67 years old, bad sleep. What to do if an adult has poor sleep at night

Hello dear readers. It is very important to always be in a harmonious state, get enough sleep, rest, and start your new day. But it happens that I don’t sleep well at night, I wake up often and can’t sleep. What to do with this situation? Today I will tell you my experience and share recipes that help you fall asleep, sleep well, and feel great. Let's look at how to restore your sleep, what causes influence insomnia. Maybe it's nervous disorders or health situations. I’d really like to read your opinion, as well as your recipes and tips that help you fall asleep quickly and not wake up at night.

I don’t sleep well at night, I wake up often, what to do - tips

1. Walk before bed in the fresh air. Try to walk every evening for 1 to 2 hours, this is an effective method that really works!

2. Take a relaxing, warm bath. You can add it to water sea ​​salt, essential oils (I really like lavender oil).

3. Read before bed, take good book, let it be something very kind. You can take literature related to your work.

4. Listen to relaxing music, it’s very cool to listen to the sound of the ocean, the sound of rain, the sound of the wind. Listen to the sounds of nature, how the fire burns, how the birds sing, believe me, it calms you down and relaxes your nervous system.

5. If you are a Christian, listen to prayers, there are a lot of them on YouTube, choose that voice and musical accompaniment whichever you like best and listen. Prayers: “Psalm 90”, “Our Father”, “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary” and others. At one time, “Psalm 102” helped me a lot.

6. Pay attention to your bed, linen should be made from natural materials, change it 1-2 times a week. The linen you sleep in should also be natural.

7. Pay attention to your pillow and mattress. The most comfortable option is an orthopedic mattress and a feather pillow. Do not sleep on a synthetic pillow, this is important for good sleep.

8. Before going to bed, you can watch a good, kind movie. But this doesn't help everyone.

9. Drink tea made from mint, lemon balm, chamomile and other herbs before bed. You can sweeten it with honey or sugar to taste.

10. You can resort to valerian (the drug "Valerianovna caps. 300 mg" helped me well). The drug should be taken at night. Motherwort is also very calming.

This will be followed by another portion of tips that will help restore sleep if you have trouble sleeping at night and often wake up. But first, let's look at the causes of insomnia, because nothing happens without a reason.

Causes that cause sleep disturbance (insomnia)

There are a number of reasons that cause insomnia. But there are also more serious psychological disorders. Therefore, do not self-medicate, seek help medical care. Because in some cases the help of a psychologist is needed, inpatient treatment, consumption medicines, consultation with a neurologist!

1. Disturbance in the functioning of the nervous system. This is one of the main reasons, you need to find out why this is happening, what affects your condition.

2. Health problems. It could be anything headache, toothache, knee pain, joint pain, fever, etc.

3. Uncomfortable sleeping conditions. This is very important. Take care of your comfort. Choose linens made from natural materials, pillows and mattresses (we talked about this above).

4. Children. Most often these are small or infants. When I was breastfeeding, I also often woke up at night and approached the baby. Or during a period of illness, when the child has a high fever, there is absolutely no time for sleep.

5. Fatty food before bed. We talked about the fact that it is better to eat something light at night, preferably 2-3 hours before bedtime.

6. Drinking energy drinks. This could be coffee, tea, and other energy drinks.

7. Loud noise, bright light, irritating odor. All of these factors affect the quality of your sleep, so take these little things into account.

People whose quality of sleep deteriorates become distracted, irritable, suffer from nervous system disorders, “jumps” in blood pressure, and poor circulation. Very often, insomnia is observed in people engaged in mental work!

I have trouble sleeping at night - what to do?

Be sure to consult a doctor, a neurologist deals with all these issues, but it is best to go to a therapist, he will refer you to the doctor he deems necessary, and may also prescribe tests and examinations (ultrasound of cerebral vessels, ultrasound of the heart, cardiogram, etc. ).

Based on the results of the examination and consultation with doctors (and you may need to visit more than one specialist), you will be prescribed treatment based on your diagnosis.

It happens that you don’t have enough time, it’s trivial to relax, take a vacation and go to the sea, this also really works and helps you relax. New emotions, new impressions, new look for familiar things, perhaps this is exactly what you are missing.

One more piece of advice. Also, it is very important for me to find out what helps you fall asleep if you have trouble falling asleep at night for a long time, or if you often wake up in the middle of the night.

Write below in the comments your recipes that you use to fall asleep and sleep soundly. I will be very grateful to you.

Advice! Take care of your health, watch your diet, love yourself, take vitamins, love your body, then fewer health issues will arise.

1. Don't eat before bed; as a rule, don't eat 2-3 hours before bedtime. At night you need to pay attention to light food.

2. Don't watch the news at night, don't sit at the computer before bed.

3. Create comfortable conditions for relaxation in the bedroom.

4. Take a shower or bath before bed. Very helpful.

5. Expose right time and the sound of an alarm clock.

6. Lie down comfortably on the bed; if you are cold, cover yourself with another blanket. You should be comfortable.

7. Think about the good, you can imagine yourself on vacation, at the sea, in an open field, near a waterfall (wherever you like best). Think about where you are, who you are with, what you are doing...

8. Sometimes breathing techniques help. Inhale calmly for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds. Then inhale for 8 seconds through your mouth, do it slowly.

9. Before going to bed, you should ventilate the room well, regardless of the time of year (even winter time, ventilate your room well).

10. Place a bag of aromatic herbs at your head, this will help you relax and fall asleep. You can put in the bag: hop cones, lemon balm, mint, lavender, oregano, St. John's wort, etc. are very useful.

11. Many people are helped to fall asleep by the music of Vivaldi, Mozart or any other pleasant relaxing music.

12. Before going to bed, you can take Novo Passit, Persen, motherwort or valerian (tincture). But be sure to consult your doctor before taking these medications.

13. You can use aromas before bed; if you are not allergic, you can light an aroma stick or aroma lamp with essential oil. For example, I like lavender oil.

14. Rest, rest regularly, use your time wisely. Breaks and rest are very important. You can go on vacation outside the city.

15. If you are tired, have trouble sleeping at night, have become irritable, go on vacation to the sea!

If you wake up frequently at night and can't fall back to sleep, consult your doctor, especially if you've tried a lot of products and nothing is helping. It is better to resolve this issue with a specialist, because the consequences may not be rosy.

Insomnia: causes, how to fight and get rid of it, music, folk remedies, pills?

It’s terrible when the clock hand, ticking the seconds in the silence of the night, inexorably approaches the morning rise, and, as they say, there is no sleep in either eye. The majority of young healthy adults (children and adolescents have their own problems) do not yet know the phenomenon of insomnia, which is why young people treat it with some irony. At the same time, living with older or elderly relatives, many of them have to observe sleep disorders from the outside. Walking at night, leaving the light on in the sufferer’s room, trying to turn on the TV or listen to music (maybe this will help?) and many other means.

This misfortune appears, at first glance, out of nowhere, so it is often associated with age, and in older people, as we know, everything starts to go wrong. Meanwhile, insomnia, as insomnia is called, is recognized by medicine as a disease that has its own causes, which in other cases can be very problematic to find out (primary insomia). There is no particular hope for treatment - it is complex, lengthy and, at times, ineffective: once you are “hooked” on pills, it is not so easy to “get off” them.

Sleep disturbance

Sleep disturbance can be different: for some it is difficult to fall asleep, for others getting up in the morning is akin to torture, and for others, they walk around the house several times during the night, stating that they suffer from insomnia and sadly calling themselves “sleepwalkers.” Although they say that everyone has their own length of night's rest, people who are able to sleep for a day in a row also run the risk of having a sleep disorder later.

In order not to miss the first signs of the disease and, perhaps, take some measures that can help regulate the alternation of active labor activity and complete, with disconnection from the outside world, rest, You need to pay attention to the first symptoms of sleep disturbance:

  1. Problems falling asleep: everything seems to be normal, the nervous system is calm, all the daily chores are done, the bed is moderately soft, the blanket is warm, the pillow is cool. Meanwhile, a light nap does not develop into deep dive to the world pleasant dreams, the search for a comfortable position begins, it becomes either hot or cold, and then all sorts of thoughts creep into your head - sleep suddenly disappears;
  2. Fell asleep quickly, and after a short time is woken up by an inexplicable fear or even a nightmare- wakefulness again, as if I hadn’t slept at all. However, I want to rest, but sleep never comes, and again: the same search for a comfortable position, the same “nervousness,” and the same end result - weakness, irritability, fatigue;
  3. Or this: fell asleep, slept for about 2-3-4 hours, which is clearly not enough for proper rest, and then the lack of sleep torments you, and even if you read a book or listen to music, you can’t always fall asleep again, but you have to get up for work.

The above-described symptoms appear periodically at the beginning, but if this happens every other day for a month, then the diagnosis of insomia is not far off, plus signs of neurological disorders also form:

  • Experiencing constant discomfort at night, unable to get rid of insomnia on our own(you can’t cancel work or study, but you’ll definitely oversleep with the medicine), the person changes his behavior in daytime: the nervous system is shaken, there is less and less success at work, irritability, dissatisfaction, and bad mood appear;
  • Chronic insomnia leaves its mark on mental abilities patient, he wants to sleep during the day, so mental activity is disrupted, attention and concentration are reduced, memorization (for students) is difficult, which leads to a drop in academic performance and professional activity, requiring “inclusion of the head” in the work process;
  • Long-term lack of sleep can easily lead to depression, although it is often difficult to determine what is primary and what is secondary: depression caused insomnia or insomnia exhausted the person so much that he lost all interest in life.

In an attempt to get rid of insomnia, It is not advisable to follow the path of least resistance and immediately purchase pills, causing the body to fall asleep. They are often addictive, causing dependence and the need to increase the dose.

Insomnia, like any disease, requires identifying the cause, which sometimes helps fight insomnia with the help of special events or folk remedies, by canceling which the person will not lose the ability to fall asleep on their own. In general, the problem needs to be studied, so it is very advisable to dwell on its causes.

Why does sleep go away?

All processes occurring in the body are under the control of the central nervous system, sleep suffers with any deviation from the normal activity of the central nervous system, which is why insomnia is caused by such a variety of reasons:

Is insomnia an early sign of pregnancy?

Almost all women (up to 80%) who are pregnant experience sleep disturbances, up to severe insomnia.

The problem of night rest during pregnancy is also due to many circumstances:

  • Hormonal changes in the body in the first trimester and preparation for important event– in the third;
  • The social and financial situation of a woman, the environment, career growth - there are many reasons for worry, and sometimes even more than there should be, because pregnancy may be unplanned, personal life unsettled, education incomplete. IN in this case A woman’s character is of no small importance: some can endure any life situations, they sleep better, others perceive what is happening so acutely that they lose the ability to fall asleep normally and rest at night;
  • Various manifestations of toxicosis. Nausea, heartburn, discomfort, increased or decreased blood pressure, tachycardia and other factors make it difficult to fall asleep and interfere with rest during sleep;
  • Increasing weight, heaviness throughout the body and swelling, placing additional stress on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • An increase in the size of the uterus, which begins to put pressure on neighboring organs, complicating breathing, blood circulation and, as women themselves always note, urination. Going to the toilet every minute is a real challenge in the last months of pregnancy. And even if there were benefits from these visits, the feeling of satisfaction does not come, there remains a feeling that the trip was in vain, because the bladder still does not allow sleep;
  • Loss of microelements (calcium, ) and the appearance of night cramps in connection with this;
  • Fetal activity at night (movement);
  • Aches and pain in the lumbar region.

Thus, the main causes of sleep disorders during pregnancy are considered to be hormonal changes, the growing uterus and the supply of nutrients to the fetus for its formation and development.

Fight insomnia with all the known traditional ways pregnant women are prohibited, the problem requires a special approach and no use of medications on one’s own initiative, because everything that a woman takes ends up in one way or another to the child and this “everything” may not be useful at all.

From cradle to school

Insomnia in a child under one year old is a big problem for parents, After all, he cannot yet talk about his worries, so one can only guess about the cause of the anxiety:

  1. He is ill or the illness is still on the way;
  2. His tummy hurts, perhaps the nursing mother violated the diet or complementary feeding did not go well;
  3. The child is teething, they say the pain is terrible;
  4. God forbid there is a wind and your ears hurt;
  5. The weather has changed;
  6. The child is dressed too warmly;
  7. He is put to bed in a stuffy, unventilated room.

So the mother wonders what’s wrong with the baby and why he doesn’t sleep, gives him dill water, bathes him in herbal infusions, lights candles, gives syrups and expects that everything will change at the age of one...

diagram: sleep norms by age, normal ratios of daytime and nighttime sleep in children

Some children do not sleep even after a year, although their teeth have erupted, their tummy is in order, the child shows where it hurts, but sleeps poorly even if outwardly healthy. And he doesn’t sleep well, which means he doesn’t grow and develop well, and is reluctant to acquire new knowledge and skills. And again finding out the reason: Weather? Stuffiness? Disease? Overexcited? Fright? Loud noises? Bright light? Uncomfortable bed?... and much more.

Often, sleep problems remain almost until school. The cause of poor sleep in a preschool child and junior school student may be:

  • Outdoor games in the evening (overexcitement does not turn into calm falling asleep);
  • Strong emotions, and for a child it doesn’t matter at all whether they are positive or negative: both crying and laughing at night in excessive doses give approximately the same result;
  • Imagination and childhood fantasies superimposed on scary cartoons or action films do not bode well at night;
  • Early passion for computers, tablets, phones and everything else that modern children often have access to;
  • A nervous situation in the family, scandals, and raised voices have an impact on negative action on the tender child's psyche;
  • Loud noises behind the wall, bright lights, an uncomfortable bed, an unventilated room and, of course, illness.

Treatment of childhood insomnia is aimed at eliminating the causes that cause it. Massage is used physical therapy, breathing exercises, aromatic baths and all kinds of psychotherapy methods. Sleep disorders in children are treated extremely rarely with tablets, in special cases, and only specialists, not relatives and neighbors of the baby.

Sleep disorders. Adolescence, youth

Sleep disturbances also occur in adolescents. It’s especially difficult with them - awkward age, which most often is the cause of insomnia and other conditions called pathology puberty. Talking to a teenager, advising him something, trying to treat him is a whole science. At this age, you can’t force him to bed, you can’t tear him away from the monitor, and moralizing can cause aggression. Each case is individual, but if the mother does not find the strength to cope with the situation on her own, then help will be needed medical psychologist However, attention, care, and love for such a child on the part of the parents must be ensured.

Having completed its formation, the human body, if it is healthy, enters a period in which the risk of sleep disturbance tends to zero. Meanwhile, many young people themselves are approaching the time when sleep becomes a problem. Various activities that were unheard of in the last century are preferred to active recreation in nature.

Many women complain that they cannot tear their husbands away from “tank battles” and other computer games that have absorbed a huge part of the male population. And often all complaints against the head of the family end with the woman also starting to enthusiastically “shoot at the enemy,” forgetting about household chores and “not watching the clock.” Such entertainment, which fills a person’s leisure time, affects not only himself, but also the people living with him: soon the place next to the playing parents is taken by their children.

I am suffering from severe insomnia - what to do?

Dealing with insomnia can be very difficult, but some people, without bothering themselves with unnecessary searches for remedies for it, try to find pills that do not force them to take any action: they take a drink and after about twenty minutes they fall into deep sleep. Such tablets, of course, exist, but they should not be sold without a prescription, so you will have to go to a doctor (preferably a somnologist) and justify your request to prescribe them.

Pills are the last thing, first you should try to fight insomnia in other ways:

  1. Develop your own individual regime of work and rest, clearly defining the time of going to bed (the body will get used to it and will begin to ask for bed at the same hour);
  2. No overeating, tonic alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks, tablets or cigarettes that stimulate the nervous system;
  3. A completely hungry stomach won’t let you fall asleep either, so to “deceive” it, you can drink a glass of warm milk or kefir or eat a light snack without hot sauces or seasonings;
  4. Before going to bed, walks, special gymnastics and massage are useful; baths with aromatic herbs will not hurt;
  5. Active brain activity prevents normal falling asleep, it is better to stop such work a couple of hours before bedtime, an exciting novel is also unlikely to be useful (many people like to read before bed);
  6. TV, computer, mobile phone applications, as well as conversations using these means, should be put off until the morning;
  7. You need to sleep by creating comfortable conditions for yourself in a well-ventilated, cool room on a bed of moderate softness, closing the curtains and turning off the lights.

If all the rules are followed, the neighbors don’t make noise, don’t make noise and don’t break dishes, but you still can’t sleep, then I have to get up in half an hour(it won’t get any worse), do some quiet activity, or better yet, turn on some pleasant sleep music and listen quietly until you feel drowsy again.

“Kalykhanka” for adults and folk remedies

Some, trying to get rid of insomnia, use a kind of “kalyhanka” (kalyhanka is a Belarusian lullaby), namely, sleep music. A selected composition of birdsong, the sound of the sea surf, the rustle of leaves, flavored with velvet male voice lulls and, undoubtedly, in many cases achieves its goal - the person falls into sleep. Will it help everyone? This is very individual, because sleep disturbance has many causes. Excruciating mental or physical pain can block all the efforts of music. However, if a person makes it a rule to relax before going to bed, listen to sleep music, so that in the morning he feels cheerful and cheerful, this can only be welcomed. Gradually, these actions will become an evening ritual that promotes proper rest.

Video: relaxing music for insomnia

Many people are looking for recipes for folk remedies in an attempt to combat insomnia. We also present some, but we warn you that not everything is as harmless as unknown authors write. Any tinctures prepared with alcohol contain some amount of alcohol (albeit a small one). Is this always useful? In addition, some plants, acting on the central nervous system, exhibit far from harmless properties. If they are used for a long time or the dose is exceeded, they can prepare a “surprise” for an adult, not to mention a child, so before you begin treatment with such drugs for insomnia, you need to thoroughly study their composition and properties, method of preparation, permissible dosage and possible side effects.

However, we keep our promise:

motherwort and valerian are the most commonplace remedies for nervous insomnia, but you should not abuse them

  • Take 50 grams of dill seeds, pour into half a liter of church wine(“Cahors”), put on the stove, bring to a boil and cook slowly for 15 minutes. We remove, do not rush to cool, let it brew for another hour in a warm place. We filter, and so that the goodness does not disappear, we also squeeze it out. We take 50 grams before bed. It is unlikely that this recipe will be suitable for treating insomnia in a child, although it should be noted with regret that in our time some parents practice similar methods.
  • Add 3-5 drops of lavender oil to a piece of refined sugar. Slowly dissolve the resulting medicine before going to bed. Glucose itself, entering the blood, gives some hypnotic effect, however, the patient with diabetes mellitus such experiments should be avoided.
  • Drink a glass of warm milk with a spoon of natural honey at night. The medicine is suitable even for children if there is no allergic reaction to honey.

At night, relaxing aromatic baths for the whole body or just hot ones for the feet, evening exercise fresh air without subsequent coffee, tea and a hearty dinner.

And remember: The use of any remedies for insomnia in pediatrics is always questionable, and those containing alcohol are prohibited! Unfortunately, more and more often on TV we see the opposite picture: in order for a child to sleep better, they even give him alcoholic drinks. How much does a child need? Even tiny (in the eyes of an adult) doses lead to poisoning, coma, and abstinence. Application resuscitation measures And intensive care, unfortunately, is not always omnipotent.

Insomnia pills are the last resort

Application medications for the treatment of insomnia is also primarily aimed at eliminating its causes. They treat pain and other symptoms caused by various pathologies, try to bring the nervous system into a normal state if there are disorders, and sometimes resort to a convenient and easy way to combat sleep disorders - prescription sleeping pills called hypnotics. Meanwhile, doctors try not to throw away such prescriptions and Only in the case of chronic, long-term insomnia do they offer the patient such treatment, but they always warn:

  1. Sleeping pills are not compatible with alcohol and many drugs from other pharmaceutical groups;
  2. They enhance the effect of many neuroleptics and antidepressants, which themselves, by the way, often give a sedative effect;
  3. Sleep tablets are strictly contraindicated in pregnant women and children;
  4. Sleeping pills slow down reactions and weaken attention, so they cannot be used by people whose professions require quick reactions (drivers);
  5. Anti-insomnia pills are addictive and require increasing doses, so using them continuously for more than 3 weeks is not recommended.

If a person can’t live without pills, then first you can try to restore normal sleep with drugs, which are often classified as dietary supplements that regulate many processes in the body, including night rest:

The following drugs are also available in pharmacies without a prescription: melaxen, meloton, yucalin, circadin. This is melatonin, a regulator of circadian rhythms, blood pressure and the functioning of the endocrine system.

Melatonin is produced at night by the body itself to remind a person when it is night and when it is time to get up. A medicine based on melatonin, purchased at a pharmacy, performs the work that for some reason the body has forgotten how to do, but it is not a sleeping pill, although it can take on the function of a hypnotic if a person confuses day with night, which often happens during a shift. time zones.

Video: melatonin – a remedy for insomnia due to rhythm disturbances, program “About the Most Important Thing”

And finally, real sleeping pills or drugs that have the following effect:

Considering the circumstances that these medications are issued only with a prescription and not without one, we will not classify them into groups, indicate their properties, dosages and any advantages, those who have tried them know for themselves. The main thing is for the reader to remember: These tablets are taken only as prescribed by a doctor and are not always suitable for constant use by everyone. Having them in your home medicine cabinet, you need to control their movement, prevent their use by others, and store them in a place where curious small children cannot reach under any circumstances.

Video: insomnia - expert opinion

Video: insomnia in the program “Live Healthy!”

Insomnia is a problem of the modern generation. Constant stress nervous tension, lack of comfortable conditions for sleeping - all this does not contribute to healthy rest.

What should you do if you can’t get a good night’s sleep for several nights? How to get rid of insomnia in adults?

Common causes of this phenomenon

Below are the key reasons why poor sleep occurs. Among them, medical factors should be particularly highlighted.

Medical reasons

  1. Chronic insomnia. This condition is diagnosed in 15 percent of the adult population. Insomnia in chronic stage leads to poor performance immune system, decreased concentration and mental disorders.
  2. Constant snoring. This phenomenon does not disrupt a person’s normal rest, but it can provoke sleep apnea, that is, stopping respiratory process. This complication not only adversely affects the quality of night sleep, but also leads to pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, including the development of stroke.
  3. Syndrome restless legs . This is a neurological pathology in which the patient experiences discomfort in the lower extremities at rest. Discomfort goes away only after physical activity, which creates problems with sleep.
  4. Circadian disorders. Failure to adhere to a constant regime of night rest and periods of wakefulness. Such conditions occur in patients who are forced to work night shifts. Jet lag is another reason for poor sleep.
  5. Narcoleptic seizures. With this condition, the patient is able to suddenly fall asleep regardless of the time of day. Sudden weakness and hallucinogenic phenomena are the main symptoms of narcolepsy.
  6. Bruxism. In this condition, involuntary clenching of the upper and lower jaw occurs. As a result, a person constantly grinds his teeth in his sleep, which adversely affects his well-being during the daytime. The patient experiences painful sensations in muscles and joints, constant drowsiness.

Basic ways to fall asleep

Below are tips that will allow you to normalize night sleep:

  1. Before going to bed, thoroughly ventilate the room: stuffiness has a bad effect on all organs and interferes with sleep.
  2. Provide sufficient noise insulation in the room: if noise comes from the street, take care of reliable plastic windows.
  3. If you have medical problems, undergo appropriate treatment: when the diseases are cured, your sleep should return to normal.
  4. Adjust your daily routine, get used to getting up in the morning and going to sleep at the same time. It is recommended that after 10 pm you are already in bed: in this case, a working person will be able to ensure a healthy eight hours of sleep.
  5. Change bed linen regularly: go to bed on fresh and beautiful set much nicer!
  6. Buy a comfortable pillow and an orthopedic mattress: you shouldn’t skimp on quality bedding!

Effects of caffeine and alcoholic beverages

Caffeine has a detrimental effect on healthy sleep because it has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. The same can be said about alcoholic drinks (they also have an adverse effect on the heart and blood vessels).

Want to be energized throughout the day? Drink a cup of good coffee in the morning; in the evening it is better to get by with plain water or weak herbal tea, which has a calming effect.

Large amounts of alcohol at night will also negatively affect your well-being. IN as a last resort You are allowed to drink a glass of good wine.

Daily routine

The daily routine has important to normalize night sleep. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time: in a month you will see that, due to habit, it will be easy for you to do this even without an alarm clock.

Many people do not recommend sleeping during the day (unless you get the required eight hours of sleep at night), otherwise you will have difficulty falling asleep at night. At night, you should not engage in active sports or watch action-packed films: try to spend an hour before bed in a calm environment.

A heavy dinner is a death sentence for your proper sleep. Throughout the night, your stomach will try to digest food, resulting in interrupted and unhealthy sleep. Try to replace heavy fatty foods at night with a protein omelet or a vegetable dish.

Physical activity

During the day, do not only engage in mental work, but also devote time to physical activity. Regular cardio training normalizes night sleep, makes it healthier and gives you energy in the morning.

You can do this before bed, but in this case it is recommended to give preference calm views activities, for example, yoga or stretching, which perfectly relax the body and at the same time have a beneficial effect on the development of plasticity and the musculoskeletal system.

Proper nutrition

Normalize not only your daily routine, but also your diet. Avoid fatty foods and large number wrong carbohydrates.

Proteins, slow carbohydrates (vegetables and fiber), and healthy fats in the form vegetable oils should form the basis of your diet. Thanks to this, you will normalize not only your sleep, but also your weight.

Folk remedies for insomnia

Here are some useful recipes:

  1. If possible, instead of synthetics, the pillow can be filled with soothing herbs (for example, oregano).
  2. Before going to bed, it is useful to drink a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of honey.
  3. Chamomile tea is the best and safe remedy for healthy sleep.

Medicines to normalize sleep

If necessary, the doctor will prescribe you medications for plant based, which have a gentle effect on the nervous system and have no side effects.

For severe sleep disorders, more than strong drugs, they must be taken strictly under the supervision of a specialist due to possible side effects.


Thus, the comfort of your sleep at night depends on many factors: a well-organized daily routine, good nutrition, feasible physical activity, convenient bed linen and the furnishings in the room.

If, after you have eliminated all irritating factors and properly organized your regimen, the problem does not disappear, contact a neurologist or psychotherapist to find out the real reason insomnia and elimination of this disease.

Sleep should be in complete darkness. Even the dim light of a night lamp or electronic watch in the room can interfere with proper rest by disrupting the production of melatonin and serotonin.

Why do I sleep poorly or what should I do when I can’t sleep at night?

Close the bedroom door, curtain the windows with blackout curtains, and wear a sleep mask to protect your eyes from any light. You can make a sleep mask yourself or buy it in a store.

The bedroom should be cool. The best temperature for a good restful sleep is no more than 20-21 degrees Celsius. Ventilate the bedroom, sleep with the window slightly open. During the hot season, you can turn on the air conditioning.

Turn off before going to bed household appliances from the network - the resulting electromagnetic fields can also negatively affect the quality of sleep in people sensitive to their effects.

Do not work and, if possible, do not watch TV in the bedroom - this will prevent you from relaxing and tuning in. good sleep. Ideally, the bedroom should only be a relaxation area.

Finish all work and watching TV at least two hours and an hour before bedtime, respectively. Television programs and working at the computer overly activate the brain - which prevents you from quickly relaxing and falling asleep.

If you are one of those who fall asleep to a rhythmically droning TV, then it is better to listen to a disc with soothing meditative music before bed. The relaxing effect of music will ensure not only falling asleep quickly, but also long-term healthy sleep.

A light, pleasant reading - a magazine, a simple detective story or a love story - helps very well to get into the mood for sleep. Do not read only books that require active comprehension - do not overload your brain with work.
Go to bed no later than 11 pm - otherwise you risk waking up with dark circles around your eyes and in a “broken” state. Try to stick to this regime constantly.

Helps promote healthy and restful sleep light massage, deep meditative breathing and aromatherapy - inhalation of essential oils.

What else can you do when you can't sleep at night?

Don't drink liquids at least two hours before bed. It's better to eat before bed protein food, but not fatty or fried. You can also eat some fruit. This diet promotes the production of melanin and serotonin during sleep. Sweets and starchy foods are bad resting companions; they cause restless, intermittent sleep.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol. Although the latter can cause drowsiness, the effect will be short-lived, and you will often wake up or, with a more serious dose, you will wake up in a “broken” state and with a headache.

Take a warm bath before bed. It will relax your body and help you fall asleep faster and sleep more peacefully.
If your feet are cold, wear socks to bed. Alternatively, you can use a heating pad overnight.
Exercising at least 30 minutes a day will help improve your sleep. Just don't do gymnastics right before bed.

Why do I have trouble sleeping at night?

The reasons may be different - constant stress in the family or at work, overeating in the evening, going to bed late, an overly busy lifestyle, drinking small but constant doses of alcohol. But sometimes poor sleep is caused by poor health conditions. If the above tips do not help you cope with insomnia, contact a specialist and undergo an examination - it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of lack of sleep. But you shouldn’t get carried away with self-medication and prescribing medications for insomnia - you can not only harm yourself, but also miss time for treatment of possibly not yet serious sleep and health disorders.

Sleep problems are a fairly common problem, occurring in literally every fifth or sixth person on earth. This disease occurs at any age, but adults are especially dependent on good sleep, so that its absence can undermine their daily life. In this article you will learn the reasons for poor sleep in an adult, what treatment to carry out, how to take medications and much more.

There are several types of sleep disorders. Below you can see the most common ones, found in most patients:

  • Insomnia. Disturbance in the process of sleep and falling asleep. Insomnia can be caused by psychosomatic reasons, or maybe by external causes: frequent, medications or narcotic drugs. Quite often caused by mental disorders and breathing problems during sleep;
  • Hypersomnia. Excessive sleepiness. The reasons for its occurrence can be very different: psychophysiological state, frequent use of medications and alcohol, mental illness, breathing disorders during sleep, narcolepsy, various pathological conditions of the individual body;
  • Disturbance in sleep-wake patterns. They are divided into permanent and temporary. The former occur chronically and constantly, while the latter may be associated with irregular work schedules or due to sudden changes in time zones;
  • Parasomnia. Improper functioning of systems and organs that are associated with waking up and falling asleep. It includes somnambulism, various night fears and phobias, incontinence, and other mental disorders.


In most cases, a person wakes up frequently or sleeps very poorly at night due to chronic or physiological reasons. The following are medical conditions associated with sleep:

  • Insomnia. Almost 15% of the world's population suffers from this disease. Insomnia has a detrimental effect on everyday life a person of any age, including, due to which his performance decreases, his concentration decreases, and sometimes mental illnesses and disorders may even develop;
  • Restless legs syndrome. Manifests this pathology is that a person constantly experiences excitement in the lower part of the body, which prevents normal sleep. Convulsions, shudders, jerking and strange feeling flight are manifestations of this syndrome. It disturbs sleep only if a lot of physical activity was performed before falling asleep;
  • Narcoleptic seizures. During this state, a person can simply fall asleep in the middle of the street at any time of the day. Severe weakness and hallucinations are symptoms of this disease;
  • Bruxism. Involuntary compression of the upper and lower jaws. Because of this, a person grinds his teeth in his sleep and causes discomfort to himself. The next morning you usually feel pain in your joints and muscles, especially your jaw.
  • Somnambulism. Most people know this condition as sleepwalking. It manifests itself in uncontrolled walking in a dream and performing various actions, for which the person also does not give an account. In this state, a person usually drools, groans, and moans can occur during sleep, or tries to carry on conversations with himself. It is quite difficult to get out of this state, so it is better to let the person do what he wants and let him go back to bed.

Main symptoms

Sleep disorders have many symptoms, but whatever they are, they can radically change a person's life in a short time. Changes emotional state, a person becomes nervous and angry, labor productivity decreases, which can cause problems at work. And often a person does not even suspect that all his problems are connected precisely with poor sleep.


Insomnia is considered situational if it lasts no more than 2-3 weeks. Otherwise, it becomes chronic. People suffering from this form of insomnia fall asleep late, wake up frequently, and become awake quite early. They feel tired throughout the day, which can lead to chronic fatigue.

In addition, the person stresses himself out, worrying that he will spend the next night without sleep. This further weakens the nervous system.

As a rule, insomnia is a consequence of a strong emotional shock in a person’s life, for example. But after overcoming this event, sleep returns to its normal state. However, there are neglected cases when insomnia is caused by other reasons, and constant fear poor sleep only aggravates the situation and cannot be done without the help of a specialist.


Alcohol greatly shortens the REM sleep phase, which is why the phases are confused, interfered with and cannot complement each other normally. A person often wakes up in a dream. This stops after you stop drinking alcohol for two weeks.


Apnea – cessation at short term air flow in respiratory tract. During such a pause, snoring or twitching in sleep begins. In severe situations complicated by external factors, apnea can even cause a stroke or heart attack, and sometimes death.

Delayed sleep syndrome

When a person cannot fall asleep certain time, he develops slow sleep syndrome. Sleep patterns are disrupted, the body does not get the necessary time to restore energy, performance decreases, and the person’s condition worsens. Usually sleep comes to him either late at night or in the morning. There is no deep sleep at all. Often manifests itself in weekdays, on weekends or on vacation, this sleep problem disappears.

Premature sleep syndrome

The reverse syndrome of the above is premature sleep syndrome, but it is practically harmless to humans. It only manifests itself in the fact that a person falls asleep too quickly and wakes up too early, which is why he spends the next night the same way. There is no harm in this, and it is typical this state elderly people, but also occurs among adults.

Nightmares, night phobias and fears

Nightmares that occur during sleep usually bother you in the first hours. A person is awakened by his own scream or an obsessive feeling that someone is watching him. Breathing is rapid, pupils are dilated, and sometimes trachycardia may occur. A couple of minutes is enough for a person to calm down, and in the morning he doesn’t even remember what he dreamed about at night.. However, night phobias and fears - serious illness, and he requires appropriate treatment. Such things do not go away on their own.


Sleep norm is about seven to eight hours. If a person sleeps more or less than this time, then it’s time to think about his own well-being. As soon as you start to notice that your sleep is restless and you start to get tired often, It is not recommended to immediately run to a nearby pharmacy for a pack of sleeping pills. For better treatment You need to see a doctor immediately, as soon as possible, to first find out what exactly happened to you and how to treat it. In most cases, you may have ordinary fatigue or age-related changes in the body, however, if a neurologist diagnoses a sleep disorder, then you need to follow his recommendations.

Benzodiazepine drugs and medications are used to treat sleep: midazolam And triazolam. However, they themselves often cause drowsiness during the day. In such cases, doctors prescribe medium-acting tablets: zolpidem And Imovan. In addition, such drugs do not cause addiction.

Sometimes sleep disturbance can be caused by a lack of one or another vitamin. Therefore, in some cases, vitamin-containing medications may be prescribed.

Taking sleeping pills should only be taken on the recommendation of a doctor., since abuse of this drug can also have negative impact for a person's sleep. In a sense, the state when you have taken too many sleeping pills is similar to alcohol intoxication. And the symptoms that alcohol causes are described above.

Sleep is one of the primary needs of our body. During sleep, the body rests and the brain relaxes. Lack of sleep has a negative impact on your well-being and overall appearance. However, not everyone is lucky, and some probably ask the question: “I don’t sleep well at night, what should I do?” Our article will help you cope with insomnia, in which we will analyze its causes and give some useful recommendations.

Causes of sleep disturbances

Experts believe that it is enough for our body to spend 6 hours a day sleeping. This is the time that is enough for the brain to rest. And if you feel sleepy during the day, it is not at all necessary that you want to sleep. It could be simple fatigue.

Also, do not underestimate the internal biorhythms of each person. The fact is that it’s not for nothing that many people want to sleep already at 22.00, and one hour spent sleeping before midnight is equal to two after. Of course, each body is individual, so it is best to go to bed when you really want it. There are many reasons for poor sleep various factors, such as:

  • uncomfortable bed;
  • ambient noise;
  • discomfort in the body (for example, heaviness in the stomach, etc.);
  • stress, depression.

Also, you shouldn’t be overzealous with active ones: you don’t need to watch heavy movies at night and sit at the computer less than two hours before bedtime. Men are positively affected by sex before bed - they usually fall asleep quickly after that, but women do the opposite.

Next, we note that a hearty dinner before bed with coffee or strong tea will also not have the best effect on your falling asleep. You can learn more about the causes of insomnia from our article, and we will move on to recommendations for improving sleep.

What will help you fall asleep

  • In the warm season, it is best to sleep on linen or silk sheets, and in the cold season, give your preference to wool sheets.
  • Choose sleepwear from natural fabrics such as cotton, avoid synthetics or sleep naked.
  • Try warming your feet and face before going to bed - this will help you sleep.
  • Walking for 30 minutes before bed will also help you fall asleep.
  • Breathing exercises before bed, performed for 5-7 minutes, will help you relax. Just inhale deeply and exhale slowly, and try to focus on your breathing.
  • Try taking a herbal bath several times a day (about 30 minutes), adding a decoction of rosemary, linden or a mixture of “calendula - string - chamomile - mint - oregano” to the water.
  • Do yoga, it's also relaxing.

It is also very useful to sleep on a hard pillow, for example, on a bolster. By placing your neck on such a pillow, you will correct the position of the cervical vertebrae. Headaches, diseases of the eyes, ears, nose and others will also gradually disappear. On a soft pillow, on the contrary, the functions of the vertebrae are limited, and after such sleep you may have back pain and more.

Do not use sleeping pills frequently, most of them are addictive, and real help from tablets - in best case scenario only for a few days. Best try herbal teas that help you fall asleep. Let's look at a few tea options.

  • Regular tea + chamomile. A decoction of 20 grams of mint, 25 grams of valerian root, 5 grams of oregano stem, 5 grams of sweet clover stem, 5 grams of hawthorn flowers. You need to pour 500 ml of boiling water over the herbs, let it brew, and then take half a cup before meals.
  • If you have problems with the nervous system, then the following decoction will help: tansy, calendula, oregano (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water). You need to take this decoction 3 times a day. At serious violations nervous system should drink this decoction for 3 months.
  • Strong effect To help you fall asleep, give a decoction of lemon balm, and it can be combined with mint, oregano and other herbs.

Our article will help you solve your sleep problems. Also many useful information you can learn about sleep and dreams from our section. In addition, you may be interested in learning about folk observations regarding improving sleep.

"Harmful" and "useful" places to sleep

There are so-called “harmful” places to sleep. They can be determined by a geobiological grid from north to south: the lines of force in such a grid run at intervals of 2 meters, and from east to west - a little more than 2.5 m. It is believed that sleeping at the intersection of such lines is quite harmful to the body . You can determine whether such a zone exists in your home using a homemade pendulum (a pebble on a chain).

In the area where the lines intersect, the pendulum will rotate clockwise, and on the lines - counterclockwise. And it is best to place the bed in this exact place, with the head of the bed facing north. If your bed is in an unfavorable area, simply place amber, a mirror, marble, garlic or chestnut under it.

Very often people have trouble sleeping and don’t know how to fall asleep very quickly. If you often have the thought in your head - I don’t sleep well, what should I do?, find out ways to help restore sleep right now from this article! We will tell you how to fall asleep quickly and always feel rested and full of energy!

What to do when you sleep poorly: causes of insomnia

First of all, you need to find out the causes of your problem. Main problem– noise and light that disturbs you. Even if you are used to falling asleep with the TV blaring, try to break this habit. Also, you should not decide important issues before going to bed, quarrel or think about unpleasant things.

Better leave it all until the morning and... Even if you are very hungry, it is better to postpone the meal until breakfast, your stomach also wants to rest. Alcohol and nicotine also interfere with your rest, so it is best not to consume these substances later than 2 hours before bed. I don’t sleep well at night, I wake up often, what should I do? - if this is about you, then read the tips and remember!

  1. Possibly if you drive sedentary image life will help you a short walk before you fall asleep.
  2. How to fall asleep quickly with help water procedures? Take a warm bubble bath, can be added to water and essential oil.
  3. What to do to fall asleep quickly is this read a good book. Just don’t take literature related to your work, let it be something easy.
  4. It is very important to wear light clothing made from natural fabrics. Put away your pajamas made of synthetic material far into the box.
  5. T you should also have comfortable bed with orthopedic mattress.
  6. If you want to know how to quickly fall asleep in 5 minutes, then you can’t do without pills. If you don't want to take special medications, try pills from allergies.
  7. Another way to fall asleep quickly is yoga classes. Search the Internet for the simplest exercises, they will help you relax.

There are no ways to fall asleep quickly if you don't want to sleep. To do this, you should establish a sleep schedule by following our tips. Go to bed on time and don't stay up late watching a movie. But to the question of how to fall asleep faster at night, the answer is simple - try not to go to bed during the day.

It is better to go to bed early in the evening than to take a nap during the working day. By the way, poor sleep can also cause a deterioration in appearance: dull skin, acne, bags under the eyes. We hope our tips on how to fall asleep quickly will help you sleep soundly. Good night Our useful portal wishes you all :)

Sleep disturbance or disorder is a subjective sensation that can occur in a person at any age. There are violations that are most characteristic of a certain age group. Somnambulism, night terrors and urinary incontinence are most often childhood disorders. In adults, insomnia or daytime sleepiness is more common. There are also disorders that appear in childhood, accompany a person throughout his life.

Classification of sleep disorders

There are quite a lot of sleep disorders and pathologies, their classification continues to expand and improve. The latest systematization of disorders, which was proposed by the World Committee of the Association of Centers for the Study of Sleep Disorders, is based on clinical symptoms and divides such states according to the following criteria:

  • presomnia disorders – prolonged falling asleep;
  • intrasomnic disorders – disturbance of sleep depth and duration;
  • post-somnia disorder – disturbance in the time and speed of awakening.

The patient may be susceptible to one type of disorder or a combination of them. Depending on the duration, sleep disorders can be short-term or chronic.


When contacting a doctor with a complaint about feeling unwell, the patient may not associate his condition with sleep disturbance. Experts identify several main causes of this pathology and advise paying attention to them.

Stress. Insomnia can occur under the influence of certain psychological factors, for example, troubles at work or family discord. The situation is aggravated by the fact that patients, due to chronic fatigue, become irritable, worry about sleep disturbances and anxiously await the night. As a rule, after the cessation of stress, sleep returns to normal. But in some cases, difficulties falling asleep and waking up at night remain, which requires contacting a specialist.

Alcohol. Constant and long-term abuse of alcoholic beverages often leads to disruption of the normal organization of sleep. Phase REM sleep becomes short and the person often wakes up at night. The same result can be achieved by taking drugs, drinking too much strong coffee and some dietary supplements. If you stop taking psychoactive substances, then within 2-3 weeks sleep is restored.

Medicines. A sleep disorder may be side effect medications that stimulate the nervous system. Sedatives and sleeping pills with long-term use also lead to frequent short-term awakenings and the disappearance of the border between different phases sleep. Increasing the dose of sleeping pills in this case gives a short-term effect.

Apnea (snoring). Apnea syndrome during sleep is caused by a brief cessation of air entering the upper respiratory tract. This pause in breathing is accompanied by motor restlessness or snoring, which leads to awakening at night.

Mental illnesses. Disturbance in sleep patterns may occur against the background mental disorders, especially accompanied depressive states. With narcolepsy, sudden falling asleep during the daytime may occur. This pathology may be accompanied by attacks of cataplexy, which are characterized by a sharp loss of muscle tone. More often this happens with a strong emotional reaction: laughter, fear, strong surprise.

Change of rhythm. Work in night shift, rapid change of time zone disrupts sleep and wakefulness. Such disorders are adaptive and disappear within 2-3 days.


Experts consider the main signs of a sleep disorder to be:

  • difficulty falling asleep at normal times, which is accompanied by obsessive thoughts, worries, anxiety or fear;
  • feeling of lack of sleep (the patient constantly feels tired and sleep-deprived);
  • alarming light sleep, which is accompanied by frequent awakenings;
  • drowsiness during the day;
  • when falling asleep normally, waking up several hours earlier than usual (such symptoms very often occur in older people and in adult patients with depression);
  • fatigue and lack of feeling of recuperation after a night's sleep;
  • anxiety before bedtime.


Most effective method diagnostics of sleep disorders - polysomnography. This examination is done in a special laboratory, where the patient spends the night. During sleep, connected sensors record bioelectrical activity brain, respiratory rhythm, cardiac activity, blood oxygen saturation and other parameters.

Another research method that is used to determine average sleep latency and which helps to identify the causes nap liveliness, also carried out in the laboratory. The study includes five attempts to fall asleep, after which the specialist makes a conclusion about the average latency indicator. This method is important in diagnosing narcolepsy.


Treatment for sleep disorders is prescribed by a neurologist. The specialist examines the causes of the disease and makes appropriate recommendations. Usually, before taking medications, the doctor advises the patient to normalize their sleep patterns.

As drug treatment Benzodiazepine drugs are recommended. Medicines with short time actions are suitable for correcting the period of falling asleep. Preparations with long-term action help with frequent awakenings at night and in the morning.

Another group of drugs that are used to treat insomnia are antidepressants. They are not addictive and can be used by patients in the older age group.

For chronic daytime sleepiness, central nervous system stimulants are prescribed. In severe cases of sleep disturbance, the doctor may resort to the use of antipsychotic drugs with a sedative effect.

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