Yellow-mercury eye ointment: properties, eye treatment. Use of mercury ointment

The concept of mercury ointment is collective and refers to a whole list of medicines that contain mercury compounds such as active substance. Products are used for external application for skin diseases. To date, the composition has been excluded from state registers medicines, and therefore are not sold in pharmacies.

Types of mercury ointment and composition

The drug in question exists in several varieties:

  • white ointment– mercury component content 10%. Additional components – petroleum jelly and lanolin;
  • gray– up to 30% mercury component, lanolin and fats of animal origin (pork and purified bovine);
  • the most common type is yellow ointment. It is made on the basis of sedimentary yellow mercury, lanolin and petroleum jelly. Concentration active component in eye ointment – ​​1-2%, in the form for application to the skin – 5-10%.

Indications for use

The ointment can be used exclusively for local application to the skin - small quantity The drug is distributed in a thin layer over the skin 1-2 times a day. At ophthalmic inflammations the composition is placed behind the lower eyelid. Use for pediculosis (to combat lice) requires preliminary hair removal and treatment with a thin layer twice a day for a week.

Side effects and contraindications

Mercury has high performance toxicity, which explains the decrease in the prevalence of use of drugs containing it. Today, more than safe analogues. Using the ointment can result in skin irritation, burns, and nervous activity and kidney damage with a long course of therapy.

Contraindications for use are:

  • diseases digestive system;
  • tuberculosis;
  • disorders of the urinary system;
  • eczema;
  • active allergic reactions.


Christina: I don’t trust any sulfur and mercury ointments. All this is quite aggressive and dangerous, why take such risks if there are modern safe drugs.

Lisa: Time-tested, simple remedy! It helps very well against eye inflammation. It's a shame it's so hard to find now.

Sveta: My acquaintance with sulfur ointment resulted in a skin burn, so I won’t accept any more experiments.

Eye ointments

Ointments are intended for application to the conjunctiva of the eye by placing under the eyelid using special spatulas. Eye ointments should be prepared on the basis of the most high quality and contain the solid phase in a state of fine dispersion. Vaseline of the “for eye ointments” variety and an alloy of this petroleum jelly with lanolin in various ratios, often containing a small amount of water, are used as bases in eye ointments. If the base is not specified, then, according to Article No. 709 of the Civil Code, which sets out the general requirements for eye ointments, an alloy of 10 parts of anhydrous lanolin and 90 parts of petroleum jelly is used. In some cases, hydrophilic bases are also used as bases in eye ointments.

Sometimes freshly prepared glycerin ointment is used as such a base. It is quite resistant to the action of microflora, strongly hydrophilic and neutral. The disadvantage of glycerin ointment is its rather strong water-removing effect and the associated irritating effect, somewhat softened by the enveloping effect of the starch contained in the ointment.

The preparation of eye ointments is carried out under aseptic conditions in small glass mortars or, even better, on frosted glass plates using flat glass pestles. IN the latter case homogeneity is easily checked by viewing a thin layer of ointment in transmitted light.

All soluble medicinal substances added to eye ointments after mandatory dissolution in water. Insoluble or sparingly soluble substances - yellow mercury oxide, basic bismuth nitrate, mercury amide chloride, mercury monochloride, xeroform, zinc oxide, copper citrate, etc., are administered in the form of minute powders after additional thorough grinding with a small amount of liquid paraffin, glycerin or water depending on the composition of the base.

Yellow mercury ointment (eye ointment) - Unguentum Hydrargyri oxydi flavi. The ointment is official in accordance with the prescription of GPC (Article No. 343), contains 2% mercury yellow oxide:

Hydrargyri oxydi flavi 2.0

Ol. Vase lini 2.0

Vaselini 80.0

Lanolini anhydrici 16.0

The basis of the ointment is an alloy of Vaseline (5 parts) and lanolin (1 part). Yellow mercury oxide is thoroughly ground with Vaseline oil, after which the strained, sterile, almost cooled base is mixed in parts. The ointment is always prepared ex tempore. Store protected from sun rays place, since yellow mercury oxide decomposes when exposed to light, releasing metallic mercury, and can also interact with fatty acids lanolin with the formation of toxic mercury soaps. When making this ointment, do not use a metal spatula.

No. 139. Rp.: Cupri citratis 0.3

Ung. Glycerini 10.0

M.f. ung.

D.S. Eye ointment for (trachoma)

First, prepare glycerin ointment according to the recipe of GFI X (the ointment consists of 93 g of glycerin and 7 g of wheat starch). To do this, wheat starch is thoroughly mixed with an equal amount of water in a porcelain cup, after which glycerin is added. The mixture, while stirring, is carefully heated on a grid over low heat until a uniform translucent mass is obtained. Freshly prepared ointment is sterile in itself. Copper nitrate is thoroughly ground in a few drops of water, and then the base is mixed in parts.

In the formulation of eye ointments, ointments with antibiotics are often found, which are prepared under aseptic conditions.

No. 140. Rp.: Benzylpenicillini - natrii 100,000 ED


Vaselini pro oculis aa 5.0 Release and registration of eye dosage forms

Based on materials from I.S.Azhgikhin. Medicine technology.

In the daily bustle, we often do not notice the weak signals of the body, which it uses to tell us about “problems.” A runny nose, migraine or abdominal pain is one thing, slight redness and swelling of the upper eyelid is another...

We look in the mirror and lament: the barley has swollen again! Several days pass, but it does not disappear, but on the contrary, it grows and becomes like a small hailstone. If a hailstone grows inside the lower eyelid, it is more difficult to confuse it with a stye because it is located in the skin under the eye, and not on the mucous membrane of the eyelid, and unlike a stye, it does not necessarily hurt or itch. Frightened by an incomprehensible swelling, we go to the doctor and hear the diagnosis: “Why did you come so late? Treating a chalazion with ointments helps while it’s still small!”

Chalazion (from ancient Greek nodule, hailstone) is an inflammation of the edge of the eyelid around a special gland called meibomian. There are from 50 to 70 such glands in the eyelids; they secrete a sebaceous secretion that moisturizes the eyes and prevents them from drying out. If the gland duct becomes blocked, fluid remains inside it, it stretches and inflammation begins.

Causes and symptoms of inflammation of the meibomian gland

Most often, chalazion appears in the off-season or winter, sometimes against the background of a cold, and sometimes on its own, but for the same reason: hypothermia and low immunity. It can also be triggered by local cooling, that is, a draft or cold air after a bath or sauna. Other risk factors - wearing contact lenses and lack of personal hygiene; inflammation can also appear in people with very oily skin or increased activity meibomian gland. Its symptoms really resemble a stye infection sebaceous gland, but differ from them:

  • the area of ​​the eyelid turns slightly red, but usually does not itch; in the center of the redness a small dense whitish pimple with a gray center is visible;
  • touching it does not hurt, although it may be unpleasant;
  • if suppuration begins due to bacterial infection, inflammation occurs: the eyelid around the chalazion becomes crimson, swells and hurts, and the lump resembles a boil with pus and sometimes bursts.

About a quarter of chalazions do not manifest themselves as anything other than a hailstone nodule and go away on their own, but in most cases it has to be treated. The sooner treatment begins, the better, especially for young children.

Remember! While mom is trying to determine from a photo on the Internet “what popped up on eyelid in a baby" or treat "stye" folk remedies, time is lost.

How is chalazion treated?

If you start treatment on time, you will most likely be able to defeat it conservative means: these are disinfectants eye drops Tobrex®, ointments, salt lotions, hot compresses and massage. Target conservative treatment– empty the gland and remove inflammation.

  1. When external exposure does not help, injections of steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are made into the capsule of the meibomian gland. The lump should resolve within a few weeks after the injection.
  2. In addition, physical therapy is used: a helium-neon laser or sessions of polarizing light on the Bioptron device help relieve inflammation. They increase the chance of curing a chalazion without surgery.
  3. Large chalazions (they interfere even if they are not inflamed) are removed surgically: under local anesthesia The meibomian gland is opened and curetted or removed with a laser. Surgery is also necessary if after some time the nodule reappears in the same place. But then, before removal, you need to clarify the diagnosis: the seal on the eyelids may be a manifestation of a skin disease or a tumor.

Homeopathy is one of the types of conservative treatment. Its peculiarity is that it is aimed not at the disease of the century itself, but at normalizing metabolic processes throughout the body. At the first appointment, the doctor asks the patient about all his illnesses and prescribes him an individual set of medications: to strengthen the immune system, improve metabolism, normalize digestion, etc.

Reviews about homeopathy treatment are quite contradictory: some claim that it “simply saved” them, but there are also people for whom it does not help. Whether homeopathy will help depends on the qualifications of the doctor, the characteristics of the patient’s body, and how well he complies with the treatment regimen. And they can be quite complex: for example, out of five drugs, one is taken daily, two only in the morning, two only in the evening, while they are taken every day for three weeks, and then every other day for two weeks.

Treatment with ointments

At ophthalmological diseases Various anti-inflammatory and antiseptic ointments. The most famous of them are hydrocortisone ophthalmic 0.5% and yellow mercury ointment. Some doctors advise applying compresses with Vishnevsky ointment to the eyelid at night, but according to the standard of treatment it is not used. There will be no harm from such a compress if an adult makes it for himself, but when treating a chalazion in a child, you should not experiment with ointments.

Hydrocortisone 0.5% eye ointment

An ointment based on hydrocortisone, a synthetic hormone of the adrenal cortex, relieves inflammation in the meibomian gland capsule and prevents the appearance of allergic reactions, reduces eyelid swelling and redness, soothes itching. When the swelling decreases, the contents of the gland gradually flow out, and its cavity returns to normal sizes. The ointment is used in two ways - with a compress and by placing it behind the eyelid. The first procedure is carried out like this:

  1. Soak a napkin in hot water, apply to the sore eyelid. Cover with film and lie for 15 minutes.
  2. After 15 minutes, gently massage the heated eyelid and lubricate the sore area with hydrocortisone ointment. Under double influence - heat and a fatty emollient ointment - the ducts of the gland expand and the contents gradually flow out. You need to repeat the compress and ointment 5-6 times a day.

If it is not possible to be distracted by treatment so often during the day, you can put the ointment behind the eyelid. This is done less often - 2-3 times a day:

  1. Pull the eyelid slightly on the affected eye and apply ointment behind it.
  2. Close your eye for a couple of minutes so that the ointment warms up and is absorbed into the mucous membrane. Blink. Let it spread evenly throughout the conjunctiva.
  3. Close your eye again, place your finger on the inflamed area and massage the eyelid with gentle circular movements for 1-2 minutes.

Hydrocortisone ointment stings the eyes a little, but there is nothing to worry about.

Important! Absorbable ointment treatment will only help if the chalazion has “popped up” recently and is no more than half a centimeter in size. Larger and denser nodules cannot be cured with ointment!

Yellow mercury ointment

Yellow mercury ointment is also best used on nodules that have not yet grown larger than 0.5 mm and become denser. It is prepared in pharmacies according to the prescription of the attending physician and is released by prescription. Like hydrocortisone ointment, it helps the capsule soften and “release” pus, but at the same time it also has an antiseptic effect.

For adults, it is placed behind the eyelid of the affected eye twice a day. For young children, it is better to apply compresses for several hours while they sleep, or at night:

  • place a small piece of gauze with ointment on the baby’s eyelid;
  • secure it with a bandage on your head or attach it with a plaster (remove it after slightly wetting it so as not to injure the skin).

The procedure is carried out twice a day for two weeks, and if the treatment does not help, the doctor recommends another therapy for the baby in the clinic or at home.

Remember! Children try not to prescribe surgical treatment meibomian gland, so it is important to diagnose chalazion in time: treatment with ointment will help avoid surgery.

Mercury ointment is a generalized name for a whole group of drugs that include mercury compounds, intended for treatment various diseases mucous membrane of the eyes or the skin around them. The most popular among such products is yellow mercury eye ointment. It should be noted that the high demand for this medication is associated not only with an affordable price for everyone, but also with many positive qualities.

Types of mercury ointments

There are several types of mercury external agents. They all have individual characteristics, therefore they are prescribed in specific cases:

Mercury yellow ointment is a homogeneous substance of creamy consistency, the color of which varies from light, almost white, to bright yellow. The preparation is based on sedimentary yellow mercury, petroleum jelly, lanolin, as well as a small amount of glycerin and purified water. The drug is marketed in aluminum tubes of various sizes.

Pay attention! Although the ointment is available without a prescription, it should only be used after consulting a doctor, since mercury is recognized toxic substance, can provoke the development of unpleasant complications.


The shelf life of yellow mercury ointment is five years, provided that it is stored in complete darkness and the tube is tightly screwed. The use of the drug after the end of the specified period is strictly prohibited.

Pharmacological effects

Yellow mercury-based ointment is a topical remedy. It is perfectly absorbed into the skin or mucous membranes and effectively affects pathogenic organisms, disrupting their metabolism and further reproduction. Thus, the affected area is disinfected, which promotes accelerated recovery tissues and rapid recovery. Therapeutic effect observed after the first use.

It was noted that mercury ointment does not accumulate in tissues. It is excreted from the body by the kidneys (along with urine).

Important! Too long-term use, as well as accidental or intentional overdose, can still lead to the accumulation of the main active component in the blood with its subsequent distribution into the vital system. important organs, which is fraught with the development of various pathologies.

Indications and contraindications for use

Mercury ointment is used to treat diseases inflammatory in nature on the skin around the eyes, as well as infectious processes on the mucous membrane of the organs of vision. The product is used:

  1. To eliminate minor damage to the skin (cuts, abrasions, wounds), as a result of which the affected skin looks inflamed.
  2. With keratitis - inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye.
  3. IN complex therapy for blepharitis, conjunctivitis.
  4. Chalazion is a blockage of the sebaceous gland of the eyelid.
  5. At different pustular diseases skin and dermatitis.

Please take note! Positive result after using mercury-based ointment is possible only if all the doctor’s recommendations are followed and the application features specified in the instructions are taken into account.

Given the toxicity of mercury, it is not surprising that this drug has a whole series contraindications. These include:

  • increased sensitivity to mercury;
  • individual intolerance to auxiliary components;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • pregnancy. The only exceptions are those cases where the potential benefit to the mother exceeds possible risk for a child. Mercury medications pose a particular danger in early stages pregnancy, when all organs and systems are formed. As a result of intoxication, the baby may develop multiple congenital pathologies– from disorders of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract to hysterical fits And neurological disorders, up to mental retardation;
  • lactation period. The components of the ointment tend to penetrate into breast milk, calling nervous disorders and disruptions in the baby’s digestive processes. If there is an urgent need for their use, then breast-feeding stop;
  • tendency to allergic manifestations;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, nervous disorders;
  • eczema.

Directions for use

At dermatological diseases Squeeze out a small amount of ointment from the tube and apply it to the affected area (without rubbing into the skin) no more than twice a day. To treat eye pathologies, a thin strip of the product is placed under the lower eyelid twice a day. The course of treatment is determined individually and ranges from 5 to 12 (but no more!) days.

Use of yellow mercury ointment in childhood, as well as pregnant and lactating women, is extremely undesirable. But, if such a need arises, then the drug can be applied very carefully and only under medical supervision.

Attention! The simultaneous use of mercury ointment and medications that contain iodine, bromine or dionine is strictly contraindicated! Therefore, it is important to inform your doctor about the medications that the patient is taking.

When applying the product, do not allow it to come into contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth or nasal cavity - this is equivalent to swallowing a medication and is considered very dangerous. In addition, do not apply ointment to damaged skin. After applying the product, wash your hands thoroughly. If there are small children in the house, then you should make sure that the ointment does not get on the floor or other surfaces, as well as clothes, and is completely out of reach of the baby.

Side effects

Yellow mercury ointment can cause the patient to develop the following undesirable effects:

  1. From the digestive system - bloating, nausea, flatulence.
  2. From the urinary system - kidney damage, frequent urge to urination.
  3. From the side of the central nervous system - drowsiness, irritability, trembling of the limbs, apathy.
  4. Other manifestations – violation menstrual cycle, skin reactions, increased sensitivity to odors.

At correct use similar conditions occur extremely rarely. If any atypical manifestations were noted during the use of the drug, then its use must be stopped immediately.


  • increased fatigue and unexplained weakness;
  • nervousness, irritability, aggressiveness;
  • insomnia, nightmares, feelings of fear or panic;
  • impaired attention or problems remembering information;
  • urinating too frequently;
  • trembling of the eyelids or limbs;
  • hair loss, deterioration of nails;
  • hallucinations or signs of kidney and liver damage (indicative of high degree poisoning).

Need to know! Mercury poisoning occurs gradually. Experts identify three main stages of its progression.

Initially, the patient may feel some weakness along with increased anxiety, and also note trembling of the fingers. If such a condition manifests itself against the background or after using mercury ointment, then you need to contact specialists as soon as possible - namely early stages Mercury intoxication can be completely cured.

As mercurialism progresses, the patient experiences an increase in tremor, anxiety, and irritability. A person has problems sleeping. Such symptoms, left unattended, for short term flow into the final, most difficult stage, often ending fatal due to problems with the liver, kidneys or thyroid gland. In this case, even the surviving patient will constantly suffer from certain systemic pathologies.

Mercury ointment is the name given to several drugs used to treat skin and eyes. All of them contain mercury compounds and are intended for external use.

Yellow mercury ointment is best known and popular among patients suffering from conjunctivitis and other eye diseases.

Composition of the medicinal product

Mercury ointment consists of the following components:

  • mercury oxide– the main active ingredient. Dries, kills microorganisms, relieves inflammation;
  • Vaseline oil– softens;
  • petrolatum– softens, is a ballast substance;
  • lanolin.

Description of yellow mercury ointment

Mercury ointment is a thick consistency product for external use that has antiseptic effect. Used by applying to the skin or under the lower eyelid.

Apply strictly to the affected area of ​​the skin or mucous membrane in a thin layer, since mercury compounds are poisonous, and it is advisable to use as little ointment as possible at a time.

The drug has not been produced in Russia since 1998. All medications containing mercury have been found to be toxic.

Pharmacological action

Mercury acts locally, disrupting the metabolism of bacteria, fungi and protozoa, and thus disinfecting the area.

The simultaneous use of halogens (iodine, bromine) and their compounds with drugs is not allowed. It is highly undesirable to use the ointment simultaneously with dionin.


Mercury yellow eye ointment - remedy local action, its active substance is absorbed into the skin and affects pathogens in its thickness. In case of overdose or long-term use medications, mercury enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body, accumulating in the liver, kidneys and nervous tissue, causing diseases of these organs.

Contraindications for eye products

Mercury-based products have many contraindications:

Pregnancy and lactation

Mercury is very dangerous for the embryo and fetus. It is toxic to nerve tissue and can cause serious violations in brain development. Children of mothers exposed to mercury are born mentally retarded and with a variety of congenital diseases.

During lactation, you should also not use mercury preparations: after being absorbed into the blood, mercury will penetrate into the milk, and with it into the child’s body.

Important! Even an insignificant amount of this toxic metal can cause digestive disorders, kidney and liver diseases, seizures, and nervous disorders in a baby.

Instructions for use and dosage

The eye ointment is applied in a thin layer under the lower eyelid, directly on the affected area.

Apply ointment once a day in small portions, no more than the head of a match (about 1 mg of ointment), the course of treatment is no more than 2 weeks.

Side effects

At long-term use mercury preparations arise side effects, the totality of which can be called one word micromercurialism. This is a disease that occurs with prolonged use of mercury in small quantities.

Here are its main manifestations:


In case of overdose, the disease mercurialism occurs, caused by mercury poisoning. Its symptoms are as follows:

  • weakness, fatigue;
  • increased irritability, nervousness;
  • groundless fears, possible nightmares, insomnia or disturbing sleep;
  • anxiety during the day;
  • scattered attention, problems with remembering new information;
  • hair loss, peeling and weak nails;
  • frequent urination;
  • trembling of hands, lips, eyelids;
  • deterioration of the ability to touch;
  • at severe poisoning– liver, kidney damage and hallucinations.

Poisoning occurs in three stages:

Attention! Even patients who successfully survive the third stage of mercurialism are doomed to suffer chronic diseases digestive, endocrine, nervous systems or hearts.

Release form

Yellow ointment is not produced in Russia due to a ban on the production of drugs containing mercury. In other countries it is available as a 1% or 2% petrolatum-based ointment.

Shelf life and storage conditions

Mercury ointment should be stored in a closed container and in complete darkness, since mercury oxide is destroyed by exposure to sunlight. The shelf life is 5 years, but may be shorter if the ointment is exposed to light.


Avoid contact of mercury ointment with oral cavity, nasal cavity, on damaged skin or damaged mucous membrane.

Mercury ointment is especially dangerous for children. After using the drug, you must wash your hands thoroughly. When storing, do not leave it open, do not allow the ointment to get on clothes or the floor.

When side effects The drug should be discontinued immediately to avoid toxic metal poisoning.


Yellow mercury ointment, a drug used to combat microorganisms that cause conjunctivitis and other eye diseases, contains 1 or 2 percent mercury oxide.

Not produced in Russia due to mercury toxicity, but can be purchased in neighboring countries or made independently. Mercury is dangerous poisonous substance, therefore, an ointment based on it represents serious danger in case of overdose or careless handling.