An accurate test for identifying indigo people. Tests for indigo

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in our time the number of indigo children is growing every day. So how to recognize such unique person? Of course, each of us can have several of these characteristics, but indigo people exhibit almost all of them.

Main signs of an indigo child/adult

1) They have a high level of intelligence, although they may not be excellent students.

2) Are very creative people and love to create.

3) They always need to know why something happens, and especially why something is required of them.

4) Feel disgust and perhaps even hatred for the demanding and monotonous work at school and work.

5) They were rebels at school and refused to do homework and rejected the authority of the teacher. Or they seriously wanted to “revolt”, but did not dare, as a rule, due to parental pressure.

6) Often such children experience early existential depression and a feeling of helplessness. This can range from mild sadness to complete despair. Thoughts of suicide still in high school or even in junior school age are not uncommon among indigos.

7) They often have difficulty finding a suitable workplace. Indigos resist authority and the caste system of employment.

8) They prefer leadership positions or work alone. It's hard for them to be on the team.

9) Able to deeply sympathize with others, but cannot tolerate stupidity.

10) They can be very emotionally sensitive, including the ability to cry out of the blue (without explanation or visible reasons), or vice versa, not to show or express any emotions (complete screening).

11) Subject to uncontrolled outbreaks anger and rage.

12) Have problems with systems they perceive as wrong or ineffective, such as politics, education, medicine and law.

13) Alienation from politics or strong hatred towards it. This manifests itself in the feeling that their vote will not count and/or the outcome of the vote really does not matter or decide anything.

14) Disappointment or abandonment of every person’s traditional dream - a good career, marriage, children, his own home with an official fence, etc.

15) Anger at the right of the authorities to take away and deprive something, fear and rage because, as it seems to them, someone is watching them and controlling their life (secret organizations, etc.).

16) They have a burning sensation irresistible desire do something big to change and improve the world.

17) They often feel backed into a corner. May have problems determining their path and goals.

18) Have special psychic or spiritual interests that appear in quite at a young age– during or before adolescence.

19) They have very strong intuition.

20) They have random patterns of behavior or a style of thinking - symptoms of attention deficit disorder. May have problems focusing on assigned tasks and often jump from topic to topic in conversation.

21) Such people are characterized by special mental experiences, such as premonitions, visions of angels or spirits, other incorporeal beings, they can also hear voices.

22) Indigos can be electrically sensitive. For example, sometimes clocks do not work on them or street lights go out if they pass under them, electrical appliances become faulty.

23) In sex, indigo adults are very expressive and inventive, or vice versa, they may refuse physical manifestations of love due to boredom or in order to achieve a higher level of spiritual enlightenment. Can explore alternative views sexuality.

24) Often such people have intuitive knowledge about other dimensions and parallel realities.

25) They are in constant search for the meaning of life and understanding of the world. This search goes through religion or spirituality, belonging to spiritual groups, reading relevant books, psychological literature and books about self-development.

When such people find balance and find harmony, they become very strong, healthy and happy individuals.

Since the number of indigo people is growing faster every year, it is very important to know what signs indicate that a person belongs to this “new race of people”.

Share this article with someone who you think fits these characteristics. And if they are typical for your child, then you need to make every effort to develop his abilities and help in difficult situations so that he grows up to be a strong and happy person!

7 Signs of an Indigo Adult: Check to see if you might be one of them.You might be one of them! In the late 70s, information appeared about the so-called indigo children. Due to many misunderstandings and misconceptions, society has developed a false idea of ​​who these children are and what they are like. It turns out that some of them were able to develop their unique abilities, the rest never knew that they were a special race.

Check it out, maybe you are one of them. Indigos are unique. It is assumed that people of this “new race” began to appear in the late 50s, but the term gained widespread popularity in the 90s. Here are 7 signs of an adult indigo.

1. They are looking for answers

Indigos are inquisitive. They are not inclined to take anything for granted. As children, they ask their parents question after question, driving them crazy and making them realize the paucity of human knowledge about the world. Indigo adults also try to get to the bottom of everything, they are especially worried about global problems humanity and the universe.

2. They don't follow the rules.

For indigos there are no authorities imposed from above. They do not tolerate restrictions on freedom and rebel against meaningless rules, prohibitions and taboos accepted in society. Indigos cannot stand injustice, speak out against any attempts to divide society and prefer to work for the benefit of humanity or protect the environment.

3. They are empaths

Indigo has more high level sympathy. They feel someone else's pain as if it were their own. They are able to empathize, partially alleviating suffering by taking it upon themselves.

This often happens due to their own health and emotional strength. Knowing about this peculiarity, they try in every possible way to protect themselves from negative news, conversations and dramatic films. Seeing other people's suffering is unbearable for them.

4. They feel a kinship with nature.

Indigos feel a special connection with nature. They do not hide their love for plants, they respect every small and large living creature.

They draw strength and inspiration from nature, they instinctively know how to behave with animals and plants, and they, in turn, are not afraid of them. Indigos are very worried about environment and try to do good deeds for the planet.

5. They have different values.

Indigos often feel out of place in society. They don't understand the pursuit of money and power. These things don't interest them at all. They strive for happiness, spiritual harmony, peace and equality. But, observing the surrounding reality, they often become despondent. After all, in the struggle for power, money and strength, people have forgotten about love, compassion and mutual assistance.

6. They are highly spiritual

From childhood, indigos are different from others. Already at a young age they show interest in the supernatural. They look for themselves in magic, religion, spiritual practices, but most often they are disappointed in them, never finding answers to their questions in all this. There are many coincidences and mystical circumstances in their lives.


Indigo children are generally impulsive and overly active. They cause a lot of problems for parents because they manage to do everything at once, for example, break something, drop something, or simply behave inappropriately. Hyperactivity interferes with the normal concentration of attention on one thing, they get along with peers and do their own thing. They also don’t always join the team and try to avoid friendly contacts with other kids.

Less often, children are calm and thoughtful, but this phenomenon is not always based on a deviation similar to indigo; more often it is autism. But it is known that it is easier for doctors to put it as the main diagnosis than the name indigo, which is incomprehensible to Russian doctors and distant. Be careful, if your child is diagnosed with autism, you better get tested additional examination from another specialist, because they may be wrong.

From five to fourteen years of age, the brain is not yet ready to perceive all the information, but since both halves of the brain are well developed, they are forced to process it. Happens more often at this age nervous breakdowns, reluctance to learn and hatred of other people. Psychosomatic abnormalities can be corrected medicines, which should be selected by the doctor individually depending on the symptoms.

You may notice that a child can write equally well with both hands because both sides of the brain are active. This does not apply to left-handed people, but only to those children who can do various jobs equally well with both hands. It is not difficult for them to write a math test with their left hand, but a Russian dictation with their right hand is not important for them.

Indigo children resemble crossed ones operating systems for computers - Windows and Linux. In other words, they can do almost anything. Deviations in work nervous system Although they do occur, more often children, on the contrary, are extremely smart and quick-witted, they remember a lot of information.

If you have ever had a situation where a child learned a verse literally in a second, and after another moment he safely forgot it, but five minutes later he remembered it without looking at the textbook, it means that two halves of his brain are active - he is indigo. During the period of switching from one hemisphere to another, children remember one thing and forget about another, and in the next five minutes they can reproduce what they forgot and forget what they remembered. And so regularly.

For any deviations, you should visit a psychiatrist. After the results computed tomography brain, tests and other manipulations, the child will be diagnosed. But remember, indigo is not like schizophrenia or other mental disorders. Your child is completely healthy and smart, but only with his own characteristics. Such children study in secondary schools, play with ordinary children. Sometimes they become child prodigies. It’s just that while the brain is not yet fully developed, the child needs to be protected from a strong flow of information, otherwise his brain will “reboot” and the baby will temporarily lose some of the information.

The very concept of " indigo children” has often been dismissed as pseudoscientific and unproven, but many of us living on Earth feel that we are somehow different from other people and cannot explain why. CNN's Anderson Cooper even did a special report on Indigo Children, and a documentary produced by Doreen Virtue, among others, was shown in over 350 churches and health centers in 2006.

All more people realize their true nature and understand that they are experiencing another incarnation on Earth in order to offer their gifts to the world and make it better.

In this documentary, Hopi elders reveal that we are still able to repair the damage done to the planet and create new world, based on love and harmony, but only if we realize our unity, they also added that indigo children will play important role in healing the earth.

How to identify the indigo person in yourself?

So how do you find out are you an indigo child? These 10 signs will give you the answer:

1. You were born in 1978 or later, but at the same time you have wisdom beyond your age.

You will realize the true nature of the world hidden behind the current paradigm of money gain, greed, power, war, poverty and more. You understand that the blessings of this world are much more extensive than we can imagine, you often feel that your soul has already incarnated many times before, the so-called “old soul” concept.

2.You are decisive, independent and not subject to authority.

You like to think for yourself, come up with answers to own questions and live your life, subject to your personal set of rules. Because of your tendency to go your own way and reject accepted doctrines, you may have been considered a troublemaker and a problem child in the past.

3.You may have been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD due to attention or social problems.

While studying at school, you did not obey people in authority, did not comply social environment and experienced extreme boredom or indifference to the subjects you were taught. People around you often don't understand you and wonder why you can't just follow the program and do as you're told. However, you clearly see many incorrect settings V modern society and would never dream of fitting into a world that is so blind to the truth.

4.You are extremely creative and eccentric.

Do you love to draw, write, dance, or otherwise express yourself using various types arts At school, you were literally out of breath and wished you could devote time to your favorite hobbies instead of listening to boring lectures.

5. You feel socially isolated and may not have many close friends.

You feel that you simply cannot treat others well due to their inability to see beyond the veil, so you are likely to spend time alone and alone, or work using your creative and intuitive abilities that are bestowed by nature. You know that people born to change the world must go through the hard way, but the result will be worth it.

6.You have a high IQ and excellent intuition.

You often experience emotional overload in bright and noisy environments and are only waiting for the moment when you find yourself in a world of complete peace and quiet in nature. You've probably already had the term "empath" applied to you due to your unique psychic abilities and challenges in noisy, crowded, and chaotic environments. This may be why you were diagnosed anxiety disorder or depression.

7.You reject social norms and want people to see the truth.

You don't have the patience to live the traditional life: buy, sell, go to school, then get a job and just become one of the numbers in the computer database. You could care less about the status quo and forge your own paths in life, despite conventional wisdom. You know that just because everyone does something, it doesn't mean they do it right.

8. Many people simply don't understand you.

Perhaps in the past you have been told that you are selfish, disobedient and take on too much. Your parents and teachers simply did not understand that your spiritual and emotional needs were not being met. You withdraw into yourself and enjoy loneliness due to the feeling that you are not understood. You have high self-esteem and you know that your personal needs matter higher value than the needs of authority figures who take the time to understand you.

9. You get along well with animals and experience great feeling compassion for all living beings.

Because you realize that all life on this planet is sacred, probably since early age you have become a vegan or vegetarian.

10.What fills you most is the desire to make this world a better place.

You have an overwhelming determination to make lasting change despite all the challenges you face. You want to create a world where all life can thrive, and you will not listen to those who will try to stop you from achieving your goal. great mission healing of the Earth.

Don't think that you are alone in your spiritual path, many of us are indigo children and we all have an unbreakable bond with each other. Remember this whenever you feel confused or lonely, because all our efforts together will make a difference. great value at the end.

Any act of kindness or friendship you show towards other people makes this planet a little better, and if you can make even one person smile or feel loved, then you have already made a contribution. We hope that the article answered the question indigo man how to identify ?

This is truly a fundamentally new psychophysiological test.

This test helps determine which hemisphere of your brain is more active. The test shows your condition on at the moment. And yet, it is not only and not so much the picture that rotates in one direction or another, but the perceptual image of the moving space formed by your brain. In short, the girl is actually spinning in your head!! This is very cool! You determine the most strengths the functioning of your brain.

This especially applies to ambidextrous people (Latin ambi - double; dextrum - right). That is, people who simultaneously have right-hemisphere and left-hemisphere asymmetry have dominance in the functioning of the brain.

Ambidextrous- this is a special group of people with potentially inherent outstanding abilities [they may or may not be realized]. Suffice it to say that there are many such people among the Seids - the direct descendants of the Prophet Muhammad, among the Levites and Kohanim, and others outstanding people. That is, these are people with potentially unique abilities. If you got into this company - congratulations!! :-))

Please take this test as seriously as possible. It can be repeated from time to time. I do it myself. With the dominance of the left hemisphere, among “logicians” the girl rotates to the right. With the dominance of the right hemisphere, the “eidetics of the artistic type,” the girl suddenly begins to rotate to the left. For ambidextrous people, when the head is tilted in the appropriate direction, then to the right, then to the left!

Instructions for the test by Vladimir Pugach ( Copyright © 2009 ) for the presence of ambidexterity


This test shows your state and characteristics of perception of moving perceptual (subjective) spaces that your brain processes and “sees” at the moment. This especially applies to ambidextrous people (Latin ambi - double; dextrum - right). That is, people who simultaneously have right-hemisphere and left-hemisphere brain function.

Ambidextrous and “two-handed” are not the same thing, although they are close concepts.

People can be right-handed or left-handed:

  • by eye movements,
  • on the dominant eye (when shooting, for example).
  • And also through the auditory channel (to which ear the telephone receiver is applied),
  • by hand,
  • on the leg,
  • rotation of the heart axis on the electrocardiogram, etc.

That is, most likely, you are a combination of these individual communication channels...


Make yourself comfortable.

So, in the picture you see the silhouette of a rotating figure.

1st stage. Psychological adjustment.

The psychological adjustment of your brain lasts approximately 2 minutes.

2nd stage. Actually testing.

  • If the figure rotates steadily only clockwise, it means you have dominance left hemisphere, left hemisphere brain activity predominates. And this is logic, calculation, the ability to speak and express thoughts.
  • Rotation only counterclockwise means you are dominant right hemisphere, and predominantly right-hemisphere activity predominates - eidetics, intuition, imaginative thinking, musicality, sense of orientation in space and time.
  • If the figure rotates alternately in one direction or the other, this is a sign of ambidexterity, that is, the work of both the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

For some, this switching of silhouette rotation occurs when the head is tilted to the right, then to the left, and vice versa.

For others, a change in the direction of rotation is noted when the gaze is concentrated on the face, then it becomes defocus, and vice versa.

Or, alternatively, shift your gaze by about 15 degrees. left-down - rotates to the left. Shift your gaze to 15 degrees. right-down - rotates to the right.

Sometimes it’s useful to cover it with your hand bottom part the torso of a spinning girl - it works better.

P.S. I took this test a long time ago, about five years ago... then my girlfriend was alternately spinning to the left, then to the right... I think you will also be interested in learning about the new facet in you))

I hug everyone and thank you that we are together!