an orphanage.

Along the way, the program radically changed better side sad statistics of birth and death at that time.

In addition, the principal amount received under the certificate is indexed every year based on the level of inflation and the economic situation in the country. In the first year, the amount was 250 thousand rubles, and by the end of 2015 it increased to 453 thousand.

Due to the annual indexation, the public sometimes gets the impression that they are regularly renewing, although in fact the changes concern only the amount.

There are 3 points to discuss:

  • Who is eligible to receive a certificate? Such rights belong to families where the second and subsequent child was born or was adopted before the end of December 2018.
  • When can you apply for funds provided under the certificate? You can receive them at any time, as soon as the appropriate conditions arise.
  • What is the time frame for receiving assistance? There are no restrictions on this matter - you can receive it immediately or in a few years, upon retirement or even later.

Now let's study these three provisions in more detail.

Until what year can you receive maternity capital for your second child?

In Article 13 Federal Law this is stated clearly and unambiguously - everyone who meets the conditions of the program and was born before the end of 2018 will receive a state subsidy. This is guaranteed for legislative level.

But the prospects for further extension of the social program are very vague. It seems that the country’s leadership is ready to support the project further, but nevertheless, no specific words were said on this matter.

For example, Prime Minister D. Medvedev said on this occasion that such a program has no analogues in the world and expressed confidence in the need to continue the program, despite the serious burden on the country’s financial institutions. He also noted that in given time work to develop stimulation of population growth is continuously underway, developed different options, however, what forms they will take is not entirely clear.

The President of the country at one time also noted the need to continue the program, noting, however, several points:

  • This federal program was initiated ten years ago, when the financial situation in the country was much better than the present one and there was an objective opportunity to plan long-term social projects.
  • support for the low-income population must certainly be continued, but taking into account the experience gained. For example, the misuse of these funds and various fraudulent schemes that have become popular over the past few years have been stopped.

For example, there are statistics - maternity capital 95% are directed towards purchasing housing, so we can say with confidence that other areas are not working.

As a conclusion, we can say that on the one hand the government is interested in continuing the program, on the other - various economic sanctions may eventually put an end to it.

When can you receive funds for maternity capital?

Article 5 of the Federal Law also gives an unequivocal answer on this matter: those who have the right to maternity capital (the end date of the program is not established by law) can submit the corresponding application at any time, as soon as they have a second baby in their family, regardless of whether whether he is born or adopted.

This fact can be interpreted as follows: no matter what the action social project will officially end at the end of 2018, the obligations undertaken under it will continue. That is, persons entitled to state subsidies can present their rights at any time convenient for themselves, even after 30 years.

At the same time, which is very important, the funds lying in the special account will be indexed annually, that is, they will not depreciate (the amount of maternity capital will be increased by simply multiplying it by a special coefficient).

However, for the sake of fairness, the population’s attention should be focused on next fact- from the first years of the program to today The funds on the certificate have already depreciated by 33%. That is, it is beneficial for parents to use funds for their needs immediately, without waiting for them to gradually become cheaper.

Now let's look at the facts why it is better to receive funds immediately. As stated just above, inflation can “eat up” a third of the amount. Secondly, if you want to receive it when a third child has appeared in the family, bureaucratic difficulties may arise:

  • You will need to specify in your application which account of the child you want to issue a certificate for.
  • also employees government agencies may not accept an application for a second child, citing the fact that the certificate must be issued for the youngest in the family so that his rights are not infringed (although what difference does it make, anyway, the money goes to the family)

According to the law, of course, you can try to challenge this decision in the courts, but let’s say right away that this is obviously a losing case, since representatives of the fund are formally right and act within the framework of the law.

But if this unpleasant situation exists, then in this case there are two possible ways out of the situation:

  • use certificated money to partially repay a mortgage loan (this is permitted by law without any restrictions)
  • wait until the third baby turns three years old

Conclusion: if a family is expecting a third child, then they need to have time to issue a certificate before he is born.

When can I receive the required funds?

Maternity capital - the law does not provide for the end date of the program:

  • In addition to the fact that the funds can be immediately used for a mortgage, you can use them to obtain higher education educational institutions
  • there is also the opportunity to spend money on the education of an older child, but only after the youngest turns three years old
  • In addition, you can send funds to your mother’s savings account

What will happen to maternity capital next?

Government officials say population growth has increased significantly since the program began.

Now, based on statistical data for individual regions, we can say that this is more than a controversial statement.

It would be a bit of a stretch to directly link the birth of children and the effect of the program.

But, despite this, there are still positive aspects from this social innovation - over the past ten years, more than 3 million families have received government money and were able to significantly improve their quality of life.

Moreover, in the conditions of the severe crisis that the country is currently experiencing, with galloping unemployment, these 453 thousand rubles can significantly make the life of the average person much easier.

Therefore, most families are happy with this cash injection into family budget and want to be sure that this program in two years it will not close and the state will continue to subsidize the population. In this regard, you can play forecasts and try to predict the government’s further steps in this direction:

  • the program can be extended under current conditions for a certain amount time, by making minor amendments to the law
  • it is possible that a radically changed program will emerge, which will take into account the unenviable economic state of the country
  • and finally closing the program

Interesting fact: 2 years ago the Ministry economic development The country proposed to urgently close it in order to save about 300 million rubles for the budget. They motivated this initiative by the fact that this project does not justify itself - there is no direct connection with the birth rate of children (increasing population) and maternal capital, and that the timing of the birth of children has only moved slightly (many families were planning to have a second child without any certificates).

What will happen to the mat. capital after 2016, you can watch the video:

Will the terms of the program change after 2016?

It’s difficult to judge this; it all depends on the economic situation. IN lately There are heated debates in government offices, but no one can predict how (or whether) the program will change. For example, the Ministry of Finance has long been proposing to issue certificate funds only to needy families.

However, representatives social protection The population is sharply opposed to such a formulation of the issue, citing their disagreement with the fact that in fact this would mean artificially stimulating population growth among the poorest segments of the population.

Which over time can turn into a disaster - an increase in unemployment, crime, a general decline in culture and education, and even greater poverty.

The head of the Ministry of Labor fully supports them, emphasizing that the conditions for maternity capital should be left as they are now, since there is still a general dynamics of population growth. That is, according to him, the program fully justifies its existence.

He also believes that the opportunity to use this money after 3 years or more gives the population a certain benefit, because during this period the financial condition of the family can change several times, both for the better and for the worse. He considers the program an excellent project and even proposes to extend its validity until 2011.

His words are confirmed by facts related to the demographic situation in the country. The fact is that in a short period of time the number of women capable of bearing children will decrease significantly. This is due to the crisis of the 90s, when the number of children decreased sharply.

Also, do not forget that additional money is currently being sought for the budget, various optimizations of existing income items are being carried out, so an extra 300-400 billion rubles will definitely not hurt the Ministry of Finance. And in the end, the lobbyists for this decision may well win (it’s not for nothing that maternity capital funds will not be indexed this year).

Meanwhile, the country's president never tires of repeating that the guarantees given to the population must be strictly observed.

New project - 1.5 million rubles for the third child from 2017

Two years ago, the Duma considered an original project, which proposed extending maternity capital for another ten full years and increasing the amount of payments by more than three times. In this case, the funds could only be used by:

  • large families having three or more children
  • use the funds received only for the purchase of housing and nothing else (the benefits were explained by the fact that the welfare of large families will increase, the birth rate will sharply increase, the housing problem for many will cease to be a pressing issue, the construction industry will be stimulated, which will have a positive impact on the country’s budget)

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The assistance program for families with children is regulated federal legislation, namely regulatory act No. 256 - FZ (dated December 29, 2006). Law “On Measures state support families with children" was designed to solve the problem of declining birth rates in all regions Russian Federation.

In this normative act It is stated that families raising two or more minor children (born or adopted) have the right to state assistance. In the article we will find out Until what year is the maternity capital program valid? in Russia.

A successful program for issuing maternity capital and the timing of its extension

The program was originally designed for 10 years, starting from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2016. After this period, the action state aid By this law should have been rolled up. However, after the end of the period and an analytical assessment of the achievements that proved the effectiveness of the maternity capital program, it was decided to extend it for another 2 years.

The decision to extend the program was made in December 2015 on behalf of Russian President Vladimir Putin, which he announced during his annual address to the Federal Assembly. According to this instruction, the validity of the law on maternity capital was extended until December 31, 2018.

The further fate of this state social project remains in doubt. There are proposals to further extend its validity, or to close it in connection with the achievement of the set goal. There are no prerequisites for the early completion of the maternity capital program. This means that by the beginning of 2019, every family that has given birth to or adopted two or more children is entitled to receive a certificate with a nominal value of 453,026 rubles.

These time frames do not in any way affect the ability to use maternity capital funds. Whenever a certificate is issued during the 12 years of the law on maternity capital, there are no time restrictions on its disposal. Even if the program is not extended at the end of 2018, it will be possible to use the funds after its termination upon application. The only and unchangeable condition regarding the disposal of maternity capital is the requirement to use funds strictly in the targeted areas provided for by law.

Validity period of the maternity capital program

The program came into effect on January 1, 2007 as a long-term measure social assistance to support fertility and demographic growth. Until what year is maternity capital valid? In 2015 it was extended for another two years. Initially, the amount of maternity capital was 250 thousand rubles. As a result of annual indexation, the amount of maternity capital has now increased to 453 thousand 26 rubles. The last indexation was carried out based on the results of 2015, since then the amount of maternity capital has remained unchanged.

There are several main aspects to the question of the duration of maternity capital:

  1. Deadlines for the right to receive a maternity capital certificate. Families (mother, father, adoptive parent, trustee, depending on the circumstances) receive the right to receive a certificate when a second (or subsequent) child appears in the family, born from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2018. In this case, the child can be born or adopted.
  2. Deadline for applying to the Pension Fund for obtaining a certificate. A family has the right to maternity capital even if they have missed time, provided that basic requirements are met and availability necessary documents. If for some reason the document was not received immediately after the birth of the second or subsequent child, it can be issued at any time.
  3. Deadline for payment of maternity capital funds. This paragraph concerns the time during which the family has the right to apply for the disposal of maternity capital funds. This period is not limited. The only limitation on the use of maternity capital is the age of the mother when using its funds for a funded pension. It is due to the mother's achievement retirement age- 55 years of age or later.

Each of these points is worth considering in more detail.

Families with at least two children, one of whom was born or adopted during the period from the start of the program on July 1, 2007 to the end of the extended period on December 31, 2018, have the right to maternity capital.

It is not yet possible to say with certainty whether the maternity capital program will be extended. IN at the moment Several bills are being developed that propose changes not only to the timing, but also to the program itself. According to one of them (being developed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection), the law on maternity capital can be extended for another 5 years. If it is accepted, then families in which the second child will be born before December 31, 2023 will be able to receive the certificate.

According to many high-ranking leaders of the Russian Federation, assistance to families with children should continue, since the effectiveness of the program has been proven by demographic growth in all regions of the Russian Federation. In particular, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev expressed the opinion that the maternity capital program needs to be extended. At one of the party meetings " United Russia» Medvedev noted that federal support for families with the help of maternity capital acts as a unique tool for raising the birth rate in the country. There are no such social programs even in wealthier countries.

President V.V. Putin, who initiated the development and implementation of the maternity capital program in 2006, noted in 2013 at his annual communication with citizens of the Russian Federation that in terms of its main parameters it had fulfilled its objectives and it would be possible to extend it in the future. According to the President of the Russian Federation, the decision to extend the program is influenced by such factors as the state of federal budget. When preparing an annual budget, various aspects of income and expenses are taken into account, including social benefits. If the budget can cope with the load, then the option of extension is quite likely.

Based on the position of the country’s leadership, we can conclude that the extension of the maternity capital program is considered as possible option fertility support in the future. However, due to the recent crisis, the denomination of the maternity capital certificate will remain unchanged for now. That is, indexation and increase in the amount are not yet expected.

Deadline for receiving maternity capital

The period for applying for a maternity capital certificate is not limited by any time frame.

IN practical application it means:

  1. Despite the fact that the program ends at the end of 2018 and no decision has been made on its continuation, parents whose families have a second child can apply for a certificate at any time and use it for the purposes established by law. That is, at any convenient time, the mother, father, adoptive parent, trustee or the child himself can collect the necessary package of documents and receive maternity capital by contacting the Pension Fund.
  2. Even if for some reason the parents were unable to receive the certificate in a timely manner, but applied for it after a long period of time, the amount of maternity capital is retained in full.
  3. Until 2016, the denomination of the maternity capital certificate increased annually. Indexation of the face value of the maternal certificate is suspended until January 1, 2020 (Article 444-FZ of December 19, 2018). Today it remains at the 2015 level.
  4. Due to constant inflation cash, relying on maternity capital, are gradually depreciating, so it is better to make a decision on its use as soon as possible. It is not yet possible to count on the fact that in the future the amount will be indexed and increase significantly.

Are there any practical advantages to obtaining a certificate immediately after the birth of your second child?

Despite the fact that the period for receiving maternity capital is not limited, some difficulties may arise.

This primarily concerns the situation when a third child appears in the family. Difficulties may be due to the following factors:

  1. When applying to the Pension Fund, in the application for receiving maternity capital, you will need to indicate which child (second or third) the document will be drawn up. Since one family has the right to use it once federal program assistance to families with children, receiving mat. capital is possible for the second or each subsequent child.
  2. If there are more than two children in the family at the time of applying to the Pension Fund, then you can receive maternity capital for the second or each of the subsequent children. There is a possibility that the Pension Fund may insist on issuing a certificate for the last child born in the family. Although in essence this fact does not have any significant significance, maternity capital is still issued to the family, and not to a specific child in it.
  3. It is futile to challenge the decision of Pension Fund employees on which of the children will receive maternity capital in court. This is explained by the fact that such a decision by Pension Fund employees does not contradict the law in any way (according to clause 1, article 3 of the law on maternity capital).

Maternity capital can be used after the child who served as the basis for registration has reached the age of three. If there are several children for whom maternity capital can be issued, then it makes sense to register it for the oldest. Then you will be able to use maternity capital funds earlier.

After Crimea joined the Russian Federation in 2014, all families of residents of the peninsula received the right to register and use maternity capital, like other Russian citizens. Many families in which a second or subsequent child was born have already taken advantage of this right.

Payment period for maternity capital

An important aspect for every family that has already received a certificate is the question of how long maternity capital funds can or should be used. That is, is there a deadline by which it is necessary to dispose of the amount of maternity capital? The answer to this question is stated in Art. 6 of the law on maternal capital No. 256-FZ. According to this paragraph, the law does not limit in any way the possibility of using maternal capital funds in time.

The certificate can remain in the hands of the owner for any amount of time until the family has a need to use it. An application for disposal of maternity capital funds can be submitted at any time as soon as the child turns 3 years old. There are no deadlines for using the certificate amount by law.

To summarize the duration of the maternity capital program, the following aspects can be noted:

  1. In 2017-18, the maternity capital program operates on established by law conditions.
  2. All families who gave birth to or adopted children in the period from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2018 can at any time apply to the Pension Fund of Russia with an application for a maternity capital certificate.
  3. The possibility of extending the program beyond 2018 will be considered at the legislative level.
  4. The decision on the continuation of Law No. 265-FZ and the value of the maternal certificate will be influenced by such factors as economic situation and condition state budget RF.

In the summer of 2014 in State Duma A bill was introduced according to which large families can receive 1.5 million rubles as part of the maternity capital program. It was proposed to introduce these program changes starting January 1, 2017. However, the decision on this project was postponed, and the bill itself was frozen for now. There is a possibility that it will be reconsidered in the future, but nothing definite can be said about this yet.

Maternity capital is a one-time cash payment that mothers are entitled to receive for the birth or adoption of a second child, or fathers who are raising two or more children alone. In this case, maternity capital is received only once. If these funds were not received at the birth or adoption of a second child, they can be received upon the birth of a subsequent one.

Maternity capital

Despite the fact that it is formally calculated in monetary terms, the state establishes certain restrictions regarding the disposal of these funds. These restrictions, as well as other characteristics related to the procedure for using maternity capital, are recorded in Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 “On additional measures of state support for families with children.”

In particular, paragraph 3 of Article 7 of this regulatory legal act establishes that the owner of maternity capital funds can direct them to three different purposes. The first of them is improving living conditions, that is, purchasing an apartment, room, house or other housing. The second purpose for which maternity capital can be directed is the education of children, and this money can be spent on educating not only the second child, as a result of whose birth maternity capital was received, but also other children. Finally, the third possible target- directing these funds to mothers.

The initially established amount of maternity capital was 250 thousand rubles. However, paragraph 6 of the law on maternity capital determines that it is subject to annual indexation, and therefore in 2014 its value already reached 429,408 rubles.

Duration of the program

When planning how to manage maternity capital funds, you should keep in mind that current law“On additional measures of state support for families with children” provides for an expiration date for this program. Thus, Article 13 of this legal act establishes that maternity capital can be received by families in which a second or subsequent child was born or adopted before December 31, 2016.

Thus, the current version of the law provides that the birth or adoption of children later than this date will not entail the right to receive maternity capital. At the same time, however, it will be possible to dispose of these funds even after its occurrence.

The concept of maternity capital appeared in our country not so long ago, more precisely, on January 1, 2007. During this time, the phenomenon managed to gain both supporters and opponents. But many questions still arise in connection with this phenomenon. One of them is until what year is maternity capital valid?

Extension of maternity capital until 2018

In Article 13 of the Federal Law “On additional measures to support families with children” It is said that the validity period of maternity capital has been extended. This program now lasts until December 2018. Some changes were made to the list, which mentioned what exactly money can be spent on. Expenses for children with disabilities are now also included in Article 7 of the same law.

Maternity capital and its validity period

Many people confuse concepts such as “term of use of maternity capital” and “validity period”. For example, the duration of this program has remained unchanged over the past several years. They remain the same as at the time of adoption of the first law, that is, maternity capital was introduced from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2016.

If families have a second child, a third, and so on, you can think about getting help. Such people should be interested in the question of until what year the maternity capital program is valid.

Using help: what are the deadlines?

But this question is very easy to answer. IN in this case there are no restrictions regarding timing. Use financial assistance possible at any time that is considered most suitable for the family. Currently Such funds can have three main purposes:

  1. For the storage part in labor pension mother.
  2. Future education of children.
  3. To improve living conditions.

Since 2010, most of the applications for spending money from maternity capital are related precisely to the desire to improve living conditions. Only 9.4 percent of respondents spent money on their children’s education. 0.4 percent of visitors spent money on the funded part of their pensions.

Use of maternity capital

What exactly should be understood by improving living conditions? This concept includes:

  1. Mortgage repayment.
  2. Carrying out construction and reconstruction work.
  3. Acquisition of real estate.

But there is one thing important rule. To be eligible to use the certificate, the child must be at least three years. An exception to the rule is credit debts; they can be paid off with capital immediately after the baby is born. Maternity capital funds will help pay off principal debts with interest. The rule does not apply to penalties and fines due to persistent delays. It does not depend on them until what year maternity capital will be paid.

What are the other features of the program?

  1. Mat capital funds cannot be used only for the acquisition land plots. This even applies to situations where a plot of land with a house is purchased. Capital can only cover part of the costs.
  2. Money can only be spent on purchasing housing located in Russia. It is important that it belongs to the child’s mother or spouse.

The contract must state that, apart from the mother and spouse, there are no other co-borrowers. Other relatives should not take part in the registration of the property. But you can always challenge the situation in court, because circumstances and situations are different. If the Pension Fund is refused, the citizen has the right to go to court.

There are many pitfalls in the direction of maternity capital. It is recommended to go to court if any dispute arises. Many companies have appeared promising to cash out capital, but only if the performers receive 50 percent of the amount. Such manipulations are always carried out with forgery of documents. But in the end, it is the owner of the certificate who is responsible for fraud.

Rules for the provision of capital: what changes have been made

The State Duma is constantly considering many initiatives. For example, deputies propose using maternity capital not only to ensure that children, but also parents, receive an education. This also helps ensure well-being and has a positive effect on the family budget.

Algorithm for using maternity capital

It was suggested that this money could be used to help a seriously ill child, but such options have already been rejected three times. The Ministry of Labor believes that in such situations the state will abdicate its responsibilities for providing assistance, and then they will fall on the shoulders of parents.

There was another proposal: to direct maternity capital to special accounts from which dividends are received. This is necessary so that you can make deposits and receive additional income.

What is the list of persons who can count on receiving money?

This issue is addressed in Article 3 of the Federal Law on Maternity Capital. The question of until what year the mat capital is valid is mainly interested in the list of persons entitled to receive it:

  1. Single parents who have children: natural or adopted.
  2. Children under 18 years of age, as well as adults under 23, whose parents committed a crime, died or were deprived of their rights.

As for the timing of the use of capital, they depend on exactly when the children were adopted or when they were born. The main thing is that this time should not be earlier than 2007. Up to the age of 23, those who live without parents for any objective reasons are entitled to receive payments.

How many times do they give financial assistance?

This issue is regulated at the legislative level. Certificates are not re-issued to those who have already participated in a similar program once. The document is issued only once. If there are parents of twins and triplets, then the certificate is issued at the time of the first birth of the children.

Obtaining procedure: what does it consist of?

When maternity capital is given for a second child, the necessary package with papers is provided to the employees of the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The package consists of:

  1. Statements. It is compiled only according to the model established earlier.
  2. Passports of each family member. Original papers are provided for review, and then photocopies.
  3. Birth certificates children.
  4. Documents confirming registration on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  5. Fund specialists may require the presentation of other documents.

About the reason for canceling payments and possible consequences

There are good reasons for the program to be canceled over time. Here are just the most significant among them:

  1. There are not enough funds in the budget allocated for these needs.
  2. Fraudulent schemes offering to cash out capital have become too active.
  3. The allocated funds have a limited scope of application.
  4. Needs to be modernized legislative acts regulating the procedure for accrual and payment of capital.

After the abolition of maternity capital, changes will occur in all areas social security citizens:

  1. The cost of housing will decrease, which is especially important for small towns.
  2. There will be more opportunities to provide assistance to low-income families.
  3. In the future, other methods will be introduced to stimulate the growth of the birth rate.
  4. There will be an opportunity to increase compensation for parents if the child attends preschool education.
  5. The amounts paid for children will be revised.
  6. About 100 million rubles will be allocated for the needs of the federal budget.

The right to receive money when living abroad

Although the right to use funds will remain after 2018, how before parents take care of obtaining maternity capital, the better. Usually, the collected package of documents is personally given to one of the local Pension Fund branches, but you can also send the papers by mail. It's special current option for those who temporarily reside abroad.

Employees pension fund are required to make a decision on issuing or refusing to give money no later than a month after all documents have been received. Once the decision is made, the issued certificates are issued within a maximum of 5 days. They can also be delivered in person or by mail.

If you need to sell housing purchased with maternity capital

When purchasing housing using maternal capital, each member in the family becomes the full owner of a share of at least the minimum size. The obligation to allocate such shares is issued to the second spouse and to all children.

This means that such an apartment is not so easy to sell: parents need to contact the guardianship authorities if they plan to further expand their living conditions and acquire new properties. Representatives of the same authorities should receive notification of the upcoming sale. Without their consent, the sale of real estate becomes impossible. Moreover, the sales permit itself is issued only if the new housing matches the old one or is better. In new housing for children in mandatory a share is allocated, which depends on the size of the apartment.

On the allocation of shares in maternity capital

If parents divorce, the children must receive at least part of the real estate that was purchased with allocated subsidies. The obligation to allocate such a share is drawn up as soon as the mother herself sends an application for receiving funds. Will need to submit additional documents, if initially the housing was registered both in the name of both spouses and in the name of the children themselves.

About regional maternity capitals

The state is constantly creating additional programs aimed at helping young families. Thanks to such programs, funds can be used for other purposes not provided for by law. The state has an obligation to provide funds to those who have a third child in their family.

Federal maternity capital is given to those who have a second baby. When a third one appears, assistance is allocated from the regional budget.

But regional capital given only if several conditions are met:

  1. The child was born when regional program was still in effect.
  2. The family has lived in the region for at least a minimum period.
  3. Money cannot be used immediately after birth.

Statistics: what is regional maternity capital spent on?

Specific amounts of assistance are determined individually for each region. Usually they range from 50-300 thousand rubles and undergo annual indexation. At the same time inflation rate must be taken into account. Such a subsidy can be used only once and for the same purposes as federal assistance.

Many banks do not agree to repay mortgage programs at the expense of capital. Loans can be issued as soon as capital is received.