Sustainable socio-economic development. Effective tools for calculating investment risk



I. General characteristics of problems of mass transfer and diffusion with reaction.

I. Initial boundary value problems for level surfaces of the concentration field. Qualitative effects of diffusion processes accompanied by adsorption and chemical reactions.

I. Finite-time stabilization to stationary, spatially localized solutions.



A method for separating variables in a quasilinear parabolic diffusion and transport equation.

Exact solutions to problems of diffusion and transfer from concentrated, instantaneous and permanently acting sources in a medium at rest.



Rothe method and integral equations of the problem.

Problems with free boundaries in the problem of pollution and self-purification by a point source.


Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic "Constructive methods for solving boundary value problems with free boundaries for nonlinear equations of parabolic type"

When studying nonlinear boundary value problems that describe the processes of pollution and recreation of the environment, reflecting, along with diffusion, adsorption and chemical reactions, Stefan-type problems with a free boundary and sources that significantly depend on the desired concentration field are of particular interest.

Nonlinear problems with free boundaries in environmental problems allow us to describe the actually observed localization of pollution processes (recreation) environment. The nonlinearity here is due to both the dependence of the turbulent diffusion tensor K and the pollution effluents / on the concentration c. In the first case, spatial localization is achieved due to degeneracy, when at c = O and K = 0. However, it occurs only in at the moment time g and at g yes is absent.

The evolution of diffusion processes with reaction, stabilizing to limiting stationary states with clearly defined spatial localization, can be described by mathematical models with a special dependence of sinks /(c). The latter models the consumption of matter due to chemical reactions of fractional order, when /(c) = . In this case, regardless of the degeneracy of the diffusion coefficient, there is a spatiotemporal localization of the diffusion disturbance of the medium. At any moment of time /, the locally diffusion disturbance occupies a certain region 0(7), limited in advance by the previously unknown free surface Г(7). The concentration field c(p, /) in this case is a diffusion wave with a front Г(/), propagating through an undisturbed medium, where c = O.

It is quite natural that these qualitative effects can only be obtained on the basis of a nonlinear approach to modeling reaction processes.

However, this approach is associated with significant mathematical difficulties when studying the nonlinear problems with free boundaries that arise here, when a pair of functions must be determined - the concentration field c(p,t) and the free boundary Г(/) = ((p,t): c(p ,t) = O). Such problems, as already noted, belong to more complex, little-studied problems of mathematical physics.

Significantly less research has been carried out for boundary value problems with free boundaries due to their complexity, which is associated both with their nonlinearity and with the fact that they require a priori specification of the topological characteristics of the fields being sought. Among the works that consider the solvability of such problems, it is worth noting the works of A.A. Samarsky, O.A. Oleinik, S.A. Kamenomostkoy, etc. With some restrictions on given functions in the works of A.A. Berezovsky, E.S. Sabinina proved existence and uniqueness theorems for the solution of a boundary value problem with a free boundary for the heat equation.

No less important has development effective methods approximate solution of problems of this class, which will allow us to establish functional dependencies of the main parameters of the process on the input data, making it possible to calculate and predict the evolution of the process under consideration.

Due to the rapid improvement of computer technology, effective numerical methods for solving such problems are increasingly being developed. These include the method of straight lines, the projection-grid method, developed in the works of G.I. Marchuk, V.I. Ogoshkov. IN lately The fixed field method is successfully used, the main idea of ​​which is that a moving boundary is fixed and a part of the known boundary conditions is specified on it, the resulting boundary value problem is solved, and then, using the remaining boundary conditions and the resulting solution, a new, more accurate position of the free boundary is found and etc. The problem of finding the free boundary is reduced to the subsequent solution of a number of classical boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations.

Since problems with free boundaries have not been fully studied, and their solution is associated with significant difficulties, their study and solution requires the involvement of new ideas, the use of the entire arsenal of constructive methods of nonlinear analysis, modern achievements mathematical physics, computational mathematics and the capabilities of modern computer technology. In theoretical terms, for such problems there remain topical issues existence, uniqueness, positivity, stabilization and spatiotemporal localization of solutions.

Dissertation work is devoted to the formulation of new problems with free boundaries, modeling the processes of transfer and diffusion with the reaction of polluting substances in environmental problems, their qualitative study and, mainly, the development of constructive methods for constructing approximate solutions to such problems.

The first chapter gives general characteristics problems of diffusion in active media, that is, media in which effluents significantly depend on concentration. Physically based restrictions on flows are indicated, under which the problem is reduced to the following problem with free boundaries for a quasilinear parabolic equation: с, = div(K(p, t, с) grade) - div(cu) - f (с)+ w in Q (/) ,t> 0, c(p,0) = e0(p) in cm c)grade, n)+ac = accp on S(t), c)gradc,n) = 0 on Г if) , where K(p,t,c) is the turbulent diffusion tensor; ü is the velocity vector of the medium, c(p,t) is the concentration of the medium.

Considerable attention in the first chapter is paid to the formulation of initial boundary value problems for surfaces of the concentration level in the case of directed diffusion processes, when there is a one-to-one correspondence between concentration and one of the spatial coordinates. The monotonic dependence of c(x,y,z,t) on z allows us to transform the differential equation, the initial and boundary conditions of the problem for the concentration field into a differential equation and the corresponding additional conditions for the field of its level surfaces - z = z(x,y,c, t). This is achieved by differentiating the inverse functions, resolving the equation of the known surface S: Ф (x,y,z,t)=0->z=zs(x,y,t) and reading the identity back with(x,y,zs, t)=c(x,y,t). Differential equation (1) for c is then transformed into an equation for z- Az=zt-f (c)zc, where

2 ^ Az=vT (K*t*)-[K-b Vz = lzx + jz +k, VT = V-k- . zc dz

When moving from independent variables x,y,z to the independent variables x>y,c, the physical domain Q(i) is transformed into the nonphysical domain Qc(/), limited by the part of the plane c = 0 into which the free surface Γ goes, and by the generally free unknown surface c=c(x, y,t), into which the known surface S(t) goes.

In contrast to the operator divKgrad ■ of the direct problem, operator A of the inverse problem is essentially nonlinear. The thesis proves the positivity of the quadratic form e+rf+yf-latf-lßrt corresponding to operator A, and thereby establishes its ellipticity, which allows us to consider formulations of boundary value problems for it. By integrating by parts, we obtained an analogue of Green's first formula for the operator A c(x,yt) c(t) cbcdy \uAzdc= Jdc d u(KVTz,n)iï- \\viyrv,VTz)dxdy

Vzf x,y,t) 0 c(x,y,t) - í *

We consider a problem with a free boundary for a concentration field c = c(x,y,z,1), when the Dirichlet condition div(Kgradc) - c, = /(c) - Re g c(P,0) = c0 is specified on the surface (P), ReShto), c = (p(p,0, ReB^), ¿>0, (2)

ReG(4 ¿>0. s = 0, K- = 0, dp

In this case, the transition relative to the level surface r = r(x,y,c^) allowed us to get rid of the free surface c=c(x,y,?), since it is completely determined by the Dirichlet condition c(x,y^) = d >(x,y,rx(x,y^),O- As a result, the following initial-boundary value problem for a strongly nonlinear parabolic operator^ - - in a time-varying but already known domain C2c(0:<9/

Az = z(~zc, x,yED(t), 0 0, z(x,y,c,0) = z0(x,y,c), x,y,cePc(O), z(x, y,c,t) = zs (x, y, c, t), c = c(x, y, t), X, y G D(t), t > 0, zc(x,y,0,t )=-co, x,y&D(t), t> 0.

Here we also study the question of the uniqueness of the solution to problem (3). Based on the obtained analogue of Green's first formula for the operator A, taking into account the boundary conditions after elementary but rather cumbersome transformations using Young's inequality, the monotonicity of the operator A on the solutions zx and z2 of the problem is established

Ar2 - Ar1)(r2 -)(bcc1us1c< 0 . (4)

On the other hand, using a differential equation, boundary and initial condition it is shown that

The resulting contradiction proves the uniqueness theorem for the solution of the Dirichlet problem for concentration level surfaces c(x,y,t)

Theorem 1. If the source function w is const, the sink function f(c) increases monotonically and /(0) = 0, then the solution to the Dirichlet problem (2) for level surfaces is positive and unique.

The third paragraph of the first chapter discusses the qualitative effects of diffusion processes accompanied by adsorption and chemical reactions. These effects cannot be described based on linear theory. If in the latter the propagation speed is infinite and thus there is no spatial localization, then the considered nonlinear models diffusion with reaction with the functional dependences of the coefficient of turbulent diffusion K and the density of effluents (kinetics) established in the work chemical reactions) / on concentration c allow us to describe the actually observed effects of the finite speed of propagation, spatial localization and stabilization over a finite time (recreation) of pollutants. The work established that the listed effects can be described using the proposed models if there is an improper integral with w 1

K(w)dzdt = -\Q(t)dt, t>0;

00 dc с(сс^) = 0,К(с)- = 0, z = oo,t>0. dz

The stationary problem in coordinate-free form has the form div(K(c)grade) = f(c) in Q\P (0< с < оо},

K(cgradc,n)) + ac = 0 on 5 = 5Q П Ж, (7) с = 0, (К(с) grade,п) = 0 on Г s (с = 0) = dQ. P D,

JJJ/(c)dv + cds = q. a s

In a semi-neighborhood with eQ of the point Pe Г, the transition to the semi-coordinate form of notation made it possible to obtain the Cauchy problem drj

K(c) dc dt] divT (K(c)gradTc) = f(c) in co rj<0

8) dc c = 0, K(c)~ = 0.77 = 0,

OT] where m] is the coordinate measured along the normal to Γ at point P, and the other two Cartesian coordinates m1, m2 lie in the tangent plane to Γ at point P. Since in co we can assume that c(m1, m2, g/) weakly depends on the tangential coordinates, that is, c(tx, t2,1]) = c(t]), then to determine c(t]) from (8) the Cauchy problem drj drj f(c), TJ follows< О, dc c = 0, K(c) - = 0,77 = 0. drj

An exact solution to the problem has been obtained (9)

77(s)= redo 2 s [ o s1m?< 00 (10) и доказана следующая теорема

Theorem 2. A necessary condition for the existence of a spatially localized solution to the nonlocal problems with free boundaries under consideration is the existence of an improper integral (b).

In addition, it has been proven that condition (6) is necessary and sufficient 1 for the existence of a spatially localized solution to the following one-dimensional stationary problem with a free boundary r(c), 0

00 O tsk = ^- si) o 2 c1c c(oo) = 0, K(c)- = 0, g = oo, c1g that is, it takes place

Theorem 3. If the function /(c) satisfies the conditions f(c) = c ^ , ^< // < 1, при с-» О, а К{с)-непрерывная положительная функция, то при любом д>0 a positive solution to the nonlocal boundary value problem (11) exists and is unique.

Here we also consider issues of environmental recreation in a finite time that are very important for practice. In the works of V.V. Kalashnikov and A.A. Samarsky, using comparison theorems, this problem is reduced to solving the differential inequality -< -/(с), где с - пространственно однородное (т.е. не зависящие от коей1 ординаты) решение.

At the same time, for recreation time the estimate w

T<]. ск х)

In contrast to these approaches, the thesis made an attempt to obtain more accurate estimates that would take into account the initial distribution of concentration co (x) and its carrier “(0). For this purpose, using a priori estimates obtained in the work, a differential inequality was found for the squared norm of the solution Ж

13) from which a more accurate estimate for T t follows<

1+ /?>(())] where c is the root of the equation

Уг^-Р)/ с /1 =(р, = КМГ > = ^-Ш+Р)^1 ■

The second chapter is devoted to the issues of modeling the processes of transfer and diffusion of passive impurities in stratified media. The starting point here is problem (1) with /(c) = 0 and the Dirichlet boundary condition or nonlocal condition c, = (I\(K(p,G,c)%gais)-0 c(p,0) = c0( p) in 0(0),

C(P>*) = φ(р,0 on or = ()((), с(р, Г) = 0, (К(р^, с)%?аес,н) = 0 on Г(Г ).

One-dimensional problems of turbulent diffusion are considered, taking into account the dependence of the diffusion coefficient on scale, time and concentration. They represent local and nonlocal problems for the quasilinear ds equation

1 d dt g"-1 dg p-\

K(r,t,c) ds dg p = 1,2,3,

16) where K(r,t,c) = K0(p(t)rmck; Birkhoff in the form c(r,t) = f(t)B(T1), tj = r7t P>0,

17) where the functions and parameter p are determined in the process of separating variables in (16). As a result, we obtained an ordinary differential equation for B(t]) at] and the representation

Оn+m+p-2)/pBk £® drj

C.B-ij-dtl, oh

For two values ​​of an arbitrary constant C( - C, = and

С1 = ^Ур equation (18) allows exact solutions depending on one arbitrary constant. The latter can be determined by satisfying one or another additional conditions. In the case of the Dirichlet boundary condition c(0,0 = B0[f^)]"p/p (20), an exact spatially localized solution is obtained in the case k > 0, m< 2:

2-t Gf\h;

L/k 0<г <гф(/),

Vd^0(2-m\ p = pk + 2-m, and the exact non-localized solution in the case of k<0, т <2:

1/k 0< г < 00.

22) = [k^2 - t)/?/^1 p = 2-t- p\k\.

Here f(1) = \(p(r)yt; gf (/) = [^(O]^ o

For k -» 0, from the obtained solutions follows the solution of the linear problem c(r,0 = VySht-t) exp[- /(1 - m)2k0f(1)\, which, for f(1) = 1 and m = 0, is transformed into the fundamental solution of the diffusion equation.

Exact solutions were also obtained in the case of instantaneous or permanently acting concentrated sources, when an additional nonlocal boundary condition of the form

23) where o)n is the area of ​​the unit sphere (co1 = 2, a>2 = 2i, a>3 = 4z).

The found exact solutions for k >0 of the form (21) represent a diffusion wave propagating through an undisturbed medium with a finite speed. At k< О такой эффект пространственной локализации возмущения исчезает.

Problems of diffusion from constantly acting point and linear sources in a moving medium are considered, when a quasi-linear equation is used to determine the concentration

Vdivc = -^S(r),

24) where K(g,x,s) = K0k(x)gtsk, 8(g) is the Dirac delta function, O is the power of the source. The interpretation of the coordinate x as time/ also made it possible here to obtain exact partial solutions to a nonlocal problem of the form (21) r 2/(2+2 k) 2 o, 1

2С2 (2 + 2к)К0 к

Solution (25) makes it possible in principle to describe the spatial localization of a diffusion disturbance. In this case, the front of the diffusing wave is determined, separating the regions with zero and non-zero concentrations. For k -» 0, it implies the well-known Roberts solution, which, however, does not allow one to describe spatial localization.

The third chapter of the dissertation is devoted to the study of specific problems of diffusion with reaction in a stratified air environment, which is the following one-dimensional problem with a free boundary uxx-ut = / (u), 0< х < s(t), t>O, u(x,0) = Uq(X), 0< х < 5(0), (26) ux-hu = -h(p, х = 0, t >0, u = 0, their = 0, x = s(t), t > 0.

A numerical-analytical implementation of problem (26) was carried out, based on the Rothe method, which made it possible to obtain the following seven-digit approximation of the problem in the form of a system of boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations with respect to the approximate value u(x) = u(x,1k), and 5 =) V u(x)-u(x^k1): V u"-m~xy = y - m~1 u, 0< х < 5, и"-ки = х = 0, (27) ф) = 0 |ф) = 0.

Solution (27) is reduced to nonlinear integral equations of the Volterra type and a nonlinear equation for x = 0 5 u(x) ~ 4m [i/r-^--* s/r + k^tek -¿r n V l/ g l/g

0 < X < 5, к(р.

For numerical calculations, solving system (28) using finite-dimensional approximation is reduced to finding solutions to a system of nonlinear algebraic equations with respect to the nodal values ​​and. = u(x)) and i-.

Problems with free boundaries in the problem of pollution and self-purification of the atmosphere by point sources are also considered here. In the absence of an adsorbing surface 5(0 (tie&3 = 0) in the case of flat, cylindrical or point sources of pollution, when the concentration depends on one spatial coordinate - the distance to the source and time, the simplest one-dimensional nonlocal problem with a free boundary is obtained

-- = /(s), 00, dt gp~x 8g \ 8g, f,0) = 0, 00; ah

1 I bg + /(c) Г~1£/г=- (30) о о ^ ; ^

The construction of a solution to problem (29), (30) was carried out by the Rothe method in combination with the method of nonlinear integral equations.

By transforming the dependent and independent variables, the nonlocal problem with a free boundary about a point source is reduced to the canonical form

5l:2 8t u(x,0) = 0, 0< л; < 5(0), (5(0) = 0), (31) м(5(г),т) = мх(5(т),т) = 0,

Pmg + = d(r), m > 0, containing only one function defining the function d(r).

In particular cases, exact solutions of the corresponding nonlocal stationary problems with a free boundary for the Emden-Fowler equation with 12 and 1 in l are obtained

2=х иН, 0<Х<5, с!х ф) = м,(5) = 0, \х1~/*и1*сЬс = 4. (32) о

In particular, when /? = 0 m(l:) = (1/6)(25 + x)(5-x)2, where* = (Зз)1/3.

Along with the Rothe method, in combination with the method of nonlinear integral equations, the solution to the nonstationary problem (32) is constructed by the method of equivalent linearization. This method essentially uses the construction of a solution to a stationary problem. As a result, the problem is reduced to the Cauchy problem for an ordinary differential equation, the solution of which can be obtained by one of the approximate methods, for example, the Runge-Kutta method.

The following results are submitted for defense:

Study of qualitative effects of spatiotemporal localization;

Establishing the necessary conditions for spatial localization to limiting stationary states;

Theorem on the uniqueness of the solution to a problem with a free boundary in the case of Dirichlet conditions on a known surface;

Obtaining by separation of variables exact spatially localized families of partial solutions of degenerate quasilinear parabolic equations;

Development of effective methods for the approximate solution of one-dimensional non-stationary local and non-local problems with free boundaries based on the application of the Rothe method in combination with the method of integral equations;

Obtaining accurate spatially localized solutions to stationary diffusion problems with reaction.

Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic "Mathematical Physics", Doguchaeva, Svetlana Magomedovna

The main results of the dissertation work can be formulated as follows.

1. Qualitatively new effects of spatio-temporal localization have been studied.

2. The necessary conditions for spatial localization and stabilization to limiting stationary states have been established.

3. A theorem on the uniqueness of the solution to the problem with a free boundary in the case of Dirichlet conditions on a known surface is proven.

4. Using the method of separation of variables, exact spatially localized families of partial solutions of degenerate quasilinear parabolic equations were obtained.

5. Effective methods have been developed for the approximate solution of one-dimensional stationary problems with free boundaries based on the application of the Rothe method in combination with the method of nonlinear integral equations.

6. Exact spatially localized solutions to stationary problems of diffusion with reaction were obtained.

Based on the variational method in combination with the Rothe method, the method of nonlinear integral equations, effective solution methods have been developed with the development of algorithms and programs for numerical calculations on a computer, and approximate solutions of one-dimensional non-stationary local and non-local problems with free boundaries have been obtained, allowing one to describe spatial localization in pollution problems and self-purification of stratified water and air environments.

The results of the dissertation work can be used in formulating and solving various problems of modern natural science, in particular metallurgy and cryomedicine.


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46. ​​Oleinik O.A. About Stefan's problem //First Summer Mathematical School. T.2. Kyiv: Nauk, Dumka, 1964. - P. 183-203.

47. Roberts O. F. The Theorotical Scattering of Smoke in a Turbulent Atmosphere. Proc. Roy., London, Ser. A., v. 104.1923. - P.640-654.

48. Yu.Sabinina E.S. On one class of nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations // Dokl. ÀH USSR. 1962. - 143, No. 4. - pp. 494-797.

49. Kh.Sabinina E.S. On one class of quasilinear parabolic equations that are not solvable with respect to the time derivative // ​​Sibirsk. mat. magazine 1965. - 6, no. 5. - pp. 1074-1100.

50. Samara A.A. Localization of heat in nonlinear media // Uspekhi Mat. Sci. 1982. - 37, no. 4 - pp. 1084-1088.

51. Samara A.A. Introduction to numerical methods. M.: Nauka, 1986. - 288 p.

52. A. Samarsky A.A., Kurdyumov S.P., Galaktionov V.A. Mathematical modeling. Processes in nonlin. environments M.: Nauka, 1986. - 309 p.

53. Sansone G. Ordinary differential equations. M.:IL, 1954.-416 p.

54. Stefan J. Uber dietheorie der veisbildung, insbesondere über die eisbildung im polarmere //Sitzber. Wien. Akad. Nat. naturw., Bd. 98, IIa, 1889. P.965-983

55. Sutton O.G. Micrometeorology. New. York-Toronto-London. 1953. 333p.1%. Friedman A. Partial differential equations of parabolic type. -M.: Mir, 1968.-427 p.

56. Friedman A. Variational principles in problems with free boundaries. M.: Nauka, 1990. -536 p.

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Doguchaeva, Svetlana Magomedovna AUTHOR

candidate of physical and mathematical sciences ACADEMIC DEGREE



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Doguchaeva Svetlana Magomedovna

Constructive methods for solving boundary value problems with free boundaries for nonlinear equations of parabolic type

Specialty 01.01.03 - Mathematical physics

dissertation for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

Nalchik -

The work was carried out at the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after. HM. Berbekov and the Institute of Mathematics HAH of Ukraine.

Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Physics and Mathematics

Sciences, Professor Berezovsky A.A.

Official opponents: Doctor of Physics and Mathematics

Sciences, Professor Shogenov V.Kh. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Bechelova A.R.

Leading organization: Research Institute

Applied Mathematics and Automation KBSC RAS

The defense will take place on December 28, 2000. at 1022 hours at a meeting of the specialized Council K063.88.06 at the Kabardino-Balkarian State University at the address:

360004, Nalchik, st. Chernyshevsky, 173.

The dissertation can be found in the KBSU library.

Scientific secretary DS K063.88.06 Ph.D. Kaygermazov A.A.

General characteristics of work

Relevance of the topic. When studying nonlinear boundary value problems that describe the processes of pollution and recreation of the environment, reflecting, along with diffusion, adsorption and chemical reactions, Stefan-type problems with a free boundary and sources that significantly depend on the desired concentration field are of particular interest. In theoretical terms, the issues of existence, uniqueness, stabilization and spatial localization of solutions remain relevant for such problems. In practical terms, the development of effective numerical and analytical methods for solving them seems especially important.

The development of effective methods for approximate solution of problems of this class makes it possible to establish functional dependencies of the main parameters of the process on the input data, making it possible to calculate and predict the evolution of the process under consideration.

Among the works that consider the solvability of Stefan-type problems with a free boundary, noteworthy are the works of A.A. Samarsky, O.A. Oleinik, S.A. Kamenomostkoy, L.I. Rubenstein and others.

Purpose of the work. The purpose of this dissertation is to study problems with free boundaries in a new formulation that models the processes of transfer and diffusion, taking into account the reaction of pollutants in environmental problems; their qualitative research and, mainly, the development of constructive methods for constructing approximate solutions to the problems posed.

General research methods. The results of the work were obtained using the Birkhoff method of separation of variables, the method of nonlinear integral equations, the Rothe method, as well as the equivalent linearization method

Scientific novelty and practical value. Statements of problems such as the Stefan problem studied in the dissertation are considered for the first time. For this class of problems, the following main results were obtained for defense:

1. Qualitatively new effects of spatio-temporal localization have been studied

2. The necessary conditions for spatial localization and stabilization to limiting stationary states have been established,

The results of the dissertation work can be applied in formulating and solving various problems of modern natural science, in particular metallurgy and cryomedicine, and seem to be very effective methods for forecasting, for example, the air environment.

Approbation of work. The main results of the dissertation were reported and discussed at the seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics and Theory of Nonlinear Oscillations of the Institute of Mathematics of the HAH of Ukraine and the Department of Mathematical Physics of Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, at the International Conference "Nonlinear Problems of Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics" (August 1997, Nalchik), at seminar of the Faculty of Mathematics of Kabardino-Balkarian State University on mathematical physics and computational mathematics.

Structure and scope of work. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a list of cited literature containing 82 titles. Scope of work:

It is 96 pages typed in Microsoft Office 97 environment (Times Roman style).

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the topic, formulates the purpose of the research, provides a brief overview and analysis of the current state of the problems that are studied in the dissertation, and provides an annotation of the results obtained.

The first chapter provides a general description of diffusion problems in active media, that is, media in which effluents significantly depend on concentration. Physically based restrictions on flows are indicated under which the problem is reduced to the following problem with free boundaries Г(/) for a quasilinear parabolic equation in the region Cl(t):

с, = div(K(p,t,c)gradc)~ div(cu)- f(c) + w in Q(i), t > 0, сИ = с0ИвП(0)

(K(p,t,c)-grad(c,n))+ac - accp on S(t), (1)

c(p,t) = 0, (K(p,t,c) grad(c,n)) = 0 on T(i),

where K(p,t,c) is the turbulent diffusion tensor; and is the velocity vector of the medium, c(p,t) is the concentration of the medium.

Considerable attention in the first chapter is paid to the formulation of initial boundary value problems for surfaces of the concentration level in the case of directed diffusion processes, when there is a one-to-one correspondence between concentration and one of the spatial coordinates. The monotonic dependence c = c(x,y, z,t) on z allows us to transform the differential equation, the initial and boundary conditions of the problem for the concentration field into a differential equation and the corresponding additional conditions for the field of its level surfaces z = z(x,y,c ,t) .This is achieved by differentiating inverse functions, resolving the equation of a known surface S:<$>(x,y,z,t) = 0 functions, resolution of the equation of the known surface S: y, z, t) = 0 -» z = zs (x, y, t) and inverse pro-

reading the identity c(x,y,r5^)=c(x,y^). Differential equation (1) for C is then transformed into an equation for r - Ar - r, - /(c)rc,

where Ar = Ym(K-Ugg)-

Yr = rx1 + r y] + k,

When moving from independent variables x, y, z to independent variables x, y, c, the physical domain is transformed into a non-physical domain limited by part

the plane c=O, into which the free surface Г goes, and the generally free unknown surface c=c(x,y,1), into which the known surface 5(1) goes.

In contrast to the operator cYu^ac1c of the direct problem, the operator A of the inverse problem is essentially nonlinear. The thesis proves the positivity of the quadratic equation corresponding to operator A

form +m]2 +y£2 -2a^ - 2/3m]^ and thus its ellipticity is established, which allows us to consider problems for it in this formulation. By integrating by parts, we obtained an analogue of Green's first formula for the operator A

c(x,y,1) c(0

jjdxdy |and Azdc-

We consider a problem with a free boundary for a concentration field c = c(x, y, 1,1), when the Dirichlet condition is specified on the surface £(£)

diviK.grayc) - c, = /(c) - c>, Re * > O c(P,0) = co(P), ReI(0),

c =

с = 0, K- = 0, PeY(t), t> О ôn

In this case, the transition relative to the level surface z = z(x,y,c,о) allowed us to get rid of the free surface c = c(x, y,t), since it is completely determined by the Dirichlet condition c(x,y,0 =

known area: Qc(i) :

Az = z, - (/(с) -w(z)]zc x,yeD(t), 0<с O, z(x,y,c,0) = Zq (x,y,c), x,ye D(t), (3)

z(x,y,c,t) = zs(x,y,c,t), c = c(x,y,t), x,y e D(t), t> 0, zc(x,y ,0,0 = -°°, x,yeD(t), t> 0,

Here we also examine the question of the uniqueness of the solution to problem (3).

The following theorem holds

Theorem 1. If the source function W = COïlSt, the sink function f(c) increases monotonically and /(o) = 0, then the solution to the Dirichlet problem (2) for level surfaces is positive and unique.

The third paragraph of the first chapter discusses the qualitative effects of diffusion processes accompanied by adsorption and chemical reactions. These effects cannot be described based on linear theory. If in the latter the propagation speed is infinite and thus there is no spatial localization, then the nonlinear models of diffusion with reaction under consideration, with the functional dependences of the turbulent diffusion coefficient K and the effluent density (kinetics of a chemical reaction) f on the concentration c established in the work, make it possible to describe the actually observed effects of co-reaction.

finite speed of spread, spatial localization and stabilization over a finite time (recreation) of pollutants. The work established that the listed effects can be described using the proposed models if there is an improper integral

¡K(w)~2dw< оо (4)

The corresponding (1) nonlocal initial-boundary value problem with d - O is considered

ffed^ 1 Ac), o o,

oz\ oz) at c(z,0) = 0, 0< z < то, /00 / \\\ct+f{c)\lzdt = -\Q{t)dt, t>0; 00 0 dc

c( ,t) = 0, K(c)- = 0, z =°o>0. dz

The stationary problem in coordinate-free form has the form: div(K(c) grade) = f(c) in Q \ P (0< с < да},

(.K(c)grad(c,n))+ac = 0 on S = dQf)dD, (5) c = 0, (K(c)grad(c,n)) = 0 on Г=(с = 0) = aoP£>, jff/(c)dv + afj cds = Q.

In a semi-neighborhood of the point P e G, the transition to the semi-coordinate form of notation made it possible to obtain the Cauchy problem

Divx(K(c)gradTc) = /(c) in (O (^<0),(6)

c = 0, K(c)- = 0.7 = 0.07

where 17 is the coordinate measured along the normal R to Γ at point P, and the other two Cartesian coordinates r, r2 lie in the tangent plane to Γ at point P. Since in o we can assume that c(r, r2 μ) weakly depends from tangential coordinates, that is

c(r,m2 Г]) = c(t]), then to determine c(//) from (6) the Cauchy problem follows

Ad- =/(c), g|<0,

c = o, ad-=0.7 = 0.

An exact solution to problem (7) is obtained.

77(s) = |l:(i>) 21 K(y)/(y)<ь (8)

o |_ 0 and the following theorem is proven

Theorem 2. A necessary condition for the existence of a spatially localized solution to the considered nonlocal problems with free boundaries is the existence of an improper integral (4).

In addition, it has been proven that condition (4) is necessary and sufficient for the existence of a spatially localized solution to the following nonlocal stationary problem with a free boundary:

0 < г < оо,

c(oo) = 0, DG(c)-= 0, g

that is, it takes place

Theorem 3. If the function f(c) satisfies the conditions f(c) = c2/M, V2 0, and K(c) is a continuous positive function, then for any Q> O a positive solution to the nonlocal boundary value problem (9) exists and is unique.

Here we also consider issues of environmental recreation in a finite time that are very important for practice. In the works of V.V. Kalashnikov (1974) and A.A. Samarsky (1982) with the help of comparison theorems, this problem is reduced to solving the differential inequality

- < -/(с), где с - пространственно однородное (т.е. не завися-dt

depending on the coordinate) solution. At the same time, the estimate for recreation time was obtained

In contrast to these approaches, the thesis made an attempt to obtain more accurate estimates that would take into account the initial distribution of the concentration of CD (x) and its carrier 5(0).

For this purpose, using a priori estimates obtained in the work, a differential inequality was found for the squared norm of the solution

from which follows a more accurate estimate for T

T< ,(1+/?жо)

where c is the root of the equation

"(1 -ru2lUg

2_0-/у с /2 =<р,

y(t) HkMI2 , s(0) = ~-p(l + /))c

The second chapter is devoted to the issues of modeling the processes of transfer and diffusion of passive impurities in stratified media. The starting point here is problem (1) with /(c) 3 O and the Dirichlet boundary condition or the nonlocal condition ct = div(K(p,t,c)gradc) - div(cü) + с in Q(t), t> ABOUT

с(р,0) = со(р) in OD,

c(p,t) = q>(p,t) on S(t) or jc(p,t)dv = Q(t), (13)

c(p,t) = O, (K(p,t,c)grad(c,n)) = 0 on Г(0) One-dimensional problems of turbulent diffusion are considered taking into account the dependence of the diffusion coefficient on scale, time and concentration. They represent local and nonlocal problems for the quasilinear equation

where K(g,(,c) =K0<р(()гтс1!; <р^) - произвольная функция;

K0, m and k are some constants. Particular solutions of this equation are sought by the method of separation of variables in the form

c(r,t) = f(t)B(rj), р>О,

where the functions /(/),5(r]),φ(/) and the parameter p are determined in the process of separating variables in (14). As a result, an ordinary differential equation for B(t]) was obtained

and presentations

c(r,t)^(t)f B(rj), =




C, - Cx and Cx = (t ^/equation (16) allows for exact

ny solutions depending on one arbitrary constant. The latter can be determined by satisfying certain additional conditions. In the case of the Dirichlet boundary condition

с(0.0 = В0[ф(0]У* (18)

an exact spatially localized solution was obtained in the case k>0,m<2:

t)0 = [v*K0(2 - t)p / k]P"(2~t\ p = pk + 2-t.

and the exact non-localized solution in the case of<0, т<2:

0<г<гф(0 , гД0<г<со


ABOUT< Г < 00. (20)

u = [k0(2-t)r/vU1|4"(2_t)5 R = 2-t-p\k[

Here= |f(t)s1t; gf (/) = . When k 0 from received-

ny solutions follows the solution of the linear problem

cM = vM) G/(1"t) exp[- g2- /(1 - t)gK^)\

which, for φ(() = 1 and m - 0, is transformed into the fundamental solution of the diffusion equation.

Exact solutions were also obtained in the case of instantaneous or permanently acting concentrated sources, when an additional nonlocal boundary condition of the form

Q =

where son is the area of ​​a unit sphere (i>1 = 2, eog = 27u, o)b = 4l").

The exact solutions found for k > O of the form (19) represent a diffusion wave propagating through an undisturbed medium with a finite speed. At k< 0 такой эффект пространственной локализации возмущения исчезает.

where K(r,x,c) = KcK(x)gtsk, ô(r)~ Dirac delta function; Q-source power. The interpretation of the coordinate X as time / also made it possible to obtain exact partial solutions for (22)

0<г <гф(х), Гф(х)<Г< 00,

" 2Скг(2 + 2к)Кь ko

lky(2 + 2ku

Solution (23) makes it possible in principle to describe the spatial localization of a diffusion disturbance. In this case, the front of the diffusing wave is determined, separating the regions with zero and non-zero concentrations. For k -> 0, it implies the well-known Roberts solution, which, however, does not allow one to describe spatial localization.

The third chapter of the dissertation is devoted to the study of specific problems of diffusion with reaction in a stratified air environment, which is the following one-dimensional problem with a free boundary.

theirx~u1=/(u)> 0< лт < £(/), />0,

u(x,0) = u0(x), 0<х< 5(0), (24)

their -II = ~)r<р, х = 0, ¿>0,

u- 0, their= 0, x = ¿>0.

A numerical and analytical implementation of problem (24) was carried out, based on the Rothe method, which made it possible to obtain the following approximation of the problem in the form of a system of boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations with respect to the approximate value u(x) = u(x^k), and

u(x) = u(x,1k_)):

u"-t~1u = ir - r"1u, 0< дг <

u"-Ui = -bср, x = 0, (25)

n(l) = 0 n"O) = 0.

The solution to problem (25) is reduced to the nonlinear Volterra integral equations

u(x) - l/t ¡зИ-^

For numerical calculations, solving (26), (27) using finite-dimensional approximation is reduced to finding solutions to a system of nonlinear algebraic equations with respect to the nodal values ​​u] = u(x]) a sj.

Problems with free boundaries in the problem of pollution and self-purification of the atmosphere by point sources are also considered here.

by precisionists. In the absence of an adsorbing surface S(t) (mesS = 0) in the case of flat, cylindrical or point sources of pollution, when the concentration depends on one spatial coordinate - distance to the source and time, the simplest one-dimensional nonlocal problem with a free boundary is obtained


1 d f „_, 8 s

g""1 dg( dgu

c(r,0) = 0, 0< г < (0) (28)

с(r,0 = 0, - = 0, r = gf(0, t> 0;

2--- = xx~rir, 0<л 0,

I 1 T + - \QiDdt (29)

The solution to problem (28), (29) was constructed using the Rothe method in combination with the method of nonlinear integral equations.

By transforming the dependent and independent variables, the nonlocal problem with a free boundary about a point source is reduced to canonical form

u(x,0) = 0, 0<л; <5(0), (5(0) = 0), (30)

m(5(g),g) = m;s(5(g),g) = 0, g>0

In particular cases, exact solutions of the corresponding nonlocal stationary problems with a free boundary for the Emden-Fowler equation are obtained

■ xx~ßuß, 0

u(s) = ux($) = 0, Jjf2 pußdx = q

] = (1 / 6)(2 s + x)(s -x)r, where

Along with the Rothe method in combination with the method of integral equations, the solution to the non-stationary problem (31) is constructed by the method of equivalent linearization. This method essentially uses the construction of a solution to a stationary problem. As a result, the problem is reduced to the Cauchy problem for an ordinary differential equation, the solution of which can be obtained by one of the approximate methods, for example, the Runge-Kutta method.

1. Berezovsky A.A., Doguchaeva S.M. Spatial localization and stabilization in diffusion processes with reaction //Dopovda HAH Decoration. -1998. -No. 2. -WITH. 1-5.

2. Berezovsky N.A., Doguchaeva S.M. Stefan's problems in the problem of pollution and self-purification of the environment by point sources // Nonlinear boundary value problems of mathematical physics and their applications. - Kyiv: Institute of Mathematics HAH of Ukraine, 1995. -

3. Berezovska JI.M., Doguchaeva S.M. D1r1hle problem for the top r1vrya of the concentration field // Mathematical methods in scientific and technical advances - Kshv: Institute of Mathematics HAH Ukrashi, 1996.-P.9-14.

4. Berezovsky A.A., Doguchaeva S.M. Mathematical model of obstruction and self-purification of the otuchuny middle point by point dzherel //Problems with free boundaries and nonlocal problems for nonlinear parabolic equations. - Kyiv: Institute of Mathematics HAH of Ukraine, 1996. P.13-16.

5. Doguchaeva S.M. Free boundary problems in environmental problems // Nonlinear boundary value problems Math. physics and their applications - Kyiv: Inst. Mathematics HAH of Ukraine, 1995.-

6. Doguchaeva Svetlana M., Berezovsky Arnold A. Mathematical models of scattering, decomposition and sorption of gas, smoke and other kinds of pollution in a turbulent atmosphere // International Conference Nonlinear Differential Eguations, Kiev, August 21-27, 1995, p. 187.

7. Doguchaeva S.M. Spatial localization of solutions to boundary value problems for a degenerate parabolic equation in an environmental problem // Nonlinear boundary value problems Math. Physicists and their applications.-Kyiv: Institute of Mathematics HAH of Ukraine,

1996.-S. 100-104.

8. Doguchaeva S.M. One-dimensional Cauchy problem for level surfaces of the concentration field //Problems with free boundaries and nonlocal problems for nonlinear parabolic equations. -Kiev: Institute of Mathematics HAH of Ukraine, 1996 - P. 27-30.

9. Doguchaeva S.M. Qualitative effects of diffusion and mass transfer processes, accompanied by adsorption and chemical reactions // Nonlinear problems of differential equations and mathematical physics. -Kiev: Institute of Mathematics,

1997,-S. 103-106.

10. Doguchaeva S.M. Problems with free boundaries for a degenerate parabolic equation in the environmental problem //Dopovts HAH Decorations. - 1999. - No. 12 - P.28-29.



I. General characteristics of problems of mass transfer and diffusion with reaction.

I. Initial boundary value problems for level surfaces of the concentration field. Qualitative effects of diffusion processes accompanied by adsorption and chemical reactions.

I. Finite-time stabilization to stationary, spatially localized solutions.



A method for separating variables in a quasilinear parabolic diffusion and transport equation.

Exact solutions to problems of diffusion and transfer from concentrated, instantaneous and permanently acting sources in a medium at rest.



Rothe method and integral equations of the problem.

Problems with free boundaries in the problem of pollution and self-purification by a point source.


Introduction dissertation in mathematics, on the topic "Constructive methods for solving boundary value problems with free boundaries for nonlinear equations of parabolic type"

When studying nonlinear boundary value problems that describe the processes of pollution and recreation of the environment, reflecting, along with diffusion, adsorption and chemical reactions, Stefan-type problems with a free boundary and sources that significantly depend on the desired concentration field are of particular interest.

Nonlinear problems with free boundaries in environmental problems make it possible to describe the actually observed localization of environmental pollution (recreation) processes. The nonlinearity here is due to both the dependence of the turbulent diffusion tensor K and the pollution effluents / on the concentration c. In the first case, spatial localization is achieved due to degeneracy, when at c = O and K = 0. However, it occurs only at a given moment of time r and is absent at z.

The evolution of diffusion processes with reaction, stabilizing to limiting stationary states with clearly defined spatial localization, can be described by mathematical models with a special dependence of sinks /(c). The latter models the consumption of matter due to chemical reactions of fractional order, when /(c) = . In this case, regardless of the degeneracy of the diffusion coefficient, there is a spatiotemporal localization of the diffusion disturbance of the medium. At any moment of time /, the locally diffusion disturbance occupies a certain region 0(7), limited in advance by the previously unknown free surface Г(7). The concentration field c(p, /) in this case is a diffusion wave with a front Г(/), propagating through an undisturbed medium, where c = O.

It is quite natural that these qualitative effects can only be obtained on the basis of a nonlinear approach to modeling reaction processes.

However, this approach is associated with significant mathematical difficulties when studying the nonlinear problems with free boundaries that arise here, when a pair of functions must be determined - the concentration field c(p,t) and the free boundary Г(/) = ((p,t): c(p ,t) = O). Such problems, as already noted, belong to more complex, little-studied problems of mathematical physics.

Significantly less research has been carried out for boundary value problems with free boundaries due to their complexity, which is associated both with their nonlinearity and with the fact that they require a priori specification of the topological characteristics of the fields being sought. Among the works that consider the solvability of such problems, it is worth noting the works of A.A. Samarsky, O.A. Oleinik, S.A. Kamenomostkoy, etc. With some restrictions on given functions in the works of A.A. Berezovsky, E.S. Sabinina proved existence and uniqueness theorems for the solution of a boundary value problem with a free boundary for the heat equation.

Equally important is the development of effective methods for approximate solution of problems of this class, which will make it possible to establish functional dependencies of the main parameters of the process on the input data, making it possible to calculate and predict the evolution of the process under consideration.

Due to the rapid improvement of computer technology, effective numerical methods for solving such problems are increasingly being developed. These include the method of straight lines, the projection-grid method, developed in the works of G.I. Marchuk, V.I. Ogoshkov. Recently, the fixed field method has been successfully used, the main idea of ​​which is that a moving boundary is fixed and a part of the known boundary conditions is set on it, the resulting boundary value problem is solved, and then, using the remaining boundary conditions and the resulting solution, a new, more accurate position is found free boundary, etc. The problem of finding the free boundary is reduced to the subsequent solution of a number of classical boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations.

Since problems with free boundaries have not been fully studied, and their solution is associated with significant difficulties, their research and solution requires the involvement of new ideas, the use of the entire arsenal of constructive methods of nonlinear analysis, modern achievements of mathematical physics, computational mathematics and the capabilities of modern computing. technology. In theoretical terms, the questions of existence, uniqueness, positivity, stabilization, and spatiotemporal localization of solutions remain relevant for such problems.

The dissertation work is devoted to the formulation of new problems with free boundaries that model the processes of transport and diffusion with the reaction of polluting substances in environmental problems, their qualitative study and, mainly, the development of constructive methods for constructing approximate solutions to such problems.

The first chapter provides a general description of diffusion problems in active media, that is, media in which effluents significantly depend on concentration. Physically based restrictions on flows are indicated, under which the problem is reduced to the following problem with free boundaries for a quasilinear parabolic equation: с, = div(K(p, t, с) grade) - div(cu) - f (с)+ w in Q (/) ,t> 0, c(p,0) = e0(p) in cm c)grade, n)+ac = accp on S(t), c)gradc,n) = 0 on Г if) , where K(p,t,c) is the turbulent diffusion tensor; ü is the velocity vector of the medium, c(p,t) is the concentration of the medium.

Considerable attention in the first chapter is paid to the formulation of initial boundary value problems for surfaces of the concentration level in the case of directed diffusion processes, when there is a one-to-one correspondence between concentration and one of the spatial coordinates. The monotonic dependence of c(x,y,z,t) on z allows us to transform the differential equation, the initial and boundary conditions of the problem for the concentration field into a differential equation and the corresponding additional conditions for the field of its level surfaces - z = z(x,y,c, t). This is achieved by differentiating the inverse functions, resolving the equation of the known surface S: Ф (x,y,z,t)=0->z=zs(x,y,t) and reading the identity back with(x,y,zs, t)=c(x,y,t). Differential equation (1) for c is then transformed into an equation for z- Az=zt-f (c)zc, where

2 ^ Az=vT (K*t*)-[K-b Vz = lzx + jz +k, VT = V-k- . zc dz

When passing from independent variables x, y, z to independent variables x>y, c, the physical region Q(i) is transformed into the non-physical region Qc(/), limited by the part of the plane c = 0, into which the free surface Г passes, and free in in the general case, an unknown surface c=c(x,y,t), into which the known surface S(t) goes.

In contrast to the operator divKgrad ■ of the direct problem, operator A of the inverse problem is essentially nonlinear. The thesis proves the positivity of the quadratic form e+rf+yf-latf-lßrt corresponding to operator A, and thereby establishes its ellipticity, which allows us to consider formulations of boundary value problems for it. By integrating by parts, we obtained an analogue of Green's first formula for the operator A c(x,yt) c(t) cbcdy \uAzdc= Jdc d u(KVTz,n)iï- \\viyrv,VTz)dxdy

Vzf x,y,t) 0 c(x,y,t) - í *

We consider a problem with a free boundary for a concentration field c = c(x,y,z,1), when the Dirichlet condition div(Kgradc) - c, = /(c) - Re g c(P,0) = c0 is specified on the surface (P), ReShto), c = (p(p,0, ReB^), ¿>0, (2)

ReG(4 ¿>0. s = 0, K- = 0, dp

In this case, the transition relative to the level surface r = r(x,y,c^) allowed us to get rid of the free surface c=c(x,y,?), since it is completely determined by the Dirichlet condition c(x,y^) = d >(x,y,rx(x,y^),O- As a result, the following initial-boundary value problem for a strongly nonlinear parabolic operator^ - - in a time-varying but already known domain C2c(0:<9/

Az = z(~zc, x,yED(t), 0 0, z(x,y,c,0) = z0(x,y,c), x,y,sePc(O), z(x, y,c,t) = zs (x, y, c, t), c = c(x, y, t), X, y G D(t), t > 0, zc(x,y,0,t)=-co, x,y&D(t), t> 0 .

Here we also study the question of the uniqueness of the solution to problem (3). Based on the obtained analogue of Green's first formula for the operator A, taking into account the boundary conditions after elementary but rather cumbersome transformations using Young's inequality, the monotonicity of the operator A on the solutions zx and z2 of the problem is established

Ar2 - Ar1)(r2 -)(bcc1us1c< 0 . (4)

On the other hand, using the differential equation, boundary and initial conditions it is shown that

The resulting contradiction proves the uniqueness theorem for the solution of the Dirichlet problem for concentration level surfaces c(x,y,t)

Theorem 1. If the source function w is const, the sink function f(c) increases monotonically and /(0) = 0, then the solution to the Dirichlet problem (2) for level surfaces is positive and unique.

The third paragraph of the first chapter discusses the qualitative effects of diffusion processes accompanied by adsorption and chemical reactions. These effects cannot be described based on linear theory. If in the latter the speed of propagation is infinite and thus there is no spatial localization, then the nonlinear models of diffusion with reaction under consideration, with the functional dependences of the coefficient of turbulent diffusion K and the density of effluents (kinetics of chemical reactions) / on concentration c established in the work, make it possible to describe the actually observed effects of a finite speed of propagation , spatial localization and stabilization over a finite time (recreation) of pollutants. The work established that the listed effects can be described using the proposed models if there is an improper integral with w 1

K(w)dzdt = -\Q(t)dt, t>0;

00 dc с(сс^) = 0,К(с)- = 0, z = oo,t>0. dz

The stationary problem in coordinate-free form has the form div(K(c)grade) = f(c) in Q\P (0< с < оо},

K(cgradc,n)) + ac = 0 on 5 = 5Q П Ж, (7) с = 0, (К(с) grade,п) = 0 on Г s (с = 0) = dQ. P D,

JJJ/(c)dv + cds = q. a s

In a semi-neighborhood with eQ of the point Pe Г, the transition to the semi-coordinate form of notation made it possible to obtain the Cauchy problem drj

K(c) dc dt] divT (K(c)gradTc) = f(c) in co rj<0

8) dc c = 0, K(c)~ = 0.77 = 0,

OT] where m] is the coordinate measured along the normal to Γ at point P, and the other two Cartesian coordinates m1, m2 lie in the tangent plane to Γ at point P. Since in co we can assume that c(m1, m2, g/) weakly depends on the tangential coordinates, that is, c(tx, t2,1]) = c(t]), then to determine c(t]) from (8) the Cauchy problem drj drj f(c), TJ follows< О, dc c = 0, K(c) - = 0,77 = 0. drj

An exact solution to the problem has been obtained (9)

77(s)= redo 2 s [ o s1m?< 00 (10) и доказана следующая теорема

Theorem 2. A necessary condition for the existence of a spatially localized solution to the nonlocal problems with free boundaries under consideration is the existence of an improper integral (b).

In addition, it has been proven that condition (6) is necessary and sufficient 1 for the existence of a spatially localized solution to the following one-dimensional stationary problem with a free boundary r(c), 0<г<со,

00 O tsk = ^- si) o 2 c1c c(oo) = 0, K(c)- = 0, g = oo, c1g that is, it takes place

Theorem 3. If the function /(c) satisfies the conditions f(c) = c ^ , ^< // < 1, при с-» О, а К{с)-непрерывная положительная функция, то при любом д>0 a positive solution to the nonlocal boundary value problem (11) exists and is unique.

Here we also consider issues of environmental recreation in a finite time that are very important for practice. In the works of V.V. Kalashnikov and A.A. Samarsky, using comparison theorems, this problem is reduced to solving the differential inequality -< -/(с), где с - пространственно однородное (т.е. не зависящие от коей1 ординаты) решение.

At the same time, for recreation time the estimate w

T<]. ск х)

In contrast to these approaches, the thesis made an attempt to obtain more accurate estimates that would take into account the initial distribution of concentration co (x) and its carrier “(0). For this purpose, using a priori estimates obtained in the work, a differential inequality was found for the squared norm of the solution Ж

13) from which a more accurate estimate for T t follows<

1+ /?>(())] where c is the root of the equation

Уг^-Р)/ с /1 =(р, = КМГ > = ^-Ш+Р)^1 ■

The second chapter is devoted to the issues of modeling the processes of transfer and diffusion of passive impurities in stratified media. The starting point here is problem (1) with /(c) = 0 and the Dirichlet boundary condition or nonlocal condition c, = (I\(K(p,T,c)%gys)-<И\{сй) + а>in 0(0, t>0 с(р,0) = с0(р) in 0(0),

C(P>*) = φ(р,0 on or = ()((), с(р, Г) = 0, (К(р^, с)%?аес,н) = 0 on Г(Г ).

One-dimensional problems of turbulent diffusion are considered, taking into account the dependence of the diffusion coefficient on scale, time and concentration. They represent local and nonlocal problems for the quasilinear ds equation

1 d dt g"-1 dg p-\

K(r,t,c) ds dg p = 1,2,3,

16) where K(r,t,c) = K0(p(t)rmck;

17) where the functions and parameter p are determined in the process of separating variables in (16). As a result, we obtained an ordinary differential equation for B(t]) at] and the representation

Оn+m+p-2)/pBk £® drj

C.B-ij-dtl, oh

For two values ​​of an arbitrary constant C( - C, = and

С1 = ^Ур equation (18) allows exact solutions depending on one arbitrary constant. The latter can be determined by satisfying certain additional conditions. In the case of the Dirichlet boundary condition c(0,0 = B0[f^)]"p/p (20), an exact spatially localized solution is obtained in the case k > 0, m< 2:

2-t Gf\h;

L/k 0<г <гф(/),

Oh, gf(/)<г< оо,

Vd^0(2-m\ p = pk + 2-m, and the exact non-localized solution in the case of k<0, т <2:

1/k 0< г < 00.

22) = [k^2 - t)/?/^1 p = 2-t- p\k\.

Here f(1) = \(p(r)yt; gf (/) = [^(O]^ o

For k -» 0, from the obtained solutions follows the solution of the linear problem c(r,0 = VySht-t) exp[- /(1 - m)2k0f(1)\, which, for f(1) = 1 and m = 0, is transformed into the fundamental solution of the diffusion equation.

Exact solutions were also obtained in the case of instantaneous or permanently acting concentrated sources, when an additional nonlocal boundary condition of the form

23) where o)n is the area of ​​the unit sphere (co1 = 2, a>2 = 2i, a>3 = 4z).

The found exact solutions for k >0 of the form (21) represent a diffusion wave propagating through an undisturbed medium with a finite speed. At k< О такой эффект пространственной локализации возмущения исчезает.

Problems of diffusion from constantly acting point and linear sources in a moving medium are considered, when a quasi-linear equation is used to determine the concentration

Vdivc = -^S(r),

24) where K(g,x,s) = K0k(x)gtsk, 8(g) is the Dirac delta function, O is the power of the source. The interpretation of the coordinate x as time/ also made it possible here to obtain exact partial solutions to a nonlocal problem of the form (21) r 2/(2+2 k) 2 o, 1


Mk 0<г<гф (х), Ф

2С2 (2 + 2к)К0 к

Solution (25) makes it possible in principle to describe the spatial localization of a diffusion disturbance. In this case, the front of the diffusing wave is determined, separating the regions with zero and non-zero concentrations. For k -» 0, it implies the well-known Roberts solution, which, however, does not allow one to describe spatial localization.

The third chapter of the dissertation is devoted to the study of specific problems of diffusion with reaction in a stratified air environment, which is the following one-dimensional problem with a free boundary uxx-ut = / (u), 0< х < s(t), t>O, u(x,0) = Uq(X), 0< х < 5(0), (26) ux-hu = -h(p, х = 0, t >0, u = 0, their = 0, x = s(t), t > 0.

A numerical-analytical implementation of problem (26) was carried out, based on the Rothe method, which made it possible to obtain the following seven-digit approximation of the problem in the form of a system of boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations with respect to the approximate value u(x) = u(x,1k), and 5 =) V u(x)-u(x^k1): V u"-m~xy = y - m~1 u, 0< х < 5, и"-ки = х = 0, (27) ф) = 0 |ф) = 0.

Solution (27) is reduced to nonlinear integral equations of the Volterra type and a nonlinear equation for x = 0 5 u(x) ~ 4m [i/r-^--* s/r + k^tek -¿r n V l/ g l/g

0 < X < 5, к(р.

For numerical calculations, solving system (28) using finite-dimensional approximation is reduced to finding solutions to a system of nonlinear algebraic equations with respect to the nodal values ​​and. = u(x)) and i-.

Problems with free boundaries in the problem of pollution and self-purification of the atmosphere by point sources are also considered here. In the absence of an adsorbing surface 5(0 (tie&3 = 0) in the case of flat, cylindrical or point sources of pollution, when the concentration depends on one spatial coordinate - the distance to the source and time, the simplest one-dimensional nonlocal problem with a free boundary is obtained

-- = /(s), 0<г<гф(О,/>0, dt gp~x 8g \ 8g, f,0) = 0, 0<г<гф (0) (29) 5с с(г,0 = 0, - = 0, г = гф(0, ^>0; ah

1 I bg + /(c) Г~1£/г=- (30) о о ^ ; ^

The construction of a solution to problem (29), (30) was carried out by the Rothe method in combination with the method of nonlinear integral equations.

By transforming the dependent and independent variables, the nonlocal problem with a free boundary about a point source is reduced to the canonical form<х<^(г), г>0,

5l:2 8t u(x,0) = 0, 0< л; < 5(0), (5(0) = 0), (31) м(5(г),т) = мх(5(т),т) = 0,

Pmg + = d(r), m > 0, containing only one function defining the function d(r).

In particular cases, exact solutions of the corresponding nonlocal stationary problems with a free boundary for the Emden-Fowler equation with 12 and 1 in l are obtained

2=х иН, 0<Х<5, с!х ф) = м,(5) = 0, \х1~/*и1*сЬс = 4. (32) о

In particular, when /? = 0 m(l:) = (1/6)(25 + x)(5-x)2, where* = (Зз)1/3.

Along with the Rothe method, in combination with the method of nonlinear integral equations, the solution to the nonstationary problem (32) is constructed by the method of equivalent linearization. This method essentially uses the construction of a solution to a stationary problem. As a result, the problem is reduced to the Cauchy problem for an ordinary differential equation, the solution of which can be obtained by one of the approximate methods, for example, the Runge-Kutta method.

The following results are submitted for defense:

Study of qualitative effects of spatiotemporal localization;

Establishing the necessary conditions for spatial localization to limiting stationary states;

Theorem on the uniqueness of the solution to a problem with a free boundary in the case of Dirichlet conditions on a known surface;

Obtaining by separation of variables exact spatially localized families of partial solutions of degenerate quasilinear parabolic equations;

Development of effective methods for the approximate solution of one-dimensional non-stationary local and non-local problems with free boundaries based on the application of the Rothe method in combination with the method of integral equations;

Obtaining accurate spatially localized solutions to stationary diffusion problems with reaction.

Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic "Mathematical physics"

The main results of the dissertation work can be formulated as follows.

1. Qualitatively new effects of spatio-temporal localization have been studied.

2. The necessary conditions for spatial localization and stabilization to limiting stationary states have been established.

3. A theorem on the uniqueness of the solution to the problem with a free boundary in the case of Dirichlet conditions on a known surface is proven.

4. Using the method of separation of variables, exact spatially localized families of partial solutions of degenerate quasilinear parabolic equations were obtained.

5. Effective methods have been developed for the approximate solution of one-dimensional stationary problems with free boundaries based on the application of the Rothe method in combination with the method of nonlinear integral equations.

6. Exact spatially localized solutions to stationary problems of diffusion with reaction were obtained.

Based on the variational method in combination with the Rothe method, the method of nonlinear integral equations, effective solution methods have been developed with the development of algorithms and programs for numerical calculations on a computer, and approximate solutions of one-dimensional non-stationary local and non-local problems with free boundaries have been obtained, allowing one to describe spatial localization in pollution problems and self-purification of stratified water and air environments.

The results of the dissertation work can be used in formulating and solving various problems of modern natural science, in particular metallurgy and cryomedicine.


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Automated information technologies and mathematical models in socio-economic problems.

S. M. Doguchaeva

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor,

Financial University at

Government of the Russian Federation

G. Moscow


Social responsibility of entrepreneurship should help companies minimize the negative consequences of their production activities, take care of the introduction of new information technologies and improve employee health. Modern innovative development of the Russian economy requires the formation of a socio-economic model in which the state, taking into account the characteristics of the territory, acts in the interests of the whole society, and not just big business

Key words:

Information systems, socio-economic problems, mathematical models, cloud technologies, innovative development.

Problems of organization of information security in the cloud different economic activities

Doguchaeva Svetlana Magomedovna

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical

Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Finance University.

Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute (Moscow)


Social responsibility of business should help companies minimize the negative effects of their production activities, caring for the introduction of new information technologies and improve the health of the employees. Modern innovative development of the Russian economy requires the formation of a socio-economic model in which the state, given the characteristics of the territory, acts in the interests of the whole society, not just big business.

Key words:

Information systems, social and economic problems, mathematical models,Cloud technology, innovative development.

Russian economic science objectively compares its experience of reform and the choice of the path that the social economy should take at the stage of its modernization and transformation into an innovative one, allowing the system of knowledge to be raised to a new level and strengthen the possibilities of applying theory to practice. With the transition to an information and social economy, the popularity of information processing and company management systems has increased significantly. At this stage, coordinated activities of all participants in the socio-economic process based on mutual trust are necessary.

Computer information technologies are processes in socio-economic problems, consisting of clearly regulated rules for performing operations of varying degrees of complexity on data stored in the clouds. This work is more than relevant, because it addresses problems associated with water pollution precisely at the level at which significant attention should be paid to the socio-economic situation in the country.

In developed countries, the production of environmental equipment and technologies is one of the most profitable, so the socio-economic market is rapidly developing. Western European companies engaged in environmental business are successfully using modern trends in environmental policy to increase their profits. The essence of such changes is that both management and specialists must receive information almost instantly to analyze the situation.

The methodological basis of the study includes the following methods: system analysis, subject-object analysis, economic analysis, situational analysis, etc. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that socio-economic problems today are among the most important and global.

Diffusion processes occurring in the atmosphere and ocean represent a practically important problem in socio-economic research. In the context of the creation of a new economic and legal mechanism for environmental management, the possibilities of using a number of economic-mathematical models and information technologies to solve problems of industrial environmental management are being considered.

To solve socio-economic problems, the work considers mathematical models of absorption and oxidation processes in a stratified aquatic environment. New environmental technologies for purification and analysis of air and water environments are discussed in the work. Let us consider new formulations of such problems.

In the Black Sea there is a collection of various organic and inorganic substances with concentrations that are neutral in oxygen in water, consuming it and entering into oxidation reactions with it.

Relatively neutral include numerous organic substances, in particular organic carbon, as well as dissolved gases, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, methane, hydrogen sulfide. All of them diffuse throughout the depths of the Black Sea through the mechanisms of molecular and turbulent diffusion, are transported convectively (vertical rise or fall of water masses) and, most importantly, directly or through complex chains of intermediate reactions interact with oxygen. This leads to a decrease in the concentrations of both oxygen and the mentioned substances that react with it.

Modern practical economists and researchers note that currently, human influence on nature is reaching such a scale that natural regulatory mechanisms are no longer able to independently neutralize many of its undesirable and harmful consequences.

The nature of the reactions of neutral substances with oxygen is different. Their oxidation reaction leads either to the complete consumption of oxygen with large quantities of hydrogen sulfide, or to the disappearance of hydrogen sulfide. The discovery of hydrogen sulfide in the deep waters of the Black Sea led to the assumption of limited distribution of oxygen in depth. The expeditionary studies carried out made it possible to establish the lower limit of the vertical distribution of oxygen, which is an isooxygenic surface with zero concentration.

Basic diffusion, chemical and biological ideas about the dynamics of the process of redistribution of concentrations in depth are reduced to the following systems:



The boundaries of the coexistence layer are moving isosurfaces with zero concentrations and fluxes of hydrogen sulfide/isosulfide/ and oxygen/isooxygen/, respectively. Local elevations or depressions of interfaces are mainly determined by the water circulation pattern. In the centers of cyclonic gyres, a rise of isosurfaces is observed, and at their peripheries and in the centers of anticyclonic gyres, a deepening is observed.

The mechanism of distribution of oxygen and hydrogen sulfide is diffusion and is characterized by the coefficient of turbulent diffusion

Which periodically depends on time

Where and are the average and amplitude values,

– period of annual fluctuations.

And they are strongly dependent on depth.

In the top layer

Decreases monotonically to a certain minimum value in the halocline at a depth of 60 to 80 m, and then monotonically increases with depth.

These findings are important for assessing the socio-economic efficiency of environmental protection zones, because In Russia, all areas of the economy must be transformed into innovative ones in a relatively short time.

In the coexistence layer, turbulent diffusion takes place, accompanied by the oxidation reaction of hydrogen sulfide. The power of oxygen effluent consumed in this case is several times higher than the power of hydrogen sulfide effluent, where is the kinetics coefficient of the oxidation reaction.

Oxygen comes from the atmosphere, is formed as a result of photosynthesis and is consumed for biochemical consumption, the basis of which is the oxidation of hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide is formed as a result of the breakdown of organic matter, the activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria, and possibly comes from the seabed.

A quantitative description of the dynamics of these problems is associated with methodological, informational and algorithmic difficulties.

The main role is played by the optimal estimates obtained in this work, which express the efficiency of resource use, the comparative efficiency of the objects of the system being optimized, which are included in solving problems of economic and mathematical modeling using IT infrastructure.

The power of oxygen sources decreases with depth according to an exponential law and has a clearly defined annual cycle. Since the maximum depths at which photosynthesis still occurs do not exceed 60-70 m, there are no sources of oxygen below these depths, that is.

Similarly, it can be assumed that the decomposition of organic substances occurs below the upper boundary of the coexistence layer, and the power of hydrogen sulfide sources

Changes periodically throughout the year.

In the general case, to determine oxygen concentration fields

And hydrogen sulfide,

We arrive at a non-stationary Stefan type problem.


The region in terms of spatial variables occupies the entire volume of the Black Sea.

In the area

Turbulent diffusion of oxygen occurs

– area of ​​diffusion and reaction of oxygen and hydrogen sulfide,

Region of turbulent diffusion of hydrogen sulfide.

Here, is a flat area occupied by the surface of the sea,

The surface of the sea bottom,

Zero concentrations of isosulfide and isooxygen to be determined.

When conducting research in this area, previously studied new eco-technologies materials from scientific and practical seminars on social economics, conferences and symposiums on the problem of IT systems in Russia were used.

Today, Russia, more than ever, needs a new economic idea that will not only consolidate society, intellectual and material resources, but will also lead to a real increase in the competitiveness of the national economy and its sustainable development in the future.

The main problem that needs to be solved today is to build effective management of research and development as processes of generating innovative knowledge using the new technological capabilities of our time.

Lately there has been a lot of talk about “Ecological clouds”, about working in an environmentally friendly environment. Companies that choose the cloud can achieve a cumulative carbon footprint reduction of at least 30% compared to running the same applications on their own IT infrastructure.

At international conferences, the problem of the “Green” economy is also discussed, related to the development of environmentally sustainable projects in companies, and one of these important problems concerns the difficulties in collecting initial data, calculating electricity consumption and carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, that is, the “New Green Deal” "

During the conference IDC IT Security Road show 2015, which will take place on September 10 in Moscow, there will be an opportunity not only to get acquainted with the products of leading global and domestic manufacturers proposed to solve these problems, but also to discuss with experts the most pressing issues of providing “Green” IT structures for solving socio-economic problems in Russia., B Many issues of the widespread distribution of cloud and virtual infrastructures, as well as the widespread use of mobile access to corporate resources, and modern solutions for ensuring the security of cloud and virtual infrastructures will be considered.

Formally, the cloud services market in Russia is growing at a faster pace than the global industry. Its dynamics are estimated at 40–60% against the global 20–25%. According to IDC forecasts, the segment will reach $1.2 billion in 2015. Orange Business Services believes that the share of cloud services and related related services will reach 13% in the total volume of the entire Russian IT services market by 2016.

When building data centers (data centers), many companies now use the latest “green” technologies: an intelligent building management system (BMS) allows for round-the-clock monitoring of current parameters in order to more efficiently use energy and increase safety.

One of the main socio-economic tasks of our time is the training of specialists in the field of information technology and processing of data results using new hardware and software. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the scientific work of Russian and foreign specialists in the socio-economic sphere, applied research into the features of the process of development of IT services.

To overcome the environmental and socio-economic crisis in Russia, serious decisions are being made, but the most critical sections of the path must be covered. They will decide whether Russia will emerge from the crisis or remain in the abyss of environmental ignorance and unwillingness to be guided by the fundamental laws of the development of the biosphere and the limitations arising from them. One of the priority tasks of environmental policy in Russia is the analysis of statistical information on cost indicators characterizing the scale of environmental protection measures, the flow of financial resources, the effectiveness of decisions made, etc. This will require a restructuring of science and technology in their relationship to nature, thereby ensuring the greening of social development and environmental competence, including innovative means of instrumental pollution control. Leading service provider.

  • Doguchaeva S.M. Mathematical methods and models in the system of influence of natural environmental factors // International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research - M.: “Academy of Natural Sciences”. - No. 7, 2014. – P. 14-19.
  • Doguchaeva S.M. Analysis of the socio-economic efficiency of capital investments in new cloud computer technologies // Electronic scientific journal “Management of Economic Systems” // URL: - No. 12, 2014. – P.78-79.
  • Doguchaeva S.M. Problems of organizing information support in a cloud environment for various types of economic activity // Electronic scientific journal “Management of Economic Systems” // URL: http: http:www.. – P.32-33.
  • Doguchaeva S.M. New development processes for determining the environmental and economic value of natural resources // International Technical and Economic Journal. - M: 2013 No. 6. - P.74-78.
  • Doguchaeva S.M. Systematic approach to economic and mathematical modeling // Scientific results of 2013: achievements, projects, hypotheses. - Novosbirsk: 2013. – P.167-172.
  • Doguchaeva S.M. The influence of economic and information factors on the innovative activity of enterprises. // International technical and economic journal. - M: 2014 No. 6.- P.12-15.
  • Introduction to the work

    Relevance of the topic. When studying nonlinear boundary value problems that describe the processes of pollution and recreation of the environment, reflecting, along with diffusion, adsorption and chemical reactions, Stefan-type problems with a free boundary and sources that significantly depend on the desired concentration field are of particular interest. In theoretical terms, the issues of existence, uniqueness, stabilization and spatial localization of solutions remain relevant for such problems. In practical terms, the development of effective numerical and analytical methods for solving them seems especially important.

    The development of effective methods for approximate solution of problems of this class makes it possible to establish functional dependencies of the main parameters of the process on the input data, making it possible to calculate and predict the evolution of the process under consideration.

    Among the works that consider the solvability of Stefan-type problems with a free boundary, noteworthy are the works of A.A. Samarsky, O.A. Oleinik, S.A. Kamenomostkoy, L.I. Rubenstein and others.

    Purpose of the work. The purpose of this dissertation is to study problems with free boundaries in a new formulation that models the processes of transfer and diffusion, taking into account the reaction of pollutants in environmental problems; their qualitative research and, mainly, the development of constructive methods for constructing approximate solutions to the problems posed.

    General research methods. The results of the work were obtained using the Birkhoff method of separation of variables, the method of nonlinear integral equations, the Rothe method, as well as the equivalent linearization method

    Scientific novelty and practical value. Statements of problems such as the Stefan problem studied in the dissertation are considered for the first time. For this class of problems, the following main results were obtained for defense:

      Qualitatively new effects of spatio-temporal localization have been studied

      The necessary conditions for spatial localization and stabilization to limiting stationary states have been established,

      A theorem on the uniqueness of the solution to the problem with a free boundary in the case of Dirichlet conditions on a known surface is proven.

      Using the method of separation of variables, exact spatially localized families of partial solutions of degenerate quasilinear parabolic equations are obtained.

      Effective methods have been developed for the approximate solution of one-dimensional stationary problems with free boundaries based on the application of the Rothe method in combination with the method of nonlinear integral equations.

      Exact spatially localized solutions to stationary diffusion problems with reaction are obtained.

    The results of the dissertation work can be applied in formulating and solving various problems of modern natural science, in particular metallurgy and cryomedicine, and seem to be very effective methods for forecasting, for example, the air environment.

    Approbation of work. The main results of the dissertation were reported and discussed at the seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics and Theory of Nonlinear Oscillations of the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Department of Mathematical Physics of Taras Shevchenko University of Kiev, at the International Conference "Nonlinear Problems of Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics" (August 1997, Nalchik), at seminar of the Faculty of Mathematics of Kabardino-Balkarian State University on mathematical physics and computational mathematics.

    Structure and scope of work. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a list of cited literature containing 82 titles. Scope of work: