Caring for a 1.5 month old poodle puppy. Feeding a poodle puppy and an adult dog

For those who want to get a poodle with a short tail, it seems that the biggest problem in caring for it is maintaining the beauty of the coat and frequent tearing. Without a doubt, caring for and maintaining such a dog is not an easy task. But this cheerful and active dog will thank you with its love and will be loved by all family members. And before buying, find out what to feed your poodle puppy and how to care for it at home.

Before you start training your poodle, it needs to be accustomed to its new environment. Ask the breeder to give you a piece of a sheet with the baby's mother's scent along with the puppy: this way, you will immediately accustom him to a sleeping place. Remember that both the miniature poodle and its full-sized relative are very restless and playful. Your pet may chew your shoes, but you shouldn’t punish him too much for this.

Training a poodle starts small. To begin with, raise him in obedience and do not take liberties (sleep in bed with you, eat from the table, etc.). At the same time, psychological contact and socialization of the dog are mandatory elements of education.

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You need to care for your poodle carefully if you want the puppy to grow into a healthy and beautiful dog. First of all, you should pay attention to the condition of the dog’s coat. The structure of a poodle's hair is similar to that of a human, so the pet's coat must be cut, washed and combed regularly. In addition, if the coat is not properly cared for, tangles can form on it.

What to feed your dog

Feeding this dog is another significant stage in caring for it. What to feed a poodle, and what rules are recommended to follow to organize a balanced diet? You can give preference to both natural products and dry food mixtures.

The main thing is that the products that you include in your four-legged friend’s daily menu contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and various vitamins. If you decide to switch your pet exclusively to feeding natural products, 2/3 of the diet will be meat.

Under no circumstances should you give your dog smoked meats, potatoes, chocolate, confectionery, as well as thick cereals and pasta.

Training and education

How to train a miniature poodle puppy, and where exactly to start? In general, you should not have problems with upbringing. The thing is that the poodle is a true artist by nature. He loves to play with children and just loves everyone's attention. Even in the circus, most people teach various tricks to poodles, training them from an early age. Your key task is to interest your pet in learning: constantly come up with new tricks, and your pet will certainly join the game.

Common diseases and vaccinations

How long do poodles live? The lifespan of these animals is quite long: they live for about 12 years. Nevertheless, tail docking, as well as timely vaccinations, are recommendations that should be followed. For example, when a puppy is 2-3 months old, he needs to be vaccinated against distemper and rabies.

Remember: before vaccinating a miniature poodle, it is necessary to cleanse the pet’s body of worms, since their presence will weaken the immune system.

In general, the animal is in good health, but its eyes may often water. If your poodle's eyes are running excessively, he should be taken to the vet immediately.

Choosing food for a poodle is a responsible undertaking for the owner, so there is no need to rush it.

The owner's first priority is to determine the type he will use: dry or natural.

Each of them has its own characteristics and prohibitions that must be observed for the health and well-being of the pet.

When purchasing a puppy from a nursery, you should ask what products were used in its diet, or find out the brand of dry food, and stick to it for the first time at home.

The main condition for feeding natural products is a balanced diet.

The menu should take into account the puppy’s need for proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins.

The daily requirement is based on 1 kg of live weight of the pet:

  • proteins 4-5 g;
  • fats 1 – 2 g;
  • carbohydrates 12 – 15 g;
  • mineral salts 8–10 g.

Natural feeding is based on meat: approximately 2/3 of the total volume.

It is given raw - finely chopped or twisted into minced meat. If the meat is salted, then it is first boiled, cooled, and also served finely chopped.

If meat by-products are included in the diet as a meat component, then their share should be 50% higher, since they have lower energy value.

A hard-boiled chicken egg is included in the diet as a source of protein and fat.

Once or twice a week, meat products are replaced with fish. Sea varieties are allowed to be given raw; lake or river fish are pre-boiled.

Before feeding the dog, large bones and fins are removed. The daily norm is calculated taking into account the age of the puppy and ranges from 30 to 300 grams.

Until poodles reach the age of 3 months, fish is offered only in cooked form, removing the scales and bones.

And dairy products are especially beneficial for bitches during lactation. This can be kefir, cottage cheese or fermented baked milk, which are given to dogs raw.

It is advisable to prepare cottage cheese yourself, additionally enriching it with calcium.

To do this, take 1 liter of milk, bring it to a boil, and add 2 tablespoons to it. calcium chloride.

Wait for the milk to curdle, then pour the mixture onto cheesecloth and strain.

The resulting product is fed to the pet. Whey can be used to prepare porridges.

Cereals, mainly oatmeal, rice, and buckwheat, are used as a source of carbohydrates for poodles. To do this, they are boiled and fed to the dog in the form of semi-liquid porridge.

An adult animal is given up to 500 grams of the finished product per day. You can add bread or crackers to porridge or milk.

Also, the dog’s diet must include vegetable and fruit products. You can use cabbage, beets, greens, carrots, tomatoes.

It is advisable to accustom your puppy to vegetable salads flavored with vegetable oil from early childhood.

Dogs are given raw bones as a source of minerals or bone meal, charcoal, and yeast are added to the menu.

In case of vitamin deficiency, you should consult a veterinarian who will help you choose the optimal vitamin and mineral complex.

Your dog should always have raw but clean water in his bowl so that he can quench his thirst at any time.

List of prohibited foods

A poodle, like any other dog, can make active attempts to beg for a tasty morsel from the owner’s table.

Such behavior should be stopped immediately, because the human diet can harm the delicate digestive tract of the animal.

The following should be excluded from the dog's diet:

  • thick porridges, fresh baked goods, pasta;
  • smoked, salted, fatty foods, canned food, spices, herbs;
  • bones of birds, fish, and beef ribs;
  • beans, peas, beans, and potatoes;
  • confectionery, sweets and chocolate;
  • stale products with expired expiration dates.

You cannot feed milk and meat at the same meal; this will cause excessive stress on the liver.

You should also not use egg shells in the menu, as this can lead to injury to the esophagus.

The modern assortment of pet stores offers poodle owners a choice among a large number of varieties, brands and types of food.

You should not choose the cheapest product, as its quality may be very low and will cause more harm to the animal.

Many poodle owners prefer Royal Canin food, which has a specially developed line for poodles.

The Royal Canin line takes into account the characteristics of the animal: a sharp mind that needs to be nourished with minerals and vitamins; thick coat that requires special care; delicate digestive tract that needs special care.

Royal Canin offers food for puppies up to 10 months of age that can provide them with everything they need for rapid growth and proper development.

From 10 months, Royal Canin provides a different food option that meets the needs of an adult dog.

The daily diet required by the pet is indicated on the product package, so the owner will not have problems determining portions.

Royal Canin dry food contains dehydrated protein of animal origin, as well as vegetable protein, purified from foreign impurities.

In addition, Royal Canin food contains carbohydrate and fat impurities, vitamins and minerals.

When using Royal Canin dry food, make sure there is water in your poodle's bowl.

Number of feedings depending on age

From birth, the puppy is fed with mother's milk, then they begin to feed him a special mixture or cow's or goat's milk with the addition of chicken yolk.

From 2 weeks, with natural feeding, he is given minced meat, then vegetables and cereals are introduced.

Up to 3 months should be fed 5-6 times daily; from 3 to 6 months – 4 times; from six months to one year – 3 times; after a year they are switched to two meals a day.

Cartilage must be included in the diet to prevent dental problems in poodles.

Bitches who are pregnant or lactating need more careful nutrition.

From the second week of pregnancy, portions are increased by 1.5 times, from 3–6 by half, and by the end of pregnancy they are reduced to 1.2.

When the dog begins to feed, its diet is increased from the usual by 2.5 times, and from the 3rd week by 3.5 times.

A bowl of water should be kept close to the poodle's bed so that she does not have to interrupt the feeding process if she is thirsty.

Representatives of this breed should be fed taking into account certain rules:

  • the bowl of food should be at the level of the animal’s chest, since their structure does not allow them to eat from the floor;
  • You should feed your pet at the chosen time, without shifting the schedule;
  • if you have several dogs, you should make each a separate bowl;
  • you cannot feed the puppy in the kitchen while preparing food for people;
  • The animal should be trained not to be with the person during family meals.

When including wet canned food in your dog's diet, you should make sure that it is the same brand as the main dry food.

Feeding poodles will not bring much trouble to the owner if he approaches the dog’s diet and food selection responsibly.

What to give a poodle? How and what to feed a poodle puppy and an adult pet? When talking about dog nutrition, many owners immediately decide that the main food is meat. However, only meat feeding can kill a dog.

From the very first days, a reasonable owner will establish a balanced diet, including a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, minerals and trace elements.

A poodle's diet should consist of animal and plant foods containing all the substances necessary for the body. It has been established that to ensure the normal functioning of a dog’s body, 1 kg of body weight per day requires: proteins 4-5 g, fats - 1-2, carbohydrates - 12-15, mineral salts - 8-10 g; vitamins: A – 1-5 mg, B1 – 0.5, C – 10, B2 – 2-3, PP – 10 mg.

The main food is meat (beef) and meat products, which should make up approximately 2/3 of the diet. Meat, fresh or frozen after thawing, is usually fed raw in the form of small pieces or minced meat. Its daily intake is from 30 to 400 grams, depending on the weight and age of the poodle. You can give salted meat, but it is first soaked in water, boiled and fed at half the daily dose.

Meat by-products (legs, trimmings, heads) have slightly lower nutritional value, so their daily intake should be increased by 50-75%. They are given only boiled. should be fed cut into pieces, minced meat is only suitable for puppies and a sick dog when medicine needs to be given. Part of the dog's need for animal protein can be covered by eggs. You can feed your poodle a hard-boiled and finely crushed egg 1-2 times a week.

Fish should be a desirable component of a poodle's diet. It is given 1-2 times a week, replacing meat. Sea fish is fed raw, freshwater fish is fed boiled. The fins and bones must first be removed. The daily norm is from 30 to 300 g. Puppies up to 3 months old are given only boiled fish, cleaned of scales and entrails.

Milk and dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, etc.) are very valuable food products in terms of nutritional value, digestibility and digestibility, especially in the nutrition of puppies and lactating bitches. Milk and dairy products are usually fed raw. The daily milk intake can be 0.1-1 liters. Calcined cottage cheese is very useful. It is prepared as follows. Calcium chloride is poured into boiling milk (1 tablespoon per 0.5 l). After the milk has curdled, the cottage cheese is poured onto cheesecloth.

Of the plant foods, the most common in feeding a poodle is cereal (rolled oats, rice, millet, buckwheat). The poodle, like dogs of other breeds, does not readily eat pearl barley and barley. The cereal is boiled and fed in the form of semi-liquid porridge. You can give 100-500 g of cereal per day. Bread, crackers, and cakes (up to 300 g per day) are widely used in the poodle's diet. They can be added to milk or given in their natural form, usually after the main meal.

The main source of vitamins for a poodle are vegetables and fruits. It is very useful to feed fresh and sauerkraut, lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, beets, cucumbers, spinach, young nettles, young dandelion leaves, and any fruit. The daily norm is no more than 200-300 g. Cabbage, beets, spinach, lettuce, parsley, dill, celery are used raw, finely chopped or grated, usually as an additive to the main feed, and also boiled.

Young spring nettles are cut as finely as possible and doused with boiling water to neutralize their stinging fibers. It is very good to get your dog interested in vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil or sour cream, and give it to one of the meals. It is advisable for your poodle to love apples, berries and other fresh fruits. To enrich food with vitamins, you can use fish oil (1-2 teaspoons per day).

For prevention, it is recommended to give garlic, cut into small pieces and hidden in minced meat, once a week. For a miniature poodle, the dose is at the tip of a knife, for a small poodle - twice, and for a large poodle - three times more. Boiled pumpkin can be given as an anthelmintic.

To prevent the formation of and, you can add chopped tomatoes or raw tomato juice without salt to your food three times a week. After regular consumption of tomato juice, old stones are very easily removed, and new ones do not form.

Minerals - calcium, sodium, phosphorus, etc. - are of great importance in the poodle's diet. The main source of minerals. Additionally, they give seaweed and flax seed, passed through a coffee grinder. If there is a lack of minerals in the dog’s body, bone meal, charcoal, yeast, and glycerophosphate are used as mineral supplements, 1-2 teaspoons per day.

Many dog ​​breeders themselves make a mineral mixture of the following composition: 40 tablets of calcium glycerophosphate, 40 tablets of calcium lactate, 10 tablets of phytin, 15 tablets of activated carbon. All this is carefully ground to a powder, mixed and stored in a dry place (before use, add 1/3 of a jar of brewer's yeast). The finished mixture is added daily to the food, ¼ - 2 ½ teaspoons.

A constant component in feeding a poodle is raw water. It should always be in a specially designated container in the same place, accessible to the dog at any time. The daily need for water is approximately 1.5 - 2 liters. However, when feeding dry food and hot weather, the need for water increases.

A poodle's need for food is determined taking into account body weight, age, age, gender, physiological state, and calorie content of food. It is necessary to create a complete diet, balanced in all food components. Products must be fresh and of high quality. Approximate daily rations for an adult poodle are given in the table. Using the table data and a little imagination, you can create a diet for your dog yourself.

Approximate daily diet for an adult poodle


Big poodle

Small Poodle

Miniature and Toy Poodle

1st Option

Meat and meat products, grams

1 piece each 2-3 times a week

Cottage cheese, city

Vegetables, fruits, g.

Bread, crackers, pcs.

1-3 after meals

Mineral mixture, teaspoon

2nd Option

Meat and meat products,

Vegetables, fruits, g

Mineral and vitamin supplements

If necessary in the indicated doses

It is calculated that the daily amount is: for a large poodle 850-1000 grams, for a small poodle - 600-850, a toy poodle - 450-600 and a toy poodle - 350-450 grams. For pregnant and puppy dogs, this weight must be increased: in the second week of pregnancy - 1.5 times, in the third to sixth weeks - 2 times, and by the end of pregnancy - 1.2 times; for a lactating bitch - in the first-second week - 2.5 times, in the third-fifth week - 3.5 times.

The puppy is fed complete food with plenty of liquid (milk, soups, warm sweet tea). During this period, the bowl of food should always be near the dog. If a dog has a poor appetite and low milk production during pregnancy and whelping, then she is given apilak, milk with tea, and cottage cheese.

The nutrition of a stud dog should be especially complete with a predominance of protein food (meat, cottage cheese) and vegetables with the addition of vitamins A, B, C, D, E. Be sure to add 2-3 eggs per week to the diet.

In the first days of life, puppies feed only on their mother's milk. From about the 10th day (and with a large litter from the 5-6th day) they should begin to be fed. As bait, puppies are given whole cow's or goat's milk (25-30g), heated to a temperature of 25-30 degrees. Add the yolk of a chicken egg to 1 liter of milk. First, milk is given from a bottle with a nipple, and after about a week the puppy is taught to lap.

It is good to feed the puppy with a milk formula such as “Detolact”, 20-30 grams per serving, adding a few drops of lemon and 10-20 grams of honey per glass of the mixture. From the 15th day, minced meat (20-25g), cereals and other foods are introduced into the puppy’s food, gradually increasing their quantity. It is useful to add grated carrots or butter to the minced meat (20 g of meat + 10 g of carrots or 2 g of butter). Puppies are usually weaned from their mother at 30-40 days of age.

By this time, they should be accustomed to eating a variety of foods on their own. The normal development of a puppy can be determined by the increase in live weight: by the 9th day it doubles, by the time of weaning from the mother it increases approximately 10 times. Puppies need vitamins. Therefore, every other day they are given 1 drop of vitamins A and D2 in oil, a large poodle starting from 5 months - 2 and 3 drops; small and dwarf - 2 times less.

Puppies up to 3 months of age are fed 6 times a day, at 3-6 months of age - 4 times, at 6-12 months of age - 3 times. At the age of 12 months, the dog is considered an adult and can be fed 1-2 times a day. Each owner can independently create a diet for their pet, taking into account the availability of products, based on the given standards. Here, for example, is the recommended diet for a small poodle.

Feeding a poodle puppy from 1 to 3 months

  • 7-8 hours – semi-liquid porridge (except semolina) – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • 10-11 hours – calcined cottage cheese – 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • 13-14 hours – raw minced beef – 2.5 tbsp. spoons and every other day 0.5 teaspoons of fish oil
  • 16-17 hours – fruits, grated carrots – 2-3 teaspoons, milk – 4 teaspoons;
  • 19-20 hours – raw minced meat, optional with grated vegetables – 2-3 teaspoons;
  • 22-23 hours – 2 baby-type crackers, soaked in milk.
  • 1 time a week – egg yolk; Once a week – raw cartilaginous bone (as in brisket).

Feeding a poodle puppy from 3 to 6 months

  • 7-8 hours – porridge or rolled oats – 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • 13-14 hours – 2.5-4 tbsp. tablespoons of raw minced meat mixed with 3-4 teaspoons of chopped vegetables (carrots, cabbage, beets, garlic);
  • 18-19 hours – calcined cottage cheese or 2-3 crackers soaked in milk;
  • 21-22 hours – 3-5 tbsp. spoons of raw minced meat mixed with 1-2 tbsp. spoons of raw vegetables.
  • At 3 months - raw egg yolk and cartilaginous bone - 1 time per week; 0.5 teaspoon of fish oil – every day.
  • At 4 months – a shaken raw egg and soft raw bones – once a week; 0.5 tsp fish oil – every day
  • At 5 months - a shaken raw egg and soft raw bones - 2 times a week; 0.5 tsp fish oil – every day
  • At 6 months – a shaken raw egg – 3 times a week; raw bones – 2 times a week; 0.5 teaspoons of fish oil – every day.

Nutrition for a poodle puppy from 7 months to 1 year

  • 7-8 hours – porridge or oatmeal with calcined cottage cheese, maybe 4 crackers soaked in milk.
  • 13-14 hours – 4 tbsp. spoons of finely chopped meat mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetables;
  • 20-21 hours – 5-7 tbsp. spoons of chopped meat mixed with 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetables.

If the dog does not eat calcined cottage cheese, then up to 1.5 years of age it is necessary to give 2-3 tablets of calcium gluconate every day. Every day – 0.5 teaspoons of fish oil.

Poodle nutrition from 1 year to 1.5 years

  • 7-8 hours – 4 tbsp. spoons of chopped meat with 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetables and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raw oatmeal;
  • 18-19 hours – 6-8 tbsp. spoons of raw meat mixed with 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetables
  • 3 times a week – raw egg; Once a week – raw bones, 0.5 teaspoon of fish oil – every day.

You should not feed your dog only table scraps. Such a diet will be unbalanced and insufficient for proper feeding, which will negatively affect the growth, development and physiological state of the poodle.

We should not forget that there are “loose” breeds of dogs that necessarily need a large body weight (St. Bernard, Newfoundland, etc.), and there are elegant breeds, such as Great Danes, Poodles, Pinschers and many others, the standard of which does not allow for saggy belly and large mass. Therefore, you should not overfeed your poodle. A standard poodle should have palpable ribs, but at the same time he should not hunch over from being thin.

As you gain weight, try to walk your dog more. First of all, exclude flour and cereal products from your diet, and sometimes have one fasting day a week. For treats, you can give a poodle walnuts: dwarf - ½ walnut per day, small - 1, large - 2. Dried fruits are useful: raisins, dried apricots, prunes, apples.

Basic requirements for feeding a poodle:

  1. You need to feed your poodle in a strictly defined place, at the same time.
  2. The dishes should not be on the floor, but on a special stand at the level of the dog’s chest. It must be removed immediately after feeding, even if not everything is eaten. It should always be clean.
  3. For the dog, fresh, raw water must always be available in a certain place.
  4. You should not feed your dog in the kitchen when food is being prepared, and you should not combine feeding the dog with meals being eaten by family members.
  5. From the very beginning, teach your dog not to beg at the table, let him understand that his food is in a bowl and in a strictly defined place.
  • Thick and dense porridge, fresh bread, pasta. This food is poorly digested, almost not absorbed and creates a favorable environment for the proliferation of worms;
  • Smoked meats, fatty meats, pork heads, canned meats, spices, large amounts of salt. The result of such feeding can be gastritis;
  • Poultry, fish and spicy beef bones, ribs, any boiled bones. Boiled bones are not destroyed by gastric juice and enzymes, but sharp bones injure the stomach;
  • Legumes (ripe peas, beans), boiled potatoes. Very coarse fiber and starch are not digested in the stomach of dogs and cause fermentation, increased gas separation and irritation of the rectal lining;
  • Chocolate, candy, cookies, muffins and other sweets;
  • rotten and sour foods;
  • Do not combine meat and dairy products in one feeding. The poodle has a very delicate liver and does not tolerate dietary disturbances well.

You cannot use eggshells as a mineral supplement!

Feeding a poodle with canned food and dry food

Recently, much attention has been paid. There are so many of them, different in composition and concentration, that you can get confused. However, if you teach your poodle to dry food and canned food as a small puppy, it will be good for both you and the dog. Your only concern will be to choose the most suitable food, periodically diversifying it, and the dog will receive everything its body needs with ready-made food. Such feeding will be called correct and rational.

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Poodles are active, attentive, and easy to learn thanks to their sharp mind and good memory. The excellent sense of these dogs allows them to be used as assistants in hunting, as well as search and rescue operations.

Preparing a diet for a poodle

To correctly create a menu, consider several factors.

Firstly, dogs' digestion is different from ours. For example, the appearance and taste of food are not important to them. But the smell - yes. In it, dogs are able to distinguish thousands of facets.

The body of these animals digests what they eat much faster than the human body. And this is despite the fact that food enters the stomach practically without primary processing. This is because there is no special enzyme in dog saliva - amylase and the dog does not chew food.

Also, the gallbladder and pancreas do not secrete enzymes capable of breaking down starch and lactose.

Secondly, the menu should include a sufficient amount of proteins (4-5 g per 1 kg of weight), carbohydrates (12-15 g), fats (1-2 g), vitamins (A, B1, B2, C ), macro- and microelements (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, etc.), clean water.

Proteins are the building blocks for the construction of any organism. Dogs absorb it almost completely from animal food. But only half is made from plants. Also, a large amount of such food is not completely digested. These residues negatively affect the condition of the gastric and intestinal mucosa. Gas formation, colic, inflammation, diarrhea or, conversely, constipation may begin. The acidity of gastric juice also decreases, this creates favorable conditions for the life of worms.

But all of the above does not mean that you need to feed your dwarf poodle, like all other representatives of the breed, only meat. The dog's diet should consist of at least 50% animal food. For puppies, pregnant, lactating and sports dogs - 2/3 of the total volume.

Allowed proteins include:

  1. Meat – raw beef. It can be fresh or defrosted, finely chopped or in the form of minced meat.
  2. Meat by-products – liver, stomach, lungs, kidneys, spleen. They don't have much protein, but they do have a lot of connective tissue, which dogs also need in small quantities. By-products are given in cooked form as an additive to meat.
  3. Sea or ocean fish - cod, halibut, haddock, hake, etc. It does not need to be boiled, but the main thing is that it is frozen. Remove all bones first. Replace meat with it 1-2 times a week.
  4. Fermented milk products - low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt without sugar and fillers, yogurt.
  5. Eggs. Raw protein can cause an allergic reaction, so it is better to boil the eggs. 1-2 pieces every 7 days.

Not a single dog’s menu is complete without plant food. It contains essential vitamins and carbohydrates. However, their excessive consumption overloads the liver, and as a result, the blood is less cleansed. This can lead to allergies.

Cereals are the main carbohydrate source. Buckwheat and brown rice are best. If it is not possible to feed your poodle brown, then replace it with long grain. If problems arise with this, then you can use a regular, round one. But after cooking, it must be thoroughly rinsed to remove starch, since it is not absorbed by the dog’s body. You need to cook the cereal until cooked, but so that it remains crumbly.

The poodle's diet must include fresh vegetables (zucchini, tomato, cucumber, pumpkin, carrots, bell peppers, etc.), fruits and berries (apples, gooseberries, etc.), herbs (spinach, dill, parsley, lettuce, celery etc.). It is better if all this is crushed or ground, without heat treatment.

Animal and vegetable fats should also be included in the pet’s menu - butter, flaxseed, unrefined sunflower, pumpkin, olive oils.

Fresh, filtered water should always be available at all times. If you cannot filter water at home, it is better to use bottled water. On average, a dog needs 2 liters per day.

With a natural type of feeding, dogs require additional vitamin and mineral supplements. Only a veterinarian is involved in their selection and administration.

You can use dried fruits and cheese as rewards.

There are a number of foods that are prohibited for consumption by dogs, including poodles:

  • pasta, baked goods - cause digestive problems;
  • smoked, fried, spicy, fatty foods - leads to gastritis;
  • tubular bones - can damage the gastrointestinal tract;
  • potatoes, legumes - lead to gas formation;
  • salt, spices, seasonings;
  • confectionery, chocolate, sweets - do not provide any benefit, cause dental problems, liver dysfunction, suppuration of the eyes and lacrimation;
  • Whole milk is not digestible by adult dogs. Causes gas formation, allergic reactions are possible;
  • very thick porridges are difficult to digest;
  • sausage products – contain preservatives and additives.

Feeding scheme

After being born, the puppies eat only their mother's milk for the first few days. On the 10th day they begin to be fed. For the first feeding, cow or goat milk is used. Additionally, egg yolk is added to it (1 piece per 1 liter of milk).

At the age of 14 days they begin to give meat, for now in the form of minced meat. Then vegetables, cereals. The amount of food is increased gradually.

At 2 months, babies are finally weaned from their mother's breast. They should already be able to feed themselves.

At about 3 months, the puppy moves to a new owner. It is necessary to check with the breeder how and what the dog was fed and adhere to all the recommendations received for the first time.

Toy poodle puppies, as well as large and small poodles, should be fed 6 times a day at the age of 3 months, 4 times a day at 3-6 months, 3 times at 6-12 months. After a year, the poodle is considered an adult dog and switches to two meals a day.

If your pet eats natural food, then its menu should look something like this:

1-3 months

  • 1st feeding – not thick porridge (2 tablespoons);
  • 2nd feeding – calcined cottage cheese (1-2 tablespoons);
  • 3rd feeding – minced meat (2-3 tablespoons);
  • 4th feeding – vegetables/fruits (2-3 teaspoons), milk (4 teaspoons);
  • 5th feeding – minced meat + grated vegetables (2-3 teaspoons);
  • 6th feeding – crackers, pre-soaked in milk (2 pcs.).

3-6 months

  • 1st feeding – milk porridge (2-3 tablespoons);
  • 2nd feeding – minced meat (3-4 tablespoons) + vegetables (3-4 teaspoons);
  • 3rd feeding – cottage cheese (2-3 tablespoons);
  • 4th feeding – minced meat (3-5 tablespoons) + vegetables (1-2 tablespoons).

7-12 months

  • 1st feeding – porridge with cottage cheese/crackers, previously soaked in milk (4 pcs.);
  • 2nd feeding – beef pieces (4-5 tablespoons) + vegetables (2 tablespoons);
  • 3rd feeding – beef pieces (5-7 tbsp. spoons) + vegetables (3 tbsp. spoons).

12-18 months

  • 1st feeding – beef pieces (4 tbsp. spoons) + vegetables (2 tbsp. spoons) + porridge (1 tbsp. spoon);
  • 2nd feeding – beef pieces (6-9 tablespoons) + vegetables (3 tablespoons).

Additionally, the puppy is given vitamin supplements daily. Once a week, raw egg yolk. From 4 months, the yolk is replaced with a whole egg. From 5 months, an egg is given twice a week.

The approximate diet of an adult large poodle looks something like this:

  • animal proteins (meat/offal/fish) – no more than 500 grams per day;
  • cereals – no more than 300 grams per day;
  • fermented milk products – no more than 250 grams per day;
  • vegetables, fruits, herbs - no more than 300 grams per day;
  • the total weight of the daily diet is 850-1000 grams.

Approximate diet for an adult small poodle:

  • animal proteins (meat/offal/fish) – no more than 350 grams per day;
  • cereals – no more than 100 grams per day;
  • fermented milk products – no more than 150 grams per day;
  • vegetables, fruits, herbs - no more than 200 grams per day;
  • the total weight of the daily diet is 600-850 grams.

Approximate diet for an adult miniature or toy poodle:

  • animal proteins (meat/offal/fish) – no more than 250 grams per day;
  • cereals – no more than 50 grams per day;
  • fermented milk products – no more than 100 grams per day;
  • vegetables, fruits, herbs - no more than 150 grams per day;
  • The total weight of the daily diet of a miniature poodle is 450-600 grams, and that of a toy poodle is 350-450 grams.

Adult dogs are also given vitamin complexes daily and an egg twice a week.

Poodles aged 8-9 years are considered senior, those aged 12 years are considered old. Metabolism slows down, but the risk of various diseases increases. With excess body weight, additional stress is placed on the bones, joints, and cardiovascular system. Therefore, it is necessary to control the weight of older and elderly dogs. When losing teeth, food must be appropriate. The entire amount of food should be divided into 3-4 meals.

General requirements for proper feeding of all types of poodles:

  1. Food must be freshly prepared. Do not serve your pet cold or hot food, only warm food.
  2. After the meal, the bowl is removed, even if the poodle has not eaten everything.
  3. Food from the master's table is prohibited.
  4. Keep the bowl clean. If there are several dogs, then there should be the same number of bowls.
  5. Poodles have a special chest structure. It is difficult for them to eat from dishes placed on the floor. Use brackets or stands to allow your pet to eat while standing.
  6. Develop a strict feeding regimen. Do it in the same place.
  7. One feeding should not contain meat and fermented milk at the same time.
  8. The dog should be well-fed, but not overfed.

Feeding with industrial feed

Owners do not always have time to prepare food for their pet as well. The way out of this situation will be ready-made industrial feed. The market is vast. Depending on the size, weight, age, and presence of diseases, you can choose dry food for your poodle.

There are several lines of such products: economy, medium, premium, superpremium and holistic. The latter are products of the highest quality, intended for pets on a strict diet and with identified pathologies.

Poodle puppies need to be fed a super premium diet. Their composition is balanced and already contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals for the growth and proper formation of a young body. You can choose hypoallergenic products.

First, dry food is introduced into the diet in a soaked form. During the period of teeth change, it can be replaced with wet canned food.

Healthy poodles aged 2-6 years can be fed the medium line food. Provided that she receives additional vitamin and mineral complexes. Everything will depend on the individual sensitivity of the dog.

For elderly and old pets, the holistic or super-premium series are suitable according to their age. If teeth fall out, dry food is replaced with semi-moist food.

The transition to an industrial type of nutrition from natural products should be carried out smoothly, within 10-14 days.

The most famous manufacturers of ready-made food are Royal Canin, Purina Pro Plan, Acana, etc.

Royal Canin

This company has a series specifically for poodles. The line is divided into food for puppies up to 10 months and for dogs over 10 months.

Contains poultry meat, plant components, vitamins, macro- and microelements. The manufacturer claims that the food promotes the harmonious development of the puppy’s young body and the preservation of the clear mind of an adult poodle. There is also an emphasis on caring for the beauty of the coat.

Purina Pro Plan

This manufacturer does not have a series specifically for the poodle breed. But there are lines for puppies and adult dogs. They are also divided according to growth parameters - for dwarf and large breeds.

The puppy food contains Optistart formula, which contains colostrum. The manufacturer claims that this complex helps in the formation of strong immunity, minimizes the risk of intestinal infections, and also promotes brain and vision development.


Canadian made food. You can choose products for small breed dogs. Contains chicken, flounder, fruits and vegetables, eggs. As well as Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. Does not contain grains or potatoes.

It will be better if a specialist selects food specifically for your four-legged friend.

Combined nutrition

If your poodle is naturally fed, then mixing dry granules into his food is strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that it takes different amounts of time to digest industrial feed and natural food. For regular products it takes only 2 hours, and for ready-made food - 3-5 hours.

Thus, digested natural food will enter the intestines along with undigested granules, which will simply begin to rot in the colon.

However, it is possible to combine two types of nutrition. The main rule is not to mix both types of food in one feeding. Natural food is given no earlier than 5 hours after industrial food.

They look almost like an exact copy of adult dogs.

Small poodles are playful, cheerful and do not leave anyone indifferent.

This breed is one of the most intelligent and obedient in the world.

But to raise such a dog, you will need to put in a lot of effort.

Puppies are born slightly deaf and completely blind. Their ears and tail can still be pressed to the body. The claws are small and not yet strong, there are no teeth.


The color of the puppies does not necessarily match the coat color of the parents, so if you see differences, this does not mean that the litter is not purebred.

Their fur is already curly and you can see curls on it. Babies may crawl to reach their mother and her milk.

Poodles' eyes open two weeks after birth, but sometimes earlier. If you notice that this does not happen, then you should show the baby to the veterinarian.

The size and weight of puppies of this breed depends on a number of factors:

  • Number of puppies in the litter;
  • Condition of the mother during pregnancy;
  • Genetic disposition;
  • What was the mating for the bitch?

On average, a puppy weighs 500-700 grams at birth, and its size is about 20-23 cm.

Development by months

How does a poodle puppy develop from 1 to 12 months:

Puppy age Description Size Weight
1 month The puppy is just learning to navigate in space. At this time he is strongly attached to his mother and brothers. It is not yet possible to transfer it to a new home. This should have been done earlier, but now we have to wait. It's time to start weaning the puppy little by little from its mother. About 15 cm 1.2 kg
2 months Now is the time when it is easiest for a baby to get used to something. It's time to hand it over to its new owners. It’s also time to start accustoming him to a collar, brush, leash and start training him. This is also the time to start toilet training. 17-20 cm 2.5 kg
3 months "Age of Fear" By this time, you should already be walking the puppy, because if you start late, it will be difficult to cope with him shaking from every bush. 23.5 cm 2.9 kg
4 months At this age, your pet begins to become attached to you. Play with him more and spend time with him, but don't let him do too much. 27 cm 3 kg
5 months The dog should now go to the toilet only outside. A period of complete environmental research begins. Allow your dog to do this, but watch what he does. 28 cm 3.5 kg
6 months Beginning of puberty. From this time on, other dogs stop looking at your pet as if it were a puppy. Start training if you have completed the educational part. 29 cm 4 kg
7 months Puberty continues, and the dog also learns to communicate with other animals in new ways. Learn how to react correctly to dog conflicts. 30 cm 4.3 kg
8 months The dog begins to understand its place in the pack-family. She acutely feels guilty for her misdeeds and unquestioningly obeys the slightest commands from her owner. 30.4 cm 4.5 kg
9 months You continue to be involved in the world around you and are aware of your role in the home. 31 cm 5 kg
10 months The dog is getting more and more mature. Puberty continues. 31.5 cm 5.4 kg
11 months The dog is approaching a year old and its maturation is gradually coming to an end. By this age, the pet should already know most of the commands, as well as distinguish between “good and bad”. 32 cm 5.8 kg
12 months Your dog is now an adult. It will not undergo any more dramatic changes for several more years. 33 cm 6 kg

Poodle puppies grow up to a year inclusive, and their growth gradually slows down as they approach 12 months. To know which month corresponds to which height, it is necessary to take measurements and compare them .

If you see that your dog is lagging behind in development, then take him to the veterinarian. It may be lacking some nutrients or vitamins.

Basic care rules

In order for your puppy to grow up healthy and happy, you need to care for him by following some rules:

  • In the first days, be extremely attentive to the puppy and be affectionate with him. It was hard for him to move to a new house; he misses his mother and brothers. You must show him that you do not pose any danger, but on the contrary.
  • If there are children in your house, then it is worth explaining to them that the animal is not a toy. You should not disturb him while he sleeps or pull his paws or ears. Show how to properly handle your new pet.
  • The pet must have its own place to sleep and rest. Don't disturb him if he settles on it to catch his breath.
  • The dog should have its own toys. As he grows up, he will have a need to chew on something and play with something. It would be better if it were his things than yours.
  • Make sure that there are no things valuable to you or anything small that are dangerous for him on the floor or in the dog’s access area.
  • Start accustoming him to hygiene procedures: trimming his nails, cleaning his ears, wiping his eyes and examining his teeth. He must get used to the fact that such things will be repeated regularly.
  • When walking outside, do not let your puppy pick up any objects from the ground, especially not eat or chew them. Do not let your dog off the leash unless you are sure that it is accustomed to you and will not rush after the first car or cyclist.
  • The puppy should always have clean water freely available.
  • Do not forget how many times a day you need to feed the puppy, and also that gradually the number of meals should be increased to twice a day.

How to toilet train?

Toilet training a puppy should be done in several stages:

  1. Set up a place where your dog can go when he needs to. This can be done even before it appears.
  2. Remember that babies go to the toilet often. Watch and you will see that this happens after every meal. If the puppy begins to sniff the floor and spin around restlessly, then it’s time to take him to the place that you have equipped for him. If he did everything right, then praise him with a treat.
  3. If your pet still didn’t have time or didn’t make it, then don’t rush to punish or scold him. Remember that he is still a child and does not quite understand what they want from him.
  4. If you see that the dog has started doing business in the wrong place, then shout sharply to it and immediately take it to the toilet. There, if everything ends successfully, praise him.
  5. Once your pet has received all its vaccinations, you can train it to go to the toilet outside. Remember that puppies often have to manage things, so at first you will have to walk him 5-6 times a day. Whenever successful, praise him and give him a treat.
  6. First, go for walks with him at the same time so that he gets used to the walking schedule. If you see that he asks outside your walking period, then take him for a walk anyway.
  7. Don’t rush to remove the litter box right away, because the dog won’t be able to tolerate it for long. As he gets older, he will need to go to the toilet less often, only then his place in the house can be cleaned.


Toilet training is an important period in a dog's life. You need to show as much patience as possible and not go too far with punishments. It is absolutely forbidden to hit a puppy, this will have a negative impact on his psyche.

What and how to feed?

At first, when the dog was just brought to you, feed him the same thing that the breeder gave him.

You cannot abruptly cut off his usual diet and replace foods with those that suit you. This will cause digestive upset in the baby, which will take a long time to treat. Such a sudden transition can generally lead to death.

What to feed the puppy in the future is up to you. Each of the feeds, whether natural or artificial, is good in its own way and has its own pros and cons.

Menu changes should occur smoothly. Just start feeding your pet the foods you plan to feed him for the rest of his life. Gradually, his body will begin to get used to it, and you will be able to give him the food you think is necessary.

The number of feedings depends on the age of the puppy:

  • 1-2 months – 5-6 feedings;
  • 2-3 months – 4-5 feedings:
  • 3-4 months – 3-4 feedings;
  • 4-6 months – 2-3 feedings;
  • After 7 months - 2 feedings.

You should not give your puppy foods that are difficult to digest - fried, salty, spicy, baked and sweet. On the contrary, introduce him to fresh fruits and vegetables, such as apples or carrots.

The menu for puppies is not rich in variety, and you will have to alternate foods, because you need to feed often and little by little.

Here is a menu for a 3-4 month old puppy that you can alternate:

  • 1st day. 1st feeding: 2 tbsp. low-fat cottage cheese, chicken egg, 1 tsp. natural honey, 1 tsp. low-fat organic yoghurt. Mix and give to the puppy. 2nd feeding: 2 chicken wings, vegetables (carrots, cabbage, apple, parsley), minced in a meat grinder, 1 tsp. olive oil, vitamins. 3rd feeding: 3 whole chicken necks (by this time the puppy should already be able to chew thoroughly). 4th feeding: 1 chicken wing or two necks, vegetables minced in a meat grinder (carrots, cabbage, apple, parsley), 1 tsp. olive oil, vitamins.
  • 2nd day. 1st feeding: 2 tbsp. low-fat cottage cheese, chicken egg, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp low-fat bio-yogurt or kefir. 2nd feeding: 3-4 chicken necks or 2-3 wings, twice a week raw boneless sea fish is given instead. 3rd feeding: large parts of chicken wings, ground into a meat grinder, vegetables also chopped, some offal (liver or heart), 1 tsp. flaxseed, 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp. fish oil, vitamins. 4th feeding: 3-4 chicken necks.

Vaccination schedule

Puppies up to one year old will need the following vaccinations:

  • 8-10 weeks is the first vaccination for a puppy against parvovirus enteritis, viral hepatitis and distemper;
  • 11-13 weeks - second vaccination against parvovirus enteritis, viral hepatitis and plague. At this time, the puppy receives its first vaccination against rabies.

If the risk of contracting rabies is low, for example, the puppy does not come into contact with carriers of the virus, then vaccination can be delayed until 6-9 months.

Hygiene procedures

Puppies need to undergo the following procedures:

  • You need to examine your teeth once every two weeks, trim your nails as they grow, clean your ears once a week with a damp cloth, not a cotton swab, and wipe your eyes with the same frequency.
  • Give your puppy special “sticks” from the pet store to prevent tartar, or brush his teeth yourself with a special brush.
  • A poodle is a breed that, in order to look beautiful and well-groomed, needs... If you don't know how to do this correctly, contact a groomer. Usually this procedure needs to be repeated every 1-1.5 months.
  • Brush poodle puppies with a furminator once every two weeks.
  • You need to bathe as you get dirty, but on average repeat this procedure once a month.

When is weaning from the mother?

In nature, the mother begins to wean the puppies when they are 3-4 weeks old. Breeders do this when the offspring reaches a month old.

Weaning should not happen immediately; you cannot simply tear the dog away from its mother’s milk. Just start limiting the puppies from feeding them, for example, by taking the dog to an area where the babies cannot go. Introduce complementary foods.

How to choose your future pet?

The choice of a poodle puppy must be careful, because everyone wants to have a real puppy, and not a fake that unscrupulous breeders want to sell.

What to pay attention to:

  • Examine the candidate. His coat should be shiny, curly and without any bald spots or bald spots.
  • The limbs must be intact, the tail without kinks.
  • Nothing should flow from the nose or ears, and there should be no unpleasant odor from the mouth.
  • There should be no lameness when walking or running.
  • Check your puppy's tummy to see if it is bloated or not.
  • See how he eats, check his appetite.
  • The dog should not show aggression or fear. A healthy puppy shows curiosity, is playful and cheerful, and is not lethargic.
  • Look at the parents and how they behave, because the future behavior of the puppy largely depends on the temperament of the parents.
  • If purebred is a decisive criterion for you, then ask the breeder to show all the documents for the parents, check the brands in a special database.


The price of a poodle puppy depends on many factors, but on average it varies from 25 to 35 thousand rubles.

Conclusion and conclusions

Having a puppy in the house is a big responsibility. Try to provide him with all the necessary comfortable conditions, love and educate him. In this case, he will grow up healthy, happy and devoted to you.

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