My left ear is blocked and my head is spinning. Stuffed ears, dizziness, nausea: causes, possible diseases and methods of treatment

Feeling good and efficiency is the key to a quality life in modern world. Sometimes, in the background good health, a condition appears when the ears are blocked and the head is dizzy. The first signal of deteriorating health and the appearance of pathology may be an almost imperceptible change in well-being, to which you need to pay attention.

Timely consultation with a specialist and examination can save the life of any person.

Why does dizziness and ear congestion occur?

There are many diseases that cause dizziness and congestion in the ears, in a calm state and when changing body position, with or without visible visible reasons.

The attack can begin abruptly and last from several seconds to fainting and total loss consciousness.

In people from 40 to 60 years old who applied for medical care, have often found that the aging process leads to a decrease in vascular elasticity and increased sensitivity vestibular apparatus to changes in body position and atmospheric pressure. But there are other reasons for these symptoms:

  • inflammatory processes in the middle ear and infectious diseases;
  • cardiological pathologies;
  • neurological pathologies;
  • substance poisoning.

When looking for causes, you need to take into account that some non-pathological conditions, in normal health, can cause ear congestion and dizziness:

  • avitaminosis;
  • pregnancy with toxicosis and vascular disorders;
  • big physical activity;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • lack of sleep;
  • lack of oxygen;
  • sulfur plug in a narrow ear canal;
  • diet;
  • stress or fear;
  • excessive exercise.

Before you see a doctor, you need to try to independently understand the cause of the disease and prevent recurrence of attacks.

Inflammatory processes in the middle ear and infectious diseases

Inflammatory processes include pathologies of non-infectious and infectious origin, which manifest themselves as an altered state of the tissues of the middle ear. One of these pathologies is considered. It manifests itself through increased pressure, followed by an inflammatory process and corresponding symptoms.

The cause of the disease may be vascular disorders, traumatic brain injuries, introduction of pathogenic microflora.

Symptoms of dizziness and ear congestion are manifested by: colds of the ear, acute sinusitis, influenza, etc. The reason is severe intoxication and damage to the tissues of the brain, cerebellum, middle ear, vestibular apparatus, organ of Corti by viruses, bacteria or their toxins.

All infections that affect these areas will always have similar symptoms.

At differential diagnosis take into account the presence of specific symptoms of individual infections and general intoxication manifestations:

  • pain in the eyes and different parts bodies;
  • headache;
  • diarrhea;
  • general weakness;
  • increased body temperature;
  • drowsiness;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Specific symptoms:

  • Flu and ARVI - severe intoxication and headache.
  • and neuroma - ringing in the ears, loss of coordination of movements,.
  • Acute sinusitis - congestion in the nasopharynx, severe headaches, fluid in maxillary sinuses And .
  • And constant congestion ear canal, acute headaches and attacks of dizziness.
  • Ear cold – or ringing in the ears, headaches, copious discharge earwax with pus.

Cardiac pathologies

Sharp changes in blood pressure and spasms of cerebral vessels affect the saturation of tissues with oxygen, the functioning of the vestibular apparatus and the general well-being of the patient. Additional symptoms may appear together:

  • headache;
  • buzzing or ringing in the ears;
  • darkening and spots before the eyes;
  • nausea and vomiting.

For example, ischemic transient attack or stroke, begins with dizziness and gradually blocks the ears with the addition of symptoms of heart failure. Vegetovascular dystonia (VSD) has a huge range of symptoms, and under certain conditions can cause dizziness and congestion in the ears.

Neurological pathologies

Multiple sclerosis and epilepsy in the initial stages manifest themselves by periodically feeling dizzy and stuffy ears for no reason. If neoplasms appear, any other symptoms may join these symptoms.

Substance poisoning

Poisoning toxic substances, gases and heavy metals manifests itself specific symptoms, dizziness, accompanied by stuffy ears. At the first signs you should seek medical help.

Diagnosis of pathologies

Diagnosis should be carried out after consultation with a specialist. Anamnesis is collected before the onset of these symptoms and until the present day.

If you suspect cardiac diseases, you need to conduct examinations:

  • angiography;
  • blood pressure measurement;
  • measurement of eye pressure;
  • fundus examination;
  • Ultrasound of the heart.

To identify infectious diseases, take swabs Staphylococcus aureus and pathogenic microflora from mucous membranes. Inspect the ear canal and eardrum, for the presence of changes and purulent discharge.

If there is a history of head injuries, if a concussion is suspected, the following is prescribed:

  • consultation with a neurologist and surgeon;
  • X-ray of the skull;
  • tomography

Depending on the accompanying symptoms, the following is prescribed:

  • feces on worm eggs;
  • consultations with specialists of various profiles;
  • general tests blood and urine.

How to cope with symptoms?

When you feel dizzy, it appears severe weakness and your ears are blocked for no apparent reason, you need to calm down, sit on a chair or bench and wait out the attack. Do not squat suddenly or close your eyes, as dizziness may worsen into loss of consciousness. Need to:

  • loosen tight clothing;
  • provide access to fresh air;
  • even out your breathing.

Keep your head straight and try not to bend over. If necessary, drink a glass of water, and when you feel better, seek medical help. But if the condition worsens, you need to urgently call ambulance. If the attack began in public transport, find somewhere to sit and try to calm down.

If you are stressed or have high blood pressure and have ear congestion, take 20 drops of Barboval or Corvalol in a glass of water and rest a little. If remembering something, you feel unpleasant symptoms, you should seek advice from a neurologist, psychologist or psychiatrist. At chronic lack of sleep, it is recommended to restore sleep patterns and have a good rest.

If you are overworked and have hypoglycemia not associated with diabetes, you need to rest and drink tea with lemon and sugar. If attacks of hypoglycemia become more frequent, you should consult an endocrinologist. Dehydration often causes such symptoms, therefore, at the first signs, you should equalize the water-salt balance a large number mineral water.

Side effects of medications

Overdose of pills

Constant use or overdose of sleeping pills and tranquilizers negatively affects the condition nervous system. Suppression of central nervous system functions often causes a collapsed and fainting state, at first glance, even for no apparent reason. It is necessary to control the dosage of drugs and periodically consult your doctor. Self-medication can lead to serious consequences.

In the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and endocrine system drugs are used that affect general condition body. In case of an overdose or the use of an incorrectly selected drug, disruptions in hemostasis and homeostasis occur with changes in blood pressure and depression of the central nervous system. Such changes lead to ear congestion and dizziness.

Therapy methods

The appearance of symptoms in non-pathological conditions of organs and systems is relieved by the normalization of body functions. There is no need to immediately take pills or call an ambulance if the reasons have nothing to do with a serious illness. Healthy eating, taking vitamins, daily exercise, healthy sleep- are often better than any medicine.

Treatment of infectious diseases is carried out using antibiotics, antiviral and disinfectants, with supportive therapy. Additionally, vitamin, cardiological and other drugs are administered depending on complications and accompanying symptoms.

Treatment cardiac diseases carried out in a hospital as prescribed by a doctor. Neurological pathologies, after a thorough examination of the brain and the entire nervous system, are treated with drugs depending on the disease. Poisoning with substances is urgently treated in toxicology, intensive care or therapeutic department, with the introduction of an antidote and therapy of the appropriate degree and type of poisoning.

In some cases, these two symptoms appear independently of each other. During the examination, they may find a cerumen plug that periodically clogs the ears or a disease that causes dizziness. Treatment, in this case, is carried out for two different pathologies.

It is removed by an ENT doctor by washing the ear canal. Another disease is treated by an appropriate specialist. To carry out quality drug therapy, you need to seek medical help promptly at the first appearance of symptoms of the disease.

For toxicosis and pressure changes in pregnant women, special drugs are used to restore normal condition health, without severe harm fetus For the treatment of neurological diseases, when dizziness and blocked ears are used. sedatives and tranquilizers. Refusal bad habits, will normalize body functions and get rid of such symptoms.

Video: Dizziness causes and symptoms

Why do my ears clog and my head feel dizzy? Many patients turn to their doctors every day with this question. Dizziness and stuffy ears are a common symptom, sometimes indicating serious illness, for which it is necessary timely treatment. At the same time, there is not a single person who is unfamiliar with the phenomenon of dizziness and congestion in the ears. It is extremely important to distinguish between harmless dizziness caused by exposure to external factors from symptoms of a serious illness. Therefore, it is better to once again seek help from a professional and hear that there are no violations than to miss the onset of the disease.

Causes of dizziness and ear congestion

Tinnitus and dizziness: the reasons can be anything. Only a doctor can determine the exact reason for dizziness and blocked ears after a detailed diagnosis and examination.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

Symptoms of vascular pathologies often appear characteristic features. In the later stages of development, the patient suffers from migraines, surges in blood pressure, and sometimes fainting. As for the first manifestations of the still nascent disease, it all comes down to dizziness and congestion in the ears. In addition, patients complain of weakness that appears for no apparent reason. If pathological process If not treated at this stage, then further symptoms such as irritability and frequent mood swings will appear, bad dream, ringing in the ears, feeling of fullness and pain in the temples.


If tinnitus and dizziness occur against the background of a headache, then most likely we're talking about about migraine. This serious problem, which is episodic in nature, which can torment a person throughout his life, arising at the most inopportune moment. In addition to the above symptoms:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • fear of bright light;
  • deterioration visual perception- it gets dark in the eyes, midges appear;
  • weakness, loss of performance during a migraine.

Treatment of migraine is predominantly symptomatic - pain relief, relief of general well-being. Often the tendency to migraines is an individual characteristic of the body. The condition can also develop against the background of vascular pathologies and other ailments.

Inflammatory processes in the field of otolaryngology

Diseases of the ENT organs most often cause congestion in the ears, tinnitus, weakness, and dizziness. It can occur when blowing your nose or taking a lying position. In addition, other phenomena may be observed: runny nose, pain in the frontal part of the head or in the temples, increased body temperature. Bright severe symptoms characteristic of sinusitis, inflammation of the inner or middle ear. Treatment is selected depending on the type of disease and the location of the inflammation. To relieve this condition, the doctor prescribes blowing, medications, warming procedures, etc.

High blood pressure

You may also feel dizzy during an attack of hypertension. Hypertensive crisis is a rather dangerous condition that can lead to disability or even death of the patient. Main danger, V in this case, is a stroke that can be prevented if treated early. When there is a sharp jump in blood pressure, a person’s vision becomes dark, his ears ring, and he may complain of headache, a feeling of the skull bursting from the inside. Characterized by photophobia, changes in visual acuity and cold sweat.

However, the cause of stuffy ears and dizziness is not always hypertensive crisis. But sometimes hypertension manifests itself in precisely these sensations. initial stage, before headaches and other unpleasant conditions appear. The person does not yet know about the presence vascular pathology and continues to lead a normal lifestyle, at a time when it is time to take measures to prevent the progression of the disease.

Low blood pressure

Decreased blood pressure or hypotension is another unpleasant condition that also poses a danger to brain cells. When it occurs, the blood supply to tissues is disrupted and, accordingly, the brain experiences a deficiency of oxygen and glucose. Hypoxia develops. Vivid symptoms of this condition are a feeling of stuffiness in the ears, dizziness and other manifestations.

Spinal diseases

Almost any disease of the spine carries a huge danger. This is not only the risk of losing your usual activity and mobility, but also the likelihood of developing diseases that arise against the background of an existing one. The point is that when chronic diseases spinal column many atrophy large vessels, work is disrupted vascular system in general, and therefore the blood supply to the brain tissue becomes insufficient. The symptoms that suggest something is wrong are the same - dizziness and tinnitus. Additional (background) sensations are pain in the affected area. For example, with osteochondrosis cervical region spine may cause headaches occipital zone and neck.

Brain tumors

Dizziness and tinnitus - common signs brain tumors. These can be either benign or malignant formations. The tumor, in the process of its growth, begins to compress the brain, which is already limited in location by the skull. In addition, it grows into the vessels that nourish brain tissue. Result - malnutrition and oxygen supply to the brain, mechanical damage and compression, destruction of feeding vessels and a host of other negative consequences. Moreover, we can talk about both a focal tumor and metastatic lesion. The sensations experienced by the patient largely depend on the affected area and the size of the tumor itself. The most common signs:

  • severe migraine that cannot be relieved with usual medicines;
  • photophobia;
  • dizziness;
  • ear noise, congestion;
  • fainting - the patient may suddenly experience darkness in the eyes, even to the point of loss of consciousness;
  • deterioration of hearing and vision, incoherent speech (advanced stages).

Side effects of medications

If you have recently started taking any medications and notice that your ear is blocked, dizziness, nausea, or loss of clarity of consciousness appear - inform your doctor about this. Most likely, such a symptom indicates the presence of intolerance to the components of this product. pharmaceutical drug or occurrence adverse reaction body. If this assumption is confirmed, the specialist will adjust the treatment schedule and prescribe analogues of the medications used.

Most often, unpleasant sensations occur after use:

  • powerful painkillers, analgesics;
  • from sedatives there may be noise in the ears;
  • iodine-containing products;
  • some antibiotics.

Important! You should not self-medicate, especially if you do not know exactly the cause of the discomfort. If symptoms do not go away for a long time, contact a specialist for adequate help and advice.

Treatment of the disease

Such a nuisance as vertigo (dizziness) can cause a lot of problems. In order to improve well-being and restore performance, you need to establish the cause - identify the existing disease. This will not be difficult to do if you have associated symptoms: stuffy nose, ear pain or increased blood pressure. It is much worse when the background symptoms are blurred or absent altogether. In any case, do not despair - an experienced specialist will determine in which direction it is necessary to move in order to establish the correct diagnosis. Therapy is prescribed in accordance with the results obtained during diagnostic examination data.


Ear congestion along with nausea and dizziness indicates the presence of a neurological pathology. These symptoms appear when the vestibular apparatus, which is located in the human inner ear, is damaged.

Provoking factors and their elimination

Possible reasons:

To make a diagnosis, the doctor must collect anamnesis, measure blood pressure, prescribe a CT or MRI of the brain, x-ray of the cervical spine, consultation with an otoneurologist.

Healthy people may also experience dizziness, stuffy ears, and nausea. This condition usually occurs when riding a roller coaster, on an airplane, at sea or ground transport. It’s not for nothing that vomit bags are sometimes offered on flights.

Sometimes after the plane lands, dizziness and congestion in the ears persist for several days. Children have an underdeveloped vestibular apparatus, which causes discomfort.

In adults, symptoms are more common among older people because the elasticity of blood vessels decreases over time. Motion sickness in transport is called kinetosis and depends on individual characteristics people.

Before traveling, you should refrain from alcoholic beverages, smoking, fatty and fried foods. While moving, people suffering from motion sickness are advised to take a horizontal position and/or fall asleep. The best place in a train or vehicle, a seat is considered to be located facing forward to the road.

Available in pharmacies and stores wide choice motion sickness products in the form of tablets, bracelets and rings. The latest remedies, according to doctors, have a placebo effect, because no one has conducted tests on their actions.

Dramina tablets help with many conditions when a person feels dizzy. They can be given to children from 3 years old. Should be taken 30 minutes before the start of the trip, no more than 7 tablets per day. Dramamine has a sedative effect, so do not drive after use. Not suitable for pregnant or lactating women.

Avia-sea lozenges are designed to eliminate motion sickness while traveling. According to the instructions, persons over 6 years of age should begin prophylaxis 1 hour before travel. After this, you need to dissolve 1 tablet every half hour. A total of 5 tablets are allowed per day.

Chewable tablets Bonin are indicated for motion sickness, Meniere's disease and other conditions when the head is dizzy and the ears are blocked. Not for children under 12 years of age with glaucoma, pregnancy or prostatitis. Before traveling, you should chew the tablet an hour before boarding the transport. The effect should last 1 day.

Arterial hypertension

Patients with high blood pressure usually complain that they feel dizzy and have dark vision.

Hypertension is often accompanied by general weakness, nausea, ringing and congestion in the ears, fatigue and shiny spots before the eyes. An increase in pressure can be detected using a tonometer. They come in mechanical and automatic types, which are convenient for home use.

Hypertensive patients must undergo an ECG, ultrasound of the heart, ultrasound of the kidneys, general blood and urine tests, and biochemical tests.

Treatment for high blood pressure involves eliminating the cause. If the etiology is not found, then you need to start treatment with a change in lifestyle, and if this does not help, there are medications to reduce blood pressure.

First of all, the patient needs to give up bad habits, lose weight and go on a diet.

Groups of blood pressure medications:

  1. Diuretics.
  2. Beta blockers.
  3. ACE inhibitors.
  4. Angiotensin II receptor blockers.
  5. Slow calcium channel blockers.

Some drugs can be combined with each other.

Ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke

During a stroke, adequate blood supply to the brain is disrupted. This may occur due to a blood clot or rupture vascular wall. Symptoms usually include headaches, dizziness, ear congestion, nausea, and vomiting. Patients with this diagnosis often find that their vision becomes dark, objects become difficult to see, and they experience staggering when walking.

Attention! If difficulties suddenly appear in speech, writing, or your arms and legs begin to feel uncontrollable, you should urgently call an ambulance.

Stroke usually occurs against the background sharp increase blood pressure. The condition requires hospitalization and long-term treatment. Mortality due to stroke remains high.

Vestibular neuritis

The first manifestation of the disease always happens unexpectedly. When trying to turn your head or accept vertical position the body begins to feel suddenly dizzy. The disease is also accompanied by nausea, vomiting and fever. With a previous acute respiratory infection, ear congestion may occur.

For the treatment of neuritis vestibular nerve Usually Prednisolone, Cerucal, Preductal, Betahistine are used. Gymnastics plays a significant role in therapy, which should improve the function of the vestibular apparatus.

Meniere's syndrome

The disease is characterized by excessive accumulation of fluid in the inner ear. Due to compression of the vestibular receptors, patients notice that they feel dizzy, have stuffy ears, and increase sweating. The inability to maintain balance makes sitting and standing difficult. Walking is almost impossible. Blood pressure drops, patients constantly feel sick. The causes of the syndrome have not yet been studied.

Meniere's syndrome can lead to disability. The patient has a chance of remaining bedridden, deaf and unable to self-care. Sometimes symptoms go away on their own or remain at the same stage for many years

Treatment includes:

Betahistine stimulates H1 receptors in the inner ear, which improves blood flow. It reduces the number of attacks of dizziness and reduces tinnitus. Exists surgical treatment, which consists in the drainage of the endolymphatic space.

Cervical osteochondrosis

The disease is widespread, mainly due to sedentary image the lives of most people. Manifested by headaches and neck pain, ringing and congestion in the ears, decreased vision, nausea, dizziness, unsteadiness of gait, snoring. The voice rarely changes and the sensitivity of the hands is impaired.

Patients are prescribed painkillers, massage, physiotherapy, and gymnastics. The cause can only be eliminated by surgery.

When a person feels dizzy, has stuffy ears and feels nauseous, there are reasons to fear for their health. You cannot expect the symptoms to go away on their own. You should definitely make an appointment with a neurologist or therapist. The earlier the diagnosis is made, the better the prognosis.

Today, there is not a single person who has never experienced dizziness or a feeling of stuffiness in the ears at one time in their life. When these symptoms appear constantly, they can completely unsettle a person and disrupt the normal rhythm of life. Then you need to immediately contact a therapist. He will prescribe a series of tests and examinations, and then prescribe targeted treatment.

Typically, patients with dizziness, nausea, or a feeling of stuffiness in the ears are prescribed to undergo brain tomography, EEG, and ultrasound. Modern methods examinations will certainly help to find out real reasons appearance of such discomfort and make the correct diagnosis.

Observe yourself and determine why you feel dizzy. If from the heat, then limit your stay outside during hot hours without a hat, if from low pressure, then take a remedy with paracetamol, maybe caffeine, but if the symptoms are due to stress, try to calm down as much as possible.

Dizziness: symptoms

Dizziness can be combined simultaneously with symptoms that appear in diseases inner ear, vegetative-vascular problems, surges in blood pressure. It often indicates inflammatory process leading to significant changes in health.

If ear congestion indicates a disturbance in the system that is responsible for balance human body, nausea and vomiting occur with attacks of vertigo (dizziness).

There are many factors that precede dizziness and blocked ears. The most common are considered overwork, overload at work, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, constant stress. To eliminate such causes, it is usually enough to rest, relax, and drink soothing herbal infusions.

Stuffed ears and dizziness can occur due to a cold or flu, and can also be a sign of otitis media. Then visit an ENT doctor who will make a diagnosis and select the necessary course of treatment.

Other causes of ear congestion and dizziness:

  1. Increase, decrease in blood pressure. Measure your blood pressure. If you find frequent fluctuations, consult a doctor and undergo a course of treatment. Dizziness and stuffy ears can occur from increased cranial pressure.
  2. neurological disease with the same manifestations, often cannot be treated, but if identified in time, it is possible to significantly alleviate the symptoms.
  3. Cervical osteochondrosis. The diagnosis provokes dizziness and blocked ears. Here you need correct treatment specialist
  4. Reduced hemoglobin. Get tested to check your hemoglobin levels so your doctor can prescribe foods and medications you should take.
  5. Mental disorders. Contact a psychotherapist, most likely he will prescribe antidepressants and tranquilizers.
  6. Cancerous tumors. It is imperative to undergo diagnostic testing to detect oncology if the diagnosis is suspected.
  7. Diseases of the nervous, cardiac, and vascular systems.
  8. Skull injuries.
  9. Sharp narrowing of blood vessels.
  10. Disorder of the inner ear.
  11. Pregnancy.
  12. Taking medications that cause side effects.
  13. Vegetative-vascular dystonia, people complain of discomfort in the ears and neck, lightheadedness, darkening of the eyes, fear of losing their minds, experiencing painful sensations in the muscles, lump in the throat, ringing in the ears, flashing of colored dots, loss of vision.
  14. Intoxication reaction of the body.

Recommendations to help get rid of dizziness and blocked ears

  • Stop drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • Review your daily routine.
  • Get more rest and go out into fresh air more often.
  • Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  • Provide proper nutrition whenever possible. Reduce your intake of salt, sugar, sweets, chocolate, and fats.

Actions for dizziness and ear congestion

  • When the first symptoms occur, urgently find something to lean on so that balance is restored.
  • Don't squat or close your eyes.
  • Normalize and even out your breathing.
  • Loosen tight fittings in clothing.
  • Drink some water.
  • Relax.
  • Shift your attention to something.
  • Provide access to fresh air.
  • If possible, stretch your neck.
  • Standardize physical activity.

In any case, whatever the symptoms, do not delay visiting your doctor until initial stage any disease is much easier to eliminate and alleviate, take care of your health!

There is no reason to worry if you feel dizzy, have stuffy ears, or feel nauseous on an airplane, while driving in a car at high speed, or after going on rides. Although even in childhood such entertainment brought only a lot of pleasure, over the years the blood vessels lose their elasticity, and the vestibular apparatus reacts much more sensitively to changes in pressure. But if your head is spinning and your ear gets stuffy too often, then it’s time to pay attention to own health. Often, these symptoms indicate many pathologies of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems.

What could be the reasons?

Often, headaches and a feeling of congestion in the ears can occur due to the following disorders:

  • Chronic otitis media.
  • Foreign body or wax plug in the ear canal, blocking it and stuffy which may be accompanied by dizziness. Such undesirable symptoms may be aggravated by deterioration auditory function, as well as the general weakness of the patient.
  • Runny nose.
  • High blood pressure - stuffy ears and dizziness in this case for most people.
  • Intoxication of the body. If a person is poisoned, he may experience dizziness and weakness.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia, which also causes pain in the temple and back of the head. There is a gradual increase in dizziness, sleep is disturbed, and nausea appears.

For what other reasons does a person get a stuffy ear and feel dizzy? For example, lack useful substances in the body. Thus, B vitamins deliver oxygen, and their deficiency in the body often causes weakness. Feeling dizzy, stuffy ears and other reasons.

More serious reasons

Symptoms such as these may indicate the presence dangerous pathologies. We list the main ones:

  • Meniere's disease. It is characterized by the appearance of unilateral symptoms.
  • Traumatic brain injuries, due to which various disorders can occur in the vestibular apparatus.
  • A cancerous formation that can cause not only dizziness, but also deterioration of hearing in the place where the tumor is localized.
  • Stroke. In this case, dizziness may be accompanied by decreased vision, weakness and sensory defects. In such a situation, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance, otherwise the consequences can be sad for the person, even death.
  • Osteochondrosis, in which blood flows poorly to the brain, causes defects in coordination of movement, and spots appear before the eyes. If your ears often become blocked and you feel dizzy, the causes should be identified immediately.
  • Increased pressure in the ear labyrinth. If in the ear cold water the vestibular apparatus may be irritated, causing the indicated symptoms to appear.

Other factors

There are other reasons that cause these unpleasant symptoms:

  • It happens that you get stuffy ears and feel dizzy during pregnancy.
  • Hypotension or arterial hypertension. In this case, conditions are observed in which patients may experience pressure surges.
  • Ear stuffiness and dizziness in stressful situations.
  • Lack of sleep.
  • Processes of a physiological nature. So, before any important event, the level of adrenaline may jump, and symptoms of a stuffy ear appear. What to do at home? More on this later.
  • Excessive physical activity. If a person is just starting his studies, the blood vessels do not have time to rebuild and strengthen, so tinnitus and slight dizziness appear.
  • Too strict diets.

Key Findings

Most often, dizziness that occurs due to psycho-emotional disorders goes away quickly. However, if this condition constantly returns, it is necessary to consult a neurologist and psychotherapist.

If the unpleasant symptoms are caused by eternal lack of sleep, then medications will not help. First you need to normalize your regime. Typically, symptoms will return more frequently over time. Then it will be much more difficult to resolve the neglected situation. So, if a person has a blocked ear, what should he do at home?

What actions need to be taken?

If nausea, pressure in the head and ringing in the ears occur suddenly for no apparent reason, then similar condition may cause loss of consciousness and balance. Therefore, you need to follow these recommendations:

Stuffy rooms

Very often there is numbness of the head in stuffy and indoors. Thus, students can easily pass out in lecture halls. To avoid this, you need to try to switch your attention and think about pleasant things. There are cases when you start to feel sick in the minibus and feel pressure on your head. In such a situation, you need to get off at the nearest stop or simply move forward so that the road can be seen.

We looked at why the ears become blocked and the head feels dizzy. But that's not all.

When a person has stuffy ears, dizziness, or pain in the back of the head, these symptoms may be evidence of a wide range of diseases. To avoid negative consequences, you need to visit more often fresh air, maintain an active lifestyle and proper nutrition, establish a daily routine.

It is necessary to limit the amount of salt in your diet, as well as foods that contain fat. Your bedroom and work area should be constantly ventilated. If the activity is related to a computer, then you need to do eye exercises and eat foods that contain magnesium. As a rule, many people experience stuffy ears and dizziness. The reasons must be determined by a doctor.

Treatment Basics

If you suddenly feel dizzy for no reason or your ears suddenly become blocked, you should consult a doctor for further examination. For example, if a patient is diagnosed vegetative-vascular dystonia, then you definitely won’t be able to just get rid of its symptoms.

In some cases, the doctor may advise you to exercise physical therapy, eat right, pay attention water procedures and protect yourself from various kinds stress factors.

If the patient is diagnosed with osteochondrosis, then the main emphasis will be placed on complex treatment, which includes the use of anti-inflammatory and painkillers, as well as physiotherapeutic procedures. Migraine attacks should also be treated by a doctor.

We have already found out that tinnitus and dizziness are not independent pathologies, but only indicate the presence a certain disease. In case of vascular defects, it is necessary to carry out general strengthening therapy and clean them. Reception nootropic drugs will improve oxygen delivery and have a beneficial effect on speed metabolic processes in the body.

In inflammatory processes

If there is inflammation in the body, it is necessary to use antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents. Drugs of this type should be selected by a doctor, since some of them have an ototoxic effect, and if used incorrectly, the situation can worsen rather than progress in treatment.

If the reason that the ear is blocked and the head is dizzy lies in hearing aid, then medications will be prescribed to help improve the blood supply to the inner ear. Most popular drug Betaserk is of this kind.


Special gymnastics will help improve the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, which will reduce the symptoms of disorders, reduce ringing and tinnitus, improve balance, and eliminate the feeling of numbness in the limbs and dizziness. However, before performing such exercises, you should also consult a specialist, since strong concentration on breathing can lead to loss of consciousness.

In some cases, it is necessary to take painkillers. As auxiliary methods can be used folk recipes. However, you need to remember that their illiterate use can cause harm, so you should consult a specialist.