How to brush your teeth at 11 months. How to brush children's teeth: when to start, what products to use

The appearance of a baby’s first tooth is a long-awaited and joyful event for all mothers and fathers, grandparents! According to ancient custom, godparents give the child a silver spoon, which means that the baby will soon begin complementary feeding, and the spoon will be useful to him. Well, parents need to know that a lot of viruses and infections enter the baby’s body through the mouth.

And so that diseases entering through the mouth do not become chronic, it is important that the teeth are healthy. How to keep them healthy, when to start and how to properly brush your child’s teeth is useful for every mother to know.

Why brush your baby's teeth?

The baby's main diet in the first year of life is rich in carbohydrates. They are aggressive to the weak enamel of baby teeth, which means that caries may develop if proper hygiene is not maintained.

The baby will avoid chewing on a sore tooth, which means that poorly chewed food will be poorly digested.
In addition, diseased teeth will hurt, which will require a visit to the dentist. It’s good if the treatment is painless, but in case of advanced caries, the tooth may have to be removed.

Healthy baby teeth are the key to healthy permanent teeth. The first teeth form the correct bite and create the conditions for the correct growth of permanent teeth.
If you do not brush your baby’s teeth and do not contact the dentist promptly in case of caries, you will have to remove the diseased teeth. Removing baby teeth ahead of time affects the formation of the jaw and facial features in general.

Teeth affected by caries can become a good environment for the development and spread of infections from sore throat to pyelonephritis.

When to start dental care

Some dentists recommend starting to take care of your teeth even before teeth appear. And while they are gone, it is recommended to maintain oral hygiene. Such care will consist of wiping the gums and mouth with a piece of gauze soaked in clean water.

This can be done for babies starting from 2-3 months.. Then, by 5-7 months, when the baby gets his first tooth, he will already know what hygiene is and will be calm about using a toothbrush. Thus, you can already brush your baby’s first tooth. Be careful when doing this, because when teething, immunity decreases, and there is a risk of catching an infection through the wound that forms around the teething tooth.

How to brush your child's teeth

Children under one year old have their teeth cleaned by their parents using a piece of gauze or a bandage.. After moistening a finger wrapped in gauze in warm water, gently clean the teeth on both sides with gentle movements. At the same time, massage your gums - it will relieve itching during teething and improve blood flow.
Already a one-year-old baby can choose his first toothbrush and toothpaste.

How to choose a toothbrush and toothpaste for your baby

If your baby is already one year old, you can buy him his first toothbrush. Involve your child in choosing the first brush - this is always interesting for the baby, and also increases the likelihood of calmly and successfully using the brush that the baby has chosen independently.
All children's toothbrushes have age recommendations. Be sure to pay attention to them when purchasing.

The first toothpaste is primarily appropriate for the baby’s age. The composition of toothpaste depends on age.

The first brush should:

  • have a small working part;
  • be with a comfortable handle;
  • have soft synthetic bristles.

  • Paste for children 0-3 years old non-abrasive and fluoride-free.
  • Toothpastes with low abrasiveness and fluoride content not exceeding 500 ppm have been developed for 4-7 year olds.
  • For children from 7 to 15 years old, a low-abrasive paste containing fluoride, as in adults (1000 ppm), is recommended.

How to brush your child's teeth - technique

Well, the baby has grown to use a toothbrush. D Let's figure out how to properly brush children's teeth.

Important! You need to change your children's toothbrush every 3 months.
The cleaning process is recommended to be carried out 2 times a day for 2 minutes. This can be tiring for your baby at first. An hourglass can come to the rescue; sand will flow in it all the time needed for cleaning.

There are many marketing techniques that will help you brush your teeth within 2 minutes, for example, a flashing light on the brush, which turns on with a button at the beginning of brushing and automatically turns off after 2 minutes.

How to teach a child to carry out the procedure independently

Children are a reflection of their parents in every sense of the word. They will be happy to brush their teeth with you. They will often evaluate your cleaning, make recommendations, and make comments along the way.

It’s great if you first let your child brush his own teeth, and finish the procedure yourself, showing and explaining how to brush his teeth correctly and why you do it this way. At first, parents are required to supervise the cleaning.

Helpful in learning:

  • rhymes: “Dragon brushes his teeth for only 2 minutes. Oh, what white, strong, healthy teeth Drakosha has” or any others that your baby likes;
  • What child doesn’t like to look at himself in the mirror: when cleaning, place the mirror in front of the baby;
  • approval: praise any attempts to brush your teeth and teach them to brush them correctly.

    Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

    When to start brushing your child’s teeth is a pressing question for many parents, to which Dr. Komarovsky has the answer! This should be done as soon as the first tooth appears. As a rule, by this moment the baby is already sitting confidently and stops swimming in the bathtub.

    That is, from this age, the baby sits in the bathroom, plays with different toys and can let dad or mom gently clean his teeth with a special finger brush. This needs to be done in a playful way. And after 1-2 months the child has his own toothbrush.

    The right toothbrush should be very soft and have a handle that the baby cannot push into his mouth, that is, with a stop ring. When teaching a child to brush his teeth, it is important to teach him the process: pastes or powders are not as important here as the process of “running a brush over the tooth” itself.

    How to brush children's teeth - video

    In the video, watch an interesting cartoon story about teeth that lived on the same planet. All children will like this cartoon. He will talk in a playful way about what caries is and when you need to brush your teeth. The dentist will advise you on how to teach your child to brush their teeth and how to do it correctly.

Brushing children's teeth is one of the most unpleasant childhood chores. If as an adult you yourself perfectly understand the importance of this action, then the baby absolutely cannot understand this, and therefore often suffers from the need to brush his teeth twice a day, morning and evening. Here's what you should keep in mind in the process of teaching your child to this important hygienic procedure.

Show your baby that he has his own toothbrush and toothpaste. Let him know that this is his personal thing. It will be better if you demonstrate this with your own example, showing that mom, dad, and any other family member have their own brush. Try to brush your teeth in the presence of your baby - in an attempt to imitate older children, the child himself will become interested in brushing his teeth. It is better for your child to buy a non-sweet toothpaste for children (the benefits from it are minimal. What is also important is to buy your child toothpaste that is appropriate for his age.

Brushing teeth for children

  • If your baby absolutely does not want to brush his teeth, try to interest him in brushing his teeth using toys as an example. For example, this dog’s teeth hurt because she didn’t brush them. It is worth helping the dog with the child to let him understand the importance of this process. Gradually, through play, the child will get used to the idea of ​​​​the need for regular teeth brushing.
  • Think about the past. Unfortunately, stomatitis in children is far from uncommon, and if such an attack has already happened to your child, mention it. If you brush your teeth more often and better, there will be no more gum in your mouth. Or tell us about a neighbor's child that your child knows.
  • Keep in mind that you will have to monitor the process of brushing your teeth for up to six or seven years. During this time, you should control the amount of toothpaste applied, the duration of brushing, and the thoroughness of rinsing your mouth. The amount of paste applied for a small child should be equal to a small pea.
  • Teach your child to rinse his mouth thoroughly before brushing his teeth. This will not only remove most of the food debris, but will also allow the toothpaste to foam more, which means it will be more fun for your baby to brush his teeth.
  • In addition to brushing your teeth, it is necessary to control your baby’s eating habits so that his diet contains less sweets and more calcium and other beneficial substances. Remember that caries can also occur on baby teeth, especially for children who are used to falling asleep with a bottle in their mouth.
  • In general, it is better to replace chocolate and sweets with dried fruits and dried fruits. And most importantly, try to teach your child to rinse his mouth after every meal.
  • When you go to the dentist for the first time, carefully choose a doctor. Ideally, the doctor himself should divert the child’s attention to some tools, toys, coloring books and talk to him to calm him down. Demonstrate to your child that dental treatment is not scary; it is advisable to do it with a confident and calm state at the doctor’s appointment.
  • Remember that prevention is much better than cure. Train yourself and your baby to visit the dentist once every six months. In addition to the effect of prevention, you will also achieve peace of mind for the child, since if not every visit to the doctor is accompanied by painful treatment, then the baby will be able to tolerate these trips much better.

In matters of child care, the topic of dental and oral care occupies a special place. Parents always have a lot of questions: do they need to brush their baby teeth? When to start brushing your teeth? Which hygiene products are suitable for little ones and which ones are suitable for older children? So that mothers do not have to wait for a dentist’s consultation at the clinic, we will try to give answers to the most important questions.

Why should a baby brush his teeth?

Among parents, you can come across the opinion that there is no need to take care of baby teeth - they will change anyway. This opinion is erroneous, and a small child still needs to brush his teeth. The fact is that the enamel of baby teeth is very weak, so caries affects it very easily. The risk of developing caries is also not related to the type of diet: even if the child is not yet receiving complementary foods, his teeth may be damaged, since both mother's breast milk and formula contain sugar.

Teeth affected by caries can become a source of infection, which can spread throughout the body and cause serious illnesses from sore throat to pyelonephritis. Meeting dentists at an early age is unlikely to make a child happy, and advanced caries means toothache, exclusion of the diseased tooth from the chewing process (which means the child will not be able to chew food properly), and in the worst case, tooth extraction. By the way, it is highly undesirable to remove baby teeth before their natural replacement. This can disrupt the process of bite formation, lead to speech defects or curvature of permanent teeth. To prevent such serious consequences, it is imperative to take care of baby teeth.

Video tips for parents on how to teach their child to brush their teeth

When to start taking care of your teeth?

It is difficult to name a specific age at which you should start caring for your teeth. The fact is that you need to brush your teeth from the moment they appear, and this is a very individual process. On average, the first tooth appears in the mouth at the age of 6 months, but some children acquire teeth earlier, and some only delight their parents with this event at one year of age. A tooth is considered to have erupted if at least one tip has emerged from the gum. True, caring for it during this period is twofold: on the one hand, during the period of teething, the local immunity of the oral cavity decreases, and the risk of contracting an infection is high. On the other hand, the gums are inflamed and a real wound forms around the cutting tooth, so cleaning can be very painful for the child.

Some dentists are of the opinion that oral care should begin without waiting for the first teeth. Firstly, even in the absence of teeth in the mouth and complementary foods in the diet, microorganisms accumulate on the mucous membrane that can cause such unpleasant diseases as stomatitis, gingivitis, and candidiasis. Secondly, early initiation of oral care helps develop hygiene habits, and a toothbrush no longer causes such protest in the child. According to this approach, gum care should begin 2-3 months before the appearance of the first teeth, that is, at the age of 3-4 months.

Children's oral care products

Before baby teeth emerge, child oral hygiene involves wiping the gums and tongue. In this way, you can easily remove harmful plaque and cleanse your baby’s mouth of bacteria. You can also wipe the very first teeth, which will be unpleasant to clean even with a soft brush. The following products can be used for wiping:

  • A gauze swab or bandage moistened with boiled water (the water can be slightly salted) . Cotton wool cannot be used for these purposes: it does not suit the texture (has no roughness) and can leave fibers behind;
  • Toothpicker finger wipes with xylitol. Serve to cleanse the mouth and teeth, relieve pain from cutting teeth, prevent children's teeth, protect gums, and prevent caries. Available in mint and banana flavors. eat without taste. They are used to clean not only teeth, but the entire oral cavity. Designed for children from birth to 6 years;
  • Dental wipes. Oral wipes "spiffies" with grape or apple flavor. They are impregnated with a special safe antiseptic - xylitol, so they disinfect the oral cavity well. They are used to clean not only teeth, but the entire oral cavity. The only negative is that this option will be expensive for the family budget, since the napkins are disposable and are not cheap.

After about six months, the child’s ejection reflex disappears. From now on, you can use other means to clean your teeth:

  • A silicone finger brush will be needed from 6 months to 1 year. At this age, the child cannot yet hold a toothbrush on his own and make the necessary movements, so it will be more convenient to brush his teeth with the help of such a brush;
  • Classic children's toothbrush. Such a brush should have soft bristles, a short comfortable handle and a cleaning surface with an area of ​​approximately 2 children's teeth.

You should use toothpaste along with the brush. Toothpaste is also selected according to the age of the child:

  • Gel toothpaste with a neutral or milky taste is suitable for children who are not yet receiving complementary foods. This paste does not contain abrasive substances, and the neutral or milky taste does not cause discomfort or rejection in the child;
  • Toothpaste with fruit flavor. Children who are already familiar with complementary feeding respond well to “fruit” paste: banana, raspberry, strawberry.

How to brush your teeth correctly

You need to brush your teeth 2 times a day: morning and evening. Each procedure should last about 2-3 minutes, but you can start cleaning with less time so that the child gets used to it gradually.

It is very important not just to formally follow the procedure, but to brush your teeth correctly. The rules for brushing children's teeth are not much different from those for adults, but it would be a good idea to remind them.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

  • The brush should be applied to the teeth at an angle of 45 degrees and make “sweeping” movements with it from the gums to the cutting edge of the tooth.
  • You need to brush your teeth both from the outside and from the inside.
  • The chewing surface of the teeth should be cleaned using circular, progressive movements.
  • Don’t forget the tongue: it also needs to be cleaned using the back of the brush (almost all brushes have a rough outer side just for this purpose).

How to teach a child to brush their teeth on their own: we learn by playing

A child usually begins brushing their teeth on their own by the age of two, and the first attempts to hold a brush in their hands appear around the age of two. The best way to teach your child how to use a toothbrush is by example. Children tend to imitate adults, because this is the best way to learn new skills. That’s why it’s best to start by going to the bath together in the mornings and evenings. Of course, the baby’s first attempts will be very far from perfect, but that’s why parents are needed nearby to guide the inept hand.

Another good way is to put a mirror in front of the baby. Children love to look at their reflection. Seeing himself, it is easier for the child to control his movements and it is more interesting to observe where he reaches with the brush.

To make a useful activity also interesting, you can add game elements to it. Some games have particularly proven themselves.

  • It will be interesting for the little ones to brush their teeth to the beat of their favorite counting rhyme, song or poem. Particularly talented mothers can even compose a poem themselves, in which the child’s name will sound;
  • With older children, brushing your teeth can be turned into a secret mission to protect your baby from the evil Caries;
  • It is very effective to involve the child’s favorite toys and go brush his teeth with a bear or doll;
  • To practice brushing skills, you can organize family competitions to see who can brush their teeth the fastest. Parents, of course, should give in and lose the competition.

Video: how to teach a 10-11 month old child to brush his teeth and how to make him like the procedure:

If your baby refuses to brush his teeth

It’s rare that brushing teeth is immediately perceived by a child as a “hurray!” A child may resist a toothbrush because he perceives it as a foreign object (if we are talking about early dental care), or because brushing causes or once caused him discomfort (for example, during the period of active teething). In any case, parents should not give up.

  • Even if the baby refuses, continue trying to involve him in the hygiene procedure, but do not insist too much. It is enough just to offer your child to brush his teeth every day;
  • Try different products: brushes, fingertips, different pastes. Perhaps the reason lies precisely in the rejection of a particular remedy;
  • Turn dental care into a game. Toys, poems, songs put the baby in the right mood.

A real video of a mother brushing her teeth at the age of 1 year 9 months (watch for everyone. Pay attention to the child’s reaction :)

When do baby teeth change?

The replacement of baby teeth begins at the age of 5-7 years. When permanent teeth begin to form, the roots of the milk teeth begin to dissolve. The teeth become loose and gradually fall out. Baby teeth fall out in the same order as they erupt. To slightly speed up the process of baby teeth falling out, you can let your child chew on fresh vegetables and fruits - this increases the chewing load.

Changing teeth is a long process. It can last for 7-9 years. All permanent teeth finally erupt by the age of 14-16, and “wisdom teeth” can appear only at 20-25 years.

  1. To prevent the toothbrush itself from becoming a breeding ground for infection, it needs to be treated every week, rinsing well with hot water. The brush needs to be changed every 2-3 months, and if the child gets sick, it is better to replace the brush to prevent re-infection.
  2. Children's toothpaste should not contain fluoride. Since children do not yet know how to rinse their mouths, they swallow the paste. Fluorine, entering the body through the digestive tract, tends to accumulate in the body, and this element is very toxic.
  3. Visit the dentist regularly, even if your child is not worried. A preventive inspection allows you to identify problems at the very beginning and eliminate them in a timely manner.

School of Health

Topic: How to teach a child to brush his teeth?

Proper care of baby teeth is a guarantee of healthy permanent teeth, so you need to pay attention to this issue literally from the cradle. The health of the child is very dependent on the parents, and they have the power not only to keep the teeth healthy, but also to instill in the child a useful habit: carefully look after the teeth and maintain oral hygiene.

Good Doctor Dentist cartoon for children about teeth

Lessons from Pinga and Kroki: how to teach a child to brush his teeth:

Let's learn together - Why brush your teeth - Hello Kitty cartoon:

In matters of child care, the topic of dental and oral care occupies a special place. Parents always have a lot of questions: do they need to brush their baby teeth? When to start brushing your teeth? Which hygiene products are suitable for little ones and which ones are suitable for older children? So that mothers do not have to wait for a dentist’s consultation at the clinic, we will try to give answers to the most important questions.

Why should a baby brush his teeth?

Among parents, you can come across the opinion that there is no need to take care of baby teeth - they will change anyway. This opinion is erroneous, and a small child still needs to brush his teeth. The fact is that the enamel of baby teeth is very weak, so caries affects it very easily. The risk of developing caries is also not related to the type of diet: even if the child is not yet receiving complementary foods, his teeth may be damaged, since both mother's breast milk and formula contain sugar.

Teeth affected by caries can become a source of infection, which can spread throughout the body and cause serious illnesses from sore throat to pyelonephritis. Meeting dentists at an early age is unlikely to make a child happy, and advanced caries means toothache, exclusion of the diseased tooth from the chewing process (which means the child will not be able to chew food properly), and in the worst case, tooth extraction. By the way, it is highly undesirable to remove baby teeth before their natural replacement. This can disrupt the process of bite formation, lead to speech defects or curvature of permanent teeth. To prevent such serious consequences, it is imperative to take care of baby teeth.

Watch the video:

When to start taking care of your teeth?

It is difficult to name a specific age at which you should start caring for your teeth. The fact is that you need to brush your teeth from the moment they appear, and this is a very individual process. On average, the first tooth appears in the mouth at the age of 6 months, but some children acquire teeth earlier, and some only delight their parents with this event at one year of age. A tooth is considered to have erupted if at least one tip has emerged from the gum. True, caring for it during this period is twofold: on the one hand, during the period of teething, the local immunity of the oral cavity decreases, and the risk of contracting an infection is high. On the other hand, the gums are inflamed and a real wound forms around the cutting tooth, so cleaning can be very painful for the child.

On topic: At what months does a baby cut his first teeth?

Some dentists are of the opinion that oral care should begin without waiting for the first teeth. Firstly, even in the absence of teeth in the mouth and complementary foods in the diet, microorganisms accumulate on the mucous membrane that can cause such unpleasant diseases as stomatitis, gingivitis, and candidiasis. Secondly, early initiation of oral care helps develop hygiene habits, and a toothbrush no longer causes such protest in the child. According to this approach, gum care should begin 2-3 months before the appearance of the first teeth, that is, at the age of 3-4 months.

Children's oral care products

Before baby teeth emerge, child oral hygiene involves wiping the gums and tongue. In this way, you can easily remove harmful plaque and cleanse your baby’s mouth of bacteria. You can also wipe the very first teeth, which will be unpleasant to clean even with a soft brush. The following products can be used for wiping:

  • A gauze swab or bandage moistened with boiled water (the water can be slightly salted). Cotton wool cannot be used for these purposes: it does not suit the texture (has no roughness) and can leave fibers behind;
  • Toothpicker finger wipes with xylitol. Serve to cleanse the mouth and teeth, relieve pain from cutting teeth, prevent infantile thrush, protect gums, and prevent caries. Available in mint and banana flavors. eat without taste. They are used to clean not only teeth, but the entire oral cavity. Designed for children from birth to 6 years;
  • Dental wipes. Oral wipes "spiffies" with grape or apple flavor. They are impregnated with a special safe antiseptic - xylitol, so they disinfect the oral cavity well. They are used to clean not only teeth, but the entire oral cavity. The only negative is that this option will be expensive for the family budget, since the napkins are disposable and are not cheap.

After about six months, the child’s ejection reflex disappears. From now on, you can use other means to clean your teeth:

  • A silicone finger brush will be needed from 6 months to 1 year. At this age, the child cannot yet hold a toothbrush on his own and make the necessary movements, so it will be more convenient to brush his teeth with the help of such a brush;
  • Classic children's toothbrush. Such a brush should have soft bristles, a short comfortable handle and a cleaning surface with an area of ​​approximately 2 children's teeth.

children's toothbrushes for little ones

Toothbrush finger holder

You should use toothpaste along with the brush. Toothpaste is also selected according to the age of the child:

  • Gel toothpaste with a neutral or milky taste is suitable for children who are not yet receiving complementary foods. This paste does not contain abrasive substances, and the neutral or milky taste does not cause discomfort or rejection in the child;
  • Toothpaste with fruit flavor. Children who are already familiar with complementary feeding respond well to “fruit” paste: banana, raspberry, strawberry.

On topic: TOP 10 products for caring for your baby

How to brush your teeth correctly

Teeth brushing technique

You need to brush your teeth 2 times a day: morning and evening. Each procedure should last about 2-3 minutes, but you can start cleaning with less time so that the child gets used to it gradually.

It is very important not just to formally follow the procedure, but to brush your teeth correctly. The rules for brushing children's teeth are not much different from those for adults, but it would be a good idea to remind them.

  • The brush should be applied to the teeth at an angle of 45 degrees and make “sweeping” movements with it from the gums to the cutting edge of the tooth.
  • You need to brush your teeth both from the outside and from the inside.
  • The chewing surface of the teeth should be cleaned using circular, progressive movements.
  • Don’t forget the tongue: it also needs to be cleaned using the back of the brush (almost all brushes have a rough outer side just for this purpose).

How to teach a child to brush their teeth on their own: we learn by playing

A child usually begins brushing their teeth on their own by the age of two, and the first attempts to hold a brush in their hands appear around the age of two. The best way to teach your child how to use a toothbrush is by example. Children tend to imitate adults, because this is the best way to learn new skills. That’s why it’s best to start by going to the bath together in the mornings and evenings. Of course, the baby’s first attempts will be very far from perfect, but that’s why parents are needed nearby to guide the inept hand.

Another good way is to put a mirror in front of the baby. Children love to look at their reflection. Seeing himself, it is easier for the child to control his movements and it is more interesting to observe where he reaches with the brush.

To make a useful activity also interesting, you can add game elements to it. Some games have particularly proven themselves.

  • It will be interesting for the little ones to brush their teeth to the beat of their favorite counting rhyme, song or poem. Particularly talented mothers can even compose a poem themselves, in which the child’s name will sound;
  • With older children, brushing your teeth can be turned into a secret mission to protect your baby from the evil Caries;
  • It is very effective to involve the child’s favorite toys and go brush his teeth with a bear or doll;
  • To practice brushing skills, you can organize family competitions to see who can brush their teeth the fastest. Parents, of course, should give in and lose the competition.

Details on the topic: 12 effective ways to teach your child to brush their teeth

Video: how to teach a 10-11 month old child to brush his teeth and how to make him like the procedure:

If your baby refuses to brush his teeth

It’s rare that brushing teeth is immediately perceived by a child as a “hurray!” A child may resist a toothbrush because he perceives it as a foreign object (if we are talking about early dental care), or because brushing causes or once caused him discomfort (for example, during the period of active teething). In any case, parents should not give up.

  • Even if the baby refuses, continue trying to involve him in the hygiene procedure, but do not insist too much. It is enough just to offer your child to brush his teeth every day;
  • Try different products: brushes, fingertips, different pastes. Perhaps the reason lies precisely in the rejection of a particular remedy;
  • Turn dental care into a game. Toys, poems, songs put the baby in the right mood.

A real video of a mother brushing her teeth at the age of 1 year 9 months (watch for everyone. Pay attention to the child’s reaction :)

When do baby teeth change?

The replacement of baby teeth begins at the age of 5-7 years. When permanent teeth begin to form, the roots of the milk teeth begin to dissolve. The teeth become loose and gradually fall out. Baby teeth fall out in the same order as they erupt. To slightly speed up the process of baby teeth falling out, you can let your child chew on fresh vegetables and fruits - this increases the chewing load.

Changing teeth is a long process. It can last for 7-9 years. All permanent teeth finally erupt by the age of 14-16, and “wisdom teeth” can appear only at 20-25 years.

  1. To prevent the toothbrush itself from becoming a breeding ground for infection, it needs to be treated every week, rinsing well with hot water. The brush needs to be changed every 2-3 months, and if the child gets sick, it is better to replace the brush to prevent re-infection.
  2. Children's toothpaste should not contain fluoride. Since children do not yet know how to rinse their mouths, they swallow the paste. Fluorine, entering the body through the digestive tract, tends to accumulate in the body, and this element is very toxic.
  3. Visit the dentist regularly, even if your child is not worried. A preventive inspection allows you to identify problems at the very beginning and eliminate them in a timely manner.

School of Health


Proper care of baby teeth is a guarantee of healthy permanent teeth, so you need to pay attention to this issue literally from the cradle. The health of the child is very dependent on the parents, and they have the power not only to keep the teeth healthy, but also to instill in the child a useful habit: carefully look after the teeth and maintain oral hygiene.

Reading on the topic:

  • 7 useful purchases that will teach your baby to brush their teeth;
  • Associated problems with teething;
  • Teethers - types of teethers, tips for choosing;
  • Child and dentist: how to adjust a child and successfully treat a tooth;
  • All about the hygiene of the little ones.

Good Doctor Dentist cartoon for children about teeth

Lessons from Pinga and Kroki: how to teach a child to brush his teeth:

Let's learn together - Why brush your teeth - Hello Kitty cartoon:

When to start brushing your child's teeth

At about 6 months, the child’s first teeth erupt, first 2 lower incisors, then 2 upper ones; by the age of one year, the baby usually has 6-8 teeth; at 2 years, all 20 milk teeth erupt. When should you start brushing your child’s teeth and why should you do it at all? Many mothers believe that caring for baby teeth is not so important, since they will change anyway. This approach is fundamentally wrong, since healthy baby teeth are the key to strong and healthy permanent teeth. Early damage by caries to baby teeth can cause caries of permanent teeth; early removal of damaged teeth can lead to improper formation of the maxillofacial apparatus, speech defects and damage to the rudiments of molars. A beautiful snow-white smile has always been an indicator of beauty and health.

When to start brushing your child's teeth

You need to brush your teeth from the moment they appear. Up to a year, they are cleaned with a piece of gauze soaked in warm boiled water. When the baby turns one year old. You can purchase a special children's brush with short bristles made of flexible rubber; it will gently clean your teeth and massage your gums. By the age of 2, purchase a brush for this age with soft bristles; it differs from others in its miniature size and soft bristles with rounded bristles so as not to injure the gums. For now, just brush your teeth with a damp brush, and after 2.5 years, teach your baby to rinse his mouth; when he learns, you can try supplementing the care with toothpaste. The brush must be changed every 3 months, as it loses its shape, and therefore its cleaning ability, and bacteria also accumulate on it. Buy toothpaste that indicates its age and does not contain fluoride. Although fluoride is very beneficial for teeth, it is harmful if the toothpaste is swallowed, which many children do. Therefore, do not skimp on the cost of the paste; if it says “Not harmful if swallowed,” then it is better to overpay. Children's toothpastes are usually produced in the form of a gel, as it is less abrasive and has a pleasant fruity taste and smell. When the baby learns to rinse his mouth well and does not swallow the toothpaste (usually after 4 years), then you can buy fluoride-containing toothpastes.

It is equally important to brush your teeth properly. To thoroughly clean the space between the teeth, brush them only in a vertical direction: the upper teeth from top to bottom, and the lower teeth from bottom to top, respectively. Then clean the chewing surfaces of your teeth; to do this, you need to hold the brush horizontally and make reciprocating movements with it. To clean the inner surfaces of the teeth, the brush should be held at an angle of 45 degrees and brushed with sweeping movements from the root to the cutting part. Be sure to clean your tongue; a huge amount of bacteria accumulates on it. You need to brush your teeth at least 2 times a day: in the morning after breakfast and in the evening before bed. Teach your child to use a brush, toothpaste and brush their teeth independently. but it is better to carry out cleaning in 2 stages: first you thoroughly clean the baby’s teeth, and then he himself finishes the process and rinses his mouth. Follow the rules of storage and hygiene of dental supplies. Before brushing your teeth, wash your brush with soap, after the procedure, rinse the toothpaste well, apply a little soap to it (just rub it on a bar of soap) and place it in a dry place.

From the age of 2, regularly visit the pediatric dentist with your child.. He will tell you in more detail how to care for your baby’s teeth, and will detect and solve the problem in time. Don’t scare your child with phrases: “If you don’t brush your teeth, I’ll take you to the doctor and find out what a filling is!” This will create a negative attitude towards dentists.

Be sure to brush your child’s teeth or teach him to rinse his mouth after eating candy and other sweets.. Residues of sweet food on the teeth are almost the main cause of childhood caries. An attentive and caring attitude towards children's teeth is the key to a beautiful smile in the future.

How to teach a 10 month old baby to brush his teeth?

Why are you starting so late? In fact, it is recommended to brush, or rather wipe, your teeth with a swab from the moment they appear in your mouth. But children should be taught to use a toothbrush no earlier than one and a half years old, provided that the child has at least 16 teeth in his mouth. Toothbrush without toothpaste. But with specialized paste for children - from 2 years, but not from 10 months. At 10 months, the child will not yet be able to spit out the remaining toothpaste or rinse his mouth. You won’t be able to teach him, he’s a small child.

I started brushing my child’s teeth as soon as they erupted, we had a set with 0+, a silicone finger brush and a harmless paste. He became interested in brushing on his own only when he was 1 year 3 months old, and even then the child cannot fully brush his teeth - yes, he uses a brush in his mouth, repeats my movements, but he is still doing a bad job (2 years 1 year). And I clean them for him myself, that is, first he tries to clean them, then I say, Let mom brush your teeth, and I brush them.

For your child to start brushing his teeth himself, give him a toothbrush (for children) and start brushing your own teeth in front of him. Children repeat everything after their parents and take their example from them; at first they won’t succeed, but it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to develop the habit of cleaning in the morning and evening, and over time they will learn to do it correctly. And it is advisable to give it to him with paste (also for children and safe, which is not harmful if swallowed - we had Splat). My baby didn’t want to go without pasta, he needed everything to be like his mother’s)

10 months ago

I don’t think that at 10 months a child should be taught to brush their teeth. Believe me, he himself will not be able to do this very soon. When the first teeth appear, you can wipe them with gauze once a day before going to bed at night. Then, as teeth appear, we should replace the gauze with a special silicone brush, which is put on the mother’s finger, and then with a special brush (from 0 to 3 years). Special toothpastes that can be swallowed are also sold. Our dentist recommends brushing teeth with a child under 12 years of age. This doesn't mean you have to do it yourself. But you must control how he does it and, if something is wrong, correct his actions. Well, you can give a brush to a child for the first time even in one year. Just make sure he doesn't poke himself in the eye or anywhere else with it. But after or before he brushes his teeth himself, you will need to do it yourself until at least 4 years of age. Otherwise there will be no point in this cleaning.

It is not yet possible to teach, but it is very possible and should be possible and necessary to accustom (and then accustom) a child to mandatory brushing of teeth at the age you specified.

For some reason, no one is surprised by the fact that the child myself wants to hold a spoon (and later a fork) and a bottle/sippy cup/mug. but for some reason, many are bewildered by the fact that a child can be around a year old myself want to brush your teeth.

If you brush children's teeth regularly, then this daily procedure will become so familiar and necessary for the child that he (sooner or later) will want to do it himself.

I was not at all surprised when both my children and my grandchildren began to brush their teeth on their own by the age of about a year (naturally, under the great supervision of adults: like all games :-) And then it became a habit: first without toothpaste, then - with her presence.

Pigeon has a set of toothbrushes to get kids used to brushing their teeth! It consists of 3 pieces: 1st is used at the age of 6-8 months and helps the child get used to the feeling of a toothbrush in the mouth; 2nd is used for independent training in brushing teeth from the age of 12 months. and the 3rd is used at the age of approximately 1.5 years for daily use. How convenient is such a set and will a child actually brush his teeth on his own at 1.5 years (after using this set), but as an option you can try)))

When a child watches their parents brush their teeth, the children usually start asking for a toothbrush, because they are interested. You have to play out of interest. Give him a toothbrush, but first let him study without toothpaste, show him a little how to do it correctly, then give him a few days to practice this new task. It is important to brush your teeth together, it’s more interesting for the child. Naturally, you need to learn to rinse your mouth with water and spit it out. Only when he understands that he cannot swallow can you add children's tooth powder or toothpaste to the procedure, but just a little.

Well, he himself will make cleansing movements (fortunately, they repeat after adults well) in his mouth, probably closer to 1.5 years, if he gets into his mouth. In the meantime, either wipe his teeth (there are 8-10 teeth there) with a cloth or whatever is more convenient. Or buy a special finger brush at the pharmacy, it’s very handy; you put it on your finger and go over your teeth with the brush. I wouldn’t recommend paste at this age, no matter what natural ingredients it contains, God knows how a small body will react.

How to properly brush children's teeth | How to teach a child to brush his teeth

From the first moments of their appearance, teeth bring a lot of trouble to both the baby and the parents. As a rule, a child cannot take care of his oral cavity on his own, but experts advise parents to take care of this issue themselves even before their first teeth appear.

From this article you will learn how to properly brush children's teeth, as well as how to teach a child to brush his teeth when he is old enough to do so.

How to properly brush children's teeth?

Wiping baby's gums

At the initial stage, caring for a child’s teeth should consist of wiping the child’s gums with a damp swab dipped in boiled water. Thanks to this simple procedure, the child gets used to the feeling of a clean mouth and freshness.

Fingertip for cleaning teeth

After the first tiny teeth have erupted, you can start cleaning them with a special finger brush, which is sold in pharmacies. This fingertip contains silicone bristles that help gently massage the gums and properly clean the teeth.

Parents should be asked the question of how to properly brush their teeth before their children have teeth, because this way they will be more easily prepared for the fact that they need to be looked after even more carefully than their own teeth. Until your child is comfortable with toothpaste, it should not be used to brush their teeth. A child’s first teeth consist almost exclusively of enamel, so they are very easy to hurt. A rubber finger brush will help you properly brush your teeth in the safest way. In this case, the front teeth should be brushed with vertical movements, and the gums and side teeth – with circular movements. You should brush your child's teeth consistently so that he gets used to neatness and order. Do it as gently as possible because this way you will teach your child that brushing his teeth is not scary or painful.

Brushing teeth for children

When will my child be able to brush his teeth on his own? When your child is one year old, you can teach him to brush his teeth independently under your supervision. At this age, he has well-developed imitation skills, and therefore he will enthusiastically follow your movements, repeating them like a little parrot.

Which toothbrush should I choose to brush my child’s teeth? It is very important to choose the right children's toothbrush, the bristles of which should be neatly trimmed and without protruding bristles. To make it interesting for your child to brush their teeth properly, choose a toothbrush with a sound, bright colors or images of funny cartoon characters.

When can you use toothpaste to brush your teeth? Toothpaste can only be used by children over a certain age. As a rule, no child likes the taste of toothpaste, so plain water will help them get used to brushing. The paste in this procedure should appear no earlier than two years, when the child can consciously spit out foamy water.

How to teach a child to brush his teeth?

Sometimes we ourselves are too lazy to brush our teeth properly because we need to, which subsequently affects too frequent visits to the dentist - let's not teach our child to do this. So, how do you teach your child to brush his teeth?

Teeth brushing algorithm:

Position the brush at a 45-degree angle and sweep from the gum to the edge of the tooth.

To clean chewing surfaces, the brush should be positioned horizontally, making reciprocating movements.

To clean the inner surfaces of the teeth, the handle of the toothbrush is positioned vertically, the direction of movement is from the gum to the cutting edge of the tooth.

Answers to parents' questions about brushing teeth:

At what age should a child be taught to brush their teeth? There is no consensus on this matter; some experts argue that parents should start brushing their children’s teeth at 6-7 months of age. At this age, a child’s gums are simply wiped with boiled water. By the age of one year, you can safely purchase a brush.

Which brush should I use to brush my child's teeth? The choice of brush must be approached with great responsibility. It is important that the bristles are soft. The shape of the head is round and covers no more than 2 teeth. The brush should be changed once every three months.

When should a child brush his or her own teeth? A child should learn to brush their teeth independently by the age of two. And, of course, the best example is yourself. Demonstrate to your child how you brush your teeth, and given his desire to be like an adult in everything, the result will not be long in coming.

Should my child's baby teeth be brushed? There are many debates about whether baby teeth should be brushed? - after all, they will fall out anyway. I think it’s necessary, I’ll share my thoughts. Firstly, this will teach the baby to hygiene from the first years, and secondly, after brushing the teeth, you remove the main cause of caries - dental plaque.

How long should you brush your child's teeth? The time for brushing teeth should be on average 3-5 minutes, some experts say that it is 10. But 10 minutes is the duration of brushing an adult’s teeth; for a child, in any case, this is a lot.

How to brush your child’s teeth in a playful way? To prevent brushing your teeth from turning into torture, first of all, buy your child a beautiful brush. Play with him: Who can brush his teeth better? Of course you will lose, you know who should win. If you sensibly present the features of the game and correctly explain the teeth brushing scheme, your child will run ahead of you just to play after breakfast or dinner.

Now you know how to properly brush children's teeth.

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With the appearance of the first tooth in the baby’s mouth, the mother has new worries. And one of the main questions during this period is: “When to start brushing your teeth”?

Sometimes you can hear the opinion that it is not necessary to take care of the oral cavity of infants, because sooner or later the teeth will change anyway. But this is not true at all! After all, the condition of permanent teeth largely depends on how they were cared for and in what condition the milk teeth were. Therefore, I propose to understand the basic rules of oral care for children.

Why is this necessary?

  • The enamel of a baby tooth is very thin and vulnerable, so caries develops much faster in children than in adults. And since caries is a source of infection, it can spread throughout the body, causing various diseases, for example, pyelonephritis or tonsillitis;
  • In addition, if this process is started, the baby begins to worry about toothache, and this is already a reason for a visit to the doctor, which even adults are afraid of. If this is not done on time, the child may lose his tooth. By the way, dentists say that removing them before the period of natural replacement is highly undesirable, since malocclusion and curvature of other teeth are possible;
  • Another argument of parents who do not care for the oral cavity of their infants is that the baby has not yet been introduced to complementary foods, which means brushing the teeth is not necessary. If there are no teeth, then the question is removed, but if teeth appear, then to the question: “At what age should a child brush his teeth?”, there is a clear answer: “From the moment they erupt.

When to start brushing your teeth?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. Why?

  1. The time of eruption of the first teeth varies from person to person. For some babies, this can happen by 4-6 months or even earlier, while others delight their parents with their first tooth only at one year of age;
  2. Dental care during this period is also twofold. After all, at this time the baby’s local immunity naturally decreases and the risk of various infections increases. In addition, the gums of the crumbs are already inflamed, and additional manipulations can lead to painful sensations;
  3. Some dentists argue that you need to take care of your oral cavity even before teeth begin to appear. They explain this by the fact that various microorganisms can accumulate on the mucous membranes, which can cause inflammatory processes on them.

But somehow it’s hard to believe. We must pay tribute to the specifics of the profession. It often seems to me that dentists are ready to start cleaning babies’ gums from the first day, just so that harmful microbes do not accumulate.

But, here, as in pediatrics, there is a major mistake - they do not take into account the type of feeding of the child. Breast milk protects the baby, not harms it.

The second point from dentists is that, supposedly, by starting to care for teeth from infancy, the mother will be able to develop the child’s habit of maintaining hygiene and then, when the time comes to use toothbrushes, the child will not protest.

My opinion is that the maximum that can be achieved in a child is complete disgust when his mouth is touched and he can develop severe neurosis at the sight of a toothbrush. Children are very sensitive and perceive any impact on their body with caution. I have already written about cleaning a baby’s ears (read the article: How to clean a newborn’s ears?). The same problem can happen with cleaning your gums.

Therefore, brush your teeth when they appear. No need before.

Products that help with oral care

Having answered the question at what age can a child brush his teeth, I propose to consider how to do it correctly? Of course, there is no point in buying a toothbrush for a toothless baby.

  • If a child often suffers from thrush or stomatitis, then it is worth not only taking care of his oral cavity, but also starting to strengthen local immunity. He is clearly signaling that he is weak and needs your care. To do everything right, watch the course Healthy Child: Workshop for Mom;
  • A white coating is normal in a breastfed baby who is drinking mother's milk and not receiving any other medications or fluids! It doesn't need to be cleaned off.

But mothers and manufacturers are cunning, so they come up with different devices for oral care. None of my three daughters and I have needed these items, but suddenly you will need them. Therefore, I will tell you what you can use if you suddenly need to treat your child’s mouth:

  1. A tampon made from bandage or gauze. This tampon must first be moistened with warm water. It is better not to use cotton wool for this, as it can leave lint behind;
  2. Finger napkins impregnated with xylitol, the main task of which is to clean the oral cavity, protect the gums, and prevent caries and thrush. They can be found at the pharmacy. There are napkins with different flavors (banana, mint) or without taste. According to the instructions, they are suitable for children from birth until the age of 6, when the child can already manipulate the toothbrush independently;
  3. Dental wipes, which come in a variety of flavors and are impregnated with xylitol. They are usually used both to clean the surface of the teeth and in general for the entire oral cavity. But they also have a drawback - they are quite expensive, so not everyone can afford them.

After about 6 months, babies’ innate ejection reflex disappears (for information about what changes in a child’s development at this age, read the article What should a child be able to do at 6 months?). Therefore, you can use other devices:

  • Finger brush made of safe silicone. It is recommended to use it at the age of 6-12 months, when the baby is not yet able to hold a toothbrush in his hands and repeat the necessary movements;
  • Special toothbrush for children. Its special features include a comfortable handle and a small cleaning surface with soft bristles.

Additionally, you can use a special toothpaste, which is chosen based on the age of the child. What toothpaste can be used to brush children's teeth?

  1. A gel-like paste that has a neutral or light milky taste. It should be chosen for those children who have not yet started receiving complementary foods. The gel contains no abrasive substances, and its taste does not cause negative reactions in the baby;
  2. A special children's paste with a fruity taste. Children who have already tried complementary feeding are allowed to start using it.

How to properly brush your baby's teeth?

So, the baby already has several teeth and just rubbing them is not enough. How to brush your one-year-old child's teeth? This needs to be done twice a day.

How long should children brush their teeth? The basic procedure should take about 2-3 minutes. But, of course, this needs to be done gradually, starting from 15-20 seconds, increasing the time each time.

At the same time, it is important not just to move the brush, but to do it correctly. This procedure is carried out approximately the same as for adults:

  • The bristles are applied to the teeth at an angle of 45 degrees. After this, a sort of “sweeping” movement is made, starting from the root of the tooth to its edge;
  • Be sure to brush your teeth on both sides (external and internal);
  • Circular movements are used to clean the chewing surface;
  • Don't forget about the inner surface of the cheeks and tongue. Bacteria also accumulate here. To clean them, use the back of the brush, which was created just for this purpose.

How to brush the teeth of a child aged 1.5 years and older:

  1. First, the child should rinse the mouth thoroughly with warm water. A gel or paste is applied to the brush, the portion of which should not exceed the size of a pea;
  2. The chewing surface is cleaned first, pressing firmly on it;
  3. Only after this do they begin to brush the lower teeth;
  4. At the next stage, you need to close your teeth and brush their outside. Do this in a circular motion;
  5. Now it’s the turn of the inner surface. To do this, the baby opens his mouth wide, and you (later he independently) clean their surface in a circular motion;
  6. After the teeth are cleaned, you can proceed to the cheeks and tongue;
  7. The procedure ends with a thorough rinse of the mouth with warm water.

How to teach a child to brush his teeth?

Usually, by the age of two, children are already trying to do this on their own. This means it’s time for you to teach him all the intricacies of this process.

First, try to do this together, children really love to copy their moms and dads. Of course, at first the baby’s movements will be clumsy, and the result will be far from ideal, but he’s just learning! All you have to do is monitor him carefully and, if necessary, correct the child’s movements.

There is another way - you need to put a mirror in front of the baby. This will make it easier for him to independently control the entire process. To make it interesting for your child, add an element of play to this procedure:

  • for kids you can use various rhymes or songs;
  • for older children, you can come up with an exciting game, the task of which will be to protect a small tooth from harmful caries (this game will also be useful to play if you have a little sweet lover growing up. Read the article on what to do if a child eats a lot of sweets);
  • Invite your child to brush their teeth with their favorite toy;
  • When the child masters this art, you can invite him to compete to see who can brush his teeth faster and better.

The child refuses to brush his teeth, what to do?

The child is not always delighted with the need to brush his teeth regularly. Perhaps he perceives the brush as a foreign object or simply the process itself gives him discomfort. But, be that as it may, you cannot give up.

At first, you can get by with simply wiping the teeth, without giving up trying to offer the baby a toothbrush. Alternatively, go to the store together and invite him to choose the item himself. Don't forget about the game. Various nursery rhymes and funny rhymes will help your child tune in to the process itself.

To make brushing your teeth fun and safe, follow these rules:

  1. At least once a week, your toothbrush should be treated with boiling water. And once every 2-3 months you need to buy a new one. Otherwise, bacteria, including pathogenic ones, will begin to multiply on its surface;
  2. The toothpaste used for children's teeth should not contain fluoride. This is due to the fact that the crumbs cannot always rinse their mouths properly and they swallow a certain amount of the paste. And fluoride, which gets inside a child’s body, can have a negative effect, since it is toxic and can accumulate;
  3. Even if you think that the child does not have any problems, doctors still recommend periodic preventive examinations at the dentist. This will make it possible to detect various problems at the very initial stage of their development and prevent them in time.

Only high-quality oral care for a child can be considered a guarantee that he will have healthy and beautiful teeth as an adult. Therefore, you need to pay attention to this issue from infancy. Be healthy!

As soon as the baby’s first teeth begin to cut, parents start thinking about how to brush their child’s teeth. Do I need a special brush? Which pasta should you choose? These questions torment young mothers and fathers. It’s worse if parents consider brushing their teeth unnecessary. This approach to business is not only wrong, but also dangerous.

When should you start brushing your child's teeth?

The question of when to start brushing a child’s teeth arises for all mothers without exception. The only difference is that many parents start asking it too late.

Despite the fact that many mothers underestimate the importance of regular oral cleaning, it is very important to perform this procedure every day from the moment the baby’s first tooth appears. This usually happens by 6 months, when the baby begins to receive complementary foods. During this period, 1-2 cleanings per day are sufficient.

Later, at 1-1.5 years, the toddler should be taught to brush his teeth twice a day. If the baby is not irritated by this procedure, you can increase the number of cleanings to three per day.

How to brush your child's teeth?

Up to a year old, you can brush your baby’s teeth with a soft cloth or gauze moistened with water. Now there are special rubber brushes on sale that fit onto the parent’s finger and thus facilitate the cleaning process. You can purchase such a device.

By the age of one year, it is recommended to buy your baby a soft toothbrush for this age. It should not negatively affect the enamel or injure the gums. Apart from a brush, up to three years of age, no additional products (toothpastes, gels) are required.

When your baby turns three years old, you can start teaching him to brush his teeth on his own. Technically this is possible, but many children at this age find it difficult to brush their teeth efficiently and thoroughly, so they need the help of their parents. Also during this period, you can introduce your baby to toothpaste.

Remember the following rules regarding oral hygiene products.

  • Change your baby brush every 2-3 months.
  • Choose a brush with soft bristles and a rounded head so that your baby does not inadvertently injure the oral mucosa.
  • It is better to buy a beautiful brush with an interesting design - this will help instill in your child a love for oral hygiene. Now on sale you can find brushes with children's cartoon characters, princesses and superheroes. Your little one will surely love these bright fairy brushes.
  • Don't buy toothpaste that contains fluoride.
  • There is no need to use whitening pastes for toddlers, as they contain a large amount of abrasives and can damage the enamel.
  • Don’t skimp on children’s toothpaste - it’s better to buy toothpaste that is allowed to be swallowed, since until the age of 3-4 years, children do not spit out toothpaste well.
  • Mouthwash can only be prescribed by a dentist.
  • Children's toothpaste should not contain parabens, aggressive surfactants, or dyes.

How to choose a toothbrush for a child?

There are several secrets that will help you choose the best brush for your child.

  1. Do not buy brushes made from natural bristles, as bacteria multiply very quickly on them. The consequence of using such eco-brushes will be constant stomatitis in the baby and problems with teeth.
  2. When buying a brush for a child under 3 years of age, pay attention to the handle. It should be thick and durable - only such a device can hold a baby aged 1-3 years.
  3. The bristles should be collected in “group sections”. There should be 23 or more such groups.
  4. A child under 5 years old needs a very soft brush (extra-soft).
  5. The length of the toothbrush head should be 18-23 mm.

The Pigeon brand has a whole set of brushes: one - a thimble brush - is intended for brushing the teeth of a six-month-old baby, the other is suitable for a 1-2 year old baby, the third - the largest - will help teach a child to brush their teeth on their own.

Bebe Comfort has a similar set. Popular children's brushes are from manufacturers Rocs, Mir Detstva (Kurnosiki), Nuk, Canpol.

How to properly brush a one-year-old child's teeth?

When the baby turns 1 year old, you need to use a special baby brush with a long handle to clean the mouth.

Not everyone knows how to properly brush children's teeth. Due to parents' mistakes, the child's first teeth suffer, the enamel wears off, and caries occurs. Don't make mistakes - brush your teeth correctly!

This is done as follows.

  • Wet the brush with water.
  • Position the brush at a 45-degree angle and gently brush over your baby's teeth. Movements should be made from the gums to the edges of the teeth.
  • Clean off plaque with soft, gentle movements. Do not press or scrape children's teeth.
  • Explain to your child why you are doing this.
  • If the child tries to use the brush independently, do not interfere. Better show him how to brush his teeth properly by moving his hand.
  • Teach your toddler to rinse his mouth with water and spit out the paste. Explain that this is very important.

A child needs 2 minutes to clean the mouth (an adult – 3). In order not to irritate your child with a long procedure, buy a 2-minute hourglass and invite your baby to track the time of brushing his teeth using it. The little one will be so carried away that he will not be capricious. As a last resort, you can show him short 2-minute cartoons.

How to teach your child to brush his teeth on his own?

It happens that the baby does not want to brush his teeth on his own. In this case, it is very easy to teach a child to brush his teeth - you need to turn the brushing process into a game. A few tips below will help you teach your baby this useful skill.

  1. Buy a beautiful, bright brush and toothpaste with a pleasant taste.
  2. Invite your child to play “cleaners.” The one who brushes his teeth better and more diligently gets a small prize. The prize could be watching a cartoon, a bright sticker, or a healthy sweet.
  3. You can allow your baby to brush your teeth or his toys. Sometimes watching a movie about how to properly care for your mouth can work well.
  4. Involve older children in the process.

As a rule, by the age of 4-5 years, all children brush their teeth on their own.

Why is it important to care for children's teeth?

For some reason, many parents perceive their baby’s “baby” teeth as something temporary, impermanent, and therefore unimportant. “They’ll fall out anyway,” careless mothers shrug their shoulders when asked why so little time and effort is devoted to caring for their children’s teeth. Nevertheless, such a position is not only wrong, but also dangerous.
Brushing a one-year-old child's teeth is very important because:

  • they form the correct bite and ensure the correct growth of permanent teeth;
  • they participate in the formation of the bones of the skull, and therefore facial features;
  • Irregular brushing of teeth contributes to the formation of bacteria in the oral cavity, which enter the child’s stomach with food and can cause many diseases;
  • improper care can contribute to the development of caries not only on baby teeth, but also on permanent teeth;
  • Early training in proper oral care creates in the child a sense of neatness and respect for his or her health.

In addition, beautiful teeth are the undoubted pride of every person. This parameter influences whether a person is confident and open to others.


Cleanliness of the oral cavity is the key to healthy teeth, both “milk” and permanent. If you want the best for your little one, don’t be lazy about brushing your baby’s teeth twice a day from the moment they appear. In addition, it is important to teach your child to visit the dentist at least 1-2 times a year. This will prevent and avoid many problems in the future.