The main methods of treating drug-induced dermatitis. Drug dermatitis

Occurs as an allergic reaction to the use of internal and/or external medications. Most often it develops if the body is predisposed to allergies. The disease manifests itself as redness, swelling, peeling, itching and burning of individual areas of the skin. At the same time, the dependence of taking a particular drug and the disappearance of symptoms when stopping it can be traced. Treatment boils down to stopping the drug, removing it from the body and eliminating damage to the skin.

Features of drug-induced dermatitis

Drug dermatitis is caused by drugs for internal and external use. Most often these are antibiotics, novocaine, amidopyrine, aminazine, sulfonamides, drugs containing barbiturates and arsenic, a number of other oral medications, as well as iodine, ointments containing mercury, sulfur, turpentine, etc.

The body's tendency to be allergic to various medications predisposes to drug-induced dermatitis. It can appear with frequent or prolonged use of a particular drug, as well as with contact with them. The latter applies to doctors, pharmacists, pharmacists, and employees of drug manufacturing enterprises. Drug dermatitis is often diagnosed in patients with hereditary diseases, food allergies, bronchial asthma, hay fever, atopic dermatitis, fungal skin diseases. Below are photos that clearly show characteristic features diseases.

Symptoms of drug-induced dermatitis

Drug dermatitis begins with redness, formation of crusts and cracks with the release of ichor, accompanied by itching and burning. Often not only the skin is affected, but also the mucous membranes; the disease is characterized by general symptoms:

  • Fever.
  • Dizziness.
  • Nausea.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Weakness.

If drug-induced dermatitis is suspected, it is important to accurately establish the diagnosis and determine which drug is causing the disease. Its signs can appear on any part of the body. If the cause is not eliminated, clinical picture will worsen - lesions will expand and appear in new places. Sometimes signs of drug dermatitis appear after treatment, but these are rather residual effects.

Causes of drug dermatitis

The main cause of drug-induced dermatitis is the use of internal or external drugs.

External medications:

  • Iodine. At long-term use causes redness of the skin, formation of cracks and blisters. There is a burning sensation, itching, mild pain, and a feeling of tightness. During healing, peeling is observed.
  • Mercury (white and gray mercury ointment). They cause redness of the skin, the formation of cracks, and the release of ichor from them. There is a burning sensation and pain.
  • Ointments containing sulfur. Redness and peeling occur, especially in areas with thin skin.
  • Chrysarobin. Provokes bronze chrysarobin erythema. The skin becomes crimson-red with a brown tint, most often occurring when using facial ointment.
  • Tar. Causes the development of follicles and nodules; this type of dermatitis is characterized by extensive damage skin and long-term treatment.

Internal medicines:

  • Drugs of the sulfonamide group. The skin in the affected areas becomes brownish-red in color, blisters appear, which then burst and cause detachment of the epidermis. Most often the oral mucosa is damaged.
  • Preparations containing arsenic. In most cases, the skin of the soles and palms is affected; at first it turns red, then becomes tougher and horny. Sometimes there is a change in skin color armpits, around the nipples.
  • Bromine. Medicines containing bromine provoke the appearance of acne, sometimes ulcers develop, and pigmentation is observed. The course and treatment of the disease is long.
  • Aspirin, sodium salicylate, antipyrine, amidopyrine. They cause a rash, peeling, and the affected areas become yellowish or pinkish-red.

The cause of drug-induced dermatitis may be genetic predisposition, chronic diseases, tendency to allergies, contact with medications (work in pharmaceutical production, in a pharmacy, in a medical facility).

Drug dermatitis in children

Drug dermatitis in children can appear on any part of the body. Distinctive feature disease - repeated inflammation is observed in the same place as the first time. If left untreated, the lesions expand and symptoms become more severe. When using creams, ointments, gels and mash, the skin becomes inflamed where they were applied.

With dermatitis, the skin in children peels and cracks, and blisters appear. Tissue nutrition is disrupted, itching and burning appear, the affected areas become dry or wet. Exactly what symptoms accompany dermatitis depend on the irritant (medicine), characteristics and condition of the body. Diet plays a significant role - allergic reactions are enhanced by spices, red berries, fruits and vegetables.

Diagnosis of drug-induced dermatitis

Diagnosis of drug-induced dermatitis does not cause problems; a qualified dermatologist can determine the disease after the first examination. However, an external examination and questioning of the patient is not enough - the doctor must see the test results. As a rule, this is:

After making a diagnosis, the dermatologist prescribes treatment, which includes a set of measures aimed at eliminating the causes and preventing the recurrence of the disease.

Treatment of drug dermatitis

The first step in treating drug-induced dermatitis is to stop taking the drug that caused the body’s allergic reaction. It is important to remember its name and not use it in the future.

The treatment regimen includes the following procedures:

  • Plenty of warm drinks– accelerates the removal of allergens from the body.
  • Diuretics– can be used medical supplies and folk remedies.
  • Calcium chloride– prescribed intravenously in particularly severe cases.
  • Hypoallergenic ointments and creams– heal wounds and restore skin.
  • Adsorbents– Activated carbon, Atoxil, Sorbex, Enterosgel.

During treatment special attention need to pay attention to hygiene - when excessive dryness The skin should have as little contact with water as possible; after washing, it is recommended to use hypoallergenic moisturizers. Otherwise, cracks form on the skin, which complicate and slow down treatment. If there is excessive humidity, the affected areas should be washed more often using baby soap. When excreting ichor, it is recommended to use Fukortsin or Zelenka; they accelerate wound healing, dry and disinfect the skin.

Another requirement for treatment is diet. Spicy and salty, smoked and fatty foods should be excluded from the diet. Meals should be light, small, 4-6 meals per day.

Complications of drug-induced dermatitis

The chronic form of drug-induced dermatitis requires longer and complex treatment, in its absence, the disease can cause serious problems with health. This is deterioration general condition, decreased performance, feeling unwell, the danger of contracting various infections through damaged areas of the skin, the spread of inflammation to internal organs. To avoid complications, at the first signs of dermatitis, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment. After recovery effective protection Relapse will be prevented by compliance with preventive measures.

Prevention of drug-induced dermatitis

Preventative measures to prevent drug-induced dermatitis include:

  • Eliminating irritants.
  • Avoiding contact with possible allergens.
  • Monitoring medication intake.
  • Active lifestyle.
  • Proper nutrition.

If the disease is associated with professional activity, you should think about changing your profession, if it is caused by other factors, you need to take care to exclude them from everyday life.

Drug dermatitis develops in people with hypersensitive skin, sometimes as an occupational dermatitis.

Dermatitis from antibiotics(Fig. 4) occurs more often in people who work with, and is characterized by eczema-like rashes (vesicles, papules) on the skin of the hands, face, and neck, which usually disappear quickly after stopping contact with antibiotics.

Dermatitis from tar preparations(Fig. 1) occurs where tar ointments are applied, especially on skin heavily covered with hair, in people with a tendency to (see). This dermatitis is characterized by the appearance of small nodules near the hair follicles, less commonly diffuse redness and vesicular rashes.

Dermatitis from iodine occurs frequently. Artificial contact iodine dermatitis (“iodine burn”) occurs from irrational treatment of the surgical field iodine tincture and is characterized by the development of blisters on severely inflamed skin (Fig. 7). Allergic iodide contact dermatitis occurs due to hypersensitivity skin to iodine and is characterized by sharply limited bright redness with a cyanotic tint, against which small nodules and blisters appear associated with hair follicles. Sometimes hemorrhagic elements appear. Iodine skin tests are positive.

Dermatitis from novocaine often occurs in people who have contact with novocaine solutions (surgeons, etc.). The lesions are eczema-like in nature and are usually localized on the skin of the hands; sometimes chronic novocaine develops.

Dermatitis from sometimes occurs when using mercury ointments or when working with sublimate. The clinical picture is characterized by the appearance of redness, swelling, and weeping not only at the site of direct contact with, but also in remote areas.

Dermatitis from. The most common of this group is dermatitis from chlorpromazine; it occurs mainly among medical staff and pharmacologists and is characterized by eczema-like lesions of the skin of the hands and face; If it persists for a long time, dermatitis can develop into eczema.

Treatment of drug-induced dermatitis: stop contact with the drug that caused dermatitis, remove its remnants from the surface of the skin, apply a shaken suspension or corticosteroid ointments; in case of weeping and swelling - . Inside- antihistamines(diphenhydramine or suprastin), 10% chloride solution. For preventive purposes, it is contraindicated to use these medications in the future. In case of occupational dermatitis, the patient should be transferred to another job.

Dermatitis resulting from exposure various substances: rice. 1 - tar preparations; rice. 2 and 3 - ursola; rice. 4 - antibiotics; rice. 5 - iodoform; rice. 6 - ; rice. 7 - iodine; rice. 8 - ; rice. 9 - petroleum oils (oil folliculitis).

Inflammatory skin changes that occur with external, internal or parenteral use of a particular medication. This dermatitis is most often caused by an allergic reaction to medicinal product. Manifested by the appearance of areas of hyperemia, swelling, peeling; itching, burning and weeping of the affected areas of the skin. A diagnosis of drug-induced dermatitis can be made by a clearly traceable relationship between the occurrence of dermatitis symptoms when taking a particular drug and their disappearance when it is discontinued. Treatment boils down to stopping the drug that caused the symptoms of drug-induced dermatitis and accelerating its elimination from the body.

IN modern dermatology drug induced dermatitis is also called drug dermatitis. It can be caused by external use of medications. For example, tincture of iodine, mercury ointments, sulfur preparations, turpentine, etc. Of the drugs used orally and parenterally, drug-induced dermatitis most often occurs when novocaine, sulfonamides, amidopyrine, antibiotics, aminazine, arsenic drugs and barbiturates are used in the treatment.

A predisposing factor in the occurrence of drug-induced dermatitis is the body’s sensitization to various medications. It can develop as a result of prolonged and frequent use of medications or constant contact with medications (pharmacists, pharmacists and medical workers). The risk of developing dermatitis in connection with taking medications is increased in people with a hereditary predisposition, food allergies, allergic diseases (bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, hay fever), fungal diseases.

Symptoms of drug-induced dermatitis

With the development of drug-induced dermatitis, areas of redness, swelling or peeling appear on the skin, and blisters, nodules, and weeping may appear. The rash may be accompanied by a feeling of discomfort in the affected areas of the skin, itching or burning. When medications are used externally, drug dermatitis develops according to the type contact dermatitis, i.e. only on those areas of the skin where the drug was applied.

When taking medications orally or intramuscular injection So-called fixed drug dermatitis may occur, when after a new use of the drug, changes occur in the same areas of the skin as before. However, with each relapse of dermatitis, the skin lesions become more extensive and new lesions appear. The most severe dermatitis is caused by intravenous administration drug. In these cases, skin damage is more widespread, the inflammatory reaction is more pronounced, and the general condition of the patient is disturbed.

The characteristic clinical picture of dermatitis and its relationship with the use of a specific drug allows the dermatologist to suggest a diagnosis of drug-induced dermatitis already at the first consultation. Such dermatitis is differentiated primarily from other types of dermatitis and from eczema.

Treatment of drug-induced dermatitis

The basis of treatment is immediate withdrawal of the drug that caused it. For more rapid removal If the drug is removed from the body, drink plenty of fluids, diuretics and laxatives. To relieve signs of inflammation, 10% calcium chloride is administered intravenously.

The patient should clearly remember which particular drug caused the dermatitis and be sure to warn the doctor about this. Otherwise, when the drug is re-prescribed and used, the symptoms of dermatitis will reappear.

And we also have

At the time when drug dermatitis is being treated, it is necessary to take into account its characteristics, as well as the severity of the disease. Sometimes it is enough to simply stop taking medications, and the dermatitis will go away, but it happens that in order to cure and even save the life of the patient, the patient has to be hospitalized. There are now a huge variety of remedies to reduce allergies, remove toxins and prevent inflammation. But in no case is it recommended to prescribe them to yourself, because only a qualified dermatologist can make a real diagnosis.

As well as the treatment of other stages and forms similar disease, medicinal toxicoderma light form removed initially complete refusal from all accepted medications:

  • from pills,
  • injections,
  • ointments,
  • herbal preparations.

It is necessary to visit a doctor to quickly determine which substance the allergic reaction is occurring to. In case light medicinal For dermatitis, only anti-inflammatory ointment and lotions will be prescribed.

Of all the ointments, zinc is most often attributed. It helps well if the areas of the skin affected by dermatitis are wet. Its undeniable advantage is that, in addition to relieving inflammation, it dries the skin and removes pigmentation. It is not recommended to use it together with other ointments and gels.

In addition to all medications for the treatment of drug-induced dermatitis, the patient is required to have self-control and self-control. This will be a great opportunity for women to go on a diet and lose a couple of kilograms. Men are given a chance to cleanse the body of toxins. The diet is needed to ensure that the diet does not contain enzymes that can aggravate the development of dermatitis or create a new one. negative reaction.

If you contact us in a timely manner doctor easy Dermatitis does not pose a serious health threat. But, nevertheless, you should not self-medicate, because there can be no exact certainty without an allergen test.

Treatment of moderate toxemia

Medicinal toxicodermy moderate severity occurs if at the initial stage the patient did not consult a doctor and self-medicated. Or if you have an acute allergic reaction that just missed early stage diseases.

As in the first case, the basis will be the abolition of the allergen product. These can be both medications and all sorts of ointments for the skin of the hands, face, and body.

  • desensitizing drugs - prevent or weaken an allergic reaction, prevent the release of mediators of allergy and inflammation, reduce tissue damage;
  • corticosteroids are anti-inflammatory and antiallergic hormones that are produced by the adrenal glands of animals and humans and affect mineral metabolism in the body, as well as the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats;
  • antihistamines are drugs that block histamine receptors, thereby preventing swelling of the mucous membranes and heart rhythm disturbances.

The second stage is the prescription of hypoallergenic ointments and gels. It won't necessarily happen zinc ointment, since it is only suitable for wet types of dermatitis. In case of dry patches or cracks on the affected surface, moisturizing and healing creams can be used.

It is mandatory for this form of dermatitis to take diuretics. Most often it is recommended not drug options, but herbal. This is necessary to quickly remove toxic harmful substances from the body.

Also, to get rid of intoxication of the body, absorbents such as activated carbon, Enterosgel, Sorbex.

The removal of toxic substances through the intestines is very effective method in the treatment of toxicoderma. And, finally, it is recommended to drink as much warm liquid as possible - this speeds up treatment several times, because water best removes toxins and allergens from the body.

It is prohibited to take animal fats, smoked foods and carbonated drinks. Food should be more natural and not contain chemicals and additives. The patient may undergo treatment during illness medicinal toxicodermy moderate severity at home.

Treatment of severe forms

Severe drug dermatitis requires immediate hospitalization of the patient. The threat is not only defeat internal organs, but also for the patient’s life in general. It is extremely rare that the disease begins immediately with serious condition. Basically, this is a consequence of negligence and improper treatment.

This form of drug toxicity is very dangerous to human health. Therefore, in addition to medications in tablets and ointments, they use intravenous injections.

Also in an effective way treatment is plasmapheresis. If dead tissue is present, the doctor may decide to surgery and delete them.

Hospitalization during illness is necessary in order to prevent brain swelling and the spread of foci of infection in time.

A special hypoallergenic diet. It is best not to load the stomach at all during illness, but this is only if the patient does not have additional diseases, except for toxicoderma.

In most cases, it is necessary to use painkillers and sedatives. This helps reduce shock and anxiety in the patient. These medications are also prescribed only by a doctor, taking into account all allergic indications. Toxidermia, which occurs during pregnancy, is also considered severe. The mother and fetus are placed under 24-hour medical supervision. The danger is that they may be damaged inner fabrics and organs of both mother and baby.

Treatment is carried out with selective drugs, carefully weighing the benefits and harms. There are cases when, saving the life of the mother, doctors terminate the pregnancy.

Diet during and after illness

Appearance acute allergies with toxicerma, it is an impetus for changing and revising the diet.

This will reduce the allergic tension of the body:

  1. For the first month after illness, it is prohibited to consume foods that irritate the mucous membranes and are difficult to digest.
  2. Dairy and plant-based dishes should not be eaten for more than seven days in a row.
  3. Particularly useful during the diet are: nettle, green onions, green salad. Garlic in no large quantities is also useful, but it must first be cored.
  4. It is worth abstaining from pork and beef for several months, and to maintain protein levels, it is necessary to introduce boiled poultry and rabbit meat into the diet. You need to start with small portions and closely monitor your health after meals.
  5. Although drinking fluids is a very important component of treatment, you only need to drink large quantities of non-carbonated drinks. mineral water. And you should give up tea and coffee, as they contain a lot of enzymes that can cause a new allergic reaction.
  6. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol, chicken eggs, strawberries and honey.
  7. It is recommended to use only home-made, home-made juices from fruits and vegetables.
  8. All products must undergo a minimum of chemical processing before entering the diet. All culinary chemical additives absolutely prohibited for consumption.

The slightest signs of deterioration should be associated with what was recently eaten, and in such cases, exclude this product from the diet. During the diet, your doctor may prescribe medications designed to improve digestion and the absorption of enzymes.

The main thing you need to know when treating drug-induced dermatitis is that there should be as little initiative as possible and as much doctor control as possible.

If on initial stages You can get away with a little self-medication, but in moderate and severe cases it can not only cause harm, but lead to death.

A timely visit to a specialist will not only help to treat drug dermatitis in a timely manner, but also to avoid all sorts of consequences and complications. And even in case successful treatment It is necessary to remember the allergen that caused the reaction for life, so as not to repeat its use in the future.

Dermatitis is a collective concept; it unites a group of inflammatory skin diseases, having an infectious or allergic nature and manifested by characteristic symptoms (itching, irritation, redness of the skin, the appearance of rashes). IN In dermatological practice, all drugs for dermatitis are divided into internal and external. For external processing Various ointments, gels, creams, lotions, and solutions are used on the skin. For the treatment of severe forms of the disease in the composition complex treatment include drugs in tablet form.

A complex of inflammatory reactions on the skin can be caused by the most for various reasons, depending on which the optimal treatment regimen using certain medications is selected. Thus, symptoms of dermatitis can be provoked by mechanical, physical or chemical factors, as well as a hereditary or acquired tendency of the body to allergic reactions. The success of treatment will largely depend on identifying the irritant or allergen.

In addition, the dermatologist will definitely prescribe medications taking into account the general condition of the patient, the severity of symptoms and the presence concomitant diseases. Let's take a closer look at the tactics of treating pathology and find out which drugs are used to treat dermatitis in the process complex therapy.

The basis of complex treatment of dermatitis of various natures is the use of local funds, intended for external treatment of affected skin. What forms of drugs are used?

  1. Pastes- these products contain a significant amount of drying components (zinc and titanium oxides) and are intended for treating wet areas of the skin.
  2. Ointments– the preparations are based on a mixture of active ingredients with a fatty base, they perfectly soften dry skin, eliminate irritation, and when penetrating into the deep layers of the epidermis have therapeutic effect at the cellular level.
  3. Crema for dermatitis are produced on a water basis. Their advantage is a lighter structure, which ensures rapid absorption into the skin and deep penetration of active ingredients.
  4. Gels- light emulsion (substance based on natural oils or alcohol and water), which can quickly cool and soothe irritated skin. Gel preparations do not clog pores, are instantly absorbed and remove well. characteristic symptoms dermatitis (itching, inflammation).
  5. Aerosols and sprays, intended for the treatment of dermatitis, are created entirely on a water basis. Their main advantage is simplicity and ease of use. The preparations can be easily sprayed and thus treated the most inaccessible lesions. The use of such medications facilitates the treatment of painful, damaged areas, the treatment of which with other medications causes discomfort.

In addition, all products for the treatment of dermatitis are divided into several main groups:

Non-hormonal agents

External not hormonal drugs for dermatitis provide the following action:

  • Effectively eliminate inflammation;
  • They have an antimicrobial and antifungal effect;
  • Provide moisturizing and softening of the skin;
  • Promotes regeneration and restoration of the skin.

This group of drugs includes the following drugs:

  1. Eplan
    – A drug with powerful wound-healing, bactericidal and antiseptic effects. Provides high-quality skin protection and promotes rapid recovery damaged epidermis. Eplan is produced in several forms: as an ointment, cream and liniment. In addition, you can purchase sterile wipes soaked in Eplana solution in the pharmacy chain. The drug has a wide range of applications; it is used to treat injuries (burns, wounds, abrasions, bruises), viral skin lesions (herpes, condylomas) and various skin diseases, including dermatitis of various etiologies.

  2. Skin - cap
    - This is a whole line of drugs with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antifungal effects. Skin cap for the treatment of skin diseases is presented in the form of an aerosol (spray), cream and shampoo. The shampoo is successfully used as a drug for seborrheic dermatitis, other varieties medicine used in the treatment of various skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, oily and dry seborrhea). It is considered one of the safest remedies, with virtually no contraindications for use. It can be used in the treatment of children younger age(from 12 months).

  3. Tsinocap
    – a dermaprotective drug with antibacterial and antifungal effects. Active ingredient– zinc pyriotin, has a powerful bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory, antiseborrheic effect. This is an excellent drug for atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis. Shows high activity regarding wide range pathogenic microorganisms. Zinocap is produced in the form of an aerosol, cream and shampoo. With prolonged use, the drug can cause adverse reactions(dryness, irritation, local allergic reactions).
  4. Radevit– an external agent with anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, reparative and softening effects. Combination drug eliminates itching, softens and moisturizes the skin, strengthens it protective functions, accelerates recovery processes. Active components Radevita – combination vitamins A, E and D. The drug is used for the treatment of chronic skin diseases (atopic, seborrheic, allergic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, ichthyosis), and is used for the speedy healing of ulcers, wounds and other damage to the epidermis.

  5. Gistan
    – cream for external use intended to eliminate allergic manifestations on the skin (itching, rashes, irritation). This drug should not be confused with Gistan N ointment, which is a hormonal agent. Cream Gistan, created on the basis natural ingredients. It contains the natural antihistamine betulin, extracted from birch bark, and a complex essential oils and plant extracts with anti-inflammatory properties. The drug is completely safe and approved for use in children and pregnant women. Indications for use are various forms of dermatitis, urticaria, photodermatoses, and consequences of insect bites.

  6. Exoderil
    – a drug with antifungal action. For dermatitis, it is prescribed in cases where the course of the disease is complicated by the addition of a fungal infection. The main active ingredient is naftifine, which effectively copes with various forms of mycoses (trichophytia, pityriasis versicolor, seborrhea, microsporia). The drug is produced in the form of a cream and solution for external use.

  7. Fucidin
    antibacterial agent with anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effects. The active substance is fusidic acid, which is natural antibiotic. The product is produced in the form of ointment and cream. It should be prescribed by a doctor, because when misuse Fucidin may cause unwanted side effects. For dermatitis, the drug is indicated for use in cases where the course of the disease is complicated by a bacterial infection.

  8. Zinc ointment
    - cheap and effective drug, time-tested. It is based on zinc oxide, which has an antiseptic, drying and anti-inflammatory effect. The ointment effectively eliminates weeping, irritation and inflammation during various forms dermatitis.

  9. – water-alcohol based mash. Effectively fights external manifestations of dermatitis, eliminates itching, prevents weeping of the affected skin, has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.
  10. Desitin– a drug with zinc oxide, which has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Used for diaper dermatitis in children and various skin lesions (burns, ulcers, eczema, diaper rash).

  11. – the drug is based on a natural component – ​​naftalan oil, which effectively eliminates inflammation, has an analgesic, antiseptic and absorbable effect. The drug is indicated for dermatitis of various etiologies, eczema and psoriasis.
  12. Bepanten (Panthenol)– ointment and cream with a powerful healing and regenerating effect. For dermatitis, it promotes rapid restoration of the skin, eliminates irritation and softens dry skin. This is quite safe remedy, which can be used for skin care even in newborns.

At severe forms dermatitis, the use of conventional external agents does not give the desired effect. In such cases, the doctor includes potent hormonal drugs in the treatment regimen. They are used in short courses and under the supervision of a doctor, since these drugs have many contraindications and side effects.

However, their use is fully justified, since they quickly remove the most severe symptoms diseases. Powerful therapeutic effect achieved due to glucocorticosteroids, which form the basis similar drugs. They very quickly eliminate inflammation, relieve itching, irritation, eliminate rashes, swelling and other manifestations of dermatitis.

The list of hormonal drugs for dermatitis is quite extensive; such drugs should only be prescribed by a specialist, depending on the severity of the symptoms, taking into account possible contraindications and the general condition of the patient.


In addition to external remedies, the doctor may include in the treatment regimen for dermatitis systemic drugs for oral administration. They are used to relieve painful symptoms of the disease and for severe forms of dermatitis accompanied by extensive damage skin and infection.

Antihistamines for dermatitis

To relieve intense itching and inflammation, the doctor will prescribe antihistamines for dermatitis. IN lately The latest generation drugs are used as part of complex therapy:

  • Zyrtec
  • Cetirizine
  • Tsetrin
  • Zodak
  • Desal
  • Erius

These are the strong ones hormonal agents, intended for oral administration. These include the following drugs:

  • Prednisolone
  • Flumethasone
  • Dexamethasone
  • Triamcinolone

Such products have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and effectively cope with the main symptoms of dermatitis. They are used in short courses, since long-term use can cause a number of unwanted complications.


Such drugs are prescribed for especially serious forms atopic and allergic dermatitis. The drugs help suppress the immune system, and thereby reduce severe skin reactions. The list of such drugs includes the following drugs:

  • Chlorbutin
  • Myelosan

These drugs are used as a last resort when treatment with other means does not work, since suppression of the immune system increases the body's susceptibility to dangerous infections.

In addition to the above medications, the doctor may include in the complex treatment vitamin complexes, drugs designed to cleanse the body of toxins and allergens and other means to promote a speedy recovery.