Inflation for the year federal budget. Analysis of income and expenses of the budget of the Russian Federation

Like a year earlier, it is 453026 rubles. The next indexing will take place only in 2020, as a result, the amount of the certificate for maternal capital will be 470241 ruble(this value follows from the draft characteristics of the Pension Fund budget). The program itself will operate at least until December 31, 2021.

The conditions for registering maternal (family) capital (MSC) remain the same. Families in which from January 1, 2007 a second or subsequent child was born (adopted). In 2019, new ones are also not expected to be added; the last time the list of ways to spend MSC funds was expanded was in 2018.

However, some were still included in the program. Since 2019, families can legally use maternal capital to pay for the construction of residential premises on garden (formerly dacha) land plots. Also on March 18, 2019, Law No. 37-FZ was signed, aimed at spending maternity capital.

Will maternity capital be indexed?

The maternity capital program involves annual indexation of the certificate amount by the projected inflation rate. This condition has been met since 2007, before the freezing of maternity capital. in 2016, since then the amount of capital has remained unchanged. This decision of the Government was justified by the unstable economy of the country.

Next indexing will happen in 2020. This first became known in June 2017, when Dmitry Medvedev at a Government meeting promised to increase maternity capital. Then, in November 2017, Vladimir Putin announced the extension of the maternity capital program until December 31, 2021.

From January 1, 2020, annual indexation will be resumed. According to the forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development, in 2020 inflation will be 3,8% , in 2021 - 4% . Since this level is significantly lower than in previous years, the size of the MSC certificate will not increase so noticeably.

The amount of maternity capital in 2019

As noted above, in 2019 the amount of capital amounted to 453026 rubles. In 2020, the amount of the certificate after indexation will increase up to 470 thousand rubles, which was first reported by the RBC news agency, citing the draft main characteristics of the Pension Fund budget for 2019, as well as the planning period for 2020 and 2021.

The resumption of indexation was later confirmed by Tatyana Golikova, speaking at a meeting of the commission on social and labor relations on July 24, 2018. The Deputy Prime Minister said that the annual increase in the amount of the certificate for maternity capital is an integral component of the national project “Demography”. However, no specific figures on the amount of capital were given, as these values ​​may still be adjusted in 2019.

Below is a table of maternity capital amounts in different years

YearAmount of maternity capital, rub.Indexation, %Inflation, %
2007 250000 11,9
2008 276250 10,5 13,3
2009 312163 13 8,8
2010 343379 10 8,8
2011 365698 6,5 6,1
2012 387640 6 6,6
2013 408961 5,5 6,5
2014 429409 5 11,4
2015 453026 5,5 12,9
2016 453026 0 5,4
2017 453026 0 2,5
2018 453026 0 3.1 (forecast)
2019 453026 0 4.3 (forecast)
2020 470241 3.8 (forecast)3.8 (forecast)
2021 489051 4 (forecast)4 (forecast)

What can you spend maternity capital on in 2019?

In 2019, the directions for using maternal capital did not change. As before, certificate funds can be used for the following purposes:

  • , including preschool;
  • compensation for expenses for the purchase of funds for;
  • in a family born after January 1, 2018.

You can contact the Pension Fund with an application for an order three years later after the birth or adoption of a child, giving the right to maternity capital. However, it is not necessary to wait three years to use capital in some areas, including:

  1. Improving living conditions using credit funds:
    • when applying for a credit (loan), including a mortgage;
    • repayment of the principal debt;
    • payment of interest on a loan (loan).
  2. Payment for preschool education, as well as childcare and childcare services.
  3. Monthly payments from MSK for a second child. However, only those families in which a second child was born, starting from January 1, 2018, will be able to apply for this measure of social support, provided that the monthly average per capita income of such a family does not exceed one and a half times the subsistence level for the working population (one is established for each).
  4. Purchase of goods and payment for services for social adaptation of disabled children. Certificate funds can only be used to compensate for costs of already purchased goods and services; a list of them is presented in Government Order No. 831-r dated April 30, 2016.

Changes and latest news

In 2019, no significant changes are expected in the maternity capital program. The conditions for issuing a certificate and the permitted areas of use of MSCs remain the same.

However, on January 1, 2019, Law No. 217-FZ of July 29, 2017 on the conduct of vegetable gardening and gardening for one’s own needs came into force, which introduces several important changes:

  • the concept of “dacha” is abolished at the legislative level;
  • will be possible on a garden plot, if such a structure is not a garden house or outbuilding.

In addition, the following were introduced changes in the disposal of funds certificate:

  • Matkapital is no longer allowed to be used to repay loans issued by “other” organizations, that is, those whose activities are not controlled by the Bank of Russia (the new provisions of the law apply only to those citizens who entered into a loan agreement after this law came into force). However, the list of organizations where it is allowed to take out a loan included JSC DOM.RF and agricultural credit consumer cooperatives.
  • Housing for the purchase of which family capital is used must be recognized as suitable for habitation. The rules for recognizing premises as residential were approved by Decree of the Government of Russia No. 47 of January 28, 2006.
  • When directing maternity capital to build a house, now instead of a construction permit, you can provide a notification (specified in clause 2, part 7, article 51.1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation) issued to the recipient of the certificate or his spouse.

The lack of significant changes in the maternity capital program in 2019 is largely due to the large number of innovations in 2018:

  • introduction of monthly payments for the second child until he turns one and a half years old;
  • added the opportunity to pay for preschool education of children without waiting three years from the moment the right to maternity capital arises;
  • extension of maternity capital up to 2021 inclusive.

It also came into effect for families in which, starting from January 1, 2018, a second and (or) subsequent child appeared. Now parents can get a mortgage or loan at a reduced rate - 6% per annum(at its discretion, the bank may offer a lower rate). Although this measure of social support is not directly related to maternity capital, its participants are MSC recipients.

Married couples planning to have or adopt more than one child are wondering what the amount of maternity capital is in 2019, and will this amount increase? In this article we will deal with the following questions: is maternity capital expected to increase; will this program be extended; how maternity capital increased in previous years.

In Russia, starting in 2007, a maternity capital program was launched at the state level, the purpose of which is to provide additional support to families with children. Initially, the duration of this program was designed for a ten-year period, that is, it was supposed to end at the end of 2016. But in the future the maternity capital program has been extended until 2021 decision of the country's leadership.

The maternity capital program is a government subsidy designed to provide families with children with an improvement in their financial well-being. According to statistics, to date, over 5 million families in which a second and subsequent child was born or adopted since January 2007 have taken advantage of the maternity capital program. You should know that a family has the right to use funds allocated by the state only when the child reaches 3 years of age. The family has the right to spend these funds only for specific purposes, namely:

Improving living conditions. In addition, the family has the right to spend maternity capital funds on:

  • Purchasing an apartment or house;
  • Construction of residential real estate;
  • Mortgage loan repayment;
  • Use capital as a down payment on a mortgage.
  • Mother's pension.
  • Children's education.
  • Payment for services or purchase of goods that are intended for the social adaptation of disabled children.

In most cases, a family has the right to use maternity capital immediately after the second (subsequent) child is born or adopted. For example, you can use these funds to pay a down payment or to repay a loan that was taken out to purchase a home. In addition, this government financial support is not subject to personal income tax.

Will maternity capital be indexed in 2019?

If we analyze the program for providing maternity capital in retrospect, we can see that the amount of maternity capital was quite regularly indexed in accordance with the level of inflation and rising prices in the country. But over the past couple of years, there has been no indexation.

If the initially established amount of maternity capital was 250,000 rubles, then in 2018 it was already 453,026 rubles. Over the past two years, a long-term decline in Russian budget revenues has been recorded, and this has contributed to a decrease in the purchasing power of maternity capital. But There will be no indexation of maternity capital in 2019, no matter how much you want it.

What is the amount of maternity capital for 2019?

As we wrote above, the difficult economic situation in the country, as well as a number of financial reforms, did not allow the state to index maternity capital in 2018, and there are no indexation plans for 2019. Thus the amount of maternity capital for 2019 will be 453,026 rubles, it remained the same as last year.

But it should be noted that over the entire period of operation of this state program for subsidizing families, the amount of maternity capital has increased by more than 200,000 rubles.

Who can get maternity capital and how?

To receive a certificate for maternity capital for families with a second (third, fourth and subsequent) child, the applicant must contact the Pension Fund of Russia. This also applies to families who have adopted a second (subsequent) child.

According to the current norms of the law, there is no fixed deadline for using the certificate anywhere, that is, families are not limited by any time frame. To receive the coveted certificate, you need to collect the appropriate package of documents and submit it to the Pension Fund branch at your place of residence. This must be done before the child turns 23 years old. This rule applies to adopted and born children. However, the package of documents and the corresponding application must be submitted before the expiration of the maternity capital program, that is, until 2021. Do not forget that consideration of the application and documents will take 30 days from the date of submission.

News about maternity capital in 2019

Most Russian families planning to have one or more children in the future are wondering whether the state will continue to extend the duration of the maternity capital program? To date, the program has already been extended until 2021. According to some sources, the government plans to extend the program until 2026, but there is no final decision yet. Experts express different opinions on this issue, and this initiative has both supporters and opponents. While the former talk about an improvement in the demographic situation in the country over the past decade, the latter call for budget savings in the difficult economic situation in the country.

There is also a third party offering a compromise option regarding the fate of maternity capital. Its essence is to limit the number of recipients of this assistance from the state, providing the opportunity only to those families with incomes below the average level. But today no compromises have been reached on this issue.

Over the entire period of its existence, a large number of changes have been made to the maternity capital program. If we talk about the most significant, we should note the expansion of areas for using maternal capital funds. For example, starting from January 1, 2016, a family can use maternity capital funds to purchase goods and services that are necessary for the social adaptation of disabled children. And from January 1, 2018, you can count on monthly payments from maternity capital, but only if your family has low income (less than 1.5 working-age population per person in the family). This monthly payment is made until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years. It is best to apply for such regular payments from maternity capital within 6 months from the birth of the child, then the funds (in the amount of monthly payments) will be paid for all the time that has passed since that moment. But if you submit an application after 6 months, the payment is assigned from the day you apply for it.

If we talk about a significant increase in the size of maternity capital, then no changes in this issue have been observed over the past three years. At the end of 2015, a bill was proposed for consideration in the State Duma, the essence of which was to increase the amount of maternity capital to 1,500,000 rubles for those families in which a third child was born (or adopted). But this initiative was not approved. In September 2014, the Ministry of Economic Development brought up plans for optimization of budget expenditures for discussion, and during the discussion the issue of completely curtailing the family capital program was raised. If this proposal were approved, annual savings for the state budget could amount to about 300 billion rubles. It is good that this initiative did not find support at the government level, and as a result, these funds were included in the budget in full.

For several years now, a specially created council has been working, tasked with finding answers to the question of the relevance of the maternity capital program after 2021. Before a final decision is made, plans include getting acquainted with the opinions of citizens and experts on this issue. During the development and analysis of the maternity capital program, attention will be paid to the following aspects:

  • Does it make sense after 2021 to leave unchanged the conditions for providing a maternity capital certificate for all families in which children are born or adopted, without taking into account their financial situation, as is the case today.
  • Would it be more correct to provide financial support only to those families who have low or average incomes? Experts support the initiative to exclude families with above-average income from the list of potential recipients of maternity capital funds.
  • Is it worth expanding the list of purposes for which a family can spend maternity capital funds, which could improve the well-being of average Russian families?

Attention will also be paid to the duration of the maternity capital program. For example, it is up for discussion whether it will work until 2026 or whether there will be no time limits at all.

There is still no information as to whether families can count on receiving a maternity capital certificate after 2021. But Russian families still do not lose hope that the state will take their side in matters of material support at the birth of their second and subsequent children and in the future.

An important change in the maternity capital program was. Since 2018, families who will have a second or third child (and subsequent ones) in 2018-2022 can take advantage of preferential mortgage lending terms to improve their living conditions. The new program of preferential mortgage lending to families allows interest repayments using maternity capital.

At the same time, the family does not need to wait until the child turns 3 years old; they can participate in this program and pay off the mortgage with maternity capital funds immediately after the birth of the child and submission of documents for the certificate.

Despite the fact that the new preferential mortgage lending program is not directly related to the maternity capital program, this is an important step by the state to support families with children through the use of both programs. Mortgage loans for the purchase of housing are provided to families with two and three children at a preferential rate of 6% per annum. Under this program, you can buy an apartment, a house, including a house together with a plot of land, as well as an apartment in housing under construction under an equity participation agreement.

The maternal family capital program, with all its possible shortcomings, really works. At a minimum, it allows many families to partially resolve the issue of their own housing. In other cases, the money provided by the state for the birth of a second child helps solve other problems. Maternity capital in 2019 - what changes await the program, latest news about what the payment will be for the birth of a second child in Russia.

Will the amount of maternity capital change?

One of the sore points that relate to the topic of family capital is the amount that the state provides under this program.

After the maternity capital program appeared, its amount constantly grew. Indexations were carried out once a year, and the initial 250 thousand rubles, which were established in 2007, grew to more than 450 thousand by 2015.

The economic problems that befell Russia in 2014 forced the state to save on everything. One of the saving measures was freezing the amount of maternity capital. If in 2015 family capital was indexed, then from 2016 to 2018 there was no increase. It won't be there in 2019 either.

The amount of maternity capital in 2019 is the same - 453,026 rubles.

This news, by the way, is of interest not only to those who are planning to receive a certificate for maternal capital next year. It also affects those who already have such a certificate in their hands. Any indexation of maternity capital means indexation of the remaining funds for anyone who has such a document and some unspent money allocated by the state under this program.

The next indexation of maternal family capital is scheduled for 2020. Its amount will increase to 470,241 rubles.


Will there be changes to the rules of the family capital program in 2019?

There are no major changes to be expected in the program; they are not planned. All relatively significant innovations came into force at the beginning of 2018. They also became a pre-election maneuver before the election of Vladimir Putin for another term. On the eve of 2019, there is no special need to “appease” people in power.

However, this does not mean that there will be no changes to the maternity capital program at all.

Firstly, an amendment to the legislation is being prepared, thanks to which the certificate will be issued faster. Today, the Pension Fund of Russia has one month at its disposal to respond to the family’s application for maternity capital. The Pension Fund of Russia may give a positive or negative answer within this period. According to the amendments, the response time will be reduced exactly by half - to 15 days.

In practice this is not always necessary. The fact is that in most cases, it is possible to dispose of maternity capital funds only when the child whose birth gave him the right to receive a certificate turns three years old. However, in some situations, the law allows you to dispose of maternal capital immediately (for example, if we are talking about a mortgage or purchasing nanny services). In such situations, gaining two weeks can be significant.

The second innovation is quite important, although it does not directly relate to maternity capital. The fact is that from the beginning of 2019 a new law on summer residents and gardeners comes into force. Under this law, gardening associations automatically become places where individual residential construction is permitted. This means that, as part of the maternal capital program, you can now purchase or build your own house on the territory of the gardening partnership.

In 2019, the freezing of maternity capital was extended; its amount, as in the previous year, is 453,026 rubles. The next time indexation will take place in 2020, after which certificates for maternal capital will be issued in the amount of 470,241 rubles. The program itself will be valid until the end of 2021, but with a high degree of probability it will be extended again.

No new maternal (family) capital (MSC) was added. Recipients of a personal certificate can spend its funds for the same purposes as in 2018:

  • purchase or construction of housing (with or without a loan);
  • teaching children;
  • increasing the mother's pension savings;
  • compensation for goods for adaptation of disabled children;
  • payment of a monthly allowance when a second child appears in the family.

There were no significant changes to the Family Capital program, but some were added. In 2019, citizens can legally use MSK for the construction of an individual housing construction project on a garden plot of land (SZU).


Will there be indexing?

According to Part 2 of Art. 6 of Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006, the amount of maternity capital is subject to annual revision taking into account the projected level of inflation. This provision was implemented until 2016, but due to the difficult economic situation, indexation was suspended (Article 12 of Law 444-FZ of December 19, 2016 on changing the provisions of certain legislative acts). The next indexing will take place January 1, 2020.

Initially, it was assumed that maternity capital would be frozen for one year, but in September 2016 Maxim Topilin announced that in 2017 the size of the MSK certificate would not increase either. The head of the Ministry of Labor explained this decision by the fact that maternity capital in most cases is used to purchase housing, and prices for it have not been rising recently. Before the decision to freeze was made, it was planned that in 2016 maternity capital would increase by 4.8 percent - to approximately 475 thousand rubles.


It should be noted that during indexation, not only the amount of newly issued certificates increases, but also the amount of the unspent balance of funds on previously received certificates. The increase does not occur by any specific amount, but by the amount of predicted inflation (in 2020 its level will be 3,8% ).

  • during a personal visit;
  • through the personal account of the insured person on the Pension Fund website, this can be done using an account from the State Services portal.


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The amount of maternity capital in 2019

Since the freezing of maternity capital extended into 2019, its amount is 453026 rubles. Regular indexation of MSK will resume from 2020, the certificate size will increase as follows:

  • in 2020 - up to 470 thousand rubles;
  • in 2021 - up to 489 thousand rubles.

The indicated amounts follow from the explanatory note to the draft federal law on the budget of the Pension Fund, drawn up for 2019, as well as the period 2020-2021.

During the federal program (since 2007), the size of MSC increased from 250,000 up to 453026 rubles(more than 80%). The certificate amount increased most noticeably in 2009 - by 13%. The table below shows how maternity capital changed every year.

Year Amount of maternity capital certificate, rub. Indexation, % Inflation rate, %
2007 250 000 - 11,9
2008 276 250 10,5 13,3
2009 312 163 13 8,8
2010 343 379 10 8,8
2011 365 698 6,5 6,1
2012 387 640 6 6,6
2013 408 961 5,5 6,5
2014 429 409 5 11,4
2015 453 026 5,5 12,9
2016 453 026 0 5,4
2017 453 026 0 2,5
2018 453 026 0 3.1 (forecast)
2019 453 026 0 4.3 (forecast)
2020 470 241 3.8 (forecast) 3.8 (forecast)
2021 489 051 4 (forecast) 4 (forecast)

Until what year was maternity capital extended for the second child?

Maternity capital will operate at least until December 31, 2021 The law introducing the corresponding changes was signed by the President in December 2017.

It is highly likely that this federal program will be extended and after 2021, as Tatyana Golikova reported in an interview with the RIA Novosti news agency. The Deputy Prime Minister explained that maternity capital is a significant motivating factor for families to have children. Now the country is experiencing another demographic failure. From January 1, 2019, 12 more national projects will be launched, including the “Demography” project, the result of its action, as well as the action of the maternity capital program, should be natural population growth by 2024.

What can you spend maternity capital on in 2019?

The list of permitted areas for disposing of maternity capital remains the same (as in 2018). You can use the funds of the MSK certificate in 2019 on:

  1. Improvement of living conditions:
    • purchase of housing (under a purchase and sale agreement, a credit agreement or loan agreement, an equity participation agreement, as well as with participation in cooperative construction);
    • construction or reconstruction of a private house (with the involvement of a contractor or not).
  2. Children's education:
    • receiving paid educational services under educational programs in organizations that have received a license to conduct relevant activities;
    • payment for utilities and the use of residential premises in a dormitory for the duration of study at a higher or secondary educational institution;
    • payment for preschool education of children.
  3. Increase mother's funded pension at the expense of MK.
  4. Purchasing funds and paying for services social adaptation of disabled children.
  5. Monthly payments from MSK for the second child.

To apply for disposal of maternity capital, you must go through three years from birth(adoption) of a child giving the right to MSC. However, to use the funds of a personal certificate in some areas it is not necessary to wait three years, among them:

  1. Buying or building housing with a credit or loan(with the conclusion of a mortgage agreement or not), maternity capital money can be used for:
    • payment of the first installment;
    • repayment of principal and interest.
  2. Payment for kindergartens, nurseries (both municipal and private), as well as other child care and supervision services.
  3. Second child benefit, paid from the funds of the family capital certificate every month until the child’s birth one and a half years. You can apply for this measure of state support if a child appears in the family no earlier than January 1, 2018. In addition, the monthly average per capita family income should not exceed one and a half times the subsistence minimum for the working population identified in a particular region. The payments themselves are provided in the amount of the subsistence minimum per child.
  4. Payment of funds for social adaptation of disabled children, if the corresponding goods are noted in the child’s rehabilitation and adaptation program. The list of goods for the purchase of which you can receive compensation from MSC funds is established by Government Order No. 831-r dated April 30, 2016.

Changes and latest news

As noted above, in 2019 the size of the MK certificate did not increase, and no new areas of spending were added (since 2018). However, some changes did occur:

  • The decision to issue an MSK certificate to an applicant is no longer made 1 month, and within 15 days. Law No. 390-FZ, introducing the corresponding changes, has already entered into force.
  • Since 2019, Federal Law No. 217-FZ of July 29, 2017 on gardening and vegetable gardening has come into force, thanks to which maternal capital can be legally used for the construction of an individual housing construction project on a garden plot(SZU), in the past - a summer cottage. The main thing is that the object under construction is not a garden house or outbuilding.

In 2018, more significant innovations were added to the maternal program:

  • A new direction for using MSCs has emerged - monthly payments from certificate funds for the second child in the family born or adopted starting from 01/01/2018.
  • To pay for kindergarten and other types of preschool education for children, more no need to wait 3 years from the birth (adoption) of the second child in the family. You can apply for disposal of funds immediately after issuing a personal certificate.
  • Vladimir Putin signed a law on extending the validity of family capital until December 31, 2021.


Also in 2018, the state added another support measure for families, not directly related to maternal capital. At the birth of a second or subsequent child (the benefit does not apply to adopted children), from January 1, 2018, families receive the right to obtain a mortgage at a preferential rate - 6 percent per annum.

In the coming 2019, the amount of maternity capital will remain unchanged. Its size will be the usual 453,026 rubles. The next possible indexation will be scheduled for 2020. In this connection, the amount of payments for Russian mothers should already be 470,241 rubles. This amount is obtained from the draft budget of the Pension Fund for the upcoming 2019.

This federal program will be valid until December 31, 2021. After which this period may be further extended.

Such areas of spending funds issued as part of state assistance to new mothers will be expanded to the purchase or construction of their own housing, payment for the education of their children, the formation of a mother’s funded pension, the purchase of those goods or services that would help a disabled child adapt in case of need, as well as the formation of a monthly allowance for the 2nd child.

It is worth noting the fact that the government of the Russian Federation is interested in increasing the birth rate among the population, since improving the economic situation of the country and its social development directly depends on this. It is expected that in the coming 2019 the Pension Fund will make a decision on issuing a maternal certificate for a child in a shorter period of time, which will be no more than 15 days. Let us remind you that at this time it is 1 month. Another additional change will affect the ability to legally use capital to build your own personal home on a plot of land.

How did the amount of maternity capital change per 2 children before 2019?

In the coming 2019, maternity capital will not be indexed. Despite this, a gradual increase in government assistance will still occur taking into account the rate of development of the inflation rate in the country. This was provided for in advance by the federal law on maternity capital. During the period when indexation was carried out every year (from 2007 to 2015), capital increased by 81 percent - from 250 to 453 thousand rubles. The most significant increase occurred in 2009 - by 13 percent, and the minimum in 2014 - by 5 percent.

In 2019, the amount of the MSK certificate is 453,026 rubles. Further increases in capital will occur as follows:

  • up to 470,241 rubles - in 2020;
  • up to 489,051 rubles - in 2021.

You can dispose of maternity capital 3 years after the birth (adoption) of a child, with the birth of which the right to MSC arose. However, in order to direct the certificate funds in some areas, it is not necessary to wait 3 years, among them:

- payment of debt on credits or loans (including mortgages) for the purchase or construction of housing:

  • payment of the down payment;
  • repayment of the main contribution;
  • payment of interest.

— maintaining a child in a kindergarten or nursery (including private ones), as well as payment for other childcare and childcare services;
— monthly benefit for the second child born (adopted) from January 1, 2018. Payments are assigned only to those families whose average per capita income is not higher than one and a half times the subsistence minimum established in a particular region for the working population. The amount of the benefit is equal to the child's subsistence level (see table by region).

The list should also include compensation for funds spent on the purchase of goods (payment for services) for disabled children included in the individual program of rehabilitation and adaptation (IPRA). The list of goods and services for social adaptation and integration into society, for the purchase of which maternity capital money can be used, is given in Government Order No. 831-r dated April 30, 2016.