The best nootropic drug, according to experts. Nootropics - features of the pharmaceutical group and a list of the best drugs for effective treatment

Nootropic drugs are of great relevance. Although the first nootropic drug, Piracetam, was synthesized back in 1964, it is only now that means for improving the brain activity of this group have become public, especially among schoolchildren, students and the elderly. Nootropics have virtually no side effects, the most obvious being overexcitability, which can manifest itself in either hyperactivity or panic attacks. The reviews note that to obtain such negative effects, it is necessary to use a very large dosage of the drug; in all other cases, this is nothing more than self-hypnosis.

As a standard, to obtain the desired effect, namely improving brain function, increasing learning ability, and concentration, it is important to take a course of at least a week to obtain the first noticeable changes. At the same time, it is not enough to simply take the drug and expect new knowledge to appear out of nowhere, some kind of enlightenment. It is necessary to constantly use logic, read some information and the like. This is exactly how nootropic drugs can help, for example, the same students before exams; the student must surround himself with the necessary educational literature and begin to study it. Thanks to the effect of improving blood circulation and oxygen saturation of brain cells, information is better remembered and absorbed.

Nootropics are relevant not only for advanced youth, but also for older people. With age, brain cells begin to actively die, and therefore, symptoms of senile insanity, sclerosis and other age-related diseases associated with brain activity may appear. The elderly body needs help, saturating it with useful elements, and it is nootropics that can significantly improve the overall picture of the life activity of an elderly person.

Nootropic drugs are often prescribed to patients with traumatic brain injury, as well as to children with delayed speech and mental development. In the first case, nootropics will help restore the functioning of the brain, set it in the same way, and in the second, when the child does not want to start talking or does not show success in learning, the nootropic will allow you to concentrate on new information and broaden your horizons. Another indication for the use of these drugs may be alcohol dependence.

  • Reviews on the Internet and general reputation;
  • Opinion of medical representatives;
  • Value for money;
  • Level of trust;
  • Safety.

There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

The best budget nootropics

5 Biotredin

Fights alcohol addiction
Country: Russia
Average price: 120 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

"Biotredin" is an effective remedy used to treat alcohol withdrawal symptoms. The drug reduces a person's desire to drink alcohol. The drug reduces psycho-emotional arousal, improves memory and has a positive effect on intellectual performance. From reviews on the Internet, you can understand that this drug is mainly prescribed to people who abuse alcohol and suffer from physical and psychological alcohol dependence.

The drug is also used to improve memory and intellectual activity in children and adolescents. The drug is contraindicated in people with high sensitivity to vitamin B6. Under no circumstances should you take Biotredin simultaneously with alcohol or while intoxicated.

4 Piracetam

Most Popular
Country: Russia
Average price: 55 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Piracetam is recognized as one of the best modern nootropic drugs. It is used to accelerate metabolic processes and the propagation of impulses in the cerebral cortex, has a beneficial effect on intellectual abilities and memory development, significantly increases the brain's resistance to toxin poisoning, and accelerates the processing of glucose. Helps improve interaction between the hemispheres of the brain. Improves cerebral blood flow without creating, however, a vasodilating effect.

"Piracetam" is recommended to be taken for weakened memory, dizziness, decreased attentiveness and learning disabilities in children. Elderly people are recommended to take the drug for therapeutic purposes. This drug is contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity, severe renal failure, children under one year of age and pregnant women. Also, Piracetam should not be used for hemorrhagic stroke.

3 Picamilon

Relieves older people from migraines
Country: Russia
Average price: 100 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Picamilon" refers to nootropic drugs that have a tranquilizing, psychostimulating and antioxidant effect. Positively affects brain function by improving tissue metabolism and affecting cerebral circulation. A course of taking the drug increases physical and intellectual activity, reduces headaches, improves memory, and helps reduce feelings of anxiety and tension. Improves blood circulation in the vessels of the retina and optic nerve.

Helps patients with minor motor and speech disorders, reduces the negative impact of toxins on the central nervous system. The drug is used as part of complex therapy to prevent migraines in older people and with cerebrovascular accidents. According to experts, the drug is one of the best in the treatment of severe alcohol and drug addiction. Picamilon is contraindicated for people suffering from kidney disease and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

2 Phenibut

Relieves anxiety
Country: Russia
Average price: 150 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Phenibut is a prescription nootropic drug that has a strong anxiolytic effect, reducing excitability, anxiety and fear. Prolongs and enhances the effect of using sleeping pills. When used as a course, it has a positive effect on a person’s physical and intellectual activity, helps improve memory, and restores healthy sleep.

Usually prescribed to children with stuttering and enuresis, elderly people suffering from insomnia and night anxiety. Also, this remedy is often used as part of complex therapy for those suffering from alcohol withdrawal syndrome. According to experts, the drug is contraindicated for pregnant women and children under three years of age. Should be taken with caution in case of gastric ulcers and liver failure. The drug is taken as prescribed by a doctor and is sold by prescription.

1 Glycine

Best value for money
Country: Russia
Average price: 30 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Glycine is an amino acid produced by the human body. "Glycine" is a natural drug that helps improve memory and mental activity. Reduces human conflict, improves the ability to socially adapt. The use of this remedy allows you to normalize sleep, which is especially important for older people. Also, this amino acid restores the functions of the central nervous system after toxic poisoning with alcohol or other medications.

It is recommended to take “Glycine” during stressful situations, problems at work or study, decreased mental performance and diseases of the nervous system, expressed by high excitability, sleep problems and emotional instability. Since glycine is a natural product, it has no special contraindications, the exception being personal sensitivity to the components of the drug.

The best nootropic drugs in the mid-price category

5 Pantogam

Neutralizes psycho-emotional overloads
Country: Russia
Average price: 640 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

“Pantogam” significantly increases the brain’s resistance to hypoxia and the effects of toxic substances on the central nervous system, and stimulates anabolic processes in neurons. Reduces excitability and has a positive effect on human social behavior. Effectively affects intellectual activity and activity.

The drug is widely used in medicine: to neutralize the effects of psycho-emotional overload, for neurotic disorders caused by traumatic brain injuries, for decreased intellectual and physical activity, loss of concentration and attention. "Pantogam" is contraindicated for pregnant women, people suffering from serious kidney diseases and persons under 18 years of age.

4 Nootropil

Accelerates the propagation of neural impulses
Country: Belgium
Average price: 330 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

“Nootropil” is a nootropic drug that helps improve memory, increase concentration and activates mental activity. The medicine stabilizes metabolic processes in nerve cells, has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, increasing the speed of propagation of neural impulses in the brain. The drug is excellent for eliminating the consequences of ischemic stroke.

Can be effectively used for the rehabilitation of patients who have suffered traumatic brain injury or toxic brain poisoning. In particular, it can be used to improve learning ability in children. Not recommended for people with cerebrovascular accidents, renal failure or those with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug. Also contraindicated in children under three years of age.

3 Intellan

Herbal Ingredients
Country: Pakistan
Average price: 175 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Intellan" is a preparation made from plant elements containing bioactive amino acids, vitamins and other important microelements. It has a positive effect on memory, mental activity, and actively combats anxiety and depression. According to experts, Intellan does not affect a person’s ability to perform, which makes it one of the best nootropic drugs for car owners.

The drug is used for decreased mental activity, neurotic syndromes associated with mental illness, memory loss and absent-mindedness, as well as depression and anxiety. "Intellan" is contraindicated for persons under eighteen years of age and pregnant women. The drug should not be taken by those suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, with sucrose deficiency and fructose intolerance. During an exacerbation of mental illness, the drug is also contraindicated.

2 Semax

The best nasal drug
Country: Russia
Average price: 600 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Semax is a unique peptide drug whose hormonal activity is zero. It has a positive effect on the processes of perception of the surrounding world, improves learning ability and attentiveness. Promotes rapid adaptation of the central nervous system to the effects of anesthesia. It is a prescription drug and is used only as prescribed by a specialist.

As a rule, it is used to treat people who have suffered an ischemic stroke, as well as for rehabilitation after traumatic brain injuries and severe anesthesia. It has long been used in pediatrics to treat brain dysfunction in children over five years of age. Semax cannot be prescribed to children under five years of age and pregnant women. It is important to note that the drug is contraindicated for people in a state of acute mental disorder accompanied by an acute feeling of anxiety.

1 Cavinton

Targeted effect on damaged areas of the central nervous system
Country: Russia
Average price: 250 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Cavinton has a beneficial effect on cerebral circulation, reduces blood viscosity and promotes the passage of oxygen through the tissues of the central nervous system. At the same time, the drug does not affect a person’s total blood pressure and pulse rate. The peculiarity of this remedy is that it selectively acts on the damaged area of ​​the central nervous system. The product is used and sold only by prescription.

The ability for targeted effects, called “reverse steal,” makes Cavinton one of the best drugs for treating the consequences of stroke, vascular dementia and cerebrovascular accidents. Also used to treat choroid and retina, and even to treat Meniere's disease. The drug is contraindicated in women during pregnancy, persons under 18 years of age, people suffering from arrhythmia, coronary heart disease and those having an acute phase of hemorrhagic stroke.

The best nootropic drugs: budget from 750 rubles

5 Cortexin

The most versatile
Country: Russia
Average price: 780 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

"Cortexin" has a positive effect on the central and peripheral nervous systems. The drug improves memory, attentiveness and learning ability, counteracts the effects of stressful situations on the nervous system, and reduces the impact of toxic substances on brain cells. This nootropic is often used in medicine to eliminate the consequences of traumatic brain injury, circulatory disorders and epilepsy.

The drug has gained great popularity among parents of children with delayed psychomotor and speech development. The medicine is also widely known among students during exam periods, when learning and attentiveness deteriorate. Cortexin is not recommended for pregnant women due to the lack of accurate clinical trial data. Contraindicated in case of high personal sensitivity to the components of the drug.

4 Encephabol

Combats mental retardation in children
Country: India
Average price: 750 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Encephabol" accelerates metabolism in the brain, increasing the rate of glucose utilization. Stabilizes blood circulation in ischemic areas of the brain. The drug restores impaired metabolic functions in the nervous tissue, which has a beneficial effect on improving memory, alertness and the general tone of the central nervous system. "Encephabol" shows good results in the treatment of systematic decreases in mental activity.

This remedy helps get rid of the consequences of encephalitis, and is also used in pediatrics in the treatment of cerebroasthenic syndrome and mental retardation in children. "Encephabol" is contraindicated in renal failure, liver disease and autoimmune diseases. May cause allergic reactions in people highly sensitive to pyritinol.

3 Phenotropil

Relieves stress
Country: Russia
Average price: 1000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Phenotropil" is a nootropic drug that improves blood supply to the brain, thinking ability, memory and attentiveness. This drug also increases the resistance of the central nervous system to the effects of stressful situations. It is used for insufficient cerebral circulation, neurosis, depression and to neutralize the effects of alcohol and drug use.

It is possible to take the drug prophylactically by people whose activities are associated with high psychophysical tension. "Phenotropil" is contraindicated for use in severe kidney and liver diseases, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension and high sensitivity to compounds of the pyrrolidone group. If a person has experienced a panic attack or severe psychotic states in the past, then the use of this drug is also contraindicated for him.

2 Pramiracetam

Restores cognitive functions of the brain
Country: Germany
Average price: 3500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Pramiracetam is a nootropic drug from the racetam group. The effectiveness of this remedy has not been fully proven, but, according to experts, it has a positive effect on increasing intellectual activity and cognitive functions of the brain. Improves memory, concentration and alertness. To achieve the full effect, it is recommended to take this drug for four to eight weeks.

As follows from the above, Pramiracetam should be taken if there is a decrease in mental performance, loss of concentration and memory problems. Elderly people are recommended to take the drug for therapeutic purposes. Like other nootropics, Pramiracetam has no special contraindications. Reviews rarely write about side effects, but when the dosage was significantly exceeded in the first days of the course, patients reported complaints of headache, insomnia, anxiety, nervousness and tremor.

1 Cogitum

Best stimulating effect
Country: France
Average price: 4500 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

"Cogitum" has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in nerve tissues and has a stimulating effect. Increases physical activity and immunity. The drug is able to accelerate the removal of ammonia from the body during intoxication with this substance, and slightly reduce radioactive exposure. It is often used as part of complex therapy for asthenic syndrome, as well as for depressive and neurotic conditions of mild severity.

"Cogitum" increases the overall endurance of the central nervous system. Contraindicated for people with high personal sensitivity to acetylaminosuccinic acid and other components of the drug. It is not recommended for pregnant women and children under seven, due to the lack of clinical studies with this group of patients.

The term “nootropics” appeared in 1972, this word consists of two Greek “noos” - mind and “tropos” - change. It turns out that nootropics are designed to change the human mind, using biochemistry to influence the central nervous system.

Their predecessors in improving brain function were psychostimulants, which had a strong but short-term effect on a person. They increased the body's endurance, resistance to stress, and caused general excitement, activity and euphoria. If not for the severe negative side effects and addiction, psychostimulants would have conquered humanity. But the after-effect in the form of severe depression and complete loss of strength depressed the person so much that it could lead to suicide.

Synthetic nootropics

After taking nootropics there are practically no negative effects, they are not addictive. But they also don’t have psychostimulants. To feel the results of taking nootropics, you need to take a course lasting 1-3 months.

The effect of nootropic drugs is due to the improvement and acceleration of metabolism in nerve tissues, the protection of neurons during a lack of oxygen and toxic effects. In fact, nootropics protect the brain from aging. Nowadays many nootropic drugs are produced, here are the most common ones:

"Piracetam" ("Nootropil") is the first of the nootropics. It is prescribed for attention and memory disorders, nervous disorders, brain injuries, alcoholism and vascular diseases. It can also be used independently (without exceeding the dose) for better perception and assimilation of educational material. The following side effects have been rarely reported: drowsiness or agitation, dizziness and nausea, increased sexual activity. An analogue of Piracetam (Nootropil) is Phenotropil (Phenylpiracetam).

"Acefen" ("Cerutil", "Meclofenoxate", "Centrophenoxine") contains the substance acetylcholine - a transmitter of nervous excitation, an indispensable participant in the functioning of the human nervous system. This series of nootropic drugs accelerates all processes of excitation and inhibition, improves blood supply to the brain, and has a psychostimulating effect. It also protects the brain from aging and is used together with Piracetam to improve mental abilities. Side effects from the nervous system were noted: anxiety, insomnia, increased appetite.

"Selegiline" ("Deprenyl", "Yumex") contains the substance selegiline, which suppresses the action of enzymes that inhibit phenylethylamine and dopamine. After 40 years, the pleasure enzymes of the dopamine series are produced much less than in youth. "Selegiline" is positioned for middle-aged and elderly people. It is used in the treatment of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. With sufficiently long-term use of the drug, memory, mood and general well-being improve. “Selegiline,” according to medical scientists, when taken 5 mg per day can increase a person’s life expectancy by 15 years!

The list of new generation nootropic drugs is huge and constantly growing. At the moment, there are substances that can make a person smarter, increase his memory, give hyperactive people calmness, and inhibited people, on the contrary, give them activity. Nootropics were originally developed to treat diseases caused by impaired brain function.

The first remedy was obtained in 1963 by Belgian pharmacologists who developed drugs that could stimulate brain function and improve memory. The medicine was called Piracetam. Subsequently, products with similar characteristics began to be developed. Piracetam gave rise to the development of pharmacology in this direction.

The 90s of the twentieth century were marked by the development of innovative nootropic drugs. Modern remedies were much more productive combined with less side effects. Depending on the effect of use, nootropics may have the following effects:

  1. Psychostimulating effect. As a result, excitation in the cerebral cortex increases sharply, which increases the speed of reflexes, physical and mental performance. A person begins to feel more alert, less tired, and drowsiness disappears.
  2. Antiasthenic effect. Lethargy, low performance, constant drowsiness are the first signs of asthenia. This new nootropic works to eliminate these symptoms.
  3. Sedative effect. Medicines in this group have a sedative effect on the central nervous system. This effect is manifested in a slight decrease in daily activity and in a decrease in the severity of the reaction to external stimuli.
  4. The antiepileptic effect is manifested in the anticonvulsant effect. It is used for epileptic diseases and for the relief of various seizures.
  5. Vasovegetative syndrome in children manifests itself in constant headaches, dizziness, and frequent fainting.
  6. Nootropic effect. The very effect that nootropic substances have affects the increase in memory and accelerates the speed of information processing by the brain. Increases the speed of reaction to external stimuli.
  7. The mnemotropic effect has a beneficial effect on human memory. Both short-term and long-term memory improves, and the volume of memorization increases.
  8. The antiparkinsonian effect is to prevent the death of neurons in certain structures, which is the main cause of the disease Parkinson's syndrome.
  9. The adaptogenic effect is to increase the brain's resistance to the effects of various specific harmful factors (the influence of physical, biological and chemical nature).
  10. The anti-dyskinetic effect reduces the number of involuntary muscle movements, especially in those suffering from cerebral palsy.

Classification of nootropics by pharmacological groups

The list of drugs according to pharmacogroup is extensive. So, it includes agents that stimulate metabolic processes:

  1. Piracetam is a drug produced in the form of tablets and injections. The substance stimulates blood circulation and metabolic processes. Thanks to this effect, the ability of brain structures to resist environmental influences significantly increases. As a result, performance increases, memory improves, and cognitive abilities improve.
  2. Pramiracetam is a drug similar in its action to Choline. The drug increases cognitive abilities, strengthens memory, and improves concentration. At the same time, the medication does not have a calming effect; motor activity remains after administration.
  3. Phenibut is available in capsules and tablets. These nootropic substances perfectly increase the ability to remember, enhance mental and physical performance, and accelerate the assimilation of new information.

Another group consists of drugs that have a beneficial effect on the vascular system of the brain:

  1. Vinpocetine is available in the form of tablets and solutions. This remedy stimulates blood supply to brain tissue by improving microcirculation. Mainly used for neurological diseases, such as cerebrovascular accidents.
  2. Instenon is a product produced in the form of tablets and ampoules for injection. Usually prescribed for age-related problems with cerebral circulation. The drug has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the brain and stimulates blood circulation in its structures.

A separate group includes generations of nootropics that stimulate memory and cognitive abilities. These include Amiridin, a drug that activates nervous muscle tissue. Available in tablets and injections.

Side effects

When using nootropic drugs, precautions must be taken. Extreme care must be taken when taking nootropics for elderly people, nursing women and pregnant women. Typically, side effects are observed from the central nervous system and the psyche. Possible sleep disturbances, muscle tremors, anxiety. Some medications cause gastrointestinal upset (nausea, vomiting), so people with stomach diseases (ulcers, gastritis) should be careful.

Some chemicals found in nootropics can cause allergic reactions. At the first signs of an allergy (eye inflammation, runny nose, sneezing, hives, etc.), you should stop taking the nootropic and consult a doctor.

When taking nootropics, you need to consider interactions with other drugs, especially sleeping pills and sedatives. In general, recommendations for the use of nootropics do not differ from other medications. It is important to consult a doctor before using the drug.

Nootropics or neurometabolic stimulants are medicinal substances that help improve mental and mental activity of the brain. Nootropic drugs directly affect the higher state, and also protect the central nervous system from various negative factors and everyday phenomena. In this article we will take a detailed look at what nootropics are, how they affect processes in the human body, and how this can affect.

Description and mechanism of action of the group

The first developments and scientific research of nootropic substances that could improve the psycho-emotional component of the human body began at the dawn of the 60s of the twentieth century.

Since then, many neurometabolic stimulants have been developed that can improve brain function by stimulating blood microcirculation. Moreover, such stimulants protect the brain from all sorts of harmful external influences, including.

Did you know?Corneliu Giurgea is a Romanian psychologist and chemist who is considered the inventor of nootropics. In 1964, he isolated neurotransmitter substances from the Piracetam cocktail.

Today, there are two main groups of nootropics: true and neuroprotectors. Substances that make up the first group contribute to the activation of the mnestic function of the brain, and no longer affect the psycho-emotional component.
While neuroprotectors are able to have a complex effect on the mental system. The effect of neurometabolic stimulants can be both primary (the substance binds directly to the neuron and interacts with it) and secondary (has an antihypoxic and antiplatelet effect).

Doctors and scientists call nootropic substances by many different terms: neuroanabolic, neuroregulatory, neurodynamic or eutotrophic agents.

The mechanism of action of such agents is complex; it is divided into several components.:

  • The components of neuroregulatory substances help accelerate the process of synthesis of proteins and RNA, which activate the activity of the central nervous system, in particular its plastic component.
  • Antioxidant and antihypoxic effects allow us to enhance the processes of ATP synthesis, and this directly affects the energy component of the state of neurons.
  • Neuroprotectors are the main utilizers of glucose.
  • Synaptic transformation of impulses in the central nervous system increases significantly under the influence of nootropics.
  • Stabilization of the functionality of CNS membranes.
Today, the most basic mechanism of action of nootropic substances on the central nervous system is considered to be the effect on bioenergetic and neurometabolic processes in neurons (brain cells).

Moreover, nootropics are able to interact with neurotransmitters, substances that are responsible for the frequency and speed of impulses that transmit information to the central nervous system. The direct effect of neurometabolic stimulants on adenylate cyclase promotes the release of seratonin from sensory neurons.

This effect also helps the production of ATP in brain cells without the participation of oxygen, and this contributes to the normal functioning of the central nervous system under conditions of hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

Nootropic compounds are able to correct the processes of neuron-neuron interactions and prevent mental and intellectual developmental delays in adolescence.
The main mechanism of action of neurometabolic substances is aimed at stimulating the metabolism of nucleic acids and improved synthesis of protein, ribonucleic acid and ATP under extreme conditions.

Classification by chemical composition

Nootropic drugs are classified according to their chemical composition as follows::

  • dimethylaminoethanol derivatives;
  • pyrrolidone derivatives;
  • pyridoxine derivatives;
  • diaphenylyrrolidone derivatives;
  • neuropeptide analogues and the neuropeptide itself;
  • analogues and derivatives of gamma-aminobutyric acid;
  • 2-mercantobenzimidazole derivatives;
  • amino acids and analogues that have a stimulating effect on the amino acid system of the central nervous system;
  • organic composites and polypeptides;
  • products based on vitamin complexes;
  • other nootropic substances (psychostimulants, neuromodulators, adaptogens, antihypoxants, etc.).

Each of the above-mentioned positions of nootropic substances has a different chemical composition and is produced by manufacturers under different names. Accordingly, the mechanism of action of each substance will differ.

Indications for use

At first, any class of neurometabolic stimulants was used only in the fight against mental impairment in age.

A little later, when all sorts of laboratories around the world began to speak out about their supposedly proven effectiveness of nootropics, they began to be used in narcology, pediatrics, psychiatry, and neurology.
Today, a doctor can prescribe a therapeutic course of treatment with such chemicals in cases of the following diseases:

  • Alzheimer's disease and or senile dementia;
  • neuroinfection, intoxication;
  • neurosis-like or neurotic disorder;
  • psychoorganic syndrome;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • cranial and impaired blood circulation in the brain;
  • chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  • chronic (withdrawal, encephalopathy);
  • syndromes and intellectual-mnestic disorders.
Pediatricians also resort to the help of nootropics (at an early age, a common cause of lack of protein synthesis is a lack of amino acids, which is associated with many psycho-emotional disorders).

Popular drugs

Today, there are many nootropic drugs, in particular the new generation, which are derivatives of various chemicals, they have different effects on the central nervous system.
We will provide a list of nootropics that are best to take for various clinical indications below, but which will be most effective for you should be decided by your physician.

"Piracetam" ("Nootropil")

This drug belongs to chemically active substances, the effect of which on the human body has not been fully proven.
“Nootropil” is a prominent representative of the group of neurostimulating substances, which, according to manufacturers, can improve brain activity, promote the processes of ribonucleic acid synthesis, and improve cerebral microcirculation of red blood cells.

Piracetam is produced in the form of tablets and, when swallowed, is absorbed into the blood and then enters all internal organs. The substance is excreted through the kidneys and is not metabolized.

In our country, this drug is often used for Alzheimer's disease and various diseases of the central nervous system.
Many medical professionals around the world believe that Piracetam, other than the “Placebo effect,” has no effect, but recent clinical studies have confirmed the fact that this drug helps reduce platelet aggregation, thereby improving blood microcirculation in the brain.


Like the previous substance, it is a neurometabolic stimulant (a derivative of piracetam), but with a more pronounced effect, and therefore is used in smaller dosages.
According to manufacturers, it stimulates and. The full effect of the drug has not been proven, therefore "Pramiracetam" It is considered to be a homeopathic remedy.

However, clinical studies have shown that there is still some effect from using Pramiracetam. When using this drug for 6 weeks, there is a significant improvement in memory. In addition, the active substance Pramiracetam significantly improves the psycho-emotional state during the period.

Cavinton (Vinpocetine)

It is a Hungarian neurodynamic drug that has a therapeutic effect on the affected areas of the brain. It improves blood microcirculation in ischemic areas by relaxing smooth muscles.
Since the mid-80s it has been produced synthetically based on vincamine. Used to treat cerebral (acute) disorders of cerebral blood flow. The effectiveness of Cavinton has often been questioned over many decades. At the beginning of the 19th century, the drug was included in the list of biologically active additives (BAA).

It is a pharmaceutical drug, the main component of which is hopantenic acid, which is involved in many processes of brain activity. This remedy is most effective in the treatment of chronic intoxication, as well as during periods of increased risk of hypoxia.
"Pantogam" stimulates various functional actions in the neuronal system and helps accelerate neuron-neuron signal transmission.

This sedative is included in the list of the best nootropics of the latest generation, the effect of which has been largely proven. Clinical studies have shown that Pantogam is able to improve the mental activity of adolescents who have speech and writing disorders.

A domestic tableted nootropic drug that is used in medical practice in Russia (it has not found its use in other countries of the world).

Included in the list of the most important medicines. Widely used as a neuroprotective, antihypoxic and psychostimulant.
Medical workers often prescribe Semax for recovery from ethanol intoxication, inflammation of the nerves in areas near the brain, and chronic disorders of cerebral blood flow.

In addition, this drug has been used in pediatrics for decades, where its effectiveness and safety have been repeatedly proven.

Semax does not cause addiction or withdrawal symptoms. Moreover, it easily overcomes the blood-brain barrier and stabilizes all brain processes.

It is a neurometabolic stimulant that has stimulating, anticonvulsant and antitoxic effects. In 2007, Phenotropil was recognized as an obsolete drug, and the frequency of its use for therapeutic purposes decreased sharply.
Moreover, this drug was recognized as one of those nootropic drugs whose effectiveness has not been proven. However, “Phenotropil” has found its use in the world, where it is actively used as a doping; some global companies even produce the active substance “Phenotropil” under a different name.

Therefore, recently this drug was banned for use by the Anti-Doping Committee. According to many scientists, the components of Phenotropil are capable of activating not only mental activity (which has not been proven to a large extent), but also (which has been proven).

Nootropic agent, a derivative of gamma-aminobutyric acid. It is a domestic drug, which was included in the list of important drugs in the mid-70s.
The developers said that it would reduce stress levels and stabilize too high levels of central nervous system activity. Almost all tablets based on gamma-aminobutyric acid can calm and improve sleep, in addition, they enhance the effect of sleeping pills and narcotics.

Important!Phenibut can be addictive when used for a long time.

For stuttering, chronic stress, Meniere's disease. "Phenibut" can be indicated as a medicine. The main substance of "Phenibut" directly affects neurons and reduces their activity, which helps to calm and.
In large dosages it exhibits an analgesic effect. Phenibut is contraindicated for children under 10 years of age and people who regularly use drugs and alcohol.

This pharmaceutical drug belongs to nootropic drugs, the derivatives of which are simple amino acids. developed on the basis of aminoacetic acid, exhibits a calming, sedative, anti-stress and hypnotic effect.
Moreover, as the manufacturers claim, “Glycine” helps improve memory and protect the central nervous system from various unpleasant external stimuli (consequences of intoxication due to drug addiction and alcoholism).

And “Glycine” is one of the few drugs that can reduce and stimulate the production of seratonin (which causes joy in people).

Side effects and contraindications

Side effects from the use of neurometabolic stimulants may arise from a psychological component. Often, such effects occur with overdoses or long-term use of drugs.
Patients may experience hyperactivity of central nervous system processes, which manifests itself in the form of increased, disturbance. in 5% of cases it causes side effects when dosages are increased.

Discontinuation of the drug entails the disappearance of any side effects. In addition, Piracetam and Acefen should not be used as sedatives and mild hypnotics, as they stimulate the central nervous system.

Did you know?One in four Harvard students takes nootropics, although these substances are not considered drugs in their country (doctors say they are practically ineffective).

From the neuralgic component, tendon reflexes, tremor, and dizziness may occur. There are also a number of unpleasant side effects from the somatic system.

Sometimes loss of taste and dry mouth may occur. Elderly people complain of high blood pressure and dizziness when taking nootropics for a long time.
In addition, improper and uncontrolled use of neurometabolic stimulants can cause various types. Pyriditol can complicate the course of the disease in people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

There are not many contraindications to the use of nootropics due to their homeopathic purposes. However, it is better not to take nootropics for people who have hypersensitivity to the components of these substances, chronic or acute renal failure.

Also, nootropics are prohibited for use by people who have suffered a hemorrhagic stroke and those who suffer from a hereditary disease of the central nervous system - Gettington's chorea.

Who Prescribes Nootropics?

Nootropics have a wide range of applications in medical practice in our country. In almost all other countries of the world, homeopathic medicines have long faded into the background. However, our doctors prescribe nootropics for a variety of diseases, as we have already discussed.
For example, even a cardiologist can prescribe the drug Phenibut. The whole point is that patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia, for the most part, first of all turn to a cardiologist because of surges in blood pressure and a constant “feeling” of rhythm.

And since VSD is not serious, which can lead to unpleasant consequences, the cardiologist often prescribes various homeopathic medications, including nootropics.

Important!Some nootropic substances in high dosages can cause narcotic intoxication.

But to a greater extent, nootropic drugs are prescribed by psychiatrists, neurologists and pediatricians. In addition, toxicologists and narcologists can also prescribe nootropics with caution.

We can conclude that the safety of using nootropic drugs is quite high, but their effectiveness has not been fully proven. Therefore, it is up to you to decide whether to take such drugs or not.

Nootropics are a group of psychotropic drugs that affect the higher functions of the brain and increase its resistance to negative exogenous factors: excessive stress, intoxication, injury or hypoxia. Nootropics improve memory, increase intelligence, stimulate cognitive activity.

From the ancient Greek language, the term “nootropics” means “the desire for thinking.” This concept was first introduced in the last century by pharmacologists from Belgium. Cerebroprotectors activate neurometabolic processes in the brain and increase the body’s overall resistance to extreme factors.

Nootropics were not separated into an independent pharmacological group; they were combined with psychostimulants. Unlike the latter, nootropic drugs are antihypoxants, but do not have a negative effect on the body, do not disrupt brain activity, do not affect motor reactions, and do not have a hypnotic or analgesic effect. Nootropics do not increase psychophysical activity and do not cause pharmacological dependence.

All nootropic drugs are divided into 2 large groups:

  • “True” nootropics that have the only effect - improving memory and speech;
  • , which have antihypoxic, sedative, anticonvulsant, and muscle relaxant effects.

Nootropics have a primary effect, which is a direct effect on the structures of the nervous system, and a secondary effect aimed at improving microcirculation in the brain, preventing hypoxia. Nootropic drugs stimulate metabolic processes in nervous tissue and normalize them in case of poisoning and traumatic damage.

Currently, pharmacologists are developing and synthesizing new nootropic drugs that have fewer side effects and are more effective. They are characterized by low toxicity and practically do not cause complications. The therapeutic effect of nootropics develops gradually. They should be taken continuously and for a long time.

New generation nootropics are used in various medical fields: pediatrics, obstetrics, neurology, psychiatry and addiction medicine.

Mechanism of action

Nootropics have a direct effect on a number of brain functions, activate them, stimulate mental activity and memory processes. They facilitate the interaction of the right and left hemispheres, as well as the main centers located in the cerebral cortex. Nootropic drugs rejuvenate the body and prolong life.

Neurometabolic cerebroprotectors are nootropic drugs that received their second name due to their biogenic origin and effect on cellular metabolism. These medications increase glucose utilization and ATP formation, stimulate the biosynthesis of proteins and RNA, suppress the process of oxidative phosphorylation, and stabilize cell membranes.

Mechanisms of action of nootropics:

  • Membrane stabilizing;
  • Antioxidant;
  • Antihypoxic;
  • Neuroprotective.

As a result of a course of use of nootropic drugs, mental and cognitive processes improve, intelligence increases, metabolism in the nervous tissue is activated, and the brain's resistance to the negative effects of endogenous and exogenous factors increases. Cerebrovasoactive drugs also have a special mechanism of vasodilatory action.

The effectiveness of nootropics increases when they are combined with angioprotectors and psychostimulants, especially in weakened individuals.

Nootropic drugs are most often prescribed to older people and children. In old age, it is necessary to correct impaired functions of the intellect: attention and memory, as well as increase creative activity. For children, neurometabolic stimulants will help in the fight against mental retardation.

Main effects

Nootropic drugs have the following effects on the human body:

spectrum of action of nootropics

  1. Psychostimulant - stimulation of brain functions in mentally inert individuals suffering from hypobulia, apathy, and psychomotor retardation.
  2. Antihypoxic - formation of resistance of brain cells to oxygen deficiency.
  3. Sedative - a calming, slowing effect on the body.
  4. Antiasthenic - elimination of symptoms of asthenic syndrome.
  5. Antidepressant - fight against depression.
  6. Antiepileptic - prevention of seizures, loss and confusion, behavioral and autonomic disorders.
  7. Nootropic - stimulation of cognitive activity.
  8. Adaptogenic - the development of resistance of the body to the effects of negative factors.
  9. Vasovegetative - acceleration of cerebral blood flow and elimination of the main symptoms.
  10. Lipolytic - the use of fatty acids as a source of energy.
  11. Antitoxic - neutralization or removal of various toxic substances from the body.
  12. Immunostimulating - strengthening the immune system and increasing the overall resistance of the body.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the use of nootropic drugs:

Nootropics are contraindicated for persons with individual hypersensitivity to the main active ingredient of the drug, severe psychomotor agitation, hepatic-renal failure or bulimia, as well as those who have had acute illness, those suffering from Gettington's chorea, those with severe renal impairment, and pregnant and lactating women.

Side effects

Side effects that occur during treatment with nootropic drugs:

  1. Hyperexcitability,
  2. Weakness,
  3. Insomnia,
  4. Worry, anxiety,
  5. Dyspeptic symptoms
  6. Hepato- or nephrotoxicity,
  7. Eosinophilia,
  8. Frequent attacks of angina pectoris,
  9. Convulsions, seizures,
  10. Balance imbalance
  11. Hallucinations,
  12. Ataxia,
  13. confusion,
  14. Fever,
  15. Thrombophlebitis and pain at the injection site,
  16. Motor disinhibition,
  17. Feeling of heat and facial flushing,
  18. Rash on the face and body like urticaria.

Description of drugs

List of the best nootropic drugs that are widely used in medical practice:

  • "Piracetam" has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the brain. The drug is prescribed for the treatment, improvement of memory, correction of dyslexia, cerebrovascular disease and in children. Piracetam is a first-aid remedy for withdrawal symptoms and delirium in alcoholics. It is used for viral neuroinfections and in complex therapy of myocardial infarction.
  • "Vinpocetine"– a neurometabolic agent that dilates brain vessels and improves microcirculation. The drug supplies brain tissue with oxygen and nutrients and reduces systemic blood pressure. Vinpocetine tablets thin the blood and improve its rheological properties. The medicine has an antioxidant and neuroprotective effect. First, the drug is administered intravenously for 14 days, and then proceed to oral administration of tablets.
  • "Phenibut" prescribed to patients with asthenia, neuroses, insomnia, and dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus. Phenibut helps children cope with stuttering and tics. The drug normalizes metabolism in tissues, has a psychostimulating, antiplatelet and antioxidant effect. Phenibut is low-toxic and non-allergic.
  • "Pantogam"– an effective nootropic drug, widely used to treat children. The main active ingredient of the medicine is vitamin B 15. This is a physiologically active substance found in almost all plants and products.
  • "Phenotropil" is a latest generation drug that is popular with both patients and doctors. It has a pronounced adaptogenic effect and increases the body's resistance to stress. The drug is not addictive. It is often recommended to students while preparing for a session.
  • "Fezam"– a nootropic drug intended for the complex treatment of cerebral circulatory disorders. It has an effective effect on the nervous system, dilates blood vessels, stimulates the functioning of the organ of hearing and vision. “Fezam” eliminates the effects of hypoxia, relieves headaches, fights dizziness and amnesia. Persons who have suffered a stroke or TBI take Phezam for a long time. It helps patients recover quickly and eliminates the negative consequences of pathologies. “Piracetam” and “Cinnarizine”, which are part of the drug, dilate blood vessels in the brain, improve brain nutrition, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, stimulate local blood flow, and reduce blood viscosity. Thanks to both components, the antihypoxic effect and antiplatelet activity are enhanced, and metabolism in the cells of the nervous system improves.
  • "Cinnarizine"– a nootropic drug that strengthens the walls of brain vessels and causes their dilation without changing blood pressure. Cinnarizine has a sensitizing effect, suppresses nystagmus and is an effective preventative against motion sickness. It dilates small arteries and peripheral capillaries. The drug is produced in a single dosage form - in the form of tablets for oral use. "Cinnarizine" is prescribed not only for the treatment of cerebrovascular insufficiency, but also for the prevention of migraine attacks and kinetosis. The medicine relieves symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia and: weakness, headache, dizziness. "Cinnarizine" is used to alleviate the condition during menopause. The drug normalizes sleep, relieves irritability, and eliminates anxiety.
  • "Cerebrolysin" is a complex nootropic drug that has undergone clinical trials that have confirmed its effectiveness and safety. The medicine is produced in the form of tablets and solution for injection. Cerebrolysin is prescribed for the treatment of patients with various forms of mental and neurological diseases. According to reviews, Cerebrolysin activates mental processes and improves mood. Long-term use of the drug improves memory processes, increases concentration and learning ability.
  • "Actovegin"– an antihypoxic agent intended for the treatment of metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain and promoting rapid wound healing. The medicine is used for the prevention and treatment of radiation skin lesions, peripheral vascular disorders, and diabetic polyneuropathy. "Actovegin" is produced in tablets for oral use, as well as in the form of a solution for intramuscular, intravenous and intra-arterial injections. Actovegin gel, ointment and cream are used topically.