Symptoms of neurological diseases. Hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches Neurologist inflammation of the foot treatment with leeches

Modern hirudotherapy differs from ancient ones in that currently they use bio-grown and medically processed

Modern hirudotherapy differs from ancient ones in that leeches grown in a biofactory and undergoing medical control are currently used. After the therapy session, the leeches are destroyed, which meets the requirements for the prevention of HIV infection, viral hepatitis and a number of other blood-borne diseases.

In neurology, leeches are most often used for cerebrovascular accidents, neuritis of the facial nerve, trigeminal neuralgia, and traumatic lesions of the nervous system. Here is what the famous hirudologist, Professor A.I., writes about this. Krashenyuk: “Leeches have another amazing property - they have a neurotrophic effect. We first encountered this when we began to use leeches in the treatment of children suffering from cerebral palsy (CP). The babies who were brought to our clinic in their arms began to move independently after a few months!.. Uncertainly, with support. But before that they didn’t move at all!” And further: “To explain this phenomenon, we, together with Doctor of Biological Sciences E.N. Chalisova from the Institute of Physiology studied the effect of leech extract on a culture of nerve cells. It turned out that it causes their growth and the appearance of additional processes in them, with the help of which they contact each other.”

Brain concussion. I will quote the father of Russian surgery, N.I. Pirogov: “As soon as a little color appeared in the patient’s face and the pulse rose, I now put leeches behind the ears.” For bruises and concussions of the brain, leeches significantly alleviate the condition, reduce or stop headaches. The mechanism of action of leeches here is not only an analgesic and distracting effect, but also hemorrhage and vasodilation, which helps restore impaired functions of the brain, and above all, its cortex.

Pre-stroke condition and stroke. Stroke is an acute disorder of cerebral circulation. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the incidence of new cases of stroke during the year ranges from 1.27 to 7.4 per 1000 population. In recent years, the number of stroke sufferers with complications in the form of transient or lifelong paralysis in our country has increased. The main reasons are hypertension, cerebral atherosclerosis, and frequent stressful situations.

There are hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes. With a hemorrhagic stroke, the disease develops as a result of the rupture of a blood vessel in one or another part of the brain. In the case of ischemic stroke, the cause is cerebral vasospasm. More dangerous is a hemorrhagic stroke, which most often leads to the development of paralysis that is difficult to treat. Hemorrhagic stroke, as a rule, develops at the age of 45-70 years and, as a rule, manifests itself suddenly, during the day, after sudden overwork or anxiety. Often a stroke is preceded by headaches and flushing of the face; there may be vomiting, increased breathing, increased or slow heartbeat, and confusion; An arm or leg stops moving, speech is lost, a crooked smile appears on the person’s face. The earlier treatment is started, the greater the hope for restoring lost functions. Treatment is usually carried out in inpatient settings in neurological institutions or departments.

From the long-term practice of hirudologists, we can conclude: leeches are very effective when used in the pre-stroke period, as well as after a stroke has already occurred. Thanks to leeches, the blood in places of thrombosis is diluted and passes through the capillaries more easily. In this case, the intercellular fluid and lymph are set in motion, which thoroughly wash and cleanse the source of pathology. The tissues are freed from waste products and begin to be better nourished, which brings recovery closer.

An important issue is the prospects of hirudotherapy for patients who have had a stroke for a long time. There are indications related to the presence of hypertension and atherosclerosis. If we focus on the likelihood of improvement in brain symptoms after hirudotherapy, then we should focus on the edema syndrome - in this case, the use of leeches is absolutely justified and will give a clearly positive clinical effect.

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve(sciatica). Sciatica is a lesion of the roots of the lumbosacral spine, manifested by unbearable paroxysmal pain in the lower back, radiating to the buttock, the back of the thigh and lower leg, the outer edge of the foot, as well as sensitivity disorders. Most often, the disease is observed in people suffering from spinal osteochondrosis.

Radiculitis are familiar to many and are caused by damage to the roots of the spinal nerves. There is lumbosacral radiculitis, characterized by pain in the lower back and leg, and the much rarer cervicothoracic radiculitis, in which pain first appears in the neck with irradiation to the affected nerve roots of the cervical or thoracic spine. Sometimes numbness occurs in the affected areas. The pain intensifies with movement of the head and neck and can spread to the occipital and thoracic regions.

Hirudotherapy for radiculitis helps very well - up to complete recovery, although this does not necessarily imply the abolition of allopathic prescriptions.

Trigeminal neuritis. Neuritis is damage to individual peripheral nerves caused by exposure to various factors (in particular, hypothermia). The disease manifests itself as attacks of excruciating pain in the facial area, accompanied by redness of the skin, lacrimation, and sometimes unilateral or bilateral painful tics. Treatment is carried out by a neurologist. Hirudotherapy gives a good therapeutic effect: after the second session, patients feel a significant improvement, pain decreases or disappears. Recovery occurs quite quickly.

Contraindications to hirudotherapy are quite limited:
- pregnancy
- diseases characterized by a tendency to increased bleeding - hemophilia and hemorrhagic diathesis
- severe anemia (hemoglobin level below 100 g/l), cachexia
- allergy to leeches
- state of mental overexcitation
- physical exhaustion
- malignant oncology

In our Center for Medicine and Aesthetics “TRISH Clinic”, treatment with leeches is carried out only by doctors who have undergone special training. In each specific case, the doctor determines the appropriateness of the procedure.
There are contraindications, consultation with a specialist is required.


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Arthrosis of the foot refers to diseases associated with the destruction of the cartilaginous zones of the joint. In addition, concomitant soft tissue inflammation develops in the process. The first symptoms of arthrosis are pain in the forefoot. Over time, the patient also experiences joint deformation and stiffness of movement resulting from chronic inflammatory processes. Degenerative arthrosis changes develop due to impaired blood microcirculation and metabolism in cartilage. The exact reasons for such changes have not been fully identified, but the main factors provoking arthrosis of the foot include genetic predisposition, excess weight, lack of physical activity, wearing inappropriate shoes: excessively narrow or very high heels, as well as systematic overload of the joints.

What to do for arthrosis of the foot

The most important thing for arthrosis is to start treatment as early as possible, at the first or second stage of the disease. An advanced disease of the third stage can be treated with great difficulty. Often, even expensive therapy no longer has an effect and the only way to help the patient is endoprosthetic surgery. Therefore, it is best to take action at the first signs of illness. One of the most effective methods of treatment in the early stages of arthrosis of the foot is leeches. Clinic "Yellow Emperor"? These are traditional Chinese methods of diagnosis and treatment, harmoniously combined with the advanced achievements of European academic medicine. Our range of services includes treatment with leeches, including hirudotherapy for arthrosis of the joints - ankle, knee, hip, etc.

Advantages of hirudotherapy for arthrosis of the foot

The complex effect on the body is the main reason for the effectiveness of hirudotherapy for arthrosis of the foot (and for many other diseases). Leech saliva contains more than a hundred different biologically active substances. They have a beneficial effect on the immune system, improve microcirculation of fluids, help eliminate swelling and normalize blood supply, including in the joint area. In addition, the saliva of leeches also contains anesthetic components. Thanks to this, hirudotherapy allows you to relieve the pain that accompanies arthrosis of the joints.

Hydrotherapy specialists

Prices for hirudotherapy

Service Price
Hirudotherapy (up to 6 leeches) 2000 rub.
Hirudotherapy course (5 procedures)** 8000 rub. (including discount – 20%)
Hirudotherapy course (10 procedures)** 16,000 rub. (including discount – 20%)
Hirudotherapy course (5 procedures)** for pensioners 7000 rub.
Hirudotherapy course (10 procedures)** for pensioners 14,000 rub.

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Contraindications to hirudotherapy

Any medical intervention, including hirudotherapy, has its contraindications. Although their number, due to the peculiarities of the method, is minimal. However, leeches for arthrosis of the ankle joint, as well as for other types of arthrosis, are contraindicated in cases of anemia, low blood pressure, blood clotting disorders, general weakness of the body (due to recent illnesses, overwork, etc.). Also, hirudotherapy is not recommended for pregnant women and children under 14 years of age. Therefore, only a qualified specialist who can competently assess the possible risks should prescribe treatment with leeches.

How does hirudotherapy work for arthrosis?

During treatment, only one type of leeches is used - the so-called medical ones. This type is officially included in the register of medicinal products, which guarantees the patient a high standard of quality. Leeches used in hirudotherapy are grown on a special substrate in biofactories. Their sterility is confirmed by the appropriate certificate. For arthrosis of the ankle joint, leeches are placed on the reflexogenic points of the body closest to the painful area. The choice of specific zones and duration of exposure is determined by the doctor depending on the individual characteristics of the patient. The number of leeches used in one session is also determined by the therapist. After the first session, the doctor evaluates the effectiveness of the approach and, if necessary, adjusts it.

The effectiveness of hirudotherapy for arthrosis of the foot

To assess the effectiveness of this method of therapy, three sessions are usually sufficient. According to statistics, after the first procedure, 50% of patients at the initial stage of arthrosis show positive dynamics. In another 35% of patients, a positive change is observed in the second or third session, and only in 15% of all patients there are no obvious changes in well-being. The positive effect of the procedure lasts for a long time - from a year to six months (depending on the stage of the disease).

Headaches and migraines are typical problems for most modern people.

In this case, hirudotherapy can have a quick and effective effect.

Three to five sessions of treatment with leeches are enough to completely get rid of attacks and return to a normal, fulfilling life.

Why do leeches help with headaches?

The main healing factor in treatment with leeches is a unique enzyme contained in their saliva - hirudin.

Getting into the human blood during the hirudotherapy procedure, it has a general beneficial effect on the body, including helping to eliminate the main cause of headaches - insufficient blood circulation and tissue nutrition.

The positive effect of therapy is observed already during the first session.

There are no side effects inherent in most pharmaceutical drugs.

Treatment with leeches is not addictive, and the results last for a long period of time.

Effect of the procedures:

  • cleansing and strengthening blood vessels
  • blood thinning
  • normalization of blood circulation
  • saturation of muscles with oxygen and nutrients
  • removal of edema
  • anti-inflammatory effect
  • normalization of pressure
  • relieving spasms
  • general increase in immunity

Points for applying leeches for migraines?

The session is almost painless for the patient.

The specialist applies six to seven leeches to the lymphatic drainage areas.

As a rule, placement is carried out on the mastoid processes behind the ears, on the back of the neck, and shoulders.

In the treatment of chronic migraine, leeches are placed on the Michaelis diamond.

The duration of the procedure reaches 20-40 minutes, until the leeches are completely saturated, after which they are removed with a swab dipped in alcohol and disposed of.

To obtain sustainable relief from headaches, you should take three courses, including four treatment procedures.

The intervals between them should be two months.

For migraine, the number of sessions in the course reaches six to eight.

Hirudotherapy for depression

What is depression?

Depression is a disease that reduces the psycho-emotional quality of life.

A person feels fear or anxiety, loses interest in favorite activities, and decreases mental and physical activity.

Feelings of guilt and self-criticism, distrust of the world around us appear.

Sexual activity decreases, sleep and appetite disappear. A program of hopelessness and meaninglessness of life runs in the background, thoughts of death, and addiction to alcohol and drugs appear.

Among the causes of depression are:

  • somatic diseases (traumatic brain injury, epilepsy, stroke, adrenal diseases, vitamin deficiency, hormonal changes after childbirth, dementia, etc.),
  • external stress factors (loss of a loved one, loss of a job),
  • seasonality of the seasons (intensifies in the autumn-winter period),
  • taking certain medications (depression becomes a side effect of pharmaceutical treatment).

With the help of depression, the body tries to convey to the brain that a person is living incorrectly and needs to change his line of behavior.

Prolonged existence in a depressed mood leads to negative changes in the body, the “suicidal” gene is activated. This is why the disease needs to be treated.

To recover, you need to eliminate the cause of depression:

  • stop the medications that caused it,
  • go on vacation to hot countries at the height of the autumn-winter period,
  • consult a psychologist,
  • cure the underlying somatic disease.

Doctors often prescribe antidepressants, but they are addictive and not suitable for everyone. Hirudotherapy is a natural medicine for stabilizing the psycho-emotional state.

How do leeches treat depression?

Leech saliva contains substances such as hirudin, destabilase, hyaluronidase, apyrase and dozens of others.

Together, their effect is manifested in improving blood supply to the brain. Plasmin inhibitors, chymazin, elastase, collagenase, histamine-like substances, and prostanoids have a positive effect.

It is believed that they contribute to the formation of a protein that transports serotonin, the hormone of joy.

That is, leech saliva is a natural antidepressant that strengthens the immune system and is not addictive. A good hirudotherapist will assess the risk of side effects and make the treatment safe.

Hirudotherapy for depression: setting points

The hirudotherapist plants biomaterial in the required amount on the treatment area, and leeches select the placement points. They bite through the skin at acupuncture centers. This enhances the effect of saliva secretion and activates the body's defenses. A kind of energy recharging occurs.

Leech treatment for depression: reviews

Already after a course of treatment with leeches, positive changes in the condition of patients are evident. Scientists conducted a study in which 146 people diagnosed with depression participated. Manifestations of the disease decreased by almost 96% in 140 people from the group.

Treatment of ischemic stroke with leeches

Ischemic stroke

Ischemic stroke results from insufficient blood supply to certain areas of the brain. It occurs due to blockage of blood vessels by blood clots. As a result, brain cells stop receiving nutrition and quickly die.

Causes of ischemic stroke:

  • atherosclerosis,
  • hypertension,
  • diabetes mellitus, etc.

The disease manifests itself in severe dizziness, vomiting, headache, loss of consciousness, and epileptic seizure. The victim must be urgently taken to the hospital, because every second counts.

How is stroke treated with leeches?

Hirudotherapy is an auxiliary treatment measure that prevents recurrent stroke. It is also effective in preventing disease. The essence of the treatment is that hirudin resolves blood clots and ensures vascular patency.

For the session, leeches are selected that are grown in factories and kept on a starvation diet for six months. Each worm is used only once, after which it is disposed of. The leech lands on a prepared area of ​​the body and bites the skin at the nearest acupuncture point. Together with her saliva, more than a hundred biologically active substances enter the bloodstream, which have a beneficial effect on health.

Features of hirudotherapy for stroke

Hirudotherapy helps prevent stroke. Leeches are placed in the so-called pre-stroke period. Symptoms of a rapid exacerbation of the disease include periodic headaches, dizziness, irritability, noise in the head, sleep disturbances, and a general deterioration in well-being. The leech enzyme dissolves fibrin, from which blood clots are formed.

Features of hirudotherapy after stroke

After a stroke, it is important to quickly establish normal vascular function and prevent recurrence. Leeches help accelerate blood supply, repair capillaries, and restore damaged areas of the walls.

Contraindications for the treatment of stroke with leeches

Standard contraindications are pregnancy, low blood pressure, anemia, hemophilia, and oncology. However, you need to understand what kind of stroke we are talking about. The ischemic subtype of the disease is compatible with hirudotherapy, but for hemorrhagic subtypes, leeches are contraindicated. This is because the latter is associated with vascular rupture, and hirudin will only worsen the situation.

Where are leeches placed for a stroke?

Typically, the setting points are located in the area behind the ears (at a distance of at least 1 centimeter from them). Leeches are placed vertically upward. Also, during a stroke, the area of ​​​​staging is the coccyx area.

Duration of hirudotherapy course for stroke

The duration of the course is determined individually depending on the patient’s health condition. Stroke prevention and treatment are two different programs. The hirudotherapist will formulate a course after receiving test results and identifying contraindications.

Treatment of stroke with leeches: reviews

Hirudotherapy is effective in the treatment and prevention of stroke, as evidenced by numerous reviews. On some forums there is information that after the session the patient moved the paralyzed organ. This is an excellent tool for improving overall well-being and preventing recurrent strokes.

Treatment of neuritis with leeches

What are neurites?

Neuritis is an inflammatory disease of the peripheral nervous system. It manifests itself as inflammation of a nerve/group of nerves or destruction of the myelin sheath.

Among the common causes of the disease:

  • compression (long-term impact on the nerve - constant squatting, walking on crutches, professional piano playing),
  • hypothermia, inflammation
  • measles, malaria, herpes, influenza and other infections,
  • vascular dysfunction, trauma,
  • vitamin deficiency (including toxicosis during pregnancy leads to the body losing vitamins and can provoke neuritis).

Signs of neuritis are the appearance of burning, pins and needles, tingling, numbness, and paralysis in the affected area.

Often with injuries, skin breakdown may occur, swelling and cyanosis may occur.

Since the peripheral nervous system extends throughout the body, there are different types of neuritis.

Thus, neuritis of the radial nerve disrupts the movement of the hand and forearm and blocks the work of the elbow joints.

Ulnar nerve neuritis affects the sensitivity of the 4th and 5th fingers.

Sciatic neuritis leads to acute pain in the buttocks, coming from the lower leg or thigh.

Neuritis of the facial nerve causes aching pain behind the ear, paralysis of one side of the face, and the inability to close one eye.

How is neuritis treated with leeches?

Leeches are used in the treatment of neuritis due to their valuable saliva. It contains a complex of biologically active substances.

The most studied is hirudin. It prevents blood clotting due to its blocking effect on thrombins. Bdellins have a similar effect.

Antistasin, viburnum and eglin dissolve blood clots. Hyaluronidase breaks down connective tissue formed as a result of inflammatory processes.

This way, adequate tissue nutrition is restored. Histamine-like substances have a vasodilating effect, and kininase suppresses pain.

Results of treatment of neuritis with leeches

About 200 enzymes have a beneficial effect on the body:

  • relieve inflammation,
  • reduce pain,
  • improve the functioning of blood vessels (cleanse the walls of cholesterol, normalize the processes of transporting nutrients and oxygen),
  • relieve swelling,
  • strengthen the immune system (important in any case, especially if the cause of neuritis is an infection).

Contraindications for the treatment of neuritis with leeches

Pregnancy, hemophilia, low blood pressure, anemia, oncology.

Hirudotherapy for neuritis: setting points

Leeches are placed along the inflamed/compressed nerve. From 4 to 10 worms are used per session. The amount of biomaterial is determined by the hirudotherapist based on the area of ​​the affected area.

Treatment of neuritis with leeches: reviews

In my practice, there are many positive reviews of the treatment of neuritis with leeches. After 2-3 procedures, most patients noted a significant improvement in their well-being. First of all, it consists in the disappearance or significant reduction of pain.

Treatment with leeches of the trigeminal nerve

What is trigeminal nerve disease? Trigeminal neuralgia

The trigeminal nerve is the 5th cranial nerve, consisting of three parts. Numerous processes go to the forehead, cheeks, nose, upper and lower jaw.

Thus, the nerve covers the entire face. Contains sensory and motor fibers.

Diseases manifest themselves in the form of pain. Sudden attacks are similar to electric shocks. The pain may be intermittent or constant. Its focus most often is the mouth area.

Less commonly, unpleasant sensations appear around the nose or in the forehead area. Since pain is usually concentrated in the lower or upper jaw, problems with the trigeminal nerve are attributed to dental disease.

A timely visit to a dentist or neurologist will relieve attacks. Sometimes the trigeminal nerve becomes inflamed due to pulpitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis, carious deposits, and often its inflammation is associated with complications after suffering inflammatory and colds.

How is the trigeminal nerve treated with leeches?

The main cause of trigeminal nerve disease is compression. It can be external and internal.

In the first case, we are talking about inflammation in the oropharynx and nasal cavity. In the second case, the impetus is injury and changes in the position of blood vessels (contact of veins and arteries with the trigeminal nerve).

There are also a number of diseases, the incorrect treatment of which leads to disruption of the functioning of the mentioned nerve. These are sclerosis, problems with blood vessels, weakened immunity, some types of allergic reactions, disruptions in the endocrine system, herpes, stress.

Now let’s remember the effects of leech saliva:

  • The most famous component, hirudin, has a blood thinning effect.
  • Apyrase has an anti-sclerotic effect, reduces cholesterol
  • Bradykinins relieve inflammation by increasing the phagocytic index
  • Bdellins prevent blood clotting
  • Hyaluronidase increases tissue permeability, promotes better absorption of leech salivary enzymes
  • Eglins relieve inflammation
  • Kininase has an analgesic effect
  • Orgelase affects the formation of new capillaries

The list is not complete, since there are over 150 biologically active substances in leech saliva. But already on the basis of this list one can judge the results of hirudotherapy.

Results of treatment with leeches of the trigeminal nerve

Leech enzymes relieve inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. At the same time, excruciating pain in the face disappears. Vessels dilate by cleansing the walls and accelerating blood flow. Connective tissue partitions in the intercellular space dissolve, cell nutrition is restored.

In addition, hirudotherapy helps strengthen the immune system. This is due to the mechanical factor of the leech bite.

Lymph begins to ooze from the wound, which forces the body to begin increased production of lymphocytes. As a result, the lymphatic system is renewed and the body's defenses are activated.

Contraindications for treating the trigeminal nerve with leeches

Absolute contraindications are pregnancy, low blood pressure, poor blood clotting, cancer, anemia, and individual intolerance to leech biologically active substances.

Hirudotherapy of the trigeminal nerve: placement points

Leeches are placed on the face around the problem area. The hirudotherapist plants worms on the skin, and they themselves look for a suitable point for the bite - an acupuncture point.

Leech treatment of the trigeminal nerve: reviews

Positive effects appear after 1-2 procedures, when the attacks of pain subside. One course of hirudotherapy can cope where pharmaceutical drugs are powerless.

Leech treatment: neurology

What diseases of the nervous system are treated with leeches?


This disease manifests itself in the form of acute pain that occurs suddenly. It is usually localized in the forehead or temple area. The attack can end as quickly as it began or last for a couple of days.

Treatment with leeches involves placing two or three worms in one procedure. Kininase has an analgesic effect, which helps relieve migraine syndrome.

For the first course, 5 sessions are enough, each of which uses 3 leeches.

Radiculitis and osteochondrosis, as well as other dorsopathies

Often affects the sacrolumbar region. Manifests itself in the form of acute pain. It develops unnoticed. The cause is inflammation of the nerve roots in the spinal column. And this happens due to osteochondrosis, which leads to compression of the intervertebral discs and their deformation.

Leech saliva contains aeglins, bradykinins and other substances that relieve inflammation. The course of treatment consists of 10 sessions. Each one uses up to 10 leeches. They are placed on the back in the area where pain is localized.

Brain concussion

Hirudin, destabilase, bdellins, hyaluronidase thin the blood, accelerate its flow through the vessels, prevent the formation of blood clots, and improve the supply of cells with oxygen and nutrients. As a result, blood supply to the brain is restored, dizziness, nausea, and pain disappear.

Neuritis and neuralgia

The nerves of the peripheral nervous system penetrate the entire human body. The problem arises from injuries, internal pathological processes in a particular area. The nerve becomes compressed, inflamed, or its myelin sheath is destroyed. The result is acute paroxysmal pain.

The most common are neuritis of the trigeminal, sciatic nerves and intercostal neuralgia.

The course of hirudotherapy includes 5 to 10 sessions. Up to 10 leeches are used. During the first application, an incomplete exposure is made (about 25 minutes), and in subsequent procedures the leeches are left on the affected area until completely saturated.

Other diseases of the nervous system for which hirudotherapy helps:

  • myopathy,
  • VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia),
  • ischemic stroke.

Contraindications for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system with leeches

Contraindications include: pregnancy and the first 3 months after cesarean section, low blood pressure, hemophilia, anemia, and cancer. And also hemorrhagic stroke.

Hirudotherapy of the nervous system: setting points

Points for setting depend on the diagnosis.

So, for neuritis, leeches are placed on the affected area along the path of the nerve (trigeminal nerve - face, sciatic nerve - from the thighs and lower legs to the buttocks, ulnar nerve - on the palm and forearm, etc.).

For radiculitis - to the area where pain attacks are localized, most often to the lower back. For migraines - on the back of the head and behind the ears.

Leech treatment of the nervous system: reviews

After the first two sessions, patients notice a decrease in pain symptoms.

A course of hirudotherapy turns out to be more effective than modern painkillers. At the same time, leech saliva has a tonic and restorative effect on the body.

To consolidate the result, at least 2 courses of treatment are recommended. In this case, the body will gradually accumulate biologically active substances and self-heal.

Hirudotherapy for radiculitis

Radiculitis is a common disease of the peripheral nervous system, in which the nerve fibers entering the intervertebral foramina become inflamed.

The use of hirudotherapy can provide a beneficial therapeutic effect in a short time and significantly improve the condition of a patient with radiculitis.

Features of hirudotherapy for radiculitis

The effect of leech secretion hirudin has a beneficial effect on tissue microcirculation processes and improves their nutrition.

Hirudin has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects on the tissue of the affected area, comparable to the effects of drugs.

Treatment with leeches provides quick and effective relief in case of severe pain.

Hirudotherapy is especially relevant if radiculitis is accompanied by tissue swelling against the background of venous or lymphatic stasis.

Removing stagnant blood relieves stress and improves metabolic processes.

Tissues that receive more nutrients and oxygen are actively restored.

The recovery time and return of the patient to normal working capacity are accelerated.

Very often, attacks of radiculitis stop not only during therapy, but also do not occur subsequently.

Places for placing leeches for radiculitis

During the hirudotherapy procedure, leeches are placed locally on biologically active points of the body.

A full course can range from eight to ten sessions, using 5-6 leeches.

For severe pain, it is recommended to undergo the first three to four procedures daily to relieve pain.

Areas for applying leeches for radiculitis:

  • Areas in the lumbar region with maximum pain
  • Sacral spine
  • Two local points in the coccyx area
  • Two points in the buttocks with increased sensitivity
  • The sciatic nerve passing on the side affected by radiculitis.


Tatyana Vasilyevna Savchenko, hirudotherapist, reflexologist

In neurology, leeches are most often used for cerebrovascular accidents, neuritis of the facial nerve, trigeminal neuralgia, and traumatic lesions of the nervous system. Here is what the famous hirudologist, Professor A.I., writes about this. Krashenyuk: “Leeches have another amazing property - they have a neurotrophic effect. We first encountered this when we began to use leeches in the treatment of children suffering from cerebral palsy (CP). The babies who were brought to our clinic in their arms began to move independently after a few months!.. Uncertainly, with support. But before that they didn’t move at all!” And further: “To explain this phenomenon, we, together with Doctor of Biological Sciences E.N. Chalisova from the Institute of Physiology studied the effect of leech extract on a culture of nerve cells. It turned out that it causes their growth and the appearance of additional processes in them, with the help of which they contact each other.”

Brain concussion. I will quote the father of Russian surgery, N.I. Pirogov: “As soon as a little color appeared in the patient’s face and the pulse rose, I now put leeches behind the ears.” For bruises and concussions of the brain, leeches significantly alleviate the condition, reduce or stop headaches. The mechanism of action of leeches here is not only an analgesic and distracting effect, but also hemorrhage and vasodilation, which helps restore impaired functions of the brain, and above all, its cortex.

Pre-stroke condition and stroke. Stroke is an acute disorder of cerebral circulation. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the incidence of new cases of stroke during the year ranges from 1.27 to 7.4 per 1000 population. In recent years, the number of stroke sufferers with complications in the form of transient or lifelong paralysis in our country has increased. The main reasons are hypertension, cerebral atherosclerosis, and frequent stressful situations.

There are hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes. With a hemorrhagic stroke, the disease develops as a result of the rupture of a blood vessel in one or another part of the brain. In the case of ischemic stroke, the cause is cerebral vasospasm. More dangerous is a hemorrhagic stroke, which most often leads to the development of paralysis that is difficult to treat. Hemorrhagic stroke, as a rule, develops at the age of 45-70 years and, as a rule, manifests itself suddenly, during the day, after sudden overwork or anxiety. Often a stroke is preceded by headaches and flushing of the face; there may be vomiting, increased breathing, increased or slow heartbeat, and confusion; An arm or leg stops moving, speech is lost, a crooked smile appears on the person’s face. The earlier treatment is started, the greater the hope for restoring lost functions. Treatment is usually carried out in inpatient settings in neurological institutions or departments.

From the long-term practice of hirudologists, we can conclude: leeches are very effective when used in the pre-stroke period, as well as after a stroke has already occurred. Thanks to leeches, the blood in places of thrombosis is diluted and passes through the capillaries more easily. In this case, the intercellular fluid and lymph are set in motion, which thoroughly wash and cleanse the source of pathology. The tissues are freed from waste products and begin to be better nourished, which brings recovery closer.

An important issue is the prospects of hirudotherapy for patients who have had a stroke for a long time. There are indications related to the presence of hypertension and atherosclerosis. If we focus on the likelihood of improvement in brain symptoms after hirudotherapy, then we should focus on the edema syndrome - in this case, the use of leeches is absolutely justified and will give a clearly positive clinical effect.

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve(sciatica). Sciatica is a lesion of the roots of the lumbosacral spine, manifested by unbearable paroxysmal pain in the lower back, radiating to the buttock, the back of the thigh and lower leg, the outer edge of the foot, as well as sensitivity disorders. Most often, the disease is observed in people suffering from spinal osteochondrosis.

Radiculitis are familiar to many and are caused by damage to the roots of the spinal nerves. There is lumbosacral radiculitis, characterized by pain in the lower back and leg, and the much rarer cervicothoracic radiculitis, in which pain first appears in the neck with irradiation to the affected nerve roots of the cervical or thoracic spine. Sometimes numbness occurs in the affected areas. The pain intensifies with movement of the head and neck and can spread to the occipital and thoracic regions.

Hirudotherapy for radiculitis helps very well - up to complete recovery, although this does not necessarily imply the abolition of allopathic prescriptions.

Trigeminal neuritis. Neuritis is damage to individual peripheral nerves caused by exposure to various factors (in particular, hypothermia). The disease manifests itself as attacks of excruciating pain in the facial area, accompanied by redness of the skin, lacrimation, and sometimes unilateral or bilateral painful tics. Treatment is carried out by a neurologist. Hirudotherapy gives a good therapeutic effect: after the second session, patients feel a significant improvement, pain decreases or disappears. Recovery occurs quite quickly.

We use sterile leeches, that is, grown, transported and stored in compliance with all pharmacy requirements.

Contraindications to hirudotherapy:

 diseases accompanied by bleeding due to decreased blood clotting;
 hemolysis (the process of destruction of red blood cells with the release of hemoglobin into the blood plasma);
 anemia;
 severe exhaustion of the body;
 hypotension (low arterial blood pressure);
 individual intolerance to leeches;
 unclear diagnosis.

Caution in using leeches should be exercised when:

 childhood of the patient;
 elderly patient;
 pregnancy;
 general weakness of the body.


Modern hirudotherapy differs from ancient ones in that currently they use bio-grown and medically processed

Modern hirudotherapy differs from ancient ones in that leeches grown in a biofactory and undergoing medical control are currently used. After the therapy session, the leeches are destroyed, which meets the requirements for the prevention of HIV infection, viral hepatitis and a number of other blood-borne diseases.

In neurology, leeches are most often used for cerebrovascular accidents, neuritis of the facial nerve, trigeminal neuralgia, and traumatic lesions of the nervous system. Here is what the famous hirudologist, Professor A.I., writes about this. Krashenyuk: “Leeches have another amazing property - they have a neurotrophic effect. We first encountered this when we began to use leeches in the treatment of children suffering from cerebral palsy (CP). The babies, who were brought to our clinic in our arms, began to move independently after a few months. Uncertain, with support. But before that they didn’t move at all!” And further: “To explain this phenomenon, we, together with Doctor of Biological Sciences E.N. Chalisova from the Institute of Physiology studied the effect of leech extract on a culture of nerve cells. It turned out that it causes their growth and the appearance of additional processes in them, with the help of which they contact each other.”

Brain concussion. I will quote the father of Russian surgery, N.I. Pirogov: “As soon as a little color appeared in the patient’s face and the pulse rose, I now put leeches behind the ears.” For bruises and concussions of the brain, leeches significantly alleviate the condition, reduce or stop headaches. The mechanism of action of leeches here is not only an analgesic and distracting effect, but also hemorrhage and vasodilation, which helps restore impaired functions of the brain, and above all, its cortex.

Pre-stroke condition and stroke. Stroke is an acute disorder of cerebral circulation. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the incidence of new cases of stroke during the year ranges from 1.27 to 7.4 per 1000 population. In recent years, the number of stroke sufferers with complications in the form of transient or lifelong paralysis in our country has increased. The main reasons are hypertension, cerebral atherosclerosis, and frequent stressful situations.

There are hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes. With a hemorrhagic stroke, the disease develops as a result of the rupture of a blood vessel in one or another part of the brain. In the case of ischemic stroke, the cause is cerebral vasospasm. More dangerous is a hemorrhagic stroke, which most often leads to the development of paralysis that is difficult to treat. Hemorrhagic stroke, as a rule, develops at the age of 45-70 years and, as a rule, manifests itself suddenly, during the day, after sudden overwork or anxiety. Often a stroke is preceded by headaches and flushing of the face; there may be vomiting, increased breathing, increased or slow heartbeat, and confusion; An arm or leg stops moving, speech is lost, a crooked smile appears on the person’s face. The earlier treatment is started, the greater the hope for restoring lost functions. Treatment is usually carried out in inpatient settings in neurological institutions or departments.

From the long-term practice of hirudologists, we can conclude: leeches are very effective when used in the pre-stroke period, as well as after a stroke has already occurred. Thanks to leeches, the blood in places of thrombosis is diluted and passes through the capillaries more easily. In this case, the intercellular fluid and lymph are set in motion, which thoroughly wash and cleanse the source of pathology. The tissues are freed from waste products and begin to be better nourished, which brings recovery closer.

An important issue is the prospects of hirudotherapy for patients who have had a stroke for a long time. There are indications related to the presence of hypertension and atherosclerosis. If we focus on the likelihood of improvement in brain symptoms after hirudotherapy, then we should focus on the edema syndrome - in this case, the use of leeches is absolutely justified and will give a clearly positive clinical effect.

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve (sciatica). Sciatica is a lesion of the roots of the lumbosacral spine, manifested by unbearable paroxysmal pain in the lower back, radiating to the buttock, the back of the thigh and lower leg, the outer edge of the foot, as well as sensitivity disorders. Most often, the disease is observed in people suffering from spinal osteochondrosis.

Radiculitis are familiar to many and are caused by damage to the roots of the spinal nerves. There is lumbosacral radiculitis, characterized by pain in the lower back and leg, and the much rarer cervicothoracic radiculitis, in which pain first appears in the neck with irradiation to the affected nerve roots of the cervical or thoracic spine. Sometimes numbness occurs in the affected areas. The pain intensifies with movement of the head and neck and can spread to the occipital and thoracic regions.

Hirudotherapy for radiculitis helps very well - up to complete recovery, although this does not necessarily imply the abolition of allopathic prescriptions.

Trigeminal neuritis. Neuritis is damage to individual peripheral nerves caused by exposure to various factors (in particular, hypothermia). The disease manifests itself as attacks of excruciating pain in the facial area, accompanied by redness of the skin, lacrimation, and sometimes unilateral or bilateral painful tics. Treatment is carried out by a neurologist. Hirudotherapy gives a good therapeutic effect: after the second session, patients feel a significant improvement, pain decreases or disappears. Recovery occurs quite quickly.

Contraindications to hirudotherapy are quite limited:


Diseases characterized by a tendency to increased bleeding - hemophilia and hemorrhagic diathesis

Severe anemia (hemoglobin level below 100 g/l), cachexia

Allergy to leeches

State of mental overexcitation

Physical exhaustion

Malignant oncology

In our Center for Medicine and Aesthetics “TRISH Clinic”, treatment with leeches is carried out only by doctors who have undergone special training. In each specific case, the doctor determines the appropriateness of the procedure.

There are contraindications, consultation with a specialist is required.

Hemorrhagic stroke

Hemorrhagic stroke is intracranial hemorrhage that occurs as a result of rupture of pathologically altered blood vessels in the brain. In most cases, the cause of hemorrhagic stroke is arterial hypertension, often in combination with atherosclerosis. This form of stroke can develop against the background of pure hypertension and rupture of an aneurysm.

In hemorrhages caused by arterial hypertension, the main role is played by hypertensive crises, as a result of which changes in intracerebral vessels occur. There are three types of hemorrhage development. The first type includes hemorrhages that develop as a result of rupture of cerebral vessels in the area of ​​their pathological changes during periods of changes in blood pressure, most often its sharp rises. Hemorrhages of this type lead to the formation of intracerebral hematomas, destroying the white matter of the hemispheres. The second type includes hemorrhages caused by the pathogenic effect on the vessel wall of enzymes or other active compounds formed at the site of brain damage. In this case, small hematomas are formed in the medulla, surrounded by softened areas. The third type includes the so-called. diapedetic hemorrhages, which occur due to ischemia (insufficient blood supply) of the vascular wall and increased permeability. These hemorrhages lead to the formation of intracerebral hematomas and hemorrhagic permeation of the brain matter.

A separate group of hemorrhagic strokes consists of spontaneous cerebral hematomas. They are found in young people (aged 20 to 30 years), in practically healthy and strong men. According to recent studies, the cause of the development of such a hematoma is arterial-venous formations, which are a congenital defect of the vascular system.

Hemorrhagic stroke develops unexpectedly. In some cases, it is preceded by headaches of the same type as migraines, as well as epileptic seizures. In most cases, hemorrhages occur during the daytime. The prerequisites for the development of the disease are often significant physical exertion or strong emotional experiences.

There are three forms of intracerebral hemorrhage: acute, subacute and chronic. The most common of them is the acute form, starting with a deep coma, which is accompanied by impaired breathing and cardiac activity. Sometimes vomiting, sudden paleness of the skin of the face and neck, increased sweating, and increased heart rate appear. Blood pressure can reach high levels, and it is very difficult to normalize it with medications. In severe cases, moist wheezing and involuntary urination are observed.

The acute form is observed in 25% of patients. It is characterized by symptoms such as impaired consciousness and deep stupor. After some time from the onset of the disease, a disorder of consciousness can develop into a coma. A few hours before a stroke occurs, many patients complain of severe headaches, tinnitus, vomiting, fluctuations in blood pressure, staggering when walking, and weakness. Over the course of several (1-3) weeks, the symptoms of the disease gradually increase and become comatose.

The chronic form of intracranial hemorrhage occurs in 10% of people and differs from others in the slow, gradual increase in neurological symptoms. In certain periods, an improvement in general condition may be noted. However, despite the fact that the chronic form of the disease is more favorable than others, the risk of death in this case is just as high. The main symptom of this form of the disease is paresis of facial muscles and tongue muscles.

In case of a stroke, it is necessary to put a cold pack on the patient's head and a warm heating pad on his feet. Throughout the next week he is provided with complete rest. Sometimes on the 6th day autohemotherapy is used in small doses. After the general condition improves, when the acute period has passed, spa treatment, physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises are recommended.

Physiotherapy includes darsonvalization (electrotherapy), faradization (treatment using low-frequency alternating current in a pulsed mode), as well as balneotherapy (hydrotherapy), which has recently been approved for stroke patients, although it was not previously practiced. Acupuncture, phototherapy, paraffin therapy and treatment with ionized air have a positive effect on patients who have suffered a stroke. Today it is easy to purchase indoor air ionizers (different models of Chizhevsky chandeliers, etc.); The doctor will teach the patient how to use them correctly.

Spa treatment is always complex, but its main component is climate and landscape therapy, the patient’s stay in a sanatorium located in a natural area with the most favorable natural conditions that contribute to the patient’s speedy recovery.

Properly organized psychological assistance in combination with drug treatment plays an important role. To normalize cerebral circulation, drugs such as papaverine, dibazol, no-spa, biogenic stimulants, etc. are used.

It is necessary to pay attention to vegetative-vascular instability and associated shifts in indicators characterizing blood clotting. Therefore, patients are prescribed, among others, drugs based on belladonna, as well as coronary dilators, antiarrhythmic and cardiotonic drugs.

The positive effect of hirudotherapy on patients with cerebral hemorrhage was reliably established by V.A. Lukashev, who conducted in the late 40s. last century, a study of the results of using leeches for diseases of the nervous system. Although bdellotherapy cannot compete here with other types of treatment that are recognized as leading, it nevertheless brings relief to such patients.

The subjective well-being of patients after hirudotherapy sessions improves significantly as a result of long-term normalization of blood pressure, positive changes in blood composition, etc. Laboratory studies have revealed a decrease in the erythrocyte sedimentation reaction (ERS), which serves as one of the most important physiological indicators. Leeches, taken in quantities of 2-4, are placed on the mastoid processes behind the ears. Placement is carried out along an imaginary straight line passing 1 cm from the auricle. Leeches are placed on both sides of the head at the same time, i.e. behind each ear. The rules for applying leeches to the mastoid processes are described in more detail above, in the section on hypertension.

Congestive and inflammatory internal diseases

General characteristics of inflammatory diseases

This chapter discusses stagnation (congestive) phenomena in the body, as well as inflammation of internal organs and joints, including infections. As in previous cases, the description of each disease is accompanied by general information on its treatment and prevention, and ends with information on the use of hirudotherapy in the treatment of this disease.

Inflammation in itself does not act as a disease, but only accompanies it. The inflammatory process is a protective reaction of the body, that is, in some sense it plays a positive role, but at the same time it causes the patient a lot of suffering. As a rule, inflammation is a local reaction, that is, it is invariably localized in a certain area where pathological changes occur, to which the body reacts so violently.

The inflamed area isolates the source of damage from other tissues that remain healthy. Doctors divide the inflammatory process into 3 successive stages. These are alteration, exudation and proliferation. Alteration is characterized by primary damage to cells and tissues, which is primarily manifested by desquamation of cells. In other words, the affected tissue cells lose their membranes. Simultaneously with this process, a violation of blood microcirculation occurs in this place, which is explained by an increase in the lumen of capillaries and arterioles. Because of this, congestion often occurs in the vessels.

The onset of inflammation is accompanied by the phenomenon of phagocytosis, which is not directly related to previous changes in tissues. Phagocytosis is the body's immune system's response to a disease process. White blood cells (leukocytes) of a special type rush to the site of inflammation. These are eater cells that actively destroy and absorb dying cells and foreign particles (including microbes) that cause inflammation. At the same time, antibodies are developed against foreign particles, enhancing general and local immunity.

White cells die in the affected area in large quantities. Gradually, the painful area of ​​​​tissue is filled with fibrin (insoluble protein). The so-called fibrinoid swelling. The decaying remains of dead leukocytes are entwined with fibrin threads. By the way, this is how the inflammatory process provokes the vigorous formation of blood clots in venules and veins.

The second stage of the inflammatory process - exudation - is characterized by the release of fluid from cells, tissues and vessels. Such liquid, as is known, is called exudate, or effusion. The effusion fills the interstitial environment, leading to the formation of edema.

The third stage of the process - proliferation - is the final one. At this stage, damaged tissue is restored due to vigorous cell proliferation. This ensures the growth of connective tissue with the formation of thickenings and granulomas (nodules).

Of the three stages of the inflammatory process, one may be predominant and have a pronounced character. Depending on this, it is convenient to distinguish inflammation into alterative, exudative and proliferative. Exudative inflammation, accompanied by profuse effusion and swelling, is the most common. The exudate can be fibrinous or serous, depending on the concentration of fibrinogen (a protein involved in blood clotting) in it. In fibrinous exudate, the content of this substance exceeds 8-10%, while in serous exudate it is no more than 8%, therefore serous exudate is translucent.

Usually, after the described inflammation, complete recovery occurs, but when a large defect is formed at the site of the affected area, as a rule, a scar or cord is formed that acts as a commissure. Strains occur exclusively in the case of inflammation of internal organs. The chronic course of the inflammatory process is complicated by sclerotic phenomena, which lead to functional failure of the diseased organ.

Gynecological inflammatory diseases


Parametritis is an inflammatory exudative process caused by pyogenic bacteria (staphylococci and streptococci) in injured tissues of the cervix. Parametritis often occurs against the background of complications after childbirth and abortion, and accompanies malignant tumors and surgical injuries. The disease spreads from the cervix to the abdominal wall, since it is in this direction, around the bladder and up, that exudate moves - secretions from the blood vessels in the affected area.

The inflammatory process covers the walls of the pelvis and the area of ​​the ilium, spreads around the rectum, affects the uterosacral ligaments and the lateral vault of the vagina. Exudate can form in the form of small nodules or collect into large nodes that fill the entire pelvis. In terms of density, these nodes are soft and viscous, as well as cartilaginous. At an early stage of development, parametritis is accompanied by stabbing or cutting pain, high fever and chills.

Subsequently, the intensity of the pain decreases, the temperature drops significantly, but leucorrhoea, difficult (painful) urination, and constipation appear. Headaches are becoming more frequent. The menstrual cycle is slightly disrupted, but sexual life becomes impossible due to pain during intercourse. Extremely painful sensations are noted in the lower back. Possible complications with this disease include breakthrough of ulcers into the rectum, abdominal cavity and (or) bladder.

The prognosis with proper treatment is good. In the acute period of the disease, bed rest must be observed. Nervous experiences and physical activity are contraindicated.

The stomach is usually cold. In case of severe pain, suppositories with belladonna or similar herbal remedies are used. The main treatment method is intramuscular injections of penicillin. Paraffin baths, ozokerite and mud therapy, exposure to UV radiation, hot enemas and douching are often used. Spa treatment gives a good effect.


Pyovaria are extensive suppurations of the ovaries, up to their transformation into ulcers due to the development of the inflammatory process in the pelvic organs. The causative agents of the disease are in most cases streptococci, staphylococci and gonococci. Against the background of infection, severe poisoning of the body occurs with poisons of microbial origin. When bacteria enter the ovary through the lymph flow or blood vessels, its inflammation begins - oophoritis.

Pyovaria occur when the inflammatory process tends to suppurate. The course of the disease is characterized by duration and is accompanied by frequent exacerbations. For acute cases, the following symptoms are typical: sharp pain, high fever and leucorrhoea. In chronic cases, leucorrhoea becomes purulent, the patient notes painful sensations in the groin, which noticeably intensify during menstruation. These pains radiate to the thigh and sacrum. They become sharp during physical activity, sexual intercourse, and bowel movements.

With intensive treatment, the prognosis is favorable. Treatment includes bed rest, cold (ice) is placed on the lower abdomen, injections of penicillin and sulfa drugs, microenemas from chamomile infusion are prescribed. Blood transfusions and a light diet are recommended. If indicated, a puncture of pyovar (suppuration) is performed to suck out the pus and inject penicillin into the ovary.

Similar treatment is used in the case when the purulent process covers the fallopian tubes. Against this background, diseases such as salpingitis, salpingo-oophoritis, and pyosalpinx can develop. Salpingitis is an inflammation of the fallopian tubes, salpingo-oophoritis is a general inflammation of the tubes and ovaries, and pyosalpinx is the accumulation of pus in the tubes and their adherence with the ovary when the infection and purulent inflammatory process spreads towards the peritoneum.

Adnexitis often occurs - a general inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries (uterine appendages). In this case, the pain is usually localized in the sacrum and lower abdomen. Among others, symptoms such as fever, high temperature (up to +40 ° C), leucorrhoea and menstrual dysfunction occur.


Endometritis is an inflammation of the uterine mucosa that accompanies most lesions of the female genital organs. The disease is caused by staphylococci, streptococci, gonococci and Escherichia coli. Microorganisms usually enter the uterus from the vagina.

Symptoms such as general malaise, fever, menstrual irregularities, as well as bloody, purulent and mucopurulent discharge are typical for the disease. Sometimes the infection covers the muscle layer of the uterus. Treatment is generally similar to measures taken for other diseases of the female genital area.

For a long time, leeches served as the only effective remedy for the conservative treatment of inflammatory gynecological diseases. Some lesions of the female genital organs are still poorly amenable to any therapy. Thermal procedures, especially paraffin baths, in combination with injections of placental blood are now outdated, although paraffin therapy is still used in the treatment of acute and subacute inflammation in the pelvis, accompanied by extensive exudates.

However, today drug treatment in gynecology is more effective than ever. The arsenal of drugs has been replenished with complex antibiotics that suppress pyogenic microorganisms, and hormonal drugs that normalize the functional activity of the gonads and genital tissues.

However, even today we cannot consider that the time has come to give up leeches. They are a universal and extremely useful tool. The secretion of the salivary glands of the leech affects a variety of cells of the woman’s genital area, no matter what stage of development the disease process is at.

Difficult to treat infiltrates and ulcers are relatively easily opened or resolved under the influence of leech enzymes. Leech enzymes prevent the hardening of infiltrates - dense formations that, without proper treatment, often appear in the female genital organs during parametritis, causing great trouble to the patient and causing exhaustion.

G.M. Shpolyansky, who devoted his research work on bdellotherapy to cases from gynecological practice, noted the undoubted benefits of using leeches in the treatment of diseases of the female genital area. In particular, he treated parametritis in this way and received very good results: he managed to stop the formation of suppuration, reduce pain, lower the patient’s temperature, relieve tension in the pelvis, etc.

Shpolyansky proved that hirudotherapy should be used for parametritis, pyovarium and pyosalpinx. In parallel with him, Kyiv doctor V.V. Orlov substantiated the use of this type of treatment for various acute inflammatory processes in the appendages, pelveoperitonitis and endometritis, especially postoperative.

Thanks to the exceptional properties of the secretion of the salivary glands of the leech, in gynecological patients, ROE is normalized, infiltrates are reabsorbed, and temperature decreases; recovery occurs relatively quickly. Even today, a course of drug treatment and physiotherapy takes longer than a course of hirudotherapy.

By the way, modern hirudotherapy has made great progress in the field of gynecology. Suffice it to say that today, in 2-3 weeks, it is possible to eliminate inflammation and relieve pain for a woman suffering from such a serious illness as chronic salpingo-oophoritis, including those complicated by adhesions.

The placement of leeches is carried out only by a professional doctor. Leeches are placed on the lower part of the pubis and groin area, around the labia, and around the anus. Leeches should not be placed directly on the vulva, as they can bite through the delicate tissue and cause extensive bleeding. Placing leeches on the vaginal vaults (performed by a qualified gynecologist) is very useful. In this case, from 2 to 7 copies are used, depending on the location of their placement.

Sexual disorders and menopause

This section includes problems of a sexual nature, which are typically characterized by the presence of congestive phenomena that are subject to treatment using hirudotherapy methods.


In earlier times, scientists understood impotence to mean almost any sexual disorder, including infertility. There was even a concept of female impotence, which meant frigidity, anorgasmia and some other sexual dysfunctions in women. Today, outdated, not very precise terminology is being abandoned.

Hirudotherapy for disorders of arterial circulation of the brain. Leeches stroke

Safiullina G.I. Shakurov R.Sh. Mindubaeva L.Zh.

Kazan State Medical Academy

Department of Neurosurgery, Traumatology and Orthopedics

The problem of treating acute cerebrovascular accident (acute hypertensive encephalopathy - AHE, transient cerebrovascular accident - IIHMK,

cerebral hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage - SAH, ischemic stroke - IS, phlebitis and phlebothrombosis of the cerebral veins) is extremely relevant due to the high mortality, disability and prevalence throughout the world. According to European researchers, for every 100 thousand people there are 600 patients with the consequences of a stroke, of which 60% are disabled. In Russia, more than 400 thousand strokes occur annually, and the mortality rate due to cerebrovascular conditions is 307.7 per 100 thousand population per year. In this regard, one of the most important tasks of neurology is the issue of rehabilitation of this category of patients, the search and development of effective treatment methods. Despite the existing successes in pharmacotherapy for circulatory disorders, clinically significant reasons remain that limit its use. The most common side effects are complications of anticoagulant therapy (thrombocytopenia, increased bleeding, etc.), the development of tolerance to vascular drugs, including antiplatelet drugs, which is manifested by low therapeutic efficacy, while the high cost of treatment also plays a significant role.

The most important factor in the pathogenesis of circulatory disorders are changes in the rheological properties of blood, leading to hyper- and discoagulation with the possible development of DIC syndrome.

Conservative treatment accompanied by neuroimaging studies depends on the type of circulatory disorder. Hemorrhagic strokes and subarachnoid hemorrhage may require surgical intervention. General measures are carried out, constant monitoring of the patient due to the possibility of deterioration of the condition, adequate oxygenation, prevention of a sharp increase or fall in blood pressure, neuroprotection, prevention and treatment of infectious complications, infusion therapy.

Natural medicines are distinguished by their physiology; as a rule, they are well tolerated by patients, leaving no side effects or addiction. One of the possible ways to influence the hemostatic system and microcirculation is occupational therapy (OT).

For many years, occupational therapy has attracted the attention of naturalists, doctors, and pharmacists. Russia has accumulated a wealth of experience in the use of medicinal leeches. Ardent adherents of this method of treatment were such famous doctors as M. Mudrov, I. Dyadkovsky, N. Pirogov, G. Zakharyin.

The effect of medicinal leech on the body is diverse. In general, it leads to the restoration of the disturbed physiological set of adaptive reactions, to the elimination or maximum limitation of the effect on the body of various pathogenic factors of the external or internal environment. The leech secretion has an anticoagulant, blood clot-resolving effect that prevents their formation. Biologically active substances produced by leech have the ability to relieve vasospasm, increasing the supply of tissues with oxygen and other nutrients, expand them, reducing blood pressure, and have anti-edematous, analgesic, and anti-sclerotic effects. In addition, leeches help cleanse the body of toxins and toxic substances, as Avicenna also pointed out in his “Canon of Medical Carcasses.”

Perforation of the skin by a leech irritates peripheral receptors. This irritation is enhanced by the powerful sucking movements of the leech. At the site of a leech bite, microvessels expand, and in remote areas of the microvascular bed they narrow, ensuring the outflow of blood from deep-lying tissues. Thus, bloodletting is carried out at the level of the microcirculatory bed, which contributes to good drainage of the organs.

Contraindications to the use of leeches are diseases accompanied by bleeding due to reduced blood clotting (hemophilia, thrombocytopenia, etc.), hemolysis (the process of destruction of red blood cells with the release of hemoglobin into the blood plasma), anemia, severe exhaustion of the body, low blood pressure (hypotension), pregnancy, individual intolerance to leeches.

The key point for the effective use of hirudoflexotherapy (HRT) is the correct selection of the formulation of acupuncture points and their combinations. Along with the well-known recommendations for choosing points for the consequences of stroke, one should proceed from the need to improve microcirculation in the area of ​​​​the connection of extra- and intracranial arteries (external with internal carotid through the ophthalmic, superficial temporal artery and arterial anastomoses). The impact on this zone affects the entire arterial (Wilisian) circle, which combines the vertebrobasilar and carotid systems. Wherein:

— expansion of the affected area is prevented;

— delivery of nutrients (oxygen, glucose) improves;

— possible complications such as edema and swelling of the brain are prevented;

- the risk of repeated cerebral crises is reduced.

Therefore, the basic technique must include acupuncture points located on the head, along with which local segmental and distant points are used: 1I, 1II, 4II, 31-35Ш, 36III, 45Ш, 1IV, 1VI, 67VII, 8-9IX, 34X1, 44X1, 1-ZH III, BM9, HI, H5, etc. The recipe is individualized in accordance with the prevailing symptoms.

For general cerebral symptoms (impaired consciousness, memory, dizziness, headache, increased blood pressure, tinnitus, head), the basic method uses the following points: 36III, 3V, 7V, 19VI, 19VII, 31-34VII, 1VIII, 17X, 18X, 12XI , 24XI, 14X11, 13XII, 2XII, 1-3ХШ, 20Х III, 12ХШ, 15ХIII, 16ХIII, 10VII, Н17, Н20, Н23, VM1-3, VM9, VM27, VM29, VM86, VM110, VM132, VM133, VM135 ;

with nystagmus, double vision, flashing “spots” before the eyes, oculomotor disorders (paresis, ptosis, paralysis): 2III, 2VII, 1XI, 14XI, BM3, BM5, BM9, H23;

for swallowing disorders, aphasia, dysarthria: 4Ш, 6III, 24ХШ, 26ХШ, 24XIV, Н31;

for hemiplegia and paresis of the upper limbs: 4I, 10I, 11I, 3V, 7V, 1VI, 3VII, 4VI, 8VI, VM9, VM89, VM90, VM115, VM117, H13;

for hemiplegia and paresis of the lower extremities: 31III, 2II, 45III, 1IV, 7IV, 9IV, 36VII, 55VII, 60VII, 67VII, 4XI, 29III, 34XI.

It is preferable to start HT procedures against the background of conventional therapy for vascular disorders (OGE, PNMK, IS) with the exception of antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants from the first days of treatment, 2-3 times a week, 5-8 leeches per session. We recommend a combination of cranial and distant points in one session, and the cranial points should be connected through the session. The course of treatment includes 5-6 procedures (2.5-3 weeks). Repeated 2, 3, 4 courses of HRT are carried out depending on the condition of the patients, respectively, after 2 weeks, 1 month, 2-3 months.

A different approach in the treatment of patients who have suffered hemorrhagic stroke, SAH. We recommend carrying out HT against the background of standard treatment a week after hemorrhage, 2 times a week with 2-3 leeches per session with a predominant use of distant points. A course of treatment may also consist of 5-6 procedures. GRT will help not only to improve the general condition, but also to prevent the development of cerebral vasospasms, which often occur secondary to antifibrinolytic therapy.

When carrying out the HT procedure, the method with hemorrhage until the leech is partially or completely saturated is mainly used. Points located in the area of ​​aretic muscles should be treated using a method without bleeding.

It should be noted that during treatment, neuroimaging monitoring and analysis of blood coagulation should be carried out.

GRT affects the main pathogenetic mechanisms of circulatory disorders at the very early stage of functional restoration and has a pronounced preventive effect, reducing the risk of repeated cerebral crises. Along with improving the rheological properties of blood, GRT has a positive effect on muscle tone and motor function, sleep, helps reduce pain, and increase psycho-emotional tone.


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