Is it possible to combine ingavirin with an antibiotic? Negative effects of ingavirin

Ingavirin appeared on the shelves Russian pharmacies in 2009. Let us remember that in the winter of 2009 one of the largest influenza epidemics in recent decades broke out. The new antiviral drug immediately created a sensation and gained rapid popularity.

But as it turns out, Ingavirin cannot be used fully call it a new drug. And here's why.

The history of Ingavirin began in the late 70s of the last century. Then one of the leading pulmonologists Soviet Union Alexander Chuchalin synthesized a previously unknown active substance. On its basis, the drug Dicarbamine was created, which stimulated leukopoiesis - the formation of leukocytes. The drug was prescribed to stimulate hematopoiesis in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy, which is known to inhibit hematopoiesis. Let us add that Dicarbamine is still used today.

However, the drug was destined for another role. In 2008, during post-marketing studies of Dicarbamine, it turned out that the drug has antiviral activity. During the year, intensive work was carried out to study the previously unknown properties of the old drug. The result of these studies was the release in 2009 of a new Russian antiviral drug - Ingavirin.

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Ingavirin: movement to Olympus?

For almost five years of existence on the pharmaceutical market, Ingavirin was able to break into the top ranks of the ranking of drugs for influenza and ARVI. Sales rates break records in the autumn-winter period and are steadily growing from year to year. And this despite the fact that Ingavirin is contraindicated for use in children.

It's time to remember that Russian pharmaceuticals have produced several antiviral drugs over the past ten years. Among them, Arbidol, Kagocel and, of course, Ingavirin are known to every conscious citizen of the CIS today. The homeopathic Anaferon should also be included in the host of domestic remedies for the flu.

Against the background of this optimistic information about the achievements of domestic pharmaceuticals, the fact that not a single Russian antiviral drug, including Ingavirin, has been registered in non-CIS countries looks very sobering.

Nevertheless, the chief therapist of the Russian Federation, Alexander Chuchalin (inventor of Dicarbamine), responsibly declares that Ingavirin is in no way inferior in effectiveness to the French Tamiflu. It should be noted that Tamiflu is a world-recognized leader among drugs that act against the influenza virus. The drug has successfully passed many large placebo-controlled studies and has proven highly effective.

In this article we will try to figure out what Ingavirin is. Really excellent remedy from influenza and ARVI or just a promoted advertising project with a placebo effect?

Composition and release form of Ingavirin

So, Ingavirin contains chemical compound imidazolylethanamide pentanedioic acid or vitaglutam for short. This substance is a white powder. It is quite acceptable for the substance to have a creamy tint.

Ingavirin is available as gelatin capsules, the color of which depends on the dosage. Therefore confused different shapes releasing the drug is quite difficult.

Valenta Pharmaceuticals (an enterprise that has mastered the production of a new product) produces:

  • Ingavirin capsules blue dosage 30 mg;
  • red Ingavirin capsules at a dose of 90 mg.

Note that the composition of the drug includes milk sugar - lactose - as an auxiliary substance.

Pharmacological action of Ingavirin, or How does the drug work?

According to the developers of Ingavirin, the effect of the drug is achieved through a combined antiviral, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effect.

Antiviral effect of Ingavirin

Ingavirin, like Tamiflu, suppresses replication, that is, copying of the virus. The mechanism of action is based on blocking the transport of the nucleocapsid antigen of influenza and ARVI viruses into the nucleus. Thanks to this, further reproduction of the virus becomes impossible.

Interferonogenic effect

Ingavirin's researchers have proven that it is capable of increasing interferon levels to physiological norms. Let us recall that interferon is a protein that is produced in our body in response to the introduction of a pathogenic microorganism. Thanks to the action of interferon, cells become immune to the action of the virus.

In addition, Ingavirin increases the production of special blood leukocytes, which are called NKT cells (Natural Killer T-cells). It is these lymphocytes that absorb virus-infected body cells and also have a direct antiviral effect.

Anti-inflammatory effect

Ingavirin reduces the synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines and interleukins - molecules that are involved in the inflammatory response.

Pharmacokinetic properties

Within half an hour after taking the Ingavirin capsule, the maximum content of the active substance in the blood is reached. It is important that the medicine penetrates well into all organs and tissues, so the virus cannot hide from the harmful effects of vitaglutam.

Let us add that the drug is excreted from the body unchanged within 24 hours.

Activity spectrum according to the instructions: when does Ingavirin help?

The instructions for use of Ingavirin indicate that the spectrum of activity extends to the main types of influenza and ARVI viruses. Let's try to list microorganisms that are sensitive to the action of vitaglutam:

  • influenza A viruses: - A/h2N1 seasonal type; - A/h2N1/09 ​​- pandemic influenza, the epidemic of which broke out in 2009; - A/h2N1 swl - virus swine flu; - A/h4N2;
  • influenza B viruses;
  • parainfluenza viruses;
  • adenoviruses;
  • rhinoviruses;
  • respiratory syncytial virus.

Ingavirin and antibiotics: what do they have in common?

Many patients are interested in the question: Is Ingavirin an antibiotic or not? Before answering this question, we should remember what antibiotics are. So, antibacterial drugs (abbreviated as antibiotics) are drugs that can effectively fight bacteria, acting bacteriostatically, and in large doses - bactericidal. That is, antibiotics only work against bacteria. The drugs do not affect other microorganisms - viruses and fungi - in any way.

Ingavirin acts only against viruses and has no effect on bacteria. Thus, it becomes obvious: Ingavirin has nothing to do with antibiotics.

However, sometimes therapists prescribe Ingavirin and, antibacterial agent eg Amoxicillin. A reasonable question arises: why is Ingavirin prescribed with an antibiotic if these two drugs act on different microorganisms? Is the doctor getting carried away when he writes such a “rich” prescription?

As a rule, the joint prescription of an antiviral agent and an antibiotic is possible only when a viral infection is complicated by a bacterial one. At the same time, the root cause - the respiratory virus - continues to live and live and conduct subversive activities.

Then the doctor has the right to prescribe both an antibiotic and Ingavirin: each of the drugs will find “its own” pathogen. And the result of joint work will be the patient’s recovery.

If you treat ARVI, you will recover in seven days, but if left to its own devices, the disease will go away in a week. Who among us does not remember this statement? Many patients seriously think about the question of whether it is worth taking Ingavirin and others antivirals for the treatment of influenza and ARVI or not? Let's try to understand this dilemma.

In the CIS countries, standard protocols for the treatment of influenza and ARVI offer a combined regimen, which includes:

Antiviral drug.

For severe cases of influenza, especially in immunocompetent patients (for example, HIV-infected people, the elderly), Tamiflu or Relenza are prescribed. Let us repeat: these are the drugs that have proven high effectiveness against the influenza virus.

Symptomatic remedies.

These medications are selected individually based on clinical manifestations. So, at elevated temperatures, antipyretics are prescribed, for coughs - mucolytics or antitussives, for a runny nose - decongestants that reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa, and so on.

Often, diligent therapists supplement the treatment regimen for viral infections with homeopathic medicines - Aflubin, Anaferon, Oscillococcinum and others. After such appointments, the patient comes to the pharmacy with a hefty prescription, sometimes including 6-7 drugs.

And now I would like to draw an analogy with foreign countries. What do they take for influenza and ARVI? It turns out that in developed countries, catarrhal infections are much easier to treat. Symptomatically.

You may ask, how to treat viruses, how to fight them? The answer is very prosaic: no way. Anyone in general healthy person Elimination of the respiratory or influenza virus occurs on its own within about seven days. That is, the same week.

However, with a decrease in immunity, the disease can be delayed and complicated by bacterial infection. That is why most of our doctors trust domestic treatment regimens for influenza and ARVI more. And they continue to prescribe antiviral drugs as first-line drugs.

The effect of Ingavirin on influenza and ARVI

If we take Paracetamol, we know that after 20–30 minutes the temperature will drop and the headache will subside. When treating with symptomatic drugs, the drug-effect pattern is clearly visible. What results should you expect from the antiviral Ingavirin?

According to the instructions for use of Ingavirin:

Significantly shortens the period of temperature rise.

With ARVI, fever usually lasts 2–4 days, and with influenza up to 5 days. When treated with Ingavirin, the duration of this stage of the disease is reduced by 1–2 days;

Helps reduce intoxication.

Viruses release toxins that, when absorbed into the blood, cause headaches and weakness. Influenza viruses are more toxic than the pathogens of ARVI, so severe joint and muscle pain and dizziness are observed with influenza. Ingavirin reduces the intensity of these manifestations, which are practically not relieved by symptomatic means;

Helps reduce catarrhal symptoms.

It cannot be said that taking Ingavirin will completely relieve a patient with influenza or ARVI from rhinorrhea or sneezing attacks. However, the intensity of catarrhal manifestations will still decrease. With the combined use of Ingavirin and symptomatic drugs, the effect will be even more pronounced;

Helps reduce the duration of the disease.

Here it is appropriate to recall folklore again, which speaks of a week-long self-healing from influenza and ARVI. According to research data, Ingavirin significantly reduces the duration of influenza and ARVI by 1–3 days. Thus, you can get back on your feet in not seven, but six days. And, if the immune system is in perfect order, then you have every chance of going to work within four days after the onset of the disease;

Helps reduce the number of complications.

We have already mentioned that the main danger of influenza and ARVI lies not in the infection itself, but in its possible complications. The likelihood of additional bacterial infection is quite high in children younger age, elderly people and patients with a reduced immune response. Note that the addition of a bacterial infection automatically means the subsequent use of antibiotics as first-line drugs.

The use of Ingavirin reduces the likelihood of complications from viral infections.

Has the effectiveness of the drug been proven?

The effectiveness of any drug must be proven. This is an axiom. Throughout the civilized world, only those medicines that have undergone multifaceted clinical trials deserve trust.

The most reliable evidence of effectiveness comes from double-blind, randomized studies controlled by placebo or another drug with proven effectiveness. And in the group of antiviral drugs there are two representatives that have passed all tests: oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza).

What about Ingavirin? Has its effectiveness been proven?

Studies of the effectiveness of Ingavirin were conducted in 2008-2010. Scientists studied the effect of the drug against various strains of the type A virus, including the notorious A/h2N1 swl, influenza virus type B, and parainfluenza. In addition, studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of Ingavirin against adenovirus.

All these tests confirmed antiviral effect Vitaglutam. It is worth noting that back in 2008, a blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted that compared the effect of Arbidol and Ingavirin in patients with influenza. The very fact of such tests indicates a very serious approach to evidence base Ingavirina.

However, it should be noted that most of the tests were carried out in vitro, that is, in a test tube, and not on a living organism in vivo. Some experiments were carried out on laboratory animals.

In addition, the few trials of Ingavirin involving patients involved relatively small numbers of volunteers. Thus, in large studies, the effect of the drug is studied in groups of 500–1000 people. The effectiveness of Ingavirin was confirmed in a sample of only 150 patients.

Let us add that the cost of full-scale clinical trials of the drug is very high. Perhaps this fact explains Ingavirin’s research, which is quite modest by world standards.

How to take Ingavirin?

The drug is used both for the prevention and treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections. According to the instructions for Ingavirin, the recommended dosages are:

  • for the prevention of viral infections, 1 capsule with a dosage of 90 mg per day for a week is enough;
  • For the treatment of influenza and ARVI, the same 90 mg of Ingavirin is used once a day. Course duration is 5–7 days.

To obtain the fastest and most pronounced effect, therapy should be started as soon as possible after the first symptoms of the disease appear. If you started treatment with Ingavirin three days after the onset of influenza or ARVI, you should not expect the lightning-fast and devastating effect of the drug. It is quite possible that antiviral treatment in this case will have a very illusory effect.

I would like to note that the bioavailability of Ingavirin does not depend on food intake. This means that there is no difference when to take the medicine: in the morning on an empty stomach, during lunch or after a hearty dinner. It is better to take Ingavirin daily at approximately the same time of day, since the interval between doses should be about 24 hours.

The use of Ingavirin in pediatrics has remained completely unstudied. No clinical trials studying the effect of the drug on children's body, have not yet been carried out. Let us also remember that Ingavirin is a stimulator of leukopoiesis (and is still used in oncology). Therefore, most instructions for Ingavirin say that the drug is not recommended for the treatment of children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

However, while studying materials about Ingavirin, we encountered some contradiction in the sources. The abstract posted on the official website of the drug differs somewhat from the instructions that were published in major pharmaceutical publications. Please note that the Ingavirin website is supported by the manufacturer and copyright holder of this product, Valenta Pharmaceuticals.

So, the official website states that Ingavirin is approved for use in children over 13 years of age at a dosage of 60 mg once a day for the treatment of influenza and ARVI. For the prevention of viral infections in children under 18 years of age, Ingavirin is again not recommended.

It remains unclear what prompted the changes to official instructions. It is difficult to say what information to trust and whether Ingavirin should be prescribed to children from 13 to 18 years of age. We emphasize that the publication of practically official permission to take the drug in children was not supported by safety studies. There are no reviews from specialists about the experience of using Ingavirin in children. And this leads to serious thoughts about the advisability of using the drug in adolescents.

Contraindications to taking Ingavirin

Among the contraindications to the use of Ingavirin it is worth noting:

Individual intolerance to the active substance or components of the drug.

As a rule, individual reactions are recorded in patients prone to allergies;

Lactose intolerance.

We have already mentioned that Ingavirin contains milk sugar - lactose. Therefore, vitaglutam is contraindicated for patients suffering from lactose intolerance. Typically, lactose intolerance is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme that breaks down milk sugar, lactase. Diagnosing lactase deficiency in yourself is simple: if after eating dairy products you experience flatulence, abdominal pain, or, even worse, diarrhea, then you can safely assume lactose intolerance;

Glucose-galactose malabsorption.

This symptom is congenital disorder absorption of two sugars - glucose and galactose. Such patients cannot tolerate foods containing glucose and lactose (dairy products);

Children up to 18 years of age (according to alternative data - up to 13 years for the treatment of influenza and ARVI and up to 18 years for prevention);


The effect of Ingavirin during pregnancy has not been studied. Therefore, the drug is categorically not recommended for use during this period;


Despite high sales and popularity of Ingavirin, it is still unknown whether the drug penetrates into breast milk. However, given the very modest clinical studies of the drug and the complete lack of trials in pediatric practice, during breastfeeding It is highly undesirable to use Ingavirin.

Side effects

Ingavirin can be classified as a sufficiently safe medicines. The high safety profile is confirmed by the fact that the drug is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. However, the possibility side effects due to treatment with Ingavirin cannot be excluded.

The abstract states that adverse events resulting from taking vitaglutam include only a possible allergic reaction.

As we have already noted, the study of Ingavirin was quite modest. In addition, any original medicinal product After registration and entry into the pharmaceutical market, so-called post-marketing studies await. They are based on a scrupulous recording of possible side effects of the drug and their further study. As data accumulates, changes are made to the instructions for the medicine.

A striking example a drug that has been fully studied only during post-marketing studies - Viagra. Initially this famous remedy was considered absolutely safe. Only a few years after entering the market, deaths were recorded while taking Viagra and drugs from the nitrate group. This is how information appeared about a dangerous drug interaction that could even lead to death.

We are in no way trying to draw an analogy between Viagra and Ingavirin: these are completely different drugs that have nothing in common. We just want to emphasize: when it comes to taking a new, little-studied drug, there is a hypothetical probability of adverse events that are not described in the instructions for use.

Ingavirin: selecting analogues

When choosing an antiviral drug for the treatment of influenza or ARVI, many patients are guided by financial considerations. Note that Ingavirin, unfortunately, is not one of the inexpensive drugs. Therefore, some clients storm pharmacies in search of a cheap analogue of Ingavirin. And what can the pharmaceutical market offer in this case?

Unfortunately, we inform you that in fact there is simply no analogue of Ingavirin, at least for now. It would be a stretch to call Dicarbamine tablets as a generic, which we already talked about at the beginning of our story. This product is produced by the same company as Ingavirin - Valenta Pharmaceuticals.

However, let us recall that Dicarbamine is used in oncology as a stimulator of leukopoiesis, and its dosage differs from the dose of Ingavirin. Therefore, although it is possible to consider these two drugs as analogues, replacing one drug with another is problematic. And it's pointless. For some reason, in terms of one tablet, Dicarbamine is much more expensive than Ingavirin.

And finally, we note that it is better to store Ingavirin in a closed cabinet, out of reach of children.

The article above and comments written by readers are for informational purposes only and do not encourage self-medication. Consult a specialist regarding own symptoms and diseases. When taking any medicine, you should always use the instructions that come with the medicine and your doctor's advice as a guide.

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Composition of Ingavirin

Composition of the drug:

  • pentanedioic acid imidazolylethanamide;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose, magnesium stearate, potato starch;
  • shell – titanium dioxide, dyes, gelatin, azorubine.

Release form

The antiviral drug Ingavirin is available in the form of blue or red capsules containing white powder and granules.

Tablets 30 mg (blue) and 90 mg (red) are available in 7 pieces in a blister, 1 blister in a cardboard package.

Pharmacological action

It has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antiviral effects.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

First of all, the medicine has an antiviral effect. It acts against influenza virus types A, B, parainfluenza, adenoviral and respiratory sensitization infections.

The anti-inflammatory effect is manifested by suppressing the production of inflammatory cytokines and reducing the activity of myeloperoxidase.

For sore throat, flu and other acute respiratory viral infections therapeutic effect manifests itself in the form of a reduction in the febrile period, a decrease in the level of intoxication, and catarrhal phenomena. Also, with its use, the total number of complications decreases, and the duration of the disease becomes much shorter.

The drug very quickly enters the blood from the gastrointestinal tract and is also distributed throughout the organs. 30 minutes after taking the drug, its maximum concentration in organs and blood is observed. It is not metabolized in the body and is excreted in the same form. Most (about 80%) of the drug is eliminated from the body within 24 hours. 77% of the drug is excreted through the intestines, the remaining part through the kidneys.

Indications for use

The antiviral drug Ingavirin is prescribed in following cases:

  • prevention and treatment of influenza types A and B;
  • other ARVI (respiratory syncytial infection, parainfluenza, adenovirus infection).


The contraindications for tablets are as follows:

  • allergy to any component of the drug;
  • pregnancy.

Can it be given to children? This medication is contraindicated in children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

Side effects

Side effects of the medicine can be very in rare cases in the form of an allergic reaction.

Instructions for use of Ingavirin (Method and dosage)

The drug must be taken orally, regardless of meals.

Instructions for Ingavirin 90 mg for the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections: for 5-7 days, 90 mg should be taken once a day. It is advisable to start taking pills immediately when symptoms of the disease appear, no later than 1.5 days after the onset of the disease.

Directions for use for the prevention of influenza and ARVI: take 90 mg once a day for a week.

Before taking 90 mg of medication, be sure to consult your doctor about this.

How often can you take Ingavirin? This drug should be taken when the first symptoms of the disease appear, the course of treatment should be at least 5 days.


The annotation for the medicine does not describe cases of overdose.


Ingavirin should not be taken simultaneously with other antiviral drugs.

Can it be taken with antibiotics? Scientists have not studied the interaction of the drug with antibiotics, so taking them together is not recommended.

Terms of sale

The drug is sold without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Store in a dark, dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Best before date

Special instructions

Since the drug does not have a sedative effect, its use does not affect the ability to drive a vehicle or perform work that requires concentration and quick reaction.

Analogues of Ingavirin 90 mg

What can be replaced this remedy? Analogues of Ingvirin are such drugs as Amizon, Arbidol, Amiksin, Lavomax, Kagocel.

Which is better: Ingavirin or Arbidol?

Scientists conducted a study, the purpose of which was to compare the safety and effectiveness of Ingavirin compared to Arbidol. In patients taking Ingavirin, body temperature dropped faster, a decrease in symptoms of intoxication was noticed, and not a single case of complications was observed. Neither the patients taking Ingavirin nor the patients taking Arbidol had any side effects.

Which is better: Ingavirin or Amiksin?

These funds have a number of significant differences. For example, Amiksin is allowed to be taken from 7 years of age, while Ingavirin is only allowed from 18. Ingavirin is not compatible with any antiviral agents, while Amiksin can be taken with antibiotics and other medications. Ingavirin is prescribed for influenza and other types of acute respiratory viral infections, while Amiksin has a broader focus. Moreover, both drugs have very low toxicity. Thus, Ingavirin as a medicine for influenza for adults is more effective, and in case of herpes, hepatitis, etc., Amiksin is recommended.

Which is better: Ingavirin or Kagocel?

Kagocel - including children's drug, it can be taken by children from 3 years of age; in addition to influenza, this remedy is also used against herpes. It can also be used simultaneously with other medications and antibiotics. This drug is non-toxic and does not accumulate in the body.

Which is better: Lavomax or Ingaverin?

Lavomax, like Ingaverin, is used from the age of 18, but has a wider spectrum of action. This product is also compatible with antibiotics. Lavomax has a wider range of contraindications, since it contains lactose.

The price of analogues on average ranges from 20 to 50 UAH, but you should look for a substitute for a drug not only based on price, but also on the therapeutic effect. All of the above analogues are cheaper than Ingavirin, however, before replacing Ingavirin with a cheaper analogue, look at reviews of analogues and be sure to consult a doctor.

Instructions for use of the medicine by children

Ingavirin is contraindicated for children and adolescents under 18 years of age, therefore there are no instructions for children for this drug.

Ingavirin and alcohol

The compatibility of Ingavirin 90 mg with alcohol has not been studied separately. However, with regard to the simultaneous use of the product with alcohol, the usual rules apply - this is strictly prohibited.

During pregnancy and lactation

The medicine is prohibited for pregnant women and breastfeeding women. If it is necessary to use during lactation, you must stop breastfeeding.

Reviews for Ingavirin

On various medical forums, the average rating given to this drug is 3.86 points out of 5. Many patients note the effectiveness and fast action drug, however, it is often possible to find negative reviews, which say that the drug not only does not help with the disease, but also aggravates it. There are also reviews of this drug during pregnancy, however, it is worth noting that it is not recommended to drink this medicine during this period.

Reviews from doctors about Ingavirin 90 mg and other reviews from specialists boil down to approximately the same thing: each drug is prescribed individually, depending on the characteristics of the patient. When used correctly, Ingavirin quickly eliminates the symptoms of the disease and effectively fights the virus.

You can often find on the Internet this kind of questions: “Is Ingavirin an antibiotic or not?”, “Is it an antibiotic?” The clear answer to these questions is that this remedy is in no way an antibiotic. There is no article on Wikipedia about this drug.

Ingavirin price, where to buy

The average cost of Ingaverin in Ukraine is approximately 130-160 UAH. In Moscow and Russia, the price for Ingavirin 90 mg varies from 390 to 482 rubles per pack.

You can buy Ingavirin in Moscow and find out how much it costs at any pharmacy in the city.

The average price for antiviral drugs is 20-50 UAH.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan
Pharmacy 36.6
  • Ingavirin caps. 60 mg N7 for children VALENTA
  • Ingavirin caps. 90 mg N7VALENTA
  • Ingavirin 90 mg No. 7 capsules Valenta Pharmaceuticals OJSC
  • Ingavirin 60 mg No. 7 capsules for children Valenta Pharmaceuticals OJSC
Pharmacy IFC
  • IngavirinValenta Pharmaceuticals OJSC, Russia
show more
  • Ingavirin® 90 mg No. 7 caps.blist.
show more

PLEASE NOTE! Information about medications on the site is for reference and general information, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medications in the course of treatment. Before using the drug Ingavirin, be sure to consult with your doctor.

Ingavirin tablets: instructions for use, analogues

Ingavirin is a modern antiviral drug. Below is detailed instructions on the use of Ingavirin, containing information about the forms of release, composition and administration of the drug.

Release form: Available in the form of red and blue capsules in a gelatin shell.

Ingavirin - composition of the drug

  1. Blue capsules are size No. 2, contain granules and white or slightly creamy powder. One capsule contains:
  • imidazolylethanamide pentanedioic acid (vitaglutam) – 30 milligrams;
  • excipients.

The gelatin shell contains a dye that gives it a blue color. There are 7 capsules in a blister pack.

  1. Red capsules are size No. 1, contain granules and white or slightly creamy powder. One capsule contains:
  • imidazolylethanamide pentanedioic acid (vitaglutam) – 90 milligrams;
  • excipients.

The gelatin shell contains a dye that gives it a red color. There are 7 capsules in a blister pack.


A modern antiviral drug with a wide spectrum of action. Effective against influenza viruses type A, including swine flu and type B, pathogens of acute respiratory diseases (adenovirus infection, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial infection). Ingavirin for the prevention of influenza is an effective remedy. Acts at the nuclear level, suppressing the replication of the virus. Stimulates the production of its own interferon. Positively affects cellular immunity, due to:

  • increasing the number of NK-T cells with high degree damaging effects on cells modified by viruses and pronounced antiviral activity;
  • formation of cytotoxic lymphocytes.

The anti-inflammatory effect is achieved by suppressing the formation of cytokines and inflammation (TNFα, IL-1β and IL-6), reducing the degree of myeloperoxidase activity.

The positive therapeutic effect is expressed by:

  • reducing the duration of fever;
  • to reduce the severity of intoxication syndrome, accompanied by severe weakness, dizziness and headaches;
  • in reducing catarrhal symptoms;
  • in reducing the duration of the disease;
  • reducing the risk of complications.

It has a high degree of safety due to low toxicity. The lethal dose exceeds the therapeutic dose by more than 3000 times.

The drug does not have mutagenic, immunotoxic, allergenic or carcinogenic properties, and does not have a local irritant effect. Therefore, doctors' reviews of Ingavirin are good.


When hitting gastrointestinal tract is quickly absorbed and, entering the blood, is distributed throughout the body. The maximum concentration of the drug is reached approximately half an hour after administration. Complete elimination the drug is observed after 37-38 hours. When treated for five days (take 1 capsule per day), the concentration in the blood increases sharply immediately after administration and then slowly decreases throughout the day.

It is practically not absorbed in the human body and is excreted unchanged within 24 hours. Excretion from the body occurs mainly through the intestines with feces and to a lesser extent by the kidneys with urine.

How to take Ingavirin?

The scope of the drug in therapeutic practice is extensive. For treatment and prevention:

  • influenza type A, including swine flu;
  • influenza type B;
  • acute respiratory diseases (adenovirus infection, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial infection).
Instructions for use and dosage

It is recommended to start taking the drug on the first or second day of the disease. It is better to take it immediately at the first symptoms of infection. The drug is taken orally, 90 mg tablet. once a day, regardless of food consumption. The course of treatment is 5-7 days (depending on the individual course of the disease and its severity).

Treatment of any viral disease must be comprehensive. An obligatory point is to influence the cause of its occurrence. This is achieved through the use of the antiviral drug Ingavirin 90 mg, or Ingavirin 60 mg (children's Ingavirin), or its substitutes. The treatment regimen also includes drugs that block symptoms and general restorative therapy.

Side effect

Ingavirin is non-toxic, well tolerated by most patients and has no negative effects. If there is an individual intolerance to the components of the medication, some patients may develop allergic reactions.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Contraindications include:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age under 18 years;
  • the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
Use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation

Ingavirin has no toxic effect on the embryo or reproductive function, and also has no teratogenic effect. But this issue has not been thoroughly studied. No clinical studies have been conducted.

To avoid negative consequences, the drug is contraindicated in pregnant women. If an infection develops and it is necessary to treat with the drug during breastfeeding, it is necessary to temporarily switch to artificial feeding.

Can I take it while driving?

Has no effect on the central nervous system. Therefore, it does not impair the ability to drive a car and can be taken when working with complex mechanisms.

Ingavirin does not provide sedative effect, does not change the psyche and reaction speed, the drug can be prescribed to people of any profession, including those requiring concentrated attention and coordination of movements.


Practically and theoretically impossible. Similar cases have not been described.

Interactions with medications

You should not combine the use of Ingavirin with other antiviral drugs. There will be no enhancement of the therapeutic effect, and the risk toxic effect rises.

There is no description of interactions with other medications medicinal groups.

Dispensed without a doctor's prescription!

Average prices for the drug
  • Ingavirin for children in capsules of 60 milligrams, 7 capsules per package - about 413 rubles per package.
  • Ingavirin in capsules of 60 milligrams, 7 capsules per package - about 511 rubles per package.

Is it possible to drink alcohol during treatment with Ingavirin?

Strictly prohibited. The reason is that a chemical interaction between alcohol and the active substance of the drug occurs in the body. As a result, the effect of taking the medication is sharply reduced and the therapeutic effect is not achieved.

In addition, Ingavirin interferes with the metabolism of alcohol by the liver and enhances its damaging effects. Any alcoholic drinks neutralize the therapeutic effect of Ingavirin and act more harshly on the liver. Alcoholic drinks You can drink it only three days after taking the last capsule of the drug.


Drugs containing the same active substance in the same doses are not produced. The only drug that contains vitaglutam is Dicarbamine.

But it has a different scope. It is used in oncological practice to eliminate complications from impaired hematopoiesis in patients undergoing chemotherapy. It contains high dosages active substance and has a high cost. It would be wrong to classify it as an analogue of Ingavirin.

Ingavirin has a replacement only for its therapeutic effect. These are products with a different composition, but they cause the same effect when used.

Cheap analogues of Ingavirin - names and average prices:

  1. Amizon – 195 – 254 rubles;
  2. Arbidol – 150 – 250 rubles;
  3. Hyporamine – 120 – 160 rubles;
  4. Kagocel – 210 – 240 rubles;
  5. Oksolin 20 – 60 rubles;
  6. Ergoferon – 250 – 390 rubles.
Ingavirin for children

Any doctor will confirm the fact that children tolerate viral infections worse. They have a more frequent occurrence of ARVI, especially in autumn and winter, a more severe course of the disease itself, and high percentage risk of developing severe complications. Therefore, the prescription for young patients begins at the age of thirteen. Ingavirin helps speed up recovery and avoid extreme unwanted complications.

For prevention and treatment from the age of thirteen, Ingavirin is taken 60 mg (2 capsules) once a day at the same time. The sooner treatment is started from the onset of the disease, the better the result will be.

This drug is not recommended for children under 13 years of age. According to the instructions for use of Ingavirin, it is better not to use the drug itself and its analogues until the age of eighteen.

The main advantages of Ingavirin

Ingavirin as an antiviral agent satisfies all points of compliance that are taken into account to evaluate modern drugs used for the treatment and prevention of the development of colds and infectious diseases during their seasonal increase. It is effective in preventing the development of the disease in persons who have had contact with already sick people. Ingavirin acts against swine flu, which is extremely dangerous with complications.

Effective against many viruses that cause both influenza and acute respiratory diseases.

Next positive characteristic This antiviral agent has a low risk of developing viral resistance to it during treatment. The drug is well tolerated by most patients due to its low toxicity. The manufacturer promises a minimum of side effects and unwanted effects as a result of use in compliance with the instructions for use of Ingavirin.

Judging by the results of clinical studies, it can be argued that the antiviral drug Ingavirin is truly effective in the treatment of swine flu. The main thing is to take it according to the instructions for use of Ingavirin. Early treatment on the first or second day from the onset of the infectious process promotes faster recovery, shorter duration of the disease and an easier course.

The period during which it lasts sharply decreases high temperature body, Intoxication syndrome is less pronounced. The lungs and bronchi are less affected, which is reflected in a shorter period of cough in the patient. During treatment with Ingavirin, the frequency of complications resulting from the development of secondary infection.

Let's summarize all of the above:

  • it is necessary to start treatment as early as possible;
  • is the drug of choice in older people with concomitant chronic diseases from the respiratory system.
Ingavirin in the treatment of ARVI complicated by angina

The effectiveness and benefits of using a combination of Ingavirin and antibiotics in combination therapy is manifested in a decrease in the severity and duration of symptoms of the disease, such as elevated temperature body, symptoms of intoxication, manifested in weakness and headache, discomfort in the throat and pain when swallowing, as well as purulent plaque.

All this contributes to a faster recovery, reducing the duration of taking antibiotics and reducing the patient’s stay in hospital. The combination of antibiotics and ingavirin has antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects, which has significant advantages over standard therapy. Ingavirin can be safely recommended to a patient in case of a diagnosis of a viral infection complicated by a sore throat. Reviews for Ingavirin are usually only positive.

Which is better Kagocel or Ingavirin?

For successful treatment For any viral disease, an antiviral drug must be included in the treatment regimen. Which one should you give preference to? Ingavirin and Kagocel are more popular among patients and doctors. So which medication is better?

Both drugs have an antiviral effect and are produced by domestic manufacturers. They are produced in dosage forms for oral administration and contain the active substance and excipients. Distinctive feature Kagotsela is vegetable origin active substance included in its composition.

Which drug has the most effective antiviral effect? Kagocel does not act directly on the virus. It only strengthens the immune system, which allows the body to fight infection more effectively. Its prescription is not affected by the type of virus and its resistance to treatment. As a result of prescribing the drug, the severity of the disease is reduced and recovery is accelerated. This drug is more suitable for prevention during an epidemic.

Ingavirin, in addition to enhancing immunity, has a direct antiviral effect on many viruses and prevents their reproduction in the body. Therefore, it is effective for already developed disease.

Ingavirin and Kagocel have similarities in terms of indications and contraindications for use. It is not recommended to give to children: Kagocel - up to three years of age, Ingavirin - up to 13 years of age. These drugs are also contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, pregnancy and lactation.

What is more affordable - Kagocel or Ingavirin?

The cost of Kagocel (a package of 10 tablets) costs between 220 and 234 rubles, and for a course of treatment for an adult patient it requires 2 packages (this is 18-20 tablets). As a result, you need to spend about 450 rubles. A package of Ingavirin 90 mg, containing 7 capsules, sufficient for a course of treatment, has approximately the same cost - 398-447 rubles.

Ingavirin is an antiviral drug. Active ingredient The drug is pentanedioic acid imidazolylethanamide or vitaglutam, which appeared during the development of an allergy drug.

Active against influenza viruses type A (A/H1N1, including “swine” A/H1N1 swl, A/H3N2, A/H5N1) and type B, adenovirus infection, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial infection.

On this page you will find all the information about Ingavirin: full instructions on application to this drug, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Ingavirin. Would you like to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Antiviral drug.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.


How much does Ingavirin cost? The average price in pharmacies is 400 rubles.

Release form and composition

The drug is produced in the form of capsules of size No. 2, with a white logo on the cap of the capsule in the form of the letter “I” inside the ring, filled with granules and almost white or white powder; Clumping of the filler is allowed, which can be eliminated with weak mechanical stress:

  • dosage 30 mg: blue (7 pieces in blister packs, 1 or 2 packs in a pack);
  • dosage 60 mg: yellow(7 pcs each in blister packs, 1 pack in a pack);
  • dosage 90 mg: red (7 pieces in blister packs, 1 pack in a pack).

Composition per 1 capsule:

  • active ingredient: vitaglutam (pentanedioic acid imidazolylethanamide) – 30, 60 or 90 mg;
  • auxiliary ingredients: lactose monohydrate, potato starch, colloidal silicon dioxide (aerosil), magnesium stearate;
  • ink for applying the logo: shellac, titanium dioxide, propylene glycol.

Pharmacological effect

Has an antiviral effect, effective against influenza viruses of types A (A/H1 N1, including “swine” A/H1 N1 swl, A/H3N2, A/H5N1), type B, adenoviral infection, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial infection. The antiviral mechanism of action is associated with the suppression of virus reproduction at the nuclear phase, delaying the migration of newly synthesized NP virus from the cytoplasm to the nucleus.

According to the instructions for use of Ingavirin:

  • significantly shortens the period of temperature rise.

With ARVI, fever usually lasts 2–4 days, and with influenza up to 5 days. When treated with Ingavirin, the duration of this stage of the disease is reduced by 1–2 days;

  • - helps reduce intoxication.

Viruses release toxins that, when absorbed into the blood, cause headaches and weakness. Influenza viruses are more toxic than the pathogens of ARVI, so severe joint and muscle pain and dizziness are observed with influenza. Ingavirin reduces the intensity of these manifestations, which are practically not relieved by symptomatic means;

  • helps reduce catarrhal symptoms.

It cannot be said that taking Ingavirin will completely relieve a patient with influenza or ARVI from rhinorrhea or sneezing attacks. However, the intensity of catarrhal manifestations will still decrease. With the combined use of Ingavirin and symptomatic drugs, the effect will be even more pronounced;

  • helps reduce the duration of the disease.

Here it is appropriate to recall folklore again, which speaks of a week-long self-healing from influenza and ARVI. According to research data, Ingavirin significantly reduces the duration of influenza and ARVI by 1–3 days. Thus, you can get back on your feet in not seven, but six days. And, if the immune system is in perfect order, then you have every chance of going to work within four days after the onset of the disease;

  • helps reduce the number of complications.

As many people know, the main danger of influenza and ARVI lies not in the infection itself, but in its possible complications. The likelihood of additional bacterial infection is quite high in young children, the elderly, and patients with a reduced immune response. Note that the addition of a bacterial infection automatically means the subsequent use of antibiotics as first-line drugs.

Application this drug reduces the likelihood of complications from viral infections.

Is Ingavirin an antibiotic or not?

Doctors answer that Ingavirin is not an antibiotic, since it does not have a detrimental effect on various pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria. Ingavirin is an antiviral agent, that is, it has a detrimental effect exclusively on viruses.

Therefore, if a person has a bacterial infection, then Ingavirin will be useless and in this case he needs to take antibiotics. It is very simple to distinguish a bacterial infection from a viral one - if there is purulent discharge (yellow or green snot, purulent plaque on the tonsils, etc.), then the disease is caused by bacteria and antibiotics are needed to treat it.

If there is no purulent discharge, then we are talking about a viral infection, for which the medication will be effective.

Indications for use

An antiviral drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • prevention and treatment of influenza types A and B;
  • others (respiratory syncytial infection, parainfluenza, adenoviral infection).


Contraindications include:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age under 18 years;
  • the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Contraindicated in children and adolescence up to 18 years of age for the indication “Prevention of influenza A and B and other acute respiratory viral infections”; in children under 7 years of age (for Ingavirin 60 mg) for the indication “Treatment of influenza A and B and other acute respiratory viral infections (adenoviral infection, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial infection).”

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Ingavirin has no toxic effect on the embryo, reproductive function, and also has no teratogenic effect. But this issue has not been thoroughly studied. No clinical studies have been conducted.

To avoid negative consequences, the drug is contraindicated in pregnant women. If infection develops and it is necessary to treat with the drug during breastfeeding, it is necessary to temporarily switch to artificial feeding.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that Ingavirin capsules should be taken orally, swallowing whole, without biting, chewing, cutting or pouring out its contents, but with a drink. a small amount water (half a glass is enough). Capsules are taken regardless of food intake, that is, Ingavirin can be taken at any time convenient for the person.

  • For the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections (acute respiratory viral infections), Ingavirin should be taken 90 mg (1 capsule of 90 mg or 3 capsules of 30 mg) once a day for 5 to 7 days, depending on the severity of the disease. It is necessary to start taking Ingavirin from the moment the first signs of influenza or ARVI appear. However, if for some reason it is impossible to start taking Ingavirin immediately after the onset of symptoms of the disease, then it is optimal to do this within the next 36 hours. If more than 36 hours have passed since the first signs of the disease appeared, then you can start taking Ingavirin, but its effectiveness will be much lower.

To prevent influenza and ARVI during mass epidemics or after contact with already sick people, Ingavirin should be taken 90 mg (1 capsule of 90 mg or 3 capsules of 30 mg) once a day for a week.

Side effects

The drug is well tolerated by patients, however, with increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, the following side effects may develop:

  1. Abnormal stool;
  2. Pain in the stomach, nausea, feeling of heaviness;
  3. Allergic skin reactions - rash, hives, itching, burning, redness.

As a rule, cases of side effects are rare, not dangerous and do not require discontinuation of treatment.


Practically and theoretically impossible. Similar cases have not been described.

Special instructions

  1. The drug does not have mutagenic, immunotoxic, allergenic or carcinogenic properties, and does not have a local irritant effect. The drug Ingavirin does not affect reproductive function and does not have embryotoxic or teratogenic effects.
  2. According to the parameters of acute toxicity, the drug Ingavirin belongs to toxicity class 4 - “Low toxic substances” (when determining LD50 in acute toxicity experiments, lethal doses of the drug could not be determined).

Ingavirin does not have a sedative effect, does not affect the speed of the psychomotor reaction, the drug can be used by people of various professions, incl. requiring increased attention and coordination of movements.

Drug interactions

Ingavirin capsules enhance the antitumor effect of cytostatics. In addition, pentanedioic acid imidazolylethanamide reduces the toxic effect of cyclophosphamide and its combinations with platinum drugs.

In case of human illness, antiviral drugs actively fight viral microorganisms, and antibiotics fight bacterial infection. There are times when a doctor prescribes taking these two drugs at the same time. People immediately have a question: is it possible to take antibiotics and antivirals at the same time? Such compatibility is possible, but therapy is carried out exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. Self-medication in such a course of events is prohibited. Otherwise, it is fraught with severe intoxication of the body.

How does an antibiotic work?

Taking antibiotics is allowed after full examination and surrendering everyone necessary tests. After all, the drug in most variants has a narrow spectrum of action. Therefore, it is so important to first find out the causative agent, and then select the drug, its dosage and duration of use. You can purchase medicine at a pharmacy only with a prescription from your attending physician. This measure prevents people from being able to treat themselves.

In medicine, antibiotics are divided into bactericidal and bacteriostatic. The first kills pathogenic bacteria, which are then removed from the body, the second stops their reproduction. The drugs are absolutely ineffective against influenza, hepatitis A, B, C, chickenpox, herpes, but they do an excellent job against pyelonephritis, pneumonia, cystitis, and ulcers.

What are the effects of an antivirus agent?

Antiviral drugs are proteins thanks to which the human immune system begins to act and actively eradicate the virus. By remembering the infection, the cells block it when it enters the organs again. It is easier for adults to cope with various viral diseases, since interferons are present in their bodies. Children's immunity is not fully developed; they need to take medications. The doctor prescribes interferon in the form of drops in the nose or eyes.

Antiviral drugs have an effect in the first three days after the virus enters the body, before it penetrates the cells. Therefore, people receive special vaccinations, which produce immunoglobulin, which destroys the virus upon penetration into the cell. This allows you to avoid aggravating the pathology.

Antiviral drugs are used for the following diseases:

  • chickenpox, rubella;
  • hepatitis;
  • herpetic rashes;
  • HIV infection;
  • ARVI.

It is also allowed to give such drugs to prevent colds.

Is it possible to take drugs together and in what cases?

Is it possible to take antibiotics and take antiviral drugs at the same time? The question is quite relevant, the answer to which is not uniform. But doctors agree on one thing: combination therapy is possible, but in some cases. During treatment, antibiotics not only inhibit the growth of bacteria, but also destroy all microorganisms inside a person. The antiviral drugs used, on the contrary, provoke the production of antibodies that increase immunity to fight the virus. This, logically, immediately makes them incompatible drugs.

Let's look at several diseases and their treatment:

  1. For kidney inflammation, Augmentin and Amoxiclav should be used.
  2. During an ulcer, when infected duodenum or stomach bacteria, Ampicillin, Azithromycin, Metronidazole are prescribed.
  3. Pneumonia is treated with Sumamed, Ceftriax, Ampicillin.

The listed antibiotics are broad-spectrum. They affect almost all internal organs. There are known cases of overdose and side effects. An antiviral drug fights a specific virus. They are the focus of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, HIV infections, and herpes. The most effective are Panavir, Arbidol, Levomax, as well as Levamisole, Acyclovir and Adalin.

Taking antibiotics and antivirals at the same time is necessary for pathologies that develop in HIV-infected people. After all, it is known that it is not the virus itself that leads to human death, but opportunistic infections. Treatment with drugs such as Lamivudine and Zalcitabine does not cure the pathology, but allows maintaining the condition and prolonging the life of patients, preventing the virus from developing into AIDS.

Is it possible to take antibiotics and antiviral drugs at the same time? Only a doctor will answer here, who will resolve the issue by studying test results and examining the person. Experimenting with such therapy on your own is dangerous to your health.

When is it necessary to use drugs together?

Antiviral and antibiotics, their simultaneous administration, give a strong effect at a certain degree of neglect of the disease. But such actions are not always appropriate, especially when the disease is mild. Therefore, doctors recommend taking antibiotics and antivirals together only in advanced cases when the effect of one medicine was insufficient.

During the period of treatment of the disease, its transition to a chronic form is possible. To avoid this, take an antibiotic of the 4th generation pharmacological group. It is approved for both pregnant women and children due to its gentle, effective, powerful and targeted action. These are Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Unidox Solutab and Flemoxin Solutab. Taking such antibiotics and antiviral drugs will not cause harm to the body, so you can combine them, but only with the permission of a physician.

How should drugs from two different pharmacological groups be combined?

Nowadays, many people are actively interested in whether to take antiviral drugs and antibiotics at the same time or is it harmful to the body? And even after a positive response, doctors continue to doubt the benefits of such therapy. In fact, such treatment will have a positive effect if the course is selected individually by a specialist, and the patient adheres to the following advice:

  • along with antiviral drugs and after antibiotics, do not drink carbonated drinks, fermented milk products, freshly squeezed juices, coffee;
  • take these medications only with clean running water;
  • if the disease reappears, you need to take antibiotics and antivirals differently.

If there is a relapse within a short period of time after a course of therapy, it is necessary to select a stronger remedy, since the previous medicine is no longer able to fight the disease, the pathogenic flora has time to get used to the active ingredients of the drug.

Should I take two flu medications?

Antiviral drugs along with antibiotics are contraindicated in the treatment of ARVI and influenza. Receiving twice the amount of toxic components, the body suffers from poisoning. And also antibiotics, together with a viral disease, can develop dysbiosis and many toxic reactions. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to distinguish ARVI from common cold through the following symptoms:

  • influenza – chills appear, body temperature rises, after two days a runny nose and sore throat appear;
  • a cold - first respiratory symptoms, and then, over the course of several days, fever.

Antiviral drugs and antibiotics are compatible only in case of complications of influenza by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchi, paranasal and paranasal sinuses.

Advantages of complex therapy

Taking antiviral drugs and antibiotics at the same time under the supervision of a qualified medical professional is beneficial for a quick recovery. After all, complex treatment:

  • stimulates the activation of protective functions;
  • stops infection at the first stage of development;
  • produces immunoglobulins;
  • broken down toxins are completely eliminated from the body;
  • activation immune system allows you to develop artificial immunity.

Upon admission antibacterial drugs Very important role food plays. After all, all medications enter the stomach and from there they look for ways to exit into the bloodstream. Poor nutrition may prevent the drug from being fully absorbed into the blood, slowing down recovery. To avoid this, it is necessary to exclude from the diet fatty, spicy foods, smoked foods, sauces, flour products, canned food.

Taking medications should be combined with boiled meat, fresh vegetables: Give your body zucchini, cabbage, beets, pumpkin and carrots. And also eat more fruits and fish. It is advisable to eat bread only from bran or coarse grinding.

If a person is prescribed antiviral drugs, food here also plays an important role. You immediately need to saturate your body with vitamin C. Citrus fruits, rose hips, lingonberries, cranberries, and black currants are suitable for this. Kiwi and parsley are also direct sources of the necessary vitamin. Onions and garlic will bring the phytoncides necessary for the body during illness. Moreover, you can not only eat them, but also inhale the vapors. Be sure to include meat, fish, and cereals in your daily menu.

Taking antibiotics with antivirals should be supported by probiotics and a vitamin complex. After all, drugs, one way or another, harm the gastrointestinal tract, so probiotics will help restore the flora of the mucous membranes. Vitamins will help strengthen the immune system. If a person says: I take medications, following all the recommendations, but I am not getting better, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor and undergo a re-examination.

The final decision on whether to take antibiotics or antivirals, or maybe combine them, will be made only by the attending physician after studying the test results, medical history, and a complete examination of the patient. Otherwise, the disease may worsen, even leading to death.

Colds and viral diseases must be treated promptly. Otherwise, the pathogenic flora does not reduce its activity and threatens with serious health complications in case of weak immunity. Taking pills without a doctor’s recommendation is prohibited, otherwise the patient may be bothered by symptoms of intoxication. In addition, there is such a thing as “drug interaction,” the attending physician will clarify.

If there is a drug interaction, the patient’s condition can only worsen, and the clinical outcome of such complex treatment is difficult to predict even for a certified specialist. It turns out that the body receives a double portion of toxic substances for intensive care, but at the same time suffers from all the manifestations of poisoning. This should not be allowed, so consultation with your doctor is required.

In this article we will look at the question of whether it is possible to take antibiotics and antiviral drugs at the same time, and how safe it is.

So, a dangerous virus has entered the body, which destroys the body from the inside, worsens overall health and leaves you bedridden for several days. Urgent use of antibiotics is necessary to prevent further spread pathogenic flora. Such medications are prescribed by the attending physician; superficial self-medication can only do harm.

When choosing antibiotics, it is important to remember: representatives of this pharmacological group have a narrow spectrum of action and are determined in relation to a particular genus of microbes. Some patients, not knowing such individual characteristics, consider the selected antibiotics to be ineffective and useless, so they abandon further therapy and go to the pharmacy for a new portion of not always useful drugs. Other patients try to take antiviral drugs and antibiotics at the same time, which is very dangerous to do without medical knowledge.

Both options are wrong, and a sick person certainly cannot figure it out without professional help. The doctor will determine the nature of the pathogenic flora, and then prescribe effective treatment for its speedy extermination. For example, representatives of the penicillin series are effective against infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract, but are absolutely useless in the fight against dangerous herpes. So the choice of medicine requires special selectivity.

Now it’s worth taking a closer look at antiviral agents, which also destroy dangerous microbes. In fact, these are artificially introduced interferons that strengthen weakened immunity.

Such specific proteins, penetrating from the outside, are necessary for a weakened body, since when interacting with viruses they strengthen the immune response against the latter. The cells seem to “remember” the features and specificity of the spread of the pathogenic virus, therefore, with the next infection they are ready to “attack”.

This feature drug therapy is effective action only during the first three days of conservative treatment. Viruses later penetrate into immune cells, so there is no longer any need to talk about a therapeutic effect, intensive care somewhat complicated. Doctors recommend that the patient change the medication in order to quickly achieve the desired therapeutic effect.

The main question many patients ask is whether it is possible to take antibiotics at the same time as antiviral drugs. The answers are very contradictory, but most experts come to the general conclusion that representatives of these pharmacological groups are compatible, however, it is not necessary to take such a complex in all clinical situations.

Among the indications for such a combination, it is necessary to highlight the following unpleasant diagnoses, common at any age:

  1. For inflammation lung tissue pneumonia progresses, which can be cured with Sumamed, Ampicillin, Ceftriaxone.
  2. If your kidneys are inflamed, medications such as Flemoxin Solutab, Augmentin, Amoxiclav can cope with progressive pyelonephritis.
  3. For inflammation bladder and acute stage of cystitis shown like this medical supplies, like Monural, Ampicillin, 5-NOK.
  4. For colitis the thin tissue becomes inflamed or large intestine, which can be cured by medications Azithromycin, Ampicillin, Metronidazole.
  5. At increased activity bacteria Helicobacter pylori develops peptic ulcer, which can be eliminated with Levomycetin, Furazolid.

The above drugs are broad-spectrum antibiotics. Their effect extends to all internal organs and systems, but side effects and cases of overdose are also possible. The trouble is that such “special effects” can spread to all internal organs and systems that were considered “in the body” before the relapse. weak point" If we talk about antibiotics and antiviral drugs, the latter act exclusively on viruses.

In the fight against dangerous viruses The doctor focuses not on antibiotics, but on antiviral drugs, the range of which is truly extensive and is constantly growing. More often, such medications are prescribed for bright severe symptoms ARVI, acute respiratory infections, herpes, HIV infections, papillomavirus. The following medications of the specified pharmacological group are especially effective in a given direction:

  • Levamisole;
  • Adaline;
  • Panavir;
  • Acyclovir;
  • Levomax;
  • Zidovudine.

If these are primary infections, then taking antibiotics alone is not enough. Against the background of progressive pathogenic flora, the functions of the immune system are disrupted, so it will not be possible to overcome the infection without the same penicillins. The compatibility of antibiotics and antiviral drugs is determined only by the attending physician; medical education It is not recommended to engage in such experiments.

Many patients have learned from personal experience that antiviral drugs, together with antibiotics, provide a powerful therapeutic effect. However, it is not always necessary to combine them, especially if the disease is mild.

When problems with the gastrointestinal tract or lungs appear against the background of a common cold, the doctor additionally recommends taking antibiotics to speed up the long-awaited recovery.

To prevent the disease from becoming chronic, antibiotics are indicated for internal use. It is better to choose representatives of this fourth generation pharmacological group, since their action is gentle, targeted, powerful, and effective.

Fourth generation antibiotics are prescribed to children and pregnant women, which once again proves the safety of the chosen therapy. Prominent representatives of this pharmacological group are Amoxiclav, Flemoxin Solutab, Augmentin, Unidox Solutab. If you combine such medications with antiviral drugs, there will be no harm, the main thing is to follow the daily dosage and duration of intensive care.

Subjective opinion of experts

Many doctors have no doubt that it is possible to combine antibiotics and antiviral drugs. In fact, this is not entirely true, since, upon entering the body, a synthetic antibiotic destroys the effect of antiviral drugs. It turns out that such a complex is not necessary, since an enhanced therapeutic effect is still not expected. The conclusion suggests itself: it is pointless to combine the use of two representatives of these pharmacological groups in one treatment.

This subjective opinion concerns only individual antibiotics, since most drugs still have a beneficial effect on the body when it is already being treated with antiviral drugs. You can take such medicinal complexes at any age, however preliminary consultation with a specialist is required. Especially when it comes to children, pregnant women, patients with kidney and liver problems.

Doctor Komarovsky about antiviral drugs

Many patients are keenly interested in whether it is possible to give antibiotics simultaneously with antiviral drugs, and then doubt the specialist’s affirmative answer. In fact, there is absolutely no threat to health, especially if the treatment regimen is individually selected by the attending physician. In order not to weaken the therapeutic or preventive action, you must use the following recommendations from experts.

Take antibiotics only with running water., while avoiding the use of fermented milk products, natural juices, carbonated drinks, and strong coffee as liquids.

If the disease recurs again, it is important to choose a different antibiotic for treatment. The pathogenic flora has already adapted to the synthetic components, so the repeated therapeutic effect will be less expressive. We'll have to look for a worthy replacement.

When the disease progresses after a short period of time, it is necessary to choose more potent drugs against pathogenic flora. The old antibiotics will no longer help overcome the disease.

If patients take antiviral drugs with antibiotics, this complex should be supplemented with vitamin complexes and probiotics. Representatives of the first pharmacological group strengthen the immune system and replenish organic resources; the second medications are necessary to restore intestinal flora. It is important to understand that antibiotics, no matter how mild and gentle the effect they have, still harm the mucous membrane of the digestive organs - they destroy it.

Otherwise, the answer to main question Whether it is possible to take antibiotics and antiviral drugs at the same time will be provided by the attending physician if you contact him in a timely manner with characteristic complaints. The specialist determines clinical picture, studies anamnesis data, identifies individual characteristics the affected organism, for example, incompatibility with certain synthetic components.

Komarovsky about antibiotics

The benefits of comprehensive treatment

If the doctor allowed this combination therapy, the health benefits are obvious in the most as soon as possible. The affected body will recover very soon, and the patient will not experience serious health complications. If we talk about the significant advantages of such treatment, it is necessary to highlight the following points:

  • Increased immunity, production of specific antibodies to certain groups of viruses.
  • Suppression of the development of pathogenic infection is already initial stage intensive care.
  • Invisible destruction of toxic substances, rapid removal of intoxication products from the body.
  • Slowing down the growth and spread of pathogenic flora, disrupting the integrity of the membranes of harmful microbes.
  • Protection of the intestinal mucosa from pathogenic effects; pathogenic infection is not able to penetrate inside.
  • Development of artificial immunity against certain types of viruses, bacteria, strains, and other microorganisms.

If the doctor said that you can combine antibiotics and antivirals, this is a real chance to recover quickly. It is necessary to correctly combine medications from different pharmacological groups, otherwise the amount side effects their intensity increases and intensifies. This cannot be allowed, especially in an organism weakened by disease.

Otherwise, it is advisable to follow the doctor’s instructions, come for a consultation, and monitor the positive dynamics of the characteristic illness.

In the modern world there are practically no diseases left that cannot be cured. What can we say about a common cold? Viral infections of varying degrees are treated with antibiotics or antiviral drugs. The question arises: is it possible to take? In order to understand this, you need to understand what they are.


In order to figure out whether it is possible to take an antibiotic and an antiviral at the same time, you need to understand

First of all, antibiotics are a group of potent ones. They are used when it is necessary to suppress the reproduction or destroy microorganisms harmful to health that cause serious consequences.

Antibiotics are the main treatment for pneumonia, pyelonephritis, cystitis, colitis and some other similar diseases. When treating, it is important to remember the dosage, as well as the compatibility of medications, so you should take them only as prescribed by your doctor.

Like any group of drugs, antibiotics are classified according to a certain criterion - the type of effect on the cells of harmful microorganisms:

1. Bactericidal antibiotics (completely destroy infectious agents and remove them from the body).

2. Bacteriostatic antibiotics (bacteria are deprived of the opportunity to reproduce and spread throughout the body).

Adverse reactions from taking antibiotics

Adverse reactions are reactions of a pathological nature that occur due to improper use or overdose of a drug.

Before using any medicine, you should carefully study the instructions, analyze the compatibility of the medications you are taking, and consult your doctor. Antibiotics are quite strong medicines, which causes their serious effect on the body.

One of the manifestations of incorrect reception is a violation digestive system(vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, pain in the stomach). In this case, it is recommended to take drugs in combination to restore intestinal microflora.

Another unpleasant reaction is an allergy to individual components of the drug (from itching to anaphylactic shock). If unpleasant symptoms appear, you should immediately stop taking antibiotics.

Hematological disorders are perhaps one of the most serious consequences of taking antibiotics. As a result of this reaction, tissue cells in the body are destroyed. In other cases - incorrect operation kidneys, liver, heart.

Antiviral drugs

How does it differ from other medications? From the name it is clear that this group of drugs is intended for treatment and prevention viral diseases. When prescribing an antiviral drug, it is important to take into account the time of onset of the disease, since the effectiveness of the effect on viruses depends on this (they are at different stages of development). Basically, such medications are prescribed for acute respiratory viral infections, herpes, and cytomegalovirus.

The bulk of antiviral drugs are sold in all pharmacies, and you do not need a prescription written by a doctor to purchase them. However, this does not mean that self-treatment is encouraged. When taking medication on your own, you need to consider whether an antiviral can be taken with an antibiotic at the same time.

There is the following classification of antiviral drugs based on the principle of their effect on the body:

1. The drugs stimulate the immune system, giving it strength to fight viruses.

2. The drugs interfere with the stages of the life cycle of the infection (entry into the cell, reproduction, exit into the body).

Compatibility of antibiotics and antiviral drugs

The principles of action of both antibiotics and antiviral agents were discussed above. Let's return to the question: is it possible to take an antibiotic and an antiviral at the same time? To answer, let's take a closer look at their purpose.

Antibiotics, entering the body, destroy all viral bacteria and weakened cells of the body. Antiviral drugs, on the contrary, give the body the strength (produce antibodies) to heal it on its own. As it becomes clear, the combination of such drugs is unlikely to bring a positive effect. At best, they simply neutralize each other.

However, in cases where the viral infection is most acute, doctors prescribe antibiotics and antivirals together, but in a special dosage. Also, types of antibiotics have now been developed that, on the contrary, stimulate the high-quality work of antiviral drugs in the body.

Negative reactions to the combination of antibiotics and antiviral drugs

The main negative reaction is the absence of any reaction. Due to mutual blocking positive impact. These drugs simply do not allow each other to provide effective assistance to the body. As a rule, for effective treatment a course of antibiotics is prescribed (no more than 5 days), and only then antiviral drugs are prescribed.

Another negative reaction is a weakening of the body. Antiviral drugs cannot produce enough antibodies to boost immunity, since any foreign bodies are destroyed by the antibiotic.


A common antibiotic is the drug Amoxiclav. Instructions for use of Amoxiclav will help you understand for which diseases this medicine is effective.

Indications for use:

1. Diseases of the respiratory tract (sinusitis, inflammation of the middle ear, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.).

2. Disorders of the genitourinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis, etc.).

3. Infections in the field of gynecology (endometritis, salpingitis, etc.).

4. Inflammation of soft tissues and skin (bites, etc.).

5. Odontogenic viral infections (enter through the oral cavity).

The use of "Amoxiclav" with antiviral drugs

Is it possible to take an antibiotic and an antiviral at the same time? In practice, no negative effects on the body of such a combination as Amoxiclav and an antiviral drug have yet been identified. However, this does not mean that using them together will be beneficial. The point is that this antibiotic belongs to the group of bactericidal (completely removes viral bacteria from the body). Accordingly, it simply will not allow other medications to effectively affect the body.

There are also cases when joint use drugs are still needed:



For the listed diagnoses, antiviral drugs and Amoxiclav are usually prescribed. Instructions for use of "Amoxiclav" contain an exhaustive list of such diseases. In all other cases, consulting a doctor is important, since the human body is individual by nature.