Low-fat cottage cheese: benefits and harms when losing weight. Is low-fat cottage cheese good for weight loss? Original recipe for cheesecakes with vegetables

Everyone has known since childhood that cottage cheese is good for bones and joints. But the beneficial properties of the product are not limited to this. What exactly are the benefits of cottage cheese and why it is better to choose fatty rather than low-fat cottage cheese for a diet, says our expert - Doctor of Medical Sciences, nutritionist, reflexologist, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, herbalist Mariyat Mukhina.

Mariyat Mukhina

Doctor of Medical Sciences, nutritionist, reflexologist, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, herbalist

150 years have passed since Louis Pasteur became interested in lactic fermentation. Now we already know that lactic acid bacteria increase the body’s resistance to various diseases. Lactic acid streptococcus, Bulgarian bacillus, acidophilus bacillus, kefir mushrooms, lactobacilli casei and bifidobacteria...

People who carefully monitor their health know these names by heart, trying to buy only natural fermented milk products containing these beneficial microorganisms. Helper bacteria make it possible to create fermented baked milk, yogurt, acidophilus milk, sour cream, yogurt, kefir and, of course, cottage cheese.

Some of the bacteria are worth getting to know better:

    Lactobacilli produce lactase, an enzyme that breaks down milk carbohydrates. This produces lactic acid - it suppresses the activity of pathogenic bacteria, and we get sick less often.

  • Acidophilus bacillus produces natural antibiotics in the intestines, thanks to which pathogenic microflora dies and the whole body works better. Acidophilus bacillus is so persistent that it is recommended even during chemotherapy.
  • Bulgarian stick, discovered by I.I. Mechnikov is truly unique. It not only produces lactic acid, which suppresses pathogenic bacteria, but also normalizes the functioning of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, and improves immunity. In addition, it helps the body produce vitamins.
  • Lactobacillus casei so strong that they can displace the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, the causative agent of gastritis and ulcers.

But in order to get all these beneficial bacteria from fermented milk products, you need to be very careful when choosing products.

In real cottage cheese, the number of beneficial microorganisms should be more than a million in one gram. If there are fewer of them, it means that either the production technology is broken, or there are preservatives in the cottage cheese, or antibiotics that got into the cottage cheese from cow’s milk.

"curd", " curd product", "curd mass"

If the package says “curd”, “curd product”, “curd mass”, then this is not cottage cheese: such products contain vegetable fats

What are the benefits of cottage cheese?

Increases immunity. There is a lot in cottage cheese beneficial bacteria, which suppress the development of pathogenic microflora. This product can serve prophylactic from thrush and other fungal diseases. When taking antibiotics, it stabilizes digestion.

Relieves stress. Cottage cheese is able to relieve anxiety and eliminate the effects of stress by synthesizing serotonin (“the hormone of joy”) from the amino acid tryptophan. Thanks to the choline content, it improves the condition nervous system and brain functioning.

Strengthens the heart and blood vessels. Reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol, reduces the risk of hypertension.

Improves the condition of bones and teeth. Thanks to the large amount of calcium, it strengthens bone tissue, protects bones from fractures, and prevents the development of caries, arthritis and osteoporosis.

An ideal product for a diet. It is easily digestible even if you are lactose intolerant, it contains a lot of protein, beneficial microorganisms, and little fat. Thanks to the amino acid methionine, cottage cheese is an excellent fat burner.

For a low-fat diet only?

So how to choose cottage cheese for proper diet? First, it is important to understand how it is divided according to the degree of fat content:
  1. Low-fat cottage cheese is usually called a product with a fat content of up to 1.8%.
  2. Low-fat or low-fat cottage cheese - from 2 to 3.8%.
  3. Classic or medium fat cottage cheese – 4–9% fat.
  4. Fat cottage cheese contains from 12 to 23% fat.

Most people who want to lose weight eat only low-fat cottage cheese. On the one hand, this is useful, but there are several pitfalls.

Low-fat and low-fat cottage cheese contains 18% protein, classic cottage cheese contains 16% protein, and full-fat cottage cheese contains only 14% protein. And it is better to decide on the choice of product based on the required amount of protein and fat per at the moment. This is especially important for athletes and people losing weight - we choose low-fat varieties of cottage cheese.

However, to replenish energy, you will have to eat more low-fat cottage cheese, since beneficial substances are less absorbed when the fat content decreases. For example, calcium from low-fat cottage cheese is absorbed 30–40% less than from classic cottage cheese. The absorption of calcium is promoted by fat-soluble vitamin D, and it is sufficient only in cottage cheese with medium and high fat content. Vitamins A and E are also absent from low-fat cottage cheese.

When consuming low-fat cottage cheese, animal fat will need to be obtained from other products. It is involved in the production of hormones, the formation of brain cells and the nervous system, and also helps thermoregulation.

Having completely deprived your body of animal fats, within a month you can notice how your hair and nails have become brittle and your skin is dry. This is the first sign that it's time to stop eating low-fat foods.

If you are still inclined towards low-fat cottage cheese, remember that starch is often added to it for stabilization and volume, and to improve taste qualities– flavorings and sweeteners. Real low-fat cottage cheese is dry and tasteless.

Cottage cheese with honey

A favorite recipe from childhood is cottage cheese with honey or jam. Unfortunately, this is not for the figure best option. It will be much healthier, but no less tasty, to add berries or grate a green apple. If it is still important to eat low-fat cottage cheese, add stevia syrup or stevia jam to it, and you will get a real dietary dessert.

When is cottage cheese prohibited?

Cottage cheese is sour product. It is with this property that most of the contraindications are associated.

First of all, cottage cheese is harmful for stomach ulcers and gastritis. In case of diarrhea, on the contrary, it is prescribed, but you should not get carried away.

The rate of cottage cheese consumption for women is up to 200 grams per day, for men – up to 250 grams. Eating more curd increases the risk of constipation.

If you eat cottage cheese before bed, be sure to brush your teeth afterwards: lactic acid and some bacteria can cause tooth decay.


Cottage cheese spoils quickly. Always look at the manufacturing date and expiration date. Cottage cheese will be stored in the refrigerator for 3–6 days in its original packaging or covered. In the freezer - 2-3 weeks.

In ancient times wise people They advised me to eat cottage cheese before a long journey. Then the path will be good and your health will be good. Nowadays, this tradition is still relevant. Eat cottage cheese and be healthy!

Sourdough for making real homemade cottage cheese, the taste of which is familiar from childhood. It is a natural source of calcium, phosphorus, potassium and protein, without additives, stabilizers or preservatives. Cottage cheese is necessary for cell formation, strengthening and growth bone tissue and muscle recovery.

Cottage cheese from VIVO sourdough is perfect as complementary food for small children and natural nutrition for adults, in particular: for athletes, nursing and expectant mothers, as well as everyone who adheres to a healthy diet.

Detailed information

VIVO cottage cheese starter is designed for making real cottage cheese yourself, which can be eaten even by small children.

Natural fermented milk product contains easily digestible, complete protein - the main building material for cells. Cottage cheese is also a source of calcium and phosphorus in a 2:1 ratio, which helps strengthen bones and teeth. This is especially useful:

  • children whose growing bodies especially need calcium
  • women during pregnancy
  • elderly people.

Homemade cottage cheese has a delicate, pleasant taste that even little gourmets love. When preparing a fermented milk product, you can independently adjust the consistency by reducing or increasing the amount of squeezed cheese.


To prepare cottage cheese from VIVO starter you need:

Cottage cheese starter VIVO (1 sachet is designed for fermenting up to 3 liters of milk)
milk (from 1 liter of goat, cow or other milk you get 150-200 g of cottage cheese)
saucepan, slow cooker or yogurt maker

1 Prepare the base for homemade cottage cheese. To do this, select the following possible ways:

2 Heat the base for 40-50 minutes, but do not boil until curd flakes appear. When using a multicooker, turn on the 85 °C function. Strain off the whey. Place the fermented milk product in cheesecloth or a sieve and hang it to drain the whey. In this way, you can adjust the consistency of the curd by expressing more or less whey. Bon appetit.

Bacterial composition

Compound Lactose
Lactococcus lactis subsp. Lactis
Lactococcus lactis subsp. Cremoris
Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biovar. diacetylactis

The number of bacteria in the bag is enough to guarantee the fermentation of 3 liters of milk (at the end of the ferment’s shelf life).

Storage conditions and shelf life

Homemade cottage cheese can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Where to buy

Sourdough for making cottage cheese at home can be purchased on our website, with delivery to any city in Russia. Residents of Moscow can use the convenient courier delivery service.

Courier delivery in Moscow Available from Monday to Friday from 12 to 18 hours.
Delivery cost - 300 rubles
When ordering over 1500 rubles, delivery is free. To calculate the cost of delivery, the price of the product before the discount is taken into account.

For residents of other Russian cities, goods are delivered by Russian Post

Payment options

Cash:- to the courier upon receipt of the order

Payment online: Our online store is connected to the Robokassa secure electronic payment system, which allows you to pay for your order using any Visa cards and MasterCard, no additional fees.

Payment to bank account: You can pay for your order to our account using your online banking, through the cash desk of any bank in Russia, as well as through a payment terminal.

Low-fat cottage cheese is considered dietary option classic. It is made from milk with reduced fat content, due to which the product has a low calorie content, but maintains its protein value. Therefore, it is often included in the daily diet of losing weight people and athletes. Thanks to balanced composition it also has a beneficial effect on the body: it prevents the development cardiovascular pathologies, enriches with vitamins and minerals etc.


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    Composition, nutritional value

    Low-fat cottage cheese is similar in composition to regular cottage cheese, with the exception of the fat content. The fat content usually varies between 0.1 and 2% per 100 grams. Despite the name, it is impossible to find a product with a zero value, since milk cannot be completely skimmed. The distribution of BJU will be as follows: protein - about 16 g, fat - 0.1 g, carbohydrates - 2.8 g.

    Due to the low concentration of fats, this cottage cheese has virtually no cholesterol. But there is more calcium than in fatty foods: 170 mg per 100 grams of product versus 150 mg. Only it is not fully absorbed. In this regard, the ideal fat content would be 9%.

    In addition, it contains:

    • vitamins: B2, B3, B6, B12, A, PP, D, E, H;
    • ascorbic acid;
    • minerals: calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, cobalt, molybdenum, selenium.

    The calorie value usually fluctuates slightly, depending on the manufacturer. On average it is 80–95 kcal per 100 g.


    Low-fat cottage cheese is a valuable source of easily digestible protein, which is involved in all vital functions. important processes body. Due to this, healing occurs. The product is often prescribed as an auxiliary food supplement in the treatment of a number of diseases:

    • hypertension;
    • ischemic and other cardiac disorders;
    • Gastrointestinal pathologies: colitis, enteritis, ulcers;
    • obesity;
    • damage to the liver and gallbladder;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • atherosclerosis.

    This is due to his wide range useful properties:

    • restores metabolism and lipid balance;
    • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and stimulates brain activity;
    • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
    • strengthens bones, improves the condition of nails and hair;
    • maintains muscle tone and promotes it rapid recovery after physical activity;
    • is a calcium supplier for people who are contraindicated in fat-containing foods;
    • serves as a prevention of oncology;
    • improves intestinal motility and improves digestion;
    • has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland.

    Adherents healthy image For life and elderly people, cottage cheese is recommended for daily consumption in the morning and evening (1-2 hours before bedtime). Allowed for diabetes daily norm- 150–200 g, which will be a useful addition to vegetable diet as a source of easily digestible proteins and carbohydrates.

    For athletes

    Low-fat fermented milk product is ideal for athletes and bodybuilders. The reason is that such a protein supplement fully nourishes the muscles, promotes their growth and helps to quickly recover after increased strength loads. And for pumping muscle mass you need a lot of protein, which is plenty in low-fat cottage cheese.

    This category of people needs to eat up to 500 g of dietary fermented milk product with sour cream dressing per day. Divide this volume into 5-6 servings and consume shortly before training.

    Calorie content of a Snickers bar, composition of BZHU, benefits and harms

    For weight loss

    The benefits of low-fat cottage cheese in terms of weight loss are due to several factors - low calorie content, low carbohydrate content, acceleration of metabolism, cleansing the body of toxins. From the majority low calorie foods it is most often included in various diets and used for unloading. In this way, it is possible not only to adjust weight, but also to improve digestive system.Several options for fasting days:

    • Curd and kefir. Eat cottage cheese (100 g) 5-6 times a day, washed down with kefir (150 ml).
    • Fermented milk. This means 4 meals a day with the total amount of food consumed: sour cream - 50 g, low-fat cottage cheese - 600 g, milk - 100 ml. Additionally, drink a decoction of rose hips - about 3 glasses in total.
    • Curd and yoghurt. You will need 200 g of cottage cheese and 600 ml of yogurt per day, divided into 4-5 doses. Also drink: green tea, herbal infusions and clean water.

    In this way, you can lose from 1.5 to 2 kg of excess weight in 3 days.

    To reduce body weight and prevent obesity, it is recommended to eat 300–350 g of light cottage cheese daily.

    This product is one of the few that can be eaten even late in the evening if strong feeling hunger. But you shouldn’t overeat, as a full stomach will not allow the body to fully rest during sleep. The permissible evening portion is no more than 100 g.

    For pregnant women

    For pregnant women, cottage cheese is important in their daily diet as a source of calcium. This microelement is necessary for the full formation of a child’s bone tissue. Fatty is also suitable, but low-fat is easier to digest. It is enough to eat 250–300 g per day.

    Uncontrolled eating can cause kidney problems, which is due to the high protein content in the composition.

    During lactation, the daily intake of cottage cheese should not exceed 100–150 g. This is enough to saturate the body with protein and calcium and enhance production breast milk and improving its quality.

    For children

    Children under three years of age should not be given any low-fat foods, since full development and growth require balanced diet. It is recommended to feed babies with special curds enriched with essential vitamins and microcomponents.

    After reaching 3 years of age, cottage cheese with 0.1% fat content is introduced into the diet gradually and in small portions- 60–70 g per day.

    Which cottage cheese is healthier

    Cottage cheese is on the list of the most healthy products, indicated for use by people of any age. This applies to both fatty and low-fat types. It is impossible to say which is better, since the degree of impact on the body depends on the purpose of use. If for the sake of health improvement and prevention of vitamin deficiency, then preference is given to fat-containing. For weight loss, the one without fat is recommended. But the latter is inferior in taste: tart, dry, crumbly. And not everyone likes it.

    Benefits of low-fat cottage cheese:

    • There are no purines, and they are harmful to children and the elderly.
    • Present in large quantities casein protein, which makes the product dietary. It does not destroy joints, as it is easily absorbed.
    • It has neutral acidity, which is useful for gastrointestinal pathologies.

    Despite the low calorie content, such cottage cheese has one drawback - its meager content fat-soluble vitamins: A, E, D and some minerals (zinc, copper and fluorine).

    It should be noted that calcium is more fully absorbed from fatty cottage cheese. But there is a category of people who this product you can't eat medical indications (high cholesterol). In low-fat it is practically absent, so the risk of developing atherosclerosis and formation cholesterol plaques comes down to zero.

    Possible harm and contraindications

    When consuming cottage cheese, the human body fully receives vitamins, protein, mineral elements and other biologically active ingredients. But it is not suitable for everyone due to health reasons. Obvious contraindications include:

    • individual intolerance to lactose and protein;
    • allergy to curd products;
    • kidney diseases;
    • urolithiasis and gallstone pathologies;
    • arthrosis

    The degree of manifestation of an allergic reaction is not affected in any way by the percentage of fat content. Usually it occurs due to individual substances, and any cottage cheese contains the same amount of them. Most often the provocateur is milk protein.

    Nowadays there is a wide range of fermented milk products on sale, including low-fat ones. Many unscrupulous manufacturers add various sweeteners, flavors and other artificial additives to it. They can cause significant harm to health. Therefore, in order to buy a truly high-quality and healthy product, it is recommended to pay attention to the composition. In it, except skim milk and sourdough, nothing can happen.

    The benefits also depend on freshness and compliance with production rules. Do not use the product with expired expiration date, it causes intestinal disorders. Preference should be given to what is produced in accordance with GOST. A yellowish tint to the grains is unacceptable - this is unacceptable for low-fat products.

    Despite all the benefits dietary cottage cheese, it is undesirable to exceed the permissible daily allowance. It is enough to eat 400 g. Otherwise, the liver becomes overloaded.

Nutritionists recognize cottage cheese as a product with undoubted benefits. They explain this by the fact that its composition is ideally balanced for the body to absorb all useful substances, of which there are more than enough. It has a beneficial effect on health, saturating the body with vitamins and minerals, especially calcium. There are various types, which differ from each other in the fat content in their composition. Low-fat cottage cheese is one of the favorite foods of those losing weight and people with high blood cholesterol levels. But if used inappropriately, it can cause harm to the body.


  1. Vitamins: A, B1, B2, C, PP. Also, fat-containing vitamins are present in very limited doses: A, E, D, since the low-fat product still contains minimum quantity fat (up to 0.5%). However, the content of these vitamins is so minute that it is not perceived by the body in any way.
  2. Minerals: iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, manganese, chlorine, copper.

Manufacturers, indicating “0% fat content” on the package, mislead the consumer, since it is impossible to prepare a completely low-fat product. In any case, it will contain a small amount of fat in the composition. Sometimes it reaches 0.5%.

The calorie content of low-fat cottage cheese is 105 kcal per 100 g. This allows us to classify this product as dietary. Regular, depending on the percentage of fat content, contains from 150 to 230 kcal / 100 g.

Product benefits

  1. As a product containing large quantities of protein, it is a building material for all body systems, therefore it has a beneficial effect on overall health.
  2. Helps restore metabolism and lipid metabolism.
  3. Strengthens the body's skeletal system, as well as teeth, nails and hair.
  4. Nourishes muscles, helps restore their tone and normal functioning.
  5. A source of calcium for people who are prohibited from consuming fat-containing foods.
  6. Thanks to its rich composition, it prevents a number of diseases, including oncology.
  7. Like any fermented milk product, it helps restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.
  8. Good for the thyroid gland.

Cottage cheese for athletes

This product is ideal for people involved in sports, and especially for those who want to build muscle mass. The reason is that low-fat cottage cheese is the same complete source of protein as fat-containing cottage cheese. This means that it is able to nourish muscles after physical activity. If the goal is to increase muscle mass, then, consequently, a lot of building material - protein - is required, and every day the athlete must eat at least 0.5 kg of the product. Such an amount of a fat-containing product can increase cholesterol levels, while a low-fat product daily in such (and even greater) quantities does not have such a destructive effect on blood vessels.

For pregnant women

During pregnancy, the body needs calcium, since it is a building material for the formation of bone tissue of the unborn child. For this reason, cottage cheese must be consumed every day, but in small quantities, up to 300 grams. Nutritionists argue over whether pregnant women should consume a low-fat product. There are two ways to judge this. On the one hand, it is a harmless and complete source of protein. On the other hand, pregnant women should receive from their diet maximum quantity useful substances. In this regard, it is fatty cottage cheese that is considered more saturated than low-fat cottage cheese. As a result, the optimal dish for consumption is a dish with medium fat content (3 – 5%). The exception is cases when blood cholesterol exceeds the norm.

For children

IN childhood Eating low-fat foods is not recommended at all. The body must develop and receive adequate nutrition, including fat. Children are harmed only by their obvious excess, which cannot be caused by eating the dish. A low-fat product can be included in the diet only if your health condition does not allow you to consume a regular one. In such a situation, it is better to discuss the possibility and nuances of its use with a doctor.

Can low-fat cottage cheese be harmful?

Despite everything positive aspects This product and its relative harmlessness for most categories of people, it can be harmful in the presence of certain diseases.

  1. The product contains milk protein and lactose, which may be intolerable to some people. In this case, its use is strictly prohibited.
  2. It should not be included in the diet of people who are allergic to cottage cheese.
  3. A relative contraindication for use is kidney disease. This prohibition is due to the fact that protein food unnecessarily loads this organ. A small amount can be included in the diet, but you need to dose the amount of product and monitor the body’s reaction.
  4. The dish promotes the deposition of salts, which is the cause of arthrosis.
  5. It is not recommended to use for urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.

Does the manifestation of an allergy to cottage cheese depend on its fat content?

For allergy sufferers, it does not matter what fat content the product is in front of them. The point is that allergic reaction occurs on the components that make up the product, and not on the fat itself. And the components in cottage cheese, whether it is 0% or 9% fat, are absolutely the same. Most often, allergies are caused by ingestion of the product milk protein. Its amount in a dish of any fat content remains unchanged.

How to use it correctly

How much can you eat

If there are no contraindications for eating low-fat cottage cheese, then there is no need to limit it in your diet and count every spoon you eat. This product does not affect cholesterol levels and does not harm the figure, which is why it would seem to be safe. However, unreasonable use can still be harmful to health. Such cottage cheese is a complete source of protein, an excess of which can be dangerous, especially for people who do not exercise or lead an active lifestyle. Protein puts a strain on the kidneys and liver, and too much of it harms these organs. Blood vessels also react negatively to such an overdose. Therefore, in order to avoid troubles and derive exclusively benefit from low-fat, the amount of product consumed daily should not exceed 0.5 kg.

You can eat it even at night

This is one of the few products that nutritionists allow to be consumed even at night. As a dietary product, it will not harm your figure or health. However, you need to remember that a full stomach does not allow the body to fully rest during sleep, so the portion should be small, no more than 150 g.

Which cottage cheese should you choose: low-fat or full-fat?

Nutritionists unanimously recognize cottage cheese as one of the healthiest products suitable for all categories of people. At the same time, the benefits of both fat and low-fat are noted. It all depends on what goals a person pursues when consuming cottage cheese. If in order to get as many vitamins and calcium into the body as possible, then it is better to choose a fat-containing one. And if for the purpose of losing weight, then low-fat. This is explained by the fact that a fatty product contains fat-soluble vitamins A and E and D, while a low-fat product is unable to to the fullest saturate the body with these vitamins. Calcium is also better absorbed from fatty cottage cheese.

But at the same time for separate category People are allowed to eat only low-fat cottage cheese. This applies to those who increased level cholesterol in the blood. A product that does not contain fat cannot further increase it and therefore does not harm health.

Low-fat cottage cheese is considered an ideal product for losing weight. It is very difficult to gain weight on it, given its low calorie content and ease of absorption by the body.

How to choose the right one

  1. The low-fat product must be prepared in production. This means you can only buy it in a store. Unfortunately, even the highest quality and most delicious village cottage cheese, made from milk “from one’s own cow,” cannot be low-fat, because in order to remove fat from the product, you need special equipment, which is available only in production conditions.
  2. The shelf life of low-fat products is usually shorter than that of fat-containing products. In this regard, before purchasing low-fat cottage cheese, you should carefully study the label indicating maximum term storage It should not exceed 5 days.
  3. The dish turns sour quickly, so it should be stored at a low temperature. When purchasing, you must check that the refrigeration equipment where the cottage cheese is located is in working order.
  4. The “correct” color of low-fat cottage cheese is white, without any creamy tint.
  5. You need to choose a product with a fairly solid consistency. You can often find so-called low-fat soft cottage cheese, creamy. Essentially, it is a cross between cottage cheese and yogurt. It can also be a natural product and be good for health, but nevertheless it cannot be said that it is cottage cheese in the literal sense of the word. By the way, if the cottage cheese is soft and semi-soft, then it is easier to hide added vegetable fats, including palm oil.
  6. To finally make sure that there are no vegetable fats, you need to try the product. In general, low-fat cottage cheese does not have any special taste. It is not as flavorful as fatty and can even be quite dry. The latter indicates that there are no vegetable fats in the composition, while the creamy and delicate taste should make you wary.
  7. Well, the last thing that can be done to determine the useful natural product: Examine it after the expiration date. Such a trade must turn sour. If it does not change its taste or acquires a rancid taste without signs of souring, then it means that some additives unnecessary for the body are still present in it.

The benefits of low-fat cottage cheese are obvious. It is as safe as possible for the body, as it has a positive effect on cholesterol levels and restores metabolism. It is also attractive because it does not harm the figure. It should be remembered that the body is unable to fully absorb calcium and some vitamins from low-fat cottage cheese. Therefore, before choosing low-fat or full-fat cottage cheese, you need to decide for what purpose it is included in the diet.

Cottage cheese, a fermented milk product, is certainly a healthy food product and a source of calcium necessary for the body. Indeed, nature is designed in such a way that from the first days of life, all mammalian organisms receive an invaluable product from mother’s milk, since it is in it that the content of calcium and nutrients that contribute to its absorption are optimally balanced.

Cottage cheese contains all the useful components in an accessible and concentrated form, but which type of product is healthier - low-fat or fatty, and can low-fat cottage cheese harm the body?

What is included in cottage cheese

The composition of low-fat cottage cheese and full-fat cottage cheese is almost identical and differs only in fat content. Valuable food product contains slowly digestible protein - casein (from 16 to 23 g per 100 g), calcium, magnesium and phosphorus necessary for the body, B vitamins - B2, B6, B12, as well as A, C, PP.

INTERESTING! The benefit of low-fat cottage cheese lies in its high content of animal protein and calcium. If a person did not eat meat, cottage cheese would be an indispensable vital food product.

Unfortunately, fat-soluble vitamins - A, D, E, K - are absorbed only in the presence of fats, therefore they are not available to the body in low-fat cottage cheese. In addition, the absence of these vitamins inhibits the absorption of calcium.

Useful properties of low-fat cottage cheese for weight loss

This fermented milk product is a source huge amount Such a healthy animal protein is casein, so it is necessary for athletes to build muscle mass. In terms of protein content, cottage cheese can successfully replace meat. But for people who feel the need for calcium, it is better to use a product with high content fat (9 – 18%).

As a low-calorie food - only about 84 kcal/100 g, low-fat cottage cheese is useful to consume while dieting.

INTERESTING! Based on latest research According to nutritionists, low-fat cottage cheese will only help you maintain a stable weight, but not lose weight. The fact is that all fermented milk products slow down metabolic processes in the body, are absorbed very quickly, practically without the work of the stomach and intestines. After snacking on low-fat cottage cheese, a person feels hungry very quickly.

To satiate the body and not feel hungry for as long as possible, you need to add a small amount of fiber to a serving of cottage cheese - for example, finely chopped greens or green fruits (apples, kiwi), and also do not give up a piece of coarse or whole grain bread. They definitely won’t add extra pounds, but will stay in the stomach much longer and help maintain a feeling of fullness.

Benefits of the product for the body

Of all fermented milk products, cottage cheese is the most valuable. Its main wealth lies in its unique composition useful minerals, which are perfectly digestible. Cottage cheese does not contain fiber, so all the beneficial substances of the product are 100% absorbed by the body. What are the benefits of eating low-fat cottage cheese?

1.Calcium and phosphorus are the basis skeletal system, therefore cottage cheese is necessary for children with infancy, pregnant women, athletes leading an active lifestyle, menopausal women, elderly people. Eating cottage cheese helps strengthen teeth, bones, cartilage tissue. In a word, low-fat cottage cheese should be included in the diet healthy eating.

2. Low-fat cottage cheese contains the most “deficient” amino acids – methionine and tryptophan, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, hematopoietic system and digestive organs. Methionine plays important role in the prevention of atherosclerosis, has a lipotropic effect, prevents fatty liver. Tryptophan – helps improve sleep.

3. Iron salts and other minerals in low-fat cottage cheese help increase hemoglobin levels, restore the nervous system, and have a beneficial effect on the digestion process.

Cottage cheese in general, both fatty and low-fat, is a very healthy and valuable food product. If you don't have a problem excess weight, it is better to use a product with medium fat content – ​​9%. It contains the optimal combination of fats for the absorption of calcium and other minerals, fat-soluble vitamins and protein. But if your goal is to cleanse the body, liver, adherence to dietary nutrition, maintaining a stable weight, then low-fat cottage cheese should be present in the diet.

What harm can low-fat cottage cheese cause?

The main advantage of a 0% product is great content affordable, 100% digestible animal protein. Direct harm from using this dietary product, naturally, will not be able to apply, with the exception of people who are intolerant to dairy products and lactose. But the content of some useful substances in a low-fat product is much lower than in a fatty product:

· lack of milk fat makes calcium absorption difficult;

Any healthy product should not be overused; the daily intake of low-fat cottage cheese should not exceed 200 - 250 g, so as not to cause blockage of the liver channels.

Culinary delights with low-fat cottage cheese

Low-calorie diet food can and should be varied and tasty! You can make a lot of low-fat cottage cheese healthy dishes and desserts. The easiest and fastest to prepare are cheesecakes and casseroles with various fillings - vegetable, fruit, fresh herbs, dumplings with cottage cheese or lazy dumplings, dumplings, etc.

Curd mass with fillings will serve as a light and nutritious snack, breakfast, afternoon snack and even dinner - cottage cheese is the most easily digestible product. Pairs perfectly with fermented milk product nuts, fresh and dry fruits, berries, candied fruits, honey. If you are not a fan of sweet snacks, you can mix it with curd mass fresh cucumber, chopped greens, grated radishes, a little garlic and make sandwiches or lavash rolls.

Original recipe for cheesecakes with vegetables

To prepare this dish you will need the following ingredients:

· low-fat cottage cheese – 0.5 kg;

· eggs – 2 pcs.;

· semolina – 2 tables. spoons;

· carrots – 2 pcs.;

· pumpkin – 300 g;

· sour cream for dressing.

Grate carrots and pumpkin on a coarse grater and simmer with a small amount water until tender, cool. Mix cottage cheese with semolina and eggs, add vegetables, salt to taste, mix thoroughly. The mass should be thick, as for making pancakes. Spoon the dough into a frying pan with hot vegetable oil, fry on both sides. Serve with sour cream.

It must be remembered that cottage cheese is a quickly perishable product and should be stored in the refrigerator. In a spoiled product there is increased content bacteria, yeast, mold fungi, which is expressed in a sour or bitter taste.

Low-fat cottage cheese is one of the healthiest foods that should be included in your diet. daily diet healthy eating.