Urolesan: a new look at the instructions for use. "Urolesan": reviews

Renal and urinary pathologies cause patients a lot of discomfort. In addition to pain and swelling, patients are bothered by urinary disorders, so the process of emptying the bladder becomes quite painful. In nephrology, many drugs of not only synthetic but also natural composition are used to treat renal pathologies. Drugs of natural origin are characterized by the absence of adverse reactions, therefore they are a priority in the treatment of renal pathologies. One of these natural remedies is Urolesan.


The drug Urolesan belongs to the category of combined herbal medicines with antispasmodic action; it eliminates urinary infections and promotes the removal of stones from the kidney and urinary structures. Urolesan is prescribed for a variety of renal pathologies or infectious processes in the urinary tract, cholecystitis, as well as for active stone formation in the gall bladder or bladder structures.


The drug has an exclusively natural composition, which includes:

  • Oregano extract;
  • Castor oil;
  • Hops extract;
  • Fir oil;
  • Wild carrot extract;
  • Peppermint essential oil.

Depending on the form of release of the drug, the composition contains auxiliary components. In capsules: aluminum metasilicate and magnesium carbonate, Trilon B, monohydrate, starch, talc and lactose. In the drops, the auxiliary component is Trilon B, and in the syrup - sugar syrup, citric acid and water, polysorbate and monohydrate.

Release form

As mentioned above, Urolesan is produced:

  • In the form of green gelatin capsules, inside there is a yellow powder with a pine smell. The package contains 40 capsules. The average price is 314-420 rubles;
  • In the form of syrup, which has a light yellowish-greenish tint and a specific taste. The syrup is placed in jars with a capacity of 90 or 180 ml. The syrup costs about 280-320 rubles;
  • In the form of drops with a brownish-green tint in 25-milligram bottles. The average price is 280-370 rubles.

Video review of the drug Urolesan:

Operating principle

The drug is absorbed quite quickly and begins to work within half an hour, and the maximum effect appears after one and a half to two hours and lasts for 3.5-4 hours. Urolesan is excreted naturally. The drug contains essential oils, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process. In addition, they enhance renal blood circulation, provide a bactericidal and diuretic effect, and lead to the formation of a protective colloidal substance in urine.

Also, the components of Urolesan gently relieve muscle spasms, they quickly penetrate the bloodstream and dissolve in the tissues. Due to increased renal blood circulation, urination is activated. The drug helps to quickly relieve inflammatory processes and remove the smallest stones and sand from the bladder and kidney structures, as well as the ureters. Urolesan gently relieves pain, which significantly improves the well-being of patients during the passage of stones. Under the influence of the components of the drug, the pH of urine changes towards oxidation, diuresis increases noticeably.


Urolesan is prescribed for the following conditions:

  • Gallstone pathology;
  • Urolithiasis, if the stones are less than 3 mm in size;
  • Kidney stones;
  • Salt diathesis;
  • Inflammation of the bladder;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Gallbladder dyskinesia;
  • Pyelonephritis of various forms;
  • Hepatic pathologies of an unspecified nature;
  • Inflammatory lesions of the bile ducts and liver tissues;
  • Prevents stone formation after stone removal.

Instructions for use

Only a specialist can determine how to take Urolesan. The instructions only provide general recommendations.

  • Urolesan capsules should be taken three times a day, one piece at a time. The drug in this form is indicated for use by patients over 14 years of age and adults. The course of therapy is 5-30 days.
  • Drops of the drug are taken as follows: 10 drops are dripped onto a piece of sugar and taken before meals three times a day.
  • Adults take Urolesan syrup one teaspoon three times a day for 5-30 days. Children under 2 years of age are prescribed 3-6 ml of the drug per day, 2-7 years old - 6-12 ml per day, and 7-14 years old - 12-15 ml.

Side effects

Among the likely side effects that may occur in case of dosage violations or special sensitivity to the components of Urolesan, the manufacturer indicates the following reactions:

  1. Dyspeptic manifestations;
  2. Slight dizziness;
  3. Allergic manifestations such as itching and urticaria, rash, etc.;
  4. Heartburn, nausea and vomiting reactions.

If overdose symptoms occur, the patient is recommended to rest completely, take activated charcoal and drink plenty of preferably warm liquids. If there is no improvement in well-being, then the help of a doctor is required, who in such cases prescribe atropine sulfate.


Although the drug is of natural origin, it also has certain contraindications:

  • Gastric ulcer or lesion of the duodenum;
  • Gastritis (except for secretory insufficiency);
  • The presence of special sensitivity or intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • Urolesan in syrup form is contraindicated for diabetics due to the presence of sugar in its composition.

The doctor must refer the patient for a comprehensive examination to determine the size and chemical origin of the stones, and only then, in the absence of contraindications, can Urolesan be prescribed.

Special instructions

The instructions do not contain data on the use of the drug by pregnant patients. In fact, lactation or pregnancy are not a contraindication for taking the drug; moreover, there are cases of successful treatment of lactating and pregnant patients with Urolesan.

Particular caution should be taken when prescribing the drug after traumatic or pathological brain injuries and alcohol addiction. More than half of Urolesan drops consist of ethanol, so per day, when taken three times a day, 1.8 ml of alcohol enters the body, which cannot prevent driving, decreased reaction or attention.


Drugs with similar effects to Urolesan include:

  • Urochol;
  • Enuran;
  • Halidor;
  • Urocholum;
  • Arfazetine;
  • etc.

The drug Urolesan has no analogues for the active ingredients.

One of the most common diseases is cystitis: its treatment is a pressing issue for many men and women. Women often suffer from this disease due to the desire to follow fashion trends, regardless of the weather, and to always be sexy. Short skirts and jackets, thin tights - all this leads to inflammation of the genitourinary system.

Cystitis is an inflammatory disease affecting the mucous membranes of the bladder, and is accompanied by disruption of its functions and changes in urine sediment. The disease is accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms. This is not just discomfort, it is pain and pain when passing urine, frequent urges and passing urine in small portions. Treatment of the disease is not very complicated; it is important to quickly and correctly choose a medicine for cystitis.

Urolesan instructions for use (capsules)

Medicine for bladder inflammation

How to treat? Antibacterial drugs, antispasmodics and diuretics are usually prescribed. Modern medicine welcomes herbal medicines. These are herbal products that have an effect comparable to the effect of using the achievements of the chemical industry. These are effective antibiotics, antiseptics, anti-inflammatory drugs and agents that can relieve spasm of the smooth muscles of the bladder.

For a disease such as cystitis, treatment can begin with such a complex herbal remedy as Urolesan. In severe cases, they cannot be used, but they are quite a powerful natural remedy. And in combination with plenty of fluids and bed rest, it gives good results.

A remedy such as Urolesan - the instructions for use describe how a drug has not only powerful antibacterial properties, but also a moderate diuretic, antispasmodic and choleretic effect; it changes the pH of urine to the acidic side. In addition, it has litholytic properties, that is, it is able to destroy stones.

General description Urolesan

Very often you can come across the question, what is Urolesan - instructions for use of tablets and where can they be found? It must be said that this product is not available in tablet form. In pharmacies you can purchase the drug in two forms:

  1. Urolesan - drops;
  2. Urolesan - capsules.

This remedy is not new; it was synthesized back in the last century (1976). Somewhat later, its developers were even awarded a state award. Urolesan instructions for this drug position it as a remedy that has a complex effect on the condition of the kidneys, urinary tract, liver and gall bladder. Therefore, it is used to treat not only cystitis, but also liver pathology. In some cases of urolithiasis, treatment with Urolesan gives good results, especially in combination with traditional therapy.

Urolesan capsules instructions for use describe how a natural antibiotic and drug that relieves inflammation in the kidneys and urine drainage tract, improving blood circulation in organs.

Thanks to its components, which influence the chemical composition of urine, protective colloidal substances are formed in the kidneys. A significant property of the drug is its ability to remove small stones and sand from the renal pelvis and bladder. The second form of the product (drops) has the same properties.

Urolesan drops are recommended for use in case of problems with the hepatobiliary system. It has a very good effect on the liver, improves blood flow through the vessels of the gallbladder, normalizes the microflora of this hollow organ and its tone. Leads to normal ceruloplasmin levels.

Forms of application

For Urolesan the application can be:

  • official;
  • experimental.

The first includes the treatment of cholelithiasis (gallstones), bile duct dyskinesias, MCH (kidney or bladder stones), cholecystitis and cystitis, bacterial kidney damage. These are the main indications for use for Urolesan.

The second includes the use of the drug in cardiology, urological practice, with non-allergic etiology, and during pregnancy and lactation. In the latter case, there is no sufficient experimental data on the administration of drops. The same can be said about the capsule form of the product.

Features of taking the drug Urolesan

Urolesan drops instructions for use are prescribed to take 10 drops per os (through the mouth), dripping them onto a piece of sugar 3 times a day, before meals. The course may have a different duration, which is justified by the severity of the pathological process.

The minimum duration of therapy is 5 days, the maximum is a month. The single dose is increased to 15-20 drops for colic (renal, hepatic). Correction of the duration of therapy and dosage is carried out solely on the recommendation of a doctor.

How to take urolesan in capsule form? Before meals, 1 capsule three times a day. The course of treatment is 5-7 days in case of acute pathology and 30 days for chronic pathology. A repeated course with good results should be agreed with the attending physician.

About Urolesan tablets, the instructions for use warn that the product may have side effects (in this case we mean capsules), the same can be said about drops. Side effects include:

  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • asthenia;
  • hyper-, hypotension;
  • allergies to components (from skin itching and rashes to angioedema).

Urolesan tablets, or rather capsules, as well as drops, in case of overdose, cause the manifestations described above, only in a more pronounced form. In this case, you need to drink a lot of fluids and sorbents. Atropine may be necessary.

When should you not take the drug?

Do not take the product if one or more of its components cause an allergy. Even if the manifestations were not too severe, you should abandon therapy with this drug.

For Urolesan, contraindications include, in addition to the inflammatory process with low acidity, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, the presence of concrements larger than 3 mm in the kidneys, childhood (under 18 years), lactase deficiency or malabsorption (glucose-galactase intolerance).

Urolesan is strictly not recommended during pregnancy. Not because it affects the fetus, but due to the lack of information on this issue. In rare cases, it may be recommended as an experimental therapy. But in this case, it should be understood that the attending physician cannot guarantee its safety.

Cost of the drug and analogues

If you have a question about what Urolesan is: instructions for use, the price of the drug will also definitely interest you. In pharmacies you can buy Urolesan drops priced from 321 rubles, and the capsule version of Urolesan priced from 367 rubles. For Urolesan, the price for 2015-2016 is about 390 rubles. This is the average price for the drug Urolesan - the instructions for use of this drug include a small number of contraindications, so if this drug could not be purchased or its components were developed, the question arises: is it possible to replace the drug with something?

For a product such as Urolesan, it is difficult to find analogues in the full sense of the word, but there are other herbal preparations that have a similar effect, but have a different composition of components. To change the drug, you should definitely consult your doctor. Some of the most popular herbal remedies today are Fitolit, Cystenal, Nephroles, Nephrofit.

After reading the information about Urolesan: instructions for use, price - reviews of the drug cannot but interest the reader. Reviews for Urolesan are mostly positive. Since the drug is herbal, it can cause allergies, and a small percentage of negative reviews are associated precisely with the manifestation of side effects of this kind.

A disadvantage is the unpleasant taste or smell of the product for some patients. But most of those who have tried Urolesan describe it as an effective drug. It is also worth noting that, like any phytotherapeutic agent, this medicine does not give instant results, but lasting ones.

Information about the drug Urolesan, instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues for this drug will be useful not only to those who themselves suffer from cystitis or other pathologies affected by the drug, but also to those whose loved ones have suffered from similar ailments.

Video: Say goodbye to cystitis forever (Boris Uvaidov)

Attention! The information is provided for informational purposes only. This instruction should not be used as a guide to self-medication. The need for prescription, methods and doses of the drug are determined exclusively by the attending physician.

General characteristics

Compound: active ingredients: 1 capsule contains Urolesan® extract (Extract- dosage form obtained by extracting the active ingredient from medicinal raw materials using an extractant, according to the type of which extracts are divided into aqueous, alcoholic, ethereal, etc.) thick, in terms of moisture 10% - 10.70 mg (contains dry residue: wild carrots - 1.84 mg, hop cones - 6.33 mg, oregano herbs - 1.46 mg); peppermint oil – 7.46; fir oil – 25.50 mg;

Additional substances: magnesium aluminum metasilicate (neusilin UFL2); castor oil; magnesium carbonate heavy; talc; lactose, monohydrate; disodium edetate (trilon B); potato starch.

Basic physical and chemical properties: Hard gelatin capsules, green body and cap. The contents of the capsules are yellow-gray to gray-brown powder with a greenish tint interspersed with the smell of peppermint and fir oils.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Drugs used in urology. ATC code G04B X.

Pharmacological properties

Combined preparation of plant origin. The components of the drug Urolesan® reduce inflammation in the urinary tract and kidneys, promote increased blood supply to the kidneys and liver, have a diuretic, antibacterial, choleretic effect, form a protective colloid in the urine and normalize the tone of the smooth muscles of the upper urinary tract and gallbladder (Gallbladder- a hollow organ containing bile. Located on the lower surface of the liver. The bile duct, formed by the fusion of the ducts of the gallbladder and the liver, opens into the duodenum. Inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis).
Urolesan® increases excretion urea (Urea- colorless crystals, the end product of protein metabolism. Formed in the liver and excreted in the urine. In the medical industry it is synthesized and used as a diuretic) and chlorides, promotes the removal of small stones and sand from the bladder and kidneys

Method of use and dosage

The drug should be taken internally before meals.
. The drug is taken orally before meals.
Recommended doses for adults and children over 14 years of age: 1 capsule 3 times a day. For acute conditions (including renal and hepatic colic), course duration therapy (Therapy- 1. The field of medicine that studies internal diseases is one of the oldest and main medical specialties. 2. Part of a word or phrase used to indicate the type of treatment (oxygen therapy\; hemotherapy - treatment with blood products)) ranges from 5 to 7 days, with chronic (Chronic- a long, continuous, protracted process, occurring either constantly or with periodic improvements in the condition) conditions – from 7 days to 1 month. If renal and hepatic colic occur, the single dose can be increased once to 2 capsules, then at the next dose return to the usual single dose (1 capsule).

Side effects

Urolesan® is usually well tolerated. When using the drug the following are possible:
from the gastrointestinal tract: dyspepsia (nausea, vomiting);
allergic reactions: skin rashes, itching (Itching- a modified feeling of pain caused by irritation of the nerve endings of pain receptors), hives (Hives- a disease characterized by the formation of limited or widespread itchy blisters on the skin and mucous membranes);
from the central and peripheral nervous system (Peripheral nervous system- part of the nervous system, represented by nerve fibers and nerve ganglia lying outside the central nervous system): dizziness.

Indications for use

Acute and chronic infections of the urinary tract and kidneys (cystitis and pyelonephritis); urolithiasis (Urolithiasis– formation of kidney stones) and uric acid diathesis (prevention of the formation of stones after their removal); chronic cholecystitis (including calculous), biliary dyskinesia, cholelithiasis.

Interaction with other drugs

Not studied.


In case of overdose, possible: nausea, dizziness.
Treatment: plenty of warm drinks, rest, activated carbon, atropine sulfate (0.0005-0.001g).

Features of use

Special precautions. Do not use the drug if the diameter of the stones exceeds 3 mm.
Use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. The use of the drug during pregnancy or lactation has not been studied.
The ability to influence the reaction rate when driving a vehicle or working with other mechanisms. Not studied.
Children. Children under 14 years of age should be prescribed Urolesan® in the form of syrup or liquid.

General Product Information

Storage conditions and period: 1 year

Terms of sale: Over the counter.

Package: 10 capsules per blister, 4 blisters per pack.

Manufacturer.Arterium Corporation.

Location. 01032, Ukraine, Kyiv, st. Saksagansky, 139.

Website. www.arterium.ua

Preparations with similar active ingredients

  • Urolesan solution - "Arterium"
  • Urolesan syrup - "Arterium"

This material is presented in free form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug.

Latin name: Urolesanum
ATX code: G04BX
Active ingredient: Castor
oil, fir and pepper oil
mint + hop cone extracts,
wild carrot seeds and grass
Manufacturer: PJSC Galichfarm, Ukraine
Conditions for dispensing from a pharmacy: Over the counter

Indications for use

Urolesan should be taken if:

  • Pyelonephritis (kidney inflammation)
  • Dyskinesia (complex of disorders) of the gallbladder and biliary tract
  • Various types of liver diseases
  • Stones and sand in the kidneys and bile ducts.

You can read about what else affects pain in the kidney area, in addition to the above examples, in the article:.

Urolesan drops

Drops are intended for oral administration. The color is either pure brown or brown with a greenish tint. There is a distinct mint aroma. Packaged in dropper bottles made of dark glass, volume – 25 ml.

"Urolesan" in drops is not used to treat patients who have organic or other brain damage and alcoholics, liver failure and hepatitis. This ban is caused by ethyl alcohol, which is part of this release form. For the same reason, it is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but can be taken for children.

100 ml drops contains active ingredients + auxiliary ingredients (trilon B)

Urolesan drops.
Price from 400 rubles to 450 rubles.

Directions for use and doses

Urolesan drops for children 7-14 years old are prescribed 5-6 drops three times. The adult dosage is 10 drops three times a day. The medication is taken on an empty stomach, 10-15 minutes before meals.

The treatment course with Urolesan starts from 5 days and lasts up to a month, the exact number of days will be determined by the doctor.

For renal or hepatic colic, it is recommended to take a double dose once a day, this helps relieve spasms and eliminate pain. Due to the fact that the drug has an unusual taste, doctors advise dripping the product onto a sugar cube, then leaving it under the tongue until completely dissolved (the sugar cube is replaced with a piece of bread if the patient is diabetic).

Syrup "Urolesan"

The syrup has a light green or yellowish color, the smell and taste are unusual: it smells like mint. Packaged in jars of 180 and 90 ml. The kit includes a syringe dispenser for quickly and accurately determining the amount of medication.

The composition of the syrup includes the main active ingredients along with citric acid, sugar syrup, monohydrate, polysorbate, and water.

Syrup "Urolesan".
Price from 420 rub. up to 470 rub.

Directions for use and doses

Urolesan syrup is taken on an empty stomach. The dosage calculated for one dose is 5 ml of the drug (for adults). Three such doses should occur per day.

Children under 2 years old take 1-2 ml of syrup, according to the same regimen, and from 2 to 7 years old, the dose is doubled. Children over 7 years old take the drug according to the adult dose. Time to take the medication: from one week to a month, check with your doctor for the exact number of doses.

Capsules (tablets) "Urolesan"

Capsules or, as people say, tablets consist of a body and a green cap, packaged in cardboard packages of 40 pieces. They are solid on top, but inside there is a powder, the color of which ranges from yellow-gray to gray-brown with a greenish tint interspersed. The smell is characteristic.

It is believed that capsules are the most convenient form of release: they do not require a sugar cube and do not contain alcohol. But they are prescribed only after consultation with a doctor and upon reaching 14 years of age.

One capsule contains: active ingredient 10 mg + excipients (magnesium carbonate, magnesium aluminum metasilicate, monohydrate, talc, Trilon B, lactose, potato starch).

Urolesan capsules.
Price from 390 rub. up to 440 rub.

Directions for use and doses

Urolesan tablets should be taken 3 times a day, one piece at a time. If the patient experiences an attack of hepatic or renal colic, the dose may be increased to 2 capsules. This form of release should be washed down with plenty of water in order for the substance to be better absorbed. The course of taking capsules varies from 5 to 30 days.


Like any drug, Urolesan has a number of contraindications:

  • Allergic reaction to components
  • Heartburn, diarrhea and nausea
  • Gastritis, ulcer and glomerulonephritis
  • Traumatic brain injuries, alcoholism.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

"Urolesan" in the form of drops is not prescribed during pregnancy. This is caused by the alcohol contained in the composition. The second reason is the lack of clinical trials.

Some pregnant women note that even if they took Urolesan, they chose the tablets due to the lack of a pungent odor.

Side effects

The composition of the drug can cause allergies, which manifests itself as redness on the skin and itching of the mucous membranes. Gastrointestinal upset has been noted, rarely, but dizziness and weakness are observed.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug is stored for 2 years from the release date indicated on the packaging. Storage temperature should be no more than 20 degrees Celsius. Opening bottles of drops or syrup does not affect the shelf life.

Do not forget that the drug should be stored in a dark and dry place, out of reach of children.

Drug interactions

"Urolesan" is considered the main remedy that helps in the fight against diseases of the urinary system and liver. Based on this, many clinical tests have been done to identify unacceptable cross-drug interactions. During the experiments, absolute interaction of all forms of release with other drugs was revealed. Moreover, Urolesan perfectly complements antispasmodics and antibacterial agents.


An overdose of any form of drug release represents an increase in the symptoms of side effects. Treatment of overdose consists of complete abstinence from taking the drug, rest and drinking plenty of fluids.


VZLR "Gerbapol", Poland
Price from 330 rub. up to 380 rub.

A drug of combined action, which contains only natural ingredients: herbs and essential oils that have a complex effect.


  • Excellent diuretic and antispasmodic effect
  • Can be taken during pregnancy


  • The effect on liver stones is somewhat weaker than Urolesan
  • Has an unpleasant taste and smell.

Bionorica AG, Germany
Price from 360 rub. up to 410 rub.

Plant-based drugs. The composition is crushed medicinal herbs. Indicated for infectious and inflammatory processes of the bladder and kidneys. It is a good preventative against kidney stones.


  • Relieves spasms
  • Improves kidney function to eliminate nitrates
  • Suitable for pregnant and lactating women


  • May cause allergies
  • More expensive than Urolesan
  • Bitter taste.

Himalaya, India
Price from 310 rub. up to 360 rub.

A medicine designed to quickly cure inflammation. The unusual nature of this drug lies in the plant origin of all the ingredients (and there are about 20 of them).


  • Can be used during pregnancy and lactation
  • Does not disturb intestinal microflora


  • Low effectiveness in the fight against acute cystitis
  • Allergies may occur.


LLC GKP Zhytomyr FF, Ukraine
Price from 140 rub. up to 190 rub.

Urocholum is produced in the form of plant-derived drops. Ingredients: extracts of herbs, their fruits and leaves.


  • Active
  • Inexpensive
  • Has potassium-sparing effect


  • Cannot be used for cholelithiasis
  • Unpleasant smell.

What is better, “Urocholum” or “Urolesan”?

Both the first and second drugs consist of wild carrot seeds, hop cones and mint.

The first one differs from "Urolesan" in corn silk, ortisiphon, horsetail, elderberry flowers, birch buds, knotweed and St. John's wort.

The taste is as unusual as that of Urolesan, but Urokholum is diluted in a small amount of water, and not with sugar, which is more convenient for diabetics.

The efficiency is the same.

P No. 015437/01

Trade name: Urolesan ®

International nonproprietary name:


Dosage form:

drops for oral administration

100 ml of the drug contains:
Active components:

  • Fir oil 6.76 g;
  • Peppermint oil 1.69 g;
  • Castor oil 9.295 g;
  • Wild carrot fruit liquid extract 19.435 g;
  • Liquid hop fruit extract 27.88 g;
  • Oregano herbal extract liquid 19.295 g;
  • Sodium edetate (Trilon B) 0.004 g;

The liquid is greenish-brown to brown in color, with a characteristic mint odor.

Pharmacotherapeutic group
Antispasmodic agent of plant origin.

ATX code G04BC.

Pharmacological properties.
It has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effects, enhances bile formation and excretion, increases diuresis, acidifies urine, increases the excretion of urea and chlorides.

Indications for use.
Urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, pyelonephritis, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia of the hyperkinetic type.

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, heartburn, nausea, diarrhea, age under 18 years.

With caution.
Liver diseases. alcoholism, traumatic brain injury, brain diseases.
Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
The use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is not recommended due to the lack of special studies.

Method of administration and dose.
Take 8-10 drops orally on a piece of sugar 3 times a day before meals.
The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and ranges from 5 to 30 days.
For renal and hepatic colic, the single dose can be increased to 15–20 drops.
Increasing the single dose, duration and repeating the course of treatment is possible only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Side effect.
Allergic reactions, nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, heartburn.

Possible increased side effects (dizziness, nausea). Treatment is symptomatic.

Interaction with other drugs.
There is no known interaction with other drugs.

Special instructions
Do not use if the diameter of kidney stones exceeds 3 mm.
The drug contains 60% ethyl alcohol. The maximum single dose of the drug contains 0.6 ml of ethyl alcohol. The maximum daily dose of the drug contains 1.8 ml of ethyl alcohol.

Impact on the ability to perform potentially hazardous activities that require special attention and quick reactions.
In recommended doses, the drug does not affect the ability to perform potentially hazardous activities that require special attention and quick reactions.

Release form
Drops for oral administration.
25 ml in orange glass dropper bottles of type FK-25-16 GS or type FKM-25-16-OS according to the AND-enterprise, sealed with blind stoppers PKP-G and plastic caps. A label is placed on the bottle. Each dropper bottle, along with a PKP dropper stopper and instructions for use, is placed in a pack. 25 ml in an orange glass dropper bottle type FKMk-25-16-OS or FV-25-18-01-OS according to the AND-enterprise, sealed with PKP stoppers and screw-on caps with first opening control. A self-adhesive label is placed on the bottle. Each dropper bottle along with instructions for use is placed in a pack.
Group and transport packaging in accordance with GOST 17768-90.

Best before date
2 years.
Do not use the drug after the expiration date.

Storage conditions
In a place protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 20°C.
Keep out of the reach of children!

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies
Over the counter.


An organization authorized to accept and satisfy consumer requirements:
Ukraine, 79024, Lviv, st. Opryshkovskaya, 6/8

By power of attorney of JSC "GALICHPHARM"
Medical Director: O.G. Avdoshenkova