Where to get tested from the throat and nose. How and why is a nasal culture done? Treatment of pathogenic flora

Throat swab is considered common diagnostic study, which is carried out when inflammation and infections occur. Thanks to the procedure, it is possible to identify the causative agent of the disease. The material also helps to exclude diphtheria and other dangerous pathologies.

Throat swab - what is it?

A throat swab is performed to determine the dominant microorganisms in the area. Thanks to this procedure, it is possible to determine the presence, types and quantity of microbes located in the studied area. This allows you to put accurate diagnosis and select adequate treatment.


This study performed in the following situations:

  1. Preventive examination before hiring. Usually a smear is needed if a person plans to work with food, children, the sick, etc.
  2. Examination of pregnant women. This helps prevent the development and activity of bacteria that pose a danger to the baby.
  3. Examination of children who are going to enroll in preschool institutions. This helps prevent outbreaks of the disease in children's groups.
  4. Diagnostics before hospitalization or in preparation for surgical intervention. In such a situation, the doctor must make sure that there are no microorganisms that could aggravate the course of the postoperative period.
  5. Examination of people who have had contact with infectious patients. This will help prevent the subsequent spread of the disease.
  6. Research for precise definition causative agent of pathologies of ENT organs. The procedure also helps to establish sensitivity pathogenic microorganisms to medicines.
  7. Detection of diphtheria, scarlet fever, sinusitis, and other pathologies.

Summarizing the information, we can conclude that a smear for flora examination is required in 2 cases - to determine the carriage of pathogenic microorganisms and to detect the causative agent of a certain disease.

Why do they take a flora smear, says the doctor:

What tests are taken, what can be determined

To take a throat swab, the specialist asks the person to open their mouth and tilt their head back slightly. He then gently presses the tongue with a flat tool. After which, a sterile swab is applied to the mucous membranes of the tonsils and throat.

The procedure does not call pain, however, it can cause discomfort. Touching the throat and tonsils with a tampon often provokes a gag reflex.

After collecting the mucus, the specialist places it in a nutrient medium. It prevents the death of microorganisms until studies are carried out that help determine their type.

Subsequently, mucus particles are directed to special studies. One of the main methods is considered to be a rapid antigen hemotest. This system quickly reacts to microbial particles of a certain type.

This test helps detect beta-hemolytic streptococcus category A. The results of this test can be obtained in 5-40 minutes. Typically, antigen tests have high sensitivity.

Sowing involves placing mucus particles from the throat in a special environment, which leads to the active proliferation of microbes. Thanks to this, the doctor can identify microorganisms inhabiting the mucous membrane. This makes it possible to identify the sensitivity of bacteria to. This is especially important if standard therapy does not give results.

PCR analysis helps determine the types of microbes that inhabit the throat. This is done through DNA elements present in the mucus.

How to take a throat swab correctly

How to prepare

In order for the results to be as reliable as possible, it is very important to adhere to certain recommendations. Before taking the analysis you must:

  1. Avoid using rinse aids oral cavity, which include antiseptic ingredients, 2-3 days before the procedure.
  2. Avoid the use of sprays and ointments that contain antibacterial and antimicrobial substances several days before the procedure.
  3. Avoid consuming food or drinks 2-3 hours before the test. It is best to take the test on an empty stomach.
  4. On the day of the procedure, it is advisable not to brush your teeth or at least several hours before the examination not to chew gum.

Quite often deal with anaerobic bacteria help. Included medical fees should include components such as mint, rose hips, hawthorn. This method therapy is considered absolutely safe. The first results are achieved within a few days. However, the total duration of therapy should be at least 3 weeks.

How not to infect others

To prevent infection of others, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • wash your hands more often;
  • use individual means hygiene and utensils;
  • disinfect the house - wipe door handles, switches, etc.

A throat swab can be considered informative research, which helps to identify pathogenic microorganisms and determine their sensitivity to medicines. It is very important to carefully prepare for the procedure in order to obtain objective results.

A swab from the throat is taken for a standard bacteriological study in order to study the microbial composition and quantitative ratio of the microflora of the nasopharynx. This is the method laboratory diagnostics, allowing to identify infectious agents inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract. To determine the etiology of the infection, it is necessary to carry out bacteriological examination discharge of the nose and pharynx for microflora.

Specialists refer patients with chronic disease to a microbiological laboratory, where biomaterial is taken from the nose and pharynx with a sterile cotton swab and examined. Based on the results of the analysis, the specialist determines the causative agent of the pathology and its sensitivity to antibiotics.

Reasons and purposes of taking a smear for microflora from the throat and nose:

  • Diagnosis caused by beta-hemolytic streptococcus and leading to the development of severe complications - glomerulonephritis, rheumatism, myocarditis.
  • The presence of Staphylococcus aureus in the nasopharynx, which provokes the formation of boils on the skin.
  • Bacteriological culture of clinical material for inflammation of the nasopharynx is carried out in order to exclude diphtheria infection.
  • Suspicion of meningococcal or pertussis infection, as well as respiratory ailments.
  • Diagnosis of stenotic abscesses located near the tonsils includes a one-time analysis.
  • Persons in contact with an infectious patient, as well as children admitted to kindergarten or school, undergo a preventive examination to identify bacterial carriage.
  • A complete examination of pregnant women includes taking a swab from the throat for microflora.
  • A swab from the throat and nose for staphylococcus is taken for preventive purposes by all medical workers, kindergarten teachers, cooks and grocery store clerks.
  • Throat swab for determination cellular composition separated. The test material is applied to a special slide. Under a microscope, a laboratory technician counts the number of eosinophils and other cells in the field of view. A study is being conducted to determine the allergic nature of the disease.

Patients are sent to the bacteriological laboratory to examine material from the nasopharynx in order to exclude or confirm a specific infection. The direction indicates the microorganism whose presence must be confirmed or refuted.

Microflora of the nasopharynx

The mucous membrane of the pharynx and nose is home to many microorganisms that make up normal microflora nasopharynx. A study of the discharge of the throat and nose shows the qualitative and quantitative relationship of the microbes living in a given locus.

Types of microorganisms living on the nasopharyngeal mucosa in healthy people:

  1. Bacteroides,
  2. Veillonella,
  3. Escherichia coli
  4. Branhamella,
  5. Pseudomonas,
  6. Streptococcus matans,
  7. Neisseria meningitides,
  8. Klebsiella pneumonia
  9. Staphylococcus epidermidis,
  10. viridans streptococcus,
  11. Non-pathogenic Neisseria,
  12. Diphtheroids,
  13. Corynebacteria,
  14. Candida spp.
  15. Haemophilis spp.,
  16. Actinomyces spp.

In case of pathology, the following microorganisms can be detected in a smear from the throat and nose:

  • Beta-hemolytic group A,
  • S. aureus,
  • Listeria,
  • Branhamella catarrhalis,
  • Acinetobacter baumannii,

Preparing for analysis

In order for the analysis results to be as reliable as possible, it is necessary to correctly select clinical material. To do this, you should prepare.

Stop taking the material two weeks before collecting the material. systemic antibiotics, and in 5-7 days it is recommended to stop using antibacterial solutions, rinses, sprays and ointments for local application. The test should be taken on an empty stomach. Before this, it is forbidden to brush your teeth, drink water and chew gum. Otherwise, the analysis result may be false.

A nasal swab for eosinophils is also taken on an empty stomach. If a person has eaten, you must wait at least two hours.

Taking material

To properly take material from the pharynx, patients tilt their heads back and open their mouths wide. Specially trained laboratory personnel press the tongue with a spatula and collect the throat secretions special tool– with a sterile cotton swab. Then he removes it from the mouth and puts it into a test tube. The test tube contains a special solution that prevents the death of microbes during transportation of the material. The test tube must be delivered to the laboratory within two hours from the moment the material is collected. Taking a throat swab is a painless but unpleasant procedure. Touching a cotton swab to the mucous membrane of the pharynx can provoke vomiting.

To take a nasal swab, you need to sit the patient opposite and tilt his head slightly back. Before the analysis, it is necessary to clear the nose of existing mucus. The skin of the nostrils is treated with 70% alcohol. A sterile swab is inserted alternately, first into one and then into the other nasal passage, turning the instrument and firmly touching its walls. The swab is quickly lowered into a test tube and the material is sent for microscopy and microbiological examination.

Microscopic examination

The material to be examined is applied to a glass slide, fixed in a burner flame, Gram stained, and examined under an oil immersion microscope. Gram-negative or gram-positive rods, cocci or coccobacilli are detected in the smear, and their morphological and tinctorial properties are studied.

Microscopic signs of bacteria are an important diagnostic landmark. If the smear contains gram-positive cocci, located in clusters resembling bunches of grapes, it is assumed that the causative agent of the pathology is staphylococcus. If the cocci stain positive for Gram and are located in the smear in chains or pairs, it may be streptococci; gram-negative cocci - Neisseria; gram-negative rods with rounded ends and a light capsule - Klebsiella, small gram-negative rods - Escherichia, . Further microbiological examination is continued taking into account microscopic signs.

Inoculation of the test material

Each microorganism grows in its “native” environment, taking into account pH and humidity. Media can be differential diagnostic, selective, universal. Their main purpose is to provide nutrition, respiration, growth and reproduction. bacterial cells.

Inoculation of the test material must be carried out in a sterile box or laminar flow hood. The healthcare worker must wear sterile clothing, gloves, a mask and shoe covers. This is necessary to maintain sterility in the work area. In the box, you should work silently, carefully, ensuring personal safety, since any biological material is considered suspicious and obviously infectious.

A nasopharyngeal swab is inoculated onto nutrient media and incubated in a thermostat. After a few days, colonies with different shape, size and color.

There are special nutrient media that are selective for a specific microorganism.

The material is rubbed into the medium with a swab on a small area measuring 2 square meters. cm, and then using a bacteriological loop, streaks are scattered over the entire surface of the Petri dish. The crops are incubated in a thermostat at a certain temperature. The next day, the crops are examined, the number of colonies grown is taken into account and their nature is described. Individual colonies are reseeded on selective nutrient media to isolate and accumulate a pure culture. Microscopic examination of a pure culture makes it possible to determine the size and shape of the bacterium, the presence of a capsule, flagella, spores, and the relationship of the microbe to staining. The isolated microorganisms are identified to genus and species, and if necessary, phage typing and serotyping are carried out.

Research result

Microbiologists write out the results of the study on a special form. To decipher the result of a throat smear, indicator values ​​are required. The name of a microorganism consists of two Latin words, indicating the genus and type of microbe. Next to the name, indicate the number of bacterial cells, expressed in special colony-forming units. After determining the concentration of the microorganism, they move on to designating its pathogenicity - “opportunistic flora”.

In healthy people, bacteria live on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and perform a protective function. They do not cause discomfort and do not cause inflammation. Under the influence of unfavorable endogenous and exogenous factors, the number of these microorganisms increases sharply, which leads to the development of pathology.

Normally, the content of saprophytic and opportunistic microbes in the nasopharynx should not exceed 10 3 - 10 4 CFU/ml, and pathogenic bacteria should be absent. Only a doctor with special skills and knowledge can determine the pathogenicity of a microbe and decipher the analysis. The doctor will determine the advisability and necessity of prescribing anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs to the patient.

After identifying the causative agent of the pathology and its identification to genus and species, they proceed to determining its sensitivity to phages, antibiotics and antimicrobials. It is necessary to treat a disease of the throat or nose with the antibiotic to which the identified microbe is most sensitive.

throat swab test results

Options for the results of a throat smear examination:

  • Negative culture result for microflora– there are no pathogens of bacterial or fungal infection. In this case, the cause of the pathology is viruses, not bacteria or fungi.
  • Positive culture result for microflora– there is a growth of pathogenic or opportunistic bacteria that can cause acute pharyngitis, diphtheria, whooping cough and others bacterial infections. With the growth of fungal flora, oral candidiasis develops, the causative agent of which is biological agents of the 3rd pathogenicity group - yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

Microbiological examination of the throat and nose flora makes it possible to determine the type of microbes and their quantitative ratio. All pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms are subject to complete identification. The result of laboratory diagnostics allows the doctor to correctly prescribe treatment.


The procedure itself is painless, but still unpleasant, since touching the tonsils and back wall throat usually causes gagging.

Having collected particles of mucus from the surface of the throat and tonsils on a cotton swab, the doctor places them in a special nutrient medium that prevents the microbes from dying until tests are carried out that will help determine their type.

A nasal swab is taken as follows: the doctor enters cotton swab into the person’s nostrils and gently presses it against their walls.

Materials (i.e. particles of mucus from the throat and nose) obtained using a smear can subsequently be sent for various tests, including:

Rapid antigen tests- These are specially designed systems that react to microbial particles of a strictly defined type.

This type of test is often used to detect beta in the throat. hemolytic streptococcus from group A, which, as we said above, can cause serious complications in children and adolescents.

Antigen test results can be obtained within 5-40 minutes.

Typically, antigen tests are highly sensitive and accurate. For this reason positive results Such tests are considered proof that a person is actually infected with a given microbe, and negative tests considered proof that a person is not infected with this microbe.

Sowing- consists of transferring particles of mucus from the throat or nose to a special nutrient medium into which microbes from the mucus begin to rapidly multiply, forming colonies. Cultures allow doctors to determine what types of microbes are inhabiting the mucous membranes of the throat or nose. Also, culture allows you to determine which antibiotics the microbes living in the throat or nose are sensitive to, and which antibiotics they are resistant to (this is very important in cases where standard treatment antibiotics do not help).

PCR analysis– allows you to identify the types of microbes inhabiting the throat and nasal mucosa by fragments of their DNA that are present in the mucus. Details of how this analysis is carried out are described. in the PCR article.

What does a swab from the nose and throat show (decoding the main indicators). How do I know if I need to undergo treatment?

The interpretation of the results of a smear from the throat and nose is always closely tied to the reason that necessitated this analysis.

This means that identifying a particular microbe using a smear is significant (and may indicate the need for treatment) only if this microbe could cause the disease for which the analysis was performed.

This means, for example, that if a person with frequent boils (this disease is known to be closely related to Staphylococcus aureus) has a throat smear revealing beta-hemotylic streptococcus from group A, then he will not need to undergo any special treatment since it is obvious that these microbes do not cause a throat infection (for example, a sore throat) in him, which they can provoke in other people.

  • Bacteroides
  • Branhamella
  • Veillonella
  • Candida albicans
  • Streptococcus mutans
  • Haemophilus influenza
  • Streptococcus pyogenes
  • Streptococcus pneumonia
  • Neisseria meningitides
  • Corynebacteria diphtheriae
  • Klebsiella pneumonia
  • Pseudomonas
  • Escherichia coli
  • Cytomegalovirus
  • Herpes simplex virus
  • Epstein-Barr virus

(many of these microbes can cause dangerous diseases, but may not cause any harm).

There is no need to carry out preventive treatment, with the aim of eliminating from the throat all potentially dangerous microbes. Moreover, it is almost impossible to completely clear the throat or nose of all potentially dangerous microbes. Soon after antibiotic treatment is completed, many of them will reappear in the throat.

Do healthy people and relatives of a sick person need a nasal and throat swab?

In most cases, a smear test is not necessary for healthy family members. However, in some situations, when the doctor suspects that the source of persistent infection of a sick person is one of the healthy family members, he may recommend a throat or nasal swab for all family members.

This practice, for example, is necessary to solve the problem of frequent boils that appear in some people infected with Staphylococcus aureus.

What kind of treatment is needed to eliminate pathogenic microbes from the nose or throat?

Treatment to eliminate a particular microbe from the nasal cavity or throat (throat) is selected depending on what kind of microbe it was identified and what problem it causes.

We have already published a number of articles on our website dedicated to diseases, the diagnosis of which uses a swab from the nose or throat. In these articles you will also find detailed information about what treatment is recommended to eliminate colonies of pathogenic microbes of this type from the throat or nose


If a throat swab was ordered due to suspected gonorrhea, review our recommendations in the article .

As we write articles on other diseases for which a throat and nasal swab is used in diagnosis, we will add links to them in the list above.

A throat swab for microflora is prescribed to many patients who suffer from persistent runny nose or have other symptoms of viral infections.

Thanks to this simple study, it is possible to study the flora mucous membrane and identify the causative agent of the pathology. This makes it possible to choose the right therapy.

This diagnostic method is used in the following situations:

Thus, a swab from the throat and nose is carried out in two main situations: to determine the carriage of harmful microorganisms and to detect the causative agent of the disease.


In order for a smear on flora and sensitivity to antibiotics to give a reliable result, it is important to follow a whole series recommendations. This study requires some preparation. So, before taking the analysis you should:

Oral antiseptics are contraindicated because they help kill most of the microbes present on the mucous membranes. As a result, the study will not help determine true quantity microorganisms and identify the bacteria that provoked the disease.

Drinking drinks and food, as well as using toothpaste will wash away some of the microorganisms. This will also distort the results obtained. On the day of the study, it is advisable to completely abstain from food and drinks. It is better to exclude even a morning cup of coffee or a glass of water.

Features of the study

The procedure is completely painless. It doesn't lead to negative consequences for health. To conduct the study, perform the following actions:

  1. An adult needs to open his mouth wide. If the procedure is performed small child, the health care worker will need parental assistance.
  2. The end of the tongue is pressed with a spatula, and with the other hand, using a loop with a cotton-gauze tip, carefully remove mucous secretions from the arches, walls of the pharynx, and tonsils. The material should be taken so that the device does not touch the teeth, cheeks or tongue.
  3. Then the instrument must be immediately placed in a sterile container. The resulting analysis must be sent for research within 2 hours. If this is not possible, the material is immediately placed in a container containing a preservative.

Microscopic examination

Tank seeding from the throat involves applying the resulting material to a glass slide. It is fixed with a burner and examined using immersion oil. Gram staining is also often performed. As a result of the procedure, pathogenic bacilli, coccal flora, and coccobacilli can be identified. Experts are examining their morphological characteristics.

Important diagnostic criterion are microscopic signs of bacterial microorganisms. If the material contains gram-positive cocci, which are located in clusters similar to grape bunches, one can suspect that the causative agent of the disease is staphylococci.

If the cocci stain positive for Gram and form pairs or chains, streptococci are most likely the cause of the pathology. Neisseria are classified as gram-negative coccal flora. If the material contains gram-negative rods with a light capsule and round ends, we're talking about about Klebsiella. Escherichia belongs to small gram-negative rods. Also in this group includes Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Sowing material

To identify infectious agents, the material is placed in a special environment, taking into account pH and humidity. Environments can be different - universal, selective. Differential diagnostic environments are also distinguished. In any case, their key task is to ensure life and create conditions for the growth of bacteria.

The material is sown in a sterile box. A laminar flow cabinet can also be used for this purpose. The laboratory technician must wear sterile clothing. The use of shoe covers, masks, and gloves is of no small importance. Due to this, it is possible to maintain the required sterility indicators in the working area.

Care should be taken when working in the box. It is very important to monitor your own safety, since any biomaterials can pose a threat to the health of a medical worker.

Materials from the nasopharynx are placed in a special environment in a thermostat. After a few days, entire colonies grow. They may vary in size, shape and shade.

There are special media that are selective for certain microorganisms:

  1. Blood agar is considered the main medium for microbes from the nose and throat. It is highly sensitive and includes nutritional components for saprophytes and harmful microorganisms. Pneumococci and staphylococci produce hemolysins and lead to hemolysis of red blood cells. The main factor of pathogenicity is the hemolytic activity of bacteria. This is what is characteristic of most pathogenic microorganisms. The growth characteristics, shade and area of ​​hemolysis differ depending on the type of microbe.
  2. Universal options include thioglycollate medium and Sabouraud. They fit most harmful bacteria.
  3. For staphylococci, yolk-salt agar is used.
  4. A non-selective medium is heated blood agar. It develops gonococci, bacteria that cause purulent meningitis, and Haemophilus influenzae.
  5. A differential option for growing enterobacteria is Endo medium.
  6. Enterococci develop well in enterococcus.

Using a swab, the material is placed into the medium, after which it is distributed over a Petri dish using a bacteriological loop. Then the crops are sent to the thermostat, selecting the desired temperature. The next day they are examined, the number of colonies is determined and their character is assessed.

Some colonies are placed in certain media to identify and accumulate a pure culture. Thanks to its study under a microscope, it is possible to assess the size and shape of bacteria and identify the presence of spores, strands or capsules. Experts also determine the relationship of bacteria to staining.

It is important to determine the genus and type of isolated bacteria. In addition, the specialist carries out phage typing and serotyping.

Data interpretation

IN in good condition In the throat of every person there are many different microorganisms. Some are normal, while others are hazardous to health. Sometimes a certain amount of harmful bacteria does not provoke any consequences. Such flora is usually called opportunistic. Valid options include:

  • candida fungi;
  • epidermal staphylococci;
  • herpetic infection;
  • pneumococci.

Decoding the analysis allows you to identify the following microorganisms:

  1. Staphylococcus aureus. It can provoke various inflammations. At the same time similar processes affect not only the pharynx, but also lead to systemic pathologies. When weakening immune system bacteria are activated and provoke pathologies such as otitis media, diseases urinary system, sinusitis, purulent skin lesions. Often Staphylococcus aureus causes illness bone tissue and digestive organs.
  2. Hemolytic streptococcus. This bacterium often provokes tonsillitis. Also, its active reproduction causes complex shapes pharyngitis with a large number purulent secretion and scarlet fever.
  3. Leffler's wand. This microorganism is the causative agent of diphtheria. With the help of the study it is possible to determine the degree toxic influence bacteria on the body.

An increase in the number of fungi also indicates certain disturbances in the functioning of the body, since it is a sign of a weakened immune system. Sometimes a throat swab can detect eosinophils. These cells appear during allergies, so one can suspect the non-infectious nature of the pathology.

A throat smear is considered an informative diagnostic test. Thanks to its implementation, it is possible to detect pathogenic microorganisms and determine their susceptibility to antibiotics. This allows the doctor to select adequate therapy.

Throat swab - laboratory analysis, during which the state of the microflora of the oral cavity and nose is examined. The study helps to identify infectious and viral pathogenic microflora, pathogens various diseases nasopharynx. The results of the analysis help to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

Bacterial culture from the nasopharynx is carried out in the following cases:

  • sore throat caused by streptococcus, with a high risk of complications;
  • suspicion of Staphylococcus aureus;
  • inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx;
  • whooping cough;
  • meningitis;
  • laryngitis, abscesses;
  • mononucleosis;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the central nervous system.

A microflora smear must be taken from children as part of the preparatory diagnostic program upon admission to kindergarten or school. The test is indicated for pregnant women, especially testing for mycoplasma, which can develop rapidly during pregnancy and cause a number of complications.

Nasopharyngeal bacterial culture is regularly carried out for persons who are constantly in contact with a large number of strangers, who are hypothetically carriers of pathogenic microflora. This applies to kindergarten teachers, teachers, medical workers, cooks and other catering staff.

Bacteriological culture from the throat can determine the sensitivity of pathogenic microflora to antibiotics. Analysis data is needed for appointment effective treatment. A culture from the nasopharynx is taken when a person develops frequent runny noses.

Preparing for the test

A study of nasopharyngeal microorganisms will show reliable results only if correct delivery biological material and preparing the patient for the collection of biological material:

  1. 1 week before due date bacteriological culture, the use of solutions is canceled antibacterial action, which will destroy pathogenic microflora and provide negative impact for beneficial microorganisms.
  2. It is prohibited to use any solutions for rinsing the mouth, nasal sprays, or topical drugs.
  3. A swab is taken for analysis strictly on empty stomach. In order for the analysis to show a reliable result, in the morning it is strictly forbidden to eat or drink anything, brush your teeth, and chew gum. The use of plain water is also excluded.
  4. If there is mucus in the nose, it must be removed before taking a sample of biological material. Crusts on the nasal mucosa are removed by softening them with a special solution. The presence of mucus can negatively affect the veracity and information content of the analysis.

Carrying out the procedure

Taking a smear for bacteriological analysis is carried out in a laboratory:

  1. The patient sits on a couch or chair.
  2. To directly collect a swab from the oral cavity, the patient opens his mouth wide.
  3. A medical worker uses a special spatula to press lower jaw language. Takes a microflora sample with a cotton swab.
  4. The swab is immediately placed in a sterile tube, which is tightly closed with a lid.

The throat swab procedure does not cause painful sensations, but can provoke a gag reflex. To minimize the process of reverse peristalsis, a person needs to properly prepare for the procedure - do not eat or drink anything.

A sample of biological material is taken from the nose as follows: the patient sits on the couch and tilts his head back. Skin the nostrils are disinfected before the procedure medical alcohol. First, the laboratory assistant inserts a cotton swab into one nostril and rolls it over the surface of the mucous membranes. The procedure is then repeated with another sterile cotton swab from the next nostril.

In a child, the procedure for taking biological material is carried out according to the same algorithm as in an adult patient.

How long should I wait for results?

The time required to analyze biological material takes from 5 to 10 minutes. Bacteriological culture of microflora from the nasopharynx is carried out using an antigen test that is highly sensitive. Each test is responsible for identifying one type of pathogenic microflora.

What indicators should be normal?

Bacteriological analysis of flora healthy person will show availability beneficial microorganisms, performing protective functions that prevent pathogenic organisms from penetrating the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx.

When the analysis is carried out correctly, a small concentration of opportunistic microflora is determined in the throat of a healthy person. Its values ​​should not exceed the result from 103 to 104 CFU/ml.

If the analysis shows an excess of the permissible number of opportunistic microorganisms, this indicates the presence of microflora in the person’s nasopharynx, which is the cause of the development.


Staphylococcus aureus, the norm of which should not exceed 104 CFU/ml, is an opportunistic microorganism. This means that it is contained in minimum quantity on the nasopharyngeal mucosa and does not provoke the development of any diseases of the ENT system.

Exceeding the norm indicates infection with staphylococcus, which is the cause of the development of the following diseases:

  • sore throat and pharyngitis;
  • stomatitis, tonsillitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • gingivitis.

Active growth of staphylococcus is associated with a decrease protective functions immunity. Children and elderly people are at risk. Treatment is carried out with drugs antibacterial spectrum actions.


Streptococcus is an opportunistic microorganism. It is found in minimal quantities on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. It is a provocateur of sore throat and scarlet fever. The presence of an increased concentration of pathogenic microflora in the nose can cause the development of bacterial sinusitis.

For development infectious process in the nasopharynx indicates a streptococcus indicator of 105 CFU/ml. The diagnosis is made by the presence of a specific symptomatic picture in a person.

Candida fungi

Determination of a concentration of Candida fungus in the throat of 105 CFU/ml or more indicates that the patient is infected with candidiasis. The disease develops quickly, has a pronounced and intense symptomatic picture, and can provoke the development of complications in the respiratory organs. The norm is complete absence fungus in a throat swab or the maximum allowable amount is not higher than 104 CFU/ml.

Neisseria, or coli, like pneumococcus, is contained in small quantities in a smear from the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

Pneumococcus is the cause of the following diseases:

  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • sepsis of the respiratory system;
  • laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis;
  • otitis media;
  • osteomyelitis.

Excessive concentrations of Neisseria and pneumococcus cause a number of different infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system.

Depending on the amount of pathogenic microflora in the nasopharyngeal smear, appropriate treatment or preventive measures are prescribed to reduce the concentration of the pathogen and reduce the risk of developing diseases. Therapy consists of the use of antibacterial spectrum drugs.

What indicators are dangerous

Interpretation of the results of bacteriological culture indicates the exact amount of pathogenic microflora on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. The presence of a pathogenic microorganism may be within normal limits (from 101 to 104 CFU/ml).

The following indicators are alarming and are a sign of the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx:

  1. 103-104 - the concentration of pathogenic pathogens is within normal limits, the likelihood of developing diseases in the absence of provoking factors is minimal.
  2. 105-107 - the content of pathogenic microorganisms is high. The likelihood of developing diseases is maximum. Immediate action required preventive measures on prevention of development.
  3. Drain result - this indicator refers to an extremely high content of pathogenic microorganisms, the number of which cannot be counted.

When a confluent result is obtained, urgent antibacterial therapy is prescribed, aimed at destroying pathogenic microflora. If a person has specific signs, indicating inflammatory processes occurring in the nasopharynx, is carried out simultaneously with antibacterial treatment symptomatic therapy.

The bacterium Bordetella pertussis, which causes whooping cough, should be absent from a nasopharyngeal swab of a healthy person. Decoding the analysis for bacterial culture of flora from the throat has 2 interpretations of the result:

  • positive - bacteria is present;
  • negative - the pathogen has not been identified.

If the result is positive, the number of pathogenic organisms is determined. Based on the concentration of bacteria, a conclusion is made about the stage of development of the disease.

The causative agent of diphtheria

In normal health, the pathogen that causes diphtheria, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, should be absent. If the patient does not comply with the rules for preparing for the collection of biological material, a false positive result may be obtained. If the analysis shows the presence of a pathogenic bacterium, but the corresponding symptomatic picture is absent, the throat culture test is repeated.

Availability high content hemolytic streptococcus always indicates high risks development of sore throat with complications - pharyngitis. Antibacterial therapy to reduce the number of hemolytic streptococci is not carried out, since the pathogen can reduce the concentration of beneficial protective microflora, which will lead to a weakening of local immunity. Antibiotics are used only when pharyngitis develops.

The peculiarity of hemolytic streptococcus is that this type pathogenic microflora provokes the development of sore throat, which is almost always without timely treatment gives complications to the heart muscle. If a person suddenly has a sore throat and other signs of pharyngitis appear, a bacteriological culture to determine the type of pathogenic microflora must be taken immediately.

Fungi Candida albicans

Candida fungi in a minimal amount, not exceeding 104 CFU/ml, are always present on the mucous membrane of the human nasopharynx and are not a pathology. Exceeding the norm, even in the absence of characteristic corresponding symptoms, is a reason for prompt antibacterial therapy.