All about keeping Djungarian hamsters. Important rules for caring for Djungarian hamsters

When wanting to buy a pet, many people look at hamsters. They are funny and active, and do not require any special conditions. But potential owners of these animals are scared off by stories that they “spoil” the air in the apartment (although there are several breeds that are harmless in this regard). We will talk about one of these in this review, looking at what is interesting about the Djungarian hamster and what is involved in the care and maintenance of such a rodent.

General information

When you see a dwarf for the first time, you might mistake it for a large eared mouse. These medium-sized animals grow up to 9-10 cm in length, and their weight does not exceed 65 g (the lower level is 35 g). The owners are touched by the small ears and sharp muzzle. If you look closely, you will find that the front legs are similar to human hands, and the gripping style copies ours. The finger tubercles are densely covered with hairs.

The family feature is a narrow black stripe running along the ridge. The belly is light in color, while the background of the back is gray or with an ocher tint. Paws and ears white.

In nature, these hamsters live in the semi-deserts and steppes of Khakassia, Southwestern Siberia and Kazakhstan. Their domesticated counterparts inherited an active nature and a tendency to stay awake at night.

Important! You shouldn’t fall for the seller’s arguments like “I’ll give this away for almost nothing.” Most likely, such a hamster is seriously ill and will not last long.

But they also have differences, the main one being color.

If you look at the photos showing Djungarian hamsters, you can highlight several color options:

  • Standard. Gray-brownish background combined with a white belly.
  • Pearl. Matte white color with flecks gray.
  • Sapphire. Basic gray color has a bluish tint, which looks impressive with a white belly.
  • Red (aka tangerine). The hair is reddish, in a creamy tone.
They are very clean, there are no odors coming from the cage, and the way they fall asleep in their arms will captivate anyone. Let's figure out how long nimble Djungarian hamsters live when kept at home.

On average, this is 2-3 years, 4-year olds are already a rarity. This is due to the active disposition and biological aces of a rodent: 1 year of its life, by our standards, is similar to 25 years.

What to look for when purchasing

When buying a fluffy for the first time, do not rush to take the first one you come across. Carefully consider all applicants, consult with the seller. If the implementer is laconic, then pay attention to the following points:

  • Age. It is best to take an individual 3-7 weeks old. Very young hamsters (up to 3 weeks) are not yet trained to feed on their own. Problems may arise with older ones (over 3 months), they are more difficult to tame, and in addition, the female may already be pregnant.
  • Feel the fur, it should be dry. Assess the condition of the eyes - if they are clean, without sourness or cloudiness, then you can take them.
  • Another argument in favor of the purchase will be a clean nose without traces of discharge.
  • Healthy individuals have shiny fur and no bald patches or lumps. This applies to scars and scars.
  • Don't hesitate to take a look anus. The cleanliness of this canal and the fur around it indicate that the stomach is in order. But fresh or dried traces of diarrhea do not bode well.
  • Look at the behavior of the animal. Apathy is most often a consequence of illness or bad conditions content.

Even before going to the market, it is better to decide who you would like to have - a male or a female hamster that will regularly give birth. Already when choosing, you need to know how easy it is to determine the sex of the Djungarian hamster you like.

Important! Finding an escaped rodent is not easy even in a one-room apartment. Listen: a few minutes after the “escape” he will begin to rustle the paper he found. If you turn off the light for a while, the animal will leave the shelter almost immediately - it’s time to catch it.

This is quite easy: boys have a more elongated lower abdomen. Taking the animal in your hands, catch a moment of calm and look at the genitals. In males between them and anus approximately 0.5-1 cm, and in the center of the abdomen a gland similar to a navel is visible.

In females it is almost impossible to see it, besides, the papillae run in two rows from the chest to the lower abdomen.

How many individuals are best kept in one cage?

It is advisable to house the same pet in one hamster “apartment”. Harmless-looking dzhungarikas are territorial animals; they will not tolerate the presence of an opponent in their home. If you introduce two, they will almost immediately begin to fight, resulting in scars, not to mention permanent stress.

Did you know? Climbing hamsters living in South American forests are not at all like the “nimble creatures” we are used to. They have long tail, and they spend most of their lives in trees.

At the same time, you should not forget that leaving a hamster alone for a long time, you risk driving the baby to complete savagery - he simply will not accept an inattentive owner.
The issue of family is no less important - when the hamster grows up, a female will have to be temporarily placed with him, otherwise he will fall into the blues. Although there is no point in prolonging such cohabitation.

Choosing and arranging housing

The cage will have to be prepared before going to the pet store. It should be spacious enough, made of durable and safe material.

Did you know? Hamsters see the world in black and white. Their eyes are not very well developed, but this is compensated by their excellent hearing and sense of smell.

The minimum dimensions are 50x30 cm, but experienced owners try to take extra by installing cages measuring 70x50. Most often they buy designs with a solid plastic pallet and a high superstructure in the form of a cage. Pay attention to the spacing between the rods: 1 cm will be enough to prevent the rodent from escaping.
There are also requirements for the material. The plastic must be solid, without burrs or cracks. Evaluate the rigidity of the rods - it should be at the level. There are products with painted cages, but they are not particularly practical: the hamster will quickly chew off the paint that is harmful to it. Two-tier structures are also not uncommon. There is freedom for the rodent only if the spans are at least 20-25 cm.

Important! If you decide to make do with an aquarium, keep in mind that its volume must be at least 40 liters.

In addition to the usual and simple cells Pet stores also offer other “flat” options. These include entire palaces from many sections, aquariums, and plexiglass blocks. They are also suitable for a nimble pet, but they also have a couple of disadvantages: not very well thought out ventilation and difficulty in cleaning.
Having chosen a cell, they begin to decorate it. The following “household items” will be required:

  • Feeder. An ordinary plate will not work here - the animal will not so much eat as it will spread dirt around. There are no problems with the choice; you can buy products of different diameters. It’s better to start by installing a 3-4 cm feeder, and as it grows, change it to a larger one.
  • Drinking bowl. It is enough to buy a nipple, with a volume of 50 ml, and attach it to the rods at a convenient height.
  • House. It can be a wooden or plastic product without sharp corners, in which a hamster can easily fit.
  • Toilet. If you are planning to train your baby, then you cannot do without a tray. Adults treat him more indifferently.
  • Wheel. An indispensable attribute of any cell. For such animals, an attraction with a diameter of 14-16 cm and a not too large distance between the crossbars is suitable so that the paws do not fall through.

Did you know? The hamster has no fear of heights: he simply doesn’t feel it. Therefore, every “escape” is fraught with considerable danger - by climbing onto the sofa, the fugitive can easily get injured.

  • Equipped play area. Tubular manholes are used for it; a whole labyrinth can be built from several sections and passages. Stairs and swings will also be a plus.
You can also put a bath filled with fine sand - the pet will clean the fur. But bathing him in water is extremely undesirable.

Where to put the cage

The prepared housing is placed in a slightly shaded corner, where the animal will not be constantly bothered by direct sunlight. No drafts or windows - even minor airflows are dangerous for a small animal.

Important! When selecting a wheel, inspect it, paying attention to the opening between the wheel itself and the stand. A small distance carries the risk of injury - a paw could get caught there. A wheel attached to the grille will be safer.

Try to protect your hamster from various kinds noise: prolonged vibrations and sounds of constantly working equipment can drive him into stress, especially since he is not particularly active during the day or even sleeps.

A low (65-70 cm) table is suitable as a platform. This will make it easier to observe the animal and make care easier. A too low landing makes this process difficult, and the pet runs the risk of becoming a target for a cat or.
Temperature is also important. From +14°C to +25°C will be enough, so place the cage away from the battery or heater. Note that short cold spells are not terrible, but it is better not to let it get to that point - your pet can easily catch a cold or fall into apathy (but not into hibernation).

What do Djungarians eat?

The main question remains, what to feed a Djungarian hamster living at home.

The basis of the diet is feed pellets or grain mixtures with the presence of ground corn. The following products are added to them:

  • Pumpkin, carrots, beets.
  • Dried fruits in the form of dried apricots, raisins or dried apples.
  • From the age of two months you can give pieces fresh apples, currants and grapes. They try to feed apricot and pear less.
  • Green. Hamsters happily “crunch” dill, parsley, and lettuce leaves. You can also give dandelions and clover (if they are not collected near the road).
  • Protein food in the form of boiled eggs, chicken breast without spices and 2% cottage cheese are given no more often than every 2-3 days, so as not to provoke obesity.
  • Pumpkin and sunflower seeds are also a treat (maximum 2 times a week).

Diet: twice a day, no more than 2.5 tablespoons. The hamster will not get hungry, but will calmly survive on the supplies hidden behind its cheeks.

The common principle “what we eat ourselves, he will eat too” is out of place here. Onions, cabbage, potatoes, sorrel, fried and salty foods are contraindicated. This also applies to bread, milk, and cheese. Citrus and exotic fruits (persimmon, kiwi, avocado) are also taboo.

Did you know? Zoologists have discovered that hamsters are able to remember their relatives and neighbors.

In the summer, some try to feed grains from peach, plum or apricot pits. This is strictly prohibited - they are toxic and dangerous. You will also have to explain to children (and some adult guests) that you should not give your pet pieces of candy or chocolate.

Care and hygiene

Care comes down to simple but regular work - changing the water, adding portions of food, cleaning the cage, replacing the filler and changing the bedding. The water is changed daily and the feeders are filled twice a day. It’s good if there is a spare set - new portions can be delivered faster, without lengthy washing in the cage.

Cleaning is carried out 1-2 times a week. In this case, the already “spent” filler is not completely removed, but a small part is left. This way the animal will quickly get used to clean housing.

While the bedding is being changed (every 3-4 days), the hamster is moved to a box or other covered temporary shelter. Fine sawdust with a layer of 3 cm (less often sand) is suitable as a coating. But cotton wool or newsprint, as well as cardboard, are not suitable for such purposes.
Major cleaning is done once a month. The tray is washed with a solution based on laundry soap, the rods should also be cleaned. At the same time, try not to snag the house itself - the “nest” is of great importance for the pet.

Did you know? Until the mid-20th century, hamsters were the object of the fur trade. Particularly active procurement campaigns were carried out in the USSR, the Czech Republic and Germany.

Diseases: prevention and treatment

Funny rodents can get sick too. Risk factors most often include both direct violations of housing conditions and stress caused by frequent cage movements, disruption of the daily routine, or the appearance of a competitor.

Prevention means:

  • competent and regular meals;
  • timely cleaning;
  • regular replacement of litter;
  • creating all conditions for activity.
But it happens that the disease has already begun, urgent measures need to be taken. The easiest way to deal with a runny nose or flu.
Even a vigorous hamster can start sneezing. In this case, eliminate the very possibility of a draft and lay warm bedding. The water in the drinking bowl is also changed to warm.

Often annoying and diarrhea. Diarrhea is dealt with by light fasting or by switching to more light food. If it does not stop for 2-3 days, then you need the help of a veterinarian.

Suppuration of the eyes is easily recognized by swollen eyelids, the appearance of pustules, while they become moist and sticky. This means that the infection has already been introduced. The owner's actions in such cases:

  • the animal is isolated;
  • the cell is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected;
  • eyes are injected with “Albucid” (four times a day, 1-2 drops);
  • complete transition to grain feed with small additions of chicken.

If conjunctivitis was detected immediately, treatment will take 5-6 days.

Djungarians have one not very pleasant feature - a predisposition to diabetes. It is very easy to notice the symptoms: thirst appears, appetite increases against the background of weight loss, it becomes clear and pungent smell urine.

Such manifestations are a signal to visit the veterinarian; you won’t be able to cope on your own (the maximum is to do a test for diabetes; preparations are sold in pharmacies). Moreover, similar signs observed when kidney diseases.

Important! Be sure to put several smooth branches of fruit trees in the cage; the animal will sharpen its teeth on them. Otherwise, they will grow and it is possible that over time they will pierce the lip or cheek.

Unpleasant baldness - the result vitamin deficiency, which occurs when there is a lack of green mass. By preparing enough parsley or lettuce, you will solve this problem almost immediately.
It's a little more difficult with injuries. Bites immediately disinfected and sprinkled with powdered antibiotics.

Fractures But they are more dangerous - an active pet has fragile bones and ligaments that are impossible to fix. Therefore, the cage for the nimble Djungarian hamster becomes empty during rehabilitation - the wheel and all other entertainment are removed. 10-14 days provide complete rest and provide calcium-rich food.

Breeding offspring at home

These animals reproduce well in captivity. In a year, a female can “give” 2-4 litters with 3-9 cubs (although occasionally there are litters of 10-11 babies).

Sexual maturity occurs at the age of 5-6 weeks, but mating is postponed until five months of age (by this time the body is already formed and strengthened).
Pregnancy takes 16-19 (less often – 20) days. After roughly calculating the timing, within 3-4 days the male is removed from the cage and the house itself and the wheel are removed. The diet includes more protein foods. The cage is kept clean.

A couple of days before, throw some “building materials” in the form of twigs - the female is actively nesting. On the day of birth, it is better to cover the cage with a blanket so as not to cause unnecessary stress to the hamster.

Did you know? Hamsters have made significant contributions to science and are great for research. Many of their organs practically copy the systems of the human body.

For the first 10 days, the offspring are not touched at all; by this time they begin to see and hear. At the age of 23-25 ​​days they are separated from their mother. This cannot be done earlier - for the first three weeks of life they feed on her milk.
Now you know how to recognize the dwarf and what you need to care for it. We hope fluffy miracle will delight the whole family with its active games. More positivity every day!

The Djungarian hamster is the most popular rodent that can be kept in apartments. In addition, it is also the most studied species. This hamster lives in the steppes of Kazakhstan and in Central Asia. Life expectancy is on average three years. Although everything here depends on the conditions in which the rodent lives.

Djungarian hamsters are very tamed. Caring for them is quite simple; they are not picky about food. To raise a healthy rodent, you need to follow the rules of hygiene, as well as feed varied food. If you decide that you want to have such a rodent, then read the article further.

Buying an animal. Is it worth getting several hamsters?

First, decide how many rodents you want to keep. Some people think that you need to buy two dzhungarikas at once to make their life more fun. But experienced breeders say differently on this matter. They believe that each rodent should have its own cage. Why do they have this point of view?

This is because Djungarian hamsters are solitary by nature, so if there is no “friend” in the cage with them, they will not get bored. In 95% life together such rodents leads to bad consequences. Fights occur between hamsters, after which the rodents develop injuries. Although there were times when they still lived very peacefully. Therefore, before you decide to buy two rodents, think carefully.

Determining the sex of the Djungarian hamster

How to do this? Of course, the seller can volunteer to help, but, unfortunately, he can also make a simple mistake. It's actually very easy to figure this out. How? First, place the back of the rodent on your palm, thumbs you have to hold top part hamster bodies.

Currently in a free position rear end, so you can easily examine the sexual characteristics of the animal with your second hand. During this procedure, do not hurt the rodent, do not squeeze the body, and be extremely careful.

So, now about the differences... If the animal has a distance of about one centimeter between the anus and genitals, and in the center of the tummy you can see a formed gland that looks like a navel, then you know that this is a male hamster.

How to understand that you are holding a female in your hands? The distance between the anus and genitals is insignificant, and the gland is almost invisible. Another difference between the female is two rows of papillae running from the chest to the bottom of the abdomen.

Djungarian hamsters: care and maintenance

Now we move on to choosing housing, because the baby needs somewhere to live. Of course, the best option is a cage. It is desirable that it be larger than 50x30 cm in size. This way the rodent will have enough space for jogging and warming up. Choose a cage with horizontal bars, it will be better. The rodent will be able to climb on them.

What to do when a home is purchased? Next you need to fill the cell correctly. The first thing you need is a house. Pay attention to the material. Eat different types houses made of plastic, ceramics, cardboard or wood. Cardboard products, as you understand, are not particularly practical. It is better to choose ceramic and wooden ones. But such houses will cost more. Plastic products are the best option for price/quality ratio.

What size should the house be? Spacious. It is important that the Djungarian hamster walks freely through the door with its cheeks stuffed. In the house itself there should be enough space for storage rooms. If the rodent feels uncomfortable in the home, then it needs to be changed. After all, the pet should be comfortable.

food feeder

Rather, the feeder is needed by the owner rather than by the rodent. As a rule, hamsters very quickly empty the feeder, taking the grain mixture into the pantries.

When you pick up a bowl, remember that rodents love to turn plates onto the ground. The ideal option is a ceramic product. It is difficult for a small hamster to move such plates. Glass bowls should not be placed in a rodent's cage, as it may get hurt.

Rodent drinking bowl

There are several types of drinking bowls. The pet store may advise you to buy a regular bowl. But this is not the best option. The advantage of such a purchase is the price. In a cage, a rodent will simply turn a plastic bowl over or cover it with sawdust.

The best option is automatic drinkers. They are also called “nipple”. The design of this product is quite simple: a plastic container with a metal spout is used for water. The drinking bowl is easily attached to the cage. To get water, the Djungarian hamster must press the valve with its nose. The advantage of this type is that the rodent will not be able to pour out or spoil the liquid.

Some necessary items that can be put in the cage

You will also need a wheel. After all, the rodent needs to spend its accumulated energy somewhere.

To grind teeth you need a mineral or chalk stone.

If you wish, you can purchase a special bathing suit that you fill with sand. Rodents will take a bath with great pleasure in this product. Of course, sand.

Pet stores also sell special tunnels, ladders, sections, and more for rodents.

Cage filler: which one is better to choose?

You can use different fillers. But the best option is sawdust. Some people recommend using cat litter as bedding. This is acceptable, but anything is better than sawdust. They are cheaper and safer for animals.

Never put cotton wool in your hamster's cage. It is contraindicated for rodents. Cotton fibers can wrap around your hamster's legs and body, causing poor circulation. There are cases when rodents eat pieces of this material, which leads to intestinal problems.

Where to put the cage

You should not place your home next to noisy objects (TV, radios, etc.) or a hot radiator. Make sure you don't get it on the rodent's cage. sunlight. Also, you should not place it in a draft, as Djungarian hamsters will often get sick.

Rodent care

This animal is very clean. Taking care of him is a pleasure. This animal does not smell, so cleaning can be done infrequently. The ideal option is once every three days. How to clean?

First, remove the rodent from the cage, then all objects. Next, pour out the sawdust, wash the tray and add new ones.

Should you bathe your hamster? You can bathe, but you need to use either a special or dry shampoo. Soap is in no way suitable for these purposes. The hygienic procedure should be carried out only when soiled. You just shouldn’t bathe a rodent, as it’s stressful for him. In addition, the animal may catch a cold.

As a rule, everything hygiene procedures The Djungarian hamster conducts it himself. He carefully cleans the body using his tongue and paws.

IN natural environment the hamster lives in burrows. But even there the animal manages to maintain perfect cleanliness. There they make a toilet in special holes. At the genetic level, the property was passed on to domestic hamsters. In a free corner, as a rule, these rodents arrange a latrine for themselves.

Rodent feeding at home

What to feed Djungarian hamsters? This topic needs attention special attention. The simplest option is feed mixtures. You can buy them at a pet store. Typically, ready-made meals include peas, oats, seeds, corn and nuts.

What do Djungarian hamsters eat? Fresh vegetables and fruits. The Djungarian hamster, the photo of which you see in our article, will enjoy lettuce, plantain, dried fruits (dates, prunes and dried apricots), carrots or zucchini with great pleasure. He also won't give up corn. Remember that onions are harmful to rodents. If we talk about fruits, hamsters love apples, peaches, apricots and bananas. Citrus fruits should not be given to rodents.

A hamster's diet should also include protein. You can give your rodent a couple of times a week low-fat cottage cheese, boiled chicken meat or boiled eggs(chicken and quail). In addition, boiled shrimp, dried gammarus and earthworms should be added to the diet. Watch what the hamster hides in his pantries; there should be no perishable food there, otherwise it can lead to bad consequences.

If you put hay in the cage, then don’t be surprised; the dwarf will eat it too. Sometimes rodents need extra vitamins. When selecting such products, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

List of prohibited products

  1. Spices.
  2. Salt.
  3. Avocado.
  4. Lemons.
  5. Milk.
  6. Branches of coniferous trees (pine, larch and others).
  7. Oranges and grapefruits.
  8. Sugar.
  9. Sour cream.
  10. Cabbage (Brussels sprouts, white and red cabbage).
  11. Cream.
  12. Pasta.
  13. Watermelon.
  14. Cookie.
  15. Almond.
  16. Bakery.
  17. Pomegranate.
  18. Pineapple.
  19. Candies.
  20. Mint.
  21. Chocolate.
  22. Apricot and cherry pits.
  23. Cakes.
  24. Muesli.
  25. Kiwi.
  26. Butter.
  27. Sorrel.
  28. Sausages.
  29. Bread (black).
  30. Mint.
  31. Mushrooms.
  32. Sausages.

There is an opinion that drinking water not needed by dwarf rodents. This is an erroneous statement. Djungarian hamsters cannot live without water at home, so it is best to keep a special drinking bowl in the cage for these purposes. The water needs to be changed twice a week unless the rodent empties the container first.


Everyone gets sick, Djungarian hamsters are no exception. Most diseases can only be diagnosed by a veterinarian. Now let's look at the main diseases of Djungarian hamsters.

Cold or flu

If your animal has significantly decreased activity, it sneezes and sniffles, then there is a chance that it has caught some kind of infection. The disease progresses exactly the same as in humans. By the way, humans can also transmit the virus to animals. There is no treatment as such, but during the period of illness, provide the rodent with fruits and vegetables. This way you can increase his immunity.

Blows, fractures and dislocations

As a rule, Djungarians receive similar injuries from an unsuccessful fall. Main symptoms:

  • problems in movement;
  • curvature of the limbs;
  • shock (sometimes can also accompany a sick rodent).

If you notice that something is wrong with your pet, you should contact your veterinarian. He will give you appropriate recommendations depending on the severity of the injury.

Eye diseases

Have you noticed that your pet has sticky eyelids? Then it is most likely that the animal contracted a bacterial infection, which developed into conjunctivitis. The rodent's eyes should be washed with salted water or strong tea.

How can you tell if your hamster has cataracts? The lens is cloudy and the pupil area is gray. As a rule, this disease manifests itself in old age. Unfortunately, this disease cannot be treated. Therefore, you need to accept your pet as such.

Dental problems

If a Djungarian hamster suddenly refuses food, this may be due to dental trauma. Check if everything is in order with the incisors. There are cases when rodents have teeth that are too long. To straighten, you need to use special nail clippers.

Skin and coat problems

Hair loss and peeling skin are symptoms of diseases such as eczema or dermatophytosis. As a rule, similar diseases associated with stress or allergies.

If your pet has red spots and wounds on its body, it is likely that it has mites.

Rodent intestinal diseases

Loud rumbling in the stomach severe diarrhea, copious discharge with an unpleasant odor - all these are signs intestinal diseases. Bacterial infections This kind of disease needs to be treated with special medications. With such problems you should contact your veterinarian.


This is the most problematic area among all diseases of Djungarian hamsters. This is because it is very difficult to diagnose and errors are possible. Sometimes people mistake an ordinary lump for a brain tumor.

There is no need to see a fatal diagnosis in everything. If you have any suspicions, consult a doctor immediately. He will be able to conduct qualified diagnostics.

A little conclusion

Now you know who the Djungarian hamster is, the maintenance and care of which, as you understand, is quite simple. This rodent may become good friend for kids and adults. If you have forgotten what a Djungarian hamster looks like, the photos presented in our article will help you remember. Did you like the animal? Then remember the information provided here, it will help you in raising and maintaining a rodent.

Djungarian hamster- a very playful creature, which is good for children, they very quickly get used to hands, and love to tickle their shoulders and outstretched arms. The only thing is that you will have to get used to the constant rustling at night.

Two Djungarian hamsters

Need to know before buying

If you want your hamster to live a long and happy life, it is important to follow several rules:

  1. They quickly get used to the hands, but also quickly lose the habit. Play with them, squeeze them, in general, don’t just keep them in an aquarium, where they quickly become wild, to the point that at the sight of a human hand they will rush at it and bite until they bleed;
  2. This is a genus of “family” animal, meaning it must have a mate of the opposite sex. Of course, a hamster can live alone, but this is wrong. Moreover, when paired, they will never go wild again; in any case, it will not come to the point of biting.

Preparing a home for hamsters

You should also take care of housing for rodents in advance. The Djungarian hamster does not require care in such large sizes, like cats, for example, but still.

Both cages and spacious aquariums are suitable for housing. But it is worth noting that they are not that stupid. A couple of months of watching you open the door and one morning you find an empty cage.

A paradise for your pet

Although if there are tall buildings in the aquarium, they can easily jump over the edge. If this happened in your absence, then there are two scenarios:

  1. Look for animals under furniture that have low legs. They try to avoid open spaces, for their instinct there more dangers. Rodents are very fond of paper and cardboard - if you have books hidden under your bed, you will most likely find them there;
  2. The second option is much simpler and faster - just turn off the lights and freeze. In a maximum of five minutes you will hear the rustling and clicking of claws. A couple more moments, and they will begin to run out onto the open surface - then you catch them. Don't worry, they won't get a heart attack from fright.

Let's go back to their house. The floor should be completely covered with sawdust, this general rule for all rodents. If sawdust cannot be used, we use paper, but sawdust is more preferable. Hamsters will then make nests from them and breed offspring.

The next important rule is that they must have a shelter, be it a small house or a clay cave, which can be purchased at a pet store.

Houses for animals

They can hide there if Bad mood, and just sleep during the day so that the light doesn’t interfere.

And the last thing on the housing issue - be sure to install playgrounds, hamsters are very active animals. Stairs, a running wheel, rope bridges, etc. are a must. This will make the hamster’s life much more fun, this is important for caring owner.

A real gym for a hamster

If you are ready to follow these rules, then you can go to the pet store to make a purchase.

Pet food

Of course, the Djungarian hamster eats as much as it lives. And they live neither more nor less - up to three years. There are cases up to four years, but the old hamster is very inactive, they just lie and watch, so longevity among them is not welcome.

The hamster should eat in a strictly defined place, and not scatter food throughout the cage. A bowl is placed in the corner, next to it is a sippy cup with water.

Diet of the Djungarian hamster

The feeder needs to be filled once a day, the drinking bowl - as needed, but the water should not stagnate, in the morning you need to pour out the old water and pour in fresh water.

The hamster likes to eat the following items:

  • Sunflower seeds, but only unsalted;
  • Corn, but not canned;
  • All types of legumes;
  • Almost all types of fruits and vegetables. But there is an exception; let’s dwell on this in more detail.

Products that are strictly prohibited for our hamsters:

  • Nothing sweet or salty! Honey, chocolate, cookies - everything is in this category;
  • Cow's milk and its derivatives - butter, cream, sour cream, etc.;
  • Some vegetables - cabbage, onions, garlic;
  • Some fruits are all citrus fruits, apricots, cherries, pineapples, pomegranates, kiwis and avocados;
  • Watermelons and melons;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Mint, sorrel;
  • And some human food - sausages, sausages, pasta, and most importantly - bread.

Hamsters can't eat bread

Of course, if a child feeds your pet something from the prohibited list, then nothing bad will happen to the rodent at one time, but feeding these foods regularly will cause problems. There is no need to experiment on them.

Diseases of Djungarian hamsters

Even though unpleasant topic, but still no one is immune from diseases, of which hamsters have quite a lot.

  • The most common problem is dislocations and sometimes even fractures of the limbs. As a rule, this happens while playing with a person, but it happens that the animal stumbles in the wheel at high speeds and is simply thrown out of there. If this happens to you, then be sure to go to a veterinary hospital; self-medication is unacceptable;
  • Colds and flu. Symptoms: sniffling, sneezing. Oddly enough, it can infect its owner with this virus, and vice versa. Treatment - only fresh vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins to boost immunity. There are no medications as such; pet stores only have vitamin supplements;
  • Eye disease. The symptoms are the same as in humans – eyelids sticking together, conjunctivitis. In this case, you need to rinse the infected eye with lightly salted water. If the lens becomes cloudy, it means that cataracts have developed; this cannot be cured;
  • Sick teeth. Symptoms: the animal suddenly stopped eating. IN in rare cases The front teeth just grew too long. There is advice that they can be trimmed with simple nail clippers, but it is still better to go to a veterinary hospital. If he just broke an incisor, don’t worry, they will grow new ones quite quickly. They do not have caries;
  • Problems with wool. Symptoms: hair falls out in clumps. Your hamster may have contracted eczema. It is also possible to be allergic to something in the cage. Professional help from a veterinarian is required; he will prescribe a course of antibiotics.

Dental check

Reproduction of hamsters

At home, this type of rodent breeds all year round. From 1 to 11 cubs of various colors can be born. This is what he is, a Djungarian hamster, the photo won’t let you lie.

Brood of hamsters

As a rule, the color of children may change with age, but basically it will remain that way forever.

Pregnancy in a female lasts about 3 weeks, and the mother herself may be only 4 months old.

After giving birth, it is very important to provide the mother and offspring with calm and comfortable conditions until the children begin to run and play on their own! Otherwise, if the mother is stressed, she will eat all the offspring!

An interesting fact: after giving birth, the female is ready for the next pregnancy within 24 hours! Yes, their life is short, but they have so much to do.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

Djungarian hamster escaping from cage

In the new section “Rodents”, I do not set a goal to describe in detail and completely this or that type of rodent, to give comprehensive answers to all questions related to this topic, I just want to tell you about hamsters and other domestic rodents, to give basic information about the contents, feeding and breeding of these animals.

Djungarian hamster description:

The Djungarian hamster is one of the smallest representatives of domestic rodents; in nature, it lives in the semi-deserts and dry steppes of Eastern Kazakhstan, Khakassia and Western Siberia. The Djungarian hamster is often confused with the Campbell's hamster, and mating between these species often occurs, producing hybrid offspring, which is not desirable, because Later, hybrids develop problems with health and reproduction. So study well distinctive features these hamsters, and determine which type you got, fortunately this is described in detail on the Internet.

Djungarian hamster characteristics:

Size: Adult Djungarian hamsters reach up to 10 centimeters in length.

Character: This is one of the good-natured types of hamsters that very quickly gets used to hands and almost does not bite. Very playful and happy to interact with people.

Lifespan: At home, Djungarian hamsters can live up to 3 years or more, given proper maintenance and nutrition.

Wool: The Djungarian hamster does not long wool, which is evenly laid (unlike Campbell's hamsters), Djungarian hamsters also change the color of their coat. They are usually brownish-gray in color, but by winter (or for other reasons) they may lighten.

Puberty: Djungarian hamsters are ready to breed already at 2-3 months, but it is better to wait until 3-4 months.

This question does not cause any great difficulties, but here are a couple of tips:

  • In male hamsters, the gonads descend noticeably into the scrotal cavity.
  • Also, in male Djungarian hamsters, the anal and urethral openings are located at some distance from each other.
  • In females, on the contrary, the two holes are very close to each other.

As noted above, the Djungarian hamster is by nature a loner, and it is highly undesirable to place a friend with him. They will fight and quarrel, although this may not be noticeable, but you risk one “fine” day, finding the corpse of one, or even two hamsters at once, who fought for “their” territory.

The cage for a Djungarian hamster should be spacious, at least 30x50 centimeters in tray size, and you can also install additional floors.

As a filler for your hamster, choose anything but sawdust. Hamsters can gouge out an eye with sawdust or injure delicate parts of the body.

You need to install a running wheel in the cage with a Djungarian hamster (choose so that the radius of the wheel is approximately equal to the length of the animal’s body), wheels are sold in stores different types, I advise you to choose wheels that are attached to the wall using special devices.

You also need to install a house, and/or give materials for making a nest - white napkins (other materials like cotton wool and rags will not work), the hamster will diligently equip its nest and enjoy the new “building materials”.

You must remember to take care of the animal’s teeth, install a special mineral stone, or give a sprig of a fruit tree, after boiling it for disinfection; the diameter of the sprig should be approximately the size of your little finger.

Well, standard feeders and drinkers for rodents, I would recommend automatic drinkers, the water in them will not spoil longer, and the hamsters will not spill it.

Djungarian hamster feeding:

The basis of the Djungarian hamster's diet is grain crops, such as: sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, rye, wheat, various nuts and others.

Protein food in the diet of dzhungarika is also very important, especially for pregnant females, these are: cottage cheese, boiled eggs, chicken meat. Also small insects, I can go into more detail here, and due to the topic of the blog I will say that feeding rodents with insects is very fun for humans, and useful for the rodent. Ideal food object for a hamster Turkmen cockroach , since he cannot run out of the cage (if the tray is high enough), and the hamster will definitely catch him. Had a bad experience feeding rodents marble cockroaches , which at the slightest opportunity very quickly escape from the cage, should be given from tweezers directly into the hands/teeth of the rodent.

And, of course, Djungarian hamsters drink water, although not a lot, but it is vital for them. Make sure that the water in your pet's cage is clean and fresh.

Feeding tarantula spiders with a Djungarian hamster:

Feed crickets, canned crickets from ONTO for rodents:

We present to your attention. The crickets are fresh, clean, whole. There is no jelly or liquid in the jar. The smell of fresh food, hamsters and other rodents love it. We became acquainted with food quite recently. Preservation takes place without chemicals, without preservatives. Clean, natural product. House crickets are a dietary, healthy product - a lot of protein, calcium, chitin, amino acids and OMEGA-3 polyunsaturated fats, vitamin B12, oligosaccharides. Crickets are low in fat, so animals will not gain excess weight.

If you keep hamsters separately, then for breeding you will need to determine the period of estrus in the female hamster, it happens approximately once every 5 days, and is characterized by the fact that the hamster raises her tail and arches her back, only during this period the female is ready for mating. And she can be placed next to the male, if mating does not occur, repeat next time.

The gestation period for female Djungarian hamsters lasts from 17 to 21 days; during pregnancy, the female should not be disturbed or picked up. You need to add more protein food to the diet, and provide more “building materials” in the form of napkins for building a nest. You also need to remove the house and wheel from the cage 2-3 days before giving birth.

A female Djungarian hamster can give birth to from two to nine offspring, which will be completely defenseless in the first weeks, their eyes will open only by the second week; it is recommended to place small hamsters already at one month of age in order to avoid an unplanned pregnancy.

It is also very important that if you keep a female and a male Djungarian hamster together, then it is better to remove the male from the cage while the babies are born, otherwise he may eat his children.

That's all I wanted to tell you about the Djungarian hamster, I hope the article turned out to be interesting and useful, this is the first experience of writing articles about rodents, if you have any additions or comments, feel free to write in the comments, or in mine

Are you planning to get a dzhungarika? Familiarizing yourself with the rules for keeping an animal in advance is a reasonable decision.

Already have a hamster and have doubts about how to properly care for it? Don’t be upset, it’s not too late to fix everything - just read the article to the end, and you will have practically no questions left about the care, maintenance and nutrition of a Djungarian hamster at home.

Proper care means a happy hamster!

House for dzhungarik

It is most convenient to care for a dzhungarik hamster in:

  • cage
  • large aquarium
  • terrarium
  • transparent rack

List of what needs to be placed in a cage for keeping a Djungarian hamster:

  • small house for sleeping and storing supplies
  • running wheel
  • dishes for eating
  • drinking bowl

Based on these requirements, tiny options such as a jar or cardboard box immediately disappear: high-quality care and maintenance of the Djungarian hamster is impossible in them. Otherwise, complete freedom for your ideas. You can purchase a ready-made house or make it yourself (instructions and examples are on our website).

Do not rush to “fix” all the objects in the cage according to your own design. First, let the dzhungarik determine a place for the toilet. And only then place food, water and a mini-mink as far away from it as possible.

Gym for dungarians

The running wheel is not intended for family observation of the hamster running in it; it is vital in caring for the hamster. In nature, a hamster runs up to 12 km per night in search of a “snack.” At home, food is 20 centimeters away, so the Djungarian hamster will quickly begin to gain fat. Given the propensity of this type of hamster to diabetes, obesity will end very badly.

In addition to the wheel, a labyrinth of pipes works great - a small Djungarian hamster runs through them no less fun than in a wheel.

Excellent “apartment” with everything you need. And the area is okay...

Where to put the cage

The peculiarity of caring for a Djungarian hamster is that it is a nocturnal animal. And you won’t be able to train him to stay awake during the day. Don't forget to remind the children not to disturb the dwarf all day long with games - hamsters sleep during the day.

Based on this, we choose a place for the cage. The house must be kept away from direct sun rays. This should not be the living room or kitchen (too noisy during the day). The bedroom is also not suitable (the dzhungarik spends the night actively, and this will disturb you). As an option, you can transport the house to the bedroom in the morning and to the kitchen in the evening.

Not that I'm complaining, but isn't there something bigger?


We advise you not to use scrap materials as bedding in the house. Fibrous materials (for example, cotton wool) are strictly prohibited - the dwarf is tiny, it can get entangled in them. The preferred option for “homemade” fillers is finely chopped paper and napkins. The main thing is to make sure that it is without flavorings and printing ink.

The best choice for caring for the dwarf is ready-made granular fillers, an abundance of which can be found in pet stores. As an alternative, you can use sawdust.

Read more about which fillers are best for Djungarian hamsters and how to choose them in a separate article on our website.

That's it, owner, respect!

Cage care rules

A few words about how to care for a dwarf's house.

Good care involves cleaning at least once a week. Or better yet, 2. It must include:

  • replacing bedding
  • wet cleaning
  • removing leftover food from the pantry
  • washing hamster "dishes"

Carry out maintenance when Djungarian pet away from the cage - he doesn't like strangers. Do not throw out all the food at once - this can lead to severe stress at Djungarik's. Remove only perishable items, such as grains, nuts, etc. leave it in place.

If the animal's cage is very dirty and you have to use detergent, then choose a hypoallergenic and odorless one - a foreign aroma can scare away the Djungarian hamster, because of such “care” the Djungarian hamster will refuse to return to the house.


The Djungarian hamster's teeth grow constantly (like your nails), so care is indispensable without a “sharpener.” These can be small branches of trees or bushes. You can prepare it yourself ( great option- apple tree) or buy ready-made ones in the store. Ibid. good choice mineral stones for grinding teeth.

If you don’t foresee how the hamster will wear down his teeth, he will start gnawing everything around, starting with his home.

Dzungarik and neighbors

Do not place your Djungarian hamster in the same cage with other animals (including hamsters) if you care about your pet. They are “selfish” animals, they don’t like their neighbors, they don’t make friends, although they are more peaceful than the Syrians. And if you put two same-sex people together, then expect trouble in the form of fights and possible injuries. It is better to care for several hamsters separately.

Read more about the behavior of the Djungarian hamster and how to raise it in a separate article on the website.

Friendship is friendship, but housing is separate

Reproduction of Djungarian hamsters

So how to breed dzungarians if they cannot be housed together? They need to be kept in separate dwellings, placed together only for the duration of mating (this can be done as soon as the female starts estrus). We perform mating on neutral territory or in the male’s house. To avoid making a mistake in choosing gender, read a detailed “manual” on its definition here. Otherwise, it may turn out that you looked after Khomka like you looked after Masha.

The ideal age for the first mating is 4-5 months. If you don’t know how to determine the age of Djungarian hamsters when purchasing, read a separate article on our website so that an unscrupulous seller does not try to discount your “stale goods.” The period between matings for a female is at least 2.5 - 3 months. In total, a healthy hamster can give birth to up to 6 litters; subsequent pregnancies are fraught with health problems for both the mother and the little hamsters.

When the female becomes pregnant, we seat the “newlyweds” back in their cages. A week before giving birth (maximum 5 days), we completely stop caring for the pregnant female’s cage and do not handle it. Just add food and water (don’t forget to increase the content of animal protein in the diet of a pregnant dzhungarika (well, don’t call her “dzhungarika”)).

The birth will most likely take place at night and unnoticed. After a couple of weeks, add a separate water bowl and a smaller food bowl - small hamsters may be high up to "adult size". You can place the babies 4 weeks after birth, boys and girls in different housing.

We wrote about all the features of caring for babies and their mother in a separate article on our website.

Try to guess where Borka is and where Zorka is...

What to feed the dwarf

The basis of the diet of the Djungarian hamster in nature is seeds and cereals. IN home care We advise you to stick to the same menu. Good option They are ready-made mixtures that can be bought in stores. Dried herbs, minerals, and vitamins are often added to them. The main thing is to buy food specifically for hamsters: food for other rodents and, especially, birds will not be suitable.

If purchasing is unacceptable to you for some reason, watch the video on how to prepare the mixture yourself (below).

Cereals and seeds

The best cereals for dzhungarika (the content of harmful components is minimal):

  • wheat
  • barley
  • corn (in limited quantities)

We don’t give as many seeds as cereals, because... in them great content fat The Djungarian hamster can be fed with seeds:

  • sunflower
  • pumpkins
  • sesame

The train of thought is correct, but you need to pour less.


Nuts have a strong disadvantage - high calorie content and fat content (do not forget about the tendency of Djungarian hamsters to obesity). Sometimes (as a treat, and not constant feeding) the dzhungarika can be offered:

  • walnut
  • cashew
  • peanut
  • hazelnut
  • Brazilian
  • almond
  • cedar


For the Djungarian hamster, all vegetables should be divided into two categories: high-starch and low-starch. WITH high content We avoid starch - it is an easily digestible carbohydrate, an excess of which in the diet leads to obesity and diabetes.

The most preferred vegetables in the diet:

  • cabbage
  • broccoli
  • cucumber
  • bell pepper
  • potato
  • boiled carrots
  • boiled pumpkin

If you have doubts whether your baby can eat this or that vegetable, refer to the glycemic index tables of foods. What is harmful to humans is also harmful to your dwarf.

Vegetables are only low-starch and high in fiber.

Fruits and berries

For these products you can give the following general recommendation: strongly sweet fruits and berries are not allowed (watermelon, melon, peach), moderately sweet and sour ones are allowed (strawberries, cherries, currants).

In general, it is difficult to give specific instructions here: the content of fruit sugar (fructose) can vary greatly depending on the location, growing method, weather, etc. Therefore, in any case, give fruits and berries in limited quantities.


Despite the fact that the Djungarian hamster prefers plant foods, his diet should include animal proteins (a couple of times a week, and for pregnant and lactating females - a little every day). In nature, insects serve as protein snacks. You can buy them dried in pet stores. You can replace insects with low-fat boiled chicken or fish, egg whites - the fat and cholesterol content in them is minimal.

I ate it, let's have some more!

Djungarian hamster health

If you follow the recommendations given above in caring for your dwarf, you will already have done 90% of the “work” in preventing diseases. But, of course, their possibility cannot be completely ruled out.

The most common diseases found in Djungarian hamsters are:

  1. obesity
  2. problems with cardiovascular system(as a consequence of the first)
  3. poorly functioning gastrointestinal tract(watch your diet!)
  4. eye diseases
  5. dermatitis

As soon as you notice any signs of deviation from normal condition your pet - contact your veterinarian ( narrow specialist for rodents it is called ratologist). Self-medication can shorten the already short life of a hamster, the health of the animal - above all.

Watch your pet, otherwise it will be like me...

What urgent actions to take before visiting a ratologist, and how to recognize an approaching danger - be sure to read in a separate material on our website. There we also talk about caring for a sick hamster - your baby needs continuous care!

Ask questions!

Have you found the answer to the question of how to properly care for a Djungarian hamster? If not, be sure to ask in the comments or on our social media pages. Maintenance and care is a broad topic, maybe we missed something. We will try to respond as quickly as possible or add information to the article.