When your period comes after a miscarriage: reasons for delay and heavy discharge. Heavy periods after miscarriage After miscarriage, no

Menstruation after a miscarriage, their nature, duration and associated symptoms– these are the main points that will be discussed in this article.

Let's sort it out in order. A miscarriage is a spontaneous, uncontrolled termination of pregnancy that can occur due to various reasons. After this, the woman naturally gets traumatized, both psychologically and physiologically. Firstly, the stress of losing a child, and secondly, changes in the reproductive system. Therefore, it is extremely important to help the female body fully recover after a miscarriage. In this case, menstruation carries two functions. First of all, they are harbingers of spontaneous abortion, since it is precisely by bleeding from the vagina, the woman learns about possible risk the loss of a child or a fait accompli. But, menstruation also indicates a woman’s readiness for a new conception.

How long does it take for the menstrual cycle to return?

Spontaneous abortion on early stages(without cleaning) is usually accompanied by bleeding, as the endometrium is rejected. Late miscarriage requires surgical intervention into a woman’s body, as curettage is required. This procedure naturally affects blood vessels, so bleeding is observed after it.

In principle, menstrual cycle, in women after a miscarriage, a new countdown begins. The day when the pregnancy was terminated is the beginning of a new cycle. Its duration depends on the individual characteristics of the body and many associated factors. As a rule, it is twenty-three to thirty-five days. Therefore, menstruation begins on the twenty-third, twenty-eighth, thirty-fifth day of the cycle. This is the norm.

Bleeding after a miscarriage has nothing to do with menstruation as such.

Duration and nature of menstruation

In principle, periods after a miscarriage should last as long as the days they lasted before it. On average, it is three to seven days.

However, you should be prepared for the fact that the first menstruation will be quite painful. But this fact also has its limits of what is permissible. If the pain is unbearable, and the discharge is too abundant, then you should not wait and endure. It is necessary to immediately go to the doctor for an examination, since this condition may be caused by the fact that fetal particles remain in the uterine cavity.

If menstruation began ahead of schedule, then this should also alert the woman, especially if they are brown in color and quite bad smell. This also indicates incomplete cleansing of the uterus from an interrupted pregnancy.

Not only heavy menstruation dangerous, but scarce ones also pose a threat to women's health. Therefore, you should watch. If minor menstruation occurs for more than two cycles, consult a doctor immediately. The reason for such small discharge may be the adhesive process, hormonal imbalance or severe emotional shock. In any case, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

When in due date menstruation does not come, then we can assume ovarian dysfunction and, of course, a new pregnancy. Although all doctors strongly recommend abstaining from sexual intercourse for one to two months, and getting pregnant no earlier than six months later, this is exactly the amount of time needed for the body to fully recover.

And as a result. Menstruation lasts exactly as long as before pregnancy. Their character is normally the same as it was before. Deviations are possible, but these are signs of pathologies in the body that require medical intervention.

In 15% of women childbearing age For one reason or another, a miscarriage may occur. Gynecologists have named the main reasons for the body’s spontaneous elimination of nascent life, but in each case it is a huge stress for the woman and the entire reproductive system. Restoring normal functioning internal systems takes some time, so the question of when to start menstruation after a miscarriage is quite justified. You should know the timing of their onset, which discharge is considered normal, and what should force you to immediately consult a doctor.

Miscarriage concept

In gynecology, the term spontaneous miscarriage is applied to a situation when the uterus is not able to “hold” the embryo attached to its walls. First there is a feeling of cramping pain, then bleeding begins. The cervix opens prematurely, and the developing embryo is pushed out of the organ cavity.

Spontaneous abortions are divided by gynecologists into several types depending on the period at which they occurred.

  1. Miscarriage during pregnancy, which is determined solely by the hCG test. This occurs in the early stages, indicating the onset of pregnancy, and then an abortion occurs with bleeding, which the woman perceives as the beginning of her period. In this case, many do not go to the doctor.
  2. Incomplete and complete spontaneous abortion is considered a miscarriage between 3 and 21 weeks of pregnancy. The weight of the fetus can reach 400 g. The embryo is completely self-excreted with a complete miscarriage. In case of incomplete abortion, particles of biomaterial decay may remain in the organ cavity.
  3. Premature birth is considered a miscarriage that occurs between 21 and 37 weeks of pregnancy. The baby may be born alive or stillborn.

The onset of menstruation after a miscarriage does not depend on the type of spontaneous abortion.

The time for the first egg to mature varies individually and depends on how quickly you recover reproductive system. Menstruation occurs 14-17 days after ovulation occurs.

Recovery time

Normally, menstruation comes 25-35 days after a spontaneous miscarriage. After stress, the body needs a recovery period. Its duration depends on whether the cleansing was carried out or not, and the state of the woman’s reproductive system.

If the menstrual cycle does not resume within these periods, you should consult a doctor. This will exclude the development of pathologies, the gynecologist will conduct an examination and, if necessary, prescribe medication.

When a woman, knowing when her period is due after a miscarriage, notices spotting much earlier - this should alert you. Such a sign is alarming and may signal an inflammatory process or another problem. A doctor's examination will clarify the situation.

The presence of a delay after a miscarriage is considered the norm, but the woman must closely monitor the state of the body during this period, monitoring her well-being. Your period should start within a maximum of 35 days. In this case, the discharge may be more abundant than before the failed pregnancy. Spotting is also considered normal. scanty discharge in the first days of a new cycle.

There may come a time when you need the help of a specialist. If, in the discharge, there is an increase in temperature during this time, this may indicate that there are remains of the embryo in the uterine cavity. This condition cannot be ignored or self-medicated. After the examination and examination, the specialist will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Character of the first menstruation

After a miscarriage, as a rule, they are abundant. This is not a reason to panic, but evidence of recovery of the body. on average occurs within 2 months, the abundance of discharge will decrease. When the first menstruation is accompanied by heavy painful sensations If your temperature rises, you should consult a doctor. In some cases, a woman needs cleaning if there are remains of the embryo in the uterine cavity.

If heavy periods after a miscarriage persist for 3 months or more, you should consult a gynecologist. Consultation is needed even in the absence of other symptoms. The doctor will tell you what is causing the deviation.

Women are interested in after a failed pregnancy. Normally, their duration is from 3 to 7 days. At the same time, the woman feels characteristic features PMS. The discharge does not have a sharp unpleasant odor; it has a dark red tint. Do not worry if there are small clots not exceeding 1.5 cm in size. Complete restoration of the menstrual cycle in the absence of pathologies occurs within 3 months.

Types of discharge before menstruation

After a spontaneous miscarriage, bleeding occurs, which many women mistake for menstruation, especially when pregnancy could only be determined by hCG.

Bleeding can last up to 10 days, and it can often occur periodically until the menstrual cycle is completely restored. A woman should know the difference between such discharge and menstruation:

  1. Bleeding begins suddenly. The discharge is abundant, scarlet in color and contains clots, the size of which can reach 2 cm. Bleeding can occur at any time. To stop it they use.
  2. It happens that the bleeding has stopped, but instead they appear with a sharp, fetid odor. They are brown, black in color and may have yellow-green clumps. There may also be dense particles in the discharge. This condition requires competent treatment.

Normally, menstruation occurs 4-5 weeks after a spontaneous abortion. At the beginning and end of menstruation, spotting red-brown discharge is observed.

What is considered a danger?

A woman should know which menstruation is not normal and can threaten her health. When after a miscarriage and for a long time, this should alert you. Discharge will be dangerous if a woman changes more than 4 pads during the day, including at night, and the duration of menstruation exceeds 7 days.

Scanty menstruation after a miscarriage should also be cause for concern. It may indicate the development of other pathologies.

There may be scanty, spotting discharge if, as a result of spontaneous abortion, adhesions have formed in the uterus. In the future, this leads to problems with conception and pregnancy. Repeated breakdowns are possible. A woman must undergo an examination by a gynecologist, identify the cause of the abnormalities, and undergo treatment.

Spontaneous miscarriage takes a toll on the physical and psychological health major injury. A woman must pass recovery period, follow your doctor's recommendations to maintain reproductive health and the opportunity to carry and give birth to a healthy child in the future.

After a miscarriage, your period normally comes within 21–35 days. Bleeding a day spontaneous interruption pregnancy is conventionally considered the first day of the cycle.

It is worth distinguishing between discharge after a miscarriage and menstruation. The first is a consequence of cleansing the uterus from fetal remains and endometrium. They will come immediately after the interruption and will last up to about 10 days. Their nature and abundance depend on the causes of the incident and the duration of pregnancy.

The timing depends on when the miscarriage occurred:

  • Less stress is applied to the body in the early stages of gestation; it has not yet had time to rebuild and less time is needed for recovery.
  • For a period of more than 15 weeks, the changes in the body are serious, the recovery period will be long.

Normally, menstruation begins 21 to 35 days after a spontaneous abortion. They last no more than 1 week, do not have an unpleasant odor, and are moderate in abundance.

How many days later does the first menstruation come after an interruption depends on the following factors:

  • Gestation period. If the interruption occurs before 12 weeks, then the next menstruation will occur in approximately 28 days. But there is always a possibility of delay. With a late-term miscarriage, 1.5–2 months may pass before the first period.
  • Cleaning or curettage of the uterine cavity. This is done for incomplete miscarriage, when there are remnants of membranes in the organ. After cleansing, the body takes longer to recover.
  • Cycle disruption. If a woman had before pregnancy, with more likely there will be a delay after the interruption.

If a spontaneous abortion occurs with complications, it may take up to 6 months for the body to fully recover.

When is cleaning needed?

If there is a miscarriage in the first trimester, there are no indications for curettage if:

  • the process is accompanied by bleeding;
  • the fertilized egg has come out completely.

For diagnosis, an ultrasound is performed, based on the results of which the doctor decides on the advisability of cleaning:

  • If gestation interruption occurs in the first trimester (4–9 weeks), then you can do without cleaning the uterine cavity.
  • If there are minor remnants of membranes left in the organ, they may come out on their own over the next two to four weeks as a result of the organ’s self-cleaning. If the condition is satisfactory, women are prescribed medications and watchful waiting is applied.
  • If the uterus is clean and this confirms ultrasound examination, curettage is not required.
  • If there are large fetal remains in the uterine cavity or after a frozen pregnancy, cleaning is always done.

More than 70% of spontaneous miscarriages are completed self-cleansing uterus

Curettage of the uterine cavity after miscarriage

Nature of the discharge

How long does it take for a woman’s cycle to normalize? After about one or two months. The discharge should be moderately abundant, without large clots, with a normal odor and color.

Symptoms to be wary of:

  • Excessively heavy periods. If the pad has to be changed after 1–2 hours, you should consult a doctor. Possible reasons– remains of embryonic tissue in the uterine cavity, the presence of fibroids, the development of endometriosis.
  • Scanty discharge. The reason is the deep curettage of the endometrium in the uterine cavity after an abortion or a frozen pregnancy.
  • Never-ending daub. It occurs if not all fetal tissue has left the uterine cavity. Other reasons are the development of inflammation, infection.
  • Discharge with an unpleasant odor. A sign indicating infection. Possible in the presence of sexually transmitted diseases, non-compliance with doctor's prescriptions, refusal to take antibiotics.
  • Severe pain. Pain syndrome may be a consequence of the development of adhesive processes in the uterine cavity, spasm cervical canal or infection.

Video about the symptoms of interruption

How many days are there?

On average, menstruation begins within a month. Its duration is from 3 to 7 days.

The discharge that occurs immediately after spontaneous abortion lasts up to 7 days.

Planning a pregnancy

To speed up the recovery of the body, a woman is often prescribed hormonal drugs- contraceptives. Taking them will restore hormonal balance and prevent the appearance of functional cysts.

Another advantage of prescribing contraceptives is the prevention of a new conception in the near future.

In theory, pregnancy after a miscarriage can occur at the next ovulation. But it is important to take into account that the body has suffered severe stress and a hormonal surge. For this reason, conception should be postponed for 6 months. This time will be enough to recover and identify the cause of the miscarriage.

When can you plan your next pregnancy?

  • If you have a miscarriage at less than 12 weeks, conception is recommended no earlier than after 3 months.
  • For late miscarriage after 12 weeks, conception is recommended after 6 months.

If a miscarriage occurs, further actions should be aimed not at the next conception, but at establishing the cause of what happened. For this, the woman is prescribed comprehensive examination.

During this difficult period it is necessary:

  • Completely abstain from sexual activity for 2–3 weeks after interruption.
  • Accept contraceptives for the time recommended by the attending physician.
  • Eat right.
  • Give your body moderate physical activity.
  • Maintain a work-rest schedule and try to avoid stress.

- This is a spontaneous termination of pregnancy. It causes not only severe psycho-emotional shock, but also physical ailments and hormonal imbalances. Among the consequences of miscarriage are menstrual irregularities.

The first sign of a miscarriage is bloody discharge, sometimes with clots, from the genital tract, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. After the embryo is expelled, the discharge persists for some time - from 4 days to a week. If there has been surgery (cleaning), the discharge can last up to 10 days. This bleeding is of a different nature and is not menstruation.

The real menstruation will come approximately 25-35 days after the miscarriage. Sometimes the hormonal imbalance in the body is so severe that menstruation can be delayed for up to 45 days. If even after this time your period has not arrived, this is a reason to consult a gynecologist.

If a week or a week and a half after the end of the discharge associated with the termination of pregnancy, menstrual-like discharge begins, then this is hardly menstruation. Rather, particles of membranes leave the body ovum and endometrium. It is necessary to do an ultrasound of the uterine cavity, especially if the discharge began against the background of increased body temperature, pain in the abdominal area and other symptoms of deterioration in health.

The effect of cleansing on menstruation

The duration of menstruation after a miscarriage depends on whether surgery was performed. If so, the discharge is longer than usual. If a woman has not undergone cleansing, then the menstrual flow is short-lived. This picture persists for 2-3 cycles, after which menstruation takes on its normal character. If this does not happen, then you need hormonal correction under the supervision of a doctor.

The abundance of discharge also depends on the presence or absence of surgical intervention. If it was, then your periods are abundant; if it wasn’t, then your periods are scanty. Clots may be present in the discharge - these are particles of the endometrium, vaginal epithelium, and blood clots.

The color of the discharge is normal, but discharge of a lighter or darker, brownish-brownish color is also normal. Scarlet discharge should cause concern: this is a sign uterine bleeding. A cloudy color, green or black spots, and an unpleasant odor indicate a uterine or vaginal infection.

Restoration of the menstrual cycle

After an early miscarriage, the menstrual cycle is restored within 2-3 months.

After surgical intervention(cleaning), the cycle takes longer to recover due to the fact that, in addition to a failure in hormonal sphere the body suffered a complication unforeseen by nature in the form of curettage of the uterine cavity. The uterus needs to recover physically from such exposure.

What to do if there is a delay

It is acceptable to have your period 45 days after a miscarriage. If 45 days have passed and menstruation has not occurred, you need to be examined for inflammatory processes, endometritis, malfunction of the ovaries, adhesions and other abnormalities.

You also need to do a pregnancy test; a woman can become pregnant immediately at the first ovulation that occurs after a miscarriage, even with irregular cycles, therefore, a delay in menstruation due to pregnancy cannot be ruled out.

It is unacceptable to take any medications on your own to restore the disrupted menstrual cycle. They should be prescribed by a doctor after a comprehensive examination. For any sexual dysfunction, you should visit a gynecologist. He will conduct an inspection, take necessary tests, will direct to general tests blood and urine, ultrasound and other studies, will record all complaints and prescribe treatment. If the problem is caused by hormonal imbalances, then observation by an endocrinologist is mandatory.

After a miscarriage, when does your period come? This question is quite appropriate, since abnormal timing can indicate various pathologies. Long delays cannot be taken lightly. If there is the slightest suspicion of abnormal circumstances, you should consult a doctor.

Naturally, the answer to the question depends on the timing of the terminated pregnancy, the causes and conditions of this phenomenon. But in any case, there are certain statistics that normalize this period. This problem is considered similarly when carrying out artificial cleaning. In addition to the timing of the delay, it is also necessary to take into account the volume of allocations. You should always remember that after a natural or artificial procedure, embryo particles may remain that can cause complications.

Features of the period after a miscarriage

In the very early stages of pregnancy, a woman, not knowing about conception, does not take measures to preserve the fetus, and the risk of miscarriage is quite high. Spontaneous termination of pregnancy, i.e. miscarriage can occur for a number of reasons and most often results in significant psychological stress. The process itself and the recovery of the body depend on the type of miscarriage. It is customary to distinguish the following types depending on the stage of the pathology: threatened, failed, started, incomplete and completed miscarriage.

Already from the first days of conception, hormonal changes begin in the female body, which develop especially actively in the initial weeks of pregnancy. Under these circumstances, any miscarriage, even in the earliest stages, is accompanied by a hormonal imbalance, the spontaneous normalization of which requires time determined strictly individual characteristics body.

In case of premature termination of pregnancy, bleeding is natural physiological process. Normal period bleeding may last for 5-10 days, and this discharge should not be confused with menstruation. More prolonged bleeding indicates an abnormal process, and you should contact a gynecologist. The intensity of the release of blood mass depends on the duration of pregnancy and the completeness of purification from the embryo. Important condition proper implementation of restorative prevention is mandatory examination a gynecologist and an ultrasound scan. These studies must confirm the absence of remnants of the fertilized egg in the uterus - otherwise an inflammatory reaction may develop. It is possible that after a miscarriage you will have to perform additional cleaning of the uterus.

After a miscarriage, as well as after an artificial cleansing, female body needs rehabilitation period. Complete recovery includes a reduction in the size of the uterus and a return to its previous limits, and normalization of hormonal balance. Only after the body has been restored does the ovulation process return to normal, and a regular menstrual cycle can be expected.

First period after miscarriage

The need for a recovery period clearly indicates that menstruation cannot occur immediately after a natural or artificial termination of pregnancy. With normal rehabilitation of the uterus, the first menstruation after a miscarriage should begin within 25-35 days. This period depends on the woman’s condition, the duration of the terminated pregnancy, additional cleaning and some other factors. If the delay in the first menstruation exceeds this period by more than a week, then you can expect various pathologies and you should consult a doctor. A bad sign is considered when menstruation began too early (bleeding after a miscarriage directly turns into menstrual flow). This fact also requires special examination.

The first periods after an unsuccessful pregnancy (miscarriage) come with varying intensity. The norm is a slight excess in the volume of discharge compared to menstruation before pregnancy. High intensity and prolonged menstruation may indicate remnants of the fetus (partial miscarriage). This pathology can cause increased mass volume even within 3-4 cycles. Other symptoms should also be considered completely abnormal: menstruation occurs, accompanied by significant pain syndrome, increased temperature, discharge with clots. Such phenomena require urgent examination by a specialist. Scanty (spotting) discharge during the first cycle or even during the next 2-3 cycles is considered a normal physiological process.

Features of the menstrual cycle

When the menstrual cycle begins after an interrupted pregnancy, its difference from the cycle that existed before conception becomes a completely natural phenomenon. Several cycles may be unstable, which is associated with the ongoing restoration of hormonal metabolism. To full recovery body, this instability should not be considered a pathology.

Only after 2-3 months does the menstrual cycle stabilize, but provided that it was stable before pregnancy.

By the way, the parameters of the new cycle most often coincide with the previous one, but it is also possible to change the time frame.

What to do if there is a long delay?

If menstruation does not begin 40-45 days after a miscarriage or the first discharge is excessively heavy, then you should consult a gynecologist. The doctor must identify the causes of cycle disorders, for which he conducts examinations to detect inflammatory processes, dysfunction of the ovaries, significant hormonal imbalance, infections. He spends full examination and prescribes blood and urine tests. An ultrasound is considered mandatory.

Based on the results of the examinations, additional curettage of the uterus may be performed if the fetus is not fully delivered. Hemostatic and anti-inflammatory drugs are usually prescribed medications, as well as iron-containing products. If the miscarriage occurs long enough later pregnancy, then disruptions in the menstrual cycle can be significant. In this case, therapeutic recovery is carried out, as a rule, in a hospital setting.

What should you consider if you have a miscarriage?

After spontaneous termination of pregnancy, many women have an erroneous opinion about the assessment of the subsequent period.

For some reason, some people consider the day a miscarriage occurred to be the first day of a new menstrual cycle. This view is fundamentally incorrect: there is no direct relationship between the delay of the first menstruation after the incident and the menstrual cycle. This period is 25-35 days and depends on the body’s recovery process, incl. from the time of normalization of hormonal metabolism. Moreover, normal cycle most often it is restored only after 2-3 months.

The second very important misconception is that after a miscarriage it is impossible to get pregnant until the menstrual cycle is restored. This misconception can be very undesirable consequences taking into account the weakened female body and psychological stress which the woman experienced. Practice shows that a new conception can occur before the first menstruation appears, and this circumstance sometimes becomes the reason long delay menses. Therefore, when a woman approaches him regarding a long delay after a miscarriage, an experienced gynecologist first of all conducts a pregnancy test. Taking into account all the problems that fall on a woman’s shoulders when an unexpected spontaneous termination of pregnancy occurs, a new rapid conception is not recommended, that is, sexual intercourse must be protected.

After a miscarriage, the female body must go through a recovery period, which naturally affects the menstrual cycle. The normal delay in menstruation after spontaneous abortion is at least 4-5 weeks, but excessively exceeding this period is considered a sign of pathology and requires appropriate examinations.