Latest advances in medicine. Modern innovative technologies of medicine

Medicine does not stand still, and every year scientists find ways to treat more and more complex diseases. Experts have already been able to develop prostheses that help people move fully, have learned to control mass epidemics, treat early stages of cancer, and have improved the practice of internal organ transplantation. Almost any disease is now under the control of modern doctors.

2016 was no exception. During these 12 months, scientists around the world managed to make many discoveries and conduct hundreds of successful experiments. We invite you to remember the most important achievements of doctors this year.

1. Stem cells helped recover from a stroke.

This year, for the first time, scientists managed to put people with paralyzed limbs back on their feet. The experiment by specialists from Stanford University School of Medicine involved 18 people (11 women and 7 men) aged from 33 to 75 years. All of them had suffered a stroke several years before the start of the experiment and had difficulty walking or could not walk at all. Someone's speech was impaired.

During the experiment, doctors injected stem cells into the brains of volunteers. These cells were genetically modified to contain a gene called Notch1. It activates processes that ensure the formation and development of the brain in young children.

Immediately after surgery, some patients experienced side effects: nausea, headache. However, after a few days it went away. But the results were not long in coming. Already in the first month, all volunteers showed positive changes in their well-being. And a year later, they were all able to get back on their feet, fully recover and continue living a full life.

2. Relieving diabetics from insulin injections

Scientists have learned to create artificial cells that are sensitive to sugar and capable of producing insulin. These beta cells are taken from kidney cells and enclosed in a special medical capsule. Scientists implanted it under the skin of experimental subjects, where it successfully released insulin into the body as needed.

So far, this experiment has only been tested on laboratory mice. But scientists are confident that in the future, if the success of the method in humans is confirmed, thanks to the new development, insulin diabetics will be able to completely avoid painful injections.

3. New cancer treatment technique

Thanks to the new technique, doctors were able to achieve remission in 90% of the patients participating in the studies (these were leukemia patients). This is the first time such a high recovery rate in late stages of cancer has been achieved.

In the experiment, white blood cells were extracted from the blood of leukemia patients, modified in the laboratory, and then returned to the bloodstream. Doctors took immune cells from volunteers that fight viruses or pathogenic intracellular microorganisms and genetically modified them artificially, and then returned them to the body.

This caused complications in some patients, but in 90% of volunteers the disease went into remission.

4. Invention of artificial leather

A team of researchers from Harvard Medical School and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has developed an invisible elastic film called artificial skin. Despite the fact that this film is synthetic, it imitates biological skin, is capable of transmitting air and moisture, and also has protective functions.

Experts believe that such a “second skin” could be used in the future to deliver certain types of drugs or to protect natural skin from sunlight. In addition, the film can be used in aesthetic medicine, as it allows you to tighten sagging skin without surgical intervention.

5. Discovery of the autophagy mechanism

And finally, one of the most exciting events was the presentation of the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the mechanism of autophagy. It was for this development that Yoshinori Ohsumi, a professor from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for 2016. The laureate discovered and described the process of removing and recycling damaged cell components. Thanks to this, the specialist assures, it will be possible to rid the body of waste components and rejuvenate it. The result of such a procedure will be the extension of human life (

The past year has been very fruitful for science. Scientists have made particular progress in the field of medicine. Humanity has made amazing discoveries, scientific breakthroughs and created many useful medicines, which will certainly soon be freely available. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the ten most amazing medical breakthroughs of 2015, which are sure to make a serious contribution to the development of medical services in the very near future.

Discovery of teixobactin

In 2014, the World Health Organization warned everyone that humanity was entering a so-called post-antibiotic era. And after all, she turned out to be right. Science and medicine have not really produced new types of antibiotics since 1987. However, diseases do not stand still. Every year new infections appear that are more resistant to existing medications. This has become a real world problem. However, in 2015, scientists made a discovery that they believe will bring dramatic changes.

Scientists have discovered a new class of antibiotics from 25 antimicrobial drugs, including a very important one called teixobactin. This antibiotic kills germs by blocking their ability to produce new cells. In other words, microbes under the influence of this drug cannot develop and develop resistance to the drug over time. Teixobactin has now proven highly effective in the fight against resistant Staphylococcus aureus and several bacteria that cause tuberculosis.

Laboratory tests of teixobactin were carried out on mice. The vast majority of experiments showed the effectiveness of the drug. Human trials are due to begin in 2017.

Doctors grew new vocal cords

One of the most interesting and promising areas in medicine is tissue regeneration. In 2015, the list of organs recreated artificially was supplemented with a new item. Doctors from the University of Wisconsin have learned to grow human vocal cords from virtually nothing.
A team of scientists led by Dr. Nathan Welhan has bioengineered tissue that can mimic the functioning of the mucous membrane of the vocal cords, namely, tissue that appears to be two lobes of the cords that vibrate to create human speech. The donor cells from which new ligaments were subsequently grown were taken from five volunteer patients. In laboratory conditions, scientists grew the necessary tissue over two weeks, and then added it to an artificial model of the larynx.

The sound created by the resulting vocal cords is described by scientists as metallic and compared to the sound of a robotic kazoo (a toy wind musical instrument). However, scientists are confident that the vocal cords they created in real conditions (that is, when implanted into a living organism) will sound almost like real ones.

In one of the latest experiments on laboratory mice with human immunity, researchers decided to test whether the rodents' body would reject the new tissue. Fortunately, this did not happen. Dr. Welham is confident that the tissue will not be rejected by the human body.

Cancer drug could help patients with Parkinson's disease

Tisinga (or nilotinib) is a tested and approved medicine that is commonly used to treat people with symptoms of leukemia. However, new research from Georgetown University Medical Center shows that the drug Tasinga may be a very powerful treatment for controlling motor symptoms in people with Parkinson's disease, improving their motor function and controlling non-motor symptoms of the disease.

Fernando Pagan, one of the doctors who led the study, believes that nilotinib therapy may be a first-of-its-kind effective treatment for reducing the decline of cognitive and motor function in patients with neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease.

Scientists gave increased doses of nilotinib to 12 volunteer patients over a six-month period. All 12 patients who completed this drug trial experienced improvement in motor function. 10 of them showed significant improvement.

The main objective of this study was to test the safety and harmlessness of nilotinib in humans. The dose of the drug used was much less than what is usually given to patients with leukemia. Despite the fact that the drug showed its effectiveness, the study was still conducted on a small group of people without the involvement of control groups. Therefore, before Tasinga is used as a therapy for Parkinson's disease, several more trials and scientific studies will have to be conducted.

World's first 3D printed ribcage

Over the past few years, 3D printing technology has been making its way into many areas, leading to amazing discoveries, developments, and new manufacturing methods. In 2015, doctors at the University Hospital of Salamanca in Spain performed the world's first operation to replace a patient's damaged rib cage with a new 3D printed prosthesis.

The man suffered from a rare type of sarcoma, and doctors had no other choice. To prevent the tumor from spreading further throughout the body, specialists removed almost the entire sternum from the person and replaced the bones with a titanium implant.

As a rule, implants for large parts of the skeleton are made from a variety of materials, which can wear out over time. In addition, replacing bones as complex as the sternum, which are typically unique to each individual case, required doctors to carefully scan a person's sternum to design the correct size implant.

It was decided to use titanium alloy as the material for the new sternum. After conducting high-precision 3D CT scans, the scientists used a $1.3 million Arcam printer to create a new titanium rib cage. The operation to install a new sternum in the patient was successful, and the person has already completed a full course of rehabilitation.

From skin cells to brain cells

Scientists from the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California, have spent the past year studying the human brain. They have developed a method for transforming skin cells into brain cells and have already found several useful applications for the new technology.

It should be noted that scientists have found a way to turn skin cells into old brain cells, which makes them easier to further use, for example, in research into Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases and their relationship with the effects of aging. Historically, animal brain cells have been used for such research, but scientists have been limited in their capabilities.

Relatively recently, scientists have been able to turn stem cells into brain cells that can be used for research. However, this is a rather labor-intensive process, and the resulting cells are not capable of imitating the functioning of the brain of an elderly person.

Once researchers developed a way to artificially create brain cells, they turned their efforts to creating neurons that would have the ability to produce serotonin. And although the resulting cells have only a tiny fraction of the capabilities of the human brain, they actively help scientists research and find cures for diseases and disorders such as autism, schizophrenia and depression.

Birth control pills for men

Japanese scientists from the Research Institute for Microbial Diseases in Osaka have published a new scientific paper, according to which in the near future we will be able to produce actually working contraceptive pills for men. In their work, scientists describe studies of the drugs Tacrolimus and Cixlosporin A.

Typically, these drugs are used after organ transplant surgery to suppress the body's immune system so that it does not reject the new tissue. The blockade occurs by inhibiting the production of the enzyme calcineurin, which contains the PPP3R2 and PPP3CC proteins normally found in male semen.

In their study on laboratory mice, scientists found that as soon as rodents do not produce enough PPP3CC protein, their reproductive functions are sharply reduced. This led researchers to the conclusion that insufficient amounts of this protein could lead to sterility. After more careful study, experts concluded that this protein gives sperm cells the flexibility and the necessary strength and energy to penetrate the egg membrane.

Testing on healthy mice only confirmed their discovery. Just five days of using the drugs Tacrolimus and Ciclosporin A led to complete infertility in mice. However, their reproductive function was fully restored just a week after they stopped receiving these drugs. It is important to note that calcineurin is not a hormone, so the use of drugs in no way reduces libido or excitability of the body.

Despite the promising results, it will take several years to create a real male birth control pill. About 80 percent of mouse studies are not applicable to human cases. However, scientists still hope for success, since the effectiveness of the drugs has been proven. In addition, similar drugs have already passed human clinical trials and are widely used.

DNA stamp

3D printing technologies have led to the emergence of a unique new industry - the printing and sale of DNA. True, the term “printing” here is rather used for commercial purposes, and does not necessarily describe what is actually happening in this area.

The executive director of Cambrian Genomics explains that the process is best described by the phrase “error checking” rather than “printing.” Millions of pieces of DNA are placed on tiny metal substrates and scanned by a computer, which selects those strands that will eventually make up the entire sequence of the DNA strand. After this, the necessary connections are carefully cut out with a laser and placed in a new chain, pre-ordered by the client.

Companies like Cambrian believe that in the future, people will be able to use special computer hardware and software to create new organisms just for fun. Of course, such assumptions will immediately cause the righteous anger of people who doubt the ethical correctness and practical benefits of these studies and opportunities, but sooner or later, no matter how much we want it or not, we will come to this.

Currently, DNA printing is showing some promising potential in the medical field. Drug manufacturers and research companies are among the early clients of companies like Cambrian.

Researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden went even further and began to create various figures from DNA chains. DNA origami, as they call it, may at first glance seem like simple pampering, however, this technology also has practical potential for use. For example, it can be used in the delivery of drugs into the body.

Nanobots in a living organism

The robotics field scored a big win in early 2015 when a team of researchers at the University of California, San Diego announced they had conducted the first successful tests using nanobots that performed their intended task while inside a living organism.

The living organism in this case was laboratory mice. After placing the nanobots inside the animals, the micromachines went to the rodents’ stomachs and delivered the cargo placed on them, which were microscopic particles of gold. By the end of the procedure, the scientists did not note any damage to the internal organs of the mice and, thus, confirmed the usefulness, safety and effectiveness of the nanobots.

Further tests showed that more gold particles delivered by nanobots remained in the stomachs than those that were simply introduced there with food. This has led scientists to believe that nanobots in the future will be able to deliver needed drugs into the body much more efficiently than with more traditional methods of administering them.

The motor chain of the tiny robots is made of zinc. When it comes into contact with the acid-base environment of the body, a chemical reaction occurs, resulting in the production of hydrogen bubbles, which propel the nanobots inside. After some time, the nanobots simply dissolve in the acidic environment of the stomach.

Although the technology has been in development for almost a decade, it wasn't until 2015 that scientists were able to actually test it in a living environment rather than in regular petri dishes, as has been done many times before. In the future, nanobots could be used to identify and even treat various diseases of internal organs by exposing individual cells to the desired drugs.

Injectable brain nanoimplant

A team of Harvard scientists has developed an implant that promises to treat a range of neurodegenerative disorders that lead to paralysis. The implant is an electronic device consisting of a universal frame (mesh), to which various nanodevices can later be connected after it is inserted into the patient’s brain. Thanks to the implant, it will be possible to monitor the neural activity of the brain, stimulate the work of certain tissues, and also accelerate the regeneration of neurons.

The electronic mesh consists of conducting polymer filaments, transistors or nanoelectrodes that interconnect intersections. Almost the entire area of ​​the mesh is made up of holes, allowing living cells to form new connections around it.

By the beginning of 2016, a team of scientists from Harvard was still testing the safety of using such an implant. For example, two mice were implanted into the brain with a device consisting of 16 electrical components. The devices have been successfully used to monitor and stimulate specific neurons.

Artificial production of tetrahydrocannabinol

For many years, marijuana has been used in medicine as a pain reliever and, in particular, to improve the conditions of cancer and AIDS patients. A synthetic substitute for marijuana, or more precisely its main psychoactive component tetrahydrocannabinol (or THC), is also actively used in medicine.

However, biochemists from the Technical University of Dortmund have announced the creation of a new type of yeast that produces THC. Moreover, unpublished data shows that these same scientists have created another type of yeast that produces cannabidiol, another psychoactive component of marijuana.

Marijuana contains several molecular compounds that interest researchers. Therefore, the discovery of an effective artificial way to create these components in large quantities could bring enormous benefits to medicine. However, the method of conventionally growing plants and then extracting the necessary molecular compounds is currently the most effective method. Up to 30 percent of the dry mass of modern marijuana varieties may contain the desired THC component.

Despite this, Dortmund scientists are confident that they will be able to find a more efficient and faster way to extract THC in the future. By now, the created yeast is re-grown on molecules of the same fungus, instead of the preferred alternative of simple saccharides. All this leads to the fact that with each new batch of yeast the amount of free THC component decreases.

In the future, scientists promise to optimize the process, maximize THC production and scale it up to industrial scale, ultimately satisfying the needs of medical research and European regulators who are looking for new ways to produce THC without growing marijuana itself.

At the same time, they are very fruitful. Scientists have made a number of scientific breakthroughs and created many useful medicines.

LJ Media invites you to familiarize yourself with new medical advances 2016.

Antibiotic Apocalypse

Back in the spring of 2016, the UK's Chief Medical Officer Sally Davis proclaimed the "Antibiotic Apocalypse" because bacteria were able to adapt to all new types of antibiotics and steel immune to them. This did not happen overnight, but the situation began to raise serious concerns. If nothing changes soon, it will be impossible to perform operations, the number of deaths from pneumonia will increase, childbirth will become dangerous, etc.

However, science did not stand still, and pleased new medical advances 2016. Using the example antibiotic rifampicin- an anti-tuberculosis drug, scientists at the University of Virginia were able to establish how it works mechanism for the body to get used to antibiotics and reduce their effectiveness.

And in Hong Kong, a group of scientists synthesized teixobactin, which can fight a number of pathogens, including the deadly methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, vancomycin-resistant enterococcus and mycobacterial tuberculosis.

However, you can fight bacteria not only with antibiotics. As scientists from Melbourne found out, peptide polymers can kill bacteria, resistant to all known types of antibiotics, without causing harm to the human body.

Antibiotic problem not resolved, but scientists hope the discovery could be the start new era in disease control that cannot be treated with medications.

Getting rid of HIV

Despite winning a protracted war with cancer medicine has not yet succeeded, scientists have achieved new medical advances 2016, having made a number of important discoveries in the fight against another, no less insidious, disease - HIV.

The case of complete recovery from HIV was recorded in the fall of 2016. Vaccine, which the 44-year-old Londoner received, helped the immune system detect infected cells so that it could then destroy them. Theoretically, this eliminates the possibility of the disease returning.

However, it is still too early to talk about the final victory over HIV. Even if it turns out that the first experiment was really successful, vaccine trials will continue for another 5 years.

American scientists also contributed to the treatment of HIV by developing antibodies capable of neutralizing 98% of virus strains. They have a long-lasting effect and can not only prevent the disease, but also treat it.

Ways have also been found to stop the spread melanoma, kidney cancer, reducing cell resistance to drugs pancreatic tumors.

Birth of the chimeras

DNA editing, which began its victorious march at the end of 2015, continued in full swing in 2016. Spanish scientists were able to reprogram skin cells and created human sperm from them to treat infertility. American - fully learned rewrite the genome of a living bacterium, which will make it possible to create organisms with hitherto unprecedented properties and cultivate immunity to viruses in them. They also discovered a mechanism for reversing the biological clock of human embryonic stem cells, which opens up unlimited prospects for transplantology - up to the cultivation of “spare” human organs in animal bodies(so-called genetic chimeras).

However, despite the fact that medicine has come very close to the ability to create artificial vessels, glands and tissues, growing full-fledged human organs in animal bodies, .

The law currently prohibits the cultivation of embryos chimeras(human-animal hybrids) for more than 28 days, after which the experiment must be stopped. This is what was done by geneticists at the University of California at Davis, who combined human stem cells and pig DNA.

2016 was the year instant diagnostics. Fewer and fewer people want to stand in line to get a referral for testing, and some, even if they want to, cannot get to a hospital with modern equipment. Wearable devices and nanotechnology have made it possible to create devices that identifying diseases quickly, by a drop of blood, saliva, tears and breath.

A nanobiosensor was created in Hong Kong for Diagnosis of influenza and Ebola fever. Using a smartphone, it has become possible to perform computer perimetry - determination of the boundaries of the field of view, an important test for diagnosis glaucoma.

And Israeli scientists have invented a device reminiscent of the tricorder from Star Trek - breath analyzer, which detects 17 diseases based on a single exhalation. It became possible to make a diagnosis even by voice.

Hopes for the future

We'll likely see even more next year medical gadgets and smartphone applications. The data collected from fitness trackers will become useful information, and not just a collection of meaningless information.

In turn genetic analysis for heredity will become a publicly available practice.

Technology will become more accurate, and healthcare legislation will help protect personal data from misuse.

Chatbots and AI will increasingly penetrate medical institutions and optimize their work. And maybe diabetics will be able to, finally, take advantage those numerous inventions (including the world's first artificial pancreas), which appeared in 2016, but have not yet reached patients.

Bill Gates, asked about the achievements of genetic engineering, stated that discoveries in the field of medicine will be incredible, but capabilities such as gene editing could lead to problems in the future.

Modern innovative technologies of medicine

Modern medicine is developing dynamically and rapidly. Its rapid perfection places this branch of science at the most advanced positions in world science and its new innovative trends. Undoubtedly, this is directly related to the social aspect of medicine itself. Medical innovations are increasingly influencing the quality of life of the population of planet Earth every day and hour.

Nowadays, many healthcare projects certainly belong only to the category of innovative medical technologies. We have long been accustomed to human organ transplantation, stem cell transplantation, and even heard of cloning processes. Today, modern innovative technologies restore health to tens of thousands of patients every day. In many ways, the state of affairs in the nation’s healthcare depends on the process of investing in the industry; it is worth noting that the supply of pharmaceuticals in Russia is almost six times less than in European countries and the USA, and the level of government support is also desirable to improve.

When considering innovation in medicine, it should be understood that these are modern technologies for the creation and use of pharmaceutical and diagnostic products, tools or techniques with the highest standard of competitiveness to existing analogues. Typically, the incentive to start an innovative project is a scientific discovery or achievement.

Based on all this, in the modern world medicine is entering a completely new trend of achievements and as a result we are experiencing an increase in human life expectancy and the very level of development of modern innovative technologies and assistance to the population, setting the main goal of a plan for the rational use of natural resources with the possibility of achieving goals of meeting the required human needs..

The development of medicine, in addition to investment processes, is supported by a huge number of enthusiasts who are driven not by monetary enrichment, but by the desire to see people’s lives joyful, long and easier.
Undoubtedly, we will also include the process of perfection of information technology as an innovative trend.

They came to the healthcare sector somewhat late. However, the massive introduction of IT into medicine gave rise to the emergence of a scientific branch of science - medical informatics. The foreign and Russian IT market is changing rapidly today. Appear modern innovative medicine technologies, capable of providing a breakthrough in the field of improving the health of the population of our planet. In particular, medical information technologies include the latest biochips-implants, medical applications, mobile diagnostic devices, software for electronic patient health records and other innovations inherent in modern science.

The rapid implementation of IT developments in improving the health of the population is due to the following reasons: reducing the cost of medical care in many countries, improving the quality of patient care, increasing the efficiency of medical staff, increasing the profitability of medical institutions.

Based on world experience, we can conclude that global information systems in healthcare are being built based on innovations from health care facilities (health care institutions). Experts identify three main trends in this direction: technological innovations open the way to new approaches in healthcare; joint patient management from the local doctor in the clinic through hospitals to rehabilitation is unthinkable without the growing electronic data exchange; The focus should shift from collecting treatment data to analyzing them. These modern innovative technologies are expected to play an important role in the medicine of the future. Healthcare Technology

To ensure the lives of patients, improve the professionalism of doctors and medical insurance agents, . In its foreign version it was called Healthcare Technology. Its main task is to provide professional medical care to the patient. Of great importance is the ability to interact with each other between doctors from different medical institutions through online symposia and conferences. This allows the attending physician to hear the opinion of more experienced colleagues and solve a complex problem without leaving the patient. This feature is very important for small, remote hospitals.

Another interesting area that the use of modern computer technologies in medicine allows is the cooperation of hospitals with pharmacies. If the prescription is not given to the patient in writing, but is sent directly to the pharmacy, from where the patient will buy the medicine, this will allow control over the purchase of the required drug and will reduce queues in pharmacy chains. In reality, Healthcare Technology innovation is developing successfully.

The development of the trend of modern computer technologies in Healthcare is facilitated, among other things, by government regulation in many countries of the world. International IT standards are IHE, HL7, DICOM systems. The technology for working with large volumes of information is considered promising. It is already used in medical program planning, clinical trials and bioinformatics. Mobile diagnostic devices Another evolutionary direction is mobile diagnostic devices. They can balance the number of doctors and the number of patients. This is especially important for regions where medical institutions are experiencing certain difficulties. The availability of individual medical devices is also important: tonometers, glucometers, scales, cardiographs, insulin injectors, etc. They should help carry out remote monitoring of the patient’s condition by connecting to smartphones and computers through interfaces standardized according to ISO and IEEE. Remote monitoring ensures a reduction in the patient’s time in hospital, tracking the dynamics of vital parameters after discharge, avoiding critical conditions and timely provision of advisory assistance.

At the same time, in our country, the massive introduction of telemedicine, mobile and hospital-replacing technologies is hampered by the lack of comprehensive information database management systems and the lack of an appropriate regulatory framework. And information interaction at all levels could significantly help both doctors and patients, often living in remote rural areas, where this would be especially important. Electronic patient health records.

One of the most popular features of modern computer technologies in medicine are electronic patient records. They ensure the concentration of all required information in a single common database for storing unique electronic data. For Russia, the formation of a full-fledged electronic patient health record through informatization of clinics, hospitals, laboratories and other medical institutions is a primary task. But healthcare informatization must occur globally, that is, at all levels. In addition, this system can reduce the mortality of patients in the active therapy and intensive care units. The development of streaming data processing technologies ensures the rapid development of methods for predicting conditions that threaten the patient’s health. This is done through real-time analysis of a large number of patient parameters. The use of innovative technologies of modern Healthcare will help optimize the distribution of human resources. Doctors and nurses, especially from small medical institutions located in remote regions of Russia, will be able to immediately receive the necessary information about the patient’s condition without wasting tons of paperwork. In addition, this will reduce the volume of paper medical reporting.

As for the costs of creating and implementing specialized software for the successful operation of medical institution personnel with information in digital format, they are significantly lower than the costs of the same actions with paper documents. Moreover, in this case, the efficiency of doctors’ work is significantly increased due to instant access to the necessary data. Types of software such as EMR, EHR, and PUR are used to record patient information electronically. All three types describe electronic patient records, electronic health records, and personal health records. The formats outlined are used to avoid confusion between users, healthcare providers, and other technology models. Companies providing medical services must implement a computerized treatment order (prescription order) for ordering medications and an electronic prescription to provide patients with online possible access to medical records. Having a single database can be of significant help during natural disasters, since doctors will have access to individual information about the health of victims, their blood type, chronic diseases, etc. In this case, microcomputers and wireless Internet will provide instant communication with a single base center and help maintain an up-to-date list of victims. Many doctors have begun to use tablet computers to record data on patients' conditions. Nexus 7, iPad, Nokia and other tablets of the appropriate format are ideal devices for working with patient electronic medical records. But intensive penetration of this tablet market will be influenced by various factors. The main one is the perfect comfortable ease of use of gadgets: an intuitive interface, simple entry of information, clear visibility of the results on the screen.

Problems of progress in the development of modern computer technologies in medicine.

Medical informatization also has its undesirable side. People who fight to control the storage of confidential patient information fear that hackers could break into existing information databases and gain access to disease descriptions and test results. Not a single company can resist the current actions of hackers. But if the proper level of security measures is followed, the risk of disclosing existing confidential information about the patient is reduced to almost zero.

Nowadays, anyone can receive advice on the Internet around the clock, have the opportunity to order an insurance policy online and receive clarification on insurance programs. Remote consultations will reduce the costs of re-hospitalization of patients with chronic diseases. But in order for the effect of informatization of medical organizations to be quickly felt by all user groups, it is necessary to use corporate clouds, their deep integration both among themselves and with other information systems used to manage the organization in the region, country, and with government service portals. Isolated systems, created even at the regional or national level, will not bring serious benefits to the health of the state as a whole. On the other hand, measures such as electronic appointment booking or viewing doctors' schedules can reduce queues at clinics. Another problem regarding IT developments in the field of medicine is the lack of a well-thought-out, effectively working legislative framework. For now, all existing documents are constantly being reorganized and improved. In conclusion, it should be said that at present, medical organizations are not only aware of the need to automate the entry of relevant indicators about the actual state of health of the patient, but also the urgent need for its meaningful use. Significant changes are taking place in the Russian market of medical information innovations today, and therefore it is partly ready to perceive the listed trends. However, it still has to get rid of immaturity, low customer requirements, imperfect regulatory framework and pressure from monopolists in the field of communications. For example, in the USA the number of certified electronic medical records systems amounts to more than five hundred, and in our country the monopolist is the only company - Rostelecom.

Let's hope that the market of information technologies in medicine will soon become competitive and have a progressive impact on the treatment of human pathological processes, including

I would really like to especially note the innovation in the invention of telescopic individual lenses and the undoubted promise of this discovery for humanity.

Or bionic contact lenses, where elastic lenses are scientifically connected to a printed electronic circuit, fantastically allowing the patient to see the world around him with superimposed digital computerized images, as if on top of his natural vision. This invention is a breakthrough in the professional use of drivers and pilots, laying out and visualizing routes for them, laying out information about weather conditions and the vehicle itself.

Another sensational innovative solution from the field of innovative medical technologies came to us from Japan, where scientists developed artificial skeletal muscles with three-dimensional functionality. The muscle frame is capable of fully contracting and the command signals for this are impulses passing through nerve cells invasively introduced into the muscle layer. The muscular system grown under artificial conditions has decent strength and, under the influence of living nerve endings, may be of unique interest in the application of this medical technology in the treatment of damaged human muscle structures or in equipping robots with an artificial muscular frame.

When applying this muscular system to humans, scientists go further and work out the possibilities of interaction between the innervation of the artificial muscle and the central nervous system of the brain.

Another innovative invention that interested the entire scientific world came to us from the walls of Stanford University, where scientists invented the ability to color the organs of both animals and mammals and make them even initially transparent. That is, first, through various manipulations, the organ becomes transparent, and then, by introducing chemical compounds in the form of dyes into them, the cells required by the scientist are “tinted.”

This technique is called CLaRITY - it has already made it possible to make the brain transparent and after tinting the required areas or parts of the brain, scientists can conduct unique research in modern visualization of events.

The possibility of using luminescent antibiotics in the treatment of infectious diseases in the human body has generated great interest in the scientific community. At its core, an antibiotic entering the patient’s body becomes a kind of highlighting marker of a localized infection, easily tracked and visible when examined through special microscopes. The treatment process becomes more predictable and effective

The method of innovative mammography using the Internet and a bra, which so captivated the female reader, was discussed in an article on the site

The topic of medicine's fight against cancer is very topical. In recent days, medicine has been developing not only surgical treatment methods and chemotherapy or the use of destructive rays for cancer cells, but also treatment with micropulses that destroy pathological processes in the body and initiate self-destruction of malignant cells. Innovative science has learned to diagnose many diseases, including oncology, in the early stages of the pathological process and disease development, which directly affected the increase in human life expectancy, which is almost 20 years. Moreover, this indicator is steadily growing and human life is increasing.

A huge role in identifying malignant diseases and early detection of cancer cells was played by the invention of the microscope, which we previously wrote about on the pages of our website -

In our article, we should not ignore the invention of a pharmacological drug used in case of failure of the biological clock. In simple terms, Canadian doctors have invented a medicine that can reset our biological clock. This invention makes it possible to relieve people from sleep problems who suffer from insomnia or work at night.

Innovative methods of laser correction in modern cosmetology were popularly described on the site page in the article -.

We discussed plastic surgery and surgical corrections in cosmetology in the article -

We are dedicated to Sci-fi methods of rejuvenating the human body

An innovative remedy for sleep problems will synchronize the leukocyte balance in such a way that a person will begin to count day and night in the opposite direction

Modern developments in cardiology have made it possible to practically invent the new generation artificial human heart Abiokor.

Abiocore is an innovative breakthrough in the modern world of medicine; it is absolutely autonomous and exists independently inside the human body without various additional accompanying devices, tubes or wiring. The only condition is to regularly recharge its battery through a connection to an external network.

Robots are rapidly entering modern surgery to assist in surgical interventions and essentially carry out complex surgical procedures on their own. One of these devices is called Da Vinci, which is a four-armed robotic surgeon with a 3D visualized system that displays the surgical field on a monitor. This robotic surgeon is also successful in the treatment and removal of cancer metastases and tumors.

A full review of articles on our website dedicated to the topic of innovative technologies in medicine can be viewed

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