Hamster with long hair. Proper care of an Angora hamster: information about the characteristics of the breed

If you decide to get a pet, then a hamster is perfect: a cute, fluffy animal that is pleasant to watch and easy to care for. In addition, it is practically manual and will bring a lot of pleasure to your child. But which breed is best? After all, you will be interested in color, size, character...

General characteristics of the species

Let's figure out what breeds of hamsters there are. There are 240 species of hamsters, but among them the species of domestic hamsters are not so numerous. Not all of them are domesticated and are able to live in captivity. Let's look at the types and breeds of hamsters that are most popular and often found among animal lovers.

The hamster belongs to the mammals of the Hamster family. Their name translated means “to store.” This is a densely built rodent. In appearance it resembles rats or mice, some look a little like a squirrel. The size, weight, eye shape and tail size depend on the species. Females are most often slightly larger than males.

Hamsters have poor eyesight, but excellent hearing and sense of smell. They communicate using squeaks or ultrasonic waves, which are picked up by the human ear. Usually small rodents are fluffy and soft, but some have quite hard hair. The color of body parts can be very diverse, so some animals look very exotic.

This is interesting: the animals have 16 teeth, and on the outside they are covered with dense enamel, and on the back they are practically devoid of it. Teeth grow throughout their lives, so the hamster is forced to periodically grind them down.

A special feature of rodents is their cheek pouches - special muscular cavities. They are located on the sides of the head, moving into the neck area. These bags serve different roles:

  1. This is a pantry where they hide food to eat in times of hunger or to hide in a secluded place. The bags contain 50g of food.
  2. Inside the sacs there are odorous glands, which are needed for the digestion of food, and in young individuals - for normal growth and development.
  3. By taking air into their cheek pouches, some species of hamsters swim and dive remarkably well, although it is generally believed that this is a land animal.

Many pet lovers are interested in knowing how to determine the breed of a hamster.

Introduction to breeds

You need to figure out how to find out the breed of a hamster, otherwise you may make a mistake when purchasing, because the breeds of domestic hamsters are not so easy to determine. But after studying their descriptions and photos, it will be easier for you to find a suitable copy. Let's find out what breeds there are.

Applies to pets. This animal reaches 18 cm, has short or long fur. There are gray, white and even black individuals, but most often the brown hamster belongs to this breed. He has an easy-going and kind character and funny habits, so children really like the breed and are preferred by many. With good care, your pet will live 3-4 years.

The varieties of “Syrians” include:

  • He has long and fluffy, light fur.
  • Color ranges from cream to black, with spotted and tortoiseshell varieties sometimes found.
  • males are more fluffy and have fur up to 5 cm, females are “dressed” modestly and have short fur.

Belongs to the dwarf breed, it is only 5-10 cm long. They can be distinguished by a stripe on the back and a diamond in the forehead area. Color ranges from white to dark gray; brown hamsters and their black counterparts are less common. Little hamsters are very good-natured. At the same time, they are nimble, agile, and love attention and communication. Therefore, if you are rarely at home, then you should not purchase such a breed.

They should not be kept at home in the presence of small children. The hamster is tame and the baby will squeeze it, which will lead to the death of the pet. It is better to keep dzhungariks alone. If animals are of the same sex, they will not get along and will constantly fight for territory; if they are of different sexes, they will bear numerous offspring. But still, many owners keep Bengal hamsters in pairs.

Note: This breed needs a spacious cage and a chalk stone for grinding down its teeth. Djungarians are predisposed to diabetes, so you should not give them sugar in any form. With proper care, they will live with you for up to 2.5-3 years.

Want to know which breed of hamster is the largest? This is an ordinary hamster that grows up to 34 cm. It has a long tail (up to 4 cm), which resembles a rat's. The muzzle is like that of an ordinary rodent, and the ears are covered with dark hair. A large hamster can fend for itself, having short but clawed legs.

The color is variegated: the top is red, and the belly is covered with darker hair. There may be white spots on the surface. The fur is thick and soft. The name of the hamster is associated with its breed: it is nothing special. In addition, a large hamster due to its size is not a very popular inhabitant of apartments.

For information: A hamster can live in a cage or glass aquarium. The cage is equipped to create comfortable conditions for the animal. They set up a house, a wheel, a drinking bowl, and a feeding trough. Some try to imitate natural conditions using hoses and pipes. You can create several levels. so that your pet can live comfortably.

Belongs to purebred representatives of the Khomyakov family. This is a dwarf form that reaches a length of only 8-10 cm. This is a Russian hamster, as it is found in the steppes of Siberia. It has characteristic features:

  • large cheek pouches where he hides his supplies,
  • fluffy paws resembling bloomers,
  • does not reproduce in captivity,
  • has a positive attitude towards “sharing”: does not quarrel with other members of the family,
  • active and mobile, especially at night,
  • loves to escape from the cage, gnawing passages, and it is very difficult to find it due to its small size.

Note: The Russian hamster changes its color in winter and can become almost white; during the rest of the year the color is dark, most often the hamster is brown.

The breed is often confused with the Djungarian, but their hind legs are bare and there are stripes on their sides. The color of the hamster is brown, sand, cream, and may have red shades. They adapt poorly to life in new conditions and have difficulty taming. They do not tolerate representatives of other breeds in a cage; they live more quietly alone. They love to bite, so wear gloves when handling them. It is better to get this breed from those who have experience with rodents.

For your information: It is risky to let a hamster out of its cage into a room where it will be difficult to find. If the animal escapes, then you can catch the animal in its own cage, which you need to put on the floor and put tasty-smelling food in it. The hamster will go for a treat and will be caught.

How to correctly determine the breed?

There are 19 known species of domestic hamsters. On any site dedicated to these cute animals, you can find types of hamsters with photographs and names. If you are interested, you can always find out what other breeds there are? There are quite a lot of them, some of them are rare, others are wild and do not make good “contact” with people: Taylor, Radde, Roborovsky, Long-tailed, Albinos and others. There is also a short-tailed hamster, but this is a wild species that lives in the mountains of Tibet.

FYI: An albino with red eyes is sometimes called a pink hamster, but this is not entirely true. Only in certain lighting will it be this shade. But if you need this color, then you can paint the rodent or buy a pink hamster in the form of a toy.

How to determine the breed of a hamster? When determining the breed, you should consider:

  • size,
  • color,
  • activity and friendliness,
  • coat length,
  • the shape of the muzzle and ears.

Breeds of hamsters with photographs and names can be found in this article, but not all of them are presented. We are talking about the most popular and friendly animals.

Having a pet, especially for a child, is a great joy. But this is both responsibility and the ability to care for him, study his habits, feed and love his little friend. Choose a furry four-legged dog to suit your taste and learn more about the breed to avoid mutual disappointment.

The Angora hamster belongs to the category of clean pets that do not require close attention from their owners. A healthy pet, provided with sufficient food and drinking water, behaves quietly and not aggressively, delighting its owners with mobility and careful monitoring of its appearance. However, even with such simplicity of keeping an animal, you need to learn a few simple rules.

Habitat and characteristics

The Angora rodent is the same as the Syrian hamster, only more shaggy and long-haired. The animal got its name due to the similarity of its fur to the “fur coats” of Angora cats. In all other respects, the long-haired hamster is a purebred “Syrian”.

The natural habitat of these animals is the desert places of Central Asia, South and North America. Rodents prefer temperate climates with abundant vegetation.

Male Angora hamsters have a fur length of up to 6 centimeters, while females do not exceed a length of 2 centimeters. Therefore, as a rule, only boys are called “Angorians”, and girls are considered representatives of the Syrian breed. The fur coats of Angora rodents have a variety of colors: black, white, gray, cream, spotted, silver. Photos on the Internet make it possible to see the entire palette of colors.

In normal nature, rodents with such coat color and length practically do not survive, since it is difficult for them to remain invisible in the face of predators. But they reproduce well and live at home. It is important to remember that when the temperature drops to 10 degrees, the animal goes into hibernation. It is advisable to avoid such situations. And if your pet falls asleep, you can wake him up by warming him in your hands, but in no case with the help of heating devices!

Outwardly, Angoras resemble guinea pigs, and they are often confused with representatives of this species.

In addition to long hair, other identifying characteristics of Angoras are: size about 10 centimeters, weight around 180 grams, small front legs, large cheeks, lack of a tail.

Before getting a pet, and looking closely at long-haired rodents, many novice breeders are interested in how long Angora hamsters live? There is no definite answer to this question, since the life expectancy of furry cats depends on many factors: health, genetics, conditions of detention and care.

On average, Angora hamsters live for about two years. However, with caring attitude and proper care, animals can live up to 4 years. How long an individual animal will live depends on:

  • the conditions in which he was born and lived before the purchase;
  • conditions of transportation to a new place of residence;
  • from nutrition and health status.

By providing your pet with decent conditions and daily care, you can get a devoted friend for many years.

The record holder for the number of years lived so far is the “Angorian”, who lived with caring owners for 7 years!

Features of maintenance and care

If your pet turns out to be an Angora hamster, care and maintenance will not be much of a hassle. Caring for an Angora is no different from caring for other rodents.

The long-haired hamster, like its relatives, prefers to live in a spacious cage. Having a fairly large size compared to dwarf hamsters or Campbell's hamsters, the Angora pet can easily unbend the unreliable thin rods of its abode and go for a walk around the apartment. To prevent this from happening, the cage must be reliable and durable. When purchasing it, special attention should be paid to the bolt mechanism. Hamsters of this breed can easily cope with simple latches and increase the space for their walks.

Such walks are fraught with the fact that an unattended hamster will chew through electrical and telephone cables, chew furniture and shoes. At the same time, he can hide so skillfully that returning him to the cage will be a difficult task.

Like other fluffy hamsters, the Angora loves to move a lot. Based on this property of the animal, it is necessary to install a running wheel in its housing. It should have a large diameter (from 20 centimeters), so that the long hair does not interfere with the animal’s active movement.

A regular sawdust bedding will not suit a furry pet, as it will get tangled in its fur, giving the animal an unkempt appearance and causing inconvenience. It is preferable to cover the bottom of the cage with a special granular filler, which is sold in pet stores.

If your pet does get dirty, bathing it is strictly prohibited! Staying in water can lead to hypothermia and illness. For daily hygiene, it is better to give your hamster a sand bath. It is also advisable to purchase sand at a pet store or hold regular sand under a quartz lamp. To make your Angora hamster look more attractive, you need to brush it with a special comb or an old toothbrush.

If you do not clean up after the Angora animal in a timely manner, the animal becomes a source of a not very pleasant smell. Cleaning should be done at least once a week, after moving the pet into a portable cage, a walking ball, or, as a last resort, a glass jar. In the meantime, the permanent place of residence is washed with warm water without the use of any chemicals.

To prevent the “fluffy” from finding himself in a state of stress after returning home, a small amount of old litter with the hamster’s native smell can be mixed with new bedding.

Under no circumstances should two males be kept in one cage. They will constantly fight among themselves, inflicting serious injuries on each other.

Daily diet for a furry pet

Angoras are more picky about the quality of food than dwarfs or other dwarf rodents. Their daily diet should include not only cereal grains (oats, corn, millet) but also vitamins. Pet stores sell special food for pets, which contains a complex of useful substances. However, your pet can also get vitamins from fruits and vegetables, which it is advisable to include in his daily food.

Angora hamsters readily eat carrots, pumpkin, apples, lettuce and dandelion leaves, dill, and parsley. Rodents will also get the necessary substances from sunflower seeds and nuts. To replenish protein reserves, your pet can be fed with boiled liver and boiled chicken meat. The main thing is that all the food in the hamster's feeder is fresh.

You should feed your pet no more than twice a day. It is advisable to replenish the supply of drinking water in his home approximately once every two days.

From time to time it is necessary to conduct an audit of the fluffy's house and check what he has brought into his pantry. There should not be too much perishable food in a hamster’s diet, otherwise the consequences may be disappointing. A long-haired rodent can not only stain its coat with vegetables or fruits that have begun to rot, but also become seriously ill.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to exclude potatoes, cabbage leaves, garlic, onions, and citrus fruits from the Angora hamster’s diet. It is advisable to avoid various exotic fruits and fruits with seeds.

Since Angora hamsters are prone to obesity, their feeding should be done under the supervision of the owner. In the house the animal should have many accessories for active body movements.

Angora hamster price

The cost of an Angora hamster in different cities of Russia ranges from 200-400 rubles. In cities with high salaries, prices are higher, in less affluent ones - lower. The price of a hamster depends on the place of purchase.

It is the lowest on the market, but when purchasing a future pet from your own hands, it is difficult to be sure that the furry has a good pedigree, and that its health will allow it to live a long and active life.

It is preferable to buy an Angora at a pet store, where the price is slightly higher than the market price, but the animals are not in doubt. In addition, at such a place of purchase you can get a free consultation on how to properly care for a rodent.

The most expensive option will be to purchase an Angora hamster from a professional breeder. However, in this case the animal will have an excellent pedigree. With the modern development of the Internet, reviews of such professional breeders are easy to find. Practice shows that those breeders who are firmly convinced of keeping animals for a long time buy pets in nurseries.

Where to buy an Angora hamster, each buyer makes their own decision. In any case, what is important to the “Angorian” himself is not how much he himself costs, but the care and love of his future owners.

You can purchase a future pet for free if your livestock breeder friends already have a pair of “fluffies.” Hamsters reproduce so quickly that it is not always possible to sell the previous litter before a new one appears.

Character and training

Watching a pet is a pleasure, but playing with it and training it is a completely different feeling. This type of rodent is friendly to people and gets along well with children. Some livestock breeders claim that their pets respond to the voice of the owner pronouncing the name “fluffy”.

It is important to remember that only young individuals aged from one and a half to two months can be trained. Such “fluffies” can be trained to litter, beg and other tricks. In order for the “baby” to get used to the owner, you first need to talk to her a lot. When the pet is no longer afraid of humans, you can safely pick it up.

If a hamster is accustomed to human company from infancy, it will easily and naturally play with children and adults, allow itself to be squeezed and stroked.

Gotcha biting

Like most representatives of the species, the Angora hamster is nocturnal. At night, the pet is as active as possible, and during the daytime it likes to sleep in a secluded place. If a furry rodent is disturbed in the middle of the day, it can become aggressive and even bite painfully.

Angora hamsters bite for other reasons.

  • The desire to “tug” the owner’s finger arises in the animal during sudden movements of a person during play;
  • when your hands smell edible;
  • if you hold your pet incorrectly (hamsters do not like to hang upside down);
  • when there is no mineral stone in the cage for grinding teeth;
  • when an animal is driven into the corner of a cage and they are trying to get it out of there.

A pet may bite in fear, which can be caused by sharp sounds or human movements.

Pet bites, although painful, are not very dangerous to human health. If the hamster does bite the “feeding hand,” the wound must be washed, treated with an antiseptic and covered with a band-aid.

It doesn’t take much for an Angora hamster to become not just a neighbor, but also a true friend. You just need to provide the rodent with decent housing, timely feeding, love and care. Hospitable and caring livestock breeders have pets that live actively, long and happily.



What to feed an Angora hamster

No difficulties in feeding you won’t have any problems, the Angora hamster eats everything that other hamsters do. The types of food do not affect the wool in any way. The main thing in choosing food is high-quality, with vitamins and essential minerals. Add to diet animal proteins, grains, fruits, vegetables, oats. They are very fond of corn and succulent herbal plants, because they use dry ones in making nests. Vegetables include eggplant, lettuce, carrots, pumpkin, and zucchini. Fruits include apples and bananas. By the way, hamsters They have nothing against meat; they can have a little boiled chicken. Also, in diet You can add low-fat cottage cheese and kefir. IMPORTANT! Food should always be fresh, as should water. Since hamsters drag food into your house, check the leftovers every day, some food quickly spoils and your pet will be poisoned! It is forbidden hamsters onions and garlic, exotic fruits and vegetables, citrus fruits, cabbage. Fruit pits also need to be removed before allowing your pet to eat them.

Angora hamsters not demanding in care, you need a cage, water bottle, bowl, water and food. A cage definitely needs a house and a wheel - these are important attributes. Since their fur is long, sawdust is not suitable; granules are better, as they will not tangle in the fur. The fur must be combed and any stuck debris removed. But to bathe hamsters contraindicated, they are prone to colds.

Instead of bathing, you can make a sand bath where your Homa will enjoy brushing himself. The cage should be cleaned several times a week and thoroughly washed at least once a week. Feed your pet several times a day and provide fresh water daily. From time to time, give hamster stretch and run. Of course, for this you need to fence off all the loopholes in the house where he can crawl through. Outside the countryside, you can easily build a small fence from the same stones or bricks.

How long do Angora hamsters live?

Angora hamsters, like others, live approximately 2 years, but with proper care and nutrition, they can live 4 years. Everything depends solely on the owner, who can provide decent living conditions for his pet.




Characteristics of Angora hamsters

What do you need to know to buy a healthy hamster?
Signs of a healthy animal:
  • Shiny fur without bald spots.
  • Clean eyes and nose without discharge.
  • Clean fur around the anus.
  • Behavior is moderately active, not sleepy and not feverishly excited.

It is better to purchase a pet at the age of 1.5 - 2 months, then it is easy to train and accustom it to the tray.

Is it possible to keep several individuals in one cage or aquarium?
This is strictly prohibited. Hamsters will fight and cause serious injury to each other.
Do I need a rabies vaccine after a hamster bite?
Bites from a healthy rodent are not dangerous, but are quite painful and, due to the special structure of the rodent’s teeth, can cause quite heavy bleeding. The wound needs to be washed, treated with hydrogen peroxide, alcohol or brilliant green, and can be covered with a band-aid.
What not to do to avoid pet bites?
  • Sharply grab a sleeping or sleepy rodent.
  • Handle without washing them first. There may be a smell on your hands that the hamster may find tasty or, conversely, dangerous.
  • Cover the top quickly with your palm.
  • Drive into the corner of the cage and catch it that way.
  • Grab the fur on the back of the neck.

This subspecies is not much different from other hams. In everyday life he is quite unpretentious and clean. Angora hamsters live for about 2 - 3 years; if all necessary conditions are strictly observed, they can live up to a maximum of 4 years. Geographically, the variety is distributed in Central Asia, North and South America.

The cost of an Angora hamster in Russia averages 200 – 350 rubles, depending on the region and place of purchase (pet store, poultry market). Since hamsters reproduce easily and quickly, and the offspring need to be placed somewhere, it is quite possible to receive an animal as a gift or for a symbolic price from acquaintances and friends. But the expenses won’t end there, because the hamster will definitely need a cage, food and various accessories: exercise equipment, a drinking bowl and feeder, a bathtub.

Advantages of keeping a subspecies:

  • It is almost silent and undemanding to conditions - it requires a small area for keeping, little food, and can be trained to go to the toilet in a special tray.
  • Gets along well with children and is calm about squeezing and excessive displays of affection.
  • It quickly becomes tame and can be trained.
  • Easily reproduces in captivity.
  • Very clean and disease resistant.
  • Affordable price.
  • An excellent pet for a novice breeder or children over one year old.

Difficulties in content:

  • He is prone to obesity, so he needs exercise equipment and a balanced diet.
  • Requires the acquisition of certain maintenance attributes: chalk stone, drinking bowl, cage, bath, wheel.
  • It is nocturnal and can hibernate.
  • It chews wires, furniture, and shoes, so it requires being in a cage or aquarium.
  • If not regularly cleaned, the cage becomes a source of unpleasant odor.
  • Can't stand neighbors. If you plan to keep a second rodent, a second cage is necessary.

Typically, rodents hibernate when the temperature drops to 10 degrees. Such situations should be avoided. If the hamster does fall asleep, warm it up as soon as possible with the warmth of your own hands.

Cage, feeder and other attributes

Your hamster will definitely need a cage with a closed top. Preferably made of metal, but not copper. The optimal area is 30x40 cm, height is about 30 cm. It is better to purchase a cage with small horizontal bars so that the pet cannot squeeze through them, gnaw them, but at the same time there is an opportunity to climb on them. The living space is filled with pieces of wood and twigs, which can be used to grind down constantly growing teeth. The floor is covered with special filler, wood pellets, sawdust or coarse sand. In addition to the cage, the hamster can be kept in an aquarium or terrarium with a closed mesh top.

The cage must be installed on a hill away from heating devices and direct sunlight. Eliminate drafts, but provide a constant flow of fresh air. Make sure your pet is not afraid of pets such as dogs or cats. The walls of the cage should not come into contact with curtains or other fabrics or wallpaper, anything that the hamster can reach and chew. In addition, the hamster will need a litter box - a special litter sold in pet stores that is poured into the corner of the cage. You can pour it not directly into the corner, but onto a flat, easy-to-clean tray.

A plywood or plastic house is usually used as a nest, the bottom of which is covered with soft material: hay, fluff, pieces of fur, paper or fabric. It is better not to use cotton wool, especially if you are planning offspring: the hamster's legs or cubs may get tangled. Newspapers are also not suitable: printing ink is quite harmful to rodents.

Hamsters are constantly on the move in nature, so they are always in great shape. Caring for and keeping an Angora hamster at home almost eliminates any activity: there is no need to obtain food, movements are limited to the territory of the cage, and there is no need to escape from enemies. Therefore, the pet needs exercise equipment to implement increased activity. The best option is a running wheel. You can purchase additional ladders, tunnels, hammocks, and shelf-floors.

The wheel for an Angora must be larger than for other species: at least 20 centimeters, otherwise the rodent will get tangled in its own fur while running. Choose a wheel with a solid surface to avoid injury to the paws. Additionally, you can purchase a walking ball, which is convenient for letting your pet out for a walk around the apartment.

The more simulators there are in the habitat and the more often the situation changes there, the more active, and therefore healthier, your pet will be and, accordingly, will live longer.

It is better to buy a small drinking bowl - the hamster drinks little, especially if there is a sufficient amount of juicy food. But the water needs to be changed regularly. Any easy-to-clean small container will be suitable as a feeder. There should be two feeders - for dry and wet food.

The last, but very important accessory for the cage is a mineral (chalk) stone. It is designed for grinding teeth. Without this, your pet's teeth may grow so long that they interfere with his life.

Cleaning the cage

Hamsters are very clean creatures, so cleaning must be done regularly. If your pet relieves itself in a tray, then cleaning will be needed about twice a week and will only take about 10 minutes. First, remove the rodent from the cage - put it in a carrier, in the children's hands, in a walking ball, or, in extreme cases, in a jar with a small amount of food at the bottom.

Then the hamster's housing needs to be emptied of all accessories, washed with warm water and dried. Do not use chemical detergents. If the cage is very dirty, purchase a special cleaning product. Be sure to wash the feeders, drinker, tray, wheel and everything else. Sift the granules or other filler from the cage tray, discard the debris, rinse and dry.

To prevent your pet from experiencing stress when returning to a home where there is no “native smell” left, leave a little of the litter from the dirty cage unwashed and scatter it on the floor after cleaning.


Keeping Angora hamsters can be a bit of a hassle when it comes to grooming. It is quite long and hairy, so it needs to be combed regularly to remove entangled food particles and debris.

A regular toothbrush is suitable for the procedure. If desired, you can purchase a special cleaning powder. To make the wool less dirty, it is better to use wood pellets instead of sawdust, which usually lines the floor of the cage.


The hamster will not need bathing in the generally accepted sense of the word. Moreover, water procedures are contraindicated for your pet. He could easily catch a cold and die from it. The rodent washes itself almost like a cat - with its tongue and paws. He also cleans his fur in a container with sand. You can purchase a special filler, for example, for chinchillas or other rodents, or use regular river sand.

Feeding an Angora hamster

What to feed an Angora hamster is one of the main and most important issues of keeping. Since the subspecies was bred in captivity, a balanced diet with sufficient vitamin content is extremely important for it. The basis of the diet is:

You can give your hamster:
  • Cereal and dry fruit mixtures from pet stores specifically for rodents.
  • Hamster treats from the same store - grain and grass sticks, granules, biscuits and cookies, rings and crackers.
  • Small quantities of seeds (pumpkin, melon, sunflower).
  • Egg white (once a week).
  • Apples, pears, grapes, bananas, apricots are the most loved by rodents, but you can also give other non-prohibited fruits.
  • Tomatoes, pumpkin, carrots and other vegetables that are not on the list of prohibited foods.
  • Berries – raspberries and strawberries (in small quantities).
  • Porridge without sugar (for example, for children).
  • Low-fat yoghurts without additives or preservatives.
  • Greens - dandelion leaves, plantain, clover, dill, parsley, lettuce, celery).
  • Mealworms (once every 10 days).

Fruits should be thoroughly pitted. Fruit acid, which is found in fruit seeds, is deadly to rodents.

Prohibited products:
  • Citrus.
  • Onions and garlic.
  • Cabbage.
  • Potato.
  • Exotic fruits.
  • Watermelon.
  • Pasta.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Sorrel.
  • Persimmon.
  • Almond.
  • Sweet.
  • Salty.
  • Smoked.
  • Pickled.
  • Canned food.
  • Food from the human table.

Reproduction and care of offspring

The hamster will not tolerate being around other rodents of the same sex, so a second pet needs a different cage. It is also not recommended to house a male with a female. You will not have time to distribute numerous offspring. Hamsters, including Angoras, have the shortest period of gestation among all mammals - only 14 to 20 days. Females give birth to from 4 to 18(!) hamsters at a time. At the age of 1.5 months, individuals are already ready to reproduce. In this case, the female can bring several litters per year.

You can mate hamsters of different breeds, but it is better to choose a pair with approximately the same size. This is due to the fact that a pregnant female becomes very warlike and can easily injure, and in the case of its small size, even kill, the father of her own children. Therefore, the male, having done his job, is immediately placed in another cage. If he is outwardly friendly, still do not leave him with the female. Often the male destroys the nest with the babies and may bite or eat them.

Some breeding features:

  • It is easier to get offspring from young hamsters than from older ones.
  • Angoras can give birth to both long-haired and short-haired hamsters.
  • It is impossible to predict the color of future children.
  • Females often eat part or all of the offspring. Experts attribute this to a lack of protein food in the mother’s body. Therefore, a few days before giving birth, feed your hamster intensively with chicken and egg whites. You can give milk.

In the first week after birth, it is strictly forbidden to handle baby hamsters. The female can eat the cubs, on the skin of which the smell of human hands is preserved.


Most often, the health of Angora and other hamsters suffers from the following diseases:

  • Diarrhea (diarrhea) - usually caused by eating too many raw vegetables.
  • Constipation is associated with a lack of water and abuse of dry food.
  • Colds and flu.
  • Infectious diseases of the kidneys and bladder.
  • Wet Tail is a contagious and very dangerous disease characterized by diarrhea, rectal bleeding, and ruffled and wet fur in the belly and tail area.
  • Fractures and bites from other hamsters.
  • Demodectic mange (mites).
  • Rectal prolapse (resulting from diarrhea or constipation).
  • Interites.
  • Cystitis.
  • Inflammation of the cheek pouches - usually as a result of damage to the epithelium by sharp objects.
  • Lymphocytic choriomeningitis - affects hamsters up to 3 months.
  • Baldness and lichen.



The small fluffy got its name due to the presence of long hair. The shaggy fur of the animal, which is a type of Syrian hamster, strongly resembles the fluff of an Angora goat or rabbit. This breed does not have the ability to survive in the wild. In addition, long hair and light coloring do not make it possible to hide from predators, unlike simple rodents of this genus with sandy, gray or light brown coloring, therefore Angora hamsters live only in domestic conditions.

This animal was first bred in the USA back in the 70s. Angora hamsters come in not only white, but also other colors. In pet stores you can find cream, gray, spotted, black and ash colored breeds. There are even tricolor breeds.

The Angora hamster is a male specimen. Females are not as attractive as males. Their fur reaches no more than 2 cm, while in males the length of the fur can reach 5 cm. Miniature animals that resemble a ball of hair always delight children and are welcome household members in such families.

Distinctive Features

In addition to long and lush fur, the Angora hamster has other qualities that distinguish it from other breeds. Distinctive features include:

  • lack of a ponytail;
  • expression of large cheeks;
  • miniature and neat shape of the front legs;
  • reaching a size of 10-12 cm in adult hamsters;
  • The weight of an adult can vary from 160 to 180 g.

Choosing a pet

To choose the right animal, you need to know all the information about it. The following signs will indicate that your indoor rodent is completely healthy:

  • smooth, lush coat without bald spots;
  • clean eyes without purulent discharge;
  • pink or white nose without mucus;
  • clean fur around the anus;
  • active behavior without aggression, lethargy and drowsiness.

Breeding Angora hamsters is not so difficult, despite the fact that many call the rodents of this breed royal.

  • decent housing;
  • proper feeding and drinking;
  • cleaning the cage house;
  • coat care;
  • reproduction;
  • prevention and treatment of diseases.

Benefits of keeping a breed

But this is not all the advantages. The small rodent responds adequately to excessive petting and squeezing from children. Angora hamsters are fairly easy and quick to train and become tame.

Anyone can buy such an affordable animal. If necessary, you can breed a whole family of fluffies. An equally important aspect is high disease resistance. And all thanks to the exceptional cleanliness of the rodent.

For those who still have small children, this is an excellent option for beginner animal husbandry.

Some difficulties in content

Like any other rodent, the Angora or Syrian hamster chews everything in its path. It destroys cables, things, furniture, shoes, etc. To avoid such troubles, you should provide it with good housing. The cage for a rodent must be strong so that it cannot get out of it.

Despite its excessive cleanliness, the Angora hamster requires regular cleaning of its home. If you delay this for a long time, the unpleasant smell will remind you that it is time to clean up the place where the rodent is kept. In terms of maintenance, the Angora Syrian hamster requires additional paraphernalia: wheels for night jogging, chalk, pebbles, a drinking bowl, and a cage.

Since the animal is prone to obesity, it requires a balanced diet in moderate doses. In this case, the gym won’t hurt either: the same wheel that was mentioned above.

This animal is nocturnal, so it can cause some trouble during sleep. At night, it is best to move Angora hamsters to a room away from the bedroom. Animals should never be kept in pairs: rodents can simply destroy each other. Each pet requires a separate cage.


How long do Angora hamsters live? As for this breed, it differs little in life expectancy from other subspecies. A caged rodent lives for 2-3 years, under special conditions of detention and compliance with all rules of care - about 4 years.

This variety gained the greatest popularity in Central Asia, as well as in the North and South of America, where it was first propagated.

How much does an Angora hamster cost? Quite a bit: about 250-350 rubles. The cost of the animal is influenced by the region of purchase and place (market or pet store).

Considering that the Angora hamster, living in indoor conditions, reproduces quite intensively, it is quite possible to receive it even as a gift from friends.

Rules of care

Selection and installation location of the cage

So, before you buy an animal, you need to provide it with housing. The best option is a metal cage with a covered top. To make it easier for the animal to move around the cage, you should try to choose a design with horizontal bars. Small horizontal rods will serve as excellent protection against the hamster getting out. The ideal dimensions of a home for such an animal are 30 x 40 cm. The height of the living space should be at least 30 cm.

By nature, this animal loves to constantly chew on something, so its cage needs to be filled with large sawdust. You can add twigs and small chips. It is very good in this case to use a mineral stone. By gnawing all this, Angora hamsters will wear down their constantly growing teeth. Alternatively, you can use an aquarium or terrarium to keep a hamster.

The best place to install a home is a corner in the room where there are no drafts or nearby heating devices. The room must be ventilated to provide fresh air to the animal. It is also important to protect the animal from other pets - dogs and cats, which can cause fear and aggression in it.

A toilet is another important condition that needs to be provided for your pet. It can be installed in the corner of the cage. This can be a small tray with a special filler that eliminates the smell of animal feces.

Attributes for an active life

As mentioned above, this animal is nocturnal, and it is during this period of time that it is especially active. You can create a running machine and various loopholes for the animal using a special wheel, paths made of twigs, and shelves on several floors.

Unlike other species, the Angora Syrian hamster needs a large wheel, given that it has very long hair. To prevent the animal from getting entangled in it, select a wheel with a diameter of at least 20 cm. Such an attribute must have a smooth and continuous surface without ribs, otherwise the risk of injury to the shoulder blades is very high.

Modern pet stores offer many attributes for an animal to walk around the apartment, for example, a walking ball. This way you can walk the animal without it running away.

The more often you delight your pet with new entertainment, the more active and healthy it will be.

Container for drinking and feeding

Angora hamsters drink a small amount of liquid throughout the day, so in this case you can use a small drinker with a dispenser or put a regular small bowl-shaped drinker directly into the cage. The first option is more convenient because you do not need to constantly change the water. Plus, this method of drinking is considered more hygienic and simpler.

According to sanitary standards, there should be two feeders: one for dry food, the second for wet food.

Home cleaning

Washing the cage does not take much time. One cleaning per week is enough. First you need to remove the rodent and place it in any container: a jar, box or walking ball. Then all the attributes that the rodent uses are removed: a ladder, a wheel, etc. The contents of the cage are completely removed. The bottom, drinking bowl, feeder, and all other accessories are washed under warm running water.

Another important point: the Syrian hamster, like any other domestic rodent, can get stressed when returning to a clean cage with new flooring, because all the smell that was there before has disappeared. Livestock breeders recommend taking a couple of pinches of old bedding and sprinkling it on the new bedding.

How to care for your fur

Considering that this is a long-haired animal, caring for its fur is of particular importance. The procedure for combing hamsters' fur is carried out regularly for both decorative and hygienic purposes.

For this manipulation, you can use an old toothbrush. Keeping Angora hamsters in this case requires additional time and trouble. By using granulated flooring instead of sawdust, you will not only make it easier for yourself to care for your rodent’s fur, but also do it much less frequently.

As for bath procedures, they are absolutely not necessary for a pet who lives at home and are even contraindicated.


This is one of the most important rules for caring for and maintaining a pet. What to feed an Angora hamster is a pressing question for many. Considering the fact that the Syrian hamster was bred in captivity, it requires a well-chosen diet.

Authorized Products

A balanced diet for rodents consists of:

  • food containing animal proteins: cottage cheese, boiled chicken without salt, kefir;
  • foods rich in fiber: flax, millet, oats;
  • vegetable proteins: dried fruits, nuts, berries and vegetables.

Angora hamsters need to be fed these foods daily. In addition to the basic diet, rodent food can include:

  • porridge without added salt and sugar;
  • special mixtures sold in pet stores;
  • sunflower, pumpkin and melon seeds, but in small quantities;
  • egg white (but not more than once a week;
  • pressed herb sticks, cookies, crackers sold in specialized stores;
  • various greens: dill, parsley, celery, dandelion, etc.

Fruit seeds contain hydrocyanic acid. It is very dangerous for such animals, so seeds and pits must be removed before serving fruit.

Prohibited products

It is strictly forbidden to feed Angora hamsters honey, sorrel, sweet and salty foods, smoked meats, melons, almonds and citrus fruits. In addition, it is not recommended to give your rodent cabbage, canned food, potatoes, overseas fruits, berries and vegetables, as well as any food from the human table.

Features of reproduction

Another important aspect of care and maintenance is the reproduction of Angora hamsters. Such mammals reproduce at a galloping pace. The gestation period for cubs is 2-3 weeks. In one litter, a female is capable of producing from one to two dozen babies. One and a half month old rodents are already ready for fertilization, and females can give birth 2-3 times in a year.

If you plan to breed hamsters in the future, you need to properly arrange the nest for the birth of babies. The best material for a nest is pieces of hay, fluff, shredded paper or fabric. It is strictly forbidden to use cotton wool, since babies born can simply get entangled in it and suffocate. It is also not recommended to place printed paper. Printing ink is toxic to these rodents.

During the mating process, the male is placed next to the female for several days, then returned to his original place. Individuals of the same or different sexes should not stay in the same cage, since they can injure each other or even eat each other.

In addition, after the birth of offspring, the female becomes especially aggressive and can simply eat the male. A male can do the same with already born babies.

Some breeding features:

  • To breed Angora hamsters, you should use young, not old, females. Because their reproductive function is much higher.
  • It is possible to obtain offspring of both long-haired and short-haired animals.
  • It is impossible to determine for sure the future colors of the cubs.
  • If females partially or completely eat their offspring, this is a sure sign that a process of protein starvation is occurring in the mother’s body. Experts strongly recommend feeding your pet protein food a few days before labor begins. In this case, cottage cheese, chicken protein and milk will be relevant.

After birth, touching the cubs and picking them up is strictly prohibited, since the mother can smell the human scent on their cover and simply eat them.

Possible diseases

An Angora or Syrian hamster that lives in a cage, despite its cleanliness, can be affected by the following diseases:

  • Stomach upset or constipation due to improper feeding of the rodent. Against the background of this disease, another sore may develop that can be fatal - rectal prolapse.
  • Flu and colds.
  • Ringworm of various etiologies.
  • Ticks.
  • Cystitis.
  • Interit.
  • Infection of the kidneys and bladder.
  • Damage to limbs and other parts of the body as a result of injury from other individuals.

Most diseases are caused by improper and illiterate care of rodents. You can avoid all this if you follow all the rules for the care and maintenance of these beautiful mammals.


Meet the fluffy hamster

First of all, the bright and unusual exterior of the hamster catches your eye.

Sometimes, by mistake, the Angora hamster is considered as a separate, independent species. However, in fact, the Angora hamster is a representative of the Syrian breed, only with a longer coat.
It was nicknamed Angora for its resemblance to the Angora rabbit. Under natural conditions it lives in the mountainous areas of the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Appearance and character

Main external characteristics

  • body length: 10 cm - in females, up to 12 cm - in males;
  • weight: up to 180 g;
  • color: black, white, beige-cream, gray and silver, spotted, tortoiseshell and others;
  • wool: in females it does not exceed 2 cm in length, in males it reaches 5 cm.

The Angora hamster has very delicate, small front and hind legs, large cheeks, and bright, expressive black eyes. The tail is missing.

The breed is curious, makes good contact with people, and does not show aggression.

Still, there are situations when a hamster may bite or become aggressive.
Possible reasons for this:

  1. The animal is not yet accustomed to you, your hands and smell.
  2. The animal was picked up incorrectly: you abruptly covered it with your palm, grabbed it by the scruff of the neck, drove it into the corner of the cage and thus wanted to catch it.
  3. Perhaps there is a smell on your hands that attracts or, conversely, signals danger. Therefore, before picking up the hamster, you need to wash them well.
  4. There is no chalk stone in the cage for grinding down teeth.
  5. You tried to roughly or abruptly pick up a sleepy or sleeping pet.

How to determine the sex of an Angora hamster

The ability to determine the sex of an animal is important when purchasing in a store, as well as when further breeding animals, in order to prevent inbreeding.

So, to distinguish a boy from a girl, you need to carefully pick up the hamster in your palm so that the thumb and forefinger lightly hold it under the front legs, and the rest of the body hangs down.

You can hold the animal from below with your other palm. You cannot roughly grab an animal by the scruff of the neck.

In boys, there will be a large distance between the anus and the urethra: 0.5 cm in small hamsters and 1–1.5 cm in adult Angora males.
This area will be covered with wool. In females, the anus and genitals are located as close to each other as possible; hair does not grow between them, but, on the contrary, there is a small bald patch.

Also in girls you can find two rows of papillae, which males do not have.

Interestingly, many owners describe boys as more open to human interaction. Plus they smell less.

How long do they live?

If you provide the animal with all the necessary conditions and careful care, as well as a diet, it will delight you with its presence for up to 4 years.

But in natural conditions, a long-haired animal will not be able to survive.

Ironically, it is precisely because of their luxurious fur that the animals are not adapted to life in the wild, but in captivity they can be kept quite successfully.

Pros and cons of their content

Definitely, the main advantage of keeping them is their decorative value.
But that's it Pros of keeping an Angora hamster don't end:

  1. It is relatively simple and undemanding to care for.
  2. Behaves silently.
  3. Normally tolerates excessive attention to his person, calmly reacts to squeezing and caressing.
  4. Excellent training abilities.
  5. Can be propagated in captivity.
  6. Suitable as a first pet, including for children.
  7. Low cost of the animal and the necessary accessories for its maintenance.
  8. The animal is clean (which does not exclude the need for regular cleaning of the cage).

However, before purchasing a fluffy, also weigh some complexity and features of its content:

  1. Leads a nocturnal lifestyle.
  2. Only one animal can be placed in one cage.
  3. It can easily gain weight, so overfeeding is unacceptable. It is also important to provide the animal with exercise equipment.
  4. When walking around the apartment, it can chew and damage wires, shoes, and other objects, and therefore requires constant supervision outside the cage.
  5. May hibernate during winter.

How much do they cost and how to choose when buying

These fluffy creatures are inexpensive - you can buy a hamster at a pet store for less than $10.

It is optimal to buy an animal at the age of 1.5–2 months. During this period, you can begin to train him and teach him to go to the toilet.
When purchasing, you should pay attention to the following points in order to choose a healthy animal:

  1. The fur is clean, soft, and there are no bald spots or bald spots on the body.
  2. There is no discharge from the eyes or nose.
  3. The area near the anus is clean.
  4. The animal is moderately active: not sleepy, but also not running around the cage excitedly.

Angora hamsters, however, like all other breeds, reproduce very often, producing numerous offspring.

Therefore, it is quite possible that you will be able to get the animal from acquaintances or friends completely free of charge.

Choosing and arranging a home

The purchase of a pet is necessarily accompanied by the purchase of a home for it.
At first glance, it may seem that the fluffy can be settled anywhere, because this animal is completely unpretentious. But that's not true.

A parrot cage or glass aquarium are not the best options for a home for a hamster.

For this animal it is worth buying a special cage, which then needs to be equipped according to all the needs of the animal.

Size and material

When buying a cage, you need to immediately take the room “for growth”, since the animals grow quickly and there is no point in buying separate cages for a young and mature animal.

Usually, a room measuring approximately 50*50 cm with the same height is enough for hamsters.

It is better to choose a cage with high-quality metal cross bars so that your pet can climb on them.
It must have a plastic tray, as well as a door with a reliable latch.

Some cage requirements:

  1. The distance between the rods for an adult Angora hamster should be no more than 10 mm; for a female with babies it is reduced to 5 mm.
  2. In a multi-level cage, the distance between floors should be 30 cm or less to prevent injury to the animal when falling.
  3. Floors in multi-level cages should be made of plastic, but not metal bars, to prevent limbs from getting stuck and injured.

You can also choose completely plastic cages, which are already equipped with various tunnels and passages, exercise equipment and other accessories for an active pet.

Among other things, they have a plastic roof, can have several levels (floors), and can also be connected to other blocks.
The cost of such cages is quite high, but for a hamster they will be a real paradise.

What does a hamster need in a cage?

A hamster, including an Angora, is a very active, one might even say athletic, animal, so the cage must be equipped with various exercise equipment and devices for exercise and play.

Hamsters are constantly busy with something, so putting them in an empty cage is simply unacceptable.

In the wild, hamsters are extremely mobile - looking for food and materials for housing, they can travel tens of kilometers.

Main accessories:

Where to put it in the room

It is important for the animal to choose a cozy, warm, calm place in the apartment.

Areas with drafts are absolutely not suitable (place on the floor, near a window). Also, you should not place the cage in direct sunlight or in places where other pets might covet the animal’s peace of mind. Also, do not place the cage near flowering or other indoor plants that may be allergens for the animal. The ideal place is on a high stool or table in the corner of the room, away from the windows.

How many individuals can be kept in one cage?

As we have already indicated earlier, the Angora hamster does not tolerate neighbors, therefore it must live in a cage alone.

If you want to keep several individuals, each will have to be provided with a separate place of residence.

Bathing and grooming

In the standard sense, the handsome Angora will not need bathing.

Firstly, he is naturally clean; he cleans his fur and entire body with his tongue and paws.

Secondly, due to the miniature size of the hamster, it is very easy to overlook and fill his ears and nose with water.
In addition, swimming in water will be a huge stress for the animal, as a result of which it can become hypothermic and get sick.

Given the long and shaggy coat of the animals, they will require regular brushing with a toothbrush.

The main decoration of Angora hamsters often collects dirt: garbage, food debris and litter.

Caring for the fur of females is much easier, since their fur coat is shorter.

Care for claws and teeth

As such, care for nails and teeth is not required, but the hamster must have wooden objects, twigs, and chalk (mineral) stone in its cage so that the animal can constantly grind its teeth as needed.
They grow in hamsters throughout their lives and, if not worn down, can grow so large that they become a health hazard.

Cleaning the cage

The cage needs to be cleaned once every 1-2 weeks as it gets dirty. To do this, the pet should be placed (in a walking ball, glass jar, carrier). Next, the cage must be freed of all accessories, washed with hot water without detergents and dried. The filler must be removed and the tray must also be washed clean. Feeders, drinkers, and running wheels must be washed. Next, you need to fill the tray with fresh filler (adding some old stuff so that the animal recognizes its home) and place accessories around the cage.
To make cleaning the cage much easier, your hamster can be toilet trained, and this should preferably be done from a very tender age.

This is easier to do than it seems, because by nature hamsters are very clean and usually choose one secluded corner of the cage for urination. This is where the toilet should be placed.

Toilets are sold in pet stores, most often they are triangular in shape and can be open or closed.

You also need to purchase filler. To prevent an unpleasant odor from emanating from your pet’s cage, change the litter every two days and flush the toilet with water.

Video: cleaning a hamster cage

What to feed hamsters at home

In conclusion, let’s look at another important aspect of keeping a fluffy cat - feeding.

It is very important that your pet’s diet is moderate and balanced, because living in captivity can cause hamsters to gain weight very quickly and greatly.

What is possible

Basic diet:

  1. Corn. Every day you need to include oats, flax, and millet in your menu.
  2. Plant products. Angora hamsters will happily gobble up vegetables and fruits, nuts, and berries.
  3. Green. Plantain, lettuce, dill, parsley, dandelion, and clover are suitable.
  4. Animal products. A couple of times a week, the diet should be supplemented with cottage cheese and kefir, natural low-fat yogurt, as well as chicken boiled without salt. Once every 10 days you can indulge in a mealworm.

In pet stores you can buy your pet special grain and dry fruit mixtures, special hamster treats (pellets, crackers, cookies).
If you feed homemade fruits, they must first be pitted.

What not to do

Products from the following list should not be given to your hamster:

  1. Any dishes from the host's table.
  2. Sweet, salty, smoked, pickled, canned foods.
  3. Sorrel.
  4. Some vegetables: potatoes, cabbage, onions and garlic.
  5. Some fruits and berries: watermelon, persimmon, all types of citrus fruits, all exotic fruits.
  6. Pasta and flour products, baked goods.
  7. Mushrooms.

If vegetables and fruits are not included in this list, you can safely pamper your pet with them.

In general, caring for an Angora hamster is not difficult and even a beginner can do it. But this does not mean that the needs of the animal should not be paid attention to.


Characteristics and description

The Angora is a long-haired descendant of the common Syrian hamster. This type of hamster was nicknamed Angora for its soft and fluffy fur. These animals are practically never found in nature, because they are completely unadapted for independent life. Hamsters have no defensive reactions, they also do not know how to camouflage themselves, so most, unfortunately, die.

Living at home, fluffy Angoras feel great. In 1972, the Angora hamster was domesticated for the first time. Angora hamsters come in a wide range of colors, from white and black to peach, pink and cream.

Only males are called Angora hamsters, because only their fur length can reach 5 cm. The length of females’ fur rarely reaches 2 cm and they weigh slightly less.

Angoras have a number of differences:

Hamsters, in addition to long hair, have an extremely cute appearance. Black beady eyes and small pink ears delight not only children, but also adults.

Before getting a hamster, you need to find out if other family members are allergic to hamster hair or other components.

So, how to choose the right healthy animal?

  1. A healthy Angora has hair without lumps, bald spots and shines;
  2. The eyes are clear, there is no discharge from the nose;
  3. The anus and the hair around it are clean;
  4. The hamster's state is relatively playful, without sudden mood changes;

It should be remembered that it is not recommended to keep several individuals in one cage at once. They will not get along calmly; during fights they can cause serious injuries to each other.

To avoid being bitten, you need to follow some simple rules:

  • a sleepy or sleeping pet should not be suddenly grabbed;
  • before picking up the hamster, you need to wash them thoroughly;
  • You cannot cover the top with your palm;
  • you cannot drive around the cage and drive into a corner;
  • grab the fur.

Angoras are practically no different from other species. They are unpretentious to food and live for about 2-3 years. The price in pet stores for Angora hamsters is acceptable, however, do not forget that a hamster needs a house, a drinking bowl, a bath and a feeder.

Pros and cons of the content

As with any animal, owners sometimes have difficulties in keeping a pet, so before purchasing it is necessary to find out all the pros and cons of keeping Angora hamsters. The advantages include:

There are few disadvantages, but they still exist:

  • Angoras are prone to obesity;
  • the hamster needs additional accessories: a mineral stone, a simulator;
  • hibernates and is active at night;
  • capable of chewing wires and shoes, so it is recommended to let him out for a walk in a special ball;
  • may emit an unpleasant odor if the cage is not cleaned in time;
  • doesn't get along with neighbors.

The choice of a future home for an Angora hamster should be approached with all responsibility. Experts recommend purchasing a cage 35-40 cm high; the top must be closed. The cage should have horizontal bars on which the animal can climb. The bottom of the cage can be covered with sawdust, coarse sand or filler from a pet store.

It is necessary to choose the right place where the cage with the pet will stand. Do not place the cage in direct sunlight, near heating devices and away from water. It is also extremely important to install the cage so that other pets cannot reach the hamster.

Don't forget about the nest. It can be made from fluff, hay, and finely chopped white paper. Cotton wool and newspapers are not suitable for making a nest.

In the wild, furry hamsters are constantly on the move. The hamster needs to install a simulator in the cage, it will work perfectly running wheel. Due to the Angora's long coat, the wheel must be about 20 cm in diameter so that the hamster does not step on its own fur when running.

Drinking bowl You don't have to buy a big one. Angoras drink little, but the water must be fresh daily. Hamsters make up for the lack of water by eating juicy vegetables and fruits. There should be 2 feeders, separately for dry and separately for wet food.

Angora hamsters grow teeth quickly. The hamster must grind its teeth; for this, veterinarians advise owners to purchase mineral stone. The stone is freely available at any pet store or veterinary pharmacy.

Feeding the hamster

You should definitely create a proper diet for your Angora hamster. The daily diet must contain three main components that are extremely important for the health of the pet: fiber(millet, oats, flax), plant protein(vegetables, fruits, dried fruits), animal protein(boiled unsalted chicken, cottage cheese).

In addition to the above-mentioned main components, the hamster’s diet should contain:

  1. Mixtures from the pet store (cereals and fruits).
  2. Treats (cereal sticks, hamster biscuits).
  3. Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds.
  4. Egg white (once every 7 days).
  5. Fresh fruits (apples, grapes).
  6. Vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers).
  7. Berries.
  8. Yogurt 0% fat.
  1. Human food.
  2. Mushrooms.
  3. Smoked food.
  4. Salty food.
  5. Fried food.
  6. Sweet food.
  7. Garlic.
  8. Bow.
  9. Potatoes.
  10. Pasta.


Habitat and distinctive features

Its habitat in the wild is the mountains of the Caucasus and Central Asia. They like a temperate climate, dry and warm. Representatives of the breed choose areas with abundant vegetation for settlement.

There are cases where long-haired and short-haired hamsters of different colors are born in the same litter. Unusual shaggy babies with an uncharacteristic (not golden) color died in the wild. But at home they have found admirers and are able to live a long, happy life.

Breeders tried to consolidate the mutational phenomena of Syrian hamsters, and this is how the Angora hamster with shaggy hair and rare colors appeared: white, gray, cream, black, tortoiseshell. The male Angora Syrian hamster looks very impressive, its fur is 5 cm, the female’s is more modest, only 2 cm. They first began to be bred in 1972 in the USA. Fluffies look cute, so they are very popular with children of all ages.

Distinctive features of the subspecies:

  • luxurious wool;
  • absence of a tail;
  • the cheeks are quite large;
  • the front legs are tender, thin, miniature;
  • The body length of an adult hamster is 10-12 cm, weight no more than 180 g.

Breed Features

What is the name of a shaggy hamster? This is a Syrian hamster and it has its own characteristics:

  • Syrian hamsters live in separate burrows, but not far from their fellows;
  • love to sleep, especially in winter;
  • the female bears offspring for 14 days; in the spring (during the active period), about 15 babies are born in one family.

Externally, fluffy hamsters look like guinea pigs, and are sometimes confused with these animals. Angora hamsters are noticeably larger in size than dwarf hamsters.

Features of care

The long-haired Syrian hamster needs careful care; its fur needs to be combed and any tangled debris removed. The main thing here is not to overdo it; bathing your baby in water is contraindicated - he may catch a cold. The baby himself will take care of the cleanliness of his “hair”. Install a sand bath in the cage so your pet can bathe and clean itself.

Cage and accessories

To make your baby comfortable, buy a cage measuring 50x30 centimeters. A good option is a dwelling with transverse rods. The cage must have a wheel with a diameter of at least 20 cm. This also applies to the house, it must be larger than for short-haired babies. Angora hamsters are very fond of all kinds of labyrinths and pipes, so you can buy a small-diameter multi-story dwelling for them. It’s good if the floors are connected by pipes, stairs or other loopholes.


Angora hamster fur care

The home environment that you lovingly create will please the Angora. There is nothing complicated in caring for an animal, there is one “but” - long hair. Remember, she looks beautiful only if she is well-groomed, otherwise the baby will turn into a sloppy creature.

The fur is shaggy and needs to be combed to remove debris and tangled particles. You can use a toothbrush as a comb. It would be a good idea to purchase cleaning powder for long-haired hamsters. It is important to ensure that the wool becomes less dirty.

Feeding the Angora

The Angora hamster is unpretentious in feeding; it is suitable for the same diet as other domesticated rodents, the main thing is to feed it on time with high-quality food. If the baby does not have enough vitamins and minerals, the “hair” may look patchy and unkempt. Therefore, in order for the fluffy Syrian hamster to look beautiful, do not skimp on food.


Under natural conditions, hamsters use dry plants to build nests and feed on succulent ones, so do not exclude greens from the diet. As for fruits, they happily eat bananas, pears, and apples. Vegetables: carrots, zucchini, eggplant. They also need protein foods. What should you feed your Angora hamster besides store-bought food and treats? To ensure that he receives a full set of vitamins, once a week give him boiled yolk, breast milk, low-fat cottage cheese or kefir.

You need to make sure that your shaggy hamster eats only fresh food.

Periodically check to see if your baby has brought leftover food into the house - he may be poisoned by sour foods.

Favorite products:

  • oats;
  • corn;
  • millet;
  • flax seeds;
  • green grass;
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts.

Prohibited Products

You should not give treats that contain dyes, preservatives, or harmful additives. Potatoes, citrus fruits, garlic and onions are strictly contraindicated for representatives of this breed, as well as:

  • salty;
  • sweet;
  • exotic fruits, as well as watermelon;
  • almond;
  • sorrel;
  • canned food, smoked meats, pickled foods.

If you give your baby a piece of watermelon or a salted nut, he will not die. But problems with the gastrointestinal tract may begin. And why take the risk? These animals don’t live long anyway.

Duration and lifestyle

The Angora hamster does not need a roommate, so if you have purchased several fluffies, make sure that each has its own cage. If several individuals live in one dwelling, be prepared for serious fights.

Remember: Angora hamsters are territorial animals!

Angora hamsters can live up to 3 years at home. There are cases where representatives of this breed lived longer, up to 3-4 years, but only with good care. There is a world record holder who lived for 7 years.

In order for the baby to live as long as possible, you need not only to take good care of it, but also to choose the right pet. Examine his fur carefully; it should grow evenly, even on the pads of his feet, and be clean in the anus area. The eyes should be radiant and the nose should be dry.

Deviations from the norms can lead to serious illness and death of the pet. Compared to dungarian hamsters, Angora hamsters rarely get sick and have good immunity.

Important: you must visually like the baby.

How much does an Angora hamster cost?

You can buy a baby secondhand at bird markets and pet stores. A hamster with long hair costs on average 200-300 rubles. If you search well, look through the advertisements, perhaps they will give you a pet, because hamsters are very fertile. An Angora hamster is inexpensive, but to provide it with proper conditions, you will have to spend money.

Hamsters live on average 1.5-4 years, during which time he must buy food and, if desired, vitamins and accessories.

A cage is the first thing you buy for a pet; you’re not going to keep it in a jar, are you? The fluffy hamster is not a participant in the reality show “Behind the Glass”. It will be uncomfortable for the baby there. The can is cramped, you can’t put a wheel and a cozy house for sleeping in it. The cage is well ventilated and easy to clean. The average price of a cage for an Angora is 600 rubles. If it is larger, then the price is correspondingly higher.

Character and training

Angora hamsters have a gentle character, this is their main advantage. Fluffy hamsters are friendly towards people and get along with children. If you believe the reviews of the owners of cute creatures, they can follow the voice of the owner if he often communicates with the baby. To tame an Angora hamster, do not hesitate to talk to him. After he is no longer afraid of you, carefully pick him up.

If you buy a baby at the age of 1.5-2 months and immediately begin training, he will very quickly get used to the tray and also master other skills.

The Angora hamster is a very gentle and vulnerable creature, so try not to scream in his presence, but behave calmly. Despite this, Angora rodents are very brave, so from the first meetings they are not afraid of humans. They are funny: to cheer yourself up, watch your baby’s behavior during the period of his activity.

Let's sum it up

Features of keeping a shaggy hamster of the Syrian breed:

  • It is not picky about living conditions and is practically silent, with the exception of night time. To prevent the hamster from disturbing your sleep, you can take it out into the hallway or another room at night.
  • Consumes little feed.
  • Calmly relates to manifestations of affection from the owner.
  • Angora hamsters reproduce without problems in captivity.

Possible content difficulties:

  • An Angora hamster will bite if your hands smell of something tasty or if you frighten it.
  • The baby is prone to obesity, so take care of exercise equipment, the minimum set is a running wheel.
  • To ensure the highest quality care, place the following attributes in the cage: a drinking bowl, a sand bath, a chalk stone.
  • When the temperature drops to +10 degrees, the Angora hamster can hibernate.
  • Since this is a rodent, it can chew anything that gets in its way, so allow it to walk only under your supervision or in a fenced area.
  • An uncleaned cage can cause an unpleasant odor.

Now you know that the Angora hamster is a type of Syrian breed. In order for your furry to live a long and happy life, do not overfeed him, choose a balanced diet, clean his cage, and do not house him with roommates.

If you are scared by stories that hamsters are aggressive and can bite your finger, know that this does not apply to cutie Angoras. The hamster will quickly get used to you and become a true friend.

Small fluffy hamsters are liked by many lovers of these animals. Their long fur, funny appearance and variety of colors make Angora hamsters one of the most beloved pets. But the point is that angora hamster- this is a fictional creature, since these animals do not exist in nature. What is the mystery?

The Angora hamster is not actually a separate breed, as many lovers of these animals may think. It's actually just a furry variety. But here, too, not everything is so simple. The fact is that the Syrian hamster is always yellow. The color of his coat is ideal for his natural habitat, where he can always hide among the dry grass. But the Angora hamster is replete with different coat colors.

From time to time even in natural conditions, hamsters gave birth to babies with long hair, but they did not survive. A mutation in the color of the animal could also occur. Such hamsters also did not survive because they were clearly visible among the grass. Therefore, for a long time no one had heard of long-haired rodents, until Syrian hamsters began to be bred in captivity in the mid-19th century. But in this case, hamster breeders could have already saved animals with natural mutations that affected the length of the fur and the color of the coat. Therefore, long-haired hamsters began to be bred in order to get the same beautiful and fluffy offspring from them. And because of the long hair of hamsters, they were called Angora, although in fact they are Syrian.

Even now, Syrian hamster breeders often observe that the litter can produce animals with both long and short hair. But sellers in stores very often, when they see an animal’s long hair, immediately call it Angora, which confuses buyers.

But still, the Angora hamster is different from the Syrian. And it’s not just the length of the coat, but the color. Breeders and breeders were able to breed animals whose coats were not the usual golden color, but also white, gray, cream, silver, black, spotted and even tortoiseshell colors. Therefore, lovers of these animals can choose a pet to their liking.

It is also worth considering that Males have much longer hair than females. In females, the length of the fur does not exceed 2 cm, while in males it reaches 5 cm. Naturally, the males need to show off in front of the females!

How to care for an Angora hamster

Due to its long hair, the Angora hamster requires proper care.. Like other hamsters, it should be kept in a cage, but the conditions should be slightly different. Regular sawdust bedding is not suitable for an Angora hamster because it will get tangled in the long hair. To prevent your Angora hamster from experiencing discomfort due to the bedding, sawdust should be replaced with wood pellets.

Also An Angora hamster's cage must have a wheel.. But due to the length of its fur, the Angora hamster will not be able to run around on its favorite exercise machine. To avoid such trouble, the wheel must be large, at least 20 cm in diameter. Also, don't forget about a house where your hamster will sleep during the day.

The long hair of the Angora hamster requires careful care. You'll have to comb it from time to time and pull out objects tangled in the fur. Remember that you cannot bathe your hamster, otherwise he will catch a cold. The Angora hamster will clean its fur on its own. You can also organize a special sand bath for your hamster, in which he can clean his fur.

If you decide to have two Angora hamsters at the same time, you you will have to keep them in different cages. The fact is that Angora hamsters do not like neighbors. After all, even in the wild, all hamsters settle no closer than 100 m from each other. Therefore, there must be a separate cage for each animal.

What to feed an Angora hamster

Angora hamster needs a good balanced diet. The fact is that these animals are very sensitive to a lack of vitamins in the body, so try to make the Angora hamster’s diet very varied. Give him vegetables, fruits, grains and animal protein foods.

Of the grain crops, the Angora hamster loves corn, millet, oats, and flax grains.. It is preferable to give vegetables juicy. Any succulent plants are fed to the hamster. In nature, hamsters use dry plants to build a nest. Among fruits and vegetables, it is preferable to give your hamster pears, bananas, tomatoes, apples, lettuce, zucchini, pumpkin and carrots. For protein foods, give your hamster boiled chicken, low-fat cottage cheese and kefir. Make sure your hamster always has fresh food.

Never feed your Angora hamster potatoes, cabbage, citrus fruits, onions, garlic and exotic fruits or vegetables. Fruit pits are also dangerous for Angora hamsters. The kernels of the bones contain large amounts of acid, which is dangerous for hamsters.

The small fluffy ball, which has attracted the attention of many hamster lovers, is classified by store sellers as an Angora breed. How they confuse their customers with this! In fact, there is no such thing. It’s just that sometimes these funny long-haired animals are born. And, of course, there is so much outrage among owners when a family Angora couple suddenly gives birth to a “naked” baby. Believe me, this is an ordinary rabbit, not an Angora rabbit.

Why were the “fluffies” separated into a separate group? In the natural habitat of rodents, long-haired babies are practically not found. They have many enemies, since neither their coat quality nor color helps them blend in with their environment. Their less woolly relatives have a yellowish color, and they hide well against the background of grass. And among Angoras there are gray, white, cream, silver, black, spotted and even tortoiseshell. Also remember, males have much longer hair than females, whose hair is no more than two centimeters long.

Angora hamsters - care and maintenance

Long hair requires careful grooming. But otherwise, in principle, caring for an Angora hamster is the same as for the rest of its relatives. The rodent must be kept in a cage. But ordinary sawdust bedding will not suit him, as it will certainly get tangled in the animal’s long fur. Therefore, simply replace sawdust with wood pellets.

Don't forget the wheel. But it should be large enough so that long hair does not prevent the baby from running around on a kind of simulator for his own pleasure. Place a house that will serve as an overnight stay during daylight hours.

The Angora hamster will have to be combed periodically, pulling out tangled objects from its long fur. But you can’t bathe the animal. He might catch a cold. The rodent can handle this task on its own. To help, you can arrange a sand bath in his “room”, where your pet will take “loose” procedures.

And one more important note - if you have two hamsters, be sure to place them in different cages. These animals do not like neighbors and even in the wild they prefer to live a hundred meters from each other.

Angora hamster - nutrition

Hamsters are very sensitive to the quality of their food. They need a balanced diet enriched with vitamins. Furry babies also love variety in their diet. Provide vegetables, grains and fruits more often. They need animal protein.

For grains, choose millet, corn, flax and oats. Vegetables must be juicy; animals use dry grass to build their house. Fruits are apples, pears and bananas, and vegetables are tomatoes, pumpkin, lettuce and carrots. Chicken meat, kefir and low-fat cottage cheese are an excellent replenishment of animal protein in the body. And please make sure your pet's food is always fresh.

There are also foods that are harmful to the Angora hamster. These are potatoes, cabbage leaves, citrus fruits, onions and garlic. And never give him any exotic fruits. Make sure that the hamster does not eat the fruit pit, as it contains acid that is very harmful to the animal.

Lifespan of an Angora hamster

The life of an Angora hamster is short. Just two to three years. If the conditions are ideal, the animal can live for four years. Much depends on the conditions in which the hamster lived before purchase, how it was transported and whether it was sick with anything. And don’t just buy a suckling that has been separated from its mother; it may not survive if it doesn’t know how to care for itself.

Hamsters are one of the most popular pets. This success is explained by their unpretentiousness in care and nutrition, small footprint, and lack of need to walk your pet daily. The rodent will feel great even in a small apartment, because all he needs is a well-equipped cage where he can eat, sleep and play.

Recently, Angora hamsters have become especially popular. These cute furry creatures immediately attract attention. Many people think that it is separate but it is not. Long-haired animals are just a variety. The fact is that in nature, furry rodents with different colors are often born, but they do not survive because they are not adapted to their natural habitat.

The Angora hamster appeared only when animals began to be bred in captivity. The breeders were able to save the long-haired representatives, and with further crossings they managed to create not only a natural yellowish color, but also cream, white, black, silver, and tortoiseshell. Angora hamsters have long hair: in females it reaches 2 cm, and in males 5 cm, so caring for them is slightly different from keeping ordinary rodents.

There must be a house in the cage where they can hide and rest. Since the hair is long, Angora hamsters will not be able to run in a regular wheel: the diameter of the toy must be at least 20 cm. The bedding is also characterized by some features. Regular sawdust will constantly get tangled and disturb the rodent. It is best to use wood pellets.

Some owners believe that a fluffy coat needs frequent washing, but under no circumstances should you bathe a hamster, because it may catch a cold. From time to time, the long coat needs to be combed and tangled objects removed from it. Angora hamsters are able to worry about their appearance on their own. You can give them a sand bath to bathe in, where they will clean themselves.

If you really want to have several Angora hamsters at once, then all of them must be kept in separate cages, because they do not like neighbors: even in the wild, rodents settle at a distance of about 100 m from each other. To ensure that the skin is always beautiful, you need to give the animal vitamins and balanced food. The Angora hamster is very demanding when it comes to nutrition. The photo of this rodent will not leave anyone indifferent, but to have such a handsome creature at home, you need to stock up on grain, fruits and vegetables.

Hamsters love oats, corn, millet, and flax. Plants and vegetables must be juicy. The pet will be very happy with apples, bananas, zucchini, lettuce, carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes, and pears. should only be of animal origin: kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, boiled chicken meat. Potatoes, garlic, cabbage, onions, citrus fruits and other exotic vegetables and fruits should not be given. A hamster's food should always be fresh, then he will live a long life and will not get sick.