The main dangers of home birth. Everything you need to know to give birth at home How to induce labor at home

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A woman who is preparing to become a mother constantly asks questions about how childbirth will go. If this is a home birth, then the expectant mother will have many more questions. In order to successfully give birth at home, you need to know a number of features, such as signs of the onset of labor, when it is necessary to go into the water and how to recognize this moment, how to tie the umbilical cord and others technical features childbirth

All these points must be learned in advance so that the home birth goes well, and the birth assistant must also be taught them. If you prepare well, childbirth at home will be quick and easy.

Determining the onset of labor

Home births usually begin with contractions. The woman feels pulling and squeezing spasms in the lower back and lower abdomen. If these sensations are regular and repeat every 10-20 minutes with the same duration, then labor has begun. Gradually, contractions will intensify, and the intervals between them will begin to shorten. During this period, the cervix actively opens so that the fetus can pass through the birth canal.

Contractions can last 8-20 hours or even longer, but there are also emergency births, when everything happens much faster, within 3-4 hours. When giving birth at home, the dilation of the uterus should be checked by an assistant by touch. For the fetus to pass through, an opening of 8 fingers is necessary. Typically, before pushing, when contractions occur at intervals of 1-1.5 minutes, the cervix dilates to about 4 fingers.

Attempts, the most difficult period

Childbirth at home moves into the second stage, contractions intensified and became more frequent and the woman began to feel a fullness of the abdomen and strong desire contract your diaphragm and abdominal muscles to push the baby down. When contractions occur at intervals of a minute, you need to get into the water. This must be done before pushing begins. The water temperature should be 37 degrees - this is the most best option. When a woman gets into the water, she feels noticeable relief. It’s easier to give birth at home, in water. However, contractions may calm down. In this case, the water must be made 1-2 degrees cooler and the mother’s nipples must be stimulated so that labor does not stop.

During pushing, a woman should push with each contraction. When the contraction begins you need to do deep breath and holding your breath, push hard. You need to tense the muscles of the diaphragm and abdomen, and press on the uterus. You need to push so that all your strength goes down, not up. Otherwise, you will be trying in vain, and the blood vessels in your eyes may burst. Giving birth at home in the bathroom, in a sitting position, allows the woman to place her fists under the base of her buttocks, thereby creating support, which will help her push better.

Also, a woman who gives birth at home can squat across the bathtub and hold onto the edge with her hands. If while you are pushing, you run out of breath, but you are still pushing, you need to take a quick breath and continue pushing. When the contraction has stopped, you should rest. If you continue to push without a contraction there will be no result, you will simply waste your energy.

If home birth takes place in a pool or on land, the most comfortable position is all fours or squatting. Some women prefer to stand leaning forward throughout labor. A comfortable position depends on the structure of the genital organs and pelvis. Therefore, if giving birth at home, a woman should rely on her feelings and choose the correct position for childbirth. According to the sensations during pushing and contractions, a woman can choose a comfortable position. This must be done carefully, without fuss or sudden movements.

Any position your body asks for will help you have an easier birth, so if you're having a home birth, be sure to listen to your body. When giving birth in a hospital, a woman is often stimulated, using forceps, Caesarean section, incisions, squeezing with a towel, etc., so that she gives birth faster. However, when a woman gives birth at home, in order for the process to move from the dead point, she simply needs to change her position. Therefore, childbirth at home is easier.

Birth of a baby

With each push, the baby's head becomes more visible. During contractions, she appears and then disappears again. This moment is the most painful. However, a woman should try to relax her genitals as much as possible and constantly push. Childbirth at home, as a rule, takes place without ruptures, so a woman should not be afraid or strain her perineum. If labor begins to weaken, it is necessary to stimulate it, as with pushing.

Before the baby comes out, a little blood is released. When birthing at home and in water, the assistant should always keep their hands close to the emerging head, as the water may lose its clarity. However, if the baby comes out on his own, he will immediately float up with his back up. Usually the baby is born in one, two or three attempts. It happens that the baby is entwined with the umbilical cord. In this case, home birth is no different from hospital birth and the umbilical cord should be carefully unwound, without sudden movements. The newborn should be wrapped in a clean diaper, as he is slippery. Then you need to get out of the water and lie down on the prepared bed or sheet.

The newborn baby begins to scream and gradually turns from blue to pink. However, if necessary, you can clear your child's nose by suctioning out the mucus to help him breathe faster. If the child does not begin to breathe, he should be turned upside down and tapped on the heels. If he doesn't start breathing, he needs to do something artificial respiration and using your index and middle fingers make indirect massage hearts and lungs by pressing. You can also pour the baby cold water and rub his arms and legs. You have to fight to the last, no matter how long it lasts.

Delivery of the placenta and cutting of the umbilical cord

When the placenta is born, up to two glasses of water may be released. When the woman lies down on the bed, it is important to place the baby in her chest. He may not suck milk, but at least touch the nipple with his lips - this will stimulate the release of the placenta. The birth of the placenta begins after a small contraction, its release is not very painful. Before and after her birth, small pieces that look like liver may come out - this is normal. On average, the placenta comes out 20-40 minutes after the baby is born.

The umbilical cord is cut after the pulse has stopped. This usually occurs 20 minutes after the baby arrives. To cut it, you need to bandage it in two places and cut it off, retreating about 2 cm from the child’s body and about 20 cm from the first knot. The baby's umbilical cord must be treated with a disinfectant.

Video in Dr. Komarovsky's program

Every pregnant woman knows approximately when to expect labor. But sometimes the process begins quickly and you have to give birth at home. Therefore, you need to be mentally prepared for such a turn of events and know what to do in this case.

How to give birth at home at home, what to do if labor starts at home? Let's talk about this on this page “Popular about health” today:

Signs of the onset of labor

It is very important to determine that the birth process has actually begun. Its onset is indicated by characteristic signs:

There is a desire to push, to go to the toilet.

Scarce discharge from the vagina spotting. They can appear on their own, or are released following uterine contractions.

Contractions begin. They can follow after the appearance of discharge or before it. If during contractions the discharge becomes profuse and turns into bleeding, this is very dangerous. Urgently .

If there are signs of the onset of labor, you need to try to calm down, do not panic or be nervous. There must be a husband or someone close to you or neighbors at home. This is necessary to help the woman in labor and her safety (if something goes wrong). Be sure to call an ambulance. The doctor, like no one else, knows what needs to be done in certain cases.

It is necessary to prepare:

Clean boiled water, sterile bandages;
- clean diapers, ironed on both sides, a blanket;
- medical or any other clean oilcloth;
- a small syringe, brilliant green, iodine, a knife, alcohol, or at least vodka for disinfection (the knife and syringe should be boiled for at least 5 minutes);
- a new plastic bag for packing the placenta - it must be handed over to doctors for examination.

What to do if labor begins?

First of all, the woman in labor and the person who will deliver the baby should thoroughly wash their hands and wipe them with alcohol.
The birth process is divided into three periods:

First: Regular contractions. It can last from 2 hours to a day. It is during this period that it is important to call an ambulance and take the woman in labor to the maternity hospital.

Second: pushing and childbirth. Here you can no longer go anywhere - the baby begins to move along the birth canal. During this period, a woman cannot even sit, so as not to harm him.

Third: birth of placenta.

With the start of pushing, the woman should be laid down and given birth at home. Usually women instinctively choose a bath for this. There is water and soft wide towels.

Place the woman behind a previously laid clean oilcloth, which you have previously wiped with alcohol. The external genitalia and perineum should be washed with soap and rinsed. Nails need to be trimmed and the nail plates lubricated with a disinfectant - iodine or brilliant green.

Next, monitor the pushing process. To reduce pain, massage the woman’s lower back and wipe her face with a damp, cool towel. Don’t fuss, if the baby is ready to be born, he will soon be born on his own and there will be no complications.

When the head is born, hold it suspended until the next push occurs and the shoulders appear, support them too. If the umbilical cord is wrapped around the neck, very carefully but quickly remove it through the head.

Next, the baby quickly comes into the world, so be prepared to quickly pick him up. If your nose and mouth are clogged with mucus, remove it immediately using a small, sterilized syringe. If the baby was born in amniotic sac, quickly tear it apart.

Place him on his tummy, on a sterile warm diaper. In this case, it is desirable that the head is slightly tilted down. Gently, very carefully rub the chest and back with your palm, lightly pat the heels so that the baby can breathe. When breathing appears, he will cry loudly and his skin will turn pink. This means everything went well. Cover him with a warm diaper.

The woman in labor needs to push again to release the placenta. When pushing, gently pull the umbilical cord and it will come out easily.

As for the umbilical cord, it must first be tied with alcohol-treated thread twice, at a distance of approximately 2-3 cm. It should be cut between the tightened places, 20 minutes after the birth of the baby. By this time, the pulsation in it should stop.

Lubricate the tip of the baby's umbilical cord with iodine and apply a sterile gauze pad or a piece of bandage folded several times. Wrap the newborn in clean, ironed diapers on both sides and cover with a blanket.

After labor is over, wash the woman’s genitals with clean warm water and dry with a soft towel. If there are external tears in the perineum, treat with iodine. Place the woman in a clean bed and cover her with a blanket. Place a heating pad with ice on your lower abdomen. Place the baby next to you. Let mom rest and sleep.

If a woman is bleeding, place her in such a way that her legs are elevated above her head and immediately call an ambulance.

In conclusion of our conversation, we note that doctors do not recommend giving birth at home. Even with the woman’s exceptional health and excellent pregnancy. Home birth can be dangerous for mother and baby, as the possibility of possible complications can never be ruled out.

Childbirth can begin at home, unexpectedly, and proceed very quickly. Sometimes it happens ambulance she simply does not have time to arrive before the birth of the child, and relatives provide assistance to the mother in labor. The rapid course of labor is characterized by violent, frequent and prolonged contractions, which are accompanied by the rapid opening of the cervix and the beginning of expulsion of the fetus. This is especially true for premature birth.

Such labor often begins with an outpouring of amniotic fluid and can last 2-3 hours in primigravidas, and in repeat pregnant women the period is even shorter. Very often, home births end in the death of the child, complications and even deaths for the mother are common.

How to give birth yourself?

First, what not to do:

Reach into the vagina with your hands and check how things are going there. You still won’t understand anything, and it’s very easy to infect the birth canal.

Try to relieve pain by getting into the bath. This is only beautiful in videos, but in a real situation it can lead to complications.

If it has already become clear that the birth will have to be carried out independently (the woman is pushing, and she cannot do anything with herself, she is already pushing, while pushing, the perineum bulges and in the genital slit you can see the dark curly back of the baby’s head), you need to prepare what you can do without It won't work anyway.

Need to:

Clean cloth, you can use towels, sheets, as long as it is relatively clean.

Disinfectant. Any alcohol-containing liquid is suitable, from vodka to aftershave cologne.

Threads for tying the umbilical cord. Throw them into the disinfectant.

Cutting the umbilical cord, oddly enough, is not a mandatory procedure; doctors can deal with this later; after birth, it will be enough if you tie it 10-15 centimeters from the baby’s navel.

Don't forget to wash your own hands with soap and water.

As a rule, children are born in a cephalic presentation, with the baby's head showing first. It is best to provide the course of events natural course and stay in the role of baby catcher, catch the newborn when he slips out of birth canal mother. The head is cut through the back of the head, and at first it seems folded, running like a sharp ridge, like the roof of a house. Don't be alarmed, everything is fine, that's how it should be.

After cutting through the back of the head, the baby's face will appear and he will begin to turn to face the mother's thigh. Just support him, no need to pull anything. Then the upper shoulder will appear, then the second, and then you can already pick up the baby, the rest of the body is born easily.

The baby is picked up in a towel, wiped, suction of mucus from the respiratory tract is a necessary procedure, but not always available, but the child is able to catch his breath without it. A loud cry and active movements of the child mean that everything is fine with him. Place it next to the mother and tie the umbilical cord, approximately 10-15 cm from the navel.

After some time, after 5-10 minutes, the mother should feel the desire to push, if this does not happen, you need to ask her to do this, the placenta will be born. Put it in a bag; cutting the umbilical cord without tools is definitely not necessary. Doctors will arrive and do it according to all the rules.

If the placenta departs, it means that everything ended well for the mother. She may have severe chills. Cover her with a blanket and give her her baby.

The ideal course of events is described. They only flow like that normal birth, unfortunately, not always everything ends well and these survival instructions may not be enough...

You need to give birth in a maternity hospital, not at home...

Preparing for the arrival of a baby involves choosing a maternity hospital, a doctor, and collecting things. Mothers go to the hospital so as not to miss the onset of contractions. Sometimes there is no way to wait for an ambulance. Simple actions will help that will indicate what to do if labor begins at home, what first support needs to be provided.

Increasingly, women are daring to give birth to a baby outside the walls of a medical institution. Parents independently choose where the newborn will be born: at home or in the maternity hospital. Sometimes emergency fetal delivery occurs earlier due date, the mother begins to give birth without waiting for an ambulance. Multiparous chooses home environment, if the birth of the first child in the maternity hospital is unsuccessful. This leads to psychological discomfort, the decision to stay in a familiar place, where everything will be more calm and painless.

They choose natural childbirth, since the process takes place in a family with a favorable atmosphere, close people, and a husband. Qualified care is provided by an obstetrician at home, using for childbirth modern methods and support at all stages. This will avoid the use of forceps, caesarean sections, and stimulation when they are not really needed.

What you need to know when giving birth at home:

  • responsibility lies with to the expectant mother;
  • the process is not always completely safe;
  • preparation required;
  • carry out diagnostics;
  • the period is strictly from 38 to 42 weeks.

Among the reasons for giving birth outside a hospital, the active participation of the mother in labor and prompt self-help are noted. At home, a woman takes a comfortable position: sitting, walking or lying. If the procedure is carried out with the husband, both feel like parents to the fullest and immediately establish a close connection with the baby.

Where can I find a midwife for home birth? Ask friends who have already undergone the procedure under the same conditions, seek help on forums on the Internet, and learn in preparation courses for the process. This should be a specialist with extensive experience and recommendations.

Process organization

Parents have the right to independently choose where the child will be born. This may be a public or private institution, home option. But the fetus in the belly is not considered a citizen with all rights until it is born.

Is it possible to give birth at home in Russia? Yes, there is no prohibition on the procedure, since future parents do not belong to the category of persons for whom another person is responsible. Specialized clinics They suggest concluding an agreement with an obstetrician so that the delivery takes place with minimal disruption and negative consequences. Although the document does not have legal force in case of problems. According to the law, it is impossible to force a woman in labor to choose a specific institution.

Is it possible to give birth at home? Yes, medical care in Russia it is voluntary. This includes obstetrics and obstetrics. Its provision occurs with the informed consent of the patient, so parents have the right to conduct a home birth.

The birth process does not take place without the help of an obstetrician, who performs a number of actions to bring the fetus into the world without risk to health and controls the process. He decides whether an autopsy is necessary amniotic sac, cutting the perineum, stitching the tears, separating the placenta manually. The doctor listens to the heartbeat, predicts complications in time, has the skills resuscitation measures, primary processing baby. The cost of services depends on the experience and positive recommendations of the obstetrician.

TO premature birth at home they prepare on a physiological and psycho-emotional level. To carry out it is required medical examination: find an experienced obstetrician, leave transport for unforeseen situations. Once registered at the antenatal clinic, pathologies are identified. Childbirth at home is recommended only for a healthy mother.

During preparation they carry out general cleaning using antiseptic solutions. Determine the room: bathroom or bedroom. The paramedic's tactics include the use of a navel treatment product, clean ironed sheets, sterile cotton wool, and an ice pack. Purchase containers for packing the placenta and disposable diapers in advance. Consult about the first aid kit. If abnormalities are detected in a woman during the preparation stage, it is better to refuse delivery at home. It is important that the child is born healthy.

What to do if labor begins at home

By various reasons women are looking for ways to stimulate. The most common method is sex. Sperm contain prostaglandins that act on the cervix, preparing the organ for childbirth. The mother is given a nipple massage to release oxytocin. You can take a warm bath and do light physical activity.

The woman in labor is given a cleansing enema to enhance intestinal motility. You are allowed to take a laxative, drink currant juice, and raspberry tea. Fresh parsley is added to dishes and beet salad is made. At home, use aromatherapy with essential oils jasmine and roses. Any of the methods will help if the cervix is ​​ready for the passage of the fetus through the birth canal. When a woman has her second birth, contractions begin at 38–40 weeks, and at home the process will take place in 6–8 hours.

How to stop labor at home:

  1. reduce tone with the help of drugs;
  2. use antibacterial and sedative therapy;
  3. insert the Goji ring;
  4. bed rest;
  5. proper nutrition.

The need for pain relief is caused by various factors. Use non-drug and medicinal method. In the first case it is psychological technique, physiotherapy. If a woman is alone at home, the right deep breathing. Assign intravenous drugs, which quickly stop attacks.

The decision to perform an out-of-hospital birth implies that urgent measures will be needed to prehospital stage. They invite neighbors and open the doors so that doctors can enter the premises. They prepare towels, sheets, and a blanket in case the ambulance does not arrive in time. If you have an irresistible desire to push, use breathing techniques that will help stop the process. A woman washes her hands and prepares the place where she will give birth. Undresses, takes a comfortable position, it is recommended to treat the perineum with potassium permanganate, iodine or brilliant green.

If labor begins at home, it is necessary to count the time. Use a watch with a second hand or a stopwatch. This will distinguish training contractions from real ones. Labor contractions pass first within 30 minutes with painful sensations varying intensity. All intervals are recorded so as not to miss the onset of labor. If the indicator is 7 seconds after a minute, the uterus has opened 4 cm.

Childbirth at home in stages

If there is an accidental birth, you need to prepare things in advance. At the very beginning of the contractions, a place is organized. If the water drains naturally, there is no need to pierce it; use non-pharmacological means stimulation. Be sure to give an enema of warm chamomile decoction.
How to properly deliver a woman at home:

The woman in labor can walk, sit or lie down. When contractions prolong, stimulation is performed. The obstetrician listens to the fetal heartbeat. Controls the dilation of the cervix. The second stage is pushing. The process takes place on the bed or in the bathroom. The husband massages the shoulders and lower back. After the head appears, the baby is helped to emerge. Released respiratory tract from mucus. the newborn is placed to the breast. They are waiting for the placenta to come out. The umbilical cord is cut.

It is necessary to treat the seams if they are torn. They leave the woman with the newborn to recuperate. You are allowed to drink water; in case of a difficult birth, the mother will need medical care and time to rest.

How to give birth at home:

  1. tune in to the positive;
  2. prepare things;
  3. make a first aid kit;
  4. take a comfortable position;
  5. treat the vagina;
  6. monitor contractions;
  7. push correctly.

If the birth takes place at home without a midwife, the baby is dried after birth, placed on the stomach, and covered with a dry blanket. While waiting for an ambulance, it is recommended to feed the baby. The release of oxytocin causes the uterus to contract, helping to keep bleeding under control and the placenta to be released.

What to do if you give birth at home:

  • wrap the baby up;
  • apply to the chest;
  • wait for the ambulance.

Depending on the classification, several types of genera are distinguished. The usual process takes place on the bed or floor. During contractions, a woman is allowed to lie down, squat down, or get on all fours to reduce pain. At this time, the partner gives a massage, supports the woman morally, and helps her breathe correctly. Normal childbirth takes place lying on your back.

When a child appears in the water, they are placed in a bathtub or swimming pool. When the uterus opens, the woman in labor must remain in fluid so that the baby smoothly transitions to new living conditions.

Consequences and complications

The woman in labor is warned about negative consequences home process. Unpredictable delivery occurs even among experienced obstetricians. First independent childbirth at home leads to the fact that there is no way to control the mother’s condition. But if there are problems, there is no legal protection of rights. The future father provides moral support, but will not be able to really help.

At home, it is difficult to find a safe place where there are no microorganisms that are dangerous for mother and newborn. After weighing the pros and cons, the couple decides to take full responsibility upon themselves. It is impossible to give birth without a doctor with full or partial presentation of the fetus, incorrect position, with gestosis, chronic diseases, bleeding. Mothers with many children experience muscle strain, so the seventh and subsequent births are best done in a hospital.

What are the dangers of giving birth at home?

  1. weak or violent labor;
  2. intrauterine hypoxia;
  3. violation contractility uterus;
  4. clinically narrow pelvis;
  5. umbilical cord prolapse;
  6. bleeding.

If a woman did not have time to go to the maternity hospital, premature detachment placenta, the cervical canal is blocked, so a caesarean section will be required. Manual removal of the placenta during bleeding is carried out under anesthesia. In case of hypotension, coordinated actions of an ambulance using a sterile instrument will help.

Unsuccessful childbirth leads to complications such as trauma to the baby's head and intracranial hemorrhage. Paralysis and fetal death occurs. Consequences are avoided if the process is carried out under the guidance of an obstetrician.

When a woman renal failure or there is a threat of miscarriage, childbirth at home is contraindicated. Check for uterine pathology surgical interventions, heart disease, presence diabetes mellitus. It is prohibited to perform the procedure if you have a genetic condition mental disorder, malpresentation fetus, intrauterine defects.

What to do after birth

Sutures are treated after childbirth using potassium permanganate and brilliant green to prevent inflammation and infection. A decoction of nettle or rose hips is allowed to stop bleeding and restore strength.

What to do after a home birth? Arrange the woman on the bed, laying down an oilcloth. Clots from the perineum are washed off with warm water. Treat with disinfectants. Sterilize the instruments, wrap a cotton swab and clean the inside of the vagina. If there are no tears, arnica ointment is applied.

When turning inside out anus, the organ is put in place and ice from yarrow is applied. At home, there are practically no breaks, since the process takes place in a calm environment.

For cracks, treatment is carried out using propolis tincture. If the size is less than 1 cm, disinfection with a bandage is sufficient. It is better to stitch up in a hospital setting. Then you can immediately return home. If you urinate in water while stitches are in place, the discomfort. The divergence of adhesions is prevented with the help of an enema, which is given for two weeks. At night they sleep on their stomach.

After delivery, the fetus is examined for umbilical cord wrapping. It is unwound to avoid suffocation. Bandage at a distance of 2 cm from the newborn’s skin and 1 cm from the first mark. The umbilical cord is treated with iodine.

In the third stage, the placenta comes out. The organ is packaged and handed over to the obstetrician. The child's mucus is sucked out, urine is removed with a catheter, and the placenta is checked for separation. If the result is positive, the woman pushes and the placenta comes out.

The child must be registered within a month. According to the law, confirmation of the relationship between mother and newborn during childbirth outside a medical institution is proven by documents and witness testimony. The certificate is issued by a doctor present with the parents or an ambulance worker.

Pregnancy is the most emotional period in the life of every woman, and the closer the due date, the more worried and worried the expectant mother is. The 40th week of pregnancy is approaching, the mother is anticipating the long-awaited contractions, but they still do not begin. The last days of pregnancy drag on for a long time, and the baby still does not want to go out into the big world.

When the day passes on which the doctors suggested giving birth, mommy becomes truly anxious. Is everything okay with the baby? How long will it take for him to be born? Is it possible to induce contractions on your own? Every pregnant woman wants to quickly free herself from a heavy burden and press her beloved baby to her chest. There are several fairly effective ways to speed up labor at 40 weeks of pregnancy, the only question is whether it is necessary.

When should you give birth?

Pregnancy ideally lasts exactly forty weeks, or ten lunar months, but the child may be born earlier than the appointed time, or may linger in the womb. It is not considered a deviation from the norm if the baby decides to get out of the belly already at 38 or only at 42 weeks. In the first case, the baby is fully formed, continues to grow and gain weight, and in the second case, it does not yet show signs of postmaturity.

A woman’s body manifests itself very individually, but you can roughly calculate how long the pregnancy will last by looking at the length of her menstrual cycle. If menstruation recurs after 28 days, then the child will most likely be born exactly on the date determined by the doctors, but if menstrual cycle takes more than 30 days, then gestation will be long.

If for some reason the baby is born before the 38th week, he is considered premature and must be nursed in the postpartum department. And if a baby is born after 42 weeks, all the signs of postmaturity are visible, which also does not have a very good effect on his health.

The doctor informs the expectant mother of the preliminary date of birth at the first appointment. antenatal clinic, and a more precise period is determined during an examination with an ultrasound machine, when the physician observes the degree of development of the embryo. At the 40th week of pregnancy, if there are no pathologies or complications, childbirth takes place naturally. But under certain conditions, the doctor may prescribe C-section.

Is it really necessary to induce labor?

Whether it is worth inducing labor at 40 weeks of pregnancy, only a doctor can tell after an examination. If the baby grows and develops normally in the womb, there is enough space for him, the mother does not have to worry, waiting for natural birth process. In this case, it is better not to interfere during pregnancy.

But if the baby is large, he may not have enough oxygen from the aging placenta. A post-term baby who does not want to get out of his belly experiences oxygen starvation. In addition, after the 40th week of pregnancy, the fetus’s skull bones begin to harden, which means that it will be very difficult for him to move through the birth canal, and the mother will experience severe pain during childbirth. In this situation, in order not to wait for a referral for a caesarean section, the pregnant woman is advised to induce labor.

How to induce labor at home?

Already at 39 weeks, doctors begin to scare a pregnant woman artificial stimulation childbirth using medications. No mother wants to poison herself or her unborn baby. medicines, so many people wonder how to induce contractions at home. There are many ways to independently induce contractions and childbirth; a doctor at the antenatal clinic can tell you about them in detail. Women who are determined to give birth should take a good rest and sleep, because childbirth is a long and tiring process.

  1. Hiking. Brisk walking on fresh air useful at any stage of gestation: it increases the tone of the body and gives it a good shake-up, bringing birth closer.
  2. Physical activity. Many women admit that their contractions began as soon as they finished cleaning the house. The main thing is not to overwork, so as not to provoke placental abruption instead of childbirth. You can wash the floors, dust the furniture, take out the trash, give your older child a bath, wash your clothes, but you cannot carry heavy buckets or lift loaded boxes and bags of groceries.
  3. Sex. Natural and very effective way speed up childbirth at home, especially if the intimate process ends with orgasm. Spermatozoa contain a high concentration of the hormone prostaglandin, which helps soften the tissue of the uterus, and orgasm causes active contraction of the uterus, which can smoothly develop into labor contractions.
  4. Breast massage. Intense stimulation of the breast in the area around the nipples provokes the production of the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for the onset of labor.
  5. Laxatives. Increased peristalsis intestinal tract not only helps speed up labor, but also cleanses the body, which allows high probability avoid loose stool during contractions. A good laxative for pregnant women is ordinary castor oil; one tablespoon is enough to induce contractions. Also in last days During pregnancy, it is advisable to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and cereal porridges.
  6. Folk remedies. Activates labor, softens cervical tissue strong tea from raspberry leaves, but should not be taken before 40 weeks of pregnancy. This is very strong remedy, which can cause miscarriage early stages. A thoroughly whipped mixture of sparkling water, apricots, almonds and castor oil also helps to quickly stimulate labor.
  7. Linseed oil. The components it contains make the tissues of the uterus and birth canal soft and elastic, preparing them for the upcoming birth. If there is allergic reaction flax oil, you can replace it with primrose oil.
  8. Fragrances. It is believed that the smells of certain flowers, especially roses or jasmine, can cause contractions. A woman who wants to give birth sooner later, can perform aroma therapy at home using flower oils. The main thing is not to cause allergies.
  9. Acupuncture. This method of inducing labor is best left to a specialist. The master uses the finest needles to influence the points of the body responsible for the functioning of the uterus. This technique quite often contributes to the occurrence of contractions.