Why dream of squeezing out pus on your leg? Ulcers on different parts of the body

If in a dream pus comes out of a wound, then get ready for unpleasant events or news. This image promises deliverance from something bad. The dream book will help you figure out what else the plot in question is dreaming about.

According to Miller

Did you happen to find an inflamed abscess on your body in a dream with purulent fluid flowing from it? Expect trouble, disappointment and insincerity.

Take action!

Why do you dream of a wound from which pus flows? The dream book is sure: a serious problem that has been tormenting you for a long time will suddenly be resolved.

Have you ever seen pus flowing out of a huge pimple in a dream? An extremely unpleasant incident will happen in the near future.

Did you dream of a festering wound? There is a possibility that you will get sick. But if you take action today, you can avoid painful consequences.

Everything will get better!

Did you dream of a festering abscess? Soon you will receive a large sum of money, your financial situation will improve and good luck will come.

Have you ever seen pus coming out? This means that you are destined for great success, despite the insidious tricks of your ill-wishers.

The dream book promises good luck for a man in business, and for women in love. Pus flowing from a wound in a dream marks a successful resolution of a difficult matter.

Are you ready?

Why dream of a purulent wound with worms crawling inside? The interpretation of a dream can be ambiguous. With equal probability, you can get sick or achieve what you want after long and hard work.

Did you dream that you decided to squeeze out an abscess? Material wealth will soon come to you, but the dream book predicts: for a strange reason, you will experience disappointment in your usual values ​​and choose a different, spiritual path of development.

Seize your chance!

Why do you dream about a blistering pimple in general? In a dream, it symbolizes old conflicts and grievances. Perhaps long-standing events haunt you and make you worry.

But if you dreamed that foul-smelling pus was coming out, then you will soon have an opportunity to sort things out with a person with whom you were once angry or offended.

Did you have to see a boil boil? The dream book believes that you will be unfairly accused of something you could not even imagine.

Be strong!

Did you dream that a painful boil opened? In the near future you will find out that an insidious conspiracy has been organized against you.

If you personally opened an abscess in a dream, then the dream book is convinced: you have to make a difficult choice, make an important decision alone.

Why do you dream if you turned to a doctor for help at night? This means that you are unable to control your current situation and need help.

Decoding in place

For a more accurate interpretation, the location of the purulent abscess should be determined.

  • On your feet - grief, unprofitable work, empty chores.
  • On hand - boredom, waste of time and resources.
  • On the back is victory over enemies, problems from the past.
  • On the forehead - the illness of a loved one, an important event.
  • On the chest - wealth, success.

Be careful!

If you dream that pus comes out completely without pain, then carelessness and frivolity will lead to great trouble. Painful sensations in a dream, according to the dream book, indicate that you will benefit from life lessons.

It’s bad to dream that an already healed wound has begun to fester. The dream book advises to show increased care. There is a possibility of injury or accident.

Squeezing out pus in a dream or just seeing it is a frequent subject of night dreams. The meaning of such a dream can be different; it directly depends on both the general content of the vision and its specific details. Therefore, it is extremely important, before deciphering the meaning of the dream, to remember all the little things accompanying the main plot.

Why do you dream about pus?

The meaning of pus in dream books is interpreted differently. For example, Zhou-Gong convinces that dreaming of pus means great luck. But most European dream interpreters, including Miller, consider it an unkind sign. Islamic dream books warn that seeing or squeezing out pus in a dream means money and profit.

At first glance, the meanings are completely opposite, but this is not entirely true. To understand and decipher a dream, its concept as a whole is important. For example, if a person dreams of a wound filled with pus, which causes him pain and anxiety, neither the Chinese nor the inhabitants of the Middle East will see anything good in such a dream.

That is why it is important not only what exactly is dreamed and dominates the dream, but also the general mood of the dream and the accompanying details. For example, if you dream of a large rotting wound, from which in a dream a person will remove everything on his own, and accordingly it will heal, such a dream has a good meaning. Such a dream means that you will be able to cope with all the misfortunes and problems that pus symbolizes.

When deciphering dreams, you should use the dream book that is as close as possible to the human mentality. That is, for someone who has lived all his life in Europe, the Asian understanding of symbolism will be alien. The human brain encodes information into symbols based on culture, customary traditions, and the dreamer’s way of thinking. Accordingly, based on these same parameters, one should approach understanding the meaning of a dream.

Why do you dream of squeezing out pus on your face?

Squeezing out pus on your face in a dream is generally a good dream. The face symbolizes the dreamer himself, his real, current life, thoughts, attitude towards anything happening around him. Pus, according to European interpretations of dreams, symbolizes accumulated problems, illnesses, and difficulties in life. That is, the understanding of this symbol lies almost on the surface. Pus in a dream can mean anything that can be associated with this word.

Accordingly, squeezing out pus on one’s face in a dream means getting rid of something that is causing unpleasant troubles and difficulties to a person in his life. These could be problems in professional activities, illness, family difficulties and much more.

In such a vision, the general feeling remaining after sleep is extremely important. If a person felt bad inside the dream, the pus came out of the face with difficulty, great efforts had to be made, and the dreamer woke up feeling weak and tired, then this is how difficulties will be resolved in real life.

If pus flowed out of the face on its own, without any effort on the part of the dreamer, then such a vision means ease and simplicity in resolving a life situation. That is, the problem or illness will go away on its own, without requiring significant effort from the person experiencing these difficulties.

Why do you dream

A pimple or a boil with festering contents means a ripe problem in the life of the one who sees the dream. Ripe and obvious, but not yet revealed. It may be a disease whose treatment has been continually delayed. Or difficulties at work, family difficulties, or something else. Only the person who dreamed the dream can know what problem exists in life that resulted in the content of the dream.

If you had a dream with pus on your face, then this is a good sign. This vision suggests that a person will “get” to a ripe problem and find the strength to resolve it.

But in addition to a favorable prognosis, such a dream also carries a lot of useful information hidden in its details. Not only the action is important; in a dream, squeezing out a pimple with pus also informs about the degree of importance of an unresolved task or problem in life. The larger the dreamed boil, the greater the complexity ignored by the person. The location of the pimple is also important. For example, if a boil has matured on the forehead, then the difficulty most likely concerns work, something related to mental activity. With a pimple on the nose, the problem is right in front of the person, in his primary tasks. It is highly likely that we are talking about health.

Why do you dream of squeezing pus out of your hands?

Squeezing pus out of a finger in a dream means getting rid of something that prevents you from taking something. This should not be taken entirely literally. Such a vision is most often associated with work. For example, something prevents a person from getting a higher position or a bonus. The dream tells you that you will be able to get rid of these obstacles.

What kind of obstacles these are, only the dreamer himself can know. These may be personal negative qualities or obstacles that do not depend on the will of the person who is dreaming.

Why dream of squeezing pus out of a pimple on your hands?

If you happen to dream about squeezing pus out of a pimple on your hands, then such a dream should be understood almost literally. Pimple is a ripe problem. Squeezing pus out of it is the solution to this problem. Hands are a symbol of work, activity, income generation - everything that can be associated with the word “take”. That is, this vision means the dreamer’s resolution of a problem that is ripe for this, interfering with his professional activities or preventing him from getting what he wants.

Why do you dream of a large number of ulcers appearing?

To see in a dream that pus is squeezed out, and another boil immediately pops up next to it, followed by others, is a very bad sign. The dream warns that a person’s resolution of any difficulty or problem in real life will entail the emergence of new ones. That is, problems will grow like a snowball rolling down a mountain, exactly as the dream will show.

It is not always necessary to follow a dream in real life, that is, to take on the solution to a problem if you had to squeeze out pus in a dream. If the dream book interprets a dream as bad, for example, as a vision with boils appearing one after another, then you need to listen to your subconscious and do nothing. Dreams often warn of something rather than predict the inevitable.

Why do you dream of a large number of ulcers on the body?

Such a dream indicates the presence of many difficulties in a person’s life. In such a vision, it is important to try to remember as many details as possible; it is in them that the key to deciphering it lies.

You should pay attention to the order of boils seen, their location, color, size and degree of rot. Every little detail matters. If in such a vision a person cannot decide to squeeze out the pus, the dream provides a clear reflection of his behavior in life. That is, the dream tells you that too many difficulties have accumulated and you should start dealing with them.

Why dream of ulcers on another person?

The interpretation of such a vision is no different from the meaning of a dream in which ulcers are located on the sleeping person. That is, similar details are important - location, degree of ripening, size, actions of the wearer and the dreamer himself.

As a rule, such a dream warns that you will need to deal with other people’s life difficulties. You need to try to remember as many details as possible in such a dream. Moreover, all the details that are not directly related to ulcers are important. The behavior of a person with acne: how does he react to the actions of the dreamer, what does he experience when squeezing out pus? If a person tries to defend his boils, run away, shows aggression, or otherwise resists squeezing, then it is worth thinking before showing concern for someone in real life, it is quite possible that its manifestation is not entirely desirable or is unnecessary.

Why dream of squeezing out pus by a stranger?

This is also an informative vision that has an interpretation similar to the previous version, but exactly the opposite. Such a dream means that someone will come and solve all the difficulties in life.

In such a dream, it is important to remember your own attitude to what is happening, what feelings the actions of a stranger evoke. We must not forget what reaction this person himself evokes in a dream.

This dream is a warning. If everything is fine in a dream, the squeezer does not awaken negative emotions, a desire to defend himself or disgust in the sleeper, then when such a benefactor appears in real life, you should not resist. But if the content of the dream contains protest against the actions of an outsider, dissatisfaction or pain, in life it makes sense to avoid contact with potential benefactors.

In dreams with ulcers, every little detail is important, and interpreting them is quite simple. The meaning of the sensations experienced and the symbols seen should be taken almost literally, as close as possible to what is happening in real life. And of course, such dreams should be treated with great attention.

Often such dreams signal that the brain continues to work on resolving the difficulties in life. It is not so rare for the subconscious to show a person the correct way to behave in life; you just need to not ignore it, paying attention to dreams.

Why do you dream of blood and pus? The appearance of such an unpleasant image in a dream is often a signal from the unconscious side of a person’s personality. Different dream books have different interpretations of the dreaming accumulation of dead blood cells. In order to decipher the dream as accurately as possible, try to remember all its details.

Why is this all a dream? To understand, you need to remember your actions in a dream: you were an outside observer of a festering wound or tried to cure it. Dream books also advise you to remember whether there were red impurities of blood in this disgusting substance, what kind of pain the suppuration caused and its very nature.

Opinion of various dream books

Why do you dream of a festering wound? Whatever its type, this substance in a dream does not bode well. Soon major troubles will arise that will greatly affect the dreamer’s health, both physical and mental. Gustav Miller believed that seeing pus is a sign that in the near future old conflicts that you may have already forgotten about will make themselves felt again.

Psychiatrist Sigmund Freud, in his dream book, expresses the opinion that ulcers are a symbol of the secret unsatisfied aspirations of the sleeper. People who experience difficulties in intimate terms often see an abscess in a dream. Therefore, sexual energy accumulates without an outlet. Unfortunately, this is also true for couples who have been living together for a long time.

Why an abscess is dreamed of can be found out in the dream book of Zhou Gong, who considers this image as a good omen. The interpreter believes that people who will soon be lucky see something like this in a dream. Don't be afraid of mistakes, as you won't be making them anytime soon. Your labors will definitely bear generous fruits.

Squeeze out pus

Why do you dream if ulcers burst all over your body? Such a dream, according to the dream book, promises financial assistance in the development of your project. There will also be a chance to make easy money, which you should try not to miss.

If in a dream a person squeezed pus out of a pimple, then this is a good symbol. A period of stability and measured life, complete harmony with the Universe, is approaching.

The dream book believes that opening and squeezing out the contents of an abscess in a dream is interpreted based on your state of health. For sick people, such a dream prophesies a quick relief from their illness. If the sleeper is healthy, and the manipulations in the dream were painful, then very soon he will break off relations with a loved one or relative.

If you saw a bursting abscess in a dream, then you should not worry too much about current difficulties. In the near future, a brilliant idea for solving them will come to your mind, and annoying problems will become a thing of the past.

Purulent acne

If the dream featured pimples with a purulent head, then its interpretation depends on where they are located. If the dreamer saw his body covered with acne, then the dream book regards this symbol as dissatisfaction with his professional activities, and the efforts expended do not bear fruit that you would consider acceptable.

If a woman saw an abscess on her face in a dream, it means that she needs to be more careful with hasty decisions. After all, some rash actions may be condemned by people dear to her and negatively affect her reputation. For men, such a plot promises disappointment in some person and subsequent nervous breakdown.

For people who dreamed that they were squeezing out a pimple filled with pus, this subconscious mind warns that they may become unwitting participants in some illegal business. Dream books do not recommend doing business with unfamiliar people whose integrity you doubt. There is also an interpretation that one of the trusted persons is preparing to betray the dreamer. Be careful with business partners, as this dream is directly related to the business sector.

Ulcers on different parts of the body

Why do you dream of pus in your eyes? The dreamer will see some unpleasant and illegal act, says the dream book. Moreover, this crime will be committed by a friend of the sleeping person, so the latter will not be able to report this to the appropriate place. But there is also a less gloomy interpretation: pus in the eyes can promise quick wealth and life in full prosperity.

If a lady in a dream saw pus oozing from her mammary gland, then most likely this is how physiological discomfort manifests itself in the breast, to which milk has flowed. If such a dream was dreamed by a non-nursing mother, then in the near future, according to the dream book, the dreamer will cease to be in debt. The amount of debts repaid will be directly proportional to the amount of pus that has leaked out.

What do dream books say about why you dream of pus from the ear? The sleeper is the keeper of many secrets of other people, but in the near future he will have to tell some of them to third parties. Moreover, you will not have to part with someone’s secrets of your own free will.

Why do you dream of pus from your finger? Dream books consider this plot as a warning about a difficult illness that will soon overtake you. But the dream in which the pus does not end and the abscess hurts greatly becomes very sad.

Pus in the mouth

Why might you dream of an abscess in the mouth? In life, you must try to avoid family scandals. If those around you provoke you, do not give in and be smarter.

If you happened to spit pus in a dream, then remember the proverb: “A word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.” Any of your barbs can give rise to a huge scandal that will have far-reaching consequences. A dream can promise divorce for married people.

Dream books regard an abscess in the throat as a harbinger of a period of difficult struggle with various kinds of troubles. If the dreamer continues to behave aggressively, then the scandals will move to a new level. He better understand what is the root of the problem.

But festering gums in a dream are a good sign, since good changes in life are just around the corner. Expect that soon the person with whom you were not on the best terms will begin to reconcile.

Dream Interpretations see two bad omens at once in the story of a rotting tooth. In real life, some pathology will worsen that the person did not pay attention to. The disease must be cured as soon as possible.

Purulent sores

The Dream Interpretation believes that seeing a purulent pathology in a dream, regardless of who had it, promises to get sick with something especially bad. However, if you dream about treating an abscess, then recovery will come quickly.

If in the dream the abscess was on the legs, then the interpretation will be more positive: soon you will receive an extremely profitable offer. If you use it, you can significantly change your life for the better.

Why do you dream of pus from the nose? To the point that the dreamer will “lie” and become so confused that he will lose not only the respect and trust of loved ones, but also a large sum of money. Those people who dreamed of a purulent sore throat can only be pleased with the dream book, since a little more time will pass and they will successfully complete the search for their soulmate.

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Dream interpretation pus

There is a misconception that if you experienced unpleasant sensations during sleep, the interpretation is negative. When asked why pus is dreamed of, every second person will answer - there will be trouble. Yes, the dream is not a pleasant one, and at times it does not bode well. But the details of the dream can change the interpretation.

Dream predictions

Any dream book will tell you that pus is a severe inflammation. The wound gathers rot and then breaks through. The same thing happens in a dream.

Seeing pus in a dream means that soon old grievances, fears, anger, everything will come out.

Modern dream book

If you dreamed of pus

Seeing a purulent wound on your body but not feeling pain means you are too careless. You are head in the clouds, while a lump of problems grows and threatens to crush you.

Pus in a dream is accompanied by pain, which means you can quickly respond and take action.

To be able to cleanse a wound of pus alone means you can resolve the troubles without unnecessary help. Another person is cleaning out pus in a dream - you yourself cannot cope with the situation, it is out of control. Seek help before it's too late.

Miller's Dream Book

If you listen to Miller, the vision in which pus comes out of the wound predicts that soon old grievances and omissions will come out.

Maly Velesov dream book

If you dreamed of pus bursting out - profit.

Purulent wound

Suppuration itself will not tell you much. It is worth remembering the details of the dream: the place of suppuration, your actions and feelings. The more details you remember, the more accurately you can predict the dream.

Place of suppuration

The part of the body on which you saw pus is important. What awaits a person in the future after such a dream depends on this factor.

Abscess on the face

If the wound was on the face

Oddly enough, but an abscess on the face, emanating pus, expresses your self-confidence and high self-esteem. You are prudent, you do not do anything right away, but only after thinking.

Why do you dream of pus in your eyes?

  • Be careful, someone wants to trick you. Don't blindly follow them.
  • Inflammation in the eyes - you will witness the unlawful actions of a close relative. Because of family ties, you will keep silent about what you did.
  • Purulent discharge in the eyes - improvement in financial situation.

An abscess in the mouth - you have a talent as an orator; in any dispute you have no equal. You are reasonable and often act as a referee. Another dream about suppuration in the mouth can warn that you will speak impartially about someone. At the same time, if you spit out purulent liquid, then one wrong word from you can provoke a mega scandal, which can end in anything, dismissal, divorce.

Why do men dream of pus if it is on the face - to disappointment. An unpleasant event will happen.

Inflammation and suppuration of the nose - you will find yourself in a difficult situation, through your fault. Pus with blood from the nose will lead to distrust of relatives and material losses.

An abscess on the forehead - envious people.

Pus coming from the chest

If you see pus coming out of your chest in a dream, you will be paying off old debts. Moreover, the amount of purulent discharge is directly proportional to the repaid debt.

The only exception is women who are breastfeeding, for them such dreams are just physiology.

Suppuration on the leg

To travel

When asked what suppuration on the leg portends, there are two possible answers:

  1. To a pleasant road, travel.
  2. With an interesting and tempting offer, your usual life will change.

Ear suppuration

There are three interpretations of such a dream. Or you have an ear disease, and your body gives you an alarm signal at night. Or pus from the ear means that deep down in your soul you have felt the lies that your friends are “feeding” you.

The third prediction is that you may know too many of other people's secrets. By chance you will have to reveal them. Do not be tormented by remorse, it was ordained from above, for your own good.

Dental problems

After a dream in which you saw a tooth festering, you should actually consult a doctor. Purulent discharge from a tooth promises real health problems in reality. It is possible that chronic diseases will make themselves felt.

If pus comes out not from the tooth itself, but from the gums, then this is a positive dream. He predicts changes for the better. This mainly concerns communication with people. If you are in a quarrel with someone, then be sure to make peace in the near future.

If things have been going from bad to worse lately, a dream in which pus comes out of your mouth, not from your tooth, but from your throat - all troubles will soon end.

Your actions

What is important is the fact that exactly you did with the suppurations, just looked at it or tried to clean it.

There are ulcers on your face, and you are trying to squeeze them - perhaps you will find yourself in the middle of a scandal.

Squeezing a loved one’s pimples means that their health is not all right.

In general, dream books, including Miller’s famous dream book, believe that squeezing out pimples in a dream is a solution to problems.

Such a dream plot as pus with blood, it would seem, should not bode well. But according to dream books, he comes to material wealth and gain. Also, ichor with blood coming out of a wound promises good luck to a sleeping person.

After all the above interpretations, it becomes clear that the dream is positive and promises you good changes in life.

Briefly about the main thing

Dreams in which you have to squeeze out pus are most often due to a person’s psychological exhaustion. The dream is an indicator that old grievances have not yet been forgotten, and confidence in the people around you is not stable. Also, dreams of squeezing out pus appear among those who do not see that their dream has practically come true.

TOP 3 positive interpretations

  1. Squeeze out pus on yourself- a new acquaintance with a beautiful representative of the opposite sex.
  2. Many purulent wounds— increase in financial status or career growth.
  3. Squeeze a pimple on your face- solving complex life problems.

TOP 3 negative interpretations

  1. Squeeze pus from the boil- to the emergence of quarrels.
  2. Squeezing pus out of someone- lowering social status and loss of reputation.
  3. Squeeze out pus and blood- return of old grievances and problems or betrayal.

Miller's Dream Book

In Miller's dream book, such a dream is interpreted as a return of old conflicts. Their solution will become the main goal of man in the near future.

For women:

  • Squeezing a pimple on your face without pain means meeting new people.
  • If a girl sees a boil on her body, it means she is ready for a serious relationship and wedding.
  • If a married woman crushes a pimple in a dream, it means that she has unresolved problems in her family. Perhaps you need to improve your relationship with your spouse and talk to him, and not accumulate grievances within yourself.

Video: the exact meaning of a dream about squeezing out pus

The video filmed by the channel “HoroscopeVideo - Horoscope for Today” explains in detail what a pimple means in a dream.

What does it mean according to Freud's dream book?

According to Freud's dream book:

  • a burst pimple dreams of people who are not satisfied with their social status;
  • squeezing out pus from yourself may indicate that your sexual desires have not been realized;
  • a purulent wound - to insoluble problems that await the dreamer.

Vanga's Dream Book

Values ​​according to Vanga’s dream book:

  • someone squeezes out pus from the dreamer - changes in personal life;
  • old wounds began to fester - the return of forgotten experiences;
  • squeezing a pimple in a dream is a betrayal of a loved one.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

White pus emerging from the wound, according to Tsvetkov’s dream book, portends:

  • loss of reputation;
  • financial problems;
  • bone fractures.

Specific situations in a dream can have the following meanings:

  • an abscess burst on the body of another - to the acquisition of enemies, the appearance of an unpleasant person in the environment;
  • pus flowing from the ears - dissatisfaction with oneself, low self-esteem;
  • squeeze out abscesses from the bodies of other people - any, even serious problems will soon be solved;
  • all the pus has come out of the neck - to solve a complex issue.

Loff's Dream Book

The interpretation of the vision according to Loff’s dream book looks like this:

  1. Trying to squeeze out pus on the back means problems at work or in self-determination. Maybe this profession is not suitable for the dreamer or he is worried about conflicts in the team.
  2. A purulent boil on the butt - you should increase your physical activity and stop leading a sedentary lifestyle.
  3. Squeezing out pus from another person means a desire to be in charge, to control people.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

The medium Hasse believed that squeezing chiri in a dream is a good sign, a harbinger of great and easy luck. Positive changes in life will help the dreamer forget about the failures and problems that happened in the past.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

According to the dream book of Nostradamus:

  • pus breaks out on a pimple on the body - to be disappointed in loved ones;
  • wounding someone in a dream and seeing pus is a warning that someone close to you wants to betray;
  • a wound in which purulent fluid comes out - you should expect disappointment in your loved one;
  • drawing out pus and healing wounds is good news.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

According to Meneghetti's dream book, when I dreamed of pus coming out:

  • a person must take care of maintaining his social reputation; in the near future he will face serious checks;
  • someone is trying to push the dreamer out of their own life;
  • perhaps there is a dangerous ill-wisher in the immediate environment.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

In Longo’s dream book, the interpretation of a dream concerns only squeezing out a pimple on the nose:

  • squeeze yourself - expects happiness in the family;
  • squeezing a boil on someone’s nose means a big and good event.

Dream Interpretation Kananita

The following values ​​exist for the number of purulent wounds:

  • the only wound is the addition to the family;
  • many throughout the body - financial profit.

The appearance of pus in a dream on:

  • legs - failures in work and affairs;
  • hands - to immediate sadness;
  • neck - to disappointment in your partner.

Dream Interpretation Veles

Veles wrote in his book on the interpretation of dreams that squeezing out pus is a big profit. Moreover, this can be both finances and gifts, household items.

Aesop's Dream Book

Aesop's dream book describes in detail why one dreams of squeezing out pus:

  1. Pressing it on your own nose means disagreements with loved ones, and the cause of the conflict will be the one who saw the dream. Perhaps the dreamer is going to behave inappropriately or outwit his family - this will become known to everyone and will be remembered for a long time.
  2. The pus has completely come out of the wen - the person will cope with his problems, and on his own.
  3. Any other purulent discharge in a dream foreshadows a happy future.

English dream book

Squeezing someone's pimple means that someone around the dreamer is annoyed by his tactlessness and lack of restraint.

This, according to the English dream book, any purulent inflammation foreshadows dangerous adventures. Life can change dramatically and not for the better.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

According to the Wanderer’s dream book, those who saw pus coming out will have their old grievances returned.

Another interpretation is damage to reputation. It is necessary to better monitor your manner of speech so as not to accidentally offend a powerful person.

French dream book

The French dream book gives two meanings of sleep:

  • pressing on a pimple and squeezing out all the pus means making illegal financial profits.
  • blood begins to come out along with purulent fluid - this means the whole family will learn about the method of acquiring money, and a scandal should be expected.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Interpretation of the dream according to the dream book of Catherine the Great:

  • seeing suppuration on your body is a serious life test; you need a break from work;
  • on a loved one - he is severely exhausted psychologically, he needs help;
  • squeeze the pus and squeeze it all out - get rid of the problem, move to a new stage of life;
  • to remove purulent fluid from the forehead - to be convicted of frivolity.

For a man:

  • squeezing a pimple in a dream is a warning that you should be wary of rash and risky actions.

Assyrian dream book

According to the Assyrian dream book, squeezed out pus has the following meanings:

  • squeezing a pimple in a dream on the eve of an exam means successfully passing the exam;
  • a boil bursts - the dreamer will have enough strength to make his dream come true.

For women:

  • A girl crushes pimples on her chin - success or even fame awaits her. This is not just public recognition, but the acquisition of financial independence.

Dream book of healer Akulina

The healer's dream book gives positive interpretations to a dream in which pus is removed:

  • the addiction that a person suffers from weakens and makes it possible to completely get rid of it;
  • you need to reconsider your decisions, because the dreamer is on the right path, you just have to think again.

Modern dream book

According to the Modern Dream Book, any purulent wound means an old, unresolved problem.

The location of the abscess on a certain person can tell which side to expect trouble from:

  • squeeze on your body - in the near future a complex painful problem will be solved;
  • seeing ulcers on children - a conflict or crisis will arise,
  • squeezing boils on a child means peace and understanding will soon arise in the family.

Interpretation of squeezing out pus:

  • from the earlobe - the sleeper has a secret that will soon become publicly known and will bring a lot of trouble;
  • from the eyes - in the future you will have to witness an illegal act;
  • from the finger - expectation of a serious illness;
  • from the mouth - family scandals or divorce;
  • from the throat - the dream will tell its owner about his aggressive behavior, it is worth changing the communication tactics;
  • from the cheek - the solution to the problem is ripe, you just need to apply it;
  • from the gums - making a friend or making peace with an enemy;
  • from a tooth - a hidden disease;
  • out of your head - a solution to a complex psychological problem, phobia;
  • from the hand - the dreamer shifts his responsibility to another;
  • from the leg - the beginning of a new successful project.

For men:

  • squeezing a pimple on the nose - for a guy this means a new successful business.

For women:

  • squeezing out an abscess on the chest for a non-breastfeeding woman is a good sign that promises quick repayment of the debt;
  • squeezing a pimple on a girl’s nose is a sign of a pleasant acquaintance.

How much good sleep do you think you personally need in order to feel good (get enough sleep)?

Chinese dream book

According to the Chinese dream book, leaking pus means that all undertakings will bring income in the near future.

Muslim dream book

To see pus coming out, like blood, in the Muslim dream book means wealth. But this money will be obtained illegally in some dubious matter.

Islamic dream book

According to the Islamic dream book, purulent boils dream of wealth in reality. A large number of them indicates the size of the profit, and squeezing out indicates the acceleration of the receipt process.

For women:

  • the dream prophesies the birth of a child.

Russian dream book

All meanings of the Russian dream book related to squeezing out pimples:

  • painful extraction of pus is a long-awaited success;
  • a bursting abscess is a good sign, a person is doing everything right;
  • treatment and squeezing out pus by a doctor - strengthening social status, career advancement.

For men:

  • seeing a huge pimple on your body is a big profit.

Ukrainian dream book

Detailed interpretations of sleep in the Ukrainian dream book:

  1. Squeezing pimples on the face is a good sign, symbolizing good luck. You should immediately start realizing your dream and achieving your goal.
  2. An abscess appeared on your body in a dream - a series of tedious problems awaits you, which will be solved very slowly.
  3. Many abscesses with a lot of pus - financial well-being, a new job or a promotion in your career.
  4. The pimple popped out on its own - an unexpected conflict with family.
  5. A crowd of people leaking pus is a betrayal of a friend.

For woman:

  • a girl squeezed out a pimple in a dream - her frivolous behavior in life will bring trouble, it’s worth thinking about serious things and setting priorities.

For a man:

  • the guy is trying to squeeze out the pus to no avail - a lawsuit that may not directly concern the dreamer, for example, testimony will have to be examined.

Family dream book

Pus in any form can mean trouble and trouble. This dream is a warning for the dreamer; perhaps he has become involved with a bad, unscrupulous person.

Other meanings:

  • squeezing out pus on your body - monetary losses;
  • after squeezing out the liquid, the wound healed - improvement in life situation, resolution of an old problem;
  • pus with blood - a terrible secret will become available to those around you;
  • a boil on the hands symbolizes that a person has not paid for something and will soon have to repay the debt;
  • many abscesses on the body - public shame and condemnation awaits.

Esoteric dream book

Interpretations of the esoteric dream book:

  • squeeze out the pus and heal the wound - for a quick peace, after a long disagreement with someone;
  • suppuration throughout the body promises an acquaintance with a very beautiful person and a successful relationship with him;
  • crushing ulcers on someone else's body - a quick acquaintance will bring disappointment.

Love dream book

Squeezing pus on your loved one’s body means doubting your partner. A couple may have unresolved issues or not completely forgotten grievances; they will destroy the family if they are not resolved.

Dream book for women

For women:

  • seeing an abscess on the body means hypocrisy on the part of friends and relatives.
  • to see a very large abscess on the face - a dream attracts good luck into the dreamer’s life.
  • leaking purulent fluid - bad news or events await in the near future.
  • many abscesses on the body and face - a disease.

Dream book for men

For men:

  • a guy who crushes a pimple on himself in a dream will soon be seriously disappointed in something;
  • a young man who squeezes pus out to another person will develop psychological problems that he cannot cope with.

Lunar dream book

According to the lunar dream book, suppuration carries negative energy:

  • getting rid of pus - solve your troubles in reality;
  • squeeze out a pimple yourself - personal growth;
  • squeeze someone out - other people take advantage of kindness and plot intrigues;
  • you are being treated for an abscess - a quick meeting with old friends;
  • a large amount of liquid has leaked out - they will invite you to a celebration.

Intimate dream book

According to the intimate dream book, squeezing a purulent pimple in an intimate place means doubting your strength and attractiveness. It may also be a sign of existing diseases.

Winter dream book

Dreams of leaking pus for the following reasons:

  • to recovery after long-term treatment;
  • opening an abscess yourself means liberation from a bad habit;
  • treat a boil on the legs - the work will not be appreciated;
  • on the back - victory over the enemy;
  • on hand - a big loss in financial or material terms.

Summer dream book

According to the summer dream interpretation, opening an abscess and seeing pus is a failed business. It will turn against the dreamer and bring him long-term trouble.

Unopened abscesses on the body will tell you exactly where a new disease originates.

Autumn dream book

According to the autumn dream book, a dream in which a pimple burst means that the dreamer will be betrayed by good friends. After this story, the reputation will be damaged and a large number of people may turn away.

Home dream book

Interpretations of squeezing out pus in a dream:

  • boils on the body - to good luck and material well-being;
  • squeezing purulent pimples on yourself means getting rid of problems and hassles.

Creative dream book

If you dream that an abscess has broken out, then in reality the dreamer will find a non-standard and bold solution in a hobby. It will not bring profit, but the person will discover a new side of himself.

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious

According to the dream book of the subconscious, squeezing out one’s purulent boils in a dream is a sign of serious tests that a person will create for himself.

Video: why do you dream about pus?

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